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Further practice:

1. First: read the article and underline any unfamiliar words.

2. Then: try to find the meaning of these words using Google, or a
3. Write a SHORT article giving your views about whether you believe luck
exists or not.

Writing an Article

The purpose of an article is often to inform and persuade the reader.
Articles give the reader information about a certain topic, bringing together and
discussing different perspectives to provide a balanced argument which lets the
reader make up their own mind about the topic.
Articles can also be used to persuade the reader that a certain viewpoint is correct.
For example, articles in newspapers or magazines might express a particular
viewpoint or perspective; this may be positive or negative depending on the topic.
The ways you use language and organise your ideas when writing an article will
depend on the audience and the purpose you are writing for.

• think about the audience that the article is for – when writing an article, you
do not usually know your readers personally and so you will need to think
about their likely interests and experience before you write
• how you expect, or want, your audience to react – remember that the tone of
most articles should be semi-formal, so before deciding on your tone imagine
your article being read out loud and how that might sound to your reader. For
example, an article reviewing a film may be humorous, even sarcastic, but
that would not work well for more serious readers or topics
• the purpose for the article – is the purpose, or reason, for writing your article
to persuade your readers to agree with you or to invite your readers to think
about different points of view and decide for themselves? For example, do
you need to sound reliable and well informed, or choose words that strongly
convey a particular emotion?
• how to keep your readers interest – imagine how boring it would be for your
reader if you used the same kind of sentences and simple repetitive
vocabulary all the way through your article. Try to include a range of
grammatical structures and relevant vocabulary to make sure that your reader
wants to keep reading.

Plan a route through your article before you start writing it – the structure of an
article is usually in three parts. For example:

1. An introduction – engage your reader’s interest and introduce your argument

or the main points of the topic to be discussed.
2. A middle – develop relevant and interesting points about the topic to interest
and/or convince your readers to think about a particular perspective.
3. An end – draw your points together and leave your reader with a clear
impression of the argument you want them to believe or the viewpoints you
would like them to consider.

Tips for writing an article

• Organise your ideas into paragraphs as appropriate – this will help you to
develop and support your points convincingly, to build your argument and/or
offer a full explanation of a particular point of view.
• Show your reader at a glance what your article is about – articles usually have
a suitable headline to attract their readers’ attention and you can choose to
use subheadings (a bit like mini headlines) to help break your article up and
move your reader on. Do not overdo these, but well-chosen subheadings can
help to catch and keep your reader’s attention, as well as sum up the main
points you are making.
• Show the connections between ideas in sentences and paragraphs – for

example, where a new point or idea follows on from what you have already
said you might use linking words or phrases such as, 'in addition’, ‘likewise’ or
Writing an Essay

The purpose of an essay is to present an argument or point of view and give

examples or reasons to support it. The topic will be a question or an issue which
people generally have different opinions about. The essay could present both sides
of the argument, or just one, depending on the instructions given in the task. An
essay should be written in a formal or neutral register and should be well organised,
with an introduction, main body and a conclusion. It should include language
appropriate for expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing. The vocabulary
required will depend upon the topic.

• think about the audience that the essay is for
• the tone of most essays should be neutral or formal
• your essay should clearly present opinions related to the topic
• include a range of grammatical structures and related vocabulary
• avoid writing very simple sentences with the same grammatical structures
and simple repetitive vocabulary.

Organisation :

• An essay should be well organised, with an introduction, main body and a

conclusion. It should include well-developed ideas. You should use linking
words/phrases which suit a more formal type of writing (e.g. furthermore,
however, in conclusion, etc.) to link ideas in sentences and paragraphs.
One way to structure your essay is to have a balanced argument focusing on one
side of the argument, then on the other side of the argument:

• Introduction:

briefly outline the argument that the essay will discuss. Engage the reader to
make them interested in the topic, for example, ask a rhetorical question to
make a point and create a stronger effect.

• Present one side of the argument. Support your ideas with examples and/or
• Present the other side of the argument. Support your ideas with examples
and/or reasons.

• Conclusion:
this should briefly summarise what you have said and what you think about
the argument. You can link your conclusion back to the beginning and/or
encourage the reader to decide what they think about the same viewpoint.
• Alternatively, an essay can be one-sided. You present one side of the
argument, supported with examples and/or reasons. In this case, the
organisation of your essay would be the same as above, with either one
extended paragraph for the main body, or two or more shorter paragraphs
each presenting a different reason to support your point of view.


Report Writing Guide
Theoretically speaking, a report is a concise discourse which is written for a
specific purpose and audience. Since it is a factual piece of writing (it is based
on a hypothetical but realistic situation in the exam), it should be both clear and
well- structured, making use of sections or headings so that the information is
easy to locate and follow. Besides, a report generally analyses a situation or a
problem, often making recommendations for future action.

Use this guide whenever you write a report:

Your report should Outline: Write about:

be: - Who was involved
- Clear - What happened
Two or three body
- Concise sections with headings - Where it happened
- Correct Conclusion/ - When it happened
3 Cs Recommendation - Why is it happened

Use useful vocabulary

Make sure that you are Use useful opening and
unbiased and merely linking phrases


Structurally, the format of a report requires its parts to be labeled or separated

with headings for different sections distinctively. This means that the parts of a
report should be labeled with headings. A report must have the three basic
parts: an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.

What should a report include?


