BRP - Rome - Veni Vidi Vici

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Basic Roleplaying

Four Adventures for Rome


The Ransom Ken Spencer To everyone who appreciated Basic Roleplaying Rome,
The Promise Ken Spencer and in particular to Fabian Kuechler and the Tentacles
The Sacrilege Pete Nash Omega convention staff for helping us in launching this
supplement and to Sverre “Trifletraxor” Larne and all the
The Invasion Conall Kavanagh members of Basic Roleplaying Central for the support

given to the BRP product line.

EDITING Basic Roleplaying ® is the Registered Trademark of
Paolo Guccione, Pete Nash Chaosium, Inc. and is used under license.

Rome, the life and death of the Republic is a Trademark

GRAPHIC DESIGN of Alephtar Games.

Dario Corallo Copyright © 2009 Alephtar Games and the respective

Authors. All rights reserved. No part of this book can be
reproduced without the explicit consent of the author.
COVER ART Character Sheets in the appendices can be photocopied
for personal use. Permission is granted to print one copy
Dario Corallo
of this book if purchased in electronic format.

Dario Corallo, Miguel Santos,
Alexandre Togeiro

Dario Corallo
everal months after the publication of Basic C HOOSING
S Roleplaying Rome: Life and Death of the Republic, we
are happy to see that the supplement is still enjoyed by
the public and requested by customers. Some people may

have noticed, however, that ready-to-play adventures were Whoever their patron might be, all the player
missing from the book. However, the supplement contains characters should be people close to him and trusted
more than one hundred scenario ideas that an experienced with important and delicate matters. If you are
GM can easily transform into full roleplaying adventures or generating characters for these scenarios, the professions
even tie together into a long spanning campaign in which which best suit them are: Bodyguard (naturally, the
the heroes climb up the social ladder of Republican Rome patron’s bodyguard), Bureaucrat (the patron’s personal
until they reach really important magistrate positions. The secretary), Dilettante (a young patrician who
only addition needed would be some names for the main accompanies a higher ranking one), Doctor (a personal
characters, for which we provided a useful name table, and physician), Legionary (a retired soldier turned
the basic statistics for opponents and encounters. bodyguard), Musician (the patron likes a little music with
We know, however, that even though most roleplayers his dinner), Philosopher (the patron likes some good
are always ready to make up game details and encounter conversation), Poet (to extol the patron’s virtues), and
stats, there are many people who enjoy having a Scholar or Teacher (a private tutor in some area
pregenerated scenario to add to their campaign for the important to the patron). Some of the scenarios include
evenings when they happen to have nothing ready. Not to facing physical dangers as well as social challenges, so
mention the fact that fully fleshed out adventures are always make sure that at least some of the player characters are
useful as templates and inspiration sources even for those able to survive in a physical contest, which does not
who prefer to make up their own campaigns. Thus, even necessarily mean combat. However, make sure that not
though we hoped that people would make good use of the all the characters are fighters, because a heavily combat
cameos that come with the Basic Roleplaying Rome core oriented party could be tempted to resolve all challenges
book, we thought it would be useful for our fans to publish with violence, an attitude that can be very dangerous in
some Rome adventures that gamers could use straight out of Basic Roleplaying Rome.


the box, with most of the statistics and details already The fourth scenario involves more wilderness
worked out. adventure and possibly combat, so character from a
The adventures in this scenario pack can either be run as military background will be at an advantage there, while
one-shot scenarios or inserted into an existing campaign that characters with high social skills that can be used only in
is set in the first century BC. If the gamemaster wishes to tie Rome could be less fun to play. If you are running the
all the scenarios together to form the backbone of a scenarios as a continuing storyline, you may wish to
campaign, the element that connects all adventures together allow some players who are running a city-dwelling
could be the best known leader of ancient Rome, Gaius Roman adventurer to use an ad hoc replacement
Julius Caesar. He can be the adventurers' patron throughout character, possibly a barbarian renegade who is
all these scenarios, providing them with motivations for accompanying the party and acting as an interpreter or
adventure and enriching the background with his inspiring guide.
Well, at this point you should have had enough of
The names of the player characters' patron, his wife, and this editorial rambling, so let us introduce the individual
his rivals are intentionally left open in all the scenarios. If scenarios, and then let you move to the fascinating world
your campaign already includes a patron for you party, then of First Century BC.
use him. If it does not, or you are generating your player
characters and their relationships for these scenarios, then The Ransom (p. 4). The party's patron has been
you have the option of using Julius Caesar as their patron. kidnapping by pirates, and they must travel to Rome and
The scenarios start during the times when Caesar was raise his ransom in a rush against time and their patron's
nothing more than a promising patrician in the City, a thorn rival's underlings.
in Sulla's side, and end during the Gallic Wars, when Caesar
was the epitome of Roman valour in battle. The incident The Promise (p. 10): The party's patron is now free,
with the pirates actually happened to Julius Caesar, and after but he wants revenge against the pirates who held him
being ransomed he really hunted down his captors and had prisoner. Can the heroes be the key factor in the pursuit
them crucified. So if you wish to use Caesar as the patron and defeat of these seagoing scum?
there is room for you to build an exciting storyline with the
player characters interacting with known characters, and The Sacrilege (p. 19): The party members discover
perhaps even changing some details of history. that their patron's wife is involved in a torrid affair with
If on the contrary you do not wish to have Caesar a well known patrician, and their loyalty is about to be
interact directly with the player characters, just make up a tested in a plot full of treachery. But is everything really
suitable patron and his wife and introduce them into your as it appears?
campaign. In this case, the player characters will still be in
Caesar's employ in the last scenario, which takes place The Invasion (p. 26): Rome is planning to invade the
during a military campaign, but you can assume that it is British Isles, but strategy suggests gathering intelligence
their patron who is given the mission of scouting the Britons
and sends his faithful retainers for the job.
beforehand. The party is sent to Britannia as scouts and
spies: are there Briton chieftains envious enough of
Cassivellaunus to side with the Roman invaders?

his adventure is designed for a party of three to six ACT ONE:

T normal power level characters. All the PCs are
clients of the same patron, trusted with important THE PIRATE ATTACK

and delicate matters. Appropriate professions for the PCs

would include: Bodyguard (naturally, the patron’s The player characters are in attendance to their patron
bodyguard), Bureaucrat (the patron’s personal secretary), after long months abroad. Despite the dangers of the
Doctor (a personal physician), Musician (the patron likes a brutal, insolent pirates who infest the Mediterranean, the
little music with his dinner), Philosopher (the patron likes patron is restless to return home and books passage on the
some good conversation), Poet (to extol the patron’s Dolphini - a Greek merchant ship out of Methoni. Whilst
virtues), and Scholar (a private tutor in some area they are passing through the straits between the islands of
important to the patron). Ithaki and Kefalonia, the worst fears of the captain are
There is a distinct possibility of combat in this scenario. realized as three pirate galleys pull hard towards the PCs
However intelligence, cunning, and quick feet should rule ship.
the day. Getting into a fight can be very deadly, as the lack
of armour or even basic weaponry will put the party at a
disadvantage. Important skills are Disguise, Etiquette, Fast The pirate fleet
Talk, Hide, Insight, Knowledge (Region: Rome), Rhetoric,
Stealth, and Streetwise. The day is bright and warm, and you are happy to be heading
At the beginning of the adventure, the PCs have not back to Rome. Your long stay amongst uncivilized peoples
been in Rome for some time. They are returning from the has left you yearning for the simple pleasures of home. As
East with their patron, who may have been travelling on you dream of the great city, a lookout begins calling. You
business, for pleasure, or for political reasons. Whichever search in the direction of his outstretched finger and see three
the reason, everyone is looking forward to getting back to galleys running out of a small inlet and heading right for your
the centre of things after a lengthy and exhausting stay in ship.
the provinces.
This adventure is based on a historical incident of the
late Republic. In 79 BC, Julius Caesar was returning to
Rome from self imposed exile. On his way, he was As the galleys swiftly catch up, the PCs have a chance
captured and ransomed by Cilician pirates. Thus Caesar to decide what they are going to do. The Dolphini’s crew is
dispatched several servants to go and bring back his small and ill prepared to fend off the attackers. Save for
ransom. their patron; nobody has any armour or weapons larger
Piracy had reached an epidemic level by the late than a knife. Let the PCs run around a bit before the first of
Republic. The Cilician pirates based in what is now the pirates approaches to within a bow shot. If they come
Southern Turkey were the most famous, however many up with any good ideas then they can attempt to convince
other bands were also in operation. Ships and cities were the merchant captain to try them. Ultimately however, they
assaulted, looted, and large numbers of people where sold are outnumbered and not even the Gods can save them
into slavery. Often these slaves would end up working on from being boarded.
the plantations of wealthy Romans. Eventually, Rome had

4 had enough and dispatched Pompey in 67 BC to prosecute

a campaign against the worst of the pirate groups, and to
his eternal fame, he cleared the sea in only three months.
Pirates boarding THE R ANSOM DEMAND
You can see the first pirate ship clearly now. It is a bireme
packed with armed men, many of them carrying bows. The The captives are taken blindfolded to the pirate’s den,
other two are approaching fast. This is a fight you cannot win. a small hidden cove on an island near Kefalonia. The
The captain of your ship orders his men to stand down. It galleys beach and the Greek sailors are herded ashore.
looks like they are giving up without a fight. They are taken to a small dirty fenced area that is nearly
Your patron summons you to his side. filled with captives waiting to be sold. The PCs are given
“I do not desire any unnecessary bloodshed, and it would be a small goat shelter full of fleas as their quarters while
best to pay off these ruffians and be on our way. However, I Agathon and their patron finish discussing terms. The
will defend myself if they become violent, and expect you to crude hut is guarded by lounging pirates, but several times
do the same.” during the day a frail, sickly looking woman in a tattered
shift comes and brings them flat bread and a large bowl of
watery fish broth. She does not make eye contact, and her
The pirates throw grapples and board the Dolphini. left eye is swollen.
They are a wild and dangerous looking bunch, clad in short If the PCs show her some kindness and succeed with a
tunics and barefoot. They are armed with knives, short suitable communication skill or Insight roll, they gain the
swords or bows. They swarm onto the decks pushing the chance to ask the woman a few questions. This is their
sailors and passengers to one side. The other two vessels chance to find out about where the pirate’s hideout really
pull alongside the Dolphini and also send pirates aboard. is, the ruthless and vengeful personality of Agathon, how
The pirates are rough with the Greek sailors, but begin to many men he has, and any other information which may
hoot to each other when they see Romans. Any PC who be useful if the PCs decide to organise a punitive raid once
speaks Greek can tell that they are alternately insulting the they have freed their patron.
‘soft girly’ Romans and bragging about how much money Shortly after dark, they are escorted to the least rickety
they’ll fetch in the slave markets. They begin to provoke building of the settlement. Inside it is incongruously filled
the PCs with crude suggestions about what they’ll do once with looted furniture and fine art. Their patron, reclining
they remove the Roman’s togas… on an expensive looking couch and coolly sipping wine
with the pirate chief, gestures for them to approach.

The patron's pride

As the pirates press in, you move to protect your patron. He
The mission
draws his gladius and roars, “You scum will not lay a hand on “My dear fellows, you have served me well these past years.
me! I’ll surrender to your captain, or have your entrails I entrust you now with a task of the utmost importance. I have
steaming on the deck!” This causes the pirates to pause. come to terms with this Agathon, and we have agreed to a
ransom of 25 talents in silver. He has permitted me to send
you to Rome to bring the ransom back. However, he is a man
The situation is tense, the pirates are ready and eager, of little patience and will not hesitate to execute me if you do
the Patron is determined, and the PC’s are threatened. Let not return promptly. When in Rome, take this ring to my
them stew for a moment or two, and then interrupt any house and present it to my wife, she will arrange for the

rash decisions with a new scene description. ransom.
I needn’t tell you that my rival would love to use this incident
to disgrace me, or even delay you in order to see me
The pirate captain conveniently out of his way. Thus utmost discretion is
necessary. You will be permitted to leave unmolested and
with what monies you had, as well as your weapons.
Agathon will drop you off near Tarentum on his way to sell
slaves. He has given me the waxing and waning of the
moon, a mere thirty days to come up with the ransom. He will
meet you at a small fishing village somewhere near Firmum
on the Picenum coast. Go, and be safe.”

“Hold you varlets, these men are worth more than all the rest The PC’s are taken by a pirate galley and dropped off
combined”, a loud voice says in Greek. The crowd of pirates ten miles west of Tarentum. From there, they must find their
parts and a short, dark man dressed better than the rest own way to Rome. They have several options. Walking will
emerges. His finer clothes, oiled beard, gold earrings and be dangerous and take far too long. They can hire horses
commanding bearing denote him as someone to respect and (Average value) and ride from Tarentum to Rome, or they
fear. can take passage on a ship (Expensive value).
“I am Agathon the Black, and I command here. I’ll accept your The journey by horse takes 10+1d6 days. However, the
surrender, and that of your men.” PCs must roll against their Ride skill. If a fumble is rolled
then the rider has fallen badly and the group is held up by
1d3 extra days.
Your patron surrenders his weapons to Agathon, as do The journey by ship will put them in Ostia in 5+1d10
you all. You are then taken onto the lead pirate galley. The days, and it takes another day to sail up the Tiber to Rome.
whole party is politely searched for valuables, save their
Patron. Once onboard, you are closely guarded while your
patron and Agathon discuss terms at the bow of the vessel.
Unless one of the characters performs a sacrifice to Neptune
or the winds, before the ship sets sail, it is caught in a terrible
storm – adding a further 1d3 days to the trip as they are
Home, sweet home
You hear the sounds of yelling plebeians, the breaking of
pottery, and the rumble of feet. A riot is underway somewhere
nearby! The sound echoes along the streets, making it hard
to determine where exactly it is coming from, but it appears to
be getting louder.

The depredations of pirates on the grain shipments

have caused a bread shortage in Rome. Plebeians of the
poorer classes cannot afford to pay the rising cost of this
most basic food, and are rioting in anger. Unless they act
immediately and flee in the opposite direction, the riot will
engulf the PCs. Stopping to see what is happening, or
freezing in shock will submit them to the Rioting rules on
page 65 of BRP Rome.

You are being jabbed by elbows on every side as people try
to get clear of the rioters. Your feet are repeatedly trod upon;
paving stones, trash, and the occasional roof tile fly through
the air. The constant jostling of the bodies is unnerving. The
din of so many upraised voices is overwhelming. You see
some people duck into tabernae, others run down side streets
or alleys. One man, his toga torn and bloody, hides beneath
a vendor’s stall, trying to stop the blood that flows across his
face from a nasty scalp wound.

If caught in the madness, the party must take shelter

and barricade themselves somewhere for the night, unless

they wish to chance a deadly encounter with the looters,

blown far off course - and the PCs must make Stamina rolls thieves, or drunkards who rage uncontrolled in the streets
or be chronically sea sick for the remainder of the journey. after the riots pass by. Sensibly waiting for morning costs
Their patron’s rival is keeping an eye out for his return. them another day before they reach the patron’s home.
He has clients watching the gates of Rome and has bribed the
port officials of Ostia. Although he is not looking for the
party per se, as known and important clients their ACT FIVE:
appearance will be remarked upon.
Whichever route they take, the PCs will be approached GETTING THE RANSOM
and questioned by agents seeking their names. If they
foolishly answer truthfully, the rival will learn of their arrival If the adventure is being used as part of an
that very evening. A successful Idea roll will allow the PCs to ongoing campaign, play act five based on the relationship
recognise the agents as clients in the pay of their patron’s between the PCs and their patron’s wife. Otherwise, she is
rival, and realise they need to fast talk, sneak or bribe a harsh and suspicious woman.
(Average Value) their way past them. Overcoming the agents
by trickery or payment will maintain the secret of their
arrival... but word will eventually reach the rival of the
patron’s kidnapping, spreading across the Mediterranean by The wife in anger
the gloating gossip of drunken pirates.
If they enter Rome undiscovered, each day the PC with “You cowards, you are not men! After all that we have done
the lowest Luck should make a roll. On a failure they are for you, you let my husband be captured by pirates and then
spotted and made note of, their patron’s rival finding out abandon him! Now you come begging for money, how am I
about them the next day. On a fumble, an attempt is made to to know that you can be trusted, how am I to not believe that
snatch them off the street for questioning by hired thugs. you trying to take advantage of this disaster?”
Modify this role based on how inconspicuous the party is
being, but no more than +/- 10%.
A careful touch is required to convince her that the PCs
are on the up and up, as well as that the whole ransom
ACT FOUR: R IOTS needs to be paid and on time. Etiquette and Rhetoric rolls
are called for, with modifiers based on the PC’s actions and
As the party travels through the city to their patron’s choice of words. A conciliatory response is called for,
home, they start to hear a low rumbling of shouted voices. though the PC’s will have to appeal to her reason, possibly
Soon the noise is obvious, a riot is underway. The PCs can using logic, to show her that the pirates are not ones to be
hear the noise echoing from the buildings, but though they trifled with.
cannot pinpoint the direction, they are very near it. A

6 successful Listen roll tells them that the riot is ahead and to
the right, and coming closer.
Scene 1: The Ambush
The wife is persuaded
“It will take at least three days, if not more to raise the ransom. The alleys
You may present yourselves to me here. You may leave You dodge away from the crowd. Soon, you find yourselves
now.” in a maze of alleys and backstreets in an unfamiliar
neighbourhood. The insulae tower above, leaving you in
deep shadows. The people of the slum stare at you with a mix
Failure to persuade her results in the loss of several days of fear and thinly disguised animosity. It is as if they are
before they can place their suit again. Otherwise they can asking themselves, “Are these men predators, or prey?”
attempt to organise the ransom themselves by negotiating
loads from moneylenders using the patron’s seal ring, and
asking for donations from his other clients. As they duck down the alley, the PCs notice that they
are being followed. A successful Spot roll vs. the Hide skill
of the thugs following them reveals a small gang of lowlifes
ACT SIX: taking the same route. The thugs will follow along, trying
to appear innocuous until the party is well clear of any
DIVERSIONARY TACTICS high traffic areas. They will then attack with intent to
disable at least one PC and possibly loot some valuables. If
If the rival has not yet been alerted, continue making their patron’s rival has not been notified of the party’s
daily Luck rolls, only now with a -20% modifier since he has presence, the thugs are just looking to score a quick
clients watching the house. The party has three days to mugging.
prepare for the next leg of their journey. If they return to their Since the insulae of the back alleys rise up above them
regular haunts, apply an additional -5% to luck rolls to avoid and the passageways twist and turn randomly to avoid
being spotted. buildings and shrines, the way gets very confused, very
Once alerted to their presence, the rival orchestrates a fast. A Knowledge (Region: Rome) is required to navigate
daily encounter until the ransom has been compiled and is out of the maze. Success indicates that it takes 1d6 minutes
ready for transport. Choose the most suitable or entertaining to find a route past the cart. A failure results in the party
events from the following: being lost for 1d10 minutes. A fumble will get them turned
A PC is approached with a significant bribe, enough around and very lost for 10+1d20 minutes. A special or
money to pay for a single item of Expensive value - if he will critical success gets them out of the maze before they can
betray his patron and act as a spy for the rival be jumped by the thugs.
A high class and sought after courtesan, invites one of If a chase results, use the following system. The
the PCs to tell her of his daring escape from pirates. If he pursuit begins with the two parties a block apart. Each
accepts, he will be subjected to days of heavenly joy – from participant needs to make Stamina rolls every minute
which his companions must ‘rescue’ him (unless you are using the Fatigue rules). Failure results in
The mother of one of the PCs disappears and a note is the character being out of breath and has dropped behind a
delivered, threatening the life of the old matron if the son half a block. At the same time, one member of each group
doesn’t sabotage the ransom payment. Searching will soon needs to make an opposed Knowledge (Region: Rome) roll.
reveal that the old woman has travelled down to Ostia The winner gains a half a block on their opponents. The
following up a false message that her son has fathered a child chase ends when the parties are separated by more than

on a poor serving girl whom he has abandoned three blocks, at which point the pursuers give up, or if the
One of the bankers refuses to cough up a promised separation is reduced to zero, indicating that some of the
payment to the ransom, and the PCs must discover how and PCs are caught.
why the usurer is being blackmailed
An old friend of the PCs has become a charioteer of Scene 2: The Lion
rather mediocre skill. Amazingly he manages to win a race
and takes them out on a celebratory binge drinking session, As the party is pushing through the crowd, the cage
and they wake up in the hold of a ship about to sail for Africa topples off the cart.


