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Ashton & District Snooker League


1. The League shall be called the Ashton & District Snooker League (“The League”),
and where applicable shall encompass within the name, or also state, any sponsors

2. The League shall be under the management of a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer
(“Executive Committee”).

3. The Executive Committee will meet as the occasion demands with the power to
conduct the business of the League and administer the rules.

4. The League will consist of the representatives from each team (“Delegates”) and will
form a General Committee, two thirds of which will make the meeting quorate.

5. The role of the Delegate is to attend each meeting, pay League fees, provide
information on knockout matches and relay important information to and from their

6. All games will be played under the rules approved by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker
Association Limited (a copy of which should be displayed in the club of each team).

7. The rules of the League can only be changed at the Annual General Meeting
(“AGM”) or at an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) so convened by the
Secretary under rule 23. Any rule changes suggested by Delegates must be received
in writing 7 days before the AGM or the EGM.

8. It shall be a condition for membership to the League that these rules are
unconditionally accepted and binding by all teams and registered players.

9. The Treasurer will provide a set of accounts for each League season to each team.

10. Any monies held by the League at the time that the League may have to cease
operating will be distributed equally between the teams in the League at that time or
given to a charity of their choice.

Annual General Meeting

11. The AGM will be convened before the start of the season.

12. At this meeting the Delegates will:

a) Appoint the Executive Committee;

b) Agree the structure of the League and the number of teams within it;

c) Agree to the admittance of any new teams and where there is more teams than
vacancies vote on which teams to admit;

d) Agree the registration fee for the forthcoming season;

Ashton & District Snooker League Rules for 2022-23

e) Agree the monthly League fees;

f) Agree the fines to be levied; and

g) Agree on any rule amendments.

All of the above will be based on a majority decision. If there is a tie, the
amendment is not carried.

13. Each Delegate has one vote when electing the Executive Committee and determining
any rule amendments apart from the Delegates representing new teams for the
forthcoming League season.

General Administration

14. The League registration fee of £20:00 is payable prior to the start of each season.

15. The Secretary shall arrange the meetings of the General Committee during the season
commencing on the first Wednesday of each month starting at 19:30.

a) Monthly League fees are £20:00 payable at each meeting;

b) A fine for non-attendance of £5:00 per team will be levied; and

16. All players (male or female) must have amateur status and be registered before the
season commences. Further registrations throughout the season will be accepted
where there are mitigating circumstances; however such registrations need to be
accepted by committee prior to matches.

17. The minimum age for players to register is sixteen years of age, and clubs of
participating teams are asked to assist in accommodating any player under eighteen
where possible.

18. Players are only allowed to play for the team they are registered with unless:

a) they have not played during the current season; or

b) their team has resigned from the League; or

c) their team has been expelled from the League,

Any requests by Delegates on behalf of players covered by this rule will be discussed
at the next General Committee meeting.

19. a) Any player barred or refused membership from any club hosting a League team
shall not play in such a club without the expressed permission being granted or
received in advance.

b) Any female players joining the league do so on the understanding that they will
not be allowed entry to Haydock Reading Rooms.

c) Any new teams entering the league will have to be able to accommodate female
20. Any outstanding monies owed by any team will be settled by the last meeting of the
General Committee prior to the annual presentation night. Otherwise, it will be
deducted from any prize monies awarded at the annual presentation night, or if the
balance due is greater than prize monies, the residual value will be paid in advance of
the following season. Where such monies have not been paid the team concerned
will not be allowed to enter the League.

21. Any competition including any knockouts that is being sponsored may, at the
League’s agreement, have special conditions attached to it that are deemed as being
suitable and appropriate to the various parties involved.

22. The General Committee has the power to make any changes that are deemed relevant
to assist with the smooth running of the League and all other business activities
connected, or in any way associated with, the League that are not accounted for in
these rules.

23. An EGM can be requested where five teams support such a meeting. Such a request
to be provided to the Secretary together with the reasoning for the meeting and the
agenda to be discussed.

Grievance and Disciplinary matters

24. Any club wishing to complain or protest must do so within five days of the event.
Protests must be in writing to the Secretary and copied to the party/parties concerned.

