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(With Intricate Informations on Integration of Fish with other Crops,
Diversifications of Suitable Alternatives of Indian Major Carp
Culture Practices and Sewage-fed Aquaculture)


outcome of more than thirty years of association and the day to day practical experience
of the author with the grass root level fish farmers. The entire book is divided into six
chapters excluding the References cited.
Freshwater Aquaculture – the study of breeding, rearing and commercialization of
organisms, fish in particular, which inhabit in fresh water. Even though, there remain
some fragmentary informations regarding the history of development of aquaculture in
India but those seem to be far from being complete. In the present communication, the
same has been given elaborately. The book concentrates on the culture technology of
commercially important fresh water fishes.
Various types of culture techniques including Aquaponics, Bioflocs, Recirculatory
Aquaculture Systems (RAS) apart from the conventional Cage culture, Pen culture,
Integration of fish culture with other crops viz. paddy, vegetables, dairy, piggery, poultry
etc. have been dispensed in detail.

Dr. Biplab Kumar Bandyopadhyay a well-known fishery scientist who obtained his
Doctoral degree from University of Calcutta under the guidance of Prof. Naresh Chandra
Datta, Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta. His remarkable work is on the use
of different micro- and macronutrients, organic and bio fertilizers, nutritional supplements
and more so the disease abatement of fishes, which deserve special mention. Proper
aquaculture management practices are his special area of interest.
Dr. Bandyopadhyay is probably the first to use different types of agro-chemicals in
aquaculture practices to promote sustainable growth and prevent various types of fish
diseases which very often create tremendous financial losses to the farmers, at least in
the states like West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Assam and Tripura.
(With Intricate Informations on Integration of Fish with other Crops,
Diversifications of Suitable Alternatives of Indian Major Carp
Culture Practices and Sewage-fed Aquaculture)

M.Sc, Ph.D, FZS (Cal)


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(Who taught me aquatic ecology, fishery biology and aquaculture science)

Preamble .............................................................................................................. xi
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................... xix

1. AQUACULTURE: TYPES ......................................................................... 1

1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
2. Types of aquaculture ................................................................................ 8
3. Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) ....................................... 14
4. Mariculture ............................................................................................. 14
5. Aquaponics ............................................................................................. 14
6. Fish rearing in cages (Cage culture) ...................................................... 18
7. Fish culture in pens ................................................................................. 23
8. Biofloc technology in aquaculture ........................................................... 27
9. Polyculture-Utilization of all ecological niches of pond ecosystem ........ 29
10. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) ............................................. 32
11. Integrated Fish Farming .......................................................................... 48
12. Composite fish culture ............................................................................ 79
13. Proximate composition of fish flesh ....................................................... 82
14. Chemical composition of fish .................................................................. 84
15. Dietary Vitamin requirements in fish ...................................................... 90
16. Ecological niche of a pond ...................................................................... 97
17. Aquatic weeds ........................................................................................ 97
18. Fish toxicants ........................................................................................ 104


1. Introduction ........................................................................................... 109
2. Pond soil characteristics ........................................................................ 110
3. Pond preparation techniques ................................................................. 114
4. Biotic components of natural waters .................................................... 149
1. Introduction ........................................................................................... 166
2. Small Indigenous Freshwater Fish Species of India ............................. 166
i) Culture possibilities of Pangasianodon hypopthalmus .................. 165
ii) Culture possibilities of Chanos chanos ........................................ 171
iii) Culture possibilities of Clarias batrachus ..................................... 173
iv) Culture possibilities of Heteropneustes fossilis ............................ 183
v) Culture possibilities of Puntius sarana ......................................... 186
vi) Culture possibilities of Oreochromis niloticus .............................. 191
vii) Culture possibilities of Anabas testudineus .................................. 196
viii) Culture possibilities of Notopterus notopterus ............................. 199
ix) Culture possibilities of Amblypharyngodon mola ......................... 200
x) Culture possibilities of Mystus vittatus ........................................ 202
xi) Culture possibilities of Nandus nandus ........................................ 204
xii) Culture possibilities of Piaractus brachypomus ........................... 207
xiii) Culture possibilities of Ompok bimaculatus ................................. 209
xiv) Culture possibilities of Mystus cavasius ...................................... 212
xv) Culture possibilities of Macrobrachium rosenbergii ..................... 214
xvi) Culture possibilities of Cyprinus carpio haematopterus ............... 231
xvii) Culture possibilities of Osteobrama belangeri – Pengba ............. 234


PONDS .......................................................................................................236
1. Introduction ........................................................................................... 236
2. Management of nursery ponds ............................................................. 236
3. Management of rearing ponds .............................................................. 244

4. Composite fish culture in stocking ponds ............................................. 250

5. Food and feeding habits of fishes ......................................................... 253
6. Supplementary feed .............................................................................. 255


A RAMSAR SITE) ....................................................................................263
1. Introduction ........................................................................................... 263
2. Definition of Wetlands .......................................................................... 265
3. Physiography of East Kolkata Wetlands area ...................................... 265
4. Components of sewage ........................................................................ 268
5. Flow of sewage at present ................................................................... 269
6. Definition of Sewage ............................................................................ 270
7. Treatment of raw sewage for fish culture ........................................... 273
8. Management of sewage ....................................................................... 274
9. Sedimentation Pond .............................................................................. 274
10. Dilution and storage .............................................................................. 275
11. Technologies adopted by farmers ......................................................... 277
12. Dyke protection .................................................................................... 280

6. FISH HEALTH MANAGEMENT ........................................................282

1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 282
2. Causes of Disease ................................................................................ 285
3. Host-Pathogen-Environment relationship. ............................................ 286
4. Determination of fish diseases ............................................................. 287
5. Diseases of fish and the environmental stress ..................................... 289
6. Diseases of fish due to pathogens ........................................................ 291
7. Diseases of fish due to Nuritional disorders ......................................... 295
8. The basics of sustainable aquaculture .................................................. 320

References Cited ........................................................................................ 328


A quaculture has a long history and the ‘Art’ of aquaculture is very old. The
evidence that Egyptians were probably the first in the world to culture fish
as far back as 2500 B.C. available from the pictorial engravings of an ancient
Egyptian tomb showing tilapia being fished out from an artificial pond. The
Romans are believed to have reared fish in circular ponds divided into breeding
areas. Culture of Chinese carps was wide spread in China in 2000 B.C. Writings
in India were available in 300 B.C. which suggest means of rendering fish
poisons in the Indian sub-continent in times of war. This implies that fish culture
prevailed in those time in some Indian reservoirs. Some historical documents
compiled in 1127 A.D describe methods of fattening fish in ponds in India.
Culture of Gangetic carps in Bengal in the Indian Sub-continent is of historical
In the ancient times the human beings were residing in forests, used to hunt
fishes from the aquatic systems and used to eat it raw or either by burning or
smoking. As the humans gradually felt to reside collectively in some places,
unknowingly giving a shape of a society, realized that hunting fishes from the
nature may serve the need of the day, but may not be consumed in future. They
started stocking fish in ditches, small ponds etc. gradually it became a hobby and
this stocking gave the shape of ‘rearing’ and finally to Aquaculture.
[Hunting o Hobby o Stocking (gathering) o Rearing o Culture]
Aquaculture, the farming of aquatic organisms, has existed in some form for
4000 years. There are various hypotheses of how aquaculture came to be
including the Oxbow, Catch-and-Hold, Concentration, and Trap-and-Crop
theories. It has evolved from extensive culturing into very intensive. There
are a variety of types of aquaculture systems including pond, rice and fish
integration, cage culture, raceways and recirculating systems. The intensification
of aquaculture occurred following the Blue Revolution of the 1950’s when demand
for fish products spiked. This increase in demand occurred due to the understanding
of fish health benefits including Omega-3fatty acids and strives to eat locally.
Aquaculture, the farming of fish and aquatic plants has existed for over 4000
years (Rabanal.H.R.1988. Historyof Aquaculture, FAO). Over those 4000 years

of its existence aquaculture has fluctuated in methodologies, species farmed,

environmental effects and economics. The present circumstances in aquaculture
are more technologically based than ever before. The future of aquaculture is
bright due to the trend of depleting of the oceans’ fish resources. By
understanding the past and education in the present, the future of aquaculture can
aid in decreasing the overuse of marine resources and help reduce food shortages
for the world’s poverty stricken populations.
There are multiple theories as to how this husbandry technique were
developed, including the oxbow, catch-and-hold, concentration, and trap­
and-crop theories (Rabanal, 1988).
The Oxbow theory reflects nature’s natural system of developing oxbow
lakes from meandering rivers. As the river changes its course, a section may no
longer be attached to the main river system, thus a new lake is formed. Oxbows
are natural locations for high concentrations of fish due to the yearly stocking by
floods. Humans, being naturally entrepreneurial, took advantage of these by
enhancing the habitat, making more oxbow areas and eventually stocking additional
fish into existing lakes. According to Rabanal, Bangladesh may have been a good
location for this to have developed.
The second one is the Catch-and-Hold Theory which focuses on the
tendency for nobles to request fish all year round. In order to elicit this, workers
would catch wild fish and transport them to neighboring water locations where
they could be accessed easily. Many water areas that were artificially constructed
for other purposes such as in gardens or defense around a dwelling were stocked
with these wild fish. The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a fish species that
would be able to survive and flourish in this type of environment.
The Concentration Theory focuses on environments that have seasonal
monsoon periods that inundate the landscape with water, but when the water
subsides during dry seasons and the areas where it stays become concentrated
with large populations of fish due to the smaller quantity of water. As time
progressed, the humans of the areas began differential harvesting focusing on the
larger fish and allowing the smaller fish to grow and reproduce. The depressions
that the water stays in, were improved for future water catchment and enhanced
populations of fish.
The final theory is termed the Trap-and-Crop Theory which was developed
in marine locations, especially tidal coastal locations that receive nutrients and
flushing with each tidal movement. These areas have natural lagoons that fill with
water and organisms during high tide, and maintain a level of water during low

tide when the water recedes. This provides the optimal location for an
entrepreneurial human to develop an aquaculture system. It is believed that
fences and traps were created that allow fish and crustaceans in, but not out,
allowing easy harvest. Over time there was a switch to allowing the fish
that entered the trap to grow to a larger size, thus aquaculture. Areas of
southeastern Asia, primarily Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and
India have the ideal environment for this theory to have developed.
Fisheries and aquaculture products are now globally important sources
of much needed, high quality aquatic animal proteins, and invaluable
providers of employment, cash income, and foreign exchange. Fisheries
products are the world’s most widely traded foods, with commerce dominated
by the developing countries. Fisheries products are the primary protein
sources for some 950 million people worldwide, and are an important part
of the diet of many more. In comparison to other sectors of the world food
economy however, the fisheries and aquaculture sectors are poorly planned,
inadequately funded, and neglected by all levels of government. This neglect
occurs in a paradoxical situation: fishing is the largest extractive use of
wildlife in the world; and aquaculture is the most rapidly growing sector of
the global agricultural economy.
Aquaculture is an ancient practice but until the 1950’s depended less on
innovations arising from applied science and directed management skills than
accomplishments derived from trial and error. Of the 25,000 fish species, only a
few are harvested for direct human consumption. Aquaculture science is still
poorly developed and undrestood. There are very few centers of excellence in
aquaculture, and few aquaculture experiment stations. Clearly, freshwater
aquaculture is the “poor cousin” of agriculture and capture fisheries in the
marine sectors.
Aquaculture especially in freshwater became important in the late nineteen-
forties, since the methods of aquaculture could be used to restock the waters as
a complement to natural spawning. In recent times, aquaculture has taken a
shape of lucrative industry (Timmons et al., 2002 and Cressey, 2009).
However, the intensification of aquaculture practices are the need of the day
which necessitate the cultivation at towering densities resulting significant damage
to the environment principally due to the discharge of concentrated organic
wastes, depletion of dissolved oxygen content in pond water, increased toxic
metabolites like hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia, and nitrites etc., which are
very often liable for mortalities of aquatic flora and fauna. Moreover, under these
conditions of intensive production, aquatic species are subjected to high-stress
conditions, increasing the incidence of diseases and causing a decrease in
productivity (Bondad et al., 2005).

