Sample Ancient History One Liner

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Table of Content

1. Stone Age ➔ Palaeolithic Age

Page No: (2 - 6) ➔ Mesolithic Period
➔ Neolithic Period
➔ Frequently asked PYQs on Stone Age

2. Indus Valley Civilization ➔ Frequently asked PYQs on IVC

Page No: (6 - 9)

Page No: (10 - 11)

4. LATER VEDIC AGE ➔ Frequently asked PYQs on Vedic Period

Page No: (11- 13 )

5. Buddhism ➔ Frequently asked PYQs on Buddhism

Page No: (13 - 17 )

6. Jainism ➔ Frequently asked PYQs on Jainism

Page No: (17 - 20)


Page No: (20 - 22) ➔ Persian and Greek Invasions
➔ Frequently asked PYQs on Mahajanapada & Political
History of 6th Century BC

8. Maurya Empire ➔ Ashokan Edicts and Inscriptions

Page No: (23 -27) ➔ Mauryan dynasty Rulers
➔ Key Terms of Mauryan Dynasty
➔ Frequently asked PYQs on Mauryan Empire

9. POST MAURYAN PERIOD ➔ Shunga Dynasty

Page No:(27-30) ➔ Kanva Dynasty
➔ Satavahana Dynasty
➔ Frequently asked PYQs on Post Mauryan Empire

10. Gupta Period ➔ Gupta Rulers

Page No: (30 - 33) ➔ Administration, Economy, Society, Literature, AnC

11. Post-Gupta Period ➔ Hunas Dynasty; Maitrakas; MAUKHARIS OF KANNAUJ

Page No: (33)

12. Vardhana Dynasty ➔ Frequently asked PYQs on Gupta & Post Gupta Empire
Page No: (34-35)

13. SOUTHERN INDIAN ➔ Vakataka Empire

KINGDOM ➔ Pallavas
Page No: (35 - 39 ) ➔ CHALUKYAS
➔ Rashtrakutas

14. Sangam Age ➔ Chera, Chola & Pandyas

Page No: (39 - 41) ➔ Frequently asked PYQs on South India Dynasties &
Sangam Period)

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● History - the study of the past

● Timeline of history is divided into three stages –Prehistory, Protohistory and History.
Prehistory Proto-History History

Events that occurred before Period having shreds of Period after which we get a
the invention of writing Ex: evidence of a script which is documented description. Ex -
Stone Age, Early Chalcolithic still not deciphered. Vedic Age
Ex : Indus valley Civilisation,
Copper Age

Stone Age (6000000 B.C. - 4000 B.C.)

● Period covering Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic age - major source of tools was
Stone is combinedly called Stone Age. In India, the research on Stone Age Civilization
started at first in 1863.

Elements Palaeolithic Age (Old- Stone Age)

(600000 B.C.-10000 B.C.)

Lower Middle Upper

Occupation Hunter-gatherer Hunter-gatherer Hunter-gatherer

Type of Use of Chopping tools as Age of Flakes - flakes, bone tools,

Tools Hand blades, pointers, scrapers including needles,
Axes, cleavers and borers harpoons,
blades, fishing tools
and burin tools.

Agriculture No No No
& House
ion of
Animal +

Art No No 1st evidence (Rock

(Painting) Paintings): Animals ,
hunter, dancers

Technology No Tech Flakes Flints

Stone Used Limestone Quartzite Chert , Jasper

Quartzite(Quartzite Men)

Major Sites ● Soan valley (in ● Belan valley in UP ● Bhimbhetka

present Pakistan) ● Luni valley (South of
● Sites in the Thar (Rajasthan) Bhopal)
Desert ● Son and Narmada ● Belan valley

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6. Chirand (Bihar) - Neolithic men used tools and weapons made of bones
7. SanganaKallu(Karnataka) - Ash Mounds of burnt relics of seasonal herdsmen camps
● Lohanda Nala(Belan Valley ) : Bone Made Mother Goddess
● Lekhahiya (Vindhyan): 27 Human skeleton in one rock shelters
● Belan Valley : All 3 phases palaeolithic, mesolithic and neolithic are found in sequence
● Evidence of grains : Barley (1st ), Wheat (2nd), Rice ( 3rd)
● Note : Earliest evidence of Agriculture in Indian Subcontinent will be Lahuradev if it is
in Options if not then Mehrgarh will be the option.

