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Literature review

Part 1: Clearly establish the focus and purpose of the literature review

One of the main trends in developing countries is the emphasis on the

digitalization of processes in government institutions, in small and medium-sized
businesses. This trend also applies to educational organizations. Research on this
topic has been carried out since the beginning of the active use of web technology,
but various factors have reduced the relevance of these works or completely
refuted their conclusions. The work from Eid and Al-Jabri (2016) has revealed
many aspects of academic connections between students, but the technological
component of the research is small. According to an article by Mousa (2019),
information technologies are developing rapidly and the price of projects using
them and the costs of maintaining them are also changing, which makes them
affordable even for non-profit organizations. The literature review provides a
summary of several academic studies and explains their application to the
development of a social network for the digitalization of thesis processes.

Part 2: Overview of the existing systems

Digitalization of Education: Models and Methods [1]

In the context of the digital divide in higher education and the difficulties of
providing a high-quality education in the age of digitalization, Rodrguez-Abitia et
al. (2020) examine these issues. The authors focus on Mexico and Spain while
examining this topic, emphasizing the need for educational processes to be
developed digitally and in particular the creation of a social network for the
digitization of the thesis process.
The study starts off by emphasizing the growing significance of digital
technologies in higher education and their ability to raise academic standards. The
writers also stress the existence of the "digital divide," which is the gap between
students and educational institutions in terms of access to, proficiency with, and
knowledge of digital technology. According to Rodrguez-Abitia et al., in order to
comprehend the current status of digitalization in universities and the difficulties
they encounter, a diagnostic investigation should be conducted in Mexico and
Spain. Various factors are investigated, including institutional support, pedagogical
integration, digital skills, and infrastructure. The findings reveal that while
digitization efforts in both countries have advanced, there are still large gaps that
require attention.
The authors emphasize the advantages that students might get from the
development of a social network for the digitization of thesis processes. They
contend that a social networking platform can promote student networking,
information sharing, and collaboration, assisting them in locating mentors and
colleagues for their theses depending on their technological and skill sets. The
study emphasizes how important it is to close the university digital divide in order
to guarantee equal access to high-quality education. It emphasizes the necessity of
strategic planning, infrastructural investments, teacher preparation, and the
encouragement of student digital literacy. Universities may provide an
environment that encourages the effective adoption of a social network for the
digitization of the thesis process by bridging the digital divide.
Rodrguez-Abitia et al. share insightful information about the digital divide in
universities and the difficulties in providing high-quality education in the digital
era. The paper underlines the necessity of addressing infrastructural, skill, and
access barriers in the digital world. Additionally, it emphasizes the social network
platform's potential for digitizing the thesis-writing process and encouraging
student networking and cooperation. This study provides pertinent information for
comprehending the growth of social networks in relation to the digitization of the
thesis writing process as well as the more general difficulties associated with
digitalization in higher education.

Apps for academic success: Developing digital literacy and awareness to

increase usage [2]
Canuel, MacKenzie, Senior, and Torabi's (2017) article "Apps for Academic
Success: Developing Digital Literacy and Awareness to Increase Usage" examines
the significance of digital literacy and awareness in raising the use and efficacy of
educational applications. The authors note a substantial disparity between the
accessibility and acceptance of educational applications, suggesting that students'
digital literacy and awareness are essential for their efficient use. In order to close
this gap and promote student use of instructional applications, the study
investigates various ways.
Researchers looked at a variety of factors to determine what characteristics
affect college students' use of educational apps. Quantitative information on
students' app usage trends, digital literacy abilities, and awareness was gathered
through surveys. Qualitative interviews were also done to collect more information
about how students interpret and interact with educational applications. Students
from a range of academic levels and disciplines made up the study's broad sample.
1. Digital Literacy and Awareness: The study showed that students' usage
habits were highly influenced by their levels of digital literacy and
awareness of educational applications. Higher-achieving students were more
likely to use educational applications efficiently and incorporate them into
their learning activities.
2. App Features and Usability: The study found that student engagement and
satisfaction were significantly influenced by the features and usability of
educational apps. Interactivity, user-friendly interfaces, and clear
instructions were noted as major determinants of app usage.
3. Value perception: One of the key factors affecting the use of educational
applications is their perceived value. Apps that students believed were
pertinent, in line with their learning objectives, and capable of enhancing
their academic achievement were more likely to be used.
4. Integration into the curriculum: The study highlighted how important it is to
include educational apps in the curriculum in order to promote usage.
Students were more inclined to use apps and recognized their worth in
enhancing their learning outcomes when instructors suggested or required
them as a part of the course.
5. Support and training: It has been determined that providing students with the
necessary support and training is essential to developing their digital literacy
and raising their knowledge of educational applications. Giving students
instructions and tools to use the apps with boosted their interest and
In order to increase student use and efficacy of educational applications, the
study underlines the significance of digital literacy and awareness. It highlights
how important it is for academic success to be improved by teachers and
institutions fostering digital literacy abilities, offering support and training, and
incorporating educational apps into the curriculum. The findings of this study can
aid in the development and deployment of educational applications as well as
programs focused at enhancing digital literacy in learning environments.

