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Għal użu uffiċjali

For official use only
Għal Użu Intern – For Internal Use

Sena/Year 14-15 16-17 18+ App. ID1 ID2 ID3



Numru tal‑Karta tal‑Identità
ID Card Number


Magħruf bħala (isem)

Name k/a


Magħruf bħala (kunjom)

Surname k/a

Maskili / Male Femminili / Female Ieħor /Other
Data tat‑Twelid
Date of Birth

Post tat‑Twelid
Place of Birth

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Isem tat‑Triq
Street Name




Timtela biss jekk il‑persuna għadha kemm akkwistat ċittadinanza Maltija u diġà kellha fil‑pussess tagħha, permess ta’ residenza
bin‑numru li jispiċċa bl‑ittra ‘A’.
To be filled only if the applicant has just acquired Maltese Citizenship and was already in possession of a residence permit card with
a number ending with ‘A’.

Permess ta’ Residenza

Residence Card no.



Numru tat‑Telefown
Telephone Number

Numru tal‑Mowbajl
Mobile Number

Indirizz tal‑Imejl
Email Address

Nixtieq napplika għall‑kont tal‑eID Iva Le

I want to apply for an eID account Yes No


Din is‑Sezzjoni trid timtela f’każijiet fejn l‑applikant/a mhux/mhix f’pożizzjoni li j/tipproduċi l‑Karta tal‑Identità preċedenti tiegħu/
tagħha. Ix‑Xhud, li t/jrid ikun ilu/ilha j/taf lill‑applikant/a għal mill‑anqas sentejn, j/tista’ j/tkun Uffiċjal Pubbliku, mhux inqas minn
grad ta’ Prinċipal (jew ekwivalenti), persuna ta’ professjoni, saċerdot jew kwalunkwe persuna oħra ta’ pożizzjoni simili.
This Section has to be filled in cases where the applicant is not in a position to produce his/her previous Identity Card. The Witness,
who must have known the applicant for at least two years, should be a public officer not below the grade of Principal (or equivalent),
a professional person, a Minister of Religion or any other person of similar standing.

L‑Applikant/a j/trid j/tipprovdi ritratt meħud riċentement, daqs tal‑passaport, approvat mix‑Xhud li t/jrid t/jikteb “Niċċertifika li din
hija xbieha vera ta’ ... (isem u kunjom tal‑applikant/a)” inkluż il‑firma tax‑Xhud fuq in‑naħa ta’ wara tar‑ritratt.
The applicant has to provide a recently taken passport‑size photo to be endorsed by the Witness thus “Certified true likeness of Mr/
Ms... (name and surname of applicant)” including the signature of the witness on the back of the photo.

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SEZZJONI D (tkompli) ‑ SECTION D (continuing)


Isem u Kunjom tax‑Xhud
Name and Surname of Witness

Numru tal‑Karta tal‑Identità

ID Card Number



Numru tat‑Telefown
Telephone Number

Dikjarazzjoni tax-Xhud – Declaration by the Witness

Jien, ix‑Xhud, qiegħed nivverifika l‑identità tal‑applikant/a, indikat/a f’Sezzjoni 1, għall‑finijiet ta’ applikazzjoni għall‑Karta
tal‑Identità. Niddikjara wkoll li jien ilni naf lill‑applikant/a għal mill‑inqas dawn l‑aħħar sentejn.
I, the Witness, am verifying the identity of the applicant, indicated in Section 1, with regards to his/her application for an Identity Card.
I also declare that I have known the applicant for at least 2 years.

Firma tax‑Xhud Timbru tax‑Xhud

Signature of Witness Rubber stamp of Witness



Isem u Kunjom tal‑Applikant/a
Applicant’s Name and Surname

Numru tal‑Karta tal‑Identità

ID Card Number

Dikjarazzjoni tal-Applikant/a – Declaration by the Applicant

Jien, l‑Applikant/a, qiegħed/ qiegħda niddikjara li qed nissottometti din il‑formola peress li m’iniex f’pożizzjoni li nipprovdi l‑Karta
tal‑Identità preċedenti.
I, the Applicant, declare that I am submitting this form because I am not in a position to provide the previous Identity Card.

Firma tal‑Applikant/a Data

Signature of Applicant Date

Kull data miġbura u pproċessata hija konformi mal‑Att dwar il‑Karta tal‑Identità u Dokumenti oħra tal‑Identità (Kap 258) u
mar‑Regolamenti Ġenerali dwar il‑Protezzjoni tad‑Data (UE) 2016/679 kif ukoll skont liġijiet oħra applikabbli jew linji gwida li
jkunu ppubblikati minn żmien għal żmien.
All data furnished is processed in accordance with Identity Card and other Identity Documents Act (Ch 258) and the General Data
Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as well as any other applicable law or guidelines published from time to time.
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Applikazzjoni (ID5)
ID5 Application

Ftehim tal‑Abbonat/a
Subscriber Agreement

Formola Elettorali
Electoral Form

Rapport tal‑Pulizija
Police Report

Ittra ta’ Konferma maħruġa mid‑Dipartiment taċ‑Ċittadinanza u tal‑Espatrijati1

Confirmation Letter issued by the Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs Department

1 ‑ Tapplika biss f’każijiet fejn l‑applikant/a akkwista/t Ċittadinanza Maltija ‑ Applicable only in cases where the applicant has acquired Maltese Citizenship



Jien niddikjara illi, sa fejn naf jien:

a) l‑informazzjoni kollha li niżżilt fuq din il‑formola hija korretta;
b) jien ċittadin/a ta’ Malta;
ċ) jekk applikabbli, il‑Karta tal‑Identità tiegħi hi mitlufa jew misruqa.
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief:
a) the information in this application is correct;
b) I am a citizen of Malta
c) if applicable, my Identity Card is lost or stolen.

