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Crop Science Annual

R&D Pipeline Update

Innovations Today

February 16, 2022

Rodrigo Santos
President, Crop Science Division

Bob Reiter, PhD

Head of R&D, Crop Science Division

Jeremy Williams, PhD

Head of Climate LLC and Digital Farming Solutions

35 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022 RESTRICTED
1 Oliver Maier
Head of Investor Relations

2 Prepared Remarks

Rodrigo Santos Robert Reiter, Ph.D. Jeremy Williams, Ph.D.

President, Head of R&D, Head of Climate LLC and
Crop Science Division Crop Science Division Digital Farming Solutions

3 Q&A

2 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This presentation may contain forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts made by Bayer

Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the actual
future results, financial situation, development or performance of the company and the estimates given here. These
factors include those discussed in Bayer’s public reports which are available on the Bayer website at

The company assumes no liability whatsoever to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future
events or developments.

Commercialization is dependent on multiple factors, including successful conclusion of the regulatory process. The
information presented herein is provided for educational purposes only, and is not and shall not be construed as an offer
to sell, or a recommendation to use, any unregistered pesticide for any purpose whatsoever. It is a violation of federal
law to promote or offer to sell an unregistered pesticide.

3 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Rodrigo Santos
• President of the Crop Science Division

Health for all,

Vision hunger for none
4 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Purpose Shaping agriculture for the benefit of farmers, consumers and the planet

Perform Transform
Strategic Grow above market and deliver Achieve 100% digitally enabled
Ambition strong returns sales by 2030

Pillars Operational Excellence

World Class Innovation

Digital Transformation

New Standards in Sustainability

Winby being more grower centric

Health for all,
Vision hunger for none
5 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Innovative, Sustainable Solutions to Address Global Challenges

Key Global Challenges Our Priorities Pipeline of Sustainable Solutions

Growing Population Producing & • Higher-yielding, disease-resistant seeds

Increasing Protein Demand
Protecting Higher
• Next-generation biotech traits and crop protection to protect
Yielding Seeds and enhance yield

Water Quality Using Fewer • Small molecules and complementary biological solutions
focused on reducing environmental impact
Soil Health • Short-stature corn to enable optimal use of inputs, while
Resources minimizing harvest losses

• Digital tools for carbon sequestration measurement,

Climate Change Advancing a precise input application
Carbon Smart • Next-generation herbicide-tolerant traits to support no-till/
Sustainable Energy Sources
Future for Ag conservation tillage systems

Solutions must serve growers large and small; Empowering 100m smallholders by 2030

6 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Unmatched R&D Investment Powers Industry-Leading Portfolio

Ag R&D Investment (€bn)

#1 R&D Platform
in Crop Science
0.8 >7,100 R&D

Bayer Crop Science

Syngenta + Adama
Corteva BASF Ag >100 key
Ag Chem Seed & Traits collaborations;
partner of choice
1 2020 reported results, company information; exchange rate: FY 2020: ~1.14 USD/EUR. Bayer R&D excludes impairment charges
2 Represents the legacy Syngenta results plus Adama, includes capitalized development costs
3 Includes permanent and temporary employees

7 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Breakthrough Technology Investments Expand R&D Reach
Five Additions in 2021; 21 Distinct Investments in Sustainable Productivity and Improved Nutrition

Leap 03/ Reduce environmental impact of agriculture Leap 07 / Provide next-generation healthy crops

Leap 08/ Develop sustainable protein supply

* *

Leap 09/ Prevent crop

Leap #10 and food
Transform losswith Data

Companies shown by primary Leap but may have potential in further Leaps.
*New investment in 2021.
For additional information on these and other Leaps by Bayer investments, please visit:

8 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Pipeline with Up to €30bn Peak Sales Potential Delivering for Farmers
Eight Projects Advance, Eight New Formulations Launch and Hundreds of Seed Deployments in 2021

Value of Up to €30bn
New crop in Cumulative Peak Sales Potential1
>300 protection
>500 registrations
Cumulative contribution of
~50% Incremental
up to
New hybrids and varieties 8 New formulations
projects reaching PSP (in %) ~

deployed across corn, cotton
soybeans and vegetables
2 New actives


Soy S&T

New trait projects Soybean Seed Placement Corn S&T
advanced across corn, digital tool advances to
soybeans and cotton Phase 2
Cumulative PSP
by SBE

1 Represents non-risk adjusted estimated peak sales for the combined breeding, biotech, crop protection and environmental science pipelines, as well as new business models and new value areas. PSP = Peak sales potential SBE = Strategic Business Entity

9 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

New product design center in Petrolina, Brazil

10 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

Deploying >250 Corn Hybrids in 2021 to Expand Leading Position

Foundational to Expected Growth in Our > €5bn Global Annual Corn Seed & Trait Sales

Bayer Corn Seed Market and Share Positions in Key Countries

Superior-performing Bayer branded hybrids capture #1
brand share position in the U.S. in 2021.

