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( 12 ) Kohn
United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No .: US 10,760,102 B2
et al . (45 ) Date of Patent : Sep. 1 , 2020
(54) PROCESS FOR PRODUCING LOWER 2005/0100996 A1 5/2005 Lantero et al .
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( 71 ) Applicants: Richard Allen Kohn , Columbia, MD 2007/0275438 A1 11/2007 David
(US ) ; Seon - Woo Kim , Columbia, MD 2008/0193989
Verser et al .
Bell et al.
( US ) 2009/0023192 A1 1/2009 Verser et al .
( 72 ) Inventors: Richard Allen Kohn , Columbia , MD 2009/0035848 Al 2/2009 Hickey
2009/0068714 Al 3/2009 Lescnine et al .
(US ) ; Seon - Woo Kim , Columbia, MD
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO WO2006119052 A1 11/2006
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO WO2007130984 Al 11/2007
U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 641 days .
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Related U.S. Application Data Grosz, R and Stephanopoulos, G , Biotechnology and Bioengineer
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See application file for complete search history. ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
( 56 ) References Cited At least one isolated microorganism , which converts at least
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 10% by weight, and preferably 50 % by weight, of cellulosic
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( 56 ) References Cited

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* cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 1 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2

( comprising
cellulose , hemicellulose,
pectin , starch , protein )

Mono- Disachharide , Acids


3 5 6

Ethanol Acetate Butyrate Propionate

8 9

Figure 1. Optional pathways for digestion and conversion of complex carbohydrate.
The means to control these pathways is an aspect of the present invention .
Hydrogen flows are not shown but are a major aspect of the control .
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 2 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2

Feedstock Storage Feedstock

Chopping Forage Pretreatment

Ethanol Recyled
Liquid ForagoS aked Water
Waste Dishillation Liquid Digestion


Solids Indigestbl
Gas Burning or Storage

002 Fertilzer Fertilzer


Figure 2. Material flow diagram for a process to produce ethanol from cellulosic
biomass .
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 3 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2


Ethanol - 1
- Acetate - 1


ofRPorAEfertcaohdunarcotlse p


H?. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

H. and CO2

Figure 3. The product of reactant gas concentrations ( atmospheres ) for reactants to make
ethanol or acetic acid where partial pressure of hydrogen (H2) increases with constant
total gas pressure of 1 atm comprising H2 and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) gas.
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 4 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2

Ethanol- 2
- Acetate - 2

orAEfofRPectrahodnurtocels 1.5


HE 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
CO 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

H 2 and Co 2

Figure 4. The product of reactant gas concentrations ( atmospheres) for reactants to make
ethanol or acetic acid where partial pressure of hydrogen (H2) increases with constant
total gas pressure of 2 atm comprising H2 and carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) gas .
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 5 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2


- Acetate


orAEfofRPectrahodanurtocels 1


0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Total Pressure (atm )

Figure 5. The product of reactant gas concentrations ( atmospheres) for reactants to make
ethanol or acetic acid where total pressure of all gases is increased and gases are
comprised of a constant ratio of 75 % H2 and 25 % carbon dioxide (CO2) .
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 6 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2


Ethanol Acetate


AftoREofectahonirtoels 1


0.5 1 1.5 2

Total Pressure ( atm )

Figure 6. The ratio of the product of reactant gas concentrations ( atmospheres) for
reactants to make ethanol to the product of reactant gas concentrations to make acetic
acid where total pressure of all gases is increased and gases are comprised of a constant
ratio of 75 % H2 and 25 % carbon dioxide ( CO2) .
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 7 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2


EtOH - 2
• Ac -2






H 2 and CO

Figure 7. The product of reactant gas concentrations for reactants to make ethanol
or acetic acid where partial pressure of hydrogen ( H2) increases with constant
pressure of 1 atm comprising H2 and carbon monoxide ( CO ) gas .
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 8 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2


EtOH - 2
- Ac - 2

1 B3

orAEfofRPectrahodanurtocels Eine

Ha 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
CO 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

Hand Co
Figure 8. The product of reactant gas concentrations ( atmospheres ) for reactants to make
ethanol or acetic acid where partial pressure of hydrogen (H2) increases with constant
total gas pressure of 1 atm comprising H2 and carbon monoxide (CO ) gas.
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 9 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2


Butanol- 1
- Butyrate -1 A
0.0002 h q

PofRforBoreruaotcydruancotsel 0.0001

5 105

Ha 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

H and CO2

Figure 9. The product of reactant gas concentrations (atmospheres) for reactants to make
butanol or butyrate where partial pressure of hydrogen (H2) increases with constant total
gas pressure of 1 atm comprising H2 and carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) gas .
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 10 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2


Butanol - 2
Butyrate - 2

PofRforBoreruaotcdyuarncotlse 4


H 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
CO 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

H 2 and co 2

Figure 10. The product of reactant gas concentrations (atmospheres) for reactants to
make butanol or butyrate where partial pressure of hydrogen (H2) increases with constant
total gas pressure of 2 atm comprising H2 and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas.
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 11 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2


Propanol- 1
- Propionate -1
0.002 pq

PofRforeraocpdtiunrcaotsle 0.001

H? 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
CO 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

H 2 and CO 2
Figure 11. The product of reactantgas concentrations ( atmospheres) for reactants to
make propanol or propionate where partial pressure of hydrogen (H2 ) increases with
constant total gas pressure of 1 atm comprising H2 and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas.
U.S. Patent Sep. 1 , 2020 Sheet 12 of 12 US 10,760,102 B2

