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BOOC_______ DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2023


Direction: Compare and contrast the "R.A. 11917 into R.A. 5487" using a Venn diagram.

RA 5487 RA 11917
1. It does not require to be a
1. To apply for an operator's l SIMILARITIES commissioned officer of a
icense, one must have held police agency or armed
a commissioned • Both Republic
forces in the Philippines to
officer position in the Acts state that a person
be Private Security Agency
inactive service of must be 25
Licensee or operator.
a Philippine police agency years old to qualify as a 2. In applying for licensure, it is
or armed forces. Security Agency filed or issued by the Chief
2. The application of license Operator or Manager Philippine National Police
shall be filed with the Chief . 3. The Chief of PNP is the one
Philippine Constabulary • Suggests who determines the
3. The Chief of the Philippine that the attire worn by s application payment,
Constabulary is responsibl depending on the number of
e for determining the appli PSPs employed.
personnel should be dist
cation fees to be paid in 4. To become one of the
bonds, as well as the requir inct from that
private securities, there is a
ements that must be met. of the AFP, PNP, and
need for License to Exercise
4. Private securities in private other law
Security Profession (LESP).
security agencies need not enforcement agencies.
5. Violating this act especially
be licensed. rendering security service
5. Violation of this act or • Emphasizes the without licensure shall be
regulation shall be significance of licensure punished with a fine
punished by a fine of not to render security 1,000.00-1,000,000.00
exceeding 200 Philippine services legally. Philippine peso
peso 6. The act took effect 15 days
6. This act took effect upon after its complete
• Both assess and oversee
its approval with the publication without the
signature of the President the functioning and ma
nagement of Security President’s signature.
in this time. 7. Generally, under the
7. Generally, under the Guard Agencies
authority of Chief of The
authority of Chief Philippine National Police.
Philippine Constabulary

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