United States #1 Market Pos. Argentina #1 Market Pos.

Market Size: ~93m acres Market Size: ~20m acres

Germplasm Share: >55% Germplasm Share : ~60%1

Mexico #1 Market Pos. Europe #2 Market Pos.

Market Size: ~20m acres Market Size2: ~60m acres

Deployed >250 new hybrids globally in
Germplasm Share : >65%1 Germplasm Share: ~20% 2021; offer >1,500 hybrids globally1

>7 bu/acre U.S. yield advantage with leading hybrids in

Brazil #1 Market Pos. South Africa #1 Market Pos.
like-for-like trait package hybrid comparisons2
Market Size: ~52m acres Market Size: ~6m acres
Germplasm Share1 : ~30% Germplasm Share : ~70% Best NCGA Yield Performer3 in 2021, winning ~80% of the
NEW National Spots, with 21 of the 27 spots from Bayer germplasm

1 Includes licensed and branded hybrids; 2 Annual yield advantage calculated each year by comparing 3 leading DEKALB products within each
Note: Size of market, market position and germplasm share measured as of 2021. state having a minimum of 100 comparisons to national competitor products containing similar crop protection traits as of 2021. All comparisons
are head-to-head using +- 2RMs and weighted average calculated using 15% moisture;
1 In 3 NCGA = National Corn Growers Association – National Corn Yield Contest
hybrid corn market only; 2Eu27 +UK, Russia and Ukraine

11 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

Annual Germplasm Upgrade Drives Growth and Attracts Partners

High-Performing Seeds in Soybeans, Cotton and Vegetables Generating ~€3bn in Annual S&T Sales

Soybeans Cotton Vegetables

New Vitabite Tomatoes in China

• Deployed >150 new varieties in 2021; offer • Deployed >10 varieties in 2021; offer >25 • Deployed >90 varieties in 2021; sell over 2,100
>850 varieties in North America varieties in the U.S. vegetable hybrids and varieties in 22 crops
• XtendFlex Soybeans, as a part of the • U.S. lint/acre yield advantage with leading • Focus on disease resistance, yield and climate
Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System have varieties; 2021 was 80 lbs./ac advantage resistance for growers; consumer benefits in
a 2.7+ bu/ac advantage vs. Enlist TM Weed for Deltapine vs. top-planted competitor flavor, color and shelf life
Control system in farmer managed varieties
herbicide system trials1

12021 Farmer Managed Soybean System Trials (59 locations in 2021 reporting data located with 10-IA, 11-IL, 8-IN, 2-MI, 9-MN, 6-NE, 4-OH, 2-PA, 1-WI, 1-ND, 2-SD, 3-KS). Significant at P ≤ 0.05 LSD at 1.2 Bu/A as of 11/29/2021. Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop
System data = XtendFlex® soybeans with a farmer-selected weed control program that may include dicamba, glyphosate, glufosinate and various residual herbicides. Enlist™ Weed Control System data = Enlist E3® soybeans with a farmer-selected weed control
program that may include glyphosate, Enlist One® herbicide, Liberty® 280 SL herbicide and various residual herbicides.

12 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

Designing the Best Seeds Through Precision Breeding

Utilizing Advancements in Genomics, Data Science and Gene Editing to Accelerate Product Development
Customer Data & Seed Chipping, Accelerated Prescriptive Globally connected Customer Designed
Insights @ Scale Genotyping, & Selection Germplasm Design Field Evaluation data ecosystem Solutions

Data-driven ideas Vast germplasm library, New methods and Prescriptive field Millions of simulated Customer designed
based on customer cutting-edge genomic automation double the evaluation improving field environments solutions that enable new
needs and insights selection and AI rate of product customer enrich product and business models,
models used to design improvement and recommendations and system knowledge prior improve customer
germplasm accelerate trait match of products to to launch experience and are
integration specific environments tunable to global
environmental changes

13 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022


/// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

Three Generations of Soybean Herbicide Tolerance Traits

Technologies Provide Solutions to Address Farmer’s Needs, Herbicide Resistance Challenges

3 herbicide
tolerances 5 herbicide
tolerances 6 herbicide
• Glyphosate
• Glyphosate • Glyphosate
HT4 HT5 • Dicamba
• Dicamba • Dicamba
Fourth-Gen Fifth-Gen • Glufosinate
• Glufosinate • Glufosinate
Phase 3 Phase 2 • HPPD
in 2021 on ~16m Expected 2027 • 2,4-D
• 2,4-D
commercial acres launch • PPO

Control Soybean HT4

Enlist E3 Soybeans XtendFlex Soybeans Control HT4 Soybeans Control HT5 Soybeans
June 29th, 2021 / Storm Lake, Iowa July 14th, 2021 / Jerseyville, Illinois July 14th, 2021 / Jerseyville, Illinois
Always read and follow label instructions. Products not registered in all jurisdictions.

