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A Guide To: Setting up a Club

The Amateur Football Alliance aims to establish safe and structured football opportunities for the
benefit of all. We hope that this guide will help you in your quest to set-up a new adult football
team. The guide includes helpful information from setting up the team to funding; so should you be
setting up a team in a brand new club, or if you are an established club introducing a new team, we
hope you find the guide of use.


AFILLIATION ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Registering .................................................................................................................................... 2
Action Points ............................................................................................................................. 3
Benefits to Affiliation ..................................................................................................................... 5
FUNDING........................................................................................................................................... 6
CLUB ROLES ....................................................................................................................................... 8
CLUB RULES/CONSTUTION CODE OF CONDUCT ................................................................................. 9
Club Rules:..................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Name ..................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Objects .................................................................................................................................. 9
3. Status of Rules ....................................................................................................................... 9
4. Rules and Regulations ............................................................................................................ 9
5. Club Membership .................................................................................................................. 9
6. Annual Membership Fee ...................................................................................................... 10
7. Resignation and Expulsion.................................................................................................... 10
8. Club Committee ................................................................................................................... 10
9. Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings ........................................................................ 11
10. Club Teams ........................................................................................................................ 12
11. Club Finances ..................................................................................................................... 12
12. Dissolution ......................................................................................................................... 13
Code of Conduct .......................................................................................................................... 14



All clubs need to affiliate to their respective county football association each season (this is decided
by where the home ground is situated and the league it wishes to join). Affiliation acts as a quality
assurance and a safety net to help protect players, clubs, officials and administrators. The AFA can
advise on suitable leagues or competitions for your team to enter. Before you start the affiliation
process, we encourage clubs to contact the league they wish to enter to ensure that vacancies exist
and to determine key deadlines relating to registration and fees.

Please note that it is now mandatory for all Clubs with youth sections to have an appointed Club
Welfare Officer. This is also recommended for Adult Clubs with under 18 players. Requirements and
further information can be found on the Clubs Safeguarding page.

Registering with a league and paying any fees may come early in the process and it is important you
get off on the right foot and ensure you get fees and forms in on time. When you make your first
contact with a league make sure you have a list of questions and concerns you have so the league
officers can help you. You may be required to attend the league AGM so they can formally accept
your application and welcome you into the league.

Fixtures and results are administered by the competition committee and it is important you
understand what is expected of you and the club for each game. For home matches, the club
secretary must arrange pitch hire and notify opponents and officials of the kick-off time, venue and
any other details such as colour of the kit. For away games, tell your players the kick-off time,
location and arrange transport if necessary. Clubs should understand the rules of the competition
they enter to avoid disciplinary action including communication and deadlines. The league and cup
competitions you enter will have rules regarding player registration. These rules should be provided
to you on entering the competition.


Action Points

Stage One
Contact the County FA to agree a name for your Club. You will not be allowed to have a name that is
similar to one that already exists. It is recommended to have several different names in mind before
you contact the County FA Office. An affiliation form will then be issued in late May.

Stage Two
A General Meeting of all the intended members of your new Club should be called A Chairman,
Secretary and Treasurer should be elected, together with other persons to form a management
committee. In cases of Youth Clubs, the meeting should be of parents/guardians, who will also need
to elect a Club Welfare Officer. A set of Club rules must be agreed. To assist you with this process,
we have included a set of model rules that can be used as a basis; you will be able to adapt them to
suit your individual purposes.

Stage Three
A Bank/Building Society Account must be opened in the Club’s name. A record of all transactions
must be kept by the Club, with the accounts being audited on an annual basis.

Stage Four
Your Club should then decide whether they wish to apply to join a League. Leagues normally start
considering applications of new Clubs from January for the following season. Details regarding local
Leagues can be obtained from the County FA Office.

Stage Five
The Club should identify ways of fundraising as early as possible. A kit, plus access to a substitute
colour, will need to be purchased; a home pitch needs to be obtained and paid for; Referees fees
and expenses will need to be paid for home games and affiliation fees to the County FA and Leagues
need to be covered.