Propanol- 2
5 - Propionate -2


?? 0.5 1 1.5 2
CO 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

H, and Co
Figure 12. The product of reactant gas concentrations ( atmospheres) for reactants to
make propanol or propionate where partial pressure of hydrogen (H2) increases with
constant total gas pressure of 2 atm comprising H, and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) gas .
US 10,760,102 B2
1 2
PROCESS FOR PRODUCING LOWER mented by yeast to ethanol, and the 5 - carbon sugars are
ALKYL ALCOHOLS FROM CELLULOSIC separated and converted to ethanol by a different microor
A third approach to producing cellulosic ethanol would be
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 to use living microorganisms that could digest cellulose ,
APPLICATIONS hemicelluloses and pectins with conversion to ethanol. This
approach might, in theory, be the least expensive approach
This application is a division of U.S. patent application becausehigh
it would not require the use of harsh chemicals or
temperatures and would use fewer process steps with
Ser. No. 12/ 385,215 filed on Apr. 1 , 2009 ; and it claims
priority to U.S. provisional application No. 61 /113,337, filed 10 fermentation than would the two approaches described
above . Although this approach has been considered for over
on Nov. 11 , 2008 .
twenty years , it has , unfortunately, not been used as it is only
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION feasible if there is a microorganism or mixed culture of
microorganisms that can readily digest cellulose and hemi
Field of the Invention 15 cellulose , and which, preferably, convert a significant part of
The present invention relates to a process for producing the carbohydrate to ethanol. Further, the preferred microor
ganisms must also be tolerant to relatively high ethanol
lower alkyl alcohols , such as ethanol, from cellulosic bio concentrations , i.e. , at least about 3-4 % by volume , and
mass using primarily anaerobic microorganisms under ther preferably in excess of 5 % by volume , so that they may be
modynamically favorable conditions therefor ; and to 20 used to digest considerable carbohydrate to produce ethanol
anaerobic microorganisms that produce lower alkyl alco at high enough concentration to decrease the cost of distil
hols , such as ethanol, from cellulosic biomass and which lation .
microorganisms are tolerant to the lower alkyl alcohols Currently, microorganisms for effecting this process in a
produced. cost effective manner are unknown . Microorganisms are
Description of the Background 25 known which can readily digest cellulosic biomass to pro
The U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12 / 000,856 , filed on duce organic acids , but not ethanol. Further, although micro
Dec. 18 , 2007 ; and U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/870 , organisms are known which produce trace amounts of
441 , filed on Dec. 18 , 2006 , are incorporated herein by ethanol along with acetic acid , these microorganisms are
reference in their entirety. intolerant to ethanol concentrations exceeding a small
Currently most ethanol fuel produced in the U.S. is made 30 amount of media volume of ethanol which renders separa
from corn grain , a feed stuff. Further, even if all the corn tion of ethanol from aqueous media cost prohibitive. Ethanol
grain produced in the U.S. were converted to ethanol, it tolerant microorganisms not only grow in relatively high
would only supply about 15 % of our current transportation ethanol concentrations, however, it would be even more
fuel needs in replacing that amount of petroleum usage . advantageous for such microorganisms to be able to grow
Thus, there is a pressing need to produce fuel ethanol from 35 from Moreover
the ,energy
they capture
by producing
conditions for fiber
more ethanol
digestion (
cellulosic plant fiber instead . If ethanol could be inexpen neutral pH ) differ from the preferred conditions for ethanol
sively produced from sources other than corn grain , waste
biomass like leaves; paper ; manure ; and wood or wood production ( e.g. acidic pH ) within existing microorganisms.
The conventional wisdom among scientists is that there is
byproducts, for example, further inroads into replacing 40 little reason to continue pursuing efforts at isolating natu
petroleum usage could be made . Cellulosic biomass can be rally -occurring microorganisms for cellulosic ethanol pro
grown on marginal land and in greater yields than grain duction . In fact, the US Department of Energy ( DOE )
crops and, thus, offers the promise of high yield based on Roadmap for biofuel production ( DOE , 2006 ) also empha
input. Eventually, it is likely that the U.S. could use up to a sizes similar points and reinforces this conventional wis
billion tons of such biomass per year. 45 dom . The grant programs by the DOE and US Department
Presently, however, the available technologies for produc of Agriculture (USDA ) encourage modem metabolic engi
ing so - called cellulosic ethanol are prohibitively expensive neering and discourage attempts to find and isolate suitable
and , thus, industrially unfeasible. Moreover, competition for naturally -occurring microorganisms for the production of
available corn grain between use in ethanol fuel and in ethanol.
producing corn -based food stuffs has led to a large rise in the 50 Thus, a need exists for a plausible method for producing
price of such food stuffs for consumers. ethanol, as well as other lower alkyl alcohols , from cellu
There are three processes generally available for the losic biomass using microorganisms and fermentative diges
production of ethanol from plant fiber, also called plant cell tion , thus avoiding the use of costly process steps to produce
wall , which contains cellulose , hemicelluloses , pectin , and the ethanol or other lower alkyl alcohols. Yet, the possibility
lignin . One process is called physical conversion where 55 of finding naturally-occurring microorganisms for this task
biomass is heated to high temperatures, such as 650 ° F. , in has been dismissed for the most part.
the absence of oxygen . The biomass is degraded to carbon
monoxide ( CO ) and hydrogen ( H2 ) , and subsequently these SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
gases are converted to ethanol by a catalytic or microbial
process. Unfortunately, this process involves substantial 60 Accordingly , the present invention provides a method of
facility costs and is not considered cost effective for com producing lower alkyl alcohols , such as ethanol, from plant
mercial use . fiber and other biomass using naturally -occurring microor
A second approach is biochemical conversion which ganisms.
entails boiling the biomass in caustic acids or other chemi It is , moreover, a further object of the present invention to
cals to unravel the cellulose and hemicelluloses. The residue 65 provide naturally occurring microorganisms for producing
is neutralized and conditioned and subjected to cellulolytic lower alkyl alcohols, such as ethanol, from plant fiber and
enzymes to release sugars. The glucose released is fer other biomass .
US 10,760,102 B2
3 4
It is also an object of the present invention to provide a where partial pressure of hydrogen (H ) increases with
method for screening for microorganisms that are capable of constant total gas pressure of 1 atm containing hydrogen
producing high yields of ethanol or other lower alkyl alco ( H2 ) and carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) gas .
hols from fermentation of cellulosic biomass . FIG . 10 illustrates the product of reactant gas concentra
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a 5 tions ( atmospheres ) for reactants to make butanol or butyrate
method for predominantly producing a single lower alkyl where partial pressure of hydrogen (H2 ) increases with
alcohol which entails digesting biomass with naturally constant total gas pressure of 2 atm comprising H , and
occurring microorganisms which produces the single lower carbon dioxide ( CO2) gas .
alkyl alcohol; and effecting an enrichment stage in the FIG . 11 illustrates the product of reactant gas concentra
presence of the single lower alkyl alcohol to promote and 10 tions ( atmospheres) for reactants to make propanol or pro
favor digestion by one or more naturally -occurring micro pionate where partial pressure of hydrogen ( H2 ) increases
organisms that are tolerant to said lower alkyl alcohol. with constant total gas pressure of 1 atm comprising H , and
It is , moreover, an object of the present invention to carbon dioxide ( CO2) gas .
provide a method for favoring production of ethanol or other FIG . 12 illustrates the product of reactant gas concentra
lower alkyl alcohols from digestion of biomass containing 15 tions ( atmospheres ) for reactants to make propanol or pro
plant fiber, which comprises digesting sad biomass contain pionate where partial pressure of hydrogen ( H2 ) increases
ing plant fiber under conditions which thermodynamically with constant total gas pressure of 2 atm comprising H2 and
favor production of ethanol and other lower alkyl alcohols carbon dioxide (CO2) gas .
Further, it is an object of the present invention to provide 20 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
a method of digesting cellulosic biomass with one or more PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
microorganisms to produce a lower alkyl alcohol under
thermodynamically favorable conditions therefor. The present invention is based in part, on the application
The above objects and others are provided by a method of the second law of thermodynamics, i.e. , second law , to
for producing lower alkyl alcohols from biomass containing 25 biology, in general, and to fermentation , in particular. This
plant fiber, which entails anaerobically digesting the bio law was originally formulated around 1850 by Clausius and
mass containing plant fiber with one or more naturally Kelvin and , in general, determines when a reaction can
occurring microorganisms which directly digest the biomass proceed spontaneously in a forward direction , or may pro
containing plant fiber, and which microorganisms are toler ceed in a reverse direction . For reactions in which there is a
ant to lower alkyl alcohols. 30 limited amount of reactant ( substrate ) and a large amount of
product, conditions can occur in which the flow of the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS reaction from reactant to product requires the input of
additional energy overcome the further concentration of
FIG . 1 schematically illustrates optional pathways for product. Occasionally, in biology the product and reactant
digestion and conversion of complex carbohydrate , which 35 concentrations are quantified and a determination is made
can be controlled in accordance with the present invention . that a reaction can or cannot proceed, and how much energy
FIG . 2 represents a material flow diagram for a process for can be captured if it proceeds. These reactant concentrations
producing ethanol from cellulosic biomass . are studied in vivo or in vitro .
FIG . 3 illustrates the relationship between the product of The present invention applies the second law to a far
reactant gas concentrations (atmospheres) for reactants to 40 greater, and, in fact, unprecedented, extent to determine
make ethanol or acetic acid for increasing partial pressure of which reaction pathway branches in a system are available,
hydrogen ( H ) with constant total gas pressure of 1 atm of and to predict which products will be formed under a given
hydrogen (H2 ) and carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) . set of conditions. Thereafter, the reaction system may be
FIG . 4 illustrates the same as FIG . 3 , except that the manipulated to produce a desired product, such as a lower
constant total gas pressure is 2 atm . 45 alkyl alcohol . The reaction system is defined by a total of all
FIG . 5 illustrates the same as FIG . 3 , except that the total of its possible pathways , and the flow in one pathway affects
pressure of both hydrogen (H2 ) and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) the concentrations and flows in all other pathways. Thus , the
are increased , where a constant ratio of 75 % H , and 25 % present inventors provide a thermodynamic model, by which
CO2 is used . to manipulate fermentation to favor production of a desired
FIG . 6 illustrates the relationship of the ratio of the 50 product. The present inventors have determined that in
product of reactant gas concentrations ( atmospheres ) for testing this model , in fact, thermodynamics may be used to
reactants to make ethanol to the product of reactant gas control what products are made in fermentation . Thus, the
concentrations to make acetic acid where the total pressure present invention provides various methods of digesting
of all gases is increased and gases are at a constant ratio of cellulosic biomass with one or more microorganisms to
75 % hydrogen (Hz ) and 25 % carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) . 55 produce lower alkyl alcohols under thermodynamically
FIG . 7 illustrates the relationship of the product of reac favorable conditions therefor.
tant gas concentrations ( atmospheres) for reactants to make One of the surprising aspects of the approach described
ethanol or acetic acid where partial pressure of hydrogen herein in accordance with the present invention is how little
( H2 ) increases with constant total gas pressure of 1 atm of information is needed to accurately model a fermentation
hydrogen (H2 ) and carbon monoxide (CO ) . 60 system . For example, the rumen has been studied for
FIG . 8 illustrates the relationship of the product of reac decades , and those skilled in the art know that different
tant gas concentrations ( atmospheres) for reactants to make metabolites can be passed from one microorganism to
ethanol or acetic acid where partial pressure of hydrogen another. Thus, H , when produced may be exported by acetic
( Hz ) increases with constant total gas pressure of 1 atm . of acid producing microorganisms, and picked up by metha
hydrogen (Hz ) and carbon monoxide (CO ) . 65 nogens or propionic acid producing microorganisms. Yet,
FIG . 9 illustrates the product of reactant gas concentra the thermodynamic model doesn't require such information ,
tions ( atmospheres ) for reactants to make butanol or butyrate only the net result of the entire pathway. The present
US 10,760,102 B2
5 6
thermodynamic model shows that by increasing H2 , the microorganisms well suited for their natural environments.
equilibrium shifts toward greater ethanol production (as a The presently disclosed methodologies , however, lead to the
sink for H2 ) compared to acetate production (as faucet for development of microorganisms that are particularly well
H ). suited for environments not found in nature. Moreover, the
U.S. Ser. No. 12 /000,856 discloses controlling fermenta- 5 conditions used to develop such microorganisms favor rapid
tion or enriching for microorganisms by manipulating H2 development thereof and production of products from the
concentrations by adding , retaining, or recirculating it or by microorganisms in a manner not found in nature .
inhibiting its utilization. The effect is understood differently In simple chemical systems , the difference in Gibbs free
at the single microorganism level. For example, consider a energy contained in reactants and products (AG) can be
microorganism that can produce acetic acid or ethanol. If the 10 calculated based on temperature , concentrations and pres
microorganism produces acetic acid , it will have additional sures , and this difference can be used to determine whether
H , available based on the stoichiometry. It may be in the or not a reaction can proceed spontaneously in a certain
form of NADH and it will need to unload it before it can direction . An approach used in an aspect of the present
make more acetic acid . Thus, membrane systems have invention applies this analysis to complex chemical systems
evolved to transfer the H , outside of the cell . These systems 15 with multiple competing pathways, and to set up and solve
are called hydrogenases whether they serve to export or multiple simultaneous equations with each equation repre
import H , from the media . If there is a high concentration of senting a different possible pathway. Thus, the approach
H , in the media, the uphill gradient will cost the microor utilized by the present invention represents a significantly
ganism more energy to export the H2 , and it will be advantageous way of manipulating system pathways to
disadvantaged . Normally, the microorganism can only make 20 obtain a desired product, in particular, lower alkyl alcohols ,
1 ATP per ethanol produced, but it can make 2 ATP per acetic such as ethanol, propanol or butanol .
acid, so it grows faster when acetic acid production is Furthermore, in accordance with the present invention ,
possible . However, when acetic acid production takes more the complex chemical system may be a living system such
ATP to export the H2 produced , ethanol production would be as an organism , or in the example in this description, an
favored . Thus, the microorganism itself may shift its 25 ecosystem containing many organisms. Thus, using this
metabolism toward higher ethanol production when H , is approach described herein can enable the production of a
present. Many microorganisms may not efficiently control desired product for a fermentation system , but further it can
their metabolism that way, and they do not compete well be used to enrich for or select microorganisms with desired
against those that do . In fact, other microorganisms that characteristics . Furthermore, the application of the second
simply make ethanol survive these high H , conditions. 30 law of thermodynamics for enrichment and selection
These microorganisms may be able to survive normally by effected as part of the present invention can be practiced
exporting ethanol to other microbes that convert it to acetic over many generations, resulting in the creation, enrichment,
acid . The present thermodynamic model demonstrates that and isolation of new forms of life . For example, if a
ethanol was not a normal end product of rumen fermentation microorganism divides once every 40 minutes , a population
because it is not a favored product under normal rumen 35 thereof would double 36 times in 24 hours , and thus, one
fermentation conditions, however, it could be made to be individual microorganism would become 236 or 6.9x1010
favored by altering the end product gases . Thus, these individuals , any of which could be a beneficial mutant.
conditions can be maintained to cause the mixed culture to The theory of evolution is a well - established principle of
make ethanol, or to allow for the enrichment and isolation of biology, and is based on the observation that chance muta
microorganisms from the mixed culture that can make 40 tions of various types occur in the reproduction of living
ethanol. The method of selection may seem indirect . The organisms, through various mechanisms, and that these
objective is to select against acetic acid production , and the mutations may be advantageous or disadvantageous for
means is to inhibit hydrogenase. However, inhibiting the future generations of the progeny. If they are advantageous ,
hydrogenase affects the thermodynamics in the cell , which the offspring have a greater probability of reproducing than
inhibits acetic acid production. 45 do the offspring of non -mutants, and the genetic change is
Increasing H , in incubation favors microorganisms that use passed on and enriched in the ensuing population . The
H , and it disfavors those that depend on releasing it . For present invention applies both the second law of thermody
example , propionate producers and methanogens or reduc namics and theory of evolution , more precisely evolutionary
tive acetogens can all be enriched by increasing Hz . development, to create new organisms by directing evolu
Generally, the present invention contemplates : 1 ) defining 50 tion .
a system as a network of many different potential reactions, The second law of thermodynamics is used in accordance
2 ) thermodynamically analyzing each reaction in the system with the present invention to determine conditions in which
simultaneously, 3 ) including living reactions to the system microorganisms with desired traits are more likely to sur
such as genetic selection and mutation , 4 ) using this analysis vive . If certain microorganisms in the population are able to
to predict the impact of different manipulations and 5 ) 55 survive, they are enriched and may be selected therefrom . If
identifying ways to shift the overall system toward desired mutations occur that make a certain microorganism more fit
pathways to produce a metabolite , to enrich for certain under those conditions , those mutants are enriched and
functional characteristics among microorganisms, or even to selected . Mutations can be made more frequent by including
direct evolution of microbial strains. chemical mutagens or ultraviolet light, or any well - known
ways of shifting complex chemical systems, including living mutagenesis areforcommonly
Thus , the present inventors use thermodynamics to 1 ) find 60 methodology inducingemployed
mutations, but
. Such methods
the current of
systems of which fermentation is an example, toward certain tion applies the second law of thermodynamics to determine
products (e.g. ethanol ), 2 ) select for certain functional types the conditions to control mutagenesis and the results there
of microbes within this type of complex living system , and from . Although thermodynamics always drives the evolu
3 ) direct evolution, wherein evolution is well understood to 65 tionary process, the specific application in the present inven
mean a process involving selection pressure and mutation , tion is to apply conditions that do not occur in nature to force
which tends to eventually result in the development of evolution to create organisms that do not occur in nature .
US 10,760,102 B2
7 8
For example, the present inventors first determined that (which are similar to hemoglobin ). Known toxins that affect
no rumen microorganisms could survive greater than 6 % by hemoglobin or myoglobin would be likely to affect hydro
volume ethanol concentration , but over many generations of genases as well and thus, may be used . Of course , O2 is
growth in media with 6 % by volume ethanol, organisms known to bind tightly to hemoglobin and its toxic effect on
emerged and were found that could tolerate as much as 10 % 5 strict anaerobes might be related to its binding to hydroge
by volume ethanol concentration. Mutants that could survive nases .
high ethanol concentration under conditions favoring fiber Any means to directly inhibit the production of acetate
digestion, were selected by growing them on cellobiose . would also select against acetate producers and favor other
Thus, highly ethanol -tolerant fiber - digesting microbes were microorganisms such as ethanol producers. For example,
developed . Such organisms do not occur in nature because 10 acetate kinase , which is part of the acetic acid production
ethanol does not accumulate under conditions where fiber
digestion occurs . pathway , is sensitive to low pH , and high concentrations of
acetate and ethanol itself
These unnatural or ( artificial or man -made ) conditions cifically contemplates using . Thus, the present invention spe
favoring the development or evolution of ethanol - tolerant inside the cell or increase theany means to decrease the pH
microorganisms include : high H2 pressure or presence of 15 inhibit undesired products. Forconcentration
example ,
of reactants that
ionophores inhibit
hydrogenase inhibitors, together with low CO , pressure,
high ethanol concentration , and a source of biomass like some acetic acid producers by dissipating proton gradients
plant fiber. The high hydrogen production would inhibit across membranes. Use of inhibitors of proton pumps, such
acetic acid production, the low CO , would inhibit propionic as N , N -dicyclohexylcarbodiimide ( DCCD ) , could also
and lactic acid , and, thus, ethanol would become thermo- 20 affect the ability of a microbe to make acids or make the
dynamically favorable . In nature , an assortment of different organisms that produce acid less fit.
organic acids are produced in fermentation because the The same approach may be used for isolation of butanol
production of one set of metabolites inhibits further produc producing microorganisms in which organisms are isolable
tion of those metabolites , and shifts metabolism toward and useable in the present invention to directly convert plant
another set of metabolites . In these natural systems, high 25 fiber or other products directly to butanol, and in which
concentrations of ethanol would not occur with either high higher concentrations of butanol will be tolerated . Using the
H or low CO2 , because CO2 is produced with ethanol and methodologies described herein , given the vast number of
H , is not . In addition , high H2 pressure occurs because of microorganisms available in the environment from which . to
oxidation of biomass releasing H , and CO2 , or these two choose, i.e. , about 101s microorganisms in a cow's rumen ,
gases are readily used together to produce methane. Thus, 30 and the potential to develop and select mutants from rapidly
conditions do not exist in nature that would strongly favor reproducing populations , relatively little effort must be
ethanol production in the presence of high ethanol concen expended in order to find preferred microorganisms from
tration . which to produce butanol in advantageous amounts . The
Unlike ethanol production from sugar using yeast , the pathway for butanol production from glucose has much in
concentration of sugars available for conversion is much 35 common with the pathway for butyrate, a major rumen VFA .
lower when plant fiber is the feedstock because digestion of When rumen fluid was incubated under conditions to pro
cellulose is slow and may be inhibited by sugars or low pH . duce high hydrogen concentrations , butanol was formed ,
Therefore, the present invention encompasses alternative thus confirming that enzymes for butanol production are
procedures to create thermodynamically favorable gas con present. Every butyrate produced from glucose also pro
centrations, even at neutral pH and low sugar concentration , 40 duces 2002 and 2Hz . Thus, similar methods to inhibit
so that digestion of fiber and ethanol production can both hydrogenases as used for producing ethanol would make
proceed. Another approach would be to find a way to digest production of butanol thermodynamically favorable as well .
plant fiber to create high sugar concentrations, or to digest Based on the stoichiometry of butanol production, no HZ
fiber at low pH . Nonetheless, these unnatural gas pressures need be exported or imported to make butanol from glucose.
and metabolite concentrations were created by adding gases 45 Making butanol from butyrate may, thus, be favored by
or reagents or using inhibitors. These unnatural or man selecting microorganisms under high H2 pressure , or other
made conditions enable selection , and sometimes mutation substance to inhibit hydrogenases. Several isolates were
and selection of new unnatural but useful microorganisms. selected to make butanol.
Another method of enrichment and isolation disclosed In contrast, isolation of organisms to produce propanol
herein in accordance with the present invention is the use of 50 require high H , conditions, but not the inhibition of uptake
hydrogenase inhibitors . Using hydrogenase inhibitors can hydrogenases, because the stochiometry requires that 6H , be
affect the thermodynamics within a cell and favors micro consumed to convert glucose to two propanols . Again the
organisms that neither need to import or export hydrogen . pathway is similar to that for propionate production , which
For example, ethanol production or lactic acid producers is a common organic acid , and when rumen fluid was
would be favored , but both acetate or propionate producers 55 incubated under high H2 conditions propanol was formed .
disfavored . Compounds like carbon monoxide (CO ) or Thus, microorganisms may also be isolated from the rumen ,
cyanide ( CN ) directly inhibit hydrogenases. Previously, or many other microbial environments, for biodegradation
Na SO , appeared to inhibit hydrogenase and may be effec of organic matter to produce propanol. In fact, one isolate
tive as well as be less toxic and less expensive than other selected for ethanol production does in fact also make
inhibitors. Any means to inhibit hydrogenase may be used . 60 propanol.
Thus, the present invention emphasizes that use of H , or SO3 These examples demonstrate how thermodynamic analy
increases ethanol production, or enables enrichment and the sis and use of inhibitors are used in the control or isolation
selection of ethanol -producing microorganisms. However, of microorganisms, and to determine pathways to inhibit ,
H and SO2 are only two examples of hydrogenase inhibitors and metabolites that are inhibitory in accordance with the
and any hydrogenase inhibitor may be used . There are many 65 present invention . The example could be applied to other
hydrogenase inhibitors, including CO and CN , for example , metabolites including other alcohols , aldehydes, ketones , or
and many other molecules that bind tightly to hydrogenases acids . Of course , other metabolites need to also be consid
US 10,760,102 B2
9 10
ered including other gases that can be products or reactants or other organic matter. The process may occur at about 25
( e.g. CO2 , CH4 ) , and other metabolites . to 65 ° C. , but preferably at about 40 ° C. With some
The present invention is based , in part, upon the discovery microorganisms, however the process preferably occurs at a
of microorganisms that can be used in a digester - fermenter higher temperature, such as in excess of 60 ° F. , and more
to produce ethanol from biomass . These microorganisms 5 particularly about 65 ° C.
have specific characteristics which make them advantageous The present invention also provides certain additional
for use in a process for digesting plant fiber to produce preferred process parameters generally for digesting plant
ethanol. The microorganisms of the present invention digest biomass using an undefined mixed culture of microorgan
plant fiber, especially cellulose and hemicelluloses, in a isms . Such preferred process parameters include, for
rapid manner; convert a large percentage of cellulosic bio- 10 example, adding the biomass continually to increase ethanol
mass , i.e. , at least 30 % , preferably at least 40 % , and most concentration compared to slug feeding; controlling the gas
preferably 50% by weight, to ethanol; grow and reproduce pressures to maintain enough CO , to prevent VFA and
under conditions of ethanol production ; and continue to do ethanol degradation in the presence of high Hz ; using
so until ethanol concentrations exceed the requisite 5 % of microbial isolates to enhance a type of microbial activity ;
volume that makes it cost effective to remove the ethanol 15 using a thermodynamic model to calculate the optimal
from aqueous -based media . conditions .
This digestion of plant fiber includes cellulose and hemi Additionally, the present invention also provides a
celluloses to produce ethanol. Furthermore , and just as method for predominantly producing a single lower alkyl
importantly, the microorganisms of the present invention alcohol which entails digesting biomass with naturally
grow and reproduce under conditions of ethanol production . 20 occurring microorganisms which produces the single lower
Moreover, they do so until the produced ethanol concentra alkyl alcohol ; and effecting an enrichment stage of the
tion exceeds the requisite 5 % by volume of ethanol required naturally occurring microorganism in the presence of the
for economically - feasible separation from a aqueous -based single lower alkyl alcohol promote digestion by one or
solution . Further, the present invention specifically contem more naturally occurring microorganisms that are tolerant to
plates the use of single microorganism cultures that prefer- 25 said lower alkyl alcohol .
ably meet the above requirements or mixed microorganism Thereby, the methodologies of the present invention may
cultures that do as well . It is preferred that whether the be used to produce ethanol, propanol or butanol.
culture is a single (or mono ) culture or mixed culture that the
total culture exhibit the above - described characteristics. Term Definitions
Preferably, the present isolated microorganisms digest 30
both cellulose and hemicelluloses and convert nearly all of About: as used in the present specification means : 10 % .
the carbon in it to ethanol carbon and CO2 , and, more Thus, about 40 ° F. means 40 ° F. - 4 ° F. Similarly, about 5 %
preferably still , are tolerant to at least about 10 % by volume by volume means 5 + 0.5 % by volume .
concentration of ethanol. Butanol - tolerant: means that microorganism is able to grow
Further, the present invention also provides a digestion 35 in the presence of n - butanol . Generally, this means an
process which is favorable for the production of ethanol. The amount of n -butanol of at least 0.5 to 1 % by volume , and
present invention also contemplates, for example, continu preferably about 2 % by volume , in a digesting medium
ously supplying substrate as opposed to feeding a slug of unless otherwise indicated in the present specification .
feed at once . Further, maintaining strictly anaerobic condi Cellulosic biomass: means biomass containing cellulose,
tions has been found to increase ethanol concentrations, and 40 i.e. , plant fiber, which may also contain hemicelluloses or
the use of sulfide- reducing agents also increases ethanol pectin, or other materials, such as ruminant feces that
production. However, see the discussion below regarding contain undigested cellulosic biomass . Examples of plant
aerobic microorganisms. cellulosic biomass include, for example, hay, grass and
A process is also described to produce the type of micro wood .
bial culture described above. The microbes in the culture 45 Consolidated bioprocessing (or CBP) : refers to the process
may be derived from the rumen of a ruminant or other of using microorganisms to digest cellulosic materials to
anaerobic ecosystem like feces, manure digester, insect gut , produce ethanol, which is considered to be the simplest and
soil , or other . The process isolates microbes by incubating lowest cost process for producing cellulosic ethanol.
under conditions that yield ethanol while digesting fiber. Conversion percentage by weight: means the percentage of
These conditions can include high H2 pressure , presence of 50 cellulose weight converted to ethanol or other biofuel. This
substrate that is desired to be digested ( e.g. cellulose , calculation does not include exogenous water or hydrogen
cellobiose ) , desired preferred temperatures for the desired that may also be incorporated into ethanol. For example,
culture ( for example, 40 ° C. or 55 ° C. ) , presence of ethanol, 50% conversion of cellulose by weight means that 1 g of
and other conditions . cellulose is converted to 0.5 g of ethanol. Nearly as much
Further, a process is described to calculate the equilibrium 55 CO , may be produced.
concentrations of a mixture of fermentation products, and Defined cultures : Cultures of microorganisms that have been
using those calculations to determine optimal conditions to isolated and characterized to some extent, possibly identified
increase the concentration of the desired product. as genus and species , and possibly characterized by sequenc
Moreover, a process is described to test microbial cultures ing the variable region of 16S rDNA, or by sequencing the
for their utility in a process to produce ethanol from plant 60 complete genome .
fiber, in which the microbes are incubated with biomass Direct digestion : means that the microorganisms act directly
under about 1 atmosphere of hydrogen pressure . on the cellulosic biomass in its natural form ( e.g hay) with
Additionally, a process is described to digest plant bio minimal pretreatment to digest the cellulosic or fibrous
mass and produce ethanol using microorganisms. This pro content thereof.
cess may include digesting the biomass with a mixed culture 65 Direct evolution : means to direct the development of micro
of microorganisms. The biomass may contain cellulose , organisms that are well suited, preferably particularly well
hemicelluloses , starch , mono - saccharides, glycerol, protein suited, for a given environment that is not found in nature .
US 10,760,102 B2
11 12
As exemplified herein , this can mean, for example, the Thermodynamically favorable conditions: means reaction
development of microorganisms that produce high concen conditions that render a reaction of interest to be thermo
trations of lower alkyl alcohols , such as ethanol, in digestion dynamically favorable . Such reactions conditions might
media , and which are tolerant thereto . include pH , temperature, headspace vacuum , headspace
Ethanol - tolerant: means that a microorganism is able to 5 perfusion gases or inclusion of reducing agents, for example.
grow in the presence of ethanol. Generally, this means an Thermodynamically favorable reaction : the concentrations
amount of ethanol of at least 0.5 to 1 % by volume , and of reactants and products and other factors, such as tem
preferably about 2 % by volume, in a digesting medium perature , headspace gas and the pressure thereof, for
unless otherwise indicated in the present specification . example, are such that the reaction is favored over other
Favorable Free Energy for Synthesis: means the change in 10 reactions occurring with competing reaction pathways, i.e. ,
Gibbs Free Energy (G) is negative for the combination of a reaction is thermodynamically favorable .
reactions that comprise the system that converts a set of Thermodynamically feasible reaction: the multiplicative
reactants to a set of products, and the system can therefore product of reaction product concentrations divided by the
convert the reactants to products. The AG is calculated based multiplicative product of reactant concentrations is low
on the change in Gibbs Free Energy under standard condi- 15 enough for the reaction to proceed spontaneously in the
tions (AG ° ) temperature and the concentrations or partial forward direction , i.e. , a reaction is thermodynamically
pressures of reactants and products . The AGº is calculated as feasible .
the difference in Gibbs Free Energy of Formation (AG ° ) for Undefined cultures: cultures of microorganisms taken from
the products and reactants . The ( AGº is the AGº for forma a source without having isolated individual microbes or
tion of any material from the elements i.e. graphite , H , or 20 characterized individual organisms.
CO2 , for example, under standard conditions. Standard VFA : volatile fatty acids (e.g. acetic acid, propionic acid ,
conditions means standard temperature ( 298.15K unless butyric acid , lactic acid )
otherwise indicated ), 1 molar concentration of all reactants I. Microorganisms
and products, and 1 atmosphere partial pressure of gases. One aspect of the present invention entails the provision
Fermentation or Fermentation System : refers to the use of 25 of a microbial culture of isolated microorganisms that
microorganisms to produce a product, for example , by digests plant fiber , especially cellulose and hemicelluloses,
digestion of biomass containing plant fiber; where the sys in a rapid manner; converts a large percentage of plant
tem refers to the totality of all possible reactions which occur biomass ( e.g. > 50 % ) to ethanol; grows and reproduces under
during digestion . Production of lower alkyl alcohols other these conditions of ethanol production; and continues to do
than ethanol is also contemplated, such as propanol and 30 so until ethanol concentrations exceed the requisite 5 % of
butanol. volume that makes it cost effective to remove the ethanol. In
Isolated microorganisms: means one or more microorgan accordance with the present invention, isolated strains of
isms that either have been isolated from a natural environ microorganisms that fit this description may be used by
ment and grown in culture , or that have been developed themselves or in combination with other organisms to make
using the methodologies of the present invention and grown 35 a culture that fits this description. Of course , mixed cultures
in culture. of microbial cultures may be obtained directly from a
Lower alkyl alcohols : means C2 - Cs , preferably C2 - C4 alco ruminant gut sample in order to screen and select for high
hols , i.e. , ethanol, propanol and butanol. producers of lower alkyl alcohols .
Mixed cultures : More than one strain of microorganism Microorganisms that have already been isolated and used
cultured together, may be defined or undefined , pure or 40 for other processes, or even for ethanol production, may be
impure cultures. used in accordance with the present invention if they satisfy
Not Found in Nature: means that conditions utilized to the requirements set forth herein . However, few , if any,
control mutagenesis of microorganisms in either increasing existing microbial cultures have been tested for ethanol
yield therefrom of a desired product, such as ethanol, or to production under the conditions of the fermentation needed
increase tolerance of the microorganism to the desired 45 to shift fermentation toward ethanol, as described herein ,
product, such as ethanol, are not found in nature. Such hence, it is not known how many known microbial cultures
conditions may include, for example, a growth medium for used for other purposes have these traits . In such a case ,
microorganisms that contains a high percentage of ethanol, providing a microbial culture in accordance with the present
i.e. , 6 % by volume, using cellobiose as a material for invention only requires screening of the isolated microbial
digestion . Such conditions may also include, for example, 50 culture to determine if it satisfies the conditions described
high H2 pressure , presence of hydrogenase inhibitors, and herein . Screening would make the culture “ known ” to have
low CO2 pressure. These are conditions not found in nature . the required conditions, which would make the culture
Plant fiber: Defined chemically as comprising cellulose , useful for the consolidated bioprocessing method of produc
hemicellulose, pectin or lignin , or combination thereof, and ing ethanol as well as other lower alkyl alcohols .
found in plant cell wall and many forms of feedstock 55 For example, a purified strain of Ruminococcus albus was
including whole plants, biofuel crops ( e.g. switchgrass, obtained and tested under conditions required to produce
algae ) , food byproducts, wood , wood byproducts, paper, ethanol, and it was tested also for its tolerance to ethanol.
waste , animal manure , human manure , and others. Isolated Microorganisms
Propanol - tolerant: means that a microorganism is able to The present inventors have isolated microorganisms that
grow in the presence of n- propanol . Generally, this means an 60 meet all of the requirements for producing ethanol directly
amount of n - propanol of at least 0.5 to 1 % by volume , and from cellulosic feedstock using a consolidated bioprocess
preferably about 2 % by volume, in a digesting medium ing method . Several strains, isolated from the rumen of
unless otherwise indicated in the present specification . Cows , were shown to readily digest cellulosic biomass ,
Pure cultures: Cultures of microorganisms that have been convert greater than 50% of carbon to ethanol, grow and
isolated or partially isolated to eliminate contaminant micro- 65 continue to produce ethanol until concentrations of ethanol
organisms. Cultures can be a single strain or multiple strains produced exceed 5 % by volume. Some isolated microorgan
(mixed cultures ) isms were found to digest both cellulose and hemicelluloses
US 10,760,102 B2
13 14
and convert nearly all of the carbon in it to ethanol and COZ . The conditions required to make R. albus and other
Some microbial isolates are tolerant to ethanol concentra microorganisms produce ethanol, based on previous litera
tions of up to 10% ethanol by volume. Strains differ in the ture, thermodynamic calculations and confirmation with
rate of digestion of different types of feedstock , and in the empirical studies by the present inventors, are as follows:
secondary products they produce ( e.g. propionic acid vs. 5 high partial pressure of hydrogen , and low substrate avail
acetic acid ). Several strains may also use other substrates ability such as would occur during continuous culture. The
besides cellulose and hemicelluloses. Strains differ in their theoretical growth
optimal pH and temperature for growth . Thus, cellulosic rates of microorganisms under these conditions are about
ethanol production may be practiced in accordance with the half of the expected growth rates under acetic acid produc
present invention with one or more of the isolated strains in 10 tion conditions. Thus, slow turnover times in continuous
monoculture or mixed cultures, and with different conditions culture or methods to maintain or return microbes to the
or with changing conditions, and on different types of digester -fermenter may be needed .
substrate . Further, the present inventors discovered other ethanol
Pure defined cultures offer both advantages and disadvan producing microorganisms in the rumen of cattle that were
tages over undefined mixed cultures. Digestion and fermen- 15 developed to grow in the presence of ethanol of up to 10 %
tation with defined cultures can remove some pathways of by volume concentration, and digest cellulose (AVICEL®
fermentation that are undesirable so that even more carbon (microcrystalline cellulose) ) or use 5 - carbon sugars ( xylose
is converted to ethanol, or so that it is converted more and arabinose , for example ). The fact that rumen microbes
readily. The methods to control fermentation may be easier produce ethanol is counterintuitive inasmuch as ethanol
with pure cultures. Cultures may be used in aseptic condi- 20 concentrations in the rumen are negligible. The fact that
tions to completely eliminate other organisms, or in non rumen microbes would be ethanol tolerant is unexpected
aseptic conditions where competition from other organisms inasmuch as ethanol concentrations are so low in the rumen .
is controlled by using inhibitors or metabolites , or they may The reason for this adaptation is unknown . Further, microbes
be added to undefined cultures to increase a certain type of were isolated with maximal growth at
microbial activity. 25 different temperatures ( e.g. 40 ° C. or 55 ° C. ) , for example .
Other isolated strains were selected for their ability to Ethanol- tolerant, ethanol-producing, cellulolytic microbes
produce acetic acid rather than ethanol. These strains may be were isolated that were tolerant to sulfite ( SO3 ) in the media .
subjected to a separate process to produce ethanol or other Since growth of many other microbes could be inhibited
products from the acetic acid . There are different pathways with sulfite , this adaptation is useful for controlling metabo
for acetic acid production . The microbes may convert one 30 lism by competing microorganisms. Several microorgan
glucose equivalent to three acetic acid molecules directly. It isms produced no acid when incubated with hydrogen
would usually be just as satisfactory, however, to make two pressure. If microorganisms do not produce acid , all of the
acetic acid molecules nd, 2002 , and 4H , molecules . The substrate can be converted to ethanol and pH or acidity will
gases could be converted by a different organism to make a not inhibit further microbial growth and production .
third acetic acid , or the gases could be removed and used for 35 Another exemplary microorganism was a weakly gram
a different process. Strains may also be selected to produce positive cocci isolated from rumen fluid . An experiment was
propionate, butyrate or other alcohols . Any acids could be conducted to test different methods to prevent growth or
converted to alcohols in a subsequent step. Lactic acid may degradation of ethanol in vials while they were being
also be produced from glucose equivalent. Or bacteria , such analyzed . One treatment was addition of NaSO3 . Samples of
as Streptococcus bovis, can convert lactic acid directly to 40 rumen fluid were centrifuged ( 5000 g , 20 min) . Supernatant
ethanol under the correct conditions. Thus, several microbial was removed , and 0.5 % ethanol and NaSoz were added .
species could be isolated to produce ethanol or other alco Sulfite was an unsuccessful inhibitor of microbial growth of
hols by a number of different pathways. rumen bacteria in the supernatant. A culture grew after 2
Isolated microorganisms of interest include, for example, days at room temperature.
gram positive rods ( apparent genus Clostridia ), and weakly 45 The culture was incubated on cellobiose with a roll tube.
gram positive cocci which appear to derive from the genus Colonies that grew were isolated and tested on 2 % cellobi