The use of social-networking sites in medical education [3]

Incorporating social networking sites into medical education has a number
of benefits, according to Cartledge et al. (2013). First, social networking sites offer
a forum for discussion and collaboration between medical students, instructors, and
healthcare specialists. Sharing of ideas, resources, and experiences is made
possible through these platforms, which can improve education and career
development. Social networking websites also aid in the creation of online
communities that aid in collaboration and mentoring. Social networking platform
use in medical education presents special possibilities for learning. Students can
participate in discussions, get feedback, and share their clinical experiences using
platforms. According to Cartledge et al. (2013), social network platforms can
generate an exciting and interactive learning environment that encourages the
growth of students' analytical and problem-solving abilities. Social networking
websites also make it easier to access a variety of educational resources. Social
networking platforms give medical students the ability to establish professional
contacts and collaborate with colleagues and subject-matter authorities. According
to Cartledge et al. (2013), these networks can offer beneficial possibilities for
mentoring, career guidance, and research collaborations. Students may deepen
their knowledge, acquire insight into various medical specializations, and develop
professional relationships that can help their future jobs by meeting with healthcare
professionals and specialists.
Social networking services have numerous advantages, but they also come
with difficulties and moral dilemmas. Concerns about privacy, secrecy, and
upholding professionalism online are highlighted by Cartledge et al. (2013). It is
crucial that educational institutions and organizations create policies and instruct
students on acceptable internet behavior and the potential risks of disclosing
confidential patient data. The study's findings could be used to build a social
network that automates the thesis writing process. The study underlines how social
networks may help students communicate, work together, and engage in informal
learning. Students can participate in online discussions, share resources, get help,
and establish their professional identities in a digital educational environment by
integrating related features and functionalities into a social network specifically
designed for thesis processes. The study also highlights how essential it is to
address issues like privacy, security, and responsible use while creating a social
network for thesis-related tasks. To ensure moral and proper usage of the platform
while safeguarding private data, clear rules and standards should be set.

Social networking, knowledge sharing, and student learning: The case of

university students. [4]
In the context of higher education, Eid and Al-Jabri (2016) investigate how social
networks, knowledge sharing and student learning are related. Eid and Al-Jabri
(2016) draw attention to the importance of social networks in facilitating
knowledge sharing among college students. Social networking sites give students
the opportunity to connect with each other, work together, and share knowledge
and materials relevant to their academic interests. Through discussions, questions
and expert advice, these platforms give students the opportunity to better
understand the material taught as well as their own learning outcomes.
Advantages of social networks for education: This paper lists numerous advantages
of social networking sites for education. In the first place, social networking sites
establish a feeling of community and encourage social connections between
students, which can boost motivation and engagement. Students can build support
networks and gain access to a range of viewpoints and expertise by interacting with
their professors and other students. Social networking platforms also offer
opportunities for active learning and skill development. Students can take part in
online discussions, exchange ideas, and work collectively to solve challenges. This
active engagement encourages analytical thinking, in-depth comprehension, and
the practical application of knowledge.