Outbreaks of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections have caused devastating

economic losses worldwide, and India is reported to bear $210 million losses
during 1995 and 1996. Added to this, significant stock mortality has also been
reported due to poor environmental conditions of farms, unbalanced nutrition,
generation of toxins, and genetic factors (Kautsky et al., 2000). In recent decades,
prevention and control of animal diseases has attracted doubtful attention on the
indiscriminate use of chemical additives and veterinary medicines, especially
antibiotics, which generate significant risks to fishes as well as public health by
promoting the selection, propagation, and persistence of bacterial-resistant strains
Sustainable aquaculture evidently indicate the culture of commercially important
fishes, prawns, molluscs and some aquatic plants ensuring better quality of their
lives now and for their generations to come.
Like all the culture practices, whether it is Agriculture, Horticulture and
Animal Husbandry which includes, Poultry, Duckery, Dairy, Piggery etc.,
Aquaculture too is based on three Q’s:
1) Quality seed, 2) Quality feed and 3) Quality environment. It is the
responsibility of the workers of Extension services in the respective fields to
make understand to the ignorant grass root level farmers about the immense
utility and importance of the three Q’s.
Since independence Fisheries sector in India has been recognized as an
important sector and contributed about 0.75million tones in 1950-51and gradually
increased to more than 10million tones at present. This achievement placed the
country in second largest global fish producer, only after China.
The sector has shown significant growth from traditional culture practices to
commercial methods of culture, enhancing fish production from a mere 7.5 lakh
tonne in 1950-51 to 107.95 lakh tonnes during 2015-2016, while earnings has of
Rupees 33,441 crore in 2014-15 (US $ 5.51 billion) through export of fish to
different countries. Fisheries and aquaculture sector has achieved a significant
overall annual growth rate of about 4% during the 11th Five Year Plan period.
As such fisheries and aquaculture has made contribution of about 0.91% to the
National Gross Domestic Production (GDP) and 5.23% to the agricultural GDP
(2014-2015), which is very significant. At present India contributes about 6.30%
to the global fish basket and 5% of global fish trade (Misra et al., 2017).
It is estimated that the contribution of capture fisheries to the total fish
production of the country has shown a gradual declining trend over the years,
from almost 100% during1950-51 to the present level of about 45%, aquaculture

sector on the other hand have shown marked transformations contributing significant
Fresh water aquaculture resource of the country largely confined to 2.41million
hectares of ponds and tanks. All these water bodies varied from small backyard
ponds of eastern Indian states to large deepwater tanks of south India. Till date
utilization of only 60-70% of these resources where from the production as
achieved, contribute a little more than 50% of the total fish production of the
State wise marine output and culture fisheries production during 2012-2013
has been worked out by Goswami and Zade (2015).
There is global need for food and nutritional security especially amongst
developing and under-developed countries. Fisheries in India, is a progressively
growing sector with varied resources. It has been estimated that more than 14.50
million people at the primary level are directly or indirectly dependent on this
sector for their livelihood security (Misra 2017).
Fish and fishery products represent a valuable source of nutrients of
fundamental importance for diversified and healthy diets. With a few exceptions
for selected species, fish is usually low in saturated fats, carbohydrates and
cholesterol. Fish provides not only high-value protein, but also a wide range of
essential micronutrients, including various vitamins (D, A and B), minerals (including
calcium, iodine, zinc, iron and selenium) and polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids
(docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid). While average per capita fish
consumption may be low, even small quantities of fish can have a significant
positive nutritional impact by providing essential amino acids, fats and micronutrients
that are scarce in vegetable-based diets.
According to the latest data, Indians on an average consume just 269 grams
of fish per month in rural areas while in urban areas it’s 238 gram (Approx.6.1kg/
year) Noticeably, just about 282 of 1000 households in rural areas consume fish,
while the number is 209 households for urban areas. This apparently indicates a
vast majority of the Indians prefer consuming vegetarian dishes.
India is the third largest producer of fish while 7th in shrimp aquaculture
production. India has a long coastal line stretching about 8129 km covering
9 coastal states, 4 union territories (enriched with wide spectrum of flora and
fauna), 3.9 million hectares of estuary, 2.54 million hectares of salt affected
coastal soil and 5 million hectares of mangrove forest.

The projected demand for fish in the country (2012) is 9.74 mmt; demand for
fish for the domestic market is 5.9 mmt. The projected supply of fish is 9.60 mmt
(by 2012) with major share is from 2 are as viz. 5.34 mmt from inland aquaculture
3.10 mmt from marine fisheries The fisheries sector contributed Rs. 67,913
crores to the GDP (at current prices) during 2009-2010. When considering the
fish production state wise:
West Bengal occupy the first position with 1615.313 tones fish during 2010­
2012, Andhra Pradesh occupy second position 1349.940, Gujarat third
position774.902 and Kerala have fourth position 681.613 followed by Maharashtra
having of 576.987mt. (FAO, 2012). Recent data depicts that West Bengal exported
about 1.04 lakh metric tones of fisheries products amounting Rs. 4456 crores in
2017-2018 (source: Department of Fisheries,Govt.of West Bengal).
It is no exaggeration that both the capture and culture sectors are subjected
to manmade and nature driven calamities, yet the contribution of fish production
of India to the global production is on the steady rise, from 32% in1950-51 to
58% as on date. However, considering the target posed, before the country to
produce 16.0 million tons of fish by 2030, it is necessary to impose appropriate
sustainable management strategies those are made to utilize the available aquatic
resources of the country (Ayyappan. S. 2016. Key note address during”International
conference on Aquatic Resources and sustainable Management” Kolkata).
In modern aquaculture practices the contributions of late Prof. Hiralal
Chowdhury (1921-2014), the father of induced breeding of fishes and the forerunner
of first blue revolution in India cannot be ruled out. He was the Fish breeder par
excellence and could successfully breed Esomas danricus in 1955 and
Pseudoutropis atherinoides in 1956, soon after on 10th July1957, he succeeded
in induced breeding of the minor carp Cirrihinus reba in captivity. Subsequently,
Prof.Chowdhury with the help of pituitary extracts revolutionized in successful
breeding of Cirrhinus mrigala, Labeo rohita and Catla catla in captivity.
Successful production of millions of fertilized eggs bring forth miraculous
development and the outcome of which is nearly more than about 1800 fish
hatcheries today, through both private and public participation came into existence.
Albeit, the availability of fish seed in terms of quantity has not remained an issue,
but the availability of scientific protocol for nursery rearing, fingerling production,
technology of carp poly culture, integrated farming in the country, eastern India
in particular is still in a state of infancy. In the recent past the large scale
adoption of cat fishes (Pangassius spp.) farming, also a suitable alternative of
carp culture, at least in southern part of India might reach the production target
by 2030, but the sustainable culture technology still remain in a question
(Ayappan, 2016).

Besides, in India 2,319 species of fin fish have been recorded of which 838
from freshwater, 113 brackish water and 1,368 from marine environment. Small
indigenous freshwater fish species (SIF) are defined as fishes which grow to the
size of 25-30 cm in mature or adult stage during their life cycle. Majority of them
resides in rivers and tributaries, floodplains, ponds and tanks, lakes, beels, streams,
lowland areas, wetlands and paddy fields. In general these small indigenous
fishes are highly acclaimed because of their taste and high nutritive value. However,
very little attention has been paid on their role in aquaculture enhancement,
nutrition, captive breeding and conservation needs. Subsequently, many small
indigenous fishes (SIF) have become threatened and endangered due to pollution,
over exploitation coupled with habitat destruction, diseases and introduction of
exotic varieties.
Among small indigenous fishes, many species are cultivable with high demand,
and can be introduced as a candidate species in freshwater aquaculture system.
These are Amblypharyngdon mola, Notopterus notopterus, Puntius sarana,
Labeo bata, Puntius ticto, Cirrhinus reba, Nandus nandus, Anabas
testudineus, P. sarana, Mystus vittatus and air breathing fishes like Clarias
batrachus, Notopterus notopterus, Osteobrama belangeri the– Pengba of
Manipur Loktak lake etc. Some of these species are being cultured at minimum
scale, mostly based on wild seed collection. With the technology available for
seed production, culture and expertise of disease remedial treatments now available,
large scale farming need to be popularized and expanded.
The technology pertaining to breeding, seed production and farming at grow
out state of magur (Clarias batrachus) and singhi (Heteropneustes fossilis)
though have been developed but their large scale seed production and scientific
farming has not yet been taken up at commercial scale. In the present
communication however, an attempt has been made to throw some light on this
aspect along with food and feeding habits, artificial propagation, larval rearing,
expected diseases along with their remedial measures and the grow out technology
of some of the fresh water cultivable fishes like, the air breathing fish Clarias
batrachus, climbing perch Anabas testudineous’ (the koi) fresh water stripped
cat fish like Mystus vittatus, butter cat fish Ompokn bimaculatus, the milk fish
Chanos chanos and the slim-bellied Amur carp Cyprinus carpio haematopterus.
An attempt has also been made to discuss on the biology and culture possibilities
of some of the endangered fresh water fishes.

T he inspiration injected in my blood by Late Rathin Chandra Sengupta, the

then Deputy Director, Directorate of Fisheries, Government of West Bengal,
referring a Chinese proverb which says “If you give a man a fish he will eat
for a day, but if you teach him the technology of fish farming he will eat
for his entire life”. This particular sentence awakened me since my university
days to recent.
Since last thirty five years I had the opportunity to work in different types
of Fishery environments. In the present communication, I have tried my level
best to share my experiences with grass root level fish farmers. In this connection,
I do not have any hesitation to convey my sincere gratitude to my teacher, path
finder and guide Late Prof. Naresh Chandra Datta, Former Head, Department
of Zoology, University of Calcutta, who taught me Fisheries Science and extended
his blessings and helps as and when asked for and supported me to solve various
problems related to fresh and brackish water aquaculture. It is quite unfortunate
that Prof. Datta is nor more with us and it is also heart breaking that this
publication could not be sent to the press before his heavenly aboard.
Initially I would like to convey my heartiest gratitude to Dr. Mrinal Kanti
Das, retired faculty of the Department of Zoology, Behala College Kolkata, West
Bengal, happened to be one of my colleagues since a few decades who inspired
me to write few lines for the grassroot level aquafarmers. The present
communication is the outcome of his valued request and inspirations.
I would like to thank Dr. Niranjan Sarangi, Former Director, Central Inland
Fresh water Aquaculture (CIFA),ICAR, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar,Odisha,Dr.
Bijay Kali Mahapatra, Principal Scientist, CIFE (ICAR), Salt Lake City, Sector-
V, Kolkata-700 091, Prof. Sushanta Chakraborty, Prof. Bidhan Chandra Patra of
Department of Zoology, Vidyasagar University, Midnapur, Prof. Sumit Home
Choudhury, Former Head, Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta, Prof.
T. J. Abraham of West Bengal University of Animal and Fisheries Sciences,
Chakgaria, Kolkata-94 and especially Dr. Uttamn Laha of CADC (Comprehensive
Area Development Corporation), Tamluk Centre, who has provided various
information’s and photographs related to the subject as an when required.

I specially extend my sincere gratitude to aquaculture professional’s viz.

Bijoy Roy of Kalna, Dist.-Burdwan, Sri Samir Das, Subrata Das, Sanjay Das,
Jayanta Das (Bapi) and many more aqua farmers of Risra, District-Hoogly , Sri
Bablu Ghosh, Sri Bikas Roy, the expert in fish breeding and fish seed marketer
of Naihati, 24-parganas (N), Sri Soumitra Mondal of Baharampur ,Dist-
Murshidabad and Sri Dilip Dutta of Uluberia Industrial Growth Centre, Howrah
for their co-operations on trust to spare their grow out ponds for experimental
purposes of various aquaculture products of repute.
While composing this book I took the opportunity to consult various
communications of the aquaculture scientists and professionals viz. Md. Tarique
Sarkar of FISHTECH (Bangla Desh) Ltd., Dr. Md. S.I. Bhuiya of BAU,
Mymensingh, Bangla Desh, Dr. Subhendu Datta and Dr. P. Kumar of Central
Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE), Salt Lake, Sector-V, Kolkata Chapter,
Dr. Pratap Mukhopadhyay, Retired Scientist, CIFA, Kausalyagang, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, Dr. Manas Kr. Das, Dr. Utpal Bhowmik and Dr. Sandipan Gupta of
CIFRI (ICAR), Barrackpore, West Bengal, Dr. Dipankar Saha, former Head,
Nimpith Krishi Vigyan Kendra, 24-Parganas (South), M. Mukherjee, Aloke
Praharaj, Shamik Das and Tuhin Baguli, Deputy Directors, Department of Fisheries,
Government of West Bengal, Agro-fisheries input seller’s and a number of students
of Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, Mr. Arijit Mazumder, Principal consultant
of Creative Research Group, Kolkata especially for providing informations on
sewage fed aquaculture in EKW (Section-V), and many others, for their kind
help and valuable information.
While writing this book I have received help and encouragement from so
many people related to this field, which is not possible to name them all here.
Those who have freely shared with me and their outcome of many years’ of
experience and study represent from a wide variety of research institutions, and
of many professions. To all of them I express my deepest thanks for time and
thought so generously given.
I have taken numerous information’s from various electronic media including
subject related websites and internet time to time. The author expresses his
sincere gratitude to both of these two agencies.
I wish to thank Mrs. Tota Bandyopadhyay, my wife who motivated me to
write this book for the interest of fish farmers in spite of several difficulties in
our day to day life schedule. I extend my heartiest thanks to Dr. Jharna Nath,
retired teacher Shyama Sundari Balika Vidyapith, Behala, Kolkata-700 0034, and
Dr. Subrata Kar retired scientist of Zoological Survey of India who took all pains
to share their valuable experiences in aquaculture time to time and scrutinize this
manuscript meticulously and sincerely.

