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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation NBK SHIPPING LIMITED.
Site location* Sembawang, Singapore.
Number of workers 500
NBK SHIPPING LIMITED is a company providing innovative technology solutions to the
global marine and energy industries. It is a one-stop solution center for all types of
vessels including drilling rigs, maintenance upgrades, offshore platform and special
vessel construction.

General description of the organisation

NBK SHIPPING LIMITED has designed various types of ships according to customer
requirements and participated in the full EPC process. Activities include the construction
phase, fabrication of structures/modules, integration and commissioning of the final
product. NBK SHIPPING LIMITED's main activities are cutting, welding, grinding,
sandblasting and painting, equipment testing, electrical installation, piping fabrication and
installation, machine installation and calibration, and commissioning.

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NBK SHIPPING LIMITED operates three (three) shifts on the construction site, 8 hours
per shift per day, morning shift 06:00 - 14:00, afternoon shift 14:00 - 22:00, night shift
from 22:00 - 06:00 start hrs. Each shift has a one-hour lunch break
Description of the area to be included in The risk assessment covered mechanical workshop, painting area, engine room, onboard
the risk assessment vessel, ware house and storing area. Other wok area has separate risk assessment.
The yard manager has the overall responsibility for health and safety related issues and
Any other relevant information
he is reporting directly to the managing director.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Prior to start the risk assessment I was searching the ship building and ship repairing
convention and recommendation from ILO. No conventions or recommendations exist for
Marine workers, as I discovered when I read the ILO. However, there is a Code of
Outline how the risk assessment was Practice for Safety and Health in Shipbuilding and Ship repair at the ILO, which is a great
carried out this should include: resource for my job. Beside that I have also, checked the Singapore local law Singapore
Workplace Safety and Health (Shipbuilding and ship repairing) Regulation 2008 and
● sources of information consulted; WSH (Risk Management) Regulation 2006 as well as reference to Singapore Standard
● who you spoke to; and “Code of practice for Risk Management. These sources of information were great source
● how you identified: for preparing my risk assessment.
● the hazards;
● what is already being done; and After reviewing all this information, I am on board to monitor the processes/activities and
● any additional controls/actions the controls implemented to mitigate the hazard and risk level. I have discussions with
that may be required. the workers involved in this task. This visit helped me assess whether the current controls
are sufficient to operate safely. Some welders report that they do not know that local
exhaust ventilation (LEV) is more effective than forced ventilation to remove metal fumes
from the welding process, and some painters do not know that spray paint is a

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cartridge/chemical respirator that requires more effective materials than N95 to prevent
inhalation Paint smoke
I checked NBK SHIPPING LIMITED's accident statistics for the past 12 months to see
what types of accidents have occurred during this period and trends in accidents,
especially recurring accidents. I also checked their sick and sick days to see how often
they got sick from work.

I studied the company's previous inspection logs, including hazard alert reports, to
identify trends in substandard actions and conditions, including the nature of the hazard.
Also look at previous audit reports, this will help me identify additional/further controls or
actions needed to reduce the level of risk to be reasonably practicable.

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

rganisation name: NBK SHIPPING LIMITED.

Date of assessment: 06/07/2022
Scope of risk assessment: workshop fabrication area, people overhauling motors, generators, vessel inside, berth side.

Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
1.Noise Compressor operator, Ear plugs provided to the workers Install sound proof acoustic insulation 1 month Project
technician, mechanics, and kept the extra ear plugs at the materials for enclose the compressor to manager
nearby workers, visitors, noisy area. reduce the noise.
Excessive contractor. Provided noise related safety
noise creates awareness training for the Install silencer to the compressor exhaust Maintenance
Due to use of air to reduce the noise. 15 days manager
from air workers.
compressor at workplace 15 days
compressor Provide designated area for compressor Admin
workers are exposed to Barricade the noisy area
which is used physically and displayed safety to reduce the exposure of excessive noise manager
excessive noise which
for several warning signs.
may lead to serious Conduct regular maintenance and 7 days Maintenance
task like
physical health issue like servicing for ensure the machine is in manager
headache, irritation, poor good condition
cleaning Admin
concentration, and if any Conduct periodic health surveillance 15 days manager
worker exposing for long program for the affected workers
time, then they may loss (audiometric test).
their hearing temporary or 15 days Safety
permanently. Also, Conduct safety training related to noise
hazards at workplace to ensure they are manager
tinnitus and ringing in the
aware about the noise hazards.
ear may happen. In some
cases also, cardio Provide frequent breaks to the workers in Admin
vascular issues and between their scheduled breaks to reduce 7 days
nerves issue may the excessive noise impact.
happen. Implement job rotation system for the