Important Chalcolithic Sites - Frequently asked in Exams

1. Ahar-Banas valley (Rajasthan) - smelting and metallurgy + supplied copper tools to
other contemporary communities + Rice was cultivated.
2. Gilund (Rajasthan) - Stone blade industry discovered.
3. Malwa (MP) - Narmada River, Richest chalcolithic ceramics, and spindle whorls
4. Kayatha (MP) - Chambal River, Houses had mud-plastered floors + Pre-Harappan
elements in pottery + copper objects with sharp cutting edges.
5. Daimabad (Ahmednagar, Maharashtra): largest Jorwe culture site in Godavari valley +
famous for recovery of bronze goods such as bronze rhinoceros, elephant, two
wheeled chariot with a rider and a buffalo.
6. Songaon, Inamgaon & Nasik (Maharashtra) - Large mud houses with ovens + circular
pit houses + Dead under the floor of houses in North and South direction
7. Navdatoli (MP) - Cultivated all food grains + Round and Rectangular residential
structures + Excavation at Navdatoli was conducted by H.D. Sankalia.
8. Nevasa (Jorwe, Maharashtra) and Eran (Madhya Pradesh) - known for their
non-Harappan culture

★ Frequently asked PYQs on Stone Age

1. Robert Bruce Foote (geologist & archaeologist) - father of Indian prehistory + discovered
the first palaeolithic tool in India (Pallavaram hand axe)
2. The System of the three main ages-stone, bronze and iron-was developed by the Danish
archaeologist Christian Jurgensen Thomsen in 1818 and 1820.
3. 1st evidence of domestication found at Adamgarh (Hoshangabad, M.P.) and Bagor
(Bhilwara, Rajasthan).
4. 1st evidence of man was found in western Narmada region of Madhya Pradesh
(discovered in 1982)
5. The cultural remains from Stone Age to Harappan Civilization have been obtained from
Mehrgarh located in Balochistan (Pakistan)
6. Mandi is the Harappan Civilization site located in Muzaffarnagar district (UP).
7. The Megaliths are burial sites made up of large stones in graveyards.
8. ‘Ash mounds’ have been found from a Neolithic site Sangana Kallu (Mysore, Karnataka)
9. 'Bhimbetka Caves' located in Raisen District of MP + best example of Rock Painting of
prehistoric era + discovered by V.S. Wakankar in 1957. It is a UNESCO World Heritage
10. Discovery and Naming (Christen) of OCP was done by B.B. Lal in 1951 at Hastinapur.
11. Jorwe Culture (Maharashtra, Daimabad and Inamgaon) - believed in life after death and
therefore buried the dead inside the houses in North to South Position.
12. Chandra-ketugarh was a major centre of terracotta craft; Ganeshwar-Jodhpura
culture(Rajasthan) famous for Copper Objects.

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13. A maximum of 17 human skeletons were found from rock shelter of Lekhahiya in the
Vindhya region
14. Stone age people of the Vindhyas migrated to the Ganga Valley in the terminal
pleistocene period because of climatic change Vindhyan Valley had become dry.
15. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), under the Ministry of Culture. In 1871, the
Archaeological Survey was established and Alexander Cunningham was appointed as its
first Director-General. In 1901, during the tenure of Lord Curzon, it was designated as the
Archaeological Survey of India. In 1902 John Marshall was appointed as its first Director
16. National Human Museum, which was renamed as Indira Gandhi National Human
Museum is located in Bhopal (M.P.).

