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° Materials science is a foundational technology Materials are everywhere, from macro features that
that underlies advances in many other fields, are visible to the naked eye to microscopic features
including robotics, space, energy, and synthetic thousands of times smaller than the diameter of a
biology. single human hair. They shape the objects of every-
day life and give rise to new possibilities. Materials
° Materials science will exploit AI as another prom- science cuts across technological areas, contributing
ising tool to predict new materials with new prop- to everything from the development of stronger and
erties and identify novel uses for known materials. lighter materials for aircraft to more efficient and
less heavy solar cells, better semiconductors, bio­
° The structure of funding in materials science does compatible materials for medical implants, more
not effectively enable transition from innovation stable electrodes for batteries, and easily manufac-
to implementation. Materials-based technology tured and recyclable plastics.
that has been thoroughly tested at the bench
scale may be too mature to qualify for basic The goal of materials science is to understand how
research funding (because the high-level basic the structure of a material influences its properties
science is understood) but not mature enough to and how processing the material can change its
be directly commercialized by companies. structure and therefore its performance. This knowl-
edge can then be used to design new materials with
desirable properties for specific uses. The ultimate
aspiration, which remains a long way off, is to be able

to create materials on demand by specification— burns on contact with water, chlorine is a poisonous
put in a request for a material with properties X, Y, gas, and yet the table salt we consume every day is
and Z, and a 3-D printer produces it for you. a completely different substance.

Broadly speaking, materials science and engineering There are two important points to note about the
research focuses on four major areas. The first is char- periodic table. First, there are a lot of elements—
acterizing the properties of materials. The second is ninety-two naturally occurring ones and twenty-six
modeling materials, which involves predicting mate- that can be observed only in laboratory conditions.
rial properties based on atomic principles. The third That’s a lot of building blocks from which different
is synthesizing materials with precise control to verify materials and molecules can be synthesized, and
whether their properties are as predicted. The fourth in fact, an astronomically large number of different
area is manufacturing and processing materials with compounds are possible. The challenge for materi-
well-characterized properties in sufficient quantities als science is to sift through this vast array of possi-
for practical applications. bilities to find the ones that are useful.

The second important point is that the elements in

Basics of Materials Science
the periodic table are lined up in a certain order.
All materials are composed of atoms. The periodic Elements in the same column have properties that
table of the elements (figure 4.1) lists all the known are often similar in key ways. This means that insights
types of atoms. Certain atoms can be combined into developed through experimentation or calculation
molecules that have vastly different properties than on one element can be transferred, with modifica-
the atoms alone. For example, table salt consists of tions, to another element above or below it in the
sodium and chlorine, which are elements. Sodium periodic table.

FIGURE 4.1 Periodic table of the elements

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 1 2
H He

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne

3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

4 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

5 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe

6 55 56 * 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn

7 87 88 * 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Fr Ra * Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

* 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb
* 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
* Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No

Source: Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0


FIGURE 4.2 The basic layout of materials science

Synthesis inorganic organic plastics
atom molecules macromolecules

0D 1D 2D Bulk

Nanotechnology (one dimension <100nm)

Atoms can be arranged spatially in various ways. A Biomedical applications Wearable electronic devices
crystal, for example, is the result of arranging atoms made from flexible materials conform to skin or tis-
in a periodically repeating lattice. The silicon wafer sues and serve specific sensing or actuating func-
at the heart of the semiconductor industry is one tions. More specifically, wearable electronic devices
such crystal; more precisely, it’s a slice of a single or “e-skin” can sense external stimuli such as tem-
silicon crystal. perature and pressure and encode these stimuli into
electrical signals.1 For example, a “smart bandage”
Molecules, in turn, can be linked together into struc- with integrated sensors and simulators can acceler-
tures called macromolecules (see figure 4.2). These ate healing of chronic wounds by 25 percent.2
can occur naturally, such as proteins, DNAs, and
cellulose, or can be synthesized artificially, resulting Novel and recyclable plastics Researchers are
in polymers/plastics, for example. Plastics are par- developing new sustainable methods to couple
ticularly useful because the long chains of macro- molecules into polymers for deconstructable plas-
molecules are often more flexible. Research on new tics that are easier to recycle.3 New electrically con-
macromolecular structures can be used to develop ductive polymers are also a focus of study. Electrical
plastic materials that are easier to recycle or that hold conductivity in flexible materials such as plastics can
advantageous mechanical properties while weighing be achieved by inserting specific bonds between
less than metals. individual atoms that make up the material back-
bone. This allows for the fabrication of flexible elec-
tronic devices such as wearable sensors and foldable
screens for mobile devices.

