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Module: 01

Introduction to Cybercrime

Prof. Sainath Patil 1

Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
❑ Learn what cybercrime is and appreciate the importance of
cybercrime as a topic.
❑ Understand the different types cybercrime.
❑ Understand the difference between cybercrime and cyberfraud.
❑ Learn about different types of cybercriminals and the motives
behind them
❑ Get an overview of cybercrime scenario in India and global
❑ Understand legal perspective on cybercrime including ITA 2000
and its amendments.

Prof. Sainath Patil 2


▪ Use of Internet is growing rapidly in the Universe (also in

▪ It has explores new opportunities in every field we can
think of be it entertainment, business, sports or education.

▪ There are number of free websites, the Internet has opens

new way of exploitation known as Cybercrime.

▪ These activities involves use of computers, the internet,

cyberspace and www.

Prof. Sainath Patil 3

▪ Cybercrime is not a new phenomena.
▪ The first recorded cybercrime took place in the year
▪ In 1820, Joseph Marie Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in
France, produced the loom. This device allowed the
repetition of a series of steps in the weaving of special
fabrics. This resulted in a fear amongst Jacquard’s
employees that their traditional employment and livelihood
were being threatened. They committed acts of sabotage
to discourage Jacquard from further use of the new
technology. This is the first recorded cyber crime!

Prof. Sainath Patil 4


▪ The term cybercrime refers to crimes committed using

▪ Traditionally, cybercrime refers to the crime involving
computer and computer network.

▪ A crime conducted in which a computer was directly and

significantly instrumental.

Prof. Sainath Patil 5

Alternative definitions for cybercrime
❑ Any illegal act where a special knowledge of computer
technology is essential for its perpetration, investigation or

❑ Any traditional crime that has acquired a new dimension or

order of magnitude through the aid of a computer, and abuses
that have come into being because of computers.

❑ Any financial dishonesty that takes place in a computer


❑ Any threats to the computer itself, such as theft of hardware or

software, sabotage and demands for ransom.
Prof. Sainath Patil 6
Another definition

❑ “Cybercrime (computer crime) is any illegal behavior,

directed by means of electronic operations, that target the
security of computer systems and the data processed by
❑ Hence cybercrime can sometimes be called as computer-
related crime, computer crime, E-crime, Internet crime,
High-tech crime….

Prof. Sainath Patil 7

▪ A crime committed using a computer and the
internet to steal a person’s identity(identity theft)
or sell contraband or stalk victims or disrupt
operations with malevolent programs.
▪ Crimes completed either on or with a computer
▪ Any illegal activity through the Internet or on the
▪ All criminal activities done using the medium of
computers, the Internet, cyberspace and the
Prof. Sainath Patil 8
▪ Cybercrime refers to the act of performing a criminal act
using cyberspace as communication vehicle.
▪ Two types of attacks are common:
▪ Techno- crime : Active attack
▪ Techno Crime is the term used by law enforcement
agencies to denote criminal activity which uses
(computer) technology, not as a tool to commit the
crime, but as the subject of the crime itself. Techno
Crime is usually pre-meditated and results in the
deletion, corruption, alteration, theft or copying of
data on an organization's systems.
Prof. Sainath Patil 9

▪ Techno – vandalism: Passive attack

▪ Techno Vandalism is a term used to describe a hacker or
cracker who breaks into a computer system with the sole
intent of defacing and or destroying its contents.
▪ Techno Vandals can deploy 'sniffers' on the Internet to
locate soft (insecure) targets and then execute a range of
commands using a variety of protocols towards a range of
ports. If this sounds complex - it is! The best weapon against
such attacks is a firewall which will hide and disguise your
organization's presence on the Internet.

Prof. Sainath Patil 10


Cybercrimes differs from most terrestrial crime in following four

1. How to commit them is easier to learn.
2. They require few resources relative to potential damage
3. They can be committed in a jurisdiction without being
physically present in it.
4. They are often not clearly illegal.