(daħħal isem u kunjom / insert name and surname)

numru ta’ Karta tal‑Identità

identity document number

qrajt u fhimt kull ma jidher f’din il‑formola.

have read and understood all contents of this form.

Firma tal‑Applikant/a Data

Signature of Applicant Date

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Jiena hawn taħt iffirmat/a nitlob li tinħariġli l‑karta tal‑identità b’mod urġenti minħabba:
I the undersigned request that my Identity Card is issued urgently because of:

(agħti r‑raġuni/ give reason).

Jiena nfurmat li biex inkun nista’ niġbor il‑karta tal‑identità l‑ġdida tiegħi jiena rrid nippreżenta l‑karta tal‑identità l‑qadima
tiegħi kif ukoll prova tal‑indirizz li jidher fuq il‑karta tal‑identità. Ġejt infurmat li bħala prova tal‑indirizz jien nista’ nipprovdi xi
dokument uffiċjali li rċevejt riċentament u li juri ismi u l‑indirizz kif jidher fuq il‑karta tal‑identità tiegħi jew kont tad‑dawl u l‑ilma
li wkoll juri ismi u l‑indirizz tiegħi (f’każ li l‑kont ma joħroġx fuq ismek ippreżenta kopja tal‑karta tal‑identità tal‑persuna li isimha
jidher fuq il‑kont).
I am informed that in order to pick up the new identity card, I have to present the old identity card and also proof of the address
showing on the identity card. I am informed that as proof I can present any document that I recently received, showing my name
and address as shown on the identity card or an electricity and water bill showing my name and address (in case the bill is not
issued in your name present a copy of the identity card of the person on whom the electricity bill is issued).

Firma tal‑Applikant/a
Signature of Applicant

Uffiċjal ta’ Identity Malta

Identity Malta’s Officer


Jiena hawn taħt iffirmat nixtieq li nirċievi l‑karta tal‑identità l‑ġdida tiegħi bil‑posta.
I the undersigned would like to receive my new identity card by post.

Firma tal‑Applikant/a
Signature of Applicant

Uffiċjal ta’ Identity Malta

Identity Malta’s Officer


Jiena hawn taħt iffirmat qed nagħżel li niġi niġbor il‑karta tal‑identità tiegħi mill‑uffiċċji ta’ Gattard House, Blata l‑Bajda.
I the undersigned am choosing to pick up my identity card from Gattard House, in Blata l‑Bajda.

Jiena niddikjara li ġejt infurmat li biex nieħu l‑karta tal‑identità tiegħi jiena rrid nipprovdi lid‑dipartiment tal‑karti tal‑identità prova
li turi b’mod ċar li l‑indirizz li għandi fuq il‑karta tal‑identità huwa tiegħi u għandi aċċess għalih.
I declare that I am informed that in order to receive my identity card I have to provide to the E‑ID Unit proof that clearly shows that I
have access to the address shown or that this address is mine.

Jiena ġejt infurmat li bħala prova jiena nista’ nġib jew l‑ittra tal‑PINs li nħarġitli mid‑dipartiment tal‑karti tal‑identità stess jew kont
tad‑dawl u l‑ilma fejn jidher ismi u l‑indirizz jew kull dokument uffiċjali ieħor li rċevejt riċentament u li fih juri ismi u l‑indirizz li jkun
jaqbel mal‑indirizz li ddikjarajt fuq il‑karta tal‑identità.
I am informed that as proof I can provide either the letter containing the PINs issued by the E‑ID Unit or else a water and electricity bill
with my name and address, or else any other document I recently received where my name and address match those declared on the
identity card.


