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2.2 What's your job?

GOALS ■ Talk about jobs ■ use the verb be (he/she/it/they)


PRONUNCIATION w ord stress: jobs

Vocabulary & Speaking jobs
2a 2.14))) Listen to the names of jobs and mark the stress.
1 a Look at the webpage. Match the jobs to the people.

doctor engineer nurse shop assistant student doctor engineer nurse shop assistant student
ta x i d river teacher w a iter taxi driver teacher waiter

b 2.14 ))) Listen again and repeat.

I'm a doctor. Harry's an engineer.

International Language School, Malta
What’s your job now? 3 Work with a partner. Look at the photos again. Talk about
Post a photo and tell your friends! the people’s jobs.
Class of 2012 Thierry’s a waiter.

4 Work with a partner. Talk about three school friends

with jobs.
Hannah's a teacher.

E rik Haas Germany Hassan Kam al Saudi Arabia G ram m ar & Listening verb be (he/she/it/
1 2
5a 2.15 ))) Look at the photos and listen to the conversation.
(^Yrdelthe correct job for each photo.
Photo 1: student / teacher Photo 2: nurses / doctors

T h ie rry Leloup France Asya Kaya Turkey

3 W aiter________________ *________________

Sonja Yazov Russia K um iko Ito Japan

5 6

b 2.15 $ Listen again. Complete the conversation with jobs.

A This is my friend Fernando.
B Is he a 1_________ ?
A No, he isn’t. He's a 2_________in a school in Mexico.
Daisy Tan China Yanni Loukas Greece B Is it a language school?
7 8 taxi driver_______ A Yes, it is. And these are my friends, Jack and Katie.
B Are they 3_________ ?
A No, they aren’t. They're 4_________ in a hospital in
b 2.13 ))) Listen and check your answers.

18 O n Oxford 3000™
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

6 Complete the Grammar focus box. Use exercise 5b to 9 Work with a partner. Take turns to guess the jobs and
help you. countries. Student A, turn to page 106. Student B, turn to
page 111.
GRAMMAR FOCUS verb be (he/she/it/they)
READING SKILLS understanding pronouns (1)
Positive (+)
Pronouns, e.g. he, they, are used in place of nouns, e.g. Tony,
He/she/it 1 (is) from Russia.
my friends. Understanding pronouns can help you understand
They 2 (are) nurses. the text.
Negative (-) Wira is my friend. He (= Wira) is a teacher a t a language school.
He/She/lt 3 (is not) from Sydney.
1 Read the text. Match words 1-4 to names/places a-d.
They aren't (are not) doctors.
Questions (?) Julie and Frank are from Australia. She's an
4 engineer and he's a ch ef in a restaurant in
she/he/it from Indonesia?
M elbourne. It's an Italian restaurant. Now they
5 they engineers? are in Italy fo r ten days. She's there on business
Short answers and he's on holiday.
he/she/it 6
(+) Yes,
they are. 1 it a Julie
he/she/it 7 2 they b a restaurant in Melbourne
(-) NO, 3 she c Frank
they 8
4 he d Julie and Frank
-> Grammar Reference page 118
2a Underline the correct answers.
7a Look at the conversations.(Circlmhe correct options. 1 Frank is an engineer/ a chef.
1 A T his1is I are a photo of my house in Romania. 2 Julie is an engineer / a chef.
B Where 2if is / is it? 3It's / Is it in Bra§ov? 3 Julie is from Italy / Australia.
A No, Ait is / it isn't. 5It’s / Is it in Zalau. 4 The restaurant is Italian / Australian.
2 A These are my friends, Jana and Milos. They 6is / are 5 Julie and Frank are in Melbourne / Italy for
from Slovakia. ten days.
B 7They are / At e they doctors? 6 Frank is there on business / holiday.
A No, they8are/ aren't. Jana 9is / are a nurse and
Milos 10is / are a teacher. b Compare your answers with a partner.

b Work with a partner. Practise the conversations in exercise 7a. 3 Read the text and answer the questions.

8 Work with a partner. Imagine the people in the photos are These are m y friends, A rturo
your friends. Take turns to talk about them. and Romina. He’s from Mexico
A This is my friend Pieter. and she’s from Argentina. I Arturo Romina
B Is he a ... (job)? They're in Thailand for
A Yes, he is./No, he isn't. He's a ... a week. He's there on
business and she’s there
B Is he from ... (country)?
on holiday. He's a d o c to r
A Yes, he is./No, he isn't. He's from...
at a hospital in Cancun
and she's a teacher at
P ieter Reggie and Sara
a language school. The
school is in Buenos Aires
and it's very good!

1 Who's in Thailand?
2 Who's from Argentina?
3 Who's there on business?
4 Who's a language school teacher?
5 What’s in Buenos Aires?


2 L o o k a t t h e i l l u s t r a t i o n s . O r c l e ) t h e c o r r e c t o p tio n .
2 .1 th is /th a t/th e s e /th o s e ; verb b e (it/they)


Near N ot near

Singular th is th a t

Plural these those

• We use...
1 this and these to talk about people or things near us.
This is a tablet.
2 that and those to talk about people or things that are not 1 A W h a t ’s (this)/ that / those i n E n g lis h ?
near us. It's/They're a w a lle t.
Those are my friends.
2 A W h o ’s t h a t /t h e s e / this?
B M y fr ie n d , R in a .
3 those / t h e s e / that p e o p l e fro m ?
A W h e re a re
Wh- questions (?)
B They're/It's f r o m S p a in .
's this It's a pen. 4 A T h is/ T h ese/T h at is P a u l a f r o m C o lo m b ia .
is that It is an apple. B N ic e to m e e t y o u , P a u la .
what in English?
these They're notepads. 5 A W h at areth o s e/ th a t/ this?
those They are bags. B They're/It's u m b r e lla s .
6 A W h a t is that / those / these?

