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This passage tells what happened when someone got lost in the jungle.
Dane had not eaten or drunk anything for two days and he felt weak. Once again,
he thought of his friends, Mat and Harry. Were they safe? Perhaps they were still
looking for him. The three of them had come to the jungle for a hunting trip but
had become separated while running from a wild elephant. Dane had lost his
equipment and food supply, but he knew that he should not give up. He prayed
for strength to find a way out of the thick tropical jungle.
Dane was completely lost and was going round in circles. Wherever he went he
was plagued by mosquitos and other insects. As if that was not enough, the
leeches were draining his blood little by little. He was too scared to eat leaves or
berries for fear of upsetting his stomach. He came across some animals’
footprints which led him to a watering hole. There, he drank greedily until he was
full. Then, to keep off the biting insects, he rolled himself in the mud. He decided
to stay near the watering hole to wait for a search party.
Early in the morning of the fourth day, Dane was awakened by something
exploring his body. Shaking his fear, he realised that it was an elephant’s trunk
examining him, but as soon as he shouted, the frightened elephant crashed away
through the jungle. Dane was thankful that he was safe, for the elephant might
have stood on him and crushed him. Another time, Dane woke up from a short
sleep to find a wild boar noisily licking him. Frightened, he leapt up and
screamed. Fortunately, the startled animal disappeared off into the trees.
By the sixth day, Dane was feeling very thirsty and feverish. He heard a plane
flying overheard but was too weak to shout. He began to despair.
Then, later in the day, Dane thought he heard voices calling him. With the little
strength he had remaining, he let out a feeble cry.
The rescuers stared in disbelief to see Dane covered in mud from head to foot.
He was quickly carried out of the jungle. A few hours later, Dane was in the
hospital, remembering his experience and wondering how he had survived the
terrible ordeal.

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