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I. Find the word with different sound in the underline part in each line
1. A. fabulous B. variety C. affordable D. negative
2. A. reliable B. metropolitan C. medium D. determine
3. A. multicultural B. conduct C. stuck D. fabulous
4. A. metropolitan B. factor C. affordable D. indicator
5. A. Oceania B. reliable C. multicultural D. conflict
II. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes the sentences
6. We_________ for London just after ten.
A. get on B. show round C. set off D. grow up
7. He's just _________because that girl he likes is here.
A. show off B. showing off C. pulling down D. pull down
8. _________your work before you hand it in.
A. Take off B. Pull over C. Grow out D. Go over
9.Don't smoke in the forest. Fires________________ easily at this time of the year.
A. breark out B. call off C. carry away D. do without
6. A friend of mine has___________her wedding.
A. broken out B. carried away C. called off D. fallen in with
11. It's __________ to see how different people approach the problem.
A. fascinating B. fashionable C. populous D. exhausted
12. The noise was__________
A. cosmopolitan B. unemployed C. delicious D. frightening
13. I wish 1 had such __________ parents!
A. polluted B. easy-going C. historic D. forbidden
14. The__________ house is so noisy. They keep singing all day.
A. international B. rural C. neighbouring D. financial
15. The government attempted to control the fast-growing urban__________
A. sprawl B. intelligence C. condition D. exhibition
III. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative)
13. This is the (interesting) __________book I have ever read.
14. A holiday by the sea is (good) __________than that in the mountains.
15. She greeted me (polite) __________of all.
16. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives (careful) __________ , than before.
17. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) __________than a beer.
18. This girl dances (graceful) __________ of all. ,
19. He was the (clever) __________ thief of all.
20. Jim can run (fast) __________than John.
21. The more you eat, the (fat) __________you become.
22. Our team played (bad) __________of all.
IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below
23. The shop is (A) crowding with (B) people at the (C) end of (D) the year.
24. The level (A) of environmental (B) polluted in this (C) city must be (D) reduced.
25. (A) Of (B) my two (C) children, Anna is the (D) most intelligent.
26. At (A) that time he (B) had to work (C) hardly than (D) ever before.
27. (A) Time is running (B) out of so we (C) need to (D) hurry up.
V. Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given
28. Father/ always/ teach/ him/ not/ look down/ people/ less.
A. Her father is always teaching him to look down in those people with less.
B. Fathers always taught him not to look down those people with less.
C. His father always taught him not to look down on those people with less.
D. His father always teaches him to look down for those people with less.
32. we/ go have ' put ' trip ' Spain/ until/ September
A. We go to have put our trip to Spain until September.
B We're going to have to put up our trip to Spain until September.
C. We go to have to put of our trip to Spain until September.
D. We’re going to have to put olTour trip to Spain until September.
33.I/ run Amir/today/ supermarket.
A. I have ran to Amir today before the supermarket.
B. I ran into Amir today at the supermarket.
C. I would run together Amir today at the supermarket.
D. I ran across Amir today at the supermarket.
34. I/ tired/ Sophie/ show/ engagement ring/ all/ time.
A. I'm so tired of Sophie showing off her engagement ring all the time.
B. I'm not tired about Sophie showing her engagement ring all time.
C. I'm such tired for Sophie to show off her engagement ring all the time.
D. I so tired of Sophie showing off her engagement ring all the time.
35. Police/ would/not/give/kidnapper's/demands.
A. The police would not give up the kidnapper’s demands.
B. The police would not give away the kidnapper’s demands.
C. The police would not give to the kidnapper’s demands.
D. The police would not give in to the kidnapper’s demands.
36. First poem/ good/ second.
A. First poem is good than second.
B. The first poem was better than the second.
