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12 Types of

tests that streamline
recruitment and

welcome to brighter
1. Introduction

2. The different types of selection tests

3. Conclusion

4. How Mercer | Mettl can help


Different types of pre-employment tests have revolutionized the way hiring is being conducted globally.
Traditionally, human resource managers have relied on telephonic and face-to-face interviews to fill vacancies.
However, this approach has proven to be flawed, eventually, with an increase in the number of bad hires and
early attrition rates. Additionally, the incompetence of bad hires costs an organization in multiple ways. When
CareerBuilder asked how a bad hire affected its business in the last year, employers cited less productivity (37
percent), lost time to recruit and train another worker (32 percent) and compromised quality of work (31 percent).

It is important to note that

there’s a ripple effect with
bad hires. Disengagement
is contagious — poor
performers lower the
bar for other workers on 30%
their teams, and their bad The cost of a bad hire can reach
habits spread throughout up to 30 percent of the employee’s
first year’s earnings.
the organization.
Rosemary Haefner
Chief Human Resources Officer, CareerBuilder

The desire or the immediate need to fill a role quickly
74 percent of companies that
is one of the greatest threats to making a good quality made a poor hire lost an average
hire, but choosing the wrong person to simply get a of US$14,900 per poor hire.
replacement is risky and may cost the business dearly.
It is always better to leave a role unfilled and undertake
the recruitment process again, even at the cost of
potentially acute short-term operational problems,
than to make a poor choice and run the risk of causing
acute, long-term operational problems.

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Just as easy it is to make
a poor-quality hire when
rushing to fill a vacancy, it
can also result in top talent
that is a great fit for a role
being overlooked.
Jake Penney
Head of HR, English Blinds

Nobody wants to make the

wrong hiring decisions.

Hence witnessing these repercussions,

businesses started seeking avenues to reduce
them. Advancements in the HR tech space
led to organizations adopting different types
of pre-employment tests to increase their
quality of hires.

The different types of
selection tests
The different types of selection tests are:

1. Personality test
The rise of personality testing in the twentieth century was a response to an increase in the number of office
workers. HRs started using it to maximize employee potential. One of the most effective types of pre-employment
tests, personality tests are used to evaluate the human personality to make the right hiring decisions. They are
designed to identify workplace patterns, relevant characteristics and traits and reflect how people may respond to
different situations. These types of pre-employment testing help build self-awareness and facilitate team building.

Psychometric assessment is one of the types of pre-

employment tests that help you find the nerve-strength of
the candidates, and how well they can perform in multiple
situations. It gives an idea about their performance as a team
or individual and how they react in full days and deadlines.
Martin Luenendonk
Co-founder, Cleverism

Personality tests can be divided into two categories:

i) Bright side

ii) Dark side

i) Bright side

The bright side of human personality comprises positive personality traits that are easily noticeable
and help in honing on-the-job performance. The bright side is based on the Big Five Personality
Traits using which Mercer | Mettl has categorized them into behavioral competencies and
workplace-specific behaviors.

The bright side of human personality is based on a Big Five Personality Traits of the Five-Factor Model:


ii) Dark side

Dark personality traits surface when certain characteristics of a person get triggered. This leads to
the display of counterproductive behavior, adversely impacting the workplace and co-workers. This
type of pre-employment testing proves efficient in discovering these otherwise hidden traits. Our
internal report, ‘Uncovering the Dark Traits of Human Personality,’ revealed that 60% of organizations
use online assessment as the most efficient tool for identifying and measuring dark traits.

Mercer | Mettl’s Dark Personality Inventory covers the following traits:


These traits get triggered by:

Level of dark traits Environment Situation

Different people possess different levels When people are in an environment Dark personality traits get triggered in
of dark traits. Higher the degree of dark where they hold power over others, situations when people are not on their
traits present, greater will be the there's an innate tendency to misuse guard and are not actively monitoring
frequency at which they get triggered that power. That tendency leads to their behavior, i.e., in a relaxed
(with the slightest provocation). triggering of dark traits. environment and stressed environment.

