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Volume: 13
Pages: 588-617
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1192
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8354103
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-18-9
Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Instructional Supervision of Select School Heads in the School Division of

Quezon Province: Basis for Policy Recommendations
Leo I. Etorne*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The study sought to determine the current practices, the level of instructional supervision; and the challenges
experienced by selected school heads in the Schools Division of Quezon for the School Year 2022-2023 with an
endview of crafting policy recommendations. Using mixed method of research, the study was conducted in the
Schools Division of Quezon among the 264 purposively selected respondents who are school heads come from
the four congressional districts of the province. On the qualitative part, however, only 12 school heads were
subjected to the focus group discussion. Both inquiries on current practices and challenges encountered in
instructional supervision were analyzed using thematic and coding analysis, while the assessment of
instructional supervision level surveyed through checklist questionnaire were statistically interpreted and
presented through frequency count, weighted mean, and standard deviation. It was revealed that the school heads
currently practice democratic supervision, collegiality and collaboration, clinical supervision, and curriculum
supervision. The school heads' instructional supervision across the parameters of delivery mode teacher's
monitoring activity, parents' involvement, and assessment are all practiced to a major extent implying that
though implemented by the school heads to a high extent, Notable challenges exist in instructional supervision
particularly on the difficulty in module distribution and retrieval, adjustment to curriculum implementation,
school operation, not to mention the unresponsive, unwilling, and complacent teachers, and insufficient
knowledge on giving instructional supervision. Added to the predicaments are unresponsive parents, difficulty of
parents to homeschool kids, difficulty of school heads in establishing rapport with school community,
inconvenience in checking all assessment activities of teachers, and the question on the teachers' authenticity
and appropriateness in instruction. The output of this investigation is a set of policy recommendations for
instructional supervision improvement which is recommended to be adopted, modified, enhanced or
contextualized by other schools and divisions.

Keywords: instructional supervision, school heads, policy recommendations, teacher's monitoring


Introduction implementation of school programs in the new normal

faces various roles and responsibilities that entail
Education evolved into an important component of a technical, professional and interpersonal aspects. It
country's development. It has become a symbol of also includes the strategies and actions to improve the
economic prosperity and high standards, which is why conditions for teaching and learning process.
teachers play such an important and unique role in this Instructional supervision is inseparable thing in school
regard. Teachers are essential figures in developing operation. School heads have been found to affect the
our learners by providing excellent instruction, and to type of teachers deliver instruction through the
have a quality teacher, competent and quality former's actions as instructional leaders and school
supervision from his or her superiors is required. administrators. As stated by Weerakon (2017), the
Schools require competent leaders and managers if major goal of instructional supervision is to support
they are to provide quality education to learners, and and sustain all teachers in their pursuit of professional
the quality of education offered by the schools depends growth, which eventually results in quality education.
on the instructional leadership and skills provided by
them (Nyakan & Ogola, 2018). Enhanced teaching- The role of basic education to the country is given
learning is a product of excellent instructional emphasis in shaping the youth. This gives the
supervision. The success of such a process is remarkable roles of school heads in delivering these
determined by how certain educational leader services. Thus, Lyonga (2018) maintained that school
implements different rules regarding instruction. An heads focus on enhancing instruction as well as teacher
educational leader as a supervisor has a responsibility professional development to support effective teaching
for improving school curriculum through cooperative and learning in schools, which is why supervision is
planning of educational opportunities provided for required. Ruteree, et al. (2021) agreed that the
education. instructional supervision benefits teachers by
expanding their experience in material, teaching
The school administration as to development and methods and resources, classroom management, and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

evaluation and national authorities rely heavily on

school instructional supervision to monitor the quality
of education (Siva-Sumapal, et al, 2019). Research Questions

In like manner, School Based Management (SBM, The aim of this study was to determine the level of
2013) stipulated that school heads are expected to instructional supervision of the select school heads in
possess the skills and knowledge to improve teacher the Schools Division of Quezon for the School Year
instruction and student achievement. The researcher 2022-2023 so as to come up with basis for policy
found it very important because of the standards and recommendations.
accountability movement has increased the importance Specifically, it sought to answer the following
of the principal’s role in school effectiveness. More questions:
than ever before, school heads are considered essential 1. What are the current practices of supervision of
to the success of school heads are expected to be selected school heads in the Schools Division of
strong instructional leaders and school administrators. Quezon Province in terms of:
Meanwhile, school leaders are caught in the 1.1 Democratic supervision;
unfavorable position of being the pinch point in the 1.2 Collegiality and collaboration;
system. 1.3 Clinical supervision; and
1.4 Curriculum supervision?
The Department of Education emphasized that it 2. What is the level of instructional supervision of the
would not necessarily mean that teachers and learners selected school heads in the Schools Division of
will go to schools and learn inside the classrooms and Quezon Province in terms of:
devised various modalities to ensure that online 2.1. Delivery Mode;
learning a choice among all others in this new learning 2.2 Teachers Monitoring Activity;
environment (DepEd, 2020). During the pandemic, the 2.3 Parents’ involvement; and
Schools Division of Quezon’s learning modality relied 2.4 Assessment?
on the remote distance learning. Among its schools in 3. What challenges are experienced by the select
the division, 78 percent or 2556 schools used distance school heads in the supervision of instruction in the
learning modality. Information collected in this study Schools Division of Quezon Province?
could be useful in planning staff development
opportunities for school heads and teachers in the
delivery and implementation of educational programs Methodology
should there be times of uncertainties.

However, it is still timely to conduct this study to give Research Paradigm

light to the functions of the school heads in SDO
Quezon on the different aspects of instructional The research paradigm that relates to this model of
supervision. Since mostly, the dimensions investigated practice would integrate qualitative and quantitative
were curriculum and instruction, leadership behavior, types of knowledge and inquiry, while maintaining a
monitoring and evaluation, and professional prioritized focus on outcomes. Pragmatism is an
development, the extant study capitalized on less emerging research paradigm where practical
explored parameters from delivery mode of instruction consequences and the effects of concepts and
to learning assessment, and the typologies of the behaviors are vital components of meaning and truth.
instructional supervision from democratic to This research paradigm supports simultaneous use of
curriculum supervision. Hence, there is a dearth of qualitative and quantitative methods of inquiry to
literature on the said aspects of instructional generate evidence to support best practice. This paper
supervision. In addition, studies on instructional demonstrates that mixed methods research with a
supervision in SDO Quezon (Añonuevo, 2019; pragmatist view provides the evidences embracing and
Gaviño, 2021) revealed high to a very high extent of addressing the multiple practice concerns of the
instructional supervision. Therefore, the current study participants better than either qualitative or
could confirm or contradict the said evaluation. Most quantitative research approaches in isolation. After all
of those studies as well just focused on one or two the data are analyzed and interpreted, it generated the
congressional districts while the present study as substantial knowledge that could address the
conducted in all four districts. Thus, would give objectives of the study in the areas of supervision of
generalizable and comprehsnive insights on the the school head in terms of instruction.
practices and implementation of the instructional
supervision in the mentioned schools division.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Research Design
composed of 4 municipalities, Third is composed of 12
The researcher used the convergent parallel mixed municipalities and Fourth congressional district is
methods research design. The researcher utilized the composed of 10 municipalities. The successors of
quantitative method through survey of the instructional ASDSs equally beckon positive impulses to deliver
supervision level of school heads in the DepEd best services to the division. DepEd Quezon welcomes
Schools Division of Quezon Province. The qualitative all male new ASDSs in the likes of ASDS Elias A.
method was used to determine the current practices of Alicaya Jr from Cavite Province, OIC - ASDS
supervision of select school heads in the Schools Gregorio A. Co Jr. from Imus City, and OIC-ASDS
Division of Quezon Province and the challenges Herbert D. Perez from our Hometown Sariaya
experienced by the selected school heads in the District.
supervision of instruction in Schools Division of
Quezon Province. In convergent parallel mixed Respondents of the Study
methods research design, quantitative and qualitative
data are both given equal attention and emphasis and The respondents are school heads coming from the
are collected concurrently throughout the same study four congressional districts in the Schools Division of
(Mills & Gay, 2016). Quezon. Table 1 in the succeeding page shows the
number of the respondents per congressional district. It
Research Approach also shows the School Heads respondents of the study
coming from the Schools Division of Quezon.
The study made use of mixed methods approach.
Mixed methods research is a research design with Table 1. Respondents of the Study
philosophical assumptions as well as methods of
inquiry. As a methodology, it involves the
philosophical assumptions that guide the direction of
the collection and analysis of data and the mixture of
qualitative and quantitative data in a single study or
series of studies. Its central premise is that the use of
both the quantitative and qualitative approaches in
combination provides better understanding of research
problems that either approach alone (Mills & Gay,