C. First poem is best than the second.
D. The first poem is the best for the second.
37. Hard/ he/ try, satisfied/ he/feel.
A. Harder does he try, satisfied does he feel.
B. The hardest he tries, the most satisfied he feels.
C. rhe harder he tries, the more satisfied he feels.
D. Hard as he tries, the most satisfied does he feel.
38. Course/action/ efficient/previous.
A. Those courses of action are the more efficient in the previous day.
B. This course of action is more efficient than the previous one.
C. I hese courses of action are more efficient as the previous one.
D. 'I his course of action is most efficient than the previous one.
39. It/ important/ show/ time.
A. It’s the more important to show of in time.
B. It’s the most important to show around before time.
C. It’s important to show up on time.
D. It’s more important to show off in time.
40. He/ take/ hat/ show/ me/ new haircut.
A. I Ic has taken out his hat to show me new haircut.
B. I le is taking of hat to show me new haircut.
c. J le takes on his hat to show for me his new haircut.
D. He took off his hat to show me his new haircut.
I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:
1. A. reliable B. variety C. metropolitan D. determine
2. A. fabulous B. urban C. negative D. multicultural
3. A. forbidden B. Oceania C. downtown D. affordable
4. A. conductor B. conflict C. factor D. skyscraper
5. A. asset B. transport C. index D. metro
II. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition from the box below. Some of them can be
used more than once:
Off up in
On to into
This is my daily routine. I start the day when the alarm goes (6)________at 6.00 o'clock.
Although 1 still feel sleepy, 1 wake (7) ________and turn it (8) ________I get (9) ________quickly
and go downstairs to have a shower. I sing a song (10) ________the shower. 1 love putting (11)
________my new dress every Wednesday. While listening (12) ________ my favorite program “Good
morning”, I take a cup of hot chocolate. Then I have some bread for breakfast. 1 take my bag and run to
catch the bus. 1 get (13) ________the bus and go for about 15 minutes, and get (14) ________. I go
(15) ________work and begin my first class at 7.30 am.
III. III. Find five mistakes in this paragraph
1 Since I was five years old, I have read in bed at night. Because my twelfh
2 birthday I received I A Light in the Attic, which is a book of poems. When I go
3 to sleep. I sometimes read my favorite poems Io my little brother. As he listens
4 to me. he closes his eyes and falls asleep. When he wakes up on the morning,
5 he usually asks about the ending ol a poem. I may be a writer or an editor when
6 I grow up. My Aunt Sabrina, which lives in Dallas, is a cops editor for a new
7 spaper. Although 1 study hard. I can become an editor, too. A job as an editor
8 makes sense tor me because I love words. The books that I love most sit on a
9 special shelf in my room.
16. Line___:___________
17. Line___:___________
18. Line___:___________
19. Line___:___________
20. Line___:___________
IV. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. Find these words
1 City life is full of advantages and disadvantages. However, there are a lot
2 of advantages of living in a city. The people with who live in cities enjoy some
3 special facilities and comforts unlike the village people. Their houses are modem,
streets are well-lighted. They can be go shopping and buy everything they need. In
what case of sickness they can avail the treatment of best doctors. Moreover, they
7 can receive education in schools, colleges and universities of high standard. Because
8 they can also visit libraries, parks, museums and so on to stimulate their minds. But
9 when city life has some drawbacks too. The city life is very more fast. Everybody is
10 rushing tor a better life, a better luck and a better opportunity. In city area people
usually use vehicles run by fossil fuels which causes heavy smoke. Those smoke
causes air pollution. Thus, people that living in urban areas take the soup of
14 chemicals. We don't see the harmful gasses but we inhale it. The fast life, the toul
15 and smoky weather and dirty atmosphere should cause health problem. Last but not
16 least city life is neither more or less artificial and monotonous. It has no touch with
nature whatsoever.

