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The Brawler

Exploits Exploit Exploit

Level PB Features Known Die Dice
1st +2 Contender, Iron Physique ─ ─ ─
2nd +2 Brutal Exploits, Deadly Combo, Sterner Stuff 2 d6 2
3rd +2 Brawler Archetype 3 d6 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 d6 3
5th +3 Extra Attack 4 d8 3
6th +3 Resolute Fists, Archetype feature 4 d8 3
7th +3 Sturdy Frame 5 d8 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 d8 4
9th +4 Battle Forged 6 d8 4
10th +4 Archetype feature 6 d8 4
11th +4 Prizefighter 7 d10 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 d10 5
13th +5 Steel Physique 8 d10 5
14th +5 Mercurial Mind 8 d10 5
15th +5 Prizefighter Improvement 9 d10 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 d10 6
17th +6 Archetype Feature 10 d12 6
18th +6 Diamond Physique 10 d12 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 d12 6
20th +6 Sterner Stuff Improvement 10 d12 6

Class Features Contender

Hit Points You fight with whatever is at your disposal, even if that is only
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Brawler level your fists. For the purposes of your Brawler abilities, Brawler
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier. attacks are your unarmed strikes, grapples, shoves, and any
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution attacks with improvised or simple melee weapons.
modifier per Brawler level after 1st Beginning at 1st level, so long as you are not wearing heavy
Proficiencies armor or wielding a weapon that has the heavy property, your
Brawler attacks gain the benefits listed below:
Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, improvised weapons Whenever you make a Brawler attack you can roll a d6 in
Tools: One gaming set or thieves' tools place of the normal damage die for that weapon. As you
gain Brawler levels, this damage die increases to match
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution the Exploit Die column on the Brawler table.
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, When you take the Attack action on your turn and make
Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, and Stealth. only Brawler attacks, you can use a bonus action on that
Equipment turn to make a grapple, shove, or unarmed strike attack.
As a Brawler, you start with the following equipment:: Brawlers are known for using brutal weapons like brass
(a) a simple weapon and shield or (b) two simple weapons knuckles (clubs), blackjacks (maces), and shanks (daggers).
(a) two light hammers or (b) four javelins
leather armor, a club, and a burglar's pack Iron Physique
Alternately if your group uses the starting wealth rule to Your checkered history has hardened your body, and you have
purchase equipment, a Brawler starts with 2d4 x 10 gp. learned to take a hit better than most creatures. Beginning at
1st level, you can use your Constitution modifier, in place of
Quick Build your Dexterity, whenever you calculate your Armor Class.
You can make a Brawler by using these suggestions. First, Moreover, if you are not wearing any armor, your Armor
make Strength your highest ability score, followed by your Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution
Constitution. Second, choose the Criminal background. modifier. You can use a shield and gain this benefit.
Brutal Exploits Ability Score Improvement
At 2nd level, you have picked up hand-to-hand techniques to When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
enhance your combat skill, both on and off the field of battle. 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or two ability scores by 1. As normal, you can't increase
Exploit Dice one of your ability scores above 20 using this feature.
The Brawler table shows how many Exploit Dice you have to
perform the Exploits you know. To use an Exploit, you must Extra Attack
expend one of these Dice. You can only use one Exploit per Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
attack, ability check, or saving throw, and you regain your whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
expended Exploit Dice when you finish a short or long rest.
Your Exploit Dice begin as d6s, and increase in size as you Moreover, you can take the Dash, Dodge, or Disengage
gain levels in this class, as indicated in the Brawler table. action in place of one of those attacks.
Exploits Known Resolute Fists
You know two Exploits of your choice from the list at the end Pure determination empowers your fists. Starting at 6th level,
of this class. The Exploits Known column of the Brawler your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purposes of
table shows when you learn more Exploits of your choice. To overcoming resistances and immunity to nonmagical attacks.
learn an Exploit you must meet any prerequisites it may have,
like a minimum Ability Score or a minimum Brawler level. Sturdy Frame
Whenever you gain a Brawler level, you can replace one of Beginning at 7th level, your resilient frame lets you shrug off
the Exploits you know with another Exploit of your choice. the brunt of certain effects, such as a green dragon's poison
Saving Throws breath or a cone of cold spell. Whenever you are subjected to
If one of your Exploits requires a creature to make a saving an effect that allows you to make a Constitution saving throw
throw, your Exploit saving throw DC is calculated as follows: to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you
succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Exploit save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice) Battle Forged
Deadly Combo Your resolute pursuit of victory allows you to snatch success
from the jaws of defeat. Beginning at 9th level, when you fail
Your strikes fly as quick as lightning. Also at 2nd level, when a saving throw, you can expend a use of Sterner Stuff to add
you use a Brutal Exploit as part of your action, you can use a your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1) to your roll.
bonus action on that turn to make two Brawler attacks.
