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Self-Determination Theory Applied to Sport

Martyn Standage

University of Bath

Author Note

Chapter to appear in: Ryan, R. M. (Ed.), The handbook of self-determination theory. New

York: Oxford University Press.

Correspondence concerning this book chapter should be addressed to Professor

Martyn Standage, Centre for Motivation and Health Behaviour Change, Department for

Health, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, United Kingdom. Email:

[email protected]


Sports so acutely illustrate human motivation (i.e., “being moved into action”). To understand

the motivational dynamics of sports, researchers have tested propositions within self-

determination theory (SDT) for more than 40 years. Here, SDT provides a broad and coherent

theoretical perspective to understand the social conditions that promote high-quality forms of

athlete motivation and thriving as well as those that contribute to ill-being and impoverished

functioning. In this chapter, empirical research findings are collated to review: (1) SDT’s

multidimensional perspective of motivation; (2) the motivational and wellness benefits of

satisfying, as opposed to frustrating, the basic psychological needs for autonomy,

competence, and relatedness; and (3) how the functional significance of various elements of

sporting environments differentially affect motivation and sport-related outcomes as a

function of being need-supporting or need-thwarting. Practical recommendations are

organised around the concept of basic psychological needs. Finally, several directions for

future research in sport settings are offered.

Keywords: self-determination theory, motivation, intrinsic motivation, autonomous

motivation, psychological needs, social contexts, coaching styles, autonomy support,


Self-Determination Theory Applied to Sport

In tracing the history of self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 2017), it is

evident that sports have long provided fertile settings for scholars to test the key assumptions

outlined within the theory as well as to apply these principles to inform practice. Arguably,

one of the main drivers for this expanding body of research is the fact that sport contexts so

acutely illustrate and encapsulate human motivation (i.e., “being moved into action”).

Whether one considers a recreational footballer playing for social reasons, a child expanding

their physical capacities via engagement in their sports programs, or an Olympian effortfully

engaging with their training regime across many years, motivation is at the heart of their


When applied to sports, SDT provides a nuanced, broad, and coherent framework to

understand the social conditions that facilitate high-quality forms of athlete motivation, well-

being, and thriving as well as those that contribute to ill-being and impoverished functioning.

Understanding the multifaceted and dynamic nature of motivation, in and across, sport

settings is a highly complex task. Thus, SDT’s six mini-theories unified via the concept of

basic psychological needs provides a coherent structure to empirically test and understand

specific motivational phenomena. In this regard, scholars have applied SDT to sport settings

for more than 40 years to examine key assumptions, including how distinct goals, different

motives, and varying social contexts (e.g., coach-created climates, competition, feedback, and

rewards) differentially predict key outcomes such as high-quality forms of motivation,

engagement, performance, wellness, and thriving (see Ntoumanis, 2012; Ryan & Deci, 2017;

Standage & Ryan, 2020 for reviews).

Rather than attempting to draw together a comprehensive overview of SDT-based

research in sport, the aim of this chapter is to provide a brief review, focusing on key findings

from a selection of empirical studies. Here, selected works from four key areas of inquiry

will be discussed. First, the relation between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and a range of

sport-related outcomes (e.g., athlete experiences, well-being, and performance). Second, the

unifying role of the basic psychological needs within SDT in linking social-contextual factors

to motivation, engagement, wellness, performance, and functioning. Third, the differing

social environments and conditions that are conducive to supporting (vs. thwarting) the basic

psychological needs. Fourth, practical applications and strategies. Lastly, some key areas

that future SDT research in sport contexts may take are offered.

Self-Determination Theory and Sport

Intrinsic Motivation

Sports provide millions of individuals with immense joy, interest, and excitement.

Indeed, the intrinsic inclinations of people to play in their own time, compete, act in the

absence of any apparent external reward, and seek to test and develop their skills and

capacities manifest so acutely in sports settings. Reflecting the prototype of autonomous

motivation within SDT, multiple benefits of being intrinsically motivated towards sports have

been documented, including positive associations with increased deliberate practice (Vink,

Raudsepp, & Kais, 2015), greater sport persistence (Jõesaar, Hein, & Hagger, 2011; Pelletier,

Fortier, Vallerand, & Briere, 2001), better sport performance (Charbonneau, Barling, &

Kelloway, 2001), heightened athlete engagement (Podlog et al., 2015), and enhanced vitality

and eudaimonic well-being (Kouali, Hall, & Pope, 2020).

Extrinsic Motivation: A Differentiated Perspective

Ideally, and for optimal growth and development, athletes would be intrinsically

motivated toward all their training and competitive endeavors. Yet, people engage in sports

for multiple motives, both intrinsic and extrinsic forms of motivation that coexist to

simultaneously predict the quality of one’s overall motivation (cf. Ryan & Deci, 2017). As

outlined by Pelletier and Rocchi (this volume), the second of SDT’s mini-theories,

Organismic Integration Theory (OIT; Deci & Ryan, 1985), was developed to distinguish

between different types of extrinsic motivation (i.e., to act for instrumental reasons) that vary

in the degree to which they are experienced as being autonomous (vs. controlled). This

multidimensional approach to extrinsic motivation is built around the concept of

internalization (cf. Ryan & Connell,1989), with the different types of regulation located on a

continuum of self-determination. From the least to most autonomous, these motivational types

are external regulation (i.e., behavior is regulated by externally controlled rewards,

compliance with social pressure, and/or to avoid punishment), introjected regulation (i.e.,

rather than external contingencies, with introjection behavior is regulated via self-imposed

intrapersonal contingencies such as shame, guilt, ego enhancement, and pride), identified

regulation (i.e., behavior is regulated via the conscious valuing of an activity as being

important to one’s aims/goals), and integrated regulation (i.e., behavior which is regulated

when the person not only identifies with the value of the activity, but when it has been

brought into congruence with the individuals’ other core values, goals, and needs) (see

Pelletier and Rocchi, this volume, for definitions and a more detailed discussion of each type

of motivation).

When applied to sports, as with all life domains, intrinsic motivation and the distinct

forms of extrinsic motivation are hypothesized to differentially affect experiences, well-being,

functioning, and performance. It is the coherent structure that provides a lens for researchers

and practitioners to conceptualize, define, and examine motivation from a quality perspective.

