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A Prayer Strategy Guide

for Your Marriage

How I Use Prayer As a Tool to Strengthen My Marriage


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Be Encouraged...
There’s so much power in prayer, and yet we
sometimes avoid it because we overcomplicate it.
We think that we must pray for at least an hour, but
that’s not the case. Prayer is not regulated.

The enemy wants you to think prayer is hard; that

you don’t have anything to say, or even that you
can’t pray. He’s wrong! When you understand the
authority that you have when you pray, it gives you
the ability to speak life over your situation and
create intimacy between you and God.

Remember there is no one who is more called or

qualified to pray for your husband and marriage than
eh y! I'm Keisha Bass
I've been married for over 31 years. I didn't have anyone to teach
me how to be a wife. I cycled for many years because I tried to
figure it out on my own. Thankfully, I gave my life to God and He
became the lead on my journey to becoming a wife of purpose
and intentionality.

I became a Wife Coach because I want to give women what I

didn't have, an example and tangible strategies to have a
successful marriage.

It was this process that led me to work with wives & couples for
20+ years and the framework I use to help women confidently
walk through the hard season of marriage and get their marriage
back on track.

I help female professionals and entrepreneurs of faith walk

through the hard season of marriage confidently using tangible
strategies to get their marriage back on track.
© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.
Why Prayer is an
Important Tool for Your
The one thing that I've learned over the years about prayer is that
it connects you to the heart of God. Prayer can do things that
nothing else can do for your marriage. Prayer invites God into
your life and transforms your heart. Prayer communicates God's
will through intentional conversation with Him. Prayer softens
your heart towards your husband and allows you to see him
through the lens of God's Grace.

Early in my marriage, I didn't understand the power of prayer. I

did not prayer could strengthen my marriage, but the more I
invited God into my heart, the more I was able to see God in my
marriage even during the challenging times.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.

A few years ago, before the movie, “War Room” came out, I was
going through a lull in my prayer life. Everything in my life had my
attention but prayer. I was praying but I felt like I was in a fog. I
was going through the motion without power or purpose. I’m not
sure if you’ve ever felt like you were moving and nothing was
happening. That’s exactly how I felt.

The movie came out and it was as if God said, Keisha, this is for
you. He knew exactly what I needed to get the fire back in my
prayer life. He sent me a reminder of His power and love through
the movie. Even though my marriage wasn’t facing the challenges
portrayed in the movie, my prayer life lacked my attention. The
movie reminded me that not only did I have authority over my
words but I had a weapon that was more powerful than anything
which was prayer.

Praying intentional and specific prayers will not only cause a

change in the lives of others but it will cause you to walk with
such authority and boldness because of your divine connection
with the Father (which is where the power resides). After
watching the movie, I created my own war room and started my
mornings at 5 a.m. to spend with God in prayer. I was reminded of
the power of prayer. It gave me unshakeable confidence as I saw
God breathe life over dead situations. I was able to thank God in
advance for answered prayers. All because I had a prayer
strategy and I did not waiver.

I became a prayer warrior for my husband and marriage!

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.

Prayer creates a deeper
connection with God. Create
a prayer strategy that works
for you.
So how do you create a prayer strategy for
your marriage? Easy, decide what prayer
means to you and then build on that.
Prayer is life to me. So, I’m going to do
whatever is necessary to pray over my
marriage and my husband. If that means
that I need to get up early in the morning
to do so, then so be it.

You decide what works best for you. The

time of day doesn’t matter. Decide the
time of day, duration, whether you will
write out your prayers or speak them
aloud; will you have worship music in the
background, will you have your Bible or will
you be using a devotional? The two things
that you’ll need on this prayer journey, as a
foundation, are faith and focus.

Faith to believe what you are praying for

and focus to keep your eyes on what God’s
word says. Will there be moments when
you feel discouraged? Probably. But don't
allow what you see to change what you
believe. Remind yourself what God’s Word
says about you. “Behold, I am the Lord, the
God of all flesh: is there anything too hard
for me?” Let the Word become life and
fight for you.
© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.
Your Prayer Strategy
Determine the time of day.

Determine the duration. This can increase over time.


Determine if you will write out your prayers or speak them aloud.
Determine if you will use a devotional or your bible.

