2008 Article 617

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Clin Orthop Relat Res (2009) 467:651–659

DOI 10.1007/s11999-008-0617-5



Do Normal Radiographs Exclude Asphericity of the Femoral

Head-Neck Junction?
Marcel Dudda MD, Christoph Albers MD,
Tallal Charles Mamisch MD, Stefan Werlen MD,
Martin Beck MD

Published online: 20 November 2008

Ó The Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons 2008

Abstract Asphericity of the femoral head-neck junction normal, an increased alpha angle was present anterosupe-
is one cause for femoroacetabular impingement of the hip. riorly. Without the use of radial slices in MRA, the
However, the asphericity often is underestimated on con- asphericity would be underestimated in these patients.
ventional radiographs. This study compares the presence of Level of Evidence: Level II, prognostic study. See the
asphericity on conventional radiographs with its appear- Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels
ance on radial slices of magnetic resonance arthrography of evidence.
(MRA). We retrospectively reviewed 58 selected hips in
148 patients who underwent a surgical dislocation of the
hip. To assess the circumference of the proximal femur, Introduction
alpha angle and height of asphericity were measured in 14
positions using radial slices of MRA. The hips were Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is an accepted cause
assigned to one of four groups depending on the appear- of early osteoarthrosis (OA) of the hip [2, 6, 8, 11, 12]. FAI
ance of the head-neck junction on anteroposterior pelvic describes a pathologic abutment between the femoral head
and lateral crosstable radiographs. Group I (n = 19) was and the acetabular rim. Two basic mechanisms, cam and
circular on both planes, Group II (n = 19) was aspheric on pincer FAI, are responsible for the cartilage damage [2, 6,
the crosstable view, Group III (n = 4) was aspheric on the 8]. However, isolated pincer or cam FAI is rare; most often
anteroposterior view, and Group IV (n = 13) was aspheric a combination of both is present [2]. Pincer FAI is sec-
on both views. In all four groups, the highest alpha angle ondary to general or local overcoverage of the acetabulum.
was found in the anterosuperior area of the head-neck Cartilage damage is restricted to a narrow streak along the
junction. Even when conventional radiographs appeared acetabular rim. Cam FAI is secondary to an aspheric
extension of the cartilage-bearing area of the femoral head
onto the neck [23]. Depending on the location, the aspheric
Each author certifies that he has no commercial association (eg, part is squeezed into the acetabulum during flexion of the
consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing hip or during a combination of flexion and internal, occa-
arrangements, etc) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection
with the submitted article. sionally external, rotation of the hip. The acetabular
Each author certifies that his or her institution has approved the articular cartilage is pushed away from the rim, creating
human protocol for this investigation and that all investigations were initial softening of the acetabular cartilage and later dis-
conducted in conformity with ethical principles of research. connection from the labrum and subchondral bone with
flap formation. Cartilage damage can be substantial at early
M. Dudda (&), C. Albers, T. C. Mamisch, M. Beck .

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Inselspital, University of stages of the disease and can involve up to 1 3 of the depth
Berne, Freiburgstrasse, 3010 Bern, Switzerland of the acetabular cartilage, measured for the rim towards
e-mail: [email protected] the center of the acetabulum [2].
Deformities of the acetabulum (coxa profunda, protru-
S. Werlen
Department of Radiology, Hospital Sonnenhof, Bern, sio, retroversion) are easily recognized on standardized
Switzerland radiographs of the hip [22]. Alterations of the head-neck

652 Dudda et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

junction, however, are overlooked easily, because they are the asphericity of the femoral head is underestimated if
often subtle and located at the anterosuperior aspect of the standard radiographs are normal; (3) that MRA with radial
femoral head [17]. For diagnosis and surgical treatment slices are superior to regular radiographs to visualize
with surgical hip dislocation or hip arthroscopy, it is nec- osseous abnormalities.
essary to verify the exact position of the bone deformity [5,
7]. Standard radiographs like anteroposterior pelvis and
crosstable views are the gold standard in first step diag- Materials and Methods
nostics of cam-type FAI [17]. Several authors recommend
different radiographic views to detect the bone deformity. We retrospectively reviewed the radiographs of the affec-
Some prefer crosstable views and others special projections ted side of all 148 patients who underwent surgical
like Dunn 45° view or frog-leg lateral view [3, 4, 17]. dislocation of the hip for the treatment of FAI from 2005 to
However, to examine the circumference of the femoral 2007. We classified the femoral head asphericity into four
head-neck junction, the most accurate imaging is magnetic groups. A circle was drawn around the femoral head in the
resonance arthrography (MRA) with radial slices (MR slice anteroposterior pelvis and lateral crosstable views. The
planes all containing the femoral neck axis near the fem- head-neck transition was considered spherical if the tran-
oral head-neck junction) [13–16, 19]. In this sequence, the sition from the femoral head to the neck was contained
slices are positioned in a clockwise way around the axis of within the circle (Figs. 1A, B, 2A, B). Group I (n = 19)
the femoral neck. included hips with spherical contours on both the antero-
In contemporary joint-preserving hip surgery, the sur- posterior pelvis and lateral crosstable views (Fig. 1A–B).
gical correction of these anatomic abnormalities aims to Group II (n = 19) included hips with asphericity on the
prevent or at least decelerate the development of secondary lateral crosstable view only. Group III (n = 4) had
OA [5]. However, diagnosis and treatment is only possible asphericity of the hip on the anteroposterior pelvis (eg,
if surgeons exactly know where to look for the pistol grip deformity) but was normal in the lateral cros-
abnormalities. stable view. Group IV (n = 13) included hips with
We hypothesized (1) the asphericity of the head-neck aspheric head-neck junction on both views (Fig. 2A, B).
junction sometimes is missed in regular radiographs; (2) We excluded 52 of the 148 hips with Tönnis Stage 1