The introduction sets out what you plan to say and provides a brief summary of
the problem under discussion. In other words, the writer needs to introduce the
topic of the report in the first paragraph. A report’s introduction is, therefore,
more structured and consists of more controlled language. In this respect, there
are certain cut and dried wordings that are deemed more suitable for a report’s

Common ways a report can be commenced.

The aim of this report is to examine / consider / investigate / calculate /

ascertain ('find out') test / summarise / demonstrate / illustrate...

This report purports to describe / examine / outline The purpose of this report is

This report is intended to…..

This report provides information about.. This report aims to....


This part of the report comprises the main content points that discuss the
actual topic of writing in detail. The headings on top of the paragraphs of the
body vary from task to task. Therefore, the basis of students’ report will be the
question itself, and clearly the headings of the main body should be based on
the key details of the question.

The comments supplied act as stimuli in helping students shape their answers.
For example, the comment “It made me much more aware of the importance of
recycling” is a guide to how to develop the body of the report under the
heading “The Visit” by stating the highlight of the visit and why it was important
for the student.

It is quite often to be asked to provide suggestions or recommendations based
on experience, be it a trip to the capital city or a visit to the local library;
therefore, students are advised to write on the positive as well as the negative
aspects of the trip or what was good and bad about the museum.

Even though it is permissible to use ideas from the speech bubbles, students are
strictly reminded to avoid direct lifting from them. This again emphasizes the
importance of independence of thought in order to attain marks from the top

This part of the report could ideally be headed as ‘Recommendation(s)’ as this
serves enough to wrap up a report.
These recommendation(s) should be logical and strictly relevant to the issues in
discussion. Here, it is advised to use specific language that serves the purpose in
presenting suggestions or recommendations.

Some suggested ways to present the recommendations.

I, therefore, suggest....

I would like to recommend that ...

To address the issues stated earlier, (subject) should

Taking into account the difficulties we faced, it is high time (subject) + past tense

This is a sample writing by an IGCSE student that scored 9 out of 12.


As previously suggested, report writing follows a more formal register than an

email or a friendly letter. Nonetheless, the formality of language that has to be
used depends on the recipient of the report itself. If the students are asked to
write their report to a teacher, the register they need to adopt is semi-formal.
Here are some of the pointers for students when using semi-formal/formal

1. Avoid using contractions. Use full forms of verbs.

2. Use passive voice instead of active voice. Passive voice is often regarded
as more formal and emphasis must be put on the action, not the doer.

3. Avoid using slangs and colloquial language.

4. Avoid using primitive sentences. Sentences which are lengthier and of

different patterns sound more formal and appropriate for a report.

5. Replace simple verbs like do, have or make with words like execute,
perform, implement or generate.

6. It is better to avoid using phrasal verbs and use more formal equivalents
because the vast majority of phrasal verbs are appropriate in informal

7. Simpler adjectives can also be replaced with more powerful and precise
alternatives. For example, big: considerable, small: insignificant, good:
advantageous, bad: defective.

8. Linking words and phrases need to be used to bring flow to the report.
avoid the informal linkers. Make good use of relative clauses, colons and
semicolons as linkers.

9. Variety of language structures like conditionals, different types of

sentences and tenses should be used.

Model Report
In your class you were discussing the poor cleanliness of your city. Following the
discussions, your teacher asked you to write a report about the reasons behind
the rubbish on the streets and suggest some solutions to the problems.

It’s because of people’s attitude that the roads look this ugly.
There’s no proper waste management system in our city.

This report intends to explore the underlying reasons behind the littered streets
in our city and suggest ways to address these issues.


Once impeccable streets of our metropolis are now scattered with food
wrappers and drinks containers. The way I see it, fingers can be pointed at the
new food stalls that are springing up by the roadside as the demand for fast
foods continues to skyrocket. What is really worrying is that the disposable
containers they use to pack the takeaway foods and drinks often end up on the
roads and in public parks and bus stops.

Not only should the food stall owners take the responsibility, but people’s
mentality is surely to blame for this excess as they have a tendency to drop litter
in every nook and corner. When people consider putting trash in the bins as a
trivial matter, what follows will be putrid streets and public places that we see


No one would deny that keeping the streets clean is everyone’s responsibility.
Hence, in my point of view, more awareness programmes need to be conducted
so as to encourage the public to refrain from littering and educate them about
the health hazards associated with rubbish. Moreover, the city council has a
responsibility to put more dustbins across the city, especially near the food stalls.



Review writing

• Introduction: state the book’s title, author’s full name, the

setting of the story, giving a one-line description of what the
story is about. Use adjectives to describe the book such as
insightful, beautiful, controversial etc.
• Brief description: give a one-paragraph synopsis of the plot of
the book, shortly expanding your one-sentence description in
the introduction. Don’t write the whole story, only the
beginning! Use the present tense of verbs and linking words to
outline the story chronologically. Bonus points if you can use
words that fit the theme of the story. If, for example, the book is
of the fantasy genre, use words like magic, summon, fate, spells
• Opinion: this is where you have to write down how the book
impacted you. Was it inspiring? Thought-provoking? Life-
changing? You could praise the book or criticise it, stating why.
• Recommendation: you must state whether you would
recommend this book, to whom and why.

This is a sample writing by an IGCSE student that scored 9 out of 12.

