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org Kamusiime
International Digital Organization for Scientific Research ISSN: 2550-7966

The influence of community participation on decentralized community

access road service delivery in Greater Bushenyi District.

Jason Kamusiime
Public Administration and Management, Kampala International University Uganda

The study examined the impact of community participation on decentralized community
access to road service delivery in the greater Bushenyi District. The research aimed to
understand the factors that hinder community participation in project design, resource
maintenance, and management, as well as the success and challenges of decentralization and
community participation in road service delivery. A descriptive case study design was used,
with a sample of 123 from an accessible population of 179. The results showed a positive
relationship between community participation in project planning, implementation, and
maintenance of road services. The study concluded that a district development plan and
budget are crucial for better access to road networks, and workshops and conferences can
be effective for local mobilization. The study recommended conducting more consultative
and feedback meetings, lobbying for funds, creating a task force to oversee awareness
programs, improving remunerations, and addressing human resource gaps. The local
government should also focus on sensitizing politicians, rewarding road maintenance,
formulating road ordinances, and lobbying for more funding.
Keywords: Community Participation, decentralized, Community access road, service
delivery, greater Bushenyi

Community participation requires linking communities to different economic
involvement of people actively in terms of activities within the districts and other
their knowledge, capabilities, attitudes neighboring countries. From the
and activities for working together for the traditional point of view specifically in the
betterment of society. Peoples’ African contemporary society, the issue of
participation creates a safe and reliable community participation was valued by
society where people can engage in the communities. For instance, in central
community participation which leads to a Uganda, community participation was
better managed society [1]. Further, referred to as “bulungibwansi” and there
community participation is designated as were designated days when all members of
an important aspect that is directly linked the community would be required to
to social capital, establishing a strong participate in an activity for the benefit of
bond, relationships, interaction, trust, and all members through the collective
a sense of ownership among community community efforts to construct and
members [2]. Government of Uganda has maintain the community infrastructure.It
for a long period of time embraced aspects is important to note that, the aspect of
of road construction in a bid to harness community participation, according to [4],
efforts embedded in the National has not been embraced on recent in the
Development Plan [3]. Uganda has community and it would be seen that
21,000kms of national roads,13,000kms of people are always waiting for Government
district roads,2800kms of urban roads and to give them the services they require,
about 30,000kms of community roads including the construction of roads and

60 Kamusiime
their maintenance. However, the potential danger in decentralisation. For
community seems not to be ready to guard instance, weakness in administration and
them for their benefit. The objectives of managing staff and inadequate finance
this study are; to examine the influence of which is coupled with poor funding is
community participation in project design regarded as a trigger towards the potential
on decentralized community access road downfall of the framework and this can
service delivery, to establish the factors contribute to poor service delivery and
that stop communities from participating result in community unrest [9]. In Namibia,
in project implementation of the [10] argue that local authorities play a
decentralized community access road pivotal role of being an effective and
service delivery, to examine the influence responsive driver of the local demands and
of community participation in resource should work towards improving the well-
maintenance and management of the being and the living conditions of the
decentralized community access road residents. Some studies [11] show that the
service delivery and to examine the level of poor road service delivery is
success and challenges of the caused by the poor leadership,
implementation of decentralization and dysfunctional governance systems,
community participation in road service misappropriation of the councils’ funds,
delivery.Worth noting, decentralization is corruption and poor implementation of
an avenue for effective service delivery as recruitment policies, have singularly or
a model of local governance which many cumulatively contributed to poor local
developing countries have adopted based governance. [12] adds imprudent financial
on principles of good governance. The policies in terms of poor financial
model is important for local leadership discipline, poor planning and ineffective
and community, since it empowers the financial management to the reasons for
residents to choose their leadership and poor local government service delivery.
allows them leverage to participation in Since 1990, after independence, the
matters affecting their daily life activities. performance of many local authorities in
[5] suggested that local institutions are Namibia in terms of service delivery has
best placed to adapt the supply of a service deteriorated [13]. The picture in other
to the requirements of people, by being African countries has not been any better.
close to the public, transforming citizens For example, in Zimbabwe, [14]
to service recipient consumers and highlighted that the legislation that
ensuring greater transparency for service governs the Kadoma City Council had
quality for citizens. According to [6], the failed to instill the mandate of good
recommendations of the World Bank to service delivery by the local
decentralize political and administrative authorities.The poor service delivery by
decision-making powers and sub-national the local authorities has frustrated
roles to facilitate the delivery of services communities, resulting in frequent
are a result of decentralisation in Africa.[7] protests the standard and quality of the
defines decentralisation within the state as service delivery, leadership and lack of
involving a transfer of power to perform good governance [15]. [16], point out that
some service to the public, from an entity these demonstrations are a sign that the
or some central government agency to delivery of services by the town council
some other person or agency closer to the are not in line with the community’s
public to be served. [8] agree with standards and expectations. [17,18] argue
conventional claims in support of such that in the city of Nairobi in Kenya,
changes, indicating that decentralisation increasing urbanisation, rural-urban
produces productivity and quality migration, and natural population growth
improvements in the provision of public resulted in an increase in the production of
services, along with higher standards of solid waste which did not follow an equal
transparency and responsiveness. Despite increase in capability to handle the waste
the advantages of a decentralised service generated.The ineffectiveness of
delivery model, there is a significant and leadership in Africa is a major issue that