Fig. 1A–B (A) Anteroposterior

pelvis view of a patient without
radiographic signs of femoroace-
tabular impingement (Group I).
(B) Lateral crosstable view of a
patient without radiographic signs
of femoroacetabular impingement
(Group I).

Fig. 2A–B (A) Anteroposterior

pelvis view of a patient with
radiographic signs of femoroace-
tabular impingement in both
planes (Group IV). (B) Lateral
crosstable view of a patient with
radiographic signs of femoroace-
tabular impingement in both
planes (Group IV).

Volume 467, Number 3, March 2009 Femoral Head Asphericity 653

Fig. 3 Construction of the alpha angle as described by Nötzli et al.

[18]. Fig. 4 Magnetic resonance arthrogram slice of radial slices showing
the measurement of the height of asphericity at an alpha angle of 43°.

osteoarthrosis [24] and higher and 41 because of MRAs

without radial slices, incomplete radiographic documenta-
tion, or MRAs not performed with the technique described
subsequently. The remaining 55 hips were included in the
study. Mean age of the patients was 33.8 years (range,
16.7–53.7 years).
We (CA, MD) measured the shape of the femoral head-
neck junction using the radial slices of the MRA in 14 cuts
around the femoral head-neck. At each position, the angle
alpha was measured analogous to the technique described
previously (Fig. 3) [18]. We measured the height of the
asphericity at an angle alpha of 43° to obtain an idea of the
magnitude of the deformity (Fig. 4). Based on the data of
previous works by Nötzli et al. [18] and Beaulé et al. [1],
an alpha angle of 43° was considered normal. All data were
converted to a right hip to allow comparison and analysis. Fig. 5 Schematic of the proximal femur showing the clockwise
Standardized conventional anteroposterior and axial rotation of the MRI slices, in which measurements were taken.
pelvic radiographs were performed as described previously
[21]. We (CA,MD) determined the presence or absence of 2000, TE 15, 260 9 260-mm field of view, 266 x 512
osseous bumps in the different groups, acetabular retro- matrix, 4-mm section thickness, 16 slices, 4 minutes 43
version (crossover sign) [20], coxa profunda, protrusio seconds) were oriented along the axis of the femoral neck
acetabuli, the lateral center edge angle [27], and the ace- (Fig. 5). The images were performed (Fig. 6A–G) based on
tabular slope [25]. a sagittal oblique localizer (Fig. 6H), marked on the proton
MRA was performed on a 1.5-Tesla high-field scanner density-weighted coronal sequence.
(Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) using a flexible surface
body coil for high spatial resolution. We injected 10 to
20 mL of saline-diluted gadolinium DTPA (Dotarem Results
1:200; Guebert AG, Paris, France) intraarticularly under
fluoroscopic guidance. In addition to the standard MRI Of the 55 hips analyzed, 41 had acetabular retroversion
protocol, radial proton density-weighted sequences (TR with a positive crossover sign, 34 had mixed-type

654 Dudda et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

Fig. 6A–H (A) Example of a MRA radial slice at 3 o’clock position femoral neck axis. (E) Example of a MRA radial slice at 11 o’clock
(posterior) at the femoral neck axis. (B) Example of a MRA radial position at the femoral neck axis. (F) Example of a MRA radial slice
slice at 2 o’clock position at the femoral neck axis. (C) Example of a at 10 o’clock position at the femoral neck axis. (G) Example of a
MRA radial slice at 1 o’clock position at the femoral neck axis. (D) MRA radial slice at 9 o’clock position (anterior) at the femoral neck
Example of a MRA radial slice at 12 o’clock position (superior) at the axis. (H) Magnetic resonance arthrogram radial slice localizer.