68 7
Model review:

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini has to be the most devastatingly

beautiful book I’ve had the pleasure of reading. Set in 20th century
Afghanistan, it tells the story of how a young boy’s friendship is tested by
war and betrayal.

Amir, the son of a wealthy Afghan, shares a close friendship with their
household servant’s son, Hassan. But a fateful kite-flying competition
tethers their bond, and as war forces them to part ways, the boys’ lives
take them on a journey of love and redemption.

The book made me realise how precious yet fragile the relationships we
build are; and that we must always take a chance on our loved ones. It
taught me the importance of the people in our lives and how they shape
us to be who we are.

The Kite Runner is a beautifully narrated tale, the writing just as simple
as it is heart- breaking, the characters realistically portrayed. I would
definitely recommend this book to those who enjoy character-driven
stories set in troubled times.


83 90


Writing skills practice: An essay about leisure time and academic pressure – exercises

Look at the question and problem and solution essay and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

Circle the correct definition of these phrases.

1. to learn something by heart

a. to study something b. to feel passionate

c. to memorise something
difficult about something

2. to recite something

a. to think of an original b. to repeat something c. to be unable to

idea from memory remember something

3. to have a lapse in concentration

b. to have a short period c. to have a short period

a. to have a short period
when you feel particularly when you feel under
when you’re unable to focus
awake and alert pressure

4. to tackle a problem

a. to create a difficult b. to feel defeated by an c. to resolve or deal with

situation for somebody issue an issue

5. to manage pressure

a. to force somebody to b. to handle a stressful

c. to be in a stressful job
do something situation successfully

6. to remedy a situation

c. to make a bad situation

a. to fix a bad situation b. to discover a problem
even worse

1. Check your understanding: gap fill
Complete the essay structure with the content points in each paragraph.

cause of the problem (1) cause of the problem (2) overview of the essay

paraphrase of the question summary of the problem and its causes

solution (1) solution (2) summary of the solutions

1. Paragraph 1: ______________________________ and ______________________________

2. Paragraph 2: ______________________________ and ______________________________

3. Paragraph 3: ______________________________ and ______________________________

4. Paragraph 4: ______________________________ and ______________________________

2. Check your writing: gap fill

Complete the sentences with a linking phrase. There are phrases for giving a reason, result or purpose.

which means that Due to so as This is why

in order to Since As a result so that

1. There are extra revision sessions _______________ students can get help if they need it.

Pollution is getting worse and worse, _______________ there is a need for the government to take
action and remedy the situation.

3. University fees have increased this year. _______________, there are fewer students.

4. The term should be reduced by two weeks _______________ allow more time for holidays.

5. Scholarships have been introduced _______________ to attract more applicants.

There has been a lot of heavy rain this year, and more is expected. _______________ the
government should spend more on flood protection.

7. _______________ popular demand, the train timetable will be extended.

_______________ there is a lot of competition for university places, most students find their final
exams stressful.

3. Check your writing: gap fill
Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Write two or three words in
each gap.

1. The council should build more cycle lanes to improve road safety.
More cycle lanes _______________ to improve road safety.
2. If we don’t raise taxes, there won’t be enough money for hospitals.
_______________ taxes, there won’t be enough money for hospitals.
3. Building a new railway system is a possibility.
We _______________ a new railway system.
4. The government should provide theatres with subsidies.
Theatres _______________ by the government.
5. This is not an effective way to run a business.
The business is not _______________.
6. They should allocate more funding for renewable energy.
Renewable energy _______________ more funding.
7. People should be assessed in a less stressful way.
_______________ less stressful.
8. We need to use our creativity more to find solutions.
We need to find more _______________.


Do you have to learn a lot of things by heart for exams? Is that a good or a bad thing?
Do you have enough leisure time?

Writing skills practice: An essay about leisure time and academic pressure – writing practice

Writing skills practice: An opinion essay about fast food – exercises

Look at the exam question and essay and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.

an extra charge added by the government to

1…….. a portion a.
the price of some goods and services

a special, enjoyable thing or experience, often

2…….. to outweigh something b.
given as a gift to somebody or to yourself

3…….. a tax c. harmful or dangerous

4…….. detrimental d. the amount of food served to one person

5…….. a treat e. extreme and unpleasant

to look for something or someone, often

6…….. drastic f.
requiring effort

to be a more important factor in an evaluation

7…….. to victimise somebody g.
or decision (than some other factor)

8…….. to seek out something h. to treat someone in an unfair way intentionally

1. Check your understanding: matching
Match the essay paragraphs with their content and write a–e next to the numbers 1–5.

1…….. Paragraph 1 a. Restate your opinion on the issue and the reasons for it.

2…….. Paragraph 2 b. Give a reason for your opinion and explain it.

3…….. Paragraph 3 c. Give another reason for your opinion and explain it.

Briefly introduce the issue and why it's important, and state
4…….. Paragraph 4 d.
your opinion.

5…….. Paragraph 5 e. Consider the opposite viewpoint and highlight a problem with it.

2. Check your vocabulary: gap fill

Complete the sentences with a collocating word from the box.

severity crisis detrimental deny

penalise urgent size treats

1. It is hard to _______________ that the problem is getting worse.

2. Giving children little _______________ like sweets and chocolate is actually bad for their teeth.

3. There is an _______________ need for more beds at the local hospital.

4. It isn’t fair to _______________ people who have a lower income.

5. Smoking is very _______________ to health.

6. Shared plates of food make it hard to control portion _______________.

7. The obesity _______________ is linked to the increase in processed food.

8. The _______________ of the situation has meant that the government is now taking action.

3. Check your writing: multiple choice
Circle the correct linker for these sentences. Both may be possible, or neither may be correct.