Sterner Stuff Your rough and ruthless style of brawling has become second
You may get knocked down, but you never give up if there is a nature to you. Beginning at 11th level, once on your turn, you
physical challenge on the line. Starting at 2nd level, when you can use one 1st-degree Brutal Exploit you know and roll a d4
fail a Strength check or saving throw, you can choose to add in place of expending one of your Exploit Dice.
your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1) to the result of Upon reaching 15th level, you can use this feature to use
your roll, possibly turning a failure into a success. any 1st-degree or 2nd-degree Brutal Exploit that you know.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all Steel Physique
of your expended uses when you finish a long rest. Your physique has been purified in the fires of battle. Starting
Finally, at 20th level in this class, when you start your turn at 13th level, you are immune to all disease and the poisoned
with no uses of Sterner Stuff remaining, you regain one use. condition, and you gain resistance to poison damage.
Brawler Archetype Additionally, whenever you make a Strength or a Dexterity
check, you can use Sterner Stuff without expending a use.
At 3rd level, choose one of the following Brawler Archetypes
that best represents your unarmed combat and athletic skill: Mercurial Mind
Champion, Enforcer, Martial Artist, or Pugilist. Beginning at 14th level, if you are paralyzed or stunned at the
The Brawler Archetype you choose grants you features at start of your turn, you can expend one of your Exploit Dice to
3rd level and again when you reach 6th, 10th, and 17th level. immediately end one of those conditions for yourself.
Archetype Exploits
Each Archetype has a list of Archetype Exploits you learn at Diamond Physique
the Brawler levels noted in your Archetype description. They Your ruthless determination allows you to survive strikes that
don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and would be deadly to weaker warriors. Beginning at 18th level,
can't be switched out for other Exploits. If you don't meet an after you take damage, you can choose to gain temporary hit
Archetype Exploit's prerequisites, you learn it regardless. points equal to the damage you took from that effect.
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again.
Legendary Champion
Brawler Archetype 17th-level Champion feature
Choose the Archetype that best represents your Brawler's You are a nearly perfect specimen of physical vigor, and have
training: Champion, Enforcer, Martial Artist, or Pugilist. become exceedingly hard to kill. When you start your turn
with half of your hit points or less remaining, you regain hit
Champion points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier.
Champions forgo all other forms of improvement to focus on You do not regain any hit points if you are at 0 hit points.
enhancing their raw physical might. These immense figures
strive to maintain peak physical condition through relentless Enforcer
training. In battle, Champions perform supernatural feats of Often found in the ranks of thieves' guilds and other criminal
athleticism and overwhelm their foes with their raw power. organizations, Enforcers are Brawlers who use their physical
Brawler Level Feature prowess to control others. To an Enforcer, no tactics are too
3rd Champion Exploits, Mighty Warrior
dirty or dishonorable, all that matters is achieving their goal.
Brawler Level Feature
6th Remarkable Athlete
Enforcer Exploits, Rough 'em Up,
10th Brutal Critical, Invigorating Critical 3rd
The Wrong Crowd
17th Legendary Champion 6th Imposing Glance
Champion Exploits 10th Iron Grip, Nerves of Steel
3rd-level Champion feature 17th Ruthless Enforcer
You learn certain Exploits at the Brawler levels noted in the
table below. These don't count against your total number of Enforcer Exploits
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level. You learn certain Exploits at the Brawler levels noted in the
Brawler Level Exploit table below. These don't count against your total number of
3rd feat of strength, mighty leap Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
5th concussive blow, warrior's challenge Brawler Level Exploit

9th mythic athleticism 3rd arresting strike, streetwise

5th blinding debris, dirty hit
Mighty Warrior 9th survey settlement
3rd-level Champion feature
The raw physical might that you have cultivated has greatly Rough 'em Up
enhanced your prowess in battle. Your Brawler attacks now 3rd-level Brawler feature
score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20. You are adept at using your strength to overwhelm others.
At 17th level, this range increases again and your Brawler Once per turn when you make a grapple or shove attack, you
attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20 on the d20. can make your Strength (Athletics) check with advantage.
