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1.1 Overview

This plan covers:

 Design Management and Control

 Quality Assurance
 Quality Control

This plan identifies the key interfaces, the allocation of responsibilities and the methods and controls
to be applied. References to Standards, Codes of Practice, Client Company procedures and M/s Badri
Rai & Co (EPC Contractor) processes are made where appropriate. These planned arrangements will
enable M/s Badri Rai & Co to clarify requirements, minimize risk and ensure that potential errors are
identified and corrected. It is important or the success of the project that all staff working on it is
aware of these arrangements. The site manager is responsible for advising and directing site
personnel in order that those personnel understand and carry out the irresponsibility's diligently.
Good communications are critical to the success of the project.

M/s Badri Rai & Co (EPC contractor) Quality Engineer is responsible for verifying the implementation
of this plan via audit and surveillance activities.

1.2 Organization Policy

M/s Badri Rai & Co quality policy is based on the fundamental concept that the control of quality is a
team obligation that recognizes that quality is built into every aspect of the project. Quality work will
be the responsibility of every individual performing the work. Quality will be obtained through
appropriate planning and control of work operations and by specific quality control activities such as
reviewing, checking, and inspecting, testing, and quality surveillance/audit.

1.3 Reference Documents and Procedure Levels

The following matrix shows the interrelationship and the precedence level so the various quality-
related documents to be implemented in this project.

Reference Documents Precedence Level

1.Agreement/Contract Documents 1.Agreement/Contract, Drawings & Specs

2.Project Quality Assurance Plan, Quality and Control

2.ISO9001:2015-applicable clauses
Procedures Inspection &Test Plan

3.Method Statements

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1.4 Issue/Revision Controls & Distribution

This quality plan is prepared by M/s Badri Rai & Co and shall be approved by STC (CSC) for
implementation on site.

Revisions may be necessary to incorporate PM Instructions or as a result of site requirements/

corrective actions agreed during internal audits.

This Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) has been developed for the construction phase of the Project. As
part of MAL commitment to quality, this project is covered by a Project Specific Project Quality Plan
in compliance with the relevant elements of ISO9001:2015 as applicable to the project.

This quality plan ensures that MAL has specified the policies, the objectives, established a system of
procedures to accomplish them, assigned duties, delegated authority and setup suitable inspection,
testing, examination and audit programs to verify that the requisite standards of performance and
Project Manager (PM) satisfaction is achieved.

This quality plan is designed to accomplish and demonstrate achievement/compliance of/to all
contractual material, equipment and services quality, performance and workmanship requirements
specified by Contract.

1.5 Definition

Client The Chief Engineer, State Sports Council Meghalaya

Consultants: Shah Technical consultant Pvt. Ltd. (STC)

EPC Contractor: M/s Badri Rai & Co






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1.6 Objectives and Commitment

Objectives for this project

Quality Compliance to Project Specifications & Drawings Customer Satisfaction
Level- Minimum Level 2. (Attachments)Customer Satisfaction Survey
midway during execution and towards end of project
All NCR's to be closed max within 1 month of issue, unless approved
other wise
ITR's for all Hold and Witness Points
QA/QC Indicators in the Monthly Meetings
Monthly Update of Document Submission Schedule

Safety Zero Fatalities:0-ILTA/1MillionMan-

Hours Exposure Frequency Rate :0-1.5 LTA/ 1 Million Man Hours
Severity Rate :0-2lostdays/1MillionManHours No Explosion or
Serious Fire or Pollution
No Permanent Disability Accident
Report as many near misses as possible: greater than 10/Month
Progress Completion of all works as per approved schedule (Within the early--
late dates)
Cost Control Actual costs within CONTRACTOR budget, monthly cost control reports
to Management Committee.

2. Purpose

To provide a plan that outlines the construction quality checks to be performed during the Project.
This plan defines the roles and responsibilities of M/s Badri Rai & Co with respect to construction
quality. All construction activities associated with this Project will be completed under this quality
program. Elements will be built with skilled craftsmen following approved drawings using proper
materials and equipment. Inspections and tests will be performed as outlined in this Plan to
document the construction is proper and meets Project requirements. Periodically, the process will
be refined based on worker-identified quality problems, test data, inspection results, audits, and
Client satisfaction with the Project.

3. Scope

This plan applies to all Work performed on the Project.

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4. Quality Assurance organization and responsibilities

The Quality Assurance team will solely participate in the quality assurance function and will not be
involved in any other aspect of the construction effort. This team will, however, possess all of the
credentials, capabilities, and experience of an independent design/construction over sight team. The
duties and responsibilities of each position are described below. One individual or entity may
perform multiple construction quality assurance responsibilities.

4.1 Organizational Chart

Project Manager

Qc Engineer Site Engineer

Store In charge Site Foreman

Store Keeper Site Supervisors

Lab Technician

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4.2 Roles

Project Manager:

The project manager is responsible for overseeing the entire project from start to finish. They must
keep constant communication with all others on the project as well as the client. A project manager
has the overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, design, execution, quality,
monitoring, controlling and closure of a project. The project manager responsibilities are:

 Planning and defining scope

 Resource planning
 Time estimating
 Cost estimating
 Creating charts and schedules
 Risk analysis
 Controlling quality

QC Engineer:

a) Developing and implementing quality standards.

b) Developing and implementing quality control systems.
c) Monitoring and analysing quality performance.
d) Inspecting and testing materials, equipment, processes, and products to ensure quality
specifications are met.
e) Reviewing codes, specifications, and processes.

Site Engineer:

Site engineer must promote the best construction practices. Under go activities and practices that
comply with the procedures of the company and the specification. Assured the work is completed
and delivered without any defect and delay.

Site Foreman:

Site foreman is the direct response for any problems or injuries that occur on a job site. He oversees
the project on-site and tracks workers and completion of tasks on schedule.

Store In charge:

The store manager must make sure his store is meeting the targets. The store manager is
responsible for maintaining the overall image of the store. He must ensure, the store is kept clean,
shelves and racks are properly stocked and products do not fall off the shelves, maintain all incoming
material record daily.

Lab Technician: Lab technician is required to complete:

 Adjusting, calibrating, and ensuring the effective functioning of laboratory instruments and
 Disinfecting and cleaning the equipment and working area; and
 Ensuring the laboratory is well-stocked and resourced with sufficient supplies.

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Store Keeper: To exercise general control over all activities in store department. To ensure safe
keeping both as to quality and quantity of materials.

4.3 QA Team Responsibilities

In general, the Quality Assurance Team will be responsible during remedial construction activities for
promoting and implementing remedial construction QA reporting, record keeping, meetings, and

Reviewing and approving submittals for material certifications, equipment calibration and various
construction plans

Conducting verification field tests, sampling, and material analyses

Verifying that the remedial construction complies in all other ways with the Contract Documents; as
outlined in the Drawings, Special Provisions and Technical Specifications


5.1 General

M/s Badri Rai & Co will implement and maintain the quality management system for this project (as
detailed in this quality plan together withal applicable contractual documents.

M/s Badri Rai & Co is committed to continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS system by
religious implementation and planned internal audits. Ongoing improvements /suggestions and
recommendations from PM will be implemented.

The following five sections describe how M/s Badri Rai & Co will execute the project whilst
complying with ISO9001:2015 requirements.

These process groups satisfy the ISO 9001:2015 requirement for processes in that they include
Management Responsibility (ISO9001:2015, #5), Provision of Resources (#6), Product Realization
(#7) and Measurement, Analysis and Improvement (#8).

Process1)-Management, Resources and Administration covers all the management activities of

planning, implementing and managing the system and determining and providing those resources
needed to operate the system effectively and assure product/service conformity

Process 1) enables Process 2) - Project / Construction Operations to take place in a planned and
systematic way in order to comply with contract / project requirements and eventual PM
satisfaction and realization of payments.

Process2) covers all those elements of product and service realization, those. activities pertinent to
the quality management system which take place during the Planning, purchasing, design,
installation of the product or service and related testing and commissioning works (actual
Process3)-Measurement, Analysis and Improvement measures and monitors the effectiveness of
Process 1) and Process2) and provides feedback to those processes for improvement.

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5.2 Documentation Requirements

The project quality management is documented by this quality plan and associated project
procedures as listed together with project specific procedures and method statements that will be
developed for the project and applicable MAL QMS Procedures.

5.2.1 Documentation Structure

The following three levels of documentation will be utilized and maintained to satisfy the
requirements of the Project and ISO9001:2015 and to ensure adequate control of the processes.

Level I: Project Quality Plan

Level II: Project Specific Plans & Procedures as required

Quality Control Procedures

Inspection and Test Plans

Method Statements


Badri Rai & Co has developed its own quality system to meet required quality
standard and time schedule, in order to adhere uncompromising quality standards at
every stage of construction activities. QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN is being introduced
at site to produce quality product.

Quality Assurance plan consists of all the planned and systematic actions to be
undertaken by Badri Rai & Co involved in execution and acceptance of the works
involved in the contract. The plan shall define the operations to be performed, the
systematic and sequential progression of operations the persons responsible for each
activity and the measures employed to assure the specific quality. Thus, it is
imperative to ensure that product and services are inspected, checked and approved
at all stages from commencement of work including receipt of material to its
completion in so far as utilization.


Efforts for quality assurance shall be made at following phases.

1. Pre-construction phase

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2. During construction phase
3. Post Construction phase

Quality Control during pre-construction phase

During this phase various activities shall be undertaken and a system shall be put in
place and activated in order to ensure that:

a. All activities, at all locations begin as planned in time.

b. The support system is efficient enough to sustain the quality and progress of
work as planned.
c. Quality and progress at all times during construction phase remain unaffected
and unhindered.

Material: It will be ensured that all materials going into the system have necessary
accredited quality certifications or tested in external/internal laboratories. Untested
materials are properly identified and rejected materials shall be disposed.

Field Lab Setup: In order to carryout day to day testing of incoming materials, field
laboratory shall be set up with calibrated instruments.

Plant and Machinery: Utmost care shall be taken that necessary plant and
equipment’s are well maintained and in working condition prior to being put into the
use. Weigh batcher etc. shall be kept calibrated during commissioning and before
operation. Well-trained staff will control the operation and maintenance of all plant
and machinery.

Quality Control during Construction:

This is the most critical phase of quality control. This is ensured by allotting
responsibilities to concerned engineers with commensurate authority and supervisors
with commensurate authority at execution and closely monitored by execution in-
charge and QA/QC Engineer to ensure a total quality product at all times. To achieve
this, scheme has been devised and enclosed with this document.

Special products and works involving specialized agencies will be controlled by execution
engineers and QA/QC Engineer as per stipulated quality criteria.

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Quality Control at Post Construction:

After the process is completed, thorough inspection and testing shall be carried out to
ensure that finished product in conforming to specified standards. Required quality
records shall be documented in prescribed documents to demonstrate the
achievements of specified quality and effectiveness of quality system
House Keeping and work environment

a. Entire project team will be work by ensuring good housekeeping

b. Separate location will be identified for dumping scrap, which will be disposed off later
on at appropriate location
c. Shuttering material will be stacked properly when not in use
d. Surplus earth and excavated soil will be removed from the site and stacked properly
or disposed off
e. Well defined passage and walk ways will be provided for easy movement
f. Construction area will be barricaded properly


A well trained safety officer will put in position under supervision of Project Manager to ensure all
safety precautions and monitored during construction. He will also involve in issue and usage of
personal protective equipment at site. Pep talks will be conducted regularly.

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Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

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Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

Extent Records Agency

Sl. Type/Method Reference Acceptance Format of
Item Category of to be Remarks
No. of check document norms record P W V
check furnished
1 Survey
Co-ordinates /
Levels of Bench Dimensional Joint Site Client
a) Critical 100% Drawings Drawings Yes --
Mark check record Engineer Rep.

Calibration of
b) Theodolite / Dimensional Respective IS Respective IS Calibration External
Critical 100% Yes -- --
Total station check Code Code report Agency

2 Excavation in foundations and trenches

Checking for Dimensional Joint Site Client
a) Critical 100% Drawings Drawings Yes --
layout check Records Engineer Rep.
Excavation with
proper side
b) slopes, Shoring Site QC Project
Major Visual Checks 100% Specifications Specifications -- No
Removing of Engineer Eng. incharge
Water, etc.

location, firm Site QC Project
c) bed, levels, free Major Visual Checks 100% Drawings Drawings -- No
Engineer Eng. incharge
from slush

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stacking of
d) excavated earth Site QC Project
Minor Visual Checks 60% Specifications Specifications --
in demarked Engineer Eng. incharge

3 Back filling in foundation and trenches

Filling and
compaction in QC Project
a) Critical Visual checks 100% Specifications Specifications -- No Site Eng.
layers not more Eng. incharge
than 150 mm

Check for final QC Project

b) Minor Visual Check 100% Drawings Drawings -- No Site Eng.
level Eng incharge.

Extent Records Agency

Sl. Type/Method Reference Acceptance Format of
Item Category of to be Remarks
No. of check document norms record P W V
check furnished
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4 Anti termite treatment
Checking for
rate of
application of Site QC Project
a) Major Visual Check 100% Specifications Specifications -- No
dosage as per Eng. Eng. incharge

5 PCC / lean concrete in plinth/below foundation

a) layout, line Site QC Project
Minor Visual Check 60% Drawing Drawing -- No
and level Eng. Eng. incharge

b) Mix Design Client
of Mix Critical Visual Check 100% Specifications Specifications Yes QC Eng. --
report Rep.
Form work Site QC Project
c) Major Visual Check 100% Drawing Drawing -- No
and curing Eng. Eng. incharge.

6 Concreting for foundations, columns, beams, slab and wall

Adopting mix
designs for Visual Check Client
a) Critical 100% IS : 456 IS : 456 Yes QC Eng. --
various & Witness Rep.

7 Form work
works for Site QC Project
a) Major Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No
steel / Eng. Eng. incharge.

Fixing and
positioning in Visual &
b) Site QC Project
Critical Dimensional 100% Drawings Drawing FCN-BB-03 Yes
location for Eng. Eng. incharge
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works and
supports etc.

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

Extent Records Agency

Sl. Type/Method Reference Acceptance Format of
Item Category of to be Remarks
No. of check document norms record P W V
check furnished
Checking of
vertical Visual &
c) FCN-BB- Site QC Project
dimension, Critical Dimensional 100% Drawings Drawing Yes
03 Eng. Eng. incharge
coordination etc Check
in line with
construction drg.
8 Rebar work
submission and
Visual &
a) approved of BBS Critical Site QC Project
Dimensional 100% Drawings Drawing BBS Yes
in line with Eng. Eng. incharge
bending and
b) binding in Major Site QC Project
Visual Check 100% Drawing Drawing -- No
position of Eng. Eng. incharge.
rebar work as
per drawing

Checking and Visual &

c) Major Site QC Project
fixing metal Dimensional 100% Drawing Drawing -- No
Eng. Eng. incharge
inserts/bolts as Check

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per drawing in

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

Extent Records
Sl. Type/Method Reference Acceptance Format of Agency Rem
Item Category of to be
No. of check document norms record arks
check furnished
9 Concreting
Preparation and
check of
a) arrangement of Minor Site Project
Visual Check 60% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng.
staging, chute, Eng. incharge.
machineries etc.

Mixing, pouring
and placement
of fresh Site Project
b) Major Visual Check 60% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng.
concrete Eng. incharge.

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De shuttering
c) with adequate Major QC Client
Visual Check 100% Specification Specification FCN-BB-03 Yes --
precautions. Eng. Rep.

Curing of Site Client

d) Minor Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng.
Concrete Eng. Rep.
Visual inspection
of concrete
surface and
e) Major QC Client
rectification of Visual Check 100% Specification Specification FCN-BB-03 Yes --
Eng. Rep.
performance, if
Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

Extent Format Records Agency

Sl. Type/Method Reference Acceptance Remar
Item Category of of to be
No. of check document norms P W V ks
check record furnished
10 Brick masonry work

Shifting and
a) Minor Site Project
handling with Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng.
Eng. incharge.
proper care
Mixing and
b) preparation of Major Site Project
Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng.
Eng. incharge
cement mortar

Staging and Site Project

c) Major Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng.
scaffolding Eng. incharge.

Checking of
d) Major Project
bond, joints, Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No Site Eng. QC Eng.
thickness, true

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line, levels,

e) Check for curing Major Project

Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No Site Eng. QC Eng.
11 Plastering

arrangement of
preparation like
raking of joints
a) Major Project
removal of loose Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No Site Eng. QC Eng.
mortar and fixing
chicken mesh at
RCC and BW
joints and wetting

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

Extent Format Records Agency

Sl. Type/Method Reference Acceptance
Item Category of of to be Remarks
No. of check document norms P W V
check record furnished
Proportion of
cement mortar,
b) mixing and Critical Site
Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng. incharg
placing in e

Checking of
c) alignment Critical Site
Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng. incharg
thickness, Eng.
verticality in line
Page | 19
of construction
d) Curing Major Site
Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng. incharg
12 Structural steel

Visual & Project

a) Critical Site
Fabrication Fit up Dimensional 100% Drawings Drawings -- No QC Eng. inchar
Check ge.
Visual & Project
b) Critical Site
Welding Dimensional 100% Drawings Drawings -- No QC Eng. inchar
Check ge
Visual & Project
c) Final Inspection Critical Site
Dimensional 100% Drawings Drawings -- No QC Eng. inchar
Fab. Eng.
Check ge
d) Minor Site
Primer Painting Visual Check 100% Specifications Specifications -- No QC Eng. inchar
Major Site
e) Erection at Site Visual Check 100% Specifications Specifications -- No QC Eng. inchar
f) Alignment / Final Critical Site
Visual Check 100% Drawing Drawing -- No QC Eng. inchar
Inspection Eng.
g) Critical Site
Final painting Visual Check 100% Drawing Drawing No QC Eng. inchar

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

Format Records
Sl. Type/Method Extent of Reference Acceptance
Item Category of to be Agency Remarks
No. of check check document norms
record furnished

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13 Flooring

Approval of
Granite /
Visual &
kota stone Specificatio Specificatio Project
a) Critical Dimensional 100% Site
as per ns ns -- No QC Eng. incharg
Check e

Checking of
b) Level / Critical Level check 80% Drawing Drawing -- Site
No QC Eng. incharg
Thiya Eng.

of Mortar Specificatio Specificatio Site
c) Major Visual Check 100% -- No QC Eng. incharg
& uniform n n Eng.