Table 1. Alpha angles and height of asphericity for each group with equivalent times in clockwise rotation
Group Alpha angle (degrees) Maximum height
of asphericity (mm)
Highest Lowest

Group I— no radiographic signs of FAI 56.2 (10 o’clock) 40.1 (4 o’clock) 2.8 (11 o’clock)
Group II—radiographic signs 61.4 (11 o’clock) 42.2 (4 o’clock) 3.3 (10 o’clock)
of FAI only on lateral crosstable view
Group III—radiographic signs 73.1 (7 o’clock) 45.9 (3 o’clock) 2.8 (10 o’clock)
of FAI only on anteroposterior pelvis view
Group IV—radiographic signs 66.2 (12 o’clock) 39.6 (8 o’clock) 4.5 (12 o’clock)
of FAI on anteroposterior pelvis view
and on lateral crosstable view

impingement with coxa profunda, and 21 had isolated cam- Group IV with an aspheric head-neck junction on both
type impingement. The center edge angle averaged 30.1° anteroposterior pelvis and lateral crosstable views.
(range, 14.6°–51.5°) and the acetabular roof angle was 7.1° The mean lateral center edge angle in Group I was 30.1°
(range, -5°–21.8°). (range, 18°–39.5°), in Group II 31.5° (range, 23.2°–51.5°),
Based on the radiographic appearance of the head in Group III 29.7° (range, 29.7°–40.2°), and in Group IV
sphericity on the anteroposterior pelvis and lateral cros- 24.4° (range, 14.6°–32.4°). The mean acetabular slope in
stable views, 19 hips were in Group I with spherical head- Group I was 6.3°, in Group II 7.1°, in Group III 7.2°, and in
neck junctions in both planes, 19 hips in Group II with Group IV it was 8.2°.
asphericity in the axial view, four hips in Group III with In all groups, the alpha angle was increased anterosu-
asphericity only in the anteroposterior view, and 13 hips in periorly between Slice 12 (9 o’clock) and Slice 1 (12

Volume 467, Number 3, March 2009 Femoral Head Asphericity 655

Fig. 7 Diagram showing the alpha angles in Group I that included Fig. 9 Diagram showing the alpha angles in Group II that included
hips with spherical contours on both the anteroposterior pelvis and hips with asphericity on the lateral crosstable view only.
lateral crosstable views. No signs of asphericity.

Fig. 10 Diagram showing the height of asphericity in Group II that

Fig. 8 Diagram showing the height of the asphericity in Group I that included hips with asphericity on the lateral crosstable view only.
included hips with spherical contours on both the anteroposterior
pelvis and lateral crosstable views. No signs of asphericity.
radiographic signs, the largest bump was at the 11 o’clock
position with 2.8 mm. In Group II with only axial signs, it
o’clock) (Table 1). The four hips in Group III showed a was 3.3 mm at the 10 o’clock position and in Group III the
second peak inferiorly at 7 o’clock. bump was 2.8 mm at the 10 o’clock position (Table 1).
The asphericity was most distinctive in Group IV with In Group I, the alpha angle was maximally increased in
4.5 mm at the 12 o’clock position. In Group I with no Slice 13 with 56.2°, equivalent to the 10 o’clock position

656 Dudda et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

Fig. 11 Diagram showing the alpha angles in Group III that had Fig. 13 Diagram showing alpha angles in Group IV that included
asphericity of the hip on the anteroposterior pelvis (eg, pistol grip hips with aspheric head-neck junction on both views.
deformity) and normal contour in the lateral crosstable view.

Fig. 12 Diagram showing the height of asphericity in Group III that Fig. 14 Diagram showing the height of asphericity in Group IV that
had asphericity of the hip on the anteroposterior pelvis (eg, pistol grip included hips with aspheric head-neck junction on both views.
deformity) and normal contour in the lateral crosstable view.

The height of the asphericity averaged a maximum of

(Fig. 7). The height of the asphericity measured 2.8 mm in 3.3 mm in Slice 13, equivalent to the 10 o’clock position
Slice 14, equivalent to the 11 o’clock position (Fig. 8). (Fig. 10).
In Group II, the alpha angle was highest in Slice 14, In Group III, the distribution of the alpha angles was
equivalent to the 11 o’clock position with 61.4° (Fig. 9). heterogeneous. The highest alpha angle was in Slice 9,

