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In April 2022, Osaka City University and Osaka Prefecture University marge to Osaka Metropolitan University

Black phosphorus synthesized by

solvothermal reaction from red phosphorus
and its catalytic activity for water splitting

Akiyo Ozawa, Muneaki Yamamoto, Tetsuo Tanabe, Saburo

Hosokawa, Tomoko Yoshida

Citation Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 8(15); 7368-7376

Issue Date 2020-04-21
Type Journal Article
Textversion Author
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DOI 10.1039/C9TA13441G
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Akiyo Ozawa, Muneaki Yamamoto, Tetsuo Tanabe, Saburo Hosokawa, Tomoko Yoshida. (2020). Black
phosphorus synthesized by solvothermal reaction from red phosphorus and its catalytic activity for
water splitting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 8, 7368-7376. DOI:10.1039/C9TA13441G
Page 1 of 18 Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Black phosphorus synthesized by solvothermal reaction from red phosphorus and its catalytic
activity for water splitting

Akiyo Ozawa1, 2*, Muneaki Yamamoto3, Tetsuo Tanabe3, Saburo Hosokawa4, 5, Tomoko Yoshida3

1. Applied Chemistry and Bioengineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University,
3-3-138, Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-Ku, Osaka, Japan
2. Corporate Research Laboratories, Research & Development Division, Sakai Chemical Industry,
Co., Ltd., 5-1, Ebisujima-Cho, Sakai-Ku, Sakai, Japan
3. Osaka City University Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology,
3-3-138, Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-Ku, Osaka, Japan
4. Elements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts & Batteries (ESICB), Kyoto University, Kyotodaigaku
Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8245, Japan
5. Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University,
Kyotodaigaku Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
*Corresponding author: [email protected], +81-72-223-4117

We have succeeded to synthesize black phosphorus (BP) with one-pot solvothermal reaction of red
phosphorus (RP) in ethylenediamine (ED) used as a solvent. To examine the reaction mechanism, we
have investigated the influence of the synthesis conditions on BP, and the valence of dissolved
phosphorus in the solvent after the reaction. P0 species and P3+ like species are very likely dissolved
in ED as intermediates for BP production. Optimizing the reaction conditions, i.e., temperature,
charging amount of RP in ED and particle size of RP, BP was synthesized with high yield. The
synthesized BP have an extra peak at 10.2 º in X-ray diffraction pattern, which was assigned to
stacking faults or periodic distortion in direction of the c axis by simulation of diffraction. The
synthesized BP with Co-P cocatalyst showed high photocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution from
methanol aqueous solution under visible light irradiation.
1. Introduction
Photocatalytic water splitting has attracted attention as one of the solutions to moderate global
warming.1,2 Although various metal oxides have used as photocatalysts, most of them do not work
with visible light owing to their quite wide band gap. Recently, black phosphorus (refers to as BP
hereafter) has been studied as a candidate photocatalyst working under visible light.3–6 It is a layered
semiconductor having a narrow band gap which could be altered by changing its layer thickness.7,8
The synthesis of BP is usually done at high temperature and pressure that makes the quantity synthesis
difficult. Some new synthesizing methods of BP have been developed, for examples, a ball milling