Indus Valley Civilization

● Indus Valley Civilization (Bronze Age), also known as Harappan Civilization + earliest
known urbanisation of the Indian subcontinent.(Aryan Civilization was a rural civilization.)
● IVC Extension : Manda( North) , Alamgirpur(East) Daimabad (South) and Sutkagendor
● 4 phases of evolution: Pre-Harappan, Early Harappan, Mature Harappan and late
● Indus Civilization is Proto historical civilization although the writing was known during this
period, but it is still to be deciphered. Archaeological excavations are the major source to
know about the Harappan culture (The main source to know about this civilization is
● Pottery found during excavations proves that Indus Valley Civilization existed before
Aryan Civilization. The red potteries painted with black figures were the speciality of
Harappan Civilization, whereas the grey painted potteries were used by Aryans.
● The people of Indus Valley Civilization did not know the use of iron, whereas the people
of Vedic Civilization used iron weapons.
● Indus Valley Civilization - Urban; Later Vedic Society - Agrarian; Rigvedic Society -
Pastoral; Medieval Period - LandLordism
● Harappans were known to silver.
● The pre-Aryan period is considered as the beginning of idol worship. Idol worship was
prevalent in Indus Civilization.
● Harappan Scripts - Harappan writing is pictographic and not yet Deciphered + Used
Ideograms + written from either Right to left or boustrophedon style (alternate lines start
from opposite sides)

❖ Salient Features of Indus Valley Civilisation

Town Planning and Architecture ● Streets cutting one another at Right
● Citadel (Upper City ) : Fortified and
Vital Private Buildings - Harappa and
Mohenjo Daro
● Material Used - Mostly Burnt (Baked
Bricks ) + Unburnt + Stones in
● Houses in a grid system + Large
Granaries + Underground drainage

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2. Boghaz-Koi inscription (Asia Minor, Turkey) is important because there is mention of four
Vedic Gods, namely Indra, Varuna, Mitra and Nasatyas. + also tell about Aryan’s
movement from Iran to India
3. Bal Gangadhar Tilak in his book ' ‘The Arctic Home in the Vedas ‘’propounded the theory
that the North Pole (Arctic region) was the original home of Aryans.
4. In the post-Vedic period, this region of Kuru, Panchala was considered as the axis of
Aryan culture
5. Famous Battle of ‘Ten Kings’ was fought on the bank of the river Parushni
6. Saraswati River was considered as the most pious & in Rig Veda it is named as
Matetama,’ 'Devitama' and “Naditama’
7. Aryans were dependent on Agriculture and hunting for their livelihood.
8. Corps and their ancient name - Vrihi – Rice; Mudga – Mung bean; Yava – Millet/ Barley;
Ikshu – Sugarcane
9. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita was originally written in Sanskrit language. + Originally the
Mahabharata was known as Jayasamhita (also called Shatasahasri-Samhita)
10. The concept of untouchability was put clearly in the early Christian era (period known as
the era of Dharmashastra)
11. The words “Satyameva Jayate’ is a Sanskrit word taken from the ‘Mundakopanishad',
12. Status of the cow is very pious during Rig Vedic Period and it is called Aghanya”

GAUTAMA BUDDHA (563 BC- 483 BC) ( also known as Siddhartha, Shakyamuni, Light of
● Born in Lumbini, Kapilvastu (Nepal) (known from Mauryan emperor Ashoka’s Rummindei
Pillar inscription); Father: Suddhodana (Shakya clan) ; Mother: Mayadevi (Koliyan clan) ;
Belong to Sakya Clan; raised by his aunt Prajapati Gautami; Wife: Yashodhara; Son:
Rahul ; Left house @ age 28 years; Teachers: Alarakama and UdrakaRamputra
● 4 events impacted his life: an old man, a sick person, a deceased and the blessed
● Buddha discarded Vedas and Vedic rituals.