According to OIT, when behavior is autonomously regulated (i.e., via intrinsic motivation and

the well-internalized extrinsic forms of integrated and identified regulations), then greater

persistence, higher-quality behavior, improved performance, enriched experiences, and

enhanced wellbeing will manifest (Ryan & Deci, 2017). An expanding body of empirical

work has documented the many benefits linked to autonomous (or high quality) forms of sport

motivation. Here, empirical work has shown autonomous motivation towards sport to

positively predict outcomes such as persistence (Pelletier et al., 2001), better performance

(Gillet, Berjot, & Gobancé, 2009), positive self-talk (Karamitrou, Comoutos, Hatzigeorgiadis,

& Theodorakis, 2017), more enthusiastic commitment (O’Neil & Hodge, 2020), adaptive

coping (Gaudreau & Antl, 2008), greater vitality and wellbeing (Gagné, Ryan, & Bargmann,

2003; Stenling, Lindwall, & Hassmén, 2015), and sportspersonship (Ntoumanis & Standage,

2009). Similarly, autonomous motivation has been shown to negatively predict outcomes

such as sport drop-out (Pelletier et al., 2001), burn-out (Barcza-Renner, Eklund, Morin, &

Habeeb, 2016; Jowett, Hill, Hall, & Curran, 2013), negative self-talk (Karamitrou et al.,

2017), negative affect (Gagné et al., 2003), and constrained commitment (O’Neil & Hodge,


In contrast to the positive pattern of findings reported for autonomous motivation,

research has shown partial or non-internalized forms of motivation towards sport (i.e.,

introjected and external regulations) to be positively linked with negative outcomes. These

outcomes include lower performance (Gillet, Vallerand, & Paty, 2013), athlete burnout

(Jowett et al., 2013), sport drop-out (Rocchi, Guertin, Pelletier, & Sweet, 2020), non-optimal

coping (Gaudreau & Antl, 2008), negative self-talk (Karamitrou et al., 2017), lower

dispositional flow (Lonsdale, Hodge, & Rose, 2008), antisocial attitudes (Ntoumanis &

Standage, 2009), and ongoing ill-being (Stenling, Ivarsson, Hassmen, & Lindwall, 2017).

Across organized sports, and yet even more so at the higher levels of performance,

athletes are faced with arduous training loads, demanding competition schedules, travel

commitments, periods of solitude, and the performing of not very interesting and somewhat

mundane tasks/drills (see Treasure, Lemyre, Kuczka, & Standage, 2007). The nature of the

tasks, drills, and situations that athletes face can be boring and mundane, yet entirely integral

to supporting the development of their athletic skills and capacities. In this regard, well-

internalized extrinsic motivation becomes a key driver. Here, the process of internalization

(i.e., the active and natural process wherein individuals take on external values, beliefs, and

behavioral regulations from social contexts and transfer and integrate these as their own; cf.

Ryan & Deci, 2017) makes a valuable contribution to understanding the motivational basis for

effortful engagement in the less interesting aspects of sport. Past SDT work has provided

insight into the social strategies required to support internalization, including the provision of

a meaningful rationale, conveyance of choice, acknowledgement of feelings, and variety

(Deci, Eghrari, Patrick, & Leone, 1994; Green-Demers, Pelletier, Stewart, & Gushue, 1998).

In addition to engaging with the more unexciting aspects of sport, improving one’s

ability at their chosen sport as well as maintaining high levels of performance also requires

considerable investment over a prolonged period. Insight into the role played by intrinsic

motivation and well-internalized extrinsic motivation in supporting ongoing sport

participation is demonstrated in a prospective study conducted by Pelletier and colleagues

(2001). With a sample of 369 competitive swimmers from across the province of Quebec, the

authors collected data regarding interpersonal behaviors (autonomy support vs. controlling

coaching) and sports motivation at Time 1. Behavioral persistence was then recorded at Time

2 for Season 1 (10 months) and at Time 3 for Season 2 (22 months). Results of structural

equation modeling showed that autonomous motivations (both intrinsic motivation and

identified regulation) positively predicted greater persistence across both swim seasons.

External regulation was unrelated to persistence at the end of Season 1 and a negative

predictor of persistence at the end of Season 2. Amotivation was a strong negative predictor

of persistence across both seasons. It is worth noting that introjected regulation predicted

short-term behavioral engagement (Time 2), yet not over the longer term (Time 3). This

finding has been replicated in other domains (e.g., adolescent exercise; Gillison, Standage, &

Skevington, 2011) and points to the fact that at times people can be moved into action by self-

worth strivings and a desire to gain approval of others, yet the findings also allude to the fact

that such introjects are poor predictors of longer-term commitment and engagement and are

linked with poorer quality experiential outcomes (e.g., higher anxiety, guilt, and contingent

self-worth) (cf. Standage & Ryan, 2012, 2020).

Remaining with the higher end of sport participation and behavioral outcomes, it can

be argued that the most important outcome is that of performance (Standage, 2012). Research

using SDT as a theoretical basis to address the “motivation – performance” relationship has

shown autonomous sports motivation to positively predict objective performance data as well

as coach ratings of performance (e.g., Gillet et al., 2009; Gillet, Vallerand, Amoura, &

Baldes, 2010). In one study, Gillet and colleagues (2009) carried out a longitudinal study of

90 young tennis players across three competitive seasons. Autonomous motivation (as

assessed via a self-determination index) was shown to positively predict better objective

performance data as provided by the French Tennis Federation. Specifically, autonomous

motivation at the beginning of a season (Time 1) was shown to positively predict performance

across the following two seasons (Times 2 and 3). Autonomous motivation at Time 2

(assessed at the end of the second season) also positively predicted performance during the

third season. Such data support the tenets within OIT that when people are autonomously

motivated, they experience more interest, excitement, and confidence which manifests in

enhanced performance and persistence (cf. Ryan & Deci, 2017).