Uffiċjal ta’ Identity Malta

Identity Malta’s Officer

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Bis‑sottomissjoni tal‑Formola ID10 – to attend any query related to this policy ħsieb il‑manutenzjoni tad‑databases
Applikazzjoni għal Karta tal‑Identità Maltija and in general to personal data processing tal‑Aġenzija.
flimkien ma’ dokumenti neċessarji oħra activities conducted by IMA. The Data Dan se jsir fuq il‑linji gwida tal‑Liġi
annessi magħha, inti qed tipprovdi lill‑Aġenzija Protection Officer may be contacted using tal‑Protezzjoni tad‑Data, filwaqt li hemm
Identity Malta (IMA) b’informazzjoni personali, the details below. bosta arranġamenti sabiex jiggarantixxu
u għalhekk issir suġġett għad‑data. Postal Address: s‑sigurtà ta’ dawn it‑trasferimenti, u biex
L‑għan ta’ dan l‑avviż dwar il‑privatezza, Data Protection Officer kollox isir skont il‑liġi.
huwa sabiex inkunu konformi mal‑obbligi Identity Malta Agency Taħt ċerti kundizzjonijiet, Identity Malta
ġusti u trasparenti taħt ir‑regolamenti Castagna Business Centre, tista’ tiżvela l‑informazzjoni tiegħek ma’
ġenerali dwar il‑protezzjoni tad‑data, u biex Valley Road, Birkirkara. BKR 9021 Malta partijiet terzi, (bħal entitajiet Governattivi
ninfurmawk dwar min se jkun qed jipproċessa E‑mail: [email protected] oħra u awtoritajiet għall‑infurzar tal‑liġi)
l‑informazzjoni tiegħek, għal liema għan, għal jekk ikun neċessarju, u għal għanijiet
kemm żmien se tinżamm, ma’ min se tkun qed 2. Għanijiet u bażi legali speċifiċi u legali.
tiġi kondiviża/titqassam u dwar id‑drittijiet L‑għanijiet wara l‑ġabra ta’ informazzjoni L‑informazzjoni ma tiġix trasferita lejn
tiegħek bħala suġġett għad‑data taħt permezz ta’ din il‑formola huma sabiex pajjiżi terzi jew organizzazzjonijiet
ir‑regolamenti ġenerali dwar il‑protezzjoni tkun proċessata l‑applikazzjoni tiegħek internazzjonali.
tad‑data. għal karta tal‑identità Maltija u biex tkun 3. Recipients of personal data
Inti tista’ tissottometti informazzjoni personali miżmuma b’mod elettroniku fis‑sistemi Data will be accessed by Identity Malta
ta’ individwi oħra permezz ta’ din il‑Formola tat‑teknoloġija ta’ Identity Malta. employees in charge of processing the
(eż. rakkomandant, xhud eċċ). Identity Malta L‑informazzjoni personali tiegħek tista’ Form.
stabbilit li, f’tali ċirkostanzi, ikun impossibbli tkompli tkun ipproċessata minn Identity It may also be transferred to other
li tinforma lil dawn l‑individwi u tali eżerċizzju Malta sabiex tistabbilixxi l‑urġenza departments within Identity Malta in order
jirrikjedi sforzi kbar. IMA se tapplika miżuri tal‑applikazzjoni tiegħek (Formola ID18) to facilitate the delivery of the service
adegwati sabiex tipproteġi d‑drittijiet, u biex tikkonferma li l‑Karta tal‑Identità requested by submitting this Form.
il‑libertajiet u l‑interessi leġittimi ta’ dawn se tinġabar minn persuna awtorizzata Data will also be transferred to the Electoral
l‑individwi. (Formola ID13). Commission of Malta, and in case the need
By submitting Form ID10 – Application for a Il‑bażi legali għall‑ipproċessar arises, it may be accessed by the suppliers
Maltese Identity Card and the attachment(s) tal‑informazzjoni hija t‑twettiq ta’ kompitu of Identity Malta in charge of maintaining
required (altogether the “Form”), you provide fl‑interess pubbliku minn Identity Malta Identity Malta’s databases.
Identity Malta Agency (“IMA”) with personal u b’mod konformi mal‑obbligi legali taħt This will be done in line with data protection
data (the “Data”) and thus become a “data Artiklu 5 Kap. 258 tal‑Liġijiet ta’ Malta (Att legislation, and arrangements are in place
subject”. dwar il‑Karta tal‑Identità u Dokumenti in order to guarantee the security and
The aim of this policy is to comply with our oħra tal‑Identità). L‑‘uffiċjal awtorizzat’ lawfulness of these transfers.
transparency and fairness obligations under imsemmi minn din il‑liġi hija l‑Aġenzija Under certain conditions, IMA may disclose
GDPR and to inform you about who will be Identity Malta – Unit Karti tal‑Identità. your information to other third parties,
processing your Data, for what purpose, for Aħna kburin li nżommu d‑data tiegħek (such as other Government entities or law
how long it will be kept, with whom it will be sigura u se nieħdu l‑miżuri tekniċi u enforcement authorities) if it is necessary
shared and about your rights as a data subject organizzattivi sabiex inħarsu d‑data and proportionate for lawful, specific
under GDPR. tiegħek kontra pproċessar mhux purposes.
You may submit personal data of individuals awtorizzat jew illegali, inkluż kontra telf, Data will not be transferred to third
other than yourself with this Form (i.e. qerda, ħażna jew aċċess aċċidentali. countries or international organizations.