● 3 JEWELS OF BUDDHISM (TRIRATNA) - Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha

● 3 PITAKAS - Sutta-Pitaka (Ethical Principle of Buddha’s Teachings);
Vinaya-Pitaka (Monastic Rules and Regulations); Abhidhamma Pitaka
(Philosophy of Buddha) + Sutta - Pitaka is divided in 5 Nikayas - Digha Nikaya,
Majjhima Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya, Khuddaka Nikaya + The
Abhidhamma Pitaka consists of 7 books - Yamaka, Patthana, Kathavatthu,
Puggalapannatti, Dhatukatha, Vibhanga and Dhammasangani.
● 5 TEACHINGS OF BUDDHA [PANCHSHILA] - No killing Respect for life +
Abstention from theft + Abstention from sexual misconduct + Abstention from
falsehood + Abstention from intoxication.
● 8 FOLD PATH (ASTANGIKA MARGA) - Right view + Right intention + Right
speech + Right action + Right livelihood + Right mindfulness + Right effort +
Right concentration; The concept of ‘eight-fold’ path forms the theme of
Dharma Chakra Pravartana Sutta
● 4 NOBLE TRUTHS (ARYA SATYAS) - World is full of misery (Sabbam
Dukkam) + Desire is a root cause of sorrow (Pratityasamutpada) + Desire can
be conquered (Dukkha Nirodha) + Desire can be conquered by following
Astangika marga.

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● Madhya Marga - “The Middle Path” was to be followed.

Event In Buddha’s Life Symbols

Avakranti (conception or descent) White Elephant

Jati (birth) Lotus and Bull

Mahabhinishkramana (Great Renunciation) Horse

Nirvana/ Sambodhi (Enlightenment) Bodhi tree

Dharmachakra Parivarthana (First Sermon) Wheel

● (Sarnath (Deer park) to 5 disciples
including Mahakasyapa (first disciple))

Mahaparinirvana (Death) Stupa (Stupa word has been used for the 1st
(At Kushinagar (Capital of Republic of Malla) time in Rig Veda)
@ age 80)

❖ Buddhist Council
Councils Chair/ Patron Result

1st Buddhist Council (483 Chaired By- Mahakassapa 1. Teachings of Buddha were
BC) @ Saptaparni Cave, Patronage By - Ajatasatru divided into three Pitakas
Rajgriha 2. Compilation of Sutta Pitaka
(1st Buddhist Council held
soon after the Vinaya Pitaka by Ananda &
Mahaparinirvana(death) of Upali respectively.
the Buddha )

2nd Buddhist Council (383 Chaired By- Sabakami 1. Division in Sthavira -

BC) @Vaishali Patronage By - Kalashoka vadins &

3rd Buddhist Council (250 Chaired By- MogaliputtaTissa 1. Compilation of

BC) @Pataliputra Patronage By - Ashoka Abhidamapittaka

4th Buddhist Council (1st Chaired By- Vasumitra & 1. Compilation of

Century) @Kashmir Ashvaghosa Mahavibhasa sastra.
(Kundalavana) Patronage By - Kanishka 2. Division of Buddhism into
Hinayana and Mahayana

5th Buddhist Council (1871) Presided - Janakabhivamsa, 1. Recite all the Buddhist
@Myanmar NarindabhidhajaA learning and scrutinise them
Patron - King Mindon

6th Buddhist Council (1954) Patron - PM of Burma 1. Preserve the authentic

@Myanmar Dhamma and Vinaya of

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5. Acarangasutra, Sutrakritanga & Brihatkalpasutra are Jain Literature whereas Therigatha