Mixed method approaches allow researchers to use a Sampling

diversity of methods, combining inductive and
deductive thinking, and offsetting limitations of The study made use of purposive sampling in the
exclusively quantitative and qualitative research choice of the Division of Quezon as the locale of the
through complementary approach that maximizes research. In the choice of the school heads as
strengths of each data type and facilitates a more respondents, the researcher used a set of criteria in
comprehensive understanding of issues and potential identifying the school heads respondents from the four
resolutions (Creswell, 2007). congressional district of Quezon. In the part of the
qualitative question, the researcher only chose 12
Research Locale participants to avoid data saturation. This would be
enough to hear the voices and experiences.
The Schools Division of Quezon is the locale of the
study. SDO Quezon caters 249,465 male learners and Data Gathering Procedure
243,094 female learners across all the enrollment with
9,608 elementary school heads. DepEd Quezon The study follows the steps as shown in the diagram
encompassing of 953 schools; 771 elementary and 182 during the data gathering procedure of the study:
secondary schools; 166 out of 182 offer Senior High Necessary communications were coursed through to
School Program. These schools are distributed in the invite participants. A time line was set for formulation
four congressional districts of Quezon. Quezon of instrument and data gathering process. Both survey
Province is composed of 1,543 barangays. The First and interview were carried out. For the survey, both
Congressional District is composed of 13 printed questionnaires and Google Forms were
municipalities. The Second Congressional District is prepared and distributed to the respondents, the former

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

for those who were proximal to the researcher in terms interviewees (i. e. SH1, SH2 or SH3 and so on). It is in
of location, while the latter for those distant from the accordance with the data privacy act for the research
researcher. The researcher also yielded to the request result and the data sharing agreement with the DepEd
of the respondents who wish to have either form where ap p ro v al of the Sch o o ls Div i sio n
regardless of distance. They were given at most two Superintendent was sought. In the interest of the
months to accomplish and return their response and/or Schools Division of Quezon and other individuals,
the questionnaire. For the interview, focus groups were such as District Supervisor of the researcher, a copy of
established based on the available schedule of the this study was duplicated for after completion. It was
participants to be interviewed. There were four focus accompanied by an agreement on how to handle this
groups formed. Participants were given the guide research properly.
questions prior to the focus group discussion. They
were also briefed as to the aim of the interview, the
ethical considerations involved, and the extent of use
Results anf Discussion
of the data that could be generated from the FGD.
Each participant took turns in answering each of the Current Practices of Supervision of Select School
prepared questions including the follow up ones. The Heads in the Schools Division of Quezon Province
data gathered through these means were statistically
and qualitatively analyzed. For the first research problem, the results were derived
by means of thematic analysis through deductive
The thematic analysis through deductive coding, also coding, also known as "ground-up or top-down
known as "ground-up or top-down coding" coding" (Linneberg, 2019). A set of codes were
(Linneberg, 2019) was employed to analyze the data initially developed based on the concepts and
gathered. A set of codes were initially developed based components of instructional supervision compositely
on concepts and components of instructional theorized by Sergiovanni and Starratt (2012) and
supervision compositely theorized by Sergiovanni and Zepeda (2007). The components which are also used
Starratt (2012) and Zepeda (2007). The components as codes in the results for the current practices of
which are also used as codes for current practices of supervision include democratice supervision,
supervision include democratice supervision, collegiality and collaboration, clinical supervision, and
collegiality and collaboration, clinical supervision, and curriculum supervision.
curriculum supervision. The final output of the study is
a set of policy recommendations to improve the Table 2. School Heads' Current Practices of
instructional supervision of school heads. Supervision in Terms of Democratic Supervision ( see
Research Ethical Consideration
Table 2 presents the school heads' current practices of
The researcher integrated the ethical considerations in supervision in terms of democratic supervision.
the study that provide a set of principles to guide the Standards outlining criterion for professionalizing
research designs and practices. The considerations democratic supervision have become a part of
were as follows: informed consent, voluntary educational landscape. Standards require managers and
participation, anonymity, confidentiality, rapport, leaders to rethink about existing systems and practices
potential for harm, and results communication. Before and to illustrate best practices (Tucker, 2017). School
carrying out the study, the researcher needed to seek heads are expected to be instructional experts to
approval by the institutional research head or graduate support curriculum, to provide professional
study head. After following the stipulated rules, the development, to use data-driven decision making, to
researcher proceeded by informing the participants of be visionary, and to be able to unite faculty into
the purpose of the study, their expected duration of unified force to advance student achievement (Tucker,
participation which was two weeks, and the procedures 2007).
to be carried out in the investigation. They were also
informed that should they be uncomfortable, or feel The first premise of democratic supervision is
that their involvement in the study posts risk or threats, recognizing teachers' strengths, needs, and providing
they may refuse to participate, and/or freely withdraw opportunities for professional growth in a supportive
or discontinue. The privacy of the respondents who learning environment. During the pandemic,
were also involved in the study was protected. To maintaining the safety health protocol promotes a
conceal the identity of the participants in the interview, supportive learning environment not only for the
a scheme was used, such as SH for school head- teachers but also for the parents who are responsible

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

for taking and returning modules from and to the (see appendix)
Table 3 discloses the school heads' current practices of
Likewise, providing Alternative Work Arrangement supervision in terms of collegiality and collaboration.
for the teachers and staff on those trying times still A successful collaborative supervision establishes the
paved the way for professional growth despite some healthy supervisory relationships among teachers and
restrictions in mobility. Such alternative work even parents based on respect, and trust in their
arrangement was systematized and strategized by the personal and professional competence. It is also a way
school heads to sustain school operations while at the to encourage teachers to establish good working
same time help teachers achieve work-life balance. relationships with peers, parents, and superiors.

Another premise of democratic supervision shown in Creating and sustaining a supportive community is
the results is promoting and facilitating activities for realized by the school heads by means of constant
the development of self-directed teachers as communication with the teachers, staff, and parents.
professionals and instructional leaders. The orientation of parents regarding the learning
continuity plan and the school programs is likewise a
Meanwhile, since democratic supervision is a teacher way to collaborate and build camaraderie in the entire
support function which entails nurturing teacher school community.
leadership and autonomy, the school heads initiate
innovation in teaching and learning that teachers will Orienting parents is also part of collegiality and
emulate and incorporate in their instruction. collaboration that school heads can establish in the
realm of their jurisdiction. Since parents are an equally
From the codes generated, maintaining the safety significant stakeholder in schools, it is vital that they
health protocol and providing alternative work are informed of the school programs and projects. As
arrangement are obviously applicable in remote Roksa and Kinsley (2019) mentioned, parents’ support
learning modality, especially when modules are being is beneficial to the students, as it not only promotes
distributed and retrived. On the other hand, giving academic success but also psychological well-being
technical assistance to teachers and initiating and thus encourages better student engagement in
innovation in teaching and learning are roles school schools.
heads could demonstrate with or without period of
class disruptions. Moreover, these ideas could be Furthermore, familiarizing parents with the school
incorporated to further improve practice of LCP is one of the means by which support from the
instructional supervision. parents to the schools could be elicited. Involving
parents and the community is an important principle of
The data connotes that the school heads rethink about quality, both in and out of the classroom. It is even
existing systems and practices and illustrate their best more relevant in the case of inclusive education, which
practices. They show instructional expertise to support is broader than formal education and should not only
the curriculum, provide professional development, and take place within the four walls of a classroom. In the
use data-driven decision making, be visionary, and be context of the extant study, informing parents of the
able to unite the faculty into a unified force to advance Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan of the
student achievement. It also indicates that during school is an initial step to involve them in their kids'
democratic supervision, school heads and teachers learning.
have their turns to freely express their views and
opinions as well as share insights among themselves. Communicating and monitoring through social media
and familiarizing parents with the school LCP are
Democratic supervision according to Zepeda (2007), applicable in remote learning. However, along with
has a cyclical, three-pronged approach namely; orienting parents, the said provisions are likewise
instructional supervision, professional development, suitable even in post-pandemic times.
and evaluation. The three aspects included in Zepeda’s
supervision approach are integrated and each is part of In relation to other premises of collegiality and
the supervision process. All of the facets are essential collaboration is encouraging teachers, school
threads to complete the entire representation of teacher personnel, and other stakeholders to collaborate in the
supervision. improvement of instructional practices in school.
Making parents aware of the mode of learning delivery
Table 3. School Heads' Current Practices of c o u l d e n j o i n th em to tak e p ar t in t h e i r
Supervision in terms of Collegiality and Collaboration children'sachievement.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