Remarkable Athlete The Wrong Crowd
6th-level Champion feature 3rd-level Brawler feature
You can regularly perform feats of athleticism that would be You find yourself at home in the seedy underbelly of any city.
impossible for most. You can use feat of strength and mighty If you spend a night carousing in a settlement of any size, you
leap without expending an Exploit Die. When you do so, you have advantage on ability checks to gather information on
only add one roll of your Exploit Die to the Exploit's effects. that settlement, its culture, factions, and important figures.
Brutal Critical You also learn to speak, read, write, and decipher Thieves'
10th-level Champion feature Cant, the secret code and jargon of thieves and criminals.
The force of your strikes sends foes reeling. When you score Imposing Glance
a critical hit with a Brawler attack you can roll one additional 6th-level Enforcer feature
weapon damage die when determining the extra damage. You strike fear into the hearts of the weak with a glance. As a
This increases to two additional damage dice at 17th level. bonus action, you can force a creature within 30 feet that can
Invigorating Critical see you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Exploit
10th-level Champion feature Save DC. On a failure, it is frightened of you until the start of
your next turn, and while it is frightened of you in this way it
A solid strike renews your fighting spirit. Whenever you score has disadvantage on any saving throws you force it to make.
a critical hit with a Brawler attack, you regain hit points equal You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
to one roll of your Exploit Die + your Constitution modifier. Strength modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. When
you have no uses remaining, you can expend an Exploit Die
to use this feature again.
Iron Grip Practiced Strikes
10th-level Enforcer feature 3rd-level Martial Artist feature
Once you have a hold of a creature it is nearly impossible for You practice your chosen techniques over and over until they
it to escape your grasp. You gain the following benefits: become second nature to you. When you hit a creature with a
The size of creatures that you can grapple increases by Brawler attack, you can use one Brutal Exploit you know, that
one size. When you grapple a creature more than one size can be used when you hit with a melee weapon attack or an
larger than you, it can move as normal, but you move with unarmed strike, without expending an Exploit Die. However,
it so long as there is an unoccupied space adjacent to it. any Exploits you use in this way deal no additional damage.
While you are dragging a grappled creature that is one Warrior Sage
size larger than you or smaller, your speed isn't reduced. 3rd-level Martial Artist feature
You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. Your training not only hones your body, but also your mind
Nerves of Steel and soul. You gain proficiency with one musical instrument
10th-level Enforcer feature of your choice and one set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Fear is a weapon to be used against cowards and the weak- Whenever you make an ability check that uses either of the
willed, you do not succumb to such base emotions. You gain proficiencies you gained from this feature you gain a bonus to
immunity to the frightened condition. your roll equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.
Ruthless Enforcer Rain of Blows
17th-level Enforcer feature 6th-level Martial Artist feature
You have no qualms about exploiting the weaknesses of foes You can sacrifice potency of strikes for quantity. Whenever
and you make sure to target them whenever you can. When you would make a Brawler attack without disadvantage, you
you score a critical hit with a Brawler attack, the target must can choose to make two Brawler attacks with disadvantage.
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the However, on hit, you do not add your Strength modifier to the
start of your next turn. If the target is frightened of you it has damage rolls of these Brawler attacks.
disadvantage on its saving throw to resist being stunned. Master of Many Forms
Moreover, you have advantage on Brawler attack rolls you 10th-level Marital Artist feature
make against creatures that you are grappled by you. You are able to master new combat techniques with ease.
Martial Artist During the course of a long rest, you can spend 10 minutes
practicing your martial arts and replace one Brutal Exploit
While most Brawlers focus only on their physical perfection, you know of 1st or 2nd-degree of with another Brutal Exploit
Martial Artists also pursue inner enlightenment. Tempering of your choice that is also of 1st or 2nd-degree.
rigorous training with meditation and study, these wise ones
strive for complete mastery over their body, mind, and spirit. Spirit of Serenity
10th-level Martial Artist feature
Brawler Level Feature You have honed your spirit alongside your physical abilities.
Martial Artist Exploits, You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.
Practiced Strikes, Warrior Sage
Enlightened Martial Artist
6th Rain of Blows 17th-level Martial Artist feature
Master of Many Forms, You have become an unparalleled master of your style of
Spirit of Serenity martial arts and are able to strike with both overwhelming
17th Enlightened Martial Artist
power and wondrous speed. You gain the benefits below:
Whenever you use Deadly Combo you can make three
Martial Artist Exploits Brawler attacks instead of the normal two.
You learn certain Exploits at the Brawler levels noted in the When you make an opportunity attack against a creature,
table below. These don't count against your total number of you can make two unarmed strikes in place of that attack.