Ruminococclis . Identified microorganisms also include ose in 6 % by volume ethanol media under 1 atm H2 . One
members of the genera Enterococcus, Pediococcus, Lacto strain grew and appeared to convert all the cellobiose to
bacillus and Staphylococcus. ethanol. Final concentration averaged 9 % by volume etha
Examples of Microorganisms and their Characterization 50 nol , which was an overestimate (more than 100 % conver
The present inventors established that one previously sion to ethanol), but within the range of error of complete
isolated microorganism , Ruminococcus albus strain 7 , i.e. , conversion . In some incubations, perfused H , disappeared
RA7, (ATCC # 27210 ) for example, possesses three traits with very high ethanol production , suggesting that produced
making it particularly useful to industrial ethanol produc CO2 and perfused H2 were assimilated into ethanol.
tion . First , it was shown to digest celluose and hemicellu- 55 One unexpected discovery was that many of the isolated
lose , and to ferment up to 41 % of carbon from cellulose to microorganisms produced ethanol nearly exclusively, and in
ethanol when incubated with gases it produced in continuous pure culture no longer needed the addition of H , or inhibitors
culture. Second , it was also found that RA7 grows in media of acid production . By using these additives to create
with up to 6 % by volume ethanol concentration. Third, in conditions favoring microbes that produced mostly ethanol,
fact, it produced more ethanol when grown with 6 % by 60 organisms were enriched and isolated that produced mostly
volume ethanol than without ethanol. Such characteristics ethanol even in the absence of those conditions. For
render such a microorganism advantageous for consolidated example , when several isolates known to produce ethanol
bioprocessing. That is, naturally -occurring microorganisms were incubated in the presence of 2 atm of CO , H , or CO2 ,
that both convert a substantial amount of cellulosic biomass there was no effect of which gas was used . All samples
to ethanol and which are. ethanol tolerant are advanta- 65 produced high concentrations ethanol (up to 7.0 % by vol
geously used in consolidated bioprocessing in accordance ume) , and converted up to about 50 % of cellobiose to
with the present invention . ethanol. The CO or H , was expected to inhibit hydrogenases
US 10,760,102 B2
15 16
that enable some microorganisms to release H , in associa available to be further converted to a biofuel like
tion with acetic acid production . The organisms having been alcohol by another microorganism .
selected under those conditions, did not appear to have c . Plant biomass digestion to certain organic acids . For
hydrogenases , and were unaffected . example, if acetic acid or butyric acid are desired , a
Functional Characteristics of Microbial Cultures 5 pure culture of organisms that only produces these
Before isolating microorganisms for various purposes, it acids could be selected . These acids could then be used
is necessary to determine the functional requirements of the for another process like ethanol or butanol production .
microorganisms for the process in which they will be used , d . Conversion of a mono - saccharide or di -saccharide to
such as , for consolidated bioprocessing, and the variations in alcohol or other biofuel.
those requirements for that purpose . Once these require- 10 e . Conversion of organic acid to alkyl alcohol . For
ments are determined , the conditions that favor those example, lactic acid conversion to ethanol, or butyric
requirements can be created, for example, by considering the acid conversion to butanol.
thermodynamics favoring the desired pathways. Several f . Conversion of one organic acid to another. For example,
examples of microbial cultures (pure cultures or co -cultures)
that have specific functional activities , their uses , and how 15 acetic acid converted to propionic acid , or acetic acids
they can be developed are given below. converted to butyric acids , or further elongation of fatty
In U.S. Ser. No. 12 /000,856 , it was demonstrated that the acids , or shortening of fatty acids .
rumen microbial ecosystem , like many other microbial g . Conversion of insoluble organic matter ( e.g. plant fiber)
cultures , contained many microorganisms and pathways to methane .
resulting in a broad array of activity. The end result of this 20 h . Conversion of organic acids to methane .
activity is determined by the second law of thermodynamics, i . Conversion of biomass to H , and acetic acid . If high H2
but the profile of products may be altered by adding metabo concentration is desired , organisms that use H , would
lites or inhibiting certain pathways. Further, the end products need to be excluded .
could also be manipulated by the complete removal of J. Conversion ofbiomass to H and CO2 , which could also
certain pathways by isolating specific organisms, using 25 include acetic acid degrading organisms. These organ
inhibitors with isolates , or genetically modifying organisms. isms would be used in combination with a way to make
The microorganisms could be undefined cultures or isolated acetic acid degradation thermodynamically favorable
cultures used individually or in mixed cultures to produce such as purging of gases.
the desired activity for biofuel production. Thus, although k . Conversion of CO2 and H , to acetic acid . These
ethanol can be produced by rumen microorganisms, ethanol 30 organisms might be used to recover low concentrations
does not accumulate because the microorganisms favor of H , or CO2 , in which total gas pressures could be
production of acids rather than ethanol under natural con elevated . The acetic acid could be further converted to
ditions . Even if ethanol is produced , symbiotic organisms other VFA with other cultures.
can obtain more energy by converting it to acid . With 1. Conversion of CO2 and H , to ethanol. The conversion
different conditions , ethanol can be thermodynamically 35 of CO2 and H , to acetic acid , and the interconversion of
favored , and the organisms that produce it can be enriched acetic acid and ethanol, were shown in the previous
and selected for. patent application to be near equilibrium . Thus, these
Using this concept to remove certain types of reaction conversions would be a means to make ethanol from
pathways from the microbial ecosystem through the means low concentrations of some gases .
described herein , the following functions could be orches- 40 More than one of functions a ) -1 ) may be practiced
trated by microbial cultures obtained from a mixed culture together. For example , one organism may degrade biomass
such as would exist in the rumen of the cow or many other to mono - saccharide ( function a) and another one convert the
natural and diverse ecosystems. These are functions that mono - saccharide to alcohol ( function d ). Another example is
may not occur naturally because of the need to limit some where one microorganism may produce ethanol, and CO2
activity that would naturally be present. For example, many 45 ( function d) , while another microorganism may use CO2 and
microbes can readily degrade various forms of biomass to added H , to produce more ethanol ( function 1 ) . This com
mono -saccharides, but in a natural state these microbes bination would result in very efficient ethanol production
would continue to degrade these mono - saccharides and from biomass and is specifically contemplated by the present
incorporate them into cell organic matter or burn them for inventors .
energy. The production of biofuels or other desired products 50 Developing Microbial Cultures for these Functions
from biomass , as opposed to the common products, is as A natural anaerobic or aerobic ecosystem has enzymes to
much about limiting enzyme activity as it is about adding it . produce many different products or intermediates, but typi
Isolation of microorganisms can often be used to limit the cally these systems are stable and produce the same profile
activity in the system because in nature the metabolites are of products. By selecting for certain enzyme activity and
passed from one organism to the others, thus not providing 55 removing others, the desired products can be produced and
organisms to pick up the metabolite can enable a desired concentrated . Many previous attempts to introduce alcohol
metabolite's accumulation . The present disclosure describes production enzymes into organisms failed even when the
and illustrates how to effect the following activities using full range of activity needed was present, because the
microbial cultures, as well as ways to develop the microbial absence of certain activity is also needed .
cultures themselves: 60 A flow diagram of the required steps for various end
a . Plant biomass digestion directly to alkyl alcohol, products is shown in FIG . 1 with steps identified as numbers .
wherein the biomass is plant fiber ( comprising: cellu For each of the functions (a - l ) described above, the needed
lose , hemicellulose , pectin , lignin ), starch , sugars available pathways and the needed exclusion of available
( comprising: monosaccharides, disaccharides, 5-car pathways are indicated below. Letters in brackets preceding
bon sugars , 6 - carbon sugars ) , or others. 65 each item refer to the function described above and the
b . Plant biomass digestion to an intermediate like mono microbial culture developed for that function . Numbers in
saccharide or di - saccharide. The released sugars being brackets refer to the steps in FIG . 1 , which are affected .
US 10,760,102 B2
17 18
(a ) In the first example, ethanol can be produced by effectively cross feed with microorganisms that do the
digesting biomass ( 1 ) , fermenting it ( 2 ) , and producing digesting, and produce the desired product. It may be
ethanol ( 3 ) while limiting the production of acids ( 4-7 ) , and possible to inhibit the uptake or use of the sugars or
limiting reduction of CO2 ( 10) or 02 ( 11 ) . Thus, the impor disaccharides that are produced to increase what spills to
tant steps are : 1 , 2 and 3 , but it is also important not to 5 other organisms that produce a favored product. The con
include other options . Including step 8 can be a way to make ditions could change in the fermentation due to production
the process more efficient and convert CO , and added H , to of products ( e.g. pH decrease ) to make the uptake unfavor
ethanol, but it would only work when CO2 and H , concen able
trations are high enough , otherwise it could result in a loss over time . In particular, aerobic microorganisms can grow
of ethanol. 10 readily by converting biomass to CO2 and H20 , but may not
Obtaining a culture that degrades fiber requires that at survive anaerobic conditions. The enzymes degrade the
some stage of the enrichment and isolation, the microorgan cellulose or hemicellulose to mono- or disaccharides, and
isms are grown on a source of fiber as the substrate . the organisms transport these sugars in aerobic conditions .
Enriching and isolating microbes that produce ethanol can This approach involves selecting for aerobic microorgan
be achieved by growing the microbes under conditions 15 isms that use enzymes for biomass digestion , where the
where either production or degradation of ethanol is advan enzyme activity continues in anaerobic conditions , but
tageous . For example, growing the microbes in the presence where the organisms do not take the sugars up . These
of ethanol under CO2 pressure would result in ethanol organisms may be used to grow on substrate and produce
degradation to VFA , and would select for microbes that can enzymes. Additional substrate could be added and degraded
degrade ethanol to a VFA as well as for ethanol - tolerant 20 under anaerobic conditions , and that degraded substrate used
species . These microorganisms would have the means to by other organisms to produce a desired product. For
make both the VFA and ethanol, and further development example , a yeast or bacterium that can produce a desired
might be needed if only ethanol is desired . In contrast, alkyl alcohol could be used in the second stage of the
growing the microorganisms under conditions that favor fermentation .
ethanol production over VFA could select for microbes that 25 ( C ) A third way to produce an alkyl alcohol would be to
only make ethanol. For example, under high hydrogen produce a volatile fatty acid which can be converted to an
pressure or with use of hydrogenase inhibitors, acetate alkyl alcohol . The fiber would be digested ( 1 ) , and fer
production is disfavored and organisms that produce only mented ( 2 ) , and a certain VFA or a mixture of VFA could be
ethanol have an advantage. If CO2 concentrations are low, produced depending on the desired intermediate and prod
propionate and lactate are also disfavored shifting equilib- 30 uct . A pure culture of microorganisms can produce one or
rium toward ethanol. This would explain why exclusive two VFA , or be further controlled using gaseous end prod
ethanol- producing bacteria were isolated under these con ucts . Mixed cultures of VFA can be controlled with gas
ditions . pressures to shift fermentation toward the desired VFA . For
Another type of culture that is especially useful for example, acetic acid is a common VFA that can be readily
ethanol production is an oxygen - utilizing ethanol - producing 35 produced from fiber digesting bacteria . In pure culture, it can
culture. When glucose is the feedstock , yeast utilizes this be exclusively produced and later converted to ethanol.
pathway. However, oxygen -using fiber -digesting bacteria ( d) Microorganisms can be isolated that are particularly
can also be isolated from natural mixed cultures. The goal in useful for conversion of mono- or disaccharide to alkyl
this case is digestion of fiber ( 1 ) and fermentation to ethanol alcohol ( 2 , 3 ) . The disaccharide may include cellobiose the
( 2 , 3 ) without pathways for VFA production . Also , ethanol 40 2 - glucose unit disaccharide of cellulose , which isn't easily
tolerance is required. Fiber digestion and use of oxygen can used by yeast . These microorganisms could also be advan
result in degradation of lignin , and efficient microbial tageous over yeast because of the low concentration of sugar
growth without the buildup of inhibitory products that might they may require . For example, Streptococcus bovis pro
be difficult to remove . This aerobic phase may be followed duces ethanol under reducing conditions ( high hydrogen )
by closing the environment to 02 ( 12 ) , adding more feed- 45 and low glucose concentration . It can compete effectively
stock and actively digesting it to ethanol in an anaerobic with some microbial populations of ( b ) and use the liberated
phase . Under aerobic conditions, these microbes could com sugars to produce ethanol through cross feeding.
pletely digest ethanol to CO2 and H2O , but under anaerobic ( e) There are two types of microbial populations that
conditions , ethanol would be the end product. might be desired to produce H , as a fuel. Microorganisms
The way to select these microbes is to grow them under 50 can be isolated that can digest biomass ( 1 ) and convert it to
aerobic conditions in the presence of high concentrations of acetate ( 2 , 4 ) .
ethanol as the only substrate . Then , the survivors of this These microorganisms release H2 . The H , concentration can
enrichment are grown on plant fiber as the only substrate. be about 0.67 atm with the remainder of the gas CO2 . The
These may be grown under anaerobic conditions, perhaps acetate can be used in a subsequent process to make ethanol
with inhibitors of hydrogenases (CO , SO3 ) , or H , to select 55 or CH4 . This microbial population should notcontain metha
against acid producers. Microorganisms were isolated that nogens ( 10 ) , or propionic acid bacteria ( 5 ) , or reductive
grew well in open air, and made ethanol under anaerobic acetogens ( 9 ) or ethanologens ( 8 ) .
conditions . ( f) Where it is cost effective to remove low concentrations
( b ) A different way to produce an alkyl alcohol or other of H2 , organisms that convert acetic acid to CO2 and H , may
desired bioproduct would be to use microorganisms to digest 60 be used with the organisms of ( i ) to make two thirds more
plant biomass ( 1 ) but not to ferment it (2 ) . Whereas micro H2 than could be made with microbial culture (i ) . These
organisms that digest biomass but don't utilize it are not fit, populations should not include methanogens ( 10 ) , or propi
they would not be easy to isolate from a mixed culture. onic acid bacteria ( 5 ) , but even a natural mixed culture could
However, some organisms digest biomass by producing be used if the H , is removed at very low concentrations, or
enzymes, and these enzymes may be active even after the 65 its uptake inhibited .
microbes no longer are . Some organisms might be added ( g ) An efficient way to make acetic acid from waste gases
that can use very low concentrations of the sugars to is to maintain a population of reductive acetogens with high
US 10,760,102 B2
19 20
enough pressures of CO2 and H2 . Others have proposed neously enrich for desired natural organisms and direct
adding reductive acetogens to increase acetic acid produc developmental evolution of those microorganisms. In this
tion in the rumen and decrease methane losses . However, case , the organisms that develop are unique because the
this method would not work in the cow's rumen because the original culture had no microorganisms that could grow in
acetogens are already there, and the rumen is near equilib- 5 10 % ethanol. The present inventors also directed the evolu
rium . On the other hand, a digester can increase its total tion of microorganisms after they were isolated in pure
pressure , or the partial pressure of either or both gases to culture . Again thermodynamic analysis was used to deter
promote the reaction . A culture that does not contain metha mine and establish conditions to select for desired mutants .
nogens would naturally make it possible to maintain higher One strain of bacteria was isolated that readily converted
H , and CO2 pressure than one that contains methanogens, 10 different forms of biomass to ethanol and made no other
and therefore promote greater acetate synthesis. Acetic acid measured products ( e.g. no volatile fatty acids or other
can be subsequently removed and used , converted chemi alcohols ) . The organism grew readily and could digest
cally to other product, or converted to other acid or alcohol different feedstock including pure cellulose (AVICEL® (mi
through other pathways made available to the fermentation crocrystalline cellulose) ) , and use five- carbon sugars as well
( e.g. ethanol, propanol or butanol ). 15 as glucose and cellobiose . However, this organism was not
(i ) Because the rumen has the microorganisms to assimi ethanol tolerant beyond about 2 % concentration . After sev
late CO2 and H , into acetic acid , and acetic acid is in eral runs incubating the organism with increasing amounts
equilibrium with ethanol, the pathways are present to con of ethanol ( starting with 2 % and increasing to 4 % ) , the
vert CO2 and H , to ethanol. Such a conversion might organism's ethanol tolerance increased . In these incubations,
produce both ethanol and acetic acid, unless pathway 8 is 20 the produced CO2 was removed during the
possible without pathway 9. Selecting for an organism that fermentation by purging intermittently with other gases (e.g.
can convert CO2 and H , directly to ethanol, and not have the N2 , H2 ) . This combination of supply of cellulose , removal of
ability to produce acetic acid , is possible because the path CO2 , and increasing concentrations of ethanol made it
way does not go though acetic acid . One way to enrich for thermodynamically feasible for the organism to survive
such organisms is to grow mixed cultures with optimal CO2 25 while converting the biomass to ethanol and CO2 . Because
and H , for ethanol production. Another way would be to first the original strain was also preserved, and a pure mono
favor the degradation of ethanol by growing mixed cultures culture was improved, the DNA sequence from each organ
in the presence of ethanol and low CO , and / or H2 , and then ism can be compared to determine which genes were altered ,
reverse the conditions. Air would select for oxygen -utilizing and consequently determine which genes may be important
organisms, but inert gas like N2 would select for non -oxygen 30 to the improvements.
utilizing microorganisms. High CO , and high H , conditions A second example of directing evolution by establishing
could be used subsequently to enrich or select from this thermodynamic conditions favoring ethanol was provided
population for organisms that synthesize ethanol directly. using the same organism . The organism's ability to digest
Inhibitors of hydrogenases or acid production may be more complex forms of plant fiber and convert them to
included to prevent acetogens from being selected . 35 ethanol were improved by using these same conditions
There are several reasons to include oxygen -utilizing favoring ethanol production with grass hay as the substrate.
microorganisms in anaerobic fermentations, and to select for Organisms could be developed this way to digest various
such organisms. Oxygen - using microorganisms can be used forms of feedstock .
to scavenge O2 and make the fermentation more hospitable In the previous cases , organisms were created with greater
to strict anaerobes, and to shift fermentation toward more 40 ability to tolerate high ethanol, or to produce ethanol under
reduced products. Whereas reduction of oxygen may be a high ethanol concentrations. However, the present inventors
major means for organisms to obtain energy, organisms that also directed evolution of organisms to convert a higher
depend on it would not need , and therefore would not have percentage of the plant fiber to ethanol rather than other
as many pathways for anaerobic fermentation . In the case products . Examples of these improvements pertain to both
where they cannot grow at all in the absence of oxygen, it 45 pure cultures and mixed cultures. In this case , however, for
may be easy to prevent them from carrying out unwanted examples from undefined cultures, it is impossible to dif
pathways fermentations once their job ( removing oxygen or ferentiate enrichment of desired organisms from pre - existing
digesting feed to sugars ) is done . In other cases , the oxygen mutants and creation of new mutant microorganisms.
utilizing organisms can be grown under in open air, and once The conditions for the enrichment described include
adequate cell numbers are established to enable rapid diges- 50 growing the microorganisms on a source of biomass using
tion and conversion of remaining or added substrate , anaero high H2 , CO , SO , or other agents to shift equilibrium against
bic fermentation to desired products can be achieved . Lignin acetic acid or propionic acid producers, and low concentra
cannot be readily digested by anaerobes, but it can be tions of CO2 , with removal of CO2 during digestion . These
digested by aerobes . However, it is difficult to make it into conditions make it thermodynamically favorable for ethanol
ethanol aerobically. One way to use the lignified residues 55 production . Organisms that produce ethanol exclusively are
after digestion would be to grow aerobes on it , and these favored and enriched, while those that continue to produce
aerobes may be subsequently used with additional feed acids are not . Even producing small amounts of acid is a
stock, or may be digested themselves , to produce ethanol. disadvantage compared with organisms that only produce
Reference will now be made to certain examples which ethanol, especially when acids are plentiful in the media .
are provided solely for illustrative purposes and which are 60 Thus, enrichments under high H , led to isolation of several
not intended to limit the present invention . mutants that did not produce acids at all . This result may
have occurred because of the enrichment and selection of
Example I existing microorganisms or the creation of new microorgan
isms .
Thermodynamic analysis was used to determine concen- 65 Some isolated ethanol-producing fiber -digesting microor
trations of metabolites to select for ethanol production in an ganisms produced both ethanol and organic acids from
undefined mixed population of microorganisms to simulta cellulosic biomass . However , they produce ethanol when
US 10,760,102 B2
21 22
ethanol is thermodynamically favored , and other products case eliminate the ethanol degraders . In essence , the natural
when those products are favored . For example, R. albus system has three simultaneous reactions:
strain 7 obtained from a deposit ( ATCC #27210 ) originally Glucose ethanol + 2CO2 1)
produced ethanol when incubated with H2 , but not when
incubated with CO2 or N2 . However, after growing R. albus 5 CO2 +4H2 - CH4+ 2H2O 2)
strain 7 on H , and subculturing, the organism produced
ethanol under H2 , CO2 or N2 gas headspace . Similar results ethanol+ 3H20 < -2002 +6H2 3)
were observed with other isolates , in some cases completely
eliminating the effect of N2 vs. Hy on the amount of ethanol In accordance with the present invention , the following
produced . Growing isolates under the conditions that make 10 steps , as numbered above , produce the results indicated :
ethanol the most thermodynamically favored product shifts a ) 1 and 2 and added H , makes for high concentration of
that fermentation immediately toward ethanol, but also ethanol and methane;
directs developments or evolution of microorganisms to b ) 1 and 3 and added H2 ( and especially pressure) make for
convert greater amounts of biomass to ethanol. Thus, micro ethanol production from two directions; and
organisms can be created by applying the second law of 15 c ) 1 , 2 and 3 and added H , just makes methane (this is the
thermodynamics to directing evolution of microorganisms, natural system in which biomass degraded quickly, just like
in this case shifting fermentation to increase ethanol pro removing H )
duction . All three are useful combinations for different purposes.
Non - functional genes could theoretically mutate back to
the original , but this remote possibility is easily managed . 20 Example 3
The return to the original form could occur in nature, or
through applying thermodynamic conditions favoring the A butanol -tolerant microorganism was isolated that grew
original form . For example, incubating mutants that do not on cellobiose . It was isolated on cellobiose after enriching
produce acetic acid in the presence of low concentrations of on 4 % butanol under CO2 . The microorganism isolated
H, that favor acetic acid production could result in the 25 produced butanol, and was tolerant to 6% butanol, and
reverse mutants being selected , especially if ethanol pro thrived on 10 % ethanol.
duction becomes thermodynamically infeasible as products This demonstrates that the same methodologies described
build up . However, the possibility of reverse mutations above for ethanol are also effective for butanol , and by
would be easily managed in digesters to produce ethanol analogy, for propanol.
using the microorganisms. First , if conditions are maintained 30 II . Microbial Isolation Methods
in digesters to keep ethanol production thermodynamically A description of how microorganisms were and may be
feasible, the desired organisms will grow along with the isolated is presented herein . The isolation process is another
reverse mutants . A few reverse mutants might survive and aspect of the present invention . Although the present inven
grow , but would be out numbered by the desired microor tion includes microbial cultures that can be used for the
ganisms. Second, any of thousands of mutations can result 35 process that is described to make lower alkyl alcohols such
in the loss of enzyme activity, but reverse mutation requires as ethanol, propanol or butanol , the methods of isolation also
specific mutations, and may require large segments of DNA afford additional microbial cultures that are best suited to a
to be re -developed. Thus, it is much easier to make genes particular process of interest. For example , microorganisms
non - functional than to make them functional, and providing may be selected for high tolerance to high ethanol concen
thermodynamically favorable conditions can easily make 40 trations, rapid digestion of a particular feedstock, or facile
undesired genes nonfunctional. In general, for any product management in a particular system . Exemplary methods of
produced by microorganisms developed this way, digesters isolation are described below.
must maintain conditions so that the desired activity is Exemplary Methods of Isolation
thermodynamically feasible , but these conditions no longer The organisms were isolated from the rumen of a non
need to be thermodynamically favorable to a certain product 45 lactating Holstein cow fed a diet of grass hay. The cow had
a cannula into her rumen from which rumen contents could
over other products once the pathways to develop the other
products are removed . be taken . Although the cow's rumen is a known source for
Rapid evolution of microorganisms can work against such microbes, other similar anaerobic environments are
desired purposes. When maintaining a desired enzyme activ also likely to harbor some of the same or similar organisms.
ity is required, it is necessary to maintain conditions in the 50 These environments include animal feces, manure digesters ,
digester or stock culture to continually re - select for the insect gut (especially termite or carpenter ant). Other envi
desired organisms by keeping the desired reactions thermo ronments might also harbor unique strains with special
dynamically feasible , and by maintaining conditions that attributes desired for a process to make ethanol.
make it advantageous to use the desired activity. For Contents were processed in strict anaerobic conditions in
example, ethanol- producing cultures are maintained and 55 some cases , maintaining them under oxygen -free CO2. Con
grown under conditions making ethanol production thermo tents were ground 1 minute in a blender ( under CO2 ) , and
dynamically feasible , and different diverse substrates are filtered through four layers of cheese cloth and glass wool .
used to maintain their ability to digest them . Initially all procedures maintained conditions for strict
anaerobic bacteria , although it is not known if this was
Example 2 60 necessary. In fact, later, other organisms were enriched and
isolated in open , aerobic conditions .
One way to increase ethanol concentration produced is to In some cases , enrichment of the microorganisms in the
eliminate methanogens so the CO2 pressure doesn't become rumen fluid preceded the isolation of individual strains.
low enough to degrade ethanol. Another way to increase When enriched , contents were incubated on substrate (e.g.
ethanol concentration produced is to include methanogens to 65 AVICEL® (microcrystalline cellulose ) , grass hay, arabinose
drive down the CO2 pressure and make ethanol production and xylose ) in media with phosphate buffer, salts , macrom
from glucose more thermodynamically favorable, but in this inerals and microminerals according to the procedure of
US 10,760,102 B2
23 24
Goering and Van Soest ( 1970 ) . The substrate used for In some cases , oxygen- utilizing microorganisms may be
enrichment was selected to obtain organisms capable of desired and can be enriched and isolated by a variation of the
degrading a certain type of substrate . Other substrates could method . For microorganisms that do not grow in the absence
be used ( e.g. paper, leaves , saw dust) to optimize degrada of oxygen, all phases of enrichment and isolation would be
tion of other feedstocks. If microorganisms were desired to 5 conducted in open containers with air or oxygen bubbled in
degrade algae , the substrate might have been algae . Addi or in a shaking bath . Isolated colonies can be selected from
tions to the media were made to enrich for microorganisms agar plates rather than roll tubes. Some additives, such as
with specific capabilities. For example, some enrichments Na2SO3 against
, prevent fermentation and can be used to select
acid producers. It may be desirable to isolate an
included different levels of ethanol ( 0 , 4 , 8 , 10 , 12 % by
volume ) . Some enrichments in 4% or 8% by volume ethanol 10 oxygen - utilizing microorganism to produce a certain fer
mentation product under anaerobic conditions . For example,
were transferred to 8 % or 12 % by volume ethanol supple an oxygen -using microbe might produce an alkyl alcohol
mentation , and subcultured to induce greater ethanol toler under
ance (mutagenomics ). Others had different amounts of VFA . could anaerobic conditions (e.g. yeast ). The microorganism
be grown easily in air on the substrate it uses , but
The headspace gases also varied, sometimes using CO2,N, 15 caused
or H2 . The pH of the media and the temperature of fermen
to make the product by enclosing the environment
from air. Enrichment and isolation of such a microorganism
tation were also varied . Usually, pH 6.8 was preferred for would be initiated by enrichment in an aerobic phase . The
maximal fiber digestion, and 40 ° C. is the temperature of the microorganism would be grown on the substrate that one
rumen , but higher (e.g. 55 ° C. ) and lower (25 ° C. ) tempera desires to degrade ( e.g. cellulose , complex plant cell wall ,
tures as well as others were also used. Sulfite was also 20 lignin ), and from these organisms further enrichment of
included to select for sulfite - tolerant fiber digesters. The those organisms that can grow on the product desired (e.g.
present inventors previously showed that ethanol concen ethanol, propanol, butanol ). At this time , microorganisms
trations were much higher in the presence of sulfite, but fiber remaining have the machinery to use the product and
digestion was decreased . convert it to CO2 and H20 , and to completely degrade the
All these variations were used and additional variations 25 feedstock , and grow under these aerobic conditions. Finally,
may also be used , and different microorganisms may be organisms would be isolated under anaerobic conditions by
selected this way . Many of the attempts of enrichment growing them on the feedstock that one wishes to degrade.
provided organisms that met the criteria for the proposed The conditions would be determined to be thermodynami
ethanol production process . For isolating ethanol tolerant cally favorable to produce the desired product. The survivors
organisms, high ethanol concentration is preferred. How- 30 would be microorganisms that degrade the substrate to the
ever, ethanol degrading organisms can grow under CO2 product, and survive anaerobic conditions. This method was
pressure without the ability to digest the intended substrate used to isolate fiber -digesting, ethanol -tolerant ethanol-pro
( e.g. cellulose ) . Alternatively, organisms were enriched with ducing microorganisms in one example, but can be used for
ethanol and plant fiber and H2 gas . In these cases , ethanol many other feedstocks (e.g. lignin , pectin , starch ) and prod
degradation was made less favorable . Enrichment involved 35 ucts ( e.g. other alcohols , VFA , aldehydes, ketones ). The
growing the undefined mixed culture for 24 h under the requirement of the product is that it results from partial
defined conditions, then transferring 10 % of the culture to degradation and metabolism of the feedstock , the microor
new media with similar starting composition as the original ganism having been able to grow from the energy it derives
media . This process was repeated for four days. from orchestrating that conversion.
Microorganisms were isolated using Hungate roll tubes . 40 The key principle behind this process is that all enzymes
Later a glove - box ( anaerobic chamber) was purchased that catalyze reactions in both forward and reverse directions but
enabled use of agar plates under strict anaerobic conditions , the reaction flows spontaneously in the direction dictated by
but roll tubes were still used for high hydrogen conditions . thermodynamics. Therefore , the ability to degrade a feed
Enriched inocula was diluted serially up to 1013 strength and stock to CO2 and H20 , or to degrade a product ( e.g. alcohol)
1 -ml sample was added to warm agar, and then added to a 45 to CO2 and H20 , indicates a joining of the metabolic
tube containing cellobiose , arabinose and /or xylose . and pathways that can be exploited by changing the concentra
maintained under desired gas pressures . Media usually con tions of products and reactants to influence the underlying
tained a carbohydrate source ( AVICEL® (microcrystalline thermodynamics. The ability of a microorganism to capture
cellulose ) , cellobiose , arabinose and xylose ) , and nitrogen energy and grow using these pathways may be easily cal
source (NH4, tryptic digest of casein) . Usually media also 50 ?ulated for different conditions and advantageously used in
contained yeast extract or autoclaved rumen fluid , as well as accordance with the present invention .
macrominerals ( e.g. Ca , Mg , Na) and microminerals (e.g. Isolation of microorganisms is the preferred method of
Fe , Mn ). producing the culture of microorganisms to digest plant
Sodium sulfide and cysteine were used as reducing agents, biomass to ethanol as described in accordance with the
and resazurin was added to monitor reducing conditions . 55 present invention . Generally , the isolated culture is tested or
Tubes were maintained under CO2 pressure or other gas ( H2 screened by digesting and fermenting feedstock under the
and N2 ) . Tubes were incubated at 40 ° C. for 1 to 4 days and conditions described ( including high Hz ) which increase the
individual colonies were sampled to fresh sterile broth and portion of biomass carbon converted to ethanol carbon .
incubated until they grew . Conditions for incubation Although the present invention is baseduponthe selection
reflected the conditions for their eventual use to produce 60 and use of naturally -occurring microorganisms, it is also
ethanol or other alkyl-alcohol. Indifferent runs, these con specifically contemplated that these microorganisms may
ditions included varying the use of substrates ( e.g. AVI also be further improved using classical microbiological
CELR (microcrystalline cellulose ), cellobiose, xylose, ara methods such as mutagenesis, or modem molecular tech
binose ), varying the gas composition (CO2, N , H ) , niques such as knock outs, knock downs of genes encoding
inclusion of sulfite or ethanol at different concentrations. 65 for enzymes necessary to produce undesired products (i.e.
The selection of conditions matched the enrichment when acetate kinase ) , or to increase ethanol or other alkyl alcohol
microorganisms were isolated from enriched samples. production .
US 10,760,102 B2
25 26
Example environment more favorable to strict anaerobes, which
might also be used . Open air conditions might be used
Enrichment and Isolation of Ethanol-Producing to grow oxygen -utilizing organisms in a separate phase
Microorganisms of the digestion, and the greater number of these
5 organisms may make further digestion and fermenta
Anaerobic Microorganisms to Produce Ethanol from Plant tion possible under subsequent anaerobic conditions .
Fiber The enrichment and isolation ( roll tube) conditions for the
Several anaerobic microorganisms were isolated that first 243 isolates of organisms to produce cellulosic ethanol
degrade various forms of plant fiber to produce ethanol are shown in Table 1 below.
directly. The desired characteristics for these organisms 10 Media for enrichment, isolation , screening and initial
were the following: experiments was as described for in vitro digestion by
1. Ethanol tolerant to at least 5 % ethanol concentration , Goering and Van Soest , 1970 , except carbonate and bicar
and preferably to 8 % or 10 % ethanol concentration as bonate salts (e.g. NaHCO3 , NH_HCO3 ) were replaced with
unit weight per volume of fluid . Higher tolerance to equimolar phosphate salts (e.g. NaH2PO4 , NH_H2PO4 )
ethanol allows the microorganism to produce ethanol to 15 adjusted to pH 6.8 . Macro minerals, microminerals, tryptic
a high enough concentration that the resultant liquid digest of casein , ammonia, sulfide and cysteine reducing
can be distilled at low cost to recover the ethanol. agents, and resazurin were used according to Goering and
2. Ability to produce ethanol when ethanol concentration Van Soest , 1970. Media was boiled under 1 atm CO2 or N2
exceeds 5 % of liquid, or preferably, 8 to 10% of liquid ( for H2 preparations) gas . The same media formula was used
or greater. 20 for initial enrichment, agar roll tubes, broths, slant tubes, and
3. Ability to convert a significant portion of the digested agar plates.
biomass to ethanol. For example, they should convert at However, roll tubes , slant tubes and agar plates also con
least 30 % , and preferable at least 50 % by weight, of the tained 2 % agar gel (Bacto Agar). Media used for pure
digested biomass to ethanol, or greater. This ability cultures ( everything but the initial enrichment) was com
requires the enzymes for ethanol production, but also 25 bined with 20 % autoclaved rumen fluid to provide potential
requires the means to prevent other enzymes from unknown growth factors .
degrading the metabolites to other products. For Enrichment.
example, organic acids may be produced instead of Media usually contained 2 % of a pure form of cellulose ,
ethanol unless these pathways are inhibited or missing AVICEL® (microcrystalline cellulose ) , for enrichment, and
from the microbial culture . 30 sometimes contained arabinose and xylose as indicated in
4. Ability to digest various forms of biomass comprising Table 1. Media ( 45 ml ) was transferred to each 140 ml bottle
cellulose , hemicellulose, and pectin . Alternatively, they under perfusion of oxygen - free gas , i.e. , CO2 or H2 . Rumen
may digest starch and be used for a different process, or fluid from the cow's rumen was initially prepared by blend
the microbial culture may be able to digest both plant ing for 1 minute and straining though
fiber and starch and be used for a non -homogenous 35 cheese cloth followed by glass wool . Carbon dioxide, run
feedstock . This ability would require the production of through a copper column to remove O2 , was perfused over
enzymes for the digestion process, and the regulation of rumen contents and into containers to maintain anaerobic
the genes encoding those enzymes to favorably digest conditions .
the substrate . Rumen inocula ( 5 ml ) was added to each flask . Flasks were
5. The ability to grow while producing ethanol in high 40 sealed with butyl rubber stoppers and incubated in a shaking
ethanol concentration . The thermodynamic calcula water bath for 48 hours . New flasks were prepared with 45
tions show that only about half as much energy can be ml of media with cellulose , and 5 ml of subculture was
produced by anaerobic organisms making ethanol as added from the previous fermentation . These flasks were
one making acetic acid , so growth rate may often be an again incubated for 48 h , and again subsampled. Each
issue , and be addressed by using organisms with sur- 45 enrichment process included at least three cycles of subcul
vival strategies against high dilution rates, and engi turing and growth .
neering principles to maintain slow -growing organ For each enrichment and roll tube, the temperature of
isms . incubation was 39 ° C. unless indicated otherwise . Organ
In addition to these primary traits, additional and preferred isms were also selected at 55 ° C. and other temperatures
traits include the following: 50 could have been used . Initially, various concentrations of
6. Ability of the organism to attach to cellulosic substrate. ethanol were used with cellulose (AVICEL® (microcrystal
During digestion , attached organisms producing CO2 line cellulose) ) as substrate and CO2 as headspace gas . These
cause the digesting biomass to float. These organisms conditions select for organisms that can utilize ethanol, and
can digest biomass readily because of their close prox which therefore also have the enzymes to make ethanol.
imity to it , and they do not wash out of the digester with 55 Later H , was used as headspace gas with different concen
the fluid phase. trations of acetic acid . These conditions select for acetic acid
7. Motility could also be advantageous as a means to tolerant microbes , but conditions favor microorganisms that
allow organisms to populate new substrate, and having make ethanol rather than acids . In one case ( 112-117 ) , sulfite
motile microorganisms might decrease the need for ( SO3 ) and air were used in the enrichment with 1 % ethanol
mechanical mixing . 60 as the only substrate (no tryptic digest of casein) . These
8. Catalase and peroxidase enzymes can make microor conditions select for organisms that use oxygen , and can
ganisms tolerant to oxygen which can be advantageous make or degrade ethanol. Sulfite appears to inhibit organ
because it would be easier to handle the microorgan isms with hydrogenases ( e.g. acid producers ). Initially when
isms . rumen fluid was incubated with 0 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 or 12 % ethanol
9. Ability to utilize oxygen to grow may be advantageous. 65 and 2 % cellulose , microbial growth was inhibited at greater
Oxygen - utilizing microorganisms can be used to than 6 % concentration . However, after three enrichments in
decrease the oxygen content of the media and make the 6 % concentration , these cultures were transferred to 10 %
US 10,760,102 B2
27 28
ethanol, in which they grew , and were enriched for three cultures, 0.1 ml culture is transferred to a slant culture (2 %
more cycles (numbers: 15-22 , 71-82 ) . agar media with 0.8 % cellobiose in a 25 -ml tube with 10 ml
Isolation . media on a slant to increase surface area ). The inocula is
Roll tubes used the same media as for enrichment, but it added on top the agar which is maintained under CO2 , N2 or
also contained , 0.8 % cellobiose , 2 % agar and 20 % strained 5 Hz . These are initially incubated at 39 ° C. until colonies
rumen fluid . Some tubes contained 5 - carbon sugars. The form ( 16 h) , and then stored at 25 ° C. or 4 ° C. for up to a
prepared media ( 5 ml ) was transferred to sterile test tubes month . Cloudy broth cultures are also stored by adding 30 %
while still hot from boiling . Tubes were cooled to 55 ° C. , glycerol ( final volume) and freezing in liquid nitrogen; once
and inoculated . Subcultures from the last enrichment were frozen , these colonies are stored at -80 ° C.
diluted serially in media to obtain cultures from 1 to 10.14 10 Screening. Screening of microorganisms addresses
viable cells per 0.5 -ml inocula . Roll tubes were prepared for whether they can digest a certain substrate and convert it to
each level of dilution, but concentrating on the 10.10 to 10.14 ethanol. For ease of use , soluble cellobiose or AVICEL®
dilutions. Once inoculated, tubes were perfused with gas , (microcrystalline cellulose ) are frequently used . Cellobiose
stoppered , and rolled on ice to make the gel harden . Tubes is a two - glucose unit of cellulose , which is generally not
were incubated for 24 to 48 h at 39 ° C. and independent 15 utilized by non - fiber degrading microorganisms. The 243
colonies selected from these . Only organisms that can grow isolates derived as described were screened by transferring
on cellobiose were selected in the roll tubes, in the present 0.5 ml broth to 9.5 ml media (as described, no agar ) with
case , and indicators in the roll tube agar were used to final concentration of 0.8 % cellobiose and 0.4 % of each
identify acid - producing and non -acid -producing strains . arabinose and xylose ( 5 - C sugars ). Samples were also
Whereas , only fiber digesting microbes can use cellobiose , 20 screened using 2 % cellobiose , 6 % cellobiose , 2 % AVICEL®
these isolates represented fiber digesters . (microcrystalline cellulose) , and 0.8 % cellobiose with no
Maintenance . 5 - C sugars or digest of casein , and 0.4 % of each 5 - C sugar
Colonies were selected from among the colonies in roll but no digest of casein . Samples were also incubated with
tubes and transferred to broth for short -term maintenance . and without initially including 6 % ethanol in the media . The
The broth was of the same composition as media for other 25 cell growth was determined by turbidity, and ethanol was
purposes, but did not contain agar, and contained 0.8 % measured by gas chromatography (GC ) at time=0 , and other
cellobiose and 0.4 % of each xylose and arabinose . Broth time points (e.g. 6 h , 1 d, 3 d , and 5 d) . Results showed that
cultures are maintained at 39 ° C. until they become cloudy. many strains could produce ethanol from cellobiose or
Broth cultures ( 5 % final concentration , vol/vol ) are trans cellulose . Several strains increased ethanol concentration
ferred to new media three times per week . After two to three significantly above the 6 % initially inoculated .
Conditions to enrich and isolate ethanol-producing fiber- digesters .
Roll Tube

