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Neuroscience Letters 590 (2015) 101–105

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Research article

Association between ANKK1 (rs1800497) polymorphism of DRD2 gene

and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A meta-analysis
Yu-Qing Pan, Lin Qiao, Xin-Dong Xue, Jian-Hua Fu ∗
Department of Pediatrics, Shengjing Hospital Affiliated to China Medical University, Shenyang 110004, PR China

h i g h l i g h t s

• The association between ANKK1 polymorphisms and ADHD was analyzed using meta-analysis.
• Rs1800497 locus was associated with the risk of ADHD in the dominant model.
• Meta-regression was performed to explore sources of significant heterogeneity.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The role of dopamine neurotransmitter in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) remains con-
Received 20 January 2015 troversial. Many molecular studies focusing on dopamine receptors have attempted to analyze the gene
Accepted 28 January 2015 polymorphisms involved in dopaminergic transmission. Of these, rs1800497 (TaqIA) single nucleotide
Available online 29 January 2015
polymorphism (SNP) of the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene has been focused on by the most atten-
tion. However, this locus has recently been identified within the exon 8 of ankyrin repeat and kinase
domain containing 1 (ANKK1), giving rise to a Glu713-to-Lys substitution in the putative ANKK1 pro-
tein. Thus, we performed a meta-analysis to determine whether ANKK1 polymorphism influences the
DRD2 gene
risk of ADHD and examined the relationship between rs1800497 genetic variant and the etiology of
Meta-analysis ADHD. Relevant case-control studies were retrieved by database searches and selected according to
Gene polymorphism established inclusion criteria. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to
evaluate the strength of the associations. Meta-regression, subgroup analysis, sensitivity analysis and
cumulative meta-analysis were performed. A total of 11 studies with 1645 cases and 1641 controls were
included. In the dominant model, the rs1800497 locus was associated with ADHD, with a pooled OR of
1.785 (95% CI = 1.068–2.984, p = 0.027). Subgroup analysis for ethnicity indicated that the polymorphism
was associated with ADHD in Africans (OR = 3.286, 95% CI = 1.434–7.527, p = 0.005), but not in East Asians
(OR = 1.513, 95% CI = 0.817–2.805, p = 0.188) and Caucasians (OR = 1.740, 95% CI = 0.928–3.263, p = 0.084).
However, the results of meta-regression indicated that publication date (p = 0.601), source of controls
(p = 0.685), ethnicity (p = 0.755) and diagnostic criteria (p = 0.104) could not explain the potential sources
of heterogeneity. This meta-analysis indicates that the rs1800497 locus may be associated with ADHD.
These data provide possible references for future case-control studies in childhood disorders.
© 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Recent investigations support a model in which multiple genetic

and environmental factors interact to create a neurobiological sus-
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the ceptibility to develop ADHD [3]. Its heritability ranges from 60% to
most common childhood psychiatric disorders, which affects 90% [4,5] and family, twin and adoption studies have identified the
around 1–3% of children, and can persist into the adulthood impact of genetic variation on the risk of the disorder [6]. However,
with significant social, academic and occupational influences [1,2]. the definite etiology of ADHD is difficult to determine and remains
inconclusive [7,8]. Molecular genetics research has been attempt-
ing to ascertain the inherited susceptible genes of ADHD. Consistent
∗ Corresponding author at: Shengjing Hospital Affiliated to China Medical Univer- with the dopamine deficit hypothesis of ADHD etiology [9], dysreg-
sity, No.36, Sanhao Street, Heping District, Shenyang 110004, PR China. ulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission has been implicated in
Tel.: +86 2423256666. the pathogenesis of ADHD [10,11].
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.-H. Fu).
0304-3940/© 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
102 Y.-Q. Pan et al. / Neuroscience Letters 590 (2015) 101–105

Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter which plays a sig- articles and potentially relevant review articles were also screened
nificant role in modulating cognitive, mood and motor functions to identify additional studies. Studies met the following inclusion
of the brain [12]. It plays a regulatory function by binding to the criteria: (1) case-control design; (2) included patients with ADHD;
dopamine receptors of the postsynaptic membrane. Several molec- and (3) stated available allele or genotype frequencies. For the
ular studies focusing on dopamine receptors in ADHD patients have studies with the same or overlapping data published by the same
attempted to analyze the polymorphisms involved in dopamin- authors, the most recent articles were selected. Major reasons for
ergic transmission. Of these, rs1800497 (TaqIA) single nucleotide exclusion were: (1) no control population; (2) duplicate of an earlier
polymorphism (SNP) of the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene has publication; and (3) lack of usable genotype frequency data. Study
attracted the most attention. This locus lies 10,541 bp downstream authors were contacted for additional details (e.g., allele or geno-
of the termination codon of the DRD2 gene, where it makes a pres- type frequencies or sample characteristics) if we needed to retrieve
ence of a restriction fragment length polymorphism [13]. The two additional data that was not contained in the original report.
alleles are referred to as C (cytosine/A2) and T (thymine/A1). How-
ever, this polymorphism has recently been identified within the 2.2. Data extraction
exon 8 of ankyrin repeat and kinase domain containing 1 (ANKK1),
giving rise to a Glu713-to-Lys substitution in the putative ANKK1 Based on the inclusion criteria, two reviewers (Yu-qing Pan
protein [14]. Thus, rs1800497 locus localization within a protein- and Lin Qiao) independently extracted information from all eligi-
coding region of ANKK1 summons the straightforward explanation ble publications. Disagreements were resolved by discussion until
between this variant and DRD2. the two reviewers reached an agreement. The following data were
Rs1800497 is located in a putative substrate binding domain included from each study: first author’s last name, publication
of the ANNK1 gene, which results in a Glu713Lys substitution year, sample size, region, and number of genotypes between cases
and may alter substrate-binding specificity [14]. ANKK1 gene may and controls. To delineate potential moderating influences on the
affect phosphorylation of amino acid residues within key proteins effects obtained from the case-control studies under consideration,
involved in dopaminergic activity [15] and is associated with sus- we also included the following variables: (1) ethnicity of the sample
ceptibility to second generation antipsychotic-induced akathisia population; (2) diagnostic criteria; (3) mean age of the case group;
[16]. Additionally, it was also considered to modulate the function and (4) proportion of males in the ADHD sample.
and expression of DRD2 for its vicinity to DRD2 [17]. Among the
five dopamine receptor subtypes, DRD2 seems to be the cardinal 2.3. Quality assessment
type that regulate the firing rate, synthesis and release of dopamine
in presynaptic membrane [18]. Signal transduction through DRD2 Two authors (Yu-qing Pan and Xin-dong Xue) indepen-
controls substance abuse, locomotor behavior and antipsychiatric dently assessed the quality of the included studies according
drug treatment response in ADHD patients [19–21]. Thus, it is not to the Newcastle Ottawa Scale (NOS) (
unexpected that rs1800497 variance is associated with the occur- clinical epidemiology/oxfprd.asp). This scale consists of three
rence of ADHD. components related to sample selection, comparability and ascer-
In recent years, numerous molecular epidemiological stud- tainment of exposure. A score of five or more (maximum of nine)
ies have been conducted to investigate the putative association was regarded as “high quality”; studies with scores from zero to
between rs1800497 SNP and ADHD in different samples. The T four were considered “low quality” [32].
allele was found to be significantly more prevalent in patients with
ADHD than in controls [22,23]. Moreover, studies in Czech popu- 2.4. Statistical analysis
lation conducted in hyperkinetic boys and control boys supported
the positive association [24,25]. A positive association was found All statistical tests were two-sided, and p < 0.05 was consid-
between this polymorphism and ADHD in male African–Caribbean ered statistically significant. The meta-analysis was performed
patients [26]. However, no relationship with rs1800497 locus has using Stata version 10.0 (Stata Corp., College Station, TX).
been observed in American [27] and Taiwanese patients [28]. Fam- Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) in the genotype distribution
ily studies found no significant difference in transmission rate of controls was calculated. The chi-square goodness of fit was used
between rs1800497 T and C alleles and did not support this vari- to test deviation from HWE. Pooled frequency analysis was per-
ance playing a major role in the etiology of ADHD [29,30]. The above formed according to Thakkinstian’s method [33]. The strength of
results were conflicting or inconclusive, presumably due to various the association between the target locus and ADHD was measured
genetic backgrounds, small sample size and potential confounding by odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Pooled
bias. Meta-analysis is a widely used statistical method in medical effect sizes across studies were performed by a random effects
studies, particularly for a topic that are being extensively studied model. The degree of heterogeneity between studies was deter-
with controversial results [31]. Thus, we performed a meta-analysis mined by Q-statistic [34,35]. Subgroup analysis was performed
to provide a more comprehensive assessment of the association by ethnicity (East Asian, Caucasian, and Africans), source of con-
between this polymorphism and ADHD. trols (hospital-based and population-based), diagnostic criteria
(DSM-III, DSM-III-R and DSM-IV) and study quality (high and low).
Meta-regression was used to measure the potential sources of het-
2. Materials and methods erogeneity including publication date, source of controls, ethnicity
and diagnostic criteria. To explore dynamic trends as studies accu-
2.1. Identification and eligibility of relevant studies mulated over time, a cumulative meta-analysis was carried out by
publication date [36]. The detail description was supplied in Sup-
To identify studies eligible for inclusion in this meta-analysis, plementary material.
three online electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, and Web of
Science) were searched (the last search update was 2014 October), 3. Results
and the following keywords were used in the literature search:
DRD2 – dopamine receptor 2; ankyrin repeat and kinase domain After the removal of overlapping articles and those that did not
containing 1 – ANKK1; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – meet the inclusion criteria, a total of 11 articles [22–26,37–42]
ADHD; rs1800497; polymorphism. Reference lists from identified including 11 studies with 1645 cases and 1614 controls were finally
Y.-Q. Pan et al. / Neuroscience Letters 590 (2015) 101–105 103