I personally indebted to Mr.Sekhar Kumar Karmakar and Miss.Sarbani

Chakraborty of DURON AGRO INDUSTRIES, Kolkata for their positive
support and encouragement to write this book for the interest of entire fresh
water fish growers, related fishery officials and agro-fisheries input sellers.
It will be unjustified if I do not express sincere gratitude to all of my office
colleagues including the marketing professionals of DURON AGRO
INDUSTRIES, Kolkata, for their all out inspiration while preparing this manuscript.
Last but not the least; I have tried to share almost all the minute details of
aquaculture aspects, problems and their possible rectifications. A constructive
suggestion and criticism if any, is welcome with gratitude for further upgradations.

Biplab Kumar Bandyopadhyay

May’ 2018

Aquatic farming is one of the oldest farming practices in the world. It is believed
that the Egyptians were probably the first in the world to initiate culture practices
of the aquatic fauna (Fish) as far back as 2500 B.C. which are available in the
pictorial engravings of an Egyptian tomb where in tilapia fish (?) was shown to
been fished out from a pond.
In India, the aquaculture practice is perhaps much older than those of the
Egyptians since the documentations on the subject are also mentioned in Vedas
& Upanishadas which are existed between 4000-2500 BC. There are references
to fish culture in Kautilya’s Arthasahastra (321-300B.C) and king Someswara’s
Manasoltara (1127A.D) (Kumar and Sharma, 2012).In the “Kishkinda Khand”
section of the Hindu epic “Ramayana” there are interesting references to fish
in water in the lines: “Jal Sankoch Bikal Bhai Meena; Abodh Kutambi Jimi
Dhanabeena, ” (which means, due to paucity of water in the pond, especially
in summer, the fishes are in distress like a foolish householder who is in distress
for want of money). And further, “Sukhi meena je neer to Agodha Jimi Hari
Saran Na Akakum Badha” that means, fish which are in deep waters are as
happy as a man under God’s sheltering care, (Jhingran, 1983).
The traditional practice of fish culture in small ponds of eastern India is
known to have existed for even more than hundred years.
Fishes are defined to be the first vertebrates in the evolution of animal
kingdom. Fishes are cold blooded aquatic vertebrates which breathe by
means of pharyngeal gills, propelling and balancing themselves by means
of fins (Jhingran, 2000).
2 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fish is an essential protein rich item in every one’s day to day food dish in
majority of the states. The supply of cultured fresh water fish though is at its
increasing trend, but the demand perhaps seem to be much more. Aquaculture
is the farming of aquatic organisms by intervention in the rearing process to
enhance production. Aquaculture has a long history, originating at least in the
year 475 B.C. in China, but became important in the late nineteen-forties, since
the methods of aquaculture could be used to restock the waters as a complement
to natural spawning (Boyd and Tucker, 1998).
Definition of Fisheries: Fisheries may be defined as the culture, capture
and conservation of commercially important aquatic organisms. This includes
both aquatic animals like fishes, molluscs (clams, oysters etc.), arthropods
(crabs, prawn and shrimps etc.), plants (aquatic weeds, macrophytes etc.).
In India, the excessive price of this protein rich item coupled with the gap
of demand and supply vis-à-vis comparatively less production, poses a great
concern to the state governments. It may be inferred in this context that the less
production from the local water bodies West Bengal in particular is subject to two
possible reasons:
(1) There is a shortage of technological knowledge pertaining to the various
management practices involved in culture,
(2) Socio-economic and socio-political problems & interventions.
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food-producing sector in the world, with
an average annual growth rate of 8.9% since 1970, compared to only 1.2% for
capture fisheries and 2.8% for terrestrial farmed meat production systems over
the same period.World aquaculture has grown tremendously during the last fifty
years from a production of less than a million tonnes in the early 1950s to
59.4 million metric tons (mmt)by 2004. This level of production had a value of
US$70.3 billion or more. The diseases and deterioration of environmental conditions
often occur and result in serious economic losses.
Global production of fish from aquaculture, grew more than 30 percent
between 2006 and 2011, from 47.3 million tons to 63.6 million tons. It is estimated
that by 2012 more than 50 percent of the world’s food fish consumption will
come from aquaculture, and is expected to overtake capture fisheries as a source
of edible fish. This growth rate may be attributed to several factors:
(1) Many fisheries have reached their maximum sustainable exploitation,
(2) Consumer concerns about security and safety of their food,
(3) The market demand for high-quality, healthy, low-calorie, and high-
protein aquatic productsand,
Aquaculture: Types 3

(4) Aquatic breeding makes only a minimum contribution to carbon dioxide

emission (Cruz et al., 2012).
Indian aquaculture is an important economic enterprise and contributes to
about 1.3% of national inland production (GDP) and the annual growth rate is
In India 2,319 species of fin fish have been recorded of which 838from
freshwater, 113 brackish water and 1,368 from marine environment.
West Bengal contains 239 species belonging to 147 genera, 49 families and
15 orders of freshwater fishes. Since West Bengal is one of the eight maritime
states lying on the north eastern coast of our country, some marine or estuarine
fishes are also found along with the freshwater fishes in this state.
Definition of Aquaculture: Aquaculture refers to the breeding, rearing,
and harvesting of plants and animals in all types of aquatic environments
(i.e. aquatic both lotic [flowing] &lentic [standing]) environments including
rivers, ocean as well asponds and lakes.
Aquaculture-produces food fish, sport fish, bait fish (Bait fish are small fish
caught for use as bait to attract large predatory fish) particularly game fish e.g.,
marinebait fish are anchovies gudgeon. Freshwater bait fish include any fish of
the minnow or carp family (Cyprinid etc.), ornamental fish, crustaceans, mollusks,
algae, sea vegetables, and fish eggs.
The principal target of aquaculture is:
(1) To produce easily digestible animal protein for the mankind,
(2) Economic upliftment of the concerned family, and
(3) To keep the aquatic eco-system pollution free.

Social values of Aquaculture

Water farming in contrast to soil farming: To restore the aquatic biodiversity
and natural balance, replenishment of underground water, flood prevention,
purification of waste water, small irrigation, cooling of environment, disaster
management, easily digestible supply of animal protein, economic upliftment, perfect
utilization of leisure of house wives and children. Besides oxygen supply, absorption
of carbon-di-oxide and atmospheric dust particles, water farming supply enormous
pleasure to the farmer members behind the scene. Some of the fishes very often
also help in mosquito control.
4 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Importance of Fish
(1) Fish is highly nutritious, easily digestible, protein rich food.
(2) Besides protein, the fish also contain various other necessary components.
(3) Abundant quantity of vitamins, minerals, calcium, and iron are available
in fish flesh.
(4) There are plentiful marine weed fishes, which the mankind do not
consume, are dried and converted to fish meal which is used as major
component of the animal feed.
(5) There are some larvivorous fish available in fresh waters which are
cultured for prevention those are also considered as vectors of various
diseases of mosquito larvae of various diseases. These fishes also rectify
the water column by controlling various infectious diseases.
(6) Fish is an easily digestible mineral and protein enriched aquatic
animal.Fish also alleviate mental anxiety and maintain mental peace,
entertainment and relief.
(7) On average, fish provides only about 33 calories per capita per day.
The dietary contribution of fish is more significant in terms of animal
proteins, as a portion of 150 g of fish provides about 50–60 percent of
the daily protein requirements for an adult.

Distribution and Habitats of fishes

1. Bony fishes inhabit almost every body of water. They are found in tropical,
temperate, and polar seas as well as virtually all fresh water environments
(Bond, 1979).
2. Some species of bony fishes live as deep as 11 km. in the deep sea. Other
species inhabit lakes as high as 5 km. above sea level.
3. About 58% of all species of bony fishes (more than 13, 000 species) live in
marine environments. Although only 0.01% of the earth’s water is fresh
water, freshwater fishes make up about 42% of fish species (more than 9,
000 species).

Fish habitat has been defined as those waters and substrate necessary to
fish for spawning, breeding, feeding or growth to maturity. This includes all types
Aquaculture: Types 5

of aquatic habitat, such as wetlands, coral reefs, sand, sea grasses, and rivers
(Rosenberg et al., 2000).
1. Bony fishes live in fresh water, sea water, and brackish (a combination of
fresh water and salt water) environments. The salinity of sea water is about
35 ppt (parts per thousand). Some species can tolerate higher-salinity
environments. Some species of gobies can tolerate salinity levels as high as
60 ppt.
2. Fishes live in virtually all aquatic habitats. Different species of fish are
adapted for different habitats: rocky shores, coral reefs, kelp forests, rivers
and streams, lakes and ponds, under sea ice, the deep sea, and other
environments of fresh, salt, and brackish water.
3. Some fish are pelagic: they live in the open ocean. For example, tunas
(several species in the family Scombridae, subfamily Thunninae) are pelagic
4. Some species, such as the flatfishes (order: Pleuronectiformes) are adapted
for living along the bottom. Certain fishes, such as gobies (family: Gobiidae)
even burrow into the substrate or bury themselves in sand.
5. Ocean sunfish (family: Molidae) are most often spotted at the ocean’s surface.
6. Some lungfishes “hibernate” throughout a summer drought season, buried
under the mud of a dried-up pond.
7. Several fish species live in freshwater habitats and even in the darkness of
Carps in general are the inhabitants of fresh water ponds, lakes, reservoirs
and also in rivers. In the present book, the carps found in warm water fish ponds
and lakes are given importance.
Forbes (1887) for the first time characterized a lake as a microcosm. Later,
Forel (1892, 1895, and 1904) supported the idea of Forbes and developed the
study of fresh water impoundments which is now globally known as ‘Limnology’
in contrast to ‘Oceanography’ which means the study of marine ecosystem.
Elton and Miller (1954) commenting on the importance of the studies on
ponds and tanks had suggested that “There is a bewildering variation among the
ponds, even if they are situated in the same geographical area and shows great
internal complexity within each pond.”
Before we enter in the subject, let us clarify the definition of a pond. Albeit
there is no set rules. However, most of the limnologists agree that ponds are
small, completely enclosed body of water, shallow enough to encourage aquatic
vegetation. As per Forel’s (1892) classification of lakes, later modified by Whipple
6 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

(1927), ponds represent lakes of third order. No exact limit of areas and depth
has been laid down for a pond.

Lake or Pond – What is the Difference?

From a regulatory viewpoint there is no distinction between a lake and a pond.
Both are surface waters of the state and subject to the same water quality
standards. Water bodies named “lakes” are generally larger and/or deeper than
water bodies named “ponds.” From an ecological or limnological perspective,
there is a difference between the two: The term “lake” or “pond” as part of a
water body is arbitrary and not based on any specific naming convention. In
general, lakes tend to be larger and/or deeper than ponds although exceptions are
From limnological (the study of inland waters) view point pond surface waters
are divided into lotic (waters that flow in a continuous and definite direction) and
lentic (waters that do not flow in a continuous and definite direction) environments.
Waters within the lentic category gradually fill in over geologic time and slowly,
the evolution from lake to pond to wetland came into existence. This evolution
is slow and gradual, and there is no precise definition of the transition from one
to the next.
Early limnologists in the late 18th, early 19thcenturies attempted to define the
transition from a lake to a pond in various ways. Area, depth or both were an
essential part of most definitions, but what area or what depth that differed.
Some used thermal stratification – a lake is a body of water that is deep enough
to thermally stratify into two or three layers during the summer in temperate
regions, others used plant growth – a pond is shallow enough that sunlight can
penetrate to the bottom and support rooted plant growth across its entire width.
Some included all plant growth (including submerged plants) while others said a
pond was shallow enough to support emergent or floating-leafed rooted plants
Limnologists today recognize that nature can’t be divided into precise, neat
categories and accept the fact that there will never be a precise definition.
However, they also recognize that “deep” lakes and ponds function differently
than “shallow” lakes and ponds, and modern limnology texts often discuss the
two separately. The generally accepted definition of a “shallow lake or pond” is
that class of shallow standing water in which light penetrates to the bottom
sediments to potentially support rooted plant growth throughout the water body.
Lack of thermal stratification and the presence of muddy sediments are also
Aquaculture: Types 7

common characteristics of this class of water. In contrast, a “deep lake or pond”

has both a shallow shoreline area that may potentially support rooted plant growth
and a deeper portion where sunlight does not penetrate to the bottom. These
water bodies frequently stratify into distinct thermal layers during the summer.