An Empirical Analysis of the Antecedents and Performance Consequences of

Using the Moodle Platform [5]
The adoption and use of the Moodle platform in educational institutions is being
investigated by Huang et al. in his 2013 study. The main topic of the article is
Moodle, an open source learning management system popular in colleges and
universities. The adoption and use of Moodle by teachers and students, and how
implementation affects productivity, is covered in this article. The study offers an
overview of the potential benefits of using the Moodle platform and its impact on
the creation of a social network for the digitization of theses. To gather information
on the adoption and execution of the Moodle platform at educational institutions,
the researchers carried out a survey. Teachers and learners were given the survey
questionnaire, and the responses were examined to look at factors including system
quality, perceived value, and enabling circumstances as potential antecedents of
Moodle adoption. The study also looked into how using Moodle affected learning
outcomes, satisfaction, and performance in terms of learning performance.
1. Antecedents of Moodle Usage: The study found a number of aspects
influencing Moodle adoption and usage. Users' intentions to use Moodle
were found to be significantly affected by the system's quality, including
accessibility and technical functionality. The considered worth and
advantages of Moodle, also known as its perceived value, significantly
impacted its adoption. In addition, supportive circumstances like technical
assistance and training were essential in fostering the use of Moodle.
2. Performance Consequences: According to the research, using the Moodle
platform has advantages for performance. The use of Moodle has been
associated by students with improving their academic achievement,
including gaining knowledge and skill improvement. The perceived
improvement in educational results was strongly connected with Moodle
usage satisfaction.
The study on the antecedents and performance consequences of using the Moodle
platform has direct relevance to the development of a social network for the
digitalization of diploma work processes.
1. User adoption: In their 2013 study, Huang et al. highlighted the significance
of elements including system quality, perceived utility, and simplicity of use
in the adoption and use of learning management systems like Moodle. By
ensuring that the platform is user-friendly, has useful features and
functionality, and offers the required technical support and training to
encourage uptake and use among graduate students, these findings can
influence the design of a thesis social network.
2. User Satisfaction: The study underlines the link between users' perceptions
of improved learning outcomes and their satisfaction with the Moodle
platform. This implies that a social network for diploma work procedures
that is well-designed and easy to use can help to increase user happiness.
The platform can increase user happiness and engagement by taking user
feedback into account, implementing user-friendly interfaces, and offering a
seamless user experience.
3. Digitization of thesis processes: This research is aligned with the objective
of digitizing thesis procedures and focuses on the usage of an online
platform (Moodle) for educational purposes. It is possible to streamline and
digitize the thesis-related activities, including selecting a project, cataloging
all projects, engaging with students and professors, and learning about
professors' backgrounds, by developing a dedicated social network. This
improves the thesis management process' effectiveness, accessibility, and
Overall, the results of the study provide valuable information about the factors that
contribute to the successful implementation and use of educational platforms such
as Moodle. By considering these factors and incorporating relevant features into
our social network, it is possible to create a platform that enhances learning
efficiency and enhances user satisfaction among graduate students.

Literature Review: Digitalization of Environmental Education as a Trend of

Modernization and Reform [6]
Grevtsov et al.'s (2021) research focuses on environmental education's value and
digitalization in the context of modernisation and reform. According to the
researchers, incorporating digital technology into environmental education can
have a good impact on learning opportunities, accessibility, and sustainability. In
order to successfully handle environmental issues, they underline the significance
of employing digital tools and platforms. Analyzing the influence of digitalization:
The researchers want to look at how digitalization is affecting the field of
environmental education and how it might help modernize and reform it. They
want to know how using digital technologies can lead to better educational
The authors seek to assess the influence of digitization on modernization and
reform in this field. They are interested in learning how the use of digital
technology might enhance environmental education's overall potency and
relevance. The authors hope to demonstrate how digitization might change and
advance conventional educational processes by looking at its effects. This article's
evaluation of the effect of digital technology on the results of environmental
education learning is one of its primary objectives. The authors want to discover if
incorporating digital tools and platforms enhances students' environmental
knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. The authors
aim to determine the benefits and drawbacks of these technologies in enabling
more profound and interesting learning experiences by evaluating the effectiveness
of digitalization. Grevtsov et al.'s aim is to pinpoint and emphasize certain
advantages associated with the digitalization of environmental education. They
look at how using technological resources and platforms might enhance
instruction, encourage student participation, and raise environmental
consciousness. The authors also look at how digitalization might support
sustainable development by enabling students to comprehend and successfully deal
with environmental issues. Grevtsov et al. (2021) talk about how digital
technologies are becoming more and more significant in the area of environmental
education. The authors outline the possible advantages of digitalization, such as
enhanced learning opportunities, expanded availability, and increased
sustainability. They underline the significance of combining technological
resources and platforms to further environmental education by addressing issues
and emphasizing potential. For teachers, administrators, and researchers looking to
use digital technology to improve environmental education and foster positive
change, this research offers helpful insights.