20. Line___:___________
21. Line___:___________
22. Line___:___________
23. Line___:___________
24. Line___:___________
25. Line___:___________
26. Line___:___________
27. Line___:___________
28. Line___:___________
29. Line___:___________
30. Line___:___________
V. Put the words in brackets in the correct forms
This year's World Health Day campaign “1000 cities, 1000 lives" calls upon cities to open up (31)
(PUBLICITY) ________spaces for health activities for one day during the week of 7-11 April 2010.
Many cities have (32) (PLAN) ________ activities such as closing off portions of streets to motorized
traffic, town hall meetings with mayors, clean up-campaigns and events that promote (33) (SOCIETY)
The aim is to encourage discussion and debate between city (34) (LEAD) ________ and their
citizens to take action to (35) (IMPROVEMENT) ________ policies, attitudes and behaviours in the
face of some of the more negative aspects (36) (ASSOCIATE) ________ with urbanization that
impact health.
WHO has (37) (USABLE) ________social media such as Facebook and YouTube so that
individuals all over the world can participate and (38) (INTERACTION) ________. It has been
collecting stories of urban health (39) (CHAMPIONSHIP) ________such as Japanese school student
Yuhta Oishi who successfully campaigned to ban (40) (SMOKE) ________ in the streets of his city of

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
1. A. neighbour B. financial C. progress D. famous
2. A. organisation B. international C. entertainment D. individual
3. A. recreational B. overcrowding C. population D. facility
4. A. vehicle B. climate C. construction D. traffic
5. A. increase B. seminar C. elsewhere D. machine
II. Put the words in brackets in the correct form
6. I have always been (attraction)_________by the idea of studying abroad.
7. Sorry, I didn't mean to (frightening) _________you.
8. He distanced himself from the strictly (religion) _________aspects of the music.
9. Different doctors gave him (conflict) _________advice.
10. Seafood is a (special) _________on the island.
III. Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form
(comparative or superlative)
11. This is a nice cat. It's much than my friend's cat.
12. School is boring, but homework is than school.
13. This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk is exercise on the worksheet.
14. Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was joke
I've ever heard.
15. Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is
than skateboarding.
IV. Read the text and decide whether the following statemenst are (T) or false(F):
Village life is really different from city life. Firstly, town life is a life of luxury and plenty while
village life is simple. Secondly, town like is a busy, competitive and noisy. Buses, trucks, cars and
other hand, lillage life is quiet and peaceful. There is no rush and hurry in the village. Thirdly, there are
air pollution, water pollution and sound in the city. But the village life is free from all the three kinds of
polution. The air is fresh and clean. Fourthly, city life offers greater modern facilities of life. In the city
schools, madrashas and colleges offer better standard of education. There are Universities and Medical
College in cities. There are scopes for trade, and commerce in cities. So the standard of life in a city is
higher than in a village. City life offers scope for employment while there is no scope of employment
facilities in the village. So we can say that there are many differences between life and village life.
16. Means of transport in the city make noise. (T) (F)

17. The country life is more hustling than the city life. (T) (F)
18. The atmosphere in the countryside is unpolluted. (T) (F)
19. City residents can enjoy modem facilities. (T) (F)
20. There are plenty of jobs opportunities in the village. (T) (F)

V. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps
The human civilization underwent many changes and development with the passage of time. In
(21)________of time, cities became the major centers of (22) ________. A city has large population
compared to a town and a village. Life is a full (23) ________activities in a big city. It is a centre of
education, trade and industry, (24) ________ , etc. Life in a big city starts early in the morning. School
children, office-workers, and others fill (25) ________roads, bus-stops and the vehicles. The market
places get crowded (26) ________ people. Life in the city has certain (27) ________ . The factories
and the industrial centers give employment (28) ________thousands of people. Those who work hard
in cities rise in life. There are certain disadvantages too. Here, neighbors live like (29) ________'
Everyone finds himself in hurry and worry. The atmosphere is polluted. There is competition (30)
________every sphere. However, cities add to the economic development of a nation.
( net/eng/articles2/paragraph-on-life-in-a-big-city 7 96 ~ )
21. A. era B. period C. course D. while
22. A. likely B. livelihood C. likelihood D. lively
23. A. by B. on C. in D. of
24. A. recreation B. pollution C. crime D. terrorism
25. A. an B. a C. the D. much
26. A. with B. by C. out D. of
27. A. drawback B. charm C.channs D. drawbacks
28. A. for B. to C. with D. into
29. A. enemies B. family C.friends D. strangers
30. A. on B. in C. at D. by
VI. Match each paragraph with the suitable headings. (There are two headings that you do not
need to use)
A. Healthcare in Bangkok
B. Cost of living in Bangkok
C. Entertainment in Bangkok
D. Shopping in Bangkok
E. Transport in Bangkok
F. Food in Bangkok
G. Culture in Bangkok
Moving to Bangkok
Bangkok is a vibrant city full of life. From the fascinating culture to the friendly people, living in
the Thai capital is an enriching experience.
Expats often find that many things (such as electrical goods, entertainment, living and eating
expenses) are much less expensive in Thailand than in their home country. There are restaurants to suit
every budget and the many street stalls make it possible to enjoy authentic Thai food at a very low
Thailand’s culture is a rich experience for all of the senses, much like Bangkok itself. Among the
rising steel and glass structures of shopping malls, hotels and offices, expats will find temples, revered
Buddha images and Spirit Houses with offerings piled high, jasmine garlands aplenty and incense
burning day and night. Thai people are very welcoming of foreigners visiting and living in their
country, so respect of their cultures and traditions will go a long way.
33. ________
Visiting a hospital or dentist in Bangkok is like walking through the doors of an expensive hotel
without dreading the bill afterwards. Most hospitals are very easy to get to. After registering, the
patient will be seen to very quickly with the relevant tests undertaken in a timely and efficient manner.
Securing a consultation with a specialist doctor is also relatively easy.
34. ________
Travelling around Bangkok is cheap, with taxis' fare dependent on the traffic and the distance
driven with the meter on. Expats should make an effort to get acquainted with Bangkok’s public
transport, as it is very good. There’s a BIS, often referred to as the Skytrain, as well as the MR.T or
underground, not to mention buses, tuk-tuks, taxis, and motorbike taxis.
35. ________
There is an endless variety of shopping experiences all over the city which cater to all sorts oi
budgets. These are easily accessed via public transport and are open 24/7. From the Chatuchak
Weekend Market, Pratunam Market, and Platinum Shopping Malls that are perfect those looking for a
bargain, to the high- end shopping malls of Siam Paragon, Central World and Central Chidlom, where
just about anything can be bought - from designer fashion to electronics, home decor and even cars!
VII. Writing
Write a 100-120 word paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of life in the countryside.

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