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CHE- 3115  Chemical Engineering Processes I - Laboratory  Experiment 1

Pipe Flow Hydraulics


The conveyance of fluids through fixed conduits is the most common unit
operation in engineering practice. Applications range from delivery of microliter
volumes of medicines over millimeters of distance to delivery of cubic meter volumes of
oil over kilometers of distance. The relationship between flow rate, energy consumption
(pressure drop), pipe diameter, etc. may be expressed by a “semi-empirical” correlation,
such as Equation (3.20), whose mathematical form may be derived from basic fluid
mechanical theory but which relies on experimental data for calibration.

 Pf l u2 l u2
Equation 3.20  hf   4  8
g d g d 2g


To observe the relationship between pressure drop and flow rate and to examine
the accuracy of semi-empirical expressions used to correlate pipe flow data.


A. Pressure Drop in Straight Pipes

1. Close all manometer valves and open all flow regulator valves. Allow water to
flow through the apparatus until all trapped air bubbles are flushed from the
system and temperature equilibrium is achieved (approximately 10 minutes).
Measure and record the temperature. Values of density and viscosity of water at
this temperature may be found in one of the listed references.

2. Close the appropriate regulatory valves to allow flow through only through the
pipe segment whose inside diameter is given as 0.545 inches. Measure the length
of the pipe segment (1) between manometer valves 7 and 8.

3. Reduce water flow to a low rate. Open the two manometer valves. Increase
water flow rate until the water level in the upstream manometer tube is at
approximately 65 inches. Measure the volumetric flow rate (Q) and pressure drop

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4. Reduce the water flow rate until the pressure drop is 10 to 15% lower than the
value measured in part 3. Measure the volumetric flow rate. Repeat for a total of
at lest six flow rates between zero and the maximum.

5. Close manometer valves 7 and 8. Adjust the regulatory valves to allow flow
through only the pipe segment whose inside diameter is given as 0.430 inches.
Measure the length of the pipe segment between manometer valves 11 and 12.
Repeat steps 3-4.

6. Close manometer valves 11 and 12. Adjust regulatory valves to allow flow
through only the pipe segment whose inside diameter is given as 0.315 inches.
Measure the length of the pipe segment between manometer valves 15 and 16.
Repeat steps 3-4.

B. Fluid Metering

1. Close all manometer valves. Adjust regulatory valves to allow flow through only
the pipe segment containing the two flow meters. Reduce water flow to a low
rate. Open manometer valves 2-5. Increase water flow rate until the water level
in the upstream manometer tube is at approximately 65 inches.

2. Measure the volumetric flow rate and the pressure drop across each of the meters.
Reduce the flow until the pressure drop across the first meter is approximately 10-
15% lower. Measure values of volumetric flow rate and pressure drops. Repeat
for a total of at least six flow rates.


A. Pressure Drop in Straight Pipes

1. Calculate pressure values of Reynolds number for each flow rate in each pipe

2. On a single graph, plot experimental values for pressure drop versus volumetric
flow rate for each of the three pipe sizes. Do the shapes of the curves agree with
that predicted by Equation (3.20)?

3. On a separate (log-log) graph, plot values for the friction factor φ, defined by
Equation (3.20), versus Reynolds Number. Compare the shape of the curve to
Figure 3.7. Over what range of values of Reynolds Number is the curve
reasonably linear? According to Equation (3.37) [φ = 8/Re], what should the
value of slope be for that portion of the curve? Compare the value of friction
factor corresponding to the highest value of Reynolds Number used to a value

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calculated using the Colburn analogy between heat transfer and fluid friction for
turbulent flow in smooth pipes [Equation (10.171), φ = 0.023 Re-0.2].

4. An empirical correlation for pressure drop as a function of volumetric flow rate

may be written as ∆P = kQn. Use the data for the largest diameter pipe to
calculate values of k and n. Under what conditions could this correlation be used?

B. Fluid Metering

1. Calculate the values of Reynolds number for each flow rate in the Venturi and
orifice meters. Present all values in one table.

2. Plot the volumetric flow rate versus pressure drop data for each meter as Q vs.
(∆P)1/2. Using the values of slope in each plot and Equation (6.19) [or (6-32)]
calculate the values of the coefficient of discharge, CD, for the venturi and orifice
meters. The pipe, venturi throat, and orifice diameters are given as Dp = 0.545 in.,
Dv = 0.312 in., and Do = 0.245 in., respectively.

CD A2 2v(P)
Equation 6.19  G   Q 
v A
1  ( 2 )2

G C D A1 A2 2vP
Equation 6.32  Q  
v ( A12  A22 )

3. Compare the derived CD values to those reported in the literature for various types
of orifices and Venturi meters, and discuss any differences.

Coulson, J.M., and J.F. Richardson, Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, 6th Ed., B-H Press

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Pipe Flow Hydraulics ● Glossary of Terms

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Pipe Flow Hydraulics ● Glossary of Terms (continued)

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Pipe Flow Hydraulics ● Glossary of Terms (continued)

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Figure 1: Pipe Flow Hydraulics Unit

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Figure 2: Pipe Flow Hydraulics Unit – Top View

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