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The School that Trains for Service

Junior High School (JHS) Department


Subject: Science Grade: 10 Teacher: Bernadette G.

Quarter: First Date & Week: Section/s &
WK1 – Sept 4-8, 2023 Jonah (M 7:30-8:30, TTh 10:45-
Joel (TTh 7:30-8:30, Wed
Moses (T 1:00-2:00, Wed 3:00-
Th 9:45-10:45)

Content Standard/s:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake
epicenters, and mountain ranges.

Performance Standard/s:
The learners shall be able to demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis,
and volcanic eruptions and suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing
damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

I. Objectives/ Learning Competencies

a. Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major
mountain belts to Plate tectonic Theory.
b. Describe the different types of plate boundaries.
c. Explain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries.
II. Topic/s:
a. Plate Tectonics
1.1 plate tectonic theory
III. Learning Materials:
a. Video clip
b. Tectonic explorer
d. Political Map
IV. References:
Tectonic Explorer (

V. Procedure
Teachers’ Activities Strategy/Activities/Assessment

1. Explore Pen and Paper

Pre-test (Multiple choice) The pre-test will be checked immediately to
The teacher will give pre-test to students to monitor the students’ scores and to determine
identify their previous knowledge. which item does the students excel and got a
low score.

Asking questions about students’ insight

What comes into your mind when you hear

the word plate tectonic?

2. Firm-up Pen and Paper

Vocabulary (Identification fill the missing The teacher will ask to student to read the
letters) definition on the left side to complete each word
on the right side. Their answers will be written
The class need to recall important words
related to volcanoes and earthquakes by on a separate sheet of paper.
answering individual activity.
Strips (Question and answer portion)
The student will be given of strips to those who
can define and explain the vocabulary words.
PowerPoint presentation and simulation

Discussion of Plate tectonic theory, the four

layers of the earth and the lithosphere.
The teacher will present simulation of the
Earth plate tectonic movement.
3. Deepen Pen and Paper
Quiz 1. Teacher will assess their learning through
formative assessment (quiz) which is a multiple-
choice type of exam.

4. Transfer Written works, Political Map

Exercise 1 “Re-think the risk”
The students will be going to study the hazard The teacher will assign the student to group
map. That will show areas that are prone to themselves into five to make the activity
natural disasters like earthquakes, landslides,
volcanic eruption and tsunamis. The teacher will give students assignment
individual written work.
Assignment 1 “Preparation Plan”
Student will create a preparation plan about What you need before, during after the
before, during and after earthquake earthquake?

What to do before, during and after the


Job 9:6 He shakes the Earth from its place and makes its pillars tremble.

Understand the passage open your bible and ask for guidance before read it. On the box provided
below, write your explanation briefly how you understand it.

Integrated Faith and Learning (I.F.L.):

Prepared by: Checked by:

Bernadette G. Marigmen Cindy Celestre

Subject Teacher Subject Coordinator

Approved by: Approved by:

Mhelodie S. Silverio Gedion F. Fameronag

Asst. Principal Principal

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