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Brawler Level Exploit Pugilist
3rd lightstep, sweeping strike Often considered the purest path a Brawler can pursue, those
known as Pugilists value physical perfection and victory over
5th defensive stance, redirect all else. These impressive warriors are found anywhere glory
9th armored stance can be won through physical combat or competition.
Brawler Level Feature
Adrenaline Rush, Fancy Footwork,
Pugilist Exploits
6th Stick and Move
10th Dodge & Counter
17th Finisher
Adrenaline Rush
3rd-level Pugilist feature Brutal Exploits
The flow of a good fight invigorates you. When you use your Below are the Exploits available to the Brawler. If an Exploit
Deadly Combo and hit a creature with two unarmed strikes has a prerequisite, like a minimum Ability Score or level, you
you gain one of the following benefits from the list below: can learn it at the same time you meet the prerequisites.
You regain one of your expended Exploit Dice. 1st-Degree Exploits
You regain one expended use of Sterner Stuff.
You gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution Exploits of the 1st-degree are minor techniques slightly more
modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point). complicated than swinging a weapon. They can be learned by
warriors with modest training and have no level prerequisite.
Fancy Footwork
3rd-level Pugilist feature Aggressive Sprint
You can seamlessly weave strikes and footwork to keep your As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend one Exploit
enemy on their toes. When you hit a creature with a Brawler Die to draw upon your battle fury and move up to your full
attack you can immediately move 5 feet without provoking an walking speed toward a hostile creature you can see.
opportunity attack from the creature you hit. At 5th level, you can make a single melee weapon attack at
the end of this movement.
Pugilist Exploits
3rd-level Pugilist feature Arresting Strike
You learn certain Exploits at the Brawler levels noted in the When you hit a target with a weapon attack, you can expend
table below. These don't count against your total number of one Exploit Die and force it to make a Dexterity saving throw.
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level. On a failure, it takes bonus damage equal to one roll of your
Brawler Level Exploit
Exploit Die and its speed is 0 until the start of your next turn.
3rd brace up, feint Brace Up
Prerequisites: Constitution of 11
5th concussive blow, knock out You steel yourself for combat, preparing yourself to take a hit.
9th mythic resilience As a bonus action, you can expend one Exploit Die and gain
temporary hit points equal to 1 + one roll of your Exploit Die.
Solid Strikes Counter
6th-level Pugilist feature Prerequisites: Dexterity of 11
The force of your strikes sends your foes reeling. When you When a creature you can see misses you with a melee attack,
hit a creature with a Brawler attack, you can use concussive you can use your reaction to expend an Exploit Die and make
blow or knock out without expending an Exploit Die. a single melee weapon attack against your attacker. On hit,
You can use this feature number of times equal to your you add your Exploit Die to the damage roll of the attack.
Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
of your expended uses when you finish a long rest. Crushing Grip
Dodge & Counter Prerequisites: Strength of 11
10th-level Pugilist feature When you grapple a creature, you can expend one Exploit
You can use your enemies' momentum against them. When Die to enhance your grip. When you initiate this grapple, and
a creature that is one size larger than you or smaller misses at the start of each of the grappled creature's turns, it takes
you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to force it bludgeoning damage equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.
to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Exploit Save Dazing Jab
DC. On a failed save, it suffers one of the following effects: Prerequisite: Strength of 11
It is knocked prone and has its speed reduced to 0 until When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can
the beginning of your next turn. expend an Exploit Die, forcing it to make a Wisdom saving
You move it 10 feet away from you in a straight line. throw. On a failed save, the creature must subtract one roll
You can make a single Brawler attack against it. of your Exploit Die from the first ability check, attack roll,
or saving throw it makes before the start of your next turn.
17th-level Pugilist feature Disarm
You know the perfect time to strike to end a match. When you When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
use knock out, you can treat the Exploit Dice you roll as their expend an Exploit Die to force it to make a Strength saving
maximum possible value in place of rolling. throw. On a failure, it takes additional damage equal to your
Once you use knock out in this way you must finish a short Exploit Die, and it drops an item of your choice it is holding.
or long rest before you can do so again. Feat of Strength
Prerequisites: Strength or Constitution of 11
When you make a Strength or Constitution ability check you
can expend Exploit Dice (up to your proficiency bonus), roll
those dice, and add the result to your ability check.
Feint Precision Strike
As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to feint, Prerequisites: Dexterity of 11
forcing a creature that can see you within 15 feet to make a As part of a weapon attack you can expend an Exploit Die,
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you have advantage roll it, and add the result to your attack roll. You can use this
on your attacks against it until the end of your current turn. Exploit after you roll, but before you know if you hit or miss.