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
workers to reduce their noise impacts at 7 days Admin
work. manager

Machine operators, tool Hand gloves has been given Watching no vibrating machine 7 days Job
users and their helpers. (normal cotton gloves) instead of excessive vibrating tools supervisor
and machineries reduce the excessive
Due to use of hi vibrating
Excessive vibration.
machine add work place
use of Awareness training has been Project
for long time worker may Excessive varnishing of slot/surface 7 days
vibrating conducted. manager
receive handle vibration will be avoided / spray varnish will be
tools at
in huge amount which applied in lieu of Deeping.
may cause of hand arm
buffing Manual drill machine will be avoided Project
vibration syndrome and
machine, and magnetic dill machine will be in 7 days manager
that is includes white
grinding place.
finger disease nag
disorder joint pains joint Install heavy rubber pads to the tools
sanding Maintenance
disorder soft tissues handle to reduce the excessive 7 days
machine, drill manager
damaged carpal tunnel vibration from the tools.
syndromes cyst and
Conduct periodic maintenance for the Maintenance
noodles. 7 days
tools and machineries by competent manager
technician to reduce the vibration.
Provide adequate rest breaks to the 7 days Admin
workers for reduce the effect of manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
Display safety warning signs at the 7 days Safety
workplace to aware the workers from manager
10 days
Assign competent supervisor to manager
monitor the workers that they are not
using the vibrating tools for long time.
Provide adequate PPE to the workers
7 days manager
like anti-vibration gloves.

3.slip & trip Worker/ nearby Induction briefing has been Repair uneven and damaged floors to 30 days Project
people/supervisor/site conducted. reduce the possibilities of sleep and trip manager
engineer, visitors, and all of Display safety warning signages due to uneven surface.
Uneven surface
the employees those who at workplace.
Random Provide drip trays to the generators to 7 days Admin
are working and visiting the
electrical wire Provided adequate supplies to the contain the oil spillage from generator.
workplace. manager
lying in floor workers like safety shoes.
Manage all trailed cables from the floor
Poor house by cable hanger to elevate the cables and 7 days
keeping Due to slippery surface of reduce the chances of trip over the Electrical
the floor worker may slip cables. manager
Water leakage
and trip and this may lead
Oil / grease Conduct floor cleaning by degreasing
spills from
to Hand & finger injury 7 days
agent at least once in week to keep the Admin
generators and Bone fracture/bone strain floor free from slippery. manager
Muscle/ tissue twist Provide adequate Illumination system to Admin
lighting 7 days
the worksite to enlighten the workplace manager
Cut to the surface edges
for reduce the slip and trip chances.
7 days Maintenance

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
Conduct regular maintenance of the 10 days Admin
generators to fix the leakage of the oil manager
from generator.
7 days Admin
Provide anti-slip rubber door mat to manager
reduce the slip and trip. Admin
7 days manager
Isolate the area where water spillage at
the workplace to reduce the slip and trip.

Provide sufficient PPE to the worker like

anti-slip safety shoes.