Check for
d) Bed Major Drawing Drawing -- Site
Visual Check 100% No QC Eng. incharg
Thickness Eng.

Laying of
e) Stone / Major Drawing Drawing -- Site
Visual Check 100% No QC Eng. incharg
Slope Eng.

f) Project
Curing Major Drawing Drawing -- Site
Visual Check 100% No QC Eng. incharg
Polishing of Site
g) Major Visual Check 100% Drawing Drawing -- No QC Eng. incharg
Stone Eng.

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14 Wood work /steel/ aluminum doors and windows

a) Checking of Major Site
Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng. incharg
Material Eng.
Checking of Project
b) workman Major Site
Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng. incharg
ship e

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

Sl. Format Records Agency

Type/Method Extent of Reference Acceptance Remark
No Item Category of to be
of check check document norms P W V s
. record furnished
1 Painting

Surface Cleaning Project

a) Major Site
and preparation Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng. incharg
prior to painting e
Mixing as per
on and Project
b) applying Critical Site
Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng. incharg
number of e
coats as
mentioned in

Page | 22
Visual/final Project
c) Major Site
inspection Visual Check 100% Specification Specification -- No QC Eng. incharg
1 Box type water Proofing

Approval of
Visual & Project
Rough kota Specificatio Specificatio Site
a) Major Dimensional 100% No QC Eng. incharg
stone for Box ns ns Eng.
Check e
water proofing --

Proportion of Specificatio Specificatio Project

b) Critical Visual Check 100% Site
cement mortar ns ns No QC Eng. incharg

Visual &
Check for Specificatio Specificatio Site
c) Critical Dimensional 100% No QC Eng. incharg
required depth ns ns Eng.
Check e

Joint Thickness Visual &

Specificatio Specificatio Project
d) & pattern of Critical Dimensional 100% Site
ns ns No QC Eng. incharg
Joints Eng.
Check e

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Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

Sl. Extent Records Agency

Type/Method Reference Acceptance Format of Remark
No Item Category of to be
of check document norms record P W V s
. check furnished

Dosage of Visual &

Specification Specificatio Site QC Project
e) water proofing Critical quantity 100% No
s ns Eng. Eng. incharge
compound Check

Joint Filling & Specification Specificatio Site QC Project

f) Critical Visual Check 100% No
Curing s ns Eng. Eng. incharge

1 Terrace water proofing


Cleaning of
Specification Specificatio Site QC Project
a) terrace & Major Visual Check 100% No
s ns Eng. Eng. incharge

Making of
Thaiya as per Specification Specificatio Site QC
b) Critical Visual Check 100% No incharge
slope s ns Eng. Eng.
requirement --

Soaking of Specification Specificatio Site QC Project

c) Major Visual Check 100% No
brick bats s ns Eng. Eng. incharge

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Preparation of
mortar with Specification Specificatio Site QC Project
d) Critical Visual Check 100% No
water proofing s ns Eng. Eng. incharge
compound --

Laying of brick Specification Specificatio Site QC Project

e) Critical Visual Check 100% No
bats in layers s ns Eng. Eng. incharge

Finishing of Specification Specificatio Site QC Project

f) Critical Visual Check 100% No
surface s ns Eng. Eng. incharge

Specification Specificatio Site QC Project

g) Curing Major Visual Check 100% No
s ns Eng. Eng. incharge

Where, P = Performance point, W = Witness Point, V = Verification Point

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Inspection Test Plan (ITP)

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Inspection Test Plan (ITP)

Sl. Method Acceptanc Remarks
Item Category Frequency of test Format of record
No. of test e norms P W V

1 Cement

IS 4031
or Once per 100 ton or part Lab. Client
a) Fineness Critical IS 8112 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF/ QC Engr.
thereof Tech. Rep.
IS: 1489

Initial and
One sample of each lot Lab. Client
b) final setting Critical IS: 4031 IS 8112 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF/ QC Engr.
received Tech. Rep.

Once per 100 ton or part Lab. Client

c) Soundness Major IS: 4031 IS 8112 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF/ QC Engr.
thereof Tech. Rep.

Compressiv One sample of each lot Lab. Client

d) Critical IS: 4031 IS 8112 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF/ QC Engr.
e strength received Tech. Rep.

2 Reinforcement

Rolling For each lot received at Lab. Client

a) Major IS: 1786 IS: 1786 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF/ QC Engr.
margin site Tech. Rep.

Tensile Test
Manufacturer Test Externa
Elongation For each lot received at Certificate or Test l lab or Client
b) Critical IS: 1786 IS: 1786 QC Engr.
site Report from 3rd Manuf Rep.
Bend –
party laboratory acturer
Rebend test

Page | 27
3 Structural steel

Rolling One sample for each 20 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Lab. Client

a) Major IS: 1852 IS: 1852 QC Engr.
Margin MT or part thereof / Tech. Rep.

Tensile test Manufacturer

Test Certificate or
Elongation One sample for each lab or Client
b) Critical IS IS Test Report from QC Engr.
consignment Manufa Rep.
Bend – 3rd party
Rebend test laboratory

Selection of
External lab Client
c) approved Critical IS For new welder IS Site Eng. QC Eng.
report Rep.

External lab External

Client If required
d) Radiography Critical IS Once IS QC Engr.
report lab Rep.

Agency Remarks
Sl. Categor Method of Acceptanc
Item Frequency of test Format of record
No. y test e norms P W V

4 Fine aggregates

One per 100 cum or part

Sieve IS 2386 thereof or change of BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Lab. Client
a) Critical IS:383 QC Engr.
Analysis (Part. 1) source whichever is / Tech. Rep.

Specific Once in 12 weeks or

IS: 2386 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Lab. Client
b) gravity, Minor change of source which -- QC Engr.
(Part. 3) / Tech. Rep.
absorption ever is earlier

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moisture To be done every day
IS: 2386 Lab. Client
c) content Minor before start of work in -- -- QC Engr.
(Part. 3) Tech. Rep.
(Routine monsoon

Once per source and to

IS : 2386 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Lab. Client
d) Silt clay Minor be repeated, if source is IS: 383 QC Engr.
(Part. 2) / Tech. Rep.

5 Coarse Aggregate

Once per 100 cum or part

Sieve IS 2386 thereof or change of BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Lab. Client
a) Critical IS: 383 QC Engr.
Analysis (Part. 1) source whichever is // Tech. Rep.

Specific Once in 12 weeks or

IS: 2386 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Lab. Client
b) gravity, Minor change of source As per IS QC Engr.
(Part. 3) / Tech. Rep.
absorption whichever is earlier

each 200 t of coarse
value & IS: 2386 IS: 2386 BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Lab. Client
c) Major aggregate will be QC Engr.
impact (Part. 4) (Part. 4) / Tech. Rep.
sampled and tested.

This is to be done once

Flakiness and should be repeated BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Externa Client
d) Major IS: 2386 IS: 2386 QC Engr.
index in case the source is / l lab Rep.

6 Water

Page | 29
pH value,
Organic & Acceptan
IS: 3025, ce norms
IS: 4031 shall be Externa
a) impurities, Once for each source External report -- --
Critical & as per Cl. l agency
Chloride IS: 516 4.3 of IS

Agency Remarks
Sl. Method of Acceptanc
Item Category Frequency of test Format of record
No. test e norms P W V

7 Concrete

As per mix
Once for each concrete BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Client
a) Slump test Major IS 516 design Lab. Tech. QC Engr.
daily / Rep.

For each grade of

concrete, at least one
sample consisting six
specimens shall be taken As per mix
Compressive from each 10 cum of design BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF Client
b) Critical IS 516 Lab. Tech. QC Engr.
strength concrete or part thereof. report & / Rep.
3 specimens shall be IS 456
tested at 7 days and
remaining 3 shall be
tested at 28 days.

8 Earth

Page | 30
Standard Once for each source of Respectiv BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF
a) Critical IS 27 20 Lab. Tech. QC Engr. t
Proctor Test earth e IS Code /

At every 500 m3. of Clien

Core cutter 95% of BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF
b) Critical IS 27 20 compacted earth filling for Lab. Tech. QC Engr. t
test MDD /
mass filling work Rep.

9 Brick

a) Visual Check Total 20 Nos. of Bricks to

IS 3495 Clien
Major be selected from three
Dimensional IS 3495 -- Lab. Tech. QC Engr. t
b) IS 3495 trucks (i.e.; 6 to 7 bricks
Check Rep.
from each Truck)

Major For each source Random 3

c) IS 3495 Nos. to be tested from 20 IS 3495 Lab. Tech. QC Engr.
absorption /
Nos. of bricks

For each source Random 3 Clien

Compressive BRC/PQP/IHSC/TF
d) Critical IS 3495 Nos. to be tested from 20 IS 3495 Lab. Tech. QC Engr. t
strength /
Nos. of bricks Rep.

Page | 31
List of Method Statements for major construction activities

S.No. Work Procedure No. Activity

1 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/01 Method statement for Survey & setting out

2 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/02 Method statement for Routine survey

3 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/03 Method statement for Excavation

4 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/04 Method statement for Back filling

5 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/05 Method statement for Rubble Soling

6 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/06 Method statement for Antitermite treatment

7 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/07 Method statement for Plain Cement Concrete Formwork

8 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/08 Method statement for Formwork

9 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/09 Method statement for Steel Reinforcement

10 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/10 Method statement for Reinforced Cement Concrete

11 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/11 Method statement for Fly Ash Brick Masonry

12 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/12 Method statement for Stone Masonry

13 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/13 Method statement for Plastering works

14 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/14 Method statement for Painting works

15 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/15 Method statement for Door / windows / Ventilators

16 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/16 Method statement for Tile flooring works

17 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/17 Method statement for Tile Dadoing works

18 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/18 Method statement for Tile Granite works

19 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/19 Method statement for Indian Pattern Stone (IPS) flooring


20 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/20 Method statement for Aerocon flooring

21 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/21 Method statement for Kota stone flooring works

22 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/22 Method statement for Water proofing works for Terrace

& Toilets

23 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/23 Method statement for Fabrication work / Erection works

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24 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/24 Method statement for Structural steel works

25 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/25 Method statement for False ceiling works

26 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/26 Method statement for Aluminum cladding works

27 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/27 Method statement for Granite cladding works

28 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/28 Method statement for Structural glazing works

29 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/29 Method statement for Plum concrete

30 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/30 Method statement for Plumbing

31 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/31 Method statement for Internal waste & sewage pipe lines

32 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/32 Method statement for Internal waste & sewage pipe lines

33 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/33 Method statement for Drainage & sanitation

34 BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/34 Method statement for Internal electrical works

Note: Tender / Drawing / BOQ / Site specific instructions /Technical Specification/

requirements are to be incorporated in the above work instructions.

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Work Procedure No: – HMG/PQP/SKYRENA/WP/01


01. Safety Points:

 Leveling staff should be made of wooden material.
 Existing any electrical HT or OH live line located at site premises or
labour colony must be highlighted at over all site plan
 Any local labour (new to the site) being used as survey helper must be
screened and properly trained before engaging at job.
02. Conduct a reconnaissance. Sketch ideal locations for locating traverse line,
benchmarks and grid stations.
03. Prepare a survey plan based on layout.
04. Decide on locations of B1 - B6(Bench Mark). Take suitable references for B1 - B6
i.e existing buildings or sun observations.(Surveyor to locate positions and site
engineer to construct)

05. Marking of traverse stations, etc on the survey pillars with theodolite and
conduct angular closure also.
06. Mark survey pillars for grids. Construct and marking.
07. Conduct a level traverse B1 - B6 with reference to client supplied BM
08. Close level traverse at starting benchmark.
09. Designate "Grid name"
10. Protect grid stations and traverse stations without disturbance.
11. Conducts check survey to find if there is any damage / disturbance to the
12. Prepare sketch of traverse stations and values. Distribute to all site engineers.

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Work Procedure No: – HMG/PQP/SKYRENA/WP/02


01. Safety Points :

 Ensure proper access to go down to the excavated pit for giving
grid lines

 Ensure sufficient lightning before doing the job at night

 Tie the safety belt and anchor it properly while transfer the center
line to column

02. Excavation

 Set out gridlines in both directions. Locate center of footing.

 Provide a Internal BM for level control.

 Follow the formats No. BRC/IHSC/F/01 & 02

Format No:

Page | 35


(To be maintained by Surveyor and audited by Planning Engineer)

(All routine surveys are to be based on approved survey plan and constructed

1) Structure Ref………………………….
(Footing, Column, Slab, Retaining wall)

2) Drg. Ref……………………………

3) Instrument Station…………………….

4) Back sight………………………….
(STN designation co-ord, bearings etc.)

5) Set out STN……………………………

(Stn. Ref., Co-ord or bearings)

6) Sketch and description of the survey.


Format No:

(To be maintained in Note Book form)

Structure Bench Reduced level

Ref. mark Required / Actual

BS – Back sight IS – Intermediate sight FS – Foresight HOI – Height of Instrument


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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/03


1. After closing of the traverse, survey lines shall be plotted 1m away from the main
building line for reference work.

2. Theodolite shall be fixed on the survey point available on the particular grid of the

3. Opposite point of the peg shall be bisected.

4. One point shall be fixed at distance given in the drawings for footing. The same
process shall be done for the other side of the footing.

5. Layout, Alignment & size of the excavation pit shall be marked on the ground as
per drawing by considering 300 mm working space.

6. Diagonal of the footing shall be verified before starting of excavation.

7. Excavation shall be started after finalizing disposition place.

8. Excavation shall be done mechanically.

9. Depth of excavation shall be checked frequently by using level machine as given in

the drawing.

10. Side slope of the excavation pit shall be checked for safety point of view.

11. After getting sufficient depth, the same shall be verified & surface shall be dressed
by employing labors.

12. After getting required depth, Joint inspection records shall be prepared.

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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/04


1. Obtain site clearance from concerned site in charge to start backfilling.

2. Obtain clearance for backfilling material as specified in contract specifications or as

instructed by consultant.

3. Check OMC of the backfill material in front of client and do the necessary changes, if

required or instructed by client.

4. Obtain approval for backfill material from site in charge.

5. Start backfilling by manual or mechanical means.

6. Backfilling will be done in layers with selected surplus excavated earth either directly

from the excavation or from stacked heap of excavated earth

7. Compaction of backfilled material shall be achieved by mechanical compaction

barring the foundations where space restrictions shall not permit use of such


8. For every 300mm layer compaction will be done as per specifications or as instructed

by site In charge

9. The degree of compaction in backfilled material should be 90% or as specified in the

drawing and above by core cutter method.

10. Raise RFI to Site In charge or Project Manager to check the compaction achieved as

per specifications, if necessary will instruct for changes

11. Project Manager will check necessary details and will approve the work done

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/05


1. The rubble should be hard, durable and free from other defects. The rubble should
be of suitable size and shape to give the required compacted thickness.

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2. The rubble is laid in vertical position of the sub-grade but closely packed by
arranging the stones.

3. The filling of the interstices shall be done with quarry spawls / metal simultaneously
with the placing of the rubble.

4. Ramming near the walls and column shall be done properly to the required level /
slope, camber etc.

5. Compaction must be carried out.

6. The finishing of the surface shall be done by trimming to required level / slope as
per requirement.

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/06


1. Safety Points:
 Nose mask to be used by the sprayer.
 The chemical to be isolated with proper labeling so as not
reachable by others.
2. Consolidate the filling to required degree of compaction
3. Ensure that the surface, which is going to receive the chemical treatment, is quite
dry. Do not apply the chemical during rain or over the wet surface
4. Allow the chemical to get absorbed and surface dry before starting any concrete
5. Ensure chemical is used as chlorpyriphoss EC 20% WITH 1%OF Concentration
with ISI Certification conforming to IS 6313 (part - II) 2001
6. Dilute the chemical in the ratio of 1 liter of chemical to 19 liters of water
7. Prepare the surface as follows
Plinth filling:
-Put holes up to 50-75mm deep at 150mm C/C with 12mm diameter
MS rod
External perimeter of the building:
-Put holes at 150mm interval and 300mm deep

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07. Ensure proper dosage of emulsion as follows:
Plinth filling/Base of footings - 5.0 liters / Sq.M
External perimeter of building- 7.5 liters / Sq.M

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/07


1. Carry out the study of the grade of concrete for PCC.

2. It shall be verified before starting PCC for sufficient availability of material,

manpower & machines.

3. Formwork & dimension for Plain concrete work shall be checked as per drawings.

4. Mix proportion shall be displayed on the weigh batcher & the same shall be

5. Mix for the PCC shall be laid on the surface at required thickness.

6. Compaction of the concrete shall be done by using Rammer till expulsion of the air
is from the concrete is stopped.

7. Carry out finishing at required thickness.

8. After 24 hours formwork of the concrete shall be removed.

9. Curing shall be done for sufficient period.

Work Procedure No: BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/08


1. Use formwork, which is rigid and closely fitted, with sufficient strength to support wet

2. Ensure that centering plates, planks or plywood are properly cleaned.

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3. Take care to apply suitable form release agent after proper cleaning of formwork, before
placing reinforcement.

4. Ensure proper check for line, level and plumb before starting concreting activity.

5. Shuttering to be checked in stage wise. i.e. as per the approved shuttering scheme
1st - beam bottom - alignment and level and rigidity of staging to take the load.

2nd - Beam sides.

3rd - Slab shuttering and levels.

4th - Fixing of side supports, Alignment, etc. for rigidity.

6. Special care should be taken to check column caps supports at junction of beams.

7. Pockets, insert to be carefully placed and check before placing concrete. Fixing of Pockets
and inserts should be rigid to avoid displacement during concreting.

8. Use of Magic tape for gap filling.

9. Provide extra supports at joints of wall plates beam bottom. Proper care must be taken
to prevent bulging of centering.

10. Leave slab formwork undisturbed till concrete gains 70% of required strength.

11. Take care not to damage the concrete while striking the centering off.

12. Time period for removal of shuttering should be as detailed below:

(a) Walls, columns and vertical side of beams - 16 to 24 hours

(b) Slab - 3 days

(c) Beam soffits (props left under) - 7 days

(d) Removal of props under the slab

- Spanning up to 4.5 m - 7 days

- Spanning more than 4.5 m - 14 days

(e) Removal of props under beams and arches

- Spanning under 6 m - 14 days

- Spanning over 6 m - 21 days

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After de-shuttering all the materials should be properly stacked and cleaned for next

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/09


1. Ensure that reinforcement bars are clean free from grease, oil, paint, rust, dust or
any other objectionable foreign material.

