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Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering

2017; 2(1): 10-15

doi: 10.11648/j.jeece.20170201.13

Methodology Article
Environmental Impact Assessment of Lebukhali Bridge
Construction Project over the River of Paira, Bangladesh
Md. Shafiqul Islam1, Md. Sagirul Islam Majumder2, *, Irteja Hasan3, Tania Yeasmin1,
Mohammad Kabirul Islam4, Md. Mustafizur Rahman5, Nazmul Huq Hawlader6, Israt Sultana7
Department of Geography and Environment, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kagoshima University, Japan
Department of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Bangladesh
Department of Soil Science, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Bangladesh
Agriculture Training Institute, Faridpur, Bangladesh
Department of Seed Science and Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Bangladesh Coastal Development Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Email address:
[email protected] (Md. S. I. Majumder)
Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Sagirul Islam Majumder, Irteja Hasan, Tania Yeasmin, Mohammad Kabirul Islam, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Nazmul
Huq Hawlader, Israt Sultana. Environmental Impact Assessment of Lebukhali Bridge Construction Project over the River of Paira, Bangladesh.
Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering. Vol. 2, No. 1, 2017, pp. 10-15. doi: 10.11648/j.jeece.20170201.13

Received: March 21, 2017; Accepted: April 15, 2017; Published: June 2, 2017

Abstract: This study focuses the possible impact assessment on environment of Lebukhali Bridge construction project which
area is located in southern coastal part of Bangladesh. The main purposes of the study are to identify and analyse the potential
environmental impacts, suitable alternatives and preparing environmental mitigation plan of this project. Both primary and
secondary data were collected in doing this research. Primary data, such as the opinion from Union parishad offices, local NGOs,
local people has been collected through in depth interview. Secondary data, such as statistics and reports on the parameter of
environmental impacts, equation of Environmental Impact Value (EIV), procedure of Environmental Management Plan (EMP),
was collected from past study reports, books and journals etc. The major environmental impact would be air pollution, water
pollution and waste siltation, river erosion, migration, loss of Agricultural land etc. Environmental impact assessment is designed
on the basis of ecological, physico-chemical and human interest. Environmental management plan prepared to minimize and
control of negative impacts during pre-construction, construction and operation/management stages for its sustainability. The
study found that there are no significantly sensitive ecological, physicochemical socio-cultural impact in the area. The
environmental impact value was estimated +2 (Positive two) shows the acceptance of this project. This bridge will help to
mitigate the transportation problem as well as increase the socio-economic development of southern coastal region of
Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessment, Mitigation, Bridge Construction, Bangladesh

Impact Assessment is a very crucial part of any construction.

1. Introduction Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is considered as a
Bridge and culvert activities involve the construction of new planning and decision making tool which was first
permanent engineering structures across watercourses and established in the United States under the National
larger rivers. The construction of bridges may impact upon the Environmental Policy Act of 1969 [5, 8]. It is conducted for
local environment and river dynamics particularly where in identifying the impacts both positive and negative for any
stream span supports are required [3, 4]. Environmental construction. EIA helps us to know the bad circumstances at a
Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering 2017; 2(1): 10-15 11