Enrichment Indicator
Ethanol ( Bromcresol
Isolates Addition Substrate Other Substrate purple )
1 to 14 6% Cellulose 1 atm CO2 Cellobiose
15 to 22 10 % Cellulose 1 atm CO2 Cellobiose
23 to 36 0% Cellulose 1 atm CO2 Cellobiose
37 to 59 No Cellulose 1 atm CO2 Cellobiose +
enrichment 5C
60 to 70 0% Cellulose 1 atm CO2
71 to 82 10 % Cellulose + 1 atm CO2
83 to 111 6% 55 ° C.
112 to 118 1% Cellulose Air, Na2SO3
119 to 152 0% Cellulose 2 atm H2
153 to 177 0% Cellulose 100 mM
acetic acid ,
pH 6.8 , 2 atm
178 to 184 0% Cellulose 2 atm H2
185 to 215 0% Cellulose 2 atm H2
216 to 218 0% Cellulose 100 mm
acetic acid,
pH 6.8 , 2 atm
219 to 222 0% Cellulose 100 mm
acetic acid ,
pH 6.8 , 2 atm
223 to 228 0% Cellulose 100 mM
acetic acid,
pH 6.8 , 2 atm
US 10,760,102 B2
29 30
TABLE 1 -continued
Conditions to enrich and isolate ethanol-producing fiber- digesters .
Roll Tube
Enrichment Indicator
Ethanol ( Bromcresol
Isolates Addition Substrate Other Substrate purple)
229 to 243 0% Cellulose 100 mM
acetic acid ,
pH 6.8 , 2 atm
5C = 5 - carbon sugars ( xylose and arabinose , 1 % each for enrichment, or 0.4 % each for roll tubes ).
Cellulose = 2 % AVICEL ® (microcrystalline cellulose ) .
Cellobiose = 0.8 % .
Bromcresol indicator shows acid production (yellow ) or not (purple ).