1. Some people think it is bad to eat carbohydrates. _______________, most dieticians believe they
are part of a healthy diet.
a. However
b. Nevertheless
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
2. _______________ what many people think, the USA does not have the most obese population.
a. Despite
b. Although
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
3. _______________ I can see their point, I still believe that they are wrong.
a. Although
b. Even though
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
4. Vegetables are a good source of dietary fibre. _______________, they contain many nutrients and
a. On the other hand
b. In addition
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
5. _______________ fast food is bad for us, many people enjoy it.
a. Despite
b. Despite the fact that
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
6. _______________ the economic crisis, the employment rate is falling.
a. In spite of
b. Despite
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
7. _______________ there is a lot of traffic in city centres, pollution is a problem.
a. Since
b. Because of
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
8. Young people are thought to be lazy. _______________ most young people I know are extremely
a. Another important point is that
b. On the contrary,
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above

4. Check your vocabulary: gap fill
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. Restricting pollution is now a matter of some _______________. (urgent)

2. The president was accused of lying, but she issued a _______________ this morning. (deny)

3. _______________ water shortages have led, in turn, to food shortages. (severity)

4. Students sometimes have to work to pay for their education, to the _______________ of their
studies. (detrimental)

5. Recycling more waste would be _______________ for everyone. (benefit)

6. There should be stiff _______________ for criminals who reoffend. (penalise)

7. In many countries sport is compulsory at school, but art and music are _______________.

8. In my view, the most _______________ solution would be for citizens to vote online. (effect)


Is fast food popular in your country? Do you think it causes health problems or any other kinds of

Writing skills practice: An opinion essay about fast food – writing practice

Write an opinion essay on one of the questions below.

 In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of
eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this
kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

 Many children consume drinks containing high levels of sugar, which can adversely affect their
health. For this reason, some have recommended that sugary drinks should be banned in schools.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

 Producing meat takes up large amounts of land, water and other resources. Some people are
promoting vegetarian diets as better for people and the planet. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this opinion?

Writing skills practice: A web tool review – exercises
Look at the review of an online tool and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.

1…….. the layout a. a disadvantage

2…….. to showcase b. extremely useful

3…….. to outweigh c. the way that something is arranged

4…….. invaluable d. many

5…….. versatile e. to be greater or more important than something else

6…….. numerous f. in particular, exactly

7…….. specifically g. able to be used for many different purposes

8…….. a downside h. to show the best qualities of something

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice
Circle the best option to complete these sentences.

1. Padlet is a website to use in …

a. social contexts. b. learning contexts. c. business contexts.

2. The reviewer found the website …

a. easy to navigate. b. mostly easy to navigate. c. difficult to navigate.

3. It is an online space where users can …

c. post, share and write their

a. post and write their work. b. post and share their work.

4. The privacy settings …

a. are unchangeable. b. are automatically preset. c. need selecting.

5. The benefits of Padlet …

a. outweigh the b. do not outweigh the c. are equal to the

disadvantages. disadvantages. drawbacks.

6. On balance, the reviewer’s view of Padlet is …

a. positive. b. negative. c. neutral.

2. Check your understanding: grouping

Write the phrases in the correct group.

b. Despite the
a. … one site,
numerous advantages, c. I have found it d. I would like to give
specifically, has
there are certain invaluable in/for … you an overview of …
caught my attention.

e. The great thing is f. A further advantage g. I suggest you try out

h. One issue is that …
that … is that … …

Introduction Pros Cons Recommendation

3. Check your vocabulary: gap fill
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. There are lots of websites for sharing information in an _______________ context. (EDUCATION)

2. Here is an overview of this online _______________ tool. (COLLABORATE)

There are a whole host of reasons why Padlet _______________ to students and teachers.

4. One of the main advantages is its _______________. (USER-FRIENDLY)

5. The interface is _______________. (INTUITION)

6. One issue is that of _______________. (PRIVATE)

7. Moderators must alter the settings to _______________ complete privacy. (SURE)

8. You can write directly on the board or, _______________, upload files. (ALTERNATE)

4. Check your writing: matching

Match each main point with its supporting point or information and write a–e next to the numbers 1–5.

One of its main advantages is its This makes it a versatile tool for classwork and
1…….. a.
user-friendliness homework.

You can upload information in a Despite never having used it before, I managed to
2…….. b.
variety of formats. set up pages for different projects.

Students can access the wall both You have to make sure you alter the settings to
3…….. c.
inside and outside class. ensure complete privacy.

The user has to identify the best format for each

4…….. Privacy is an issue. d.

5…….. There is a range of layout formats. e. These include written text, audio, video or images.


Which educational online tools do you like using?

Writing skills practice: A web tool review – writing practice
Choose an online tool or application you have used and write your review of it below.

Writing skills practice: A report on a school trip abroad – writing practice

Think of a school trip that you have been on. Choose three aspects of the trip and consider their positive
points, negative points and what changes you would recommend. Then write your report. Make sure you
give the purpose of the report in the introduction and conclude by saying how successful you think the trip
was overall.