Determine the atmosphere. Music. Remember to invite God into your

prayer time and allow Him to speak.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.


Question & Answer

What's stopping you from fully surrendering to God through prayer?

Do you believe a prayer strategy will help strengthen your marriage?

Are there specific areas you would like to add to your prayer strategy?

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.

4 Myths About Prayer
A prayer strategy is not possible until you dispel the myths about
prayer. When you understand the purpose of prayer and why it
matters to your life and marriage then you are able to create a
strategy that can help strengthen your marriage.

You don't know how to God doesn’t hear your
pray prayers

Prayer must be long Prayer is a one way

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.


You Don’t Know How to Pray

Have you ever told yourself that you cannot pray? I can
remember saying this so many times. I used to get so frustrated
and discouraged because I didn’t know where to start or what to
say. I wanted to sound just like some of those seasoned women
at church. But as I grew in my relationship with God, I learned that
He wasn’t looking for copycats. He was looking for authentic
connection and a genuine heart. He wanted me to come to Him
just as I am, without limitation or fear that I cannot talk to Him.


Start your mornings with prayer. It will give you strength and
strategy to face the day ahead. Begin your day, even if it’s only
five minutes, talking to God.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.


Prayer must be long

I used to think the longer the prayer the more it touched God.
Seriously. I thought that I needed to pray for an hour straight
because this is what I saw growing up. But the Bible doesn’t give
a mandate on the length of prayer.

Isn’t it funny how the enemy drops different thoughts into our
spirit to block us from connecting with God? Prayer doesn’t have
to belong. Prayer can be as short as a few minutes and long as
you want it to be. If you are praying with a sincere heart, you
decide how long or short it needs to be.

Don’t focus on the duration of the prayer. Focus on the sincerity
of your heart and words. If you need a little accountability, then
set the timer on your phone for 5 minutes and go all in.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.


God doesn’t hear your prayers

How many of you have heard this? I have! When a person hears
that God doesn’t hear their prayers, they don’t want to pray. I’m not
sure if you’ve ever heard that, but think about it, if someone told you
that God doesn’t hear you when you pray, would you want to pray?
No. But no one has the authority to say what God hears. Lack of
understanding has fueled a lot of this. It points back to know what
prayer is.

When your conversation with God includes His word and you
understand His will for you then He is opened to hearing your
prayers. The first thing we must do though is to pray.


Just because your prayer is an unanswered prayer doesn’t

mean God hasn’t heard your request. He knows the “why”
behind the no or not right now.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.


Prayer is a one way conversation

Prayer is communicating with God which includes both speaking
and listening. Have you ever said, I’ve prayed, but God hasn’t
spoken? I have, plenty of times and it’s not that God didn’t have
anything to say it was that I didn’t create space for Him to speak to
my heart after I prayed. Sure, God can speak through a song, He
can speak through a person, and He speaks through His Word, but
He will not speak through the noise.

Often, we are busy with work, taking care of the kids, and working
our business that it’s hard to hear His voice when we are distracted
by other things. We rush through praying which has become
routine, something to check off our list with no power.

But we need to be intentional about listening for His voice. Why?

When He speaks to our hearts, it gives us confidence that He’s
listening to our prayers and provides us the plans He has set for us.


There’s power in praying for your husband and marriage. God is

the only one that can change both. However, you too must be
willing to make some changes to see change in your husband and
marriage.© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.

My Prayer Routine
Step One
Determine the day before the time
I'm getting up to spend with God.
Typically, it's between 5:30 am-
6:30 am. I believe miracles happen
early in the morning.
Step Two
Turn on worship music as I begin

ushering in the presence of God
into my space. Time varies. It's
based on the move of God.

Step Three
Determine my focus area. I have
different days for different prayers:
my husband, my children, my
extended family, marriages, my
career, and then just worship.
Step Four
I alternate between using my bible
or my devotional. So I'll read. Then
04 depending on the move of God, I'll
either write out my prayer or say it

Step Five
After thanking God in advance for
answered prayers. I sit for about
five minutes in silence to give Him
time to provide instruction as He
speaks to my heart.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.

to Prayer
Over Your
Have I not commanded you? Be
strong and courageous. Do not be
afraid; do not be discouraged, for
the Lord your God will be with you
wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

My dear brothers and sisters, take

note of this: Everyone should be
quick to listen, slow to speak and slow
to become angry, because human
anger does not produce the
righteousness that God desires.
James 1:19-20

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own
understanding; in all your ways submit
to him, and he will make your paths
straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

He said, “Listen, all you people of

Judah and Jerusalem! Listen, King
Jehoshaphat! This is what the Lord
says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be
discouraged by this mighty army, for
the battle is not yours, but God’s.
2 Chronicles 20:15
© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.



