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ME 451

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Introduction to CAD

Sanan H Khan
What is CAD?
Originally CAD includes any techniques that
use computers in the design process including
drafting, stress analysis and motion analysis.
What is CAD?
But over the last 35 years, CAD has come to
refer more specifically to Computer Aided
Design and Drafting.
What is CAD?
CAD program/software is an electronic tool
that enables you to make quick and accurate
drawings with the use of a computer.
What is CAD?
Computer drawings are neat, clean,
highly presentable, and can be modified
With CAD, parts or components can be
modeled, visualized, revised, and
improve on the computer screen before
any engineering drawings have been
What is CAD?
Parts that have been modeled can be
assembled in the virtual environment of the
computer. The relative motion of moving
parts can be animated on the computer. The
part can be analyzed computationally and
redesigned. The machine tool path or mold
filling flow to fabricate the part can be
modeled on the computer. The part model
can be downloaded to a rapid prototyping
system that can create a physical model of
the part in a few hours with virtually no
human intervention.
Capabilities of CAD
Some of the important capabilities of
using CAD are;
1) Presentations
- You can create fine drawings with
presentation symbols and text
- You can use CAD program to make
on screen presentations.
Capabilities of CAD
2) Flexibility in editing
- CAD provides the flexibility to make
quick alterations to drawings
- Some of the editing capabilities are such
as; move or copy drawing elements,
enlarge or reduce size of a drawing,
make multiple copies of a drawing,
change units of measure and etc.
Capabilities of CAD
3) Units and accuracy level
- CAD program allows you to work with
great accuracy. You can also work with
different units of measure, such as
architectural units, engineering units,
scientific units and surveyor units.
4) Storage and access of drawings
- It is quick and convenient to organize CAD
drawings. You can have thousands of
drawings on a computer’s hard disk and
you can open any one of them within
Capabilities of CAD
5) Sharing CAD drawings
- The drawings can be shared by a number
of users, allowing them to coordinate
projects and work as a team. This is
accomplished by connecting different
computers via a network. You can also
publish your drawings on the Internet and
collaborate CAD projects using a web site.
Capabilities of CAD
6) Project reporting
- The computer can be used to
prepare project reports
7) Engineering analysis
- There is a separate category of
programs called CAE that can use CAD
drawings for engineering analysis.
Capabilities of CAD
8) Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)
- CAM is a common method of
manufacturing used by large
- These systems import CAD drawings
into CAM programs to automate the
manufacturing process.
CAD Models
A CAD model is a computer representation of
an object or part
It contains all of the design information
including geometry, dimensions, tolerances,
materials and manufacturing information.
CAD models replace the paper blueprints and
engineering drawings
The simplest model used in CAD is a 2D
model. This model is essentially the computer
graphics equivalent to an orthographic
CAD Models
A 3D model is the most general model used
in CAD software. This model is equivalent to
an isometric view.
basic types of 3D models are
◼ Wire frame model

◼ Surface model

◼ Solid Model
CAD Models-wireframe model
Wireframe Model is a collection of polygons
made of edges and vertices.
An edge may be a straight line or a curved
segment. Hence, this model is termed as a
polygonal net or a polygonal mesh.
CAD Models-wireframe model
Oldest form of 3D modeling
Old technology - not used today
Model Contains edges and vertices
Cannot represent complex surfaces
No details regarding interior of part
CAD Models-wireframe model
Wireframe models are Ambiguous… What
does this object really look like?
CAD Models-Surface model
A mathematical technique for representing
solid-appearing objects.
Surface models cannot be sliced open as can
solid models
CAD Models-Surface model
Contains edges and vertices and exterior
Can represent complex exterior surfaces
No details regarding interior of part
Too ambiguous for engineering analysis
Solid Modeling
The current state of the art in CAD, is the
most sophisticated method of representing an
Unlike wire frame or surface models, a solids
model represents an object in the virtual
environment just as it exists in reality, having
volume as well as surfaces and edges. In this
way, the interior of the object is represented
in the model as well as the outer surfaces.
Use of solid models
Can be used for stress analysis, heat transfer
analysis, fluid flow analysis, and computer
aided manufacturing.
In the manufacturing process to automatically
generate machine tool paths to machine an
To simulate the removal of material from an
initial block of material on the computer
Can be linked to Computer Numerical Control
(CNC) machine to carry out the removal of
material automatically allowing many identical
parts to be machined based directly on the
solid models.
Solid Modeling Techniques
Constructive Solid Geometry(CSG)
Boundary Representation(B-Rep)
Feature-Based Modeling - uses feature-based
primitives to conduct a design
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
Pre-defined geometric primitives
Boolean operations
CSG tree structure (building process/approach)
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
Geometric Primitives
Sweeping of a 2D cross section in the form of
extrusion and revolving are used to define the
3D shape (for uncommon shapes).
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
Boolean Operations in CSG
◼ Union, U
◼ Intersection, ∩
◼ Difference or Subtraction −
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
Boolean Operations in CSG
◼ Union, U
◼ Intersection, ∩
◼ Difference or Subtraction −
CSG Tree
CSG Tree
Sweeping can be carried out in two different
◼ Extrusion - to produce an object model from a 2D
cross-section shape, the direction of extrusion and a
given depth.
◼ Revolving – to produce a rotation part either in solid
or in shell shape. Revolving a 2D cross-section that
is specified by a closed curve around the axis of
symmetry forms the model of an axially symmetric
Sweeping is most convenient for solids with
translational or rotational symmetry.
Sweeping also has the capability to guarantee a
closed object.
Feature-based parametric Modeling
Feature-based parametric Solid Modeling
system represents the recent advance of
computer geometric modeling.
It is used as the foundation of solid modeling
software's like Solid works etc.
Feature-based parametric solid modeling
eliminated the direct use of common geometric
primitives such as cone, cylinder, sphere, etc.
since these primitives only represent low-level
geometric entities.
Feature-based parametric Modeling
The modeling approach uses sweeping to form
the main shape of the part, and build-in
mechanical features to specify the detailed
geometry of the model. These features include
holes (through, blind, sink), rounds, chamfers,
slots, etc.
Operations to solid model, such as cut and shell
(change a solid model into a hollow shell) are
also supported.
Feature-based parametric Modeling
To create the 2D cross-section for sweeping, a 2D
sketch needs to be generated in the 2D Sketcher.
A user can sketch the rough shape of the closed shape.
The system will automatically assign a dimension value
of the sketched feature.
The dimensions of the sketched feature can be
changed at any time by simply entering the desired
value, or kept as a variable, allowing even more
convenient change of its value.
The user has to provide all necessary dimensions to
pass the section of cross-section generation.
Problems of under-or over-dimensioning can be
Solid Works Model Generation
Introducing Datum
Primary Shape Definition
◼ Drawing Rough 2D Cross-section in a 2D Sketcher

◼ Defining the Precise Geometry

◼ Building Solid Objects

 Extrusion to Form Depth

 Revolving to Form Rotational Features
 Sweeps and Blends
Adding Detailed Geometry
◼ Making Holes and Cuts

◼ Adding Rounds, Chamfers, Slots, and Shells

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