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Welcome to School................................................. 2
Campus Map and Facilities.................................... 3
Academic................................................................. 6
Your welfare.......................................................... 11
Life in the UK – Accommodation......................... 12
Life in the UK – Health......................................... 14
Life in the UK – Emergencies and
Hospitals in Birmingham...................................... 15
Life in the UK –
How to open a bank account............................... 17
Life in the UK – Your free time in Birmingham.... 18
Transport in Birmingham...................................... 24
Places of Worship................................................. 25
Code of Conduct................................................... 26
UK Law................................................................... 27

English Path Birmingham

Student Handbook 2022
Welcome to English Path
Page 2

English Path are the English Language

Teaching specialists. We offer a range of
courses in a multitude of fantastic cities to suit
your individual needs. English Path is part of
Global Education Group which includes GBS,
one of the most prestigious higher education
colleges in the UK. We have five campuses in
the United Kingdom including EP Canary Wharf,
EP London, Manchester, Birmingham and
Leeds, and one campus in Dubai and Malta.

Mike Summerfield - Mary-Ellen Wright –

Head of Schools Head of Academics
Hello and a very warm welcome to English Path!
You have chosen to join us on what will be the
Congratulations on taking your first steps to
journey of a lifetime! In a new country, learning
becoming a more competent, confident and
new things with new friends.
fluent English speaker. Whether you’re brushing
Whether you are staying one week or nine
up on your skills, preparing for an exam or just
months, I can promise that you will meet
fancied a new experience, we are very excited to
amazing people, experience great things and
support you on your path to success. Anything
improve your English!
you need, we are here! Come and find me at our
On behalf of all my wonderful colleagues here
EP London School.
at EP, may I offer you the warmest welcome to
our school and enjoy your stay with us.
Best of luck with your journey, Mary
If you ever need anything or just want to say
hi, you can find me on the third floor at EP
Campus Map and Facilities
Page 3

General Map

Our EP Birmingham campus is situated in one

of the UK’s most exciting cities. We’re based in Zoom in map
Digbeth, Birmingham’s creative district known
as “The Coolest Neighbourhood in Britain”
– just a 15-minute walk (or shorter bus ride)
from the city centre. Our busy student campus
has a café, dining facilities, and a beautiful
outdoor courtyard to soak up the sun. Just a few
minutes’ walk away is the Custard Factory, which
hosts a variety of restaurants, bars, cafes, and
other entertainment venues.

EP Birmingham Address:
Fazeley Studios,191 Fazeley Street, Birmingham, B5 5SE
School Contact Number: +44 20 4551 3676
School Emergency Number: + 44 7494002815

Location & Travel Links

Buses to the city centre Birmingham New Street and We’re only a 15
can be caught just a Moor Street Stations are to 20-minute
few hundred metres just a 15-minute walk from walk from the
from the school. the school. city centre.
Campus Facilities Page 4

English Path and GBS higher education college are part of Global Education Group.
Together our students share fantastic, modern university style facilities. At EP
Birmingham we have the following facilities:
Ground floor

EP & GBS Entrance Café

The friendly reception staff can direct you to the English The café serves a selection of hot and cold food and
Path offices and classrooms. drinks, and has a spacious and comfortable dining area.

Courtyard Multi-faith prayer room

Here students can relax and eat lunch in the summer The prayer room is a multi-faith space where people can
months. practice their religion in a peaceful place.

EP & GBS Library and Study Area EP Classrooms

In the library you will find quiet and group study spaces, Our modern and spacious classrooms come
bookable study rooms and access to computers and fully equipped with comfortable chairs, desks, air
useful books. conditioning and smart TVs.

EP & GBS Student Lounge

The student lounge is located next to the courtyard and is a

space where you can hang out and meet other students.
Staying Safe at your School Page 5

First Aid Fire Safety

If you or another student has an accident or If you discover a fire,
needs urgent medical attention, please come
Press the fire alarm button on
to reception or Student Services Office where
the nearest alarm.
the First Aider is located.
Leave the building immediately
Personal Safety and Looking After via the stairs and fire exit.
Your Valuables
Make sure you tell a member of
Birmingham is generally a safe place to be but EP staff exactly what happened
as with a lot of big cities you should always so they can call the Fire
be alert. We would like you to have a lovely Brigade.
experience in Birmingham. Here is some
advice to help you have a safe and worry-free If you hear the fire alarm,
time in Birmingham.
Leave the building immediately
• Be alert when you are walking alone at via the stairs and fire exit. Do
night. not run, use the lift or stop to
• Avoid carrying large amounts of cash collect your belongings. EP staff
unless you know you need to pay for will guide you to the fire exit.
• Do not leave your belongings unattended. Go to the assembly point
• In the UK, you do not need to carry your (EP&GBS Car Park) and stay
identification card or passport with you with your class and teacher
at all times, you can keep it at home and there.
carry a picture of your ID on your phone or
Follow any instructions given
a photocopy in your bag.
by a member of EP staff and
do not go back into the building
School Emergency Contact Number until you are told to do so by EP
At EP we have a dedicated 24-hour
emergency phone line where you can speak
to a member of staff during an emergency.
To speak to a member of staff please call:
+44 7494002815.
Call us 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
Page 6