Ecological status of a pond

The understanding of the wellbeing of the soil beneath the water and the water
itself is the key factor for success of sustainable aquaculture enterprise, whether
it is fresh or sewage-fed fresh water, brackish or sewage-fed brackish water.
The key factor lies on the knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological
aspects of the water body where the fish farmer intends to start the enterprise.
In fact, the success of fish farming largely depends on the physico-chemical and
biological characteristics of the water and soil. The status of soil, its water
retention capacity, alkalinity and acidity coupled with organo-chemicals as well as
physical aspects are largely considered in this enterprise.

Feeding habits of fish

Fishes may be grouped into four principal categories according to the type of
food which they prefer under natural conditions, and these are:
(i) Herbivorus fishes: The fishes those feed upon the green plants available
in the medium i.e. water which is affluent in phytoplankton and some larger
aquatic plants. The important fishes are: Catla catla, Hypopthalmichthyes
molitrix, Aristichthyes nobilis etc.
(ii) Detritivorous fishes: These fishes feed efficiently on the dead organic
matter associated with live organisms at the bottom of the pond. The gut
content of the detritivore fishes indicate that the content mainly consists of
fungal and bacterial, remainings of dead plant and animal matters.
(iii) Carnivorous fishes: The fishes which feed on comparatively smaller animals
including insects and their larvae, frogs and tadpoles, snails, mollusks and
smaller fishes (piscivore). Example may be cited to those of Lates calcarifer,
Wallago attu etc.
(iv) Omnivorous fishes: Fishes those feed fairly unchoosingly on both the plants,
detritus and animal sources of food depending on “what ever is available”.
8 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Different types of fish culture techniques include monoculture, polyculture, selected
breeding, intensive and extensive culture, inland and brackish water, in rice field,
in floating cages and rafts.

Different types of fish culture techniques

Fish culture techniques can be described from different perspectives. They can
be described on the basis of biological, economic and social factors. The type of
rearing facilities, technology of production, number of species cultured, type of
fish, cultivation stage, geographical origin of cultured species and target market.
A. Fish culture technique based on rearing facilities
1. Fish culture in earthen ponds.
2. Fish culture in concrete tanks.
3. Fish culture in reinforced plastic tanks.
4. Fish culture in plastic tanks.
5. Fish culture in wooden troughs or vats and
6. Fish culture in rearing cages.
B . Fish culture techniques based on technology of production
1. Extensive culture system – Characterized by low stocking density, no
input and output of less than 1000 kg/ha/year.
2. Semi-intensive culture system – Characterized by moderately high
density, addition of input (fertilizer and feed), yield around10, 000 kg/ha/
3. Intensive culture system – Characterized by high stocking density,
addition of high input (fertilizer and nutritionally balanced diet), and cost
of production is generally high with yield above 10, 000 kg/ha/year.
4. Surface Based Aquaculture system- Characterized by the proper
utilization of periphytic community which grows on submerged artificial
substrates especially during fry and fingerling stages of fishes and fresh
water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii.
C. Fish culture technique based on number of species cultured
1. Monoculture – This is the culture of single species of fish in a pond or
tank. The culture of Clarias spp. only or Oreochromis niloticus are
typical examples, either of which can be selected during monoculture.
The advantage of this method of culture is that it enables the farmer to
make feed that will meet the requirement of fish especially in intensive
culture system. Fish of different ages can be stocked thereby enhancing
selective harvesting.
Aquaculture: Types 9

Common practices around the world:

● Common carp in East Germany.
● Common carp in Japan.
● Tilapia nilotica in several countries of Africa and Asia.
● Rainbow trout (Salmon gairdneri) culture in several countries.
● Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in U.S.A.
● Catfish, Clarias gariepinus in Africa.

A. Advantages, Disadvantages and Objectives of monoculture of fish

Advantages: Comparatively much easier to monitor the performance of growth,
food intake, and breeding of the cultured fish. There exist no competition for
space and food with other varieties of fishes.
Disadvantages: One of the major disadvantages of monoculture is the
deterioration of water quality followed by cannibalistic nature if any among the
fishes, various diseases due to overstocking of the concerned fishes.
B . Objectives of monoculture
(1) To maximize the production.
(2) To supply high quality animal protein and vitamin rich oils to pharmaceutical,
solvent factories and soap industries.
C. Monoculture of monosex (all male) tilapia
The fish farmer’s at present focusing on Nile Tilapia (O. niloticus) because
of its ability to breed and produce new generations rapidly, its tolerance for
shallow and turbid waters, its high level of disease resistance and its flexibility
for culture under many different farming systems.However, the major
drawback of pond culture is the higher levels of uncontrolled reproduction
which may occur in grow-out ponds. Hence, monosex culture is one the
basic methods of controlling Tilapia populations.Among the various techniques
viz. manual separation of sexes, environmental manipulation, hybridization,
hormone augmentation (sex reversal) and genetic manipulation methods such
as androgenesis, gynogenesis, polyploidy and transgenesis which were carried
out in various countries including India, none of these methods is consistently
100% effective, and thus a combination of methods is suggested. Males are
preferred because they grow almost twice as fast as females, which may be
caused by a sex-specific physiological growth capacity, female mouth-brooding
10 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

or the more aggressive feeding behavior of males. Expected survival for all-
male culture is 90% or greater (Silva et al., 2013).
D. Disadvantages of monosex (All male) Tilapia culture:
(1) The major problem of male monosex culture is that fingerlings have to
be grown until it is possible to distinguish the female and male juveniles
(at least up to 50 g) and then the female juveniles are discarded.
(2) Accidental occurrence of even a single female tilapia mistakenly included
in a population of mostly male Tilapia affects the maximum attainable
size of the original stock in grow-out phase.
Male Tilapia production has an economic importance both to its producers
and sellers. The increase in employment in the sector out pacing world
population growth and employment in traditional agriculture is a crucial source
of income and livelihood for hundreds of millions of people around the world
(Soto-Zarazúa et al., 2010b). More so, it also plays an important role to
provide food security for the general population as an excellent source of
high-quality protein (Ghosh, 2017).
E. Sex Reversal Or Hormone Augmentation
This method can be performed by oral administration of feed incorporated
with androgen and eggs or fry immersion in different concentrations of the
male hormone. The principle behind this method lies on the fact that at the
stage when the Tilapia larvae are said to be sexually undifferentiated (right
after hatching up to about 2 weeks or up to the swim-up stage), the extent
of the androgen (male hormone) and the estrogen (female hormone) present
in a fish is equal. Thus, augmenting one of the hormones that is originally
present in the fish will direct the fish to either male or female depending upon
the hormone introduced. Accordingly, if the Tilapia larvae are fed with feeds
that are incorporated with male hormone as example 17D-methyl testosterone,
the fish will develop into phenotypic male physically and function as male but
possess the female genotype (XX). This is commonly referred to as “sex
reversal”. Production of male tilapia through the use of androgens is very
effective. Sex reversed “male” reached similar average weights as genetically
male tilapia (Mair et al., 1995). Sex reversal by oral administration of feed
incorporated with methyl testosterone is probably the most effective and
practical method for the production of all male Tilapia, However, the technique
has some limitations such as the uniform age of fish that should be used at
the first feeding stage to ensure high reversal rate and less control of reversal
efficiency especially when done in the natural environment where natural
Aquaculture: Types 11

feed is present.This technique has achieved successful results up to 100%

and feed with the male hormone is commercially available or can be prepared.
Culture of monosex tilapia is a recent concept in aquaculture at least in India.
Oreochromis niloticus, the fish sometime is designated as the “food of the
future” at least in a country like India.Filter-feeding tilapia Oreochromis
niloticus is rightly designated as a core whitefish, “every-mans fish”, “the
aquatic chicken” and “not unlike the culinary versatility of chicken” and is
able to convert plant proteins, diatoms, algae, heterotrophic plankton (biofloc),
bacteria, zooplankton and low trophic level organisms into a valuable, succulent
and mild tasting fish being enjoyed universally. Indeed, it has been argued
that tilapia are perhaps the only truly herbivorous fishes since they possess
not only a highly efficient digestive system (3.5 times the length of the fish)
but also a highly specialised one, capable of producing pH values < 1 facilitating
the digestion of highly refractory plant carbohydrate compounds truely
commented by Ramon Kourie, Chief Technical Officer, Sust. Aqua Fish
Farms (Pvt) Ltd. (Engormix/AquacultureTechnical Articles/ Article published
the April 25, 2018).At present the expected growth of 2.6 percent in 2018
with average production of 6.5 million metric tonnes (MMT).
Most of the global production of tilapia is produced in freshwater pond
systems and consumed in producing countries contributing to food security in
the developing world where the sector is concentrated. China is the leading
producer country followed by Egypt and Indonesia. Production estimates in
2017 have been pegged at 1.7 MMT for China, almost 900, 000 metric
tonnes (MT) for Egypt and 800, 000 MT for Indonesia.
Tilapia is the most widely
cultivated of all species with more
than 120 countries reporting some
commercial activity. In addition,
tilapia are cultivated in the highest
number of production
environments from rice paddies
and simple fertilized earth ponds
Fig. 1: Oreochromis niloticus
to cages in lakes, aquaponics
systems, biofloc technology (BFT)
tanks and Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS) and are considered
easy to cultivate.The Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT), a faster-
growing strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is suitable for both
small-scale and commercial aquaculture. Nile tilapia was selected due to its
popularity in aquaculture, short generation time of approximately 6 months,
12 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

and naturally hardy and high tolerance to variable water quality, good disease
resistance, and ability to adapt many different farming systems.

Sex Reversal of Tilapia: (17 D-Methyl testosterone [MT]: Dose rate)

Early sexual maturity in tilapia culture is a well-recognized problem. There
are a number of ways to control reproduction in mixed sex population. One
of these is the culture of all-male tilapia. Sex reversal by oral administration
of feed incorporated with 17D-methyl testosterone (MT) is probably the most
effective and practical method for the production of all male tilapia. This is
the most common method of sex reversal.
Sex reversal of newly hatched tilapia generally is accomplished via oral
administration of 17 D–methyl testosterone (MT), which has been incorporated
into a starter fish feed @ 5-6 mg/kg feed. Although the use of the 5-6 mg
MT/kg feed dose consistently yields populations comprised of less than 5%
females (i.e.> 95% males). Other investigators have reported sex reversal of
tilapia at dose rates less than 5-6 mg/kg feed; however, results from these
studies are inconsistent, and it is difficult to separate treatment environment
effects. Thus, it is necessary to identify the optimal dose of MT for consistent,
successful sex reversal in a variety of treatment environments.
Although a variety of hormones have been used for sex reversal, 17D ­
methyl testosterone is the most commonly used androgen. Dose rate and
treatment durations vary depending on the environment and the experience
of the producer. Tilapia fry <14 mm should be treated for at least 14 days
before reaching 18 mm, if growth is slower the duration of treatment should
be extended until all fish reach this size or a total treatment period of 28 days
are exceeded. A dose rate of 30-60 mg of Methyl testosterone/kg of diet fed
at an initial rate of 20%body weight/day should result in successful treatment.
The efficacy of treatment should be based on gonadal development.
F. Food and feeding habit of Oreochromis niloticus
Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus is one of the most known members of the
tropical and subtropical freshwater fishes. It is recommended by the FAO as
a culture fish species because of its importance in aquaculture and its capability
in contributing to the increased production of animal protein in the world.
Therefore, it is now globally distributed and has become very popular through
the advances in the cultivation techniques. Juvenile and adult Nile tilapias are
reported to filter phytoplankton hence indicate the herbivorous behavior. Since
Nile tilapia use algal protein as food at lower trophic level can be a cost-
efficient culture method.
Aquaculture: Types 13

G. Monoculture of monosex tilapia: a case study (Ghosh, 2017):

In one of the village named Sonatikari, adjacent to Sundarbans (South 24­
Parganas, West Bengal, India), an attempt has been made to culture all male
From d-1to d-30 the (hatchling to early fry stage) these were fed synthetic
androgen (17fmethyl testosterone) mixed diets (incorporated with 0, 25, 50,
75and100 mg/kg diet) for 30 days.
The 30-days old early fry were brought to the farm area from the fish
hatchery and released in a nursery pond measuring 0.5 hectare area with a
depth of 1.2 meters. The stocking density in the nursery pond was restricted
to 2, 00, 000/hectare. The fishes were fed with floating feed (average protein
content 34.0% and fat content 5.0%), twice a day. After 40-days in the
nursery phase when the fishes attained 10gms (average) weight were
transferred to the adjacent grow-out pond measuring about 1.2 hectares with
an average depth of 2.6ft. The average stocking density was 60, 000/hectare.
Broadcasting of floating feed within the nylon net enclosure (Fig.2) was
made twice a day. The protein content at this stage maintained 32% and the
fat content was 4%. The application of feeding was @ 3% of fish weight
till harvest.

Fig. 2: Feeding within an enclosure.