2. Ensure that all the reinforcement rods are thoroughly cleaned before fabrication,
fitted and defective rods are rejected.

3. Ensure that straightening of bars is done without damaging the configuration.

Cutting, bending should be as per Bar Bending Schedule (B.B.S.).

4. Ensure that the vertical distance between the successive layer of bars in beams or
other members are maintained by providing mild steel spacers at required

5. Check reinforcement for size, spacing, location, numbers, overlaps, welding

joints, hooks, bent ups, rusting, greasing and ties as per drawings and bar bending

6. Ensure staggered overlaps, cold bending and anchorage, wherever necessary.

7. Ensure that the reinforcement is kept in position by As per drawing, chairs etc.
during placing and compaction of concrete.

8. Ensure proper placement of cover blocks, embedded inserts and cut outs if any.

9. Ensure that cat ladders are provided on the reinforcement to avoid displacement
of reinforcement.

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10. Ensure that before placing the concrete; the reinforcement is checked for bent up
bars, lap length, hooks, rings and distribution bars, etc.

11. Ensure proper binding of reinforcement.

13. Ensure that the lap joints of bars are staggered in about 40% to 50% in column,
walls, etc. or as specified.
Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/10



I. Cement:
1. Use cement of approved Quality and ensure that it is not older than 90 days.

2. Store cement bags in a completely waterproof go down having standard specified


3. In case cement bags are required to be stored in open as a Internal requirement,

ensure that they are stacked on a dry platform of brick masonry / concrete / dry sand
/ aggregate platform about 150 mm above the ground. The number of bags must be
just sufficient for day’s consumption.

4. Ensure that entire stack is covered by tarpaulin or polythene sheet, with an adequate
overlap. This procedure is to be adopted during cloudy or rainy season.

II. Aggregates (Coarse aggregate and Fine aggregate):

1. Use aggregates, which have been tested and approved by Q.C. labs.

2. Adequate quantity of aggregate is required before start of work.

3. Necessary correction for bulking of sand to be done on day-to-day basis.

III. Water:

Page | 43
1. Ensure that potable water for construction is available. & it’s tested or not

1. Do not overload a batch.

2. Carry out batching of materials by weight. If it is required to batch materials on

volumetric basis, make use of measurement boxes in units of 0.035 m 3 equivalent to
50 kg cement bag.

3. Batching of cement must be done by weight considering 50 kg per bag.

4. Exact measured quantity of water to be added to the batch as per w/c ratio.

5. Apply necessary correction for bulkage of aggregate.

6. Carry routine checks of weights as well as sensitivity of balance.

7. Addition of admixtures - Ensure addition of recommended admixtures in specified



1. When Batching plant is used check for Calibration valid or not, rpm of mixer, hardened
material, number of blades inside the drum, working of discharge chute and hopper,
levelling, raising, emptying and release of hopper.

2. Minimum mixing time required is 30seconds for the drum.

3. Ensure proper mixing at mixer machine.


1. Keep the mixer as close as possible to the placement site to reduce transportation

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2. Place the concrete in position prior to the initial setting time.

3. Avoid segregation and setting of concrete.


1. Before starting concrete fix, the position of construction joint.

2. Sequence of concreting must be finalized.

3. Ensure placement of concrete in its final position before setting starts.

4. Avoid segregation of materials by adopting minimum drop.

5. Take care while placing to avoid displacement of inserts, pockets, etc.

6. Lay concrete in suitable layers without any break in continuity, maintaining the
thickness of layers.

7. Proper walkways are to be provided in advance.


1. Use suitable type of Immersion, surface or form vibrators.

2. Avoid over-vibration and bleeding.

3. Insert Immersion vibrator minimum 100mm away from the shuttering face vertically
to the full depth; do not drag, withdraw vertically and slowly. Don’t allow the needle
to touch the reinforcement.

4. Keep enough spare vibrators and needles.

Page | 45

1. Finishing is carried out after a little stiffening of concrete has occurred with suitable

2. Provide green cut immediately after finishing a particular layer of concrete by using
wire brush and small brooms and clean it thoroughly. In case of preceding concrete
surface being old, chipping must be done with 10-15mm depth and should be
thoroughly cleaned using air or water jets before placing the subsequent layer of


1. One or a combination of the following curing methods can be adopted depending on

site conditions, availability of curing materials, type of job, economics etc.:

a) Methods to prevent loss of water in concrete during the early stage of

hydration by ponding, water spraying or saturated wet coverings.

b) Methods to prevent loss of water in concrete by sealing the exposed surface

i.e., covering the exposed surface with sheets of plastic or other impervious
materials, applying membrane forming compounds etc.

2. The curing period in ambient temperatures above 20o C should be for minimum 7 days,
or the time necessary to attain 70 percent of the specified compressive strength.

3. The uses of curing compounds are useful on vertical surfaces, or in the event of

1.Keep various thickness cover blocks ready as per the requirement of the structural
drawings well in advance. Use proper mould and mortar mix for casting.

Page | 46
Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/11


1. Ensure to have information regarding specifications of cement mortar.

2. Soak the bricks before starting the Fly ash brickwork.

3. Mixing of mortar must be done properly and thoroughly with specified proportion
of ingredients on an impervious platform.

4. Keep the frog up, while placing the brick.

5. Fill the joints between the bricks properly. Ensure to carry out "RADO" at every 4th
layer. Supervise line, level and plumb from time to time during the day’s progress.

6. The joints must be raked to an average depth of 10 mm when mortar is green. If

plaster or pointing is not to be done, the joints should be struck flush.

7. Proper hacking of RCC surface in contact with brick masonry must be done for
proper bond.

8. Courses must be truly horizontal with suitable bond pattern to break the vertical

9. Suitable toothing or grooves or stepping to be provided for continuation of


10. Thickness of joint must be uniform and not more than 13mm.

11. Disallow vertical joint filling by spreading mortar.

12. Masonry may be raised up to 1.50 Meter in a day. Raising with all connected
brickwork be carried out at one level.

13. For 230 mm thick wall, maintain one face in line. This face can be preplanned to
take all kinds of single coat plasters. For higher thickness walls both faces should
be in line.

14. First mark up layer of brickwork needs to be laid in direct supervision for door /
window / any other openings to be kept accurately as per the drawings or layout.

Page | 47
15. Curing must be done for at least seven days or as laid down in specification.

16. Old or dry surface must be thoroughly cleaned and wetted. The joints should be
raked before starting new construction.

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/12


01. Safety Points:
 Handling the stone carefully
 Safety goggles to be used while dressing the stone
 Walkway platform to be arranged for working at heights
02. Laying the PCC at the bottom level as per the drawing / site condition by taking
joint record from consultant
03. Constructing the sized stone masonry as per the different sections given in
04. Following the cement mortar proportion as for 230mm blocks 1:6 & for 115mm
blocks 1:4 ratio and maintaining the thickness of joint as up to 13mm uniformly all
over the masonry
05. Height of the course shall not be less than 1.50meter per day
06. Dressed stone only shall be used for masonry work. Bedside and vertical sides of
the stone shall be dressed from the face 75mm and 35mm respectively.
07. Face of the stone shall be dressed and bushing shall not exceed more than 25mm
08. Corner stone to be dressed 2 line up to 50mm wide
09. Providing bond stone at a interval of not exceeding 2.0m and to be marked for
10. Chips, spells, etc shall be used to avoid more thickness of mortar joint and to be
restricted to 10% of stone masonry
11. No hollow spaces to be left inside the masonry works
12. Laying the DPC as per the drawing
13. Providing expansion joint as per the drawing. and maintaining the uniform width
throughout masonry
14. Maintaining the top level of stone masonry as per drawing

Page | 48
15. Curing of masonry work to be carried out as normal
16. Fixing of grills and painting the same as per drawing
17. Construction of coping and finishing the same as per drawing
18. Final cleaning of grills by removal of mortar drips and other
Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/13


1. The type of plaster, number of coats, thickness required and cement mortar
proportion shall be as per specifications.

2. Ensure to water the brick wall properly before start of plastering.

3. Ensure that the measurement box is ready for usage prior to start of work shall be

4. Deep and close hacking of the R.C.C. surface for purpose of plastering must be

5. Chicken mesh at brick wall and R.C.C. member must be provided.

6. Select suitable sand for different type of plasters.

7. Ensure that proper dry mixing of cement and sand is done on impervious platform.

8. Holes provided for scaffolding while executing brickwork must be plugged or

double scaffolding must be used.

9. Level marking must be done in advance (plaster thiya). Supervise line, level and
plumb from time to time before plaster starts setting.

10. All the necessary tools required for execution of work must be available with the

11. Watch the plaster line, level and plumb. Chip off concrete surface before starting
plaster and provide suitable groove.

12. Gaps around door and window frames must be filled properly.

13. Check the base coat of plaster prior to application of finishing coat of cement.

Page | 49
14. While executing final coat of sand faced plaster or aggregate plaster due care must
be taken as to where the joints are to be provided at the end of day’s work.

15. Follow as per spec. internal ceiling and wall plastering (1:4) 12mm thick

16. Follow as per spec. External wall plastering 02coats, for 1st coat 16mm thick (1:4)
ration & 2nd coat 4mm thick (1:3) Ratio

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/14


Preparation of surface:
1. The plastered surface shall be thoroughly cleaned with a brush to remove dust,
dirt, grease, mortar dropping and other foreign matter and sand subsequently
smooth with sand paper.

2. New plaster surface shall be allowed to dry for at least four months before
applications of distemper or one coat of white wash with white cement shall be
done prior to painting.

3. All unnecessary nails, hooks etc. shall be removed. Pitting in plaster shall be made
good with plaster again and papered with a fine grade sand paper and made

4. A coat of paint shall be applied over the patches. The surface shall be allowed to
dry thoroughly before the regular paint is applied. The surface affected by
moulds, moss, fungi, algae lichens, efflorescence etc. shall be treated.

5. A priming coat of cement primer of approved manufacture shall be applied over

the plaster surface in case of new work.

6. The primer shall be applied with a brush on the clean, dry and smooth surface.
Horizontal strokes shall be given first and vertical strokes shall be applied
immediately afterwards. This entire operation will constitute one coat.

7. A coat of putty (lapi) shall be applied to the entire surface. Putty shall be prepared
by mixing whiting chalk, primer/paint in required proportion as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge and Architect. The second coat of primer and putty shall then
be applied and it shall thereafter be allowed to dry for at least 48 hours. Fine sand
papering is required for both lapi coats.

Page | 50
8. Any moisture in plaster will create problem of peeling off or swelling. Due
cautioning to be given to clients/consultant it they insist on painting to start
during initial four months of drying. Fine sand papering is required for both lapi

Oil bound distemper / Water bound distemper / Acrylic bound distemper:

1. The distemper shall be diluted with mineral turpentine oil or any other prescribed
thinner in a manner recommended by the manufacturer only, sufficient quantity
of distemper for a day’s work shall be prepared.
2. On any surfaces, after the primer coat has dried for at least 48 hours, the surface
shall be lightly sand papered to make it smooth for receiving the distemper, taking
care not to rub out the priming coat.

3. Sufficient quantity of distemper shall be mixed to finish one room at a time. The
application of a coat in each room shall be finished in one operation and no work
shall be started in any room, which cannot be completed on the same day.

4. 15-cm. double bristled distemper brush shall be used. After a day’s work, brushes
Shall be thoroughly washed in hot water soap solution and hung down to dry. Old
Brushes, which are dirty and caked with distemper, shall not be used on the work.

Protective measure:

The surface of doors, windows, ventilators, articles of furniture and machines etc.
and such other part of the buildings, which are not to be distempered, shall be
protected from being splashed upon. On completion, surfaces shall be cleaned of
distemper splashes, if any.

White wash:

1. The wall to be painted must be thoroughly scrapped with sand paper.

2. The first coat of white wash is to be done within 7 days of plaster.

Page | 51
3. The slaked lime must be screened through coarse cloth and the adhesive must be
added as specified. Lime must be soaked for 24 hours in advance.

4. Application by spray, brush, coir brush to be decided in advance.

5. Lime coat must be applied with a brush and the desired sequence must be as
One stroke of brush from downward and another from bottom to upwards over
the first. Similarly, one stroke from right and other from the left over the first
before the first dries.

6. Brush application needs crisscross painting to avoid brush marks.

7. Machines, Doors, windows, floors etc shall be covered from being splashed upon.

8. The cracks and holes are required to be filled with proper adhesive after the first

9. Small quantity of ultra marine is to be added in last two coats of white wash.

10. Three coats are to be applied over the plastered surface.

11. Subsequent white wash is to be applied only after the preceding coat has become
sufficiently dry.

Colour Washing:

1. Follow steps 1 to 11 as white wash.

2. The wash shall be prepared by adding required quantity of colour pigment to the
lime wash prepared under the head white wash.

3. The mineral colours not affected by lime shall be added to white wash.

4. The colour wash shall be done after preparation of a sample of colour wash.

5. The surface to be colour washed shall be first treated with a priming coat of white

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6. Minimum two to three coats of colour shall be applied to attain uniform shade
over the whole surface.

Cement Paint:

1. Get the cement paint and shade approved.

2. The surface should be thoroughly cleaned and all loose materials be removed.

3. The surface should be watered thoroughly and should be allowed to drain off
before starting the cement painting Application is by brush in crisscross direction
till uniform color shade is obtained.

4. The second coat shall be started after 24 hours of the first coat.

5. The entire surface shall be moist cured for seven days.

6. A Grey and Blue pigment tends to fade off, so discuss with customer and clarify.

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/15


Wooden D/W:

1. Ensure that wood used for the works is as per quality specified.

2. BOQ of wood sizes should give adequate allowance for cutting and smoothening.
BOQ needs to be double checked with carpenters before ordering.

3. Only approved fixtures to be used.

Page | 53
4. Check whether verticals of door frames are minimum 50mm below finished floor

5. With bottom spacer Patti fixed, surface of window/door frame coming in contact
with brick work /concrete needs to be painted with the material specified before
fixing of the frame.

6. The frame hold fast must be grouted with cement mortar rigidly.

7. Ensure that the glass is free from waves, bubbles and other defects. Check the
thickness of glass before fixing.

8. Check that doors/windows frames are erected in plumb, line, level and diagonals.

9. Ensure that the work of painting/oiling is started after approval of completed

wood work.

10. Glazing must be fixed without play with suitable wooden beading.

Doors / Windows (Aluminum)

1. Aluminum section shall be as per the sectional drawings provided or as specified

in the items. Each member of the D/W shall be well defined for its size, shape,
and weight per meter, profile and finish surface.

2. Fabricator shall get fabrication drawings before starting the work.

3. Aluminum sections shall be defined for manufactures like, Indal, Jindal, Hindalco
or equivalent.

4. Aluminium sections to be used for fabrication shall be well defined for anodizing
(Matt finish or Glossy finish), natural or colour anodizing, section with powder
coating in different colour etc.

5. Aluminium doors and windows shall be specified for panel material like Glass /
Laminated boards / Box type aluminium lamination etc.

Page | 54
6. Only approved hardware fixtures shall be used as per specification and tender
7. Finished opening sizes should match perfectly with prefabricated D/W sizes. To
ensure about the exact dimensions, make up sample or templates (either from
Material or M.S. material) shall be used.

8. In case, a dimension doesn’t match with the material supplied, openings shall be
9. Arrangement for all approved hardware fittings as per the drawing shall be
ensured before fixing of the material.

10. Glazing shall be fixed to the extruded sections by means of extruded aluminium
beading. Glass panes shall be provided with rubber lining before fixing.

11. The aluminium frames shall be fixed to the masonry by means of aluminium lugs
fixed to the frame (by counter sunk galvanized machine screws) and the
hole/pocket will be grouted with M-15 grade concrete as per drawing. In case of
concrete wall, the frames shall be fixed by 96mm long, 12mm dia metallic
fasteners. Any steel material coming in contact with aluminium shall be

12. The windows / ventilators / doors shall be checked to ensure smooth operation,
perfect level and plumb.

13. All aluminum D/W section should have protective film or coating. This film or
coating can be removed only at the time of handing over (on completion of all
civil works including painting).