Writing skills practice: A report on a school trip abroad – exercises

Look at the report and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–j next to the numbers 1–10.

the act of being friendly and welcoming to

1…….. a reminder a.
guests and visitors

2…….. to converse b. to be better than expected

food, especially food prepared in a particular

3…….. to contract someone c.
style of cooking

4…….. a counterpart d. to give someone a job

a person who is similar to somebody but who is

5…….. reluctant e.
in a different place or situation

6…….. to exceed (someone’s) expectations f. to have a conversation with someone

7…….. hesitation g. unwilling to do something

a written record of what you have done each

8…….. hospitality h.
day and your experiences

something that helps you remember a

9…….. a journal i.
particular event or situation

10…… cuisine j. the act of pausing before doing something

1. Check your understanding: gap fill
Complete the notes with a point from the box.

b. Keep a written record c. Some houses were far

a. High standard and enjoyable.
of the trip in Spanish. from the school.

d. Some students only e. The British students

f. Only involved British students.
spoke English. were well looked after.

g. Choose families that live h. Allow Spanish students to i. Most students practised a
nearer the school. accompany the British students. lot of Spanish.

1. Host families

Positive _____________________________________________

Negative _____________________________________________

Recommendation _____________________________________________

2. Cultural activities

Positive _____________________________________________

Negative _____________________________________________

Recommendation _____________________________________________

3. Language

Positive _____________________________________________

Negative _____________________________________________

Recommendation _____________________________________________

2. Check your writing: gap fill
Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the box.

propose that as a result describes I would recommend

would have welcomed

assess would most exceeded
the chance

On the whole were reluctant to resounding have no hesitation in


1. This report _______________ a recent school trip to Madrid.

2. The aim of the report is to _______________ the success of the trip in order to recommend it in
the future.

Positive points

3. Students agreed that the Spanish hospitality _______________ their expectations.

4. The cultural activities were a _______________ success.

5. Students made the _______________ of the opportunity to practise their Spanish.

Negative points

6. However, some homes were located great distances from the school and, _______________,
some students had to leave extremely early.

7. This was a shame as they _______________ to spend more time with the host students.

8. However, some students _______________ speak Spanish.


9. I _______________ on future exchanges host families are selected within a 5-mile radius of the

10. I _______________ suggest that next time Spanish students are invited.

11. On future exchanges _______________ students complete a travel journal.


12. _______________, they found the experience a positive one.

13. I _______________ recommending this language exchange.

3. Check your vocabulary: gap fill
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. The quality of the hotel exceeded our _______________. (expect)

2. The host families showed us incredible _______________. (kind)

3. We really appreciated their _______________ during the trip. (generous)

4. When people speak quickly I can’t understand anything. It’s totally _______________.

5. We were hoping to visit more places of great _______________ interest. (history)

6. I’m sure the trip will _______________ their language development. (beneficial)

7. Some students did not _______________ much with their exchange partner. (conversation)

8. He didn’t finish his journal so it was _______________ on his return. (completion)

9. It was an interesting day out from an _______________ point of view. (educate)

10. The trip was a success and I have no hesitation in _______________ it to future students.

4. Check your writing: multiple choice

Circle the option in the correct style to complete these sentences.

1. The hospitality of the host families was way better than we thought it was going to be! / exceeded
our expectations.

2. Many students commented that the host families showed exceptional kindness. / were so
amazingly sweet and kind.

3. The cultural activities were totally awesome. / a resounding success.

4. Unfortunately, / I was so sad that the Spanish exchange students could not go sightseeing with
the British students.

5. Both Spanish and British students found the experience a positive one. / had the best time ever!


Have you ever been on a language exchange with your school? What do you think are the most important
things for a successful language exchange?

Writing skills practice: A for and against essay about online communication – writing practice

Write a for and against essay on one of the following titles.

 Online communication is preferable to face-to-face communication. Discuss.

 Children younger than the age of 16 are too young to have a smartphone. Discuss.
 Homework does more harm than good. Discuss.
 Fashion is important. Discuss.
 Animal testing is necessary. Discuss.

Writing skills practice: A for and against essay about online communication – exercises

Look at the essay and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.

1…….. a snippet a. to take part in or do something

2…….. to engage in something b. the world

3…….. the globe c. long-distance

4…….. to empathise with somebody d. to rub something to make it clean and shiny

5…….. to polish something e. to understand how someone feels

6…….. to embellish something f. to make it more difficult for something to happen

7…….. long-haul g. a small piece of information or conversation

8…….. to impede something h. to make something more attractive by adding decoration

1. Check your understanding: grouping
Write the features of communication in the correct group, according to the text.

b. close proximity d. develops social skills

a. edited messages c. immediate response
required such as empathy

g. possible delayed h. talk to people far

e. facial expressions f. emoticons
response away

Online communication Face-to-face communication

2. Check your understanding: reordering

Put these words in the correct order by writing a number in the brackets.

we find ourselves (__) through online channels. (__) communicating more and more (__) In
today’s world, (__)

begs the question: (__) online communication (__) Which (__) is (__) preferable (__) in
today’s world? (__)

main arguments (__) opens up the possibility (__) is (__) in favour (__) One of the (__)
that it (__) of long-distance communication. (__)

written online communication (__) gives us (__) either immediately or later. (__) the option of
responding (__) is that (__) Another point (__)

the development of (__) face-to-face interaction (__) impedes (__) in (__) that a lack of
(__) Some experts (__) vital social skills. (__) are concerned (__)

real conversation. (__) losing. (__) we’re (__) running the risk of (__) the art of (__)
So, (__)

I believe that (__) there are (__) On balance, (__) online communication. (__) several
advantages to (__)

face-to-face dialogue. (__) However, (__) we should (__) the benefits of (__) to overlook
(__) take care (__) not (__)

3. Check your writing: gap fill
Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first. Write only one word in each gap.