The goal of this

guide is to introduce
you to one of the
steps, Understand
God's Role, in my
new framework.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.


Becoming H.E.R. Framework

A 6- Week program for Female Professionals and Entrepreneurs
of faith to help get your marriage back on track confidently.

Becoming Healed, Empowered, and Restored will teach you how

to identify the issues you are facing in your marriage and move
past the tough season and grow to be healed, empowered and
restored using tangible strategies.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.


The Process
Week One: Identify Opportunities to Improve
Your Marriage
Uncover the real problem in this unpleasant season of your
marriage. This is where you’ll discover the real issue and develop
goals to create opportunities to change the current narrative in
your marriage.

Week Two: Use Your Authority to Influence

Change in your Marriage
Reveal the truth behind your part that has contributed to this
season. We’ll unpack how your actions, words, and behavior have
influenced some of the issues that you are currently dealing with
in your marriage. Accept responsibility for your role and be the
change you want to see in your husband.

Week Three: Identify Your Needs as a Wife

Identify your authentic needs as a wife. This is where you’ll
uncover your true desires, wants, and needs as a wife. When
you can clearly articulate those things, it dispels any
ambiguity, and you can express your needs in a way
understood by both you and your husband.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.


The Process
Week Four: Understand God's Role
Recognize where God fits. Gain insight on how to invite God
into your marriage. We’ll discuss the role of prayer and how to
build prayer strategies to guide you in this current or any
future season in your marriage.

Week Five: Your Husband. He's not the

It is true. Your husband is not the enemy. This step is
designed to expand your view and see your husband
through the lens of grace. He is still becoming and the way
you treat him will influence his growth. Discover the real man
behind the issues.

Week Six: How to Recognize When Seasons

Understand and accept that you will have both good and bad
days in marriage. How you handle the bad days will directly
impact the health of your marriage. We’ll discuss ways to identify
when seasons change and create clear strategies to manage
these changes with confidence and ease.

© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.

Three Ways That We
Can Work Together
One of my clients said, "Keisha, you are a midwife. You help wives
labor in the tough season of marriage to birth out something
beautiful in the end. You encourage us to stay discipline and
motivate us to keep pushing." That was a mouth full. If you are
ready to transform your marriage, choose one of the programs

Marriage Emergency
Becoming H.E.R. Wife Intensive 1:1
This is best for you if you need to This is best for you if you need This is best for you if you need
get your marriage back on track. help with one or more problem immediate help. You are tired of
areas in your marriage. fighting without results.

This 6 Week Group Coaching This 4 Week 1:1 Coaching This 90 minute 1:1 Coaching
Program is to help you Program will help you develop Session is will focus on
confidently walk through the strategies to overcome the identifying the issues and
hard season of marriage and get issues that you are dealing with creating strategies to quickly
your marriage back on track. in your marriage. The three implement. Divorce is not an
pillars we will cover are self- option.
love/self care, prayer, and
husband/marriage relationship.


© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.

What My Clients Are Saying...
My husband and I were separated and now
our relationship and marriage is new. God
transformed my marriage beyond words and
showed me my role. I had to change as a wife.
I can honestly say your program saved me
and helped me learn how to trust God in my
marriage, how to have peace in my marriage
and how to be the wife my husband needs. I
am learning and growing as a wife. Your words
of wisdom have changed my life and saved
my marriage.

© Copyright 2021 Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.

Ready for the
next step?
My Signature Program, Becoming H.E.R. begins in October.
Register now for the 6-week program. There are only 15 spots for
this group coaching program. Listen, if you are tired of bossing it
up in your career and in your business, but your marriage is
struggling then this program is for you. Don't spend another
moment living like roommates. It's time to get your marriage back
on track!


© Copyright 2021. Her Dope Marriage. All Rights Reserved.

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