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Firbolg Guild Artisan
Pumat Sol True Neutral
6 Alchemist

+3 14
14 +2 30ft

15 +2

Bag of Holding
+2 Robe of Useful Items


15 +2

Handaxe +5 1d6 +3 slashing


Light Hammer +5 1d4 +3 bludgeoning

Light Crossbow +5 1d8 Piercing (80/320)



+7 15
● +7 ● ● ●

● +7 ● ●

+4 ● ●

+4 +4 ●


+1 1 Detect Magic (Ritual)

12 +1 1 Disguise Self
● +4 1 Identify (Ritual)
● +1 1 Cure Wounds
+1 +1
+1 1


13 +1
+1 ● +4

42 14 +3
Healing Draught.
As an action, you can reach into your Alchemist’s Satchel and pull
40ft out a vial of healing liquid. A creature can drink it as an action to
regain 1d8 hit points. The vial then disappears. Once a creature
regains hit points from this alchemical formula, the creature cant
do so again until it finishes a long rest. If not used, the vial and its
Firbolg Magic contents disappear after 1 hour. While the vial exists, you can’t use
-When you use this version of disguise self, you can seem up to 3 feet shorter than normal, allowing
you to more easily blend in with humans and elves.
this formula.
This formula’s healing increases by 1d8 when you reach certain

+5 +3 +3 -4 +1 -2

Hidden Step
-As a bonus action, you can magically turn invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack, levels in this class: 3rd level (2d8), 5th level (3d8), 7th level (4d8),
make a damage roll, or force someone to make a saving throw. Once you use this trait, you can't
use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
9th level (5d8), 11th level (6d8), 13th level (7d8), 15th level (8d8),
17th level (9d8), and 19th level (10d8)
Speech ofBeast and Leaf.
You have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with beasts and plants. They can
understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in
return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to influence them.
Tanglefoot Bag.
As an action, you can reach into your Alchemist’s Satchel and pull
out a bag filled with writhing, sticky black tar and hurl it at a point
Darkvision 60ft. on the ground within 30 feet of you (the bag and its contents
disappear if you don’t hurl the bag by the end of the current turn).
The bag bursts on impact and covers the ground in a 5- foot radius
with sticky goo. That area becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute,
Bite +7 1d8 +5 Piercing
and any creature that starts its turn on the ground in that area has
its speed halved for that turn. After using thisformula, you can’t do
so again for 1 minute.

Claws +7 2d6 +5 Slashing
● ● Giant
Dwarvish - Can’t be charmed.
- Immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
-Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
● -Multiattack. The bear makes two attacks: one with its bite and one
Thieves Tools with its claws.
Tinkers Tools
Smiths Tools
Jewellers Tools
You have inexplicable luck that -Thieves Tools
seems to kick in at just the right -Dungeoneers Pack
moment. -Bag of Holding
You have 3 luck points. Whenever Robe of Useful Items -Walking Stick (Arcana Focus)
you make an attack roll, an ability Studded Leather -Thieves Tools
check, or a saving throw, you can -Tinkers Tools
spend one luck point to roll an -Smiths Tools
additional d20. You can choose -Jewellers Tools
to spend one of your luck points -Travellers Clothes
after you roll the die, but before -Belt pouch with 10gp
the outcome is determined. You
choose which of the d20s is used
for the attack roll, ability check, or
saving throw.
You can also spend one luck point
when an attack roll is made
against you. Roll a d20, and then
choose whether the attack uses
the attacker’s roll or yours.
If more than one creature spends
a luck point to influence the
outcome of a roll, the points
cancel each other out; no
additional dice are rolled.
You regain your expended luck
points when you finish a long rest.
Necromancer (Intelligence mod+Level)
Intelligence 16 +8

0 CANTRIPS 3 3 6
Mage Hand ● Vampiric Touch
Chill Touch Leomund's Tiny Hut (Ritual)
Dancing Light (can cast Faerie Fire once per rest) Fireball

Eldritch Blast Speak with the Dead (Ritual)

Toll the Dead ● Fly
Green Flame Blade ● Blink


1 4 7

Mage Armour (13+Dex)

Comprehend Language (Ritual)
4 1
Burning Hands
● Shield ● Conjure Shadow Demon
Find Familiar (Ritual) Blight

2 3
● Melf's Minute Meteors
● Cloud of Daggers
Crimson Blade


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