Workers, supervisors, One toilet is there and every Construct 2 more new toilets for the 1 month Project
4.Health visitors, employees and who day cleaning the toilet by workers at the workplace. manager
welfare and visit the worksite. designated toilet cleaners. Construct designated dining space for the Project
environment workers. 20 days manager
Due to lack of toilets and One water station provided to
rest room at workplace and the workplace nearby worker Construct designated rest room with Project
Impure supply also the impure water canteen. sufficient ventilation and fans. 20 days manager
of drinking supply to the workplace Displayed safety warning signs Install new 2 more RO system or water
water at worker may have the at the workplace for aware the station at workplace for the workers.
workplace lack 1 month Project
waterborne diseases like workers. Provide personal water bottle for the manager
of toilets and cholera, jaundice, food workers.
rest room. poising, diarrhoea, Admin
Collect the water sample frequently for 10 days manager
decentre, also the worker
test the water quality by third party
may have gastrointestinal 7 days Admin
disease, bacterial attack due manager
to lack of toilets. Conduct health and hygiene training for
the workers. Safety
7 days

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
Provide hand wash soap dispenser with 7 days Admin
disposable tissues at the washing facility manager
and toilets.

Provide adequate PPE for the workers to 7days

clean the toilets like disposable coverall, Admin
head cap. Disposable surgical gloves. manager

Welder grinders their Only authorised and trained Provide designated and separate hot work 20 days Project
helpers’ supervisors, nearby welders are engaged for the hard activity area by proper Weld habitat to manager
5.Fire workers visitors and any work activity. restrict the grinding spark and welding
other employees those who splatters.
are visiting the worksite. Provided fire extinguishers live
Due to welding water hose to the hard work area. Install flashback arrestor to the welding Project
20 days manager
cutting and Due to due to wedding torch hand gas cutting torch 2 prevent the
cutting and grinding nearby; Display safety warning signs fire from return flow of the flame.
grinding at related to fire hazard at the
Combustible materials fire
workshop workplace to aware the workers Provide designated storage location on 15 days Admin
can easily initiate by molten
nearby metals grinding sparks and from fire hazard. board ship to store flammable materials. manager
flammable and this fire can cause skin burn Appoint competent fire watchman with fire
combustible injury huge property extinguisher at the vicinity of hot work
materials fire damage also the fire can location. Fire watchman must check Project
20 days
can easily start produce lot of toxic smokes flammable material prior to start work. manager
and worker may inhale the
and spread out. Provide fire safety training to the workers
toxic smoke and breathing
difficulties suffocation and regularly to make them aware about fire
unconsciousness also play hazards.
12 days manager
me some Walker even die
Assign fire emergency rescuer to the work
due to huge smoke
location to rescue the personnel if there is
any fire spread out. 15 days HR manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
Provide first aid box with first aider to treat 10 days Admin
the small and initial fire injury of the manager

Provide adequate PPE to the workers like

welding apron, gloves, face shield, Admin
7 days manager
welding helmet. Loading and unloading Only authorised driver and Provide separated pedestrian walkways at 15 days Project
movement workers, nearby workers, operators engaged for the vehicle workplace workers and separate route for manager
of people operators and drivers, operating works. vehicles.
visitors, supervisors. Project
and vehicles Provided banks man to the Provide designated parking zone for the 10 days manager
in the Due to same workplace vehicles. vehicles.
workplace using by workers and Set speed limit 10 kmph at the Provide convex mirror to the workplace to 15 days manager
Different types vehicles at workplace workplace to reduce the chance of reduce the chances of collision.
of vehicles worker may face collision to collision.
moving around Provide reverse alarm and beacon lights
the vehicles, hit by the Admin
Provided appropriate safety to the vehicles to alert the visitors and 7 days
the worksite vehicles and this may lead manager
warning signs at workplace to workers.
like trailer truck to serious injury like aware the workers and visitors.
bringing crushed, amputation, Assign dedicated traffic controller at the
7 days
materials from workplace to reduce the chance of HR Manager
disability, multiple fracturs
outside, staff collision.
of bone, even fatality due to
vehicles parking serious accident. Develop new traffic management plan for 7 days
at undesignated the workplace to reduce the collision. Project
parking zone at manager
Provide crossing stop and divider to
worksite, reduce the collision of the vehicles. 7 days Admin
forklift truck manager
Conduct defensive driving training for the
moving to
driver s and operators. Safety
shifting 7 days
materials from

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
store to Conduct medical health check up for the
worksite. drivers and operators by competent
authority. 7 days Admin
Provide adequate PPE to the drivers and
operators like safety shoes, high visibility 7 days
vest and helmet. Admin

