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I Never Knew I Had a Choice 11th

Edition Corey Test Bank

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1. ______________ occurs when one partner remains silent and offers his or her partner no feedback.
a. Stonewalling
b. Social phobia
c. Contempt
d. Shyness

2. Erikson maintains that the major task of early adulthood is the challenge of:
a. developing an independent identity.
b. becoming self-directive.
c. forming intimate relationships.
d. being comfortable with isolation.

3. Donald was raised with a father who was a workaholic and paid little attention to his son. When Donald
decided to talk with his father about his childhood, he was not satisfied with the results. What Donald needs to
remember is that:
a. he has the power to bring about change in the other person if only he tries hard enough.
b. he needs to take a passive stance and hope that his dad will change as he gets older.
c. he should seek counseling and focus on how his dad is not meeting his expectations.
d. he has the power to bring about change if he focuses on his own changes.

4. Parents and children often take each other for granted, and either the parent or the child may expect the other
to assume:
a. the major responsibility for the relationship.
b. each one will be able to save the other from pain.
c. the other’s identity.
d. taking care of all health concerns.

5. Each of the following are characteristic of meaningful relationships EXCEPT:

a. Although each person desires the other, each can survive without the other.
b. Each person expects the other to take responsibility for his or her happiness.
c. The two persons are equal in the relationship.
d. Each person finds meaning and sources of nourishment outside the relationship.

6. __________ in relationships is to be expected and can provide an opportunity for positive change.
a. Guilt
b. Conflict
c. Shame
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d. Unforgiveness

7. Janet is not satisfied with her relationship with her mother. She would like to develop a relationship that is
more intimate and talk to her mother on a personal basis. Janet can take the first step toward changing the
situation if she
a. tells her mother how unsatisfied she is with her lack of personal conversation.
b. lets her mother know, in a nonjudgmental way, that she would like to talk more personally.
c. suggests that her mother take a class in interpersonal communication.
d. brings her mother to counseling with her.

8. If we hope to keep a relationship vital, we must

a. reevaluate and revise our way of being with each other from time to time.
b. rely on others for our personal fulfillment and confirmation as a person.
c. be free of conflicts.
d. meet all of our needs within the relationship.

9. __________ are vulnerable to becoming set in routine ways of being with another person and losing any
sense of surprise or spontaneity.
a. Short-term relationships
b. Limited relationships
c. Brief relationships
d. Long-term relationships

10. Physically assaulting a person on the basis of his/her sexual orientation is referred to as
a. a hate crime.
b. homophobia
c. agoraphobia
d. a crime of passion.

11. In one study, when women were strangled by their intimate partners, they thought of it as:
a. a murder attempt.
b. a way to communicate their needs.
c. a way for their partner to exert power.
d. repressed anger and frustrations in the relationship.

12. All the following are barriers to communication except

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a. silently rehearsing what you will say next while you are listening.
b. telling others how they are, rather than telling them how they affect you.
c. making genuine contact by openly expressing what you think and feel.
d. selective listening.

13. __________ can be a wonderful tool that enhances our ability to communicate with others.
a. Anger
b. Technology .
c. Dissatifaction
d. Poor mental health.

14. Empathy, which is a basic component in any interpersonal relationship, is best understood as
a. offering sympathy for another.
b. having the ability to attribute meaning to statements without checking them out.
c. entering another’s world by listening with respect and understanding.
d. showing pity for another.

15. Examples of unfaithful acts that occur online include:

a. cybersex and cyberflirting
b. flirting with coworkers and family friends
c. verbal harassment and abuse
d. cybergaming and social media

16. When should a couple terminate a significant relationship?

a. Only after they have been in couples counseling for one year.
b. If one of the partners is unfaithful and refuses to end the affair.
c. After a major disagreement.
d. No categorical answer can be given to this question.

17. The content and process of communication is influenced by the European American slant that prizes:
a. indirect communication.
b. harmony within the family, which makes it inappropriate for adult children to confront their parents.
c. avoidance of direct eye contact.
d. direct communication and making eye contact when speaking.