TROUBLE ON THE STREETS As you pass the cart, the workers lose control of their load and
the cage tumbles off the cart and smashes into the street.
Alerted that the ransom is complete, the PCs pass by an With a mighty roar, the occupant leaps out of the wreckage,
amusing scene on their way back to the house of their patron. tearing through the cloth draping. A fully grown male lion
stands snarling in the streets of Rome! The crowd panics,
several people are in danger of being caught in the stampede,
The cart and others are in danger of being mauled by the leonis.

A cart transporting a large cage draped with a yellow cloth

has cracked a wheel. Workmen are attempting to lift the Those in danger include an elderly blind man whose
cage off the cart, but each time the cage shakes and its cane has been knocked away in the panic and a matronly
occupant growls causing the men to drop it in fear. A small woman with her two children (a girl of ten and a young
jeering crowd has gathered, and you are forced to either woman of sixteen) are in frozen in fear in front of the lion.
take a long detour through an unfamiliar neighbourhood, or Attempts to rescue these, or other random innocents,
try to push through the packed bodies. should result in a reward of some kind, and a small
increase in the PCs personal reputation (+1d3% to Status).
However, the resulting gossip will immediately inform the
If the party try the winding back alleys, go to Scene 1: patron’s rival of their presence if he hadn’t already
The Ambush; if they try to push through the crowd, go to
Scene 2: The Lion.
discovered them. It will also incidentally delay them from
making their meeting on time.
The old blind man is Gaius Livius Avitus, a retired
actor. Anyone who rescues him will be showered with Their patron’s wife is not happy about entrusting the
gratitude and invited to dinner. Gaius is not wealthy, but ransom to the party. She wants to hire some ex-gladiators
he is lonely and childless. A PC who befriends this as guards. This may not be a good idea, as it will attract
charming old man gains a contact who knows all the latest more attention. Also, can these men be trusted with such a
gossip, and at some point in the future will end up vast amount of wealth? She can be talked out of this, if the
inheriting his small horde of coins (enough to allow a party so wishes, with appropriate Rhetoric rolls.
single Expensive purchase). The ransom is split between several large strongboxes
The matron is Adolpha Trebia, the wife of Lucius of silver coinage, and a bulky pile of gold and silver
Trebius, a centurion of some fame currently serving in goblets, ewers, plates and other assorted decorative items.
Hispania. She will be very grateful, but somewhat In total, the entire ransom weighs about 500kg and will
circumspect. She will ask her brother to invite their need to be transported across the Apennine Mountains to
rescuers to dinner at his house. She is, of course, looking to the collection point. The PCs have several options, such as
make a good match for her eldest daughter (Lucia Maxima) purchasing oxen and a cart, hiring mules or horses at a
and possibly in the future for her other daughter (Lucia livery stable at the edge of the city, or borrowing a dozen
Minima). When Lucius Trebius returns home, the heroes slaves from the patron’s wife and concealing the ransom
will have a staunch ally if they ever need someone tough, amongst the entire party.
intimidating and good in a fight! Before the party can leave the city, their patron’s rival
will direct his clients to use any means necessary short of
openly overt violence to foil the PCs plan. This could
ACT EIGHT: include anything from staging a mock funeral to block up
the streets, to hiring a foreign soothsayer to bar access to a
LEAVING R OME city gateway whilst ‘foretelling’ horrifying curses on
anyone leaving Rome that day! If the delaying tactics work,
When the party arrives at the house of their patron, his whatever the reason, the PCs lose one day and must slip
wife greets them coolly, especially if they are late. out of the city at night.
If everything else fails, the rival will reluctantly resort
to letting slip information to the criminal underworld that
The ransom is ready the PCs are secretly carrying a ransom out of the city.
Whilst passing through the necropolis on the Via Salaria, or
Lines of worry crease her face, and her appearance is more when they stop that night at the first roadside tavern, the
haggard than usual. “This ransom required me to call in many party will be attacked by a gang of thieves. Use the stats for
of the favours owed to my husband, as well as sell some of thugs in the NPC stat section. The thieves will attempt the
my jewellery. I do not like the idea of entrusting it to you, you robbery with minimum violence, but resort to clubs if
who would not lift a finger to keep this calamity from occurring. necessary. If the PCs are experiencing difficulties, have the
I wish to hire some ex-gladiators or some other type of ruffian thieves only manage to steal a small part of the ransom
as guards, since I doubt you have the spleens to defend it.” before help arrives to drive the thugs off. They can then

decide how to make up the shortfall or cheat the pirates,

during the remaining journey.
Several more subtle attacks occur on the following
days, attempting to drug the livestock, or sabotage the cart.
If these are successful each event delays the PCs another
day. Eventually though, the rival will give up his efforts.

The Cilician pirates have, unsurprisingly, a love for
wine. Inebriated talk of a huge ransom has resulted in
rumours spreading up and down the Picenum coast. On
the last evening before the PC’s complete their journey,
they stay at a lonely roadside caupona near Firmum. If
anyone is sociable, or makes a Listen roll they hear that
bandits have been spotted watching the road.
If the PCs take no effort to either adopt disguises, or
conceal the ransom amongst other innocuous looking
goods, then the next day they will be ambushed in the
forested hills just before reaching the fishing village. If they
are travelling incognito, have them make an appropriate
opposed roll against the bandits’ Spot skill. If successful
they manage to fool the ambushers who let them pass.
Otherwise the only thing saving them from a brutal combat
is trying to outwit the bandits with a cunning plan, such as
hiring a second cart, filling it with a fake ransom and
sending it ahead to be captured instead of the real one.
Injudicious PCs who attract the bandits notice may still
save themselves if their party appears to be very strong, i.e.
they have hired bodyguards and are heavily armed. In this
case the bandits will attempt to intimidate the PCs instead,
but won’t actually risk attack. It is not necessary for the

8 adventure that the party is mauled by bandits, but they

should suffer if they have done a poor job of disguising the
ransom, or sneaking it past the bandits.
Unless seriously detained by the rival’s dirty tricks, the
party will arrive at the meeting point in 7+1d4 days if they NPC STATS
are driving a cart, 6+1d2 days if they take horses, and
7+1d2 days if they are on foot. This can be shortened if
they have a plan to travel faster, or wish to push Pirates
themselves and their beasts. Pushing requires a daily
Stamina roll to keep up and shaves 1d4 days off the STR 13 CON 13 SIZ 12 INT 14 POW 13 DEX 14 APP 10
journey. Arriving late or without the ransom will result in MOV: 12 HP: 13 DB: +1d4 Armour: none
their patron’s death, and thus a great disgrace for the party.
Arriving with only some of the ransom (unless the shortfall Attacks: Pugilism 55% (1d3+1d4, crushing)
can be somehow concealed) will greatly anger Agathon, Xiphos 65% (1d6+1d4, bleeding)
who will demand some or all of the party turned over to Wrestling 65%
him as slaves to make up the difference. Naturally the
patron will not order or even suggest that this be done, yet Skills: Climb 80%, Dodge 40%, Jump 45%, Language (Latin)
brave or loyal PCs can volunteer. 40%, Language (Greek) 50%, Listen 45%, Navigate 50%,
Sense 30%, Spot 50%, Swim 45%, Throw 50%

The pirates are ready to put down any resistance, though they
ACT TEN: know the value of a slave and won’t kill outright.
After Caesar returned to Rome, he outfitted a private Thugs
fleet and sailed back to the pirates who had captured him.
While in captivity, he had told the pirates he would crucify STR 11 CON 11 SIZ 12 INT 14 POW 13 DEX 12 APP 10
them all, which they thought was a great joke. They MOV: 12 HP: 12 DB: none Armour: none
stopped laughing when he caught up with them, and true
to his word, crucified the lot. Follow this adventure with Attacks: Pugilism: 55% (1d3, crushing)
«The Promise» to have your own last laugh on this sea Club 45% (1d6, crushing) or Sica (1d4+1, bleeding)
going scum. Wrestling 55%
If their patron is safely returned to Rome, his wife has
a new appreciation of the party. Her general demeanour Skills: Dodge 50%, Hide 65%, Stealth 50%, Knowledge
will soften somewhat, though she will continue to be a bit (Region: Rome) 45%
abrasive. Their patron will see that they are amply
rewarded for their efforts in a manner based on any heroic These thugs are acting under orders, though they like a good
actions they undertook. brawl. If the odds turn against them, they will flee. The thugs
Intrigue with the rival will continue bitterly, and their don’t really know who hired them, just some guy in a taberna.
patron will be very interested in revenging himself on They are working for the patron’s rival.
anyone who interfered with his ransom payment. A
possible strike against the rival or his clients is inevitable, a
favour best asked of a group of loyal and capable clients. Lion

STR 19 CON 11 SIZ 17 INT 5 POW 13 DEX 19
MOV: 12 HP: 14 DB: +1d6 Armour: 2 (skin)

Attacks: Bite 50% (1d10+1/2 1d6, bleeding)

Claw 60% (1d6+1d6, bleeding)
Rake 80% (2d6+1d6, bleeding)
A lion can make one claw attack and one bite attack each
combat round. If both attacks hit, the lion hangs on for the
next round, continuing to bite. Instead of clawing, it will
attempt to rake with its hind claws.

Skills: Climb 45%, Dodge 50%, Hide 70%, Jump 60%, Listen
50%, Sense 50%, Spot 55%, Stealth 75%, Track 25%

The lion is very agitated and any attempts to control him are
difficult, any attempts to attract his attention are easy.

STR 16 CON 14 SIZ 13 INT 10 POW 10 DEX 12 APP 10
MOV: 12 HP: 14 DB: +1d4 Armour: none

Attacks: Pugilism: 55% (1d3+1d4, crushing)

Gladius 45% (1d6+1+1d4, impaling)
or Hasta 45% (1d8+1d4, impaling)
Wrestling 55%

Skills: Dodge 50%, Hide 65%, Knowledge (Region: Picenum)

55%, Listen 35%, Ride 55%, Spot 35%, Stealth 50%

The bandits are looking for a big score, and are willing to fight
to get it.
his scenario is best played directly following The

T Ransom. The events assume that the party has

completed the previous adventure successfully
and liberated the patron. The Promise can also be run on its
own, rather than part of the larger campaign outlined by
this book. If such is the case, the GM will have to make a
few modifications to the opening. After that, the adventure
should run as it stands.
Fighting is one option for the party, but not the best
one. Combat can be very deadly in BRP Rome, and should
be the last resort for the party. It is far better to use
intelligence, planning, and swift action to rule the day.
Important skills are Command, Etiquette, Fast Talk, Hide,
Insight, Knowledge (Region: Greece), Rhetoric, Stealth, and
This adventure is loosely based on a historical event of
the late Republic. In 79 BC, Julius Caesar was captured and
ransomed by Cilician pirates. Caesar dispatched several
servants to go and bring back his ransom (the events of The
Ransom). Whilst held captive, he had free run of the
pirate’s lair. He would write and perform verse for his
captors, and often Caesar would joke that once released
he’d have the pirates killed. They laughed at this brash
talk from a youth of twenty one. But true to his word, as
soon as he was set free Caesar returned with a privately
hired fleet, captured his former captors and had them


The adventure begins shortly after the party has
returned to Rome after paying the ransom for their patron
to the pirates. They settle down to their regular lives and
duties, recovering from the strenuous efforts of
transporting the huge payment. A few days of later they The party has several choices at this point. If they join
receive word that their patron would like to speak with another group of wayfarers and remain on the road, the
them that evening at his villa outside of The City. After thugs will hang back. The problem is that at some point
finishing work for the day, the PCs meet at the Capena they will have to leave the Via Appia to reach the villa.
Gate. Another option is to publically confront the thugs; a
As the party makes their way to their patron’s villa, successful Fast Talk roll should be enough to scare them off.
they are followed by some ruffians hired by the patron’s If the party fails to spot the thugs, or drive them away
rival. The rival is angry at having been thwarted by the before turning off the main road:
party in his attempt to interrupt the ransom payment. In
revenge, he has hired a few thugs to rough up the party
and steal any possessions they might have on them. Have A mugging
the party make opposed Spot checks against the thugs’
Hide skill. The shadows lengthen as the late afternoon sun slides further
If they spot the thugs: westward, when you eventually reach the turnoff leading to
your patron’s villa. You regretfully leave the beautifully straight
paved road, and start down a dusty path between two rows of
Trouble on the road cypress trees. Suddenly you hear pounding footsteps from
behind. A group of tough looking men are running towards
In the bright warm sunlight you walk briskly along the Via you!
Appia passing countless necropolises, their engraved stones
and pretty gardens providing homes to basking lizards and the
incessantly droning cicadas. After several miles the tombs The thugs will threaten the PCs with violence if they
eventually run out, and you leave the city and its problems don’t surrender all their possessions immediately. If a fight
behind. Or so you think at first… ensues, any character that surrenders, plays dead, or is
A little farther back, amongst the other pedestrian travellers, knocked unconscious will be looted and left alone. The
you notice a small group of rough characters failing to be thugs are under orders to take everything, and will not be

10 inconspicuous. They fix you with hostile gazes, and it is

obvious that they are intent on doing something nefarious.
gentle. Even clothing is taken, leaving the party standing
in the gathering gloom wearing nothing but their
Once the party has collected themselves they should
continue on to their patron’s villa, where they’ll be received in
The Patron departs
the atrium. If they arrive dishevelled or naked, they will be
given a chance to clean up. Spare clothes will be found, “I am afraid I must leave your company, my friends. There is
though they will consist of coarse tunics and worn out much to be done before I can sail against those seaborne
sandals, the best available on short notice. Once presentable, thugs. Please, stay and enjoy yourselves. There is wine for
the party will be tardily brought to their waiting patron. all, and accommodations have been made ready. If you need
anything for your coming tasks, I will be in my domus in the
city. Good night, and may the gods look upon you with favour,
Reward or farewell? as I do.”

Your patron stands as you enter, welcoming you with a warm

smile. He gestures for you to recline on the prepared couches
as slaves enter with wine and refreshments on silver trays.
“My good fellows, I am glad you made it here today. I
understand you had some difficulty on the way? Banditry is FOR DEPARTURE
becoming a problem in these uncertain times. If there is
anything I can do to help you recover from this unfortunate The next morning the PCs awaken a little worse for
encounter, you have only to ask. wear, and may return to Rome unmolested. Their patron
Tonight, I wish to discuss some important matters. You were plans to launch his assault in a month, the soonest he can
instrumental in securing and delivering my ransom to those possibly arrange the ships and troops. Unfortunately this is
pirates. My wife and I are very grateful. For that loyalty, I have after the date the ransom for Oppius Pedius Falco is due.
arranged that your accommodation costs are waved for the Since Oppius lacks relatives willing to beggar themselves
rest of your lives. You’ll never pay a landlord again! for his sake, the ransom demand will go unpaid; and if not
However, that is a minor concern. Since my return I have rescued, the male captives will be put to death. The fate of
been busy organizing an expedition to sail against the the women is best left unmentioned. It will take the party
illiterate idiots who captured me, and deal them a swift and at least two weeks just to travel to Brundisium, and
sure vengeance. Before I can do that, I need you to perform another week to sail to the islands, so they must move
a service that I can only entrust to my most loyal of friends. quickly.
Shortly before I was taken to meet you and be ransomed, the How the party will proceed depends on their nature
pirates captured another ship. As when we were taken, the and skills. Their patron will provide whatever assistance
sailors were herded off to slave pens and the Roman citizens that they request, within reason. He will pay for expenses
brought ashore. Since Agathon the Black allowed me free such as transport or minor bribe money, but not for heavy
run of his hideout, I was able to discover who they were. The arms and armour – although if they request some
captives are a man of equestrian rank, Oppius Pedius Falco, weaponry he will arrange for it. If the characters are
his wife Lucia, their seventeen year old twins, Titus and tempted to spend extravagantly, they should be reminded
Oppia. I swore by my family name to secure their freedom. that the patron is now heavily in debt, due to the size of
If I sail into the harbour with a fleet of ships, the pirates will no the ransom his family has had to raise on his behalf. In
doubt panic. I fear that in such a state, they may do harm to light of this, the characters should realise their patron’s
the family of Oppius Pedius. To avoid such an unfortunate generosity of the night before was beyond his current

occurrence, I am asking you to go there and rescue these means.
good Romans. The PCs know only a few things about the pirates.
Now, in recognition of the services you have rendered in the First, they know the approximate location of the pirate’s
past, and in expectation of the services you will render me in hiding place, which lies within a day’s sailing of
the future, I have prepared a little entertainment for this Cephalonia (Kefalonia). Second, having been there once,
evening.” they know how the camp is laid out. Finally, they know
that the pirates possess at least three ships, are moderately
well armed and have an overwhelming advantage in
The PCs then accompany their patron into the triclinium numbers.
for dinner. Three courses are served, the promulsis If the players make a successful Idea roll, they realise
(mushrooms in wine), the cena (roast pheasant), and finally that the patron must have further knowledge about where
bellaria (apple tarts). Accompanying this is a fine Corinthian the pirates are hidden; otherwise he wouldn’t be able to
wine. During dinner, a Greek slave plays the kithara, jugglers launch a reprisal raid. He can tell them that the base lays
perform amazing feats of dexterity, and finally a poet the end of a narrow cove facing southeast, and although
accompanied by a lyra recites verse in praise of the patron’s blindfolded like them when they were all originally
ancestors. captured, by feeling the direction of the sun and wind, he
This is a great honour for the PCs, to not only be invited calculated that the pirate ships sailed roughly north then
to their patron’s table, but to be feasted and feted so well. east from where they were attacked between Cephalonia
They gain +1d3% Status for the accolade. In addition, each and Ithaki. Beyond that, he is a busy man and expects the
PC should make Etiquette rolls to avoid making a fool of PCs to be able to discover further information on their
himself. Failure leads to a minor faux pas, such as failing to own.
properly toast the host or propitiate the Lares of the house. A At this point, the PC’s should arrange their expedition.
fumble results in a major gaffe, such as drunkenness or other They don’t have a lot of time, two to three days at the
rude behaviour. The unfortunate PC will be lead out to the most. After which, the patron will want to know why they
stables to sleep it off and regain his senses. Furthermore, any haven’t departed on their mission.
inroads gained with the patron’s wife during The Ransom are
lost. On a special success the character has shown very good
manners and will improve the situation regarding his
patron’s wife. On a critical success the character has
managed to impress even his patron.
Following the meal, the drinking continues long
into the night. Before things get too out of hand, their patron
excuses himself. 11
A slave arrives from the house of Oppius Pedius Falco,
asking for the PCs to attend the kidnapped man’s mother. On
arrival they find the house largely empty, as most of the
household left with Oppius Pedius for Athens. Remaining at
the house are Appia, his elderly mother, and two servants
recently returned with the ransom demand.