recommenders, witnesses, etc.). IMA has Id‑data personali tiegħek tinżamm f’fajls
assessed that, in said cases, informing these tal‑karti u/jew b’mod elettroniku fuq 4. Perijodu ta’ żamma
individuals proves impossible and would id‑databases. L‑informazzjoni provduta tinżamm
involve a disproportionate effort. IMA will still 2. Purposes and legal basis għal 40 sena mis‑sottomissjoni ta’ din
take appropriate measures to protect the rights, The purposes for processing personal data l‑applikazzjoni.
freedoms and legitimate interests of these collected within this form is to process your 4. Storage period
individuals. application for a Maltese ID Card and to Data will be retained for forty (40) years
populate Identity Malta Agency’s databases. from the submission of the application.
1. Uffiċjal għall‑Kontroll tad‑Data u Your personal data may be further processed
Protezzjoni tad-Data by Identity Malta in order to establish the 5. Id‑drittijiet tiegħek
L‑Aġenzija Identity Malta hija l‑kontrollur urgency of your application (Form ID18) and Tista’ tagħmel kuntatt mal‑Uffiċjal
tad‑data, li jfisser li hija l‑entità li to confirm that the ID Card is collected by an tal‑Protezzjoni tad‑Data sabiex teżerċita
tistabbilixxi l‑għanijiet u l‑mezzi li bihom authorized person (Form ID13). d‑dritt tiegħek għal aċċess, tirratifika jew
tiġbor u tipproċessa l‑informazzjoni The legal basis for processing the Data jekk jinqala’ l‑bżonn, tħassar id‑Data,
tiegħek b’rabta ma’ din il‑formola. are the performance of a task carried out b’konformità mal‑liġijiet li japplikaw.
L‑Aġenzija Identity Malta hija aġenzija in the public interest by Identity Malta Għandek ukoll id‑dritt li toġġezzjona
tal‑Gvern ta’ Malta li toffri servizzi b’rabta and compliance with the legal obligation għall‑ipproċessar tad‑data fi kwalunkwe
ma’ Ċittadinanza, Karti tal‑Identità, deriving from Article 5 of Cap. 258 of the żmien, abbażi ta’ sitwazzjonijiet partikolari.
Passaporti, Visi, Espatrijati u Reġistru Laws of Malta (Identity Card and Other Jekk tħoss li l‑Aġenzija Identity Malta
Pubbliku. Identity Documents Act). The “authorized kissret xi drittijiet dwar il‑protezzjoni
L‑Uffiċjal tal‑Protezzjoni tad‑Data officer” mentioned by this law is Identity tad‑data tiegħek tista’ tissottometti
tal‑Aġenzija Identity Malta huwa Malta Agency – Identity Cards Unit. l‑ilment tiegħek lill‑awtorità responsabbli
responsabbli li jindirizza kwalunkwe We take pride in keeping your data secure fl‑Istat Membru fejn inti tgħix, jew fejn
mistoqsija b’rabta ma’ dawn and will take appropriate technical and inti taħdem, jew lill‑awtorità responsabbli
ir‑regolamenti u b’mod in ġenerali dwar organisational measures to protect your fl‑Istat Membru fejn allegatament inkissru
attivitajiet ta’ proċessar ta’ data li jsir minn data against unauthorised or unlawful dawn id‑drittijiet.
IMA. L‑Uffiċjal tal‑Protezzjoni tad‑Data ta’ processing, including against accidental 5. Your rights
Identity Malta jista’ jkun ikkuntattjat f’dan loss, destruction, storage or access. Your You can contact the Data Protection Officer
l‑indirizz: personal data will be stored in paper files in order to exercise your right to access,
Uffiċjal tal‑Protezzjoni tad‑Data and/or electronically on our databases. rectify and, as the case may be, erase the
Aġenzija Identity Malta Data, in compliance with applicable laws.
Head Office, 3. Min se jaċċessa l‑informazzjoni personali You also have the right to object to the
Triq il‑Wied, Msida, MSD 9020. Malta L‑impjegati ta’ Identity Malta se jkollhom processing of Data at any time, on grounds
Email: [email protected] aċċess għall‑informazzjoni personali relating to your particular situation.
1. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer tiegħek sabiex jipproċessaw din il‑formola. If you feel that Identity Malta has infringed
IMA is the data controller, meaning the Din l‑informazzjoni tista’ tkun trasferita your data protection rights, you may submit
entity that defines the purposes and means lil dipartimenti fi ħdan Identity Malta a complaint to the supervisory authority
for collecting and processing your Data in sabiex tiffaċilita t‑twettiq tas‑servizz of the Member State of your habitual
relation to this Form. mitlub permezz tas‑sottomissjoni ta’ din residence or place of work, or, alternatively,
IMA is an Agency of the Government il‑formola. to the supervisory authority of the Member
of Malta, delivering services related to L‑informazzjoni se tkun trasferita wkoll State where the alleged infringement has
Citizenship, Identity Cards, Passports, Visas, lill‑Kummissjoni Elettorali ta’ Malta, u taken place.
Expatriates and Public Registry. jekk ikun il‑każ, tista’ tiġi aċċessata wkoll
IMA’s Data Protection Officer is responsible minn fornituri ta’ Identity Malta li jieħdu