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/16


1. Safety Points:
Engage only expertise person for cutting the tile and proper machine for cutting

Electrical equipment must be routed through ELCB only

Obstacles to be cleared for shifting the materials to the work spot

2. Checking the tile for approved brand, shade, free from cracks, crazing spots, chipped
edge and corners
3. Drying, cleaning and mopping the base

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4. Making the top level of flooring with water level or leveling instrument
5. Spreading of CM 1:6 to a average thickness of 50mm, tamping and correcting to
proper level and allowing it to harden sufficiently to offer a fairly rigid cushion for the
6. Spreading neat cement slurry of honey like consistency at the rate of 3.30kg/sqm over
such an area to accommodate about 20 tiles
7. The tiles previously soaked in water (in case of ceramic tiles) to be cleaned and to be
fixed on the mortar surface one after another. Each tile to be gently tapped with
wooden mallet till it is properly bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles
8. The joints shall be kept in as thin as possible and in straight line or suit to the required
9. The surface of flooring during laying to be checked with a straight edge for about every
10. Where full size cannot be fixed, these tiles shall be cut to required size and their edge
to be rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints
11. Tiles adjoining the walls shall enter not less than 10mm under the plaster / skirting or
12. Cleaning the joints to a depth of 2 to 3mm with wire brush or trowel
13. Flush pointing the joints with cement paste added with pigments to match the color
of tiles
14. Curing the floor for 7 days

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/17


1. Safety Points:
Tiles to be stocked properly

Experienced person to be used for cutting the tile and proper machine to be used for

Electrical equipment must be connected through ELCB only

2. Lay out marking to be done on walls

3. All electrical conduits, sockets to be fixed and clearance to be taken from the
electrical department
4. All door frames have to be fixed to the alignment line, level and plumb
5. All tiles to be soaked in water (in case of ceramic tile only) for 24 hrs before the use

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6. Tile’s uniformity to be checked with color / edges and sizes while doing
7. Wall to be plastered to thickness of 12-20mm with all lines / levels and plumb and
during the plastering protection to be made over the floor
8. Levels to be checked and marked at least two places of wall during the tiling start
9. Tiles to be fixed to the wall by putting rich cement paste on the back of the tile using
a wooden mallet. As per drawing. The joints to be truly vertical and horizontal
10. Wherever full size tile can’t be fixed, tiles to be cut at required sizes and then edges
to be rubbed smooth as per drawing
11. PVC bleeding to be used at the junction (Corner) of the tiles
12. The joints between the tiles should be pointed with white cement slurry and the
excess to be cleaned off
13. Final alignment to be checked
14. The surface shall be cured for 7 days by sprinkling the water

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/18


1. Safety Points:
 Engage only expertise person for cutting the granite and proper machine for
 Electrical equipment must be routed through ELCB only
 Obstacles to be cleared for shifting the materials to the work spot
 Safety belt to be wear while working at height
2. Base slabs on which the granite stones are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted and
3. All electrical conduits to be laid and clearance to be taken from the electrical
4. All door frames to be fixed as per drawing
5. Every granite stones to be cut to the required size and pre polished as per drawing
6. Granite slabs to be laid (dry) over the floor by pattern wise and to be inspected for
uniformity in color grains and grooves. Approval to be taken from the consultant
7. Mortar of specified mix shall be spread over the area of base slab to the average
thickness as specified in the drawing
8. Slabs are to be laid on the mortar according to the approved pattern, and to be
pressed, tapped with wooden mallet to bring to the proper line and level
9. Then the slabs are lifted and kept aside

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10. Additional mortar to be spread in the hollow portion of surfaces
11. Cement slurry of honey like consistency at the rate of 4.40kg/sqm to be spread over
the mortar
12. Then again, the slabs are to be laid in position and tapped with wooden mallet till it
properly bedded in line and level with as fine a joint as possible
13. Follow the same procedure for subsequent slabs
14. After each slab has been laid, surplus cement slurry on the surface of slab shall be
cleaned off
15. The flooring shall be cured for 7 days
16. Slabs fixed on the floor adjoining wall, shall enter not less than 12mm under plaster
skirting or dado

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/19


01. Safety Points:

 Concrete pipe line to be properly supported
 All electrical connection to be made through ELCB only (Pump, vibrator
and power trowel)
 Gum boot to be provided for the workmen while laying the concrete
02. Slab surface to be chipped off to remove the mortar / debris and brought to
03. Floor area to be concreted shall be divided into approximately 3mx3m or
(9sqm approx.) and FFL gauges to be made before concreting
04. Wetting the floor surface with water
05. Before starting the concrete, cement slurry at 2.20 Kg/sqm shall be applied
over the base concrete for good bonding
06. Laying of M20 grade cement concrete and compacting with Channel vibrator
or vibrator to the required line and level
07. While concrete is green but before setting, approved hardener to be applied
and surface to be made smooth finish with Flouter
08. Curing the concreting for 7 days

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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/20


1. Safety Points:
Engage only expertise person for cutting the tile and proper machine for cutting

Electrical equipment must be routed through ELCB only

Obstacles to be cleared for shifting the materials to the work spot

2. Checking the tile for approved brand, shade, free from cracks, crazing spots, chipped
edge and corners
3. Drying, cleaning and mopping the base
4. Making the top level of flooring with water level or leveling instrument
5. Spreading of CM 1:4 to a average thickness of 20mm, tamping and correcting to
proper level and allowing it to harden sufficiently to offer a fairly rigid cushion for the
6. Spreading neat cement slurry of honey like consistency at the rate of 3.30kg/sqm over
such an area to accommodate about 20 tiles
7. Each tile to be gently tapped with wooden mallet till it is properly bedded and in level
with the adjoining tiles
8. The joints shall be kept in as thin as possible and in straight line or suit to the required
9. The surface of flooring during laying to be checked with a straight edge for about every
10. Where full size cannot be fixed, these tiles shall be cut to required size and their edge
to be rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints
11. Cleaning the joints to a depth of 2 to 3mm with wire brush or trowel
12. Flush pointing the joints with cement paste added with pigments to match the color
of tiles
13. Curing the floor for 7 days

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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/21


1. Base slabs on which the Kota stones are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted and
2. All electrical conduits to be laid and clearance to be taken from the electrical
3. All door frames to be fixed as per drawing
4. Every kota stones to be cut to the required size and pre-polished as per drawing
5. Granite slabs to be laid (dry) over the floor by pattern wise and to be inspected for
uniformity in color grains and grooves. Approval to be taken from the client
6. Mortar of specified mix (1:3) shall be spread over the area of base slab to the
average thickness as specified in the drawing
7. Slabs are to be laid on the mortar according to the approved pattern, and to be
pressed, tapped with wooden mallet to bring to the proper line and level
8. Then the slabs are lifted and kept aside
9. Additional mortar to be spread in the hollow portion of surfaces
10. Cement slurry of honey like consistency at the rate of 4.40kg/sqm to be spread
over the mortar
11. Then again the slabs are to be laid in position and tapped with wooden mallet till
it properly bedded in line and level with as fine a joint as possible
12. Follow the same procedure for subsequent slabs
13. After each slab has been laid, surplus cement slurry on the surface of slab shall be
cleaned off
14. The flooring shall be cured for 7 days
15. Slabs fixed on the floor adjoining wall, shall enter not less than 12mm under
plaster skirting or dado

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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/22


Terrace :-

1. Safety Points:
a. Electrical connection to the drilling machine to be made through ELCB only
b. Fire extinguisher to be kept always wherever the LPG is being used
c. Proper lighting to be arranged before commencing the job
2. Cleaning the slab surface free from any loose material, dirt, etc
3. Conducting the water pond test to identify any leakage
4. If any leakage found, injection grouting to be carried out in that particular portion As
per technical specification. or work order. and again pond test to be done
5. Angle fillet 50*50mm admixed with APL smart care multipurpose polymer .@5% of
weight of cement all around in the side at the floor -wall junction.
6. Applying two components APL smart care epoxy primer for polyurethane systaem,as
a base coat for entire terrace over the finish coat @100ml /sqm
7. Applying of double component UV resistant zero VOC, root resistant elastomeric pure
polyurethane membrane free from bitumen tar.
8. Applying the water proofing treatment @1.2kg/sqm for 02coats of PU
magnum2k.complete over lapping of parapet wall is done upto 1M
9. Plastering the BBC top screed with cement mortar CM 1:4 of 20mm thick with
admixture of chemical waterproofing compound of approved brand and finished with
false squares of 300 mm.
10. Curing the activity for 21 days.
Toilet: -

1. Safety Points:
a. Electrical connection to the drilling machine to be made through ELCB only
b. Fire extinguisher to be kept always wherever the LPG is being used
c. Proper lighting to be arranged before commencing the job
2. Cleaning the slab surface free from any loose material, dirt, etc

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3. Conducting the water pond test to identify any leakage, water fill up to slab level for
24 hours.
4. If any leakage found, injection grouting to be carried out in that particular portion
with 12mm dia and fixing the nozzle’s using fast setting compound SC instant Leak
stop along the construction joints. and again, pond test to be done.
5. Providing and applying two coats of acrylic polymer modified cementitious water
proof coating SC suprema Damd block 2k .1.4 kg in 02coats. for 2coats from 150mm
above FFL .@700g for each coat
6. Plastering the base slab& round wall with cement mortar CM 1:4 of 20mm thick with
admixture of chemical (Apl smart care multi -purpose polymer @100ml per bag of
7. Plastering the base 50*50mm Admixed with apl smart care wall with cement mortar
CM 1:5 of 12mm thick with admixture of chemical waterproofing compound of
approved brand.
8. Then water fill up to floor level for water pond test for 24 hours.
9. After then laying of Cinder aggregate of 1:5:10 to perfect grade and slope with
admixture of chemical waterproofing compound of approved brand
10. Plastering the Cinder aggregate, top screed with cement concrete M20 of 50mm thick
with admixture of chemical waterproofing compound of approved brand and finished
11. Curing the activity for 7 days.

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/23


1. Estimate the power requirement for peak quantum of work.

2. Ensure availability of sufficient space for fabrication yard and adequate lighting
arrangement for night work.

3. The platform for fabrication is to be prepared before starting the work.

4. The approach road for unloading of the materials and carrying the fabricated
materials to the site has to be proper and prepared in advance.

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5. The site office and store space for fabricator must be completed in advance.
Suitable distribution board for power supply above to be provided.

6. Estimation of quantity of the structural steel must be carried out from

approved shop drawings. Carry out the analysis for cutting lengths to reduce the

7. Skilled qualified welders, fitters, gas cutter and technicians must be recruited
for the job.

8. The welding, gas cutting, grinding etc. procedure must be approved before the
start of work.

9. The welding rods must be of approved make and quality, suitable for type of
fabrication. Adequate stocks to for all consumables to be maintained.

10. The layouts are to be checked and the zig is to be approved after assembling.

11. The centerlines are to be checked before erection and the erection sequence
and procedure is to be approved before start.

12. The members are to be properly aligned with proper tightening of bolts
bracings sag rods, ties etc to be erected simultaneously before alignment.

13. Grouting of the base is to be carried out after erection alignment. Grouting
holes to be provided in base plates.

14. Samples must be collected for establishing rolling margins weight difference
and is required to be recorded. Average 3 samples from every incoming lot of steel
must be collected.

15. Dimensional differences in rolled sections to be pointed out and recorded, (if
more than tolerance level is found in material supplied.)

16. BOQ for nut and bolts for connections to be prepared.

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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/24



All fabricated steel structures and connection materials will be supplied for fabrication work for
erection work will take delivery of all the materials from the Stores or storage yard at site.

While taking delivery, will check the quantity, quality and the sizes of the materials and verify the
adequacy of the same in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. In case, if any materials
inadequate, will inform the Engineer immediately prior to taking delivery of the same.

Excepting all field connection materials like rivets, bolts, nuts, washers and electrodes, which will be
supplied by the fabrication Contractor to the extent of 10% in excess of the estimated requirements
as per Drawings, all other consumables like Oxygen and acetylene gas, paints, fuels, lubricants, oil,
grease, cement, sand, aggregates and any other materials that may be required for the execution of
the works in accordance with the contract will be supplied by for erection work


Plant and equipment:

The suitability and adequacy of all erection tools and equipment proposed to use will be efficient,
dependable, in good working condition and will have the approval of Engineer.

Method and Sequence of Erection:

The method and sequence of erection will have the prior approval of the Engineer. The Erection will
arrange for most economical method and sequence available to him consistent with the Drawings
and Specifications and such information as may be furnished to the Engineer prior to the execution
of the contract.

Internal Bracing:

Unless adequate bracing is included as a part of the permanent framing, the erector during erection
will install, Internal guys and bracings where needed to secure the framing against loads such as

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wind or seismic forces comparable in intensity to that for which the structure has been designed,
acting upon exposed framing as well loads due to erection equipment and erection operations.

If additional Internal guys are required to resist or seismic forces acting upon components of the
finished structure installed by others during the course of the erection of the steel framing,
arrangement for their installation by the erecter.

The responsibility in respect of Internal bracings and guys will cease when the structural steel is once
located, plumbed, levelled, aligned and grouted within the tolerances permitted under the
specification and guyed and braced to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Internal Floors for Building:

It will be the responsibility to provide planking and to cover such floors during the work in progress
as may be required by any Act of parliament and/or by laws of state, Municipal or other local

Setting Out:

Positioning and leveling of all steelwork, plumbing of stanchions and placing of every part of the
structure with accuracy will be in accordance with the approved Drawings and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer. Concrete foundations, where required, will be made and will check the positions and
levels of the anchor bolts, etc. before concreting and get them properly secured against disturbance
during pouring operations will remain responsible for correct positioning. For heavy columns, etc.
set proper screed bars if desired by the Engineer, to maintain proper level. Each tire of column will
be plumbed and maintained in a true vertical position subject to the limits of tolerance allowable
under this Specification.

No permanent field connections by riveting bolting or welding will be carried out until proper
alignment and plumbing has been attained.

Filed Riveting

All riveting will be heated and driven with pneumatic tools. Hand passing or ‘throwing’ of rivets are
desirable. Any other method of conveying hot rivets from the furnace to the driving point must be
approved by the engineer. No cold rivets will be driven. All other requirements of reverting including

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quality and acceptance criteria will be in accordance with the relevant portions of the Specification
for Fabrication of Structural Steel work of the project.

Field bolting

All relevant portions in respect of bolted construction of the Specification for Fabrication of
structural Steelwork applicable the Project will also be applicable for filed bolting in addition to the
following: -

Bolts will be inserted in such a way so that they may remain in position under gravity even before
fixing the nut. Bolted parts will fit solidly together when assembled and will not be separated by
gaskets or any other interposed compressible materials.

When assembled, all joint surfaces, including those adjacent to the washers will be free of scale
except tight mill scale. They will be free of dirt, loose scales, burns, and other defects that would
prevent solid seating of the parts. Contact surfaces within friction-type joints will be free of oil, paint,
lacquer, or galvanizing.

All high tensile bolts will be tightened to provide, when all fasteners in the joint are tight, the
required minimum bolt tension by any of the following methods.

a) Turn-of-nut-method

When the turn-of-nut method is used to provide the bolt tension, there will first be enough bolts
brought to a ‘snug tight’ condition to ensure that the parts of the joint are brought into good contact
with each other. ‘Snug tight’ is defined as the tightness attained by a few impacts of an impact
wrench or the full effort of man using an ordinary spud wrench. Following this initial operation, bolts
will be placed in any remaining holes in the applicable amount of nut rotation specified in table-1
with tightening progressing systematically from the most rigid part of the joint to its free edges.
During this operation there will be no rotation of part not turned by the wrench.


Bolts length not Bolts length Remarks

Page | 66
Exceeding 8 dia. Exceeding 8 dia. Or 200mm Nut rotation is relative
Or 200mm ½ 2/3
To bolt regardless of
The Element (nut or bolt) being turned.
Tolerance on rotation - 300 over or under.

Bolts may be installed without hardened washers when tightening is done by the Turn- of – nut
method. How ever, normal washers will be used.

Bolts tightened by the turn- of – nut method may have the outer face of the nut. Match-marked with
the protruding bolt point before final tightening, thus affording the inspector visual means of noting
the actual not rotation such marks can be made by the

wrench operator by suitable means after the bolts have been brought up snug tight.

b) Torque wrench tightening

When torque wrenches are used to produce the bolt tensions, the bolts will be tightened to the
torques specified in TABLE-II. Nuts will be in tightening motion when torque wrenches to install
several bolts in single joints, the wrench will be returned to touch up bolts previously tightened,
which may have been loosened by the tightening of subsequent bolts, until all are tightened to the
required tension.


Nominal Bolt Torque to be applied (kg’s) for bolts

Diameter (mm) Class 8.8 of IS: 1367

20 59.94

22 81.63

24 103.73

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In either of the above two methods, if required, for bolt entering and wrench operation clearances,
tightening may be done by turning the bolt while the nut is prevented from rotating.

Impact wrenches if used will be of adequate capacity and sufficiently supplied with air to perform
the required tightening of each bolt in approximately ten seconds.

Holes for turned bolts to be inserted in the field will be reamed in the field. All drilling and reaming
for turned bolts will be done only after the parts to be connected are assembled. Tolerances
applicable in the fit of the bolts will be in accordance with relevant Indian Standard Specifications.
All other requirements regarding assembly and bolt tightening will be in accordance with this clause.

Field Welding:

All field assembly and welding will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the
specification for fabrication work applicable to the project, excepting such provisions herein which
manifestly apply to shop conditions only. Where the fabrication structural steel members have been
delivered paints, the paint will be removed before field welding for a distance of at least 50 mm on
either side of joints.


No cutting of sections, flanges, webs, cleats, rivets, bolts, welds etc. will be done unless specifically
approved and/or instructed by the Engineer.

The erector will not cut, drill or otherwise alter the work of other trades, or his own work to
accommodate other trades, unless such work is clearly specified or directed by the Engineer.
Wherever such work is specified, will obtain complete information as to size, location and number
of alterations prior to carrying out any work.


Correction of minor misfits and reasonable amount of reaming and cutting of excess stock from
rivets will be considered as permissible. For this, light drifting may be used to draw holes together
and drills will be used to enlarge holes as necessary to make connection. Reaming, that weakens the

Page | 68
member or makes it impossible to fill the holes property or to adjust accurately after reaming, will
not be allowed.

Any error in shop which prevents the prevents the proper assembling and fitting of parts by
moderate use of drift pins and reamers will immediately be called to the attention of the Engineer
and approval of the method of correction obtained. The use of gas cutting torches at erection site is

Grouting of Stanchion Bases & Bearings of Beams & Girders on Stone, Bricks or Concrete (Plain or

Grouting will be carried out with Ordinary Cement grout as described below:-

The mix will be one (1) part cement and one (1) part sand just enough water to make it workable.
The positions to be grouted will be cleaned thoroughly with Compressed air jet and placed under
expect supervision, taking care to avoid air- Looks. Edges will be finished properly. If the thickness
of grout is 25 mm or More, two (2) parts of 6 mm downgraded stone chips may be added to the
above Noted cement-sand grout mix, if required, by the Engineer or shown on the Drawings.

No grouting will be carried out until a sufficient number of bottom lengths of Stanchions have been
properly lined, levelled and plumbed and sufficient floor Beams are tied in position.

Whatever method of grouting is employed, the operation will not be carried out until the steelwork
has been finally levelled and plumbed, the stanchion bases being supported meanwhile by steel
wedges, and immediately before grouting, the space under steel will thoroughly cleaned.

If required, certain admixtures like aluminum powder, “ironies” or equipment may be required to
the grout. When so directed by the Engineer, take delivery of the material from the site stores and
use it in the grout in

proportions to be decided by the Engineer and carry out the allowance of 5% (five percent) for
wastage will be allowed over the above theoretical requirement of the admixtures.

Painting after Erection:

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Field painting, if required to be done by the Contract, will only be done after the structure is erected,
levelled, plumbed, aligned and grouted in its final position, tested and accepted by the Engineer.
However, touch up painting, making good any damaged shop painting and completing any
unfinished portion of the shop coat will be carried out by the erection. The materials and
specification for such painting in the field will be in accordance with the requirements of the
specification for fabrication of structural Steel work applicable for the project.

Painting will not be done in frosty or foggy, weather or humidity is such as to cause condensation on
the surfaces to be painted. Before painting of steel, which is delivered unpainted, is commenced, all
surfaces to be painted will be dried and thoroughly cleaned from all loose scale and rust.

