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[ Swayain | (htps:/ & (btipsewayam goxinne detaisNPTEL) [email protected] NPTEL ( Vexplorer?ncCod IPTEL) » Pavement Materials (Under Pavement Engineering) (course) Week 1 Assignment 1 Course outline The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. Due on 2022-08-10, 23:59 IST. How does an AAs per our records you have not submitted this assignment. NPTEL online 1) Pavement material properties through non-destructive testing are 1 point evaluated through course work? () Cutting pits and laboratory testing Week 00 Visual observation of pavement distresses Back calculation using deflection data Week 4) Using a dynamic cone penetrometer No, the answer is incorrect @ Lecture 01 Score: 0 Introduction Accepted Answers: toSoilasa Back calculation using deflection data Highway Material (unit? 2) With increase in depth from pavement surface 1 point unit=208lesso n=21) Magnitude of stress decreases and loading time increases Lecture 02: Magnitude of stress increases and loading time decreases Particle Size Both magnitude of stress and loading time decreases Panay Both magnitude of stress and loading time increases unit=208less0 No, the answer is incorrect n=22) Score: 0 Accepted Answers: Lecture 03: ‘Magnitude of stress decreases and loading time increases Particle Size Distribution 3) Which of the following statement is true 1 point (Part 2) (unit? unit=208lesso Silt and clay are highly plastic soils #23) Silt has some cohesion and has modest plasticity Lecture 04: Consistency Limits and Classification of Soils (Part s)(unita unit=208lesso 1-24) Lecture 05: Consistency Limits and Classification of Soils (Part 2)(unit? 208less0 Quiz: Week 1 Assignment 1 (assessment? name=27) Week 2() Week 3 () Week 4 () Week 5 () Week 6 () Week 7) Week 8 () Week 9 () Week 10 () Week 11 () DOWNLOAD VIDEOS () WEEKLY FEEDBACK 0 Week 12 () In comparison to silt, clay particles are more spherical Clay has smaller specific surface area than silt No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: Silt has some cohesion and has modest plasticity 4) In hydrometer analysis, with the increase in temperature, the hydrometert point bulb will move Upwards Movement is not affected due to change in temperature Downwards test cannot be conducted if temperature is not constant No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: Downwards '5) Which of the following statement is true 1 point The value of C,, of poorly graded soil will be greater than well graded soil The value of Cy of poorly graded soil will be smaller than well graded soil The value of Cy of poorly graded soil will be similar to well graded soil The value of Cy of poorly graded soil can be lower as well higher than well graded soil. It depends on the gradation No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 ‘Accepted Answers: The value of Cy, of poorly graded soil will be smaller than well graded soil 6) Consistency limits are evaluated on soil material passing 1 point 75 micron sieve 2.36 mm sieve 90 micron sieve 425 micron sieve No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: 425 micron sieve 7) During field visit if you have to quickly identify the plasticity 1 point characteristics of subgrade soil, which test will you perform Proctor density Casagrande liquid limit test Shaking test Sieve analysis No, the answer is incorrect, Score: 0 Accepted Answers: ‘Shaking test 8) Sieve analysis was done on a 5 kg soil sample encountered in field. The 7 point cumulative weight retained on 4.75 mm and 0.075 mm IS sieves was 1000 gm and 2000 gm respectively. LL and PI of fine grained soll in the mix was found to be 45 % and 10 respectively, The soil class as per USCS and ISCS are OL/ML and OL/ML OL/ML and OW/MI SC and SC OLICL and OVCI No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: OL/ML and OI/MI 9) Say you have to construct a flexible pavement ata location having high temperature 1 point and minimal rainfall. The following are some lists of test that you have can choose to perform on soil and asphalt mixtures. Which two tests will you prefer to conduct in the laboratory for characterizing the response of the pavement? 1.CBR of subgrade soll 2.4 day soaked CBR of subgrade soil 3.Fatigue test on asphalt mixtures 4Wheel rut test on asphalt mixtures. and 4 1and3 2and4 2and 3 No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: tand4 10) While doing a sieve size analysis of clay, you found that the hydrometer reading is 1 point 25 after 35 minutes. The effective depth corresponding to this reading is 15 cm. 50 g sample was. taken for conducting the experiment. Calculate the size of particle corresponding to this reading and the percent finer than this size. Assume that the test was done at the standard conditions, 1 Poise Gs = 2.65 Size of the particle should be calculated in mm. n solution = (0.027-0.029) & (80-81) (0.025-0.026) & (79-80) (0.027-0.028) & (72-80) (0.025-0.026) & (80-81) No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: (0.027-0.028) & (80-81)

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