15 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

Next-Gen Intacta Traits to Sustain Leading Franchise in Brazil

Intacta 2 Xtend Launched; IP3 Currently in Phase 3, IP4 Advanced to Phase 1

# 1 South America
soybean system1
Control IP3
Velvetbean Caterpillar
Control IP3

• Excellent control of soybean Infested

Soybean Looper Infested
loopers, velvetbean caterpillar and
axil borer • IP3 in Phase 3; delivering multiple modes-of-action for
insect control
• Glyphosate tolerance provides
proven weed control and enables
conservation tillage
2021 Field Days

• Licensed to seed producers with • Industry-first with three proteins for insect control
>90% share of market in Brazil and resistance management, plus adds dicamba
tolerance for tough-to-control weeds
• On >85m acres in South America in
• LAUNCHED on >800k acres in Brazil in
2021/22 season. Targeting more than 6m Boone, Iowa, June 2021
acres for the 2022/23 season.

IP3 = 3rd generation insect protection trait in soybeans • Performance advantage of 2.89 bu/acre • IP4 ADVANCED to Phase 1; focused on Brazil
IP4 = 4th generation insect protection trait in soybeans
1 Data based on number of traited acres per Bayer internal estimates

16 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Phase 3
Multiple Traits in Late-Stage Development for Cotton Farmers
Leading Innovation for Cotton Growers Driving Growth in >€500m1 Cotton S&T Business

1st generation 5 herbicide

tolerances 4th generation

• First-ever biotech trait for • Glyphosate • HPPD • Season-long protection with

HT4 Bollgard 4 multiple modes of action for
piercing and sucking insect
Cotton • Dicamba • PPO Cotton
control key lepidopteran pests
• Glufosinate

Stewarded Commercial Launch in 2022 in the U.S. ADVANCED to Phase 3 ADVANCED to Phase 3

Control HT4 Cotton Control Bollgard 4 Cotton

Scott, Mississippi, U.S. 2x 5-way tank mix at V3 stage in US2020 field trial in Scott, MS 2019 Rocky Mount NCSU Results
Sep. 27, 2021

1 2020cotton seed & trait sales for Bayer Crop Science

ThryvOn™ Technology has received full approval for planting in the United States but, as of the date this material was published, is pending approval in certain export markets. Specific plans for commercialization depend upon regulatory approvals and other factors.

17 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

Rollout of Most Advanced Corn Rootworm Control Trait Continues

CRW3: Industry’s-Only RNAi-Based Corn Rootworm Trait
NEW: 4

LAUNCHED: Brazil 2021 LAUNCHED: U.S. 2022 Launch : U.S. 2024
~500k acres ~100k acres

Corteva QROME Product (P1366Q)

Average Root Rating: 0.30 Location: Ireton, Iowa July 20, 2021 Average Root Rating: 1.20

2021 U.S. Field Results1

• Most advanced technology for control of
insects in Brazil corn • SmartStax PRO with RNAi Technology had lower root injury scores 97.4% of the time

• SmartStax PRO: 0.28 nodes of root injury Qrome Products: 0.97 nodes of root injury
• Two modes below-ground insect control,
including CRW3, plus two modes above- • For each root node damaged by CRW larvae, a yield loss of ~15% can be expected.2 Root injury score
ground insect control and glyphosate of 0.97 nodes in a 200 bu/acre yield environment could result in 29 bu/acre yield loss.
• ~30m acres infested with CRW in the U.S.

1 Head-to-head comparisons across 40 locations with corn rootworm pressure in the U.S. in 2021
2 Tinsley,
N.A., Estes, R.E. and Gray, M.E.. 2012. Validation of a nested error component model to estimate damage caused by corn rootworm larvae. Journal of Applied Entomology. DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0418.2012.01776.x
3SmartStax® PRO corn products will be commercially available for the 2022 growing season. 4VT4PRO with RNAi Technology is not currently available for commercial sale or commercial planting. Commercialization is dependent on multiple factors, including

successful conclusion of the regulatory process. The information presented herein is provided for educational purposes only and is not and shall not be construed as an offer to sell.
18 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
biotech and breeding

set the stage for


Three Development Approaches to Short-

Stature Corn Enable Broader Market Reach:

Breeding: ADVANCED to Phase 4

Planning for U.S. Commercial Trials in 2023
• Advanced breeding introgresses naturally occurring short
stature characteristic into elite germplasm
Biotechnology: Phase 3
• In collaboration with BASF; uses transgene to shorten
internodes; enables applicability across wide-array of
Genome Editing: Discovery
• Multiple, elegant approaches to generate short-stature corn

19 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
biotech and breeding

Short-Stature Corn Offers Transformational Shift in Production

Anticipated Fit on >220m Acres and Estimated Incremental Peak Sales Potential of ~€1bn for NA