The old woman’s rant

Ah, you are the loyal clients who’ve agreed to help us, may the
gods bless your generosity. I was told of your competence
when aiding your own patron, and now I need your abilities.
My asinine son was imprudent to travel by sea in these
uncertain times, in fact to travel at all. He was also foolish to
take my spoiled grandchildren with him, and my too frail
daughter-in-law. Now he sends these two slaves, the only
ones who the children seem to like, back with a ransom
demand. Thirty talents of silver! Who has that much wealth? TO BRUNDISIUM
In my day people didn’t accumulate such unseemly amounts
of money. They helped to build and maintain the City. Now, The trip to the city of Brundisium will take two weeks
it’s all wasted on luxury and vice. At least there are still some assuming they ride. Unlike their previous experience, the
men of action, like yourselves, who can save our family journey is completely uneventful. If the characters are
reputation from his idiocy. aware of the rumour that Laevinus sells the pirate’s
captives as slaves, they can stop off in Tarentum en route to
pay him a visit. If they didn’t uncover the information, then
Appia obviously won’t pay the ransom, but instead she give the character with the highest POW a Luck Roll. If
hands the characters an old gladius and asks them to swear an successful he overhears Bassus or Valgus mutter about
oath, that if they can’t rescue her idiot son, then they’ll give Brundisium being where the pirates sell their slaves, at
him his father’s sword. “So he can at least die like a true which point the PC can ask further questions.
Roman, rather than further blacken the family name with his Locating the home of Laevinus requires a Streetwise
cowardliness too!” Before leaving she waspishly gestures at the roll. If successful the PCs are directed to an opulent domus

two slaves, declaring that they may be of some use. overlooking the bay. Gaining an interview with the
Bassus and Valgus have unwittingly picked up lots of merchant is more difficult. The character with the highest
knowledge from gossiping with the pirate’s slaves, but getting Status may attempt to roll against it, and the party will be
it out of them will be tricky. They are obviously despised by admitted only on a success or better (use Act 4, Scene 1).
the stoic matron, and resentful of their treatment after returning Failure leaves no option but to try and break in using
from such a dangerous situation. Their one weakness is their Climb to scale the rear wall of the house, and both Hide
fondness for the children. Successful use of a communication and Stealth to sneak about (use Act 4, Scene 2).
skill such as Command or Rhetoric will break their sullen Inside, the domus is decorated in a vulgar display of
reticence, but not being particularly sharp witted they won’t wealth, crammed with a vast assortment of painted bronze
offer up any of the following information unless the PCs and marble statues. Anyone with the skill of Appraise, Art
specifically ask questions linked to that fact. (Sculpture) or Knowledge (Art) may attempt a roll against
their skill. Success reveals that most of these are priceless
• The specific hut where the Falco family is being held Greek originals, not cheap Roman copies. Such a collection
within the camp would be impossible to compile legitimately.
• The pirates’ cove lies between two rugged hill slopes,
on an uninhabited island Act 4, Scene 1: Delicate Delving
• The pirates maintain a lookout atop the highest hill
to spot shipping
• A large flock of sheep wanders the island, tended by Talking with the slaver
their male slaves who sleep in the innumerable
small caves they find You are shown into the tablinum. Whereas your patron’s office
• Captives are sold to a rapacious slaver known as is ascetic and tastefully furnished, this room is used as an
Laevinus, based in Tarentum. He is a powerful ostentatious proclamation of the slaver’s wealth. Large urns,
merchant who deals in bulk quantities, uncaring brightly hued with Egyptian glazes stand behind his desk,
of the source of those who end up in his slave pens which itself has gleaming leonine legs of solid silver. The
• Agathon, the leader of the pirates, has set himself up curtains are of Cos silk and the floor is one huge mosaic
as a petty tyrant, terrorizing the nearby islands depicting the Dei Lucrii, the gods of commerce and trade. It is
and taking what he wants. The inhabitants are all rather tasteless, a hodgepodge of different styles and
disgruntled, but fear reprisals cultural works of art.
• The local ruler of Cephalonia, Acron III, is in league Like king Midas himself, Laevinus himself is dripping with so
with the pirates, receiving a share of the loot in much gold he may as well be a Parthian potentate. He greets
exchange for looking the other way you unctuously, begging to know how he can help.

As the matron has no further use for Bassus and Valgus, if

desired, the party can convince the slaves to accompany them The PCs may converse with Laevinus either bluntly or

12 on the mission. In the right circumstances they may reveal

more information, and their presence will help reign in the
twins. More on these two can be found in the NPC section.
subtly. However, unless they specifically talk about one of
the following subjects, he quickly makes it clear that his
time is limited and will politely evict them.
• If they pretend they wish to purchase a batch of slaves, is also a scrap of parchment on which is written ‘Arkoudi
the PC with the highest Bargain should roll against his Nisida’, the name of the island where the pirate base is
skill. If successful, the merchant is convinced of their located.
fidelity and will happily reveal that he is expecting a new Whether or not they take any documents, the slaver
delivery in a week or two’s time. will falsely conclude that the rival was behind the
• If they bluntly question the merchant about the source of intrusion, thus propagating a feud between them. Thus
his slaves, he will calmly state that he purchases diverted, the PCs will reach Brundisium with no more
his slaves in good faith, and that it is not his encounters.
business to question from whence they come.
“War captives, bankrupt citizens, children born of ACT FIVE: ARRIVAL
slave parents, criminals; a slave is a slave is a slave.”
• If they foolishly reveal any knowledge of Agathon the IN CEPHALONIA
Black, the Falco family, or the name of their
patron, then the merchant will instantly be The crossing from Brundisium to Cephalonia takes a
suspicious of their intentions. Laevinus quickly week, sailing from port to port in stages to avoid bad
terminates the interview. He then sends word to weather and attracting the attention of the pirates plaguing
Cephalonia to warn Acron III about the PCs. the Mare Ionium (Ionian Sea).
Halfway through the journey, those PCs who succeed
As the PCs are leaving the house, the slave escorting in a Spot roll see three galleys drawing close to their
them is briefly called away and they see their patron’s rival merchant ship. An Idea Roll allows them to recognise the
entering the atrium! The characters can choose to openly three pirate ships of Agathon the Black. The Game Master
pass by, thus revealing their presence. Or they may attempt can use this to create a dramatic moment, as the galleys
to conceal themselves. Since there are so many lifelike sweep closer and closer. But at the last moment the pirate
statues about, if the PCs simply take a pose and stand still, vessels sweep past, and ignore the PCs small vessel.
they can treat the Hide roll as Easy! On their arrival at Cephalonia, the ship enters the
Once outside, the characters may complete their harbour of Krani. If Laevinus sent word to king Acron
journey to Brundisium without further incident. warning about the PCs, the city guard will be waiting to
arrest them (go to Act 5, Scene 1). If they manage to arrive
Act 4, Scene 2: Clandestine Clues inconspicuously then they must establish contacts with the
local traders in order to locate and travel to the pirate’s
base (go to Act 5, Scene 2).
Shocking revelations
Act 5, Scene 1: Resisting Arrest
You scale over the back wall only to discover to your shock
that the small peristyle garden is full of people. But after a
moment you notice that none of the individuals are moving. Unfriendly welcome
Each one is a beautiful statue, painted to appear lifelike.
In relief you drop down behind some trimmed bushes and Sailing gently into the wide, beautiful harbour of Krani, you
creep towards the tablinum. The few visible slaves are easily notice an unusual number of soldiers marching towards the
avoided by using the plethora of works of art as cover. On the berth your ship is approaching. They officiously barge through

slaver’s table lay several intriguing documents, but you hear the sailors and fishermen on the dockside, scanning your
approaching voices just before you can read them... vessel as it draws closer. When the commander of the squad
catches sight of you he raises a cry to his troops. As one they
draw swords...
The PCs must either conceal themselves or depart,
otherwise they will be discovered. Hide rolls are treated as
Easy in the tablinum because of all the artworks filling the The PCs will probably be confused by this military
room. There are two large urns and silken hangings behind reception. Depending on their inclinations, the characters
which they can shelter. may attempt the following:
Just as they finishing hiding, Laevinus enters with the
patron’s rival! Listening to their heated discourse provides • Judge that discretion is the better part of valour and jump
the following information: overboard. Each PC must succeed in a Swim roll, or start
to sink. A few moments later a passing fishing boat rescues
• The rival originally informed Laevinus of the patron’s them and sneaks away whilst the bulk of the merchant
travel plans, thus causing his capture by pirates. ship hides the manoeuvre.
• The rival is angry that the patron was freed on payment • Be stoic and use Command, Law or Status to brazen it out.
of the ransom, and demands a share of it as Success browbeats the soldiers, making them hesitant to
‘compensation’. publically use force against Roman citizens. If their self
• Laevinus suggests that he take the matter up with assurance fails to intimidate the soldiers, the PCs are
Agathon the Black, who’ll be arriving in a weeks’ time arrested by command of king Acron, which immediately
with the next shipment. His sarcastic tone does nothing initiates a riot on the dockside. In the confusion the
to hide the implicit threat. characters are smuggled away by sympathetic fishermen.
• If they allow themselves to be led away without resistance,
Once the rival and Laevinus depart, the PCs may flee the PCs should attempt Listen rolls. Success allows them to
the house with nothing more than a Stealth roll to avoid hear several comments from the watching crowd,
notice. If one or more characters fail, then the household suggesting that they’ll be crucified by morning or sold to
slaves are briefly attracted by the noise, but blame it on the Agathon the Black, just like those other Romans... Such
cat. A fumble causes such a crash, that the PCs are noticed statements should frighten the PCs into making an escape
and they must fight free against a couple of kitchen slaves attempt. The Game Master should run a quick chase scene
(Pugilism 55%). using the Dodge and Sports skills. Eventually a group of
Enterprising characters may snatch the scrolls from the fishermen hide them under their nets and smuggle the
slaver’s desk. They contain incriminating evidence of
Laevinus’ business dealings with the pirates and can be
used by their patron to bring a law suit against him. There
characters out of the city.

The defiant fishermen take the PCs to their small village

further around the coast. En route they explain that Acron is
in league with the pirate chief Agathon the Black, being Before the PCs leave for the island they have an
bribed a share of the slave money in return for turning a opportunity to purchase any supplies they might need, and
blind eye. With Agathon placing ever increasing demands on plan how they will rescue the hostages. With only a couple of
the fishermen to feed his pirates, and taking several of the days before an angry Agathon returns without the ransom,
prettier wives and daughters as hostages, all the coastal folk the PCs must move fast. Some suggested courses of action
are on the verge of rebellion. are:
If the PCs reveal their patron’s plans to destroy the
pirates, the fishermen will automatically offer any help they • PCs who questioned Bassus and Valgus and discovered
can to locate and transport them to the pirate base. there are shepherds on the island, can adopt slave garb in
Identifying the site of the hidden base will be easy if the PCs order to travel to the pirate camp in disguise. In general,
recount the directional information supplied by their patron, the pirates ignore the slave herders.
or mention the name ‘Arkoudi Nisida’ discovered in • If the characters played in the previous scenario ‘The
Laevinus’ personal scrolls. Ransom’ and communicated with the abused woman at
the pirate village who brought them food, they might
Act 5, Scene 2: Locating Friends want to contact her as a possible ally. Her name is
Aspasia, and she would gladly aid the party if they could
free her. Since she works as the cook, Aspasia is in the
A bad feeling perfect position to give all the pirates severe food
poisoning if suitable herbs or rotten meat can be found.
The merchant ship glides into the crystal clear waters of Krani. Locating such ingredients on the island requires a
Although normally an active port, the dockside is strangely suitable Knowledge skill or a Hard Idea Roll for toxic
bare of vessels, giving the town an abandoned feeling. Only a plants, and a Sense roll to find a putrid goat instead.

few ships remain, drawn high up the beach. You disembark • A commando style raid to reach the hut where the Falco
onto the quiet quayside. Sheltering from the heat in the family is being held and remove them by stealth is
shadows cast by warehouses are a handful of gloomy looking possible, if the door guards can be distracted. A perfect
traders, who look at your Roman clothing and eye you diversion would be to set fire to the storehouse, in which
speculatively... the pirates keep all their food and plunder... or the
galleys if Agathon has returned.
• Money and other valuables could be used to tempt the
The PCs may attempt to find out what is causing the pirates guarding the hostages to defect – since if the
dejection by using Streetwise. Success reveals that the town has prisoners escape, Agathon will be murderous. But this
been suffering a loss of trade because of an increasing number would require a huge bribe, and an on-the-spot bribery
of pirates. The remaining local merchants have abandoned attempt, which if failed could prove disastrous.
sailing in fear of losing their ships. Obviously angry, they will • Before Agathon returns, only a skeleton crew of a dozen
talk further if the PCs can gain their trust. This can be done via: pirates remain on the island to guard the hostages and
accumulated goods. However most of these are injured
• Rhetoric to pander to their righteous feelings of or crippled, so there is an outside chance that they can be
indignation overcome by direct violence. However, since the PCs will
• Bargain to bribe them with a gift of at least Average value lack any heavy armour such a course of action may well
• Or simply telling the truth, revealing that they are there to be suicidal.
raid the pirates • When Agathon returns, he brings a large chest of silver
(payment for the slaves) and a shipload of wine
In return for the PCs promise to overthrow “that evil amphorae, courtesy of an unlucky merchant ship. The
bastard Agathon the Black”, the traders offer the use of a small pirates will celebrate with hard drinking until nightfall
boat crewed with local sailors to help them locate the pirate when the pirate captain will order the execution of the
base. They also have a map of the local seas (show players map Oppius Pedius Falco, and his son Titus. Although
of Ionian Islands) from which the PCs can work out the numbering over a hundred men, they will be near
probable location. paralytic and a brief attack may succeed long enough to
The weather for the following week is calm with no free the family and run.
storms. Assuming the PCs didn’t discover the name of the
island in Laevinus’ personal scrolls, each day they can send the Arkoudi Nisida is a small island, barely 3km long which
small boat off to one outlying island or section of coastline to lies northeast of the northernmost tip of Ithaki. It is
search for the pirates. The day the boat doesn’t return should considered uninhabited by those living on Cephalonia,
inform the PCs that they have probably located the base. having no obvious source of water or safe anchorage.
Despite the loss of the small boat, one of the traders can be However, this is the location of pirate base. On the east coast
convinced to transport the PCs to the island in his own vessel there is a small curving inlet at the end of which Agathon
with a successful Command roll, or paying a bribe of at least beaches his small fleet, safely out of sight of passing ships.

14 Expensive Value. However, no matter the bargain, the ship will

cravenly sail straight back to Cephalonia once the PCs have
been dropped ashore.
The island itself is a single low hill formed from limestone,
riddled with caves in some of which rainfall collects. In
addition, the island’s cover of arid vegetation maintains
several flocks of sheep and goats. Now the PCs need to make their escape. Oppia will
When the characters approach the island they have a flirt with the PC who seems to have the highest social
choice of whether to land by day or night. Daytime is safer standing, failing that, she will start with the most
for the sailors to land the boat, but its approach may be handsome person in the party. She will want someone to
spotted by watching pirates on the summit of the island. The help her along and see to her every whim. Oppia expects
character with the lowest POW should attempt a Luck Roll. immediate remediation of the wrongs done to her,
Success indicates that in Agathon’s absence the slovenly including better food, better clothes and better living
pirates were dozing. Failure results in the pirates being conditions. She will demand the best that the party has to
alerted and sending a six man party to capture the boat. offer. Titus will be brash and not pass up an opportunity to
Night time enables the PCs to approach the island get into a fight. He will have to be talked out combat,
unobserved. But being unable to see means it is difficult to especially if the better option is to hide or skulk about.
find a safe landing spot. Again, the character with the lowest Follow the general guidelines given for hushing the twins
POW should attempt a Luck Roll. Success allows the party to in the above paragraph when dealing with new problems.
reach shore, a little wet but with all their equipment. Failure The GM should be creative in the use of these two
results in the boat hitting a rock and capsizing in the waves. ungrateful brats, and employ them as foils for the party’s
Every PC must succeed in a Swim roll to reach shore. A well made plans.
special or critical success allows them to retain their weapons If the PCs still have access to the boat which
too. Everything else is lost, including the boat. landed them, they can eventually return to it and escape
back to sea, only to be picked up the following morning by
ACT SEVEN: THE RESCUE their patron’s fleet! If the boat has been discovered then
they must either fight the pirates guarding it, or abandon
Depending on the party’s plan, they will eventually the boat and hide in one of the many caves. If they have no
reach the critical point of freeing the Falco family from the way off the island, the PCs face a day of cat and mouse
hut where they are guarded. Two pirates sit outside with hunting pirates until their patron arrives. Game
gambling. Unless lured away using a nefarious plan, they Masters with a mean streak are recommended to have the
must be dealt with directly. An opposed test of Fast Talk PCs captured and sentenced to a gruesome death, moments
versus the pirates Idea Roll can be used to send them off, or before the patron’s fleet sails into the cove to save the day!
convince them that the hostages have been summoned. Or
they can be attacked, the PCs gaining a single round of
surprise before they respond - noisily. Either method will
give the characters a very brief window of opportunity,
before more pirates come to investigate.
Once inside, they have more trouble waiting for
them. The father won’t leave without his wife and children.
Lucia is ill, and cannot walk any great distance without
assistance, Oppia is a spoiled and demanding girl and Titus
is headstrong and dreams of martial glory.

A father’s thanks

Thank you for coming to rescue us, we owe you and your
patron a great debt. I am afraid that my wife is ill; we will
need to carry her out of here. Come Oppia and Titus, we
need to leave now.

