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November 8, 2023

The Honorable Merrick Garland

Attorney General of the United States
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington D.C. 20530-0001

Dear Attorney General Garland,

We write to express deep concern regarding recent revelations that the Department
of Justice engaged in a campaign of covert surveillance of the personal
communications of attorneys advising congressional oversight committees.1 The
decision by unelected government bureaucrats to investigate the elected
congressional representatives and congressional staff trying to hold them
accountable is a true attack on our democracy.

An October 24, 2023 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Empower

Oversight revealed that the Department subpoenaed a Senate staffer’s private phone
and email logs during the pendency of a bicameral congressional investigation of
both the Department and the FBI for their involvement in the Russia-collusion hoax
known as Crossfire Hurricane. 2 In one instance, the Department subpoenaed Google
for all telephone connection records and text message logs for the Chief Investigative
Counsel to the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee during the very time
period that this staffer directed oversight into Department misconduct.

Further records indicate that the personal records of a House staffer employed by the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (“HPSCI”) were additionally
targeted as part of this vendetta campaign. Notably, in January 2018, Deputy
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to subpoena HPSCI staff personal

Margot Cleveland, DOJ Subpoenaed Phone And Email Logs Of Hill Staffers Probing Crossfire
Hurricane Malfeasance, THE FEDERALIST (Oct. 25, 2023),
Id.; Empower Oversight, FOIA Request for Records Regarding Subpoena of U.S. Senate
Staffer’s Personal Communication Records, (Oct. 24, 2023),
records during a confrontation over the Justice Department’s failure to comply with
that committee’s compulsory process.3 But even so, the targets of the Department
and the FBI were not limited to Republican staffers. Democrats in Congress have
called for investigations into the targeting of their private communications as well,
targeting which reportedly included subpoenas to Apple for information about
HPSCI aides and their families, including even one account belonging to a child. 4

Empower Oversight has submitted a FOIA request for all relevant documents,
including grand-jury subpoenas, communications between various offices, and
correspondence with the press. While FOIA requests serve as a valuable tool for
transparency, it is evident that in matters of such magnitude such as the one here,
additional measures must be taken to ensure openness and accountability.

Notwithstanding the investigation by the Department’s Inspector General, Congress

is entitled to conduct its own parallel review of this important matter. Accordingly,
we ask that you respond to the following questions and requests by November 22,

1. Please provide the names of all officials at the Department of Justice that
drafted, supervised, or approved the issuance of the grand jury subpoenas in
question or otherwise related to the consolidated leaks cases.

2. Please provide the names of all persons employed by both the Senate and the
House of Representatives, including Members of Congress, for which
subpoenas were issued in relation to the consolidated leaks cases.

3. Please provide the names of all persons employed by both the Senate and the
House of Representatives, including Members of Congress, for which
subpoenas were sought, but not issued, in relation to the consolidated leaks

4. Please provide the specific predicate, criteria, or evidence that justified the
Department’s seeking of grand jury subpoenas to access personal

Catherine Herridge, Rosenstein threatened to ‘subpoena’ GOP-led committee in chilling clash
over records, emails show, FOX NEWS (Jun. 12, 2018),
Myah Ward, Adam Schiff calls for investigation after report of his phone records being seized
by Trump DOJ, POLITICO (Jun. 10, 2021) available at trump-doj-493343
communications of Members of Congress, congressional staffers, and their
families, including the legal basis for such actions.

5. Please provide information regarding Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein’s

involvement in the approval or issuance of the subpoenas described above, or
as responsive to Questions 2 and 3, specifically whether Deputy Attorney
General Rosenstein was briefed or otherwise made aware of, ordered,
directed, or supervised any of these actions, or, rather whether they were
executed without his knowledge or consent.

6. Please submit to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary all documents or

communications referencing U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
grand jury subpoena number GJ2017091241939.

7. Please submit to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary all documents or

communications referencing U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
grand jury subpoena number 2017R01896.

8. Please provide all other means by which the Department searched for
information relating to Members of Congress, congressional staff, or their
families, including specific databases searched and use of FISA authorities or
data previously collected under FISA authorities.

9. Please indicate whether the Department is still in possession of the documents

it received pursuant to the grand jury subpoenas. If not, please provide the
date and method of disposal.

10.Please identify all indicators or identifiers, and types of indicators or

identifiers, used to locate or obtain information on Members of Congress,
congressional staff, or their families, specifying whether the indicators were
personal or official Senate or House devices or phone numbers.

11.Please identify all companies or organizations subpoenaed, such as Google,

Verizon, Apple, AT&T, and others, as part of the consolidated leak cases for
information on Members, staffers, and their families.

This extensive and far-reaching effort to use grand jury subpoenas and perhaps other
means to gather the personal communications records of congressional staffers and
their families with little or no legitimate predicate is absolutely unacceptable. The
executive branch overreach and gross violation of separation of powers apparent in
this case no doubt shocks the conscience and shakes public confidence in our justice
system to its core. The public deserves answers.

In light of these very serious concerns, we await your detailed and speedy response.


Ted Cruz Mike Lee

United States Senator United States Senator

Charles E. Grassley
United States Senator

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