Example ability to produce these alcohols in the presence of higher

20 alcohol concentrations, and the ability to convert a greater
Enrichment and Isolation of Butanol- Producing percentage of biomass to butanols or propanols .
Microorganisms Most of the isolates produced ethanol when incubated
with 2 % or 6 % cellobiose or 2 % AVICEL® (microcrystal
As a proof of the concept that the methods of isolation line cellulose) under H2 pressure ( 1 to 2 atm ). Microorgan
also work for other alcohols besides ethanol, rumen 25 isms isolated under H2 pressure or air and sulfite did not
microbes were enriched for butanol tolerance by growing respond to use of H , in the headspace. That is , they produced
them on 2 % AVICEL® (microcrystalline cellulose ) in 4 % or ethanol to a similar
5 % butanol by volume . In this case , each growth phase was extent whether or not H , was present. Microorganisms that
3 days instead of 2 days before subculturing and repeating, have hydrogenases may be shifted to produce ethanol by
and 10 cycles of enrichment were used instead of only a few . 30 adding H2 , CO , SO2 or other inhibitors of hydrogenases, but
In other respects the enrichment was similar to that used for these are not needed for isolates that are selected under these
ethanol producers . In this first case , CO2 gas was used in the inhibitors because such selection obtains microorganisms
headspace , but other gases may be preferred when selecting that do not have this option of metabolism .
for Clearly, microorganisms that produce ethanol from plant
butanol producers. As previously with ethanol, one way to 35 fiber are abundant in nature ; many of these organisms are
select for alcohol producers is to provide conditions for ethanol tolerant, and many produce ethanol as a major
alcohol degradation , and then reverse the conditions to cause product. In natural cultures, ethanol is converted to lower
them to produce alcohol . Hungate roll tubes used similar energy end products ( e.g. acetic acid) , but in pure culture or
conditions to isolate individual colonies . in the presence of methane inhibitors or other means to
Seven isolates from this procedure grew in media with as 40 inhibit H2 production or utilization , such organisms produce
much as 6 % butanol by volume and produced butanol from ethanol. Moreover, in using the screening or testing meth
cellobiose . These microorganisms and this process for buta odologies described herein , one skilled in the art may readily
nol production from cellulosic biomass is an improvement to obtain microorganisms suitable for use in accordance with
available microorganisms and processes because cellulosic the present invention .
biomass can be converted directly to butanol, and the 45 Testing of Microorganisms
organisms tolerate greater concentrations of butanol than Once isolated, microorganisms were maintained and
existing methods which use microorganisms to convert tested for their ability to grow on cellulose ( AVICEL®
glucose to butanol . Interestingly, these organisms were also (microcrystalline cellulose ) ) , cellobiose , or arabinose and
tolerant to as much as 10 % ethanol, and media with butanol xylose . Similar medium as used for the Hungate roll tubes
in it was subsequently used as a means to select for ethanol 50 was used . Organisms were tested first in batch culture with
tolerant microorganisms. Only one of the organisms isolated 1-2 % carbohydrate or 10 % carbohydrate. They were incu
to produce butanol (instead of ethanol) was identified geneti bated with or without added ethanol.
cally. It was identified as a member of the genus Pediococ Candidate species were also incubated in continuous culture
cus and its 16S rDNA base pair sequence was more than or continuous feeding using 1-2 % AVICEL® (microcrystal
99 % identical to P. acidilactici or P. pentosaceus. 55 line cellulose ). Alternatively, organisms can be tested by
The thermodynamic analysis demonstrated that butanol incubating with the feedstock that one wishes to degrade (e.g
and propanol production in the presence of high concentra hay, algae , manure ).Gases are sometimes collected in mylar
tions of those respective alcohols is typically not thermo bags , and VFA and alcohols and gases were analyzed by gas
dynamically feasible or favorable. By manipulating those chromotography.
conditions in mixed rumen cultures, alkyl alcohol concen- 60 Potential Production and Distribution of Microorganisms
trations increased , and microorganisms that carry out those The microbial isolates are stored at low temperature (e.g.
reactions were isolated . Thus, the similar procedures -80 ° F. or in liquid N2 ) and are maintained in broth and agar
described for ethanol can also be used to select for micro media. The most useful microorganisms isolated for the
organisms that produce high concentrations of butanol or ethanol production process are produced using large - scale
propanol.With more time , the same procedures as used for 65 fermenters. A different fermenter for each strain is not the
ethanol production will develop microorganisms with toler most cost - effective model for production . Experiments
ance to even higher butanol or propanol concentrations, the based on thermodynamic analysis will determine which
US 10,760,102 B2
31 32
microorganisms are likely to be used in mixed culture and The moles of ATP generated for each reaction were set to
the means to maintain all of them in the same culture . For values described in the research literature ( e.g. 2 ATP per
example, two microorganisms using different substrates, VFA other than lactic acid, 1 ATP per ethanol or lactic acid ).
may be maintained in co - culture by supplying both sub Based on research previously disclosed in U.S. Ser. No.
strates . The microorganisms may be freeze - dried before 5 12/ 000,856 , the model assumed equilibrium could be
distribution . approached for production ofCH4 from CO2 and 4H , and for
Thermodynamic Calculations the degradation or synthesis of acetic acid to or from 2002
Calculation of the thermodynamic feasibility of making and 4H2 . The interconversion of VFA and alcohols was also
ethanol has been reported previously, but the process used as assumed to approach equilibrium . The model was solved for
an aspect of this invention advances the thermodynamic 10 equilibrium concentrations of CH4 , CO2 , H2 , VFA , and
analysis in many ways . Firstly, multiple thermodynamic alcohols using simultaneous equations in a spreadsheet.
equations were solved simultaneously to enable prediction Equilibrium concentrations indicate what is thermodynami
of which pathway branches are available, and to integrate cally feasible for set conditions. For example, this model
the effects of each reaction on each other. Secondly, micro calculates the concentration of ethanol relative to acetic acid
organisms that can produce high concentrations of ethanol 15 that can be produced in the presence of 0.9 atm . H2 pressure
from plant fiber were used for the first time with thermo and 0.1 atm CO2 pressure . Further, it enables users to
dynamic conditions (e.g. concentrations, pressures, tempera calculate concentrations of other intermediates necessary to
ture ) that enable production of ethanol at high concentration . obtain a certain concentration of ethanol. Therefore, the
For this reason , microorganisms for cellulosic ethanol pro model provided herein allows one to define the conditions
duction were discovered for the first time although they are 20 that favor ethanol production; for example, 1 atm . Hy may be
common in nature. One aspect of maintaining these ther required or only 0.01 atm . Hy may be required depending on
modynamic conditions is limiting certain pathways in the other metabolites in the reaction . Results of this model are
fermentation to maintain control of metabolite described herein , and the approach thereof may be applied
concentrations. Thirdly, the thermodynamics for conversion to many other uses , including other anaerobic or aerobic
of cellulosic biomass to ethanol was calculated , and it is 25 fermentations, or other aspects of metabolism .
vastly different from fermentation of sugars by yeast . Yeast III . Equilibrium Concentration of Ethanol, Propanol and
fermentation is driven by very high concentrations of glu Butanol Concentration Given Different Conditions in Mixed
cose , but free glucose concentration does not need to be very Culture, and Equilibrium for Methanogenesis and Aceto
high in the process to convert cellulose to ethanol, digestion genesis
of cellulose being a rate - limiting step . In nature, even low 30 Examplen Calculations from the Thermodynamic Model .
concentrations of glucose are converted to acids or other Although a model encoded with software provides much
products so glucose does not accumulate . Higher concen greater flexibility for exploring the potential to control a
trations may inhibit digestion . As long as these low concen fermentation system , example calculations are presented in
trations can be used , by removing products of the fermen Tables 2 and 3. The change in free energy (AG) under typical
tation, the process can be made to go forward . Fourthly, once 35 fermentation conditions is presented in Table 2. Note that
a reaction may appear feasible ( possible ), it may still more negative values indicate more thermodynamically
not be favorable relative to other reactions . For example , it favorable reactions . In Table 2 , only the CO2 and H2 pres
may appear that ethanol can be made from a certain inter sures were varied , but in the model , many other variables
mediate like glucose , but acetic acid may be more feasible . can also be changed including partial pressure of methane,
Then both reactants can be made, or organisms that make 40 pH , temperature , and concentrations of available glucose
acetic acid may even thrive and out compete with those that and other metabolites .
make ethanol. Fifthly, thermodynamics can be applied to the The accuracy of the model depends on how well the
fitness of organisms that carry out a given reaction relative fermentation is defined in terms of what reactions are
to other organisms. If the AG for glucose to acetate is much available in the system (what enzymes are present ), the
more negative than for glucose to ethanol for a certain se.t 45 amount of ATP generated per reaction , the free energy of
of concentrations, organisms that make acetate will grow formation of each reactant and product, and the stoichiom
faster than those that make ethanol. To encourage ethanol etry of the reactions . The free energy of formation is easily
production within and readily obtained from standard text books . The stoichi
an organism , or to encourage organisms that make ethanol to ometry of reactions , in some cases , may not be clear. For
out compete with acetic acid producers, the concentrations 50 example, a glucose molecule and water molecule may yield
must be manipulated to favor the ethanol producers and 2 molecules of acetic acid and 4H2 , and 2CO , or a glucose
production of ethanol. Under these conditions, ethanol pro molecule could yield 3 molecules of acetic acid , or both
ducers can be enriched, selected, mutated and manipulated . possibilities may exist depending on the organisms or the
Thus, the second law of thermodynamics is applied in a conditions . The number of ATP per reaction also varies and
new way as an aspect of the present invention to better 55 the fermentation system could enable more than one option
determine conditions for shifting fermentation toward for ATP production . Despite these uncertainties, the relative
desired products, to enrich and isolate desired microorgan differences in the way each metabolite is affected by these
isms , and to thereafter genetically alter microorganisms to conditions are clearly established .
increase production of desired products. In Table 2 , under low CO , and low H2 , acetic acid is the
The present inventors further disclose herein a mathemati- 60 favored metabolite . Note , also that degradation of acetic acid
cal model that enables users to establish the thermodynamic is also feasible, so if the fermentation contains acetate
equilibrium for different microbial cultures, and identify degrading microorganisms, acetic acid would not necessar
control points. Established methods were used to determine ily accumulate . This degradation would need to be prevented
the standard free energy change ( 60 ° ) for important fermen to make acetic acid the main product. Alcohols are generally
tation reactions. These reactions include conversion of glu- 65 not favored , but the effect of CO2 and H , on butanol
cose to : acetic acid , propionic acid , butyric acid , lactic acid , production is relevant, and it is clear that low CO , shifts
ethanol, propanol , butanol, methane, hydrogen , CO2 and H2 . fermentation toward ethanol and butanol , and high Hz , shifts
US 10,760,102 B2
33 34
it away from acetic acid . Both butanol and ethanol have the affected . Thus, various combinations can be used to shift the
most negative AG with low CO , and high H , conditions . fermentation from one metabolite to another.
However, propionate and methane synthesis would also be The model as shown here can be used to calculate the
favored, and may need to be inhibited if that activity is conditions in which production of a desired metabolite will
present. The high H , conditions favor propanol. Thus, the 5 be favored . For example, many microorganisms produce
thermodynamic analysis shows the means to shift metabo both ethanol and acetic acid or lactic acid . Even though
lism toward alcohols and away from acids , and it shows ethanol does not consume H , in the production from glu
which reactions compete for the substrates. In the fermen cose , higher H2 concentrations favor ethanol over acetic
tation system , only acetic acid may be acid . On the other hand, there is no effect of Hy on the ratio
produced until the H , and CO2 pressures increase , which 10 of ethanol to lactic acid, but low CO2 pressure favors ethanol
would result in a readjustment of the metabolism in favor of in this case . The exact quantity of either gas needed to
other metabolites . Increasing CO2 pressure , would make produce ethanol at a desired concentration depends on the
acetic acid or ethanol less favored but does not effect lactic concentrations of other metabolites and temperature, as this
acid or propionic acid . Increasing H , pressure decreases model can calculate .
favorability of acetic acid , but makes propionic acid more 15 The present inventors have realized that others have not
favorable . produced alkyl alcohols in high concentration from cellu
A driving variable in some cases is the concentration of losic biomass because the proper thermodynamic conditions
available glucose . The actual available glucose concentra have not been applied to microorganisms that can produce
tion is likely to be low when derived from cellulosic biomass lower alkyl alcohol . These conditions must consider that
because as soon as glucose is released to the solution , 20 concentration of released sugars may be low, so for ethanol
several microorganisms would take . it up and utilize it . If or butanol CO2 pressures must be low , and other pressures ,
those microorganisms are able to catalyze a reaction that is i.e. Hy may be high to inhibit other reactions. For propanol ,
most favored (most negative AG) , they will be able to utilize high H , pressures are needed . An important aspect of the
very minute amounts of glucose . The organisms that cata present invention pertains to applying concentrations of
lyze less thermodynamically favorable reactions would need 25 metabolites and gases that make it thermodynamically fea
a higher concentration of glucose to obtain energy . sible or thermodynamically favorable to produce a desired
Given the large number of possible reactions in natural alkyl alcohol even when the available sugars are low in
ecosystems , it is now clear why it is difficult to shift concentration. The only way to convert a low concentration
metabolism toward a single metabolite . However, an under of sugar to a high concentration of lower alkyl alcohol is to
standing of thermodynamics makes it possible to design 30 make the reaction thermodynamically feasible, if not favor
conditions to favor a set of desired microorganisms, and by able . Such conditions are also needed to isolate desired
combining use of inhibitors and these conditions, greater microorganisms for such a process, and to direct evolution
control is made possible . Further, different sets of thermo of new microorganisms. Thus, one aspect of the invention is
dynamically favorable conditions can be applied in series to to control the pressure of H , or CO2 to shift fermentation
eliminate one set of competing microorganisms at a time . metabolism , but another aspect is to control concentrations
Gibbs free energy change (AG , kJ) for fermentation reactions under
different partial pressures of CO2 and H2 at 39 ° C. More thermodynamically
favorable reactions are identified by more negative AG .
CO2 = 0.01 atm CO2 = 1.0 atm
H , (atm .)
Reaction ATP .0001 .001 .01 .0001 .001 .01

Glc + 2H2O ? 2Ac + 2CO2 + 4H2 4 -200 -176 -152 -176 -152 -128
Glc + 2H2 2Prp + 2H2O 4 -155 -167 -179 -155 -167 -179
Glc + 2H2 ? 1Btr + 2CO2 + 2H2 4 -179 -167 -155 -155 -143 -131
Glc ? 2 Lac 2 -103 -103 -103 -103 -103 -103
Glc ? 2EtOH + 2C02 2 -160 -160 -160 -136 -136 -136
Glc + 6H2 2 PrOH + 2H2O 2 -110 -147 -183 -110 -147 -183
Glc ? 2BtOH + 2CO2 3 -156 -156 -156 -133 -133 -133
CO2 + 4H2 ? CH4 + 2H2O 1 +18 -6 -30 +6 -18 -42
2002 + 4H2 ? Ac + 2H2O 0.2 +50 +26 2 +26 +2 -22
Ac + CO2 + 3H2 Prp + 2H2O
0 +22 +4 -14 +10 -8 -26
2CO2 + 6H2 EtOH + 3H20
- 0.2 +105 +70 +34 +81 +46 +10
Ac + 2H2O ? 2CO2 + 4H2 0.2 -32 -8 +16 -8 +16 +39
Metabolites and their assumed concentrations: Glc = glucose , 1 mM ; Ac = acetic acid , 50 mM ; Prp =

propionic acid, 20 mm ; Btr = butyric acid, 15 mm ; Lac = lactic acid, 50 mM ; EtOH = ethyl alcohol , 50 mM ;
PrOH = propyl alcohol , 50 mM , BtOH = butyl alcohol , 50 mM ; CH4 = methane, 0.5 atm , H20 = 50M, pH
=- 6.5 , Temperature = 39 ° C.

The equilibrium concentrations predicted by the model 60 of metabolites , including gases , relative to each other and
are shown in Table 3. This model assumes that each possible relative to temperature to create conditions which are ther
reaction is in equilibrium . Of course , these would not be the modynamically favorable. The effect of H2 or CO2 pressure
actual concentrations in most fermentations, but rather the on metabolism has appeared inconsistent in the past , but the
ratios indicate the direction the metabolites would flow in . application of thermodynamics in accordance with the
Again , only CO2 and H2 pressures were varied , and there are 65 invention enables a predictable and consistent response .
many other variables in the actual model . However, some When attempting to produce an alkyl alcohol from a very
ratios are unaffected by either gas , and others are strongly diverse mixed population of bacteria such as represented by
US 10,760,102 B2
35 36
all the equations of Table 3 , conditions to produce alkyl high that it results in increased VFA degradation . The
alcohol exclusively are difficult to achieve . Low CO , and preferred H , concentration also depends on the CO2 and
high H2 appears to be the best option for ethanol or butanol CH4 concentrations because they affect the equilibrium .
production, but note that acetate degradation , and hence These preferred gas pressures may be provided in a
ethanol and butanol degradation would also occur. Thus, 5 number of different ways . For example , the fermentation
alkyl alcohols may not appear even if they are produced may be continuously perfused with the desired gas concen
transiently. These conditions would be appropriate for iso trations, and in an industrial
lation of ethanol and butanol producers, or for fermentation may be adjusted by removing process , the gas composition
using cultures that do not contain acetate- or ethanol could be recycled. The amount of gasescertain , and other gases
added H2 needed to
degraders. 10
Ethanol synthesis from gases is possible with high CO , and maintain the desired composition can be calculated and
high H2 , but so too are other reactions that use these gases added at that rate and adjusted as needed . The fermentation
such as methane production. Thus, the high CO2 and high Hz may occur in the presence of high CH4 concentrations in
partial pressures would be optimal to enrich or isolate order to decrease CH4 production. The thermodynamic
organisms for de novo ethanol synthesis, 15 model described herein has demonstrated that about
especially when inhibiting methanogens. The model thus 10-25 % , preferably about 20 % by volume of H , and about
quantifies the competition between alkyl alcohol production 70-85 % , preferably about 80 % by volume of CH4 , is the
and methane synthesis or acetic acid degradation . most advantageous for. ethanol production . Experimental
Equilibrium ratios (mol/mol) predicted by the thermodynamic
model for different partial pressures of CO , and H.
CO2 = 0.01 atm CO2 = 1.0 atm
H , ( atm .)
Ratio .0001 .001 .01 .0001 .001 .01

Methane, atm 5 x 10-4 5 x 100 5 x 104 5 x 10-2 5 x 102 5 x 106

Prp :Ac 7 x 10-5 7 * 10-2 7 x 101 7 x 10-3 7 x 100 7 x 103
But :Ac? 2 x 10-3 2 x 10-1 2 x 101 2 x 10-3 2 x 10-1 2 x 101
Lac : AC 8 x 10-9 8 x 10 8 x 10-5 8 x 10-7 8 x 10-5 8 x 10-3
Lac :Prp 1 x 10-4 1 x 10-5 1 x 10-6 1 x 10-4 1 * 10-5 1 x 10-6
EtOH : AC 5 x 10-4 5 x 10-2 5 x 100 5 x 10-4 5 x 10-2 5 x 100
EtOH :Prp 6 x 100 6 x 10-1 6 x 10-2 6 x 10-2 6 x 10-3 6 x 10-4
EtOH : Lac 6 x 104 6 x 104 6 x 104 6 x 102 6 x 102 6 x 102
PrOH : Ac 4 x 10-8 4 x 107-3 4 x 102 4 x 10-6 4 x 10-1 4 x 104
PrOH :Prp 5 x 10-4 5 x 10 5 x 100 5 x 10-4 5 x 10-2 5 x 100
PrOH : Lac 4 x 100 4 x 103 4 x 106 4 x 100 4 x 103 4 x 106
BIOH : But 5 x 10-4 5 x 10 5 x 100 1 x 104 1 x 106 1 x 108
BtOH : Prp 8 x 10-11 8 x 10 8 x 10-1 8 x 10-9 8 x 10-4 8 x 101
BtOH : Lac 3 x 10-14 3 x 10 -8 3 x 10-2 7 x 10-5 7 x 101 7 x 107
PrOH : EtOH 7 x 10-5 7 x 10-2 7 x 101 7 x 10-3 7 x 100 7 x 103
BtOH :EtOH2 4 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 10° 4 x 100 4 x 10°
Ac Syn if less : 2 x 107-10 2 x 10-6 2 x 10 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-2 2 x 102
EtOH Syn if less : 1 x 107-13 1 x 10 1 x 10-1 1 x 10-9 1 x 10-3 1 x 103
Ac degr if greater: 2 x 10-7 2 x 10-3 2 x 101 2 x 10-3 2 x 101 2 x 105
Ac = acetic acid ,Prp = propionic acid, Btr = butyric acid, Lac = lactic acid , etOH = ethylalcohol , PrOH = n -propyl
alcohol , BtOH = n - butyl alcohol , syn = synthesis from CO2 and H2 when product is less than molar concentration
indicated , degr = degradation to CO2 and H2 when reactant is greater than molar concentration indicated .

Approaches to shifting the fermentation toward ethanol results showed the greatest ethanol production at these
include using methanogen inhibitors (as described in U.S. ratios, compared to 100% CH4 , 100% H , or a 50:50 mix of
Ser. No. 12 /000,856 ) , or shorter fermentation or faster CH , and H.
dilution rates to select against methanogens, or culturing 50 The observation that high H , pressure increases degrada
with defined cultures of microorganisms that exclude either tion of VFA may also be used in digesters to make methane.
methanogens or acetate degraders or both (exclusion of The methane may be made from CO2 and H2 produced in the
either would be sufficient ). Thus, the present inventors degradation of glucose equivalent to acetic acid , and from
isolated several biomass digesting microorganisms from the 55 the degradation of acetic acid to CO2 and CH4 . An important
rumen that can be used to digest and ferment feeds to disclosure of U.S. Ser. No. 60/ 871,441 and U.S. Ser. No.
efficiently make ethanol without making methane or degrad 12/ 000,856 was that removing H , was a way to accelerate
ing acetic acid. digestion of substrate including VFA , so the fact that adding
The present inventors also adapted the process for bio H , has the same effect is surprising.
mass degradation to ethanol to maintain just the right 60 The inventors contemplate adding a source of H2 to
amount of H , and CO2 . The thermodynamic model shows accelerate degradation of biomass to produce methane, as
that there is an optimal concentration of H , and CO2 where well as removing H , to increase degradation of biomass to
ethanol production is favored over volatile fatty acids , but produce more H2 . Both approaches have potential added
where acetate degradation would not occur at the acetate costs and benefits . In the first case ( adding H2 ) , the faster
concentrations in the media . For example, the H , concen- 65 fermentation to CH4 and decreased need for CO2 removal
tration should be higher than would occur when the fermen (less CO2 would be produced ) would have to outweigh the
tation maintains the naturally -produced gases , but not so cost of H , to produce CH4 , a less valuable gas per unit of
US 10,760,102 B2
37 38
converted energy. In the latter case (removing H2 ) , the faster ethanol. Propanol would be driven forward by provision of
fermentation and production of more valuable fuel (H2 ) at H , because H , is a co - substrate for propanol. An example of
greater efficiency (less heat is produced ) must outweigh the calculations for determining thermodynamically feasible
cost of separating low concentrations of H2 . The model conditions for microorganisms that produce alcohols and
predicts the conditions for both processes , and enables 5 grow on low concentrations of available sugars is provided
quantification of impacts from adding or removing different below .
amounts of H2 , and the impact of removing some types of The present inventors calculated the CO2 or H2 concen
activity like production of methane or acetate from CO2 and trations needed to make conversion of cellulosic biomass to
Hz ethanol, butanol or propanol thermodynamically feasible .
Additional equilibrium concentrations were calculated to 10 Two parameters are needed which are not readily obtained :
represent addition or removal of H , or increased total the available glucose concentration and the inefficiency (i.e.
pressure of the fermentation ( Table 4 ) . These values may the threshold AG value at which the system can no longer
vary from observed values because of uncertainties of carry out the reaction) . These calculations assume a AG of
efficiencies, however the trends in concentrations relative to -125 kJ per mole of glucose converted to account for
other metabolite concentrations depend on known stoichi- 15 inefficiency ofmicrobial maintenance and growth and 1 mM
ometry, and thus are more certain . The predictions show , for glucose would be unconverted . The inefficiency was esti
example, the impact of adding or removing H , to establish mated from similar fermentation systems based on observed
new H , concentrations on methane production and acetate product and reactant concentrations at equilibrium . Different
degradation or production . For example, removing H2 , as efficiencies may be determined for different systems, and
described in U.S. Ser. No. 12/ 000,856 and 60/ 871,441 is 20 these differences would shift the results but the same prin
represented in the far left column and shows the greater ciples would apply. Empirical results obtained by the present
degradation of acetic acid and capture of more energy as inventors have confirmed that greater ethanol can be pro
removed H , rather than CH4 or other VFA . Increasing H2 duced when CO2 is continually removed .
increases CH4 production . The amount (moles) of H2 For the reactions:
removed or added can also be calculated from stoichiometry 25
using the model . Although the effects on CH4 production are Glc > 2EtOH + 2C02 G ° 312 = -208 kJ, 2 ATP
opposite for increasing or decreasing H2 , acetic acid degra
dation increases for both effects . Glc > 2BtOH + 2C02 G °312 = -266 kJ, 3 ATP
Selected equilibrium pressures and concentrations when partial pressures of gases are manipulated.
Item Total pressure 1 atm . Total pressure 2 atm

CO2, atm . 0.95 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.05 1.90 1.0 0.10
CH4 , atm . 0.05 0.25 0.50 0.75 95 0.10 1.0 1.90
H2 , atm 1.0 x 10-4 1.6 x 10-4 2.2 x 10-4 2.8 x 10-4 4.5 x 10-4 1.0 x 10-4 2.2 x 10-4 3.8 x 10-4
Ac deg if greater: 2 x 10-3 8 x 10-3 1 x 10-2 8 x 10-3 2 x 10-3 8 x 10-3 4 x 10-2 4 x 10-3
Ac syn if less : 2 x 10-6 9 x 10-6 1 x 10-5 9 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 9 x 10-6 5 x 10-5 4 x 10-6
Model assumes pH = 6.5 , temperature 39 ° C.

