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Effect of Footings Shape on Bearing Capacity Factors for Cohessionless Soil

Article in Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences · April 2015


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Wael Abd Elsamee

Beni Suef University


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Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7) April 2015, Pages: 764-772


Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

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Effect of Footings Shape on Bearing Capacity Factors for Cohessionless Soil

Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat

Civil Engineering Dep. Beni- Suief University, Faculty of Engineering, Beni- Suief, Egypt


Article history: In engineering practice the bearing capacity of soils under footings is generally
Received 12 March 2015 calculated from Terzaghi’s formula which is widely used. The study of bearing capacity
Accepted 28 April 2015 under footings subjected to static loads is an essential and introductory step towards
Available online 5 May 2015 understanding the problem of settlement of structures. Bearing capacity factors (Nq)
and (Nγ) are dimensionless that depend only on the friction angle of soil. In the present
Keywords: study filed tests have been conducted by the plate load test using nine steel rigid plates
Bearing Capacity – Cohessionless Soil (three is circular, three is square and three is rectangular). The plates have a finished
thickness of 32 mm. In this research the bearing capacity factors (N\q) and (N\γ) of
cohesionless soil has been determined for circular, square and rectangular footings.
However, the effect of footings shape has been presented in an empirical formulae for
(N\q, N\γ) for circular, square and rectangular footings. In addition, comparison
between the obtained results and theoretical bearing capacity factor (N\q, N\γ) has been
introduced for different relative densities.

© 2015 AENSI Publisher All rights reserved.

To Cite This Article: Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, Effect of Footings Shape on Bearing Capacity Factors for Cohessionless Soil. Aust. J.
Basic & Appl. Sci., 9(7): 764-772, 2015

INTRODUCTION Nc, Nq and Nγ (bearing capacity factors depend on the

angle of internal friction) as shown in Table (1).
Theoretical methods for the ultimate bearing (B) Meyerhof’s analysis (1963): presented the
capacity can be summarized in the followings: following formula:
(A) Terzaghi Method (1943): derived a general qu = cNc sc dc ic + q Nq sq dq iq + 0.5 γ B Nγ sγ dγ iγ
bearing-capacity equation from using plasticity (4)
theory for shallow foundation of (Df ≤ B). This Where:
equation was derived based on neglecting the shear qu = Effective stress at the level of the bottom of
resistance of the soil above the horizontal plane foundation.
through the base of the footing and replacing the soil c = Cohesion of soil.
above this plane with a surcharge (q = γ Df) where Df B = width of foundation.
= depth of footing. From static equilibrium γ = Unit weight of soil.
conditions the following equations are obtained: Sc, sq, sγ = shape factors.
For strip footing: dc, dq, dγ = depth factors.
qult= cNc + qNq + 0.5 γB Nγ (1) ic, iq, iγ = inclination factors.
For square footings: Nc, Nq, Nγ = factors depends on angle of internal
qult = 1.3 cNc + qNq + 0.4 γB Nγ (2) friction as shown in Table (2).
For circular footings: (C) Hansen’s analysis (1970): is one of the most
qult= 1.3 cNc + qNq + 0.3 γBNγ (3) important analyses for determining the ultimate
Where: bearing capacity. He presented the bearing capacity
qult = Ultimate soil bearing pressure. factors (Nc, Nq, Nγ) which depend on the angle of
c = Cohesion of soil. internal friction as shown in Table (3).
q = γDf. (D) Vesic’s analysis (1975): presented the bearing
B = Least lateral dimension of footing (diameter = B capacity factor (Nγ) calculated by Nγ
for round footings). = 2 (Nq + 1 ) tan ø. Nc, Nq, Nγ factors depend on the
γ = Unit weight of soil (use submerged weight for angle of internal friction as shown in Table (4).
soil below water table).

Corresponding Author: Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, Civil Engineering Dep. Beni- Suief University, Faculty of
Engineering, Beni- Suief, Egypt
765 Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, 2015
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7) April 2015, Pages: 764-772

Table 1: Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors.

Ф Nc Nq Nγ
0 3.7 2.0 0.0
5 7.3 1.6 0.3
10 9.6 2.7 1.2
20 17.7 7.4 5.0
23 25.1 12.7 9.7
30 37.2 22.5 19.7
34 32.6 36.5 33.0
40 95.7 81.3 100.4
45 172.3 173.3 247.3

Table 2: Meyerhof's bearing capacity factors.