Field Plots Around the Globe Demonstrate Key Features and Benefits of Short-Stature Corn
Game-Changing Innovation Digitally Optimized System More Sustainable Future
• Unparalleled production stability with • Extended in-season crop access due to • Potential to optimize use of key nutrients like
improved standability in high winds and shorter height nitrogen, as well as reducing land and water
challenging weather conditions requirements
• Supports tailored solutions with precise in-
• Annual yield losses due to stalk lodging in season crop protection • Opportunity to plant at higher densities, as
the U.S. range from 5% to 25%1 evidenced in Vitala commercial beta in

short-stature corn

lodged corn

Spray Rig in Short-Stature Corn Plot Poseyville, Indiana July 2021

Iowa 2020 Trials Following Derecho Windstorm
Jerseyville, IL August 2019 Nitrogen Y-Drops for Precise In-Season Application
1 Purdue University (

20 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
biotech and breeding

Growers Cite High-Interest in Short-Stature Corn

Top Producer Farmer Focus Group – Dyersville, IA August 2021
Likelihood of Planting Short-Stature Corn Hybrids

PRE Tour (n=14) 5 5 2 2

Extremely Likely Not at All Likely

2022 U.S. Pre-Launch Plans: POST Survey (n=17)

Tour (n=17) 12 4 1

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

• >200 market development trials 9-10 Ratings 7-8 Ratings 5-6 Ratings 1-4 Ratings

[1-10 Ratings, 1 = Not at All Likely & 10 = Extremely Likely]

• pre-launch grower trials with
>150 growers Online Farmer Survey, Feb/March 2020 (n = 900)
• When full choice available, 75% of farmers indicated they
would likely plant some acres of short stature corn, and had it
been available in 2020, could have planted as much as one
third of their acres to it.
• Highest likelihood to plant a new trait vs. previous trait
introductions, surpassing the previous high for SmartStax
21 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
new approaches in

122 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
small molecules

Progressing from Volume to Value with Our Crop Protection Vision

Today Future

Enhanced by Digital Farming

Leading Portfolio

Convergence of Advances in Small Molecules, Biology and Biotechnology Innovation with Digital Technology to Create New Value and Sustainable Productivity

Leadership in value, treated area Industry Leading CP Development New Insights and Precision Application
AND exceptionally low crop • >15 new AIs launched in the past 15 years; 8 with Digital Tools
protection environmental impact AI in development and 2 launching in 2022

Crop specific digital application timing to
2018 Crop Protection Environmental Impact optimize disease control and yields
of Crop Protection
Advances in Formulation Technology
Sales Value • Leadership in
(EUR) formulation
technology enables
Total Area
lower volumes with
equivalent or better
Environmental efficacy; drone- Treated with
Check Strip
Treated with
Impact (CP) specific
formulations for • Showing and sharing value of fungicide
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% safety and precision applications with growers’ data
Bayer Multinationals Others
1 Note: Environmental impact study conducted by University of Denmark; other multinationals consists of combination of four multinationals.

23 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
small molecules

Fungicides: New Innovations Drive our Growth Potential

Fungicide sales in 2020: €2.6bn, Pipeline Peak Sales Potential of ~€4bn

• Includes next-gen • Prothioconazole

technology Indiflin®1,
with Prothioconazole
3 • Trifloxystrobin
MoA • Fluopyram
• Powered by

• Offers unrivaled control of Asian • Better resistance management and broader • New global horticulture fungicide with best-in-
Soybean Rust spectrum class MoA; delivers outstanding protection of
grapes, potatoes and vegetables
• Builds on #1 position in soybean • Consistent yield advantage over standard
fungicides2 in LATAM solutions • Higher, longer-lasting efficacy above
established standards

PSP of >€400m PSP of >€100m PSP of >€150m

Expected to launch in 2022 in Brazil Launched in the U.S. in 2021 Expected to launch in 2022 in Australia (grapes)

Typical use rates:

potatoes, vegetables [g/ha]





Competitor3 Fox Supra Untreated Control Treated 0 50 100 150

Use in soybeans in Frankenmuth, Michigan, 2019
1 In collaboration with Sumitomo; 2 Internal estimates, 3 BASF Orkestra Ultra

24 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
small molecules

Herbicides: Focused on Unlocking Greater Flexibility

Herbicide sales in 2020: €4.7bn, Pipeline Peak Sales Potential of ~€3bn

• Pyroxasulfone
New Herbicide • First new mode of action in post
3 MoA • Diflufenican
• Aclonifen NEW
Molecule emergence weed control in 30

• Mateno Complete includes Aclonifen, a new herbicide mode of • Potential to build on #1 position in global herbicides1
action for Australia

• Suitable for use in wheat and barley for hard-to-control grass • Allows use in various market segments, beyond traditional
and broadleaf weeds nonselective use