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2. Behavioral assessment
A behavioral assessment measures the behavioral competencies of individuals in a simulated work environment.
These types of pre-employment testing require individuals to demonstrate behavioral competencies in one or more
activities relevant to their job roles and resemble actual organizational situations. Candidates are presented with
a series of real work-related scenarios with possible courses of action. They have to select either the best option or
rank the possible actions based on their effectiveness.

Behavioral assessment tools can be easily customized for all job levels and use cases. These types of pre-
employment testing are created on behavioral competencies, further classified into sub-competencies. In
addition to hiring top talent, behavioral assessments are used to strategize coaching plans, ideal for recruiting and
identifying prospects who could be groomed into future leaders.

The benefits of behavioral assessments in recruitment

Hiring Behavioral Screening

competencies candidates

Such assessments make hiring for entry levels an easy process. These tests are designed to work in conjunction with
skill assessment tests to address all the essential aspects of screening.

For every job role, employers take specific behavior traits into account. Even though there is an overlap between job
roles and behavior traits in some cases, assessments are ideally suited for precise competency mapping. The idea
behind measuring behavioral competencies is to ensure that candidates whose behavior systems appear aligned
with the company’s culture are suited best for the job role.

Weeding out hassles occurring due to the exponential rise in the cost from screening candidates until the
onboarding has been an area of focus for companies, why behavioral and personality tests are conducted online.
This way, applicants can take the test in a user-friendly environment, and the assessor can get full candidate
performance reports, thus ensuring a faster selection of a culturally-fit candidate.

Behavioral assessments can be divided into the following types of pre-employment tests:

Online behavioral tools Offline behavioral tools

Situational judgment tests Group discussion

Analyze rate, rank, or select the most effective Assess the ability to influence, communicate and
response in role-specific scenarios. work in a team.

In-box exercises Group activities

Choose the best possible response to issues Determine the ability to handle and solve a
presented in the mails. problem as part of a group.

Caselets sets Behavioral interviews

Solve problems highlighted in the backdrop of A detailed description of a candidate’s
a business scenario. understanding of a given business situation.

Case study simulators In-tray exercises

Find relevant information, diagnose issues Assess the ability to prioritize, gather information
and recommend actions. and call meetings when faced with an influx of

Put the candidates within a business constraint
where they are asked to play a specific role.

Case presentations
Assess candidates’ confidence and
communication skills in front of an audience.

Validation Reliability Customization Extensive repository

Strongly correlates with Highly reliable results as Customized according to An extensive array of content
on the job performance assessments are based on your organizational for each job role, job-level,
realistic job scenarios requirements and industry

3. Cognitive ability test

A pre-employment aptitude test assesses individuals’ abilities such as critical thinking, verbal reasoning, numerical
ability, problem-solving, decision-making, etc. One of the most critical types of pre-employment testing, they are an
indicator of a person’s intelligence quotient (IQ). The test results predict on-the-job performance and assess current
and potential employees across job levels. They also test role-specific IQs across multiple job functions. This type of
pre-employment exam helps HRs in improving the quality of hires.

According to Mercer | Mettl’s Assessing Cognitive
Competencies at Work, the correlation between
cognitive intelligence and work performance is at least
51% and can go as high as 84%. High intelligence is an
indicator of success on the job, measured based on
evaluating the performance on tasks similar to those
encountered on the job.

We use a personality
assessment and pre-
employment aptitude test
for many of our positions
and we find them effective
in so that they give us
jumping-off points to ask
deeper questions during the
interview process.
Lauren Torregrossa
Media Relations Manager, CareerPlug

4. Coding tests
These types of pre-employment testing evaluate the
individual’s ability to code effectively. Candidates are
assessed on various languages and technologies such
as AngularJS, Bootstrap, PL/SQL, Unix shell, Spring
Framework, etc. Talent acquisition experts prefer coding
tests to filter the best techies. Sharing how they ask
all software engineering candidates to respond to a
coding prompt, MTEQ Talent Acquisition and Employee
Engagement Associate Director Chelsea Stearns says,
“This is highly effective in determining which applicants
possess the required problem-solving skills to be
successful on the job.”

For our software developers, we have a coding challenge

we developed in-house that we find highly effective for
testing the skills of potential hires. These types of pre-
employment tests provide structured interview guides
that we use for all our interviews.