In order to maintain the engagement of the parents, remote set-up and submission of documents could still
encouraging their constant participation is imperative. be considered as a helpful move in instructional
Two of the key informants shared their experiences on supervision.
the said matter. On the part of the teachers, informing
them of the general DepEd mandate as reflected in Providing systematic and constructive feedback about
memoranda builds a sense of unity and making them teacher’s personal and professional strengths and
aware of informed decisions. needs is the second premise of clinical supervision
used in the study. Zepeda (2007) developed ten
Finally, conducting home visitation shows that school professional development modules, calling his
heads are concerned with the welfare of the learners instructional supervision model differentiated
since it is uncommon that the former carries out such supervision. Clinical supervision is one of four options
function. Most of the time, teachers are the ones doing available to the supervisors in differential supervision;
home visitation, but it creates a different impact when others include cooperative professional development,
school heads also conduct such activity. self-directed development, and to supervise the
teachers at different stages of their development.
While making parents aware of the mode of learning Hence, clinical supervision provides systematic and
delivery is a school head's responsibility in remote constructive feedback to teachers about their personal
learning setting, ecouraging parents' participation, and professional strength and needs. One way of
informing teachers of the general DepEd mandate, and realizing it is through sustaining open communication
conducting Home visitation are still appropriate in in- and feedback mechanism for teachers.
person instructional supervision.
Not only teachers receive feedback from the school
Indeed, collaborative supervision is appropriate in
heads, giving feedbacks to parents is as important. The
starting to create both a supportive and a professional
first step for parents to become involved in a
learning community, wherein an individual teacher
collaborative way with schools is to promote a social
tries to be responsible of each other’s professional
and educational atmosphere where parents and
growth. As Al-Saud (2007) stated, it promotes
partners feel welcomed, respected, trusted, heard, and
cooperative and collegial learning, where teachers and
needed through feedbacking.
the collaborative supervisor mutually plan and work
together as equal. Sustaining an open communication and feedback
mechanism for teachers and giving feedbacks to
Table 4. School Heads' Current Practices of
parents are implemented differently by the school
Supervision as to Clinical Supervision (see appendix)
heads during the disruption of classes. The potency of
social media and modern technology, such as freeware
Table 4 discloses the school heads' current practices of
forms for feedback mechanism made it easy for them
supervision in terms of clinical supervision. One of its
to proceed to usual work be it in distance or physical
premises is requiring comprehensive understanding
reporting to school. However still, constant and open
and use of pedagogy that accomplishes instructional
communication and feedbacking can still take place in
goals for better learning outcomes. Seeing that
the normal set-up where ICT as a ubiquitous tool.
teachers complete their workplace tasks and giving
corrective feedback are the very thoughts behind
In retrospect, Sullivan and Glanz (2010) identified
clinical supervision. In so doing, the school heads
clinical supervision as a method by which teachers are
primarily monitor teachers' accomplishment.
empowered to analyze their own teaching. Abdel-Hadi
(2012) discussed the clinical supervision based on the
Another code derived is checking important school
partnership between the teacher and supervisor. A
documents. It entails that the school heads ensure the
majority of studies on clinical supervision and
accuracy of the teachers' entry of information in those
different aspects of the models have focused on the
pertinent papers teachers are bound to fill in everyday.
teacher-supervisor relationship (Kilminster, Cottrell
It could be noted that both monitoring of teachers' Grant, & Jolly, 2007).
accomplishment as well as checking important school
documents, though challenging for the school heads Table 5. School Heads' Current Practices of
during the times of uncertainty are still constantly Supervision in terms of Curriculum Supervision (see
carried out by the school heads as part of their appendix)
instructional supervision in better normal times.
Moreover, significant learnings, such as monitoring in Table 5 unravels the school heads' current practices of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

supervision in terms of curriculum supervision. The

initial premise is encouraging close collaboration of
learning and assessment activities. Especially that
the teachers as well as instructional leaders in the
process of curriculum development, implementation, during COVID pandemic, only the most essential
and evaluation. Supervision of teachers assumes learning competencies are being prescribed; it is the
responsibility for their own instructional improvement duty of the school heads to see to it that the learning
and the instructional supervisor creates reflective and objectives are really reflected in the activities that
autonomous teachers through non-directive, a students do.
developmental model uses directive approaches to
improve teacher performance dependent upon The instructional supervisory practices of school heads
individual developmental levels offer a five step especially in designing learning delivery mode and
approach to developmental supervision including schedule, overseeing the module distribution,
prerequisites, function, tasks, unification, and a final
monitoring modules retrieval, and indicating the
product of improved student learning (Sackett &
Laczo, 2013). In the time of pandemic, curriculum
learning delivery mode in the school LCP are a
supervision is first premised in this study though commonplace during the times of class disruption.
designing learning delivery mode and schedule. Modular instruction being the most commonly used
mode among the options placed school heads at a
Overseeing module distribution being part of learning decisive and turning point of their leadership. On the
delivery, and therefore of the curriculum, is a contrary, monitoring the accomplishment of teachers
responsibility of the school heads to gurantee that all
in a given duration, and matching learning objectives
learners are still able to carry despite the barriers in
with the learning and assessment activities are
mobility in the trying times.
apparent instructional supervisory practices of the
Complementarily, monitoring modules retrieval is also school heads entailing them to carry the function out
an obligation that the school heads embrace as part of even until return to educational normalcy.
their curriculum supervision. Aside from ensuring that
learning materials are received by the learners, in Glickman’s (2007) concept of curriculum supervision
retrieval of modules, students are being tracked that model focuses on the role of curriculum leaders in
they would not lag behind the requirement of the shaping environment in which teachers and students
curriculum. succeed or fail. Even if by some magic one could
Fostering continuous and open deliberation on immediately do what it takes to give all teachers the
curriculum issues and problems by connecting theory time and opportunity to upgrade their skills and
to practice is the next premise of curriculum knowledge, s/he would still require skillful leadership
supervision used in this study. Shippmann, et al. to ensure that teachers can operate in an environment
(2010) emphasized how effective curriculum that values and takes advantage of what they know.”
supervision is in facilitating instructions. The research Since teachers are the school’s frontliners in providing
among Thai teachers has shown that there is clear instruction, preparing them well via curriculum
evidence of a link between the intensity of internal supervision for their role as the knowledge provider
supervision a teacher receives (supervision provided
and facilitator of learning is important part of
by the principal or designated teachers) and the
academic achievement of teacher’s student. Indicating
responsibility of school administrator as an
the learning delivery mode in school LCP ensures a instructional supervisor.
systematic flow of module distribution and retrieval
wh ich in the lo n g run co u ld h elp in the Instructional Supervision Level of Select School
accomplishment of the teachers and achievement of Heads in the Schools Division of Quezon Province
the students.
On the succeeding section, the instructional
Monitoring the accomplishment of the teachers in a
supervision level of select school heads in the Schools
given duration allows the teachers to assume
responsibility for their own instructional improvement.
Division of Quezon Province in terms of delivery
Through it, teachers are likewise given opportunity to mode, teachers' monitoring activity, parents'
take pride of what they have achieved. involvement, and assessment are viewed.

The last code is matching learning objectives with the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 6. Level of Instructional Supervision in Terms Least rated though still practiced to a major extent
among the dimensions is overseeing the distribution
of Delivery Mode
process of the modules with a mean of 3.34 (SD=
0.63) and securing the observance of safety health
protocol on the proper handling of the SLM with a
mean of 3.30 (SD= 0.82). The data were derived as
such because the function of overseers are designated
by the principals either to the master teachers, and/or
grade level adviser. It follows that since teachers
themselves do the self-learning modules distribution in
school and even outside the community, they are also
the ones directly observing the safety health protocol
on the proper handling of the SLM. Meanwhile, the
study of Del Prado (2022) revealed that the adherence
of school heads and teachers to health and safety
protocols in the management of flexible learning
implementation is highly evident. Thus, observing
social distancing, wearing of face mask, checking of
temperature and spraying of alcohol, hand washing,
answering health declaration form, and disinfection of
classrooms, among others are demonstrated by both
the school heads and the teachers alike.

Table 6 shows the mean and standard deviations Table 7. Level of Instructional Supervision in terms of
distribution on the level of school heads' instructional Teacher's Monitoring Activity
supervision in terms of delivery mode wherein an
average total mean of 3.40 and SD of 0.09 was
computed with a verbal interpretation of practiced to a
major extent.

Among the dimensions of delivery mode, ensuring the

completeness of the module in every grade level
obtains the highest mean of 3.56 (SD= 0.59) described
as practiced to a full extent. It is followed by leading
in crafting the mode of distribution and schedule with
a mean of 3.45 (SD= 0.63) and reflecting on the
delivery mode in the school LCP with a mean of 3.42
(SD= 0.69) both described as practiced to a major
extent. The data imply that the school heads are
mindful of important school targets, such as delivering
complete modules for every grade level, and setting
the direction for module distribution by exacting its
schedule and have it organized in a learning continuity
plan. It is also because school-based management
strengthens the authority of the school heads to decide
on their own regarding matters concerning the schools,
including the mode of learning delivery and crafting
the learning continuity plan. The said activities are
congruent to the results of Ladios' (2022) study
wherein principals are perceived by their subordinate
teachers as practicing situational leadership in terms of
Table 7 presents the mean and standard deviations
setting up team targets and defining goals before
embarking on any educational undertaking amidst

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

distribution on the level of school heads' instructional

supervision as to teacher's monitoring activity wherein solve problems cooperatively with teachers, give
an average total mean of 3.34 and SD of 0.10 was constructive suggestions that will further help the
computed with a verbal interpretation of practiced to a teacher improve his/her work, make a general
major extent. commendation of the lesson as a whole and specific
approval of the aspects of the lesson, conduct
Although all the dimensions are described practiced to classrooms observation throughout the school year
a major extent, the top rated is communicating the even formal or non-formal, and design and collect
activities and task of teachers based on the memo patterns of data that can help members of the
released by the DEPED and Division Memo with a professional learning community improve their
mean of 3.49 (SD= 0.61). It is followed by checking if teaching practice.
the task of teacher and accomplishment are met on the
scheduled time frame with 3.42 mean (SD= 0.60), and Table 8 on the succeeding page discloses the mean and
developing an Alternative Work Arrangement standard deviations distribution on the level of school
Schedule (SD= 0.71) and providing social media heads' instructional supervision in terms of parents'
platform as means of communication and monitoring involvement wherein an average total mean of 3.32
activity (SD= 0.63) both with a mean of 3.38. The and SD of 0.10 was computed with a verbal
results suggest that school heads are in conformity to interpretation of practiced to a major extent.
the mandates cascaded by higher offices in the DepEd
and make it their basis of decision-making for Hence, all the dimensions are also described practiced
alternative work arrangement and other concerns, as to a major extent with creating culture of collaboration
well as in supervising the teachers on whether they among parents with a mean of 3.48 (SD= 0.64) being
complete their tasks on targeted schedule. In addition, the highest rated.
it reveals that the school heads upon deciding on AWA
put the best interests of the teachers and others staff in Table 8. Level of Instructional Supervision in Terms of
mind and show support to the latter in whatever Parents' Involvement
accomplishments they are bound to make. As Meador
(2019) mentioned, having a supportive principal can
make all the difference for a teacher. One of the main
duties of a principal is to provide ongoing,
collaborative teacher support. The relationship
between a teacher and a principal has to be built on a
foundation of trust.