Stage Six
The club will need to identify a home pitch. Most Local authorities have pitches for hire, or you may
find some local Clubs that own their grounds and are willing to hire them to outside Clubs,
particularly company sports grounds or local schools.

**Club Action Plan Timetable**


1. Players
Ensure each team should have a squad of at least 14 players, or appropriate number for
Mini-Soccer teams.

2. Affiliation
Complete and forward affiliation form and New Club Rules and monies to the County FA.
This also applies to an affiliation of a League/Competition, if you are entering one.


3. Facilities
Arrange pitches which comply with appropriate League regulations and specifications. It is
also prudent to arrange/book training facilities.

4. Meetings
Organise Club/team meetings (e.g. weekly training, monthly management meeting, AGM).
Also attend relevant League or County FA Meetings.

5. Registration
Ensure all players are registered with appropriate League. Up-to-date photographs may be
required and, where there is age qualification, ensure all players are of the correct age.

6. Friendly Fixtures
You are now at a stage where you can start arranging friendly fixtures with corresponding
Club Secretaries.

7. Equipment
Purchase new equipment where necessary. Ensure enough equipment for all teams.

8. Subscription and Fund-Raising

Set a subscription for players and members. Carry out fundraising (appropriate to the Club).

9. Delegation
Club Secretaries/team managers should seek support from other members to spread the
administrative work load where practical, although remember that the Club Secretary is the
chief administrator.


10. Confirm Fixture – e.g. Kick-off, colours, directions to ground, availability of pitch with
groundsman, match official(s).


11 Pitch
Ensure pitch is correctly prepared with nets, flags, markings and access to changing rooms.

12. Match Officials

If you are the home team (except County Cup Matches where fees and expenses are
shared), ensure that match officials have been paid.

13. Refreshments
Provide refreshments where appropriate.

14. Result
Ensure that the result card is completed and posted to the appropriate body to arrive by
designated time. Some competitions will require the home team, or in some cases the
winning team, to phone the result to a designated number.



15. Disciplinary Procedure

This is an ongoing task throughout the season. Dependant on Club policy, the Secretary
and/or player must complete and return appropriate documentation. Disciplinary details
are, ultimately, the responsibility of the Club, so the Secretary should deal with these
matters promptly.


16. AGM
Arrange AGM and/or presentation evening.

Benefits to Affiliation
It can be a daunting task to set up a new football club, but help is at hand to support you through
the process of getting up and running. It is through affiliation that the family of football is
brought together and correct standards and discipline are maintained.

Affiliation acts as a quality assurance and as a safety net to help protect players, clubs, officials and
administrators throughout the game. Benefits include:

 Being legally affiliated to the Amateur Football Alliance (AFA)

 Contacts with all local leagues, clubs and players
 Promotion via our website and links
 Eligibility to compete in County FA competitions (e.g. County Cups)
 Discipline, Fair Play and Respect
 Funding Opportunities
 Access to advice from County FA staff plus FA regional development, coaching and facilities
 Access to purchase public liability and personal injury insurance for your club, team and
 Access to The FA welfare programme
 Access to County FA and FA communications, including your chance to help shape future
 Access to qualified referees for your matches
 Opportunities to participate in FA football development schemes such as Charter Standard
Awards (this provides even further benefits)
 Access to player and coaching development opportunities



The AFA offers access to various schemes and grants to enable clubs to secure funding.
We are not a funding body, but work closely with the Football Foundation (FF) and other major
funders for grassroots football clubs.

Among a number of ways to support your club, we run regular funding clinics covering a range of
funding opportunities to help groups achieve their objectives.
Please feel free to contact the Development Team prior to completing your funding application. If
the project is right and it meets the relevant criteria, we can support you through the application
process and beyond.

London Sport Funding Guide

Sport England

Lottery and Government funding available in different grant schemes to increase participation and
encourage talented athletes to achieve their potential.

Football Foundation

The UK’s biggest sports charity, with funding from The FA and the Government to support
participation and facility improvement.