Lauren Torregrossa
Media Relations Manager, CareerPlug

Use our front-end, back-end and fullstack simulators, among others, to conduct
high-quality coding assessments

Front-end simulator

Back-end simulator

Database simulator

Data science simulator

Full stack simulator

5. Role-based tests
These types of pre-employment cognitive tests are curated as per job functions and job roles. The competency
frameworks in each vary accordingly. They test the expertise job prospects possess in their domain. The three vital
aspects that help onboard a quality talent, with the perfect balance of required skill sets, are domain expertise,
behavioral attributes and aptitude. These three types of pre-employment testing are the building blocks of a role-
based competency framework.

How to hire an area sales manager

Area sales manager

Deals with retailers and distributors, runs day-to-day operations of the sales team, generates revenue and maintains
customer relationships in the respective geographical area.

Telephonic interview questions

How would you pitch a new product to a client?
What measures do you take to scale the performance of your team?
How do you deal with a sales executive who missed his target two consecutive months?
Which is the most important part of mentoring someone? What improvement does it induce in the trainee?

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Critical competencies required to hire an area sales manager

Channel Sales monitoring Sales

sales tools scenario

Customer service Self

orientation awareness

Self Learning Following work

confidence agility procedures

Drive for Planning &

Psychometric result organization

Business Team management

Networking orientation & collaboration

Negotiation & Strategic Establish

influence thinking trust

Attention to Problem
detail solving

Cognitive reasoning

Verbal Critical
ability thinking

Functional assessment types of pre-employment testing cater to diverse industries and functions. Some of the job
functions that these types of employment tests encompass are:

Law tests Retail BPO Engineering

Accounting Financial services Media/PR Blue collared roles

6. Remote work assessment

Remote work skills and competencies, once considered to be ancillary, are now at the forefront due to COVID-19. At
different levels, employees need distinct skills to steer their way through the present remote working environment.
As businesses around the world adjust to the fairly new remote work setting, organizations are equipping
themselves with best practices, remote work skills and competencies. They are gauging employee readiness to
ensure business continuity and productivity of remote workers.

Keeping this in mind, Mercer | Mettl subject matter experts have designed the Remote Work Assessment to assist
organizations in understanding the behavioral competencies required to succeed in a remote work environment.
The assessment is a means to help managers and leaders get a deeper insight into the remote workers’ strengths
and areas of improvement and growth. It helps in the recruitment and selection of candidates by determining their
standing on the competencies required to work effectively in remote settings.

7. High-potential identification
Employees are the principal driving force of organizational growth. Individual employee development is
intrinsically linked to organizational growth and, therefore, is a significant concern for human resource
professionals. With the need to continually evolve in times of rapid transformation and limited resources,
organizations are looking inwards to tap into the job prospect’s potential via high-potential (Hi-po)

Pre-employment cognitive tests are clear differentiators of a high-potential employee.

Cognitive skills and an exceptional aptitude, when developed in the right manner, increase the chances of
present and future success at work.

67% Our internal report High-Potential Identification Survey 2022 revealed that 67 percent
of respondents chose problem-solving, critical decision making, business acumen, etc.,
as the accurate indicators of high-potential in prospects.

8. Learning agility
Since present-day organizations are becoming more
complex and dynamic due to increasingly turbulent and
fast-changing business, learning agility or mental agility
has become one of the most desired competencies for the
recruits as well as existing employees. An organization with
a learning agile workforce has:

Improved employee productivity

Future-ready workforce
Increase in number of high potentials
Higher overall organizational productivity and profitability

Naturally self-reflective, high potentials are agile

learners. They tend to push beyond boundaries, actively
respond to new conditions and objectively evaluate their
experiences. The Mettl Learning Agility Assessment helps
you identify agile learners, who are the best to lead for your
organization’s success.

9. Digital readiness
Businesses have often seen a digital transformation as
being limited to an upgrade in their IT infrastructure and
through the internet of things (IoT). However, for businesses
to champion the future of work, every aspect of a business,
right from processes, strategy, to its building blocks and its
workforce should be ready to embrace this transformation.
This can be achieved by measuring the digital readiness
of your prospects. Damien Martin of Shufti Pro defines
digital readiness as the ease with which employees and
organizations can transition to digitized workflows, using
software and other technology. The eventual goal is to
streamline the way business is done, and customers are

To help organizations identify how digitally ready their

prospects are, our in-house team of experts created a digital
readiness assessment that helps organizations identify
employees on their level of digital readiness, which can be
taken as the first step to lay down a developmental plan.
The model gives a clear picture of individuals and their
understanding of vis-a-vis digital readiness.