is Buddhist literature.
6. Samadhi Maran, Sallekhana, Sanyasna Maran is the last vow prescribed by Jain ethical
code of conduct
7. Though Ikshvakus of southern India followed a Vedic religion but also supported the
Buddhist religion.
8. Residences were made for Ajivika followers after cutting the hills of Barabar and
Nagarjuni. ‘Caves of Sudama’ and ‘Karn Chaupad’ during Ashoka Era were omni famous
in the caves of Barabar (Gaya). These rock cut caves are related to the Mauryan period
(321-185 BC). Inscriptions on these caves date back to the 3rd century BC.
9. Kaushambi - famous pilgrimage site of Jains and Buddhists.
10. Tawang Monastery is the largest Monastery in India.
11. The Khajuraho group of monuments was built during the rule of the Rajput Chandela
12. Hoysaleswara Temple is dedicated to Hindu God Shiva.
13. The statue of Gommateshvara Bahubali at Shravanabelagola built by Chamundraya +
Mahamastakabhisheka, which is a great religious event, is associated with Lord

Ancient India had several kingdoms after the later Vedic Age. These settlements led the growth
from Janapadas to Mahajanapadas i.e. SECOND URBANISATION OF INDIA.( As per Buddhist
text Anguttara Nikaya, all of North India was divided into 16 Major states also in Jain text
Bhagavati Sutra)

Mahajanapada Modern Location Capital

1. Kuru 1. Meerut, Delhi & Thaneswar 1. Ahichhatra (North Panchal)

2. Panchal 2. Bareilly, Badaun & 2. Ahichhatra & Kampilya (South
3. Shurase Farrukhabad Panchal)
na 3. Areas near Mathura 3. Mathura
4. Vatsa 4. Allahabad and Banda 4. Kaushambi
5. Koshal 5. Awadh area 5. Saket and Shravasti
6. Malla 6. Deoria district 6. Kushinagar and Pawa
7. Kashi 7. Varanasi 7. Varanasi
8. Anga 8. Bhagalpur & Munger 8. Champa
9. Magadh 9. South Bihar (Patna & Gaya 9. Girivraj or Rajgir
a district) 10. Mithila, Vaishali & Janakpuri
10. Vajji 10. Muzaffarpur & Darbhanga 11. Kotthivati/Suktimati
11. Chedi 11. Bundelkhand 12. Viratnagar
12. Matsya 12. Jaipur 13. Pottan/Pottil
13. Ashmak 13. Godavari Valley (Andhra 14. Ujjain and Mahishmati
a Pradesh) 15. Taxila
14. Avanti 14. West & Central Malwa region 16. Raipur/Hatak
15. Gandhar 15. Peshawar & Rawalpindi
16. Kamboj 16. SouthWest Kashmir & Rajouri
& Hajara

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19. Ashwaka was a frontier republic at the time of the invasion of Alexander, whose capital
was Massaga. The women had taken up arms against Alexander.
20. Alexander’s success in India was due to the following : no central power in India
+Alexander superior army + helped by the traitorous Indian rulers
21. Arikamedu (Puducherry) was an important Indo-Roman trading station in eastern India.

Maurya Empire (322 BC - 185 BC)

● Founded by Chandragupta Maurya (1st & Oldest Indian Empire) + belonged to the ruling
clan of the small Republic Peeplihava in the regions + took Support of
Chanakya(Vishnugupta/Indian Machiavelli) to led over Nandas (written in Mudrarakshasa
written by Vishakhadatta)

❖ Sources For Mauryan Empire

Kautilya Arthashastra ● Provide economic and political
conditions of the Mauryas

Mudrarakshasa of Visakhadatta ● Chandragupta was ‘the king all over

(Chandragupta is described as the son of Jambudvipa’.
Nandraja. ● Account of the prevailing
This book depicts Chandragupta as "Vrishal" socioeconomic conditions.
and "Kulheen".)

Jataka stories ● Socio-economic condition of Mauryas

Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa (Sri Lankan ● role played by Ashoka in spreading

chronicles) Buddhism in Sri Lanka

● Ashokan Edicts and Inscriptions give Info about Mauryans - deciphered by James
Princep in 1837 AD + Prakrit & Kharoshti used.
● Junagadh Rock Inscription of Rudradaman (Chandragupta’s sway over western India);
Sohgaura Copper Plate Inscription in Gorakhpur(UP); NBPW (Northern Black Polished
Ware), silver and copper punch-marked coins give evidence of Mauryans.