All field rivets, bolts, welds and abrasions to the shop coat will be spot painted with the same paint
used for the shop coat. Where specified, surfaces which will be in contact after site assembling will
receive a coat of paint (in addition to the shop coat, if any) and will be brought together while the
paint is still wet.

Surface which will be inaccessible after field assembly will receive the full specified protective
treatment before assembly. Bolts and fabrication steel members which are galvanized or otherwise
treated and steel members to be encased in concrete will not be painted

The specification for paint and workmanship will be in accordance with the requirements of the
specification for fabrication for fabrication of structural of structural steelwork applicable to the
project. The number of coats and the shades to be used will be as specified or as directed by the

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/25


1. Safety Points:
 Proper arrangement for working at top like stool or mobile trolley to be made
 In case of mobile trolley, lock the wheel before someone go to top
 All the walkway jolly above the trolley to be tied with binding wire
2. Ceiling and walls above false level to be finished with painting, etc
3. Wall cladding or other finishing on the walls to be completed before commencing the false
4. Clearance from electrical and mechanical departments to be obtained

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5. Top level of false ceiling to be marked
6. Approved material to be used for hangers, main runners, cross ties, wall angles, gypsum
board, etc as per the requirement of drawing, specification and manufacturers instruction
7. GI angle of size 25x10x0.55mm shall be screwed along perimeter of ceiling into the wall /
partition with the help of nylon sleeves at 610mm c/c
8. Suspension arrangement to be made with H.D tube section of 15x45x0.80mm thick with help
of level adjuster made of metal 50x25mm from the soffit at 1200mm c/c with MS flat of
25x3mm thick fixed to the soffit with GI cleat and metal expansion fasteners
9. G.I soffits section of 0.56mm thick having knurled web of 51.5mm and two equal flanges of
26mm with lips of 10.5mm are then fixed to the main section at 457mm c/c
10. Cut outs or opening to be made with suitable frame and support for light fittings, grills,,
diffusers, etc as per drawing and specification
11. 12.50mm thick tapered edge gypsum board is then screwed to H.D tube section with 25mm
drywall screws at 230mm c/c
12. Finally the boards are to be joined and finished so as to have flush look with joining
13. Area cleaning to be done after the completion of job
14. Follow the checklist for false ceiling

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/26


01. Safety Points:
 Proper arrangements to be made like space claimer, rope ladder,
etc while working at height
 Check up the safety factors, i.e., electrical and mechanical
requirements in the equipment
 While working in the above-mentioned equipment, person should
have the fall arrest arrangement
 All the electrical equipment must be connected from ELCB only
 Stacking of cladding material should not exceed 5 feet in height
with proper supporting arrangement
02. Checking the vertical alignment of existing structure
03. Fixing of Aluminum brackets angle 100 x 40 x 3mm, 75mm long @ 500mm c/c
as per approved drawing with 8mm diameter GI anchor fasteners, using
template and piano wire for line and level
04. Fixing of Aluminum L-angle (38.1 x 38.1 x 3.18mm) on brackets with M6 SS
nut and bolt, as per the approved drawing

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05. Fabrication of 4mm thick Aluminum composite panels (ACP) at workshop
according to drawing and site condition (to be done parallel to erection work)
as per the approved drawing
06. Erection of ACP on L-angles by screwing SS screws between 25 x 25 x 2mm L-
angles riveted on the ACP and L-angles fixed on the brackets (Starting from
bottom to top)
07. Inserting 18mm diameter polyethylene backer rod on the grooves between
08. Apply silicone sealant DC 789 between the ACP (6x15mm), after sticking
masking tape on either side of the grooves
09. Peel off the masking tape & paper from the ACP

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/27


1. Safety Points:
Granites to be stocked properly

Experienced person to be used for cutting the granite and proper machine to
be used for cutting

Electrical equipment must be connected through ELCB only

2. Lay out marking to be done on walls

3. All electrical conduits, sockets to be fixed and clearance to be taken from the
electrical department
4. All door frames have to be fixed to the alignment line, level and plumb
5. Wall to be plastered with water proof plaster to thickness of 10-20mm and painted
with water proof cement paint and cured with all lines / levels and plumb And
providing and fixing 18mm thick high polished colour granite.
6. Lift center lines to be marked and templates for the lift doors to be fixed and
clearance to be taken from the lift agency
7. Granites are to be cut and polished as per drawing

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8. Granites are to be installed in position in dry system without mortar by restraint fixing
method with stainless steel angle clips and dowel pins fixed to the backing by stainless
steel bolt and aluminum bronze expanders of suitable size.
9. Numbers of clamps required for the cladding shall be as per the design and drawing
10. Final alignment to be checked

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/28


01. Safety Points:
 Proper arrangements to be made like rope ladder, etc while working at height
 Check up the safety factors, i.e., electrical and mechanical requirements in the
 While working in the above-mentioned equipment, person should have the fall
arrest arrangement
 All the electrical equipment must be connected from ELCB only
 Stacking of glazing material should not exceed 5 feet in height with proper
supporting arrangement
 Load test to be carried out for anchor fasteners fixed over terrace parapet before
fixing the fall arrestor
02. Survey Points:
 Surveying the site where structural glazing going to be installed before starting
the work
 Surveying vertical line for each verticals section and for horizontal line, water
levels shall be marked with permanent markings
 After completion of the survey, based on the results, calculating the clamp sizes
and other required fixtures shall be planned
03. Fabricating and fixing of the frame work
 Cutting of the vertical sections for suitable sizes
 Cutting of the horizontal transoms as per the requirement
 Cutting of necessary cleats and brackets at required size, suitable to fit in.
 Assembling of the frames with cleats and bolts as per the approved drawings
 Installing the frame grid work at site as per the markings and the true plumb level,
water level, and thread lines which already made
 Checking the diagonals and assembling the frames & fixing the same
 Fixing the frames with complete fixtures like bolt, nut, washers, clamps, and
anchor fasteners as per the approved drawings
 Assembling of the sub frames as per the approved shop drawings
 Deriving the glass dimensions

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04. Glazing
 Glazing of the glass panels with Aluminum sub frames to be done for vision panel
and spandrel panels
 Sealant application to be done with Dow corning DC995 as structural sealant and
DC789 as whether sealant
 Cleaning the glass with solvents, do the water testing and handing over the site
to clients

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/29


Safety points:
 Job safety analysis to be made separately for structure
 Ensure that all the electrical connections to vibrator/ lighting etc. are
given through ELCB only
 All vibrator must have guards
 Safety belt must be anchored at height
 Ensure sufficient lighting before concreting at night

01. Clean the excavated formations level and should be free from loose material.

02. Mark top level of plum concrete.

03. Divide the depth into layer 300mm.

04. Calculate the volume of plum concrete required for 300mm layer.

05. Collect stone boulder of 63mm down size & below equal to 40% of above volume.

06. Pour concrete of proportion 1:5:10 equal to 60% of volume calculated in step 4,
intermittently keeping all the stone collected as above.

07. Ram the concrete with steel / wooden rammer.

08. Repeat step 5 to 7 till the required level is attained.

09. Cure as normal.

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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/30


Procedure for water supply piping

A) Before laying of pipes

 Marking of the routes of pipes on site to be done before chasing of walls is taken
 All vertical levels of pipes should be done as per the approved drawing.
 Approved material should be used and shall be as per the specifications.
 Check whether necessary sleeves/cutouts provided in walls where the pipes are
shown passing through the walls.

B) During laying of pipes

 Check whether tees, elbows, reducers and adaptors are appropriate as per the
 Hot water pipes should be insulated with nitrile rubber.
 Apply enamel paint over primer for exposed pipe work.

C) After laying of pipes

 Proper clamps to provided to support pipes.

 Mark identification marks for hot water supply.
 Pipe Joint location check the leakage.
 Pressure test should be conduct for all lines.
 Shaft /terrace supported by means of MS structural supports.


 Proper care should be taken to avoid tiles breakage.

 Core cutting should be match with dia of pipe, otherwise leakages occurs.
 Water proofing course should be apply, after tightening the joint fixtures.

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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/31


1. Safety points
a. Electrical equipment must be connected through ELCB only
b. Working platform shall be arranged properly
2. Marking the layout of water line in Block masonry as per drawing
3. Cutting and chiseling of masonry over the marking to the required depth to
accommodate the pipes for wash basin waste 40mm dia.
4. Verify the quality of PVC pipe to the approved brand, wall thickness etc. by visual
5. Laying the 40mm dia PVC pipe as per the marking after cutting to required and jointing
with the fittings.
6. Aligning and clamping the pipes with suitable arrangement with proper packing.
7. Filling the chased area with cement mortar
8. Fixing the floor trap with suitable clamp fixing
9. Laying in position soil & waste PVC pipelines of 110mmdia ,75mmdia with suitable
solvent upto duct
10. Testing the waste & soil line for gravity water testing by maintaining minimum header
of 500mm height.

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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/32


1. Safety:
 Hume pipe to be lowered at pit by sloping, space for the reach of crane,
capacity of crane are to be checked.
 While rolling the pipe on ground proper packing to be used and balancing
to be maintained.
2. Excavate trench to required level.

3. Water & ram the bed.

4. Check the alignment & gradient of trench as required.

5. Check for any cracks / damage in pipes.

6. Lower the pipes carefully into the trench.

7. Butt the adjoining pipe and adjust in correct position.

8. Slip the collar over the joint covering equally both the pipes.

9. Fill the annular space with CM 1:2 & ram.

10. Remove extraneous material from inside of the pipe.

11. Encase the joints with M20 grade concrete of 150mm thick all-round and 500 mm
each side of the joint.

12. Cure the joints & Fill the space below the Hume pipe with earth & ram.

13. Fill the trench with excavated earth in layers and compact to required ground

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Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/33


All pipe lines, Locations of fittings and fixtures, etc., will be as per drawings or as directed by
the Engineer, Correctness of lines, plumb, orientation, symmetry and levels will be strictly ensured. All
items will be fully secured against movement in any direction and so located as to allow easy

All pipe lines, fittings and fixtures will be installed leak proof. When the works under scope of this
specification linked up with works executed by others, the connections will be such as to prevent any
splashing or emission of foul odor and gases. the Engineer prior to use in work.

Rainwater Down corners:

Rainwater down corners will be standards Cast Iron of Asbestos Cement pipes. In case where specifically
desired. M.S. pipes may also be M.S. pipes will be painted outside with two coats or anti corrosive paints
under a coat of primer.

Rainwater down corners will run along and be secured to walls, columns etc., these may have to be
installed in chase cut in the structured. All pipes will be wall secured and supported by adequately strong
brackets. The brackets may be wrought iron clevis type, split ring type of perforated strap iron type as
approved by the Engineer. For vertical runs each pipe will hang freely on its brackets fixed just below
the socket. Suitable spacer blocks will be provided against the vertical surface to which the pipe is fixed.

All bends and junction will be supplied with water tight clean outs.

Proof and floor drains and vard gullies will be installed. If required by cutting into the structure and
grouted with 1:2:4 cement concrete. All gutters will be provided with removable grating.

All horizontal pipes will have a minimum fall of 1 in 100.

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The gutters will be made of G.I. of A.C. All gutters will be supplied by reputable specialized firms. Each
section will be sufficiently rigid, edges and corners straight and the slopes perfectly uniform G.I. gutters
will have the edges strengthened by suitable means.

Unless noted otherwise the gutters will have a minimum fall of in 120. Adequate number of string
supports will be provided so that there is no deflection even when the gutter is full. Each point must
have a support. Unless otherwise specified the supports will be fabricated M.S. brackets. All junctions
will be thoroughly water tight. The joints may be made by riveting, bolting or soldering.

All joints between successive lengths of gutters will have on overlap of at least 5 cm. The drop in the
overlap will always be in the direction of the fall of the gutter. Ends of gutters will be closed water tight.
Junction with rainwater down corners will be made fully watertight and secured.

Soil and Drainage Pipes


If not specified the minimum gradients of solid and drainage pipes line will be

as follows:

100 mm nominal dia: 1in 35

150 mm nominal dia: 1in 65

230 mm nominal dia: 1in120

300 mm nominal dia: 1in 200

Relation with water supply pipe lines

Unless specifically cleared by the Engineer, under no circumstances will special drainage and soil pipes
be allowed to come close to water supply pipelines.


Each separate pipe will be individually set for line and for level. Where lengths of sewer or drain pipes
are laid in trench, properly; painted sight rails will be fixed across the trench at a height, equal to length
of the bonding rod fixed across trench at a height, equal to length of the bonding rod to be used, above

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the required invert level of the drain or sewer at the point where the sight is fixed. More sight rails will
be required at manholes, change of gradient and intermediate positions if the distance for sighting is
more then 50 ft. The foot of the wall of the pipe. Each pipe will be separately and accurately boned
between sight rails.

Support and protection on Pipelines

All pipes will be laid with sockets leading uphill, preferably the pipe will rest on solid and even
foundations for the full length of the barrel. However, the pipe manufacturer’s instruction as approved
by the Engineer will be followed in the matter of support and jointing.

To achieve full and continuous support, concrete for bedding and packing is the best. Where pipes are
not bedded on concrete, the floor will be left slightly high and carefully placed so that the pipe barrels
rest on undisturbed ground. If anywhere the excavation has been carried too low packing will be done
in concrete. Where laid on rock or very hard ground which cannot be easily excavated to a smooth
surface, the pipes will be laid on a cradle of fine concrete floor of gravel and crushed stone over laid with
concrete or on a well consolidated gravel and crushed stone bed as desired by the Engineer. PVC or
similar pipes will be laid directly on stable soil.

The minimum support and protection for glazed stoneware pipes will be as follows:

a) When cover is less then 2 meter below ground level and where pipes are unavoidably exposed above
ground surface, the pipes will be completely encased or surrounded with concrete.

b) Where pipes are laid on soft solid with the maximum water table rising above the invert of the pipe,
the sewer will be bedded on concrete.

c) Where the pipes have to be laid on soft solid with the maximum water table rising above the invert
of the pipe, but below the top of the barrel the pipe sewer will be hunched.

d) Where maximum water table is likely to rise above the top of the barrel or wherever the pipe is laid
on soft soil the pipe sewers will be completely encased or surrounded with concrete.

Vitrified clay pipe will be laid on a bed of 150 mm thick cement concrete (1:3:6) nominal mix by volume.

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Cast iron pipes and concrete pipes may be supported on suitable concrete or brick support, where
specified. The supports will be located close to ends. Spacing of intermediate supports will be as decided
by the Engineer, Pipes will be secured to the supports by approved means.

Anchoring of pipes where necessary will be achieved by suitable concrete encasing designed for the
expected thrust.

Entry into Structure.

For entry of the pipelines into any building of structure suitable conduit after the structure or sleeves
will be used. The conduits and sleeves will be such as to allow easy repairs and replacement of the pipes
when openings of chases are required to be made in the structure for entry of pipe lines, After laying of
the pipeline the opening and chases will be mended.


Where solid waste and ventilating pipes are accommodated in ducts, access to cleaning areas will be
provided. Connection to drain will be through a gully with sealed cover to guard against ingress of sewer
gas, vermin or backflow.

Traps and Ventilating pipes

Pipes are carrying of the waste from water a closets and water closed and waste water and overflow
water from baths, wash basins, sinks to drains will be trapped immediately beneath such fixtures. Traps
will have minimum water seal of 50 mm and will be ventilated whenever such ventilation is necessary
to maintain water seal of the trap.

Ventilating pipes will be carried up vertically the drain to a height of at least 600 mm above the outer
covering of the roof of the building or as shown on drawings. All vertical venting, anti – syphonage and
similar pipe will be covered on top with a cowl. The cowl. Will be made of G.I. unless desired otherwise
by the Engineer.

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Manhole and Inspection Chambers

The maximum distance between manholes will be 30 meter unless specially permitted otherwise. In
addition, at every change of alignment gradient or diameter there will be a manhole or inspection
chamber. The distance between manhole or inspection chamber and gully chamber will not exceed 6
meters unless desired otherwise. Manhole will be constructed so as to be water tight under test. The
bending at the sides will be carried out in such a manner as to provide no lodgment for any splashing in
case of accidental flashing of the chamber. The channel or drain at the bottom of chamber will be
plastered with 1:2 cement, sand mortar and finished smooth the grade. The channels and drains will be
shaped and laid to provide smooth flow.

Connecting to existing sewer lines will be through a manhole.

Manholes will be provided with standard G.I. covers. The covers will be close fittings so as to prevent
gases from coming out suitable heavy duty covers willbe used where necessary as decided by the

Cutting of Pipes

Manufacture’s instructions will be followed for cutting of pipes where necessary. Suitable and approved
tools will be used for the cutting so as to leave surface clean and squat to the axis of the pipe.

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Jointing of laid pipes will be so planned as to avoid completely any movement or strain to the joints
already made. If any joint is suspected to be damaged it will be opened out and redone.

All joints between pipes, pipes and fittings and manholes will be gas –tight when above ground and
watertight. When underground Method of jointing

will be as per instructions of the pipe and fittings manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer.
However , in the absence of any instruction

available from the manufacturer the methods as detailed here under will be used.

a) Cast Iron Pipes

Socket and spigot pipes will be jointed by the cast lead joints. The spigot will be centered in the socket
of the next pipe by tightly caulking in sufficient turns of tarred gasket or hemp yarn to have unfilled half
the depth of socket. When the gasket or hemp yarn has been caulked tightly a jointing will be placed
round the barrel and tightened against the face of the socket to prevent air lock. Molten lead will then
be poured in to fill the remainder of the socket and caulked with suitable tools right round the joint to
make up for shrinkage of the molten metal on cooling and will be finished 3 mm behind the socket face.

Joint in cast iron pipes with special jointing arrangements like ‘Tyton’ joints etc., will follow the
instructions of the manufacturers.

In special cases if fanged joints are accepted by the Engineer the joints will be made lead-proof by
inserting approved type of rubber gaskets. The bolts will be secured in stages to avoid uneven strain.

b) Concrete Pipes

Care will be taken to place the collar centrally over the joint.

c) Glassed Stone water Pipes

Tarred gasket or hump yarn soaked in thick cement slurry will first be placed round the spigot of each
pipe previously laid . The pipe will then be adjusted and fixed in the correct position and the gasket
caulked tightly so as not to fill more then ¼ of the total depth of the socket. The remainder of the socket
will be filled with a stiff mixture of cement mortar of 1:1 proportion. Then the socket is filled, a fillet will
be formed round the joint with a trowel, forming an angle of 45 deg. With the barrel of the pipe. The

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newly made joints will be protected, unit set and will be covered with damp cloth or other suitable

d) Vitrified clay Pipes

The will be made from refractory clay mixed with crushed pottery and stone and burnt at a height
temperature. These will be hard, compact and glazed to make them acid resistant and impervious, and
will be obtained from approved manufacturer.