Prof. Sainath Patil 11

Cybercrime and Information Security

▪ Lack of information security give rise to cybercrime.

Cybersecurity: means protecting information, equipment,

devices, computer, computer resource, communication
device and information stored therein from unauthorized
access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or
The term incorporates both the physical security of
devices as well as the information stored therein.

Prof. Sainath Patil 12

Challenges for securing data in business
▪ Cybercrime occupy an important space in information
security due to their impact.
▪ Most organizations do not incorporate the cost of the
vast majority of computer security incidents into their
▪ The difficulty in attaching a quantifiable monetary
value to the corporate data and yet corporate data get
▪ Financial loses may not be detected by the victimized
organization in case of Insider attacks : such as leaking
customer data.
Prof. Sainath Patil 13
Who are Cybercriminals?

Are those who conduct acts such as:

✓ Child pornography
✓ Credit card fraud
✓ Cyberstalking
✓ Defaming another online
✓ Gaining unauthorized access to computer systems
✓ Ignoring copyrights
✓ Software licensing and trademark protection
✓ Overriding encryption to make illegal copies
✓ Software piracy
✓ Stealing another’s identity to perform criminal
acts Prof. Sainath Patil 14
Categorization of Cybercriminals
Type 1: Cybercriminals- hungry for recognition
• Hobby hackers
A person who enjoys exploring the limits of what is possible, in a spirit of
playful cleverness. May modify hardware/ software
• IT professional (social engineering):
Ethical hacker
• Politically motivated hackers :
Promotes the objectives of individuals, groups or nations supporting a
variety of causes such as : Anti globalization, transnational conflicts and
• Terrorist organizations
• Cyberterrorism
• Use the internet attacks in terrorist activity
• Large scale disruption of computer networks, personal computers
attached to internet via viruses
Prof. Sainath Patil 15
Categorization of Cybercriminals
Type 2: Cybercriminals- not interested in recognition
• Psychological perverts
• Express sexual desires, deviates from normal behavior
• Eg: Poonam panday
• Financially motivated hackers
• Make money from cyber attacks
• Bots-for-hire : fraud through phishing, information theft, spam and
• State-sponsored hacking
• Hacktivists
• Extremely professional groups working for governments

Prof. Sainath Patil 16

Categorization of Cybercriminals

Type 3: Cybercriminals- the insiders

• Disgruntled or former employees seeking revenge

• Competing companies using employees to gain economic
advantage through damage and/ or theft.

Prof. Sainath Patil 17

Motives behind cybercrime

• Greed
• Desire to gain power
• Publicity
• Desire for revenge
• A sense of adventure
• Looking for thrill to access forbidden
• Destructive mindset
• Desire to sell network security services

Prof. Sainath Patil 18

Classification of cybercrimes

1. Cybercrime against an individual

2. Cybercrime against property
3. Cybercrime against organization
4. Cybercrime against Society
5. Crimes emanating from Usenet newsgroup
(Slack, Dicscord, etc.)

Prof. Sainath Patil 19

1. Cybercrime against an individual

• Electronic mail spoofing and other online frauds

• Phishing, spear phishing
• Spamming
• Cyberdefamation
• Cyberstalking and harassment
• Computer sabotage
• Pornographic offenses
• Password sniffing

Prof. Sainath Patil 20

2. Cybercrime against property

• Credit card frauds

• Intellectual property( IP) crimes
• Internet time theft

Prof. Sainath Patil 21

3. Cybercrime against organization
• Unauthorized accessing of computer
• Password sniffing
• Denial-of-service attacks
• Virus attack/dissemination of viruses
• E-Mail bombing/mail bombs
• Salami attack/ Salami technique
• Logic bomb
• Trojan Horse
• Data diddling
• Industrial spying/ industrial espionage
• Computer network intrusions
• Software piracy
Prof. Sainath Patil 22
4. Cybercrime against Society

• Forgery
• Cyberterrorism
• Web jacking

Prof. Sainath Patil 23

5. Crimes emanating from Usenet newsgroup

What is Usenet?
Usenet is a collection of user-submitted notes or
messages on various subjects that are posted to servers
on a worldwide network. Each subject collection of
posted notes is known as a newsgroup. There are
thousands of newsgroups and it is possible for you to
form a new one.