❖ Ashokan Edicts and Inscriptions

14 Major Rock Principles of Dhamma Found at -
Edicts Edict 1: Prohibits animal sacrifices
Edict 2: Depicts measures of social welfare ● Kalsi (Dehradun,
Edict 3: Respect for Brahmanas. Uttarakhand,
Edict 4: Respect to elders. ● Mansehra(Ha ara,
Edict 5: Appointment of Dhamma Pakistan),
Mahamatras and their duties ● Junagadh(Girnar,
Edict 6: Orders to Dhamma Mahamatras Gujarat),
Edict 7: Need for Tolerance among all ● Jaugada( Ganjam,
religious sects Orissa),
Edict 8: Dhamma- yatras ● Dhauli (Puri,
Edict 9: Discarding of meaningless Orissa),
ceremonies and rituals ● Yerragudi(Kurnul,

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6. Yaudheya copper coins depicting a standing figure of six-headed God Kartikeya along
with a peacock on the right, found during the reign of the Kushan ruler.
7. The date of Buddha inscription of Sarnath which belongs to Kanishka is dated 81 AD.
8. Saka started a new calendar called Saka Samvat. Hence it begins from 135-57= 78 AD.
The difference between Vikram Samvat and Saka Samvat is 135 years.
9. The salvation date of Mahavir is 527 BC. So the starting date of Vikram Samvat is 527-
470 = 57 BC.
10. Parsva, Vasumitra, Ashvaghosa, Nagarjuna, Charaka and Mathara were the scholars in
the Court of Kanishka.
11. Rabatak inscriptions were written in Greek script and Bactrian language (belonged to
ruler of Kushana dynasty, Kanishka). Name of 4 cities inscribed - Saket, Kaushambi,
Pataliputra and Champa
12. Kautilya, Chandragupta Maurya and Ayurvedacharya Charak, King Prasenjit of Kosala,
Ayurvedacharya Jivak of Bimbisar, Vasubandhu, Chanakya, etc. studied at Taxila
13. The ancestors of Shungas belonged to Ujjain.
14. The last ruler of the Shunga emperors was Devabhuti then Shunga dynasty was then
replaced by Kanvas. They were also Brahmin like Shunga.
15. Pan Chao (Chinese General) had defeated Kanishka
16. The practice of child marriage started in Kushana Period
17. Satavahana coins are a unique indication. They issued punch-marked coins and
produced coins in Lead, Copper, Bronze and Silver, but not in Gold
18. Bamiyan of Afghanistan was famous for Buddha’s statues
19. Chronological order Of Invaders IN India → Greeks (326 BC; Alexander) → Sakas →
(Ceythians - 1st century BC) → Kushans (1st century AD).
20. Chronological order Of Dynasty: Satavahanas (1st century BCE) → Vakatakas(3rd
century AD) → Chalukyas – 543 AD
21. There are 30 Satavahana rulers mentioned in Puranas out of which 29 are in Matsya
22. Kharavela of Chedi dynasty (Mahameghavahana dynasty) was the king of Kalinga
present day in Odisha, India. Hathigumpha inscription is the main source of information
about him + followed Jainism.
23. Rulers of the Ikshvaku dynasty are called 'Shriparvatiya' in Puranas.

Gupta Period
GUPTA AGE [ 320 AD-550 AD]
Decline of Kushan → rise of Gupta dynasty.

Srigupta (240 CE- 280CE) Founder Of Gupta Empire; Title of “Maharaja”

Ghatotkacha Son of Sri Gupta

Chandragupta [320- 335 AD] - 1st great Married Kumaradevi, princess of Lichhavi +
king of the Gupta Empire Title of “Maharajadhiraj” + 1st Gupta Ruler to
Issued coins in the joint names of his queen
and himself + Mehrauli Iron Pillar Inscription
describes him. + started Gupta Samvat

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