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method and chemical vapor depositions using red phosphorus (referred to as RP hereafter).9,10
However, these methods seem difficult to apply for industrial scaled production. Recently, solution
syntheses of BP suitable for mass production have attracted attention. Tian et al. have employed a
solvothermal synthesis of BP nanosheets using white phosphorus and succeeded to synthesize BP
showing high photocatalytic activity for water splitting.11 Li et al. have produced composites of RP
and BP for Li/K-ion storage from white phosphorus with the solvothermal synthesis using amine as
a solvent. They have indicated that both primary amines with –NH2 and secondary amines with –NH–
could dissolve white phosphorus making precursor in BP synthesis.12 Both studies, unfortunately,
have used white phosphorus, which is toxic and flammable above 40 °C. On the other hand, RP is
safely handled and widely used in industries. Therefore, the solution synthesis of BP using RP as
starting material, if possible, would be very important for industrial synthesis. Dragulescu-Andrasi et
al. have shown that potassium ethoxide can convert to soluble polyphosphide from RP.13 Zhao et al.
have produced agglomerates of very small BP nanosheet which have a wider band gap than RP by
hydrothermal synthesis using ammonium fluoride aqueous solution and RP as reactants.14 Liu et al.
reported that synthesis of composite of BP/RP with high photocatalytic activity for water splitting
from RP in amine solvent.15 However, there are few reports on method to get high yield of BP and
the synthesis mechanism of BP from RP were unclear.
In this study, we have applied one-pot solvothermal reaction with amines as a solvent and RP as a
starting material to synthesize BP to be used as a photocatalyst of water splitting. By optimization of
synthesis conditions in terms of concentrations and particle sizes of RP as a starting material, reaction
temperature, and time, to get high yield of BP, we have succeeded in synthesis of BP. Synthesized
BP was characterized by various methods, such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron, and
transmission electron microscopes. To understand mechanism of BP synthesis, i.e. dissolution of RP
and precipitation of BP, P K-edge XANES spectra of filtrate, which was remained solvent after
removing product by filtration, were measured. Formation mechanism and photocatalytic activity for
hydrogen evolution were discussed.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Synthesis of BP
Samples were synthesized by one-pot solvothermal reaction changing reaction conditions; reaction
temperature and time, and concentration of RP in ED and particle size of RP as indicated in Table 1.
The following three types of RP were used, 23 μm (Wako pure chemical), 68 or 1300 μm (Koujundo
chemical lab.) as starting materials. RP was dispersed in ED selected as a solvent. RP dispersed in
the solvent is referred to as a slurry hereafter. The concentration of RP in the slurry (slurry
concentration) was defined as, equation (1)
Slurry concentration = RP (g) / ED (L), (1)
where RP and ED are based on mass (g) and volume (L), respectively.
The slurry was put into a Teflon-lining autoclave and heated at various temperatures for 12-48 hours.
After natural cooling, the slurry was filtered and rinsed with ethanol followed by distilled water. The
synthesized samples were dried for 12 hours in vacuum.
Commercial available BP, purchased from Smart element, was used as a reference after crushing
(referred to as BP (ref)).

2.2 Cocatalyst loading on BP

For photocatalytic water splitting, Pt or Co was loaded on BP as a cocatalyst as follows. Pt cocatalyst
was loaded on sample 11 by a photodeposition method using 30 vol% methanol aqueous solution

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containing H2PtCl6 as Pt source.16 The loading amount of Pt was adjusted to be 0.5 mol% as Pt metal.
The Pt loaded BP is referred to as Pt/sample 11.
Co/sample 11 was prepared by the one-pot reaction in the same way as sample 11 adding cobalt
acetylacetonate into the solvent. Three samples were prepared changing the amount of cobalt
acetylacetonate in the solvent. The loaded amount of Co in the prepared samples were determined by
Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and found to
be 1.1, 2.0, 2.3 mol% as Co metal in the samples.