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Subscribers must carefully read the terms and conditions behalf of the Subscriber through the use of the assignment disclose personal data to third parties, (such as the other
in this Subscriber Agreement (the ‘Agreement’) prior to and/or delegation function available in the e-ID Account Government entities or law enforcement authorities) if it is
use of any Electronic Identity Account (‘the e-ID Account’) was validly authorised by the Subscriber and that such necessary and proportionate for lawful, specific purposes.
and/or Authentication and Qualified Electronic Signature authorization was not revoked by the Subscriber, (iii) all e-ID Personal Data will not be transferred to third
Certificates (jointly referred as the ‘Certificates’) within the representations made and documents submitted by the countries or international organizations.
National Electronic Identity Card (the ‘e-ID’) issued by the Subscriber during the application and registration for the 9.4 Storage period of Personal Data ‑ e‑ID Account.
Government of Malta. e-ID Account are true and up-to-date. As a rule, the RA does not keep personal data for longer than
1. Subject Matter. 8. Indemnity on the e‑ID Account. necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
This Agreement contains the terms and conditions under The Subscriber shall indemnify the RA and/or the Service e-ID Personal Data will be stored by the RA for forty (40) years
which a Subscriber shall use: Providers for any loss, damage and expense of any kind, arising after the termination of this Agreement or the disabling of the
a) the e‑ID Account; out or in connection with (a) the manner and extent of the use e-ID Account of the Subscriber for whatever reason.
b) the Certificates. of the e-ID Account by the Subscriber and/or by any person 9.5 Data subject rights ‑ e‑ID Account.
The provision of e-ID Account and Certificates services are or organisation which the Subscriber appoints, assigns or The Subscriber can contact the Data Protection Officer in
strictly related. The e-ID may require to use the Certificates delegates to appear and act on behalf of the Subscriber; (b) order to exercise his/her right to access, rectify and, as the
for the delivery of e-Services that require enforced any negligence or wilful misconduct made by the Subscriber case may be, erase, any personal data relating to him/her, in
authentication. when using his/her e-ID Account and/or by any person or compliance with applicable laws.
This Agreement also contains the terms and conditions organisation which the Subscriber appoints, assigns or The RA may request the Subscriber to provide proof of identity
relating to the use and reliance upon the Certificates as per delegates to appear and act on behalf of the Subscriber; (c) (such as a copy of their ID card or passport), before complying
the Trusted Service Provider’s (‘TSP’) Certificate Policy (‘CP’), any falsehood or misrepresentation of fact by the Subscriber with the request.
which can be found at and/or any person or organisation which the Subscriber If the Subscriber feels that the RA has infringed his/her data
2. Entire Agreement. appoints, assigns or delegates to appear and act on behalf protection rights, the Subscriber may submit an official
This Agreement, together with Certificate Policy in the case of of the Subscriber; (d) any failure by the Subscriber and/or complaint to the supervisory authority of the Member State of
the Certificates, forms the entire and sole agreement between any person or organisation which the Subscriber appoints or his/her habitual residence or place of work.
the Government of Malta and the Subscriber with respect to delegates to appear and act on behalf of the Subscriber to 10. Authority responsible for the Certificates.
the Subject Matter of this Agreement and shall supersede disclose a material fact with the intent to deceive the RA or the The Authority responsible for the Certificates and for the relative
all previous negotiations, communications and other Service Providers; (e) any failure by the Subscriber and/or any terms and conditions set out hereunder shall be the Trust
agreements whether written or oral relating to it. There are no person or organisation which the Subscriber appoints, assigns Service Provider (“TSP”). The Malta Electronic Certification
representations, terms, statements or conditions binding on or delegates to appear and act on behalf of the Subscriber Services Limited (“MECS Ltd.”) shall act as the TSP.
the parties other than those contained in this Agreement and to prevent the compromise, loss, disclosure, modification, or 11. Identification Information of Certificates.
the CP and the Subscriber has not relied or is not relying on unauthorized use of their e-ID Credentials; and (f) any non- The Subscriber attests that the information submitted relating
any other information, discussion or understanding in entering permitted use of the e-ID Account which falls outside the to the application for the Certificates, as may be corrected or
into and completing the transactions contemplated in this scope of this Agreement. updated from time to time, is true and complete and that s/he
Subscriber Agreement. Nothing in this paragraph shall affect The Subscriber further agrees to release, indemnify, defend has complied with the corresponding registration procedures.
any party’s liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. and hold harmless the RA and any of its contractors, agents, 12. Acceptable Use or Reliance on Certificates.
Should any of the provisions of this Agreement contradict the employees, officers, directors, affiliates and assigns from all a) The reliance placed upon any Electronic Signature created
provisions of the CP in relation to the Certificates, the CP shall liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including using the authentication Certificate and associated Private
prevail. reasonable legal fees and expenses, of third parties relating Key embedded within the e-ID shall be limited to proof-of-
3. Definitions. to or arising out of any falsehoods or misrepresentations of possession of the e-ID and knowledge of the associated
Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, the terms and fact by the Subscriber on the NIDMS Application Form, any activation data. The TSP does not authenticate the content
words used in this Agreement in relation to the Certificates, breach of intellectual property or other proprietary right of any of any message signed using an Electronic Signature
have the same meaning as in the TSP’s glossary which person or entity, failure to disclose a material fact on the NIDMS and accordingly does not entertain any liability or risk in
can be found at ‘NIDMS Application Form if the misrepresentation or omission was relationthereto;
Application Form’ refers to the application form signed by made negligently or with intent to deceive any party, failure to b) The Subscriber shall use or rely on the Certificates
the citizen to be issued with the National Electronic Identity protect the subscriber’s username, password, and activation only for the purposes permitted by the CP and this
Card – Form ID 10. links or to take the precautions necessary to prevent the Agreement and for no other purpose. The Subscriber
4. Authority responsible for e‑ID Account. compromise, loss, disclosure, modification or unauthorized acknowledges and agrees that any use of, or reliance on,
The Authority responsible for the e-ID Account and for the use of same. the Certificates for purposes of any other transactions
relative terms and conditions set out hereunder shall be the 9. Data Protection – e‑ID Account. is at the Subscriber’s own risk and the TSP offers no
Registration Authority (‘RA’). Identity Malta Agency (Identity By agreeing to sign up for an e-ID Account, the Subscriber express warranties regarding the fitness for purpose
Cards Unit) shall act as the RA. will provide the RA with personal data (the ‘e-ID Personal of the Certificates for any application not specifically