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10. Language proficiency assessment
English language proficiency types of pre-employment testing measure an individual’s fluency, pronunciation,
grammar and listening comprehension. They play a crucial role in effective communication. English language
proficiency is becoming increasingly important in the global economy. English proficiency is among the key factors
for success, especially for certain roles, jobs and professions. Professionals are expected to communicate effectively
in English, even though they may not use English in everyday life.

The primacy of English-speaking skills in any consumer-centric role in the service sector, cutting across industries,
is well-established. It plays a critical role in the right communication of a product’s nuances or service up for sale.
Hence, language proficiency types of pre-employment tests have quickly become among the most important
criteria in the hiring process. However, the proficiency level required may be different, depending on the company
or the position. Hence pre-employment cognitive tests assume significance in certain job roles.


Pronunciation Fluency Grammar Listening Comprehension

Check for critical non- Measured for 10+ Check for critical non- Check for fact and
trainable pronunciation dimensions like speaking, trainable grammatical inference-based
mistakes. rate, intonation, etc. errors. understanding.

Globally recognized & Patented & accurate

actionable scores technology

Evaluation methodology Speech X is powered by

incorporates CEFR guidelines Carnegie Speech’s* world-
Modes of delivery and checks for critical non- class speech evaluation &
trainable errors. pinpointing technology.

Identity theft & cheating Auto-evaluate at scale with

On smartphones prevention real-time reports

Authenticate candidate Make data-backed decisions

identity while making your by assessing candidates at
process auditable with our scale without any biases.
Proctoring Technology.

11. Background check

Background investigations and reference checks are employers’ principal means of securing information about
potential hires from sources other than the applicants themselves. A background investigation generally involves
determining whether an applicant may be unqualified for a position due to a record of a criminal conviction, motor
vehicle violations, poor credit history, or misrepresentations regarding education or work history. A reference check
generally involves contacting applicants’ former employers, supervisors, co-workers and educators to verify previous
employment and obtain information about their knowledge, skills, abilities and character.

According to Checkster CEO Yves Lermusi,
organizations cannot ignore solutions that play further 38%
down in the funnel, including interview solutions,
assessments, background screening, online reference
checking and onboarding solutions. Companies
that use technology during these later stages have a 26%
better understanding of a candidate and gather more
meaningful information beyond what is found in a
profile or a resume. Many organizations are currently
investing in background screening and interview
management providers, he adds.

According to the Background Screening Benchmarking

Report, more than half of roughly 300 organizations
surveyed either have integrated or plan to integrate
Yes Planning Yes Not applicable
their background screening solution with their ATS.

12. Drug test

Records from the substance abuse and mental health services administration
showed that drug users are three times more likely to skip work than non-users.
They are also four times more likely to have work-related accidents, injuries and
commit mistakes.

Hence, it is critical to undertake the types of pre-employment

testing that minimizes the risk. These types of pre-employment tests
determine if a job prospect uses any illegal substances or medication.
If workplace safety is of the utmost importance to a company, then
conducting pre-employment assessment tests can help mitigate drug
misuse risks.

In safety-sensitive workplaces, employers drug test to:

Reveal intoxication
Prevent costly accidents
Prevent employees from undertaking safety-sensitive tasks while impaired
Dissuade employees from engaging in drug use while on the job

Urine and blood tests are the most commonly used

test when prospects are screened for illegal drugs or
alcohol use. Urinalysis shows the presence of drug
residues that remain in the body after the effects of
the drugs have worn off. Drugs screened in these types
of pre-employment testing include amphetamines,
cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines, opiates,
nicotine and alcohol.


The quality of hire

is the most critical
metric in talent
acquisition, yet the
most misunderstood.
More than ever before, talent acquisition
professionals are being held accountable for
impacting quality, both during the recruiting
process and in the first year of employment. Once
these characteristics are understood, companies
can begin a strategy to define, measure and
improve quality. Organizations that will enhance
the quality of hire are leveraging the right types of
employment tests to make data-driven decisions.