• We use the verb be to ask and answer questions about people B It's/They're a ta b le t.
and things.
• We often use this/that to introduce or talk about people.
2 . 2 Verb b e (he/she/it/they)
This is my friend, Robert.

A Who's this/th a t? B It's m y friend, Sonny. GR2.2)))

A Who are these/those people? b They're my friends. 1 She's a student.

NOT Who arc these/those? 2 They a re n 't nurses.

3 A Is it from Japan? B No, it isn't.
We don't use contractions in questions with are.
Who are those people? NOT Who'rc those people?
Positive (+)

He/She from Turkey.

1 R e w r ite t h e q u e s t i o n s a n d a n s w e r s w i t h c o n t r a c t i o n s 's/is
w h e r e p o s s ib le . It a pen.

1 A W h a t is t h i s ? Wkat's this? ___________________________ They 're/are notepads.

B I t is a n u m b r e l l a . It's <m um brella. __________________
Negative (-)
2 A W h a t a r e t h e s e ? _______________________________________
He/She a taxi driver.
B T h e y a r e n o t e p a d s . ___________________________________
is n 't/is not
3 A W h a t is t h a t ? __________________________________________ it an apple.
B It is a b a g . _____________________________________________
They a re n't/a re not doctors.
4 A W h a t a r e t h o s e ? _______________________________________
Yes/No questions (?) Short answers
B T h e y a r e a p p l e s . ______________________________________
5 A W h o i s t h a t ? __________________________________________ from he/she/it is.
is he/she/it Yes,
B It is m y f r ie n d , B e n n y . ________________________________ Mexico? they are.
6 A W h e r e a r e t h o s e p e o p l e fr o m ? ________________________ taxi he/she/it isn't,
Are they NO,
B T h e y a r e f r o m C h ile . __________________________________ drivers? they aren't.
7 A W h a t i s t h i s i n F - n g l i s h ? _______________________________
B I t is a k ey . ______________________________________________


• We use the verb be to talk or ask about people's jobs. I'm a waiter We are married.
He is a teacher Are they taxi drivers? You're from India. They're students.
She's a doctor. They're in my bag.
Contractions He's from London.
It's in my bag.
(+) he is = he's (-) she is not = she isn't
they are = they're they are n ot = they aren't/they’re not • We use a subject pronoun, e.g. /, you, etc. in place of a noun
or name.
But: Yes, he/she/it is. NOT Yes, he's.
The hospital's on Oxford Street. It's very big.
Yes, they are. NOT Yes, they're.
Johann's from Brazil. He's a teacher

1 P u t th e w o rd s in th e c o r re c t o rd e r to m a k e s e n te n c e s a n d
q u e s tio n s . 1 C o m p le te t h e s e n t e n c e s a n d q u e s t i o n s w i t h t h e c o r r e c t
s u b je c t p ro n o u n .
1 d o c t o r / a / n o t / I 'm . I'm not a doctor._______________
2 n o t / S h e 's / e n g i n e e r / a n . ____________________________ 1 I 'm a s t u d e n t . _ I 'm a t u n iv e r s ity .

3 Y e / T h e y / n u r s e s . ____________________________________ 2 A A r e ____________ J o h a n n ’s t e a c h e r ? B Y es, I a m .

4 T h e y / a s s i s t a n t s / a r e n ’t / s h o p . ______________________ 3 A W h e r e 's D a v id ? B ____________ 's a t h o m e .

5 A a / Is / l a p t o p / it / ? _________________________________ 4 T h i s is m y s is te r, A i s h a . ____________ 's a n e n g i n e e r .

B i s n ’t / it / N o , . _______________________________________ 5 T h i s is m y l a p t o p . ____________ 's e x p e n s iv e .

6 A A re / t e a c h e r s / t h e y / ? _____________________________ 6 M y n a m e 's S a r a a n d t h i s is A le x .___________ 'r e e n g in e e r s .

B a r e / Y es, / t h e y . ____________________________________ 7 T h e s e a r e m y f r ie n d s , M ia a n d J o . ____________ Ye h e r e

o n h o lid a y w ith m e.
2 C o m p le te t h e c o n v e r s a t i o n w i t h is, are a n d they. U s e 8 A W h e r e 's F a ro ? 13 I t h i n k ____________ 's i n S p a in .
c o n t r a c t i o n s w h e r e p o s s ib le .
2 W r ite q u e s t i o n s a n d a n s w e r s u s i n g t h e m a p .
A T hese 1 are m y f r i e n d s G a b r i e l l a a n d A d r ia n .
B N ic e p h o to ! 2____________ 3_____________f r o m B ra z il?
A N o , t h e y 4____________ f r o m E c u a d o r .
B A r e 5____________ d o c to r s ?
A N o , A d r i a n 6____________ a t e a c h e r in D o h a .
B W h e r e 7____________ D o h a ?
A I t 8____________ i n Q a ta r . A n d G a b r i e l la 9_____________
a s tu d e n t.
B 10____________ s h e i n Q a ta r ?
A N o , s h e 11____________ i n L o n d o n .

2 . 3 Subject pronouns


Subject pronouns
Singular Plural
1 you A Where a rt you?_______________________
B I'm on Richmond Street.____________ .
I we
2 h o s p ita l A Where’s th e hospital? _________________
He They
B _________________________________
She 3 R o n n ie 's B a r A _________________________________________

it B _________________________________
4 A s tr id A _________________________________________
B _________________________________
5 P ie te r A _________________________________________
B _________________________________
6 th e s tu d e n ts A _________________________________________
B _________________________________


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