Further Education Advice

Exam Courses Further Study in the UK

The English Path IELTS The Cambridge exams are If you are looking to attend
Preparation course is for offered at B2 First and C1 university or study in the UK you
students who want to take the Advanced. They are an can ask The Student Services
IELTS Academic Exam. This internationally recognised or Academic Team for advice.
course is designed to prepare qualification which We are here to provide advice
students at intermediate level demonstrates your level and options on further study or
and above for the IELTS Exam. of English to function at a higher education. Our partner
It aims to develop your English high level in almost every school GBS also offer a range
skills and improve your exam English-speaking context, of further and higher education
technique. both professionally and courses.
Study Skills
What are Study Skills? Useful Language -
Study Skills are how we can Some Key Phrases to Help You
organise and improve our
learning. For example, what do the classroom
we do when we learn a new
word? Do we make notes? English Translation
It’s very important that we I don’t understand
are organised in the way we
learn, so that we have a much Can you help me please?
better chance of remembering
What does this word mean?
the language and can use it
correctly in the future.
Can you repeat that please?
We would like to teach you
some ways to keep learning How do you pronunce it?
and improving your English
skills. If you practice these How do you spell it?
Study Skills, it will help you
What do you have to do?
to continue your English
language learning wherever
you are.
Page 7

Here is some advice and a few ideas to help you with the following:

• Vocabulary • Reading • Writing

• Grammar • Speaking • Irregular Verbs
• Listening • Pronunciation • Language Bank

Learning Vocabulary Using a dictionary

When you record vocabulary you should also Dictionaries are a useful resource for
include longer phrases like phrasal verbs researching different meanings, collocations,
(e.g. get away with), multi-word expressions examples of use and standard pronunciation.
(e.g. How’s it going?), idioms (e.g. raining Use a mono-lingual dictional and focus
cats and dogs), and collocations (e.g. take on understanding the meaning rather than
a chance). translation of individual words. Translating
Please see Language bank, Irregular verbs individual words can often lead to
and Phonemic chart in appendix 1 and 2 misunderstandings.
A great, big paper mono-lingual dictionary
is best but Cambridge, for example, have an
Here are some ways to learn online advanced learners’ dictionary at www.
vocabulary, which is easy to
• Download the Quizlet app – create your use and provides examples of word use.
own set of flashcards, practice and test
• Cut out lots of strips of paper or use index
cards. Use the Language Bank you made
on the previous pages and write a word on
• Make two cards with the English word
one side of each strip, with the translation
and its translation on different cards. Put
or definition on the other side. Now you
all these cards on a table and play a game
can place your cards on a table and test
of Snap! Here’s how:
yourself by placing either all the English
sides, or all the translations/definitions, 1. Place all of the cards face down.
face down and testing your memory. 2. Take one card and place it face up.
3. Take another card and place it face up.
4. If the two cards are the English word and
its translation - you have Snap! Place the
two cards at the side of the table and
continue until you have matched all the
5. Try timing yourself and completing the
game as quickly as possible.
Listening, Reading and Writing Page 8


Getting the new language There’s so much you can Try to listen to as many
you’ve learnt down on paper, read to practice your skills, different types of spoken
can really help to consolidate it doesn’t have to be a English as possible, to
your learning. Think about book. You can read signs, improve your listening.
the language you’ve learnt newspapers, the back of You can find lots on the
that week and try the food packets! internet:
following: • Why don’t you find an • Music and songs
• write an email to a friend/ interesting article online? • TV shows, the news and
your teacher • Choose a book you’ve films
• write a diary/journal entry read in your own • Speeches and interviews
each day language and get reading! • Audiobooks
• write your shopping list in • Find an e-book and read
English on your daily commute
to work or studies. This
site has lots of free ones:

Library and Study Area

We have a bright and welcoming Library and
Study Centre available for students, which is a
fantastic opportunity to help you get more out
of your studies. There are open study areas for
group work and quiet areas for focused self-
study, as well as bookable study rooms. There are
also a range of books and computers available
for you to use and a Library Assistant will be
available to help you find anything you need.
Tracking your Progress Page 9