5. Use of e‑ID Account. Data’). The e-ID Personal Data is retrieved from the NIDMS approved in this Agreement or in the CP. To the fullest
The Subscriber shall: Application Form. extent permitted by law, the TSP disclaims any implied
a) ensure that his/her usernames, passwords and activation The RA is committed to process the e-ID Personal Data in a warranties to the contrary;
links relating to the e-ID Account (“e-ID Credentials”) are lawful, fair and transparent manner and in observance with c) The TSP offers no express or implied warranties regarding
not compromised; the principles set out by General Data Protection Regulation the performance of any of the portal sites operated by the
b) immediately notify the RA on becoming aware that his/her (‘GDPR’), Article 5. Government of Malta or other third parties;
e-ID Credentials are compromised, or there is substantial 9.1 Data Controller ‑ e‑ID Account. d) The Subscriber shall refrain from tampering with the
risk of compromise; Data Protection Officer, Identity Malta Agency, Onda Certificates and shall immediately inform the RA of any
c) ensure that all information provided to the RA in relation Building, Aldo Moro Street, Marsa, MRS9065, Malta changes to the data on the Certificates;
to the generation and issuance of his/her e-ID Account Telephone: +356 25904900 e) The Subscriber acknowledges that Certificates are not
(including all information submitted by him/her during the Email: [email protected] designed, intended, or authorised for use in hazardous
registration process) is true, complete and up-to-date; 9.2 Purposes and legal basis ‑ e‑ID Account. circumstances or for uses requiring fail-safe performance;
d) immediately notify the RA if there is any other change Identity Malta Agency is an Agency of the Government of f) The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that Certificates
to his/her e-ID registration information or any other Malta established by S.L. 497.07. are personal to the relevant Subscriber and they are
information provided to the RA; The RA shall process the e-ID Personal Data to issue and non- transferable. If a person relies upon a Certificate from
e) make use of his/her e-ID Account only for the purposes manage the e-ID Account of the Subscriber, if the Subscriber an individual purporting to act on behalf of another legal
for which it was issued and within the usage and reliance agrees to sign up for it, including by providing such e-ID person, the person does so entirely at its own risk;
limitations as specified in this Agreement and all other Personal Data to a third party at the Subscriber’s request g) The Subscriber acknowledges that the service can be
applicable laws, agreements and terms and conditions of when the Subscriber decides to use the e-ID Account toward provided until the expiry of the Certificates.
use related to the subject matter of this Agreement; such third parties. h) The Subscriber shall only use the Certificates to the extent
f) check the details set out in his/her e-ID Account on The RA does not re-use the information for another purpose consistent with applicable law
receipt and promptly notify the RA if incorrect or improper that is different to the one stated. Processing is necessary 13. Suspension and/or Revocation of Certificates.
information has been created for the performance of a contract to which the data subject 13.1 Request by the Subscriber.
6. Warranties by the RA on the e‑ID Account. is party and the delivery of services related to the Certificates The Subscriber shall immediately request that the RA
The Subscriber agrees that use of the e-ID Account, including under said contract (this Subscriber Agreement). suspends and/or revokes a Certificate:
access and usage of any functionality or multiple profile Processing is also necessary for the performance of a task in a) If the e-ID, Private Keys or passwords of the Subscriber
contained in the e-ID Account as well as access and usage of the public interest by the RA. have been, or are suspected to have been, compromised or
any electronic service connected to the electronic portal of the 9.3 Recipients of Personal Data ‑ e‑ID Account. are insecure in any way;
Government of Malta is solely at the Subscriber’s own risk. e-ID Personal Data may be transferred to and accessed by b) If any of the information contained in the Certificate, or the
The RA expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether the following recipients: identification and authentication information has been
express or implied, including but not limited to the implied (a) Service Providers from whom the Subscriber requests changed or altered, or is otherwise no longer accurate or
warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose an e-Service. The Service Providers and the e-Services complete.
and non-infringement. The Subscriber understands and available to the Subscriber at the time of entering into this 13.2 Suspension/Revocation by TSP/RA.
agrees that any transaction, material and/or data downloaded Agreement are listed under “What Services are available The Subscriber acknowledges that the TSP or the RA may
or otherwise obtained through the use of e-ID Account is done from the Service Providers” in the “Frequently Asked revoke a Certificate:
at the Subscriber’s own discretion and risk and that usage of Questions” section of the website ( a) If any of the information in the Certificatechanges;
the e-ID Account may be construed as an ‘electronic signature’ and are subject to change. Service Providers b) If the TSP and/or the RA knows or has reason to suspect
in terms of the Maltese Electronic Commerce Act. are also available on that the Private Keys or password or PIN number of the
7. Warranties by the Subscriber on the use of the e‑ID Account. The Service Providers are public authorities of the Subscriber have been compromised;
The Subscriber warrants: Government of Malta offering online services in the public c) If the Subscriber fails to comply with their obligations
a) that he/she is solely responsible for any use as well as interest. They act in their capacity of data controllers once under this Agreement; or
the contents of any transmission, message or transaction the e-ID Personal Data has been transferred to them. d) For any other reasons the TSP and/or the RA deems
performed through the usage of the e-ID Account including The Service Providers process the e-ID Personal Data in necessary.
all functionalities and profiles that can be assigned to order to render the e-Services available to the Subscriber, 14. Warranties by the TSP on Certificates.
and/or generated by him/her through the use of the e-ID only if said e-Services are requested by the Subscriber. Section 9 of the CP contains the sole representations and
Account; (b) Malta Information Technology Agency (‘MITA’), which acts warranties provided by the TSP for the benefit of Subscribers
b) to all Service Providers who will grant access to any as a data processor on behalf of the RA. MITA has access in relation to the Certificates. The obligations of the TSP in
electronic service provided through the portal of the for technical purposes, and may use one or more sub- relation to the Certificates are subject to the limitations and
Government of Malta (‘Service Providers’) that (i) no processors approved by the RA. exclusions set out in Section 9 of the CP.
unauthorized person has ever had access to his/her e-ID The transfers will be done in line with applicable laws, 15. Warranties by the Subscriber on the use of the Certificates.
Account and that the e-ID Account is being used exclusively and arrangements are in place in order to guarantee The Subscriber warrants and represents that s/he:
for appropriate, authorised and lawful purposes; and (ii) at the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the e-ID a) accepts the procedures set by the TSP in the CP currently in
the time that any act, use or transaction is carried out or Personal Data within these transfers. effect for the provision of Certificates;
performed through by any other person or organisation on Under certain conditions outlined in law, the RA may b) when applying to the RA for the e-ID, s/he has submitted

