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NAME: Muhammad Faizan

REG I.D NO: 23005

(Essay 1)
Target audience:

 anyone considering a career path

 college students
 College graduates.
Brain storming:
1. Identify the potential advantages and disadvantages of a 4-year bachelor's degree.
2. Consider the various recruitment strategies employers are using today.
3. Discuss the importance of degree and skill combination in success.
4. Examine the differences between formal education and work experience.
5. Compare the potential earnings of college graduates and those with only a high school
6. Analyze the social standing conferred to college graduates.
7. Explore the impact of extracurricular activities on personal development.
8. Assess how critical thinking abilities are impacted by higher education.
9. Discuss the challenges of getting hired with only skills development.
10. Evaluate the change in employment landscape due to technological advances.

Pursuing a 4-year bachelor’s degree is better than only developing skills.

Argue in favor of or against the given statement.
The issue over earning a 4-year bachelor's degree vs focusing only on skill development has received
prominence in the modern work market. This essay makes the case that going to school is the wiser
course of action. Examining the benefits of a degree, including knowledge validation, personal growth,
higher earning potential, and social standing, it is clear that a degree offers special advantages that are
difficult to match through skill development alone.

The validation of information that a 4-year bachelor's degree offers is one of its main benefits. Although
businesses are moving towards skills-based hiring, certain job descriptions still call for degrees, which
reduces the pool of applicants. A bachelor's degree gives companies trust by providing verifiable
evidence of educational background and experience. A degree program's varied course offerings and
demanding curriculum provide students a thorough understanding of the subject they have chosen,
assuring a well-rounded knowledge base that talents alone would not be able to deliver.

Pursuing a 4-year bachelor's degree supports personal development in addition to information

validation. Colleges and universities offer a setting for critical thinking, self-discovery, and exposure to
many viewpoints. Communications abilities, collaboration, and flexibility are improved through social
contacts, extracurricular activities, and collaborative initiatives. According to a Pew Research Centre
research, college graduates commonly believe that their experience has contributed to their intellectual
and personal development. These opportunities help a person grow holistically by forming their
character and expanding their worldview.

Finally, earning a 4-year bachelor's degree gives a variety of benefits that are difficult to match by skill
development alone. It authenticates information, promotes personal development, raises earning
potential, and earns respect from others. Despite the growing popularity of skills-based recruiting, a
degree is still a very valuable tool in today's cutthroat employment market. Instead of contrasting
education with ability, it's critical to understand the importance of both for long-term success.

(Essay 2)

Target audience:
 education policy makers
 administrators,
 educators,
 parents
 Students.

Brain storming:

1. Academic pressure
2. social media influence
3. bullying
4. parental
5. peer pressure
6. economic pressure
7. uncertain future


1. Health and physical health disorder

2. Poor academic performance
3. Social withdrawal
4. Substance abuse
5. Impact on relationship
6. Self esteem
7. Impact on future
Causes and effects of the increasing stress and anxiety among teenagers
The issue of academic pressure in Pakistan’s educational system has a significant impact on both the
academic performance and general well-being of students. Pakistan's educational system has many
difficulties, particularly when it comes to the problem of academic pressure. In this system, there is a lot
of pressure on students to perform well academically, which creates a very competitive environment.
High academic standards and exam achievement are prioritized over holistic development, which stifles
unique skills and casts a shadow over both. Students consequently face increased levels of stress, worry,
and physical illnesses. Additionally, the restricted emphasis on memorization hinders critical thinking
and creativity, which has an effect on their academic achievement. The sources and effects of academic
pressure in Pakistan's educational system will be examined in this essay, with a focus on how
detrimental it is to students' academic performance and general well-being.

The emphasis on getting high grades and doing well in tests in Pakistan's educational system is one of
the main factors contributing to academic pressure. There is a lot of pressure from parents, teachers,
and society as a result of this heavy exam concentration. The majority of teaching strategies emphasize
memorization and rote learning, which leaves little room for creativity and critical thought. Exam-only
preparation neglects holistic growth and frequently leads to mental health problems like anxiety and
sadness. Additionally, the pressure on pupils to achieve well academically has a negative effect on their
academic performance. Their capacity to perform well in school suffers as a result of low motivation
brought on by feelings of inadequacy and fear of failure. In order to create a supportive learning
environment that prioritizes student wellbeing while upholding academic standards, it is imperative to
be aware of these effects.

In conclusion, the issue of academic pressure in Pakistan's educational system has a significant impact
on both the academic performance and general wellbeing of students. The great concentration on
getting good marks and passing exams fosters a highly competitive and stressful environment that
makes students more stressed, anxious, and prone to physical illnesses. Additionally, this pressure
reduces their capacity to perform well academically because it deters them from trying and makes them
more likely to feel inadequate and fear failure. Prioritizing student wellbeing and implementing a more
balanced educational strategy that emphasizes holistic development and promotes creativity and critical
thinking are essential in order to solve these difficulties. The Pakistani educational system can reduce
academic stress by fostering a supportive learning atmosphere and offering sufficient resources and

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