As well as placement, weekly and monthly

testing, every 4 weeks of your course you
will be invited to attend a tutorial with your
teacher. Prior to this meeting you will take
some time to reflect on your learning so
far over the last 4 weeks then during this
meeting, you will discuss your progress,
look at your test results and your areas of
strength. You will also talk about any areas of
weakness and write an action plan together
to help you improve in those areas. You
teacher may offer you suggestions for how to
continue learning outside the classroom and
tips specific to your needs. Make the most
of this meeting, it’s all about you and your
learning. Remember to ask lots of questions!
Masterclass Learning Page 10

The English Path Masterclass programme has been

specially designed to offer students free valuable life
and vocational skills whilst studying English at EP.
One masterclass is offered every week in a twelve-week
cycle, whichever date you start your English course,
you will have the chance to attend our Masterclasses.
Sessions include careers workshops, study skills and
guest lectures provided by our higher education sister
college, GBS.
We strongly believe that you should be given, not just a
fantastic English education, but also the skills to help
you make the most of your new language knowledge!
Every single Masterclass is free of charge and we
encourage you to take part along with our fantastic
activity programme.

A comprehensive guide to higher education in the Learn how different cultures conduct business in
UK. different ways.


Learn how to write in a clear, concise and Authoritarian v delegative, transformational v
structured way and how to back up your ideas by transactional. Learn the pros and cons of different
using evidence. leadership styles and which style suits you.


85% of people fear public speaking and presenting. (GUEST SPEAKER GBS)
Learn how to deliver your message professionally Learn about banking, markets and how money
and confidently. flows around the globe.


One of the 7 habits of highly effective people is How to start, grow and successfully manage your
time management. On this session you will learn own business.
how to manage and prioritise time.


5 INTRO TO GLOBAL BUSINESS Our guest lecturer will give an overview of global
MANAGEMENT (GUEST SPEAKER GBS) business management to prepare you for your
global career.
Our guest lecturer will give an overview of global
business management to prepare you for your
6 LEADERSHIP TEAM BUILDING Help and advice in choosing the right career based
What makes a great leader? on your individual skills and qualifications.
How do you build an effective team?
These questions will be answered in the
leadership and team building sessions.

NB. This is an example schedule.

Timetable and Holiday Dates Page 11

English classes usually take place in the morning, afternoon or evening depending on the
course you choose to study. Your timetable will usually remain the same throughout the
course, but the room may change.

General English Morning General English Afternoon Semi-intensive General English Morning
Monday to Friday, 9.15 - 12.30 Monday to Friday, 13.45 - 17.00 Monday to Friday, 9.15 - 13.30

20 lessons per week 20 lessons per week 25 lessons per week

Levels A1 - C1 Levels A1 - C1 Levels A1 - C1
Afternoon Social and Cultural Afternoon Social and Cultural Afternoon Social and Cultural
Programme Programme Programme
EP Masterclass EP Masterclass EP Masterclass

Semi-intensive General English Intensive English General English Part Time

Monday to Friday, 9.45 - 17.15 Monday and Wednesday
Monday to Friday, 12.45 - 17.00
25 lessons per week 40 lessons per week 8 lessons per week
Levels A1 - C1 Levels A1 - C1 Levels A1 - C1
Afternoon Social and Cultural Afternoon Social and Cultural Afternoon Social and Cultural
Programme Programme Programme
EP Masterclass EP Masterclass EP Masterclass

*Class schedules are only examples.

Substitute day (for New Year’s Day) 3rd January 2022
Easter Holiday 15th April & 18th April 2022
Platinum Jubilee Holiday 2nd June & 3rd June 2022
Summer Bank holiday 29th August 2022

Your Welfare
Personal, medical or about
About your class?
your accommodation

Academic Coordinator Student Services Officer

Kate Stoliarova Kathryn Orr

Life in the UK – Accommodation
Page 12

English Path works with trusted agencies to organise your accommodation, and we offer a wide
range of different options. There is a Student Services Officer in the school to help you with any
queries about your accommodation.

Homestay Independent Living Student Residence

For many students studying Renting a room with a local person The residence is perfect for
English abroad, a large part offers you the right mix of total students who would like
of their experience is to come independence and privacy, while to live in university style
into contact with the local having the comfort of knowing accommodation, where
culture, and the best way to do there is always someone on hand students live in large blocks
this is to stay in our homestay for friendly help or advice, should it of apartments, with shared
accommodation. be needed. A local live-in landlord cooking and socialising
acts as your flat or housemate to facilities. We have a variety of
give you advice when needed and residential accommodations
even a chat if you’d like to talk. As available in London, to suit your
much or as little contact as you specific requirements.
like with the owner.