Hurl Quick Quip
Prerequisites: Strength of 11 Prerequisites: Intelligence or Charisma of 11
In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to throw While speaking, you can expend an Exploit Die to tell a short
an object that you are holding at a target you can see within joke, quip, or another humorous anecdote. Creatures of your
60 feet. It must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or both choice within 10 feet that can both hear and understand you
the thrown object and target take bludgeoning damage equal forget everything you said during the 10 seconds proceeding
to one roll of your Exploit Die + your Strength modifier. this Exploit, and instead only remember your quip.
At 11th level, the range of this Exploit becomes 120 feet. Creatures that are immune to being charmed are immune
to this Exploit. Once you use this Exploit on a creature, it is
Imposing Presence immune to the effects of this Exploit for the next 24 hours.
Prerequisites: Strength or Charisma of 11
When you would make a Charisma (Intimidation) check you Reposition
can choose to make a Strength (Intimidation) check instead. As a bonus action, you can expend one Exploit Die to switch
When you make a Strength (Intimidation) or Charisma places with a conscious and willing creature within 5 feet of
(Intimidation) check you can expend one Exploit Die, roll it, you. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
and add the result to your ability check. You can do so after Either you or the creature you switched places with gains
you roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail. temporary hit points equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.
Inquisitive Eye Ruthless Strike
Prerequisites: Intelligence or Wisdom of 11 Prerequisites: Strength of 11
When you make an Intelligence (Investigation) or a Wisdom When you hit a target with a melee weapon attack, you can
(Insight) check you can expend one Exploit Die, roll it, and expend Exploit Dice (up to your proficiency bonus), roll the
add the result to your ability check. You can do so after you dice, and add them to the damage roll of that attack.
roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
Lightstep Prerequisite: Charisma of 11
Prerequisites: Dexterity of 11 If you are in a settlement, you can make Charisma (History)
When you make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) or a Dexterity and Charisma (Investigation) checks instead of the normal
(Stealth) check you can expend one Exploit Die, roll it, and Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
add the result to your ability check. You can do so after you Also, when you make a Charisma (History) or a Charisma
roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail. (Investigation) check you can expend one Exploit Die, roll it,
and add the result to your ability check. You can do so after
Menacing Shout you roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
Prerequisites: Charisma of 11
As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and force Sweeping Strike
one creature within 30 feet that can see or hear you to make When you hit a target with a melee weapon attack, you can
a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is frightened of expend an Exploit Die to attempt a trip. It must succeed on
you for one minute. It can repeat the saving throw at the end a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone and take bludgeoning
of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. damage equal to one roll of your Exploit Die. A target that is
The frightened condition ends early if the creature sees more than one size larger than you has advantage on its roll.
you take damage or become incapacitated.
Warding Strike
Mighty Leap As a reaction when a creature moves within the reach of a
Prerequisites: Strength of 11 melee weapon you are wielding, you can expend an Exploit
When you move at least 10 feet immediately before you jump, Die to make a single attack against it with that weapon. On
you can expend Exploit Dice (up to your proficiency bonus) to hit, you add one roll of your Exploit Die to your damage roll.
increase the distance of your jump by 10 feet for each Exploit
Die expended, even if this exceeds your remaining speed.
Mighty Thrust
Prerequisites: Strength of 11
In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to force a
target you touch to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed
save, it is knocked back in a straight line number of feet equal
to 5 times your Strength modifier. A target that is more than
one size larger than you has advantage on its saving throw.
2nd-Degree Exploits Grasp of Night
Prerequisite: 5th level, Wisdom of 13
Exploits of the 2nd-degree represent the peak of martial skill In place of an attack, you can expend Exploit Dice (up to your
achievable by warriors without dedicated training. These can proficiency bonus) to touch a creature, attempting to knock it
be learned by any warrior of 5th level or higher. out. For each Exploit Die that you spent you roll three Exploit
Adrenaline Rush Dice, adding your Wisdom modifier to the total of all the dice.
Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength or Constitution of 13 If your total roll meets or exceeds the creature's remaining hit
As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to increase points, it instantly falls unconscious for 10 minutes.
your speed, if only temporarily. For the next minute, you can The creature wakes up early if it takes damage or another
take the Dash action as a bonus action on each of your turns. creature uses its action to shake or slap the creature awake.
When this Exploit ends you must succeed on a DC 13 Immovable Stance
Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion. Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength or Constitution of 13
Blinding Debris As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to enter an
Prerequisites: 5th level, Dexterity of 13 immovable stance that lasts until you move from the space.