Key Developments Energy materials Materials design and process-

ing is integral to decarbonization efforts through the
Present-Day Applications electrification of transportation and industry. Some
Some interesting applications from studying materi- challenges persist, however, including storing energy
als science include: from intermittent energy sources, such as solar and

04 Materials Science 57
The ultimate aspiration . . . is to be able to create
materials on demand by specification.

wind, in batteries. Therefore, designing batteries FIGURE 4.3 The size of nanoscale objects
with materials and architectures that enable quick
recharging and long stability while reducing costs in nanometers
10 –1
will be crucial. Important discoveries in engineer- H
O Water
ing battery electrode materials have been made.4 molecule
Studying the electrolyte-electrode interface in bat-
1 H
teries has also led to higher performing and more
stable electrolytes in batteries.5
Nanoscale 10
Additive Manufacturing
One promising advance in materials processing over
the past fifteen years is additive manufacturing, or 102 Virus
3-D printing. A novel method termed continuous
liquid interface production (CLIP) has been estab-
lished that uses directed ultraviolet light to pattern 103 Bacterium
structures from a polymer resin.6

This technology has been used to make customized 104

football helmet liners,7 and a number of companies Cancer cell
have sprung up to commercialize and scale up addi-
tive manufacturing both by producing stand-alone 105
products and by collaborating with multinational Human hair
companies. More recent active research in 3-D
printing includes scaling down 3-D printable feature
sizes and exploring methods to 3-D print with con-
ductive materials and artifacts using multiple mate-
rials at once.

Nanotechnology Tennis ball

Nanotechnology is a large and growing subfield 10 8

of materials science. Size has a profound impact on

the properties of a material. Figure 4.3 shows dif-
ferent length scales compared to a water molecule
(which is below a nanometer), a human hair (roughly


10 5 nanometers), and a tennis ball (at 108 nanometers). Solar cells Quantum dots can improve the effi-
A structure is typically referred to as nanoscale if at ciency of solar cells. Their ability to absorb different
least one dimension is in the 1–100 nanometer range. frequencies of light means they can potentially cap-
ture more of the solar spectrum, boosting the per-
In the past twenty years, nanoscience and nanotech- formance of solar panels.12
nology have attracted enormous interest, for two
reasons. First, many significant biological organisms Sensors Quantum dots and plasmonic nanoparti-
(such as viruses and proteins) are nanoscale in size. cles can be used in sensors for detecting chemicals
Second, it turns out that the properties of nanoscale and biological substances.13
materials—including their electronic, optical, mag-
netic, thermal, and mechanical properties—are Anticounterfeiting Quantum dots can be embed-
often very different from the same material in bulk ded in labels to defend against counterfeiting14.
form.8 Materials that are smaller than about 100
nanometers in one dimension, two dimensions, or Some examples of applications of other nanomate-
in all dimensions are called nanosheets, nanowires, rials include:
and nanoparticles, respectively.
Pharmaceutical delivery An injectable polymer-
Quantum dots—for which the Nobel Prize in nanoparticle hydrogel, for example, was developed
Chemistry was awarded in 2023—have garnered so the delivery of drugs, proteins, and cells can be
public attention through their use in televisions. precisely controlled, enabling months-long release
Quantum dots are metallic, carbonaceous, or semi- of entrapped cargo.15 The efficacy of insulin adminis-
conductor spherical nanocrystals that emit bright tration can also be improved through this research.16
monochromatic light in response to excitation by a Nanoparticles can be engineered to permeate the
light source with a higher energy, such as blue light blood–brain barrier, delivering drugs to treat neuro-
from the back panel in a display.9 Quantum dots are degenerative diseases.17
a model example of variable material properties due
to scale as their optoelectronic properties differ from Vaccine stabilization Nanoassemblies can be used
those of the same bulk material. The diameter of to stabilize certain types of vaccines, notably mRNA
quantum dots shifts the color of light that they emit, vaccines, by encapsulating them.18 In this form, it is
with larger quantum dots emitting longer wave- easier to inject the vaccine into the human body and
lengths. This allows for tunable light emission based to release it over time inside the body in a controlled
on the desired application. manner.

Some current applications of quantum dots include: Smart windows Silver nanowires arranged into a
thin film on a window become a transparent conduc-
Medical imaging Quantum dots are being used tive film rather than the familiar reflective mirror from
to improve the contrast of biomedical imaging, for silver behind the window. Running a current through
example, as in fluorescent markers to allow selective the film can then change the opacity of the window
labeling of biological structures in vitro and in vivo.10 electrically.19
Additionally, biocompatible nanomaterials can be
employed as optical probes to sense mechanical 2-D semiconductors, graphene, carbon nano-
forces and electrical fields in biological organisms, tubes, and nanoscale materials These are at the
thus circumventing specialized and bulky equip- forefront of the next generation of high-tech elec-
ment, opening the possibility of new experiments.11 tronic devices. Active research efforts are dedicated

04 Materials Science 59
to designing new methods to integrate 2-D or carbon comparison, the weight of all the concrete in New
nanotube semiconductors into electronics that are York City is around 750 million tons, according to the
currently silicon based to increase their energy effi- US Geological Survey.26 The Hoover Dam involves
ciency and heat management.20 about 10 million tons of concrete.

