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Mga Laro ng Lahi

Prepared by: Maria Casandra S. Argonza

Duration: Week 15-18 (7 hours, 2nd hour for Week 10 is for Final Examination)
Methods: Modular or Online

At the end of the lesson, you are able to:

1. Identify the different laro ng lahi.
2. Explain the rules and regulation on how to play the different laro ng lahi.
3. Play some of the laro ng lahi.

These games are commonly played by children, usually using native materials or instruments. Due to limited resources of toys
of Filipino Children, they usually come up with games without the need of anything but the players themselves. This has been their
regular and popular pastimes, as well as the favorite games of our parents and grandparents until new and modern forms of
entertainment (technology like computers, phones) has taken over the interests of children. But a great majority of Filipino children still
play this games.

 Patintero
 Patintero is a Filipino game also known as tubigan. The object of the game is to block (harang) the other team’s
players from passing. Patintero is the most widely played native game in the Philippines. You don’t need any
equipment to play it, but for an official game, prepare chalk to mark lines on the ground and perhaps a whistle and a
stopwatch to set a time limit.
How to play Patintero:
 there are two teams of about five players each. The object of the game is to get past the lines, which are guarded by
players of the opposite team. Most of the guards face front or back, but one guard is perpendicular to them.
 Children must form a team to play patintero. There are at least four bases to guard, at most six.
 The playing court is shaped like a long box divided into three parts, with a center wall running across. For as long as
anyone can remember, the lines for the patintero court have been drawn with water (but now you can use chalk or
charcoal to draw the line).
 It is important to run fast in patintero. But it is even more important to think quickly, to see unguarded openings or to
be alert to someone who is using tricks to slip by. When it is said that games teach about life, patintero must be one
of them, for it teaches how to be clever and watchful, how to be quick but careful.

Figure 1

 Batuhan Bola
 Batuhang Bola is a game in which players on two teams try to throw balls at each other while avoiding being hit
How to play batuhan bola:
 to play Batuhang Bola or dodgeball, you must first gather 2 teams and get a ball. The 1st team should stand in the
middle of the court, while the 2nd team should be divided into two and should stand at both sides of the 1st team.
The 2nd team should hit the players of the 1st team. If you hit a player, that player is out. If that player catches the
ball, his team will gain a “life” and can be used to revive another player or be used to continue to play on if the ball
hits him/her. You will win the game if you have hit all the players and none of the players are left.

Figure 2
 Piko
 This traditional game of "Piko" or "Hopscotch" is among the popular street games. Playing "piko" is very simple. All
you need to have is marker usually "chalk “or "Crayola" or anything than can be used to draw lines in the concrete
ground. Some plays in plain ground, a sandy loam soil, and draws the mark using a stick. You need also a "pamato"
or pucks for this game, this is usually a flat stone or part of broken pot.
How to play Piko:
 The mechanics for this game is easy and can be played by single or by group. By group, it should be started by
finding out who will play first usually by jack-en-poy. The first step is by throwing your pucks in 1st box then jumping
with one leg for 2nd and 3rd box, with left leg on 4rth box and right leg on 5th box, one leg on 6th box, with left leg on
7th box and right leg on 8th box, one leg in 9th box, and two legs on 10th box. In the 10th box you need to make
pivot and repeat the process going back, making a pause in 2nd box while getting your pucks in 1st box by bending
your body down with single leg then jumping out of the box. The next steps are throwing your pucks in 2nd box up to
10th box and follow the same procedure in first step. If the player's pucks or her body touches the line, it will be a turn
for another player. The one to complete until 10th box will declare winner of this game.
 Other variation of this game is done by the player looking towards the sky then throwing his marker on the diagram.
Without looking, he must walk across the diagram to fetch his marker without touching any lines. This stage is
intentionally more difficult to give the other players a chance to catch up.

Figure 3

 Luksong Baka
 Luksong Baka is a traditional Filipino game that originated from Bulacan, it involves the players jumping over the
person called the “Baka”.
How to play luksong baka:
 At the start of the game there should be one player that should be called “Taya” (It’) or in this game the “Bakang lala”
 The players should avoid contact or falling over the “Baka” player while jumping over.
 The “Baka” player should start with a bend-down kneeling position (A “Baka” player bends over with his hands placed
on his knees).
 All players are to jump over the “Baka” until all the players have jumped. Once the 1st set of jumping over the “Baka”
is done, the “Baka” player’s position will slowly rise-up after jumping over the “Baka” player.
 Only the hands of the jumper may touch the back of the person who is bent over. If a player fails to avoid contact or
fall over the “Baka”, he/she will replace the “Baka” player with a bend-down kneeling position (3), and the game
continues until the all players decides to end the game.

Figure 4
 Agawan Base
 Agawan Base is a form of tag similar to capture the flag but without flag.
How to play Agawan Base:

 There will be 2 bases. Each base has equal members.

 Mark your base with the base markers
 Assign a member to guard your base. Other members may run outside their base to capture the opponents or to
steal the opponent’s base.
 To capture the opponents, you must tag them.
 The captured opponent will be the other team’s prisoner. He or she must stand in the captor’s base until his or her
teammates tagged him or her to be saved.
 To steal the base of the opponent and win, you must touch their base.