2.2 Characterization of the samples

The crystal structure of the samples was identified by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) (RIGAKU,
MiniFlex). Crystal size of the sample was calculated using the Scherrer equation from 020 peak of
BP in XRD patterns. Diffuse reflectance spectra of the samples were obtained by using a UV-vis-
NIR spectrometer (UV-vis) (JASCO, V-670) in the wavelength range of 200–1200 nm. The
reflectance was converted to absorbance by the Kubelka–Munk function referring that of BaSO4 as a
standard. The band gaps (Eg) of the samples are determined by the equation (αhν)1/n = A(hν − Eg),
where α, n, A, and Eg are the absorption coefficient, light frequency, proportionality constant, and
band gap, respectively.17 In this study, n=1/2 was used.
Morphology and particle sizes of the samples were observed by a transmission electron microscope
(TEM) (JEOL, JEM-ARM 200F Cold) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (JEOL, JSM-
7000F). Low resolution TEM and Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis were
conducted by JEM-2100F (JEOL). Impurities in the samples were determined by X-ray fluorescence
spectroscopy (RIGAKU ZSX Primus II). P K-edge XANES spectra of the filtrate after the
solvothermal reaction were measured with the BL6N1 at Aichi Synchrotron at room temperature in
the fluorescence mode. Raman spectra were obtained using laser Raman spectrophotometer (Jasco,
NRS-3100). Excitation light with a 532 nm wavelength was focused on the sample in air. The particle
size of RP was determined from median diameter analyzed by Laser diffraction/scattering particle
size distribution analyzer after ultrasonic dispersion in ion exchange water (MicrotracBEL,
The specific surface areas of the samples were determined by the Brunauer–Emmet–Teller (BET)
method (MOUNTECH, Macsorb HM-1220). Chemical states of the samples were investigated by X-
ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) (Shimadzu, ESCA-3400HSE). Binding energy was calibrated
using the C 1s peak at 284.6 eV.

2.3 Evaluation of photocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution

To evaluate the half-reaction of water splitting, photocatalytic activities of the samples were
examined by hydrogen evolution from methanol aqueous solution at room temperature under visible
light irradiation. Methanol was used as a scavenger. The reaction is referred simply to as hydrogen
evolution hereafter. The sample of 0.05 g was put into 10 mL of 20 vol % methanol aqueous solution
in a quartz cell under He gas flow with a flow rate of 5 mL/min. The cell was irradiated with visible
light (λ > 420 nm) given by a 300 W xenon lamp with cutting UV light by a cut-off filter, L-42 (Opto
Sigma, SCF-50S-42L). The hydrogen evolution rate was analyzed with a gas chromatograph every
hour for 5 hours (Shimadzu, TCD-GC, GC-8A).

3. Results
3.1 Formation of BP

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To synthesize BP in solvothermal reaction, we carried out reaction at various conditions as shown in

Table 1. Note that some samples are duplicated for easy comparison. The relative BP yield was
determined by a ratio of the intensity of 020 peak of BP around 17 º to the sum of the intensity of RP
at 15 º and BP of 020 peak. BP was formed above 150 °C, and the yield was highest at 160 °C as
shown in comparison of sample 1, 2, 3, and 4. Above 170 °C, the BP yield decreased, some
unidentified reactions occurred, resulting in transparent solids together with BP and RP. Therefore,
we selected 160 °C as the best reaction temperature, and carried out subsequent syntheses at 160 °C.
To improve the BP yield, the effects of reaction time, particle size of RP, and RP concentration in
the slurry on the yield of BP were evaluated. Effects of reaction time, particle size of RP and RP
concentration in the slurry are also seen in comparison of samples 3, 5, and 6 and that of samples 5,
7 and 8, and that of samples, 9, 10, 7 and 11, respectively in Table 1. It should be noted that longer
reaction times did not give a higher yield of synthesized BP. The smaller particle size did not give
the higher yield too. The surface of RP was usually oxidized by water and oxygen in the air, phosphate
group would be formed preferentially on the surface of RP.9 Therefore, smaller RP particles have
more phosphate groups, resulting in the prohibition dissolution of P into ED. On the other hand, the
dissolution rate of the larger particles might be very low and suppress the formation of BP in sample
8 of which surface was black and the inside was red, indicating that BP covers its surface, while its
inside remained RP. Therefore, medium-sized particles would be better. Additionally, a higher slurry
concentration gave the higher yield, and the yield was saturated above 15 g/L as shown in Table 1.
Crystal sizes of the samples in Table 1 became larger with increasing the yield. In element analysis
determined by XRF measurement, sample 7 has mostly consisted of P, impurities were 4.5% O and
very low another element, which was nearly the same as that of RP used as a starting material (see
Fig. S1).
As the BP yield appreciably changed with the slurry concentration, detailed characterization of
samples were made as shown in Fig. 1, 2, and 3 for SEM images, XRD patterns, and UV-vis ,
respectively with comparisons of the samples of 7, 9, 10, and 11. As seen in the SEM images in Fig.
1, all samples exhibited completely different morphology from that of RP used as the starting material.
Probably nanometer-sized layered BP aggregated to make particles, which were smaller than original
particles of RP used as the starting material.
The particle size of the products became larger with increasing the slurry concentration (Fig. 1).
Also, the product was mostly BP at the slurry concentration of sample 7 or 11 as seen XRD (Fig. 2)
and UV-Vis (Fig.3). In UV-vis diffused reflectance spectra of the below 7.5 g/L (sample 9 or 10), the
spectrum was assigned sum of absorption of RP and BP. This agrees with the indication of XRD. The
peak at 450 nm could be assigned small RP particles shifted shorter wavelength by quantum effect,
and that over 650 nm was due to nanosized BP (Fig. 3).18 When the slurry concentration was at 15
g/L (sample 7), absorption due to BP became prominent. Since samples 7 and 11 shows a quite similar
character in their morphology and optical properties, the yield of BP was saturated at 15 g/L. For the
photocatalytic reduction test, we have prepared BP with same condition for sample 11.
To understand the formation process in detailed, P K-edge XANES spectrum of the filtrate after the
solvothermal reaction of sample 3 was measured together with a commercial BP, RP, and P2O5 as
reference (Fig. 4). A peak appeared at 2145 eV is assigned to P0 species and peaks at 2147-2155 eV
are probably due to P3+ species. These results indicate that RP was dissolved in the solvent as at least