The least dimensions are observing and providing

input to the teacher in their teaching demonstration
(SD= 0.66), and modeling the use of instructional
strategies in modular learning (SD= 0.72) both with a
mean of 3.21. The results unraveled such due to the
potency of master teachers to take the role of experts
and leaders who do the walkthrough, conferencing,
and even modeling of the use of instructional strategies
in modular learning with teachers who did the
demonstration especially in big schools where the
population of the teachers to be observed do not fit
well with the schedule for observation to be conducted
by the principals.

Though in contrast with the findings of Ratio (2017), it

must be an imperative for school heads to continuously
engage in mentoring, conferencing, and walkthrough
with teachers. Hence, school heads should enable It is followed by monitoring of the parents’
teachers to reflect on practice and develop new participation in the submission and retrieval of self-
understanding focus on content and pedagogical learning module with a mean of 3.43 (SD= 0.70), and
knowledge, recognize the needs for improvement and

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Research Article

Table 9. Level of Instructional Supervision in Terms of

involving parents in the selection of learning modality Assessment
and instructional delivery with a mean of 3.40 (SD=
0.69). This means that the school heads indeed enjoin
parents to partake in the learning of their children,
especially during pandemic that they are the only
persons allowed to take modules from schools and
bring them back once answered by the learners.
Having said so, parents also got to choose the modality
that their children may use for learning particularly for
those schools where both online and modular
instructional deliveries were made possible. The
socioeconomic status of the parents and the families is
a determining factor on the options for learning
modalities. More so, the findings of Almajar (2022) in
her study show that the family and community
involvement in the education of the learners in the new
normal is frequent in terms of parenting,
communicating, volunteering, learning at home,
decision-making, as well as collaborating with the

The least rated dimensions are conducting meetings

for the orientation of LCP of the school with a mean of
3.21 and designing the feedback forms for parents with
a mean of 3.20 both with SD of 0.82. The data were
computed because while parents are given orientation
All the dimensions are likewise described as practiced
on the learning continuity plan, school heads made
to a major extent with demonstrating knowledge and
their participation definite, i.e. only on distribution and
understanding about the learning assessment tool (SD=
retrieval of modules, and those with tremendous roles
0.58), utilizing assessment result consistent with the
among the parents sector are the officers of the PTCA. curriculum requirements (SD= 0.60), and scheduling
Meanwhile, designing the feedback forms for parents parent-teacher meeting regularly to confirm/inform
is commonly a responsibility of the class advisers and about school accomplishments (SD= 0.60) all similarly
the school heads being the authority vesting approval. highest rated with 3.48 mean. It is followed by
checking rating sheets, Form 8 and Form 137 regularly
In the study of Ravina (2022), he pointed out the need with a mean of 3.46 (SD= 0.65), as well as providing
to have a renewed collaboration between the teachers technical assistance to teachers using learning
and parents, who must work together in the best assessment tool with a mean of 3.42 (SD= 0.60). The
interest of students especially in times of pandemic. data implies that the school heads have the know-how
Parents are key stakeholders in education, who have on the use and implementation of assessment strategies
the authority to hold the schools accountable for their and tools and at times could even advise the teachers
child’s learning. Parents are a crucial link between on the appropriate use of those assessment tools by
children and schools. means of technical assistance. They use the assessment
results to select the competencies to be mastered by
the students, and have the parents know about the
Table 9 reveals the mean and standard deviations
status of the school in terms of its achievements.
distribution on the level of school heads' instructional
Moreover, regular checking of rating sheets, Form 8,
supervision as to assessment where an average total and Form 137 are responsibilities of the school heads
mean of 3.40 and SD of 0.07 was computed and and they need to be careful about it since they are the
described as practiced to a major extent. ones at the forefront when it is for submission in the
Division Office. Lyonga (2018) emphasized that
instructional supervision is focused on enhancing
instruction and teacher professional development to
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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

support effective teaching and learning in schools, and common experience of school heads during the
it benefits the teachers by expanding their experience pandemic times. It is understandable that educators
in material, teaching methods and resources, classroom would be worried of the threat they might experience.
management, and assessment and evaluation of
learning (Ruteree et al., 2021). In support to this result, Tobin (2020) stated that a
critical component of school emergency management
Although practiced to a major extent, still the least is promoting continuation of teaching and learning
rated are providing inputs in the utilization of despite unfavorable circumstances. However, many
contextualized assessment and performance task considerations play a role in developing the distance
assessment with a mean of 3.31 (SD= 0.68), and learning programs, such as accessibility, type and
ensuring accountability in achieving the higher quality of materials, and the length of time that this
learning outcomes with a mean of 3.28 (SD= 0.66). type of learning must be maintained. Continuing to
This is because school heads have less likely to speak perform essential functions and provide essential
about giving inputs for the contextualized assessment services is vital to school’s ability to remain a viable
and performance task assessment since teachers were entity during times of increased threats from all
already capacitated in their K to 12 trainings and hazards, manmade or natural.
seminars on how to do contextualization. While school
For monitoring the teachers' activity, despite the
heads are also accountable in achieving the higher
efforts of the school heads to work hand in hand with
learning outcomes, the direct burden is laid on the
their subordinates, still unresponsive teachers are
shoulders of the teachers.
unavoidable and is a commonplace. Especially that the
Malonzo (2016) added that instructional supervisors teachers worked from home, there were instances
should give the teachers valuable feedback by where they ignore responding to messages from school
effectively assessing performance and pertinent data heads on the very least.
that can have significant impact on the learning that
Similarly, lack of teachers' willingness to perform and
takes place in each classroom. Sumapal (2019) stated
being complacent on some works assigned to them due
that instructional supervisor should collaborate with
to fear of infection hindered the school heads to
the teacher to improve instructional effectiveness
implement instructional supervision. Meanwhile, as it
through democratic and cooperative manner to
was in the context of pandemic, the school heads
improve interaction, practice, and reduce potential
experienced some adjustment and transitioning from
old to new normal ways. Thus, it is admitted outright
by a key informant that they have insufficient
Challenges Experienced by the Select School Heads
knowledge on giving teachers instructional
in the Schools Division of Quezon Province
The succeeding section discusses the challenges in According to McNamara (2017), difficult situations
instructional supervision by the school heads. These are quite frequent reality in every organization,
are categorized in congruence to the delivery mode, including the schools. Even though it is a reality
teachers' monitoring activity, parents' involvement, minimized, concealed, or “hidden” by teachers and the
and assessment as part of supervision. school managers, the dilemmas involving school heads
and teachers affect the quality of the learning
Table 10 on the succeeding page presents the school environment, and teachers’ performance (and,
heads' challenges in the instructional supervision indirectly student’s performance).
wherein delivery mode is primarily characterized by
difficulty of module distribution and retrieval. This is Another dilemma in the school heads' instructional
because there is a little percentage of return of supervision is in line with parents' involvement. While
modules during retrieval process and period. In many schools could capacitate the parents in the
addition to that challenges, the difficulty of adjustment module distribution and retrieval of modules, and in
of teachers to the curriculum implementation is utterly teaching their children while at home, still there are
observed by the school head. many unresponsive parents. This is because obviously,
parents also need to mind their own jobs to earn a
Table 10. School Heads' Challenges in Instructional living. Further, the fact that illiteracy is in the same
Supervision (see appendix) manner a reality among parents, they shy away from
cooperating with the schools. From this perspective
Finally, difficulty in school operation is a general and comes an observation that parents are challenged to

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Research Article

homeschool their kids. through instructional supervision.

