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November 6, 2023

Ms. Mary Cheng

Deputy Director
Executive Office for Immigration Review
5104 Leesburg Pike, 26th Floor
Falls Church, VA 22041

Dear Deputy Director Cheng:

The Committee on the Judiciary is conducting oversight of the Biden Administration’s

enforcement of federal immigration law. Our oversight includes examining the actions of the
Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) during the worst illegal immigration crisis in
our nation’s history. As EOIR’s Deputy Director, we believe you are uniquely situated to inform
our oversight, and we ask for your cooperation with our request.

According to EOIR’s own data, the immigration court backlog skyrocketed to nearly 2.2
million pending cases at the end of the third quarter of fiscal year 2023.1 Meanwhile, from the
beginning of the Biden Administration through July 2023, immigration judges dismissed,
terminated, or administratively closed nearly half a million cases, with 260,390 case dismissals,
112,854 case terminations, and 71,465 administrative closures during that time.2 This raises
serious questions about whether EOIR is truly “adjudicat[ing] immigration cases by fairly,
expeditiously, and uniformly interpreting and administering the Nation’s immigration laws.”3

As Deputy Director of EOIR, you oversee the nation’s immigration courts and other
EOIR components, supervise EOIR officials, and are responsible for implementing the
Administration’s immigration policies. Accordingly, we request that you make yourself available
for a transcribed interview with the Committee as soon as possible. Please contact Committee
staff by November 20, 2023, to schedule your transcribed interview.

Executive Office for Immigration Review, Pending Cases, New Cases, and Total Completions, U.S. DEP’T OF
JUSTICE (last accessed Oct. 23, 2023),
Letter from Carlos Uriarte, Assistant Att’y Gen., U.S. Dep’t of Justice, to Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman, H. Comm.
on the Judiciary (Nov. 2, 2023).
Executive Office for Immigration Review, About the Office, U.S. DEP’T OF JUSTICE (last accessed Oct. 23, 2023),
Ms. Mary Cheng
November 6, 2023
Page 2

The Judiciary Committee is authorized to conduct oversight of federal immigration law

pursuant to the Rules of the House of Representatives.4 If you have any questions, please contact
Committee staff at (202) 225-6906. If you are represented by private counsel, please ask your
attorney to contact Committee staff on your behalf.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


Jim Jordan

cc The Honorable Jerrold Nadler, Ranking Member

Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, R. X (2023).

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