1. Online communication is sometimes impossible to avoid.

Online communication is sometimes _______________.

2. Sometimes we opt for conversation in the real world.

Sometimes we opt to _______________ in the real world.

3. Do people prefer online communication?

Is online communication_______________?

4. Online communication is hugely beneficial in the workplace.

Online communication has huge _______________ in the workplace.

5. We can respond immediately.

It gives us the option of an immediate _______________.

6. There are drawbacks if we over-rely on online communication.

An _______________ on online communication can cause drawbacks.

7. We don’t develop social skills which allow us to empathise with others.

We don’t develop social skills such as _______________ for others.

8. We embellish short snippets of dialogue with emoticons.

Short snippets of dialogue are _______________ with emoticons.

4. Check your writing: multiple choice

Circle the best answer to these questions.

1. There are certain situations where online communication is unavoidable ___ others where we opt
for virtual over real conversation.
a. but b. however c. also

2. One of the main benefits of online communication is that business meetings can take place via
videoconferencing, eliminating the need to travel for work. ___, it provides opportunities for long-
distance families and friends to keep in touch on a daily basis.
a. As a result b. Furthermore c. For example

3. Written online communication provides opportunities for long-distance families and friends to keep
in touch on a daily basis. ___ it gives us the option of responding either immediately or at a time
that suits us.
a. Another point is that b. As well as c. And

4. Some experts are concerned that a lack of face-to-face interaction impedes the development of
social skills ___ empathising and reacting to situations in real time.
a. and b. therefore c. such as

5. Online communication brings many advantages. ___, there are several significant drawbacks to
over-reliance on it.
a. Despite b. On the other hand c. Although

6. On balance, I believe that online communication brings us an overall advantage. ___, we should
take care not to overlook the benefits of engaging in face-to-face dialogue.
a. Another point is that b. However c. So


Do you prefer online or face-to-face communication? Why?

Which type of communication do you think is more important in today’s world?

Writing skills practice: An invitation letter – exercises
Look at the exam question and model letter and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–j next to the numbers 1–10.

1…….. changeable a. to become interested in an activity

2…….. a wilderness b. to give someone somewhere to sleep

sophisticated and having experience of people

3…….. to get into (something) c.
and things from different parts of the world

4…….. to take your time d. very modern and innovative

5…….. to be good company e. relaxed

6…….. deserted f. a wild, natural area

7…….. to put (somebody) up g. able to change quickly and unpredictably

8…….. laid-back h. (for a place) having no people in it

9…….. cosmopolitan i. to be friendly and entertaining

10…… cutting-edge j. to do something slowly or at your own pace

1. Check your writing: matching
Match the content points with the paragraphs and write a–e next to the numbers 1–5.

1…….. Paragraph 1 a. First content point (invite him/her to a public event in your country)

2…….. Paragraph 2 b. Second content point (describe the public event)

3…….. Paragraph 3 c. Third content point (explain about other plans you have)

4…….. Paragraph 4 d. Request for a reply

5…….. Paragraph 5 e. Opening greeting and small talk

2. Check your writing: gap fill

Fill the gaps in the informal phrases with the correct words from the box. The phrases in brackets have the
same meaning but in a neutral style.

put us up thinking cool rush loads

Remember hang out lovely – (dash symbol)

1. _______________ you said ...? (= Do you remember you said ...?)

2. I was _______________ that you might like ... (= I was wondering if you would like ...)

3. It’s legendary _______________ the biggest, most cosmopolitan arts festival in the world! (= It’s
legendary. It's the biggest, most cosmopolitan arts festival in the world!)

4. There are _______________ of things ... (= There are a lot of things ...)

5. The city has a _______________ vibe. (= The city is attractive and fashionable.)

6. It’s _______________ to just _______________ and chat to people. (= It's pleasant to just spend
time with people and chat.)

7. I've got an aunt with a flat in the city centre who could _______________. (= My aunt lives in the
city centre. She could let us stay with her.)

8. There’s no _______________. (= I'm not in a hurry.)

3. Check your writing: gap fill
Write a word from the letter to fill the gaps. The meaning and the paragraph number where the word can
be found are shown in brackets.

1. Her dress was rather _______________ but still looked good. (= not modern; paragraph 1)

2. The main star of the show is the _______________ singer, Bethany Mills. (= very famous and
respected; paragraph 3)

3. The diverse communities in the city give it a very _______________ atmosphere. (international
and sophisticated; paragraph 3)

4. This gallery has the most _______________ art exhibitions in town. (modern and innovative;
paragraph 3)

5. Most of my teachers are strict, except my English teacher – she's very _______________. (relaxed
in her approach; paragraph 3)

6. It’s normally warm, but the weather’s _______________ in spring. (= often changes quickly;
paragraph 4)

7. There are usually _______________ sunsets on this beach. (very beautiful; paragraph 4)

8. The best thing about the coastline is the number of _______________ beaches. (quiet, without
people; paragraph 4)

4. Check your vocabulary: gap fill

Complete the second sentence with a phrasal verb so that it has the same meaning as the first. You need
to add two words: a verb and a particle (either an adverb or a preposition).