Table 1
Distribution of genotype and allele frequencies of the ANKK1 rs1800497 locus.

Genotype distribution Allele frequency

Cases, n Controls, n Cases, % Controls, % Sample size

Author CC CT TT CC CT TT PHWE C T C T Case Control

Ballon 10 25 5 46 37 5 0.4872 56.25 43.8 73.3 26.7 40 88

Comings 56 42 6 84 24 0 0.1939 74.04 26.0 88.9 11.1 104 108
Comings 80 68 15 40 56 20 0.9579 69.94 30.1 58.6 41.4 163 116
Drtilkova 65 46 8 111 39 3 0.8422 73.95 26.1 85.3 14.7 119 153
Kopeckova 24 40 36 73 25 2 0.9341 44.00 56.0 85.5 14.5 100 100
Nyman 45 68 5 22 54 15 0.0644 66.95 33.1 53.8 46.2 118 91
Paclt 120 104 45 230 81 6 0.7126 63.94 36.1 85.3 14.7 269 317
Park 14 36 8 37 53 20 0.8933 55.17 44.8 57.7 42.3 58 110
Qian 9 96 232 4 31 80 0.6461 16.91 83.1 17.0 83.0 337 115
Sery 65 45 8 110 40 3 0.7721 74.15 25.8 85.0 15.0 118 153
Waldman 154 59 6 173 81 9 0.8983 83.79 16.2 81.2 18.8 219 263

Note: PHWE reprents the P value of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test in the genotype distribution of controls.

included in our meta-analysis. The key characteristics of the stud- Meta-regression was performed to explore sources of signifi-
ies and NOS scale information are described in Table S1. Based on cant heterogeneity. Results of the meta-regression indicated that
results of the NOS scale, 8 studies were considered high quality, publication date (p = 0.601), source of controls (p = 0.685), ethnic-
and 3 studies were considered low quality. Genotype and allele ity (p = 0.755) and diagnostic criteria (p = 0.104) had no statistical
frequencies, HWE and sample size are described in Table 1. Of the significance.
total 11 studies, no studies were observed to present the significant
deviation from HWE. 3.3. Cumulative meta-analysis