The harvesting was done on of rearing, when the fishes attained
approximately 400-500gms.average.The production achieved after 120th days of
grow out phase is approximately 10metric tones /Ha/crop.
2. Polyculture- This is the culture of two or more species of fish in a pond or
tank. It is also a system that grows more than one species of fish from the
same trophic level.
14 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach


Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems mimic natural ecosystems. Multi­
trophic refers to the combination of species from different trophic levels in the
same system. The multi-trophic sub-systems are integrated in IMTA that refers
to the more intensive cultivation of the different species in proximity of each
other, linked by nutrient and energy transfer through water. Fishes are present
in more than one trophic level and waste products thus produced are recycled.
An example is cultivating sea weed near mariculture fish pens. Nutrients in the
fish waste fertilize algae, which in turn improve water quality for fish.

In Mariculture, fish are grown in pens or meshed cages in harbors or sea. (Both
the sections 3&4 are out of the scope of discussing in detail in this book, hence

5. AQUAPONICS: The Future of Sustainable Food

i) What is Aquaponics?
The simplest definition of Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture (raising
fish) and hydroponics (the soil-less growing of plants) that
grows fish and plants together in one integrated system. The fish waste provides
an organic food source for the plants, and the plants naturally filter the water for
the fish.The third participants are microbes (nitrifying bacteria). These bacteria
convert ammonia from the fish waste first into nitrites, and then into nitrates.
Nitrates are the form of nitrogen that plants can uptake and use to grow. Solid
fish waste is turned into vermicompost that also acts as food for the plants. In
combining both hydroponic and aquaculture systems, aquaponics capitalizes on
their benefits, and eliminates the drawbacks of each.
Aquaculture and hydroponics are systems that complement each other as a
single unit, not as separate units. The fish water is pumped to a greenhouse,
which is evenly distributed. The fish water feeds the plants, such as lettuce and
tomatoes, then filters through a porous material (volcanic cinders in Hawaii) and
returns to the fish tank by gravity. Both systems are in a controlled environment,
meaning light and temperature are controlled. The primary crop is the vegetable
and the fish are secondary, meaning commercially, there is more money and turn
around with the vegetables. The aquaculture is suitable for ornamental fish,
prawns, tilapia, catfish, bass and escargot snails. Another example is those of the
Hawaiian taro plants in cement pots that are placed in with the fish. Watercress
Aquaculture: Types 15

can also be used. What is amazing is the stable and balanced pH and crystal
clear water. The water is basically recycled, with a small amount of water added
weekly for evaporation. This is a balanced, self-contained ecosystem that works.
Solar powers, the water pump and no chemical are added what so ever, it is
totally organic. Chameleons control any insects that might get into the house.
Earthworms are raised to feed the fish and the earthworm compost is used in
the garden or planter box gardens.

ii) The problems with traditional soil based gardening:

* Pesticide and artificial nutrient usage.
* Weeds, pests, and soil-borne insects.
The amount of water requires:
* The heavy digging, the bending, the back strain
* Knowledge regarding water and its quality.When and how to fertilize, and
what is the composition of the soil.
* Location – traditional farms are often located a few miles away from where
the food is consumed.
* Although all these issues have already been solved with modern
hydroponic system.
● The own problems of hydroponics:
– Traditional hydroponic systems rely on the careful application of expensive,
man-made nutrients made from mixing together a blend of chemicals,
salts and trace elements. In aquaponics, one may feed the fish inexpensive
fish feed, food scraps, and food that is grown at the farm itself.
– The strength of this hydroponic mixture needs to be carefully monitored,
along with pH and total dissolved solids (TDS). In aquaponics a careful
monitoring of the system during the first month, but once the system is
established surveillance on pH and ammonia levels weekly or if the plants
or fish seem stressed.
– Water in hydroponic systems needs to be discharged periodically, as the
salts and chemicals build up in the water, becoming toxic to the plants.
This is both inconvenient and problematic as the disposal location of this
waste water needs to be carefully considered. In aquaponics, replacement
of water regularly is not essential; simply top it off as it evaporates.
– Hydroponic systems are prone to a disease called “Pythium” or root rot.
This disease is virtually non-existent in aquaponics.
16 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach



Fig. 3. The Aquaponics cycle.

Fig. 4: Newly constructed Aquaponics farm

Aquaponics combines aquaculture with traditional fruit, vegetable and herb

farming using ecofriendly and organic biofiltration from the plants to recycle
water for the fish. The fish produce waste that help the plants grow. The entire
system uses 85-90% less water than traditional dirt farming. In aquaponics,
almost anything may be grown, year round, and crop rotation is never a problem.
Aquaculture: Types 17

iii) Benefits of Aquaponics

In this system there is no waste and there remains no by-product.
Unlike hydroponics which produces waste water and requires monthly chemical
doses, aquaponics allows for the harvesting of fish and uses the fish waste as
the chemicals to feed the plants. There is no waste except for fish emulsion
which can be used for raised grow beds and potted plants or used to feed
additional growth in beds aquaponics system.The filtration of the waste is done
since enough plants are not grown.
Expensive nutrients are replaced by less expensive fish feed. Aquaponics is
actually more productive than hydroponics. Aquaponics relies on nature-
hence completely organic.
a) Resource: The energy cost to nourish a family of four is about Rs.7000 to
10, 000 per year. Heating is done via natural solar methods (not electricity).
Fish food can be home grown. Various compost methods produce fish food
and get rid of human trash at the same time.
b) Cost effectiveness: The investment of even a small, family sized green
house of 2500 liters, backup pumps, solar hot water heater, starter fish,
starter plants, gravel, plumbing, etc is less than two lakhs.Small herb gardens
can be created for only a few thousand rupees. This investment pays for
itself almost within the first year.
c) Low-maintenance: Aquaponics is virtually maintenance free. Feed cost of
fish 1 or 2 times a day, monitor temperature, planning of upcoming crops and
harvest a meal at a time. There are no weeds, no tilling, and the watering
is automatic too.
d) Organic Aquaponics: This system is completely organic. It must be organic
because pesticides will kill the fish.
e ) Fresh: One may walk into the backyard and harvest food year round, fresh
– instead of eating something that is picked before its fully ripe, and then
served to dish a month later.
f) Water-Conservation: Aquaponics a closed loop system (water isn’t just
poured on the ground, it is recirculated). Plants evaporate some water, but
overall the same volume of vegetation can be harvested with very little
additional water.
g) Crop-Rotation: In soil crops the amount of nutrients in the ground are
limited. Aquaponics pumps fresh, natural nutrients every few hours into the
growth medium and crops can be harvested repeatedly.
18 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

h) Aquaculture: Various fish can be easily farmed, such as cyprinid fishes

belong to minor carps, catfish, tilapia, prawns, etc.
i) Self-Sustainability: In the present unsustainable world’s food system one
can get fresh food.

Fig. 5: Model of an Aquaponics


A fish cage is an enclosure made with net where fish are raised in free flowing
water especially in lagoon waters, rivers, lakes and large reservoirs. Because of
several advantages over stagnant pond culture, the cage and pen farming practices
although gained wide acceptance in many countries but in India excepting some
of the southern states (Natarajan et al., 1983).Various biological factors like
trophic efficiency, gregarious nature, faster rate of growth or biomass production,
rate of survival, higher fecundity, reproductive nature especially in captivity, shorter
reproduction cycle, disease resistance etc. are determined as bioeconomic matrix
(Nash, 1974).
Cage culture of fishes in large waterbodies however, is considered to be the
‘sleeping giant’ in Indian aquaculture scenario.Although the practice in India till
date is at its infancy, but some of the current achievements in this sector have
established its commercial potential. Cage culture operations have succeeded
with high - end varieties such as pearlspot, seabass, grey mullet, red snapper,
cobia, Nile tilapia etc.

What is Cage Culture?

Cage culture is an aquaculture production system where fish are held in floating
nets. Cage culture of fish utilizes existing water resources but encloses the fish
in a cage or basket which allows water to pass freely between the fish and the
Aquaculture: Types 19

pond permitting water exchange and waste removal into the surrounding water.
Cages are used to culture several types of shell fish and finfish species in fresh,
brackish and marine waters. Cages in freshwaters are used for food fish culture
and for fry to fingerling rearing (Soltan, 2016).
Origin of cage culture is bit ambiguous.It is assumed that at the beginning
fishermen might have used the cages as holding structures to store the captured
fish until they are sent to the market. The first cages which were used for
producing fish were developed in Southeast Asia around the end of the 19th
century. Wood or bamboos were used to construct these ancient cages and the
fish were fed by trash fish and food scraps. In 1950s modern cage culture began
with the initiation of production of synthetic materials for cage construction. Fish
production in cages became highly popular among the small or limited resource
farmers who are looking for alternatives to traditional agricultural crops.
In India, cage culture has been attempted for the first time in 1970 in three
different types of environments:
1) Swamps marked by low dissolved oxygen concentration, using air-breathing
2) Running waters of the Yamuna and Ganga Rivers at Allahabad, using major
carps and
3) A static water body in Karnataka, using common carp, catla, silver carp,
rohu, snakeheads and tilapia.
CIFE Mumbai though in an isolated manner started cage culture for raising
fingerlings as well as table-fish in reservoirs such as Powai (Maharashtra),
Govindsagar (H.P.), Halali (M.P.), Tandula (Chattishgarh) and Dimbe
(Maharashtra). Later, a number of attempts were made to produce cage-stocked
fish, especially fry to fingerlings (Banerjee, 1979).During 2005- 2006, floating
cage culture experiments were conducted in Kabini reservoir, Karnataka for
raising fingerlings for stocking, with moderate success, defined by a survival rate
of around 40percent. Some trials on cage aquaculture were conducted during
1998 onward for production of fingerlings but results were not optimal. CIFRI
has banked on the success of producing fingerlings for stocking reservoirs in
floating cages installed in different agro climatic zones of India (Madhya Pradesh,
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Northeast states).With the lessons learned,
cages were subsequently used for raising catla fingerlings in Karnataka (Govind
et al., 1988), also with little success. Production of fingerlings for stocking
reservoirs was tried in Govindsagar (H.P), Getalsud (Ranchi), Gularia (U.P.)
reservoirs, with poor success because proper monitoring was not initiated.More
20 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

recently cage aquaculture experiments were conducted in Walvan Reservoir

(Maharashtra), with fry to fingerling culture of Tor putitora and T. khudree
(Kohli, et al., 2002; Das et al., 2014).

Why cage culture?

The reservoirs of India have a combined surface area of 3.25 million hectares
(ha), mostly in the tropical zone, which makes them the country’s most important
inland water resource, with huge untapped potential.Truly, the scope of cage
culture in Indian reservoirs, if properly exploited can revolutionerize the Indian
aquaculture scenario and honestly being said that the reservoirs are the sleeping
giants favouring aquaculture. Fish yields of 50 kg/ha/year from small reservoirs,
20 kg/ha/year from medium-sized reservoirs and 8 kg/ha/year from large reservoirs
have been realized while still leaving scope for enhancing fish yield through
capture fisheries, including culture-based fisheries. The success rate of auto-
stocking is very low in Indian reservoirs, especially in smaller ones. Many of the
smaller reservoirs dry up during the summer, partly or completely, with no stock
surviving. A policy of regular, comprehensive and sustained stocking would greatly
augment fisheries in such water bodies. The prime objective of cage culture
discussed here is to rear fingerlings measuring >100 millimetres (mm) in length,
especially carp, for stocking reservoirs.
Stocking with the right fish species, using seed of appropriate size and
introducing it at the right time are essential to optimize fish yield from reservoirs.
Though 22 billion fish fry are produced every year in India, there is an acute
shortage of fish fingerlings available for stocking reservoirs. Where fingerings
are available, transporting them to reservoirs usually incurs high fingerling mortality.
In this context, producing fingerlings in situ in cages offers opportunity for supplying
stocking materials, which are vital inputs towards a programme of enhancing fish
production from Indian reservoirs.As many as 110 fish species from fresh, estuarine,
brackish and marine systems have been found to be suitable for culture in pens
and cages in India. Among fresh water species, the species like Catla catla,
Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala, Ctenopharyngodon idella,
Hypopthalmichthys molitrix, cyprinous carpio, Channa etc. are important and
found to grow to a measurably marketable size in cages of large reservoirs and
rivulets and tributaries. While in estuaries(brackish and coastal waters) of Kerala,
Tuticorin, Mandapam, Chilka fishes like Chanos chanos, Etroplus suratensis,
Valamugil seheli, Liza macrolepis, Pincada fucata, Meretrix meretrix, Penaeus
monodon, P.indicus and particularly Lates calcarifer has given much more
importance due to their slow moving and fast growing characteristics.
Aquaculture: Types 21

Advantages and disadvantages of Cage culture

As with any production system, fish culture in cages has advantages and
disadvantages that should be considered carefully before choosing it as the
production model.
Following are the advantages of cage culture when compared to the other fish
farming systems:
● Its installation is easy.
● Flexibility of management.
● Effective use of fish feeds.
● Less manpower requirement.
● Better control of fish population.
● In emergencies it can be removed from one place to another.
● Treatment of disease is much simple than that of pond culture.
● It requires less investment, because it use existing water bodies,
● Simple technology and swift return of investment
● Mixed sex populations can be reared in cages.
● Close observation and sampling of fish is simple and therefore only minimum
supervision is needed.
● Many types of water resources can be used, including lakes, reservoirs,
ponds and rivers.
● Fish handling and harvesting are very simple and helps to maintain the non­
seasonal supply of the fish.
● Since the cage is meshed, fish inside have less chances of being attacked by
● They can be used to clean up eutrophicated waters through culture of caged
planktivorous species such as silver carp.
● Feed must be nutritionally complete and kept fresh.
● Stocked fish simply affected by the external water quality problems e.g., low
oxygen levels.
● Diseases are a common problem in cage culture.
22 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

● The crowding in cages promotes stress and allows disease organisms spread
rapidly. Also, wild fish around the cage can transmit diseases to the caged
● Caged fish are unable to get the natural food of their choice, whereas it is
readily available to the free fish.
● During feeding a significant amounts of fish feed passes out through the
mesh therefore, fish require feeding many times a day.
● The high fish density with the high feeding rates, often reduce dissolved
oxygen and increase ammonia concentration in and around the cage, especially
if there is no water movement through the cage.
● In public waters, cage culture faces many competing interests and its legal
status is not well defined.
● There is usually a high mortality rate because of bacterial and fungal diseases.
● Water pollution
● Poaching
● Conflicts in the use of water with other users.
● Management includes routine check, provision of adequate security and good
supply of quality feed to ensure faster growth.