On the whole, difficulty of establishing rapport with It is viewed in the extant study the importance of
the school community is indeed a predicament for instructional supervision in order to orchestrate the
school heads. Especially that participation of both school and its community towards a goal and efforts
internal and external stakeholders is in demand during for quality education. As the investigation unfolds,
the pandemic, it is a challenge that the school heads several findings led to generalizations which are
get along very well with all of them. deemed significant in the realm of educational
management. The school heads' current practices of
Regencia (2010) underscored that through the support democratic supervision reveal that they recognize
and involvement of the external stakeholders, such as teachers' strengths, needs, and provide opportunities
parents, DepEd hopes the local community partnership for professional growth in the supportive learning
will extend help for maintenance, development and environment, and promote and facilitate activities for
improvement. Cooperation among external the development of self-directed teachers as
stakeholders in the community is necessary for the professionals and instructional leaders. For collegiality
service education. and collaboration, school heads create and sustain a
supportive community while encouraging teachers,
Finally, assessment is an ultimate quandary among the school personnel, and other stakeholders to collaborate
school heads. Their tons of paper works and in their instructional practices for improvement in
supervisory jobs often make them unable to check all school. Clinical supervision requires school heads
assessment activities prepared by teachers. While most comprehensive understanding and the use of pedagogy
of the students' responses to assessment tasks seem that accomplishes instructional goals for better
unrealistic and lacking veracity, lack of authenticity of learning outcomes and provide systematic and
teachers' instruction makes school head dubious constructive feedback about teacher’s personal and
whether the latter give appropriate instruction and professional strengths and needs. Curriculum
assessment. supervision entails the school heads to encourage the
close collaboration of teachers and instructional
Any combination of strategies can be captured in
leaders in the process of curriculum development,
educational programs to make them responsive to
implementation and evaluation, and foster a
learner needs. However, development and
continuous and open deliberation on curriculum issues
implementation of flexible learning options should
and problems by connecting theory to practice.
recognize most teachers’ lack of experience in remote
learning and flexible learning options. Most school Meanwhile, the level of school heads' instructional
teachers are used to synchronous learning which they supervision implementation is perceived as relatively
usually direct. It is the first hurdle to be addressed high. This implies that the school heads make means to
when transitioning the faculty into handling the deliver instruction despite the times of uncertainty.
flexible and remote learning programs for their They efficiently monitor how the teachers carry out
students (Mercurio, 2019). their professional functions in school. In the same
vein, school heads optimally involve parents in the
Conclusion learning of their children. The assessment, on the other
hand, is conducted by the teachers amidst trying times,
and was supervised by the school heads to the best of
The school head as an instructional supervisor and their abilities.
transformational leader motivates and inspires the
teachers, students, and parents by helping them see the On the contrary, the instructional supervision of school
importance and higher good of the task. S/he is heads in delivery mode is faced with the difficulty of
focused on the performance of group members, but module distribution and retrieval, of adjustment to the
also wants each person to fulfill his/her potential. The curriculum implementation, and of school operation as
school head as an educational leader has great part of their challenges. As to monitoring teachers'
responsibility to render the best educational services to activity, unresponsive, unwilling, and complacent
learners in pursuit of quality education. The school has teachers, and insufficient knowledge on giving
its own mission and vision which are reflected through instructional supervision on the part of the principals
all its work. The school head identifies relevant are realities in schools. For parents' involvement, there
priorities and target to take the necessary action, then are unresponsive parents, difficulty of parents to
monitors and evaluates its progress toward then homeschool kids, and difficulty of school heads in

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Research Article

Table 2. School Heads' Current Practices of Supervision in Terms of Democratic Supervision

Codes Exemplars
Recognizing Maintaining the …namimigay kami ay 2 meters apart ang mga parents
teachers safety health dapat nagfe-facemask tapos meron kaming alcohol
strengths, needs, protocol kung saan sila ay mag-spray ng alcohol and then
and providing meron kaming plastic barrier then yun pong kanilang
opportunities for ipinapasa na mga modules ay ilalagay namin sa UV
professional sterilized box and then pinapapatagal po namin sya
growth in halimbawa ay 2-3 days bago namin sya kunin para
supportive checkan ng mga teachers yun po. (SH3)
learning (…the distancing should be 2 meters apart between the
environment parents and they should wear facemasks, then we have
alcohol wherein they will the alcohol and we have
plastic barrier then the modules to be submitted will be
put on UV sterilized box that will be left on 2-3 days
before we take those for the teachers to check it.)

We make sure to it na ‘yung parents yung pupunta

para kumuha ng SLM kasi sila na po yong kumbaga ay
... when it comes to safety protocol, kumabaga ay
aware na sila o alam na po nila ‘yung gagawin. (SH6)
(…We are making sure that the parents will be the
one to claim the SLM because they are already adults
who know such safety and health protocols. They
already know what to do...)

Providing …nag-usap-usap po kung sinong available, let’s say

Alternative Work for example Monday, sila ‘yung Kinder, and then let us
Arrangement say for example ang magfe-face-to-face po ng Friday
ay Grade 1 and then Grade 6, so ‘yun po ay napag-
usapan po namin by grade po. (SH1)
(…Now, we talked about who is available, let's say for
example Monday, they are assigned in Kinder, and
then let us say for example the one who will do face-
to-face on Friday is Grade 1 and then Grade 6, so we
discussed that it should be by grade.)

…tinatanong ko po kung ano po ‘yung makakabuti sa

mga teachers. Kumbaga, nagkakaroon kami ng set-up
na si teachers... si teacher A at saka si Teacher B,
simula muna ‘yung a-attend ng Monday and Tuesday
or Wednesday and Thursday then Friday kung baga ay
physical reporting... (SH5)
(…I’m asking them what are more beneficial for the
teachers. For instance, we have a setup where Teacher
A and Teacher B will be attending for Monday and
Tuesday or Wednesday and Thursday then Friday. It’s
like a physical reporting...)

…hindi kailangan ng mawawalan ng tao sa schools

kasi kailangan din natin ng mga work force nagkaroon

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Research Article

kami ng mga tinatawag na scheme halimbawa for the

first week halimbawa yung set ng guro na ito sila yung
nasa bahay for the week na hindi sila papasok sa
paaralan para maavoid lang yung mga transmission
para in case magkaron ng cases ng transmission sa
school hindi lahat ng mga teachers natin maano po
maiinfect magkakasakit ng COVID 19 (SH10)

(…we don’t want to lose people at school because we

need the work force, we had so –called scheme, for
example, for the first week, this set of teachers are the
ones at home for the week, they are not goint to school
to avoid transmission incase there will be cases of
transmission in school, not all teachers wil be infected,
will get sick with COVID 19)

Sa mga teacher naman po ay sinisiguro na ang atin

pong arrangement pagdating sa reporting ng teacher
ay di nahuhuli, merong on and off, merong 50/50,
merong 80/20, merong 70/30. So, depende sa current
prevailing circumstances ng amin pong locality. So,
kapag po ganon meron po silang amount/number of
personnel na available onsite and offsite. (SH12)
(As for the teachers, we make sure that our
arrangement when it comes to teacher reporting is not
delayed, there is on and off, there is 50/50, there is
80/20, there is 70/30. So, it depends on the current
prevailing circumstances of our locality.So, then they
have an amount/number of personnel that is available
onsite and offsite.)

Promoting and Giving technical Yung mga medyo bago bago pa lamang din sa
facilitating assistance to public, mga five years pa lamang or less sa public,
activities for the teachers medyo may flaws pa po pagdating sa mga
development of assessment result, tinuruan ko po sa paglalagay
self-directed nuong…ng tamang…kung ano po talaga ba yong
teachers as percentage dun sa least mastered skills po…na
professionals and naging result nila dun sa kanila..dun sa kanilang
instructional diagnostic test nung mga bata.(SH1)
leaders (The ones that are relatively new in the public, only
five years or less in the public, there are still some
flaws when it comes to the assessment results, I taught
them to put what is really the percentage on the least
mastered skills... which they had as a result in their
diagnostic test for children.)

Nagpo-provide po ako ng TA kung alam ko po na

medyo si teacher ay nahihirapan kasi doon po sa
school po namin usually ay mga bagong teacher
kami... para pong syempre hindi pa gano’n ka-wide
‘yung alam nila kung paano tapos bago pa po ‘yung
modality. Nag-T-TA po ako para ma-provide ‘yung
information na kailangan po ng teachers.(SH6)
(I provide TA if I know that the teacher is having a bit
of a hard time because at our school we are usually

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Research Article

new teachers, and of course their knowledge of how to

do things is not that wide yet. Then the modality is still
new. I did TA to provide the information that teachers

Initiating ….hinahayaan kong, of course sa paggagawa

innovation in assessment tools kasi…sa atin mayroon tayong
teaching and performance task eh…so may written po tayo,
learning performance task, ngayon dati po ay wala tayong
exam so written and performance task so sa
assessment tools hinahayaang ko silang gumawa ng
sarili nilang rubrics para dun sa performance task
na yon so after po nun, hinahayaan ko po silang
gumawa ng rubrics and then ipapa- check po sa
mga masters, pag na-check na po ng mga masters at
okay naman po sa kanila, ino-note na po…dadalhin
na po sa akin (SH3)
(…I let it, of course, in making assessment tools
because...we have a performance we have a
written and performance task now, before, we didn't
have an exam so written and performance task so in
the assessment tools I let them make their own rubrics
for that performance task so after that, I let them make
rubrics and then have them check with the masters,
when the masters have checked and it's okay with
them, it's being will be brought to me...)
…mayroon din po kaming LAC session, kung saan
itinuro sa mga guro ang paggawa ng video lesson
na maaaring i-upload sa YouTube para pagdating
sa halimbawa…yong sa reading ng mga bata,
maturuan sila nang maganda kahit hindi kaharap
ang guro or kahit sila ay nasa bahay lang. Tinuruan
din ang teachers ng paggamit ng mga word wall,
quizziz…mga ganun sir, kung saan magagamit
siyang assessment tool para dun sa mga bata (SH3)
(We also have LAC session, where teachers were
taught how to create a video lesson which can be
uploaded to YouTube for example...for children's
reading, to still teach them well even if the teacher is
not present or even if they are at home. The teachers
were also taught how to use the word walls...the
quizzis...the ones like that, sir, where they can use
assessment tools for the children)