very early stage [11, 9]. Those will helps to rethink about the calculated by using mentioned below equation [7, 11] as
project or take precautionary steps earlier. Especially EIA is follows.
necessary before construction a bridge because it can pose
great threat to the areas near side the river [10]. Government n
EIV = ∑ ( Vi )Wi (1)
under took the plan for making bridge on Paira river because i =1
of poor communication network with the southern coastal part
part of Bangladesh. Coastal part is known as a great tourist Where, Vi = Relative change of the environmental quality
area especially for Kuakata Sea beach and also attacks tourist of parameters, Wi= Relative importance or weight or
attraction. But the river Paira has become a physical barrier for parameter, N = total number of environmental parameters.
for this region [1, 7]. This physical barrier is seen as an Project Location
impediment to economic development and social unity. The Lebukhali Bridge is located in south central part over Paira
construction of Lebukhali Bridge will establish a permanent River near Patuakhali district. Lebukhali Bridge Project (LBP)
link with the southern coastal part of the country. This paper at Paira River is situated at 189 km on
provide Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report of Dhaka-Mawa-Faridpur-Barisal-Patuakhali Road (N8), which
Lebukhali Bridge Project to provide potential negative and is at 26 km on Barisal-Patuakhali Road. The Latitude is
positive environmental impacts of the project. It is hoped that 22°30.07′ N and Longitude is 90°17.77′ E. The Government
this project will be proved as one of the successful project of of Bangladesh (GoB) through their nodal agency - Roads and
Bangladesh Government. It will permanently solve the Highways Department (RHD) within Ministry of
transportation problem of southern part with the country. The Communication (MoC) has planned for construction of the
objectives of this study as follows (a) to identify and analyze Lebukhali Bridge for a long time. RHD had prepared a
the potential environmental impacts and EIV (b) To prepare Development Project Proposal (DPP) for a 1450.9 m long
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and environmental Dual Carriage way bridge with the main bridge being in
mitigation plan of this project. Pre-Stressed Concrete (PSC) box girder together with 2.75 km
approach roads at an estimated investment cost of BDTK
4,461.002 million (US$ 65M) in November 2010 [6]. It will
2. Methodology be a 4-lane bridge and the 700 meters long bridge will have
Data were collected from primary and secondary sources. long approach roads on both sides. The approach road and
Primary data were collected by means of semi-structured bridge start in the north side are in Dudholmou under
questioonaire survey, site observation and key informants Patuakhali district and while ending in the same in the south
interview method. The sample size was 100 for questionnaire side of Lebukhali under Patuakhali District.The main
survey. Secondary data were collected from Bangladesh development objective of the project is to establish a
bureau of statistics (BBS), bridge construction authorities, permanent road crossing over the Paira River, replacing the
construction manager, project manager, chief engineer of this existing unreliable and unsafe ferries. The bride is likely to
bridge construction project, Local government and change socio-economic condition of the people of the
engineering department (LGED) and from relevant articles. southern region and boost the Kuakata tourist centre. It will
Firstly envrionmental parameters were divided into three also develop the communication system in the region as
catagories namely ecological, physico-chemical and human government is planning to set up a seaport in Kalapara area.
interest. Then the envrionmental impacts were identified This would eradicate an important hindrance in the
according to those catagories and documented each impacts as development of southern coastal region of Bangladesh. The
range from 0 to ±5. The degree of impact is the qualitative implementation of the project will require the acquisition of
judgement and finally, cumulative environmental impacts of 74 ha of land. Almost half of the land to be acquired is
the project was calculated that may occur inside and outside required for the construction of river training works. Over 10
the project area. Value of degree of impact is from the hectors are estimated to be needed temporarily for the
experience of similar Bridges related large projects in construction operations [6].
Bangladesh. Envrionmetal impacts and mitigation measures
for this bridge construction project have been identified 3. Results and Discussions
according to pre-construction, during construction impact and
post construction impacts. The environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) components
Quantification of Environmental Impact considered include Physicochemical, ecological,
Impact assessed based on different environmental impact Socio-cultural and human interest. These components are
parameter was evaluated assigning score ranging from 0 to ±5 divided into different parameters for identifying key and
for both positive (+) and negative (-) impacts. Changes of significant impact during different stages of the project, which
environmental parameters consider as (a) Severe (+5 or -5) (b) need to be thoroughly addressed for proper mitigation and
Higher (+4 or -4) (c) Moderate (+3 or -3) (d) Low (+2 or -2) (e) management and finally overall value are calculated for each
Very Low (+1 or -1) (f) No change (0). component (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4). The EIV
Method Of Assessment calculation showed that the induced development has both
Environmental impact value (EIV) are estimated and negative and positive impacts on the environment. The
12 Md. Shafiqul Islam et al.: Environmental Impact Assessment of Lebukhali Bridge
Construction Project over the River of Paira, Bangladesh