A Virtual World Environment for Group Work [7]

The use of digital environments to enhance group work in a learning environment
is investigated by Brown et al. (2008). The researchers outline the design and
deployment of the online platform and assess its efficacy through a number of case
studies. Avatar customization, collaborative spaces, and other critical aspects of a
virtual environment that are intended to enhance group interaction and
participation are highlighted. The article lists a number of benefits of adopting
virtual world settings for cooperative projects. Virtual worlds' immersive features
provide users a sense of presence and reality, which improves learning in general.
Second, synchronized communication tools make it possible to connect in real
time, encouraging group members to work together and socialize. Additionally, the
ability to personalize an avatar encourages a sense of community in the virtual
world and lets users express their unique personalities. These advantages support
more motivation and active group involvement. The authors identify several
difficulties and concerns with employing virtual world platforms for collaborative
work, despite the potential advantages. The platform may be unable to function
properly due to technical problems like connectivity problems and system
requirements. Additionally, some students may find it difficult to learn how to
engage and navigate in a virtual environment. Brown et al. (2008) highlight the use
of virtual world environments as a promising tool for facilitating teamwork and
collaboration in educational settings. The study highlights the potential benefits of
virtual worlds, such as increased presence, real-time interaction, and customizable
avatars, which contribute to increased engagement and motivation. However, he
also acknowledges the challenges of technical issues and the learning curve.
Further research and exploration is needed to fully understand the effectiveness
and potential of teamwork in a virtual world environment.

Solving problems with group work in problem-based learning: hold on to the

philosophy [8]
Dolmans et al. (2001) investigate the function of group work in PBL and the
difficulties that may occur when it is put into practice. The authors stress the
importance of group work being in line with PBL's key principles, which aim to
encourage active learning, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking. The
article discusses typical issues with group work in PBL and offers suggestions for
overcoming these difficulties while upholding the PBL approach's core values.
Dolmans et al. (2001) identifies a number of issues with PBL group projects. These
obstacles include the potential for uneven labor and responsibility distribution
among group members, challenges in creating efficient group dynamics, and
variations in each student's participation and motivation. Additionally, documented
difficulties in PBL group work include the conflict between content-driven
learning and process-oriented learning as well as the possible impact of
hierarchical relationships within the group. Individual student involvement and
motivation levels may differ within a group, which presents a barrier to the process
of group work as a whole. While some students may be very motivated and
actively participate to the group work, others may engage with it less. This could
lead to unequal involvement and have an effect on the caliber of the group's results.
Searching for an interested student in a group or acquaintance for the same project
you are interested in may not be enough. For this reason our platform helps to find
like-minded students to participate in thesis work. Finding interested student for
same project may be not enough.
Social networking and adjustments among international students [9]
Lin et al. (2011) look into how social networks affect how well overseas students
adjust to their new environment. This study aims to comprehend how social
networking sites like Facebook benefit international students in their new
educational and cultural surroundings and facilitate social interactions. Lin et al.
(2011) emphasizes how social networking websites help overseas students build
social bonds. Students can grow their social networks through social networking,
maintain contact with friends and family back home, and form new friendships.
Additionally, it offers a forum for social support, counseling, and experience-
sharing, all of which can enhance students' social wellbeing and reduce feelings of
isolation and feeling alone. The study investigates how social networks and
academic achievement are related. This article provides evidence that social
networking platforms can be useful resources for academic knowledge,
collaborative learning, and peer support, despite other research suggesting that
social networking can be distracting and have a negative impact on academic
performance. Through these platforms, international students can access
educational resources, take part in group discussions, and request academic
support, potentially enhancing their academic performance. The essay discusses
how social networks might help overseas students more easily adapt to their new
environment. Social networking sites give students a virtual environment where
they can research and discover the host culture, connect with local friends, and
participate in cross-cultural exchanges. International students can benefit from
these connections by better understanding cultural norms, learning about local
practices, and navigating the difficulties of cultural acculturation. The value of
social networking sites in aiding overseas students' adjustment processes is
highlighted by Lin et al. (2011). The paper emphasizes social networks' beneficial
effects on interpersonal interactions, academic achievement, and cultural
acculturation. focuses on the advantages of social networks for cross-cultural
communication, information exchange, and social support. The authors do,
however, agree that further study is required to fully understand the complexity
and potential drawbacks of social networks in the context of overseas students
Teamxchange: A Team Project Experience Involving Virtual Teams and Fluid
Team Membership [10]
In his 2005 article, Dineen introduces the Teamxchange project, a novel team-
based learning scenario including virtual teams and adaptable team membership.
Examining how this strategy affects teamwork, satisfaction, and student learning
results is the author's goal. The article explores Teamxchange's conception and
execution, stressing its salient traits, difficulties, and advantages. The key aspects
of the Teamxchange project are described in the article. This includes the
formation of virtual teams so that students can work together across distances and
hone their virtual teamwork abilities. The project also integrates the idea of fluid
team membership, where team membership varies over the course of the project to
imitate real-world team dynamics and give students access to a range of
experiences and perspectives. The advantages of including virtual teams and
adaptable team membership in a Teamxchange project are covered by Dineen
(2005). Students can practice teamwork, coordination, and remote communication
skills through virtual teams. They also present a chance for intercultural
appreciation and understanding. Students who are members of flexible teams are
exposed to the difficulties and advantages of working in a variety of teams,
developing their adaptability, flexibility, and capacity to function well in a range of
team dynamics.
The difficulties and aspects of implementing virtual teams and variable team
membership are covered in the essay. Time zone variations, technological hurdles,
and possible problems establishing trust and team cohesion in virtual teams are
some of the difficulties. To guarantee a smooth transition and productive
teamwork, teachers may need to provide additional support and direction due to the
dynamic nature of team composition. Dineen (2005) analyzes student input and
findings to assess the success of the Teamxchange project. According to the article,
students have positive feelings about the experience, which has improved their
problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and knowledge of virtual
teamwork. In comparison to conventional team projects, students reported greater
happiness and involvement. Dineen (2005) mentions the Teamxchange project as
an example of a ground-breaking strategy for team-based learning that incorporates
virtual teams and adaptable team membership. The paper highlights the advantages
of this strategy, such as fostering virtual cooperation abilities, learning about
various viewpoints, and raising student satisfaction. Instructors can successfully
create similar team project experiences that improve students' cooperation and
collaboration skills by knowing these issues and factors.
Part 3: Summarise the key findings you have taken from the literature and
emphasise their significance
The above studies give an idea of several important aspects for this thesis:
the previous experience of implementing digital products in educational
organizations, the features of academic fields in the operation of such web
applications. These conclusions are useful for this work, because they tell about the
feedback of the audience on the change in the format of the usual organizational
routine, as well as the result of these projects and the conclusion about the
appropriateness. This can be useful both for making decisions in the development
of the application, as well as for drawing up a strategy for presenting the finished
product to the audience and analyzing their feedback.