Things to think about when looking for a new home

Before you decide to live in your own
accommodation, you need to consider carefully THINGS TO THINK ABOUT WHEN LOOKING
whether this is right for you. Living on your own FOR A NEW HOME
in a new country is not easy. You will have a Before starting your search, think of the type
lot of responsibilities, like paying tax and bills, of accommodation you will need, how much
you may feel more homesick and have fewer you can afford and the area you would like
chances to practice speaking English. to live in. Make sure you always view the
property before you move in. Ask questions
When looking for accommodation think about and make sure that the property is in a good
how you will travel to school and how long condition.
it will take. It is best to find a place close to
public transport. Ask at the school for more THE PROPERTY
information on the best areas to search for • Look at the area for things like public transport
accommodation. and shops. What local services and amenities
are there?
Is the area safe and well lighting?
• Check for signs of dampness.
• Is there ventilation, heating and lighting?
• • Is there hot and cold running water?
• • Do the cooker, fridge and other appliances
Page 13

• Read your contract with the landlord • You have the right to privacy.
carefully and make sure you are happy • Your accommodation must be fit to live in.
with the terms. • Rents can only be increased once a year.
• Do not sign any contract until you have • A landlord must give you written notice
agreed with the landlord any damage to if they want you to leave your home. The
the property as well as all the furniture so minimum notice is 1 month, although
that you will not be considered responsible there are exceptions.
if anything goes wrong. • All of your deposit should be returned
• The landlord will usually need you to pay within a reasonable time. Your landlord
a deposit before you move in, which is can only withhold money if you owe rent
normally the equivalent of between 1 to 2 or have caused damage.
months’ rent. • Your accommodation must by law meet
• Do not hand over money unless you are basic standards. Notify the landlord
happy with the accommodation and immediately in writing if any repairs are
always get a receipt. needed and allow access for the work
• When your tenancy ends the landlord must to be done. If the landlord fails to fix a
promptly return the deposit. The landlord serious problem within a reasonable time,
may keep some or all of the deposit to you can organise the repairs and your
cover rent arrears or the costs of repairing landlord must reimburse you.
any damage above normal wear and tear.

Please note that if you decide to rent your own

accommodation, the school cannot be held
responsible for any issues, and cannot take
part in any negotiations between you and your
landlord. However, we are happy to direct you
towards organisations that can help you with
any issues you may have.
Page 14

Life in the UK – Health For more information on

our complimentary student
Free student insurance insurance visit
visit: www.englishpath.
Provided by Student Insurance Specialists: Endsleigh com/student-insurance
Medical and travel insurance is included free
of charge for all international students on all
courses if you opted in at booking stage. The
product provides cover including emergency
medical assistance and medical costs,
protection in the event of cancellation or
curtailment, cover for loss, theft of or damage Key eligibility criteria and exclusions:
to baggage and personal money. • Not available to anyone aged 66 or over.
• No cover under cancellation or curtailment
Key features and benefits:
charges, emergency medical expenses or
• A 24 hour helpline for medical emergencies
personal accident relating to any reason set
• Emergency medical expenses in the event
out under ‘Important conditions relating to
of illness or injury.
health’ – see group policy wording.
• Protection against cancellation or
curtailment charges. • No cover where the FCO or World Health
• Cover for loss or damage to baggage and Organisation has advised against travel
personal money. • No cover where travel is not departing from
and returning to your home country.
Health Care • Each claim will be subject to a £50 excess
wherever an excess applies.
Most of the National Health Services (NHS) is
free if the following applies to you:
1. You are studying in the UK for 6 months or
2. Your country has a reciprocal health Registering Guidelines
agreement with the UK. 1. Find a doctor in your local area
3. You are a UK resident.
You can get help from a GP for free, but you’ll 2. Contact the practice and ask to register
usually need to make an appointment. You with them. You will need: your name and
may need to pay for medicines prescribed by address, date of birth, id card / passport and
your GP, some GP services, dental treatment or proof of address.
optical treatment.
3. Once registered, you will receive an NHS
card. Keep it safe and take it with you when
For more information visit or
you go to the doctor, dentist or hospital.


You can book or change an appointment:
• Online
• By phone
• In person
For more information visit:
Page 15

Private Healthcare
If you are studying in the UK for less than 6 months To find the walk-in cetres nearby you visit:
, you should take out private health insurance before
coming to the UK. EP offers free student insurance
but it covers the basic medical treatment only. For Please note that everyone is entitled to free
more information visit emergency medical treatment in the UK. However,
student-insurance if you are admitted to hospital you may be charged
if you are not entitled to free medical care. (as
If you need to see a doctor, you may go to one of the described before).
walk-in centres.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

If you are experiencing mental health difficulties,
there are lots of options for support. You can
speak to the Student Services Officer at your
campus who can then
recommend an appropriate service for you.