Ang ginawa po namin ay nag-list po ang aming mga

teachers kesa po ipadala sa bata ay nagkaroon po
sila ng learning lists tapos may schedule po ‘yung
pagbibigay ng assessment sa mga bata, ‘yun po
‘yung aking naging initiative para ma-ensure po
namin na valid or realiable ‘yung makukuhang
result nung assessment ng bata. (SH6)
(What we did was that teachers made a list instead of
sending it to the children; they had learning lists, and
then there was a schedule for giving assessments to the
children. That was my initiative to ensure that we
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believed the result obtained from the child's

assessment was valid or realiable)

Table 3. School Heads' Current Practices of Supervision in terms of Collegiality and Collaboration (see

Collegiality and
Codes Exemplars
Creating and Communicating and So, ako po as principal ay... pinakikilos ‘yung
sustaining a monitoring through coordinator para may mangyayaring sharing of
supportive social media information sa amin pong FB page. (SH7)
community (So, as a principal, I assigned them
[coordinator] for our FB page to share

…we use of text messages, phone call, zoom or

google meet minsan may mga nasa school
nagfe-face to face kami mga limited face to face
pero mostly ang gamit sa communication ay
through phone zoom messenger yun yung mga
communication during the pandemic. (SH10).
(…we use of textmessages, phone call, zoom or
google meet sometimes there are people in
school who are face-to-face, we arelimited face
to face but mostly the communication tool used
is through phone zoom messenger, that’s the
communication during the pandemic.)

…during that time lahat ng mga information ay

nadaan sa GC/ messenger… lalo na especially
nong di talaga sila allowed pero ang school
head ay talaga naman pong napasok ay sila po
ay messenger lahat nanggagaling ang mga
pinapadaang mga communication tapos pag
may mga meeting ay di nagamit na po kami ng
mga zoom yan (SH11)
(…during that time, all the information that
passed through the GC/messenger… most
especially when they are not allowed but the
school head still going, everything is from the
messenger, and if there’s a meeting we use

Orienting parents …for the beginning of school year ay

nagko-conduct po kami ng orientation.
Kung baga po ay pinapatawag po ‘yung
mga parents with the help of our PTA
officers. (SH5)
(…for the beginning of school year, we are
conducting an orientation, we will call the
parents with the help of our PTA officers.)

…nagkaron tayo ng different orientations sa

mga different places katulad ng sinabi ko
kanina meron tayong mga partners we oriented
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them sa mga learning stations namin kung saan

sila malapit tapos also dahil nakita natin na
hindi talaga sapat yung basta instructional
supervision na ibibigay ng school and mga
teachers at kulang ang mga teachers sa mga
bata we also conducted the parents academy
(…we had different orientation in different
places, like what I said we have partners, we
oriented them with our learning stations where
they are near and then we saw that
instructional supervision given by the school
and teachers was not really enough and the
lack of teachers for children, we also
conducted the parents academy...)

Familiarizing parents ….bago tayo magsimula ng school year

with the school LCP talagang nagkakaroon po ng orientation. Kung
saan dun ko po inilalatag yung BE-LCP na
tinatawag natin.Yun pong Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan kung saan lahat ng
mangyayari po, lahatng nakapaloob po dun.
yung mga safety protocols, yun pong mga
papaano magiging distribution, ano po yung
mga modality na ginagamit ng ating paaralan,
ilan po ang ating mga estudyante. (SH2)
(…before we start the school year, we really
have an orientation. That's where I lay the BE-
LCP that we call. That's the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan where everything that
will happen, everything that is contained in it;
the safety protocols, how will be the
distribution methods, what are the modalities
used by our school, how many are our students)

So lahat ng sinasabi ko nakapaloob sa

tinatawag na learning continuity plan yung
mga parents actually during sa orientation
doon na rin naming kinukuha yung kanilang
mga suggestion yung tinatawag na dito sa
DepEd na voice of the costumers, kinausap
namin sila merong mga focus group discussion
yung iba naman ay through survey iba naman
ay sa pamamagitan ng may survey (SH10)
(So everything I’m saying is inserted in what
we called learning continuity plan, the parents
actually during the orientation, we are also
taking their suggestions, the DepEd called it
voice of the customers, we talked to them, there
were focus group discussion, others are through

Encouraging Making parents aware of …every Friday po lahat ng mga parents na yun
teachers, school the mode of learning ay nag-a-attendance at kukuha sila ng mga
personnel, and other delivery module. (SH1)
stakeholders to (…every Friday all those parents will have

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collaborate in the attendance and take modules.)

improvement of
instructional …dahil pina-meeting pa rin po at required na
practices in school sabihin sa parents kung ano-ano ‘yung mga
modalities, mas pinili pa rin nila itong modular
distance learning pero everytime na po na nag-
re-request ‘yung parents. (SH6)
(When they conducted a meeting... in the
meeting, it is mentioned there that it is required
to inform the parents about the different
modalities... and they still chose this modular
distance learning, but every time they will

Encouraging parents' Meron po kaming online kung saan ipapasa

participation yung Google form sa bawat GC ng magulang
at doon sila magsasagot kung anong modality
ang gusto nila para sa kanilang mga
(We have an online form where the Google
form will be forwarded to each parent's GC and
there they will answer what modality they want
for their children.)

…namo-monitor namin s’ya ay meron po

kaming monitoring tool or ‘yun pong aming
pinag-checklist kung nakapag-submit ba or
nakapag-retrieve ba ‘yung parents. (SH6)
(…we can monitor it through a monitoring tool
or through our checklist to see who those who
submitted and retrieved among the parents are.)

Informing teachers of …‘pagpo nagbabaan ng memo ang Division

the general DepEd office sa amin, ‘yun po ay talagang ipinapasa
mandate ko sa aming group chat kung saan talagang
binabasa ng teachers, and after po mabasa
dahil meron din naman po silang mga
katanungan, ako po ay nagpapa-meeting
through virtual, lagi po ‘yon para ma-explain
ko nang maayos ano-ano ang nilalaman ng
memo na ‘yon (SH2)
(…when the Division office sends a memo to
us, I pass it on to our group chat where the
teachers really read it, and after reading it,
since they also have questions, I will conduct
a meeting virtually. That happens regularly,
so I can properly explain what the content of
that memo is)

Ay ‘di pag po nakuha ko na si memo.. kinu-

contact ko po agad ‘yung person responsible
for that memo... ‘yung involved po doon sa
memo para po magawa po ‘yung kailangang
gawain. (SH6)
(if I received a memo... I should contact those
persons responsible for that memo... those who

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are involved so I can do what is needed.)

Conducting Home So nagkameron kami dyan ng home visitation.

visitation So ang una ginagawa namin is kami muna’y
nakikipag-coordinate sa barangay. So yung
barangay kina-kailangan ay sasamahan–
sinasamahan kami kung saan yung lugar kung
saan namin pupuntahan yung bata na ibi-visit
namin. So ayon, samahan kami then
kakausapin namin yung magulang tapos
titingnan namin yung mga bata. (SH4)
(So how is the style of our teachers when it
comes to home visitation? So the first thing
we do is coordinate with the Barangay. So the
barangay that needs to accompany us to the
place where we are going to visit the child.
So, they join us then we will talk to the
parents and then we will check on the

Kasama po ako, lagi pong I see to it na kasama

po ako pag-ho-home visit kasi po... may impact
po kung nakikita ni parents na hi-nome visit
s’ya with the school head po.
Usually po ay ang hi-no-home visit ng teachers
ay ‘yung mga parents na kahit i-contact n’yo
na hindi pa rin sila nag-re-reponse. (SH6)
(I joined them... I always see to it that I should
join them because... there is an impact if the
parents will see that even the school head are
with them in a home visit.)

