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CS2033 – Data

Communication and

Network Applications
Storage, DNS, P2P

Sunimal Rathnayake

Slides by Prof. Gihan Dias 2021

⚫ Storage (FTP, SFTP, SMB, NFS, WebDAV)
⚫ Domain Name System (DNS)
⚫ Peer to Peer Applications

File Storage
File Storage

⚫ Files are stored on a server in the network

⚫ Files are accessed by a client
⚫ May be integrated into the user interface (e.g.
Windows Explorer) so user sees no
difference to a local file
⚫ May be accessed from web browser or a
client application
File Transfer Protocol
◼ Original File Storage Protocol
◼ defined in 1980
◼ Used for transferring files to/from clients and
◼ Uses TCP
◼ FTP uses two connections
◼ Control Connection – TCP on port 21
◼ Data Connection – TCP on port 20
◼ Provides authentication/access in the form of
username and password
Command Line ftp Session
$ ftp
Connected to
220 This is the ftp-server of the RIPE Network Coordination Centre (NCC).
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
Name ( ftp
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> cd rfc
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> get rfc959.txt
local: rfc959.txt remote: rfc959.txt
227 Entering Passive Mode (193,0,19,26,150,183)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for rfc959.txt (147316 bytes).
226 File send OK.
147316 bytes received in 2.6 seconds (56 Kbytes/s)
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
◼ Some FTP commands
◼ USER <username> - User identification
◼ PASS <password> - Password for access
◼ LIST – List the files in the current remote dir
◼ RETR <filename> - Retrieve file
◼ STOR <filename> - Upload a file to remote host
◼ GET <filename> - Similar to RETR
◼ PUT <filename> - Similar to STOR

⚫ Secure File Transfer Protocol

⚫ Transfers files over Transport Layer Security
⚫ Similar to ftp
⚫ Has taken over ftp in many applications
⚫ Can use GUI interface
GUI File Transfer client
Network File Systems

⚫ Also called Network Attached Storage (NAS)

⚫ Unix
⚫ Network File System (Sun)
⚫ Windows
⚫ SMB and CIFS
⚫ Allows users to access files stored on a
⚫ Integrated into the GUI
Network File Systems (cont.)

⚫ A set of files and folders is defined as a file

⚫ A server can share one or more file systems
⚫ A client can mount a file system as a drive
(e.g. h:) and then open, copy files etc.
⚫ File operations such as open, read, write,
delete, etc. are sent from client to server
A Network Share on Windows

23/10/09 Dept. of Computer

Science & Engineering,
Storage-Area Networks
• Specialised storage devices
• Storage is accessed at
block level
• not at file level
• High performance
• Storage is shared among
• Generally not clients
• Management tools
Internet Storage

⚫ Storing files on the Internet

– e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive
⚫ for storage space, backup and remote access
⚫ Issue: Internet is slower and less reliable than
⚫ Web-based or client-based
⚫ WebDAV protocol
⚫ may also use SMB, etc.
WebDAV filesystem on

23/10/09 Dept. of Computer

Science & Engineering,
Domain Name Service (DNS)

⚫ Hosts in the Internet are identified by IP addresses

⚫ E.g.
⚫ Numeric addresses are not human friendly
⚫ Thus, alphanumeric hostnames are used
⚫ A scheme to map hostnames to their IP addresses is
⚫ Initially a file (/etc/hosts) was used for this purpose
⚫ However, as the network grew it was difficult to update
the hosts file in every host

⚫ The Domain Name System (DNS) was

designed to overcome this problem
⚫ Defined in RFCs 1034 and 1035
⚫ Runs on port 53
⚫ DNS is a hierarchical, domain-based naming
⚫ A distributed database system

Root DNS Servers

com DNS servers org DNS servers lk DNS servers
DNS servers DNS servers DNS servers
DNS servers DNS servers
DNS Functions
The DNS translates between
⚫ Names and IP addresses
⚫ =>
⚫ Names and other information
⚫ => the society of foolish people
⚫ IP addresses and names
⚫ =>
Servers & Clients
⚫ Name Servers
⚫ Store and manage information about domains
⚫ Respond to resolution requests for clients
⚫ Resolvers (clients)
⚫ Standard Name Resolution
⚫ Reverse Name Resolution
⚫ Electronic Mail Resolution
Name Servers