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precise, accurate and complete information, and complied that is different to the ones stated. Agreement as well as the Terms and Conditions shall be
with the corresponding registration procedures; 18.3 Recipients of Personal Data ‑ Certificates. applicable for as long as the e-ID Account remains valid and the
c) will use or rely on keys or Certificates only for purposes In order to maintain and manage the Certificates, the TSP may Subscriber has not breached any provision of the Subscriber
permitted by this Agreement and for no other purpose; transfer and share the Certificates Personal Data with Malta Agreement and/or the Terms and Conditions. In relation to the
d) gives an undertaking that s/he is the sole holder of the Information Technology Agency and De La Rue Currency & Certificates, the TSP a) may terminate this Agreement at any
Private Keys within the e-ID linked to the Public Keys to be Security Print Ltd. Furthermore, some Certificate Personal Data time by sending written notice to the Subscriber and b) shall
certified; may be made available to relying parties if the Subscriber terminate this Agreement without advance notice in the event
e) protects the Private Keys at all times against loss, disclosure, chooses to use the Certificates towards third parties or if that the Certificate is revoked by the TSP in accordance with
alteration or unauthorised use; the status of the Certificates changes, for the purposes of this Agreement. The Subscriber will be informed by the TSP of
f) will immediately notify the RA in such manner as specified validating the Certificates and the use of the Certificates by the such termination by written notice within three working days
by the TSP in the event of the compromise or suspected Subscriber. from the date of revocation of the Certificate. The Subscriber
compromise of the Private Keys or the activation data (e.g. This will be done in line with applicable laws, and arrangements may, at any time, request the suspension, revocation and/
PIN codes); are in place in order to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity or termination of:
g) will immediately inform the RA of any changes to the data and availability of the Certificates Personal Data within these a) the e-ID Account; and/or
on the Certificates; transfers. b) the two Certificates (authentication and signature).
h) will comply with the terms and conditions of the service Under certain conditions outlined in law, the TSP may 22. Assignment
providers with whom it communicates while using the disclose personal data to third parties, (such as the other The TSP will assign specific function with respect to the
Certificate. Government entities or law enforcement authorities) if it is processing of Certificates to the RA, as specified in its CP.
16. Limitation of Liability. necessary and proportionate for lawful, specific purposes. This Agreement is personal to the subscriber. The Subscriber
The TSP shall have no liability in respect of any loss or Certificates Personal data will not be transferred to third shall not assign this Agreement to a third party.
damage (including, without limitation, consequential loss countries or international organizations. 23. General.
or damage) which may be suffered or incurred or which may 18.4 Storage period of Personal Data ‑ Certificates. The subscriber acknowledges and agrees that:
arise directly or indirectly in relation to the use or reliance upon As a rule, personal data is not kept longer than necessary for a) No title to the Government of Malta’s Intellectual Property
Certificates or associated public/private key pairs for any use the purposes for which it was collected. Rights in the e-ID Account and Certificates is transferred
other than in accordance with this Agreement and/or which Certificates Personal Data will be stored by the TSP for forty to the Subscriber, and that the Subscriber does not obtain
exceeds the indicated limitations of any such use or reliance. (40) years after the termination of this Agreement or the any rights other than the rights expressly granted in this
In any case, and to the extent permitted by law, the TSP’s total disabling of the Certificates of the Subscriber for whatever Agreement;
liability for damage caused to the Subscriber and any Third reason. b) Despite any termination or expiry of this Agreement, the
Party for any use or reliance on a Certificate shall be limited, in 18.5 Data subject rights ‑ Certificates. disclaimers, limits of liability and provisions concerning
total, to two thousand five hundred Euro (€2,500) maximum The Subscriber can contact the Data Protection Officer in indemnity shall survive;
per transaction. This limitation shall be the same regardless order to exercise his/her right to access, rectify and, as the c) Any term or provision of this Agreement declared by a
of the number of Electronic Signatures, transactions or claims case may be, erase, any personal data relating to him/her, in court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or
relating to such Certificate. The TSP shall not be under any compliance with applicable laws. unenforceable shall be severed from this Agreement, and
liability for failure to perform any of its obligations herein where The TSP may request the Subscriber to provide proof of shall not affect the legality, enforceability, or validity of the
such failure arises from a force majeure event that is an event identity (such as a copy of their ID card or passport), before remainder of this Agreement;
beyond the TSP’s reasonable direct control, including, but complying with the request. d) This Agreement may be amended by the Government
not limited to, Acts of God (including weather of exceptional If the Subscriber feels that the TSP has infringed his/her of Malta in writing from time to time. Any such change
severity, floods, lightning or fire), general or local strikes, data protection rights, the Subscriber may submit an official shall be binding and effective fourteen (14) days after
national emergency, acts or omission of Government or other complaint to the supervisory authority of the Member State of publication of the changes in this Agreement on https://