1. My family can give you a bed for the night.

My family can _______________ you _______________.

2. In the evening we usually just relax in the park.

In the evening we usually just _______________ in the park.

3. He's just started learning Chinese, but he already really likes it.
He's just started learning Chinese, but he's really _______________ it.

4. They have a very good relationship.

They _______________ really well with each other.

5. Could you send me your reply by next Thursday?

Could you _______________ to me by next Thursday?

6. A lot of things are happening in the arts centre this week.
Lots of things are _______________ in the arts centre this week.

7. When are you going to visit us in the UK?

When are you going to _______________ to the UK to visit us?

8. After the match let's return home.

After the match let's _______________ home.


Are there any events where you live which would attract tourists from abroad?

Writing skills practice: An invitation letter – writing practice
Write a letter to your friend who lives in another country. In your letter:

 invite him/her to a public event in your country

 describe the public event
 explain about other plans you have for your friend when he/she will visit.

Write at least 150 words.

Writing skills practice: Life skills essay – writing practice

Writing skills practice: Life skills essay – exercises
Look at the essay about life skills and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

Match the two parts of the phrase and write a–f next to the numbers 1–6.

1…….. life a. together

2…….. traditional school b. subjects

3…….. real c. skills

4…….. time d. world

5…….. working e. finances

6…….. managing f. management

Writing skills practice: Life skills essay – exercises

Writing skills practice: Life skills essay – exercises

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice

Write the best option to complete the sentence.

1. ___________ there is a lot of debate about how to teach life skills.

a. Actually b. This day c. Nowadays

Some people say schools should teach life skills, ___________ others argue that young people
can learn these skills at home.

a. on the other hand, b. whereas c. as well as

3. ___________, life skills are extremely important.

a. I say b. In my opinion c. Personally

4. Group projects teach students skills ___________ team working and time management.

a. that are b. as c. such as

There are many opportunities at school to improve how we work with other people. Learning to
cook, ___________, needs more special resources and dedicated lessons.

a. on the other hand b. although c. but

6. ___________ that there is not enough time to teach life skills at school.

a. Some people argue b. Some people argues c. Some peoples argue

___________, there are arguments for and against teaching life skills in school, but I think on
balance it is a good idea.

a. Conclusion b. To sum up c. Lastly

8. ___________ the benefits of learning life skills at school outweigh the disadvantages.

a. I believe in b. In my opinion c. Personally, I think

2. Check your writing: reordering

Write a number (1–4) to put these paragraphs in order.

…………. These days many schools are debating whether to include life skills as well as more traditional
subjects. Some people say this will prepare students better for the real world, whereas others
say it is not necessary.

…………. On the other hand, some people say there is already a lot to do at school and teachers and
students do not have any spare time. They argue that teaching cooking and other domestic
tasks like ironing at school would need a lot of time and resources. However, I think that, in
most cases, we can learn useful life skills at the same time as traditional subjects.

Writing skills practice: Life skills essay – exercises
…………. In conclusion, I believe that schools should teach life skills at the same time as conventional
subjects as much as possible. This would be very beneficial in preparing students for adult life.

…………. Many people argue that teaching life skills at school is the best way to prepare students for
adult life. Skills such as managing finances, teamwork and organising time are essential for
the real world, and not everyone has the opportunity to learn these at home.

3. Check your writing: gap fill

Complete the sentences with a word to fill the gap.

Nowadays some schools are changing the timetables they offer to include life skills as well
_______________ more traditional subjects.

Some people say this will prepare students better for life in the real world, _______________
others say it is not necessary.

3. In my _______________, school should prepare students for adult life.

Skills _______________ as managing finances, teamwork and organising time are essential for
the real world.

5. Basic cooking is also fundamental when you are living _______________ your own.

I think we already learn many life skills at school while doing traditional subjects. For
_______________, we learn teamworking skills by doing group projects.

On the _______________ hand, some people argue that there is no time for extra subjects at
school and that life skills should be learnt at home.

To _______________ up, I believe that schools should teach life skills as well as conventional


What do you think are the most useful things to learn at school? Does school prepare you well enough for
the real world?

Writing skills practice: Skyfall film review – writing practice
Choose a film you have seen and write your film review below.

Writing skills practice: Skyfall film review – exercises
Look at the review of Skyfall and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

Circle True or False for these sentences.

If you are writing a film review, you should write about a film that you have
1. True False
watched and can remember well.

2. You should give your opinion of the film. True False

You should mention basic information about the film such as the title, genre
3. True False
and actors' names.

4. You should say what happens in the film's ending. True False

You should talk about the acting, the music and the special effects and other
5. True False
individual aspects of the film.

6. You should tell readers whether you think the film is worth seeing. True False

Writing skills practice: Skyfall film review – exercises

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice

Circle the best phrase to complete these sentences.

1. Skyfall is a musical / an action film / a comedy .

2. The film was produced / came out on DVD / came out in cinemas in 2012.

3. The main character is Daniel Craig / James Bond / Raoul Silva .

4. James Bond / Javier Bardem / Raoul Silva is an ex-spy who wants revenge.

There are scenes in / characters from / songs from Istanbul, Shanghai, Macau, London and

6. The writer especially liked / didn’t really like / had no opinion about Javier Bardem’s performance.

The writer recommends Skyfall only to / especially to / to everybody except people who like
action films.