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two phosphorus species. Either or both species should be involved in the formation of BP, which is
discussed later.

3.2 Micro or crystalline structure of synthesized BP

Crystalline structure of produced BP particles was derived from the XRD pattern and HRTEM
images. In XRD pattern, the intensity of 020 peak around 17 ° increased with the decrease of RP peak
at 2θ = 15.2 ° (Fig. 2), which indicates RP content in the sample decrease with the formation of BP.
In XRD, all peaks except one at 10.2 ° and 30.1 ° appeared at the same angles of the reference XRD
peaks of BP (PDF 076-1967). In the reference XRD, the peak at 2θ = 10.2 ° and 30.1 °, which
corresponds to the lattice spacing of 8.6 Å and 2.8 Å respectively, are not appearing. These diffraction
peaks did not derive from impurities, considering sample 7 consisted almost P and 4.5% O by XRF
measurement in Fig. S1. According to a theoretical calculation by Asahina and Morita the lattice
parameters of fully crystalized BP are a = 3.314 Å, b = 10.478 Å, and c = 4.376 Å.19 The observed
lattice spacing of 8.6 Å is about two times of the lattice parameter c, indicating stacking fault or
periodic distortion in direction of the c axis as sometimes appearing in crystal structure. The most
probable cause is substitution of two P atoms in the unit cell by either vacancies or some other
elements like O, or H as shown in Fig. 5 (b) with comparison of normal unit cell of BP in Fig 5 (a).
The powder diffraction pattern consisting the lattice model was simulated using VESTA,20 a three-
dimensional visualization system for crystallographic studies and electronic state calculations. The
simulation showed a strong peak at 2θ = 10.1° without significant changes in other diffraction peaks
positions (Fig. 5 (c, d)). Such periodic distortion or introduction of stacking fault would retard the
growth of crystalline in the layered direction as appeared in the SEM images. At the same time, this
suggests the mechanism of BP deposition form the solvent. The formation of BP is also confirmed
by HRTEM image and Raman spectra as shown in Fig. 6 and 7. The lattice fringe of 0.504 nm
appeared in Fig. 6 corresponds to the lattice spacing of (020), which is the indication of the layered
structure of BP.
Low resolution TEM images and EDS maps from TEM of the samples are shown in Fig. S2. The
TEM images clearly show that the samples were formed by stacking small elongated particles. The
EDS maps and spectrum indicate that sample 7 was consisted mostly of P with a few impurity oxygen
(O), which agrees with sample composition determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis given in Fig.
S1. Specific surface area of sample 7 was 1.4 m2/g, which is well corresponding to the image of the
aggregated particles shown in SEM (Fig. 1) and TEM (Fig S2). Wide range XPS spectrum and
detailed P 2p XPS spectrum of sample 7 are shown in Fig. S3 together with that of BP (ref). P 2p
XPS spectrum was divided into 6 peaks. Two peaks at 128.9 and 129.8 eV were attributed to
elemental state of P. Other four peaks, at 130.5, 131.3, 132.5 and 133.6 eV were shifted with 1.6, 2.4,
3.6, and 4.7 eV respectively from the peak at 128.9 eV, and were assigned to P-O-P bonding, O=P-
O species, -P-N bonding 31, and P2O5 respectively15 21. These observations indicate that the surface of
the samples was slightly oxidized and a small amount of ED was remained as adsorbate.
Figure 7 shows Raman spectra of sample 7 together with those of RP and BP (ref). Sample 7 clearly
shows characteristic peaks of BP assigned as A1𝑔 at 365 cm−1, B2𝑔 at 442 cm−1, and A2𝑔 470 cm−1.22 The
peak at 388 cm−1 is assigned to the characteristic peak of P–O bond.23 From these observations, we
have concluded that a new method to synthesize BP with one-pot solvothermal reaction of RP is