Prof. Sainath Patil 24

5. Crimes emanating from Usenet newsgroup
• Usenet groups may carry very offensive, harmful,
inaccurate material.
• Postings that have been mislabeled or are deceptive in
another way.
• Usenet newsgroups constitute one of the largest source of
child pornography available in cyberspace.
• This source useful for observing other types of criminal
or particular activities: online interaction between
pedophiles, adult pornographers and writers of
pornographic stories.
• Usenet for sharing illegal content.

Prof. Sainath Patil 25

E-Mail Spoofing
▪ Although most spoofed e-mail falls into the "nuisance" category and
requires little action other than deletion, the more malicious varieties
can cause serious problems and security risks.

▪ For example, spoofed e-mail may purport to be from someone in a

position of authority, asking for sensitive data, such as passwords,
credit card numbers, or other personal information -- any of which
can be used for a variety of criminal purposes.

▪ The Bank of America, eBay, and Wells Fargo are among the
companies recently spoofed in mass spam mailings.

▪ One type of e-mail spoofing, self-sending spam, involves messages

that appear to be both to and from the recipient. (Check Joe Job)
Prof. Sainath Patil 26
• Spam is abuse of electronic messaging systems to send
unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately.
• People who create electronic spam : spammers
• Spamming may be;
✓ E-Mail Spam
✓ Instant messaging spam
✓ Usenet group spam
✓ Web search engine spam
✓ Spam in blogs, wiki spam
✓ Online classified ads spam
✓ Mobile phone messaging spam
✓ Internet forum spam
✓ Junk fax spam
✓ Social networking spam
Prof. Sainath Patil 27

• Spamming is difficult to control.

• Advertisers have no operating costs beyond the
management of their mailing lists.
• It is difficult to hold senders accountable for their
mass mailings.
• Spammers are numerous.

Prof. Sainath Patil 28

Search engine spamming
• Alteration or creation of a document with the intent to
deceive an electronic catalog or a filing system
• Some web authors use “subversive techniques” to ensure
that their site appears more frequently or higher number
in returned search results.
• Solution: permanently exclude from the search index

Prof. Sainath Patil 29

The following web publishing techniques should be avoided:
✓ Repeating keywords
✓ Use of keywords that do not relate to the content on the site
✓ Use of fast meta refresh
change to the new page in few seconds.
✓ Redirection
✓ IP cloaking:
including related links, information, and terms.
✓ Use of colored text on the same color background
✓ Tiny text usage
✓ Duplication of pages with different URLs
✓ Hidden links

Prof. Sainath Patil 30


• The tort of cyber defamation is considered to be the act

of defaming, insulting, offending or otherwise causing
harm through false statements pertaining to an
individual in cyberspace.
• Example: someone publishes defamatory matter about
someone on a website or sends an E-mail containing
defamatory information to all friends of that person.

Prof. Sainath Patil 31

It may amount to defamation when;
• If imputation to a deceased person would harm the
reputation of that person, and is intended to be hurtful to
the feelings of his family or other near relatives
• An imputation is made concerning a company or an
association or collection of people as such.
• An imputation in the form of an alternative or expressed
• An imputation that directly or indirectly, in the estimation
of others, lowers the moral or intellectual character of that
person, or lowers the character of that person in respect of
his caste or of his calling, or lowers the credit of that
person. Prof. Sainath Patil 32
Types of defamation

• Libel : written defamation

• Slander: oral defamation

o The plaintiff must have to show that the defamatory

statements were unlawful and would indeed injure the
person’s or organization’s reputation.
o When failed to prove, the person who made the
allegations may still be held responsible for

Prof. Sainath Patil 33

Cyber defamation cases
In first case of cyber defamation in India (14 dec 2009),
• The employee of a corporate defamed its reputation was sending derogatory
and defamatory emails against the company and its managing director.
• In this case the Court(delhi court) had restrained the defendant from sending
derogatory, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, humiliating and abusive emails.
• The court passed as important ex-parte injunction.