…hindi rin natin maiwasan na talagang mag

home visit to know the situation ng mga
learners in terms of assessment kung talagang
nakakabasa nakakabilang (SH10)
(…we cannot avoid home visits to know the
situation of the learners in terms of assessment,
if they can really read, count)

Table 4. School Heads' Current Practices of Supervision as to Clinical Supervision (see appendix)

Codes Exemplars
Requiring Monitoring teachers' …mayro’n Google sheet na ibinigay po ang mga
comprehensive accomplishment teachers at ginawa ko po, ngayon ito po ay aming
understanding and shinu-shoot-an every…every Friday, wherein ishinu-
the use of pedagogy shoot po nila ‘yung talagang exact oras nilang
that accomplishes teachers. (SH1)
instructional goals (We have a Google sheet that that I made and the
for better learning teachers gave [back] to me. Now, that’s what we put
outcomes every Friday wherein they are putting their exact

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…nagse-set po kami ng Google forms, kumbaga ay

mino-monitor ko po doon ‘yung mga activity ng
teachers using consolidated individual daily log.
Then, nagse-send po ang mga teachers, sir ‘yung
mga activities po nila through pictures tapos kina-
conduct po nila ‘yung mga activity in that particular
day, minsan sini-send din po nila via Google forms.
(…we are setting up a Google Forms to monitor the
activities of the teachers using consolidated
individual daily log. Then teachers are sending their
activities through pictures. Afterwards, they will
conduct the activities in that particular day that they
were sending sometimes through Google Forms too.)

from time to time naman ay ako ay inu-update,

nagbibigay ng mga pictures, videos na sila ay
nagpapabasa, na sila ay nag-iinterview, na sila ay
nagtuturo online, ay akin pong ini-hohonor naman
(… from time to time they’re updating me, giving
pictures, videos of them while reading, doing
interviews, teaching online, and I’m honoring it)

Nagkaron ang DepEd ngayon ng tinatawag na

weekly home learning plan kung saan sa loob ng
isang lingo nandun na lahat yung mga ano mga
lessons na kailangang pagaralan ng mga bata at
kung anong oras anong instruction ang gagawin so
sometimes ang ginagawa ko dun talaga individual,
individual being kasi sometimes minsan idadownload
nalang may mga nada-download kase tayo sa
internet na mga weekly learning plan na hindi suited
doon sa mga pangangailangan ng bata so ang
ginagawa ko talaga dito individual monitoring or
administrative monitoring yun ginagawa natin
(The DepEd has what is called Weekly Learning
Plan where within a week all the lessons that
children need to learn, what time and what
instruction will be done, so sometimes I do it
individually, individual being sometimes because we
just download them and since there are weekly
learning plan that we can download on the internet
but it’s not suited to the need of students, So what I
do here is individual monitoring or administrative
monitoring, that’s what we do.)

Checking important …kahit nitong pandemic hindi po naging

school documents hindrance yon eh habang sila ay nagche-check
dahil kami po ay nagvi-video call, pag hindi po
video call ay zoom nga ang ginagamit namin, kung
saan fino-forward po sa akin yung result namin
and then ito po ay binabasa ng teachers like
nagbabasahan po kami, nagre-reading kami ng
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forms kung tama po yung sulat noon ng teachers,

kita ko pa din po dahil nga po, sabi ko nga din po
kanina pinafo-forward ko po yun, pinipicture-an
or sinesend ng teachers sa akin…yung file na yun,
yung rating sheet (SH2)
(…even pandemic did not became a hindrance
while they were checking because we do video
calls, if not video calls we use zoom, where the
results are forwarded to me and then it is read by
the teachers like we are both have a reading, we
are re-reading forms if the teacher's letter was
correct, I can still see it because, as I said before,
Teachers are forwarding it, the teachers took a
picture or sent it to me...that file, the rating sheet
then that's it.)
So, ‘yun pong checking ng rating sheet, yes po
nache-check ko naman po every quarter. So, ‘yung
form 8 lang po, ‘yung amin po sigurong school
feeding po or hindi po kami nakapag-timbang
nung mga nutritional status po ng mga bata
during the pandemic. Hindi ko po hiningi and also
‘yun pong form 137, okay naman po, na-check ko
naman kung maayos po. (SH7)
(So in checking of the rating sheet, form 8 and form
137 regularly. So, that is checking the rating sheet,
yes I check it every quarter. So, the form 8 only, our
school feeding or we we did not weighted the
nutritional status of children during the pandemic. I
am not asking it, the form 137 is good, I check it if it
is correct.)

Providing Sustaining open …meronpokamingopencommunicationsa mga

systematic and communication and teacherswhereinmeron kami laging online meeting
constructive feedback kung saan sinasabi ko ‘yung dapat gawin or kung
feedback about mechanism for ano‘yung plano for the week or for the
teacher’s personal teachers month,andthen,meron po kaming Googlelink or
and professional Google form na sinasagutan ng teachers para sa
strengths and every day accomplishment. (SH3)
needs (…we have open communication to teachers wherein
we always have online meeting wherein I am telling
them what to do or what is the plan for the week or
for the month, and then, we have google link or
google form that the teachers fill in for everyday’s

…mas madalas po ‘yung meeting namin kasi nga po

ay bago ‘yung mga learning modalities tapos po ay
‘yung paggawa pa ng test very... kailangan ibang
ways kaya po every week po halos every Friday
meron kaming meeting... para po ma-reflect namin...
makapag-reflect kami or na-achieve ba namin ‘yung
dapat naming gawin or ‘yung challenges na
hinaharap namin na kailangan namin maayos para
po sa next week ay mas maayos ‘yung flow. (SH6)
(We often have the time for our meeting because of
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Research Article

the new learning modalities and test construction, so

every week, almost every Friday, we are conducting
a meeting for us to reflect thet things we achieved
and the challenges we encounter that we have to
solve so we will have a better flow next week.)

Giving feedbacks to Sa amin naman pong division office ay meron po

parents silang binigay na template na feedback form na
ibinibigay po namin sa mga parents. (SH7)
(In our division office, they have a feedback form
template that we give to parents.)

…meron po akong feedback form coming from

parents. Kasi naniniwala ako na ‘yung mga parents
na iba ay talagang may pakialam sa kanilang mga
anak (SH9)
(…we have feedback form coming from parents.
Because I believe other parents have care with their

Aside from learners’ feedback form meron naring

parents feedback form na kung saan nahihirapan
yung mga magulang so dalawa na yung inaaddress
naming dito hindi lang yung sa bata kundi pati narin
yung sa mga parents kung papano sila
nagsusupervise sa binibigay na instruction sa
kanilang mga anak. (SH10).
(Aside from learners’ feedback form where the
parents are having a hard time, so we address two not
only the child but also the parents on how they are
supervising the given instructions to their children)

…dito sana ging tamang paraan ng formal;

pagbibigay ng paglalaan ng feedbacking, sa mga
parents. Ano yung meron silang mga series
ofquestion, survey, na para magbigay silang sariling
pananaw, sariling turo kung papaano sila mag-a-
apply sa bahay kasi marami posa amin ay hindi
natutuun anng mga parents kaya nahihirapan din
sila pati pagbasa. (SH12)
(…here in the correct form is we’re giving the
allocation of feedbacking to the parents. They have
series of questions, survey, to give their own
perspective, their own teachingon how they apply
those at home because many of us parents don’t learn
so they are having a hard time in reading. )

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Research Article

Table 5. School Heads' Current Practices of Supervision in terms of Curriculum Supervision (see appendix)

Codes Exemplars
Encouraging close Designing learning …sa school po namin nagme-meeting po muna
collaboration of delivery mode and kami mini-meet ko po ang mga teachers and
teachers and schedule then sinasabihan ko po na we have to make our
instructional leaders activity sheet kasama na po dun yung WHLP
in the process of Weekly Home Learning plan wherein sila rin
curriculum po yung gumagawa nun kasama nung activity
development, sheet. (SH1)
implementation, and (…in our school, we will have a meeting first
evaluation because I will be meeting the the teachers and
I’ll tell them that we have to make our activity
sheet together with the WHLP Weekly Home
Learning plan wherein they are also the ones to
make that with the activity sheet.)

…nagpapalabas po ako ng school memo

kumbaga ang involved ay teachers then
afterwards nagpapa-meeting po ako regarding
the schedule kung kailan po gagawin yong
specific activities or projects. And then,
afterwards, yon pong aming pagsasagawa na
po nung activity. (SH5)
(…I am disseminating a school memorandum
in which the teachers are involved. Afterwards,
I am holding a meeting to talk about the
schedule of when to conduct the specific
activities or projects. Thereupon, we’re now
going to implement the said activities.)

Kami pong mga school heads and nag-plan po

nung then kami rin po yung kasama po pagko-
contact po dun sa mga designated na barangay
point po na pagdadalhan ng mga modules at sa
pagreretrievan. (SH8)
(We, the school heads, planned and contacted
the Barangay points together in which the
modules will be delivered and will be

Overseeing module …meron kaming distribution and retrieval na

distribution ka-schedule oo ang bawat bata ang mga bawat
grade I mean katulad ng grade 1 at kinder let's
say Monday sila, grade 1 to grade 3 sila po ang
Tuesday para po ma-monitor ko talaga na
lahat po ba sila ay nakakuha din ng module,
kase chine-check ko din po as principal kung
lahat po ba ay nakakuha, lahat po ba
(…we have distribution and retrieval that are
scheduled. Every child, every grade I mean,
like grade 1 and kinder, let’s say they are for
Monday so grades 1 to 3, they are for Tuesday
so I can really monitor that they are all getting

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Research Article

modules, because as principal, I also check if

everyone got or return it.)

…chine-check ko po kung ‘yong mga bata ay

naka-receive ng mga modules, kung lahat po ba
ng mga bata ay nabigyan ng modules, na-
supervise po ba namin yong mga bata sa
pagbibigay ng mga activities. (SH5)
(I check if the students has received their
modules. If we are able to supervise the
distribution of activities.)