There are helplines that offer professional

support and can also make referrals to speak
to a mental health professional.

Samaritans. To talk about anything that is

upsetting you, you can contact Samaritans
24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call
116 123 (free from any phone), email jo@ or visit some branches in
person. You can also call the Samaritans Welsh
Language Line on 0808 164 0123 (7pm–11pm
every day).
More information about student mental health can be
SANE line. If you’re experiencing a mental found on the Mind website:
health problem or supporting someone else,
you can call SANEline on 0300 304 7000 tips-for-everyday-living/student-life/
(4.30pm–10.30pm every day).

Life in the UK –
Emergencies and Hospitals in Birmingham
In an emergency call 999. You will be asked which service you require - say “Police”, “Fire” or “Ambulance” to
get connected to the right people.

999 111 112 101
Birmingham Central Police Station Emergency Non-emergency
Emergency National
Snow Hill Queensway non-emergency
number. 112 number for the
will work on any police
Birmingham, B4 6NQ medical number
mobile phone
Hours: Open 24 hours anywhere in the
If you need medical help, but it isn’t a 999 Page 16
emergency, you can call 111. NHS 111 will
assess you, provide advice and direct you If you need advice about contraception or
straight away to the local service that can pregnancy, please speak to a member of
help you best. It is available 24 hours a day 7 Student Services or visit
days a week and calls are free, including from
mobiles. NHS Walk-in centres
NHS Walk in Centre – To find your nearest
For more information visit walk-in centre, please visit
NHS 111 can direct you to your nearest medical Accident and Emergency
centre. The nearest hospital, injuries unit and Heartlands Hospital
walk-in centre to the school are: Address: Bordesley Green East, Bordesley Green,
Birmingham, West Midlands, B9 5SS
Phone: 0121 424 2000
Life in the UK –
Page 17

How to open a bank account

The main banks in the UK are HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds Bank, RBS, Natwest, Nationwide and Santander.

To open a bank account, the following documents may be needed:

• Passport or EU ID;
• A valid visa;
• A school letter.

You can get the school letter from Student Services to take to the bank.

For online banks, you may open your account online without the school letter from us.
Page 18

Life in the UK – Your free time in Birmingham


Sherborne Wharf Heritage Narrowboats

Did you know that Birmingham has more stretches
of canals than Venice? Why not explore the exciting
parts of the city on them and learn about the city’s
industrial heritage.
Back to Backs
Join this immersive guided tour and learn about
the lives of the local people from the 19th and 20th
century. Step back in time and enjoy the sights and
smells of what life in Birmingham was like in the

Aston Hall & Gardens

Aston Hall is a Grade I listed 17th century red-brick
mansion house. Take a tour of the interior, enjoy a
walk in the gardens, and top off your visit with some
refreshments at the Stable Yard café.

Chinese Quarter
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery Check out this area of the city which includes
Chinese architectural features and many of
Discover the permanent galleries and varied
Birmingham’s major landmarks such as the
exhibition programme inside this Grade II listed
Pagoda. Grab some authentic Chinese food and
city centre landmark building with over 40 galleries
bubble tea while you are there!
displaying art, social history, archaeology and
Page 19

Cannon Hill Park & MAC

Botanical Gardens Cannon Hill Park is a great place for walking,
Birmingham Botanical Gardens houses 4 running, cycling, and playing sports. You can also
glasshouses with a diverse range of plants which visit the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park,
look out onto a large lawn and 15 acres of greenery. take a trip on the lake with a pedal boat, and
See different plants at different times of the year, explore MAC Birmingham, a cultural venue located
relax in the sun, and enjoy a drink and something within the park with galleries, theatre, crafts, and
to eat in the Pavilion Tea Room. workshops.

Sarehole Mill & Moseley Bog Sutton Park

Visit this 18th century mill where JRR Tolkien, This 2400 acre National Nature Reserve is one of
author of the Lord of the Rings, grew up. Explore the largest urban parks in Europe, located just 6
the rural surroundings of Moseley Bog nature miles north of the city centre. Take in the diverse
reserve which inspired his writing. plants and wildlife, cattle, and wild ponies.
Page 20


Fish & Chips English Breakfast

Traditionally a popular food to eat at the seaside, Typically in the United Kingdom, it includes bacon,
fish and chips is the most famous food in the UK, sausages, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, baked
consisting of battered, fried fish, chips and mushy beans, fried bread and often a slice of white or
peas! (I like curry sauce on mine!) black pudding.