Higher-capacity batteries High-performance lith- Cement production is an extremely carbon-intensive

ium battery anodes have been developed by inte- activity, contributing to 8 percent of CO2 emissions.
grating silicon nanowires as an anode material. When Limestone is burned to produce lime, thereby releas-
bulk silicon is used as an anode, it undergoes sig- ing CO2. A number of approaches have potential for
nificant changes in volume as the battery charges reducing the CO2 footprint of cement production.
and discharges, often leading to mechanical failure. One focuses on using different material inputs in
Use of silicon nanowires bypasses this problem and the production process that release less CO2. These
increases battery capacity by a factor of ten.21 inputs are the basis for “supplementary cementi-
tious materials,” which are formulated differently
Catalysis Catalysts are used to accelerate chemical than traditional Portland cement but nevertheless
reactions, and nanomaterials are well suited for this can substitute for Portland cement in many cases.
role.22 Nanoparticles are particularly well suited for Another approach incorporates captured CO2 into
this task, as they contain a high number of active sites concrete during the curing process.27
per unit mass and can be chemically architected to
catalyze various chemical reactions. Advances have These techniques are all well proven, but further
been made in converting CO2 to value-added chem- research is needed to make them economically com-
icals using electrified nanoparticle catalysts and in petitive with traditional CO2-intensive methods of
employing palladium catalysts for the combustion of production.
methane, which could improve the efficiency of elec-
tricity generation from methane.23 Nanocatalysts have
also been used to improve the rate at which hydrogen
can be produced from water through electrolysis.24
The challenges include developing catalysts that are An interesting topic today is whether AI machine
sufficiently active, stable, and low in cost to produce learning and modeling will be useful in predicting
hydrogen in large quantities and inexpensively.25 properties of new materials based on what is known
about existing materials.28 Success has been seen with
less complicated materials, but much is to be done
and more data are needed for complex materials.

Over the Horizon

Challenges of Innovation and
Impact of New Technologies Implementation
The materials science research infrastructure does not
adequately support the transition from research to
real-world applications at scale. Such transitions gen-
As an example of how materials science could have erally require construction of a small-scale pilot proj-
impact on a large scale, note that steel and con- ect to demonstrate feasibility of potential large-scale
crete are critical building materials. World produc- manufacturing. At this point, the technology is too
tion of concrete is some 30 billion tons per year. For mature to qualify for most research funding—because


the basic science questions do not address issues promoting public safety from possible downside risks
related to scaling up—but not mature enough to and the imperatives of innovation to move quickly
be commercialized into actual companies. Neither and leapfrog possible competitors. In the biomedical
government nor venture capital investors are partic- space, the FDA created a Nanotechnology Regulatory
ularly enthusiastic about funding pilot projects, so Science Research Plan in 2013.29 Today, FDA reg-
different forms of funding are required to bridge this ulation and review of nanotechnology is governed
gap between bench-scale research and company- by Executive Order 13563.30 Outside of biomedi-
level investment. The support could even go one cine, regulation and infrastructure for nanomaterials
step further and establish national rapid prototyping research from the government side is largely based in
centers, where academic researchers find the help agencies of the National Nanotechnology Initiative,
and tools necessary to build prototypes and pilot which include the Department of Energy, the National
plants for their technology. Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
more broadly, the National Institute for Standards and
Research processes born in the past are also ill suited Technology (NIST) in the Department of Commerce,
to the rapid transitions to real-world application. and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Such processes emphasize sequential steps. The
standard process has been to characterize a mate- TOXICITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES
rial and then proceed to a simple demonstration of
Nanoparticles raise particular concerns because their
how it might be used. Today, addressing big soci-
small size may enable them to pass through various
ety challenges calls for a more scalable system-level
biological borders such as cell membranes or the
approach that involves extensive rapid prototyping
blood–brain barrier and could affect biological sys-
and reliable demonstrations to provide feedback on
tems in harmful ways. Nanoscale particles inhaled
and fill in gaps of knowledge.
into the lungs, for example, may lodge themselves
permanently, causing severe health outcomes,
Current infrastructure makes this difficult. For
including pulmonary inflammation, lung cancer, and
example, in collaborations with a medical school,
penetration into the brain and skin.31
it is often necessary to bring almost-finished prod-
ucts to clinical tests to validate the true impact of
Furthermore, because engineered nanoparticles are,
a new medical device. With typically less than a
by definition, new to the natural environment, they
thirty-minute window to place a device on a patient
pose unknown dangers to humans and the envi-
and gather data, any malfunction, such as a sudden
ronment. There are concerns about incorporating
equipment failure or a loose wire, can jeopardize the
nanomaterials into products that enter that environ-
entire experiment and potentially halt future patient
ment at the end of their life cycles. As nanomaterials
interactions. The laboratory-assembled devices may
are employed in and considered for electronic and
not meet this standard of reliability, even if they do
energy products, it is paramount that those materi-
demonstrate the value of the underlying science.
als safely degrade or can be recycled at the end of
a product’s life. Policy will be particularly important
Policy, Legal, and Regulatory Issues in shaping responsible end-of-life solutions for prod-
ucts incorporating nanomaterials.

As with regulation in other areas of technology, con- Historically, the United States has led the world in
cerns arise about the appropriate balance between nanotechnology, but the gap between the United

04 Materials Science 61
States and China has narrowed. Notably, in 2016,
the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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