Figure 5

 Tumbang Preso
 We have our own native games that is low cost but definitely fun and exciting.One of this game is what you called in
Tagalog as "Tumbang Preso" which means "knock down the prisoner" anyone could join do this enjoy this game.This
game is usually played in streets, backyards or place that traffic is unknown.

How to play Tumbang Preso:

 The guard of the can is chosen by a game by throwing the slipper on the line, who the farthest is the It.
 The hitters should be ready to hit the can using a stone or a slipper but they will never cross the toe-line.
 The slippers could retrieve if they could knock down the can. The It should be fast so to put the can inside the circle
and tag one of the hitter.
 The hitter that's been tag is the new It.
 When the can is outside the circle the hitters could knock down or kicked the can.
 If the hitters are not able to retrieve his slipper, the It will get it and place it under the can inside the circle now he or
she is the new guard.
 If the hitters are not able to retrieve his sleeper, another hitter could help him/her to be saved.

Figure 6
 Luksong Tinik
 Luksong tinik is a popular game in the Philippines. It is originated in Cabanatuan city, Philippines, played by two
teams with equal numbers of players. Each team designates a leader, the nanay, while the rest of the players are
called anak.
How to play Luksong Tinik:
 The first team decides among themselves who will play first and who will be the two who will act as the “thorns” in the
game. Thorns have a very important as well as difficult task in the game. Jumpers take turns passing the levels. The
jumpers form a queue and the thorns take their position.
 The “thorns” A sit, facing each other with the soles of their feet touching. This is the first level that jumpers must
successfully jump through without touching any of their body parts with those of the thorns’ body parts.
 Next level the two thorns must adjust their distance a bit towards each other so they can comfortably and
successfully create level 2, where one of “thorn A’s” foot is used as base, and another of “thorn B’s” foot as the
second level above the base.
 Then it is thorn A’s foot as base, thorn B’s foot as second layer of base then thorn A’s other foot as 3rd level.
 Then is both A and B’s feet alternating to create level 4. Then it is all four feet plus thorn A’s hand: Level 5. A & B’s
feet and one hand each: Level 6. A& B’s feet and two of A’s hands and B’s one hand: Level 7. Finally, Level 8 has all
four hands and feet alternating.
 Successful jumpers are cleared and pass on to the next level. The group decides how many tries will be given for
each attempt. For example, you get one more try. So if you were unsuccessful the first attempt, you step aside and
wait till everyone has their turn jumping over the “thorns”. After this, all the unsuccessful ones take their second
attempt. If you still did not clear that level, you are out of the game and spend the remaining time watching the rest of
the kids complete all the rounds. Then you are candidate for the thorns so that the thorns of the current game can
take their turn as jumpers in the next game.

Figure 7

 Tug of War
 a type of sport in which two teams show their strength by pulling against each other at the opposite ends of a rope,
and each team tries to pull the other over a line on the ground.
How to play tug of war:
 The center of the rope should align with the center marked on the ground.
 As soon as the referee blows the whistle, each team can start pulling the rope into their territory.
 The objective of the game is for each team to pull the rope along with the members of opposition team to their side.
 As soon as the second mark on the rope from the center red mark crosses over to center line, the team to pull the
rope to their area wins the game.
Figure 8

 Sipa
 game of kick - The object being used to play the game is also called sipa. It is made of a washer with colorful threads,
usually plastic straw, attached to it.
How to Play Sipa:

 The sipa is then thrown upwards for the player toss using his/her foot.
 The player must not allow the sipa to touch the ground by hitting it several times with his/her foot, and sometimes the part
just above the knee.
 The player must count the number of times he/she was able to kick the sipa.
 The one with most number of kicks wins the game.

Figure 9

 Taguan
 Hide and seek in America. What is unique in Tagu-Taguan compared to its counterpart, hide and seek, is that this game
is usually played at sunset or at night as a challenge for the it to locate those who are hiding.
How to play Taguan:

 "it" is selected and while he counts out loud (ie. 1-30), eyes closed on a "home base", the rest of the players find a place
to hide. Once the time is out, the "it" tries to find the other players. If one is spotted, the "it" shouts "boong ". The two ("it"
and player) races to the home base to touch it (shouts: "save" upon touching home base).
 The first player that loses the race, becomes the next "it". The "it" can then continue to find the others, but a new "it" is
already guaranteed to replace him. The other players, if they find out, can continue to challenge "race" the "it" to the base
without getting spotted or just give themselves up.

Figure 10
For further information about the different laro ng lahi you can watch the links below:
(How to Play Patintero)
(How to Play Batuhan Bola)
(How to Play Luksong Baka)
(How to Play Piko)
(How to Play Sipa)
(How to Play Taguan)
(How to Play Agawan Base/Sikyu)
(How to Play Tumbang Preso)
(How to Play Luksong Tinik)
(How to Play Tug of War)
Final Activity:
Choose one laro ng lahi, make a video on how to play the game including its history. (a maximum of 3 minute video)

Use this video as a guide for your video presentation.

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