Sunday Roast Afternoon Tea Pie and Mash

It is a traditional British and It is a tea-related ritual, introduced
in Britain in the early 1840s. It is Originated in the East End of
Irish meal that is typically
a meal composed of sandwiches London, it consists of a variety
served on Sunday, consisting
(usually cut delicately into of fillings, baked in a pastry crust
of roasted meat, roast potatoes
‘fingers’), scones with clotted and served with mashed potatoes
and accompaniments such as
cream and jam, sweet pastries and gravy.
Yorkshire puddings and stuffing.
and cakes.
Page 21


Custard Factory
This is the heart of Birmingham’s creative district
Located right next to Birmingham New Street
and home to shops, cafes, bars, and restaurants to
Station, this shopping centre has over 200 shops
enjoy in the evening. Check out Chance & Counters
and numerous restaurants.
Board Game Cafe, the Mockingbird independent
cinema, and the Matrix VR Gaming Arcade.

The Glee Club

Enjoy the best Birmingham has to offer for music
and comedy. You can find exciting events here on Rag Market
a weekly basis.
Just next to the Bullring, the Rag Market houses
350 stalls with a mix of the latest fashions, fabrics,
gifts and household goods – it’s the perfect place
to go bargain-hunting.

Enjoy restaurants and entertainment such as Jewellery Quarter
adventure golf, bowling, football, escape rooms and This historic area of the city is home to hundreds
laser games at Birmingham’s premier leisure and of jewellery retailers and designers and is known
entertainment venue. as the UK’s centre of jewellery. Visit the Museum
of the Jewellery Quarter to learn about the history
of this area.
Social Programme Page 22



Welcome lunch Aston Hall & Conversation Club Red Brick Market Birmingham
Gardens Shopping Experience

Price: free Price: £9 Price: free Price: free Price: free


Visit to Chinatown Escape Hunt Dinner @The Malt Chance & Counters Flight Club
Birmingham House Board Game Cafe

Price: free Price: £25 Price: Pay for own Price: £3 for 2 hours Price: £7-10 each


Visit our office for more info

Saturday: Sunday:

Stratford-Upon-Avon Black Country Living Museum

Note: This is an example schedule. For more information, please visit our website or the Student Services Office.
Useful App in Birmingham Page 23

Transport Dictionary

Uber NX Bus mTicket Trainline WordReference

Get a ride in a Save time and Buy train tickets The world’s most
minute by using money by buying and plan your powerful dictionary
Uber app. bus tickets train journey translation website.
and passes. across the UK.

Food delivery and collection

Find food and drink from all across the city

Transport in Birmingham
Page 24

Birmingham has great transport links both within the city and connecting to nearby cities, making travelling
in Birmingham and exploring the wider region extremely easy.

The city centre and main train stations are accessible on foot from our campus or just a quick bus journey
away. Birmingham has an excellent transport network of local bus and rail services, all operating at very
reasonable costs and with discounts for students.

Student bus pass


National Express All buses Travel on bus Travel on bus and Travel on bus and
buses and metro rail (Zone 1- 2) rail (Zone 1-5)
4 weeks £40 £43.50 £60.40 £80.50 £95

Monthly £39 £42.50 £59.90 £64.50 £76

1 term £160 £174 £235.50 £233 £275

How to apply
Go to and select the pass which best suits
your needs.

To buy a student bus pass, you will need:

• Proof of being in full time education (over 12 hours/week)

• A passport style photograph to upload during your order

NX Bus mTicket App

Use the mTicket app to buy tickets on your mobile! (You can also use this to buy the 4 week student bus pass).
Simply buy the ticket you need, activate it before boarding the bus, and show it to the bus driver.

You can also pay for your bus journeys using your contactless card or device. Simply tap with your card when you
get on the bus. Your fares will be capped after a certain amount.

For more information about West Midlands buses, see:

1 day cap £4
3 day cap £11.50
7 day cap £15
Places of Worship
Page 25

Baptist Buddhist Church of England

Birmingham Central Baptist Peace Pagoda Birmingham Church of England - Birmingham
Church Springhill 29/31 Osler St, Birmingham B16 1 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3
35 Ellen St, Birmingham B18 7LF 9EU 2BJ

30 minutes from + 34 minutes from + 17 minutes from

+ Campus Campus

Hindu Jewish Methodist

Shree Geeta Bhawan Singers Hill Synagogue Lozells Methodist Church
107-117 Heathfield Rd, 44 Blucher St, Birmingham B1 163 Gerrard St, Lozells,
Handsworth, Birmingham B19 1HL Birmingham B19 2AH

+ 38 minutes from + 22 minutes from + 40 minutes from

Campus Campus Campus

Muslim Roman Catholic

Birmingham Central Mosque St Catherine of Siena Church
180 Belgrave Middleway, 69 Irving St, Birmingham B1 1DW
Birmingham B12 0XS

+ 21 minutes from + 23 minutes from

Campus Campus
Code of Conduct
Page 26

Code of Conduct
What can you expect from the school?
The mission of English Path (EP from now on) is to provide high-quality, motivating English courses that
stimulate and challenge students so that they can learn, excel and grow.