As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to attempt Each time a creature attempts to grapple, move you against
to blind a creature with debris. A creature you can see within your will, or move through your space while you are in this
10 feet must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take stance it must first succeed on a Strength saving throw. On
piercing damage equal to one roll of your Exploit Die and a failed save, you can instantly grapple it or knock it prone.
become blinded until the beginning of your next turn. Knock Out
Concussive Blow Prerequisite: 5th level, Strength of 13
Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13 When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend Exploit Dice (up to your proficiency bonus) in an
expend an Exploit Die to empower your attacks, forcing it to attempt to knock it out. For each Exploit Die that you spend
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target you roll four Exploit Dice, adding your Strength modifier to
suffers the effects below until the beginning of your next turn: the total of all the dice. If your total roll meets or exceeds its
remaining hit points, it falls unconscious for 1 hour.
Its speed becomes 0, and it can speak only falteringly. It wakes up early if it takes damage or regains hit points.
It cannot take actions, bonus actions, or reactions.
It has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. Martial Focus
Prerequisites: 5th level
Crippling Strike As part of a weapon attack you can expend an Exploit Die to
Prerequisites: 5th level grant yourself advantage on your attack roll. You can use this
When you hit a target with a weapon attack, you can expend Exploit after you roll, but before you know if you hit or miss.
an Exploit Die to cripple one of its senses. It must succeed
on a Constitution saving throw or it takes additional damage Redirect
equal to one roll of your Exploit Die and is blinded, deafened, Prerequisites: 5th level
or muted (your choice) until the beginning of your next turn. When a creature you can see misses you with a melee attack,
you can use your reaction to expend an Exploit Die and force
Defensive Stance it to attack another creature of your choice within range of its
Prerequisites: 5th level attack. If the redirected attack hits its new target, it deals
As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to enter a additional damage equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.
defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn.
Each time a creature you can see targets you with an attack Rending Strike
while you are in this stance, you can roll your Exploit Die and Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13
add the result to your Armor Class against that attack. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can
expend an Exploit Die to rend its armor. It must succeed on a
Dirty Hit Constitution saving throw or it takes additional damage equal
Prerequisites: 5th level, Dexterity of 13 to one roll of your Exploit Die and its Armor Class is reduced
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can by 1 until the damage is repaired, or it finishes a long rest.
expend an Exploit Die to strike at a vulnerable area. It must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or it takes additional Ringing Strike
damage equal to a roll of your Exploit Die, its speed becomes Prerequisites: 5th level
0, and it can't take reactions until the start of your next turn. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can
expend an Exploit Die to send it reeling. It must succeed on a
Glancing Blow Wisdom saving throw or it must subtract 1d4 from all ability
Prerequisites: 5th level checks, attack rolls, and saving throws it makes for 1 minute.
When you make a melee weapon attack and miss, you can A creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each
expend an Exploit Die to immediately repeat your attack of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
against another target within the reach of your weapon.
Take Cover Mythic Athleticism
Prerequisites: 5th level Prerequisites: 9th level, Strength or Constitution of 15
When you are targeted by a ranged attack or forced to make As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to enter
a Dexterity saving throw you can use your reaction to expend a heightened state of physical performance which you must
an Exploit Die to instantly fall prone and gain temporary hit concentrate on as if you were concentrating on a spell. For
points equal to one roll of your Exploit Die. the next 10 minutes, you gain the benefits listed below:
Thunderous Blow Whenever you make a Strength or Constitution check,
Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13 you can treat a roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10.
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can Your walking speed increases by a number of feet equal
expend an Exploit Die to empower your attack with immense to 5 times your Strength modifier (minimum of 5 feet).
force. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw You count as one size larger for the purposes of carrying
or take additional damage equal to a roll of your Exploit Die capacity and the size of creatures that you can grapple.
and be knocked back in a straight line number of feet equal to Both your long and high jump distances double, even if
5 times your Strength modifier. A creature that is more than that distance would exceed your remaining movement.
one size larger than you has advantage on its saving throw. When the effects of this Exploit would end you can expend
Warrior's Challenge one of your Hit Dice to increase the duration by 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: 5th level Mythic Resilience
As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and shout a Prerequisites: 9th level, Constitution of 15
challenge at a foe. One creature of your choice within 30 feet When you take damage from a source you can see, you can
that can see or hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. expend Exploit Dice (up to your proficiency bonus) to reduce
On a failed save, the creature has disadvantage on all attack the incoming damage. For each Exploit Die you expend you
rolls it makes against targets other than you for 1 minute. roll three Exploit Dice, adding your Constitution modifier to
The creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of the total of all the dice. You reduce the damage by the total.
each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. This effect If the total rolled exceeds the amount of damage, you gain
ends early if you attack a creature other than the target. temporary hit points equal to the remaining amount.