The far right columns show the effect of increasing the where Gº312 is the change in free energy under standard
total gas pressures . The higher total pressure does not affect conditions ( 1 M concentration of solutes, and 1 atm . pres
the pressure of H2 , but H becomes a lower percentage of the sure of gases , and temperature 312 K) . The pressure of CO2
total gas . This of course is the opposite effect of decreasing 45 is determined by solving the following equation :
pressure using application of vacuum (U.S. Ser. No. 12/000 , AG = AG ° + Ln RT ( [Products ]/ [Reactants ])
856 and 60/ 871,441 ) . The equilibrium concentrations of
acetic acid increase with higher total pressure . Thus, increas where R is the gas constant, T is temperature in degrees
ing pressures shifts the fermentation toward greater acetic Kelvin , and brackets [ ] indicate molar concentrations or
acid production ( either from CO2 and H2 , or by decreasing 50 partial pressures in atmospheres of the product of all prod
degradation) rather than production of methane and H2 . If ucts and product of all reactants, AG is set to -125 kJ for
acetate or ethanol are synthesized from CO2 and H2 , or CO maintenance and growth of microorganisms ( inefficiency ),
and H2 , higher total gas pressure to increase the partial and 44 kJ is added per ATP molecule produced . The equation
pressure of synthesis gases would also shift metabolism is solved using glucose and alkyl alcohol concentrations to
toward greater concentration of acetic acid or ethanol. 55 determine partial pressure of CO2 .
Calculating Thermodynamically Feasible Conditions for The equilibrium ratio of the products to reactants is
Producing Lower Alkyl Alcohols therefore constant as defined by Gibbs free energy, and
The present inventors discovered that previous attempts to having thus defined the adjustment in free energy due to
make alcohols from plant fiber using microorganisms did inefficiency ( 125 kJ ), and having set the concentrations of
not use conditions within the digester to make alcohol 60 glucose ( 1 mM) and alcohols (4 % ) , the concentration of CO2
production thermodynamically feasible. The inventors required in the fermentation to reach these conditions can be
observed that they needed to remove headspace gases during determined to be 1.1 atm . for butanol, and 0.5 atm for
digestion to make ethanol production proceed. Removal of ethanol. To achieve 6 % concentration, the CO2 pressure
one of the products, CO2 , shifts fermentation toward making would need to be 0.9 atm for butanol, and 0.3 atm . for
more ethanol. The same would apply to butanol as CO2 is a 65 ethanol. Thus , CO2 needs to be removed from the fermen
co -product of butanol fermentation as well and the thermo tation to concentrate ethanol or butanol production relative
dynamic analysis shows it is limited in the same way as to available glucose with similar efficiencies.
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39 40
If there are several pathways for glucose utilization, the The second law of thermodynamics enables calculation of
glucose concentration may become very low, and alcohol which direction a pathway flows and whether energy is
can only be produced if they can compete with those low required or can be captured by carrying out the reaction . The
concentrations. If these other pathways are eliminated, there relationship is determined by the sign and magnitude of the
may be no need for conversion to glucose at low concen 5 change in free energy ( AG) from the following equation:
tration , but. high available glucose might inhibit further fiber
digestion AG = Gº + RT Ln { [Products ]/ [Reactants )} where [ Products)
or [Reactants] represents the multiplicative product of the
Where the glucose equivalent concentration is permitted to concentrations or partial pressures of solutes or gases . A
build up using defined cultures, the removal of CO2 is not as simplified set of equations can be derived from the equations
important, but removing CO2 is one way to increase alcohol 10 representing change in Gibbs free energy . According to the
concentration with low concentrations of glucose . Previous second law of thermodynamics, the direction of reactions
attempts to produce alcohols from plant fiber did not remove depends on the concentration ( e.g. atmospheres of gases or
enough CO2 to make it thermodynamically feasible to pro molarity of solutes ), and other factors that can be considered
duce ethanol or butanol if those organisms need to be constants for the present situation with a known reaction at
maintained and grow . Isolating organisms that produce less 15 a constant temperature,
ATP or require that less energy be captured for maintenance e.g. temperature (T ) , gas constant (R ) , AGº .
and growth during ethanol For the following reactions:
production would enable concentration of alcohols at lower
partial pressures of CO2 , but it would still be more feasible 6H2+ 2C024 ethanol+ 5H2O
to produce ethanol or butanol with lower CO2 pressure . 20
For the reaction :
4H2 + 2C025 - acetic acid + 4H20
Glc+ 6H2 > 2PrOH + 2H20 AG °312
3 -386 kJ, 2 ATP
The ratio of H , to CO2 used is 3 : 1 for ethanol or 2 : 1 for
High hydrogen pressure can drive propanol production. acetic acid .
Using the same approach as for ethanol and butanol equi- 25 The relative change in favorability of ethanol or acetic
librium concentrations, H2 partial pressure would need to be acid synthesis relative to degradation at a constant total
0.001 atm . for propanol accumulation to 4 % from glucose pressure is represented as the product of partial pressures of
equivalent of 1 mM . reactant gases . For example, for ethanol this product is
The inventors have therefore provided examples of the [Hz]ºx [ CO2 ] and for acetic acid this product is [Hz ] * x
conditions where alcohols can be produced in high concen- 30 [CO2 ] ?. If the total gas pressure is maintained at 1 atm , as the
tration from biomass without producing high concentrations H2 pressure increases from 0 atm to 1 atm the CO2 partial
of available sugars . When alternate pathways are available pressure would decrease from 1 atm to 0 atm . The product
to use available glucose , the glucose concentration could be of rea int gases for synthesis would initially increase and
lower than in these examples, and much lower CO2 or higher then decrease for both ethanol and acetic acid , with this
H , concentrations may be needed to produce alcohols. The 35 product peaking at 0.667 atm H , for acetic acid , and at 0.75
examples also vary depending on the efficiency of conver atm for ethanol ( FIG . 3 ) . This result is relatively simple to
sion by the organisms (threshold AG where process stops ) , find using algebra and calculus , or by simulation for differ
but any fermentation system can be defined with respect to ent pressures of H2 and CO2 .
efficiency and glucose tolerance based on empirical obser Although temperature and total pressure affects the extent
vation . 40 to which ethanol or acetic acid can be concentrated , the
Thermodynamic Conditions for De Novo Synthesis of Alco optimal ratio of gases to maximize the concentrations of
hols or Acids ethanol or acetic acid under any given set of conditions is
As shown in FIG . 1 , the inventors specifically contem constant. This finding shows that if one desires to promote
plate isolation and use of microorganisms that synthesize de novo synthesis of ethanol from CO2 and H2 , the optimal
alkyl alcohols , such as ethanol, from CO2 and H , or CO and 45 ratio would be 3 moles of H2 per mole of CO2 , and if one
H2 . The inventors demonstrated that not only is de novo favors synthesis of acetic acid, the optimal ration would be
synthesis a possibility , but also that degradation of acetic 2 moles of H2 per mole of CO2 . One way to increase ethanol
acid and ethanol can be carried out by the same microor synthesis from gases , is therefore to add or retain either CO2
ganisms and the same enzymes. Whether ethanol or acetic or H2 , or remove or utilize CO2 or H , to leave gases in this
acid are created from CO2 and H2 or degraded to CO2 and H2 50 optimal ratio . A way to increase degradation of ethanol or
depends on thermodynamics, and concentrations of reac acetic acid is to manipulate CO2 or H2 away from these
tants or products. If the partial pressure of gases is high optimal ratios by either increasing or decreasing CO2 or H2 .
relative to the concentration of ethanol or acetic acid , the Thermodynamics also shows that increasing total gas
equilibrium will be shifted toward synthesis of ethanol or pressure is a means to increase both CO2 and H , partial
acetic acid rather than degradation . 55 pressures, thereby increasing synthesis over degradation of
There are two ways in which the thermodynamic analysis ethanol or acetic acid . Concentrations of both ethanol and
shows it is possible to shift metabolism toward synthesis of acetic acid that can be synthesized increase exponentially as
a desired alcohol or acid . The first way is the change the the total gas pressures increase at a constant ratio of H , to
pressure of all gases , for example to increase total gas CO2 (FIGS . 4 and 5 ) . However, exponent is 8 for ethanol and
pressures, so that the partial pressure of CO2 and H , are 60 6 for acetic acid corresponding to the stoichiometry of
affected . Increasing the partial pressure of all gases this way ethanol and acetic acid synthesis, which requires 8 or 6
increases the concentration to which alcohols or acids can be moles of gas respectively to produce ethanol or acetic acid .
synthesized from gases. Decreasing the partial pressure of Thus, the effect of pressure is exponentially greater for
all product gases increases the degradation of acetic acid or ethanol synthesis than for acetic acid synthesis (FIG . 6 ) ,
ethanol. The second way to increase synthesis of alcohols or 65 where the exponent is 2. In other words , increasing total gas
acids is to adjust the ratio of synthesis gases to an optimal pressure when the gases are comprised of a similar concen
ratio . tration of CO2 and H2 , shifts metabolism toward synthesis of
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41 42
both ethanol and acetic acid , but also shifts metabolism tative organisms are near the extreme ends of the x - axes in
toward ethanol relative to acetic acid . the FIGS . 3 to 12. For example, in a natural anaerobic
This theoretical principle can be applied to increase the ecosystem , the H2 concentration is very low, e.g about
efficiency of ethanol production from CO2 and H2 , by using 0.05 % because it is readily used . If H , is perfused into the
high total pressures to increase the ethanol concentration 5 system , the dissolved H , reduces CO2 so that dissolved CO2
that can be derived from gases . It can also be used to enrich becomes very low. Thus, most fermentation systems move
or select for microorganisms that synthesize ethanol rather toward the ends of these figures where the concentrations of
than acetic acid , or to control microbial cultures that have desired products can be limited by thermodynamics. When
access to both pathways. The inventors found empirically CO2 pressure is high and H , is low, acids are favored over
that when incubating with two atmospheres H2 pressure, 10 alcohols . When H2 pressure is high and CO2 pressure is low,
organisms were isolated that decreased total gas pressure alcohols are favored over the acids .
while they fermented cellulosic substrate . These organisms Therefore, perfusing high concentrations of H , into the
synthesized additional ethanol from the added H , and the fermentation favors alcohol synthesis over acid synthesis
CO2 released from degradation of cellulosic biomass to and may be a way to increase alcohol production and select
ethanol. 15 for alcohol -producing microorganisms. If excessive H2 is
The same principles can be applied to mixtures of H , and perfused, however, the CO2 concentration will eventually
carbon monoxide ( CO ) . Similar calculations based on stoi decrease until neither acids nor alcohols can be synthesized.
chiometry quantify that the optimal ratio of H2 to CO is 2 : 1 When a ratio of H? to CO2 is perfused into the incubation
for ethanol or 1 : 1 for acetic acid (FIG . 7 ) . The effect of that is not optimal for the desired end product, one of two
increasing pressure is the same as for synthesis of ethanol or 20 events must occur: 1 ) the metabolism will shift in order to
acetic acid from H , and CO2 (FIG . 8 ) . Thus, adjusting gas use the excess gas , or 2 ) the accumulation of the desired
formulations and increasing pressures would also shift product will stop because the gas mixture will shift toward
metabolism toward greater ethanol synthesis or acetic acid a greater concentration of the excess gas as the limiting gas
synthesis when using CO and H , as well , or when selecting is used up . The first case occurs when an alternative pathway
for microorganisms that can use these gases . 25 is available, and it will result in production of undesired
These principles were also applied to determine the product rather than the desired product. The second case
optimal ratios for butanol or butyrate synthesis versus deg would be especially limiting for microbial cultures with
radation, or de novo butanol synthesis versus butyrate syn limited options for to shift to different end products. These
thesis. Butanol and butyrate can be produced from acetic organisms would appear to be intolerant to high concentra
acid by known microorganisms, so a microbial culture that 30 tions of the product they produce. In fact, they would be
assimilates gases into acetic acid could subsequently pro limited thermodynamically at one end or the other of the
duce butanol or butyrate, or for that matter propanol or previous graphs 3 to 12 ( i.e. low CO , or low Hz ) . One means
propionate. The optimal ratio of H to CO2 is 3 : 1 for butanol to select for organisms to produce a desired product from
production or 5 : 2 for butyrate production (FIG . 9 ) . Increas synthesis gases is to maintain the optimal ratio of gases for
ing total pressure at a constant ratio of gases increases 35 the desired product.
butanol and butyrate synthesis concentration versus degra The described theory explains some empirical results
dation concentration , and butanol concentration relative to obtained by the inventors. When incubating pure cultures
butyrate ( FIG . 10 ) . The optimal ratio of H to CO for butanol with high H2 pressures and cellulosic biomass , some micro
synthesis was 2 : 1 , and the optimal ratio of H , to CO was 3 : 2 organisms decreased gas volume and produced more ethanol
for butyrate synthesis. The effect of pressure was similar for 40 than expected even with complete conversion of cellulosic
H , and CO as for H2 and CO2 . biomass to ethanol and CO2 . Some also decreased acetic
These principles also apply to synthesis of propanol and acid content. In these cases , ethanol was likely produced
propionate from gases (FIG . 11 ) . The optimal ratio of H? to from the produced CO2 and added H2 . Most produced CO2
CO2 is 3 : 1 for propanol synthesis or 7 : 3 for propionate would be converted to ethanol, leaving the ratio of H2 to
synthesis. Increasing total pressure at a constant ratio of 45 CO2 high and making degradation of acetic acid possible .
gases increases concentration where propanol and propi This degradation would provide more CO2 that could be
onate synthesis occur and increases concentration where converted to ethanol.
degradation occurs , and increases possible propanol concen In every case , increasing gas pressures shifted metabolism
tration relative to propionate (FIG . 12 ) . The optimal ratio of toward higher synthesis concentrations, and away from
H2 to CO for propanol synthesis was 2 : 1 , and the optimal 50 degradation , and toward greater alcohol compared to the
ratio of H , to CO was 4 : 3 for propionate production. The analogous volatile fatty acid concentration. The actual cal
effect of pressure was similar for H2 and CO as for H2 and culated concentrations are the optimal mixes for gases for
CO2 each of these synthesis reactions, and one aspect of the
Multiplying the product of reactants shown in FIGS. 3 to invention is the use of thermodynamics and stoichiometry to
12 by a constant for each reaction gives the equilibrium 55 calculate optimal ratios of gases for synthesis of desired
concentration of the desired product (e.g. acetate or ethanol ). products. Another aspect is the application of total gas
This constant equals el ( -4Gº+ ?GATP )/RT* x [H2O ]” where n is the pressures, such as greater than 1 atm or more , to increase the
moles of water produced per mole of desired product. The concentrations that alcohols or acids when produced from
constants vary among reactions depending on the amount of gases . This concept can be applied to any fermentation
ATP produced by the process , but they are typically large 60 reaction in which a greater number of moles of reactant
numbers ( e.g. > 10 ), so the thermodynamically feasible gases are used to produce a lower number of moles of
concentrations are high for both alcohols and acids near the product gases , and the reaction, like many fermentation
optimum for either acids or alcohols . In other words , under reactions, is near equilibrium .
conditions near the middle of the graphs ( FIGS . 3 to 12 ) Continual Supply of Feedstock
either acid or alcohol production from gases is feasible. 65 Under some conditions, more than one end product is
Nonetheless , for many situations, the partial pressures thermodynamically feasible , and one way to narrow the
relating to dissolved gases that are available to the fermen profile of obtained products is to decrease the reactant
US 10,760,102 B2
43 44
concentration so that only one product is feasible or merely Ethanol from Acetic Acid
preferred. For example, in the cow's rumen lactic acid is The present inventors have also calculated the thermody
occasionally produced. It is toxic to the animal so it is not namic equilibrium for the pathways for ethanol production
desired . One occasion where lactic acid builds up is when an which indicated that there no facile reaction path for acetic
animal consumes a slug of readily digestible starch . The 5 acid conversion to ethanol. Not including the free energy
rumen microorganism Streptococcus bovis was shown to required or released from ATP utilization or generation ,
shift its fermentation from acetic acid to lactic acid when several atmospheres of H2 pressure are needed to convert
subjected to high amounts of starch. Interestingly, lactic acid equimolar concentrations of acetic acid to ethanol. Under
is not a thermodynamically favorable end product in the 10 these extreme conditions, some microorganisms can do this,
normal rumen . When glucose concentration is low, lactic and can , in effect, turn vinegar back into wine . However, the
acid cannot be produced because production of acetic acid is microorganisms would be unlikely to obtain energy from
more favorable. Acetic acid can be produced with lower doing so , and , therefore , their growth would depend on
glucose concentrations than needed to produce lactic acid . another process. At moderate H2 pressures, microorganisms
However, when there is an abundance of glucose for both 15 may use ATP to convert acetic acid to ethanol as a means to
reactions , neither is limited by thermodynamics and both are survive the H2 pressures. Surprisingly, some isolated micro
produced, or lactic acid is produced because it proceeds organisms that produced ethanol from cellobiose also
faster, i.e. , is kinetically favored . decreased acetic acid from the initial concentrations in the
A similar principle applies to the production of ethanol. media, and did not produce any other VFA measured . Thus,
Under conditions where both ethanol and acetic acid are 20 some of the microorganisms isolated for ethanol production
feasible (e.g. high glucose concentrations) both can be can orchestrate this conversion .
produced . Or acetic acid may be produced because it pro If the pathway from acetic acid to ethanol is thermody
vides more ATP . However, if glucose concentration is low, namically unfeasible with atmosphere of H2 pressure ,
only the most favored pathway is available . Therefore , why does digesting and fermenting biomass under one
limiting substrate availability is another means to shift 25 atmosphere H2 pressure cause ethanol to be produced ? The
fermentation toward ethanol. Therefore, we are more likely answer is based upon microbial ATP production and growth .
to see fermentation at the end of a batch culture or when The production of acetic acid produces an additional ATP
dilution rate or supply of substrate is slow in a continuous compared with production of ethanol . Microorganisms in
culture . Continuous feeding may be advantageous because 30
environments that have thermodynamic conditions enabling
the substrate can be added slowly without removing the them to produce acids will produce acids because they can
microorganisms. It is thought by some that microorganisms grow faster that way. Microorganisms that produce ethanol
do not produce ethanol during growth phase because they do instead of acids only produce half as much energy per
not obtain enough energy for growth . This is probably a false glucose equivalent. With only moderately high H2 pressure,
conclusion based upon the observation that when microor 35 it becomes unfeasible to produce acetic acid and its extra
ganisms have an abundance of energy available, they grow ATP, thus ethanol is produced instead . This theory led the
fast and produce acids . The thermodynamic analysis shows present inventors to discover further additional improve
that there is energy for at least 1 ATP per ethanol, which ments to the process for producing ethanol and other lower
would promote growth at less than half the rate of acetic acid alkyl alcohols from plant biomass . Clearly, it would be futile
producers. As long as the conditions ( e.g. H2 pressure) are 40 to select for a microorganism that can obtain energy for
such that acetic acid is not feasible while producing 2 ATP, growth by converting acetic acid to ethanol. On the other
the microorganisms that can produce ethanol will out com hand , microorganisms that can make both ethanol and acetic
pete. The present inventors have disclosed that microorgan acid would only be able to obtain energy by producing
isms can grow while producing mostly ethanol when under ethanol when grown under hydrogen pressure . Therefore ,
H2 pressure. For some microorganisms, supplying the sub- 45 selecting for such microorganisms would be quite facile
strate continuously is necessary to maximize ethanol pro bearing the above in mind . Alternatively, based on subse
duction . If substrate is supplied continuously, the microor quent experiments, acetic acid may have been converted to
ganisms reproduce until they compete with each other ethanol by microorganisms that grow on other biomass and
enough to decrease the substrate available . Therefore, the make ethanol.
continuous supply of substrate limits the carbohydrate avail- 50 The present inventors disclosed in U.S. Ser. No. 12/000 ,
able and shifts fermentation toward the most thermodynami 856 , an experiment which showed that ethanol was not
cally feasible pathway. Nonetheless, some microorganisms produced from acetic acid . However, the amount of ethanol
convert a fairly high percentage of biomass to ethanol even produced from glucose increased between 24 and 48 hours
in batch cultures. in batch culture . Since the glucose would have been fer
A microorganism such as Streptococcus bovis, for 55 mented quickly, the conversion had to be from an interme
example, can also be manipulated to produce ethanol instead diate metabolite and not directly from glucose . The present
of acetic acid . In this case , high H2 pressure and low CO2 inventors argued that plant biomass could be readily
pressure would select against acetic acid and lactic acid , degraded to this intermediate and then converted to ethanol.
respectively. These conditions may be used to control the The intermediate was most likely lactic acid . Thermody
fermentation using S. bovis. Although S. bovis is a starch - or 60 namic calculations indicate that it is thermodynamically
glucose- fermenting microorganism , if used in combination feasible to convert lactic acid to ethanol under high H , and
with fiber digesters, it can scavenge the available glucose low CO2 . Lactic acid was not measured , but pH increased
and maintain conditions of low glucose concentration to between 24 and 48 hours. Lactic acid has a low pKa and a
shift fermentation toward ethanol. Cross feeding of various greater effect on pH at the low pH values of that experiment.
other microorganisms may also be used to increase ethanol 65 Streptococcus bovis , a rumen starch degrader, can produce
production by both decreasing glucose concentration and both ethanol and lactic acid, and is ideal to orchestrate this
directly producing ethanol. conversion .
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45 46
IV . Additional Improvements than the ruminant's gut allows . Biomass sources that the
The present inventors have also discovered other aspects animal will not eat (e.g. paper ), and sources that cannot be
of the digestion process which are disclosed herein . In mixed fed to animals because of toxins may also be used . More
culture or in pure cultures, care should be taken to maintain over, since wet feedstock may also be used (< 1 % dry mass ) ,
anaerobic conditions. Even small amounts of oxygen that 5 algae , manure or sewage is also excellent feedstock . Algae
perfuse through tubing will decrease the portion of biomass have very low lignin and would be nearly completely
converted to ethanol. In mixed culture, allowing air into the digested in less than one day, i.e. , less than 24 hours . Wood
media for 20 minutes before the start of the digestion byproducts may be used after de - lignification thereof.
resulted in ethanol being degraded even when perfusing Because the approach provided by the present invention is
with H , during fermentation , while perfusing media with H , 10 cost effective even at a small scale , transportation and drying
for 20 minutes increased ethanol production , each compared costs can be greatly decreased , and biomass sources in
to perfusing with oxygen - free N, for 20 min . In all cases , the isolated areas may be used .
flasks were perfused with 1 atm H , during digestion, but the Examples of feedstock that can be digested directly with
perfusion before digestion was still affected by residual minimal processing include but are not limited to : cool
oxygen . When N2 or CO2 are perfused into the cultures, they 15 season ( C3 ) grasses (e.g. timothy, orchard grass ), legumes
should be deoxygenated by passing them through a copper ( e.g. alfalfa, lucaena ), warm season (C4 ) grasses (e.g. com ,
column before perfusing them through the switchgrass, burmudagrass, miscanthus, sugar cane ), crop
culture . Resazurin or other indicator of redox potential residues ( e.g. soybean plants , com stover, wheat straw , cane
should be used to insure that the media is free of oxygen . bagasse) , cover crops (e.g. small grain crops like oats or
Use of reducing agents such as Na2S and cysteine is also 20 vetch to protect soils ) algae or seaweed, tree leaves , food
disclosed herein as preventing oxidation of cultures, for waste (e.g. cafeteria waste , processing wastes like potatoes ) ,
single cultures but a mixed culture was found not improved paper or cardboard, paper byproducts, animal or human
by using Na S compared to a control. manures . In addition , protein byproducts can also be readily
Generally, headspace gases are used at pressures of about digested and converted to ethanol or used as a co - substrate.
0.02 to 2 atmospheres of pressure . 25 These include animal mortality ( e.g. carcasses ), as well as
Preferred Process for Ethanol Production from Plant Bio the protein in the previously mentioned sources . Microor
mass ganisms themselves may be used as feedstock . With greater
The process described below incorporates information preprocessing, such as treatment with acids or bases or
and results obtained as disclosed in U.S. Ser. No. 12/000 , enzymes, materials with more lignin can be more readily
856 , and the present application for production of ethanol 30 degraded such as wood byproducts, and tree crops (e.g. pine ,
from plant biomass once the microbial culture is obtained . poplar) .
This description does not include redundant details of the Various methods of preprocessing may increase the rate of
process for using the present invention that have already digestion , and therefore the amount of material that can be
been described in both U.S. Ser. No. 12 /000,856 , which is processed, or the type of material that can be used efficiently.
incorporated by reference , and elsewhere in the present 35 Any preprocessing method used for enzymatic digestion of
specification. biomass such as for other biochemical methods of cellulosic
Type of Feedstock ethanol production can be used . In addition , any method of
The microorganisms in the rumen can digest most plant treating biomass to increase digestibility of animal feeds,
cell components including sugar, protein, starch , cellulose , particularly cattle feeds, would also increase the digestibility
hemicellulose and pectin . Decreasing the rate of passage of 40 for this process. These methods include: boiling in acid or
solid material in an artificial system allows for greater base , treatment with peroxide, pretreatment with enzymes,
digestion than occurs in the cow . For example, solids remain steam treatment, grinding , milling , tearing or shredding,
in the rumen for an average of about 24 h ( turnover time ) for among others. Materials can be stored prior to use by
a high -producing dairy cow , and about 50-60 % of grass hay ensiling or drying to hay, or partially drying. Appropriate
fiber is digested in that period of time . When we incubate 45 storage may prevent decreases in digestibility and respira
grass hay with rumen microbes for 4 days, about 80 % of the tion losses .
organic matter is digested . Thus, a longer incubation time The advantages of one feedstock over another include :
than observed in cattle is more advantageous for fuel pro where it can be grown in an environmentally sound manner
duction . We can readily test feedstock in vitro to determine considering soils , climate and other factors ( e.g. cool season
its rate of digestion , and determine the preferred retention 50 grasses vs. sugar cane ); yield per acre (e.g miscanthus or
time based on this rate and value of energy to be captured. switchgrass have high yields per acre) ; consistency of pro
The rumen microbial digestion system will not readily duction ; ease and cost of production (e.g. perennial grasses
digest lignin and some macromolecules bound to lignin . If do not need to be replanted ); how quickly it can be digested
feedstock containing protein and carbohydrate is heated (e.g. many feedstock have been studied for cattle diets and
above 60 ° C. during storage, some protein and carbohydrate 55 factors like plant species , maturity, and type that affect rate
becomes bound together and becomes less digestible . Some of digestion apply here ); how much pretreatment it requires;
plants contain tannins that may inhibit digestion . Other than how much residue is left; ability to use residues of digestion ;
these limited exceptions, the microbial population can digest ability to use other co -products of feedstock production or
most sources of biomass without pretreatment, and with digestion ; and the need to handle , process , decontaminate , or
pretreatments these exceptions may be digested as well . 60 reduce a waste stream (e.g. sewage ).
The present invention may use any biomass source , but Selection of Microorganisms
certain sources are particularly advantageous. This micro The first step in digestion and fermentation to ethanol is
bial population quickly degrades any source of cellulosic selection of the microbial culture. It is acceptable to use
biomass that can be fed to cattle (grass, wheat straw , com either an undefined mixed culture such as rumen fluid taken
stover) . In addition, some sources that would not be fed to 65 directly from a cow, or a pure culture of one or more
cattle can also be used . Less digestible grasses (e.g. mature microorganisms. Pure cultures also may be more advanta
switch grass) can be digested over longer periods of time geous as they use organisms that have been isolated and
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47 48
developed and convert most of the biomass to ethanol this process, certain conditions are maintained to result in
without the need to manipulate conditions to inhibit produc preferred ethanol or other lower alkyl alcohol production .
tion of acids or other products. 1. Optional pretreatment of biomass to remove oxygen
Some of the factors which are considered in determining 5 and kill microorganisms from the feedstock or envi
whether to use single cultures or mixed cultures are as ronment.
follows. Individual microorganisms have different charac 2. Slowly adding the biomass to the digester - fermenter to
teristics enabling them to perform better in different situa increase the portion of biomass converted to the desired
tions . One option is to make a mixed culture of several product (e.g. ethanol) vs. other potential products.
useful organisms. Generally, mixed cultures digest biomass 3. Maintaining an appropriate partial pressure of hydro
faster than pure cultures. As long as methanogens or acetate 10 gen gas or other hydrogenase inhibitor to shift fermen
degraders are kept out of the fermentation, much of the tation toward ethanol from acetic acid , if necessary.
biomass can be converted to ethanol. The mixed cultures 4. Removing digested biomass but leaving or returning
may also contain specialist microorganism that digest cel microorganisms
lulose , hemicellulose , pectin, and / or starch . They may differ 5. Removing ethanol and other products from the
in pH optimum and temperature optimum . Some microor- 15 digester- fermenter
ganisms produce ethanol under high ethanol concentration 6. Separating or further treating removed liquids and
and others under low ethanol concentration . As the fermen solids .
tation proceeds, pH may decrease, temperature might 7. Maintaining low partial pressures of CO2 to shift
increase , and the form of substrate may vary . The microbial fermentation toward ethanol or butanol production .
population will adjust with specialists succeeding and repro- 20 A more detailed description of industrial scale digestion
ducing when they are most needed . may be made with reference to FIG . 2 .
V. Laboratory Scale Digestion and Fermentation The biomass is ground or chopped to accelerate digestion .
In order to provide a preferred system to digest and FIG . 2 depicts a storage module or component prior to
ferment biomass to ethanol, preferred microorganisms must chopping . The preferred extent of grinding will depend on
be matched to the preferred industrial- scale process . Deter- 25 the type of biomass and its handling. However, in the
mining the most advantageous conditions for this process laboratory biomass is ground through a 1 -mm screen of a
requires an understanding of the most preferred conditions Wiley mill . This is done to make the substrate more uniform ,
of the microorganisms that are available for use , and an but indeed microorganisms like those in the rumen can break
understanding of how the organisms interact with the feed down the particle size of many feeds on their own . Some
stock and process conditions . Microorganisms may be 30 have argued that the rapid rate of rumen digestion compared
evaluated in mono -culture first to determine where they fit to biofuel digesters is due to the mastication of the feed .
into the digestion and fermentation scheme , but ultimately, However, the present inventors have demonstrated that
the final mix of microorganisms to be used must be evalu rumen microbes are capable of degrading the particle size of
ated . feeds like timothy ( grass ) hay or alfalfa without mechanical
Further, the mix of microorganisms to be used must be 35 methods, and thus one aspect of the present invention resides
evaluated on the feedstock that will be used . Several mixes in the
can be compared , and several other factors can be used discovery that degradation of particle size for many natural
simultaneously . The feedstock must be digested to ethanol in feeds can be effected without mechanical particle size reduc
vitro to determine the preferred conditions . Specifically, the tion .
required nutrients and factors for the desired outcome must 40 The biomass then undergoes a mild pretreatment to ster
be determined at laboratory scale . Many microorganisms ilize the biomass and remove oxygen . This is depicted in
were isolated with several growth factors included so the FIG . 2 as “ Pretreatment.” The process conditions for pre
factors that are actually needed for preferred results may be treatment are both anaerobic and aseptic . Water is added to
determined by routine experimentation, and determining this the biomass if necessary to facilitate uniform heating and
information will decrease the cost of the digestion at the 45 fermentation . In a pretreatment reactor, water or recycled
larger scale . The conditions needed for preferred biomass fluid from the fermenter is added to enable even heating of
conversion to ethanol are determined by bench - scale fer the biomass . The slurry is heated to kill microorganisms in
mentation using conditions similar to the enrichment or the biomass , and oxygen would be removed by displacing
isolation . These conditions include gas head space treat air with oxygen - free nitrogen gas by purge, for example.
ment, temperature, buffering, ethanol concentration , and 50 Additional sterile oxygen - free water or recycled fluid from
VFA concentration, for example. The rate of cell growth and the fermenter is added to obtain about 5-20 % by weight,
rate of digestion is determined before planning the large preferably about 10% by weight, organic matter final con
scale digester. The advantages and disadvantages of batch centration in the fermenter. Organic matter concentration in
culture or continuous culture for a particular product are the pretreatment vessel depends on the organic matter con
assessed in vitro . Most feedstock must be ground for in vitro 55 centration removed from the fermenter. Alternatively, non
studies to insure uniform sampling, but an experiment may sterile liquid may be added before heating and deoxygen
be needed to determine the optimal grinding size . Each of ating . If undefined cultures are used, the sterilization is
these variables is determined by altering them one at a time completely unnecessary.
or several at a time , after making observations based on The slurry is cooled to a preferred temperature for fer
evaluation on other feedstock , thermodynamics, and similar 60 mentation . This temperature, of course, depends on the
microbial species . One hundred or more samples may be preferred conditions for the microorganisms being used for
compared in a single run with runs replicated a few times to digestion . For many isolates currently available, this tem
verify accuracy and reproducibility of the observed results . perature is about 30 ° C. to 45 ° C. , preferably about 40 ° C. ,
VI . Industrial Scale Digestion and Fermentation but some isolates were isolated at higher temperatures, i.e. ,
One or more of the isolated microorganisms or mixed 65 from about 50 ° C. to 60 ° C. , preferably about 55 ° C. Once
cultures taken from an anaerobic environment can be used in inoculated , the conditions of the fermenter (or digester) are
a consolidated bioprocessing method as described below . In maintained strictly anaerobic unless some microorganisms
US 10,760,102 B2
49 50
turn out to be facultative anaerobes . The slurry is continu biomass which would degrade slowly in soil , and therefore
ously added to the top of the fermenter. The rate of entry of remain for a long time , and it contains nutrients like nitrogen
the biomass is important to control the profile of products and phosphorus needed by plants. This undigested residue
produced. Slower continuous entry of biomass decreases may be used directly, dried or pelleted. It can also be used
carbohydrate or intermediates (e.g. cellobiose , glucose , 5 as a carbon sequestration product and stored where it will
pyruvate ) available to microorganisms and makes certain not readily degrade such as under anaerobic conditions .
metabolic pathways infeasible. For example, if high con Potential carbon or nitrogen trading credits might also be a
centrations of carbohydrate are available , under conditions co -product of the fermentation because the process
of high hydrogen pressure, both acetic acid and ethanol decreases the release of greenhouse gases compared to use
production are feasible . Microorganisms will preferentially 10 of fossil fuel and it could use crops which sequester nutrients
make acetic acid because it yields more ATP for microbial or otherwise have a beneficial environmental effect. Micro
growth . However, if the carbohydrate intermediate is lim bial protein produced in the process may be used in animal
ited, acetic acid production becomes thermodynamically feeds or as a soil amendment.
unfeasible at the same hydrogen pressure, and ethanol One unique aspect of this approach is the organisms
predominates. 15 produce high concentrations of ethanol, such as greater than
The fermenter is maintained at the optimal temperature 5 % , and preferably greater than 8 % or 10 % . However, the
for the population of microorganisms to produce ethanol, digestion never needs to be exposed to 5 % or 8 % mono
i.e. , about 40 ° C. to 55 ° C. The fermenter headspace is saccharide . The monosaccharide is used as it is produced.
maintained with an adequate partial pressure of hydrogen One reason many previous attempts to develop a process
gas to shift fermentation toward ethanol production . For 20 like this have failed is the investigators were seeking a
different microorganisms this concentration ranges from microorganism like yeast that could tolerate high sugar
about 0.02 atmospheres to 2.0 atmospheres . The source of concentrations. While such organisms are possible , they are
the hydrogen may be the fermentation by the microorgan not necessary.
isms themselves with co - production of acetic acid , or hydro Alternative Processes
gen may be added to prevent acetic acid production. Some 25 Using all the described steps above would accelerate
level of carbon dioxide may be allowed depending on the digestion , shift fermentation toward desired products, and
microbial strains. Hydrogen or any other additive to inhibit maintain high concentrations of activity even in solutions
hydrogenases would not be needed with high ethanol concentrations. However many of the
at all with microorganisms that do not have hydrogenases or steps are optional for adequate production of ethanol. It may
the ability of make other products. Actual conditions will be 30 be more cost effective not to use some of the steps . There are
determined from in vitro experiments and thermodynamic many variations on the process for producing alcohols and
analysis. Different strains of microorganisms may be which variation is optimal depends on matching the process
included as the concentration of ethanol increases . to the feedstock , microbial culture and other conditions .
Maintaining microorganisms in the fermenter while The previous process described a continuous culture
removing waste and products is desirable . If carbon dioxide 35 digester - fermenter to produce ethanol. Relatively high con
presence is not incompatible with ethanol production for the centrations were also obtained in batch culture, or continu
microbial organisms used, carbon dioxide in the headspace ous batch cultures in which feedstock is added intermit
will be allowed . For many isolated organisms, some amount tently. With improvement of the microorganisms, a batch
of carbon dioxide is tolerable, but removing CO2 shifts culture may be more advantageous.
metabolism toward greater ethanol production when it is 40 Alternatively, a process using a non - aseptic mixed culture
thermodynamically limited . When carbon dioxide is in the of microorganisms taken from an anaerobic environment
headspace , the actively digesting biomass floats. The can be used . In this case , the presence of other metabolic
digested biomass sinks to the bottom of the fermenter. pathways makes the control by adding microbial inhibitors
Therefore , digested biomass can be removed from the bot or controlling removal or addition of metabolites more
tom of the fermenter continuously if needed to increase 45 important. For example, if an individual organism produces
space for added biomass . Most active microbes are acetic acid or
attached to the floating biomass ; therefore they are not ethanol, the most important control mechanisms are to
removed from the bottom of the vessel . If the biomass is maintain high levels of microbial activity ( low dilution rate ),
nearly completely digestible , it will not need to be removed . high hydrogen concentrations, and low concentrations of
Liquids can be removed from the bottom of the fermenter 50 substrate ( gradual feeding ). These conditions decrease the
and may be screened or filtered to leave undigested biomass reactants ( e.g. glucose or cellobiose ) , and increase the prod
and attached microbes . Another way to maintain microor ucts for acetic acid fermentation ( e.g. H2 ) . As the acetic acid
ganisms in the digester is to distill ethanol using vacuum concentration builds up , it becomes infeasible to generate
pressure distillation , gas stripping, or membranes during the ATP by acetate kinase step, and NADH builds up , only to be
fermentation . Microbes can be separated from removed 55 released by ethanol production. If an organism or mixture of
liquids with centrifugation or filtering and returned to the microorganisms also can convert glucose to 3 - carbon sug
digester-fermenter. ars , propionic acid or lactic acid , an additional condition of
Some byproducts will be produced , especially VFA . the fermentation would be to decrease the CO2 concentra
Using a mixed culture of microorganisms, these byproducts tion . With low CO2 concentration , the 2 - carbon acetic acid
can be converted to other products or fuels or removed for 60 and ethanol become favored .
a subsequent process. These products might be catalyzed to Provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/ 871,441 , and
ethanol, other alcohols , alkanes (methane, ethane, propane , U.S. Ser. No. 12/ 000,856 , describe an alternative process for
butane) using a chemical process . Other aspects of this production of lower alkyl alcohols , compared with direct
invention can be used to readily degrade the byproducts to fermentation to the alcohols . Organic acids can be produced
H , and CO2 or CH4 . 65 using various cultures of microorganisms, and these acids
Other co -products include undigested feedstock , which converted subsequently to alcohols. In some cases , the
can serve as a soil amendment because it largely represents alcohols can be converted by microorganisms or a chemical
US 10,760,102 B2
51 52
process can be employed. It is well known that many gases produced by the digestion of biomass and fermenta
different microorganisms produce various organic acids tion , especially under greater than 1 atm of pressure , these
which can serve as intermediates: lactic acid , acetic acid , gases can be converted to VFA and all of the carbon in the
propionic acid , butyric acid , and longer chain acids . If a biomass that is released in digestion could be used to
certain organic acid is desired for a certain end product, the 5 produce the desired acids , instead of methane or CO , when
changes in gas composition, use of inhibitors such as meth it is not needed. Acids produced in this way can be converted
ane inhibitors, changes in gas pressures , addition or reten to alcohols . For example, acetic acid produced from both
tion of certain gases such as hydrogen , are all ways to degradation of feed and synthesis by reductive acetogens
manipulate the rate of digestion to VFA and the rate of VFA can be converted chemically to ethanol or butanol. The
production . Further, specific VFA can be obtained using pure 10 organisms to carry out these synthesis reactions were shown
cultures of microorganisms that only produce the desired to occur in the rumen , and could be readily isolated using the
VFA or a limited number of products, which can be further pressures or other conditions that allow their growth .
controlled by controlling the concentrations of gases and VII . Production of Lower Alkyl Alcohols Other than Ethanol
solutes. As noted above , the present invention also specifically
Reductive acetogens are known to make acetate from 15 contemplates the production of lower alkyl alcohols other
carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and adding hydrogen can than ethanol, including propanol and butanol .
increase the length of the VFA as described in U.S. Ser. No. In order to produce propanol or butanol the same proce
12 /000,856 . If carbon efficiency is desired, a combination of dures would be used to screen and isolate microorganisms of
organisms that degrade biomass and organisms that synthe interest in producing propanol or butanol, and either propa
size acetate from CO2 and Hy or CO and H2 ( syngas ) can be 20 nol or ethanol would be used in the enrichment phase
used . These can be isolated organisms. Where acetate deg depending on the desired product, i.e. , using propanol or
radation is desired , or shortening of the length of VFA , low butanol in the enrichment phase to favor the production of
pressures , particularly low CO2 or H2 pressures can be each alcohol ,
applied. Conversely , where greater incorporation of CO , or respectively.
H2 , greater acetate production from CO2 and H2 , greater 25 Thus, different microorganisms are selected for produc
assimilation of ethanol from CO2 and H2 , or longer chain tion of propanol or butanol.
VFA are desired, the partial pressure of CO2 and H , can be For example, see U.S. Pat . No. 4,443,542 , which
increased simply by increasing the total gas pressure. In describes the use of naturally -occurring Clostridium sp . to
general, a way to use low concentrations of H , in a mix of produce butanol. This patent is incorporated herein in the
gases is to incubate the gases containing H, and CO, with 30 entirety by reference. Clostridium sp . may be used in
methanogens or acetogens that use even very low concen accordance with the methodologies disclosed herein .
trations of H , to make methane or acetate . The methane or Thus, H , must be supplied either as headspace or also
acetate can be used or separated more easily than the low sparge in addition thereto , to produce propanol, but hydro
concentrations of H , or CO2 . The acetate can be used for genase could be inhibited to produce ethanol or butanol . The
production of ethanol. Alternatively, the low concentrations 35 particular considerations also provided by the present inven
of H , or CO2 can be recovered by increasing the length of tion are for digestion, for example: 1 ) for ethanol or butanol ,
VFA produced, thus storing more energy as VFA for sub removal of CO2 ( vacuum , perfusion gases ) , 2 ) adding the
sequent conversion to a different product, or recovered and feedstock over time rather than all at once, 3 ) using the
used as is . feedstock without pretreatment ( no acid predigestion, mini
Specifically, we describe a process for making alcohol 40 mal grinding ).
which includes prospecting and isolating microorganisms The advantages of the present invention are that celluo
that are incubated under certain conditions that make diges losic biomass may be used to produce butanol directly rather
tion of feedstock more stable , faster, take fermentation than using more expensive substrates like free glucose , and
farther (to higher concentrations ), or produce more of the microorganisms isolated so far tolerate as much as 6 %
product desired . The present inventors isolated over 200 45 butanol. Thus, relatively high concentrations of butanol can
such isolates which can be compared for their favorable be produced directly from biomass , including cellulosic
traits. The rumen microorganisms, having evolved to biomass , when controlling partial pressures of gases and
directly digest many forms of feedstock without pretreat other metabolite concentrations.
ments in acids or high temperatures, can digest many forms Furthermore, butanol or propanol , in addition to ethanol,
of feedstock readily without pretreatment. For example , 50 can be produced from synthesis gases like CO2 , CO and H2 .
grasses, leaves, grains, paper, cardboard , and many waste For example , a microorganism tolerant to as much as 6 %
products have been shown to be readily degraded to organic butanol, as isolated, could be used to assimilate acetic acid
acids , and could be degraded directly to alcohols under the derived from CO2 and H2 , into butanol . This high concen
conditions demonstrated , or to organic acids which can be tration of butanol obtained from synthesis gases would be
converted to alcohols . Thus, an advantage of the invention 55 possible by optimizing the profile of gases , pressurizing the
is that many feedstocks would require no pre -processing. system , and / or selecting from microbes with the desired
These organisms could be adapted to other forms of biomass pathways, and no undesired pathways using these condi
and could have a special advantage for wet biomass (e.g. tions . With optimal gas concentrations, such reactions are
algae , manure ). thermodynamically feasible , and organisms such as those in
Additionally, the organic acids or the alcohols can be 60 the rumen are readily able to synthesize acetic acid, and
produced from waste gases as well as waste organic matter. convert acetic acid to butyric acid or butanol .
The application described producing acetic acid from CO2 Alternative Products
and H , and the subsequent elongation of VFA by these gases . In addition to alcohols and alkanes, alternative products
Alternatively, CO and H2 ( syngas ) could be used . Again , can include the organic acids themselves, or products that
adding higher partial pressures of these gases will increase 65 can be made from the organic acids such as polymers (e.g.
their use for VFA production. Increasing total pressure is one polyvinyl acetate ) . All of the means to shift fermentation by
simple way of increasing partial pressures. By maintaining adjusting end products or use of inhibitors can help in the
US 10,760,102 B2
53 54
production and control of production of such alternative shifting equilibrium in their favor. Other products might be
products. The organic acids can serve as intermediates for selected such as ketones or aldehydes. Thus, the present
production of alkanes as well as alcohols . invention broadly provides an application of the second law
Control of Other Fermentations of thermodynamics using a solution of simultaneous equa
Conditions for incubating pure cultures of microorgan- 5 tions , to establish conditions to control fermentation, direct
isms to produce ethanol have been established . Further, the evolution of species in single cultures or mixed cultures,
conditions for incubating undefined mixed cultures of and to select for microorganisms that can be used in sub
anaerobic microorganisms to shift the fermentation products sequent fermentations.
toward ethanol are also calculated , and were shown to cause Directed Enhancement of Microorganisms
predicted shifts toward ethanol or butanol from other vola- 10 The present invention generally provides a method of
tile fatty acids . When high concentrations of hydrogen were directing enhancement of microorganisms to produce a
used in mixed culture, volatile fatty acids were degraded to product by fermentative digestion of cellulosic biomass ,
methane and carbon dioxide . Thermodynamic calculations which entails the step of digesting cellulosic biomass with a
showed that this shift could occur because methanogens first set of microorganisms, and enriching the digesting with
decreased the CO2 concentration so much that degradation 15 an amount of the product to thereby favor growth of a
of VFA to CO2 and CH4 or H , becomes thermodynamically second set of microorganisms that produce a greater yield of
favored. Under such conditions , ethanol degradation is also the product, and which are more tolerant to the product than
favored . However, incubating with lower concentrations of the first set of microorganisms. Alternatively , or in addition,
H2 , such as a mix of 80 % CH4 and 20% H , increased ethanol concentrations of other metabolites or gas pressures can be
and butanol concentrations substantially. There are two 20 maintained to thermodynamically favor microorganisms
applications from this thermodynamic and empirical obser that use a certain substrate or produce a desired product.
vation . One application is a means to produce ethanol using Using these artificial, i.e. , unnatural, conditions, unique
a moderately high ( not too high ) concentration of H , to shift microorganisms can be selected or developed in accordance
a mixed undefined culture fermentation toward ethanol with the present invention.
when acetate degradation i.s an alternative available path- 25 Generally, the first set of microorganisms may be isolated
way . A second application is the means to increase VFA in culture before use , or may be used “ as is ” from a
degradation rate to biogas ( CH4 , H , and CO2 ) . A third naturally -occurring source , such as soil or animal manure.
application is the alternative approach to produce ethanol During enrichment in the presence of an amount of the
using microorganisms, by excluding organisms that degrade desired product that exceeds that found in nature , the diges
VFA (e.g. by using cultures that don't contain them ) or 30 tion will , by selection and, perhaps, by mutation, favor the
inhibiting VFA degradation with reagents or conditions. development of a second set of microorganisms that are
In accordance with the present invention ; any conven particularly suited for conditions existing in and around, i.e. ,
tional digester or fermenter may be used with adjustments including headspace, the digesting medium . By allowing
required to meet the above - described thermodynamically this cycle to continue sequentially, it is possible to encourage
favorable conditions, such as provision for H , or removal of 35 the growth of microorganisms that exceed the abilities or
CO , from the headspace , for example, in accordance with capacities of previous generations of microorganisms in
the present invention . producing the desired product. As used herein , the “ first set
For example, digesters as disclosed in each of U.S. Pat . of microorganism ” is the starter set of microorganisms with
Nos . 6,299,774 ; 6,342,378 ; 5,525,229 ; and 6,673,243 , may which digestion
be used with any desired adjustments in accordance with the 40 commences. By “ second set of microorganisms” is meant a
present invention . Each and all of the U.S. patents are subsequent or Nth generation or progeny of the first set of
incorporated herein by reference in the entirety. microorganisms. The second set of microorganisms is gen
The digesters may be used, as noted herein , to digest erally at least 10 and preferably at least 109 generations or
purely cellulosic biomass or may also be used to digest more after the first set .
animal manure which may contain some cellulosic biomass . 45 For example , if it is desired to produce an Nih generation ,
Further, the digesters may be used in large scale to furnish where N may be an integer from generally 10 to at least 103
large volumes of lower alkyl alcohols , such as ethanol, and preferably at least 104 generations. However, N may be
propanol or butanol, or they may be used in small scale on an integral value in excess of 10 % .
individual farms where manure digestion is used for both VIII . Exemplary Microorganisms, Including Aerobic Micro
manure management in addition to ethanol production. 50 organisms
One specific type of digester that may be mentioned is an Some of the microbial isolates were found to be strict
induced blanket reactor (IBR) digester. See U.S. Pat. No. anaerobes, and others grew readily in the open air. Strict
6,911,149 , which is incorporated herein in the entirety . anaerobic microorganisms do not grow in the presence of
Further Utilizations of the Second Law of Thermodynamics 02. Facultative anaerobes have enzymes such as catylase
The present specification clearly demonstrates the appli- 55 and superoxide dismutase for disposing of O , metabolites ,
cation of the second law of thermodynamics to the control and therefore these microorganisms tolerate but do not use
and / or manipulation of complex chemical systems , includ 02. Aerobic microorganisms have complex enzyme systems
ing living systems in general, and a microbial ecosystem , in for passing electrons from one intermediate to another while
particular. The second law is , thus, applied to predict and capturing energy and eventually reducing O , to H2O . Each
control fermentation or digestion based on existing enzyme 60 of these different types of organisms may be distantly
activity at a point in time , and to control the evolution of new related . The inventors discovered some strict anaerobic
microbial activity going forward in time . microorganisms (e.g. Ruminococcus albus) and some
The same approach may be applied to similar microbial O2- tolerant or aerobic microorganisms (e.g. # 115 ) that con
ecosystems to effect a shift toward production of desired vert a high percentage of biomass to ethanol under 6 % or
products, which may be minor metabolites under typical 65 greater ethanol concentration by volume . Thus, the methods
fermentation conditions . For example, production of longer of isolating the desired activity to enable conversion of most
chain fatty acids , alcohols , or alkanes may be promoted by cellulosic biomass to ethanol and the methods to apply
US 10,760,102 B2
55 56
conditions to concentrate ethanol are generally effective for Thus, the empirical evidence supports the theory that
organisms of many types. The ability to tolerate 02 , or to use thermodynamic analysis can be used to overcome intoler
it , provide specific advantages discussed previously. Oxy ance to alkyl alcohol as well as select or develop microor
gen -tolerant organisms may be easier to handle, and O2-us ganisms that make alkyl alcohol , and provide conditions to
ing organisms may be grown under controlled conditions 5 shift fermentation toward alcohols: 1 ) Conditions that
separately from fermentation to ethanol. Thus, the present favored ethanol resulted in selection of an organisms that
specification specifically contemplates use of aerobic micro could only make ethanol, 2 ) This organism which produced
organisms for lower alkyl alcohol production. only ethanol was not able to grow when ethanol concentra
Furthermore, it is clear that for both aerobic and anaerobic tions exceeded 2 % of volume and CO2 was 1 atm . which are
microorganisms' intolerance to lower alky alcohols such as 10 conditions thought to be thermodynamically limiting 3 ) The
ethanol may be overcome by CO2 removal from the head same organism could be made to grow under similar con
space of the digestion. This provided empirical evidence to ditions by developing mutants that did not need to make
support the theory that a microorganism's intolerance to ethanol. 4 ) Removing the co -product CO , increased the
lower alkyl alcohols, particularly ethanol, is determined by tolerance to ethanol. Intolerance to ethanol can be overcome
extraneous chemical equilibrium . That is , often a microor- 15 by making ethanol production thermodynamically favorable
ganism's intolerance to alkyl alcohol , such as intolerance to to further ethanol production .
ethanol, is caused by concentrations of reactants and prod 16S r DNA Sequence for Exemplary Microorganisms and
ucts that disfavor production of lower alkyl alcohols because their Identity as Determined by BLAST Searches
the microorganism cannot obtain energy for growth by Identification of Microbial Species
making more alkyl alcohol due to thermodynamic con- 20 The microbial isolates were each gram stained and char
straints . Removing these constraints by altering concentra acterized as fungi, gram positive or gram negative rods or
tions of available reactants and products ( e.g. CO2 ) enables cocci . Isolates were further identified by other phenotypic
production of alkyl alcohol even while alkyl alcohol con characteristics such as aerobicity and carbon sources uti
centration remains high for many different types of micro lized .
organism , whether anaerobic or aerobic . 25 The phylogenetical relationship to other microorganisms
Both the analysis of thermodynamics and empirical evi was determined by base -pair sequence of the 16S ribosomal
dence supports this idea. For example, microbe 213 was DNA . Twenty bacterial isolates were selected for their
enriched and selected under high H2 pressure. These are ability to convert a high percentage of cellobiose to ethanol,
conditions that select for ethanol producers because making or ability to produce ethanol even when ethanol concentra
ethanol is one of the few pathways for microorganisms to 30 tions were greater than 6 % by volume . Each isolate was
obtain energy under these conditions . The high H2 pressure purified and plated on slant agar tubes and sent to an outside
shifts equilibrium against acetic acid, and the low CO2 contractor. The contractor performed colony PCR using a
pressure shifts it away from propionic id, for example. forward ( 8FPL ; AGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG ( SEQ ID NO :
Thermodynamic analysis shows that little energy may be 1 ) ) and reverse ( 1492RPL ; GGYTACCTTGTTACGACTT
obtained under these conditions from production of either 35 (SEQ ID NO : 2 )) primer and verified fragments using gel
acid from a low concentration of glucose , and thus, available electrophoresis. The PCR product was sequenced using an
glucose is used to make ethanol, which keeps the concen automated sequencer with the same primers.
tration of available glucose low . Contiguous 16S rDNA sequences obtained with forward
The microorganism 213 , isolated under these conditions or reverse primers were edited using Chromas Lite 2.01
exclusively makes ethanol and CO, even at low ethanol 40 ( Technelysium Pty Ltd) and assembled using CAP3 program
concentration . Many other microorganisms make different (Huang and Madan , 1999 ) . See Huang, X. and A. Madan .
products when ethanol concentration is low and shift to 1999. CAP3 : A DNA sequence assembly program , Genome
ethanol at high ethanol concentration as ethanol concentra Res . 9 : 868-877 . CAP3 was operated on and the resulting
tion inhibits the alternate pathways as discussed . Although assembled fragments are indicated below. After the two
this microorganism could readily produce ethanol, it was 45 sequences for each organism were assembled , the sequence
only tolerant to about 2 % ethanol concentration when grown was compared to the NCBI database against all nucleic acid
under 1 atm . CO2 gas pressure. It seems that the low deposits accepting 97 % or greater homology with identified
tolerance to ethanol might have had something to do with the bacterial 16S rDNA as potentially the same species . When
fact that the microorganism didn't have many options for more than one species was identified as similar to the
metabolism other than to make ethanol, which suggests 50 isolates , each species is listed in Table 5. Some of these
thermodynamics is limiting . alternative species may have been misidentified in the
Ethanol tolerance was improved for this organism by database, they may have been incorrectly classified as sepa
slowly increasing the ethanol concentration in fermentations rate species , but most likely they are close relatives that
under CO2 . Eventually, this microbe could tolerate up to 4 % could not be differentiated based on 16S rDNA . Four
ethanol concentration under 1 atm . CO2 pressure . However, 55 isolates did not produce PCR product and were not
the modified culture no longer exclusively converted cello sequenced
biose to ethanol. All of the cellobiose could not be accounted The 20 isolates that were sent out for identification were
for as ethanol and CO2 when incubated at low ethanol selected because they produced a greater amount of ethanol
concentration . It appears that the inventors made the organ from cellobiose than the average of all isolates. Results of
ism more ethanol tolerant by selecting out mutants that 60 the identification using rDNA sequences were confirmed by
could make something besides ethanol. Finally, although separately obtained results based on phenotype. The results
this mutant was tolerant to no more than 4 % ethanol when in Table 5 show substantial diversity of bacterial species that
grown under 1 atm CO2 , it was tolerant to more than 6 % can produce ethanol from cellulosic biomass , and also recall
ethanol under 1 atm N2 . Decreasing one co -product, CO2 , that fungi that converted cellobiose to ethanol were also
increased the possibility of producing a second co -product, 65 isolated . Thus, microorganisms isolated by the described
ethanol, as would be suggested for thermodynamically lim procedures represented two kingdoms ( fungi and bacteria ).
iting reactions. Within the bacterial kingdom , isolates represented two
US 10,760,102 B2
57 58
classes (bacilli and clostridia ), three orders (Lactobacillales, to ethanol irrespective of the gas composition. If CO2
Bacillales , Clostridales ), four families ( Lactobacillaceae , comprised the gas phase , microbial growth was inhibited
Staphylococcaceae, Enterococcaceae , Clostridiaceae ), and when ethanol concentration exceeded 2 % , but tolerance to
five genera ( Lactobacillus, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, ethanol exceeded 6 % when CO2 was removed . This organ
Clostridium , Pediococcus) . These isolates represent strict 5 ismand was identified
had rDNA as a member
homology greaterofthanthe99genusEnterococcus
% with cultures of
anaerobes, facultative anaerobes, and aerobic microorgan Enterococcus lactis and E. faecium .
isms capable of respiration . It is likely that several other Most microorganisms identified in Table 5 ( e.g. 52 , 115 ,
species of microorganism could also be isolated and made to 116 , 157 , 237 , 189 , 197 , 223 , 232 , and 241 ) increased
convert cellulosic feedstock to ethanol. Thus, the inventors 10 ethanol production above 6 % by volume when initially
have demonstrated and disclosed the use of any of the screened , and again when tested a second time with 6
bacterial species named in Table 5 for ethanol production, as replicates each using cellobiose (these second results were
well as many other species that will be isolated by similar all statistically significant at P <0.05 ) . Thus , the ability to
means as described in this application. convert cellulosic biomass to ethanol was prevalent among
Some functional characteristics can be attributed to cer 15 several species of microorganism . These various isolates
tain isolates , which can now be traced to a certaingenus and represent all genus and species identified .
species. For example, Staphylococcus epidermidis is known Of the isolates that were largely selected for ethanol
to grow by aerobic respiration as well as fermentation . Thus, production from cellulose as described , ten were found that
it is possible to use aerobic conditions to grow the desired also produced butanols and one (# 5 ) also produced propa
organism while ethanol would be produced under anaerobic 20 nols . Most isolates have not been tested for alcohols other
conditions . Enterococcus, Lactobacillus or Pediococcus are than ethanol at this time . Of the 10 that produced butanols,
known to tolerate oxygen so their use may be facile com three of them were identified by 16S rDNA sequencing ( 149 ,
pared to strict anaerobes like Clostridium . 189 , 213 ) . These represented members of the genera
An organism (# 247 ) with rDNA which was 99 % homo Clostridium and Enterococcus and had greater than 99 %
logus with Pediococcus acidilactici was cultured from 5 % 25 homology with C. bifermentans, C. sordellii, and E. lactis or
butanol, and was tolerant to 10 % ethanol. Organism # 115 E. faecium . An isolate from an enrichment in which butanol
converted about 50 % cellobiose to ethanol when ethanol production was intentionally selected for was identified as a
exceeded 6 to 7 % of media by volume ; it was tolerant to member of the genus Pediococcus and had greater than 99 %
sulfite and oxygen , and was identified as a member of the 16S rDNA homology with P. acidilactici and greater than
genus Enterococcus, with 99 % homology of the 16S rDNA 30 98 % 16S rDNA homology with P. pentosaceus.
to one of the close relatives of E. mundtii, E. hirae, E. The sequences determined all provided below with
faecium , or E. durans. Another organism (# 149 ) converted BLAST search results, i.e. , Lineage Report, summarized for
about 50 % by weight of cellobiose to ethanol, and repeat each sequence immediately thereunder. The sequences as
edly did so when additional cellobiose was added after shown and numbered below, e.g. KK149 , correspond to the
several days of incubation. This organism was identified as same numbers in Table 5 , which presents a summary of the
having rDNA with greater than 99 % homology with 35 results obtained for BLAST search results with concordance
Clostridium bifermentans or C. sordellii. This organism also between sequence numbers and the bacterial species with
produced ethanol when ethanol concentration exceeded 7 % which each is most closely identified . Note that ( > 97 % ) . is
by volume . Organism 213 converted about two thirds of commonly used as a benchmark of species identity for
cellobiose or AVICEL® (microcrystalline cellulose ) carbon bacteria .
KK149 ( 1389 bp )
( SEQ ID NO : 3 )