Awards for All

A simple small grants scheme making awards of £300 to £10,000.


Big Lottery Fund

For community groups and projects to improve health, education and the environment.

Cash 4 Clubs

Sports clubs can win grants ranging from £250 to £1,000.

Mars in the Community

Grants of between £500 to £2,000 are available to healthy living projects in the communities near
Mars’ UK sites.

Local Authorities

Get in touch with your local authority as they often have grants available for projects

FA Facility Enquiry Form



Title Description Name

Chairman Constitution
Rules and regulations
Committee chair
Vice Chairman Support to Chairman and Chairman in waiting
Treasurer  Club finance
 annual accounts
 paying coaches
 paying referees

Secretary  Ensuring smooth running of the club

 Organising managers’, committee meetings and AGM.
 Liaison with leagues
 Liaison with County FA

Discipline Secretary To deal League and AFA fines and payment of fines,
implementation of club rules
Match Secretary Collecting fixtures from League
Transposing fixtures onto schedule for referee and pitch
Club Welfare Officer Ensuring all who need CRB checks have them and those
who need to complete the Safeguarding Children Workshop
have done so
Groundsman / Facilities Officer Weekly co-ordinating and booking pitches for each home
team fixture.
Ensuring the pitches are maintained.
Referee Secretary Weekly co-ordinating and appointing referees for each
home team fixture
Emergency aid co-ordinator Ensuring each team has a parent / coach or assistant with an
emergency aid certificate
Football Development Officer Person with responsibility for football development within
the club
AFA Co-ordinator Contact with AFA for
 AFA Cup fixtures
 Affiliation registration
 FA co-ordination

Volunteer Co-ordinator Responsible for the retaining and the recruitment of new
Emergency Aid Kit co-ordinator Ensuring each team has an emergency aid kit
Charter Standard Getting club charter standard status and annual updating.
Administrator Point of contact for the AFA for all matters relating to CS
New Player Co-ordinator Circulating managers with enquires direct to the club from
potential new members.



Club Rules:

1. Name
The club shall be called (the “Club”).

2. Objects
The objects of the Club shall be to provide facilities, promote the game of Association Football, to
arrange matches and social activities for its members and community participation in the same.

3. Status of Rules
These rules (the “Club Rules”) form a binding agreement between each member of the Club.

4. Rules and Regulations

(a) The members of the Club shall so exercise their rights, powers and duties and shall, where
appropriate use their best endeavours to ensure that others conduct themselves so that the
business and affairs of the Club are carried out in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of The
Football Association Limited (“The FA”), County Football Association to which the Club is affiliated
(“Parent County Association”) and Competitions in which the Club participates, for the time being in

(b) No alteration to the Club Rules shall be effective without prior written approval by the Parent
County Association. The FA and the Parent County Association reserve the right to approve any
proposed changes to the Club Rules.

(c) The Club will also abide by The FA’s Child Protection Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct
and the Equality Policy as shall be in place from time to time.

5. Club Membership
(a) The members of the Club from time to time shall be those persons listed in the register of
members (the “Membership Register”) which shall be maintained by the Club Secretary.

(b) Any person who wishes to be a member must apply on the Membership Application Form and
deliver it to the Club. Election to membership shall be at the discretion of the Club Committee and
granted in accordance with the anti- discrimination and equality policies which are in place from
time to time. An appeal against refusal may be made to the Club Committee in accordance with the
Complaints Procedure in force from time to time. Membership shall become effective upon an
applicant’s name being entered in the Membership Register.

(c) In the event of a member’s resignation or expulsion, his or her name shall be removed from the
Membership Register.

(d) The FA and Parent County Association shall be given access to the Membership Register on


6. Annual Membership Fee

(a) An annual fee payable by each member shall be determined from time to time by the Club
Committee and set at a level that will not pose a significant obstacle to community participation.
Any fee shall be payable on a successful application for membership and annually by each member.
Fees shall not be repayable.

(b) The Club Committee shall have the authority to levy further subscriptions from the members as
are reasonably necessary to fulfil the objects of the Club.