competent authorities, fire or destruction of the TSP’s works his/her habitual residence or place of work. mt . If the Subscriber continues to
or materials, insurrection or other civil disorder, war or military 19. Protection of e‑ID Credentials and Certificate Keys. use its Certificate after the date on which the terms of this
operations, or explosions. a) The Subscriber agrees to keep confidential all i) e-ID Agreement have changed, the TSP will treat such use by
17. Indemnity on Certificates. Credentials and/or ii) private keys and PINs relating to the the Subscriber as acceptance of the updated terms;
To the extent permitted by law the Subscriber agrees to Certificates and/or (if applicable) the Personal Unlocking e) The Government of Malta will hold data relating to the
indemnify and hold the TSP harmless from any acts or Key (PUK); Subscriber and the Subscriber’s use of the Certificate in
omissions resulting in liability, any loss or damage, and any b) The Subscriber agrees to take all reasonable measures to electronic form and that such electronic information may be
suits and expenses of any kind, including reasonable attorneys’ prevent the loss, disclosure, modification or unauthorised presented by the Government of Malta as evidence in the
fees that the TSP may incur as a result of the Subscriber’s useof case of any dispute in line with its data retentionpolicies;
negligence or its failure to comply with this Agreement or with i) the e-ID Credentials and/or ii) any Private Keys, PINs f) Except for indemnity obligations set out in this Agreement,
the terms of the CP. related to the Certificates; the Subscriber shall not hold the Government of Malta
18. Data Protection –Certificates. c) Upon activation of the e-ID Account, the Subscriber shall responsible for any cessation, interruption or delay in
By agreeing to sign up for the Certificates, the Subscriber will be required to enter a new password. If the Subscriber the performance of its obligations hereunder due to
provide the TSP with personal data (the ‘Certificates Personal fails to make the necessary change, the Subscriber earthquake, flood, fire, storm, natural disaster, act of God,
Data’). The TSP is committed to process the Certificates Personal acknowledges that no further use of the e-ID Account can war, armed conflict, terrorist action, labour strike, lockout,
Data in a lawful, fair and transparent manner and in observance be made; boycott, provided that the Government (i) shall have given
with the principles set out by GDPR, Article5. d) Upon first access to the Certificates, the Subscriber shall the Subscriber written notice thereof promptly and, in any
18.1 Data Controller ‑ Certificates. be required to change the activation PIN code for each event, within five (5) days of discovery thereof and (ii) shall
The data controller of the Certificates Personal Data is the Certificate. The Subscriber acknowledges that no further take all reasonable steps reasonably necessary under the
TSP, which may be contacted using the details below: use of the Certificates can be made until he/she makes the circumstances to mitigate the effects of the force majeure
Malta Electronic Certification Services Ltd., necessary change; event upon which such notice is based.
Onda Building e) The Subscriber undertakes that s/he is and shall remain 24. Notices
Aldo Moro Street, Marsa, MRS9065, Malta the sole holder of i) the e-ID Credentials and/or ii) the Queries (relating to the e-ID Account / Certificates and to the
Telephone: +356 25904900 Private Key linked to the Public Key to be certified; terms and conditions of the e-ID Account / Certificates) set
Email:[email protected] f) The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the TSP and out above and any notices to the TSP / RA shall be served as
18.2 Purposes and legal basis ‑ Certificates. the RA shall not keep a copy of the Subscriber’s password, follows:
The TSP shall process the Certificates Personal Data in order PINs or digital signing keys issued for the Certificates; • In person and by post at the following address: Identity
to provide the Subscriber with the Certificates, to manage g) The Subscriber is hereby notified that anyone who Malta Agency (Identity Cards Unit), Gattard House,
such Certificates in accordance with applicable law, to allow obtains the Private Key can forge his/her digital signature National Road, Blata-l-Bajda, HMR9010.
the Subscriber to use certain services related to Electronic and take actions in his/her name. The TSP will not be liable • By telephone at: +356 25904300
Authentication and Electronic Signatures. for the consequences of Subscribers failing to maintain the
Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to confidentiality of their Private Keys.
which the data subject is party, and for the delivery of services 20. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution.
related to the Certificates under said contract (this Subscriber This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
Agreement). accordance with the Laws of Malta. Any dispute, controversy
Furthermore, some processing activities by the TSP are or claim arising under, out of or relating to this Subscriber
necessary for the TSP to comply with Regulation (EU) Agreement, including, without limitation, its formation,
910/2014, ‘EIDAS Regulation’. validity, binding effect, interpretation, performance, breach
Processing is also necessary for the performance of a task in or termination, as well as non-contractual claims, shall be
the public interest by the TSP. MECS Ltd is tasked with acting resolved by the Courts of Malta.
as the Certification Authority of the Government of Malta 21. Term of Agreement.
responsible for issuing qualified Certificates for the e-IDs. This Agreement comes into force once the Subscriber accepts
The TSP will not re-use the information for any other purpose this Agreement. In relation to the e-ID Account, the Subscriber

Name of Subscriber

ID Card No.


I have read, understood and I agree to the terms and conditions of Part A, Part B and Part C of this Agreement.



Head Office, Gattard House
Valley Road, Msida, MSD 9020 MALTA. National Road, Blata l-Bajda HMR 9010, MALTA
T: +356 2590 4900 T: +356 2590 4300
W: W:
E: [email protected] E: [email protected]

Version 1.1 dated 01.08.2018

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