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Hong Kong Baptist University

Department of Computer Science

GFQR 1026 Big Data in “X”

First Semester 2023-2024

Practical Test Revision

Student ID: _____________ Name: ______________________________ Section no.: __________

Seat Number: _________ Hand in this test paper BEFORE you leave!!!!!!

1. Start Google Chrome and access the “Datafile Download / Answer Files Submission” page with
the URL:
2. Download the file edata00.xlsx, and save it as eans00.xlsx in D:\
3. Start MS Excel 2019 and open the file D:\eans00.xlsx.

Raw Data worksheet

1. Select ‘raw data’ worksheet.
2. In the cell D2, use a built-in function to lookup the corresponding “Team Name” with “Team Code”
in C2 using the data from A2 to B6 in the “Lookup Table” worksheet. (The formula will be copied
downward to D61. You must use absolute/mixed reference when referring to the cells A2 to B6 in
the “Lookup Table” worksheet).
3. Copy the formula in the cell D2 and paste it into cells D3 through D61 to lookup the corresponding
team name for other players.
4. Enter a formula into J2 to compute the “Total Rebound” for the first player. The Total Rebound
is calculated by the following formula: [DON’T use built-in function!]
i.e., Total Rebound = Defensive Rebound + Offensive Rebound
5. Copy the formula in J2, paste it into cells J3 through J61.
6. Sort the rows 2 to 61 by “Team Code” column in ascending order. Then by Total Rebound in
descending order.
7. Select ‘Player Count’ worksheet. In the cell B2 in the “Player Count” worksheet, use a built-in
function to count the number of players in the team Mississippi State using the data from “raw
data” worksheet.
8. Copy the formula in the cell B2 in the “Player Count” worksheet, paste it into cells B3 through
B6 to count the number of players in other teams.
9. Select the range A2:B6, create a 3-D Clustered Column chart. Change the Layout to Layout 2
with data labels. Delete the legend. Rename the chart title as ‘Number of players in each team’.
10. Go to ‘raw data’ worksheet. Select the range A1:J61 and create an Excel Table for it, select the
option “My table has headers”, change the Table Name to Player.

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Pivot Table and Pivot Chart
11. Select the cell A1 in ‘raw data’ worksheet, create 2 standard pivot tables (using Player table) and
2 corresponding pivot charts according to the following:
a. Pivot table 1 and pivot chart 1
• Rename the worksheet as “Pivot 1”
• Show the average defensive rebound for different teams (show the team names)
• Format the values to Number with 0 decimal place
• Rename the column to Average Defensive Rebound
• Sort the value (average defensive rebound) in descending order

• Create a corresponding pivot chart for this pivot table.

✓ Use 3-D clustered column chart
✓ Select Chart Layout 2 using Design tab with data labels placed on the top of
each column
✓ Delete the legend.
✓ Rename the chart title as “Average Defensive Rebound for different teams”
✓ Change the background color to any color you like. (Do not choose white/black)
✓ Copy the chart to Dashboard worksheet

b. Pivot table 2 and pivot chart 2

• Rename the worksheet as “Pivot 2”
• Show the sum of points for different teams in different states using both ROWS
section and COLUMNS section.
• Create a corresponding pivot chart for this pivot table.
✓ Use 2D stacked column chart
✓ Select Chart Layout 2 with Legend on the Top
✓ Rename the chart title as “Sum of points for different teams in different
✓ Copy the chart to Dashboard worksheet

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12. Save your file eans00.xlsx

Using Solver
13. Go to the worksheet Solver
14. Enter four dummy values (1) for the order quantity in the cells C12:F12

15. Go to the cell H7, use a function to calculate the total capital used for the fruit store by using the
range C7:F7 and C12:F12.
16. Go to the cell H8, use a function to calculate the total storage used for the fruit store by using the
range C8:F8 and C12:F12.
17. Go to the cell J12, use a function to calculate the total profit for the fruit store by using the range
C4:F4 and C12:F12.
18. The decision is to find out how much to order for each kind of fruits with the following constraints,
and the objective is to maximize the total profit.
a. The amount of capital and storage for the fruits cannot exceed the amount of capital
and storage available (in J7 and J8 respectively).

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b. We must buy at least 10 items for each kind of fruits
c. The order quantity must be integer (whole number)
19. Check the box “Make Unconstrained Variables Non-Negative” and select “Simplex LP” when
solving the problem.
20. Keep the solver solution in order to show how many fruits should be ordered and the total profit.
21. Save your file eans00.xlsx and exit MS Excel 2019.

Submit your answer files:

1. Start Google Chrome and access the “Datafile download /Answer Files Submission” page with the
2. Select the appropriate Course/Section/Test combination.
3. Submit your answer file eans00.xlsx.
4. Write down the confirmation code:

5. Hand in this complete test paper BEFORE you leave.

Reminder for the Practical Test

You may also need to know:

1. How to insert other formula or functions
2. How to create Excel table and insert new records into Excel table
3. How to create other type of charts e.g. column chart, bar chart, cone chart etc
4. How to place the chart in a new worksheet or as an object in the same worksheet
5. How to use slicer to performing filtering
6. The length of this paper is not reflecting the length of the actual test paper and the format
for the actual test paper may be different

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