positive impacts are socio-cultural parameters (+81) and

Human interest parameters (+86). The negative impacts are
Ecological parameters (-84) and Physicochemical parameters
(-80). Major of these adverse negative effects are mainly
construction related and it can be properly mitigated. The EIV
calculation found the total environmental impact assessment
value is +3 (Medium). This results represents that the project
is medium positive impact on the environment and it is
socially and environmentally acceptable. The results gives the
clearance to go ahead with the project. The Lebukhali Bridge
is positive in aspects of making the
Dhaka-Mawa-Faridpur-Barisal-Patuakhali highway free from
ferry service and its speedy implementation will boost tourism
and trade activities with the southern region by establishing
direct link with Kuakata and Payrabandar. Again Bangladesh
has one of the lowest vehicles ownership levels in the world
and through the improvement in employment conditions and
economic growth in the coastal region, vehicle ownership is
expected to be increased significantly. The project have also
negative impact but if we can take precautionary measures to
eliminate the negative impacts of this project then this project
will be succeeded and people get more benefits from the
Figure 1. Location Map of the Study Area.
Table 1. Ecological Impact Value Calculation.

Environmental Parameters RIV* DoI** Individual EIV***

Loss of Fish Habitat 15 -2 -30
Loss of Vegetation 21 0 0
Ecosystem Destruction 29 -1 -29
I Ecological Parameters
Plantation 25 +1 +25
Water pollution 15 -2 -30
Soil pollution 5 -2 -10
Coastal resources 5 -2 -10
Total amount of ecological impact value -84

Table 2. Physicochemical Impact Value Calculation.

Environmental Parameters RIV* DoI** Individual EIV***

Water Logging 14 -1 -14
Erosion and Siltation 20 0 0
Regional Hydrology Change 6 0 0
II Physico-Chemical Parameters
Surface and Ground water 18 -1 -18
Sound Pollution 30 -2 -60
River Excavation 12 +1 +12
Total amount of Physicochemical Parameter Value -80

Table 3. Socio-Cultural Impact Value Calculation.

Environmental Parameters RIV* DoI** Individual EIV***

Health facilities 13 -1 -13
population and communities 30 -1 -30
Socio-economic conditions 20 1 +20
II Socio-cultural Parameters
Cultural heritage 6 0 0
Current use of lands/ resources 18 -1 -18
Social well-being 20 -2 -40
Total amount of Socio-Cultural Impact Value +81
Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering 2017; 2(1): 10-15 13

Table 4. Human Interest Impact Value Calculation.

Environmental Parameters RIV* DoI** Individual EIV***

Land Use Change 7 -1 -7
Loss of Agricultural Land 13 -1 -13
Flood Protection 7 +2 +14
III Human Interest Parameters Road Communication 30 +2 +60
Employment Opportunity 5 +3 +15
Migration 10 -1 -10
Economic Development 10 +1 +10
Tourism Facilities 17 +1 +17
Total amount of Human Interest Impact Value +86

Total Environmental Impact Value: EIV = ∑ ( Vi ) Wi = (-84-80+81+86)
i = 1
= +3
Note: RIV* is relative impact value, DoI** is degree of impact and EIV*** is environmental impact value.

in this project, mitigation measures (Table 5) are considered in

4. Mitigation Measures three phase’s namely pre-construction stage, construction
The project intervention should be taken in such a way so stage and operation & maintenance stage.
that minimum disturbance of infrastructures, people and
vegetation in the project area. For reducing negative impacts
Table 5. Possible Mitigation Measures.