Species Selection for Cage Culture

Many species are suitable to grow in cages. The production of fingerlings of
Indian major carps, as well as some of the exotic species like common carp
(Cyprinus carpio) and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) are being
encouraged due to their market acceptability subject to the food niches are
sufficient for their further growth after stocking in the reservoir. First, the locality
should be surveyed to verify the availability of the stocking species.Oxygen
packed fry can withstand a journey of 40 hours. The fry should be healthy when
purchased and come from a clean water body with low eutrophication.Species
selection depends on local interest and market value. For fingerling production,
the species selected were primarily Indian major carps and, to some extent,
common carp and grass carp. During winter, fish had access to natural food
sufficient for further growth after stocking in the reservoir. For growing table
fish, the species must have high market value, such as freshwater prawns, air-
breathing species, sea bass and, to some extent, carps and Pangasius sp. Small
indigenous fish species (SIFS) with high market demand are also suitable (Govind
et al., 1988; Kohli et al., 2002).
Aquaculture: Types 23

Fig. 6: Open cage farming in Kerala and USA

Cages are made of four parts: 1. Solid frame 2. Nets 3. Floats and 4. Anchor.
A cage can be floating type or fixed type. Floating type if the cage is
submerged fixed and is attached to a stake fixed to the bottom. Cages have high
potential to improve the status of the local fish supply.


Pens are constructed from bamboo or wooden poles that are forced down into
the lake or shore bottom. Nets are strung from pole to pole to form an enclosure.
The nets are anchored into the lake bottom with weights or sinkers. They are
stocked with fish. Pens are often placed in the fertile lakes to yield high biomass.
No feeding, no extra feed input but if lakes are not fertile feeding may be
required. A Pen is defined as a”fixed enclosure in which the bottom is the bed
of the water body” and is synonymous to ‘enclosure’. By the very nature of the
fixed enclosure walls of pens it is obvious that they cannot be moved about as
in the case of cage. There is economy of material in the pen for the bottom
material used is saved and therefore and for other reasons the pen can be and
are much bigger. As we go by further differences and similarities will become
obvious, especially when the different types of pens are described. Of the six
possible zones:
i) shore,
ii) intertidal,
iii) sublittoral,
iv) surface floating
v) mid-water and
vi) Sea/low tidal river or lake beds in the marginal waters (Milne, 1979).
24 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Pen culture is possible only in the three zones, namely, intertidal, sublittoral
and seabed -all having natural bottom as the limit of the lower side of the
enclosure.In the case of freshwater except for the very large lakes – even here
tidal influence is little compared with the sea, the intertidal zone is non-existent.
Largely the enclosure of a pen is restricted to shallow area adjacent to the shore.
The pen or enclosure may be:
(a) Completely enclosed on all four sides in the middle of a bay, with no foreshore
(b) A shore enclosure with a foreshore extending to deep water surrounded by
a net structure or
(c) A bay or loch enclosure with an embankment or net structure only at the
The pen culture of milkfish (Chanos chanos) is the most important fresh
water pen culture in the world. The pen culture of milkfish has yielded the
production much more than 4, 000kg/ha (average), without supplementary feeding.
The Laguna Lake Development Authority has claimed that the lake fish pen
industry can grow to 15, 000 hectares and a yield projection more than one lakh
metric tons annually.
The origins of pen culture are more obscure, but it also seems to have begun in
Asia. Pen culture originated in the Inland Sea area of Japan in the early 1920s. It
was adopted by the People’s Republic of China in the early 1950s for rearing carps
in freshwater lakes, and was introduced to Laguna de Bay and the San Pablo
Lakes in the Philippines by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
and the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) between 1968 and 1970 in
order to rear milkfish (Chanos chanos) (Alfarez, 1977; PCARRD, 1981).
Pens are still constructed in much the same way as they always were,
except that nylon or polyethylene mesh nets have replaced the traditional split
bamboo fences. The nets are attached to posts set every few meters, and the
bottom of the net is pinned to the substrate with long wooden pegs. But stressing
may be used to strengthen the structures in exposed areas. Pens are usually built
in shallow (<10m) waters, are 3–5m deep, and 1–50 ha in size (IDRC/SEAFDEC,
1979). Soft substrates are preferable.
The development and adoption of inland water pen culture has been much
less dramatic than that of cage culture, and at present it is only practiced on a
commercial basis in the Philippines, Indonesia and China (Dela Cruz, 1980, 1982;
Lam, 1982). The principal species being cultured in these countries are milkfish
and carps (e.g. grass carp, Ctenopharyngdon idella; bighead carp, Aristichthys
Aquaculture: Types 25

nobilis; silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Some experimental pen culture

of carps has also been carried out in pens in oxbow lakes in Hungary (Muller
& Varadi, 1980), and other countries such as Bangladesh and Egypt (Karim and
Haroud-al-Rashid Khan, 1982). The production of tilapias in net pens is also
currently being evaluated in the Philippines (Guerrero, 1983).
Because of their smaller size (generally 100m2 surface area) and because
they are easier to manage, cages are more adaptable than pens and can be used
not only for grow-out of fish to market size, but also for breeding and fry
production of fishes such as the tilapias (Beveridge, 1984) and for nursing of the
planktivorous juvenile stages of carps. Pens are largely restricted to lentic water
bodies, whereas fixed and floating cages are also used in rivers and streams.
However, in most cases both systems are used for monoculture.
Murugesan et al. (2005) while discussing the prospects and possibilities of
pen culture in India emphasized that, till date experiments have been carried out
to raise carp seed using pen culture in oxbow lakes, swampy tanks, beels and
reservoirs, but the technology has not yet been standardized.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pen Culture

The advantages and disadvantages of pen culture are in some cases common as
those for cage culture. Obviously the pens are much larger and are stationery as
their walls are fixed. It also appears that in large pens the culture will be less
intensive. The mobility of the cage is its most definite advantage over the pen,
but the later has the benefit that there can be interchange between the organisms
within, with the natural bottom - at times of an inclement condition in the bottom
the pen is decidedly difficult. Let us now enumerate the advantages and
disadvantages of pen culture.
i. Intensive utilization of space: As it is already been mentioned that the
requirement of a pen can be small (a few square meters) or large (over
100ha as in the case of the largest milkfish pen in Philippines), but in all cases
the space given is intensively utilized. Even in the large milk fish pens, space
is utilized intensively and their production as achieved is 4 – 10 times higher
than the natural production.
ii. Safety from predators: Within the enclosure the predators can be excluded.
Before stocking the predators will have to be removed; in the larger pens this
would be more difficult, but in smaller pens this can be done as efficiently
as in the cages.
26 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

iii. Suitability for culturing many varied species: Under artificial culture
provided suitable environmental conditions are maintained, with artificial feeds,
many varieties of species can be cultured as in the cage.
iv. Ease of harvest: Even though in the large pens the harvest may not be as
easy as in the cages, it would be definitely more controllable and easier than
in the natural waters.
v. The flexibility of size and economy: When compared with the cage, pens
can be made much larger and construction costs will be cheaper than those
of the cages.
vi. Availability of natural food and exchange of materials with the bottom:
Since, the bottom of the pen is the natural bottom, unlike the cage which kept
either on the bottom or floating, has always a netting/ screen separating the
cage from bottom; the pen culture organisms are at an advantage that while
enclosed they can procure food/exchange materials.
Pen culture, as cage culture is economical and is attributed to the multiple
use of the same water body (e.g. pen culture in an irrigation reservoir).

i. High demand of oxygen and water flow: Since the fish cultured are
stocked in high density they deplete oxygen very fast and a good flow of
water through the pen either by natural means or artificially by pumping is
demanded for healthy and fast growing fishes.
ii. Dependence on artificial feed: Since high density (biomass) is to be sustained
in a restricted area, for high production artificial feeding is necessary, increasing
the cost of production.
iii. Food losses: Part of the feed is likely to be lost uneaten, and drifted away
in the current, but the loss here would be less than in floating cages.
iv. Pollution: Since a large biomass of fish are cultured intensively a large
quantity of excrements accumulate in the area and cause a high BOD ­
also substances such as ammonia and other excreted materials, if not
immediately removed/ recycled. They pollute the water and cause damages.
v. Rapid spread of diseases: For the same reason of high stocking density
in an enclosed area, beginning of any disease will spread very quickly and
can cause immense mortality of stock and production decline.
vi. Risk of theft: Since the fish are kept in an enclosed area, ‘poaching’ and
thefts can take place more frequently than in natural waters, but perhaps less
than those from cages.
Aquaculture: Types 27

vii. Conflict with multiple uses of natural waters: In locations where a pen
is constructed to the requirement of higher water level e.g. in a lake/reservoir,
would be against the interest for irrigation water supply; enclosures can
interfere with navigational routes and also with recreational activities, such as
swimming, boating etc.


Biofloc technology is a technique of enhancing water quality in aquaculture
through balancing carbon and nitrogen in the system.The technology has attracted
global attention as a sustainable method due to proven enhancement of production
of the target species, quality, sustainability, biosecurity with an added value of
protein rich feed in situ following market demand.
The biofloc is a protein rich macroaggregate assemblage of organic
matter and microorganisms including the diatoms, bacteria, protozoa, algae,
fecal pellets, remains of dead organisms with various types of invertebrates
otherwise called periphytic organisms.
The basic technology was developed by Dr.Yoram Avnimelech in Israel and
the technology was initially implemented commercially in the Belize province by
Belize Aquaculture.The technology has been found to be of profound acceptance
in farming of the Pacific White shrimp Litopeneus vannamei although exhibited
encouraging results in fish farming especially Oreochromis niloticus farming.
Biofloc technology is mainly based on the principle of waste nutrients recycling,
in particular nitrogen, into microbial biomass that can be used in situ by the
cultured animals or be harvested and processed into feed ingredients (Avnimelech,
2009; Kuhn et al., 2010). Heterotrophic microbiota is stimulated to grow by
steering the C/N ratio in the water through the modification of the carbohydrate
content in the feed or by the addition of an external carbon source in the water
(Avnimelech, 1999), so that the bacteria can assimilate the waste ammonium for
new biomass production. Hence, ammonium/ammonia can be maintained at a low
and non toxic concentration so that water replacement is no longer required
(Bossier and Eksari, 2017).
It is no denying that that the biofloc system certainly provides nutritious food
source as well as improves feed utilization efficiency since, the concentrations of
free amino acids viz. alamine, glutamate, arginine, glycine etc.are all known
attractants those present in the biofloc (Nunes et al., 2006; Ju et al., 2008).
Furthermore , biofloc technology if adopted in the larval culture system provide
easily accssible food source and thus minimize possible negative social interaction
during feeding (Eksari et al., 2015).
28 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Introduction of biofloc system during culture also significantly reduce water

utilization which is the principal resource in aquaculture and waste generation. It
is calculated that intensive tilapia culture in a biofloc system requires 40% less
water than those of recirculation system (RAS), while in an intensive zero exchange
lined shrimp pond it requires only 1-2.26m3per kg of shrimps compared to the
conventional system with regular water exchange which require water to the
tune of 80m3per kg of shrimps (Luo et al., 2014; Hargreaves, 2006).Luo et al.,
(2014) emphasized that Nitrogen and Phosphorus waste in a biofloc system also
significantly reduced.The heterotropic bacteria which plays a major role in the
conversion, also facilitate other conversion mechanisms like nitrification (Eksari,
2014), phototrophic N uptake (Emerciano et al., 2013) and denitrification (Hu et
al., 2014).The nutrient recycling involves the uptake of inorganic Phosphorus by
heterotrophic bacteria also significantly reduce discharged Phosphorus and
simultaneously enhance the bioavailability of this nutrient to the stocked shrimps
and fishes as well (Kirchman, 1994 and Bossiewr and Eksari, 2017).The biofloc
based integrated aquaculture system also directed to higher productivity through
higher nutrient utilization thereby least aquaculture pollution is generated (Bossier
and Eksari, 2017).
Maximization in nutrient utilization through nutrient recycle principle in an
integrated aquaculture system has also been emphasized.The faster conversion
of nutrients by the microbes associated in bioflocs or periphytic community
(Awfuchs) may provide more digestible and nutritionally balanced other food
source for both target species of culture or any other species which are present
during biofloc culture system.In this way, utilization of the wasted nutrients is
expected to be more efficiently being utilized there by minimum pollution is

Figs. 7: Bioflocs
Aquaculture: Types 29

Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of Biofloc technology in Aquaculture.