⚫ Authoritative DNS servers

⚫ Organization’s DNS servers, providing
authoritative hostname to IP mappings for
organization’s servers (e.g., Web and mail).
⚫ Can be maintained by organization or service
Name Servers
⚫ Local Name Server
⚫ Each ISP (residential ISP, company, university)
has one.
⚫ Also called “default name server”
⚫ can use Google as a “local” name server
⚫ When a host makes a DNS query, query is sent to
its local DNS server
⚫ Acts as a proxy, forwards query into hierarchy.
⚫ Reduces lookup latency for commonly searched
DNS Name Resolution -
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
Peer to Peer (P2P)
⚫ A diversion from the client-server model
⚫ no specified client or a server
⚫ However, for a given transaction there is a client and
a server
⚫ All peers have equal status
⚫ Applications
⚫ File Sharing
⚫ Instant Messaging
⚫ Online Gaming
⚫ Distributed Services
P2P File Sharing
⚫ Alice runs P2P client application on her
notebook computer
⚫ Intermittently connects to Internet; gets new
IP address for each connection
⚫ Asks for “Hey Jude”
⚫ Application displays other peers that have
copy of Hey Jude.
P2P File Sharing
⚫ Alice chooses one of the peers, Bob.
⚫ File is copied from Bob’s PC to Alice’s
notebook: HTTP
⚫ While Alice downloads, other users uploading
from Alice.
⚫ Alice’s peer is both a Web client and a
transient Web server.
All peers are servers = highly scalable!
P2P: Centralized
Original “Napster” design
1) When peer connects, it centralized
informs central server: directory
server 1
⚫ IP address peers
⚫ content 1

2) Alice queries for “Hey 3

Jude” 2 1
3) Alice requests file from

P2P: Problems with
Centralized Directory

⚫ Single point of failure File transfer is

⚫ Performance bottleneck decentralized, but
⚫ Copyright infringement locating content is highly
Decentralised file Sharing
• e.g. BitTorrent
• No central directory
• Each file (or group of files) has a set of
controller nodes which contain info about
the nodes storing / sharing the file
• May use web or other mechanism to keep
track of controllers
The BitTorrent Protocol
What is BitTorrent?
• An efficient content distribution system
using file swarming.
• Usually does not perform all the functions
of a typical p2p system, like searching.
File sharing
File sharing in BitTorrent
To share a file or group of files, a peer first
creates a .torrent file, a small file that contains

(1) metadata about the files to be shared, and

(2)Information about the tracker, the computer
that coordinates the file distribution.

Peers first obtain a .torrent file, and then connect

to the specified tracker, which tells them from which
other peers to download the pieces of the file.
BT Components
• On a public site, obtain .torrent file. for
– Web Server

The Lord of Ring.torrent

Harry Potter.torrent
File sharing
File sharing
Large files are broken into pieces of size between

64 KB and 1 MB

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
BT: publishing a file

Harry Potter.torrent

Web Server


Downloader: Seeder: Downloader:

The .torrent file

• The URL of the tracker

• Pieces <hash1, hash 2,…, hash n>
• Piece length
• Name of the file
• Length of the file
The Tracker

• IP address, port, peer id

• State information (Completed or
• Returns a random list of peers
BitTorrent Lingo
Seeder = a peer that provides the complete file.
Initial seeder = a peer that provides the initial copy.
Initial seeder One who is downloading
(not a derogatory term)


Simple example

Seeder: A

Downloader C
Downloader B
Basic Idea

• Initial seeder chops file into many pieces.

• Leecher first locates the .torrent file that directs it to
a tracker, which tells which other peers are
downloading that file. As a leecher downloads pieces
of the file, replicas of the pieces are created. More
downloads mean more replicas available
• As soon as a leecher has a complete piece, it can
potentially share it with other downloaders.
Eventually each leecher becomes a seeder by
obtaining all the pieces, and assembles the file.
Verifies the checksum.
⚫ File Servers
⚫ Store files (documents, images) on the net
⚫ Domain Name Service
⚫ Converts from human-understandable
names to machine understandable
⚫ Peer-to-Peer
⚫ Data exchange without a central server
⚫ Services such as e-mail are also P2P
⚫ MTAs are both clients and servers

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