Ф Nc Nq Nγ
0.0 5.4 1.0 0.0
5.0 6.3 1.7 0.5
10 8.0 2.7 1.0
15 11 4.1 1.3
20 14 6.7 2.8
25 20 12 6.3
30 29 20 16
35 48 34 40
40 76 67 100
45 140 130 260

Table 3: Hansen’s bearing capacity factors.

Ф Nc Nq Nγ
0 5.14 1.0 0.0
5 6.49 1.6 0.1
10 8.34 2.5 0.4
15 10.97 3.9 1.2
20 14.83 6.4 2.9
25 20.71 10.7 6.8
30 30.13 18.4 15.14
40 75.25 64.1 79.4
45 133.73 134.7 200.5
Nγ = 1.5(Nq-1) tan (Ø)

Table 4: Vesic's bearing capacity factors.

Ф Nc Nq Nγ
0 5.14 1.00 0.00
5 6.49 1.57 0.45
10 8.35 2.47 1.22
15 10.98 3.94 2.65
20 14.83 6.40 5.39
25 20.72 10.66 10.88
30 30.14 18.40 22.40
35 46.12 33.30 48.03
40 75.31 64.20 109.41
45 133.88 134.88 271.76

Abdel Aziz, (2000), presented small laboratory 0.65

 B 
model test used to obtain the bearing capacity for qu  92.1 p a 
P  
footing with different sizes subjected to a vertical
load on two layers of soil. The top layer possesses
 a 
high bearing capacity and the second layer possesses For strip footings (5)
low bearing capacity. The thickness of the top layer  d 
is varied. The results of this research showed that the qu  50.5 pa  
thickness of soil layer under footing is an important  Pa 
factor affecting its bearing capacity.
Zhu et al., (2007), presented the results of a For circular footings (6)
research program of strip and circular footings Where:
resting on dry dense sand. The scale effect on the qu = The bearing capacity in kpa.
bearing capacity and the shape factors of the footings Pa = Atmospheric.
are investigated numerically and experimentally. The B = Width of strip footing in meter.
calculated bearing capacity (qu) of strip and circular d = Diameter of circular footing in meter.
footings can be expressed in terms of footing γ = The unit weight of soil = 1.54 t/m3.
dimension (B or d) as follows:
766 Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, 2015
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7) April 2015, Pages: 764-772

Ueno et al., (2001), presented a method for the normalized limit unit bearing capacity decreases
estimating the ultimate bearing capacity of surface as relative densities increases.
footings on sand. An extended slip line method is The Egyptian Code equation (2005) presented a
developed, in which the dependency of the angle of general equation to calculate the ultimate bearing
internal friction on the confining stress is formulated capacity for any shapes, depth, and inclination as
from results of conventional triaxial compression follows:-
tests for various sands. A modified formula is qult = cNc γ λc + γ1 Df Nq λq + γ2 B Nγ λγ (7)
proposed to consider the size effects on bearing Where:
capacity. c = Cohesion of soil (KN/m2).
Junhwan et al., (2005), analyzed the estimation γ1 = Unit weight of soil above of the foundation
of limit unit bearing capacity of axially loaded level (KN/m3).
circular footings on sands based on cone penetration γ2 = Unit weight of soil under of the foundation
test cone resistance. Normalized limit unit bearing level (KN/m3).
capacities were calculated from non-linear finite B = Least lateral dimension of footing (m).
element and cone penetration resistance analyses for Df = Depth of foundation (m).
various soil and footing conditions. Effects of the Nc, Nq and Nγ = factors depend on angle of internal
relative density, the lateral earth pressure ratio and friction as shown in Table (5).
the footing size are also addressed. It is observed that

Table 5: Egyptian code bearing capacity factors.