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How Mercer | Mettl can help

The types of pre-employment tests provided by Mercer | Mettl allows companies and professionals to make
measured decisions on recruitment, training, and promotion of candidates and employees. An extensive library of
tests and simulators can help you create customized assessments to evaluate the shortlisted candidates’ underlying
abilities and current skills. Explore a wide range of psychometric, cognitive, role-based and technical assessments to
onboard the right individuals.

Our offerings:

1. Psychometric tests
Assess traits that influence cultural fitment, trainability and job performance using personality profiler, dark
personality test, motivation inventory, etc. Mercer | Mettl psychometric tools can be divided into:

Mettl Personality Profiler

Mettl Personality Profiler (MPP) is an innovative, evidence-based assessment that measures relevant personality
traits required for critical work. It links to behavioral competencies, which, in turn, lead to organizational outcomes
of interest. These types of pre-employment tests are designed to help employers gain access to otherwise hidden
information about job applicants or employees, critical in influencing their behavior at work.

Mettl Dark Personality Inventory

Mercer | Mettl has created a dark personality trait inventory that contains 6 dark traits: Opportunism, Self-Obsession,
Insensitivity, Temperamental, Impulsiveness and Thrill-Seeking. Mettl Dark Personality Inventory (MDPI) aims
to measure negative personality constructs in potential hires and existing employees. Through this personality
diagnostic, we also aim to contribute to a greater goal of ensuring workplace safety.

2. Behavioral assessments
Mercer | Mettl’s behavioral assessments measure behavioral competencies in a simulated work environment using
situational judgment tests, caselets, in-box simulations, etc. Mercer | Mettl has a vast repository of behavioral tests
and tools that can be used to make seamless recruitment and selection.

3. Aptitude tests
Mercer | Mettl’s pre-employment aptitude test assesses a candidate’s thinking abilities such as perception,
reasoning, memory, verbal and problem-solving ability. These types of pre-employment testing are designed to
challenge applicants’ potential to solve problems when learning new job skills or tackling workplace issues.

Fluid reasoning Crystallized reasoning

Abstarct Spatial Visual Critical Logical Numeric Data Verbal Decision

reasoning reasoning reasoning thinking reasoning ability Interpretation ability making




Case study

Writing & typing



4. Coding tests
Mercer | Mettl’s coding types of pre-employment assessment evaluates technical know-how and hands-on skills
such as front-end, back-end, database, etc., using role-based and coding simulators. Coding assessments elucidate
whether the applicant can fulfill the essential criteria and job requirements. A meaningful talent evaluation from the
onset ensures that the subsequent steps enable successful hiring. Hence, our coding assessments are best suited
before the interview round and are administered as part of technical screening.

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5. Role-based tests
Our role-based assessments ensure that new hires have the requisite functional
knowledge across different verticals such as sales, marketing, finance, HR, etc.
These types of pre-employment tests help organizations build an understanding
of competencies based on the job role, industry and organization-specific
context. Mercer | Mettl SMEs assist companies in creating blueprints that list skills
and subskills to cover each competency. The assessments are designed from a
combination of question types and as per the customization request.

6. Spoken english evaluator

Powered by reliable Artificial Intelligence speech technology, Mercer | Mettl’s
Speech X is a machine-administered and auto-graded test to evaluate a non-
native speaker’s ability to speak and understand English. It is a scalable means
of assessing the ability of prospective hires, a ready-to-use assessment solution
for corporate houses to hire for critical client-facing roles and sales profiles.
SpeechX is a video-proctored assessment that analyzes a candidate’s ability to
listen and articulate clearly. It reviews linguistics to identify correct and incorrect
information in the candidate’s speech and detects errors in reading sentences
and extempore speech. It also uses para-linguistic voice analytics to measure the
quality and clarity of a candidate’s statements.

About us

At Mercer | Mettl, our mission is to enable organizations

to make better people decisions across two key areas:
acquisition and development. Since our inception
in 2010, we have partnered with more than 4,000
corporates, 31 sector skills councils/government
departments and 500+ educational institutions across
more than 90 countries.

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A business of Marsh McLennan © 2023 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.

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