At this point Oppia and Titus break in, each completing

the other’s sentences. They do not try to be quiet, yet are not
speaking overly loud. Attempts to hush them should best be
made using Command, Etiquette or Fast Talk rolls. Success
will get them to be quiet, at least until out of the pirate’s
hideout. A special or critical will earn that PC some favour in
their eyes; future social conflicts with them will become Easy.
Failure won’t quiet them down, and a fumble will make
them speak louder, as well as raise all future social conflicts
to Difficult.
The children are very fond of Bassus and Valgus. If
present, they can be prevailed upon to help calm the twins, if
so give a +20% bonus to the above rolls. If they are not
convinced to reduce their volume, they draw attention from
any remaining pirates in the camp making a stealthy
departure impossible.

The twins prattle

Finally, Rome has sent someone to rescue us…thought I
don’t see how these few can …help, we have been left here
with no clean clothes…or food…or decent drink…and our
mother is…ill, so we need to be going…why are you
standing there, we should be cutting our way…out of here,
father make them do something… 15
The battle
STR 11 CON 11 SIZ 12 INT 14 POW 13 DEX 12 APP 10
With sadistic joy you watch your patron’s fleet run up onto the MOV: 12 HP: 12 DB: none Armour: none
fine sands, and dozens of well armed sailors leap over the
bows into the surf. Their battle cries seem to demoralise the Attacks:
stunned pirates, many of whom simply run in terror. Those Pugilism: 55% (1d3, crushing)
few who make a stand are soon overwhelmed, clubbed into Club 45% (1d6, crushing) or Sica (1d4+1, bleeding)
submission at the shouted orders of the patron, who remains Wrestling 55%
safely aboard his ship – despite being challenged to single
combat by a raging Agathon the Black, who is quickly bound Skills: Dodge 50%, Hide 65%, Stealth 50%, Knowledge
and gagged. (Region: Rome) 45%
Once the battle is over, he summons you to his presence. “My
loyal clients, you have performed your duties perfectly. As I These thugs are acting under orders, though they like a good
planned, the distraction of the rescue attempt allowed me to brawl. If the odds turn against them, they will flee. The thugs
capture these pirates completely unawares. You should feel don’t really know who hired them, just some guy in a
pride in helping me win this magnificent victory, a masterpiece tabernae. They are working for the patron’s rival.
of orchestrated strategy.” Despite his congratulations you feel
somewhat used...
In the pirate camp, there is a large amount of treasure. STR 13 CON 13 SIZ 12 INT 14 POW 13 DEX 14 APP 10
Any remaining captives will be given liberty, if they can prove MOV: 12 HP: 13 DB: +1d4 Armour: none
that they are freeborn. The rest ironically, will be auctioned
off. The pirates’ ill gotten gains prove to be vast, and if they Attacks:
were successful, the party is amply rewarded for their heroic Pugilism: 55% (1d3+1d4, crushing)
actions, and gain +1d3 Status for rescuing an equestrian Xiphos 65% (1d6+1d4, bleeding)
family of some note. The exact amount of wealth gained is up Wrestling 65%
to the GM, but it should be enough to purchase some slaves of
their own, or invest into a small business. Failure to save the Skills: Climb 80%, Dodge 40%, Jump 45%, Language (Latin)
Falcos causes the party to lose 1d3 Status instead and detracts 40%, Language (Greek) 50%, Listen 45%, Navigate 50%,
part of the patron’s glory for defeating the pirates, much to his Sense 30%, Spot 50%, Swim 45%, Throw 50%
Following their return to Cephalonia, there is some The pirates are ready to put down any resistance, though they

dispute with the local authorities who try to claim jurisdiction know the value of a slave and won’t kill outright. Intruders will
and thus the majority of the loot taken from the pirates. This be dealt with harshly. If drunk or struck down with food
keeps the party’s patron busy for a few days, after which he poisoning, all rolls for the pirates become Hard. Crippled or
returns and crucifies all the remaining pirates. injured pirates lack a Damage Bonus, and treat all athletics
Oppius will be overjoyed at his and his family’s rescue. based skills as Hard.
The party now has a friend amongst the equestrian class, one
who can secure some preferment if asked. Oppius will seek
to discharge his debt to the party, and will take an interest in Bassus
their affairs. If they ever need a good horse, they now know
where to go. Also, Oppius has decided to have his new estate STR 10 CON 12 SIZ 15 INT 10 POW 10 DEX 10 APP 8
in Thessalia managed by a trusted client. Any PCs looking to MOV: 10 HP: 14 DB: +1d4 Armour: none
retire or leave Rome can find a suitable position there.
Titus and Oppia will not condescend themselves to talk Attacks:
to those of lower classes after they are rescued. If the party Pugilism 25%, 1d3+1d4 (crushing)
has been harsh towards these two, they have gained two
enemies that, while not powerful now, can become problems Skills:Bargain 55%, Craft (Cooking) 65%, Dodge 20%,
in the future. Oppia will go on to marry well, possibly Etiquette 45%, Fast Talk 55%, Gaming 15%, Grapple%,
someone who is a rival to the PCs’ patron or in some other Language (Latin) 50%, Rhetoric 45%, Status 20%
way can act against them. Titus goes on to serve in the army,
and after several feats of heroism, becomes the brief darling of Equipment: Coarse tunic
Rome. He will not forget any slights against him, and will
take his revenge in a pleasingly dramatic fashion (as any good Description: Bassus is a very large and very fat man.
hero would). Although a slave, his position as cook for the Falco family
The illegal slave trader, Laevinus, will be outraged at the allows him access to good food and wine. Always jovial, even
loss of one of his best suppliers. A future adventure could in the worst of situations, Bassus is a boon companion to any
involve him being brought to justice for his involvement with who find themselves in his kitchen. He is good friends with
the pirates. Such a legal case results in his fleeing into exile, Valgus, who at times seems to want to dispose of his good
becoming a deadly new enemy – one who has the patience natured companion.
and resources to make things uncomfortable for the PCs. Story: Bassus became a slave when his love of gambling far
Then there is their patron’s rival. He has not forgotten exceeded his ability to pay his debts (look at his gaming
the setback they caused him in the affair from The Ransom, score). Although he often shaves a few coins out of his
and seeing as how they aided their patron in gaining more kitchen budget, Bassus’s plan to buy his freedom is constantly
fame and notoriety, in addition to fortune, the party is now hampered by the lure of the dice. If asked to accompany the
fully in his attention. Perhaps he has been rash in merely party on their rescue mission, Bassus will demure, his love of
trying to punish them, possibly it time to attempt to suborn his own skin conflicting with his loyalty to the Falco family.

16 them. The party can expect to be individually approached

and corrupted; after all, such able men should be working for
the better man.
Valgus Story: Lucia has always counted herself lucky; she had fallen
in love with the man her father arranged for her to wed. After
STR 9 CON 9 SIZ 13 INT 12 POW 10 DEX 14 APP 8 twenty-three years, two miscarriages, and one birthing that
MOV: 10 HP: 11 DB: none Armour: none nearly killed her, she still loves him. Sadly, the birth of her
twins ruined Lucia’s health, which was never great to begin
Attacks: Pugilism 25%, 1d3 (crushing) with. Now it seems she may die of fever on some lonely
foreign shore, in a mud hovel none the less.
Skills: Bargain 65%, Command 45%, Dodge 28%, Etiquette
65%, Insight 45%, Knowledge (Administration) 65%,
Knowledge (Accounting) 65%, Language (Latin) 45%, Titus
Language (Greek) 65%, Literacy (Latin) 45%, Literacy
(Greek) 65%, Rhetoric 55%, Status 25% STR 15 CON 18 SIZ 13 INT 10 POW 10 DEX 14 APP 12
MOV: 10 HP: 16 DB: +1d4 Armour: none
Equipment: rough clothing, stylus and tablet
Attacks: Spatha 45%, 1d8+1d4 (bleeding)
Description: Valgus is a tall, thin, spare man in his middle years. Pugilism 55%, 1d3+1d4 (crushing)
His scrawny neck supports a nearly bald round head and Pilum 45%, 1d6+1+1d2 (impaling)
prominent beak like nose. Below his bushy eyebrows resides a
perpetual sneer of disdain. He is the tart to Bassus’ sweet. Skills: Climb 65%, Command 35%, Dodge 55%, Etiquette
25%, Grapple 55%, Jump 35%, Knowledge (History) 55%,
Story: Valgus is a Greek who was captured decades ago and Language(Latin) 50%, Language (Greek) 25%, Literacy
enslaved. He has come to accept his situation, and performs (Latin) 35%, Literacy (Greek) 25%, Ride 65%, Status 85%,
his tasks as manager of the Falco household with almost Strategy 25%, Swim 45%, Throw 45%
lethal efficiency. Although a constant companion of Bassus,
Valgus’ cynical nature conflicts sharply with his friend’s Equipment: A stained and torn tunic and, given a chance, as
outgoing vivaciousness. If asked to accompany the party on much arms and armour as he can find.
their rescue mission, Valgus will loyally oblige, though he
knows in his heart of hearts that no good will come of it. Description: Titus is a tall, handsome, well built young man
on the verge of adulthood. He is fit, trim, and ready for action.
Long hours with his trainers and at the gymnasium have given
Oppius Pedius Falco him a fine fighting form. Sadly, even longer hours with his
tutors have taught him little.
STR 14 CON 15 SIZ 16 INT 15 POW 10 DEX 13 APP 10
MOV: 10 HP: 16 DB: +1d4 Armour: none Story: Titus has been raised with too much privilege and
indulgence. He dreams of one day being a great general,
Attacks: Pugilism 25%, 1d3+1d4 (crushing) which he equates with heroic combat (possibly the only thing
he picked up from his Greek tutors).
Skills: Appraise 65%, Bargain 75%, Dodge 26%, Etiquette
65%, Insight 45%, Knowledge (Business) 65%, Knowledge
(Natural World) 55%, Language (Latin) 75%, Language Oppia

(Greek) 55%, Literacy (Latin) 60%, Literacy (Greek) 40%,
Rhetoric 55%, Ride 85%, Status 85% STR 9 CON 13 SIZ 13 INT 13 POW 10 DEX 12 APP 18
MOV: 10 HP: 13 DB: none Armour: none
Equipment: Oppius is dressed in a dirty and stained toga,
worn sandals, and a not so clean tunic. Attacks: none

Description: Although the signs of a comfortable middle age Skills: Craft (Sewing) 55%, Dodge 24%, Etiquette 45%, Fast
are creeping into his features, Oppius is still fit from many Talk Insight 75%, Language (Latin) 65%, Literacy (Latin) 35%,
years handling horses. Rhetoric 65%, Status 85%

Story: The Falco family has been one of Rome’s most Equipment: A stained and patched stola.
famous breeders and horseflesh for two centuries. Oppius
has managed to enlarge the family’s already sizable holdings Description: Oppia is a tall and lissom young woman, ready
to include a domus in Rome, and just recently purchased a to be married off to an appropriate suitor. She is a radiant
large stretch of land in Thessalia. He and his family were beauty, even under the dirt, grim, and worry of the past few
travelling there to spend a few years setting up operations weeks. When angry, her beauty is replaced by a fierce rage.
when they were attacked by pirates. Oppius loves his family,
and has perhaps been too permissive with his children. Story: Oppia has always been spoiled. She nearly died at
birth, and has been doted on all her life. She is petulant and
needful of attention. Over the years, Oppia has learned how
Lucia to manipulate people she can’t simply command, such as
when she flirted with her brother’s tutor in order to learn how
STR 8 CON 9 SIZ 10 INT 14 POW 12 DEX 9 APP 9 to read and write (which she quickly grew bored of).
MOV: 2 HP: 10 DB: none Armour: none

Attacks: none

Skills: Craft (Sewing) 65%,Dodge 18%, Etiquette 85%, Insight

45%, Language (Latin) 60%, Rhetoric 45%, Status 85%

Equipment: A ragged and soiled stola.

Description: Lucia’s face is pale, her lips are tight, and a wild
fever burns in her eyes.
Key to Map
of the Pirates’ Camp

1) Beach This is where the pirate’s

biremes are drawn up. It is a wide strip of
soft sand that extends in land half a mile.
Many of the pirates make their cook fires and
beds here. At least forty pirates are here
eating, drinking and whoring late into the
2) The Pirates’ Biremes Each is drawn
up and is lying on its side. The biremes are
guarded at night by three wandering pirates
who, more often than not, can be found
gambling in drinking next to one of the ships.
3) Store House Here the pirates keep
their loot. It is always guarded by two armed
pirates at the door, and two more inside the
building. The building is constructed of
spare planking from captured ships, and is
quite sound. Its door is of thick wood with
leather hinges and a latch.
4) Agathon’s House This is where
Agathon the Black lives. It is opulently
furnished with captured goods. He keeps
his personal slaves here when they are not
otherwise engaged. Like the storehouse,
this building is of sound construction with a
thick wooden door and plank walls.
5) Captive’s Hut This is the hut where
the Falco family is being kept. The hut is
tiny, made of reeds and mud, and has a dirt
floor. The one door is little more than a piece
of hide hanging from the lintel.
6) Slave Quarters Here all the slaves
that tend the pirates’ needs live. These huts
are of the same construction as the 7) Slave Pens Here are kept the pirates’ between the posts and extends to a height of
Captive’s Hut above. Each houses three to prisoners too poor to yield a worthy ransom. seven feet. The doors are of a sturdy

18 nine slaves. Most are young girls kept for

the pirates’ amusement. A few are men
needed for more demanding work.
They await sale to some unscrupulous
buyer. The pens are made of wooden posts
driven into the sand. Planking stretches
wooden construction and barred on the
t is 62 BC. Sixteen long and fruitful years have passed since

I the adventurers survived their expedition against the

pirates. Comfortably settled in Rome, they are favoured
clients trusted with confidential missions and tasks. Life has
been reasonably quiet whilst their patron slowly gains in
influence and power.
This adventure is based on another famous incident of the
late Republic. In 62 BC, the soon to be tribune and rabble
rouser Publius Claudius Pulcher was discovered attempting to
penetrate the sacred rites of Bona Dea in order to seduce
Pompeia, Ceasar’s second wife. He disguised himself as a
woman but was revealed when an attendant asked him a
question and his voice betrayed his masculinity. This incident
was considered a great sacrilege since the rites of Bona Dea
were reserved for women only and were led by the Vestal
Virgins. Claudius was brought to trial, but Julius Caesar
surprisingly didn’t push to prosecute, despite the fact that the
rites were held in the Regia, his own home as the serving
Pontifex Maximus. However Caesar did divorce his wife who
was implicated as being involved in an affair with Claudius,
quoting “my wife ought not even to be under suspicion”. Thus
divorced, Julius was able to marry again to a woman of more
significant political status, helping his future career.
This adventure highlights the depth of political
machinations at the time, and should stretch the player
character’s trust, loyalty, and ultimately, their respect for their
patron. It is also a chance for players to meet some of the most
famous Romans of the period.

It is early morning, just before dawn. The characters are
dismissed from the normal morning attendance on their
patron. But on their way out, one of the innumerable,
nondescript household slaves gestures for the player characters
to follow him into the peristyle garden at the rear of the house. My dearest P.
Long have I watched your rise amongst the patricians, and
desired for us to engage in a more suitable and intimate
The wax tablet relationship, something which I believe would benefit both of
us most pleasurably. However appearances must be kept and
As you enter the archaic, yet tastefully decorated columned our first negotiations should remain secret, least our
garden at the rear of the house, your patron’s wife leaves it. enemies use this knowledge against our families. Therefore I
She gives you all a sharp glance but then nods her head... suggest our first meeting take place sometime and someplace
perhaps in acknowledgement of your efforts to free her when none can spy upon the give and take of our
husband from the pirates those many years before. interactions. I suggest the holy rites of Bona Dea would
The servant says nothing but passes you two wax tablets, one provide the perfect opportunity for our first meeting, since
of which is sealed with wax and the imprint of a seal ring. The no man is permitted to see the goddess’s ritual
other is only closed with a bronze clasp, and opens easily to gratifications. Not only would this provide a setting free
your touch. As you read the message inside, the slave leaves from agents, but the ceremonies would also consummate
you in privacy. any agreements we decide upon.
“Loyal clients of our family, I have asked my husband to loan Send your response via the same couriers who deliver this
me your services. I require you to deliver the accompanying tablet.
tablet in strictest confidence, to Publius of the family Pulcher
of the gens Claudius and then wait for a reply. Perform this
task with subtlety and you will be rewarded.” This leaves the PCs in a quandary. By opening the
sealed tablet they have broken their fides, their loyalty to
the family – thereby undermining their status as privileged
The second wax tablet is very well secured and cannot be clients. They also face the moral dilemma over bringing
re-sealed after opening unless one of the PCs has some sort of charges of infidelity against the patron’s wife, which would
forgery skill. The seal is unknown. Neither the first or second break up what has been up to now a loving and faithful
wax tablet has a signature and the writing, probably that of a marriage (possibly even causing her legitimate death at his
slave, is not recognisable.
If they open the confidential wax tablet then the game
master should read the following.
hands), and bringing disrepute upon the family.
The first difficulty the characters may face is finding
out where Claudius lives. A successful streetwise roll will
recall that the Pulcher family domus is near the Temple of
Minerva on the north slope of the Aventine. Otherwise
they must use their wits or contacts to locate the place.
At this point, the patron’s indefatigable rival enters
the plot. Always seeking to undermine their patron’s
reputation and political plans, he has some of his clients
spying on the characters. When they leave on their
clandestine mission, they are followed by two of the rival’s
agents, whom are suspicious both about the unusual
length of time the characters remained inside, and that
they have not split up to return to their own homes for
For the PCs to determine that they are being followed
requires a successful Spot roll. On a special success they
note that they are being trailed by two separate agents, and
on a critical they can recognise the men as clients of their
patron’s rival.
One will remain at a distance, only observing where
the PCs travel. However, the second agent, a reformed
thief, if believing himself unobserved, will make an Pulcher on the Aventine. Unless they take precautions to
attempt to frisk several members of the party for anything hide their route, or split up to confuse pursuit, the
resembling a message when the opportunity arises. remaining agent will carefully report the PCs visit,
The chance soon occurs when a group of youths allowing his master to infer a new nefarious plot in the
playing football come charging down the street, and cause aftermath of Catilina’s failed rebellion of the previous year.
a terrible accident to occur. Read the following description
to the character with the lowest POW.
The close shave When the PCs arrive at the home of Publius Claudius
Pulcher they are greeted by the sight of a rather impressive
As you travel along the crowded Vicus Tuscus, you encounter house. The janitor (door slave) bears bruises of frequent

a group of young men, kicking and throwing a ball between abuse and is chained to a ring in the floor of the
each other. There are cries of irritation and outrage as vestibulum. Despite a sullen demeanour, he quickly
pedestrians are shoved aside in their game. Then the leading summons another slave to carry any request for an
player kicks the ball wildly, and it strikes you so hard that you interview to his master whilst he remains to keep an eye
are knocked into a barber working in the street. There is a on the characters.
yell, followed by gouts of blood which spurt over both you and After an insultingly lengthy delay, the slave returns to
your companions clothing as the jostled razor accidentally escort them to Claudius. He receives them in the atrium,
cuts the customer’s throat. After a moment of stunned silence reclining on a couch as a pretty young slave girl flees from
the fatally injured man gurgles and drops to the paving the room weeping.
stones. Then pandemonium breaks out with the barber
turning on you, and the ball players fleeing the scene…
The debouched patrician
The PCs are caught in the crowd and must defend Claudius remains prostrate as you approach, deliberately
themselves with some form of communication skill such as emphasizing his rank and showing little in the way of good
Command, Fast Talk or Streetwise to avoid being dragged manners. His swarthy build belies a vibrant strength and
off to a city magistrate. Whilst trying to talk themselves although he possesses what passes for handsome features,
free, the second agent will approach and frisk each they are twisted into a nasty leer as he gazes after the fleeing
character pretending to be a rather deaf doctor checking slave.
them for injury. Each attempt is an opposed roll of the “You have a message for me?” he grunts and holds out his
agent’s Sleight of Hand versus the character’s Sense skill. hand imperiously. After checking the seal he scans the few
If they win, they notice that the supposed doctor is paragraphs of closely written text inscribed in the wax, and
attempting to rob them and may act accordingly. If the sits up with a start. The lecherous smirk returns to his face as
agent manages to steal the tablet, the Game Master may he asks “Who sent you?”
run a side adventure in an attempt to recover it, or have
the PCs return to their patron’s wife in shame – only to
discover that she claims to have not sent them to deliver a The characters should reveal at this point that it was
secret message! their patron’s wife, but if they obfuscate he will wheedle it
If the characters fail to extricate themselves from being out of them with base cunning.
apprehended for manslaughter, they are quickly dragged Gesturing other slaves to attend their needs, Claudius
to the Forum Romanum before the Praetor de Sicariis et carelessly wipes over the previous message and scrawls a
Veneficis, in charge of cases concerning murder and sentence in reply. He then hands back the tablet without
poisoning, where they are accused of unlawful killing. sealing it and gestures for the PCs to leave.
However they handle the allegation, the magistrate being a If they decide to read the tablet, worried about what
partisan of their patron will extricate them from the could be passing between this despicable example of the

20 charges and dismiss the case.