18. Each of the following statements describe meaningful conversation between two persons, EXCEPT:
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a. The language is specific and concrete.

b. Each makes “You” statements in order to include both points of view.
c. The speaker makes personal statements instead of bombarding the other with impersonal questions.
d. There is a congruency between the verbal and nonverbal messages.

19. The following statement is specific and concrete:

a. “I feel manipulated.”
b. “You never pay attention to me.”
c. “I don’t like it when you don’t call if you are going to be late because I worry about you.”
d. “You are self-centered and never think about anybody but yourself.”

20. In dealing effectively with anger and conflict in relationships it is best to avoid:
a. expressing persistent annoyances.
b. expressing feelings in a direct and honest way.
c. stuffing feelings to preserve harmony.
d. telling others feelings and thoughts that may be difficult for them to hear.

21. Lois and her parents usually communicate on a superficial level. Lois would like to talk more intimately
with her parents and feels angry when they don’t respond the way she anticipated. She needs to:
a. wait for her parents to make the first move.
b. withdraw when her expectations are not immediately met in order to avoid the pain of rejection.
c. put aside her need to remake her parents and accept any small changes they may make.
d. confront them with their reluctance to change.

22. __________ face unique societal and personal challenges.

a. Same racial and cultural friendships
b. Parent-child relationships
c. Relationships between couples who are married
d. Interracial and intercultural couples

23. Data from a nationally representative survey found that the breakup rates for nonmarital romantic and
marital relationships were __________ for couples who met online than for those who met at offline venues.
a. not a clear and distinct difference
b. approximately the same
c. lower
d. higher

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24. __________ is a bias against gay males, lesbians, and bisexuals; it is a belief system that values
heterosexuality as superior to homosexuality.
a. Heterosexism
b. Homosexuality
c. Sexual orientation
d. Bisexual

25. Paula and Beth are having conflicts in their lesbian relationship and are seeking counseling with a
heterosexual counselor. Paula is open about her relationship with Beth, while Beth is reluctant to let others
know she is a lesbian. An effective way of dealing with this couple would be to:
a. actively try to convert them to a heterosexual lifestyle.
b. help them clarify their own values and decide for themselves what course of action to take.
c. convince Beth to come “out of the closet.”
d. confront Paula for staying in the relationship.

26. Which of the following is NOT considered to be an advantage of joining social networking sites?
a. It enables people to reconnect with old friends.
b. Since online privacy is guaranteed, nothing one posts online can ever be used against him or her in a
professional context.
c. It allows one to communicate with others who share his or her special interests.
d. Within an organizational context, it fosters a sense of community among employees, clients, or

27. Which of the statements below is true with regard to online dating via sites such as eHarmony and
a. It offers a mechanism for matching for compatibility, which may reduce the experience of a “bad
b. Online dating sites are decreasing in popularity since the novelty has worn off.
c. Relationships that develop online rarely move successfully to the offline realm.
d. The vast majority of people who subscribe to services such as eHarmony or have no real
intention of finding a mate.

28. The American Psychological Association:

a. no longer refers to homosexuality as a form of mental illness.
b. backs the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
c. believes that the general public is well educated about gay and lesbian lifestyles.

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d. disagrees with the American Psychiatric Association’s view of homosexuality.


29. Being involved in a gay or lesbian relationship:

a. is simply a matter of sexual preference.
b. involves many of the same interpersonal conflicts that any couple will eventually face and need to
c. is acceptable to most of the heterosexual society.
d. is a result of early childhood sexual abuse.

30. In some online relationships, intimacy is developed more ___________than in face-to-face relationships,
resulting in ______________.
a. slowly; hyperpersonal relationships.
b. rapidly; hypopersonal relationships.
c. rapidly; hyperpersonal relationships.
d. slowly; hypopersonal relationships.

31. Before getting a divorce, a couple might consider

a. personal counseling just for the one seeking a divorce.
b. getting a good lawyer for each person as soon as possible.
c. mediation through the courts before getting a divorce.
d. personal counseling for each person and relationship counseling as a couple.

32. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Internet infidelity?

a. People engage in online affairs for very different reasons than those who engage in offline affairs.
b. People who engage in online or offline affairs may have certain personality characteristics that
predispose them to cheat.
c. Emotional infidelity can be just as painful a betrayal as sexual infidelity, and online affairs can
destroy your offline relationship.
d. Using the defense mechanism of splitting, people who engage in online affairs may see the object of
their affection as all good, which can be contrasted with their offline relationship.

33. __________ find themselves subjected to prejudice and discrimination, which in their case is based on
gender identity rather than on sexual orientation.
a. Married individuals
b. Divorced couples
c. Husbands and wives
d. Transgender individuals

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34. Some contend that reliance on __________ sacrifices the quality of interpersonal interactions for the
quantity of interactions
a. telephones
b. friends and family
c. social media
d. coworkers

35. The following is NOT true concerning abusive relationships:

a. All abusive relationships involve physical violence.
b. Subtle emotional abuse over a period of time can erode a relationship.
c. People sometimes remain in an abusive relationship in the hope that their situation will change.
d. It is difficult for the victim in an abusive relationship to reach out and form new friendships.

36. Joe is attempting to end his long-term relationship with Susan. She is feeling a great deal of stress that is
intensified by the irrational belief that
a. she needs to take responsibility for her part in the break-up of the relationship.
b. her relationship didn’t work out and it proves that she is a failure and unlovable.
c. although she is in pain over the situation, she will be able to survive.
d. she needs to take time to grieve the loss.

37. Which of the following is NOT a suggestion for living with and learning from the termination of a
meaningful relationship:
a. Personalize your partner’s actions.
b. Express your anger.
c. Find a support network.
d. Get closure.

38. Sandy recently ended a five-year relationship with Tom, who spent much of his free time at bars with his
coworkers while they were together. Sandy’s friends keep telling her that she needs closure before she moves
on with her life. To seek closure, it would be appropriate for her to
a. embrace her anger and think of ways to sabotage Tom’s future relationships with women.
b. try to forget that the relationship ever happened and start over with someone new.
c. set aside time to grieve and find ways to make amends with Tom as well as with herself.
d. vow to remain alone so as to avoid being hurt in the future.

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39. Several decades have passed since the decision was made to no longer consider homosexuality
a. a cultural tradition.
b. a worldwide trend.
c. a form of psychopathology.
d. a lifestyle choice.

40. Darcie finds herself getting into shouting matches with her husband whenever he wants to watch sports on
TV because she thinks he should be more focused on her needs. As a first step to improve her situation, Darcie
a. divorce Joe to find someone more compatible.
b. make changes in herself so that she is not dependent on Joe to entertain her so much of the time.
c. try other tactics to change Joe.
d. insist that Joe go to therapy.

41. Although sexual partners may experience different degrees of intensity in an ongoing relationship, they
a. can continue to create a climate of romance and closeness.
b. should give up on the relationship and find partners who experience the same level of intensity as
c. will inevitably lose interest in each other.
d. need to seek couples therapy.

42. The absence of conflict in a relationship

a. should be the ultimate goal of couples.
b. is not as important as being able to deal with conflict constructively.
c. is possible if both partners agree upfront to be honest with each other.
d. is a sign of a perfect relationship.

43. In looking for intimate relationships, women tend to place a premium on finding partners
a. who are exceptionally attractive.
b. who are adventurous and unpredictable.
c. with promising financial prospects and a good career.
d. who are predictable and set in their ways.

44. The term ______________ refers to the sex or sexes that a person is attracted to physically, emotionally,
sexually, and romantically.
a. sexual orientation
b. homophobia
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c. heterosexism
d. gender identity

45. Military service personnel are a special population for whom __________ is/are paramount to well-being.
a. physical fitness
b. self and other forgiveness
c. religious affiliation and spirituality
d. battlefield fatigue

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