61 Kamusiime
has led to a variety of problems in the is to coordinate activities, improve
region. Weak leadership results in poor business processes, motivate employees,
governance in Africa, which is often secure commitment to the corporate
characterised by weak institutions, weak strategy, and align organisational
rule of law, corruption, nepotism, lack of structure with the strategy [21]. Moreover,
accountability, lack of transparency, and recent studies support the use of
poor service delivery. Empirical evidence leadership skills to influence followers or
has linked poor infrastructural subordinates and to enhance service
development to poor leadership, delivery in organisations [22, 23, 24]. This
corruption, and unsustainable study is based on the behavioural theory
infrastructural projects, resulting in poor of leadership, which states that a leader’s
service delivery [19]. However, [20] success is determined by his or her
perceived leadership as an intervening behavior [25]. Accordingly, the
variable as it reduces or enhances service behavioural approach consists of task and
delivery depending on the policy, relationship behaviour approaches. Task
decision, and the implementation. Service behaviour involves leaders who engage in
delivery, as used in this context, refers to spelling out the duties and responsibilities
the provision of basic social services such of group members. Comparatively,
as electricity, water, and other relationship behavior entails leaders who
infrastructural facilities that are provided make followers feel at ease with one
by the government. A significant another, with themselves, and with their
revelation on how leaders influence surroundings.
service delivery is that the role of a leader
This study used both simple random and were administered. Further, purposive
purposive sampling techniques. Simple sampling was used to select key
random sampling was used because of its informants for interviews. These included
simplicity and the ability to allow all the district and sub county top leadership.
respondents an equal chance of being The purposive sampling was used because
included in a sample. This technique was it enabled the researcher to select the exact
applied on identification of the LCI & II respondents who were involved in
chairpersons together with Road User implementing road construction projects
Committees to whom the questionnaires in the area under study.
Instruments of data collection
The study used questionnaire survey and questions designed to elicit key
interviews as methods of data collection. information about the different objectives
The questionnaire comprised closed ended but with room for exploration of
questions which respondents answered in alternative narratives. Each respondent
writing about the research variables of the was asked the same questions during face-
study. The interview guide was semi- to-face interaction during data collection.
structured with some key guiding
Data collection methods
Data collection methods included during the interviews and contained
interviews and questionnaire survey. mainly open ended. The method enabled
Interviews the respondents to give detailed responses
Interviews were used to collect data from to the questions in the interview guide.
key informants who included district and According to [26], interviews increase the
sub county top leadership and local road response rate since respondents cannot
contractors. This enabled the researcher to ignore the interviewer in front of them.
collect important in-depth information on Besides, the interviewer gets the
the topic under study through probing for opportunity to probe for answers hence
responses. An interview guide was reducing on the non-response.
developed as a tool to guide the researcher