After this dramatic incident the characters are free to
continue their way towards the home of Publius Claudius
nobility and their patron’s wife, then they see that all
Claudius has written is “I will come”. However a closer
examination shows remnants of the last paragraph of the
original message left half-smeared. Succeeding in a Literacy Act 4, Scene 1: Guard Duty
(Latin) roll reveals the following fragment.
As they leave, either nervously concealing the truth or
blissfully unaware of the impending sacrilege, the PCs
I suggest the holy rites of Bona Dea would provide the encounter their patron organising the household’s male
perfect opportunity for our first meeting, since no man is slaves in the atrium.
permitted to see the goddess’s ritual gratifications. Not only
would this provide a setting free from agents, but the
ceremonies would also consummate any agreements we A necessary duty
decide upon.
Whilst leaving the reception chamber you discover an
excited gaggle of male slaves being organised in the
On return to the home of their patron, the same slave atrium. They are carrying boxes, sacks and folded
appears to collect the wax tablet from them. He refuses to blankets, obviously in preparation for leaving on a trip of
answer any questions, and if pressed to it will open his some sort. When he notices you in the bustle of activity,
mouth and reveal that his tongue has been cut out. He then your patron breaks a conversion with his major domo and
vanishes into the back of the house. Requests to gain an gestures you to approach.
audience with the patron’s wife are met with dismissal, “Excellent, you have arrived just in time. The sacred rites
with an excuse that she is purifying herself in preparation of Bona Dea will be held here tonight, which as you know
for the Bona Dea ceremonies. may only be attended by women. Thus I require your help
this evening, standing guard outside the house to prevent
any incursions by men, whether they are merely curious
ACT FOUR: onlookers, or impious drunks seeking to profane the rites.
I’m sure you will conduct yourselves suitably, and treat
THE MORAL DILEMMA the matrons who attend with the highest respect.”
Assuming acquiescence, he smiles paternally and briskly
How the next section of the scenario unfolds, depends leads the procession of slaves out of the house.
on the actions of the characters who are now faced with a
terrible dilemma. Should they reveal the apparently sordid
affair to their patron? Or should they maintain the
confidences of his wife? Indeed, if they do reveal the wife’s Act 4, Scene 2: Setting a Trap
activities, will the patron even believe them? Will the whole
affair cost them their client status by alienating him, or If the PCs desire to inform their patron about their
even reduce both his and their own standing due to suspicions, he will receive them in his tablinum, and
ridicule of Roman society? question them thoroughly about the entire incident with a
With evidence that something of an inappropriate hawkish intensity. No matter what improprieties the PCs
nature is in the air, the PCs are forced to question their performed in uncovering the affair, the patron will be

loyalties and decide which Roman moral traits are more grateful for their honesty.
important to them. As a guideline the following Roman
virtues are provided for the Game Master to frame the
ethics of their decision. The plot thickens
• Fides – loyalty to the family, patrons and clients. This Your patron rises from behind his ornately carved desk
virtue can be used either way, both to maintain the wife’s and says in a quiet voice, “My loyal clients, I am deeply
apparent secret, or to reveal her apparent infidelity to their grateful for your efforts in uncovering this dreadful matter
patron. of concern. Now I must ask you to stretch your devotion
to greater levels of ingenuity. This Publius Claudius must
• Gravitas – denotes a seriousness of purpose and be prevented from sullying my marriage, and the best
sense of responsibility. If the patron decides to divorce his way would be to let him be damned by his own
wife, the reasons behind it will become common gossip and impropriety. I propose that he be allowed to commit the
hurt his gravitas. inconceivable sacrilege of entering the rites of Bona Dea
tonight, and be caught red handed. However, I cannot be
• Honestas – the image that one presents as a involved in any activities which may defile the ancient
respectable member of society, or more specifically, the ceremony, as it would tarnish my dignity and political
virtue of acting according to one’s rank. The characters may standing.”
value their own honestas over their responsibility to the He grins wolfishly, and you see a hitherto unknown
patron or his wife. savagery behind his normally ascetic features. “Thus I
must ask you to arrange for Claudius’ discovery... and
• Severitas – severity, or strictness, is the enforcement capture. Prove your loyalty to me again, and you shall be
of personal judgement, even though it might pain you justly rewarded!”
emotionally or financially. Do the characters have the moral
fortitude to do the right thing even though it might cost
them their patron?
• Veritas – truthfulness and honesty when dealing
with others. Do they tell their patron the truth, or conceal THE FORBIDDEN RITES
and lie about it?
The characters have a number of difficulties ahead of
If the characters decide not to inform their patron them. First and foremost is how to identify Claudius if he is
about their fears, but act on their own initiative to capture disguised as a woman. Secondly, how to capture him red
Claudius red-handed then skip ahead to Act Five. If they handed during the rites, if they themselves as men are
decide not to act against Claudius and the wife at all, or are
still unaware of the proposed meeting, go to Scene One. If
they choose to inform their patron, use Scene Two instead.
forbidden entry. Of course, this is one of the rare occasions
where having a female Player Character could be an
Several options are available here, but resourceful Use his statistics as noted at the end of the scenario.
players can come up with any reasonable or indeed Claudius will not go down without a fight, but is unarmed
unreasonable plan they wish. However, the important aims so any injuries he inflicts should not be crippling or fatal. If
which must be achieved are that Claudius is caught at the captured he can be placed under house arrest until their
rites, and they themselves are not. patron or a magistrate can be alerted. If he escapes, the
Firstly the characters may recall that the slaves in the crowd of angry women can be informed of the interloper’s
Pulcher household appeared beaten and abused, thus their identity and they will lay siege to the Pulcher domus.
loyalty may be open to bribery. Any successful use of a
relevant communication skill will permit a sympathetic
character to gain the aid of the resentful janitor, who will ACT SIX: THE TRIAL
indicate when Claudius (rather than another family
member) leaves the house disguised and hidden in a “He was found where he had taken refuge, in the
palanquin. By following the palanquin to the front door of chamber of the girl who had let him into the
their patron’s home, the PCs will be able to observe how he house; and when they saw who he was, the
is dressed so that he can be identified later. women drove him out of doors. Then at once, and
Secondly, the characters could disguise themselves to in the night, they went off and told the matter to
enter the sacred rites of Bona Dea. This is far more their husbands, and when day came a report
dangerous, but much more exciting than simply informing spread through the city that Clodius had
a female ally of Claudius’ presence. This will require one committed sacrilege and owed satisfaction, not
member of the group to use the Perform (Acting) skill, or only to those whom he had insulted, but also to
the unusual skill of Disguise if they have it, to dress the the city and to the gods. Accordingly, one of the
characters in a convincing manner. Veils will be necessary tribunes of the people indicted Clodius for
to hide their faces. Speaking to anyone at the ceremony will sacrilege, and the most influential senators
also require either of the two skills to imitate a female voice leagued themselves together and bore witness
convincingly. against him that, among other shocking
Of course the characters could simply present the abominations, he had committed adultery with
information at the main door, that a man has secretly his sister, who was the wife of Lucullus.”
intruded the rites. But they cannot guarantee that female Plutarch
slaves loyal to the patron’s wife, won’t keep the news
suppressed and no matron of rank will depart the Several days pass with all public business suspended,
ceremony midway through the rituals to answer the door. and numerous messages carried between the Vestal Virgins
If the characters decide to simply skulk inside, they and matrons of the highest ranking families. With rumours
will face a difficult time trying to find Claudius in the mass and lewd gossip growing in depravity (fuelled in part by
of attending women without revealing their own presence. the rival), a senate meeting is held and the PCs patron
Rolls against Hide and Stealth will be required to enter and publically divorces his wife, sending her home to her father
move about the house secretly, followed by a successful in shame.

Spot skill to locate the interloper if they know how he is Eventually the characters are sent to escort Publius
dressed, or successful Spot and Insight rolls if they have no Claudius Pulcher (whether he is under their custody or
idea. penned within his own house) to stand trial at the Basilica
The Game Master is encouraged to keep the tension Porcia. He comes resentfully, maintaining a supercilious air
high but use a minimal number of skill checks. Unless and claiming innocence. However, once outside
disastrously fumbled, simply give whoever fails a scare, or surrounded by heckling plebeian women, his mien slips,
force them to think on their feet to extract themselves from revealing a feral, hunted look.
any faux pas. The rhythmic music and dancing of the When the group is just about to reach the Forum
ceremony should cover any extraneous noises, for example. Romanum, somebody shouts out that Claudius is guilty of
If the disguised Claudius is located, he can be revealed sleeping with his own sister. At this, the patrician’s self
in any entertaining way the PCs come up with. control slips and he begins to let fly with vicious insults,
bringing the already incensed women to the point of
starting a full blown riot. The PCs must attempt to defuse
Uncovered! the situation before they are overrun and their prisoner
ripped limb from limb.
A moment of stunned silence passes before the elderly Vestal
Virgin coordinating the ceremony covers over the sacred Suggested options are:
items, including what appear to be several large serpents ,
and screams out “capture the impostor; he must pay for his • Intimidate or cow the women by successful
defilement in blood!” application of the Command, Law, Status or Theology skill
The room full of women then turns on Claudius, ripping his
stola and veil from him as he fights his way clear of scratching • Undermine Claudius’ insults by loudly lampooning
nails and grasping hands. He brutally punches and elbows him with Fast Talk or Perform (Acting)
several pious patrician ladies, including the patron’s own
mother, to clear a path to the stairs; before rushing up to the If they fail to divert the mob’s wrath, the PCs must
top floor where he precariously leaps to grasp the edge of the ignominiously run for safety, and are chased in full view to
roof and climbs up out of sight. The mob of incensed, yelling the very steps of the basilica. This will cost each character
women rushes out into the street bearing oil lamps, but 1d3% Status and several days of ridicule in the graffiti
eventually return empty handed. scrawled on the walls surrounding the Forum Romanum.
Several voices cry out “Who was he?” Once inside, the Praetor Aulus Gabinius declares an
extraordinary judicial investigation of sacrilege at rites of
Bona Dea. Claudius is charged with the crime of incestum
If the characters penetrated the sacred rites they can (corrupting the chastity of the Vestal Virgins), rather than
whisper anonymously that it was Publius Claudius Pulcher sacrilegium (the theft of religious objects). However, being
disguised as a woman. a capital crime, if found guilty he faces public scourging in

22 If on the other hand the PCs were stationed outside as

innocent guards, they are alerted by the screams from
inside and have a chance to capture Claudius red handed.
the Forum Boarium followed by a horrific death.
Claudius is defended by the patron’s rival, who hopes
to use the trial to inflict a great deal of embarrassment on
the patron. The prosecutors are Lentulus Crus, Lentulus
Marcellinus and Lentulus Niger. If however any of the
characters are skilled in Law and Rhetoric, they are invited
to run the prosecution themselves (see BRP Rome p20 for
As typical for Roman legal cases, the trial is a series of
witnesses who either recount observed events or give
character references. During their recitations they may be
questioned and/or undermined by both the defence and
the prosecution. For ease of PC involvement, the trial is
broken into three separate scenes.

Act 6, Scene 1: Selection of the Jury

Whilst the jury members are being randomly selected
and vetoed by the defence or prosecution, Gabinius (the
praetor) sends a lictor to the PCs asking them to return to
the home of Claudius and summon his servants as
The trip is quick, and it does not take long for the
characters to discover that the house stands completely
The threat
empty, save for the defamed sister Claudia and her maid. The man bends close and whispers in order to keep his words
However, if a successful Spot or Sense roll is made, some confidential in the crowded basilica.
innocuous blood smears can be found on the front door “My patron wishes you to know that he understands that you
step. These lead around the side of the house into a warren are simply innocent puppets caught up in this farce of justice.
of back alleys. The passageways are infrequently travelled, You understand not, what is being played here. Yet he also
at least by wary folk, and thus the intermittent blood trail is desires that you fully comprehend that he rewards his friends
easy to follow. well... very well indeed; but his enemies will suffer for their
Unless the PCs are cautious or use stealth, they will be accusations. Think carefully about where your loyalties should
ambushed by a pair of sica wielding muggers. With really lie.”
suitable role-playing and use of a relevant skill, they can be With a quirky smile, which does little to hide the cold
intimidated, bought off or even paid to escort the PCs to expressionless eyes, the scarred man slips back into the
the end of the blood trail. If the encounter resolves as a crowd of spectators behind you.
fight, then use the NPC stats at the end of the scenario.
Overcoming or bypassing the muggers, the characters
discover that the trail ends at a small section of open sewer. If watched carefully, a successful Spot roll allows
Anyone brave enough to drop down will discover the still observation of the man when he appears behind where

barely living janitor. He has been heavily beaten and Claudius is sitting and whispers in his ear.
stabbed at least once, but is still able to splutter out the The following list is the order in which the witnesses
following. are called and what they testify. This section of the trial
should be paraphrased by Game Master unless he wishes
the player characters to take the part of advocates.
The dying door slave
• The slaves of Publius Claudius Pulcher – The PC
<cough> ...the master was worried that his slaves would be with the highest Status will be called forth to explain why
called to testify against him. <wheeze> None of us is loyal to the slaves are not present at the trial. If the character
that monster, and <cough> we waited eagerly to send him to recounts the words of the janitor, he will be cut short by the
his death for his profanity. Yesterday most of us were sent to rival (the defence advocate) who says that slave testimonies
Ostia, dismissed to the Claudian estates in Gaul... <extended not extracted by torture are inadmissible.
spluttering> but I, who had seen the master dressed as a • The patron’s mother and sister – As attendees of the
woman, was thrashed and then dragged here to be killed. Bona Dea ceremony they will claim that the intruder was
<wracking cough> By now all who could give witness will be indeed Publius Claudius Pulcher. However, when cross-
sailing across the sea, or cowed by threats of murder. I hope examined by the rival, they will be forced to admit that
he, he... <choke> they didn’t see his face clearly, and are relying on the
The janitor manages one last bloody cough before he slips shouts given by other women present, or the guards
into unconsciousness. outside the house.
• The Patron – Since he wasn’t present, the patron
cannot give any evidence concerning the sacrilege.
Although critically wounded, the slave can be saved However, he strangely refuses to take the opportunity to
from dying if the PCs wish to help him; by doing so they blacken the defendant’s reputation as would be normally
will gain a future loyal ally. But he is too badly injured to expected during such a trial, especially since his marriage
testify at the trial, and they must return empty handed. The has been adversely affected. When asked by the rival why
praetor, who had little expectation of finding the household he divorced his wife if he had no actual evidence that she
slaves, is resigned about their failure. was engaged in an affair with Claudius, he answers “A
virtuous wife ought not to have even been under
Act 6, Scene 2: suspicion!” which elicits a roar of laughter from the crowd.
• L. Licinius Lucullus – Lucullus blackens Claudius’
Presentation of the Witnesses reputation, accusing him of having an incestuous affair
Despite their futile assignment, the selection of the jury with his own sister Claudia, whom at the time was
is still incomplete by the time the PCs return. Sent to sit on Lucullus’ own wife; and of his sedition at Nisibis when he
the witness bench, they are approached by an evil looking antagonised Lucullus’ own troops to rebellion during the
plebeian with a single eye and a livid scar down his face,
who delivers them a message.
campaign against Mithridates. The audience is much
titillated when the rival merely suggests that the lack of
affection shown by his former wife was more based on his
lack of manhood, than the affections of a brother. successful Idea roll will allow the PCs to recognise him as
• Marcus Porcius Cato – Cato also attacks the the slave from their patron’s house, who gave them the first
reputation of Claudius, accusing him of pandering to the fatal message from his wife. If read, the tablet reveals the
populares, and surrounding himself with members of the following message:
criminal underclass in the same manner that Catiline had
the previous year during his insurrection. The rival points
out that these supposed trouble makers are in reality Loyal clients,
merely sons of noble families, with whom Claudius has You have faithfully served me these many years, obeying my
every right to socialise. However, the accusations cause the orders despite risks to your personal safety, and in return I
audience to split, half in support of Cato, and half have guarded you and your families. Although my next
haranguing him. request may strike you as strange, I command you to follow
• Causinius Schola – The sole witness in favour of it exactly. Much hangs in the balance.
Claudius, he presents an alibi that Publius was away from I desire you to claim no knowledge of the defendant’s acts on
the city the night of the rites, staying at his own home in the night in question. As far as you are concerned, he is
Interamma. The rival pompously rubs in the fact that innocent. If you have any moral difficulties over this, you
Interamma is several days' travel from Rome. The crowd are welcome to leave my service, or take the honourable way
quiets at this revelation, accepting the alibi since perjury in out. I can lend the necessary sword to those who require it.
court is a capital crime punishable by death.
• Marcus Tullius Cicero – The famous orator refutes
Claudius’ alibi which he knows to be untrue, since Cicero After reading the message they see their patron staring
claims he saw Claudius in the city on the morning of the at them intently from across the basilica. If allowed, the
Bona Dea rites. The rival points out that Cicero’s wife slave takes back the tablet and pushes his way back
Terentia, is known to be fanatically jealous of Claudia, and through the crowd to the patron’s side.
suggests that she forced her husband to giving false Any PC who questions whether the handwriting style
testimony in order to ensure the destruction of her of the inscription is similar to the original message
subversive rival's brother. The comment is doubly effective supposedly sent by the wife, may make either another Idea,
since it balances one accusation of perjury with another, or Literacy (Latin) roll. On a success or better, they
and insults Cicero’s manliness at the same time. In the recognise it as identical.
resulting uproar, angry youths rush Cicero, who leaps into The Game Master should give the players as much
the jury for protection! time as they need to decide upon what to do. A number of
• The player characters – Before the PCs can testify, moral and legal issues should be considered before they
the trial is adjourned until the lictors can restore order. make their final decision. Lying to the court is punishable
by death if they are caught, yet on the other hand they
Act 6, Scene 3: Judgement have been threatened with disownment by their patron and
death from Claudius if they don’t. Should Claudius’
The trial is now at a turning point. All the evidence impiety or his malevolent sadistic cruelty be punished

given thus far has been purely circumstantial or hearsay; knowing the consequences for being truthful? The
and the rival has cleverly used humour to indulge the situation may be further muddied if the PCs realise that
crowd whilst simultaneously planting seeds of doubt in the both Claudius and they have simply been pawns in a
minds of the jury. As the only first hand witnesses of deeper scheme orchestrated by their patron.
Claudius’ presence at the rites of Bona Dea, the testimonies The characters are eventually called to testify and
of the PCs will settle the case one way or another. should be cross-examined ruthlessly. Whether their
During the pandemonium however, another evidence condemns or exonerates Claudius, the crowd will
messenger arrives and passes a wax tablet to the players. A erupt into violence again. Young men and thugs, partisans
of the defendant, will start intimidating the jury with
physical pushes and threats against their families.
Eventually the proceedings break down into a riot amongst
the audience, whilst the praetor and the jury retreat to the
nearby Temple of Concord for safety.
As part of the climax, the Game Master is encouraged
to run a few rounds of brawling to see if the PCs can fight
their way clear of Claudius’ enemies or his partisans.
Conversely, the riot rules on p65 of the BRP Rome book
may be used instead.