Special care will be taken in handing these pipes. The pipes will not be jointed until the earth has been
partly refilled over the portion of the pipe between the joint holes. Before laying the second pipe, the
socket of the first pipe laid will be thinly painted all round on the inside with cement slurry (1 part of
cement and 2 parts of clean, sharp sand ). A ring of rope yarn (closely twisted heap or jute dipped in
neat cement paste or tar or bitumen, will be inserted in the socket or pipe and driven home with caulking
tools. The rope will fully encircle the spigot with a slight overlap and will not occupy more then one
fourth of the total depth of the socket. Where the spigot end of the pipe is made for receiving the gasket,
it will be wrapped with two or three turns of tarred spun, as close to the

end as possible, before inserting into the socket. The joint will then be completely filled with cement
mortar (1:1) which will have very little water and leveled to from a splayed fillet at an angle of 45 degrees
with the outside pipe. Special care will be taken so that any excess mortar etc., left inside the pipe joints
is neatly cleaned off immediately after each joint is made. A semi-circular wooden scrapper or a rubber
disc to which a long handle is fixed could be used for this purpose.

e) Lead Pies

No lead pipes will be used unless specifically mentioned in the specification. The joints in lead pipes will
be made as wiped solder joint. The minimum and the maximum length of the wiped solder joints will be
8 cm, and 9cm respectively. The solder will generally consist of two parts of lead and one part of tin.

f) Polythylene Pipes

The joints will be thermo-welded or bolted as per manufacturer’s instructions.

g) Jointing Cast Iron Pipes with Stoneware Pipes

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Where any cast iron soil pipe, ventilating pipe or trap is connected with a Stoneware or semi-vitrified
waste pipe or drain communicating with a sewer, the beaded spigot end of such cast iron soil type, waste
or ventilating pipe or trap will be inserted in to a socket of such stoneware pipe or drain and the joint
made with motar consisting of one part of cement and one part of clean shape sand after placing a
ratted gasket or hemp yarn soaked in neat cement slurry round the joint and inserted in it by means of
a caulking tool.

h) Jointing Stone ware with Cast Iron Pipe

Where any water closet pan or earth ware trap connected to such a pan is to be jointed with a cast Iron
soil socket, will always be of a flexible nature. Such joint will be made with admixture of bitumen and
chopped asbestos fibre.

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Trenches and other excavations

Width of the trench at the bottom will be such as to provide 200 mm clearance on either side of the
pipe for facility of laying and jointing.

Excavated material, will be stacked sufficiently away from the edge of the trench and the side of the
spoil bank will not be allowed to endanger the stability of the excavation. Spoil may be carted away and
used for filling the trench behind the work.

Turf, top soil or other surface materials will be set aside, turf being carefully rolled and stacked for use
in reinstatement.

All excavation will be properly timbered, where necessary.

Efficient arrangements for dewatering during excavation and keeping it dry till backfilling will be made
to the satisfaction of the Engineer, Sumps for dewatering will be located away from the pipe layout.

Where the excavation proceeds through roads necessary permissions will be secured from the
appropriate authorities.

Special care will be taken not to damage underground services, cables etc. These when exposed will be
kept adequately supported till the trench is backfilled.

The backfilling will be done only after the pipeline has been tested and approved by the Engineer. Special
care will be taken under and sides of the pipe during hand packing with selected material. At least 300
mm over the pipe will also be filled with soft earth or sand. Consolidation will be done in 150 mm layers.
The surface water will be prevented from getting into the filled up trench. Traffic will not be
inconvenienced by heaping up unduly the backfilling material to compensate future settlement. All
future settlements will be made good regularly to minimize inconvenience of traffic where applicable.


All fixtures and fitting will be of approved quality and type manufactured by well known manufacturers.
All items brought to the site must bear identification marks of the type of the manufacturer.
Procurements will be made well in advance and inspected and approved, immediately by the Engineer.
All fixtures will be adequately protected, coved and plugged till handed over.

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All fittings, gratings, fasteners, unless specified otherwise, will be chromium plated. The connecting lead
pipes and bonds will weigh at leas 3 kg per 25mm dia. Per meter length. Where PVC or similar pipes are
allowed will produce the test reports and convince the Engineer about their durability.


All plumbing fitting and fixtures will be installation in most workmen like manner by skilled workers.
These will be perfect in level, plump, plane, location and symmetry. All items will be securely anchored
to walls and floors. All cuttings in walls and floors will be made good.

Septic tank

Septic tank will consist of the tank itself with inlet and outlets there from complete with all necessary
earthworks and back fitting. The details of septic tank will be as shown on drawings. These items will
also include ventilatings pipe of at least 100 mm dia whose top will be provided with a suitable mosquito
proof wire mesh and cowl. Ventilating pipe will extend to a height of about 2 meter when the septic
tank is at least 15 meter away from the nearest building and to a height of 2 meter above the top building
when it is located closer then 15 meter. Ventilating pipes can be connected to the normal soil ventilating
system of the building where allowed.

Effluent Disposal

The effluent from the septic tank will be disposed by allowing it into an open channel or a body of water
if the concerned authority approves or in to a soak pit for absorption by soil or will be allowed to be
absorbed by soil through open pointed SW pipes laid in a trench filled with broken bricks.

Soap pit

The soak pit will be complete as shown on drawings. The pit will be lined with stone, brick or concrete
blocks set in cement mortar (1:6) and filled with brick bats. Inlet pipe will be taken down to a depth of
900 mm from the top asan anti – mosquito measure.

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Open joined SW pipe/Dispersion Trenches

Minimum dia. Of the SW pipes will be 150 mm nominal. The trench for laying the pipes will be minimum
600 x 600 mm pipes. The joint of the pipes will be left unsealed. The entire length of the pipe within the
trench will be buried in 250 mm layer gravel or crushed stone of uniform size. On top of gravel/crushed
stone layer is a 150 mm bed of well graded coarse aggregate. Ordinary soil is used for filling the top of

Commissioning Septic tank

After the septic tank has been proved water tight and the seawater system is checked the tank will be
filled with water to its outlet level before the sewage is let into the tank. . It will be seeded with well-
digested sludge obtained from septic tank or sludge digestion tank. In the absence of digested sludge a
small quantity of decaying organic matter such as digested cow- dung may be introduced.

Testing of Pipelines

Comprehensive tests of all pipe lines will be made by simulating conditions of use. The method of actual
testes will be decided by the Engineer. All test data will be recorded and submitted to the Engineer for
review and instruction. The Engineer’s description regarding tolerance will be final.

General guidance are given below.

a) Smoke test

All soil pipes, waste pipes and vent pipes and all other pipes when above ground will be approved gas
tight any a smoke test conducted under a pressure of 25 mm of water and minted for 15 minutes after
all trap seals have been filled with water. The smoke is produced by burning oily waste or tar paper or
similar material in the combustion chamber of a smoke machine. Chemical smokes are not satisfactory.

b) Water test

For pipes other then Cast Iron Glazed ware and concrete pipes will be subjected to a test pressure of at
least 1.5 m head of water at the highest point of the section under tests. The tolerance figure of two
liters per centimeter of diameter per kilometer may be allowed during a period of 10 (ten) minutes. The
test will be carried out by suitably plugging the low end of the drain and the ends of connections, if any
, and filling the system with water. A knuckle bond will be temporarily jointed in at the top end and a
sufficient length of the vertical pipe jointed to it so as to provided required test head or the top end may

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be plugged with a connection to a hose ending in a funnel which could be raised or lowered till the
required head is obtained and fixed suitably for observation.

Subsidence of test water may due to one or more of the following cases:

a) Absorption by pipes and joints

b) Sweating of pipes of joints

c) Leakage at joints or from defective pipes

d) Trapped air.

Allowance will be made for (a) by adding water until absorption has ceased and after which the test
proper should commence. Any leakage and the defective part of the work will be cut out and made

For cast iron pipes

Cast iron sewers and drains will be tested as for glazed water and concrete pipes. The drain plug will be
suitably strutted to prevent their being forced out of the pipe during the test.

c) For straightness

i) By inserting at the high end of the sewer or drain a smooth ball of a diameter 13 mm less then pipe
bore. In the absence of obstruction. Such as yarn or mortar projecting through the joint, the ball with
roll down the invert of the pipe end emerge at the lower end and

ii) By means of a mirror at one end of the line and lamp at the other. If the pipe line is straight, the full
circle of light may be observed. The mirror will also indicate obstruction in the barrel if the pipeline is
not straight.

Testing Of septic tank:

The septic tank will be tested for water tightness. It will be filled up with water and allowed to soak for
24 hours. Then, it will be topped up and allowed to stand again for 24 hours and loss of level recorded.
The fall will not be more then 15 mm.

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Testing of Fixtures etc.

All fixtures and fitting will be connected by water tight joints. No dripping will be accepted.

Inspection before Installation:

All pipes, fittings and fixtures will be inspected, before delivery at to see Whether they conform to
accepted standards. The pipes will again Inspected on site before laying by sounding to disclose cracks.
All defective Items will be clearly marked and forthwith removed from the site.

Work Procedure No: – BRC/PQP/IHSC/WP/34


The Electrical Manager / Electrical Engineer will ensure that all electrical equipment
and materials supply conform to recognized quality and safety standards. He will
obtain, maintain and have available the necessary test certificates for machinery and

Electrical supply systems will be inspected and certified as safe for use prior to

1. Electrical Layout
Layout of the Internal electrical installations.

2. Distribution System
The basic function of distribution system is to supply load center unit substations
located strategically to permit relatively short low-voltage circuits.

3. Distribution Voltage
The site mains voltage shall be 415V 3-phase 4-wire system.

Single-phase voltage shall be 240V supply.

4. Electrical Installations
Electrical installations should generally be erected at a high level and firmly
secured to ensure they do not present a hazard or obstruction to people and

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equipment. Protection will be provided against excess current, residual current
and earth faults.

5. Permit to Dig
Before commencement of excavation, permit to dig shall be obtained.

6. Switch Boxes, Distribution Boards, Fuse Boards and Circuit Breakers

a) Internal switch boxes will be constructed of metal with a waterproof cover and
door, which can be locked.
b) All switch boxes will be installed at a height of 800 mm or more from the ground
/ floor.
c) Sufficient switch boxes will be provided with adequate capacity. Switches and
fuses will be the correct capacity for each individual circuit.
d) Switch boxes shall be grounded with vinyl-insulated copper wire.
e) Multiple connections of cables from one switch will not occur.
f) All the electrical panels will be Marked plant number for inventory purpose.
g) All panels or Distribution boards’ door will be kept closed / locked.
7. MCC Panel / Distribution Boards
a) Marked with plant inventory number and purpose.
b) Adequately fenced off or enclosed. Entrance locked and keys controlled by
electrical engineer.
c) No flammable or explosive material present. Cable trenches covered.
d) Machinery and devices clean, dry and not obstructed.
e) Access / adjustment handed for electrical apparatus only used by qualified
electrician / engineer appointed by the manager.
f) Notice which reads “Access to and examination of electrical apparatus may only
be done by a qualified electrician or engineer appointed by Electrical Manager”
will be displayed.
g) Display Notices will also include a procedure in case of FIRE and ELECTRIC SHOCK.
8. Portable Electrical Equipment
Portable electrical equipment includes all equipment that operates from a connector
plug / socket and extension leads. All portable electrical equipment will be 220 volt
or lower.

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All items of portable electrical equipment will be subject to portable electrical
testing and labelled with appropriate Electrical Safety Sticker.

Portable equipment, unless double insulated, will be earthed, by using flexible

supply cables incorporating an earth continuity conductor.

Double insulated equipment which has an additional metal or plastic casing insulated
from any conductor does not require earthing and is recommended for safe use.

Portable electric tools will be used only on the correct power supply as instructed on
the maker’s label. It will not be connected to a lighting socket.

The current rating of the circuit restricts the number of connections from a socket.
The total value of current taken from the circuit will not exceed the value for which
the circuit was designed.

All portable electrical equipment, leads and earth wires will be inspected and tested
regularly in accordance with approved standards.

Portable electric tools will be protected by earth leakage protection..

The user department will maintain a register of portable electrical equipment and
earth leakage protection devices. Arrangements are made for all such equipment to
be inspected by a competent person once every three-month and the register

A suitable system has adopted that a particular item of equipment has been
inspected. A self-adhesive label or color code mark on each item would confirm that
it has been inspected.

No one shall use any equipment that bears the incorrect colour mark or an invalid
inspection label.

9. Grounding and Bonding

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Grounding comprises both system and equipment grounding. System grounding is
the connection to ground of one of the current-carrying conductors of the electrical
system and is provided to control over voltages associated with certain faults and to
permit protection of the system by over current protective devices and relays.
Equipment grounding refers to the solid connection to ground of non-current-
metal parts of electrical equipment and adjacent structures to provide safety to
Bonding refers to the electrical connection between electrical conductors and other
metallic items to maintain a common electrical potential and to establish desired
paths for fault and stray current flow.
9.9.1 System Grounding
The system ground will be designed so that under either normal or abnormal
conditions there is no danger to personnel. It will be capable of passing of the
maximum ground fault current back to the system neutral without establishing a
dangerous potential gradient in the earth (step potential) or a dangerous potential
difference between exposed parts of equipment and ground, and without resulting
in thermal or mechanical damage to the insulation of connected apparatus.
9.9.2 Equipment Grounding
The equipment grounding system consists of grounding conductors, ground bus, and
grounding electrodes intended to prevent electrical shock hazard.
9.9.3 Grounding Electrodes
Ground electrodes are conductors embedded in earth that are used to maintain
ground potential on conductors connected to it and to conduct current to earth.
Earthing will be done by connecting the wire to an earth rod buried firmly into
ground. G.I. bolts and nuts will be used for the earthing terminals.
9.10 Flexible Electrical Cables
All cables will be carefully selected on the basis of both electrical and physical
characteristics. Electrical characteristics include system voltage, maximum operating
temperature, current carrying capacity (ampacity), voltage drop, and short circuit

Page | 93
Every flexible cable, which is used for extension of a portable electrical tool, will be
checked before use. If the extension cable is damaged or defective, it will be
repaired or taken off from service immediately.

Whenever it is necessary to provide a Internal power supply to machinery, the

following will considered.
 Rubber cable is preferable, particularly, in construction areas.
 Cable having any signs of external damage will not be used.
 All cable will be installed away from any steel or metallic objects.

All materials and equipment shall conform to recognized standards and relevant IS

General Precautions
 All machinery and equipment must be effectively earthed.
 Earthing should be done by connecting the wire to an earth rod buried firmly in
the ground. G I bolts and nuts will be used for the earthing terminals.
 All electrical cables taken or used underground should be completely encased in
an armoured, non-combustible casing or jacket.
 Electrical cables will be adequately insulated and protected against mechanical
 The condition of insulation between live/ neutral and live/ earth conductors, and
the resistance of the earth circuit should be checked at least once a year.
 Periodic inspections will be made to check the loose glands, correctly mounted
 The purpose of a switch will be indicated clearly. (i.e. Feeder Batching plant
400A, Feeder Work Shop 125 A, etc.)
 Holes in switchboards where cables, circuit breakers, etc. have been removed
will be closed with Blank Glands/grommets.
 Distribution diagram will be made available for installed electrical apparatus.
 Electrical cables will either be supported securely or buried in a trench. The
electric cables are buried in a trench. The depth of the trench will be at least 500

Page | 94
mm. The electrical cable will be covered with sand or some similar material for a
depth of 250mm and the remaining trench filled with soil.
Where electrical cables are laid, suitable means of identity (i.e. cable route
markers) should be sighted along the cable route.

 Fuses will be correctly selected and inserted in the live conductor. Ruptured
fuses will be replaced by the same rating only after determining and rectifying
the cause.
 All electrical apparatus will have adequate ventilation to prevent overheating.
 All electrical equipment, insulated tools, rubber gloves, mats and screens will be
inspected and tested at regular intervals and replaced if damaged or faulty.
 The symbolic safety sign for electricity will be displayed on doors of panel,
distribution boards and similar electrical hazardous areas.
 During construction of underground work or confined space work, portable tools
will be operated from a 110 volts supply. It will be provided (Yellow Color) with
plugs and sockets, which will not be used on a 240-volt supply.
 If approval is given for 240 volts supply, it will be done in writing and the electrical
engineer will fit / require the fitting of a suitable earth leakage protection device.
The safest and most effective earth leakage protection device shall be used, taking
current amp rating in to account. The equipment shall be tagged Electrical Safety
Tag) and numbered with the electrical engineers written authority, signed and
 Power lines should be well separated or insulated from water lines, telephone
lines, and air lines.
 Obtain permit to dig prior to commencing any excavation.
(b) Competent Personnel

Only competent, experienced and authorized personnel will perform all electrical

(c) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All persons engaged in the electrical installation / distribution work shall wear
the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.

Page | 95
At all tim

 Safety Helmet
 Safety Footwear
 Safety Gloves

(d) Inspection & Maintenance

Maintenance and regular checks of control apparatus and wiring distribution

systems will be carried out at regular intervals by the Electrical Manager /
Engineers to ensure safe and efficient operation of the systems.
Annual check on earthing and polarity will be carried out.

All portable electrical appliances will be permanently numbered and a record kept
of the date of issue, date of the last inspection carried out and the recommended
inspection date.
Electrical supply systems will be inspected and certified as safe for use prior to
For safe monitoring of erection and maintenance of electrical installations,
physical and electrical inspection checklists as outlined in will be followed.
(e) Safety Inspection

The Safety Manager / Safety Officer / Supervisor will carry out safety
inspection of the electrical works daily. They will ensure that precautions have
been taken as set out in the measures and the Risk & Hazard Assessment.

(f) Fire Protection

Dry powder fire extinguishers should be used on electrical fires. Carbon dioxide
extinguishers can be used on delicate electrical equipment but there is a danger
of asphyxiation, particular in enclosed areas.