Ф Nc Nq Nγ
0 5.0 1.0 0.0
5 6.5 1.50 0.0
10 8.5 2.5 0.5
13 11.0 4.0 1.0
20 15.0 6.5 2.0
25 20.5 10.5 4.5
30 30.0 18.0 10.0
35 46.0 33.0 23.0
40 75.0 64.0 53.0
42.5 99.0 92.0 83.0

Cerato, and Lutenegger, (2007), investigated 2. Experimental Study:

scale effect of shallow foundation bearing capacity The plate load tests were carried out and the
on granular materials. Model-scale square and settlement of sand was measured under different
circular footing tests were performed on two stress levels at surface of plates.
compacted sand at three relative densities. Results of
the model-scale show that the bearing capacity factor 2.1. Field Samples:
Nγ is dependent on the absolute width of footing for In the present study graded sand has been used.
both square and circular footings. It also shows that Each sample has been placed in a square open box
the behavior of most model scale footing test cannot and compacted in layers with different relative
be directly corrected to the behavior of full scale test. densities.
Lyamin et al., (2007), presented the bearing
capacity of strip, square, circular and rectangular 2.2. Loading:
foundations for frictional soils following an The loads were applied by using steel frame
associated flow rule using finite-element limit fixed in the ground as shown in Figure (1).
analysis. The results of the analyses are used to
propose values of the shape and depth factors to be 2.3. Used Plates:
used in the traditional bearing capacity equation. In the present study, nine plates were used in
testing the specifications of which are shown in
Table (6). The plates have a finished thickness of 32
mm and are according to ASTM D1194 and D1196
as shown in Figure (2).

Table 6: Used plates.

Circular Plate Square plate Rectangular plate Equivalent area Thickness Weight
(diameter) (B=L) (mm) (B*L) (mm) (mm2) (mm) (kg)
B (mm)
305 270.3 238*307 73061.66 32 14.5
455 403.2 360*451.6 162597.05 32 33
610 540.6 458*638 292246.66 32 56
767 Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, 2015
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7) April 2015, Pages: 764-772

2.4. Test Procedure: (circular, square and rectangular) under different

The test procedure was as follows: stresses ranging between 58.9 and 530.1 kN/m2.
a- The soil has been placed in a square open box.
b- The box was filled with different soil layers 4. Theoretical Analysis:
compacted to different densities which has been A convergence study has been performed to
determined by sand cone test. determine bearing capacity factors (Nq) and (Nγ)
c- The surface of the tested soil was prepared for using "SPSS" statistical scientific program. From the
plate test using fine sand at the surface. experimental results the following empirical formula
d- The steel plate was placed on the prepared are presented. The formulas are derived to calculate
surface. bearing capacity factors (N\q) and (N\γ) for the
e- A hydraulic jack was placed on the steel plate. circular, square and rectangular foundations using
f- Four dial gauges has been placed on the plate regression methods:
surface.  L 
g- The settlement has been measured by using dial N \ q  1.045   a ( )  ( f s )b  (8)
 B 
gauges of sensitivity 0.01mm placed on the edge of
the steel plate. N \  1.2 Nq * tan  (9)
h- The settlement has been measured at the surface Where:
of the plate as shown in Figure (3). (N\q) and (N\γ) = Bearing capacity.
i- The load was applied in increment by using steel
frame. Each load increment was maintained constant
 = Angle of internal friction.
B = width of footing.
until the settlement rate reaches 0.02 mm/min but not L = length of the footing.
less than one hour in any case.
(L/B) = 1.0 in case of circular and square footings.
3. Experimental Results: fs
= shape of footing (circular=1.2, square=2 and
The settlement in field was recorded for rectangular=3).
cohesionless soil for different footings shape and size a and b= constants listed in the Table (7).

Table 7: Empirical formula constants.

Constant Circular Plate Square Plate Rectangular Plate
a 4.105 3.725 3.525
b 4.500 2.000 1.500

One-way analysis of variance (One-Way It should be mentioned that many trails were
ANOVA) is used to calculate the correlation done to increase the accuracy of the derived formula
coefficient of the resulting equation. The One-Way (correlation coefficient = 0.95).
ANOVA procedure produces a one-way analysis of (N\q) and (N\γ) = bearing factor were obtained
variance for a quantitative dependent variable by a from the empirical formula (8) and (9) for different
single factor (independent) variable. Analysis of friction angles are shown in Tables (8), (9) and (10),
variance is used to test the hypothesis that several respectively.
means are equal. This technique is an extension of The obtained values of (N\q) and (N\γ) are to be
the two-sample test. The number of cases, mean, and used in the traditional bearing capacity equation
standard deviation, standard error of the mean, (Terzaghi).
minimum, maximum, and 95%-confidence interval
for the mean were calculated.

Table 8: Author's bearing capacity factors for circular footing.