As reviewed, a robust pattern of empirical findings has supported the tenets proposed

within OIT, with intrinsic motivation and well-internalized extrinsic motivation consistently

being shown to correspond to higher quality behavioral and psychological engagement in

sports. Conversely, more controlled forms of sports motivation have been shown to

compromise the quality of sporting engagement, both in terms of psychological and

behavioral markers. In view of this compelling body of evidence, it is paramount that both

scholars and practitioners explicitly understand a core set of necessary requirements that

support the internalization process as well as other markers of thriving in sports. Within SDT,

the concept of basic psychological needs explains how variations in the satisfaction and

frustration of these necessary requirements differentially predict thriving, development, and

wellness as well as diminished functioning, restricted growth, and ill-being. It is to the basic

psychological need propositions within SDT that the attention now turns.

Basic Psychological Needs and Sport

The basic psychological needs specified within Basic Psychological Needs Theory

(BPNT; Ryan & Deci, 2017; Vansteenkiste et al., this volume) form the nexus within the

broader SDT framework, serving as the unifying principle that links social-contextual factors

with motivation, engagement, wellness, and functioning. When satisfied, the basic

psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness provide the functional

requirements for people to experience high quality forms of motivation, thriving, and well-

being. Yet, when any of the basic psychological needs are frustrated, greater ill-being, passive

engagement, restricted development, and impoverished functioning are hypothesized (Ryan &

Deci, 2017).

An expanding body of research within sport settings has provided empirical support

for the propositions of BPNT. Indeed, research has shown psychological need satisfaction to

positively predict many adaptive sport outcomes such as intrinsic motivation (Jõesaar et al.,

2011), thriving (Brown, Arnold, Standage, & Fletcher, 2017; 2021), deliberate practice

(Verner-Filion, Vallerand, Amiot, & Mocanu, 2017), dedication (Bhavsar et al., 2020),

vitality (Bartholomew, Ntoumanis, Ryan, Bosch, & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2011a;

Bartholomew, Ntoumanis, Ryan, & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2011b), behavioral engagement

(Curran, Hill, & Niemiec, 2013), performance (Verner-Filion et al., 2017), and enjoyment and

wellbeing (Warburton, Wang, Bartholomew, Tuff, & Bishop, 2020). Equally supportive of

BPNT, psychological need satisfaction has been shown to be negatively associated with

markers of impoverished functioning, including athlete burnout (Bartholomew et al., 2011a;

Jowett, Hill, Hall, & Curran, 2016), exhaustion (Bartholomew et al., 2011b), disaffection,

depression (Bartholomew et al., 2011a), and negative affect (Bartholomew et al., 2011a).

In recent work, Brown and colleagues (2017) examined the role of need satisfaction

and need frustration in relation to identifying British sport performers who thrived in

demanding competitive sporting encounters during their past month. Specifically, data were

collected to test whether classifications into ‘thriving’ profile memberships could be predicted

from scores for personal enablers (e.g., resilient qualities), contextual enablers (e.g., social

support), and underpinning process variables (e.g., need satisfaction, need frustration).

Aligned with the propositions within BPNT, the authors found that: (1) higher levels of need

satisfaction positively predicted sport performers’ membership into a ‘thriving’ profile; and

(2) greater levels of basic need frustration positively predicted the likelihood of sport

performers’ membership to the ‘below average’ profile (vs. the ‘thriving’ profile).

In contrast to the positive outcomes associated with psychological need satisfaction,

psychological need frustration has been shown to be a positive predictor of maladjustment in

sport, with positive associations being reported with exhaustion (Bartholomew et al., 2011b),

disordered eating (Bartholomew et al., 2011a), depression (Bartholomew et al., 2011a),

negative affect (Bhavsar et al., 2020), burnout (Jowett et al., 2016), and perturbed

physiological arousal (e.g., Bartholomew et al., 2011a). Data from sport settings have also

shown psychological need frustration to be negatively associated with adaptive outcomes

such as vitality (e.g., Bartholomew et al., 2011a, 2011b), performance satisfaction (Felton &

Jowett, 2015), and well-being and enjoyment (Warburton et al., 2020).

Within BPNT it is also hypothesized that the basic psychological needs vary within

people over time, contexts, and social interactions (Ryan & Deci, 2017). A study by Gagné

and colleagues (2003) used a within- and between-person design to follow 33 gymnasts over

15 practice sessions across a 4-week period. Results of multilevel analyses showed that

gymnasts who endorsed higher levels of autonomous motivation, had, on average, more

positive experiences of their sport and reported greater levels of wellbeing. At the within-

person level, changes from pre- to post-practice were shown to be directly linked to the

satisfaction of the basic psychological needs within the practice stetting. That is, gymnasts

who endorsed higher need satisfaction reported experiencing greater positive affect, increased

vitality, better state self-esteem, and lower negative affect.


In a recent prospective study, Brown, Arnold, Standage, Turner, and Fletcher (2021)

asked 51 elite British elite hockey players to complete measures assessing their basic

psychological need satisfaction and challenge appraisals on seven consecutive days prior to a

competitive match. In-match thriving was assessed retrospectively using measures of

subjective performance and well-being. The authors also collected saliva samples

immediately on waking, and then +0.5, +3, and +5.25 h on the day of the match from a

subsample of 21 players who played their game in the early afternoon (i.e., rather than

evening when hormonal values would have been lower due to diurnal rhythm). Saliva was

assayed for catabolic (i.e., cortisol) and anabolic (i.e., dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA])

hormones with the ‘anabolic balance’ also expressed by the ratio of DHEA:cortisol. Results

of latent growth modelling showed levels of pre-match psychological need satisfaction and

challenge appraisals to positively predict in-match thriving. Although not statistically

significant, small and moderate negative associations were reported for thriving with cortisol

concentration (+5.25 h sample) and total cortisol exposure across the morning of the match,

respectively. The concentration of DHEA shared a small positive, yet non-significant,

association with thriving. These trends may be suggestive that athletes who reported that they

were thriving were also perceiving and/or employing adaptive response mechanisms on the

morning of the match. Yet, in view of issues related to statistical power coupled with the fact

that exposure to a chronic stressor can lead to a blunted cortisol response, future work with

increased power is needed to assess the associations among key SDT constructs (e.g., need

satisfaction/frustration and need-supportive/thwarting contexts), hormonal responses, and

athlete thriving. Such research would also extend on the work of Bartholomew et al. (2011a;

Study 2) who reported a positive association between need frustration and secretory

immunoglobulin A, a finding which suggests that when athletes perceive their needs to be

actively frustrated, they are more likely to experience increased physiological arousal and

potentially anticipatory apprehension.