7. Resignation and Expulsion

(a) A member shall cease to be a member of the Club if, and from the date on which, he/she gives
notice to the Club Committee of his/her resignation. A member whose annual membership fee or
further subscription is more than two (2) months in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned.

(b) The Club Committee shall have the power to expel a member when, in its opinion, it would not
be in the interests of the Club for them to remain a member. An appeal against such a decision may
be made to the Club Committee in accordance with the Complaints Procedure in force from time to

(c) A member who resigns or is expelled shall not be entitled to claim any, or a share of any, of the
income and assets of the Club (the “Club Property”).

8. Club Committee
(a) The Club Committee shall consist of the following Club Officers: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson,
Treasurer, Welfare Officer (where a Club has youth teams) Secretary and Minutes Secretary and up
to 5 other members, elected at an Annual General Meeting.

(b) Each Club Officer and Club Committee Member shall hold office from the date of appointment
until the next Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) unless otherwise resolved at an Extraordinary
General Meeting (“EGM”). One person may hold no more than two positions of Club Officer at any
time. The Club Committee shall be responsible for the management of all the affairs of the Club.
Decisions of the Club Committee shall be made by a simple majority of those attending the Club
Committee meeting. The Chairperson of the Club Committee meeting shall have a casting vote in the
event of a tie. Meetings of the Club Committee shall be chaired by the__________ or in their
absence the _____________

The quorum for the transaction of business of the Club Committee shall be three.

(c) Decisions of the Club Committee of meetings shall be entered into the Minute Book of the Club
to be maintained by the Club Secretary.

(d) Any member of the Club Committee may call a meeting of the Club Committee by giving not less
than seven days’ notice to all members of the Club Committee. The Club Committee shall hold not
less than four meetings a year.


(e) An outgoing member of the Club Committee may be re-elected. Any vacancy on
the Club Committee which arises between Annual General Meetings shall be filled by a member
proposed by one and seconded by another of the remaining Club Committee members and
approved by a simple majority of the remaining Club Committee members.

(f) Save as provided for in the Rules and Regulations of The FA, the Parent County Association and
any applicable Competition, the Club Committee shall have the power to decide all questions and
disputes arising in respect of any issue concerning the Club Rules.

(g) The position of a Club Officer shall be vacated if such person is subject to a decision of The FA
that such person be suspended from holding office or from taking part in any football activity
relating to the administration or management of a football club.

9. Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings

(a) An AGM shall be held in each year to:

(i) receive a report of the activities of the Club over the previous year;

(ii) Receive a report of the Club’s finances over the previous year;

(iii) Elect the members of the Club Committee; and

(iv) Consider any other business.

(b) Nominations for election of members as Club Officers or as members of the Club Committee shall
be made in writing by the proposer and seconder, both of whom must be existing members of the
Club, to the Club Secretary not less than 21 days before the AGM. Notice of any resolution to be
proposed at the AGM shall be given in writing to the Club Secretary not less than 21 days before the

(c) An EGM may be called at any time by the Club Committee and shall be called within 21 days of
the receipt by the Club Secretary of a requisition in writing, signed by not less than five members
stating the purposes for which the Meeting is required and the resolutions proposed. Business at an
EGM may be any business that may be transacted at an AGM.

(d) The Secretary shall send to each member at their last known address written notice of the date
of a General Meeting (whether an AGM or an EGM) together with the resolutions to be proposed at
least 14 days before the meeting.

(e) The quorum for a General Meeting shall be


(f) The Chairperson, or in their absence a member selected by the Club Committee, shall take the
chair. Save as set out at (g) below, each member present shall have one vote and resolutions shall be
passed by a simple majority. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairperson of the Meeting shall
have a casting vote.

(g) Any member aged under 18 years may not vote in a general meeting save that one of his or her
parents/ guardians may vote on his or her behalf.


(h) The Club Secretary, or in their absence a member of the Club Committee, shall
enter Minutes of General Meetings into the Minute Book of the Club.