Ф N\q N\γ
0 6.66 0.00
5 11.89 1.25
10 17.11 3.62
15 22.34 7.19
20 27.56 12.04
25 32.79 18.36
30 38.01 26.35
35 43.24 36.35
40 48.46 48.82
45 53.69 64.47

Table 9: Author's bearing capacity factors for square footing.

Ф N\q N\γ
0 8.07 0.00
5 13.30 1.40
10 18.52 3.92
15 23.75 7.64
768 Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, 2015
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7) April 2015, Pages: 764-772

20 28.97 12.66
25 34.20 19.15
30 39.42 27.32
35 44.65 37.54
40 49.87 50.25
45 55.10 66.16

Table 10: Author's bearing capacity factors for rectangular footing.

Ф N\q N\γ
0 10.18 0.00
5 15.41 1.62
10 20.63 4.37
15 25.86 8.32
20 31.08 13.58
25 36.31 20.33
30 41.53 28.79
35 46.76 39.31
40 51.98 52.37
45 57.21 68.69

5. Results: densities. These figures show close agreement

From the present study, the following between the experimental and theoretical results
relationships are obtained: up to angle of internal frictions (40o) after which
a- Figures (4 and 5) show the (N\q) and (N\γ) lower values have obtained from the empirical
bearing capacity factors obtained from the formula (8).
empirical formula (8), (9) for circular, square c- Figures (9 - 11) show a comparison between the
and rectangular footings. From these figures it theoretical and the obtained empirical bearing
can be shown that the (N\q) and (N\γ) bearing capacity factor (N\γ) under different relative
factors for rectangular footings are higher than densities.
that square than that circular footing. These figures show close agreement between the
b- Figures (6 - 8) show a comparison between the experimental and theoretical results up to angle of
theoretical and the obtained empirical bearing internal frictions (40o) after which lower values have
capacity factors (N\q) under different relative obtained from the empirical formula (9).

Fig. 1: Loading frame.

Fig. 2: The nine rigid plates.

769 Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, 2015
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7) April 2015, Pages: 764-772

Fig. 3: Settlement readings using dial gauges.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Author ( Circular footing)
Author ( Square footing)

Author (Rctangular footing)









Fig. 4: The relationships between experimental N\q factor and the angle of internal friction (Ø) under different
relative densities for circular, square and rectangular footings.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Author ( circular footing)


Author ( Square footing)


Author (Rctangular footing)








Fig. 5: The relationships between experimental N\γ factor and the angle of internal friction (Ø) under different
relative densities for circular, square and rectangular footings.
770 Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, 2015
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7) April 2015, Pages: 764-772

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200






20 Egyptian Code

Autror N\q ( Circular Footing)







Fig. 6: Compression between theoretical and experimental bearing capacity factor (Nq) under different relative
densities for circular footings.

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200



15 Vesic

Egyptian Code

Author N\q ( Square footing)







Fig. 7: Compression between theoretical and experimental bearing capacity factor (Nq) under different relative
densities for square footings.
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200





20 Egyptian Code

Author N\q (Rctangular footing)







Fig. 8: Compression between theoretical and experimental bearing capacity factor (Nq) under different relative
densities for rectangular footings.
771 Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, 2015
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7) April 2015, Pages: 764-772

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200



15 Vesic

Egyptian Code

Autror N\γ ( Circular

25 Footing)






Fig. 9: Compression between theoretical and experimental bearing capacity factor Nγ under different relative
densities for circular footings.

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200



15 Vesic

Egyptian Code

AuthorN\γ ( Square footing)







Fig. 10: Compression between theoretical and experimental bearing capacity factor Nγ under different relative
densities for square footings.

Conclusions: b. Close agreement between the empirical and the

From the present study the followings are theoretical results up to angle of internal
concluded: frictions up to (40o) is obtained.
a. An empirical formula to calculate bearing c. For angle of internal friction more than (40o)
capacity factor (N\q) and (N\γ) has been presented lower values have been obtained from (N\q) and
taking into consideration the effect of (N\γ) bearing capacity factors.
foundations shape.
772 Abd EL Samee W. Nashaat, 2015
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7) April 2015, Pages: 764-772

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200





20 Egyptian Code

Author N\γ (Rctangular footing)







Fig. 11: Compression between theoretical and experimental bearing capacity factor Nγ under different relative
densities for rectangular footings.

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