With a sample of 61 British University athletes, Bartholomew (2011a; Study 3)

conducted a diary study, collecting pre- and post-training data across a two-week period (i.e.,

8 training days) to examine whether experiences of need satisfaction and need frustration

during training would predict changes in well-being and ill-being before and after each

session. Supportive of BPNT, the results of multilevel modeling showed higher levels of need

satisfaction during training to positively predict greater levels of positive affect post-training.

Equally consistent with BPNT, the authors also reported perceptions of need frustration to

predict changes in negative affect and physical symptoms from pre- to post-training.

In addition to diary studies documenting the effects of daily fluctuations of need-

satisfaction and frustration on well-being and ill-being outcomes, researchers have also

studied the longitudinal associations among the psychological needs and indices of athlete

well-being. For example, Gaudreau, Amiot, and Vallerand (2009) followed 265 Canadian

hockey players across three measurement periods during the first 11 weeks of a season. Via

latent class growth modeling, the authors identified three distinct trajectories for both positive

affect and negative affect. Results showed need satisfaction (as well as low and high athletic

identity) to substantially increase the likelihood of membership to the more healthy, adaptive

trajectory (i.e., as compared to the other two less adaptive trajectories). In a more recent

study, Brown, Arnold, Standage, & Fletcher (2021) examined the associations among

psychological need satisfaction and thriving with a sample of 268 British sport performers

across three occasions spanning 28 days. Results from longitudinal structural equation

modeling showed athlete thriving to be highly predicted by both the recent experience of

thriving and the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs. The findings of Brown et al.’s

research and others in the extant literature (cf. Standage & Ryan, 2020) serve to illustrate the

important role that basic psychological need satisfaction serves as a means by which coaches

and practitioners can support and maintain athlete thriving across a series of sporting

encounters. It is to several features of the social environment that the focus now shifts.

Social Contexts and Supports for the Basic Psychological Needs

Within SDT, the positive and negative influences of social-contextual factors on

motivation, wellness, and behavior are distinguished by the extent to which they support

versus thwart a person’s basic psychological needs. Therefore, an important strand of SDT

research has focused on the nature of social conditions, including external inputs,

intrapersonal events, and interpersonal relationships (cf. Ryan & Deci, 2017). Herein, a

selection of sport-related conditions will be reviewed in the context of their functional


External Events

Developed and refined primarily during the 1970s and 1980s, Cognitive Evaluation

Theory (CET; Deci & Ryan, 1985) was the first SDT mini-theory to be formulated, providing

a theoretical lens for understanding how differing external events (e.g., rewards, competition,

feedback) and later internal events (e.g., ego-involvement, public self-conscience) support or

undermine an individual’s intrinsic motivation (see Reeve, this volume). Sports provide an

excellent testbed for examining an overarching question within CET – i.e., “if a person is

involved in an intrinsically interesting activity and begins to receive an extrinsic reward for

doing it, what will happen to his or her intrinsic motivation for the activity?” (Deci & Ryan,

1985, p. 43). To explain such effects, two types of social inputs are specified within CET,

namely informational events (i.e., which are non-controlling and provide effectance-relevant

information) and controlling events (i.e., which represent pressure to feel, behave, or think in

specific ways) (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Within CET, it is hypothesized that informational (or

functional) events will enhance and sustain intrinsic motivation via the satisfaction of

people’s basic psychological needs for autonomy and competence. In contrast, controlling

events that frustrate an individual’s experience of autonomy and competence are held to

undermine intrinsic motivation (see Reeve, this volume).

Rewards. Using a stabilometer task, Orlick and Mosher (1978) were the first to

demonstrate the potential for rewards (i.e., in the form of trophies) to undermine intrinsic

motivation in relation to a physical task. Here, the authors allocated children who exhibited

initial intrinsic motivation toward the balance task to one of four experimental conditions (i.e.,

a conditionally expected reward; unexpected reward; no reward but social reinforcement; and

no reward and no social reinforcement). Four days later, the children engaged in the task

again and their intrinsic motivation assessed. The authors used the free-choice paradigm to

assess intrinsic motivation, an approach whereby an observation is made regarding the

amount of time spent on an activity when they are alone, free to choose what to do, and have

no external or evaluative reason to engage in the target activity. From pre-to-post- reward

sessions, results showed that participants in the two reward conditions spent less time

choicefully engaged with the target activity than those in the non-reward conditions. From the

perspective of CET, these findings suggest that rewards offered in the work of Orlick and

Mosher were perceived by the children as being controlling.

A meta-analysis of 128 experimental studies, including the work of Orlick and Mosher

(1978), and other sport/motor-task studies (e.g., Vallerand & Reid, 1984; Weinberg & Ragan,

1979) has shown engagement-contingent, completion-contingent, performance-contingent

rewards as well as all rewards, all tangible rewards, and all expected rewards to undermine

intrinsic motivation (Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 1999). When applied to sport contexts, the

offering of rewards such as trophies and prizes can diminish the intrinsic motivation of

athletes when presented in a controlling manner (e.g., implicit messages of incompetence,

enhancement of social comparison, and/or identifying and promoting the best athletes) (Ryan

& Deci, 2017). As Ryan and Deci (2017) recognize, gatekeeping practices to separate elite

athletes from their non-elite counterparts plays an important role in identifying and promoting

the best athletes, yet this approach can have dire consequences in youth sport. That is, the

employing of practices that emphasize social comparisons may run the risk that many

children yet to reach their athletic prime will never do so (Ryan & Deci, 2017).

Athletic Scholarships. A specific type of reward that has received some empirical

interest from a CET perspective is that of athletic scholarships (e.g., E. D. Ryan 1977, 1980;

Kingston, Horrocks, & Hanton, 2006; Moller & Sheldon, 2020). These performance-

contingent rewards are commonly used in the United States, offered to student athletes by

universities that are members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. E. D. Ryan

(1977) conducted the initial research into the effects of being awarded a scholarship on

student athletes’ intrinsic motivation. Here, he found that male football players receiving

scholarships reported higher extrinsic motivation (vs. intrinsic) as well as less enjoyment of

their sport than their non-scholarship counterparts. Such findings were akin to the

undermining effect of “pay for play” and consistent with tenets within CET. A subsequent

study by E. D. Ryan (1980) sought to replicate and extend his previous work to male athletes

(football players and wrestlers) and female athletes (various sports) from 12 institutions.