In another case, accused posted obscene, defamatory and annoying message about a
divorcee woman and also sent emails to the victim.
• The offender was traced and was held guilty of offences under section 469,
509 IPC and 67 of IT Act, 2000.

Other defamation cases:

• A malicious customer review by a competitor could destroy a small business.
• A false accusation of adultery on a social networking site could destroy a
• An allegation that someone is a “crook” could be read by a potential employer
Prof. Sainath Patil 34
or business partner
Internet Time Theft

• Occurs when an unauthorized person uses the Internet

hours paid for by another person.
• Comes under hacking.
• The person get access to someone else’s ISP user ID and
password, either by hacking or by gaining access to it by
illegal means.
• And uses the internet without the other person’s
• This theft can be identified when Internet time is
recharged often, despite infrequent usage.
• This comes under “identity theft”.
Prof. Sainath Patil 35
Internet Time Theft
• This connotes the usage by an unauthorized person of the Internet hours paid for by
another person. In a case reported before the enactment of the Information
Technology Act, 2000.
• Colonel Bajwa, a resident of New Delhi, asked a nearby net café owner to come
and set up his Internet connection.
• After having set up the connection he went away with knowing the present
username and password. He then sold this information to another net café.
• One week later Colonel Bajwa found that his Internet hours were almost over.
• Surprised, he reported the incident to the Delhi police. The police could not believe
that time could be stolen.
• He decided to approach The Times of India, New Delhi. They, in turn carried a
report about the inadequacy of the New Delhi Police in handling cyber crimes.
• The Commissioner of Police, Delhi then took the case into his own hands and the
police under his directions raided and arrested the net café owner under the charge
of theft as defined by the Indian Penal Code.

Prof. Sainath Patil 36

Salami attack/ salami technique
• Are used for committing financial crimes.
• The alterations made are so insignificant that in a single
case it would go completely unnoticed.
• Example: a bank employee inserts a program, into the
bank’s serve, that deduces a small amount from the
account of every customer every month,
• The unauthorized debit goes unnoticed by the customers,
but the employee will make a sizable amount every

Prof. Sainath Patil 37

Data diddling
• Data diddling involves changing data input in a
• In other words, information is changed from the way it
should be entered by a person typing in the data.
• Usually, a virus that changes data or a programmer of the
database or application has pre-programmed it to be
• For example, a person entering accounting may change
data to show their account, or a friend or family member,
is paid in full. By changing or failing to enter the
information, they are able to steal from the company.
Prof. Sainath Patil 38
Data diddling

• To deal with this type of crime, a company must

implement policies and internal controls.
• This may include performing regular audits, using
software with built-in features to combat such
problems, and supervising employees.

• Real life example: Doodle me Diddle

Electricity board in India have been victims to data
diddling programs inserted when private parties
computerized their systems.
Prof. Sainath Patil 39

• The act of forging something, especially the unlawful

act of counterfeiting a document or object for the
purposes of fraud or deception.
• Something that has been forged, especially a document
that has been copied or remade to look like the original.
• Counterfeit currency notes, postage, revenue stamps,
marksheets, etc., can be forged using sophisticated
computers, printers and scanners.

Prof. Sainath Patil 40

Real life case;
Stamp Paper Scam – a racket that flourished on
loopholes in the system
Abdul Karim Telgi, the mastermind of the multi-crore
counterfeiting, printed fake stamp papers worth thousands of
crores of rupees using printing machines purchased illegally with
the help of some conniving officials of the Central Govt.’s Security
Printing Press (India Security Press) located in Nasik. These fake
stamp papers penetrated in more than 12 states through a
widespread network of vendors who sold the counterfeits without
any fear and earned hefty commissions.