Volume 467, Number 3, March 2009 Femoral Head Asphericity 657

equivalent to the 7 o’clock position with 73.1° and a sec- largest diameter but just next to it. If there is an error, then
ond peak at Slice 14 (11 o’clock) with 69.2° (Fig. 11). The towards an underestimation of the true value.
height of the asphericity measured 2.8 mm in Slice 13, Not surprisingly, the hips in Group IV with radiographic
equivalent to the 1 o’clock position and 2.5 mm at the 6 signs in both the anteroposterior and crosstable views had
o’clock position (Fig. 12). the highest alpha angle and also the most prominent
In Group IV, the highest alpha angle was 66.2° in Slice asphericity. In all four groups, an asphericity of the head-
1, equivalent to the 12 o’clock position (Fig. 13). The neck junction was present on the anterosuperior aspect of
height of asphericity measured 4.5 mm in Slice 1, equiv- the femoral head-neck junction. In group III high alpha
alent to the 12 o’clock position (Fig. 14). angles were also measured inferiorly.
The results in Group I without radiographic signs of
asphericity on standard radiographs are interesting. Even in
Discussion this group, the alpha angle and the asphericity was
increased in the anterosuperior region. All these patients
Asphericity of the femoral head-neck junction is one cause would have been missed if diagnosis would have relied on
of FAI that can eventually lead to osteoarthrosis of the hip. standard radiographs only. For this group that accounts for
The asphericity of the femoral head-neck junction is often 34.6% of the study population, it was important to have an
underestimated [8]. To date, there are no studies that additional examination not to overlook the asphericity and
compare the accuracy of the visualization of the asphericity the resulting FAI.
on conventional radiographs to the anatomic representation Of the two pathomechanisms of FAI, cam impingement
on MRA with radial slices. The aim of this study was to with the aspheric head-neck junction is the more important,
evaluate whether asphericity of the femoral head-neck because it leads early to extensive acetabular cartilage
junction can be missed or underestimated if standard damage [2]. To assess the shape of the proximal femur,
radiographs are normal and whether MRA with radial sli- there is a need for an accurate tool to visualize asphericity.
ces is superior to regular radiographs to visualize osseous Conventional radiographs are not accurate enough to
abnormalities. visualize the circumference of the femoral head-neck area
A limitation of this study is the high dropout rate due to of the proximal femur, especially in subtle deformities
imaging that was not suitable for the study. It can be [16]. Different radiographic views and imaging techniques
questioned if those additional 41 hips would have altered have been described to assess osseous deformities of the
the results. Theoretically, the distribution of the four femoral head-neck junction, referring to standard views [4,
groups could be different, however, we believe the influ- 8, 17, 18]. However, a limitation of conventional radio-
ence on the values of alpha angle and height of asphericity graphs always is that only the outline of the bones are
is less likely, given the reasonable number of hips in clearly visualized. With MRA with radial slices this
Groups I, II and IV. The interpretation of the results of problem can be solved. Alternately, CT scans with 3-D
Group III is limited by the small number that precludes reconstructions will also show the deformity accurately,
statistical analysis with the calculation of mean values. but measurement of the alpha angle is more difficult to
Whether those hips really have an additional inferior obtain [1]. In addition, concomitant lesions of the labrum
decrease of the femoral head neck offset has to be exam- and cartilage cannot be visualized as well [14, 26]. It is an
ined by a larger group of such hips. Another limitation may advantage to assess the complete joint with only one
be the possible bias caused by the referral system. Often examination to assess the deformities and secondary joint
patients referred from outside already have had their MRA damages.
and while the quality of these examinations did not meet Of great importance is to understand that an aspheric
the standards for this study they were sufficient for diag- head-neck junction does not necessarily indicate FAI.
nosis and treatment. This was the case if the deformity Motion of the hip depends on the shape of the head-neck
causing FAI was large and visible on the standard radio- junction and the shape of the acetabulum. In a hip with a
graphs. In these cases MRA was only used to assess the dysplastic acetabulum asphericity will not cause FAI
state of labral and acetabular cartilage damage. Because because the acetabulum is too small and maloriented to
hips with subtle deformities rather had a repeat MRA with permit an abutment between these two joint components.
good quality this may have led to an overrepresentation of On the other hand, in a deep or a retroverted acetabulum,
such hips in this study. Finally, the precision to match the overcoverage may be such that even in the presence of a
axis of the radial slices perfectly to the axis of the femoral normal head-neck junction FAI occurs. This study shows
neck is within 1 to 2 mm. This will lead to an underesti- that normal radiographs do not allow the conclusion that
mation of the values of the alpha angle and height of the femoral head-neck junction is spherical. Therefore, in
asphericity because the measurements are not taken at the patients with clinical symptoms of FAI additional

658 Dudda et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

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Acknowledgments We thank Simon Steppacher, MD, Dept. of of early stages of coxarthrosis with conventional roentgen images
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