These data were more complex, revealing gender and sport differences. For female athletes,

their intrinsic motivation did not differ as a function of scholarship status. In terms of sport,

consistent with his 1977 findings, E. D. Ryan reported support for the undermining effect in

the male football players, yet not for male wrestlers nor female athletes from across several

different sports. These data were interpreted in the context that the awarding of athletic

scholarships to female athletes as well as male wrestlers at the time being “rare”. These

atypical rewards may have provided informational feedback that was perceived as being

indicative of competence. For male football players, the awarding of scholarships was

commonplace, attracting them to certain athletic programs, thus viewed as being controlling.

Kingston, Horrocks, and Sheldon (2006) extended the focus on intrinsic motivation to

examine whether the multiple types of motivation within SDT could be used to discriminate

between US student athletes of differing scholarship status. Here, results showed scholarship

athletes to report significantly higher levels of introjected regulation and external regulation

and lower levels of intrinsic motivation than their non-scholarship counterparts.


Recently, Moller and Sheldon (2020) examined the ‘undermining effect’ of athletic

scholarships with college athletes attending the University of Missouri, addressing the

question of “what happens to former college athletes’ intrinsic motivation following college?”

After controlling for the time elapsed since college, scholarship status was positively related

to felt external motivation during college, and negatively related to present-day enjoyment of

their target sport. Such findings provide support for the notion that the undermining effects

can be prolonged, spanning decades.

Although studies have provided support for the undermining effects of athletic

scholarships on intrinsic motivation, a few investigations have reported no such effect or

yielded complex data (cf. Ryan & Deci, 2017). To this end, Ryan and Deci (2017) have

argued that more research is required to tease out the circumstances under which scholarships

are considered as being informational or controlling in their functional significance.

Feedback. According to CET, competence-affirming feedback will differentially

affect an individuals’ level of intrinsic motivation to the extent that it is interpreted as being

informational or controlling (Deci & Ryan, 1985). In situations where people experience a

sense of autonomy and especially when optimal challenge is present, it is likely that positive

feedback will increase intrinsic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2017). Support for this tenet of

CET has been demonstrated in several studies. For example, Thill and Mouanda (1990)

reported that handball players who received bogus negative verbal feedback (i.e., indicating

failure) after shooting at targets reported lower levels of intrinsic motivation than players

receiving bogus positive verbal feedback. Similarly, in a study utilizing a stabilometer motor

task, Vallerand and Reid (1984) examined: (1) the effects of positive and negative verbal

feedback on reported intrinsic motivation; and (2) whether perceptions of competence would

medicate the effects of verbal feedback type on intrinsic motivation. Having been pre-

screened for holding at least a moderate level of intrinsic motivation toward the task, 84

participants were allocated to one of three conditions: (1) positive feedback; (2) negative

feedback; (3) no verbal feedback. Results showed that positive verbal feedback increased, and

negative verbal feedback decreased, the participants’ reported intrinsic motivation. Moreover,

and supportive of CET, results of path analysis showed perceived competence to mediate the

effects of verbal feedback on intrinsic motivation.

Competitive Outcome. When engaged in direct competition (i.e., situations whereby

people struggle against each other with a view to maximizing their own successes while

minimizing the successes of an opponent; Deci & Ryan, 1985), inevitable outcomes are those

of “winning” and “losing.” Winning and losing convey competence-affirming and

incompetence-affirming feedback, respectively. Previous research in sport settings as well as

lab-based experimental work using physical tasks to study the competition process have

shown objectively winning a competition to lead to higher intrinsic motivation (i.e., as

indexed by self-reported measures or via free-choice behavior assessments, e.g., McAuley &

Tammen, 1989; Vallerand & Reid, 1984; Weinberg & Ragan, 1979). As Ryan and Reeve (in

press) point out, it is how the competitive outcome affects perceived competence rather than

the competitive outcome in and of itself, that explains the ups and downs of intrinsic

motivation in competitive settings. Therefore, when considering objective win/loss

information, it is important to remember that is also the way in which individuals and/or

teams subjectively evaluate their performance that counts. In this regard, past research

has shown that when people perceive that they have performed well, they are more likely to

report higher levels of intrinsic motivation than those who perceived failure, even if they have

been objectively unsuccessful (McAuley & Tammen, 1989).

Lab-based research has also shown participants who were told that they had won

competitive trials to report higher levels of need satisfaction, positive affect, and vitality than

those informed they had lost (Standage, Duda, & Pensgaard, 2005). The effect of the

competitive outcome information and the well-being gains reported in this work were

mediated via basic psychological need satisfaction.


Competition. Millions of people worldwide engage in competitive sports wherein a

key objective is to have evenly matched athletes or teams compete. Although competition is

an integral aspect of sports, it is certainly a complicated social phenomenon. Research

examining competition from the perspective of CET is perhaps best known for the early

demonstrations that competitive environments that place pressure on individuals to win lead

to decrements in intrinsic motivation and enjoyment when compared with the non-

competitive engagement in the same task/activity (Ryan & Reeve, in press). Reference in the

SDT literature is often made to Deci, Betley, Kahle, Abrams, and Porac’s (1981) work, a

study within which the authors demonstrated that when people are instructed to win at an

activity (in this instance a puzzle task) they perceive competition as controlling and as such it

tends to decrease their intrinsic motivation. From the literature, it is clear that controlling

elements such as emphasizing the competitive outcome and receiving pressures from others

(e.g., coaches, parents, teammates) to achieve an imposed standard can undermine motivation

and lead to the darker aspects of sport competition (cf. Ryan & Reeve, in press). For example,

Ntoumanis, Barkoukis, Gucciardi, and Chan (2017) in their prospective study of 257 Greek

athletes reported perceptions of controlling coach behaviors (indexed by the coach’s

controlling use of rewards, negative conditional regard, intimidation, and excessive personal

control) to positively predict psychological need frustration, and in turn low moral

functioning (e.g., favorable attitudes toward cheating and gamesmanship) and doping

intentions/doping use.