Involved painter (worker), Obtained Permit to works system Provided designated and separated 15 days Project
7.hazadous in-charge supervisor and for the painting activity. painting area for painting activity to reduce manager
substances ship crew and other the paint fumes hazards.
Displayed safety warning sign at Project
Paint fumes. workers who are working the workplace to aware the Apply less solvent-based paint for the 15 days manager
at the vicinity. workers. painting activity to reduce the effect of
During painting solvent-based paint. Admin
of the painting Provided chemical gloves and 20 days manager
booth by spray dust mask to the worker for Install exhaust ventilation system to the
Painters are performing applying paint. painting booth to reduce the paint fumes. 21 days Project
paint and spray painting into chain manager
mixing up locker compartment Install emergency eye wash station and
emergency shower to the painting area. Admin
painting nearby without using proper PPE 7 days manager
the fainting such air fed / supply Provide close supervision to the painting
goat excessive respirator and hand activity to monitor the painting activity. Admin
paint fumes gloves which can cause manager
7 days
Provide frequent breaks to the painters for
created and of skin diseases like Admin
reduce the paint fumes exposure. 15 days
airborne the dermatitis, skin or eye manager
fine paint irritation, and for prolong Conduct health surveillance program for
the workers by authorised person. Safety
particles can exposure of toxic paint
10 days manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
cause serious fumes can cause cardiac Conduct training related to chemical
health issues. arrest or lung cancer. hazards to the affected workers.

Provide adequate PPE to the workers like

air fed mask, disposable coverall, 7 days Admin
chemical gloves, chemical safety goggles. manager

Those who are working on Barricaded the underneath area of Install guard rail system around the edge 20 days Scaffold
8.working scaffold platform, the scaffolding platform to of the scaffolding platform to prevent the manager
at height underneath worker, nearby restricted the unauthorised entry. fall of the person and toe board to secure
workers, supervisors and the materials.
working on Only trained and competent
visitors. Scaffold
board vessel for person allowed to work on height. Fully planked the scaffolding platform to 7 days
Due to working on unstable minimise the gap between two planks to manager
inspection and
platform and improper Applied work at height permit to prevent fall of materials.
repairing work for the work.
unsafe scaffolding platform
purposes from Ensure the tools are connected to the 7 days
workers may fall from height Provided close supervision for the Safety
the improper and this may cause serious tools tie properly and secured all loose manager
work at height. item on the working platform to avoid
working injury like fractures of
platform which multiple bones, cut, head Provided single lanyard safety dropping materials.
is missing injury, internal injury, spine harness for the worker. Engage only authorised scaffold erector Admin
7 days
guardrails, and injury and even death due to and supervisor to erect the scaffolding manager
falling from height. platform.
unstable Admin
platform may Also, during working on Assign competent scaffold inspector to 7 days manager
cause of fall unsafe working platform inspect the scaffold regularly as per the
from height of may drop the unsecured international norm.
tools and materials from
the workers. 10 days Safety
height which may hit the Conduct work at height training for the
underneath workers and can worker to aware them about the work at
cause serious injury and height hazards.
even death.

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
Conduct vertigo test prior to engage 15 days Admin
worker for work at height activity. manager

Provide SRL (self-retracted lifeline) to the Admin

worker while they are working on height. 15 days manager

Assign work at height rescuer at the Admin

workplace to rescue personnel while they 15 days manager
are suspending on the safety harness.

Provide adequate PPE to the workers like

safety shoes, safety helmet, coverall, 15 days Admin
double lanyard safety harness. manager

9.confined Confined space entrants, Barricaded the confined space Ensure emergency escape route 7 days Entry
space supervisor, inspectors, area to restrict the unauthorised including confined space ingress / supervisor
Lack of unauthorised rescuers. entry in to confined space. egress points are free from any
oxygen / Due to enter inside the oil Provided proper ventilation system obstruction
oxygen tankers for inspection to the confined space area to Purchase
Purchase multi gas detector for test 20 days manager
deficiency, purposes inspectors’ remove impurities from confined
the atmosphere of the confined space.
presence of entrants may face lack of space.
toxic gas oxygen, toxic gas and poor Release the residual energy and keep
lighting inside the tanks Obtained permit to work system Entry
inside for confined space entry work. the oil tanks free from any type of
which may lead to 7 days supervisor
confined flammable and combustible materials.
space while asphyxiation due to poor
workers are ventilation / presence of Assign confined space attendant to
inspecting the inert gas in the confined the confined space to monitor the
oil tankers space as result breathing entrants.
7 days Admin
inside the oil difficulties, manager
vessels. unconsciousness and
even death.