62 Kamusiime
Questionnaire survey
The questionnaires consisted mainly researcher with the help of a research
closed ended items. The method allowed assistant. This helped to increase the
the self- administration of the response rate and minimised loss of the
questionnaires to the respondents. This questionnaires. According to [27] notes
was important because respondents were that this method enables the respondents
allowed enough time to complete the to give sensitive information without fear.
questionnaires. The method enabled the The quantitative study which involved a
obtaining of specific information on each survey using a questionnaire allowed the
of the research questions. The researcher to request the participants to
questionnaires were delivered to and objectively respond to various questions
retrieved from the respondents by the pertaining to service delivery [28].
Key findings from the study indicate that that the district has numerous priority
74% score and a mean score of 3.7 show activities to which it allocates its funds;
that majority of the respondents agreed this tends to affect its plans to boost its
that local resources were required to local road network to acceptable
ensure better road service delivery in the standards. Majority of the respondents’
district, however 23% disagreed to the (47%) agreed to the statement that there
statement and 3% were not sure of this are standards followed while constructing
progress. The results meant that greater the roads in the district, meaning that road
Bushenyi district needs resources construction requirements were made. The
including donations, local revenue and district technical officials led by the
grants from central government to boast Planning and Engineering departments
its road construction operations. In came up with key required standards and
addition, it can also be noted that the those requirements were made public for
district is mandated to identify, collect and transparent bidding. However, 9% of the
spend its local revenue sources obtained respondents were not sure; however, as
from sources including business park indicated by 44% of the respondents, most
taxes, licenses, market dues, local service of the specifications seemed not to have
tax among others to ensure that it boosts been followed hence a discrepancy in
its revenue and aid local road construction implementation hence negatively affecting
and boost social or public service delivery. road service delivery within the district.
On whether the local resources were One contractor said;
readily available for use when needed in
the district yielded n=45, 68% disagreed “In the event that a road has been planned
scores, while n=19, 29% of the respondents to be constructed, the district has got to
agreed and n=2, 3% neither agreed nor ensure that all the bidding companies are
disagreed respectively, meaning that the prequalified and meet all necessary
district remains financially stretched requirements needed to construct the road.
whereby less resources or funds are This is important in ensuring or meeting
readily available for use. Many of the required standards”
respondents who participated in the study
indicated that the resources were In addition, a mean score of 2.92 and 53%
insufficient to cater for the many roads in response revealed that many of the
the district, with a mean score of 2.86, respondents indicated that supervision
standard deviation score of 1.311. was done in a manner that ensured
However, 41% agreed to the statement that adherence to the set standards of road
these were sufficient and only 1% neither construction, meaning that a number of
agreed nor disagreed respectively. The routine road site visits and meetings were
results reveal that the district has no scheduled and organized. The teams
choice but to operate on an over stretched included personnel from the district
budget to boost its road construction procurement department, engineering
projects. In addition, it can also be argued department and contractors whose role

63 Kamusiime
was to check on the progress of the road
projects as this was intended to ensure On whether there was a development plan
that road works were done according to for road construction in greater Bushenyi
plan. This was supported by a key district, majority of the respondents, 85%
informant who said; agreed with fewer 6% not being sure and
9% disagreeing respectively. The statistics
“The district allows and dispatches a team can reveal that there exists an inventory of
of staff who include Engineers, planners all the roads in the district including their
and procurement members to the status and coverage in terms of number of
respective road sites. The follow up is kilometers of each road. In a related
intended to obtain information and equally interview, one key informant at the district
report to its management” level said,
“All LGs are required to have 5-year
Results further revealed a mean score of development plans containing all projects
3.14, where the majority (53%) to be implemented within the five years
respondents agreed to the statement that a including roads and the plans are reviewed
good road network existed in greater every year in consultation with the local
Bushenyi district that provided access to communities”
the locals. However, (41%) disagreed to the
statement and 6% were neutral. In On whether Government of Uganda
addition, 65% of the respondents with a allocates sufficient funds for the district
standard deviation score of 1.299 indicate development fund to support road
that a majority respondents agreed to the construction, 96% of the respondents
fact that the Ugandan Government had agreed, 0% disagreed and 4% neither
developed the local government road agreed nor disagreed, meaning that
network to enable the community have despite the efforts by the Government to
free access to essential social services; 29% avail resources to the district to implement
disagreed and 6% were not sure. The the better delivery of services for instance
results can reveal that respondents road construction, the resources or funds
appreciated that a good road network links were insufficient to cater for the increased
one to health centers, education centers, demand for better roads and other services
and nearby markets, an indication that within greater Bushenyi district. However,
they value public service delivery. The the researcher found out that the little that
results reveal that most of the respondents was released to the districts was equally
use roads and are aware of the need for used to support a few construction
continuous improvement/construction of projects meaning that the bulk of the
the road network in their community to projects identified by the people were not
ensure that they, as community members implemented because of scarce resources.
continue benefiting from them. This was confirmed by one key informant,
who said;
In an interview with one district official, it
was noted that; “With the decentralization policy, Local
“In our Local Government, road Governments are better placed than the
construction works are among the district Central Government to identify and
priorities every financial year and as such, respond to the needs of local communities
resources are allocated to facilitate and this is done through community
maintenance of existing roads, construction meetings to discuss with the community
of new roads, digging and de-silting road members the issues they consider to be the
trenches to avoid instances where surface needs that Government can solve for them”.
water stays on the road especially during
the rainy season”.
Limited Community Participation
The findings reveal that there is limited Council’s affairs, stemming from inter-
local community participation in the alia, poor relationship that exists between

