Stanley Creative Computing Project Proposal

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CCP – Lesson Proposal Template – Revised 08-10-2023

Creative Computing Project

Lesson Proposal
PSC-IT and ISTE-E Standards Addressed in the Project
6.2/6b Managing Technology & Learning
Candidates manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in a variety of
environments such as digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces, or in the
field. (PSC-IT 6.2, ISTE-E 6b)

6.3/6c Design & Computational Thinking

Candidates create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and/or
computational thinking to innovate and solve problems. (PSC-IT 6.3, ISTE-E 6c)

6.4/6d Creativity
Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge, or
connections. (PSC-IT 6.4, ISTE-E 6d)

Name: Shannon Stanley

Grade level: 7th

Subject(s): Life Science

Description of Your Proposed Creative Computing Project

The students are learning about the human body and animal and plant cells in life science, so I
found a project located on Tynker to use with my higher achieving students. The only materials
that will be needed are individual Chromebook, the interactive board (to show my students
step-by-step how to complete the project), my desktop computer, and the guidelines from
Tynker. The project will take place over the span of five consecutive class periods. Students will
learn to code and use block based coding to create a cell activity.

The first day involves students using an interactive project to learn about the different parts of
an animal cell. Next, students will follow a step-by-step tutorial in the DIY (do-it-yourself)
module to create their own version. Activities include changing the background, labeling the
different cell parts, describing animal cell functions using the "say" block, and adding graphic
effects. After completing the DIY module, students will be asked 5 multiple-choice quiz
questions about the different parts of an animal cell.
The second day involves students watching an animated presentation to learn about the
different parts of an animal cell. Next, students will follow a step-by-step tutorial in the DIY (do-
it-yourself) module to create an animated animal cell presentation. Activities include
CCP – Lesson Proposal Template – Revised 08-10-2023
programming the slides to change and stating facts about the different parts of an animal cell.
After completing the DIY module, students will be asked 5 multiple-choice quiz questions about
the different parts of an animal cell.

The third day will have students creating an animal cell structure with an introduction to four
Tynker blocks: when actor clicked, wait until false, not mouse down, and set label to.

The fourth day involves the students playing a quiz game where they will need to identify
different parts of an animal cell. Next, students will follow a step-by-step tutorial in the DIY (do-
it-yourself) module to create their own version. Activities include programming the Golgi body
to change colors, sending a message to the Stage, and programming the Stage to ask for the
name of the organelle that the user clicked. After completing the DIY module, students will be
asked 5 multiple-choice quiz questions about the different parts of an animal cell.

The fifth day involves students practicing identifying different parts of a plant cell on an
interactive plant cell model. Next, students will follow a step-by-step tutorial in the DIY (do-it-
yourself) module to create their own version. Activities include customizing the Actors and
making the parts draggable using the "mouse down" variable. After completing the DIY module,
students will be asked 5 multiple-choice quiz questions about the different parts of a plant cell.

Use of Technology and Student Learning Strategies (ISTE-E 6b)

This section should document how you plan on managing the use of technology and student
learning strategies as part of your Creative Computing Project.

ISTE Portfolio Questions

1. What rules, guidelines, and parameters, regarding the use of technology, do you have
for your learners when they are working independently in alternative classroom
a. Chattooga County schools has a restriction on technology use. Student may only
have access to technology 55 minutes per day so teachers must divide their time
up amongst each other to adhere to the maximum amount of technology use
allowed for each student.
b. Students are provided a Chromebook from the Chromebook cart by number.
Students pick up their Chromebook at the beginning of class and turn it in at the
end of the period. Students are only allowed to use their assigned Chromebook
and the district provides safety protocols that block inappropriate websites.
c. Students are only allowed 55 minutes of computer time which is sufficient for
this project as this project only require 45 minutes per day.

2. Do you guide learners to reach out to their peers for support and troubleshooting?
a. Students will help one another while working in their learning communities
(groups of 4-5 students). Students will help each other when questions arise and
only ask me for help if they are unable to find the answer together. I am trying to
CCP – Lesson Proposal Template – Revised 08-10-2023
teach them to be self-sufficient but understand that some issues may need more
support from me than others.

3. What ways do/can they troubleshoot their needs, independently?

a. They will have access to a troubleshooting in Tynker, the assistance of their
learning community, and learning videos. If teacher assistance is needed, they
will have access and opportunity to ask, and I will help troubleshoot.

4. How do you manage the use of technology in these alternative classroom settings?
a. Students will work together in their preassigned learning communities to
complete the assigned tasks. Their computer usage will be monitored using Go
Guardian to ensure that they are staying on task and not visiting non-related
b. Students are provided a Chromebook from the Chromebook cart by number.
Students pick up their Chromebook at the beginning of class and turn it in at the
end of the period. Students are only allowed to use their assigned Chromebook
and the district provides safety protocols that block inappropriate websites.

Design Process (ISTE-E 6c)

ISTE Portfolio Question

1. How do you implement a recognized design-thinking process into your instruction?

The design process that will be utilized for this project is the Creative Play. The five-step
design process includes inspire, imagine, build, play, and share.