When competition is not characterized by controlling elements such as pressure to

win, it can be enhancing of the basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and

relatedness (Ryan & Reeve, in press). Indeed, there are numerous adaptive informational

elements of competition such as optimal challenge, excitement, and mastery experiences that

are conducive to supporting positive experiences, high quality motivation, effortful

engagement, and the wellness of competitors.


One example of research that assessed several features of competition was conducted

by Tauer and Harackiewicz (2004). Here, the authors assessed the effects of competition,

cooperation, and intergroup competition on task enjoyment and performance with a sample of

children partaking in a basketball free-throw task. Three findings of interest emerged. First,

results replicated the competitive feedback (viz., “success” vs. “failure”) findings reported in

the CET literature. Second, and in comparing pure competition and pure cooperation, no

differences on task enjoyment or performance were reported. Third, intergroup competition

was found to consistently lead to the highest levels of task enjoyment and performance (in

two of the three studies in which performance was assessed). In appraising their findings, the

authors argued that engaging in intergroup competition provided the children with the best

overall experience as they derive the benefits available from competition and cooperation.

That is, they experience the excitement and challenge of competition as well as the

interpersonal enthusiasm and relatedness that comes from having teammates. Considered

from a CET perspective, it may also be that the controlling dimension of competition in this

work was downplayed in favor of the informational component (Vallerand, 2007).

An exciting avenue of work would be to extend existing lab-based research to real-

world settings. Here, research that ecologically tracks how differing features of the

competitive process interact to satisfy as well as frustrate the basic psychological needs would

be a worthy undertaking. Such work would provide rich insight into the brighter and darker

sides of sports competition. Ryan and Reeve (in press) recently proposed a set of

informational (e.g., autonomy-supportive supervisor, task-involving and relationship-

supportive interpersonal climate, perceived challenge, winning, positive effectance

feedback/expectancies/information, task involvement) and controlling (e.g., pressure to win,

controlling supervisor, ego-involving and status-centric interpersonal climate, losing, negative

effectance feedback/expectancies, competitively-contingent rewards, ego involvement)

competitive elements that would be particularly useful in informing this endeavor.


Intrapersonal Events: Task and Ego Involvement

Task and ego involvement are two intrapersonal events that have implications for the

motivation and wellness of athletes. According to CET, the functional significance of task-

involvement (i.e., a focus on self-referenced gains, learning, and effortful engagement) is one

in which internally informational information supports intrinsic motivation as it facilitates an

internal locus of causality and perceived competence (Ryan & Deci, 2017). In contrast, ego-

involvement occurs when people put pressure on themselves (i.e., they internalize external

contingencies) such that their self-worth hinges on outperforming others (Ryan, 1982). Here,

the person is experiencing an internally administered pressure to meet specific outcomes and

as such the functional significance of the event is experienced as being controlling, which in

turn undermines their perceived locus of causality and subsequently their intrinsic motivation

and well-being (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Reeve, in press). Lab-based work has provided

empirical support for such a proposition, showing that when people feel pressured to perform,

they report less intrinsic motivation towards the task at hand than participants told to just try

their best (e.g., Ryan, 1982).

In sport contexts, the saliency of competition and a focus on competitive outcomes

can, and does, induce ego-involvement. Using a physical co-ordination task, Standage et al.

(2005) examined the effects of different competitive features on participants’ psychological

need satisfaction and well-being (i.e., ego-involving vs. task-involving, working cooperatively

vs. working alone, and ‘win’ vs. ‘loss’ competitive outcome information). Results showed

that participants allocated to the task-involving conditions and those working in cooperation

to report higher levels of psychological need satisfaction and well-being. In contrast, those in

the ego-involving conditions reported higher levels of negative affect and lower levels of

psychological need satisfaction and vitality. Participants who were told that they had “won”

reported higher levels of need satisfaction, positive affect, and vitality than those told that

they had “lost”, whereas participants informed that they had “lost” reported higher levels of

negative affect. Standage et al. also tested when losing was worse via three planned contrasts.

Here, the results showed that the effects of losing in an ego-involving competitive structure

that centers on individual-based achievement to be the costliest competitive encounter.

Summarizing the findings, standardized indirect effects from a motivational process model

grounded within SDT showed the effects of the competitive features (i.e., ego-involving

context, cooperation context, competitive outcome) affected well-being outcomes via

psychological need satisfaction.

The Standage et al. findings provide empirical support for the notion that ego-

involvement tends to thwart psychological need satisfaction and undermine motivation and

well-being (Ryan & Reeve, in press). Yet, at the same time, and supporting the earlier

discussion on competition, the results again highlight that it is not competition per se that

threatens a person’s motivation and well-being in competitive settings. Indeed, it seems that

even when “failure” is realized, the quality of the experience can be maintained when

competition is couched in a task-involving context and/or cooperation is promoted. As not

many athletes are afforded the luxury of always being the winner, such findings are reassuring

and informative with respect to how the debilitating effects of competition can be countered.

The functional significance of events such as rewards, feedback, competition, and over

time an individuals’ intrapersonal dynamics (e.g., ego-involvement) are delivered to athletes

by significant others such as coaches, parents, and teammates. In the context of being

supportive (or thwarting) of the psychological needs, SDT holds that the interpersonal styles,

motivating techniques, intentions, and attitudes of these social agents markedly contribute to

the quality of the motivational climate and subsequently to the athletes’ motivation,

engagement, performance, and wellness (cf. Ryan & Deci, 2017). It is to the nature of

interpersonal contexts and past research in sport contexts that the attention now turns.

Interpersonal Contexts

Sports occur in dynamic social contexts wherein athletes bring their goals, values, and

day-to-day life experiences to bear. At the same time, athletes are exposed to different social

agents (e.g., coaches, teammates, parents), each varying in how they convey and

communicate motivationally laden messages. Issues such as competitive level, competitive

calendar, and proximal context (e.g., training or competition) will also influence an athletes’

quality of motivation, their sport experiences, and their effortful engagement. Although it is

beyond the scope of this chapter to provide a detailed discussion, there is certainly much work

to still be conducted on the social dynamics and the complex nature of interpersonal

environments in sport. Moreover, and while the social contexts of sport can involve a number

of key individuals (e.g., youth sports have both authority figures such as coaches and parents

and teammates/peer relationships), in the following, my focus is on coach-created

motivational climates.

