Philosophy Basics

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Philosophy Basics
14 Questions DATE :

1. Philosophy begins when we ___ & ___ our basic beliefs

A wonder about B question

C accept D cry about

2. The goal of philosophy is ___ & ___

A convince others of our arguments B ask questions of others

make up our own minds about a answer questions for ourselves

variety of issues

3. ___ gives us freedom & the ability to decide for ourselves

A autonomy B integrity

C accessibility D intelligence

4. What is philosophy?

A Accepting fundamental beliefs B Going on an intelligence crusade

C The love & pursuit of wisdom D Questioning everyone & everything

5. Virtually all philosophy descends from who?

A Euthyphro B Aristotle

C Plato D Socrates
6. Plato's Allegory of the Cave, illustrates what?

Who can make the best shadow in a Fun things to do when you're locked
cave up in Athens

C The various uses of fire D How we perceive reality

7. What kind of knowledge is represented by what is inside the cave or "what I think
it is"?

A Epistemological B Ontological

C Implicit D Declarative

8. What kind of knowledge is represented by the world outside the cave or "what
things really are"?

A Epistemological B Declarative

C Implicit D Ontological

9. Theories are the products of philosophy and will help you learn how to "_"

A "understand" B "learn"

C "explain" D "do"

10. These two are vital components to draw valid conclusions.

A determination B questioning

C critical thinking D reasoning

11. Match the following

Epistemology A A knowledge

Ethics B B reality

Metaphysics C C values

Greek word "philein" D D to love

Greek word "sophia" E E wisdom

12. The belief that only one God exists is known as

A Gnosticism B Agnosticism

C Monotheism D Atheism

13. The claim that all things and all human beings are unfree because everything that
occurs happens in accordance with some regular pattern or law, is known as

A Stoicism B Determinism

C Fatalism D Indeterminism

14. The idea of karma to claim that humans can be both free and determined, is part

A Hinduism B Christianity

C Judaism D Islamism

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