Name of Design Process: Creative Play

Inspire Students will be inspired to create an activity about cells using block
coding. They will watch how others have completed the project to help
provide inspiration for their own projects. As the teacher, I will facilitate
the learning by providing examples to inspire their creativity as well as
creating a classroom example.
Imagine Students will imagine a way to use code blocks to describe different parts
of a cell. Students will be able to outline their own project outcomes and
create an outline or design process before beginning their building
phase. As the teacher, I will assist students with getting their ideas
organized by providing encouragement and immediate feedback as well
as modeling how to design the cell activity to be completed by utilizing
the classroom example.
Build Students will build their own animal cell presentation. After each lesson,
students will build a cell activity based on their designs. Each lesson has
different objectives that the students will work to complete. As the
teacher, I will assist my students with troubleshooting as well as
CCP – Lesson Proposal Template – Revised 08-10-2023
modeling how to complete the activities by utilizing the classroom
Play Students will play their cell activity to ensure that no debugging needs to
be done. If so, they will reflect and improve on their design. Students will
ensure that their activity is free of issues. As the teacher, I will model
how to debug the program by utilizing the classroom example.
Share Students will share their activity with their peers in their learning
community. Students will reflect on their own designs as well as provide
feedback to their peers. As the teacher, I will model how to provide
positive feedback by utilizing the classroom example.

Computational Thinking (ISTE-E 6c)

ISTE Portfolio Question

1. How do you provide opportunities for your learners to apply the components of
computational thinking?

Students will have to act like scientists by using their knowledge of animal cells and their
organelles to complete this project. They will use their problem-solving skills for
decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms.
 Students will use decomposition by breaking down the problem of how to create an
activity showing the organelles in an animal cell. What organelles should be included?
How to go about coding the animal cell? How to debug any coding errors.
 Students will look for patterns in their codes to ensure that it flows well and is free from
 Students will use the skill of abstraction by looking for important details. Did they
include the relevant organelles? Does the activity look correct? Is there any missing
 Students will then create an algorithm by collaborating with their learning community
and creating a step-by-step plan to create the finished coding project.
This lesson will allow students to combine technology with science. Students will need to
understand the basic function of an animal cell as well as the basic function and appearance of
organelles. Students will use their communication skills to work with their learning community.

ISTE NOTE 1: To meet this criterion you must show how you provide opportunities for your
learners to engage in the Design Thinking or Computational Thinking process, just presenting
on what it is, is not enough.

ISTE NOTE 2: Please specifically identify each of the steps of which process you identify in your
artifact, as well as how the details of the lesson/activity as it fits into the Design Thinking or
Computational Thinking process, in your artifact.
CCP – Lesson Proposal Template – Revised 08-10-2023

Nurturing Creativity (ISTE-E 6d)

Explain how you plan on intentionally modeling and nurturing creativity and creative expression
to communicate ideas, knowledge, or connections as part of your project. Consider using the 4P
framework (Projects, Peers, Passion, and Play).

I plan on modeling the 4P’s of Creative Learning: projects, peers, passion, and play. The
students have had access to coding through computer science and some STEM classes, so they
are familiar with block coding. The project will be for students to create a coding activity using
Tynker. The teacher will model how to create an activity using Tynker and the students will
complete learning modules in each lesson. The students will be passionate about this project
because it provides opportunities to engage in creative thinking and exploring science through
creative play.

ISTE Portfolio Questions

1. How do YOU demonstrate creativity and creative problem solving for your learners, and
how to you provide them with opportunities to obtain feedback and showcase their
final work?

I will first model how to create an activity through Tynker. I will display my computer
screen onto the interactive board so my students can follow along with the first module.
I will go through the module with them and explain everything as I work. I will use Self
talk to guide my students as well asking questions as I move forward to gauge
understanding. I will re-teach as needed as well as work one-on-one with students that
may experience difficulties.

2. What opportunities are you providing for your learners to express their own creativity?

My students will be able to create their own activity using Tynker. They oversee
designing their own cell activity and will be responsible for their own design ideas. Every
student will have a unique perspective on the design and implementation of the cell
activity which allows them absolute freedom to maximum creativity following the
guidelines and objectives set forth in the lesson. Students have the flexibility to create
only what is expected while others will create more than required.

3. How do your learners share their work with others?

My students will share their work with the peers in their learning community. My
students will collaborate with one another as they are learning to use Tynker. They will
also share their work with their peers outside of their learning community to engage in
high level discourse regarding the cell activity each person created. They will be able to
present their activity to the class and have a question-and-answer session to share their
ideas and design process.
CCP – Lesson Proposal Template – Revised 08-10-2023
4. Do you provide opportunities for peer feedback?

I provide opportunities for peer feedback throughout the entire project as my students
work with their learning community. They will work collaboratively with their peers and
offer support and guidance to one another to foster a sense of community. They will
assist each other in troubleshooting their code. They will also ensure that they are
providing positive feedback as well as constructive feedback for their peers.

5. Do you encourage this creativity using technology resources and/or tools?

I encourage creativity using technology in an educational setting as it allows my students

to express their ideas in a challenging and engaging way. They can utilize the Tynker
program to show mastery of content standards which supports critical thinking skills as
well as problem solving skills. The students have been exposed to block coding in their
computer science class, so this is not new; however, they have never used Tynker
before, so it allows them to transfer skills from one instructional classroom setting to
another utilizing a different block coding program. Students will be able to choose their
own 3D models. Students will also have their own voice and choice using block based
coding in order to code what the actions will be doing with their organelles as well as
their own graphics.

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