PSP of >€50m Project is currently in Phase 3

Registration and launch expected in time for 2022 season

Mix Partner + New Herbicide

Untreated Control Treated
Mateno Complete Glyphosate Standard 1 Product concept with new active
1 Internal estimates

25 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
small molecules

Transformation of Small Molecule Discovery to Enrich Pipeline with

Novel and Sustainable MoA‘s

Advanced Discovery Engine Novel MoA in Research Pipeline

Computational Target Discovery
Discover selective and safe MoA
by proprietary algorithms & omics

New Paradigm in Screening 100% >70% >60%

Gain deep knowledge on biological systems in in in
by machine learning approaches & virtual Target Early Advanced
screening and docking
Discovery Research Research
Digital Chemistry >50 new
Explore unlimited virtual chemical spaces
by AI supported selection, design & synthesis molecular targets
Predictive Early Safety investigation
Focus on registrability & sustainability
supported by early in vitro tests & in silico predictive

Successful track record: Launched >15 active ingredients over the last 15 years
26 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

Biologicals Create New Value; Enable Crop Management Benefits

Leveraging the Power and Sustainability Derived from Microbes
Bayer is the #1 Trusted Brand in Biologicals by Growers4
SeedGrowth Foliar & Soil applied
Soilborn Performance
Corn Yield Soy Yield Nematicide Fungicide Other Insecticide Fungicide Disease/Pest Enhancers

TagTeam®3 TagTeam®3
In-licensed / 1 Poncho® Votivo®2 Integral® Pro2
Commercial Optimize®3 JumpStart®3

1 Also sold under Acceleron® and Torque®3 brand names; 2 3rd party product from BASF, 3 In-licensed from Novozymes

Business Opportunities Vibrant Innovation Ecosystem

▪ Reduction of environmental impact of Crop Protection Ongoing collaborations

▪ Maximizing yield potential of high value germplasm
>20 In-licensed/
Commercial >5 and licensing partners
▪ Increasing nitrogen use efficiency
▪ Use in Tailored solutions to leverage our full portfolio, combining Pipeline
biologicals, chemistry, germplasm and digital to deliver new grower value >10 Candidates5 >30 Assets under evaluation for
new collaborations or in-
licensing opportunities
4 75-100 growers polled in each of seven countries (Europe, Brazil, US) for potato, tomato and grapes, Bayer Market Research 2020, 5 Includes early research and collaborations

Reaching >60m acres in row crops and high value horticulture and vegetables acres
27 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

Biologicals Complementary to our Seeds, Digital and Small

Molecules Portfolio
Serenade All Organic Production with Serenade in Beans
Biological Fungicide

• Delivers sustainable solutions in emerging soil

and expanding bacterial disease markets

• Serenade Soil Activ propels growth of Serenade

brands to >€150m peak net sales

• Soil Activ Launched in the U.S. and Australia in

2021, Chile in 2022 and broader global uses to

FLiPPER Complementary Season-long Pest Control in Apples

Biological Insecticide

• Natural product containing fatty acids

derived from a by-product of extra virgin
olive oil

• Consistent broad-spectrum activity across

multiple fruit and vegetable crops and pests Crop stage

• Compatible with conventional crop


28 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
powered by

32 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
data science

Digital Farming Solutions Underpin and Enhance Our Ability to Bring

Transformational Solutions to Agriculture

Our Positive Impact on Agriculture Three Core Value Drivers

• Increase yield and improve profitability

Franchise Value
• Leverage information to manage risk
and address variability

• Manage fields down to the square meter, to Downstream Value

farm more efficiently and sustainably

• Seamlessly collect, visualize and analyze

data to enable more informed decisions Platform Value

30 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
data science

Climate FieldView Provides Unmatched Visualization, Analysis and

Insights to Enable Growers to Enhance Productivity
Climate FieldView

• >180m subscribed acres • Largest database of grower

and field trial seed
• #1 brand in digital ag1 performance data in industry
• Operates in 23 countries • >70 partners on platform

In-cab Performance Performance Field health images Prescription

visualization Visualization Evaluation Delivery

1 according to Kynetec December 2021 FieldView Brand Tracker

31 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
data science

FieldView Creates Franchise Value via Insights

Increases Product Performance Transparency and Enables Seed and CP Digital Recommendations

Turning field data into insights

Bayer corn seed customers
who are FieldView Plus users have

higher 2-Year sales CAGR ​1,2,3
• Data Connectivity • Variable Rate Planting Scripts
• Data Visualization • Fertility Management
• Crop Performance Analysis • Crop Protection
U.S. customers who are active
• Field Health Imagery
FieldView Plus users have a

Turning field data into innovation

+4 points
higher U.S. Net Promoter Score in 2020-20211,3
premium offerings in development