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established. Further, the synthesized BP under the optimized condition exhibited the layered structure,
one of the most important characteristics of BP. However, it included some periodic distortion or
stacking fault, which likely inhibited BP to be larger sheet.

3.3 Photocatalytic activity tests

In the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution tests, a sample synthesized under the same condition with
sample 11 was used because of its highest yield of BP. Either Co or Pt was loaded as a cocatalyst. As
for Co, 1.1 % of Co loaded sample (Co/sample 11) was used for the test. The tests were also done for
sample 11 without the cocatalyst and RP with the Pt cocatalyst. Figure 8 shows the integrated amount
of evolved hydrogen under visible light irradiation with the reaction time. The sample without the
cocatalyst hardly showed the hydrogen evolution. Co cocatalyst significantly enhanced the hydrogen
evolution, while Pt was a little. The cause of the improvement is discussed later. The results for 24
hours of the activity tests of the Co/sample 11 are shown in Fig. S4. Although hydrogen evolution
rate gradually decreased with the test time, it continued even after 24 hours. The sample before and
after the test was characterized by TEM, EDS, and XPS analysis. The morphology of the sample
before the test was an aggregation of elongated layered particles, similar to the sample without Co
loading as shown in Fig. S2. However, the sample after the test exhibited coexistence of elongated
layered particles and round small particles (Fig. S5). The EDS analysis of the sample before the test
showed that loaded Co was well dispersed over the sample surface, while the distribution of Co in
the sample after the test was not uniform; Co was not included in some particles (Fig. S7).

1) Mass balance in synthesis and dissolution of RP in ED
Mass balance among charged RP, residue (sample), P dissolved in filtrate (ED), and produced BP
was determined after the separation of the residue and the filtrate room temperature (RT) as follows
for samples of 9, 10, 7, and 11 synthesized under the same condition except initial charged amount
of RP. After the synthesis, firstly, remained solvent and produced solid were separated by filtration.
Then the amounts of remained RP and produced BP in the residue were determined from the
respective fraction determined by X-ray analysis given in Table 1. The results are given in Table 2,
the table shows BP yield is quite high in sample 11. It is also quite important to note that P was
dissolved in ED showing a saturation concentration around 6.0 g/L suggesting the solubility limit at
RT. Since the solubility should be higher at higher temperatures, significant amount of P could be
dissolved in ED at 160 ºC. The precipitation of BP would proceed when the concentration of P in ED
became the solubility limit at the reaction temperature and also during cooling owing to the reduction
of the solubility. On the other hand, when the P concentration did not attain the solubility limit like
sample 9 in which the charged amount of P was too small, and also sample 8 in which the particle
size of charged RP is too large to be fully dissolved, the precipitation of BP would be suppressed. All
these observations confirm that the BP synthesis proceeds as, firstly RP is dissolved in ED as P0
and/or P3+ states and then BP precipitates when the concentration of P in ED becomes the saturation