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
Provide SCBA (self-contained 15 days Admin
breathing apparatus for the confined manager
space entrants.
Display safety warning signs to the Safety
confined space to aware the workers 7 days manager
from confined space hazards.
Assign confined space rescuers with
sufficient PPE and rescue equipment
20 days manager
to rescue the personnel from confined
Conduct safety awareness training for 10 days Safety
the confined space entrants. manager

Provide explosion proof light to the Admin

7 days manager
confined space to enlighten the
confined space.
Provide adequate PPE to the workers 7 days Admin
while they are entering in to the manager
confined space.(safety harness, safety
coverall, safety glass, gloves, safety

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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be completed title
(within …)
10.Electricit Involved workers and Apply LOTO (lockout and tagout system 15 days Electrical
y in-charge, electrician, for the electrical work with live electrical manager
Electrician supervisor including other appliances and circuit.
testing existing workers who are working Install earth leakage circuit breaker 1 month manager
cables and in the subsystem and (ELCB) and residual current device (RCD)
electrical nearby workers. to the electrical panels and switch boards
appliances in to prevent the electrical shock. Purchase
Electrical workers and Only trained and competent
the ship and Purchase nonconductive rubber mats for 15 days manager
other nearby workers person is allowed to perform
installing new supervisors, visitors may the electrical work.
electrical work.
cables and come in contact to the Ensure the residual energy discharge
Work area has been 7 days Electrical
electrical live electrical conductor before commencing the work. manager
installation and cables and barricaded and relevant
15 days
beside existing electrocuted. This may warning have been displayed. Conduct safety training for the Safety
live electrical cause electrical shock, affected workers to aware them about manager
Displayed safety warning signs the electrical hazards.
cables and electrical burn, and even
at the working place.
components. death by heart fibrillation Provide first aid box with CPR to the
or heart attack. Provided double insulated 10 days Admin
worksite to treat the electrical victims.
tools, voltameter for the manager
electrical work. Assign trained first aider at the work Admin
location to treat immediate the 15 days
electrical victim
Provide adequate PPE to the workers 7 days
like electrical resistant safety helmets, Admin
safety shoes, arc proof face shield.

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial NBK Shipping limited company has responsibility to take care their employees from any kind of accident
arguments injury, and ill health from work. Because the workers come to work for earning their money to support their
family. But if the employees getting any injury and ill health from workplace instead of their wages, then they
will not able to support their family. It is also ethically not accepted. Because if there is any injury from
accident or any long-term occupational health disease then victims and their family suffer the pain together.
Also, if there is any major accident at workplace then any workers see the accident and they may mentally ill
by the witnessing of the accident. It will take sometime to recover the trauma.

If there is any noncompliance of the legal requirement at the NBK shipping limited then they may face legal
action by local enforcement agency. Because every country has their own legal act for occupational health
and safety and also, some country following international laws. If the organization not satisfying the legal
requirement, then enforcement agency may issue improvement notice to the organization to do the things in
right way. If still the organization not following the legal obligation, then they may issue prohibition notice to
the organization to stop their activity partially or totally. Enforcement agency may also impose financial
penalty to the organization and may be the agency file criminal case to the criminal court against the
organization and if the court verdict come against the organization there may be imprisonment. Also, the
agency may revoke or cancel their license.

If any accident happened in the NBK Shipping limited then it may impact financially. All the cost associated
with accident can be divided by two parts like direct cost and indirect cost. Direct costs are legal services
cost, hospitalization cost of the accident victim’s worker, sick pay to the victims or injured workers.