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Acceptance criteria for
Various activities

Page | 97
Acceptance Criteria for various activities

Tolerances in Reinforced Concrete work:

Description Permissible departure

Departure from established alignment of 30 mm

all elements

Departure from established grades 10 mm

Variation from plumb or batter in lines 12 mm in 3m if exposed

And surface, columns, piers, walls & in rises 25 mm in 3m if back filled

Variation from level or indicated grade in slab, 12 mm in 3m if exposed

beams, horizontal) & railing offsets 25 mm in 3m if back filled

Variation in cross sectional dimensions of - 6 mm to +12 mm

Columns, piers, slabs, walls & beams

Variation in slab thickness -3 mm to +6 mm

Footings: Plan dimensions -15 mm to +30 mm

Misplacement or eccentricity 2% of footing width in the

direction of misplacement and not
exceeding 30 mm

Reduction in thickness 5% of specified thickness

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Variation in size & location of slabs, wall openings 12 mm

Tolerances in Form work:

Variation from plumb:

a) In the lines and surfaces of columns, piers, walls and in buttresses 5 mm per 2.5
m, but not more than 25 mm overall
b) For exposed corner columns and other conspicuous lines
In any bay or 5 m maximum - (+) / (-) 5 mm
On 10 m or above - (+) / (-) 10 mm

Variation from the level or from the grades indicated on the Drawings:
a) In a slab soffits, ceilings, beams soffits and in arises

In 2.5 m - (+) / (-) 5 mm

In any bay or 5 m max. - (+) / (-) 8 mm
In 10 m or more - (+) / (-) 15 mm

b) for exposed lintels, parapets, horizontal grooves and other conspicuous lines

In any bay or 5 m max. - (+) / (-) 5 mm

In 10 m or more - (+) / (-) 10 mm

Variation of the linear building lines from established position of columns, walls and

In any bay or 5 m max. - (+) / (-) 10 mm

In 10 m or more - (+) / (-) 15 mm

Variation in cross sectional dimensions of columns & beams and in the thickness of
slabs & walls – (+) 10 mm & (-) 5 mm

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For footings:
a) Variation in dimensions in plan - (-) 5 mm & (+) 25 mm

b) Misplacement or eccentricity:
2% of footing width in the direction of misplacement but not more than 25 mm
c) Reduction in thickness: (-) 5% specified thickness subject to a maximum of 25 mm

Variation in steps:

a) In a flight of stairs
Rise - (+) / (-) 3 mm
Tread - (+) / (-) 5 mm
b) In consecutive steps:

Rise - (+) / (-) 1.5 mm

Tread - (+) / (-) 3 mm

Forms shall not be released until the concrete has achieved strength of at least twice
the stress to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of removal of formwork.
It shall be guiding factor for removal of formwork, in normal circumstances where
ambient temperature does not fall below 150C and where ordinary Portland cement
is used & adequate curing is done.

Type of Formwork Minimum period before
Striking Formwork

a) Vertical Formwork to Column, walls, 16 - 24 hrs
beam etc.
b) Soffit formwork to slabs (Prop to be refixed 3 days
Immediately after removal of formwork)
c) Soffit formwork to beams (Props to be refixed 7 days
Immediately after removal of formwork)

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d) Props to Slabs:
1) Spanning up to 4.5 m 7 days
2) Spanning over 4.5 m 14 days
e) Props to beams and arches:
1) Spanning up to 6 m 14 days

2) Spanning over 6 m 21 days

For other cements and lower temperature, the stripping time recommended above
may be suitably modified.

 Acceptance criteria for Compressive strength of concrete cubes:

a) The test results of the sample shall be the average of the strength of three
Specimens. The individual variation should not be more than (+) / (-) 15 % of the
average. If more, the test results of the sample are invalid.
b) Acceptable limits for the compressive strength of cubes
Specified Mean of 4 Non – overlapping Individual test results
Grade consecutives test results in in N/ mm2

N / mm2

M 15 > or = Fck + (0.825 x established > or = Fck – 3 N / mm2

Standard deviation) or
Fck + 3 N/mm2 whichever is greater

M20 or > or = Fck + (0.825 x established > or = Fck – 4 N / mm2

above Standard deviation ) or

Fck + 4 N/mm2 whichever is greater

Page | 101
Procedure for control of
Nonconforming products

Page | 102
Procedures for Control of Nonconforming Products
Doc No. BRC/PQP/ IHSC/ NP - 01 (R1) Date : 25.09.2023


To prevent unintended use or delivery of non-conforming product / material.


These procedures cover identification, documentation, evaluation and disposition of

nonconforming product / material.


The functional head of Quality control and Construction are responsible for the contents of
this documented procedure and for ensuring that it is followed.


Frequency of test / check is described in relevant format for implementation.

Inspection and test records are maintained in the relevant format.

The Incoming raw materials would in normal conditions be put to use after testing. However,
in emergency conditions the material may be put to use subject to subsequent testing and
conformance with the relevant standards.

In case of non-conformance with specification, materials will be identified by cross (X) mark
either by lime or by suitable placard indicating rejected material. The materials in
conformance with the required specification will remain unmarked.

The identification of nonconforming product is done either by site personnel, visiting senior
executives of the organization or through client /consultant by any means.

Verbal instruction / complaints given by senior executives or client are recorded in the
appropriate format by QC engineer.

If any nonconformity arises, concern person for the same will be informed. Functional head
reviews the disposition procedure in consultation with QC engineer / client representative
and inform to person for necessary corrective actions.

The methods for disposition of nonconforming product by one or more of the following ways:

 Rework to meet the specified requirements

 Acceptance with or without repairs
 Regrade for alternative applications
 Reject

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When non-conforming product is rectified, it is to be verified by functional head of
construction / Quality control for its conformity.

For any non-conformity if concession from client is obtained, Records for the same are to be

If non-conforming product is detected after delivery or use is started, the corrective actions
are to be taken appropriate to the effects, or potential effect of the non conformity.

Records from identification of NCP to verification are maintained by QC engineer.

Documents, Reference and Records:

1. Record of inspection & testing

2. In process testing records
3. Record of Material used prior to verification
4. Final inspection and test report
5. Control of non conforming product

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Procedure for Corrective Actions

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Doc. No. BRC/ PQP / IHSC/ CA / 01 (R1) Date :25.09.2023

Procedures for Corrective Actions

To eliminate the cause of non-conformities in order to prevent its recurrence. To take
remedial action for the non-conformities.
This procedure covers non-conformity arising out of inspections, quality audits and internal
audits besides the customer's complaints. It covers implementation of corrective actions.
The functional heads of Quality Control and Construction are responsible for the contents of
this documented procedure and for ensuring that it is followed.
The customer’s complaints and reports of nonconforming products are accorded top priority
and dealt with effectively.

Functional head of construction / Quality Control reviews non conformities determines the
cause of non conformity & finalize corrective actions to be taken in order to minimize effect
of non conformity on the product in consultation with client / consultant’s representative.
The corrective action is decided to eliminate the cause of non-conformities.
The functional head of Construction ensures that the corrective action has been taken and
disposition is effectively done.

Records of corrective actions are to be recorded in the appropriate format.

Functional head construction / Quality control reviews corrective actions taken at site

Documents, Reference & Records:

 Non conformance Report

 Control of Non-Conforming Product
 Customer Complaint Register

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Frequency of Calibration of

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Doc. No. BRC / PQP /IHSC/Cal / 01 (R1) Date: 25.09.2023


Sr. Name of the equipment Elements for Calibration Frequency of

No. calibration Agency calibration

External Yearly or change of

1. Total station Vernier plates
agency site

External Yearly or change of

2. Leveling Instrument --
agency / Site site

External Yearly or change of

3. Measuring Weights Weighing capacity
agency site

Compression testing Pressure / Load External Yearly or change of

4. gauge agency site
machine .
External Yearly or change of
5. Oven Thermometer
agency site

Dial gauge / load Half yearly or change

6. Batching plant Site
shell of site

Half yearly or change

7. Weigh Batcher Weighing scale Site
of site

Cube moulds Coarse

Dimensions& Any Site /External
8. aggregate sieves, cube If required
damages agency

Note: These frequencies are indicative. In case of intermediate deviations or repairs,

immediately, calibration shall be undertaken

Page | 108
Standard list of
Laboratory Equipment

Page | 109
Doc. No. BRC/PQP/IHSC/LAB/01 (R1) Date: 25.09.2023

Standard List of Laboratory Equipment

S. No. Name of Equipment

1 Pan Balance – Capacity 10 Kg , Accuracy – 1 gm

2 Platform Balance – Capacity 100 Kg , Accuracy – 50 gm

3 Concrete Cube Moulds (100 Nos) with tamping rod Size – 150 mm X150 mm X 150 mm

4 Vicat Apparatus

5 Mortar cube moulds (6 nos) with base plates – Size 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm

6 Aggregate impact test apparatus

7 Aggregate Crushing test apparatus – 150mm dia

8 Measuring cylinder – 1000 ml

9 Measuring cylinder – 500 ml

10 Measuring cylinder – 100 ml

11 Flakiness index gauge

12 Slump Cone apparatus with measuring rod

13 Sieves for Coarse Aggregate – G.I. 18” dia

m,2.36mm)-Set of 13

14 Sieves for Fine Aggregate – Brass sieve (4.75mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600micron,
300micron, 150 micron, 75 micron, lid & pan) - Set of 8.

15 Pycnometer bottle

16 Electric Oven O/S M.S. & I/S Aluminum - Size – 18” X 18”

17 Cube testing machine - Capacity 2000KN

18 Thermometer 00 -- 250 0 C

19 G.I. Tray – 45” X 45”

20 G.I. Tray – 45” X 60”

21 Core cutter with dolly & rammer

22 Only Core cutter

23 Procter compaction mould with light rammer of 2.4 Kg

Page | 110
24 Vernier caliper – 200 mm X 0.02 mm Digital

25 Wire Gauge

26 Vibrating machine for cement cube moulds

27 90 micron sieve for cement test

Note : -- As per Tender document agreement, we will furnish the QC lab.

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Standard list of
IS codes at site

Page | 112
Doc. No. BRC/PQP/IHSC/ISCodes/01 (R1) Date: 25.09.2023


Rev. No.
Sr. No. Code No. Code for Year

1. IS 383 Aggregate 2016 2 -

2. IS 456 Concrete 2000 4 1

3. IS 516 Concrete 1959 - 2

4. IS 1199 Concrete 1959 - -

5. IS 1542 Sand for plaster 1992 2 -

6. IS 1786 Steel 2008 3 2

7. IS 2212 Bricks 1991 1 -

8. IS 2250 Mortar 1981 1 -

9. IS 2386 (PART-1) Aggregate 1963 - 3

10. IS 2386 (PART-3) Aggregate 1963 - -

11. IS 2386 (PART-4) Aggregate 1963 - 3

12. IS 2386 (PART-5) Aggregate 1963 - -

13. IS 2386 (PART-6) Aggregate 1963 - 2

14. IS 2502 Steel 1963 - -

15. IS 2720 (PART-29) Core Cutter 1975 1 -

16. IS 3495(PART-1to 4) Brick 1992 3 -

17. IS 3535 Cement(R.H.) 1986 1 -

18. IS 4082 Storage 1996 2 -

19. IS 8112 43-Grade cement 1989 1 6

20. IS 9103 Admixture 1999 1 -

21. IS 10262 Mix Design 2019 - -

Note: These codes are available at all sites. Additional project specific codes are issued from
Regional office / Zonal office / Corporate office as per requirement.

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List of Quality Test Formats

Page | 114


1 Silt content of fine aggregates BRC/PQP/IHSC/SC 25.09.2023

2 Sieve analysis of fine aggregates BRC/PQP/IHSC/SIA 25.09.2023

3 Sieve analysis of coarse aggregates 10MM BRC/PQP/IHSC/SIA12.5 25.09.2023

4 Sieve analysis of coarse aggregates 20MM BRC/PQP/IHSC/SIA20 25.09.2023

5 Flakiness Index coarse aggregate 10mm BRC/PQP/IHSC/FLI12.5 25.09.2023

6 Flakiness Index coarse aggregate 20 mm BRC/PQP/IHSC/FLI20 25.09.2023

7 Elongation Index coarse aggregate 10mm BRC/PQP/IHSC/ELI12.5 25.09.2023

8 Elongation Index coarse aggregate 20 mm BRC/PQP/IHSC/ELI20 25.09.2023

9 Bulk density of aggregate BRC/PQP/IHSC/BKD 25.09.2023

10 Specific Gravity of aggregate BRC/PQP/IHSC/SPG 25.09.2023

11 Water absorption BRC/PQP/IHSC/WA 25.09.2023

12 Reinforcement test report BRC/PQP/IHSC/RF 25.09.2023

13 Water absorption for bricks BRC/PQP/IHSC/BWB 25.09.2023

14 Compressive Strength for bricks BRC/PQP/IHSC/BCS 25.09.2023

15 Cement-Fineness BRC/PQP/IHSC/FIN 25.09.2023

16 Compressive strength test on cement BRC/PQP/IHSC/CCS 25.09.2023

17 Setting time & Consistency on cement BRC/PQP/IHSC/STC 25.09.2023

18 Sound on cement BRC/PQP/IHSC/SOU 25.09.2023

19 Correction FOR moisture content BRC/PQP/IHSC/MC 25.09.2023

20 Field Compaction test BRC/PQP/IHSC/FCT 25.09.2023

21 Concrete pour card BRC/PQP/IHSC/CPC 25.09.2023

22 Brick- Quality check BRC/PQP/IHSC/BQC 25.09.2023

23 Cube test report BRC/PQP/IHSC/CTR 25.09.2023

Note: The above list of Quality test formats will be implemented at site.

Page | 115
5.2.2 Document & Data Control

The objective of document control is to ensure that valid issues of documents related to the project
are available and used in the execution of the work and that obsolete documents are promptly
removed from all points of use. Distribution is controlled and is done as per the document
distribution matrix.

Valid document register indicating contract documents as received from PM will be maintained.

Any obsolete document is either destroyed or if need to be retained-these are clearly marked
"SUPERCEDED" and kept isolated. Responsibility rests with the User and the Document Controller,
whilst this will be randomly checked by QHSE Manager.

5.2.3 Document Numbering System

All documents are uniquely numbered as detailed in the Project Coordination Procedure and
Document Numbering System;

All project documents have been categorized with abbreviations as described in Document
Numbering System.

Status of submission and approval will be updated every time a submission is made and PM
Comments are received.

Considering the minimum approval period required for Class 'A', 'B' and 'C' as described in the
project coordination procedure, a monthly status reports on submissions / approval will be issued by
the Document Controller. Follow up on submissions will be done by Construction Manager


6.1 Planning of Product Realization

The project will be executed strictly in accordance with the contract specifications and drawings,
approved procedures and programs. Planning Package will be submitted separately. Project
Milestones will be complied with.

Only approved materials will be utilized in the project (either approved by the PM upon his request).
The whole process of project /construction operations can be split as;

 Procurement Control-using approved materials, vendors and subcontractor

 Inspection and Testing-including receiving inspection, in process inspections and testing,
inspections at vendor premises, testing and commissioning
 Handover

All the above processes forming the Project (as developed) /Construction operations are covered by
corporate procedures and project specific procedures and will be strictly implemented. Records
required demonstrating compliance is indicated in each of the procedures, which will be verified
during internal audits.

Method Statements will be submitted for PM approval (upon his request) ensure planning of the
detailed construction activities including specification requirements, equipment, and possible
hazards and control measures which need to be in place for a safe operation.

Related Processes

Page | 116
M/s Badri Rai & Co has reviewed the contractual requirements in detail at the time of tender and on
award of contract. All addenda’s issued during tender period, post tender clarifications and other
queries are all will be retained as contractual documents.

Where requirements are not clear, the contractor is contacted and clarifications are sought using the
Request for Information.

Records are kept of all reviews and any exchanges of correspondence on contractual requirements
and are filed as evidence of contract review (e.g. minutes of meetings).

6.1.1 Clarification on Site

Any clarifications on drawings, scope of works, contractual requirements are assessed by means of a
'Request for Information". Request for Information. All Requests for Information are treated as
contractual documents and will form part of the final handover documentation.

The Project In-charge /Construction Manager are responsible for maintaining records of all Requests
for Information and informing affected departments.

6.1.2 Variations/Site Measurements

The Variation Control as approved by PM will be followed. The Forms are included in Project
Coordination Procedure and shall be implemented with the approval of PM (the forms should refer
to the applicable variation order /PM's instruction). All instructions constituting variations will be
properly documented and processed.

6.2 Design and Development

The design will be done as required by contract. Design / drawings detailing elements of
construction and architecture will be submitted to the PM for approval (as detailed in the project
design plan).


7.1 General

M/s Badri Rai & Co will plan and implement the monitoring, measurement, analysis and
improvement processes to demonstrate conformity with the contract requirements, process
performance objectives, conformity of the planned quality management system, and for the
continuous improvement of the quality management system.

The monitoring, measurement, and the analysis are indicated below;

 Customer Satisfaction-use of the Customer Satisfaction Survey

 Internal Audit-to check compliance and effectiveness of the quality management system and
the processes
 Monitoring and Measurement of the Processes (Overall for Contractor).
 Monitoring and Measurement of the Product (Inspection and Testing)-use of Quality Control
Procedure and Inspection and Test Plan
 Control of Non-Conformances and Non-conforming product
 Analysis of data

While the improvement processes include;

Page | 117
 Corrective action
 Preventive action
 Continual improvement

All the above processes are described in greater detail below.

7.2 Monitoring and Measurement

7.2.1 Customer Satisfaction

M/s Badri Rai & Co will seek Employer/ PM Response on the performance and satisfaction achieved
and checks whether requirements /expectations have been satisfied. A questionnaire will be
circulated midway during execution and towards end of project and response will be analysed and
weak are as indicated will be highlighted to senior management and site management. Necessary
actions will be taken to improve upon the weak are as indicated. Customer Satisfaction Survey
questionnaire is attached.

7.2.2 Internal Audit

The findings will be reported to the PM & M/s Badri Rai & Co Senior Management and all
improvement actions and follow up will be done by the Project In- charge/Construction Manager.

The Project In-charge/ Construction Manager & QA QC Engineer will review all Internal Audit Reports
and interact with the Auditor/Auditors for suitable corrective actions. Results of the Internal Audits
are reviewed during the Management Review.