If the PCs decide to commit perjury, Claudius
narrowly avoids prosecution – the jury voting 31 to 25 for
acquittal. Many charges of bribery run rampant, and the
characters each lose 1d3 Status. Read ‘the patron is pleased’
box, after which the Wealth Level of the characters is
permanently raised by one step, to a maximum of Affluent.
If on the other hand the characters decide to condemn
Claudius, he flees into exile before the jury can vote.
However, in this case the PCs gain 2d6 Status for their
piousness and honesty, but earn the censure of their patron
and eternal hatred from Claudius. Read ‘the patron is
disappointed’ box. If using the optional Personality Traits
from p12 of BRP Rome, allow each character to increase

24 three traits that he upheld during the investigation and trial

by 1d3+1%.
The patron is pleased NPC STATS
Once again, you are guided into the tablinum. Your patron sits
behind his ornate desk with a satisfied smile on his face, but The rival’s agent
rises to grasp hands and kiss each one of you.
“My loyal and devoted clients, once again you have STR 13 CON 13 SIZ 11 INT 14 POW 10 DEX 15 APP 8
performed a great coup for me. On this day I have not only MOV: 12 HP: 12 DB: none Armour: none
gained the service of a noble bred yet vicious hound, chaining
him to my will along with the gratitude of the plebeians; but Attacks: Pugilism: 60% (1d3, crushing)
I’ve also been gifted a rather impressive bribe. So impressive Wrestling 60%
in fact, that you will receive a rather substantial share for your
aid. “ Skills: Climb 85%, Dodge 45%, Hide 75%, Jump 55%,
He takes a silver goblet of vintage Falernian wine from a slave Language (Latin) 70%, Listen 65%, Lock Picking 45%, Sense
who passes out further goblets to each of you. With a start, 40%, Sleight of Hand 70%, Stealth 70%, Spot 65%,
you recognise the mute who first enmeshed you into all this. Streetwise 60%
Observing your reactions, the patron continues with his
explanation. The retired thief now works as a spy for the rival, using his
“However, more importantly I have managed to escape my skills as a pickpocket and sneak to gather information.
marriage to that sour patriarchal woman, in a way which
brings no lasting harm to my family. Now that I am free again
I shall choose someone of a more advantageous background Publius Claudius Pulcher
to aid my political career. This time, I might even find
someone who actually likes you!” STR 16 CON 14 SIZ 16 INT 11 POW 14 DEX 13 APP 13
He roars with laughter, fully expecting you to join him and the MOV: 12 HP: 15 DB: +1d4 Armour: none
celebration lasts well into the night...
Attacks: Pugilism: 75% (1d3+1d4, crushing)
Wrestling 55%

Skills: Climb 50%, Dodge 60%, Jump 50%, Sports 65%,

The patron is disappointed Sneer Insultingly 80%, Status 95%

On entering the tablinum you feel your patron’s displeasure. For further information on Claudius’ disreputable history, see
No seats have been arranged for your convenience, and the p183 in BRP Rome. The Game Master can assign other skills
expression on his face is stony. as required.
“My dear associates. Although our relationship has been a
long and fruitful one, I find myself somewhat disappointed

with you. All I asked was a simple task, to allow Publius
Claudius to walk free. Why? Because I wanted him to be
bound to me as a client, serving gratefully in the knowledge STR 13 CON 11 SIZ 14 INT 10 POW 13 DEX 12 APP 10
that I had his life in my hands. Wielding Publius on a leash, I MOV: 12 HP: 12 DB: +1d4 Armour: none
would eventually have controlled the entire Claudian clan.
With his death I shall be reviled by the plebeians for my part Attacks: Pugilism: 50% (1d3+1d4, crushing)
in his downfall.” Sica 55% (1d4+1+1d4, bleeding)
He sighs and pours a goblet of wine from a jug of Falernian, Wrestling 45%
which is pointedly not offered to you.
“At least it was not a total loss. You still unwittingly followed Skills: Bargain 50%, Dodge 50%, Hide 60%, Listen 45%, Spot
my plan enabling me to cast doubt on my wife’s fidelity; and 45%, Stealth 50%, Streetwise 55%
at long last I am free of her clutches with no loss to my status.
Be sure that I mean to marry again, but I shall not risk the The muggers want payment for crossing their turf, and are
negotiations of a more advantageous marriage to clients who prepared to draw blood to get it. However they are willing to
demonstrate such lack of loyalty.” negotiate. Overcoming them on an opposed Bargain (or
He sits back and gazes at you with a merciless expression. similar) roll will cost players a Cheap payoff to be allowed to
“Indeed, if you wish to continue our relationship you must continue unharmed, or an Inexpensive payment to hire their
prove yourselves capable of following orders. It just so services as escorts. Failing to win the roll increases prices by
happens I have a plan involving an expedition into Gallic one level.
lands. You may prove to be just the people I need...

At this point the Game Master can continue the STR 11 CON 11 SIZ 12 INT 13 POW 10 DEX 10 APP 13
campaign with further scenarios focused on the continuing MOV: 12 HP: 12 DB: none Armour: none
political battles between the patron and his rival, or use
some of the other plot ideas as suggested on p165-170 in Attacks: Pugilism: 50% (1d3, crushing)
the BRP Rome book. Paving Stone 45% (1d6, crushing)
If the characters end up in disgrace with their patron, Wrestling 40%
they can be smoothly introduced to the next scenario ‘The
Invasion’. Skills: Dodge 40%, Riot Uncontrollably 70%

These are either partisans or enemies of Claudius, whom

have been upset by the character’s testimony. Whichever
group it is, they want to beat out the brains of the PCs before
they can escape. A few rip up paving stones from the Forum
to use as weapons.

n this adventure, the PCs take on the roles of agents of and the warship merely skirted the British coast in fear of

I Rome in advance of the invasion of Britannia – the

fabled land of mists. Their tasks combine those of
ambassadors, diplomats, spies and “special forces.” Yet,
capture by the Britons. This adventure continues alongside
the historical events as a secondary, back-up expedition –
plunging the characters into a daring operation involving
they are not the only agents sent behind enemy lines. espionage, diplomacy and covert fighting in enemy
Parallel to the PCs’ mission, Rome sends a main territory.
ambassador to Britain, Commius the Gaul. Commius is
quickly betrayed and taken captive, however. The PCs ACT ONE: MISSION BRIEFING
must use their wits to escape capture, and to travel
overland towards the legion’s planned assault at the fishing After being granted the proconsul magistracy of Gaul,
village of Dubris (Dover). En route, they must enlist the PCs’ patron has summoned them north to join him.
support for Rome, as well as sending reports of enemy With the Gaulish tribes being largely subdued, the patron is
strength and disposition. Their secondary objective is to considering a voyage across the narrow sea to the
patch together an auxiliary unit to sabotage and divert mysterious and haunted lands of Britannia. Such an

British forces prior to the Roman landing. The end of the expedition, if successful, will bring a great deal of status
scenario involves the characters punching their way and may potentially swell the patron’s post-electoral coffers
through the gathered British army to the security of their with plunder.
patron’s forces.
Although designed to test the ingenuity and
diplomacy of Roman characters, specifically the clients who The impossible mission
have completed the previous three scenarios, this
adventure can be run as a stand-alone jaunt instead. In this Standing before your patron in his camp on the northern
case, the PCs can be allied Belgians or Gauls, working for Gaulish coast, you view his jovial face with trepidation as he
the commander of the invasion. Members of the Belgic explains his plans, pacing excitedly about his tent.
tribes are particularly suitable, as they were subdued in 57 “In a mere week, I shall lead this fleet across the Oceanus
BC and maintained connections with the Atrebates in Britannicus and land at the head of my legions to lay claim to
Britain. Such characters should have a different slant than a the misty, haunted lands of Britannia! The senate will grant me
traditional civic Roman, being more proficient in a triumph for such bravery, and my family name shall be
woodsman and military skills, such as stealth, horse riding, further raised to immortality.”
tracking, javelins, etc. However, some communication skills Taking in your dour expressions, he lowers his widespread
should still be taken otherwise diplomacy may prove arms and gives you a fixed grin. “My dear friends, over our
difficult. Acquiring proficiency in the British, Belgic or many years together you have proven yourselves time and
Gaulish languages allows the PCs to converse with the again. Now I must ask you to undertake a most... delicate
Britons. These languages share enough similarities to allow mission. Like Gaul, Britannia is home to many fractious tribes
for mutual communication, but regional differences in which are continuously at each other’s throats. With suitable
accents, vocabulary and idioms will periodically cause bribes or threats, some of these tribes can be brought over to
misunderstandings. Alternatively, hiring a translator for our side for the coming invasion. Divide and rule, as my father
one of these languages will be money well-spent. used to say.”
Because the PCs are working to aid the Roman He reaches down behind his desk, and with visible effort lifts
landing, they are on a time schedule. Upon landing in up several small, but very heavy sacks. “These are your
Britain (Day 1), their goal is to reach Dubris by Day 9, when carrots and I am the stick. I shall be sending you to support
the troops arrive. Thus, keeping track of the passage of Commius of the Atrebates in his current task of enlisting
days is important, as the PCs’ day of arrival determines nobles over to my side. Gather what information you can on
their options in Act Five (The Battle of the Shallows). numbers of warriors and send it back via traders, along with
This scenario is based on Julius Caesar's first rough maps of where settlements lay and any roads, if the
expedition into Britain in late summer 55 BC (De Bello barbarians know of such things.”
Gallico IV: 20-38). It occurs in the days just before Caesar's “One last word of warning... beware of any druids you
initial landfall and fighting at the Battle of the Shallows. encounter. They are men of dark arts, who manipulate the
Historically, Caesar dispatched Commius of the Atrebates minds of the barbarians. They will not only perceive the real

26 tribe to enlist support among the British nobles before this

expedition, as well as a reconnaissance detail via warship.
Commius was promptly taken captive upon disembarking,
reason for your presence, but will probably offer you up as
sacrifices to their wretched gods!”
After their briefing, the characters have a day to
outfit themselves before their early morning crossing. The betrayal
They have the choice of dressing pompously in Roman
tunics and togas in order to impress uncultured Whilst you are trying to stomach some foul drink called corma
barbarians, or wearing Gaulish dress and moustaches (beer), desperately wishing that the Britons knew something
which would help disguise their presence. Since this is about wine, one of Ambiorus’ sons enters the crude, smoky
ostensibly a diplomatic mission, it may not be sensible hut. His face is guarded as he whispers urgently into his
to carry legionary armaments. Any diplomacy father’s ear.
attempted whilst armed will suffer an appropriate Ambiorus, thinking hard, shifts uneasily then speaks to you in
penalty, since it is considered an insult to hospitality a low voice. “Your mission has been betrayed. On his arrival,
and presents an aggressive stance to the negotiations. Commius was seized and put in chains, and is now a hostage
Contained within the sacks are dozens of solid gold of king Cingetorix of the Cantiaci. The Cantiaci are spreading
torques and arm rings, looted from defeated Gauls. word that Roman spies may be amongst the tribes. They are
These are beautifully wrought works of art in their own even offering reward to any man for your capture. This news
right, and in combined worth are the equivalent of one is travelling fast -- we better go now!”
Priceless, three Expensive, or 27 Average bribes or
purchases, or any combination thereof. If desired, the
PCs may draw upon their own personal wealth to If the PCs are dressed as Romans, then Ambiorus
supplement their financial reserves, but whatever they insists that they disguise themselves as locals. If the
withdraw must be converted into a suitable and easily characters do not have Gaulish or British clothes, then
carried form before they take ship. Ambiorus leads them to his ox cart, producing worn but
The characters are also given a small stack of wax functional spare clothes. Roman armour and weapons
tablets upon which to write their reports, along with a need to be hidden in his cart if the PCs wish to blend in
simple letter substitution code in which they must with the local populace. However, any PCs lacking
inscribe the messages in case the tablets fall into enemy moustaches are noticeable.
hands. The road to Dunon Rigi is little more than a rutted
Clever characters can use the preparation time to track way, but it is only three hours travel by cart. Fearing
ask local sailors about the customs of the Britons living trouble, Ambiorus pushes the pace to escape anyone
near Ericaunon (Selsby), their point of arrival. Those seeking the reward on the character’s heads.
who take this opportunity can use their communication Whilst driving, Ambiorus is willing to talk about
skills with the sailors at no penalty. For PCs who intertribal politics. On a successful Etiquette, Fast Talk or
assume that the natives will be impressed by Roman Rhetoric roll, he informs that king Cassivellaunus has been
protocol, treat all communication skills as Hard. If none encroaching southward from his lands north of the river
of the characters speaks British, Belgic or Gaulish, then Tamessa, exacting tribute from petty kings of the Atrebates
this is a good time to ask the Patron to hire a translator. and their client tribes. Several noble families have been
The sailors point out that British men, like the Gauls, displaced, and seek revenge on the haughty
typically wear moustaches, so some PCs might opt to Cassivellaunus.
start growing out facial hair if they wish to disguise Towards dusk, Ambiorus’s cart is overtaken by a small
themselves. For a more complete disguise, the PCs can group of familiar-looking young spearmen riding slender

get serviceable Gaulish clothes from their patron amid horses, one tribesman for every PC (use “Spearman”
the war spoils: gaudy woollen cloaks and tunics. statistics at the end of the scenario). These are local
The next morning, the characters board a small tribesmen who were drinking in the house that the PCs
merchant ship waiting near the patron’s camp. visited. Unless the PCs have attempted to create false
If a sacrifice is made to a relevant deity before the moustaches, the tribesmen ask Ambiorus where those
PCs set sail, then the crossing is swift and calm. Failing Romans he was talking to in the village have gone, and
to propitiate the gods results in a frightening crossing regard the PCs suspiciously.
for characters used to the calmer seas of the The party has several options:
Mediterranean; those failing a Stamina Roll suffer a
bout of sea sickness so bad that all rolls for the first day • Roleplay a convincing story as to why they are
after landing are treated as Hard! travelling to Dunon Rigi (e.g., they are foreign Belgians
visiting their kinsmen), backed up with a successful
Language (Belgic or Gaulish) and Fast Talk rolls.
A CT T WO : • Pay the tribesmen an Average value bribe to help
them ‘forget’ the encounter.
D ECEIT AND D ISGUISE • Murder the tribesmen to silence them permanently
and hide the bodies. Although mounted, the tribesmen
The ship quietly slips into the port of Ericaunon in dismount to fight with spear and shield.
the early afternoon, quickly unloading its cargo to take • Threaten the tribesmen with weapons, but let them
advantage of the tide for the return trip to Gaul. The go. This option risks news of the PCs’ presence travelling
arrival into port marks Day 1 of the characters’ mission. to neighbouring tribes such as the Cantiaci, or risks a
They are met on the dock by Ambiorus, a merchant of better-armed group come hunting the “Roman spies” for
the Atrebates tribe, and his three sons. He is a tall, the reward. This second group will be two spearmen per
proud man who speaks fluent Latin. For a gift of PC (use “Spearman” statistics), lead by a cavalryman (use
Expensive value, he offers to safely guide the PCs to “Cavalryman” statistics).
Dunon Rigi (Chichester), the new capital of the
Atrebates, but can be negotiated down to a gift of Assuming matters don’t end in a disastrous blood
Average value if the characters win an Opposed Roll bath, the PCs reach the hill fort as evening starts.
using the Bargain skill.
Considering the time of day, Ambiorus suggests
remaining at a small drinking house and setting out
early in the morning. However, soon after they sit
down, bad news arrives...
ACT THREE: Commius of the Atrebates
DIPLOMATIC DIGRESSIONS Crafty and resilient,
Commius switched from
Feeling somewhat dirty and uncomfortable in Roman agent to Roman
barbarian clothes whilst bouncing in a rickety cart, the PCs enemy to client king.
eventually reach Dunon Rigi. When Caesar conquered
the Atrebates tribe in Gaul
in 57 BC, he appointed
The capital? Commius king of the
tribe. Caesar called upon
You finally emerge from the marshland track to gaze upon the Commius to act as his
royal centre of the Atrebates tribe, second only to the envoy on the eve of the
Catuvellauni as the most powerful kingdom in Britannia. Your first British incursion in 55
mouths fall open in shock to see little more than a crude and BC. Although Commius
dirty settlement surrounded by a palisade, barely capable of was quickly captured and
being called a town. The buildings are wattle or wooden huts released by the Britons,
with thatched roofs, something unseen in Rome save for the he served as intermediary
Temple of Romulus. The streets are unpaved muddy paths during Caesar’s second
full of refuse and animals that add their filth to the mess. incursion in 54 BC.
Rising above the settlement is a newly-built hall of rough- Roman officers then
hewn logs, at which Ambiorus gestures proudly. “Welcome to attempted to murder him
the king’s fort!” on suspicion of treason,
prompting him to switch
sides. Commius joined the failed pan-Gaulish revolt led by
Escorted by Ambiorus, the characters have no Vercingetorix in 52 BC. Commius survived, joining guerrilla
difficulty entering the settlement. As his last bit of service, campaigns against Rome in Belgium and Gaul. Rome
he guides his cart behind some smokehouses and puts up a prevailed, consolidating the conquest of Gaul. Rather than
canvas to allow the PCs to change into their best clothes to executing the turncoat Commius, Rome granted him the
meet the king. Once changed, Ambiorus cheerily abandons agreeable condition of ruling as a non-aggressor to Rome.
the characters, considering his side of the deal completed. By 30 BC, Commius was ruling as king of the Atrebates in
Refreshed and fully dressed, the characters ascend the Britain. He had three sons: Tincomarus, Eppillus and Verica.
slope to the great hall, representing their patron and Rome. Commius appears to have ruled with Tincomarus until his
They are deflated to learn that the door guards speak no death in 20 BC. Tincomarus and Eppillus then co-ruled until
Latin. Negotiations to gain entry may take a comic turn if c. 10 AD, when Eppillus became sole ruler. Verica took over
there is no translator. The Game Master is encouraged to the kingship c. 15 AD. Hostilities with the Catuvellauni to the