Godin, V. V., & Terekhova, A. (2021, December 23). Digitalization of

Education: Models and Methods. International Journal of Technology, 12(7), 1518.

Canuel, R., MacKenzie, E., Senior, A., & Torabi, N. (2017, November 8).
Apps for academic success: Developing digital literacy and awareness to increase
usage. Education for Information, 33(3), 135–152.

Cartledge, P., Miller, M., & Phillips, B. (2013, July 10). The use of social-
networking sites in medical education. Medical Teacher, 35(10), 847–857.

Eid, M. I., & Al-Jabri, I. M. (2016, August). Social networking, knowledge

sharing, and student learning: The case of university students. Computers &
Education, 99, 14–27.

Huang, C. C., Wang, Y. M., Wu, T. W., & Wang, P. A. (2013). An Empirical
Analysis of the Antecedents and Performance Consequences of Using the Moodle
Platform. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 217–

Grevtsov, K., Kadeeva, O., Syritsyna, V., Ilchenko, O., & Belov, A. (2021).
Digitalization of environmental education is the trend of its modernization and
reform. E3S Web of Conferences, 258, 10011.

Brown, E., Hobbs, M., & Gordon, M. (2008, January 1). A Virtual World
Environment for Group Work. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and
Teaching Technologies, 3(1), 1–12.
Dolmans, D. H. J. M., Wolfhagen, I. H. A. P., van der Vleuten, C. P. M., &
Wijnen, W. H. F. W. (2001, September 30). Solving problems with group work in
problem-based learning: hold on to the philosophy. Medical Education, 35(9), 884–

Dineen, B. R. (2005, August). Teamxchange: A Team Project Experience

Involving Virtual Teams and Fluid Team Membership. Journal of Management
Education, 29(4), 593–616.

Lin, J. H., Peng, W., Kim, M., Kim, S. Y., & LaRose, R. (2011, August 24).
Social networking and adjustments among international students. New Media &
Society, 14(3), 421–440.

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