64 Kamusiime
the councilors and executive council behaviour was attributed to the ‘’know-all’’
members. Almost 47% ‘disagreed’ that the attitude and the assumption that they have
local councilors are effective drivers of the expertise, experience and
public involvement and participation in technological know-how to provide
matters of local government. These services [29]. They believed that there was
findings concur with that reported by [29] no need to consult and involve the
on their study in Nyanga Township in Cape communities in the matters affecting their
Town, South Africa. These researchers livelihoods.
found that the municipal official’s
Democratic leadership promotes an knowledge exchange. A supervisor does
atmosphere of participation, not necessarily have all the answers. We
collaboration, and consensus-building see things differently, but your
[30]. It encourages members of a group to subordinates may have a solution,
be involved in the decision-making therefore you should let them share it”.
process, allowing for open dialogue, and One of the key informants said;
creating a sense of trust and safety. “I like an environment where everyone is
Democratic leaders strive to create an welcome to join and offer their suggestions
environment where everyone feels for how to resolve the problem. This is
comfortable to express their ideas and important since you need other people to
opinions [31]. The following are the help you getoutcomes, therefore decisions
participants’ opinions on democratic should take everyone’s input into account
leadership and its influence on service to make them feel like they are a part of the
delivery process: “The main focus is process”.

Community participation in planning was roads. The findings reveal that there is
found to have a positive bearing on limited local community participation in
ensuring better road service delivery in the Council’s affairs, stemming from inter-
greater Bushenyi district. This statement alia, poor relationship that exists between
can be linked to a number of positive the councilors and executive council
opinions obtained in this study, for members. Almost 47% ‘disagreed’ that the
instance respondents up to 65% agreed local councilors are effective drivers of
that they participated into availing public involvement and participation in
information for any potential road project. matters of local government. These
This is in line with the views put forward findings concur with that reported by [29]
by [32], recognising the importance of on their study in Nyanga Township in Cape
involving the beneficiary communities in Town, South Africa. These researchers
the process of planning for rural found that the municipal official’s
infrastructure. In addition, [33] points out behaviour was attributed to the ‘’know-all’’
that local people would like to see their attitude and the assumption that they have
roles in road projects increased since they the expertise, experience and
are the primary road beneficiaries and are technological know-how to provide
the ones that are most committed to the services [29]. They believed that there was
quality and sustainability of these roads. no need to consult and involve the
They want to be particularly involved in communities in the matters affecting their
the design and supervision stages of these livelihoods.
Based on the prior discussions held on service delivery including construction of
community participation in planning, it good road networks easily access by
can be concluded that timely release of locals. Local mobilization is needed to
sufficient funds by the Government to better road services coupled with
Local Governments based on a designed awareness (using social gathering,
development plan translates to better workshops and conferences, road

65 Kamusiime
contractors were instrumental in creating concluded that increased promotion of
casual jobs for the locals while site visits corporate social responsibility and routine
and inspection closed a number of road maintenance would prolong road life,
construction gaps. In regard to community while road sensitization programs mean
participation in maintenance, it can be good road utilization and maintenance
Greater Bushenyi district management recommends that the district, sub-county,
should liaise with its local leaders and town council leadership should liaise with
ensure that most of its stakeholders the local council leaders to create a task
including the beneficiary communities force to undertake awareness creation
engage in a series of consultative meetings programs to support its road projects.
with contractors among other parties. This There is always need to mobilize and
will ensure that more reliable and valuable sensitize the community about any road
information is elicited from these service construction project before it commences.
users and used to draw better road project The details of the project including
plans and will address the problem of gaps coverage, cost, time period and jobs
in information elicitation and provide available should all be discussed to create
required information for the project. awareness and ownership of the project.
Further, the researcher recommends that Road maintenance should be given more
greater Bushenyi district should plan and priority by both the Central Government
always hold feed-back meetings to inform and the districts. In spite of considerable
the community members of the road resources being injected into the roads
project that have been selected for sector by the Government of Uganda, the
implementation in a particular financial researcher found out that the recipient
year. The reason to this effect will be to communities have not been brought on
encourage community members not to board to play their role in the process of
shun future meetings because they would having good quality roads in their
have known that their views equally matter communities. The issue of maintenance of
to their leaders. Also, on the issue of all Government infrastructure should be
insufficient funds as released by the made a law with the necessary sanctions
Government, the researcher recommends for failure to adhere to it. The researcher
that greater Bushenyi district leadership recommends that greater Bushenyi district
with its planning unit may devise means of political leaders are sensitized to desist
externally lobbying for funds from from telling people that Government will
multinational agencies to support road do everything for them but should instead
construction. This is intended to address mobilize their people and lead the efforts
the issue of inconsistent financial flow in undertaking maintenance works for
from the Government and allow timely existing infrastructure within their
construction of local roads. On the issue of communities.
sensitization programs, researcher
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CITE AS: Jason Kamusiime (2023). The influence of community participation on

decentralized community access road service delivery in Greater Bushenyi District.


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