3rd-Degree Exploits Recruit Informant
Exploits of the 3rd-degree are only mastered by elite warriors Prerequisite: 9th level, Charisma of 15
who dedicate their lives to training. They can only be learned You can expend an Exploit Die and spend 1 hour to recruit a
by warriors of 9th level and higher. Each 3rd-degree Exploit humanoid Informant from a settlement you currently occupy.
you know can only be used once per short or long rest. For this Exploit to work, there must be a willing humanoid,
such as an urchin, criminal, thief, spy, or other rapscallions in
Armored Stance a settlement of significant size, as determined by the DM.
Prerequisites: 9th level, Constitution of 15 They won't aid you in combat or risk their life for you, but
As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to enter an they will gather information, rumors, news, and secrets in
armored stance which lasts until you move from your current that settlement. During each long rest, they will seek you out
space. While you are in this stance you resist all bludgeoning, and deliver this information if you are in the same settlement.
piercing, and slashing damage, and you have advantage on all Your Informant remains in your service until you dismiss
Strength and Constitution saving throws. them or they die. However, you do not regain the Exploit Die
spent on this Exploit until they leave your service.
Incite Violence Having more than one Informant in a settlement increases
Prerequisites: 9th level, Intelligence or Charisma of 15 the accuracy and secrecy of information they gather for you.
As an action, you can expend an Exploit Die and whisper
words violent words to a creature that can understand you
within 5 feet. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or
take psychic damage equal to two rolls of your Exploit Die
and instantly use its reaction to make a melee attack against
a creature of your choice within its reach. If no other creature
is within its reach, the target has disadvantage on the next
attack roll it makes before the start of your next turn.
Recruit Mercenary Survey Settlement
Prerequisites: 9th level, Intelligence or Charisma of 15 Prerequisite: 9th level, Dexterity or Charisma of 15
You can expend an Exploit Die and spend 1 hour to recruit a You can expend an Exploit Die and spend 1-hour gathering
humanoid Mercenary from a settlement you currently occupy. information on up to 1 square mile of a settlement that you
For this Exploit to work, there must be a willing humanoid, currently occupy. At the end of the hour, you gain knowledge
such as a bounty hunter, adventurer, or other sellsword in a about three of the following as they relate to the area:
settlement of significant size, as determined by the DM. Any active factions and faction outposts within the area.
You choose to recruit a Brute or Scout, which determines Prominent buildings, gathering places, and cultural sites.
certain traits in their stat block. They use the Mercenary stat Powerful (CR 1 or higher) politicians or military leaders.
block below, and roll their own initiative in combat. On their Loyalties, beliefs, rumors, and fears of the local populace.
turn, they do their best to follow any orders you have given. If Secret alleyways, doors, hideouts, or storefronts.
not, they will defend themselves to the best of their ability.
The Mercenary remains in your service until you dismiss Once you use this Exploit to survey a settlement you must
them, they abandon you, or they die. You do not regain the finish a long rest before you can use it in that location again.
Exploit Die spent on this Exploit until they leave your service.
You can only have one Mercenary in your service at a time. 4th-Degree Exploits
Recruiting another causes others to abandon you. Exploits of the 4th-degree are only able to be mastered by the
most elite warriors in a kingdom. These can only be learned
by warriors of 13th level and higher. Each 4th-degree Exploit
you know can only be used once per short or long rest.
Medium Humanoid, any Non-Lawful Alignment Clandestine Source
Prerequisites: 13th level, Intelligence or Charisma of 17
Armor Class (Brute) 18 (scale mail, shield) While in a settlement of sufficient size, you can expend an
Armor Class (Scout) 15 (studded leather) Exploit Die and spend 1 hour using the Thieves' Cant found
Hit Points 6 + five times your level throughout the settlement to track down a significant figure
Speed 30 ft. of the criminal underworld to ask questions of.
Should the DM decide that such a figure exists within the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA settlement, you must approach them alone, and must make a
DC 15 Intelligence or Charisma saving throw (your choice) to
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) convince them to grant you an audience. On a failed save, you
are reduced to 0 hit points, and your body is left unconscious
Saving Throws Str +6, Dex +6 in an alleyway or gutter somewhere in that settlement.