Para po ang mga bata ay hindi nagkakameron

ng mahabang gap pagdating don sa availability
ng kanilang learning materials. (SH12)
(So that the children won’t have a long gap
regarding the availability of their learning

Monitoring modules …kami po ay merong mga attendance sheet

retrieval kung saan pumipirma yung magulang kapag
sila po ay nagsauli o nabigyan ng module para
po makita namin kung sino pa ba yung laging
kumukuha at laging hindi nakakuha. (SH3)
(…we have attendance sheet where parents are
signing their signatures if they returned or
received the modules for us to see who are
always taking and getting [modules])
Tapos po ay upon delivery of material ng SLS,
sini-see to it ko na dapat ay nadistribute on
time at nari-retrieve on time. (SH12)
(Then, upon the delivery of SLS material, I see
to it that it distributed and retrieved on time)

Fostering continuous Indicating the learning Pag hindi sya naging maayos, nagpapa-
and open deliberation delivery mode in meeting ako since yun ay pandemic palagi
on curriculum issues school LCP kaming merong virtual meeting so kalimitan
and problems by every Monday ginagawa namin yun bago mag-
connecting theory to start ng retrieval ulit namin so talagang every
practice Monday nagkakaroon lagi kami ng mga
briefing kung ano yung mga flaws kung anong
nangyari ng week na yun. (SH4)
(If it didn’t go well, I’ll hold a meeting since
that is on the pandemic [days], we always have
virtual meeting so usually we are having a
meeting every Monday that we constantly have

…pinag-uusapan namin over a meeting kasi po

kailangan na kung ano ba ‘yung naging
loopholes or kailangan pang-i-improve para po
maging maganda ‘yung delivery or maging
maganda po ‘yung... or maayos po yong
pagbibigay or ‘yong pagpapa-implement po ng
LCP po ng paaralan po. (SH6)
(…on the delivery mode in the school of LCP

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is being talked about over a meeting because

we need to determine the loopholes and the
things that we could improve so that the
delivery and implementation of the school’s
ICP will be systematic and orderly.)

Monitoring the So, in the afternoon po, ako po ay nagwo-walk

accomplishment of the in. Tinitingnan ko ‘yung monitoring log sheet
teachers in a given kung naibigay ba lahat ng mga kailangan or
duration na-achieve... na-attain ba nila ‘yung kailangan
nilang gawing task for the day. Tapos, meron
din po silang logbook sa office ko tulad kung
ilan ‘yung nakakuha, ilan ‘yung hindi para
po... kung may in-assign ako na dapat ay within
this... ay two days lang po ‘yung pagbibigay
kung na-achieve ba ‘yun (SH6)
(…every Monday, we have the distribution, and
walk-in in the afternoon... so I will open the
monitoring log sheet to check if all what is
needed are being provided and achieved... do
they accomplished their task for the day? Then,
they also have a logbook in my office to
monitor them... so if I assigned something...
two days were only given for them to

Doon naman sa pag oversee ng kanilang mga

output kagaya ng lesson plan, rating sheets,
gumagamit po kami ng google drive para
magkameron naman ng virtual checking kung
what time ang availability ng records, what
time ang monitoring nang receiving and
distribution, retrieval. (SH12)
(In overseeing their output like lesson plan,
rating sheets, we use google drive to have
virtual checking of the availability of the
records, monitoring of receiving, and
distribution, retrieval.)

Matching learning Dahil nagpapasa po ang teachers sa aming

objectives with the Google Classroom Monitor po agad nya yun,
learning and nache-check ko po agad na yung sa
assessment activities objectives nila pati yung mga activities kung
yun po ay tama sa MELCs (SH1)
(Because the teachers send it to our Google
Classroom, it will be monitored immediately, I
immediately check their objectives as well as
the activities if they are correct in the MELCs)

…mayroon kaming LAC session, na wherein

itong mga master teachers namin na
ito…with my help pa rin naman hindi
nawawala, na talagang tinuturuan ko sila na
dapat i-allign yong mga objectives na yon
dun sa aming learning activities sheets,
kumbaga'y parang sila ay pina-practice
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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

tapos pinagpapasa ko sila ng output. (SH2)

(…we have a LAC session, in which these
master teachers of our [school]...with my help
still, that I really teach them that those
objectives should be aligned with our learning
activities sheets, it seems like they are being
practiced and then I’ll make them submit the

Table 10. School Heads' Challenges in Instructional Supervision (see appendix)

Codes Exemplars
Delivery Mode Difficulty of module Ang problema po sa amin ay yong retrieval
distribution and retrieval kung saan maraming mga magulang ang hindi
nakakapagsauli kasi nakikita, yon po ay
monitored ko through Google Forms kasi
meron po kami doong inilalagay na ilan yong
natanggap mong module tas ilan yung
nakabalik. (SH1
(The problem for us is the retrieval where many
parents are not able to return it because it is
monitored through Google Forms because we
put something there that shows how many
modules you received and how many were

Difficulty of adjustment …parang napansin ko po talaga ay mahirap

to curriculum when it comes to curriculum implementation
implementation kasi nasanay tayo sa face to face. (SH7)
(Sir, what I observed was that it’s really
difficult when it comes to curriculum
implementation since we used to be in face-to-
Difficulty of school
operation …ang mga challenges na kung saan sa normal
na operationng school, yon ang pinaka
malaking challenge. Dahil nandon parin yung
threat, hindimo pa sigurado kung ligtas kang
papasok, so malaki yung requirement
pagdating sa maintenance and
operation,kulang ang pondo (SH12)
(…those are the challenges in the normal
operation of the school. Since the threat is
still there, you’re not sure if you can enter
safely, so the requirement when it comes to
maintenance and operation is big, lack of

Monitoring Teachers Unresponsive teachers …tapos ay meron pong mga guro na hindi
Activity laging naka-online. Kaya lagi siyang left
behind ng mga ipinoforwad ko sa GC na mga
updates, ayun parang hindi ano, walang

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

pakielam ganon. (SH9)

(…then there are teachers who are not always
online. So, he is always left behind to the
updates I forwarded to our GC, it’s like he
doesn’t care, like that.)

Lack of teachers' maraming challenges lalo na yung mga

willingness willingness ng mga teacher dahil nga hindi
naming pare pareho alam kung ano yung
mgamangyayari kahihnatnan (SH10)
(it is quite difficult, there are many challenges
especially the willingness of the teachers since
we don’t both know what will happen in the

Insufficient knowledge kawalan siguro ng sapat na kaalaman kung

on giving instructional paano magibibgay ng sapat na o tamang
supervision instructional supervision sa panahon ng
pandemic (SH10)
(the lack of enough knowledge on how to give
enough of correct IS during pandemic because I
haven’t experienced it before, so if the students
and teachers aren’t looking for other methods
on how to develop, it won’t really provide an
effective instructional supervision.)

Teachers' complacency Ang teacher baga ay parang naging hayahay

din sila in almost 2 years, kaya’t nong
dumating yung tunay makatotohanan na ay
parang yung attitude nila ay hirap silang
ibalik. (SH11)
(The teacher seemed to be at ease in almost 2
years, so when the real comes…it was difficult
to bring back their attitude.)

Parents' Involvement Unresponsive parents Challenging siguro ay sa mga parents

Halimbawa hindi ko maka-usap si parent
Halimbawa po kung hindi responsive si parent
sa group chat po for parents kasi mahirap nga
kasi ‘yun lang po ‘yung way. (SH6)
(Challenging maybe for the parents For
example, I can't talk to the parents For example,
if a parent is not responsive in the group chat, it
is difficult for parents because that is the only

Difficulty of parents to So sa parents po, siguro po’y yung naging

homeschool kids tasky po para sa parents yung paghatid at
pagkuha po ng mga modules sa school at the
same time po yung pag-a-assist po nila sa mga
bata, sa mga anak po nila sa bahay. (SH8)
(So for the parents, maybe what has become
tasky for them is to deliver and pick up the
modules at school and at the same time their
assisting the children, their children at home.)

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 588-617, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1192, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8354103, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Difficulty of Si school head naman ay di ang role nya ay

establishing rapport papaano I-complement yoong partners with
with school parents, then teachers sa school and
community community. (SH12)
(As for the School Head, his role is how to
complement those partners with parents, then
teahers in the school and community.)

Assessment Inability of school heads …paggagawa namin ng assessment tools, yung

to check all the learning activity sheets namin ay ang ilan ay
assessment activities of hindi na po napapadaan sa akin. So, hindi ko
teachers na po lahat nache-check yun dahil dumadaan
na lang sya sa mga Master Teachers (SH3)
(…we have many teachers now to make the
assessment tools and the learning activity
sheets that we have, some are not being
checked by me because those papers are only
being passed through the Master Teachers)

Lack of authenticity of …hindi mo alam kung ang guro baga ay

teachers' instruction talagang tunay ding binibigayang instruction
nila ay ganon nila katotoo sila, na ganon
kaalam. Tapos ang bata hindi mo parin
malaman kung talagang natututo sila. Kasi
base nga dun sa dinadala nilang mga
sinusulit na modules and then mga
assessment ay ang tataas talaga (SH11)
(…we don’t really know if the teacher is really
giving the instruction, how true they are, that’s
they really know. Then the child, we don’t
know if they are really learning. Because of the
scores of their asseeement and module is really

Leo I. Etorne 617/617

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