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Some indirect costs are like loss of reputation of the organization due to accident, new employees hiring for
the accident happened, downtime due to the accident, production loss due to the accident, investigation cost
of the accident, materials damaged cost.

Justification for action 1

Install earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) and residual current device (RCD) to the electrical panels and
switch boards to prevent the electrical shock. (hazard category: electricity)

ILO article 16 of C155 very clearly stated about employer responsibilities which include “to ensure
Specific legal arguments
that the workplace machinery, equipment, and process under their control are safe and without risk
to health “
ILO Code of Practice on safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repairing section
11.6.6 (1) stated about overload and earth leakage protection (page no 159) - “The current in all
systems should be so controlled that when, in any circuit, the current exceeds a specified value, it
is automatically cut off. Fuse lines of all fuses and circuit breakers should be calibrated by the
manufacturer and their rated current should be indicated.” (3) Stated about it should operate at no
more than 250V and have earth leakage current protection of no more than 30 milliamps at 30
millisecond sensitivity.
We found that the NBK shipping limited current control measures is not satisfying the
above-mentioned rules and not protecting the workers from electrical hazards and electricity risk.
which is contravening the above rule.

Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of the injury occurring from electricity is likely. Because in NBK Shipping limited they
are working with electricity around 6 hours in a day and weekly 6 days in a week around 10
workers and they are not protected by ELCB/RCD.
The severity rating is being realised as major to catastrophic. Because if there is any electrical
accident happen then worker may receive painful shock, electrical burn, heart fibrillation and even
death due to heart attack. So, the severity of this hazards is being realised as major to catastrophic.

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How effective the action is likely to be in
When installing the ELCB/RCB, the chance of injury/occurrence will be greatly reduced because if
controlling the risk. This should include:
there is a leakage or short circuit or overload in the system, the ELCB/RCB will cut off the power
● the intended impact of the action; within 1/10 of a second, preventing electrical accidents in the workplace
● justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment; I estimated 1 month timescale installation of ELCB/RCD to the electrical panels and switch boards.
and Because before purchase we need to take approvals from the purchase manager and find out the
● whether you think the action will fully supplier for the device once, we got the approval and found the appropriate supplier for the device
control the risk. then we can receive the device for install. Then we need to install it by competent technician. I think
the estimated time is enough for install the device.
This control measure (ELCB/RCB) will not completely control the risk and will retain some residual
risk. However, this measure reduces the possibility of electric shock and reduces the severity of
injury by immediately tripping the power source.

Justification for action 2

Appoint competent fire watchman with fire extinguisher at the vicinity of hot work location. Fire watchman
Action must check flammable material prior to start work. (Hazard Category: Fire)

In section 7.13(1) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Code of Practice on Safety and Health in
Specific legal arguments
Shipbuilding and Repair, clearly mentioned about fire risk prevention that every employer needs to take
appropriate action to avoid fire risk at workplace.

“Employers should take all appropriate measures

(a) to avoid fire risks”

Also, in (page 78); section 7.13.10(a) Mentions (p. 80) that,

“Appropriate and adequate firefighting equipment should be readily available, easily visible and accessible”.

I have visited the hot work site and its surrounding area but have not been able to identify any fire
extinguishers nearby. Obviously, the current response to fire emergencies in accordance with the ILO Code

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of Conduct and local (Singapore) occupational safety and health legislation is unsatisfactory due to the
above tasks.

Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of the injury occurring from fire is likely. Because in NBK Shipping limited around 12
workers working in hot work area for welding and cutting and they are working almost 5 hours in a
day weekly 6 days and there are no appropriate controls that can avoid fire risk from workplace.
The severity of the hazards is being realised as major here because if the fire initiate at workplace
then it may cause of skin burn, smoke injury which may require proper hospital treatment and also
worker may die if the entrapped into smoke.