Prof. Sainath Patil 41

Web jacking

• This term is derived from the term hi jacking.

• In these kinds of offences the hacker gains access and
control over the web site of another.
• He may even change the information on the site.
• The first stage of this crime involves “password
• The actual owner of the website does not have any
more control over what appears on that website
• This may be done for fulfilling political objectives or
for money

Prof. Sainath Patil 42

Web jacking

Real life examples

• Recently the site of MIT (Ministry of Information
Technology) was hacked by the Pakistani hackers and
some obscene matter was placed therein.
• Further the site of Bombay crime branch was also web
• Another case of web jacking is that of the ‘gold fish’
case. In this case the site was hacked and the
information pertaining to gold fish was changed.

Prof. Sainath Patil 43

Industrial spying/ Industrial Espionage

• Industrial espionage is the covert and sometimes

illegal practice of investigating competitors to gain a
business advantage.
• The target of investigation might be a trade secret such
as a proprietary product specification or formula, or
information about business plans.
• In many cases, industrial spies are simply seeking any
data that their organization can exploit to its

Prof. Sainath Patil 44

Industrial spying/ Industrial Espionage
Real life case
• A Chinese Trojan horse email campaign targeted some 140 senior Israeli defense
corporation employees (2013) involved in highly classified, sensitive security
• The email was made to appear as if it came from a known German company that
regularly works with the Israeli defense industry.
• However, it turned out to contain a Trojan horse, which, according to the report,
attempted to funnel information from the recipients' computers.
• The Trojan horse was noticed by computer defense systems and shut down.

• The defense establishment then realized how many Israelis received the email,
and reportedly tracked the malicious program down to Chinese defense
• The incident led security companies to reiterate to employees computer security

Prof. Sainath Patil 45

Every act committed toward breaking into a computer
and/ or network is hacking.
• Purpose
• Greed
• Power
• Publicity
• Revenge
• Adventure
• Desire to access forbidden information
• Destructive mindset

Prof. Sainath Patil 46

History of hacking
• Hacking is any technical effort to manipulate the normal behavior of network
connections and connected systems.
• A hacker is any person engaged in hacking.
• The term "hacking" historically referred to constructive, clever technical work
that was not necessarily related to computer systems.
• M.I.T. engineers in the 1950s and 1960s first popularized the term and concept
of hacking.
• the so-called "hacks" perpetrated by these hackers were intended to be
harmless technical experiments and fun learning activities.
• Later, outside of M.I.T., others began applying the term to less honorable
pursuits. for example, several hackers in the U.S. experimented with methods to
modify telephones for making free long-distance calls over the phone network
• As computer networking and the Internet exploded in popularity, data networks
became by far the most common target of hackers and hacking.

Prof. Sainath Patil 47

Hacking vs. Cracking

• Malicious attacks on computer networks are officially

known as cracking ,
• while hacking truly applies only to activities having
good intentions.
• Most non-technical people fail to make this distinction,
• Outside of academia, its extremely common to see the
term "hack" misused and be applied to cracks as well.

Prof. Sainath Patil 48

Hacking vs. Cracking
3 types of modern hackers
• Black Hats: Criminal Hackers.
✓ Possess desire to destruction
✓ Hack for personal monetary gains : Stealing credit
card information, transferring money from various
bank accounts to their own account, extort money
from corporate giant by threatening.
• White Hats: Ethical Hackers.
✓ Network Security Specialist.
• Grey Hats: Deals in both of the above (jack of all trades,
master of none).
Prof. Sainath Patil 49
Real life case: dec 2009
NASA site hacked via SQL Injection
• Two NASA sites recently were hacked by an individual wanting to demonstrate
that the sites are susceptible to SQL injection.
• The websites for NASA's Instrument Systems and Technology Division and
Software Engineering Division were accessed by a researcher, who posted to his
blog screen shots taken during the hack.
• The researcher, using the alias "c0de.breaker," used SQL injection to hijack the
• SQL injection is an attack process where a hacker adds additional SQL code
commands to a page request and the web server then tries to execute those
commands within the backend database
• The NASA hack yielded the credentials of some 25 administrator accounts.
• The researcher also gained access to a web portal used for managing and editing
those websites.
• In this particular case, the researcher found the vulnerabilities, made NASA
aware of them, then published findings after the websites had been fixed.
• An attacker, however, could have tried to use that web server as an entry point
into other systems NASA might control or edit the content of the sites and use
Prof. Sainath Patil 50
them for drive-by downloads.
Nadya Suleman’s Website Hacked, feb 2009