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2) Mechanism of BP formation
Here discussed is the precipitation mechanism of BP from P dissolved in ED. It is known that ED
dissolves some metal ions making a chelate consisting of a five-membered ring with a metal ion in
its center.24,25 In the present case, ED could be chelated with P on the surface of RP like in Fig. 9 (a),
or one NH2 is bonded to P as shown in Fig. 9 (b) and dissolved as P3+ species as supported in XANES
spectra. Considering the existence of P0 species, the P3+ species would be equilibrated with the P0
species. Li et al. reported the existence of soluble polyphosphorus (P162-) in ED.12 In this study, the
P0 species is probably making polyphosphorus like P162-. Considering these points, the nucleation of
BP may proceed through aggregation of the soluble polyphosphorus like scheme (1). It is considered
that the periodic distortion or stacking faults structure seen in XRD pattern is accompanied during the
aggregation of the polyphosphorus to relax the lattice distortion.

RP + ED (en) ⇌ [P3+(en)x] ⇌ P0 (Polyphosphorus) ⇌ BP (1)

To confirm the above the hypothesis, further study is needed.

2) Photocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution

As seen in Fig. 8 the photocatalytic activity of BP was confirmed when cocatalysts were used.
However, the effect of Pt cocatalyst is less compared to significant improvement by Co cocatalyst.
Here, we discuss the cause of the improvement based on characterization for chemical states of Pt
and Co observed by XPS and EXAFS. Figure 10 (a) and (b) show Pt 4f XPS spectrum of Pt/sample
11 and Co 2p XPS spectrum of the Co/sample 11. The XPS spectrum of Pt/sample 11 shows two
main peaks at 71.9 and 75.1 eV, attributed to a metallic state of Pt0 4f7/2 and Pt0 4f5/2, respectively
(Fig. 10 (a)).26 In contrast, the chemical state of Co on sample 11 was attributed to Co bonded to P.27
This indicates the cause of the significant improvement is likely the existence of Co phosphide. To
determine what kind of Co phosphide was made on BP, Co K-edge EXAFS was observed for sample
11 loaded different amounts of Co (Fig. S9 (a) and (b)). Since both Co K-edge XANES spectrum and
EXAFS oscillation of 2.3% Co were similar to those of Co2P, the chemical state of 2.3 % Co loaded
on sample 11 was assigned to Co2P. For lower Co loaded samples, Co K-edge XANES and EXAFS
oscillation on 1.1 or 2.0% were different from those of Co2P but similar to those of Co-P bonding as
seen Fig S10. The Co 2p peak due to Co-P was shifted lower binding energy with decreasing the
loading amount of Co, which indicates the decrease of the number P atoms coordinated to a Co atom.28
Considering XPS and EXAFS of Co, the chemical state of 1.1% Co loaded on sample 11 would be
amorphous like CoxP, in which a Co atom is surrounded by fewer numbers of P atoms than that in
crystalized Co2P.
Popczun et al. have reported that the cobalt phosphide is highly active electrocatalysis for hydrogen
evolution because it significantly decreases the reduction potential of water.29 Cao et al. have
demonstrated that CoP/CdS showed higher photocatalytic hydrogen evolution than Pt/CdS.30 In the
case of BP, Tian et al. have reported that amorphous CoP as a cocatalyst enhances hydrogen evolution
than Pt cocatalyst, which corresponds to the present result.23 These observations supports that Co on