use crude sign language or deliberately misinterpreted north prompted Verica to seek aid from the Emperor
pidgin phrases if the PCs know a little British, Belgic or Claudius, giving cause for the Roman invasion in 43 AD.
Gaulish. Eventually, they can bribe their way in with a gift
of Average value or something which a warrior would
value, such as an ornate Roman pugio. Cassivellaunus
When they enter the hall of Lugotorix, the overking of
the Atrebates, read the following. Cassivellaunus, the first
Briton recorded by name,
was a powerful king at the
The mouse king time of Caesar’s
expeditions in 55-54 BC,
Within the great hall the atmosphere is dark and smoky. being in the process of
Lugotorix is an elderly man with grey hair, long moustache subjugating surrounding
and an even longer nose. Obviously once a warrior of tribes. Cassivellaunus
muscular frame, but now shrunken with age, he welcomes ruled along the river
you, demonstrating his education by sending his regards to Tamessa (Thames).
your illustrious patron in Latin. Once the platitudes are over, Although Caesar does not
he angrily tells of the treacherous capture of his cousin name his tribe or
Commius, now held hostage by king Cingetorix of the kingdom, it is generally
Cantiaci. “For this insult, I shall listen to your council. Let your accepted that he headed
patron’s friendship be demonstrated and I shall offer you my what later sources identify
hospitality and protection in return.” as the Catuvellauni.
Cassivellaunus does not
appear in the fight against
At this point, the characters should present gifts to the Rome until 54 BC. With
king. If they forget, then allow the PC with the highest INT aid from the Cantiaci, he
an Idea roll to remember this important ceremony. The battled Caesar to an
value of their offering determines the king’s attitude uneasy truce. Caesar
towards them. The ‘worth’ of the gift can be modified by instructed him not to war
use of the Etiquette or Rhetoric skill – a critical or special upon Rome’s British allies before leaving the island for good.
success uses ego-inflating acclamations to increase the Cassivellaunus then vanishes from the historical record. He
value by one step, but a failure or fumble indicates they might have ruled until 20 BC, when Tasciovanus appears to
have unwittingly insulted the king or his tribe, reducing the have started ruling as king of the Catuvellauni. According to
value by one step. medieval legends, Cassivellaunus was the son of Beli the
Great (possibly Belinos in British), and he repelled two

28 • A Priceless gift sways Lugotorix completely. In his

joy at so kingly a present, he promises complete loyalty to
their patron and will gift the characters a fine horse each. In
invasions by Caesar before suing for peace. Legends also
say that he owned a cloak of invisibility, let Caesar bribe him
with a magnificent horse, competed with Caesar for a
beautiful woman, and was a maker of golden shoes.
addition, he grants use of 20 of his personal cavalry for the If they convey the sense that Gaul is not being
remainder of the PCs’ mission (use “Cavalryman” devastated for slaves and plunder, that the Roman army is
statistics). He begins mobilisation against the Cantiaci invincible, and that the patron is an honourable commander
immediately. of the highest reputation, then they gain another 1 to 3
• An Expensive gift satisfies Lugotorix enough to feel renown points depending on how well they exaggerate.
that his status has been honoured. He grants protection and Conversely, if they are ruthlessly honest about issues such
shelter to the PCs within the territory of the Atrebates, as the slaughter and looting of Gaulish settlements, then the
loans them horses, and negotiates a political deal with the picture that they paint undermines the nobles’ opinions and
PCs to withhold his army from the coming battle against they lose 1 to 3 renown points.
their patron, in return for the crushing of Cassivellaunus of The characters can take advantage of the feast to gain
the Catuvellauni. information from the Atrebates nobles. If they have earned
• A gift of Average or lesser value angers the king, at least 4 renown points, then they learn useful details, such
who treats them coldly for the rest of the evening. He will as estimated numbers of warriors of the Cantiaci and
send advance word to the Cantiaci of the PCs’ presence surrounding tribes, typical British battle tactics, which
and plans. Once they leave his fort (and his hospitality), he tribes will likely support Rome, etc. If they have earned
then rides out at the head of his army to join the Britons less than 4 renown points, then they do not learn much
mustering against the invasion. more than general information, such as the unrest caused
by the campaigns of Cassivellaunus, the general size of the
That night, the PCs are hosted in the king's hall. If nearby tribes, the best wood for making chariot yokes, etc.
Lugotorix is at least satisfied with the tribute (i.e., Priceless On the following morning, roll a number of d6 equal to
or Expensive gift), then a feast is held in honour of the the amount of renown points that the PCs earned during
ambassadors; go to Scene 1. If, however, the PCs did not the feast. The result is the number of mounted nobles who
provide a proper gift to the king (i.e., Average or lesser turn up and volunteer to help the characters on their
gift), then go to Scene 2 instead. mission (use “Cavalryman” statistics).

Act 3, Scene 2:
Act 3, Scene 1: Humiliation and Honour
Celebrations and Challenges If the PCs did not provide the proper gift to the king,
During the feast, the PCs are offered a chance to then a rather awkward feast is served, during which no
display their capabilities by participating in light-hearted nobles approach or speak with them. A young chariot
challenges, a common way of gaining prestige in British warrior senses the hall's mood, and swaggers over to the
and Gaulish society... and in stark contrast to normal PC with the lowest Appearance. He asks pointed questions,
Roman conventions of dignity and gravitas. first about the character’s clothes, then about his homeland,
The following is a list of contests and their associated then about his mother.
skills. If they decide to try to impress their hosts, the PCs The insulted character has several options. If he loses
should decide which of them will participate in each his temper and attempts to attack the warrior, then the PCs
challenge. The success level of the skill roll gains a number are thrown out of the settlement and banished from
of temporary renown points: 3 for a critical, 2 for a special, Atrebates tribal lands for breaking hospitality. If, however,

1 for a normal success, -1 for a failure and -2 for a fumble. he calmly attempts to defuse the situation, he may attempt
Keep a total of the points that the group earns. an Etiquette roll. Failure causes the characters to be viewed
as cowards, losing any hope of aid from the Atrebates;
• A story telling competition (Rhetoric) – The Britons whereas success proves their self control and wisdom,
may not understand the flowery language, but the tempo bringing the respect of the nobles regardless of Lugotorix’s
and flow of the speech combined with choreographed body displeasure.
language may impress them greatly. For a successful Etiquette roll, the PCs will be
• A gambling game based on knucklebones (Gaming) approached by warriors of noble families dispossessed by
– Failing this skill results in the PC losing all of his money. the Catuvellauni (use “Cavalryman” statistics). They are
On a fumble, he also loses all of his equipment! For willing to fight as mercenary troops if paid a gift of Average
gambling rules, see p34 of BRP Rome. value apiece for their services. The number of warriors to
• A drinking competition (Stamina Rolls) – Since be hired is determined by the characters’ financial resources
Romans normally drink headier wines, they are not at a – if the characters have enough to hire 20 or more warriors,
disadvantage here, and can win a great deal of respect for then that many will be available. The warriors are also
their toughness. willing to loan horses at the cost of an Average gift per
• A wrestling challenge (Wrestling) – The contest is horse. The Bargain skill may be used to negotiate a better
abstracted to a single roll to demonstrate Roman wrestling. price.
But if the character wishes to participate in a full wrestling
match, the local champion has a skill of 86%.
• A singing or music display (Perform) – The Britons ACT FOUR:
love artistic display, and songs concerning battles or
tragedy give the singer a +20% bonus to his roll if he has BEHIND ENEMY LINES
the appropriate language skill (British, Belgic or Gaulish) or
a translator. However the night passes, the characters must now
• An insult contest (Fast Talk) – Not just crudities, but travel towards their patron's projected landing point of
a fine use of wit and sarcasm. This contest is possible only Dubris, surveying the countryside and attempting covert
if the PC has the appropriate language skill (British, Belgic operations. Any information that the PCs wish to report to
or Gaulish) or a translator. their patron must be sent now, using the wax tablets
previously provided. For a gift of Average value, the
Whilst these games continue, the PCs are questioned characters can find a trader heading towards Ericaunon to
by leading nobles of the Atrebates, who wish to know carry the tablets and any messages. After this point, no
about the deeds and honour of their patron, the Roman information will reach the patron before he sets sail with his
army under his control, and what has happened to Gaul
during his proconsulship. The characters may answer as
they see fit.
Depending on their diplomatic efforts of the night
before, the composition of the character’s party should now
Act 4, Scene 1:
Travelling the Cantiaci Highway

The roadways
The road from Dunon Rigi consists of hard packed dirt and
leaf mould, marked with occasional mudpits. It skirts the edge
of the great forest, meandering under ancient trees whose
branches form a woven roof of early autumnal leaves. The
road occasionally reveals views of the river valley it follows,
but there are few signs of settlement or even travellers until
the road climbs to join the Cantiaci Highway that runs atop the
North Downs. Any British companions will proudly point out
the antiquity of the Highway, said to have been cleared by the
god Lugos himself. The roadway is certainly broad and in
decent condition, but nothing like proper Roman roads. Along
the Highway’s route, the trees have been cleared from the
hilltops, which are used as grazing land by the surrounding
settlements. To the south, you see the immense unbroken
forest spread away to the horizon. As you travel along the
Highway, you see bands of fully-armed warriors heading
eastwards, spreading news of the impending invasion and
encouraging you to journey on towards Dubris...

The Cantiaci tribe are mobilising for war, which means

that the Roman invasion plan has been revealed. The PCs
might conclude that the captured Commius has spilled the
information, even though it may have been their own
diplomatic mistake which caused the leak.
During the journey, the PCs are passed by noisy
squadrons of chariots and cavalry racing eastwards
towards the coast. These are Cantiaci nobles in ornate

helmets and flowing cloaks, armed with long swords and

shields, forming the vanguard to oppose the invasion.
These are soon followed by bands of spearmen, singing
war songs whilst waving spears and colourful shields.
Rumour has it that the several tribes along the river
Tamessa are coming to reinforce the Cantiaci, but there is
no word about the mighty Cassivellaunus himself.
It is impossible to avoid these warbands whilst
travelling along the Highway. On the 3rd day of travel, the
be classified as one of the following: Large mounted – total character with the lowest POW must succeed in a Luck
size greater or equal to a turma of cavalry (30 troopers), Roll, or draw the attention of a mounted noble leading 50
Small mounted – total size less than a turma, or On foot – Cantiaci spearmen (use “Champion” and “Spearman”
one or more members of the party are not mounted, with statistics). The result of the roll is modified by the size of
the party’s speed reduced to that of walking. the PCs party, unless they have completely abandoned
Reaching Dubris by the proposed date of the landing their Gaulish disguises at which point being stopped is
will be a challenge. Simply following the coast is automatic.
impossible, due the marshes on the eastern edge of
Atrebates lands. North and east of those is Caitos Maros • Large mounted – The size of the party intimidates
(“great forest”) -- the dense, uninhabited Great Weald the leader, who only stops the PCs if the Luck Roll was a
forest. Taking ship with large numbers of cavalry is fumble.
impossible, and sailing without an escort may be dangerous • Small mounted – The party is stopped and
now that a reward has been offered for Roman spies. questioned if the Luck Roll was a failure.
The characters have two primary options. From Dunon • On foot – The leader questions the PCs even if the
Rigi, they can take a local track northward to the major Luck Roll was a success (but not a special or better).
road Sentos Cantiacom (Cantiaci Highway), then eastward
to Dubris, thereby circumnavigating the Caitos Maros forest If questioned, there is a very good chance that the PCs
entirely. On horse, this route takes 6 days, putting the PCs will be identified as Romans unless one of them can speak
at Dubris on the morning of Day 7. On foot, the travel time British, Belgic or Gaulish. If dressed in poor quality, ill-
is 8 days, bringing the PCs to Dubris on the morning of Day fitting clothes, they stand out amongst their accompanying
9. Alternatively they can travel the minor trails through British nobles. If they decide to try to conceal themselves
Caitos Maros, a likely slower but more direct journey. amongst their companions, allow them an opposed Hide vs
The roadways have the advantage of speed, but the the leader’s Spot skill of 70%. Make the task Hard if the
PCs risk being stopped and discovered as Roman agents. PCs have not begun growing moustaches, or are carrying
The forest paths offer the advantage of concealment, but Roman weapons and equipment.
entail slower travel and unknown dangers within. The It requires a good cover story and a successful Fast

30 Britons have many superstitions about travelling the

forests, as these are reputed to be haunted by spirits and
deadly creatures.
Talk to convince the Cantiaci leader about the PCs’ non-
British appearance. Or they can attempt to bribe him with
an Expensive value gift in combination with a successful
Bargain roll. If neither option works, the leader attempts to be haunted by frightening dreams.
take them captive. • A sacred druid grove is stumbled upon. In the
The PCs’ party has little chance of defeating 50 centre is an immense oak tree from which are hung
spearmen without taking significant loses or being dozens of bodies, each a sacrificed noble, still dressed in
captured themselves. If combat breaks out, use the finery, wearing their torques and armbands. The grimaces
following results, depending on the relative number of of the desiccated sacrifices scare any Britons. Unless held
troops: together with a successful Command or Rhetoric roll, the
Britons flee with superstitious terror back into the forest,
• Heavily outnumbered – if facing at least 2:1 odds, and half do not return – for whatever reason...
the characters automatically lose the battle and are • The character with the highest Theology skill
captured. spots what appears to be a faun standing atop a boulder
• Outnumbered – the characters lose the battle, but glaring at him maliciously. It slips back into the
may escape into the Caitos Maros forest if they each defeat undergrowth before anyone else catches sight.
an opponent to break clear. If they escape into the forest, Investigation of the boulder reveals hoof marks in the
their journey switches to Act 4, Scene 2. moss, causing any Britons to uneasily mutter the name
• Superior numbers – the Cantiaci flee as soon as their Cocidius, god of the woods. If the PCs fail to propitiate
leader is cut down, but the characters lose 10% of their the god with a sacrifice, requiring a successful Theology
troops for each melee round it takes to defeat him roll, then the following morning they find one of the
group dead with a leafy sapling growing up through his
If the PCs are not taken captive and continue along the chest! Until they leave the forest, they are attacked each
Highway, then they reach Dubris on Day 7 (if mounted) or night by fauns (see p158 of BRP Rome). The Game Master
Day 9 (if on foot). If taken captive, the PCs are returned to should adjust the number of fauns to match the party’s
their patron soon after the Battle of the Shallows (see Act 6: fighting strength. (If a non-supernatural explanation is
Aftermath and Rewards). However, if the Game Master required, then the ‘fauns’ are actually horn-wearing druid
wishes, he can run a side scenario allowing the characters worshippers of Cocidius, who kill by impaling sleeping
to escape, perhaps gathering important reconnaissance victims with sharpened saplings, so it looks like the plant
information or sabotaging the Cantiaci camp the evening has grown up through the body.)
before their patron lands with his legions.
Eventually, the PCs emerge from the forest to
Act 4, Scene 2: Braving Caitos Maros continue to the harbour of Dubris. If they reach Dubris
later than eight days after leaving Dunon Rigi, then they
arrive too late to participate in the Battle of the Shallows.
The forest
Leaving Dunon Rigi, you take one of the innumerable small
tracks entering the dense forest. The light grows dim,
unable to penetrate the heavy foliage above your heads. T HE BATTLE OF THE S HALLOWS
The huge trees are gnarled with age, and the thick
undergrowth is nigh impenetrable to ride through, save for At Dubris, the characters find a growing Cantiaci

the animal trails. The forest is eerily silent. All too soon, you army camped along the white cliffs that overlook the
lose track of direction and an oppressive feeling settles on shore. If they have arrived before Day 9 of their mission,
your shoulders. then they have a chance to attempt some sabotage against
the Britons (go to scene 1). Arriving on Day 9 coincides
with the landing of the patron’s fleet, which was delayed
Following narrow tracks, the journey through the by stormy weather (jump to scene 2).
disturbing forest takes the same amount of time, whether If the characters arrive after Day 9, they miss the
mounted or on foot. It takes three successful Navigation battle, but must still cross enemy lines to reach the safety
or Tracking rolls to negotiate the terrain. The total travel of their patron’s beach encampment. Fortunately, this is
time is three days plus one day per each roll they attempt, somewhat easy, as the Britons flee the battle. The PCs can
whether it succeds or not, so the minimum time it takes to travel straight through the confusion to the Roman camp,
cross the forest is six days. If the PCs don’t know either or, if mounted, can attempt to take some war captives to
skill, the highest ranking British noble has Navigation at present to their patron.
The forest is not inhabited by Britons, so the PCs will Act 5, Scene 1: Spying and Sabotage
not encounter any enemy troops en route. However, there
are denizens which are far worse. The Game Master
should run one or more of the following encounters The Cantiaci camp
before the characters manage to escape the terrifying
woods. Thousands of warriors are camped in the scrubland atop the
giant white cliffs. They are gathered in distinct tribal groups, at
• A huge white boar emerges onto the path before least four separate bands for the Cantiaci alone, each one a
the PCs and charges. Use the statistics described on p146 scattered mess of temporary bivouacs, hobbled horses and
of BRP Rome, but double its characteristics, HP, Armour inverted chariots surrounding communal fireplaces.
and skills. If one of the PCs defeats it single-handedly, he Unlike a Roman encampment, there are no palisades, no
gains 2d6 to his Status. If killed, the boar’s skin makes an organisation to provide pathways, and few sentries. Instead,
impressive trophy, which if worn, protects the wearer there is an almost holiday feeling to the army. Warriors joke
from other boars. light heartedly, sing songs and consume what appears to be
• The path opens into a clearing, within which looms a vast quantity of foul beer. Nobody takes much notice of you
an ancient tumulus. The burial mound is surrounded by a and your party, save to call out cheerful greetings, or ribald
ring of weathered standing stones, their carvings faded insults. You soon learn that the haughty Cassivellaunus has
long ago. British warriors refuse to enter the glade, not journeyed to oppose the Romans, which causes
circling around it instead. If anyone approaches the
tumulus, a heavy cloud crosses the sun, plunging the
clearing into chilly shadow, and later that night they will
bitterness among the Cantiaci and Atrebates warriors.
Several possibilities are open to characters who wish from his fire to pay a call of nature, push one who likes to
to perform some scouting or clandestine destruction. stare at the sea over the cliff, or poison a cauldron with
Options include the following: toxic mushrooms. Creeping through a sleeping camp to cut
a nobles throat is possible, but dangerous if a Stealth roll is
• Gather troop dispositions – A character can wander failed.
freely amongst the camps, noting which tribes are present,
how many warriors are gathered and the number of After several of these acts have been performed, the
cavalry and chariots. A successful Strategy roll is required Britons will become alert and wary for future attempts,
to gather accurate numbers, because of the disorganisation. even setting traps to capture saboteurs. On Day 9 of the
Amongst those present are the four allied tribes of the mission, the fleet arrives. Go to scene 2.
Cantiaci (led by their kings Cingetorix, Segovax, Carvilius,
and Taximagulus), a vanguard of the Catuvellauni, and if Act 5, Scene 2: The Eagle is Landing
insulted by the patron’s gift, king Lugotorix leading the
various client tribes of the Atrebates.
• Spread discontent – If a character is able to speak
reasonable British, Belgic or Gaulish (26% or over), he can
talk directly with the Britons, learning of their age-old
The legions arrive
feuds. With a successful Rhetoric roll, the PCs can plant the
seeds of discontent between the normally fractious tribes.
This causes innumerable fights to occur each evening and a
gradual breakup of the cooperative feeling within the army.
The Catuvellauni are a good target for discontent, since
their overking Cassivellaunus is seeking recognition as
leader of the tribes of southern Britain, whilst not bothering
to show up to fight the invading Romans.
• Spy on the leaders – Extremely courageous
characters can attempt to spy on the strategic plans of the
kings the night before the invasion begins. The meeting is
held away from the camps atop a rocky knoll, and is
guarded by the personal champions of the attending kings
(i.e., 1d6+3 champions; use “Champion” statistics). To
approach the outcropping requires an opposed roll of a
character’s Stealth versus the guards’ Listen skill. Success
allows the PC to slip past the guard, and reach the steep
bluff. Next, he must succeed in a Climb roll to ascend the
rocks. From this position, he can overhear the planning