Project Phase Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Mitigation Measures

Land Acquisition for project Compensation according to resettlement action Plans

Pre-Construction Stage Loss of vegetation coverage Enhancing tree plantation programme

Agricultural development plan, Compensation for loss of land, crops
Loss of 45 ha of agricultural land and crops
and stock families
Loss of fish ponds and wetlands Full compensation for loss of fish, Construction of fish sanctuary
Impacts from land and river transport of materials Construct and maintain temporary road bypasses
Water pollution Create the alteration way to pass waste water
Construction Stage
Sound pollution Using environmental friendly technology
Occupational Health Problem Use the provided safety equipment
Increased Vehicular Traffic During Mobilization Prepare a traffic management plan
Dredging and Maintenance Project authority should properly maintain
Operation and Maintenance
Oil spills from bridge Oil gutters
Waterlogging because of raised alignment Adequate drainage systems (underpasses, gutters)

cross drains (j) Construction camp and yard facilities (k)

Engagement of environmental specialists (j) Agricultural
5. Environmental Management Plan development plan.
5.1. Compensation and Enhancement
Environmental Management Plan is prepared to identify all
environmental impacts during pre-construction, construction Compensation and enhancement for this project includes (a)
and Operation/Maintenance stages due to implementation of Paira (river) protected sanctuary (b) Tree plantation measures (c)
different types of project activities [2]. A suitable number of Public health and occupational safety action plan (d) Income
environmental management plans is set up for getting and livelihood restoration plan (e) Development of resettlement
sustainable outcome of this bridge construction project. Those plan (f) Safeguard alternative income for displaced people.
plans comprises (a) Sustainable waste management plan (b) 5.2. Economic Analysis
Dust management by water sprayer/watering (c) Water
management plan (d) Hazardous materials and management Economic analysis of the project (Table 6) is based on a
plan (e) Top Soil Stripping, storage and reuse (f) Biodiversity relative study scrutinizing what would arise with and without
management plan (g) Community environment management the project at the local, regional, and national levels, without
plan (h) Land acquisition and resettlement (i) Provision of numerous effects.
14 Md. Shafiqul Islam et al.: Environmental Impact Assessment of Lebukhali Bridge
Construction Project over the River of Paira, Bangladesh

Table 6. Scheduling of the Action plan.

Scheduling and Reporting

Year-1 Year-2 Year-3
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Mitigation Measures
Resettlement action plan
Fish Sanctuary
Tree Plantation Program
Capital and Maintenance Dredging
Installation of Outlets
Awareness Raising
Agriculture development measures
Pollution (water, sound, air)
Siltation and erosion
Bridge Monitoring

Note: Q1 is first quarter, Q2 is second quarter, Q3 is third quarter and Q4 is fourth quarter in a year. (Here, one quarter refers the four month in a year like Q1).

5.3. Public Consultation found that majority of the people were strongly supportive and
fully willing to cooperate with the project. In spite of having
Public consultation was involved regarding this project some negative impacts of this project, people of the project
work encompasses as individual and FGD, consultation with area including associated areas, vehicles drivers, passengers,
expert groups, village level, NGOs and CBOs and key and small traders are very much positive to get a bridge on this
government/Union stakeholders. During the discussion, the location. Besides that some land owners, small traders within
authors explained the initial baseline condition and the project this location, a little number of fishermen shows reversed
intervention activities. All the respondents perceived the opinion for constructing this bridge. The public consultation
impact on environmental impact along with perceived risks, opinions are given details in Figure 2.
threats, benefit. Then they were asked to point out the project
related major environmental problems and solutions. It was

Figure 2. Public Consultation of EIA at Lebukhali Bridge Construction.

agricultural land, migration etc. Some of the impacts are

6. Conclusion permanent and some can easily handle by taking measures
An attempt has been taken from this study to identify the during construction stage and operational stage. It should be
environmental impacts related to Lebukhali Bridge project. The remembered that the expected benefits resulting from this
major negative impacts are loss of fish habitat, ecosystem project by far outweigh the negative impacts which has led to
destruction, sound pollution, erosion and siltation, loss of realization of Lebukhali Bridge. The major positive impact of
this project includes plantation, road communication,
Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering 2017; 2(1): 10-15 15

employment opportunity, economic development etc. Those Assessment (Eia) and Mitigation Measures. Training Course
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