PM1920 Ms

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Bangalore Centre
Program:-MS (Quality Management systems)
Course:-Project Management
Mid semester Examination (Make up) – November 2019

Instructions to the Candidates: The question paper Consists of three Parts. Part –A is
objective type questions meant to test your conceptual understanding of the subject taught to you.
Part B Consists of questions to test your ability to get into the subject in detail. Part C Consists of
analytical questions and this tests your ability to apply the knowledge to real world problem
situations and scenario’s. Part A has a weightage of 10 marks and is compulsory. Part B consists of
6 questions with equal weightage and you need to answer any four it will be evaluated for a total of
20 Marks. Part C consists of three questions out of which you will have to attempt two questions.
Each question in Part C has weightage of 10 Marks.

Q. No. Part A(Question numbers 1 (i to x) Marks

1 Answer all the questions in this part.
i. Expand the acronym EEF. (01)
ii. Give an example for a project in the context of your institution. (01)
iii. What are the triple constraints in any project? (01)
iv. Mention any one of the traits that a project manger must possess. (01)
v. Define a project charter. (01)
vi. Give an example of a project charter statement. (01)
vii. List any one of the inputs for scope planning. (01)
viii. What is the overall goal of project Integration Management? (01)
ix. “Project Management Plan is considered as a mother document in project (01)
planning”. Justify.
x. Mention any one of the rules to be followed while constructing the project (01)
network diagram?

Q. Part B (Question Numbers 2 to 6) Marks

No. (Answer any four of the six full questions )
2. You are asked to plan out a class trip. Based on the definition of a project as per (05)
PMI.Do you consider this as a project management or event management? Why or
Why not? Justify starting from the definition of project as per PMI.
3. Give any four differences between General Management and Project Management (05)
as fields of specialization.
4. What are the traits that a project manager must possess to be successful in his role as (05)
a project manager?
5. List the inputs, Tools & Technique and outputs for the Project plan development as (05)
part of Project Integration Management area of knowledge.
6. “The attributes of a project plans are that Plans should be dynamic, Plans should be (05)
flexible, Plans should be updated as changes occur, Plans should first and foremost
guide project execution”. Briefly Explain this statement in your own words.
7. It is said with respect to Project Scope Management that it is the processes required (05)
to ensure that the project includes all, and only, work required and It is used to
define what “is/is not” included in the project. Explain this with an illustrative

Program: - MS- Quality Management Systems. Course- Project Management, MID TERM EXAMINATION (Make up) November 2019
Bangalore Centre
Program:-MS (Quality Management systems)
Course:-Project Management
Mid semester Examination (Make up) – November 2019
Q. No. PART C (Question Numbers 7 to 9) Marks
(Answer any three full questions from the five full questions)
8. (10)
In general, how could each of the following parameters influence your choice
for an organizational structure? Explain your answers in as much depth as
i. The project cost
ii. The project schedule
iii. The project duration
iv. The technology requirements
v. The geographical locations
vi. The required working relationships with the customer
9. Draw the network diagram and determine the early start, early finish, late start , (10)
and late finish in respect of all node points and identify critical path for the
following activities and duration (in weeks).
Activity A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Predecessor - - - B B C D D F E,H,I F G K
10 8 9 8 16 7 6 7 7 12 5 13 15
10. (10)

Given above is the typical structure for a project to build a house. Develop a
brief description of this WBS, Identify the work packages, Number of
hierarchical levels and other features of the WBS. Explain how this WBS helps
in scope management & time management.
11. List any of the top five challenges that any project manager is likely to face in (10)
any project environment. Elaborate on how you as a project manager along with
your team could plan to meet each of those challenges that you have listed as the
top five challenges.
12. Sketch the typical organizational Structure of a matrix organization. Given (10)
below are three statements that are often used to describe the environment of a
matrix. Do you agree or disagree? Defend your answer.
i. Project management in a matrix allows for fuller utilization of personnel.
ii. The project manager and functional manager must agree on priorities.
iii. Decision-making in a matrix requires continual trade-offs on time, cost,
technical risk, and uncertainty.

Program: - MS- Quality Management Systems. Course- Project Management, MID TERM EXAMINATION (Make up) November 2019

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