According to SDT, an athletes’ behavioral engagement, sport experiences,

performance, and well-being are influenced to the extent to which significant others (e.g.,

coaches, teammates, parents) support their basic psychological needs for autonomy,

competence, and relatedness. In a nutshell, need-supportive environments are viewed as

being conducive to high quality motivation, internalization, and thriving whereas need-

thwarting social contexts contribute to controlled motivation, impaired functioning, and ill-

being. Past SDT research has shown the social contexts promoted by significant others (e.g.,

coaches and teammates) to play an important role in supporting or undermining motivation

quality, well-being, engagement, and performance (cf. Standage & Ryan, 2020).

Akin with other life domains, the interpersonal climate that has received the most

empirical attention in sport to date is that of autonomy support (i.e., interpersonal

environments that are supportive of choice, initiation, and understanding, while minimizing

the need to perform and act in a prescribed manner; Ryan & Deci, 2017). Although labeled as

“autonomy-support”, such contexts enhance the likelihood of an individual satisfying all three

needs (Ryan & Deci, 2017). Past work has shown that athletes who perceive their coach to

use an autonomy-supportive coaching style to report a wealth of benefits, including higher

need satisfaction (Adie, Duda, & Ntoumanis, 2008; Haerens et al., 2018), greater autonomous

motivation (Haerens et al., 2018; O’Neil & Hodge, 2020; Pelletier et al., 2002; Sheldon &

Watson, 2011), higher well-being and vitality (Gagné et al., 2003; Haerens et al., 2018),

greater engagement (Curran, Hill, Hall, & Jowett, 2014; Delrue, Soenens, Morbée,

Vansteenkiste, & Haerens, 2019), better objective team performance (Sheldon & Watson,

2011), and sustained behavioral persistence (Pelletier et al., 2001). Research has also shown

the adaptive pattern of findings for autonomy support to hold even in situations wherein

athletes were poorly motivated or disruptive (e.g., Delrue et al., 2019) as well as across level

of participation (e.g., varsity versus recreational and club sport; Sheldon & Watson, 2011).

Although empirical work shows the multiple benefits for athletes of an autonomy-

supportive coaching climate, not all coaches provide such motivational climates for their

athletes. One strand of SDT research has been to contrast autonomy support with controlling

coaching environments. Controlling coach-created sport climates provide pressure on their

athletes to think, feel, and behave in particular, and imposed, ways. Thus, the functional

significance associated with perceptions of control manifest very differently to the processes

and outcomes associated with autonomy support (i.e., they are characterized by imposed

pressures, enforced performance standards, conditional regard, etc.). Supporting such

reasoning, and in contrast to the adaptive findings associated autonomy support, perceptions

of a controlling coach climate have been shown to be positively associated with a number of

maladaptive outcomes, including controlled (or poor quality) forms of motivation (O’Neil &

Hodge, 2020; Pelletier et al., 2001), greater sport disaffection (Curran et al., 2014), higher

symptoms of burnout (Barcza-Renner et al., 2016), increased cognitive anxiety (Ramis,

Torregrosa, Viladrich, & Cruz, 2017), and ill-being (Haerens et al., 2018).

In recent years, there has been a logical shift towards focusing on, and defining

characteristics of coach-created climates in a broader manner commensurate with the three


psychological needs outlined within SDT. Here, there has been a shift to distinguishing

between need-supportive and need-thwarting social contexts with measurement tools being

developed to assess this broader conceptualization within sport (e.g., Rocchi et al., 2017). In

their psychometric validation work with samples of student athletes and coaches from a

provincial sporting association, Rocchi and her colleagues reported results that aligned with

the propositions of SDT, with athletes who reported their coaches to use need-supportive

interpersonal behaviors to also endorse higher psychological need satisfaction and

autonomous sport motivation, whereas athletes who reported their coach to employ need-

thwarting interpersonal behaviors reported greater psychological need frustration and

controlled sport motivation.

The dynamic nature of sport contexts makes it likely that coaches will use a mixture of

need-supportive and need-thwarting styles across differing settings. In this regard, Delrue et

al. (2017) reported significant variation in 197 Belgium soccer players’ perceptions of coach

behaviors across five soccer matches (i.e., as being supporting or thwarting of the needs for

autonomy and competence). The authors also reported that “in-game” perceptions of supports

for autonomy and competence to positively predict prosocial sport behavior and negatively

predict antisocial behaviors, whereas perceptions of the thwarting of the autonomy and

competence needs were shown to positively predict antisocial behavior and resentment

towards the referee.

Within SDT, the satisfaction of all three needs is theorized to support ongoing and

maintained thriving (Ryan & Deci, 2017). Thus, it would be insightful to include assessments

of autonomy-, competence-, and relatedness-supports in future longitudinal sports research to

ascertain the benefits and costs of exposure to differing motivational climates. Establishing a

brief set of items that capture core and differing features of the social context is key to such

work. Item response theory would be useful to such an endeavor (Standage & Ryan, 2020).

Practical Implications

A major focus within any application of SDT to sports would be directed at facilitating

the basic psychological need satisfactions of both athletes and their coaches. To date,

intervention attempts have mainly been conducted in other domains such education and

healthcare (e.g., arthritis, hypertension, physical activity, smoking abstinence; cf. Gillison,

Rouse, Standage, Sebire, & Ryan, 2019; Reeve & Cheon, 2021). Within healthcare contexts,

intervention studies, including several randomized controlled trials, have shown that when

patients experience need satisfaction in their treatment, they experience greater volitional

engagement in their treatment and demonstrate greater maintenance of desirable health

behaviors (cf. Ryan & Deci, 2017).

In the context of education, Reeve and Cheon (2021) recently reviewed 51 autonomy-

supportive teaching interventions studies, reporting that: (1) by employing SDT principles in

teacher-education interventions, teachers were capable of learning and employing autonomy-

supportive styles in their teaching practice; and (2) when teachers become autonomy-

supportive, their students experience important and adaptive educational outcomes (e.g.,

autonomous motivation, engagement, prosocial behavior, perceived skill-development,

improved self-concept, etc.). Reynders et al. (2019) applied this “teach the teacher” approach

to the sports domain, leading to a “coach the coach” intervention. Here, the authors randomly

allocated coaches to a control group or an ‘autonomy-support and structure’ condition. As a

result of the intervention content, both coaches and their athletes reported positive changes in

terms of the coaches’ autonomy-supportive and structuring coaching behavior (team sport

athletes being an exception). Notably, athletes in the intervention group reported increased

autonomous motivation and greater engagement than those allocated to the control condition.