Advantages Disadvantages
01. Biosecurity is appreciably good. High energy input. Paddle wheels
Till date White Spot Syndrome Virus required: 28-30HP/Ha.
(WSSV) has not been detected using
this system.
02. Zero water exchange-less than 100% In case of failure of power opportunity of
exchange for whole culture period. increased rate of mortality. Zero-hour
failure is preferred.
03. FCR low- between 1.0-1.3 Entire pond should be lined with HDPE
sheets. Initial expenditure is too much.
04. Production (Carrying capacity): 5-10% Need special training to the technicians.
better than normal system.
05. Shrimp size bigger than 2.0 gm than
normal system.
06. Low production cost (around 15-20%)

9. POLYCULTURE-(utilization of all ecological niches of pond ecosystem)

Polyculture is the practice of culturing more than one species of aquatic organism
in the same pond. The motivating principle is that fish production in ponds may
be maximized by raising a combination of species having different food habits.
The concept of polyculture of fish is based on the concept of total utilization
of different trophic and spatial niches of a pond in order to obtain maximum
fish production per unit area. The mixture of fish gives better utilization of
available natural food produced in a pond. The compatible fish species having
complimentary feeding habits are stocked so that all the ecological niches of pond
ecosystem are effectively utilized. The habitat of an organism is “the place
where it lives” i.e., the address whereas, the ecological niche, is its “profession.
Polyculture also means cultivating various species of fish together by fully using
of all water levels including available natural food in the pond to
increase fish production in highest stage.

A. How does polyculture work?

Ponds that are generally enriched through fertilization, manuring or feeding practices
contain abundant natural fish food organisms living at different depths and locations
in the water column. Most fish, feed predominantly on selected groups of these
organisms. Polyculture should combine fish having different feeding habits in
30 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

proportions that effectively utilize these natural foods (Fig.8). As a result, higher
yields are obtained. Efficient Polyculture systems in tropical climates may produce
up to 8, 000 kg of fish per hectare per year (Das, 2017).
B . Fishes generally used in polyculture in India
Combinations of Indian Major Carps (Rohu, Catla and Mrigal) and Chinese carps
(bighead, silver, grass carp, and the common carp) are most common in Polyculture.
Other species may also be used.

C. Factors affecting species selection and stocking rates.

1. Water temperature.
2. Market value of fish.
3. Pond fertilization practices.
3. Feeding habits of fish.
4. Potential of uncontrolled spawning in grow-out ponds.

Fig. 8: Polyculture- for efficient utilization of natural foods

D. Problems in Polyculture
Polyculture is an effective way to maximize benefit from available natural food
in a pond. But, pond management becomes more difficult when stocking fish
species having specialized feeding habits in the same pond. Judicious application
of fertilizers and nutritionally balanced feeding practices must have to be followed.
Inadequate fingerling supply at the right time severely limits the choice of species
available for polyculture; at least one species should have general rather than
Aquaculture: Types 31

specialized feeding behaviour. This will allow more of the available natural food
to be utilized.
An example of two species polyculture:
“Tilapia – Shrimp Polyculture in cages”

Methods of farming
Shrimps and Tilapia may be cultured simultaneously in the same pond. It is
necessary to stock tilapia after 15 days of stocking shrimp @ 1000 and 1, 00, 000
respectively per hectare (1000 and 10,00,000 nos./Hectare). The average weight
of the tilapia fish may be about 50gms each.Stocking more than the mentioned
number may compete with the shrimp habitat. Only 1000 nos /ha of stocked fish
will grow too fast and within 90 days of farming both fish and the shrimps may
be harvested at one time. However, if the farmer wants much larger fish, may
be transferred to another pond for continuation of farming. Subject to the provision
of nutritionally balanced feed at daily basis, the average growth of Tilapia to the
tune of 300gms may be achieved.

Fig. 9. Two species culture in cages (Tilapia–Prawn Polyculture)

Culture Tilapia in netted cages in shrimp ponds

This model is most applicable method and it is easy to harvest. In a 5000m2
shrimp pond, cover 300m2 areas with nets and stock 5000 tilapias in it: Raise
tilapia in a separate pond, and then transfer water from tilapia pond to shrimp
ponds for farming.

Farming of tilapia cages in shrimp ponds

- For intensive shrimp ponds with aerators installed, place tilapia cages in low-
lying zones in the middle of the ponds. These cages and areas will account
for 7-10% of each pond. Nets have sparse meshes (about 0.5-1cm). Only
stock unisexual, large sized tilapia (15-20fish/kg). Stocking density should be
at 6-8tilapia/m2.
32 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

- In high-density shrimp pond, stock tilapia in cages or netted areas. There is

no need of feeding. Ventilate the cages or nets once every 15 days.
- Regular change of water in ponds (once in every 1 month). Each time,
replace 15-20% of water in ponds. Use of bio products (once in every
10-15 days).


There is growing interest in recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) technology
especially in intensive finfish culture in the world. This is due to the perceived
advantages that RAS greatly reduces land and water requirements, offering a
high degree of control of the culture environment that allows year round growth
at optimal rates and fish biomass can be determined more accurately than in
ponds (Masser et al., 1999). A typical RAS consists of a water supply system,
mechanical and biological filtration, pumps to maintain water flows, aeration and
oxygenation system and other water treatment components that deliver optimal
water quality for fish growth within the system (Hutchinson et al. 2004). With
more stringent water pollution control, RAS provides greater environmental
sustainability than traditional aquaculture in managing waste production and also
a possibility to integrate it with agricultural activities such as using water effluent
for hydroponics (Summerfelt et al.2004). Another key advantage is that, RAS
technology is species-adaptable which allows operators to switch species to
follow market preference for seafood products (Timmons et al.2002). “Eventhough
RAS is capital intensive, claims impressive yields with year-round production is
attracting growing interest from prospective aquaculturist” (Losordo et al.1998,
As the aquaculture industry continues to grow in response to the demand for
increased fish products, the need for environmentally conscious operational practices
and facility designs becomes more important (Peachey, 2008). The intensive
aquaculture system culture employs intensive management of production system
where culturist must provide for all the biological needs of the cultured organism.
This method is often adopted in Recirculating Aquaculture System. Recirculating
aquaculture system (RAS) is the newest form of the fish farming production
system. RAS is typically an indoor system that allows farmers to control
environmental conditions year round. The RAS is advantageous over other
aquaculture systems in the reduction of incoming water volume (Verde gem et
al., 2006), reuse more water within the culture system, reduction in the amount
of water released and the effluent quality for better hygiene and disease
management and biological pollution control (Adamu et al., 2014).
Aquaculture: Types 33

Recirculation aquaculture is essentially a technology for farming fish or other

aquatic organisms by reusing the water in the production. The technology is
based on the use of mechanical and biological filters, and the method can in
principle be used for any species grown in aquaculture such as fish, shrimps,
clams, etc.Recirculating aquaculture systems are indoor, tank-based systems in
which fish are grown at high density under controlled environmental conditions.
Generally, farmers adopt a more intensive approach (higher densities and more
rigorous management) than other aquaculture production systems.Recirculating
aquaculture systems can be used where suitable land or water is limited, or
where environmental conditions are not ideal for the species being cultured.
Hence, the operation of RAS which are mechanically sophisticated and biologically
complex requires education, expertise and dedication (Duning etal. 1998).
In a recirculating aquaculture system the culture water is purified and reused
continuously. A recirculating aquaculture system is an almost completely closed
circuit. The produced waste products; non soluble waste, ammonium and CO2,
are either removed or converted into non-toxic products by the system components.
The purified water is subsequently, saturated with oxygen, and returned to the
fish tanks. By recirculating the culture water, the water and energy requirements
are limited to an absolute minimum. It is however not possible to design a fully
closed recirculating system. The non-degradable waste products must be removed
and evaporated water must be replaced. Still our recirculating aquaculture systems
are capable of reusing 90% or more of the culture water. To ensure good water
purification, recirculating aquaculture systems consist of a number of components
with specific functions. The fish culture systems must be able to:
● Remove solid particles (waste, spilled feed)
● Remove dissolved organic matter
● Convert ammonium into the less harmful nitrate
● Remove CO2 and add O2.

H. Heater

2 3 H
Fig.10: The basic recirculating aquaculture system consists of the following components:
1. Fish tanks 2. Sedimentation tank 3. Pump tank 4. Biotower and 5. Reception
34 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fig. 11: The different processes within a recirculating aquaculture system

‘RAS’= Re-defined
Recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) represent a new and unique way to
farm fish. Instead of the traditional method of growing fish outdoors in open
ponds and raceways, this system rears fish at high densities, in indoor tanks with
a “controlled” environment. Recirculating systems filter and clean the water and
recycling back through fish culture tanks.
In a RAS, water flows from a fish tank through a treatment process and is
then returned to the tank, hence the term recirculating aquaculture systems.
New water is added to the tanks only to make up for splash out evaporation
and to flush out waste materials. In contrast, many raceway systems used to
grow trout are termed “open” or “flow through” systems because all the water
makes only one pass through the tank and then is discarded.
Fish grown in RAS must be supplied with all the conditions necessary to
remain healthy and grow. They need a continuous supply of clean water at a
temperature and dissolved oxygen content that is optimum for growth. A filtering
(biofilter) system is necessary to purify the water and remove or detoxify harmful
waste products and uneaten feed. The fish must be fed a nutritionally-complete
feed on a daily basis to encourage faster growth and high survival.
Aquaculture: Types 35

Benefits of RAS
RAS offer fish producers a variety of important advantages over open pond
culture. These include a method to maximize production on a limited supply of
water and land, nearly complete environmental control to maximize fish growth
year-round, the flexibility to locate production facilities near large markets, complete
and convenient harvesting, quick and effective disease control.
RAS can be of various sizes ranging from large-scale production systems
(more than 450 metric tonnes per year) to intermediate-sized systems (225metric
tonnes per year), to small systems (more than 100metric tonnes per year). They
can be used as grow-out systems to produce food fish or as hatcheries to
produce eggs and fingerlings for sport fish stocking, growing out for minor carps
and ornamental fish for residential aquariums.
This is an excellent alternative to open pond culture where low densities
(extensive culture) of fish are reared free in large ponds and are subject to losses
from diseases, parasites, predation, pollutants, stress, and seasonally suboptimal
growing conditions.
RAS offers an unique opportunity of conversing both land area and
water.Maximum production of fish may be achieved in a relatively small area of
land and using a small volume of water.For example, using a RAS it is possible
to produce more than 45 metric tonnes of fish in a 5, 000 square-foot building,
whereas 20 acres of outdoor ponds would be necessary to produce an equal
amount of fish with traditional open pond culture.
Similarly, since water is reused, the water volume requirements in RAS are
only about 20% of what conventional open pond culture demands. They offer a
promising solution to water use conflicts, water quality, and waste disposal.
These concerns will continue to intensify in the future as water demand for a
variety of uses increases.

Location flexibility of RAS

RAS are particularly useful in areas where land and water are expensive and not
readily available. RAS requires relatively small amounts of land and water. In a
country like India, due to urbanization and increasing trend of industrialization the
facilities of gound water uses as open waters in the form of ponds, lakes,
reserevoirs etc. is gradually coming to an end. Places which are geographically
disadvantaged but the necessity of the availability of quality animal protein at a
cheaper rate is a major concern, the development of recirculatory aquaculture
36 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

system (RAS) reflects new light in the process. They can be located close to
large markets (urban areas) and thereby may minimize hauling distances and
transportation costs. There is an immense scope of the RAS near waste water
disposals from municipal water supplies where dechlorination is of utmost
importance for pisciculture. Nearly all species of food fish and sport fish that are
commonly reared in ponds including major and minor carps, catfish, snake heads
and tilapia etc. can readily be grown in high densities in confined tank systems
having recirculation facilities.