How effective the action is likely to be in

Provide proper fire extinguishing methods which is readily available at workplace with trained fire
controlling the risk. This should include:
watch can easily and quickly combat the fire if there is any fire occurred. So fire will not spread out
● the intended impact of the action; if the fire can extinguish by the proper extinguisher in incipient stage.
● justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment; I have given 20 days timescale for providing trained fire watch with sufficient fire extinguishers at
and site. Because for this action I need to purchase the fire extinguishers and train the nominated
● whether you think the action will fully workers for become fire watch. First of all, need to take purchase approval from purchase manager
control the risk. and HR manager for train the nominated worker. Then need to source the supplier to purchase the
fire extinguisher. I think the action can be done within the given time.
The suggested action cannot control the risk fully from workplace. Because it will only can combat
the fire when fire occurred. But still there is some residual risk at workplace which can be control by
other risk control measures which is mentioned in the risk assessment.

Justification for action 3

Install guard rail system around the edge of the scaffolding platform to prevent the fall of the person and toe
Action board to secure the materials. (Hazard category: Work at height)

Specific legal arguments As per ILO code of practice "Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair" every employer
should provide safe working platform which is well guarded by guard rails, like toprail, mid rail and
toe boards to prevent the fall of the workers while they are working on the scaffolding platform.

Learner number: 00691520 Learner name: Bikas kanti nath Page 18 of 20

“Wherever practical, a safe working area should be provided by means of work platforms or
scaffolds that have complete floors, guardrails, toe-boards, and safe access and egress”
But here we cannot see the appropriate guard rails installed at the edge of scaffold platform to
prevent the fall of worker which is clearly contravening the rule.

Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of the injury occurring form the working at height is likely. Because in NBL Shipping
limited around 10 workers doing regularly working at height on the scaffold platform 6 days in a
week and 5 hours in day. So, the likelihood of the injury occurring from this hazard set as likely.
The severity rating of this hazards is being realised as major to catastrophic. Because if any worker
falls from height, then he may face permanent disability or multiple fractures of bone, even fatality.
In this case he needs proper medication and, in some cases, he might die or permanently disable.

How effective the action is likely to be in

The proper guard rail system with top rail, mid rail and toe boards can prevent the fall of worker
controlling the risk. This should include:
while they are working on scaffold platform. Because this guard rails system can prevent fall if the
● the intended impact of the action; worker by chance intended to fall from height on edge of the platform.
● justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment; I have given 20 days timescale for installing the guard rails system to the platform because for
and installing the guard rail system I need to talk with scaffold manager and then find out the correct
● whether you think the action will fully materials from scaffolding yard. We need to find out he competent scaffold erectors for install the
control the risk. guard rails system and it require the inspection also by competent scaffold inspector. I think the
given time is enough for completing the task.
I think the suggested action will not control the risk of falling from scaffold platform alone. Because
after installing the guard rail system still there is some remain risk which may control by the
additional risk control measure which is mentioned in the risk assessment.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
- Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
- How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
- Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

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Planned review date/period with The NBK has their own policy to review the risk assessment once in a year. Therefore, I will set the
reasoning next review date of the risk assessment on July 5th 2023. However, I will also ensure the risk
assessment need to review if there is anything happen from the below list.

There changes of any works procedure or change of any equipment /machinery

- Any rule of regulations / code of practise changes
- Any major accident or incident happen.

How the risk assessment findings will be Summarizing my findings in this risk assessment, first I will communicate with the HSE manager,
communicated AND who you need to tell then I will email the organization's directors and senior management, and I will communicate each
finding to the responsible person or task manager. The results of the risk assessment are
effectively communicated during training and TBT. I would recommend that all task managers
communicate a risk assessment during their TBT and highlight any hazards, who could cause the
harm, how the harm was done, and what actions to take to reduce the level of risk. A summary of
the risk assessment results is also posted on company bulletin boards, department bulletin boards
and other places where employees can see them

How you will follow up on the risk I will set a reminder roughly before 5 days of the deadline of each action. Then I will talk to the
assessment to check that the actions all-responsible person to know about their progress for each action. Once get their reply. I will
have been carried out physically visit the worksite to check the progress of each action. During visit if I found any action
not completing as per the action plan, I will tell them personally to understand the reason of the
delay if they replied that, they need extra resources for the completion of the action. I will talk to the
project manager and finance manager to release extra resources. If still find any delay then I will
raise the issue to the managing director.

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