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BP in the chemical form of CoxP works as the cocatalyst of BP on the photocatalytic hydrogen
As shown in Fig. 4S, the catalytic activity gradually decreased in long time use. One of the reasons
for the gradual reduction is the aggregation of loaded Co in the sample shown in Fig. S6 and S7. The
aggregation of the loaded Co is likely the cause of the reduction of the hydrogen evolution as seen in
Fig. S4. Other reasons are morphology change as seen in Fig. S5, which accompanies the widening
and lower energy shift of the main peak of P 2p in XPS spectra (Fig. S8). Since BP has high carrier
mobility in the parallel direction to the BP sheet, the morphology change appeared in Fig. S5 would
reduce the mobility of photoexcited holes and electrons resulting in the reduction of the photocatalytic
activity. For air-exposed BP, Edmonnds et al. observed a similar change in P 2p XPS spectra21, while
Island et al. observed reduction of conductance of BP31. Considering these observations, the
conductivity of the Co/sample 11 after the test was very likely decreased by degradation with
superoxide generated under photo irradiation32. The change of morphology and the reduction of
conductance were also likely to the cause of the reduction of hydrogen evolution.

We have succeeded in synthesizing black phosphorus (BP) employing one-pot solvothermal reaction
of red phosphorous (RP) and ethylenediamine (ED) used as a solvent. The method is safer and can
synthesize larger amounts of BP than conventional methods using white phosphorous or high pressure
and temperature. Optimizing reaction condition (reaction temperature and time, slurry concentration
and particle size of RP), BP was synthesized with quite high yield.
The synthesized BP exhibits sheet-like morphology with a fully crystalized layered structure
excepted periodic distortion or stacking faults in the direction of c-axis. However, the sheet-width or
crystalline size of the synthesized BP was not large.
The BP synthesis very likely proceeds through the dissolution of RP in ED to be P0 and/or P3+ states
and BP precipitation from dissolved P. The periodic distortion or stacking faults were very likely
introduced in the synthesis process to relax accumulated distortion and inhibit the growth of the sheet
The synthesized BP showed high photocatalytic activity with an aid of Co-P cocatalyst for hydrogen
evolution from methanol aqueous solution under visible light irradiation. However, the activity
decreased after long time use owing to the aggregation of Co-P cocatalyst and morphology change of
To increase the photocatalytic activity and durability, larger sheets are preferable, because they
should have less stacking faults and terminated bonds at the sheet edge. Therefore enlargement of the
sheet width of the synthesized BP is necessary.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts to declare.

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This study was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16H06440 (Synthesis of Mixed
Anion Compounds toward Novel Functionalities). We thank Mr. Yuta Yamamoto in High Voltage
Electron Microscope Laboratory, Nagoya University for assistance with the HRTEM measurements.

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Table 1. Synthesis conditions and the result of various characterization of samples.

RP Slurry
Reaction RP BP BP
Sample Reaction particle conc. Band Crystal size
temp. X-ray peak X-ray peak /(RP+BP)
No. time (h) size of RP Gap of BP [d]
(°C) intensity[a] intensity[b] % [c]
(μm) (g/L)
1 140 12 23 15 1.88 397 14 3.3 -
2 150 12 23 15 1.56 288 35 10.7 -
3 160 12 23 15 1.55 183 108 37.2 68 (17)
4 170 12 23 15 1.55 165 63 27.7 -
3 160 12 23 15 1.55 190 108 36.3 68 (17)
5 160 24 23 15 1.55 190 280 59.6 298 (16)
6 160 48 23 15 1.55 211 176 45.4 109 (10)
5 160 24 23 15 1.55 142 280 66.3 298 (16)
7 160 24 68 15 1.55 29 542 94.9 195 (10)
8 160 24 1300 15 1.88 247 3 1.2 -
9 160 24 68 3.75 1.6 222 9 3.8 -
10 160 24 68 7.5 1.6 176 101 36.5 178 (7)
7 160 24 68 15 1.55 29 542 94.9 195 (8)
11 160 24 68 30 1.56 18 551 96.8 219 (7)