Cumulative meta-analysis was performed using a dominant

3.1. Frequency of risk allele in the control population
model for rs1800497 locus. No continuous trend toward a signif-
icant association with a more narrowing 95% CI was presented as
We calculated the pooled frequencies of the rs1800497 locus in
studies published by year (Fig. S6).
controls stratified by ethnicity. The allele frequencies of this vari-
ance varied among ethnicities: the pooled T allele frequency was
3.4. Sensitivity analysis
highest among East Asians (55.3%, 95% CI = 22.3–88.4%), followed
by Caucasians (19.2%, 95% CI = 16.0–22.3%), and the overall pooled
Sensitivity analysis was performed for each meta-analysis to
T allele frequency was 25.8% (95% CI = 21.0–30.6%).
assess the influence of every single study. Corresponding pooled
ORs showed no significant change when one study was removed
3.2. Quantitative synthesis and heterogeneity analysis at a time from each meta-analysis, indicating that these results are
stable and reliable.
We analyzed 11 studies that included 1645 cases and 1641
controls regarding the association between rs1800497 and ADHD. 3.5. Publication bias
We summarized the pooled ORs and corresponding 95% CIs
for the rs1800497 locus in homozygous codominant, heterozy- A funnel plot was generated to assess potential publication bias
gous codominant, dominant, recessive, and allele contrast genetic (Fig. S7). Egger’s test was used to supply statistical evidence for
models (Table S2 and Figs. S1–S5). The dominant model was funnel plot symmetry and the result did not show any evidence of
determined according to the principle of genetic model selection publication bias (p = 0.874).
[43,44]. Summary results indicate that there was an associa-
tion between the rs1800497 locus and the occurrence of ADHD 4. Discussion
and the pooled OR using random effects model was 1.785 (95%
CI = 1.068–2.984, p = 0.027). Subgroup analysis for ethnicity indi- Overall, our meta-analytical results provided evidences that
cated that the polymorphism was associated with ADHD in rs1800497 locus was associated with ADHD. Subgroup analysis
Africans (OR = 3.286, 95% CI = 1.434–7.527, p = 0.005), but not in stratified by source of controls, ethnicity, diagnostic criteria, and
East Asians (OR = 1.513, 95% CI = 0.817–2.805, p = 0.188) and Cau- study quality were performed to further explore the distribu-
casians (OR = 1.740, 95% CI = 0.928–3.263, p = 0.084) (Table S3). tion disequilibrium of cases and controls. Additionally, cumulative
Moreover, no association between rs1800497 locus and ADHD meta-analysis and sensitivity analysis strengthened the validity of
was observed when subgroup analysis for source of controls the results.
was conducted (hospital-based: OR = 1.535, 95% CI = 0.679–3.473, Previously, two meta-analyses investigated the association
p = 0.303; population-based: OR = 1.940, 95% CI = 0.978–3.849, between the rs1800497 polymorphisms and ADHD [10,45]. Our
p = 0.058). When subgroup analysis was performed by diagnos- results were largely consistent with Wu’s results (OR = 1.65, 95%
tic criteria, the relationships were observed between rs1800497 CI = 0.89–3.06, p = 0.110) [10], but opposite to Gizer’s (OR = 1.65, 95%
locus and ADHD according to three different diagnostic criteria CI = 1.05–2.58, p < 0.0001) [45]. Although Wu’s study observed a sig-
(DSM-III: OR = 3.000, 95% CI = 1.654–5.441, p < 0.001; DSM-III-R: nificant association, partly due to the excessive heterogeneity, this
OR = 0.546, 95% CI = 0.334–0.892, p = 0.016; DSM-IV: OR = 1.936, 95% positive relationship should be explained cautiously and the source
CI = 1.117–3.356, p = 0.019). In addition, subgroup analysis for study of heterogeneity need to be sought. Though our meta-analysis
quality showed that the variance was associated with ADHD in high may seem superfluous, to some extent, it still possessed several
quality studies (OR = 2.062, 95% CI = 1.102–3.858, p = 0.024), but not advantages over previous studies with respect to the following
in low quality studies (OR = 1.228, 95% CI = 0.491–3.070, p = 0.660). points. First, we included the recent published studies concerned
104 Y.-Q. Pan et al. / Neuroscience Letters 590 (2015) 101–105

with the association between ANKK1 polymorphism and the occur- meta-analysis and to investigate epigenetic mechanisms and envi-
rence of ADHD. Second, due to the excessive heterogeneity, besides ronmental influences on the occurrence of ADHD.
stratified analyses, we further preformed meta-regression and
cumulative meta-analysis to assess potential sources of hetero-
geneity and study stability respectively. To some degree, our Appendix A. Supplementary data
study could provide a more precise assessment of the relationship
between the ANKK1 gene and ADHD. Supplementary data associated with this article can be
Associations between ANKK1 loci and ADHD varied with differ- found, in the online version, at
ent ethnicities. ANKK1 polymorphism was associated with ADHD 2015.01.076.
in Africans, while this association disappeared in East Asians and
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Evaluation of potential gene–gene interactions for attention deficit

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