25. The General Committee will consider the protest at the first meeting after the event
as long as at least 48 hours have elapsed otherwise it will be deferred to the next
General Committee meeting. All evidence, whether written or otherwise, should be
presented at this meeting.

26. The General Committee will have the power to suspend or expel any player or team
which, in their opinion, has seriously transgressed the rules, or for conducts which
are deemed to be injurious to the League.

27. Any team playing an unregistered player will be discussed at the next League
meeting but as a minimum:

a) the frame in question will be awarded to the opposing team;

b) the result amended to reflect such a decision, and

c) A £5:00 fine will be imposed.

28. Any player or team duly expelled from the League will result in the player and the
host club representing the team not being able to play in the League for a minimum
of two seasons. Where a host club has two or more teams and one team was
expelled, the other teams will be unaffected by this rule.

29. Subject to rule 20, any team expelled from the League will result in the completed
matches being classed as null and void, and where they are still in any knockout
competition, the opposition will receive a walk-over to the next round.

30. The expelled team will have no claim on monies paid into the League and will not be
awarded any end of season payout.

Ashton & District Snooker League Rules for 2022-23

31. Where a player is expelled and is still in any knockout competition, the opposition
will receive a walk-over to the next round. The only exceptions to this are the three
man team (where there were four in the team) and team knockout competitions.


32. Where a team cannot fulfill their fixtures and resigns from the League all completed
matches will be classed as null and void, and where they are still in the team
knockout competition, the opposition will receive a walk-over to the next round.

33. Where a player of a team that has resigned is still in any knockout competition, the
player will still have a right to continue in that competition. Notification of such a
decision to be provided to the Secretary.

34. Subject to rule 20, any team who resigned from the League will result in the players
representing the team not being able to play in the League for a minimum of two
seasons. Any player who wishes to appeal this decision must submit their appeal to
the general committee meeting. For the appeal to be successful, a majority of the
representatives at the meeting must vote in favour of the appeal, otherwise it will be

35. The team will have no claim on monies paid into the League and will not be awarded
any end of season payout.


36. The Executive Committee will handicap each player within the range of -35 to +35.

37. The handicap for each player will be reviewed by the Secretary, prior to the start of
each season, based on the League results from the previous season. The following
criteria will be used in determining the new handicap:

Frames won – Frames lost

The answer from the above calculation is added to the previous year’s handicap of
the player concerned.

If the result is over 12, only 12 points shall be deducted.

If a player has played in only cup matches that year then will be assessed on the
results of.

38. A maximum handicap of 30 will be awarded to any new player entering the League
who is unknown to the Delegates. Where Delegates are aware of the player’s
potential a suitable handicap will be provided but this is limited to a maximum of 30.

39. A new player’s handicap may be reviewed at any time, up to 10 games being played,
at which point a handicap will be set. The formula under rule 37 will not be used in
this instance but replaced by evidence of the player’s performance.
40. A new player’s handicap for the following season will be assessed against the
matches played after any revised handicap was provided, and not against the entire
League matches played.


41. The Secretary will produce a fixture list prior to the start of the season and manage
the results of all competitions.

42. League matches shall be played on a Thursday, and shall commence at 19:15 but no
later than at 19:30 or 1930-19:45 when 2 tables used. The opposing team may, if they
wish, claim the first frame if the latter time has been reached. Subsequent frames
have an allowance of twenty minutes between each, or again the opposing team may,
if they wish, claim the frame. Unforeseen circumstances should be considered when
claiming frames.

43. Notwithstanding rule 42 special dispensations should be given to players who work
on shifts to enable them to compete in the League, and as such the final frame need
not start until 22:15.

44. Clubs who have the facility of two or more tables are expected to assist with the
progress of the frames by utilising two tables for at least part of the match.

45. All matches to consist of six players from each team . The home team nominates
their players first and are to break off in each frame.

46. One point will be awarded for each frame won. In the event of a drawn frame, the
black ball is re-spotted and after the toss of a coin, the winner of which decides who
plays the next shot, the frame is played to result.

47. It is the home team’s responsibility to provide a referee for each frame. Should any
dispute arise during a frame, both team captains can be consulted and where
appropriate provide advice or information to aid the referee in his decision. The
referee’s decision is final.

