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Lycée « Mustapha Fourati » - Sfax Prof: Mrs khanfir

Devoir de Contrôle N°2- Fev 2010 Mid term test in English - Fev2010
Durée: 1heure Classe: 3eme lettres
Name: N°:

Listening comprehension (8marks)

l-Listen and choose the right option: (lmark)
Ester is:
ÿa- Australian
ÿb- Thailanders
ÿc- Philepenean

2-Ester is used to bringing souvenirs, listen andfill in the chart with the right details:(2marks)

The souvenir Description

1- >Showing the culture of the place
2- t-shirts >
3-Answer the following questions: (2marks)

ÿ Are Ester's souvenirs for her family similar to those for her friends ? justify your answer

> What souvenir is the Australian familiar with?

4-Listen and complete with the right words: (lmark)

In many countries, it is that one goes on holiday and brings a

5-Listen and circle the 2 words having the sound /s / :(1 mark)

display - greetings - place- friends

6-If you went on a holiday in any place ,would you bring souvenirs from there ?Why ?Why

toutes les matières, tous les niveaux
1-Fill in the blanks with 6 words from the list: (3.5marks)

the ..........

money. The popularity of Internet opened many

confirm reservations

1-We stayed at this hotel
2-Breakfast buffet

4-Their service in person was nice;


. . . . .
.... . ........

. . . . .

. . . .

pressure/ enjoyabl e/anywhere /cottages/ exhausting/ relax/ booking/virtually/

Most people are preoccupied on how to earn more and save, without noticing they are stressed with
from work, family and others. However, it is important to

. ................................
and unwind because more than fun, holiday is important to the overall health .Finding for a place to

stay when you arrive to your destination can be very

travellers across the globe to enjoy a worthwhile holiday. Nowadays, hotels,

and beach apartments have

3-Put the words between parenthesis in the right tense or form: (3.5 marks)

Genetic Engineering holds many promises for the future. It (bring)
, waste of time and

in the world at any time of the day.

for business and

their own
system where travellers can directly check room availability and

2-Match sentences in part 1with sentences in part2 to get a meaningful sentences: (2.5marks)

3-Even though its location was a bit far from the main

5-Their service on the phone, on the other hand, was

sometimes very curt and dry

Answers: 1/...

. . . . . . . .
a- very friendly and gentle.
b- was always amazing

c- for 4 nights during Chinese New Year's week.

d-they provide a free shuttle bus near the station
e-clean room
f- that made me disappointed a little bit.

with it possibilities
of longer, healthier lives, and possibly near-immortality. It has the possibilities of ending world
hunger by making cheaper, (nutritious)
the ability (bring)
and faster growing foods. It could also have
back species from near extinction and even reintroduce
extinct species back to our world by (use) old DNA, such as
what happened in Jurassic Park. With genetic engineering, we would be able to clone a loved one or
a favourite pet, ending the pain of loss that comes from (die) On a different level,
GE poses a threat to the environment. Much like non-native species easily take over in new
environments, GE plants and animals could destroy the environment and (disorder)
the food chain, causing slower-acting but still incredibly long lasting negative effects.

4-Choose the right option : (2.5marks)

Nanotechnology, by definition, is the technology of the very small. Nanotech applies specifically
(about/to/up) GE by creating new tools to use for manipulation of DNA and gene linking. As the tech
advances, things like (biologist/biology/biological) computers and mass storage systems will be a
reality, and these (devices/devises/divisions) depend on GE for their development. Nanotech could
allow cheaper production, and also the reduced size of the technology could allow it to
(be produced /produce /have produced) almost anywhere. It holds the potential to be either the
curse or the (side-effect/blessing/disadvantage) of our

toutes les matières, tous les niveaux


toutes les matières, tous les niveaux

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