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VLSI Lab Access Manual

Accessing Chipedge Server

● It is easy to install and configure

● Should not take more than 10-15 min

Connecting (login) to ChipEdge server is a 2 stage process.

Step1:Login to VPN using FortiClient software.

Step2: After Successful Login to VPN, login to ChipEdge Linux Server using
Putty + Xming software.

Both requires one time installation.

Please follow guidelines as mentioned in next pages

Connecting to Forticlient VPN

Forticlient VPN installation

Step 1: Download VPN client from
downloads#vpn Scroll down to Forticlient
VPN and choose your OS version to
download the software

Step 2: Open/run the saved file


Configuring the VPN

1. After opening the application

click on “Configure VPN”
2. connection name: any name like
3. description: any name like
4. Give the remote gateway as
5. Select “customize port” option
6. Update the port number with
7. Select "Prompt Login" under
Click on Save

Installing Putty + Xming Software

1. Download and Install “Putty”

from below link

1. Download & Install “Xming”

from below link
3. Keep the default options, while
Putty Configuration …1

1. Enter hostname as “”

2. Keep “port” number as “22” only

3. Save the configuration by entering

some name (say “kailash” ) in “saved
sessions” and click “save”

4. After clicking on save, load the

saved session by one click on the
kailash and click on load button
Putty Configuration…2

1. From the category drop down

on left select connection →
SSH → Kex

2. A window opens on the right

side as shown in image.

3. Change the settings as


4. Max minutes before rekey(0

for no limit)

5. Remove “60” & type “0”

6. After doing that follow next

Putty Configuration…3

1. From the category drop down

on left select connection →
SSH → X11
2. A window opens on the right
side as shown in image.
3. Change the settings as
4. Enable X11 forwarding
5. Enter X display location as
6. Return to the “session”
window and save the changes
again using “save” after
selecting the name say “ram
7. Configuration is done Now.
Steps to connect to Server

➢ Connect to VPN

➢ Launch Xming in the background

➢ Connect to server thru putty

Connect to the VPN

Step 1: enter the VPN user name and


Step 2: Click on Connect

Launch Xming In Background

1. Launch Xming by double clicking it.

2. It will start running on the background and it

will not display anything to confirm.

3. One way to confirm is by checking on the

right bottom bar, with Xming icon as shown
on right side image

4. This confirms Xming is running and will

ensure to redirect your display to your local
Connect to server thru putty

1. Launch “putty” by double


2. Select saved session “Kailash”

and click on load

3. Click on “open” to get the

login window.
Connect to Server – Step 4

1. Enter your linux user name

provided by chipedge, like

2. Enter password as provided by

chipedge for linux server, but not

Note : Password you are entering is not

visible, you just type the password and
hit the enter key

1. You will be connected as shown on

right side

2. If you want another terminal, use

“xterm & ” linux command, but do
not open another putty session.
Change the Linux password
1. On your linux command prompt
2. Linux > passwd
3. Enter the new password, you would like. Enter again when prompted. You are

4. Note down your new password and do not share with anyone.
5. Please note that you are accountable for any violations on your account and could
lead to immediate Account Termination and legal action.


Forti client not connecting?

1. Ping your VPN IP address as below in your DOS command window

2. C:> ping – t

3. Make sure there is no discontinuity (“connection timed out”). if any

discontinuity, check your internet quality. If no issues found with your
internet, contact chipedge for help.

FAQ cont…
Tool GUI is slow and I am not able to work?
1. This could happen mostly due to the internet quality, interms of latency but not
the absolute speed, as measured by speed test sites, like

2. To check the quality of your internet connection here is the procedure.

3. Open command line terminal by going to windows start
▪ button -> type cmd in command window as below

it opens cmd window as below.

In the command line terminal type > ping –t
FAQ c o n t …
Slow GUI
1. Check for the latency/ping time
2. Latency should be less than 15ms for smooth GUI operation. For
command line operations, it can be higher

Forti client stuck at 98%? / It tries to connect for some time, but drops out and
comes to “connect” prompt?
1. This is a known issue with windows7, sometimes in windows10
2. Solution: Uninstall & Reinstall forticlient software.

I am connected to VPN, but Not connecting to Linux Server ?

1. Check if your VPN is still connected / up. Some times quality of the your
broadband connection may not be good.
2. Ping the IP address of server as below.
3. ping – t
4. Ensure no issues, like “request timeout”.

Help Desk Support

If you have any IT related issues (VPN/Server/license) when working from home, please
file a ticket by sending an email to "[email protected]" from your registered email
address with following details.

Roll number : server id (pdsa36**ce22)

Mobile number :
Problem description :
Snapshot to understand the problem (Preferable)

If the IT admin do not revert back in 30 minutes, please call the IT support number.
Name: Akash Kumar
Phone/WhatsApp: 9148820446


You are ready to access the ChipEdge Server remotely

Happy Learning


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