Prof. Sainath Patil 51

Nadya Suleman’s Website Hacked, feb 2009

The story
• LOS ANGELES, CA – Octuplet mom Nadya Suleman launched a
website to solicit donations for her family, but it was immediately
hacked by a group of vigilante mothers!
• The website originally featured photos of all eight octuplets, a
thank you note from Suleman, images of children’s toys and a
large donation button for viewers to send money through. Suleman
also provided an address where people can send items such as
diapers and formula.
• Suleman was perhaps not prepared for the backlash she was to
receive, as the site was hacked and brought down within hours.
The original homepage was left up but defaced, as seen in the
Prof. Sainath Patil 52
Nadya Suleman’s Website Hacked, feb 2009

• The site was tagged by the famous hacker group MOD, also known
as the Mothers of Disappointment. The mysterious group has a
history of attacking personal sites they disapprove of, including
Britney Spears when she infamously hung dry her sons on a clothes
line after a bath, and Angelina Jolie for being Angelina Jolie.
• Weekly World News could not reach any members for comment,
however reporters did receive a short note from an anonymous e-
mail address:
• mod will not tolerate the selfish acts of bad parenting
we will remain true to our mission despite any setbacks
viva la maternity
(call your mother, she misses you)
• The site has since been restored, and Suleman’s PR representative
has stated they are now taking extra security measures to arm
against future attacks. Prof. Sainath Patil 53
Online frauds
• Fraud that is committed using the internet is “online fraud.” Online
fraud can involve financial fraud and identity theft.
• Online fraud comes in many forms.
• viruses that attack computers with the goal of retrieving personal
information, to email schemes that lure victims into wiring money to
fraudulent sources,
• “phishing” emails that purport to be from official entities (such as banks or
the Internal Revenue Service) that solicit personal information from victims to
be used to commit identity theft, to fraud on online auction sites (such as
Ebay) where perpetrators sell fictional goods.
• E-Mail spoofing to make the user to enter the personal information : financial
• Illegal intrusion: log-in to a computer illegally by having previously obtained
actual password. Creates a new identity fooling the computer that the hacker
is the genuine operator. Hacker commits innumerable number of frauds.

Prof. Sainath Patil 54

Pornographic offenses: Child pornography

Means any visual depiction, including but not limited to

the following:
1. Any photograph that can be considered obscene and/
or unsuitable for the age of child viewer.
2. Film ,video, picture;
3. Obscene Computer generated image or picture

Prof. Sainath Patil 55

Pornographic offenses: Child pornography
How do they Operate?
1. Pedophiles use false identity to trap the children/teenagers
2. Pedophiles contact children/teens in various chat rooms which are used by
children/teen to interact with other children/teen.
3. Befriend the child/teen.
4. Extract personal information from the child/teen by winning his confidence.
5. Gets the e-mail address of the child/teen and starts making contacts on the
victims e-mail address as well.
6. Starts sending pornographic images/text to the victim including child
pornographic images in order to help child/teen shed his inhibitions so that a
feeling is created in the mind of the victim that what is being fed to him is
normal and that everybody does it.
7. Extract personal information from child/teen
8. At the end of it, the pedophile set up a meeting with the child/teen out of the
house and then drag him into the net to further sexually assault him or to use
him as a sex object.
Prof. Sainath Patil 56
Software piracy

• Theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine

programs or the counterfeiting and distribution of
products intended to pass for the original.
• End-user copying
• Hard disk loading with illicit means
• Counterfeiting
• Illegal downloads from internet

Prof. Sainath Patil 57

Software piracy

Buying Pirated software have a lot to lose:

• Getting untested software that may have been copied
thousands of times.
• Potentially contain hard-ware infecting viruses
• No technical support in case of software failure
• No warranty protection
• No legal right to use the product

Prof. Sainath Patil 58

Computer sabotage
• Computer sabotage involves deliberate attacks intended to disable
computers or networks for the purpose of disrupting commerce,
education and recreation for personal gain, committing espionage,
or facilitating criminal conspiracies.
• Through viruses, worms, logic bombs
• Chernobyl virus
• The Chernobyl virus is a computer virus with a potentially
devastating payload that destroys all computer data when an
infected file is executed.,
• Y2K virus
• Y2K bug, also called Year 2000 bug or Millennium Bug, a
problem in the coding of computerized systems that was
projected to create havoc in computers and computer networks
around the world at the beginning of the year 2000
Prof. Sainath Patil 59
E-mail bombing/mail bombs

• In Internet usage, an email bomb is a form of net abuse

consisting of sending huge volumes of email to an
address in an attempt to overflow the mailbox or
overwhelm the server where the email address is hosted
in a denial-of-service attack.
• Construct a computer to repeatedly send E-mail to a
specified person’s E-mail address.
• Can overwhelm the recipient’s personal account and
potentially shut down the entire system.

Prof. Sainath Patil 60

Computer network intrusions

• An intrusion to computer network from any where in the

world and steal data, plant viruses, create backdoors,
insert trojan horse or change passwords and user names.
• An intrusion detection system (IDS) inspects all inbound
and outbound network activity and identifies suspicious
patterns that may indicate a network or system attack
from someone attempting to break into or compromise a
• The practice of strong password.

Prof. Sainath Patil 61

Password sniffing
• Password sniffers are programs that monitor and record
the name and password of network users as they login,
jeopardizing security at a site.
• Through sniffers installed, anyone can impersonate an
authorized user and login to access restricted

Prof. Sainath Patil 62

Credit card frauds

• Credit card fraud is a wide-ranging term for theft and

fraud committed using or involving a payment card,
such as a credit card or debit card, as a fraudulent source
of funds in a transaction.
• The purpose may be to obtain goods without paying, or
to obtain unauthorized funds from an account.
• Credit card fraud is also an adjunct to identity theft.

Prof. Sainath Patil 63

Identity theft

• Identity theft is a fraud involving another person’s

identity for an illicit purpose.
• The criminal uses someone else’s identity for his/ her
own illegal purposes.
• Phishing and identity theft are related offenses
• Examples:
✓ Fraudulently obtaining credit
✓ Stealing money from victim’s bank account
✓ Using victim’s credit card number
✓ Establishing accounts with utility companies
✓ Renting an apartment
✓ Filing bankruptcy using the victim’s name
Prof. Sainath Patil 64
Identity theft

Real life cases

• Dr. Gerald Barnes
Gerald Barnbaum lost his pharmacist license after committing Medicaid fraud. He
stole the identity of Dr. Gerald Barnes and practiced medicine under his name. A
type 1 diabetic died under his care. “Dr. Barnes” even worked as a staff physician
for a center that gave exams to FBI agents. He’s currently serving hard time.
• Andrea Harris-Frazier
Margot Somerville lost her wallet on a trolley. Two years later she was arrested.
Andrea Harris-Frazier had defrauded several banks—using Somerville’s
identity—out of tens of thousands of dollars. The real crook was caught.
• Abraham Abdallah
A busboy named Abraham Abdallah got into the bank accounts of Steven
Spielberg and other famous people after tricking his victims via computer, getting
sufficient data to fake being their financial advisors—then calling their
banks…and you know the rest.
Prof. Sainath Patil 65
Thank You

Prof. Sainath Patil 66

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