X-ray peak intensities of RP [a] and BP [b] were taken from X-ray diffraction peak appeared around
15.4 º and 17 º respectively. The relative yield of BP [c] was calculated as the fraction of b to a + b.
Crystal sizes [d] were calculated from the 020 peak of BP. For some samples, their crystal size are
not given owing to large uncertainty in determination. Note samples 3 and 7 are duplicated for easy

Table 2. Mass balance among charged RP, residue after filtration (sample), P dissolved in filtrate
(ED), produced BP in residue, and BP yield for samples 9, 10, 7, and 11 given in Table 1.

Sample RP initially charged (mg) Residue P dissolved in filtrate (ED) (mg) Produced BP BP
No. (Slurry concentration (g/L)) (sample) (mg) (Concentration (g/L)) in residue (mg) yield (%)

75 60
9 (3.75) 15 (3.0) 0.6 0.8
150 113.1
10 (7.5) 36.9 (5.7) 13.5 9.0
300 109.3
7 (15) 190.7 (5.5) 181.0 60.3
600 121
11 (30) 479 (6.1) 463.9 77.3
Journal of Materials Chemistry A Page 12 of 18

a) RP b) 3.75 g/L c) 7.5 g/L

500 nm 500 nm 500 nm

d) 15 g/L e) 30 g/L

500 nm 500 nm

Fig. 1. SEM images of RP and the synthesized samples under different slurry
concentrations. a) RP with 68 μm, b) sample 9, c) sample 10, d) sample 7, and e) sample
11. The scale bars in each figure are 500 nm.

Fig. 2. XRD pattern of the samples respective to the SEM images in Fig. 1. Reference
pattern of PDF076-1976 in JCPDF card is given for comparison. Peak marked with asterisk
are unidentified.
Page 13 of 18 Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Fig. 3. UV-vis diffused reflectance spectra of the samples respective to the SEM images in
Fig. 1.

Fig. 4. P K-edge XANES of a) BP (ref), b) commercial RP (Wako), c) P2O5 (Wako), and d)

filtrate in the reaction of sample 3.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A Page 14 of 18

(a) (b)

8.7 Å

Vacancy, hydrogen, or oxygen

(c) (d)

Fig. 5. (a) Unit cell of crystalline BP, (b) proposed crystal structure image of the sample 7.
(c) and (d) are simulations of X-ray diffraction patterns corresponding respectively to (a)
and (b) performed by VESTA program. (d) was simulated with vacancy. In the simulation,
periodic stacking faults in (b) is assumed to be caused by vacancies.
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Fig. 6. HRTEM image of sample 7.

Fig. 7. Comparison of Raman spectra of a) BP (ref), b) commercial available RP, and c)

sample 7.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A Page 16 of 18

Fig. 8. Hydrogen evolution in water splitting with methanol aqueous solution under visible
light irradiation for, a) bare sample 11(triangle), b) Pt/RP (circle), c) Pt/sample 11(square),
and d) Co/sample 11(diamond).



Fig. 9. Proposed mechanism of RP dissolution in ED.

Page 17 of 18 Journal of Materials Chemistry A

a) Pt 4f b) Co 2p Co-P
Pt04f7/2 Co 2p3/2
Pt0 4f5/2
Intensity (a. u.)

Intensity (a. u.)

Co 2p1/2

80 75 70 65 795 790 785 780 775

Binding energy (eV) Binding energy (eV)

Fig. 10. a) Pt 4f XPS spectrum of Pt/sample 11, b) Co 2p XPS spectrum of Co/sample 11.
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Red P
160 °C

Black P Visible
H2 light


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