8. The writer thinks the film is interesting / funny / exciting until the very end.

2. Check your writing: gap fill – film review vocabulary

Complete the gaps with a word from the box.

soundtrack role plot set

characters stars performance scene

1. The film Iron Man 3 _______________ Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man.

Voldemort in the Harry Potter films is played by English actor Ralph Fiennes. It was not an easy
_______________ to play because he had to wear lots of make-up.

Jennifer Lawrence became a huge star after her excellent _______________ in The Hunger

The Hunger Games _______________ contains some wonderful music and was produced by rock
legend T-Bone Burnett.

5. Life is Beautiful is _______________ in Italy in 1939.

Looper has a very complicated _______________ involving time travel, and it is quite difficult to
follow the story at some points.

7. Scriptwriters sometimes create _______________ who are based on people they have met.

8. In the opening _______________ of Skyfall, Bond accidentally gets shot by his partner.

Writing skills practice: Skyfall film review – exercises

3. Check your writing: gap fill – how to write a film review

Complete the gaps with a word from the box.

aspects plot paragraphs

recommendations opinion structure

A film review should be well organised with a clear 1_______________. One way of
doing this is to divide your review into four 2_______________.

The first paragraph can be quite short and contain your brief overall 3_______________
of the film. You will explain this opinion in later paragraphs. Also give some basic facts
like the names of the actors and the year of release.

The second paragraph can be a summary of the 4_______________, but make sure you
don’t give away the ending.

The third paragraph can be your opinion of various 5_______________ of the film such
as the acting, the music, the special effects and the script. You can praise or criticise

The final paragraph should include your 6_______________. Should people watch this
film? Give reasons why or why not. You can also suggest who the film would most
appeal to, for example teenagers, people who like action films or fans of spy films.


What films have you seen lately? What did you think of them?

Writing skills practice: An informal email or letter – writing practice

You are interested in an activity. Here are some ideas:

• skydiving • travelling or backpacking (where?)

• learning a language (which one?) • playing a musical instrument (which one?)
• photography • learning how to make a website
• another activity of your choice.

Your friend Chris is an expert in it, so you write an email to get his or her advice. Think of three questions
to ask or things you need to find out about it. Then write your email below.

Writing skills practice: An informal email or letter – exercises
Look at the email and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–j next to the numbers 1–10.

1…….. no doubt a. to organise

2…….. to settle in b. to start something in a particular way

3…….. finals c. to feel relaxed in a new home or place

4…….. a fresher d. certainly; definitely

5…….. to set up e. a student in their first year of university

the exams students take at the end of a university

6…….. halls (of residence) f.

7…….. pretty much g. spoken with grammatical mistakes; not spoken fluently

8…….. to go about doing something h. student dormitories or accommodation

9…….. a year-abroad programme i. almost

broken (language), e.g. broken a scheme which sends university students to study at
10…….. j.
German a foreign university for a year

1. Check your understanding: true, false or not given
Read the sentences and answer 'true' if the information can be found in the text, 'false' if the information
says the opposite to the text or 'not given' if the information cannot be found in the text.

1. Dan’s in the second term of his first year at university.

a. True b. False c. Not given

2. The course is going as Dan expected.

a. True b. False c. Not given

3. This is the first time Dan has asked Ellie for advice on this issue.

a. True b. False c. Not given

4. Dan has been offered a placement in the same country that Ellie went to.

a. True b. False c. Not given

5. Dan can get by in a handful of languages.

a. True b. False c. Not given

6. Dan will need to sort out accommodation for his stay.

a. True b. False c. Not given

7. Dan is highly likely to get a scholarship or grant.

a. True b. False c. Not given

8. Dan gives some encouragement to Ellie about her final exams.

a. True b. False c. Not given

2. Check your understanding: matching
Match the words and phrases from the text with the definitions and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.

1…….. at a high level of activity; fully in progress. a. to bombard someone with questions

2…….. on the whole; mainly b. out of the blue

3…….. unexpectedly c. by and large

to get information from someone who knows more

4…….. d. to pass with flying colours
about a certain topic

5…….. a particular skill or ability that someone has e. to pick someone’s brains
6…….. to ask lots of questions, one after the other f. down-to-earth

7…….. to pass with very high marks g. someone’s strong point

8…….. describes someone who is practical and reasonable h. in full swing

3. Check your understanding: gap fill

Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the box.

bombarded her with

down-to-earth pick your brains strong point

pass with flying colours out of the blue by and large was in full swing

1. When we got to the party it _______________. Everyone was there having an amazing time.
2. Ally really struggles with maths, but _______________ she’s doing OK in the rest of her subjects.

This morning I got a message _______________ from an old school friend. I haven’t seen him for
You know a lot about computers. I want to buy a new one. Can I _______________ about what to
look for when I’m buying one?

Music is definitely not my brother’s _______________. I don’t know anyone else who always sings
so out of tune!
6. As soon as the president finished her speech, the journalists _______________.

7. He’s worked so hard for his exams. I’m sure he’ll _______________.

I met a famous film star once. I thought he’d be a bit pretentious and arrogant but he was actually
very _______________.


Do you think it’s a good idea to study at a foreign university? Why or why not?




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