US 10,760,102 B2
59 60
- continued



KK 157 ( 1376 bp )
( SEQ ID NO : 4 )








KK 188 ( 1373 bp )
( SEQ ID NO : 5 )



US 10,760,102 B2
61 62



KK189 ( 1368 bp )
( SEQ ID NO : 6 )








KK 84 ( 1433 bp )
( SEQ ID NO : 7 )
US 10,760,102 B2
63 64
- continued






KK115 ( 1431 bp )
( SEQ ID NO : 8 )




US 10,760,102 B2
65 66
- continued


( SEQ ID NO : 9 )



( SEQ ID NO : 10 )



US 10,760,102 B2
67 68
- continued




KK.213 ( 1429 bp )
( SEQ ID NO : 11 )







( SEQ ID NO : 12 )


US 10,760,102 B2
69 70






( SEQ ID NO : 13 )





US 10,760,102 B2
71 72
- continued

( SEQ ID NO : 14 )


( SEQ ID NO : 15 )






US 10,760,102 B2
73 74
- continued
( SEQ ID NO : 16 )








( SEQ ID NO : 17 )




US 10,760,102 B2
75 76
- continued
( SEQ ID NO : 18 )








( SEQ ID NO : 19 )





US 10,760,102 B2
77 78
- continued



For convenience, the information provided above 20 Whereas 16S rRNA gene sequence data can be used for
obtained by BLAST searches is summarized below . multiplicity of purposes, unlike DNA hybridization ( > 70 %
Although it has been demonstrated that 16S rRNA gene reassociation ) there are no defined “ threshold values " ( e.g. ,
sequence data on an individual strain with a nearest neighbor 98.5 % similarity ) above which there is universal agreement
exhibiting a similarity score of < 97 % represents anew of what constitutes definitive and conclusive identification to
species , the meaning of similarity scores of > 97 % is not as
clear ( Petti, C. A. 2007. Detection and identification of 25 a given bacterial species .
microorganisms by gene amplification and sequencing. Clin . However, ( > 97 % ) is commonly used as a benchmark of
Infect. Dis . 44 : 1108-1114 . [PubMed ] .). species identity for bacteria .
Identification of selected organisms that produce ethanol from cellobiose . All cultured
species deposited to NCBIthat match 97 % or more nucleic acids are indicated .
Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Base Match >%

22 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus mucosae 1456 1456/1456 100

fermentum 1450/1452 99
52 Firmicutes Bacilli Bacillales Staphylococcaceae Staphylococcus epidermidis 1417 1410/1417 99
80 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus casselitlavus 1427 1427/1428 99
gallinarum 1425/1428 99
saccharolyticus 1419/1424 99
84 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus casselitlavus 1433 1429/1430 99
gallinarum 1427/1430 99
saccharolyticus 1424/1432 99
149 Firmicutes Clostridia Clostridiales Clostridiaceae Clostridium bifermentans 1389 1373/1384 99
sordellii 1371/1381 99
157 Firmicutes Clostridia Clostridiales Clostridiaceae Clostridium bifermentans 1376 1372/1379 99
sordellii 1349/1380 97
188 Firmicutes Clostridia Clostridiales Clostridiaceae Clostridium bifermentans 1373 1373/1374 99
sordellii 1349/1375 98
189 Firmicutes Clostridia Clostridiales Clostridiaceae Clostridium sordellii 1368 1366/1368 99
bifermentans 1365/1368 99
115 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus mundtii 1431 1430/1431 99
hirae 1420/1432 99
faecium 1419/1432 99
durans 1415/1427 99
197 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus faecium 1415 1413/1415 99
lactis 1413/1515 99
213 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus
lactis 1429
faecium 1428/1429 99
223 Firmicutes Clostridia Clostridiales Closrridiaceae Clostridium sporogenes 1371 1370/1371 99
botulinum 1370/1371 99
232 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus sanguinicola 960 958/960 99
thailandicus 958/960 99
mundtii 9561960 99
durans 9561960 99
faecium 9551960 99
hirae 9551960 99
pseudoavium 9541960 99
gilvus 954/960 99
241 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus sanguinicola 1001 1000/1006 99
thailandicus 1000/1007 99
durans 998/1006 99
faecium 997/1006 99
US 10,760,102 B2
79 80
TABLE 5 - continued
Identification of selected organisms that produce ethanol from cellobiose . All cultured
species deposited to NCBI that match 97 % or more nucleic acids are indicated .
Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Base Match 2%
hirae 997/1006 99
mundtii 996/1007 99
????? 997/1007 99
faecalis 99511006 98
245 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus lactis 1408 1408/1408 100
faecium 1407/1408 99
faecalis 1407/1408 99
durans 1403/1408 99
247 Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Pediococcus acidilactici 873 873/874 99
pentosaceus 863/875 98

Identification of selected organisms that produce ethanol 247 isolated from 5 % butanol and tolerates 10 % ethanol
from cellobiose . All cultured species deposited to NCBI that 115 , 189 convert about 50 % cellobiose to ethanol when
match 97 % or more nucleic acids are indicated . 20 ethanol exceeds 6 % ( not as high a conversion when ethanol
Closest Species is not present)
213 converts most cellobiose to ethanol even without etha
Clostridium bifermentans nol present, also digests AVICEL® (microcrystalline cellu
Clostridium sordellii lose) well to ethanol.
Clostridium sporogenes 25 Finally, as noted above in the section on Term Definitions,
Enterococcus casseliflavus and as used herein , the phrase " conversion percentage by
Enterococcus muntii weight ” means the percentage of cellulose weight converted
to ethanol or other biofuel, such as propanol or butanol, for
Enterococcus sanguinicola example . As noted also , these calculations do not include
Enterococcus faecium 30
exogenous water or hydrogen that may also be incorporated
Enterococcus lactis into produced ethanol, for example. For example, 50 %
Pediococcus acidilactici conversion of cellulose by weight means that 1 g of cellulose
is converted to 0.5 g of ethanol, for example . Nearly as much
Lactobacillus mucosae CO2 may be produced, which if included in the product yield
Staphylococcus epidermidis ( grows by aerobic respiration ). would lead to higher conversion percentage. Generally , the
Many are lactic acid bacteria but when isolated without H2 35 theoretical maximum yield of ethanol from cellulose , in
accordance with the present invention , is about 57 % by
or selecting non- acid producers gave other types. weight, unless the CO2 also produced is also converted , but
Clostridium are strict anaerobes . Enterococcus or Lactoba this requires more H2.
cillus or Pediococcus tolerate oxygen and Staphylococcus Having described the present invention, it will be appar
epidermidis grows by aerobic respiration or fermentation. 40 ent that many changes and modifications may be made to the
245 cultured for 2 months on AVICEL® (microcrystalline above -described embodiments without departing from the
cellulose ). spirit and the scope of the present invention .

< 160 > NUMBER OF SEQ ID NOS : 19

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 1

< 211 > LENGTH : 18
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Artificial Sequence
< 220 > FEATURE :
< 223 > OTHER INFORMATION : Description of Artificial Sequence : Synthetic
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 1
agtttgatcc tggctcag 18

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 2

< 211 > LENGTH : 19
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Artificial Sequence
< 220 > FEATURE :
< 223 > OTHER INFORMATION : Description of Artificial Sequence : Synthetic
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 2
ggytaccttg ttacgactt 19
US 10,760,102 B2
81 82
- continued

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 3

< 211 > LENGTH : 1389
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Clostridium sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 3
ctaccatgca gtcgagcgat ctcttcggag agagoggcgg acgggtgagt aacgcgtggg 60

taacctgccc tgtacacacg gataacatac cgaaaggtat actaatacgg gataacatat 120

gaaagtcgca tggcttttgt atcaaagctc cggcggtaca ggatggaccc gcgtctgatt 180

agctagttgg taaggtaatg gottaccaag gcaacgatca gtagccgacc tgagagggtg 240

atcggccaca ctggaactga gacacggtcc agactcctac gggaggcagc agtggggaat 300

attgcacaat gggcgaaagc ctgatgcagc aacgccgcgt gagcgatgaa ggccttcggg 360

tcgtaaagct ctgtcctcaa ggaagataat gacggtactt gaggaggaag ccccggctaa 420

ctacgtgcca gcagccgccg taatacgtag ggggctagcg ttattccgga attactgggc 480

gtaaaagggt gcgtaggtgg ttttttaagt cagaagtgaa aggctacggc tcaaccgtag 540

taagcttttg aaactagaga acttgagtgc aggagaggag agtagaattc ctagtgtago 600

ggtgaaatgc gtagatatta ggaggaatac cagtagcgaa ggcggctctc tggactgtaa 660

ctgacactga ggcacgaaag cgtggggage aaacaggatt agataccctg gtagtccacg 720

ccgtaaacga tgagtactag gtgtcggggg ttacccccct cggtgccgca gctaacgcat 780

taagtactcc gcctgggaag tacgctcgca agagtgaaac tcaaaggaat tgacggggac 840

ccgcacaagt agcggagcca tgtggtttaa ttcgaaagca acgcgaagaa ccttacctaa 900

gottgacatcccactgacct ctcccctaat cggagatttc ccttcgggga cagtggtgac 960

aggtggtgca tggttgtcgt caagctcgtgtcctgagatg ttgggttaag toccgcaacg 1020

agcgcaaccc ttgcctttag ttgccagcat taagttgggc actctagagg gactgccgag 1080

gataactcgg aggaaggtgg ggatgacgtc aaatcatcat gccccttatg cttagggcta 1140

cacacgtgct acaatgggtg gtacagaggg ttgccaagcc gcgaggtgga gctaatccct 1200

taaagccatt ctcagttcgg attgtagget gaaactcgcc tacatgaagc tggagttact 1260

agtaatcgca gatcagaatg ctgcggtgaa tgcgttcccg ggtcttgtac acaccgcccg 1320

tcacaccatg gaagttgggg gcgcccgaag ccggttagct aacctttagg aagcggcctc 1380

gaaggaacc 1389

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 4

< 211 > LENGTH : 1376
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Clostridium sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 4

tgcagtcgag cgatctcttc ggagagagcg goggacgggt gagtaacgcg tgggtaacct 60

gccctgtaca cacggataac ataccgaaag gtatactaat acgggataac atacgaaagt 120

cgcatggctt ttgtatcaaa gctccggcgg tacaggatgg acccgcgtct gattagctag 180

ttggtaaggt aatggcttac caaggcaacg atcagtagcc gacctgagag ggtgatcggc 240

cacactggaa ctgagacacg gtccagactc ctacgggagg cagcagtggg gaatattgca 300

caatgggcga aagcctgatg cagcaacgcc gcgtgagcga tgaaggcctt cgggtcgtaa 360

agctctgtcc tcaaggaaga taatgacggt acttgaggag gaagccccgc taactacgtg 420

US 10,760,102 B2
83 84
- continued
ccagcagccg cggtaatacg tagggggcta gcgttatccg gaattactgg gcgtaaaggg 480

tgcgtaggtg gttttttaag t?agaagtga aaggctacgg ctcaaccgta gtaagctttt 540

gaaactagag aacttgagtg caggagagga gagtagaatt cctagtgtag cggtgaaatg 600

cgtagatatt aggaggaata ccagtagcga aggcggctct ctggactgta actgacactg 660

aggcacgaaa gcgtggggag caaacaggat tagataccct ggtagtccac gccgtaaacg 720

atgagtacta ggtgtcgggg gttacccccc tcggtgccgc agctaacgca ttaagtacto 780

cgcctgggga agtacgctcg caagagtgaa actcaaagga attgacgggg acccgcacaa 840

gtagcggagc atgtggttta attcgaagca acgcgaagaa ccttacctaa gottgacatc 900

ccactgacct ctccctaatc ggagatttcc cttcgggaac agtggttgac aggtgggtgc 960

atggttgtcg tcagctcgtg tcgtgagatg ttgggttaag toccgcaacg agcgcaaccc 1020

ttgcctttag ttgccagcat taagttgggc actctagagg gactgccgag gataactcgg 1080

aggaaggtgg ggatgacgtc aaatcatcat gccccttatg cttagggcta cacacgtgct 1140

acaatgggtg gtacagaggg ttgccaagcc gcgaggtgga gctaatccct taaagccatt 1200

ctcagttcgg attgtagget gaaactcgcc tacatgaagc tggagttact agtaatcgca 1260

gatcagaatg ctgcggtgaa tgcgttcccg ggtcttgtac acaccgcccg tcacaccatg 1320

gaagttgggg gcgcccgaag ccggttagct aaccttttag gaagcggcct cgaagg 1376

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 5

< 211 > LENGTH : 1373
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Clostridium sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 5
tgcagtcgag cgatctcttc ggagagagcg goggacgggt gagtaacgcg tgggtaacct 60

gccctgtaca cacggataac ataccgaaag gtatactaat acgggataac atacgaaagt 120

cgcatggctt ttgtatcaaa gctccggcgg tacaggatgg acccgcgtct gattagctag 180

ttggtaaggt aatggcttac caaggcaacg atcagtagcc gacctgagag ggtgatcggc 240

cacactggaa ctgagacacg gtccagactc ctacgggagg cagcagtggg gaatattgca 300

caatgggcga aagcctgatg cagcaacgcc gcgtgagcga tgaaggcctt cgggtcgtaa 360

agctctgtcc tcaaggaaga taatgacggt acttgaggag gaagccccgg ctaactacgt 420

gccagcagcc gcggtaatac gtagggggct agcgttatcc ggaattactg ggcgtaaagg 480

gtgcgtaggt ggttttttaa gtcagaagtg aaaggctacg gctcaaccgt agtaagcttt 540

tgaaactaga gaacttgagt gcaggagagg agagtagaat tcctagtgta gcggtgaaat 600

gcgtagatat taggaggaat accagtagcg aaggcggctc tctggactgt aactgacact 660

gaggcacgaa agcgtgggga gcaaacagga ttagataccc tggtagtcca cgccgtaaac 720

gatgagtact aggtgtcggg ggttaccccc ctcggtgccg cagctaacgc attaagtact 780

ccgcctggga agtacgctcg caagagtgaa actcaaagga attgacgggg acccgcacaa 840

gtagcggagc atgtggttta attcgaagca acgcgaagaa ccttacctaa gottgacatc 900

ccactgacct ctccctaatc ggagatttcc cttcggggac agtggtgaca ggtggtgcat 960

ggttgtcgtc agctcgtgtc gtgagatgtt gggttaagtc ccgcaacgag cgcaaccctt 1020

cctttagtt gccag tta agttgggcac tctagaggga ctgccgagga taad jag 1080

gaaggtgggg atgacgtcaa atcatcatgc cccttatgct tagggctaca cacgtgctac 1140

aatgggtggt acagagggtt gccaagccgc gaggtggagc taatccctta aagccattct 1200

US 10,760,102 B2
85 86
- continued

cagttoggat tgtaggotga aactcgccta catgaagctg gagttactag taatcgcaga 1260

tcagaatgct gcggtgaatg cgttcccggg tcttgtacac accgcccgtc acaccatgga 1320

agttgggggc gcccgaagcc ggttagctaa ccttttagga agcggccgtc gaa 1373

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 6

< 211 > LENGTH : 1368
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Clostridium sp .
< 220 > FEATURE :
< 221 > NAME / KEY : modified_base
< 222 > LOCATION : ( 1346 ) .. ( 1346 )
< 223 > OTHER INFORMATION : a , c , g , t , unknown or other
< 220 > FEATURE :
< 221 > NAME / KEY : modified_base
< 222 > LOCATION : ( 1364 ) .. ( 1364 )
< 223 > OTHER INFORMATION : ? , C , g , t , unknown or other
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 6
gtcgagcgat ctcttcggag agagcggcgg acgggtgagt aacgcgtggg taacctgccc 60

tgtacacacg gataacatac cgaaaggtat actaatacgg gataacatat gaaagtcgca 120

tggcttttgt atcaaagctc cggcggtaca ggatggaccc gcgtctgatt agctagttgg 180

taaggtaatg gottaccaag gcaacgatca gtagccgacc tgagagggtg atcggccaca 240

ctggaactga gacacggtcc agactcctac gggaggcagc agtggggaat attgcacaat 300

gggcgaaagc ctgatgcagc aacgccgcgt gagcgatgaa ggccttcggg tcgtaaagct 360

ctgtcctcaa ggaagataat gacggtactt gaggaggaag ccccggctaa ctacgtgcca 420

gcagccgcgg taatacgtag ggggctagcg ttatccggaa ttactgggcg taaagggtgc 480

gtaggtggtt ttttaagtca gaagtgaaag gctacggctc aaccgtagta agcttttgaa 540

actagagaac ttgagtgcag gagaggagag tagaattcct agtgtagcgg tgaaatgcgt 600

agatattagg aggaatacca gtagcgaagg cggctctctg gactgtaact gacactgagg 660

cacgaaagcg tggggagcaa acaggattag ataccctggt agtccacgcc gtaaacgatg 720

agtactaggt gtcgggggtt acccccctcg gtgccgcago taacgcatta agtactccgc 780

ctgggaagta cgctcgcaag agtgaaactc aaaggaattg acggggaccc gcacaagtag 840

cggagcatgt ggtttaattc gaagcaacgc gaagaacctt acctaagctt gacatcccac 900

tgacctctcc ctaatcggag atttcccttc ggggacagtg gtgacaggtg gtgcatggtt 960

gtcgtcagct cgtgtcgtga gatgttgggt taagtcccgc aacgagcgca acccttgcct 1020

ttagttgcca gcattaagtt gggcactcta gagggactgc cgaggataac tcggaggaag 1080

gtggggatga cgtcaaatca tcatgcccct tatgcttagg gctacacacg tgctacaatg 1140

ggtggtacag agggttgcca agccgcgagg tggagctaat cccttaaagc cattctcagt 1200

toggattgta ggctgaaact cgcctacatg aagctggagt tactagtaat cgcagatcag 1260

aatgctgcgc tgaatgcgtt cccgggtctt gtacacaccg cccgtcacac catggaagtt 1320

gggggcgccc gaagccggtt agctancctt ttaggaagcg gccntcga 1368

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 7

< 211 > LENGTH : 1433
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Enterococcus sp .

< 400 > SEQUENCE : 7

tggaagtcga acgctttttc tttcaccgga gottgctcca ccgaaagaaa aagagtggcg 60
US 10,760,102 B2
87 88
- continued
aacgggtgag taacacgtgg gtaacctgcc catcagaagg ggataacact tggaaacagg 120

tgctaatacc gtataacact attttccgca tggaagaaag ttgaaaggcg cttttgcgtc 180

actgatggat ggacccgcgg tgcattagct agttggtgag gtaacggctc accaaggcaa 240

cgatgcatag ccgacctgag agggtgatcg gccacactgg gactgagaca cggcccagac 300

tcctacggga ggcagcagta gggaatcttc ggcaatggac gaaagtctga ccgagcaacg 360

ccgcgtgagt gaagaaggtt ttcggatcgt aaaactctgt tgttagagaa gaacaaggat 420

gagagtaaaa tgttcatccc ttgacggtat ctaaccagaa agccacggct aactacgtgc 480

cagcagccgc ggtaatacgt aggtggcaag cgttgtcggg atttattggg cgtaaagcga 540

gcgcaggcgg tttcttaagt ctgatgtgaa agcccccggc tcaaccgggg agggtcattg 600

gaaactggga gacttgagtg cagaagagga gagtggaatt ccatgtgtag cggtgaaatg 660

cgtagatata tggaggaaca ccagtggcga aggcggctct ctggtctgta actgacgctg 720

aggctcgaaa gcgtggggag cgaacaggat tagataccct ggtagtccac gccgtaaacg 780

atgagtgcta agtgttggag ggtttccgcc cttcagtgct gcagcaaacg cattaagcac 840

tccgcctggg gagtacgacc gcaaggttga aactcaaagg aattgacggg ggcccgcaca 900

agcggtggag catgtggttt aattcgaagc aacgcgaaga accttaccag gtcttgacat 960

cctttgacca ctctagagat agagcttccc cttcgggggc aaagtgacag gtggtgcatg 1020

gttgtcgtca gctcgtgtcg tgagatgttg ggttaagtcc cgcaacgagc gcaaccctta 1080

ttgttagttg ccatcattta gttgggcact ctagcgagac tgccggtgac aaaccggagg 1140

aaggtgggga tgacgtcaaa tcatcatgcc ccttatgacc tgggctacac acgtgctaca 1200

atgggaagta caacgagttg cgaagtcgcg aggctaagct aatctcttaa agcttctctc 1260

agttcggatt gtaggctgca actcgcctac atgaagccgg aatcgctagt aatcgcggat 1320

cagcacgccg cggtgaatac gttcccgggc cttgtacaca ccgcccgtca cgaccacgag 1380

agtttgtaac acccgaagtc ggtgaggtaa cctttttgga gccagccgcc taa 1433

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 8

< 211 > LENGTH : 1431
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Enterococcus sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 8
tgcaagtcga acgcttcttt tcccaccgga gottgctcca ccgggaaaag aggagtggcg 60

aacgggtgag taacacgtgg gtaacctgcc catcagaagg ggataacact tggaaacagg 120

tgctaatacc gtataacaat cgaaaccgca tggtttcgtt ttgaaaggcg ctttacggtg 180

ccgctgatgg atggacccgc ggtgcattag ctagttggtg aggtaacggc tcaccaaggo 240

cacgatgcat agccgacctg agagggtgat cggccacatt gggactgaga cacggcccaa 300

actcctacgg gaggcagcag tagggaatct tcggcaatgg acgaaagtct gaccgagcaa 360

cgccgcgtga gtgaagaagg ttttcggatc gtaaaactct gttgttagag aagaacaagg 420

gtgagagtaa ctgttcaccc cttgacggta tctaaccaga aagccacggc taactacgtg 480

ccagcagccg cggtaatacg taggtggcaa gcgttgtccg gatttattgg gcgtaaagcg 540

agcgcaggcg gtttcttaag tctgatgtga aagcccccgg ctcaaccggg gagggtcatt 600

ggaaactggg agacttgagt gcagaagagg aga tggaat tocatgtgta gcggtgaaat 660

gcgtagatat atggaggaac accagtggcg aaggcggctc tctggtctgt aactgacgct 720

gaggctcgaa agcgtgggga gcaaacagga ttagataccc tggtagtcca cgccgtaaac 780

US 10,760,102 B2
89 90
- continued

gatgagtgct aagtgttgga gggtttccgc ccttcagtgc tgcagctaac gcattaagca 840

ctccgcctgggggagtacga ccgcaaggtt gaaactcaaa ggaattgacg ggggcccgca 900

caagcggtgg agcatgtggt ttaattcgaa gcaacgcgaa gaaccttacc aggtcttgac 960

atcctttgac cactctagag atagagcttc cccttcgggg gcaaagtgac aggtggtgca 1020

tggttgtcgt cagctcgtgt cgtgagatgt tgggttaagt cccgcaacga gcgcaaccct 1080

tattgttagt toccatcatt tagttgggca ctctagcaag actgccggtg acaaaccgga 1140

ggaaggtggg gatgacgtca aatcatcatg coccttatga cctgggctac acacgtgcta 1200

caatgggaag tacaacgagt cgcgaagtcg cgaggctaag ctaatctctt aaagcttctc 1260

tcagttcgga ttgtaggctg caactcgcct acatgaagcc ggaatcgcta gtaatcgcgg 1320

atcagcacgc cgcggtgaat acgttcccgg gccttgtaca caccgcccgt cacaccacga 1380

gagtttgtaa cacccgaagt cggtgaggta accttttgga gccagccgcct 1431

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 9

< 211 > LENGTH : 1023
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Enterococcus sp .