Skills Athletics +6 (Brute), Stealth +6 (Scout) On a successful save, you have 2 minutes to ask the figure
Senses passive Perception 12 up to five questions. The figure answers each question with
Languages common and one other language one word, such as "yes," "no," "maybe," "never," "irrelevant,"
Proficiency Bonus +3 or "unclear" (if they do not know the answer). If a one-word
answer would be misleading, the figure might instead offer
Hit Dice. The Mercenary has a number of d10 Hit a short phrase as an answer to that question.
Dice equal to your level. It also gains all the normal Once you use this Exploit in a settlement (successfully or
benefits of both short and long rests. unsuccessfully), you cannot use it there again for 7 full days.
Morale. If you fall to 0 hit points the Mercenary does
everything in its power to flee and return home.
Staggering Blow
Prerequisites: 13th level, Strength of 17
Rough & Tumble (Brute). The Mercenary can use a When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can
bonus action to attempt a Shove or Grapple. expend Exploit Dice (up to your proficiency bonus) to strike
Cunning Strike (Scout). If the Mercenary makes an with near-supernatural power and force it to make a Wisdom
attack with advantage, it deals 2d6 bonus damage. saving throw. On a failure, it takes additional damage equal to
Slippery (Scout). The Mercenary can use a bonus three rolls of your Exploit Die for each Exploit Die you spent
action to take the Disengage or Hide action. and for the next minute it has disadvantage on all attack rolls,
ability checks, and it cannot take reactions. On a success, it
Actions takes half as much damage and suffers no additional effects.
Battleaxe (Brute). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, The creature can make a Wisdom saving throw at the start
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 +3 slashing damage. of each of its turns, ending these effects on a success.
Shortsword (Scout). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 +3 slashing damage.
Shortbow (Scout). Ranged Attack: +6 to hit, range
80/320, one target. Hit: 1d6 +3 piercing damage.
Sundering Strike
Prerequisite: 13th level, Strength of 17 Multiclassing and the Brawler
In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to strike
a creation of magical force, such as a prismatic wall, resilient If your group uses the optional multiclassing rule,
sphere, or forcecage with a melee weapon you are wielding. here's what you need to know when you choose to
Any magical creations created with a spell slot of 3rd-level or take your first level in the Brawler class.
Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character,
lower are instantly destroyed by your strike. you must have at least a Strength score of 13 to
If the magical creation was created with a spell of 4th-level take a level in this class, or to take a level in
or higher, make a Strength check. The DC equals 10 + the another class if you are already a Brawler.
level of the spell slot used to create it. On a successful check, Proficiencies Gained. If Brawler isn't your initial
the magical creation is instantly destroyed by your strike. class, you gain proficiency in light and medium
armor, simple weapons, and improvised weapons.
Unbreakable Exploits. If you learn Exploits from more than one
Prerequisites: 13th level, Constitution of 17 of your class, subclass, or other features, follow the
When you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points, rules and table linked below to determine the total
even if that damage would kill you outright, you can expend number and size of your Exploit Dice, and the total
Exploit Dice (up to your proficiency bonus) and fall to 1 hit number of Exploits Known from each feature that
point. For each Exploit Die you spent, roll three Exploit Dice, grants you Exploits: Alternate Martial Multiclassing.
and you gain temporary hit points equal to the total roll.
5th-Degree Exploits
Exploits of the 5th-degree are techniques and skills that rival
demigods and heroes of legend. These can only be learned by
warriors of 17th level and higher. Each 5th-degree Exploit
you know can only be used once per short or long rest.
Banishing Strike
Prerequisites: 17th level, Strength of 19
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can
expend Exploit Dice (up to your proficiency bonus) to strike
with legendary force and force it to make a Charisma saving
throw. On a failure, it takes additional force damage equal to
three rolls of your Exploit Die for each Exploit Die you spent,
and half as much force damage on a successful save.
If this attack reduces the creature to 50 hit points or fewer,
it is shunted to a harmless demiplane and is incapacitated.
The creature reappears in the unoccupied space nearest to
the last space it occupied at the end of your next turn.
Fatal Jab
Prerequisites: 17th level, Strength of 19
When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can
expend Exploit Dice (up to your proficiency bonus) to strike
with lethal force and force it to make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, it takes additional damage equal to
four rolls of your Exploit Die for each Exploit Die you spent,
and half as much damage on a successful save.
If the damage from this attack reduces a creature's hit
points to an amount lower than your Brawler level + your
Strength score, it is instantly slain.
OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the property of 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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