1 Learn: We want you to learn at EP and improve 4 A friendly and efficient service from the Student
your English language skills to reach your goals. Services Team on a range of queries, problems or
That’s why at EP we have excellent teachers who questions.
are highly experienced to ensure the highest
standards in teaching. We want you to benefit from 5 An initial placement test from the Academic
qualified, experienced, and dynamic teachers. Team to ensure you are placed at the right level.

2 Excel: We want all our students to excel, and 6 To study in a well lit, clean, modern and safe
we achieve this by creative, engaging, and environment.
challenging classes. Our teachers know how to
get the best out of their students. On finishing your 7 An interesting and cultured activities programme
course, we will provide you with a certificate that that includes many free activities. The activities
shows the level you have reached. and excursions will be linked to your programme
of study to maximize your learning.
3 Grow: Learning a language is a great way to grow
as a person and improve your confidence. Living 8 Advice on further studies, including exam
in and learning about other cultures is also a way classes, further and higher education.
for people to develop and broaden their horizons.
Through our teaching and activities programme
we ensure that our students will grow, evolve,
flourish and benefit from their English Path
What do we expect of you? Page 27

1. To attend the school’s induction 5. Please attend all your classes. 8. Keep Student Services informed
presentation which contains A minimum of 85% attendance of any changes in your personal
important information about is required. Students will only circumstances such as change
your stay and read the student receive a leaving certificate if of address or contact details.
handbook to make the most of their attendance has been 85% or Your wellbeing and safety are
your stay with us. more. very important to us.
2. Always speak English whilst you (For the Attendance Policy, 9. To respect and adhere to all
are at school. please visit the school’s policies which are
3. Be punctual and attend your available on the website that
classes on time. Teachers may procedures/) bullying or harassment will not
not let you enter if you are more 6. Please do not eat or drink be tolerated in person or online.
than 15 minutes late. anything in the classroom apart 10. To respect core British values of:
4. Remember to tell the school if from water. democracy, rule of law, individual
you cannot attend and to keep 7. Please do not use your phone liberty, and respect for other
the school updated about any during class time unless asked to people’s values and beliefs.
absences. by your teacher. 11. Smoking is not permitted
anywhere inside the school
Students may be asked to leave their course early if they don’t follow the code of buildings.
conduct or EP’s disciplinary policy.

UK Law
Smoking Traffic Regulations Procedures in case of arrest by the
Smoking is banned in all public For drivers, police
buildings in Britain including bars, · Drive on the left hand side of the If you’re arrested the police must:
restaurants, shops, stations, cinemas road • identify themselves as the police
and on all public transport. You can · Observe all posted speed limits and • tell you that you’re being arrested
smoke on the street. road signs • tell you what crime they think you’ve
· Don’t drive if you are over the legal committed
Drugs blood alcohol limit • explain why it’s necessary to arrest
Britain has strict laws against the · You must stop at all STOP signs and you
use of illegal drugs and punishments red traffic lights • explain to you that you’re not free to
can be very heavy. You are strongly · Everyone in the vehicle must wear a leave
advised not to use illegal drugs seat belt (see below for exceptions to
during your stay. this rule)
· Obey all directions given by police
Alcohol officers UK Visas and Registering with the
If you’re under 18, it’s against the law · Give way to all emergency vehicles Police
for someone to sell you alcohol, to buy which have their sirens and/or lights Some people need to register with
or try to buy alcohol, and for an adult to flashing the police after arriving in the UK with
buy or try to buy alcohol for you. a visa, or after getting permission to
For pedestrians, stay for longer in the UK.
Council Tax • When it is safe go straight across If you need to register, you must go
You’ll usually have to pay Council the road – do not run. to the police within 7 days of you:
Tax if you’re 18 or over and own or • Keep looking and listening for traffic • arriving in the UK if you applied for a
rent a home. There may be discounts while you cross, in case there is any visa from outside the UK
available for students. traffic you did not see, or in case • getting your biometric residence
For more information: other traffic appears suddenly. permit if you applied to stay for • Look out for cyclists and longer from inside the UK
motorcyclists travelling between
TV Licence lanes of traffic.
In the UK you must have a TV Licence • Do not walk diagonally across the police
if you: road.
• watch or record programmes on
a TV, computer or other device as
they’re broadcast
• download or watch BBC
programmes on iPlayer – live, catch
up or on demand
For more information:
Appendix 1 - Language Bank
Here you can write down any new words you learn during your lessons. Use it when you finish your course too, until you have completed the whole grid! Then you can use your
Language Bank to revise all the new English vocabulary you have learned.