Corn Seed Advisor Corn Seed Showcase Corn density / Wheat Digital Disease
- North America - - North America - Placement Management U.S. customers who use FieldView had a
- Brazil - - Europe -

Corn and Soybean Digital Soybean Seed Placement ~2.5%

Disease Management - North America - higher seeding rate
- North America - ADVANCED to Phase 2 for Bayer owned corn brands
in 2021 vs. national average3
1 vs. non FV Plus users; 2 based on U.S. GPOS data; 3 Internal estimates

32 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
data science

Digital Unlocks Scalable Climate-Smart Business Models

Carbon Markets Valued at >$200bn/year1 and Growing with Consumers' Demand for Sustainability

has the potential to

Carbon Initiative
streamline the way carbon is measured,
verified and reported, to enable scalable, participating
climate-smart business models ~2,500 farmers in Brazil 10 covered
1.5m acres
and the U.S. alone
Long-term program providing annual incentives to Climate FieldView enrolled growers
for verified and validated climate-smart practices like no-till and cover cropping

Ranked #1 in the U.S., scoring very high in terms of grower trust 2

CO2e Total Enables 3 Expected Downstream Revenue Opportunities

Verification & Reporting
Carbon Product Carbon
Services sales assets

Project Carbonview, collaboration with Bushel, CHS Inc., largest Ag Coop in the U.S.,
The Andersons, and built on Amazon Web agreed to be our carbon program
Crop Rotation by Field Services cloud infrastructure, expected to track provider, providing advice to growers
carbon emissions across ethanol chain moving to sustainable practices.

1 Source:; 2 Forward Group Research Carbon Credit Program Perceptions & Evaluation, July 2021

33 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
data science

Enabling New Digital Platforms in Ag

Opens Access to Participate in Broader B2B AgTech Value Pools; Expanding into Digital Marketplaces

Orbia: First Digital Ag-Marketplace

Collaboration • JV between Bayer and Bravium1
• Connects growers, input providers and
grain traders to a network to expand
their reach, secure financing, redeem
rewards, purchase and sell inputs

• Combines Bayer’s ag expertise and leading digital farming

platform with Microsoft’s cloud technology and unrivaled
B2B solutions, to enhance digital infrastructure • Established in 2019 in Brazil
• Main agricultural marketplace with
• Cloud-based set of digital tools and data science solutions
for agriculture and adjacent industries largest loyalty program
• >300 distributors with inputs such as
• Seeking to create and commercialize off-the-shelf pesticides, seeds and fertilizers
opportunities for other companies to enter and innovate
directly in ag and other industries. • >185,000 registered growers

• Solutions to address farming operations, sustainable • Covers ~70% of planted area

sourcing, manufacturing and supply chain improvement,
and ESG monitoring and measurement
Expansion to Argentina,
Colombia and Mexico
1 Brazil-based marketing agency.

34 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Winwith world class innovation
Key Take-Aways

Investing to Lead
• ~€2bn annual R&D spend to fuel ~€30bn
peak sales potential
• Five New Leaps Investments
Advancing Innovation
• Eight projects advance, including
• Short-Stature Corn Hybrids
• Bollgard 4 and HT4 Cotton
Powering the Core
• ~500 new hybrids and varieties launch
• >300 new crop protection registrations
• 2022 Launches: SmartStax Pro corn, Intacta
2 Xtend soybeans & Fox Supra fungicide
Transforming with Digital
• Robust Carbon Initiative
Health for all, • Microsoft Collaboration
hunger for none
35 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

136 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Field Innovation Showcase
August 2022

37 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
February 2022 Crop Science
Annual Pipeline Update

Crop Science R&D



Appendix 1
Crop Science Division: R&D Pipeline (as of February 2022)
Key Corn Seed & Traits, Soybean Seed & Traits and Other Projects with ~€19-€21bn Peak Sales Potential; ~50% Incremental

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Life Cycle Mgmt. 1

Digital Disease Mgmt. – NA 5th Generation Lepidoptera Protection Trait Short Stature Corn – Biotech Trait3 Short Stature Corn – Breeding Approach

5th Generation Herbicide Tolerance Trait 4th Generation Coleoptera Protection Trait 4th Generation Lepidoptera Protection Trait
€10-11bn PSP

4th Generation Herbicide Tolerance Trait w/ (RHS2)

Seed Density Digital Tool – EMEA
Seed Density Digital Tool – LATAM
Annual Germplasm Upgrades - Breeding
Corn Disease Shield Breeding - NA
Seed Density Digital Tool - NA
Seed Placement Digital Tool - NA

4th Generation Insect Protection Trait 5th Generation Herbicide Tolerance Trait 3rd Generation Insect Protection Trait
Digital Disease Mgmt. (6 Tolerances – Adds PPO)
2nd Generation Soy Cyst Nematode resistance
Seed Placement Digital Tool – NA
~€3bn PSP

