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Quarter II – Week 6
Interactions Among Living Things
and Nonliving Things


Science – Grade 6
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Quarter II - Week 6: Interactions Among Living Things and Nonliving Things
First Edition, 2020

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Lesson 1
Interactions Among Living Things
and Non-living Things
MELC: Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things
in tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps. ( S6MTIIi-j-5)
1. Identify the living and non-living things in an ecosystem
2. Distinguish the different interactions among living and non-living things
in an ecosystem such as tropical rain forest, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps
3. Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in tropical
rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps

Let’s Explore and Discover

Unlocking of Have you ever been to Crocodile Farm? How does

Difficulties each place look like? What can you say about the living
Biotic a living organisms interacting with those places?
thing of an
ecosystem Yes, I have been
Abiotic- a there! There are Exactly! There are
nonliving thing of different kinds of Two Components of an
an ecosystem animals such as ecosystem. The biotic or
Habitat- a place crocodiles, birds, and living things like plants,
where a living thing snakes living together animals, trees, and
with trees, plants and human. The abiotic or
nonliving things like
Food chain-the many insects in their
rain, water, soil, wind,
transfer of food man made habitats. air.In addition, we have
energy from three natural ecosystems
producer to series the rainforest, coral reef
of consumers and mangrove swamp.
Food web- the
interconnection of
several food chains
where living things
interact and live

Do you know that according to John Donne “No Man is an Island”. It

means we need each other. Nobody can live alone just like in an Ecosystem
where living things live together while interacting with other living and nonliving
components in order to survive.
Look at the picture, the survival of an organism in an ecosystem depends on
the presence of energy, food, and other factors. Animals depend on plants for food
and oxygen because plants can produce their food through photosynthesis from
the sunlight that is the main source of energy in an ecosystem. That is why the
plant is the producer of the whole community. Plants depend on bacteria in the
soil. Bacteria depend on the decaying bodies of plants and animals.
Natural Ecosystem Example of Biotic Abiotic
Foodchain Factors factors
(living (nonliving
thing) thing)

The rainforest is a very trees sunlight

diverse habitat that contains ( predator )
plants soil
several varieties of plant and (tertiary
vines water
different species of an animal that ( secondary
animals air
interact with each other showing consumer ) stone
the symbiotic relationship (primary consumer)

( producer)

The Coral Reef is an area of fishes sand

an ocean made up of coral corals water
skeletons and living coral. known consumer) algae air
as “Tropical Rainforest of the sea” ( secondary
because of their great biodiversity. consumer )

(primary consumer)

( producer)

The mangroves swamp is mangroves soil

the most productive and (tertiary
algae water
biologically complex ecosystem. consumer)
fishes sunlight
Mangrove forests also provide ( secondary
consumer )

an important breeding area for

many species of fishes and (primary consumer)

invertebrates. ( producer)

Types of Relationships among Organisms:
1. Predation- the predator eats smaller prey
2. Competition-species are fighting over a common resource
3. Symbiosis
a. mutualism-both species benefit from the interaction
b. commensalism-one species benefits and other neither harmed not
c. parasitism- one species benefits and the other one is harmed. The
parasite weakens the host( a large organism).

(Source: “5.2 Facilitators Guide 12-13 Interactions Among Living Thing,” Department of
Education, Date accessed November 13, 2020, )

Let’s Practice

Directions: Put a check (√) on the biotic or living components and X on the
abiotic or nonliving components.

Directions: Look at the picture below. It shows an ecosystem. Can you
distinguish the biotic or living and abiotic or nonliving components of this
ecosystem? List them under the appropriate headings.

Biotic components Abiotic components

Let’s Do More

Directions: Match the descriptions with the corresponding ecosystem
relationships. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Descriptions Type of Relationships

______ 1. a relationship in which one organism A. commensalism

competes for survival
______ 2. one organism kills smaller organisms B. competition
for food
______ 3. only one organism benefits while the other C. parasitism
is not benefitted or unharmed
______ 4. both organisms are benefitted D. predation
______ 5. a parasite obtains benefit from a host E. mutualism

Directions: Arrange the following sentences from numbers 1 to 5 that discuss the
picture below.
______ the leaves of caladium
______ the dove which ate
______ the crocodile ate
______the caterpillar ate
______ the cat which ate

Let’s Sum It Up
I Learned that:
Abiotic Commensalism ecosystem Mutualism predator

Biotic Compititon interaction Parasitism

1. An _______________ has both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components.

2. ____________components are organisms with life.
3. ____________ components are organisms without life.
4. There is an _____________ between the biotic and abiotic components in an
Types of relationships among organisms:
5. Predation - the _________ eat smaller prey.
6. _______________-species fighting over a common resource.
7. _______________-both species benefits from the interaction.
8. _______________-one species benefits and other neither harmed not benefited.
9. _______________- one species benefits and the other one is harmed. The parasite
weakens the host( a large organism).

Let’s Assess
Directions: Read and circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call a place where the living thing and nonliving thing live
A. Ecosystem B. Community C. Population D. Organism

2. Which of the following is the main source of energy on earth?

A. air B. food C. sun D. water

3. In which component of the ecosystem are the soil, water, rain, and sunlight
A. abiotic B. biotic C. community D. population

4. Plants, animals, humans, and trees belong to which component of the

A. abiotic B. biotic C. community D. population

5. Which are called the producers in an ecosystem?

A. animals B. insects C. plants D. fungi
6. Which one is not an example of an ecosystem?

A. forest B. garden C. ocean D. pool

7. Which is the primary consumer in the food chain:

A. penguin B. seahorse C. small fish D. whale

8. What is a coral reef?

A. a terrestrial habitat composed of limestones and rocks.
B. made from stony corals and discharged limestone skeletons.
C. a fossilized remnant of rainforests that were once above the water.
D. the most productive and biologically complex ecosystem.

9. An alligator lives in a swamp with birds, fish, trees, and other plants. The
alligator eats a bird that eats seeds and plants. What is the original source of
energy that the alligator gets from eating the bird?
A. The energy that the bird creates.
B. The heat from the air in the swamp.
C. The sunlight that the plants absorb.
D. The sunlight that the alligators create.

10. Which pair of organisms show a mutualism relationship?

A. butterflies and flowers
B. fleas and dogs
C. frog and snake
D. wood and termites

Answer Key
Let’s Practice
Biotic Abiotic
components components
trees plants Water
flower coral Clouds
butterfly frog Sunlight
fishes algae Mountain
dragonfly frog log
birds duck soil
Let’s Do More


1. E 1
2. B 3
3. F 5
4. D 2
5. C 4

Let’s Sum It Up Let’s Assess

1.ecosystem 1.A
2. Biotic 2.C
3.Abiotic 3.A
4. interaction 4.B
1.predator a. mutualism 6.D
2.compitition b.commensalism 7.C
c.parasitism 8.B

Sarte, Evelyn T., Ednaliza R. Garcia, Eliza A. Lopez, Mary Jane G. Dela Cruz, and
Harold A. Arrazada, Science Beyond Borders 6. Quezon City:Vibal Group,
Inc., 2016.

Electronic Resource
LRMDS “5.2 Facilitators Guide 12-13 Interactions Among Living Thing.” Date
accessed November 13,2020.


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