10. Club Teams

At its first meeting following each AGM the Club Committee shall appoint a Club member to be
responsible for each of the Club’s football teams. The appointed members shall be responsible for
managing the affairs of the team. The appointed members shall present to the Club Committee at its
last meeting prior to an AGM a written report of the activities of the team.

11. Club Finances

(a) A bank account shall be opened and maintained in the name of the Club (the “Club Account”).
Designated account signatories shall be the Club Chairperson, the Club Secretary and the Treasurer.
No sum shall be drawn from the Club Account except by cheque signed by two of the three
designated signatories. All monies payable to the Club shall be received by the Treasurer and
deposited in the Club Account.

(b) The Club Property shall be applied only in furtherance of the objects of the Club. The distribution
of profits or proceeds arising from the sale of Club Property to members is prohibited.

(c) The Club Committee shall have the power to authorise the payment of remuneration and
expenses to any member of the Club (although a Club shall not remunerate a member for playing)
and to any other person or persons for services rendered to the Club.

(d) The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching,
courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, away-match expenses, post-match refreshments and
other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as provided for in the Finance Act 2002.

(e) The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the Club:

(i) Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment;

(ii) employ members (although not for playing) and remunerate them for providing goods
and services, on fair terms set by the Club Committee without the person concerned being

(iii) Pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting teams and guests; and

(iv) Indemnify the Club Committee and members acting properly in the course of the
running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club (but only
to the extent of its assets).

(f) The Club shall keep accounting records for recording the fact and nature of all payments and
receipts so as to disclose, with reasonable accuracy, at any time, the financial position, including the
assets and liabilities of the Club. The Club must retain its accounting records for a minimum of six


(g) The Club shall prepare an annual “Financial Statement”, in such format as shall
be available from The FA from time to time. The Financial Statement shall be verified by an
independent, appropriately qualified accountant and shall be approved by members at general

A copy of any Financial Statement shall, on demand, be forwarded to The FA.

(h) The Club Property, other than the Club Account, shall be vested in not less than two and no more
than four custodians, one of whom shall be the Treasurer (“the Custodians”),who shall deal with the
Club Property as directed by decisions of the Club Committee and entry in the Minute Book shall be
conclusive evidence of such a decision.

(i) The Custodians shall be appointed by the Club in a General Meeting and shall hold office until
death or resignation unless removed by a resolution passed at a General Meeting.

(j) On their removal or resignation a Custodian shall execute a Conveyance in such form as is
published by The FA from time to time to a newly elected Custodian or the existing Custodians as
directed by the Club Committee. The Club shall, on request, make a copy of any Conveyance
available to The FA. On the death of a Custodian, any Club Property vested in them shall vest
automatically in the surviving Custodians. If there is only one surviving Custodian, an EGM shall be
convened as soon as possible to appoint another Custodian.

(k) The Custodians shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the Club Property for all expenses and
other liabilities reasonably incurred by them in carrying out their duties.

12. Dissolution
(a) A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at a General Meeting and shall be carried
by a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present.

(b) The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the members of the Club
Committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the Club.

(c) Any surplus assets remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Club shall be
transferred to another Club, a Competition, the Parent County Association or The FA for use by them
for related community sports.


Code of Conduct

The Respect codes of conduct are in place to ensure that everyone involved in football is playing
their part to create a positive experience.

For more information and to download copies of the Respect Codes of Conduct for all roles involved
in football, please use the following link -


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

To make sure you have appropriate safeguards in your club it is important everyone is aware of your
safeguarding children policy and the procedures for reporting a concern about the welfare of a child.

Your designated safeguarding officer (club welfare officer) will be able to advise you, but if you want
to find out more about how to increase your understanding of safeguarding in football why not
complete the Safeguarding Children workshop.

Please use the following link to download a copy of the FA’s Safeguarding Policies and Procedures
and a Safeguarding Policy that your club can adopt -

Some Helpful Links

A Guide to Managing in Grassroots Football -


Grassroots Guide to Youth Football -

Koolpak (First Aid Supplies)-


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