- Breeding
4th Generation Herbicide Tolerance Trait (HT4)
(5 Tolerances –Adds 2, 4-D and HPPD)
Annual Germplasm Upgrades – Breeding
Soybean Native Resistance - Breeding

Canola/OSR Digital Disease Mgmt. - NA Wheat Digital Disease Mgmt. - EMEA Canola Dicamba Tolerant Trait Lygus and Thrips Control Trait
(ThryvOn Technology) - Stewarded Commercial
Sugarbeets 2nd Generation Herbicide
€6-7bn PSP, Including Carbon Model

Tolerance Trait2

Cotton 4th Generation Herbicide

Tolerance Trait (HT4)
(5 tolerances – Adds 2, HPPD and PPO)
Wheat Annual Germplasm Upgrades - Breeding
Cotton 4th Generation Insect Protection Trait
Wheat Disease Package Upgrades - Breeding

Cotton Annual Germplasm Upgrades - Breeding

Canola/OSR Annual Germplasm Upgrades

- Breeding
Vegetables Annual Germplasm Upgrades
- Breeding
Rice Annual Germplasm Upgrades - Breeding

Projects listed here and included in the peak sales potential by segment do not include projects funded by our LEAPS investments
advanced to next phase
PSP = Peak Sales Potential
2 In collaboration with KWS 3 In collaboration with BASF 4 “Other” category includes seeds and traits, such as cotton, canola, wheat, OSR and sugarbeets, plus carbon and digital Models Annual upgrades with new hybrids or varieties launching annually and
multiple generations in development.
39 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Crop Science Division: R&D Pipeline (as of February 2022)
Key Crop Protection Projects with ~€9bn Peak Sales Potential; ~50% Incremental
Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Life Cycle Management 1

New AI Development Non-Selective

Glyphosate LCM
New Herbicide New Herbicide
(Post-Emergence Broad Acre) Selective
New Herbicide
New Herbicide Merlin Flexx / Adengo LCM Council Xtra
Balance Flexx LCM Council Star

Fox Supra Corvus LCM Council One

New Fungicide for Asian Rust Minuet/Serenade Soil Activ (Indiflin®)
New Fungicide Convintro Ronstar One
New Biological Fungicide iblon Mateno Complete Mesosulfuron LCM
Luna Flexx
Super Nativo
Novel Mite Solution
Delaro Forte

New Biological Seed Belt Smart Vayego Duo

Velum LCM
Rice Plant Hopper
Corn Soybeans Fruits and vegetables Cereals, oilseed rape, sugarbeets, cotton and rice INS FUN ready mixture
Hombre successor
Redigo FS 25
New Fungicidal Seed
FUNGICIDES ~€4bn PSP Treatment



1 Shown here is a subset of Bayer’s total life cycle management activities; focused on new formulation developments which have the potential to bring significant
innovation to customers compared to currently marketed product., Products shown may not yet be fully registered in all jurisdictions. 2 SeedGrowth is currently reported within other SBEs
PSP = Peak Sales Potential Selection of projects listed here and included in the peak sales potential by segment do not include projects in early research or discovery
advanced to next phase

40 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
February 2022 Crop Science
Annual Pipeline Update

Platform Capabilities and

Development Timelines


Appendix 2
Breadth and Depth of Five Core R&D Platforms Power Innovation



Breeding Biotech Chemistry Biologicals Data Science

270,000 microbes in #1
Leading germplasm Leading protein optimization Strong discovery platform for database of grower and
libraries paired with technology with extensive molecules with new modes-of-
advanced breeding and protein libraries field trial seed performance data
action and differentiated collection
data science technology in the industry
First to combine RNAi profiles
technology with biotech >100,000 strains
1.7P3 calculations in 100% novel Mode of characterized every year with >87.5bn data points of
cloud-based algorithms
>2.7bn datapoints Action in early discovery in silico, in vitro or in planta product performance under real-
generated by Precision assays world farmer management

>3,500 unique
Genomics team to deliver 30-60 molecules practices
biotech traits and accelerate
genetic gain
selected for field trials per year >1,700 trials
field-testing locations in 44 countries in 2021 >180m subscribed
>500 deployments >15 new and next-gen. Expect ~100 acres across 23 countries

a in corn, soybeans, traits in development

new formulations to launch in
the next decade
~60m acres
of commercial products in
vegetables in 2021 row crops annually

42 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Transformative Technologies

Scale and Expertise in Biotech Crop Development Lead the Industry

Designing Crops to Revolutionize Agriculture
Trait Development Process (12-15 years)

Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Gene/Trait Identification Proof of Concept Early Development Advanced Development Pre-Launch

Genomics and High-Throughput Gene Optimization and State-of- Large-Scale Transformation, Trait Integration, Regulatory Regulatory Submissions &
Protein Screening to Identify the-Art Genome Editing Commercial Candidate Data Generation Approvals, Seed Bulk-Up,
Desired Characteristics Capabilities Drive Product Selection, Pre- Regulatory System Testing and
Concept Demonstrations In-Crop Data Generation Pre-Marketing

Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage
Best-in-class genome editing and Ability to rapidly test many New traits are introgressed Unrivaled global regulatory
Industry-leading genomics
gene expression toolkits drive gene combinations to into the most elite germplasm, experience
capabilities and germplasm libraries
precision in gene to phenotype evaluate stacks and stacked with the industry’s
Identification of optimal
Best-in-class screening capabilities optimization leading traits
Knowledge of optimal agronomic systems (trait,
High throughput protein optimization genome locations germplasm, chemistry) for
leveraging machine learning to product deployment & customer
design unique modes of action for Largest global field-testing recommendations
pest control footprint diversifies geographic
data insights

43 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Industry-Leading Expertise in Chemical Crop Protection R&D
Designing Low Impact Chemicals to Safely & Sustainably Address Needs of Farmers and Society

Chemical Crop Protection R&D timeline (10-14 years)

Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Molecular Target & Hit Proof of Concept Early Development Advanced Development Pre-Launch
Identification Profiling of best candidates Commercial candidate selection and Commercial proof of concept, Regulatory Submissions & Approvals,
AI-supported molecular target & hit addressing market needs; Field trials; product concepts; process regulatory data generation Production, Application Optimization,
identification toward selection of chemical & formulation optimization; development; pre-regulatory data Pre-Marketing
potent and safe molecules mammalian & environmental generation Competitive Advantage
toxicology assessment Competitive Advantage
Competitive Advantage Largest portfolio of assets and
Competitive Advantage digital capabilities to define digitally
Competitive Advantage Unrivaled global regulatory
Largest global field-testing
enabled tailored solutions (CP, experience advising
Powerful target-based discovery footprint diversifies geographic
AI-supported design of molecules to Breeding, Plant Biotech, Data
platform data insights Evaluation of agronomic systems
create desired properties Science)
for product deployment &
Unique early safety assessment with Industry-leading formulation expertise
World-class biology testing Scientific and agronomic knowledge customer recommendations
in vitro tests and in silico prediction with locations in Europe, NA, APAC
to design best resistance-breaking
tools & models Combined regulatory and chemical products
CoGs leadership ensured by cutting
Focus on novel Mode of Action & expertise allow early decisions to edge science and AI-supported
novel chemical spaces maximize probability of success synthesis and route design
44 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Scale and Leading Technology Drives New Seed Development
Enhancing the Breeding Process with Scalable Analytics, Automation and Improvements in Testing

Germplasm Product Development Process (8 - 10 years)

Discovery Phase One Phase Two Phase Three Phase Four

Population Selection Early Development Intermediate Development Advanced Development Pre-Launch

Population simulation and Advanced genomic selection, Large-Scale Field Testing, Trait Traited Testing, Early Tailored Broad product testing by R&D and
selection for desired first year of field testing, and Integration, disease screening Solutions data generation, and Marget Development, Seed Bulk-
agronomic characteristics and early demonstration of advanced selection analytics, preparation of digital data Up, System Testing and
attributes Product Concept In-Crop early COGS assessment package for Climate models Pre-Marketing

Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage
Industry-leading global Ability to rapidly sample and Industry leading Trait Integration Fully automated seed distribution Most advanced and distributed
germplasm libraries across crops genetically evaluate millions of programs stack traits into elite centers prescriptively sample diverse network of field testing in the industry
and markets seeds germplasm growing environment
Evaluation of agronomic systems for
Decades for field and genomic Advanced Product Design product deployment & customer
Largest global field-testing Traited Testing evaluates products as
data combined with industries facilities that enable multiple recommendations
footprint diversifies geographic they would be experience by the
leading data science platform cycles of planting per year
data insights growers

45 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022
Exploring New Product Concepts Drives Future Growth for Biologics
Open Innovation approach broadens product offerings with exceptional product development and support
4-6 Year Product Development Timeline

Partner of choice for developing biological products including new concepts

Research Field Grower Support Industry leading

Optimization Development portfolio

Vast library of diverse Core competencies in World wide network of field Dedicated resources to Sustaining today’s leading
microbes for new fermentation and formulation testing capabilities for early understand compatibility, lineup and pioneering next
generation of microbials optimization of microbial screening and development rainfastness and stability generation of biologicals
and biochemicals products for agriculture of spray programs of biologicals in jug and
on seed

Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive

Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage
In depth understanding of Market leading end use Understanding of Exceptional customer Ability to address untapped
genomes and modes of products with ease of geographic product support with market markets and work within
action results in novel handling for customer range with precise leading biological
products challenging regulatory
and good shelf life for guidance on practical products
constraints worldwide
distribution use

46 /// Bayer Crop Science Annual R&D Pipeline Update /// February 16, 2022

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