< 400 > SEQUENCE : 9

tgcagtcgta cgctttttct ttcaccggag cttgctccac cgaaagaaaa ggagtggcga 60
acgggtgagt aacacgtggg taacctgccc atcagaaggg gataacactt ggaaacaggt 120

gctaataccg tataacaatc gaaaccgcat ggttttgatt tgaaaggcgc tttcgggtgt 180

cgctgatgga tggacccgcg gtgcattage tagttggtga ggtaacggct caccaaggcc 240

acgatgcata gccgacctga gagggtgatc ggccacattg ggactgagac acggcccaaa 300

ctcctacggg aggcagcagt agggaatctt cggcaatgga cgaaagtctg accgagcaac 360

gccgcgtgag tgaagaaggt tttcggatcg taaaactctg ttgttagaga agaacaagga 420

tgagagtaac tgttcatccc ttgacggtat ctaaccagaa agccacggct aactacgtgc 480

cagcagccgc ggtaatacgt aggtggcaag cgttgtccgg atttattggg cgtaaagcga 540

gcgcaggcgg tttcttaagt ctgatgtgaa agcccccggc tcaaccgggg agggtcattg 600

gaaactggga gacttgagtg cagaagagga gagtggaatt ccatgtgtag cggtgaaatg 660

cgtagatata tggaggaaca ccagtggcga aggcgactct ctggtctgta actgacgctg 720

aggctcgaaa gcgtggggag caaacaggat tagataccct ggtagtccac gccgtaaacg 780

atgagtgcta agtgttggag ggtttccgcc cttcagtgct gcagctaacg cattaagcac 840

tccgcctggg gagtacgacc gcaaggttga aactcaaagg aattgacggg ggcccgcaca 900

agcggtggag catgtggttt aattcgaagc aacgcgaaga accttaccag gtcttgacat 960

cctttgacca ctctagagat agagcttccc ttcggggcaa agtgacagtg tgcatgtgtc 1020

gtc 1023

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 10

< 211 > LENGTH : 1415
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Enterococcus sp .
< 220 > FEATURE :
< 221 > NAME / KEY : modified_base
< 222 > LOCATION : ( 4 ) .. ( 4 )
< 223 > OTHER INFORMATION : a , c , g , t , unknown or other
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 10
US 10,760,102 B2
91 92
- continued
gcangtcgta cgcttctttt tccaccggag cttgctccac cggaaaaaga ggagtggcga 60

acgggtgagt aacacgtggg taacctgccc atcagaaggg gataacactt ggaaacaggt 120

gctaataccg tataacaatc gaaaccgcat ggttttgatt tgaaaggcgc tttcgggtgt 180

cgctgatgga tggacccgcg gtgcattagc tagttggtga ggtaacggct caccaaggcc 240

acgatgcata gccgacctga gagggtgatc ggccacattg ggactgagac acggcccaaa 300

ctcctacggg aggcagcagt agggaatctt cggcaatgga cgaaagtctg accgagcaac 360

gccgcgtgag tgaagaaggt tttcggatcg taaaactctg ttgttagaga agaacaagga 420

tgagagtaac tgttcatccc ttgacggtat ctaaccagaa agccacggct aactacgtgc 480

cagcagccgc ggtaatacgg taggtggcaa gcgttgtccg gatttattgg gcgtaaagcg 540

agcgcaggcg gtttcttaag tctgatgtga aagcccccgg ctcaaccggg gagggtcatt 600

ggaaactggg agacttgagt gcagaagagg agagtggaat tocatgtgta gcggtgaaat 660

gcgtagatat atggaggaac accagtggcg aaggeggctc tctggtctgt aactgacgct 720

gaggctcgaa agcgtgggga gcaaacagga ttagataccc tggtagtcca cgccgtaaac 780

gatgagtgct aagtgttgga gggtttccgc ccttcagtgc tgcagctaac gcattaagca 840

ctccgcctgg ggagtacgac cgcaaggttg aaactcaaag gaattgacgg gggcccgcac 900

aagcggtgga gcatgtggtt taattcgaag caacgcgaag aaccttacca ggtcttgaca 960

tcctttgacc actctagaga tagagcttcc ccttcggggg caaagtgaca ggtggtgcat 1020

ggttgtcgtc agctcgtgtc gtgagatgtt gggttaagtc ccgcaacgag cgcaaccctt 1080

attgttagtt gccatcattc agttgggcac tctagcaaga ctgccggtga caaaccggag 1140

gaaggtgggg atgacgtcaa atcatcatgc cccttatgac ctgggctaca cacgtgctac 1200

aatgggaagt acaacgagtt gcgaagtcgc gaggctaagc taatctctta aagcttctct 1260

cagttcggat tgcaggctgc aactcgcctg catgaagccg gaatcgctag taatcgcgga 1320

tcagcacgcc gcggtgaata cgttcccggg ccttgtacac accgcccgtc acaccacgag 1380

agtttgtaac acccgaagtc ggtgaggtaa ccttt 1415

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 11

< 211 > LENGTH : 1429
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Enterococcus sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 11
tgcagtcgta cgcttctttt tccaccggag cttgctccac cggaaaaaga ggagtggcga 60

acgggtgagt aacacgtggg taacctgccc atcagaaggg gataacactt ggaaacaggt 120

gctaataccg tataacaatc gaaaccgcat ggttttgatt tgaaaggcgc tttcgggtgt 180

cgctgatgga tggacccgcg gtgcattagc tagttggtga ggtaacggct caccaaggcc 240

acgatgcata gccgacctga gagggtgatc ggccacattg ggactgagac acggcccaaa 300

ctcctacggg aggcagcagt agggaatctt cggcaatgga cgaaagtctg accgagcaac 360

gccgcgtgag tgaagaaggt tttcggatcg taaaactctg ttgttagaga agaacaagga 420

tgagagtaac tgttcatccc ttgacggtat ctaaccagaa agccacggct aactacgtgc 480

cagcagccgc ggtaatacgt aggtggcaag cgttgtccgg atttattggg cgtaaagcga 540

gcgcaggcgg tttcttaagt ctgatgtgaa gcccccggc tcaaccgggg agggtcattg 600

gaaactggga gacttgagtg cagaagagga gagtggaatt ccatgtgtag cggtgaaatg 660

cgtagatata tggaggaaca ccagtggcga aggcggctct ctggtctgta actgacgctg 720

US 10,760,102 B2
93 94
- continued

aggctcgaaa gcgtggggag caaacaggat tagataccct ggtagtccac gccgtaaacg 780

atgagtgcta agtgttggag ggtttccgcc cttcagtgct gcagctaacg cattaagcac 840

tccgcctggg gagtacgacc gcaaggttga aactcaaagg aattgacggg ggcccgcaca 900

agcggtggag catgtggttt aattcgaagc aacgcgaaga accttaccag gtcttgacat 960

cctttgacca ctctagagat agagcttccc cttcgggggc aaagtgacag gtggtgcatg 1020

gttgtcgtca gotcgtgtcg tgagatgttg ggttaagtcc cgcaacgagc gcaaccctta 1080

ttgttagttg ccatcattca gttgggcact ctagcaagac tgccggtgac aaaccggagg 1140

aaggtgggga tgacgtcaaa tcatcatgcc ccttatgacc tgggctacac acgtgctaca 1200

atgggaagta caacgagttg cgaagtcgcg aggctaagct aatctcttaa agcttctctc 1260

agttcggatt gcaggctgca actcgcctgc atgaagccgg aatcgctagt aatcgcggat 1320

cagcacgccg cggtgaatac gttcccgggc cttgtacaca ccgcccgtca caccacgaga 1380

gtttgtaaca cccgaagtcg gtgaggtaac cttttggagc cagccgcct 1429

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 12

< 211 > LENGTH : 1456
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Lactobacillus sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 12
cctaatacat gcaagtcgaa cgcgttggcc caactgattg aacgtgcttg cacggacttg 60

acgttggttt accagcgagt ggcggacggg tgagtaacac gtaggtaacc tgccccaaag 120

cgggggataa catttggaaa cagatgctaa taccgcataa caatttgaat cgcatgattc 180

aaatttaaaa gatggcttcg gctatcactt tgggatggac ctgcggcgca ttagottgtt 240

ggtagggtaa cggcctacca aggctgtgat gcgtagccga gttgagagac tgatcggcca 300

caatggaact gagacacggt ccatactcct acgggaggca gcagtaggga atcttccaca 360

atgggcgcaa gcctgatgga gcaacaccgc gtgagtgaag aagggtttcg gotcgtaaag 420

ctctgttgtt agagaagaac gtgcgtgaga gcaactgttc acgcagtgac ggtatctaac 480

cagaaagtca cggctaacta cgtgccagca gccgcggtaa tacgtaggtg gcaagcgtta 540

tccggattta ttgggcgtaa agcgagcgca ggcggtttga taagtctgat gtgaaagcct 600

ttggcttaac caaagaagtg catcggaaac tgtcagactt gagtgcagaa gaggacagtg 660

gaactccatg tgtagcggtg gaatgcgtag atatatggaa gaacaccagt ggcgaaggcg 720

gctgtctggt ctgcaactga cgctgaggct cgaaagcatg ggtagcgaac aggattagat 780

accctggtag tocatgccgt aaacgatgag tgctaggtgt tggagggttt ccgcccttca 840

gtgccgcagc taacgcatta agcactccgc ctggggagta cgaccgcaag gttgaaacto 900

aaaggaattg acgggggccc gcacaagcgg tggagcatgt ggtttaattc gaagctacgc 960

gaagaacctt accaggtott gacatcttgc gccaacccta gagatagggc gtttccttcg 1020

ggaacgcaat gacaggtggt gcatggtcgt cgtcagctcg tgtcgtgaga tgttgggtta 1080

agtcccgcaa cgagcgcaac ccttgttact agttgccagc attcagttgg gcactctagt 1140

gagactgccg gtgacaaacc ggaggaaggt ggggacgacg tcagatcatc atgcccctta 1200

tgacctgggc tacacacgtg ctacaatgga cggtacaacg agtcgcgaac tcgcgagggc 1260

aagctaatct cttaaaaccg ttctcagttc ggactgcagg ctgcaactcg cctgcacgaa 1320

gtcggaatcg ctagtaatcg cggatcagca tgccgcggtg aatacgttcc cgggccttgt 1380

US 10,760,102 B2
95 96
- continued
acacaccgcc cgtcacacca tgagagtttg caacacccaa agtcggtggg gtaacccttc 1440

ggggagctag ccgcct 1456

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 13

< 211 > LENGTH : 1371
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Clostridium sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 13
cgagcgatga agcttccttc gggaagtgga ttagcggcgg acgggtgagt aacacgtggg 60
taacctgcct caaagtgggg gatagccttc cgaaaggaag attaataccg cataacataa 120

gagaatcgca tgattttctt atcaaagatt tattgctttg agatggaccc gcggcgcatt 180

agctagttgg taaggtaacg gottaccaag gcaacgatgc gtagccgacc tgagagggtg 240

atcggccaca ttggaactga gacacggtcc agactcctac gggaggcagc agtggggaat 300

attgcgcaat gggggaaacc ctgacgcagc aacgccgcgt gggtgatgaa ggtcttcgga 360

ttgtaaagcc ctgttttctg ggacgataat gacggtacca gaggaggaag ccacggctaa 420

ctacgtgcca gcagccgcgg taatacgtag gtggcgagcg ttgtccggat ttactgggcg 480

taaagggtgc gtaggcggat gtttaagtgg gatgtgaaat ccccgggctt aacctggggg 540

ctgcattoca aactggatat ctagagtgca ggagaggaaa gcggaattcc tagtgtagcg 600

gtgaaatgcg tagagattag gaagaacacc agtggcgaag goggctttct ggactgtaac 660

tgacgctgag gcacgaaagc gtgggtagca aacaggatta gataccctgg tagtccacgc 720

cgtaaacgat ggatactagg tgtagggggt atcaactccc cctgtgccgc agttaacaca 780

ataagtatcc cgcctgggga gtacggtcgc aagattaaaa ctcaaaggaa ttgacggggg 840

cccgcacaag cagcggagca tgtggtttaa ttcgaagcaa cgcgaagaac cttacctgga 900

cttgacatcc cttgcatago ctagagatag gtgaagccct tcggggcaag gagacaggtg 960

gtgcatggtt gtcgtcagct cgtgtcgtga gatgttaggt taagtcctgc aacgagcgca 1020

acccttgtta ttagttgcta ccattaagtt gagcactcta atgagactgc ctgggtaacc 1080

aggaggaagg tggggatgac gtcaaatcat catgcccctt atgtccaggg ctacacacgt 1140

gctacaatgg taggtacaat aagacgcaag accgtgaggt ggagcaaaac ttataaaacc 1200

tatctcagtt cggattgtag tgctgcaact cgcctacatg aagctggagt tgctagtaat 1260

cgcgaatcag aatgtcgcgg tgaatacgtt cccgggcctt gtacacaccg cccgtcacac 1320

catgagagct ggtaacaccc gaagtccgtg aggtaaccgt aaggagccag c 1371

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 14

< 211 > LENGTH : 960
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Enterococcus sp .
< 220 > FEATURE :
< 221 > NAME / KEY : modified_base
< 222 > LOCATION : ( 902 ) .. ( 902 )
< 223 > OTHER INFORMATION : ? , C , g , t , unknown or other

< 400 > SEQUENCE : 14

ccagaaagcc acggotaact acgtgccagc agccgcggta atacgtaggt ggcaagcgtt 60

gtccggattt attgggcgta aagcgagcgc aggcggtttc ttaagtctga tgtgaaagcc 120

ccce tcaa ccggggaggg tcattggaaa ct gagact tga caga agaggagagt 180

ggaattccat gtgtagcggt gaaatgcgta gatatatgga ggaacaccag tggcgaaggc 240

gactctctgg tctgtaactg acgctgaggc tcgaaagcgt ggggagcaaa caggattaga 300

US 10,760,102 B2
97 98
- continued

taccctggta gtccacgccg taaacgatga gtgctaagtg ttggagggtt tccgcccttc 360

agtgctgcag ctaacgcatt aagcactccg cctggggagt acgaccgcaa ggttgaaact 420

caaaggaatt gacgggggcc cgcacaagcg gtggagcatg tggtttaatt cgaagcaacg 480

cgaagaacct taccaggtct tgacatcctt tgaccactct agagatagag cttccccttc 540

gggggcaaag tgacaggtgg tgcatggttg tcgtcagctc gtgtcgtgag atgttgggtt 600

aagtcccgca acgagcgcaa cccttattgt tagttgccat cattaagttg ggcactctag 660

caagactgcc ggtgacaaac cggaggaagg tggggatgac gtcaaatcat catgcccctt 720

atgacctggg ctacacacgt gctacaatgg gaagtacaac gagtcgcgaa gtcgcgaggc 780

taagctaatc tottaaagct tctctcagtt cggattgtag gctgcaactc gcctacatga 840

agccggaatc gctagtaatc gcggatcagc acgccgcggt gaatacgttc ccgggccttg 900

tncacaccgc ccgtcacacc acgaaagttt gtaacacccg aagtcggtga ggtaaccttt 960

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 15

< 211 > LENGTH : 1001
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Enterococcus sp .

< 400 > SEQUENCE : 15

agagtactgt catccctgac ggtatctacc agaagccacg gctaactacg tgccagcago 60
cgcggtaata cgtaggtggc aagcgttgtc cggatttatt gggcgtaaag cgagcgcagg 120

cggtttctta agtctgatgt gaaagccccc ggctcaaccg gggagggtca ttggaaactg 180

ggagacttga gtgcagaaga ggagagtgga attccatgtg tagcggtgaa atgcgtagat 240

atatggagga acaccagtgg cgaaggcgac tctctggtct gtaactgacg ctgaggctcg 300

aaagcgtggg gagcaaacag gattagatac cctggtagtc cacgccgtaa acgatgagtg 360

ctaagtgttg gagggtttcc gcccttcagt gctgcagcta acgcattaag cactccgcct 420

ggggagtacg accgcaaggt tgaaactcaa aggaattgac gggggcccgc acaagcggtg 480

gagcatgtgg tttaattega agcaacgcga agaaccttac caggtcttga catcctttga 540

ccactctaga gatagagctt ccccttcggg ggcaaagtga caggtggtgc atggttgtcg 600

tcagctcgtg togtgagatg ttgggttaag toccgcaacg agcgcaaccc ttattgttag 660

ttgccatcat taagttgggc actctagcaa gactgccggt gacaaaccgg aggaaggtgg 720

ggatgacgtc aaatcatcat gccccttatg acctgggcta cacacgtgct acaatgggaa 780

gtacaacgag tcgcgaagtc gcgaggctaa gctaatctct taaagcttct ctcagttegg 840

attgtaggct gcaactcgcc tacatgaagc cggaatcgct agtaatcgcg gatcagcacg 900

ccgcggtgaa tacgttcccg ggccttgtac acaccgcccg tcacaccacg aaagtttgta 960

acacccgaag toggtgaggt aaccttttgg agccagccgc c 1001

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 16

< 211 > LENGTH : 1408
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Enterococcus sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 16
cgtacgcttc tttttccacc ggagcttgct ccaccggaaa aagaggagtg gegaacgggt 60

gagtaacacg tgggtaacct gcccatcaga aggggataac acttggaaac aggtgctaat 120

accgtataac aatcgaaacc gcatggtttt gatttgaaag gcgctttcgg gtgtcgctga 180

US 10,760,102 B2
99 100
- continued
tggatggacc cgcggtgcat tagctagttg gtgaggtaac ggctcaccaa ggccacgatg 240

catagccgac ctgagagggt gatcggccac attgggactg agacacggcc caaactccta 300

cgggaggcag cagtagggaa tcttcggcaa tggacgaaag totgaccgag caacgccgcg 360

tgagtgaaga aggttttcgg atcgtaaaac tctgttgtta gagaagaaca aggatgagag 420

taactgttca tcccttgacg gtatctaacc agaaagccac ggctaactac gtgccagcag 480

ccgcggtaat acgtaggtgg caagcgttgt ccggatttat tgggcgtaaa gcgagcgcag 540

gcggtttctt aagtctgatg tgaaagcccc cggctcaacc ggggagggtc attggaaact 600

gggagacttg agtgcagaag aggagagtgg aattccatgt gtagcggtga aatgcgtaga 660

tatatggagg aacaccagtg gcgaaggcgg ctctctggtc tgtaactgac gctgaggctc 720

gaaagcgtgg ggagcaaaca ggattagata ccctggtagt ccacgccgta aacgatgagt 780

gctaagtgtt ggagggtttc cgcccttcag tgctgcagct aacgcattaa gcactccgcc 840

tggggagtac gaccgcaagg ttgaaactca aaggaattga cgggggcccg cacaagcggt 900

ggagcatgtg gtttaattcg aagcaacgcg aagaacctta ccaggtcttg acatcctttg 960

accactctag agatagagct tccccttcgg gggcaaagtg acaggtggtg catggttgtc 1020

gtcagctcgt gtcgtgagat gttgggttaa gtcccgcaac gagcgcaacc cttattgtta 1080

gttgccatca ttcagttggg cactctagca agactgccgg tgacaaaccg gaggaaggtg 1140

gggatgacgt caaatcatca tgccccttat gacctgggct acacacgtgc tacaatggga 1200

agtacaacga gttgcgaagt cgcgaggcta agctaatctc ttaaagcttc tctcagtteg 1260

gattgcaggc tgcaactcgc ctgcatgaag ccggaatcgc tagtaatcgc ggatcagcac 1320

gccgcggtga atacgttccc gggccttgta cacaccgccc gtcacaccac gagagtttgt 1380

aacacocgaa gtcggtgagg taaccttt 1408

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 17

< 211 > LENGTH : 873
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 » ORGANISM : Pediococcus sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 17
acacgaagtg agtggcggac gggtgagtaa cacgtgggta acctgcccag aagcagggga 60

taacacctgg aaacagatge taataccgta taacagagaa aaccgcctgg ttttctttta 120

aaagatggct ctgctatcac ttctggatgg acccgcggcg cattagctag ttggtgaggt 180

aacggctcac caaggcgatg atgcgtagcc gacctgagag ggtaatcggc cacattggga 240

ctgagacacg goccagactc ctacgggagg cagcagtagg gaatcttcca caatggacgc 300

aagtctgatg gagcaacgcc gcgtgagtga agaagggttt cggctcgtaa agctctgttg 360

ttaaagaaga acgtgggtga gagtaactgt tcacccagtg acggtattta accagaaagc 420

cacggctaac tacgtgccag cagccgcggt aatacgtagg tggcaagcgt tatccggatt 480

tattgggcgt aaagcgagcg caggcggtct tttaagtcta atgtgaaagc cttcggctca 540

accgaagaag tgcattggaa actgggagac ttgagtgcag aagaggacag tggaactcca 600

tgtgtagcgg tgaaatgcgt agatatatgg aagaacacca gtggcgaagg cggctgtctg 660

gtctgtaact gacgctgagg ctcgaaagca tgggtagcga acaggattag ataccctggt 720

agtccatgcc gta gatg attactaagt gttggagggt ttccgccctt cagtgctgca 780

gctaacgcat taagtaatcc gcctggggag tacgaccgca aggttgaaac tcaaaagaat 840

tgacggggcc cgcacaagcg gtggagcatg tgg 873

US 10,760,102 B2
101 102
- continued

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 18

< 211 > LENGTH : 1417
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Staphylococcus epidermis
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 18
tacatgcaag togagcgaac agacgaggag cttgctcctc tgacgttagc ggcggacggg 60

tgagtaacac gtggataacc tacctataag actgggataa cttcgggaaa ccggagctaa 120

taccggataa tatattgaac cgcatggttc aatagtgaaa gacggttttg ctgtcactta 180

tagatggatc cgcgccgcat tagctagttg gtaaggtaac ggcttaccaa ggcaacgatg 240

cgtagccgac ctgagagggt gatcggccac actggaactg agacacggtc cagactccta 300

cgggaggcag cagtagggaa tcttccgcaa tgggcgaaag cctgacggag caacgccgcg 360

tgagtgatga aggtcttcgg atcgtaaaac tctgttatta gggaagaaca aatgtgtaag 420

taactatgca cgtcttgacg gtacctaatc agaaagccac ggctaactac gtgccagcag 480

ccgcggtaat acgtaggtgg caagcgttat ccggaattat tgggcgtaaa gcgcgcgtag 540

gcggtttttt aagtctgatg tgaaagcoca cggctcaacc gtggaaggtc attggaaact 600

ggaaaacttg agtgcagaag aagaaagtgg aattccatgt gtagcggtga aatgcgcaga 660

aatatggagg aacaccagtg gcgaaggcga ctttctggtc tgtaactgac gctgatgtgc 720

gaaagcgtgg ggatcaaaca ggattaaata ccctggtagt ccacgccgta aacgatgaat 780

gotaagtggt agggggtttc cgccccttaa tgctgcagct aacgcattaa gcactccgcc 840

tggggagtac gaccgcaagg ttgaaactca aaggaattga cggggacccg cacaagcggt 900

ggagcatgtg gtttaattcg aagcaacgcg aagaacctta ccaaatcttg acatcctctg 960

acccctctag agatagagtt ttccccttcg ggggacagag tgacaggtgg tgcatggttg 1020

tcgtcagctc gtgtcgtgag atgttgggtt aagtcccgca acgagcgcaa cccttaagct 1080

tagttgccat cattaagttg ggcactctaa gttgactgcc ggtgacaaac cggaggaagg 1140

tggggatgac gtcaaatcat catgcccctt atgatttggg ctacacacgt gctacaatgg 1200

acaatacaaa gggcagcgaa accgcgaggt caagcaaatc ccataaagtt gttctcagtt 1260

cggattgtag totgcaactc gactatatga agctggaatc gctagtaatc gtagatcago 1320

atgctacggt gaatacgttc ccgggtcttg tacacaccgc ccgtcacacc acgagagttt 1380

gtaacacccg aagccggtgg agtaaccatt ggagcta 1417

< 210 > SEQ ID NO 19

< 211 > LENGTH : 1427
< 212 > TYPE : DNA
< 213 > ORGANISM : Enterococcus sp .
< 400 > SEQUENCE : 19
tgcagtcgaa cgctttttct ttcaccggag cttgctccac cgaaagaaaa agagtggcga 60

acgggtgagt aacacgtggg taacctgccc atcagaaggg gataacactt ggaaacaggt 120

gotaataccg tataacacta ttttccgcat ggaagaaagt tgaaaggcgc ttttgcgtca 180

ctgatggatg gacccgcggt gcattagcta gttggtgagg taacggctca ccaaggcaac 240

gatgcatagc cgacctgaga gggtgatcgg ccacactggg actgagacac ggcccagact 300

cctacgggag gcagcagtag ggaatcttcg gcaatggacg aaagtctgac cgagcaacgc 360

cgcgtgagtg aagaaggttt tcggatogta aaactctgtt gttagagaag aacaaggatg 420

US 10,760,102 B2
103 104
- continued
agagtaaaat gttcatccct tgacggtatc taaccagaaa gccacggcta actacgtgcc 480

agcagccgcg gtaatacgta ggtggcaagc gttgtccgga tttattgggc gtaaagcgag 540

cgcaggcggt ttcttaagtc tgatgtgaaa gcccccggct caaccgggga gggtcattgg 600

aaactgggag acttgagtgc agaagaggag agtggaattc catgtgtagc ggtgaaatge 660

gtagatatat ggaggaacac cagtggcgaa ggcggctctc tggtctgtaa ctgacgctga 720

ggctcgaaag cgtggggagc gaacaggatt agataccctg gtagtccacg ccgtaaacga 780

tgagtgctaa gtgttggagg gtttccgccc ttcagtgctg cagcaaacgc attaagcact 840

ccgcctgggg agtacgaccg caaggttgaa actcaaagga attgacgggg gcccgcacaa 900

gcggtggagc atgtggttta attcgaagca acgcgaagaa ccttaccagg tcttgacatc 960

ctttgaccac tctagagata gagcttcccc ttcgggggca aagtgacagg tggtgcatgg 1020

ttgtcgtcag ctcgtgtcgt gagatgttgg gttaagtccc gcaacgagcg caacccttat 1080

tgttagttgc catcatttag ttgggcactc tagcgagact gccggtgaca aaccggagga 1140

aggtggggat gacgtcaaat catcatgccc cttatgacct gggctacaca cgtgctacaa 1200

tgggaagtac aacgagttgc gaagtcgcga ggctaagcta atctcttaaa gottctctca 1260

gttcggattg taggctgcaa ctcgcctaca tgaagccgga atcgctagta atcgcggatc 1320

agcacgccgc ggtgaatacg ttcccgggcc ttgtacacac cgcccgtcac accacgagag 1380

tttgtaacac ccgaagtcgg tgaggtaacc tttttggagc cagccgc 1427

What is claimed is : 9. The process of claim 1 , wherein water or liquid is added

1. A pr ess for digesting and fermenting cellulosic to the cellulosic biomass in the fermentation vessel .
biomass in a fermentation vessel , wherein the cellulosic 10. The process of claim 1 , which further comprises
biomass is inoculated with selected microorganisms, and 35 adding sulfite to the fermentation vessel .
wherein said selected microorganisms were selected for 11. A process for digesting and fermenting cellulosic
their ability to digest the cellulosic biomass and convert at biomass , wherein the cellulosic biomass is combined with a
least 30% by weight of digested cellulosic biomass to fermentation broth comprising ethanol-adapted microorgan
ethanol in a broth comprising at least 5 % ethanol by volume, isms ; and wherein said ethanol -adapted microorganisms
and wherein the selected microorganisms comprise a mem- 40 were selected for their ability to produce ethanol from
ber of a taxonomic genus from among: Ruminococcus, cellulosic biomass in a fermentation broth with at least 5 %
Enterococcus, Clostridium , Pediococcus, Lactobacillus, and ethanol concentration by volume of the fermentation broth ,
Staphylococcus. and wherein said ethanol-adapted microorganisms comprise
2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cellulosic biomass a member of a taxonomic genus from among: Ruminococ
is combined with a fermentation broth comprising the 45 cus, Enterococcus, Clostridium , Pediococcus, Lactobacil
selected microorganisms, and the selected microorganisms lus, and Staphylococcus.
in the fermentation broth convert at least 30 % by weight of 12. The process of claim 11 , wherein a mixture of the
the digested cellulosic biomass to ethanol, and wherein cellulosic biomass and the fermentation broth produces
ethanol concentration in the fermentation broth reaches a ethanol when the ethanol concentration reaches a volume of
volume of at least 5 % of the fermentation broth volume . 50 at least 7 % of the fermentation broth volume .
3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cellulosic biomass 13. A process for digesting and fermenting cellulosic
is combined with a fermentation broth comprising the biomass in a fermentation vessel with a microbial culture in
selected microorganisms, and the selected microorganisms a fermentation broth , comprising the steps : (a ) inoculating
in the fermentation broth convert cellulosic biomass to the cellulosic biomass with microorganisms that were
ethanol when ethanol volume reaches at least 7 % of the 55 selected for their ability to grow on cellulosic biomass and
fermentation broth volume . produce lower alkyl alcohol in a broth comprising at least
4. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least 50% by weight 2 % lower alkyl alcohol by volume ; and ( b ) adding or
of the digested cellulosic biomass is converted to ethanol. re - circulating hydrogen gas into the fermentation vessel .
5. The process of claim 1 , wherein partial pressure of 14. The process of claim 13 , wherein concentration of
hydrogen gas is increased in the fermentation vessel by 60 lower alkyl alcohol reaches at least 4 % by volume of the
adding or recirculating the hydrogen gas. fermentation broth .
6. The process of claim 1 , wherein partial pressure of 15. The process of claim 13 , wherein the lower alkyl
hydrogen gas in the fermentation vessel is at least 0.02 atm . alcohol comprises ethanol.
7. The process of claim 1 , wherein a reducing agent is 16. The process of claim 13 , wherein the lower alkyl
added to the fermentation vessel . 65 alcohol comprises propanol .
8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cellulosic biomass 17. The process of claim 13 , wherein the lower alkyl
is chopped or pulverized. alcohol comprises butanol.
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105 106
18. The process of claim 13 , wherein the hydrogen gas
partial pressure in the fermentation vessel is at least 0.02
19. The process of claim 13 , wherein co -products of the
process are fed to animals. 5
20. A method of digesting and fermenting cellulosic
biomass with a microbial culture to produce butanol,
wherein said method comprises the steps : (a ) inoculating the
cellulosic biomass with microorganisms selected for their
ability to digest the cellulosic biomass and produce butanol; 10
(b ) wherein the microbial culture digests the cellulosic
biomass and produces butanol in a fermentation broth ; (c )
wherein the fermentation broth comprises at least 0.5 %
butanol concentration by volume ; and (d) removing the
butanol from the fermentation broth . 15
21. The process of claim 20 , wherein the microbial culture
comprises microorganisms selected for their ability to digest
the cellulosic biomass in a fermentation broth comprising at
least 2 % butanol concentration by volume .

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