48. The home captain is responsible for sending in the match result card, by post or other
agreed means, to the Secretary, signed by the two respective captains straight after
the match conclusion. A fine of £5:00 will be charged if the card is not received by
the Secretary on the Wednesday following the match.

49. Any team not fully represented shall forfeit points for any frames not played.

50. If a team cannot, for any reason, complete a fixture, the team impacted and the
Secretary must be informed with at least 3 days’ notice. Failure to provide such a
notice will result in the match being forfeited and the points awarded to the

51. Any postponed matches are to be re-arranged by the teams concerned and the
Secretary notified of the revised date. Failure to reach agreement on playing the
outstanding fixture will be reported to the next General Committee meeting where a
date will be determined.

Ashton & District Snooker League Rules for 2022-23

52. In the event of a play-off for League title, the clubs concerned will play on a neutral
table decided by the Executive Committee. The play off will be based on the Team
Knock-out competition rules.

Knockout competitions

53. Each competition entry is open to all registered players.

54. Entry fee monies for all knockout competitions are as agreed at the monthly General
Committee meetings, paid in advance and all draws are conducted on the specified

55. Where there is insufficient interest in any of the competitions below, the General
Committee will decide whether to withdraw the competition prior to its

56. In all the knockouts, players are responsible for arranging their matches with their
opponents, and any players who have not played their matches by the stated
deadlines may be scratched from the competition by the General Committee. Should
any difficulties arise contact the Secretary or the Chairman who will endeavour to
assist where possible to sort out the issue.

57. The player (or players) drawn at home must arrange the match within 15 days of
draw date. Thereafter the match venue will be forfeited and be played at their
opponents club.

58. Subject to rule 21, the semi-final and finals of all competitions will be on a neutral

Individual Competition

59. The player’s handicap will be that current at the time of the match.

60. Each round will be the best of three frames until the final which will be the best of
five. A toss to decide who breaks first, then alternate thereafter.

61. The winner of the individual knockout will be handicapped a further seven points
and the runner up 5 points if they have played less than twelve League games during
the season in question.

Pairs Competition

62. Players entering the pair’s competition must be registered for the same team.

63. The player’s handicap will be that current at the time of the match. The pairs
handicap is calculated by halving the difference (half points are rounded up), and
then add it to the lowest handicap.

64. Each round will be the best of three frames until the final which will be the best of
five. A toss to decide who breaks first, then alternate thereafter.

Three man team

65. The number of players in each team can be either three or four.
66. The player’s handicap will be that current at the time of the match.

67. A toss to decide who nominates their first player and breaks off, then alternate

68. Each frame is played to the black with the team scoring the most points (including
handicaps) over three frames declared the winner. If the aggregate scores are level at
the end of the match the black ball will be re-spotted and played by the last two
players with a coin tossed to determine break.

Team Knockout

69. The team knockout is a compulsory competition with every team being involved.
With a £15 charge levied upon all teams in the league.

70. Five frames represent the match, the winner will be the team who is first to gain three

71. The match will consist of four, one frame singles games and a doubles game, the
running order to be; Frame 1 & 2- Singles, Frame 3- Doubles, Frames 4 & 5-
Singles. 6 players, players cannot play singles and pairs.

72. Home team nominates their players and breaks off in all frames until semi-final and
final stages. In the semi-final and final a coin is tossed for choice of break, with
whoever breaks nominating player, with alternate breaks and player nomination

Annual Presentation Night

73. The General Committee will agree the date of the annual presentation night.

74. The winner of the League will have the option to host the annual presentation night
for the following season.

75. The Executive Committee will determine the prizes to be awarded at the annual
presentation night.

76. Any team not represented at the League’s annual presentation night shall forfeit any
monies or trophies to which they are due, and there are no exceptions to this ruling.

77. All trophies to remain the property of the League. Trophies presented to the winners
must be kept and held by same and they are deemed responsible for them. Any lost,
stolen or damaged trophies whilst in their custody shall be replaced or suitably
compensated for.

78. All Trophies to be returned by the last General Committee meeting of the season, or
four weeks in advance of the League’s annual presentation night whichever is the

Ashton & District Snooker League Rules for 2022-23

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