The systematic and empirically driven research approach to the development of SDT

also provides a clear roadmap for interventions. Being able to map the features, qualities, and

nature of environments that are supportive of autonomy, competence, and relatedness is of

significant import to sport practitioners (Standage & Ryan, 2020). A clear gap in the extant

literature pertains to the systematic translation of the principles within SDT to inform and

improve sports practice for the benefit of all involved. Drawing from a rich body of empirical

research across various life domains including sport, exercise, and health (cf. Ryan & Deci,

2017; Standage & Ryan, 2012, 2020; Teixeria et al., 2020), several situational components

that provide supports for each basic psychological need that could form part of need-

supportive interventions in sports are briefly outlined in the following text. Although listed

under a particular need support, it is important to note that these features of the social context

can, and often do, support two or more of the basic psychological needs.

Autonomy Supports: (1) provide choice; (2) seek athlete input; (3) elicit, understand,

and acknowledge their players’ perspectives; (4) employ non-controlling and non-judgmental

language; (5) support athlete initiative; (6) explore and set goals rich in intrinsic goal content;

(7) provide meaningful rationales; and (8) encourage athletes to experiment with new tasks

that could offer challenge and provide opportunities for learning and skill-development.

Competence Supports: (1) provide structure; (2) use informational feedback; (3)

appropriately apply positive feedback; (4) clarify expectations to athletes/teams; (5) promote

task-involved engagement; (6) support optimal challenge; and (7) provide clear, constructive,

and relevant feedback.

Relatedness Supports: (1) express authentic interest in the person; (2) encourage

asking of questions and listen to the athletes’ reasons; (3) promote a supportive and

collaborative context for athletes and their teammates; (4) show unconditional regard; and (5)

support cooperation.

Future Directions

Many avenues exist for future basic research and interventions in sport, grounded within

SDT, a few of which have already been alluded to within this chapter. Further directions for

potential work include:

• Similar to research conducted in school physical education (e.g., Vasconcellos et al.,


2020) and across health settings (e.g., Gillison et al., 2019), it would be insightful to

synthesize the available empirical data in sports to quantify the mean associations

among SDT variables as well as outcome variables of interest. In this work,

researchers should also explore moderating factors (e.g., sex, age, competitive-level,

type of sport, culture, country, etc.) associated with heterogeneity in effect sizes to

understand how the effect size varies from study to study (cf. Borenstein, Hedges,

Higgins, & Rothstein, 2021).

• As the processes within SDT are dynamic and multidimensional in nature, research

designs, assessments, and analyses that capture the ongoing interplay among key

SDT constructs are required to better understand and predict changes in key sport-

related outcomes. Experience sampling, event sampling and longitudinal designs are

all critical to advancing the field (Standage & Ryan, 2020).

• As intervention work continues to increase in sport contexts it would be useful to

develop a classification of ‘Motivation and Behavior Change Techniques’ in a similar

manner to recent work in health contexts (Teixeria et al., 2020). Such a ‘classification

system’ would: (1) help to systematically identify, define, and classify how “coach

intervention techniques” lead to changes in important behavioral and psychological

outcomes as a function of satisfying the psychological needs for autonomy,

competence, and relatedness; and (2) aid in the development, translation, and the

precision of describing and reporting of intervention attempts in sport settings.

• More research is required which tests tenets within the mini-theories of Relationships

Motivation Theory (RMT) and Goal Contents Theory (GCT). With RMT in mind, it

would be interesting to longitudinally explore the relational dynamics of differing

social agents with similar and contrasting interpersonal styles to examine their

influence on the ongoing the strivings, wellness, and behaviors of athletes across

training, competition, and different times of the competitive cycle (see Standage &

Emm, 2014 for a discussion of RMT and sport). In terms of GCT, as goal pursuit in

sports is highly prevalent, work in the sport domain would benefit from the systematic

development of an assessment of participants’ intrinsic and extrinsic goal contents

(Standage & Ryan, 2020). Such work would provide a foundation to future empirical

assessments of goal contents within sport settings.


Within this chapter, only a small proportion of the expansive body of SDT research in

sport settings has been reviewed. Several key findings were presented. First, the distinction

between autonomous and controlled motivation was discussed from a ‘quality’ perspective.

Here, the multiple advantages of acting through autonomous types of motivation for an

athletes’ performance, well-being, engagement, and other important sport-related outcomes

were reported. Second, the basic psychological needs were reviewed in the context of the role

that these functional requirements play in differentially linking various social contextual

factors with positive and negative sport outcomes. Here, considerable empirical work has

shown psychological need satisfaction to enhance positive outcomes such as high-quality

forms of sports motivation, wellness, vitality, engagement, and athlete thriving. In contrast,

results have documented the well-being, motivation, and behavioural costs of experiencing

psychological need frustration. Third, the functional significance of differing elements of

sport-related social contexts (e.g., rewards, feedback, competition, ego-involvement,

interpersonal interactions, etc.) were considered from the perspective of being conducive to

supporting or thwarting the psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

To this end, a large body of research in sports settings substantiate the tenets of BPNT,

attesting to the positive outcomes associated with need-supportive social conditions as well as

the detriments of environments that thwart the basic psychological needs of athletes and

coaches. In view of the importance of the basic psychological needs to understanding the

social conditions that facilitate support positive outcomes in sport such as wellness, thriving,

and intrinsic motivation, practical recommendations were organised around specific supports

for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Finally, several specific directions for future

research were offered.

Across the past five decades, researchers have drawn from SDT to make original,

meaningful, and innovative contributions to our understanding of sports motivation. From the

origins of SDT research focusing on how social inputs such as competition, feedback, and

rewards sustain or undermine intrinsic motivation through to testing the broad motivational

phenomena within and across the current six SDT mini-theories, empirical work within sports

has been rife. As we move forward, it will be exciting to see how sports research continues to

make contributions to SDT, especially as the theory goes through further expansion and



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