with a Listen roll. If the character fails at any point, the

guards react accordingly.
• Free Commius – Another deadly challenge, the PCs
can attempt to rescue Commius. The noble is held in a
small hut in king Cingetorix’s camp. Two champions guard
the hut (use “Champion” statistics), but they can be taken
unawares by use of stealth or engaging them in some
friendly drinking. When attacked, both guards must be
quietly subdued or killed within one melee round,
otherwise they will shout out an alert. A second group of
PCs could provide a distraction on the other side of the
camp to cover extraneous noise. Inside the unlocked hut,
Commius has been living luxuriously during his captivity
and is unwilling to leave.
• Inflict sabotage – Unlike a regular Roman army, the
Britons lack communal store houses or even closely parked
chariots to burn. Killing horses is rather noisy, making
them a difficult target. To inflict any sort of serious damage In the early morning light, the British army gathers at the edge
is next to impossible, save by riding pell-mell through the of the cliff. Unnoticed and ignored by the many warriors, you
camp, trampling random equipment and attacking approach and look over the edge.
anything that moves. Although such an attack can be The sea is a dizzying drop below, and riding the slow swells
performed, those responsible will be located the following are what appear to be toy ships packed full of Roman
morning, unless the characters had disguised themselves as soldiers. On the largest vessel you spot what you think is your
members of a different tribe and hide any wounds they patron waving his arms dramatically, obviously midway
receive. through some morale-boosting oratory. You thank the gods
• Steal horses – Livestock raiding is a staple pastime that you are standing amongst the enemy, rather than having
for young warriors, and attempting it under the uneasy to put up with another of his droning speeches.
peace of the gathered tribes will be both dangerous and As the ships pull closer, the Britons strike a chorus of jeers
expected. A raid requires successful opposed rolls of Hide and horn-blasts, showering stones and missiles on the
and Stealth to reach the animals unobserved, followed by approaching ships. After a short while, the fleet changes
Ride to cut the animals free of hobbles without causing course away from the cliffs, seeking a more favourable beach
them alarm. Hiding stolen horses will be difficult in the to assault. The Britons follow, chanting battle songs all the
middle of the army, but the PCs could ride them off and way. In the afternoon, the ships approach a flat and wide
kill them, or mix the beasts with somebody else’s picketed expanse of beach some miles from Dubris. The Britons hurl
animals. javelins and sling stones as the legionaries begin

32 • Assassinate a noble – Killing somebody quietly in

the middle of an armed camp is rather difficult. However,
clever characters could ambush a noble who travels away
disembarking. At last, the battle begins.
This battle matches that of Caesar's initial landing as A character who possess a decent Strategy skill can
recounted in De Bello Gallico IV: 24-26. take personal command of his allied British cavalry (if any),
At first, the fighting favours the Britons. The or of the first disembarked legionary unit, whose centurion
legionaries hesitate to disembark from the transport ships, and optio have been killed as they struggled ashore. Roll
fearful of jumping into the water and shifting sands against Strategy and apply the following result:
weighed down with armour, whilst the chariots and
cavalry strafe them from the shore with javelins. The • Fumble – the entire unit is butchered. If he survives,
patron then commands his escorting warships to run the commander loses 2d6% Status and earns the enmity of
aground on the right flank, and to open fire on the Britons the Atrebates or the entire 10th Legion (who blame him for
with missiles and artillery. This action causes the Britons to the loss of their eagle).
retreat slightly, at which point the aquilifer (eagle-bearer) of • Failure – half the unit is lost as casualties due to
the Tenth Legion bravely leaps ashore by himself, spurring incompetence. The commander loses 1d6% Status.
the legionaries to follow him or suffer the disgrace of losing • Success – the unit survives roughly intact, gaining
their eagle. the respect of its men.
Inspired, the Romans fight hard to maintain their • Special – the unit turns the tide at the end of the
tenuous foothold on the beach, suffering heavy casualties battle, increasing the Status of its members 1d6% and
from javelin attacks and cavalry charges. Seeing this, the winning the commander a military decoration such as a
patron supplements the landing party with more troops via priceless torque or a set of phalerae.
rowboats; which turns the tide, enabling the legionaries to • Critical – the unit heroically saves the entire assault
plug the gaps between each transport. Once reinforced, the by driving back the Britons unassisted, allowing the
Romans assault the Britons, causing them to take flight. legionaries trapped on the other transports to begin
The patron is unable to pursue because his cavalry has not disembarking. All those who fight with the unit gain 2d6%
yet made the crossing. The battle ends in Roman victory. to their Status, and its commander wins the Corona
Those characters who wish to participate in the battle Obsidionalis – the highest military award in the Roman
can fight to their heart’s content, applying all the usual army!
combat skills. Tactically, they can play a number of roles.
After the Britons flee, mounted PCs can attempt to
• Large mounted or small mounted parties can easily capture fleeing warriors. The patron will be very pleased
speed onto the beach, aiding the legionaries of a transport with such harassing tactics, since his own cavalry is not
ship to establish their beach head, perhaps even the one available to him.
from which the aquilifer of the 10th leaps. Galloping and
fighting from horseback will require Ride rolls, something
most Romans are fairly poor at. Calling upon Epona the ACT SIX:
goddess of horses may come in handy if the characters can
succeed in a Theology roll. AFTERMATH AND R EWARDS
• On foot parties can merge with the British front lines.
However, attempting to join the Romans is fraught with In the wake of his initial victory, the patron makes
difficulties. Not only are the PCs spotted as turncoats and camp on the beach in order to protect his fleet. The Britons
attacked by the Britons, but the Romans will probably not send envoys suing for peace. When the patron accepts,

recognise them as allies either. A successful Command roll they return any captives they possess. This includes
will identify them as legitimate auxiliaries, permitting the Commius and possibly the PCs. However, in the latter case,
characters to join Roman front line, or to cravenly hide they demand ransom for these Roman ‘spies’. The patron
behind the legionaries. does not appreciate this extortion, but pays the ransom
nevertheless, realising that he clings to a precarious
At the very minimum, each character should face a foothold in strange territory.
single combat with a Cantiaci spearman, cavalryman or If the characters succeeded in buying the loyalty of
charioteer, before they can seek safety with the Romans. king Lugotorix, the patron is ecstatic and rewards each
Braver characters can continue fighting, perhaps seeking character with their own rural villa near Capua. If they
out a champion or even king. These opponents are very only managed to negotiate the neutrality of the Atrebates,
dangerous, but winning such a fight earns the character the patron is still pleased and gifts the characters with two
1d6% Status. Use the statistics at the end of the scenario for dozen of the best captive warriors as slaves, which they can
the appropriate opponents. sell or have trained as gladiators as they desire. Any
intelligence gathered about the participating tribes,
numbers of warriors, and inland roads will be rewarded
with enough sesterces to boost the PCs’ Wealth Level to
Affluent for a year.
Achieving none of the above incurs the patron’s
disfavour, which ends with him sending the PCs on
another suicidal mission in the coming days.
If the PCs crossed the great forest of Caitos Maros,
their patron outwardly laughs at their eerie experiences,
chalking them up to their imaginations running wild in
barbarian lands. As he pours wine to change the subject,
the characters notice that his hands shake slightly and he
swallows dryly before sipping. Amongst the soldiery and
friends, however, the PCs discover that their tales of the
haunted British forest will keep them in free wine for the
rest of their lives!
From here on, the characters can continue the invasion
of Britannia, perhaps diverging from history if the Game
Master wishes to create his own alternative version of
events. Conversely, if well rewarded, the PCs could return
home to Rome as war heroes and retire at the pinnacle of
their reputations.

Spearman Atrebates
The Atrebates (“settlers”) form a powerful overkingdom, being
STR 13 CON 12 SIZ 12 INT 10 POW 10 DEX 13 APP 11 composed of several tribes of Belgic origin. They conduct
MOV: 12 HP: 12 Armour: 4 AP Helmet DB: +1d4 trade with the Gauls and Belgians across the Channel and
mint gold and silver coins. At the time of Caesar’s first
Attacks: 1-H-Spear 55% (1d8+1+1d4, impaling) expedition in 55 BC, Commius’s cousin Lugotorix rules the
Oval Shield 55% (22 AP) Atrebates from Dunon Rigi (Chichester). The ruling dynasty is
Pugilism 50% (1d3+1d4, crushing) a relative newcomer to Britain, attempting to extend its
Wrestling 50% influence in the face of Catuvellaunian expansion from the
Skills: Climb 65%, Dodge 50%, Hide 45%, Jump 55%, Tamessa valley (Thames). The tribes Belgae and Regni (or
Language (British) 70%, Listen 50%, Stealth 45%, Spot 50% Regnenses), shown in Ptolemy’s later map of Britain, are
included in the Atrebates overkingdom.
STR 14 CON 13 SIZ 13 INT 11 POW 13 DEX 15 APP 14
MOV: 12 HP: 13 Armour: 7 AP Chainmail Shirt, 6 AP helmet The Cantiaci (“those of the edge/coast”) are a maritime
DB: +1d4 overkingdom with ties to coastal Belgic tribes such as the
Morini. Their principle settlement is Durovernon (Canterbury).
Attacks: Long Sword 60% (1d8+1d4, bleeding) Caesar praises the Cantiaci as the most civilized of all British
Javelin 60% (1d6+ ½DB, impaling) tribes. Despite this praise, four kings of the Cantiaci --
Pugilism 55% (1d3+1d4, crushing) Cingetorix, Carvilius, Taximagulus and Segovax -- launched a
Wrestling 55% surprise attack on Caesar’s naval camp in 54 BC. The great
Skills: Climb 60%, Dodge 45%, Hide 40%, Jump 65%, forest called Caitos Maros (Weald Forest) extends into their
Language (British) 70%, Listen 55%, Ride 75%, Stealth 40%, lands, with its rich iron deposits.
Spot 55%, Tracking 50%
The Catuvellauni (“battle lords”) are an aggressive
STR 15 CON 14 SIZ 14 INT 13 POW 13 DEX 14 APP 13 overkingdom along the Tamessa valley (Thames). The
MOV: 12 HP: 14 Armour: 4 AP helmet DB: +1d4 overking is Cassivellaunus, who puts up stout resistance to
Caesar’s invasion in 54 BC. Cassivellaunus controls a
Attacks: Long Sword 65% (1d8+1d4, bleeding) number of fortified settlements, the most important being
Oval Shield 65% (22 AP) Verlamion (St. Albans). The Catuvellauni are expanding to

Javelin 65% (1d6+ ½DB, impaling) the south and east, exacting tribute and hostages from lesser
Pugilism 60% (1d3+1d4, crushing) tribes. Three small tribes that eventually submit to Caesar –
Wrestling 60% the Ancalites, Bibroci and Cassi – were possibly part of the
Skills: Climb 60%, Dodge 55%, Drive 80%, Hide 40%, Jump Catuvellauni overkingdom.
70%, Language (British) 70%, Listen 55%, Ride 55%, Stealth
40%, Spot 55%, Tracking 50% Dobunni
Champion The Dobunni are relatively peaceful farmers, occupying fertile
lands along the river Sabrina (Severn). The population is
STR 17 CON 14 SIZ 16 INT 13 POW 13 DEX 15 APP 15 scattered among many villages of farmers and craftsmen.
MOV: 12 HP: 15 Armour: 7 AP Chainmail Shirt, 6 AP helmet They are rumoured to be favourable towards Rome,
DB: +1d6 presumably to keep the Catuvellauni from encroaching upon
their farmlands and metal mines.
Attacks: Long Sword 75% (1d8+1d6, bleeding)
Oval Shield 75% (25 AP) Durotriges
Javelin 70% (1d6+ ½DB, impaling)
Pugilism 65% (1d3+1d4, crushing) The Durotriges (“kings of the water”) are a noisy confederation
Wrestling 65% of petty kings and nobles. Their land is studded with strong
Skills: Climb 75%, Dodge 70%, Drive 50%, Hide 50%, Jump hill forts and stone quarries. They control the busy port of
70%, Language (British) 70%, Listen 60%, Ride 80%, Stealth Caunon (Hengistbury Head), where British tin, hides and
50%, Spot 65%, Tracking 50% fleeces are exchanged for Gaulish wine. The Durotriges
produce silver coins for use in this trade. They are not
King particularly friendly to Rome, fellow Britons, or each other.

STR 15 CON 14 SIZ 16 INT 17 POW 15 DEX 14 APP 16 Morini

MOV: 12 HP: 15 Armour: 7 AP Chainmail Shirt, 6 AP helmet
DB: +1d4 The Morini (“people of the sea”) live on the marshlands and
shallows along the Belgian coast, making their livings as
Attacks: Long Sword 65% (1d8+1d4, bleeding) traders and farmers. Their settlements sit at the edges of
Oval Shield 65% (25 AP) drained land reclaimed from the sea, as well as on man-made
Javelin 60% (1d6+ ½DB, impaling) hills and mounds. Caesar uses their port of Portus Itius
Pugilism 60% (1d3+1d4, crushing) (Boulogne) as a base of operations in his invasions of Britain.
Wrestling 60% The Morini join Vercingetorix’s failed rebellion against Rome in
Skills: Command 80%, Dodge 65%, Drive 60%, Language 52 BC.
(British) 90%, Listen 55%, Oratory 75%, Ride 80%, Spot 60%,

34 Strategy 65%, Tracking 60%


Battle of the Shallows of metalworking. Resident smiths receive iron and tin from
the east and west to produce weapons, utensils, ornaments
(vicinity of Walmer and Deal beaches, Kent) and finery. Their output has been steadily declining, due to
A flat and open beach, Caesar ordered his forces ashore here metals being diverted to commerce at the port of Caunon.
after surveying the amassed British forces on the steep Cliffs
of Dover. Dunon Rigi
Caitos Maros (“royal hill fort”; Chichester)
A budding oppidum (large fortified urban centre), Dunon Rigi
(“great forest”; Weald Forest) is the seat of the overking of the Atrebates. The overking
A heavy, thick forest covering sandstone hills in southeastern aspires to make his capital the equal of any in Gaul. He has
Britain. The forest’s interior is characterized by oak and built his hall on an artificial hill, and has plans for improving
beech, wild boars, and steep-sided stream valleys. Druids local roads and chariot-ways.
hold ceremonies within the secluded sylvan groves. The
forest’s thinner periphery, composed of lower-lying clay soils, Dunon Senos
is marked by ponds and meandering streams. Locals extract
iron from the sandstone, using the abundant timber for (“old hill fort”; Dyke Hills)
charcoal in the smelting process. A hill fort on the river Tamessa (Thames), Dunon Senos holds
strategic importance for communication and defence. The
Cantiaci Highway Catuvellauni are keenly interested in maintaining control of
this fort, viewing it as the gateway to the heart of their lands.

(Sentos Cantiacom)
A hard-packed trackway running from the Cantiaci coast into Dunon Vindos
Durotriges territory, said to have been laid by the god Lugos.
Traders, merchants and cattle drivers continuously ply this route. (“white hill fort”; Winchester)
Dunon Vindos sits at the border of Atrebatian and Durotrigian
Caunon lands. It sees much traffic between the forts and ports of the
two realms. It is a natural market place, where intertribal
(“harbour”; Hengistbury Head) commerce and envoys converge.
Caunon is the premier mercantile port in Britain, consisting of a
headland fortified by large earthworks. British goods, such as tin, Durovernon
iron, hides and fleeces, are traded for wine and pottery from
Gaul. The local mint produces coins, although crafters are not (“settlement of the alder marsh”; Canterbury)
above producing counterfeits – tin disks dipped in silver. An oppidum along the Cantiaci Highway, Durovernon sees
constant traders, merchants and assorted travellers. Its
Dunon Arti defences are not particularly impressive, which seem to
reflect the fluid nature of the many passers-through.
(“hill fort of the bear”; South Cadbury)
A large, ancient hill fort, Dunon Arti dominates the landscape Ericaunon
like a great bear. The Durotriges believe that the fort has
housed noble warriors since the days of giants, and it will not (“east harbour”; Selsey)
tolerate cowardly lords within its walls. Although somewhat overshadowed by Caunon to the west,
Ericaunon is a busy port in its own right, with Britons importing
Dunon Broccom goods and luxuries from Gaul. Fortified earthworks protect
the harbour and its inhabitants.
(“hill fort of the badgers”; Badbury Rings).
Dunon Broccom monitors traffic into and out of the major port Verlamion
of Caunon. Named after the many badgers in the area, the
fort houses a lord who is indeed tenacious about keeping (St. Albans).
track of the Continental goods flowing onto British shores. Part of a cluster of forts and defensive earthworks, Verlamion
serves as the new capital of the Catuvellauni.
Cassivellaunus, confident in the protection afforded by the
Dunon Maros river Tamessa (Thames) and his network of clients and

(“great hill fort”; Maiden Castle)

A large, impressive hill fort, Dunon Maros has long been a site
warriors, boasts that Roman heads will clutter his favoured
fort’s ramparts should they invade Britain. 35

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