7.2.3 Monitoring & Measurement of Processes

Effectiveness of processes will be checked against the preplanned performance objectives set for the
processes during internal audits. The performance objectives for processes have been documented
on corporate level and achieve mentor otherwise will be used to check effectiveness of the

7.2.4 Monitoring & Measurement of Product (Inspection & Testing)

Materials/ Equipment's (as applicable) will be inspected/witnessed by qualified personnel or by the
third-party inspectors deputed by the PM at manufacturer point of origin as per the contract

The inspection and testing activities are conducted as indicated in the ITP's. Necessary coordination
will be done with PM Representative.

7.2.5 Laboratory & Testing

M/s Badri Rai & Co will ensure that the proposed Independent Testing Laboratories will comply with
the Contract Specification requirements.

The reporting formats of each test and inspection will be in line with the specified requirements.

Page | 118
The Production and quality team will ensure necessary coordination with the Independent Testing
Laboratories. They will ensure adequate quantities of representative samples of materials (as
applicable) are secured and delivered, design mixes of concrete and other materials required
controls are provided, notify laboratory sufficiently in advance of operations.

7.2.6 Field Inspection Coordination Procedure

PM Requirements on Field Inspection as detailed in contract documents will be complied with.

Notwithstanding the approval of works by PM, we understand our responsibilities for full
compliance to Specifications, Drawings and Codes.

7.2.7 Inspection Activities and Attendance

M/s Badri Rai & Co will provide comprehensive sets of Quality Control Procedure (QCP), Inspection
and Test Plans (ITP), together with Quality Control Forms/ Check sheets for recording the inspection.
The different construction activities of each discipline are covered by QCP's. The QCP's will provide
the basic guidelines for the construction activities in terms of quality for the given activity. Each of
these QCP's will be covered by number of ITP's relevant to sub activities of the QCP. The ITP's
indicate the various inspections and testing activity for a given piece of work, the relevant
specification and the Inspection and Test Request/QC Check Sheet required for the inspection

The Inspection and Test Plans specify a symbol for each control/inspection required level and the
parties involved. Only Site Engineer will do inspection activities.

Additionally, it is understood that the PM have the right to witness at any moment the ongoing
construction activities.

7.2.8 Inspection and Test Request (ITR)

Testing, witnessing, inspection and verification will be done by the contractor engineer in charge.
The relevant quality control check sheets will be maintained with the contractor. The quality check
sheets related to RCC activities will be send to client engineer for information only.

Whenever any activity is requested to be tested, witnessed, inspected and verified by the Employer/
PM, a relevant ITP will be submitted by the contractor for Employer/PM review and classify the
inspection points accordingly.

Only those activities related to any inspection /test/report and classified as Hold (H)/ Witness

(W)will be carried out through three essential steps which are;

 Only call for inspection

 Inspection
 Result of inspection (Test Report/QC check sheet)

Page | 119
Calling for inspection will be done by the use of Daily progress Report or "ITR"- Inspection and Test
Request (whenever is requested by the PM), which is a written Inspection and Test Request of work
activities that classified as HOLD and/ or WITNESS points in the Inspection and Test Plan. These are
submitted to the PM. Interaction with Employer (if required) for related inspection shall be
coordinated by PM.

Inspection and Work activities will proceed further for HOLD point inspection, in case PM have failed
to attend the inspection as scheduled in the Daily progress Report or ITR.

However, for all WITNESS point inspection, inspections and work activities will not be stopped even
if the PM fails to attend witness inspections for any reasons.
All ITR's will be numbered indicating the discipline, the area /building reference and the consecutive
serial numbers. The Inspection and Test Request will contain a group of similar works for inspection.
For example, an ITR for all earth works will be grouped together, while all pre-concreting checks will
be grouped into another ITR.

Following inspection, the result of the inspection will be recorded on the related Quality Control
Check sheet, which eventually becomes the QC inspection report. The QC Reports can be replaced
by Laboratory Reports/Test Certificates as applicable for a given activity. The QC Check sheets have
across reference to the ITR number and any previous ITR numbers in case the inspection has been
repeated. It is expected that the ITR will be returned to M/s Badri Rai & Co with summary results
marked for the various inspection activities requested. Where the result of inspection is not
satisfactory, and positive results have not been achieved, afresh ITR will be put in after rectification.

The Senior Engineer will log all ITR's.

7.2.9 Multiple Progressive Inspection

When the size of any operation or task like large pours etc., MAL will prepare a key plan of the entire
work and divide into smaller manageable portions. It is possible to use only one Quality Control
Check Sheet/ Inspection Report for documenting inspections in such cases.

7.2.10 Receiving Inspection

All construction material (to be permanently incorporated in the project), received on site will be
subjected to receiving checks on site by the Production Team / Store keeper to ensure these are as
approved and specified. Such receiving checks will be recorded on the Site Receipt Notes. Expiration
dates, identification, physical compliance, trace ability and review of certificates of conformity / mill
certificates are the parameters that will be checked. Where required and as indicated in the ITP, the
PM will be notified for receiving inspection-those that are classified as HOLD/WITNESS points in the
Inspection and Test Plans.

Page | 120
7.2.11 In Process Inspection & Testing

For all Hold & Witness Points identified on the ITP related to PM, the Request for Testing &
Inspection System is followed. See description under Field Inspection & Coordination Procedure

7.2.12 Final Inspection & Testing

We will comply with the relevant requirements of "Pre-commissioning/Testing & Commissioning in

the particular Electromechanical Specifications.

The Production Manager along with Quality Team will ensure all final inspection and testing are
carried out as outlined in the Inspection and Test Plans. The "Punch Lists" of all outstanding and
defective works provided by PM will be attended to and closed out within agreed time table with

After completion of all functional checks on each element of work / equipment, pre-commissioning
checks will be done to ensure compliance and proper functioning of all systems. Final Testing and
commissioning will then be done. as per agreed time/schedule with witnessing from PM as per
mutually agreed and approved procedure (Testing and commissioning procedures) to be submitted
later in the project.

7.3 Control of Non-Conforming Product

The PM requirements for Non-Conformance Reports will be complied with. On receipt of a Non-
Conformance Report (NCR), Construction Manager will review the Non-Conformance and agree on
the immediate corrective action to rectify the Non-Conformance and a preventive action to prevent

The Construction Manager will write out the Corrective / Preventive Action on a copy of the NCR and
meet the PM Representative within reasonable time and forward a copy of the NCR with proposed
corrective/preventive actions and planned date for implementation of such action. The duration of
implementation will not exceed 2 weeks unless justified by M/s Badri Rai & Co and accepted by the
auditor. The Construction Manager together with planning engineer will trace each NCR to the
relevant milestone dates wherever applicable. Efforts will be taken to close the NCR's prior to
relevant milestone date.

Any non-conforming work identified on site (either party) is rectified as per agreed corrective action.
Actions include: -

 Repair/re work to drawings & specifications

 Reject if non-conforming product is beyond repair.
 Accept as is when further rectification may result in serious functional problems.

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On approval by auditor, the corrective actions will be completed and after showing evidence of
completion of corrective and preventive actions, the Deputy Project Manager will approach the
auditor to close the relevant NCR's

In case of above, the non-conforming work shall be put on HOLD until the corrective action is
accepted by the PM.

Records of rectification necessary to close out a Non-Conformance are kept. Actions taken are
recorded on the Non-Conformance Report. All NCRs are logged on the Non-Conformance Register by
the Production Team.

8.0 Analysis of Data

8.1 Monthly Quality Report

The Planning Manager in coordination with the Document Controller/Production team will prepare
and submit on a Monthly basis are port indicating issues detailed below.

Monthly Quality Reports/Statistics will be submitted during the Monthly Quality Meetings.

Monthly Report contents:

 QA/QC Personnel on Site

 Updated Status of Quality Documentation Submittals and approval status with Highlights of
Changes during the week.
 Updated Status of Request for Information’s (RFI's) including summary
 Updated Status of Quality Control Reports/ Quality Check sheets issued
 Non-Conformance Log and Close Out Details
 Rejections during Receiving Inspections
 Details of any Test Failures (from Test Laboratories)
 Updated Cube Crushing Register O List of Instruments and Calibration Status
 Summary Status of Internal Audits and Non-Conformances if any
 Schedule of Tests /Number Conducted and Cumulative
 Status of Punch Lists if any
 Ongoing Corrective and Preventive Actions
 Quality Meetings Summary and list of outstanding actions if any
 Training Conducted if any
 Any other issues

8.2 Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis for concrete cube strengths shall be done to monitor variations in strengths and
to ensure timely corrective actions are taken should there be any large variations or trends. Quality
Statistics and Progress Measurements statistics, Statistics on concrete strength are examples of the
use of statistics.

8.3 Construction Quality Dossier

A construction quality dossier (Quality Verification Files)/ project handover dossier including Project
Close out Report (See Project Coordination Procedure) for all the relevant QC records certifying the
conformance of works to contract specifications will be prepared by the Construction Manager /
QHSE Manager / Document Controller in mutual consultation with PM Representative on site.
Format and contents will be agreed with PM during execution.

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9. Project Communication

9.0 Reporting

Planning Engineer will prepare and submit to Client a Monthly Progress Report. These reports will
present summaries of the important information relating to the monthly construction activities
gathered from the various records described below. The Monthly Progress Report will include, if
necessary, any proposed or field approved modifications and justifications to the Work, the
Drawings, the Special Provisions, Technical Specifications, or Site-Specific Health and Safety Plans or
other submittals. The Monthly Progress Report will include Contractor collected information as well
as a summary of the laboratory analytical results.

9.1 Record Keeping

Members of the QA Team will perform various record keeping duties under the supervision of
Engineer. The QA Team is responsible for maintaining a complete and accurate record of all
significant observations and inspections of all field or laboratory Testing. These records will be kept
on site for review. The record keeping activities of the QA Team will include the following:

 Daily Project Logs - All field members of the QA Team will keep daily project logs which will
be reviewed by Engineer. Logs will be submitted to Engineer on daily. Log entries will
document significant activities, abnormal observations, deviations from the Drawings,
Special Provisions and Technical Specifications or other standard procedures, health and
safety meetings, important information and summaries regarding field sampling,
measurements, observations or testing, equipment calibration and operation results, any
photographs taken and topics/results of any significant meetings or discussions. Recording
on the logs will generally be in accordance with the methods and procedures specified
 Photographs Construction photographs and associated logs will be recorded on a periodic
basis to visually document significant construction activities and to provide visual reference
 QA Testing Documents - Instrument calibration forms, field and laboratory measurement
and sampling forms, sample logs, documentation forms, sample analysis requests, chain of
custody forms, and any other documents related to QA testing will be kept on-site.
 Other Documentation Other documentation required, but not limited to, includes shop
drawings, material compliance certifications, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) forms,
health and safety and construction meeting summaries, inspection records, relevant
construction files, material samples and manufacturer's recommended installation or
operating instructions

10.0 Quality Control Methods

The Quality Control Plan will be implemented in order to ensure compliance with the specifications
for remedial action construction as detailed in the contract specifications. The basis of the QCP will
be the Project Specifications. In addition, procedures utilized within the QCP will reflect the
experience gained by M/s Badri Rai & Co in completing construction projects. Quality control
measures will extend to field sampling procedures; staffing; types of material and equipment to be
used; and methods of performing, documenting, and enforcing quality control operations of both
the Contractor and subcontractors (including inspection and testing). As previously stated,

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maintenance of the Project Quality Control plan will be the responsibility of the QC Engineer. The QC
Engineer will be Responsible for ensuring that all materials and work comply with the contract
specifications. The QC Engineer may have a field engineer at his disposal to assist him with the on-
site inspections. Testing firms will be at the disposal of the QC Engineer to ensure contract
compliance in all aspects of work. All reports from testing firms will be forwarded to the QC Engineer
for his review and approval.

10.1 Implementation

The QC Engineer will be responsible for implementing the Project Quality Control Plan by ensuring
that quality materials and supplies are provided for the proposed project, and that good
workmanship is provided in all aspects of this contract. The QC Engineer will report directly to the
On-site Project Manager and will complete daily site inspections to ensure compliance with the
quality control specifications. Daily reports will be completed listing all field testing and sampling
activities. The QC Engineer will be responsible for ensuring that all materials and work comply with
the contract plans and specifications, and that all performance standards are met. It is anticipated
that the Client representative and the M/s Badri Rai & Co QC Engineer will meet frequently in order
to forecast and/or prevent any potential problems from arising. An on-site quality control meeting
will be conducted on a weekly basis as part of the weekly progress meeting in order to review
performance during the previous one-week period, and prepare for the upcoming two-week period.
It is anticipated that the Contractor's On-site Project Manager, Health and Safety Officer,
Superintendent and Client representatives will attend this meeting.

10.2 Documenting
The QC Engineer will record project activities in a daily quality control report maintained on site at all
times. All site activities, site inspections, and field testing of materials will be recorded on a daily
basis, along with any unacceptable site occurrences or deficiencies and their associated corrective
actions. Each daily entry into the report will be signed by the QC Engineer. Quality control reports
will be submitted on a daily basis during all field construction activities.

10.3 Controlled Copy

a) Client Representative

b) CSC Representative

c) M/s Badri Rai & Co QA/QC Engineer

11. Inspection

To ensure that all construction and remedial activities comply with the project specifications, the QC
Engineer will complete, in conjunction with the sub- contractors, three phases of site inspections for
each feature of work. These inspections will include the following:


Preparatory inspections will be performed prior to beginning work on any definable feature of the
project and will include:

 Review of submittal requirements and all other Contract requirements with the
performance of the work.

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Check to assure that provisions have been made to provide required field quality control testing.

Examine the work area to ascertain that all preliminary work has been completed;

Verify all field dimensions and advise Client of any discrepancies.

 Perform a physical examination of materials and equipment to assure that they conform to
approved shop drawings or submittal data and that all required materials and/or equipment
are on hand and comply with the Contract requirements.


Initial phase inspections will be performed as soon as a representative portion of the particular
feature of work has been accomplished. Initial inspections include, but are not limited to,
examination of the quality of workmanship; review of control testing for compliance with control
requirements; and identification of defective or damaged materials, omissions, and dimensional
requirements. The initial phase inspection is the time to discuss and agree on the required level of
quality associated with a given work activity. Any discrepancies relative to work quality should be
addressed at this time.


Follow-up inspections will be performed daily as work progresses to ensure continuing compliance
with contract requirements, including control testing, until completion of the particular feature of
work. Final follow-up inspections will be conducted and deficiencies corrected prior to beginning
new work. Notification and meeting minutes of all inspections will be recorded in the Daily Quality
Control Report.

12. Field Testing Procedures

The Contractor will conduct field-testing to verify that control measures are adequate to provide a
product that conforms to contract requirements. Field testing will be conducted under the guidance
of the QC Engineer and he or his designee shall:

 Arrange for, or conduct, field testing in accordance with applicable test parameters
 Verify that facilities and testing equipment are available and comply with testing standards
and ensure that testing facilities are approved by Olin and are validated.
 Check test equipment calibration data against certified standards.
 Verify that all tests are documented and submitted as part of quality control system
 Review all test documentation prior to submittal.

MAL follows the following criteria for Civil Materials received at site:


Pour Card: Before any casting any concrete on the site a Pour Card needs to be filled and authorized
by M/s Badri Rai & Co employee with the client approval. Refer Annexure A.

Slump Test: Slump test is used to determine the workability of fresh concrete. Slump test as per IS:
1199 - 1959 is followed. The apparatus used for doing slump test are Slump cone and tamping rod.
Refer Annexure B.

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Cube casting and Test: The acceptance criteria of quality of concrete are laid Down in IS: 456-2000.
The criteria are mandatory and various provisions of the code have to be complied before the
quality of concrete is accepted. In all the cases, the 28-days compressive strength shall alone be the
criterion for acceptance or rejection of the concrete. In order to get a relatively quicker idea of the
quality of concrete, optional test for 7 days compressive strength of concrete is carried out.


Physical test is carried for the steel received at site for every batch or as per ITP. Chemical Test may
be carried out for further investigation if needed by an approved third-party testing laboratory.


Sieve Analysis for coarse aggregates is carried out in the site laboratory for all the aggregates
received at site. Sieve analysis helps to determine the particle size distribution of the coarse and fine
aggregates. This is done by sieving the aggregates as per IS: 2386. In this we use different sieves as
standardized by the IS code and then pass aggregates through them and thus collect different sized
particles left over different sieves. Silt Test for fine aggregates is carried out in the site laboratory.
Field test is generally conducted in order to determine the volumetric percentage of silt in naturals
and for percentage up to 6%, otherwise more detailed test as prescribed by standard code are
required to be conducted.

13.0 Submittals

The QCM will follow standard procedures concerning submittals, each submittal form may contain
more than one submittal specific to that specification section. A submittal register listing major
submittals will be prepared by Consort. This register will be prepared in conjunction with the
anticipated progress schedule. The QC Engineer will be responsible for the review and approval of
submittals prior to their submittal to Client representative. This includes reviews of materials and
suppliers' catalogue cuts; as well as sub-contractor submittals. The QC Engineer will review the
submittal for completeness and compliance with the contract specifications. The QC Engineer will
actively participate during procurement activities to ensure purchase orders and subcontracts
comply with the contract.

14.0 Documentation

All testing results will be recorded on the daily quality control report. Any concerns or deviations
from the required material specifications and the actions taken to correct the problems will be
noted on the report. Information recorded on the daily quality control report will include

 Definable features of work that was addressed

 Description of trades working on the project
 Numbers of personnel
 Weather conditions
 Types and numbers of tests performed.
 Results of testing
 Nature of defects or cause for rejection
 Proposed corrective action(s)
 Corrective action taken and date
 Delays encountered
 Directions received from the Engineer and actions taken
 Health and safety issues or deficiencies and how they were resolved.

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 Deficiencies

15.0 Revisions to work

The Contractor will be responsible for ensuring total compliance of field work to the project
specifications. Should modifications or revisions to the specifications become necessary, the
Contractor will inform, in writing, to Client. The QC Engineer will be informed of and record all such
requests in his daily log and on the daily quality control report.

16.0 Definable features of work

Listed below are the general categories and types of work that will be performed under this
contract. These items, known as Definable Features of Work, have been grouped into the various
categories in which work will be performed, and correlate to measurement and payment. Suitable
quality control methods and procedures will be utilized in order to ensure that all work is performed
to the standards and quality required by the specifications.

The following are the definable features of work that will be performed under this contract:

 Excavation and Back filling Works

 Concrete and Allied Works
 Interlocking paver block laying
 GSB laying
 Miscellaneous Works

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