New word/expression Word Form Pronunciation Translation Example

(e.g. adjective, verb, noun,
New word/expression Word Form Pronunciation Translation Example
(e.g. adjective, verb, noun,
Appendix 2 - Irregular Verbs and Phonetic Chart

Base form - past simple - past participle

abide abode abode drink drank drunk

arise arose arisen drive drove driven
awake awoke awoken dwell dwelt dwelt
be was/were been eat ate eaten
bear bore born interweave interwove interwoven
beat beat beaten fall fell fallen
become became become feed fed fed
befall befell befallen feel felt felt
beget begot begotten fight fought fought
begin began begun find found found
behold beheld beheld flee fled fled
bend bent bent fling flung flung
bereave bereft bereft fly flew flown
beseech besought besought forbid forbad(e) forbidden
beset beset beset forecast forecast forecast
bespeak bespoke bespoken forget forgot forgotten
bestride bestrode bestridden forgive forgave forgiven
bet bet bet forsake forsook forsaken
bid bade/bid bidden/bid foresee foresaw foreseen
bind bound bound foretell foretold foretold
bite bit bitten freeze froze frozen
bleed bled bled get got got
blow blew blown give gave given
break broke broken go went gone
breed bred bred grind ground ground
bring brought brought grow grew grown
broadcast broadcast broadcast hang hung hung
build built built have had had
burn burnt burnt hear heard heard
burst burst burst hide hid hidden
buy bought bought hit hit hit
can could hold held held
cast cast cast hurt hurt hurt
catch caught caught keep kept kept
choose chose chosen kneel knelt knelt
cling clung clung know knew known
come came come lay laid laid
cost cost cost lead led led
creep crept crept lean leant leant
cut cut cut leap leapt leapt
deal dealt dealt learn learnt learnt
dig dug dug leave left left
do did done lend lent lent
draw drew drawn let let let
dream dreamt dreamt lie lay lain
lose lost lost speed sped sped
make made made spend spent spent
mean meant meant spin spun spun
meet met met spit spat spat
pay paid paid split split split
mistake mistook mistaken spoil spoilt spoilt
overhear overheard overheard spread spread spread
oversleep overslept overslept spring sprang sprung
put put put stand stood stood
read read read steal stole stolen
rend rent rent stick stuck stuck
rid rid rid sting stung stung
ride rode ridden stink stank stunk
ring rang rung stride strode stridden
rise rose risen strike struck struck
run ran run string strung strung
say said said strive strove striven
see saw seen swear swore sworn
seek sought sought sweep swept swept
sell sold sold swim swam swum
send sent sent swing swung swung
set set set take took taken
shake shook shaken teach taught taught
shed shed shed tear tore torn
shine shone shone tell told told
shit shit/shat shit/shat think thought thought
shoot shot shot throw threw thrown
show showed shown thrust thrust thrust
shrink shrank shrunk tread trod trodden
shrive shrove shriven understand understood understood
shut shut shut undertake undertook undertaken
sing sang sung undo undid undone
sink sank sunk upset upset upset
sit sat sat wake woke woken
slay slew slain wear wore worn
sleep slept slept weave wove woven
slide slid slid weep wept wept
sling slung slung win won won
slink slunk slunk wind wound wound
slit slit slit withdraw withdrew withdrawn
smell smelt smelt withstand withstood withstood
smite smote smitten wring wrung wrung
speak spoke spoken write wrote written
Appendix 2 - Irregular Verbs and Phonetic Chart

[email protected]
+44 20 4551 3676
+44 7597 232 595
Fazeley Studios,
191 Fazeley Street,
B5 5SE

Our Schools

EP Canary Wharf EP London EP Manchester

Import Building, 891 Greenford Road Universal Square,
2 Clove Crescent, Greenford, Devonshire Street North,
East India, London, London, Manchester,
E14 2BE UB6 0HE M12 6JH

EP Birmingham EP Leeds EP Dubai

Fazeley Studios, St George House Block 5,
191 Fazeley Street, 40 Great George St, Dubai Knowledge Park (DKP),
Birmingham, Leeds Al Sufouh 2,
B5 5SE LS1 3DL Dubai, UAE

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