Species and Harvest Flexibility

RAS are currently being used to grow Indian Major and Minor carps, Prawn and
Shrimps, Catfish, Striped bass, Tilapia, Craw fish, Blue crabs, Oysters, Mussels,
and Aquarium pets. Indoor fish culture systems offer considerable flexibility to:
(1) Grow a wide diversity of fish species,
(2) Rear a number of different species simultaneously in the same tank
(polyculture) or different tanks (monoculture),
(3) Raise a variety of different sizes of one or several species to another depending
on market demand and price.
RAS afford growers the opportunity to manipulate production to meet demand
throughout the year and to harvest at the most profitable times during the year.
This flexibility in the selection of species and harvest time allows the grower to
rapidly respond to a changing marketplace in order to maximize production and

Disadvantages of RAS
RAS do have some disadvantages when compared to open pond culture. They
are relatively expensive systems to develop (building, tanks, plumbing, and biofilters)
and to operate (pumping, aerating, heating, lighting). Moreover, they are complex
systems and require skilled technical assistance to manage successfully.
Constant supervision and skilled technical support are required to manage
and maintain the relatively complex circulation, aeration, biofilter systems and to
conduct water quality analysis. The danger of mechanical or electrical power
failure and resulting fish loss is always a major concern when rearing fish in high
densities in small water volumes.
Aquaculture: Types 37

Operating at or near maximum carrying capacity requires fail-safes in the

form of emergency alarms and backup power and pump systems. The business
and biological risk factors are correspondingly high. Continuous vigilance and
quick reaction times (15 minutes or less) are needed to avert total mortality.
However, the higher risk factor, capital investment, and operating costs can be
offset by continuous production, reduced stress, improved growth, and production
of a superior product in the RAS.

The‘RAS’ Design
The functional parts of a RAS include:
(1) Growing tank,
(2) Sump of particulate removal device,
(3) Biofilter,
(4) Oxygen injection with U-tube aeration and,
(5) Water circulation pump.
Depending on the water temperature and fish species selected, a water
heating system may be necessary. Ozone and ultraviolet sterilization may also be
advantageous to reduce organic and bacterial loads.

Fish hatcheries with RAS facility are often fully closed and entirely controlled,
making them mostly biosecure - diseases and parasites cannot often get in.
Biosecurity means RAS can continusously operate without any chemicals, drugs
or antibiotics. Water supply is a regular route of pathogen entry, so RAS water
is often first disinfected or the water is obtained from a source that does not
contain fish or invertebrates that could be pathogen cariers.

Water quality and waste management

Water quality plays an important part in RAS systems which need continuous
monitoring by skilled managers since these parameters are directly concerned
with animal health, feed utilization, growth rates and carrying capacities. The
critical water quality parameters that are taken care in RAS are dissolved
oxygen, temperature, pH, alkalinity, suspended solids, ammonia, nitrite and
carbon dioxide (CO2). These parameters are interrelated in a complex series
of physical, chemical and biological reactions. Monitoring and making adjustments
38 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

in the system to keep the levels of these parameters within acceptable ranges is
very important to maintain the viability of the total system.
A successful water reuse system should consist of tanks, filters, pumps and
instrumentation (Helfrich.L.A and Libey.G 1991).

Fish tanks
Fish tanks may be round or octagonal or square design with rounded corners and
the arrangement of in-and outlets of water treatment units should support the
circular water flow. Aqua jets may be kept additionally for enhanced water flow
and aeration.The circular flow promotes the performances of stocked fishes.
Circular tanks are good culture vessels because they provide virtually complete
mixing and a uniform culture environment. When properly designed, circular
tanks are essentially self-cleaning. This minimizes the labour costs associated
with tank cleaning. (Nazar et al., 1990).

Aeration systems
Usage of air diffusers is preferred in RAS. These diffusers produce small air
bubbles within the tank that rise through the water column. The smaller the
bubbles and the deeper the tank, more oxygen is transferred.

The biological filter (biofilter) is the heart of the RAS. As the name implies, it
is a living filter composed of a media (corrugated plastic sheets or beads or sand
grains) upon which a film of bacteria grows. The bacteria provide the waste
treatment by removing pollutants. The two primary water pollutants that need to
be removed are (1) fish waste (toxic ammonia compounds) excreted into the
water and (2) uneaten fish feed particles. The biofilter is the site where beneficial
bacteria remove (detoxify) fish excretory products, primarily ammonia.

Ammonia and Nitrite Toxicity

Ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fish. Ammonia in water occurs in two forms:
ionized ammonium (NH4+) and unionized (free) ammonia (NH3). The latter
NH3, is highly toxic to fish in small concentrations and should be kept at levels
below 0.05 mg/l. The total amount of NH3 and NH4 remain in proportion to one
another for a given temperature and pH, and a decrease in one form will be
Aquaculture: Types 39

compensated by conversion of the other. The amount of unionized ammonia in

the water is directly proportional to the temperature and pH. As the temperature
of pH increases, the amount of NH3 relative to NH4 also increases.
In addition to ammonia, nitrite (NO2) poisoning of fish also is an imminent
danger in RAS. Nitrite levels should be kept below 0.5 mg/l. Brown blood
disease (methemoglobinemia) occurs in cultured salmon and channel catfish when
hemoglobin is oxidized by nitrite to form methemoglobin (a respiratory pigment of
the blood that cannot transport oxygen). The disease can occur at nitrite
concentrations of 0.5 mg/l or greater. As the name implies, the blood has a
characteristic chocolate brown color. Adding salt (NaCl) at a rate of 1 pound per
120 gallons of water (a chloride to nitrite ratio of 16:1) will suppress this disease
in soft water; a ratio of 3:1 is effective in hard water.

Calculating Ammonia Loading

The amount of ammonia excreted into a tank depends on a number of variables
including the species, sizes, and densities of fish stocked and environmental
conditions (temperature, pH). Ammonia loading can be roughly estimated from
the biomass (weight) of fish in the tank or it can be based on the weight of feed
fed each day.
On the average about 25 mg (milligrams) of ammonia per day is produced
for every 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of fish in the tank. Therefore, in a tank
containing 1, 000 striped bass fingerlings each weighing 75 g (75, 000 g total fish
weight), the daily ammonia load produced by all the fish would be 18, 750 mg
(18.8 g). To remedy excessively high ammonia levels, add freshwater, eliminate
feeding or reduce the density of fish in the tank.
Ammonia loading also can be estimated based on the total amount of feed
fed. For manufactured fish feed with standard protein levels of 30 to 40 percent,
simply multiply the total weight of the feed (in grams) 25 times. For example, if
the fingerling stripers are fed 1 pound (454 grams) of pelleted feed per day, the
amount of ammonia produced per tank would be about 11, 350 mg per day.

Ammonia is a poisonous waste product excreted by fish. Since fish cannot
tolerate this poison, detoxifying ammonia is fundamental to good water quality,
healthy fish, and high production.
40 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Detoxification of ammonia occurs on the biofilter through the process of

nitrification. Nitrification refers to the bacterial conversion of ammonia nitrogen
(NH3) to less toxic NO2, and finally to non-toxic NO3. The process requires a
suitable surface on which the bacteria can grow (biofilter media), pumping an
continuous flow of tank water through the biofilter, and maintaining normal water
temperatures and good water quality.
Two groups of aerobic (oxygen requiring), nitrifying bacteria are needed for
this job. Nitrosomonas bacteria convert NH3 to NO2 (they oxidize toxic ammonia
excreted by fish to less toxic nitrite), the Nitrobacter bacteria convert NO2 to
NO3 (they oxidize toxic nitrite to largely nontoxic nitrate).
Nitrification is an aerobic process and requires oxygen. For every 1 milligram
of ammonia converted about 5 milligrams of oxygen is consumed, and additional
5 milligrams of oxygen is required to satisfy the oxygen demand of the bacteria
involved with this conversion. Therefore, tanks with large numbers of fish and
heavy ammonia loads will require plenty of oxygen before and after the biofiltration
Nitrification is an acidifying process, but is most efficient when the pH is
maintained between 7 and 8 and the water temperature is about 27-280C. Acidic
water (less than pH 6.5) inhibits nitrification and should be avoided. Soft, acidic
waters may require the addition of carbonates (calcium carbonate, sodium
bicarbonate) to buffer the water. The addition of a salt as a therapeutic in striped
bass as freshwater bacteria temporarily adjust to alteration in salinity.

Biofilter Design and Materials

A biofilter, in its simplest form, is a wheel, barrel, or box that is filled with a media
that provides a large surface area on which nitrifying bacteria can grow. The
biofilter container can be constructed of a variety of materials, including plastic,
wood, glass, metal, concrete, or any other nontoxic substance. In small-scale
systems, some growers have used plastic garbage cans or septic tanks. The size
of the biofilter directly determines the carrying capacity of fish in the system.
Larger biofilters have a great ammonia assimilation capacity and can support
greater fish production.
A biofilter must provide sufficient surface area for the colonization (attachment)
of nitrifying bacteria. It needs to provide a large surface area to support bacterial
populations at densities adequate to reduce the load of waste products (ammonia)
excreted by the fish population in the tank. It is essential that the water flowing
through the biofilter come into direct contact with the bacteria film growing on
Aquaculture: Types 41

the surface media for a time period sufficient to allow the bacteria to convert
toxic NH3 and NO2 to less toxic NO3. Careful calculation of the flow-through
rates (turnover or contact time) and size (volume and depth of the biofilter) is
The biofilter media can be corrugated plastic, Styrofoam or glass beads, lava
rock, sand, gravel, or similar material that supplies large surface area. The quality
and quantity of surface area of the media provided for nitrifying bacteria are
important determinants of the efficiency of the biofilter.
The ideal biofilter media has:
(1) High surface area for dense bacterial growth,
(2) Sufficient pore spaces for water movement,
(3) Clog resistance,
(4) Easy cleaning and maintenance characteristics.

Biofilter Sizing
The biofilter in any RAS design must be sized to correspond with the other
system components.
Important factors that must be considered in designing a biofilter are:
1. Media surface area (square feet of surface for bacteria attachment),
2. Ammonia leading (ounces of ammonia that need to be converted per day per
square foot of media area), and hydraulic loading (gallons of water per day
per square foot media surface).

Types of Biofilters
Biofilters can be configured in many ways. The two general categories are:
(1) Submerged bed filters and
(2) Emerged bed filters.
Submerged bed filters can have fixed (immobile) media in which the water
flow can be upward, downward or horizontally through the media.
The fluidized bed reactor (FBR) is a commonly used submerged bed filter.
The FBR consists of fine particles (sand, dense plastic, glass beads, minerals,
etc.) in a container through which upwelling water flows thereby “fluidizing” or
suspending the media in the water column. FBRs offer large surface area per
42 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

unit volume and theoretically greater nitrification. However, as with other

submerged bed filters, all of the oxygen needed for conversion of ammonia to
nitrate must be dissolved. Submerged bed filters often need supplemental aeration
both before and after the water passes through the filter. If the inlet dissolved
oxygen is low, the efficiency of ammonia conversion is reduced.

Emerged bed filters are of two basic types

(a) Trickling filter (TF) sometimes called packed columns, and
(b) Rotating biological contactors (RBC). These filters have the advantage of not
requiring the addition of oxygen prior to water entering the filter. In fact,
these filters frequently supply all the oxygen used to support fish respiration.
For this reason these types of filters are often employed in RAS. The
trickling filter is designed to have water slowly cascade down through the
media column, which is suspended above the water. Water enters the column
(which is filled with biofilter media) from an overhead spray pipe and trickles
down through the biofilter media where nitrification occurs. The waterfall
action of this filter adds oxygen to aerate the water.

Recirculation Rates (turnover times)

The recirculation rate (turnover time) is the amount of water exchanged per unit
of time. This can easily be determined by dividing the volume of water in the tank
by the capacity of the pump (in gallons per minute). For example, the turnover
rate in a 2, 500 gallon tank system circulated with a water pump rated at 45
gallons (20, 052liters) per minute (63, 360 gallons per day or 2, 88, 03, 456 liters/
day) would be 25.3 tank volumes per day (a rate of slightly more than one
volume per hour). Increasing the number of turnovers per day would provide
increased biofiltration, greater nitrification (bacterial contact), and reduced ammonia
levels. Most fish production recirculation systems are designed to provide at least
one complete turnover per hour (24 cycles per day).

The ability of isolate the components of the system (biofilter, fish tank, and sump)
is an important design feature, particularly critical when it becomes necessary to
do filter maintenance or to treat the fish with chemicals and drugs. Cleaning and
declogging static biofilters can pose difficult problems, particularly if there is no
provision for shutting down the system for maintenance. Some therapeutic
chemicals and drugs used to treat such fish may be harmful to nitrifying bacteria
Aquaculture: Types 43

on the biofilter. A sudden drop in the efficiency of the bacteria can result in toxic
NH3 concentrations and fish kills. Other filters: Other types of filtration (mechanical
and chemical) are available and can sometimes be used to supplement the
efficiency of biofilters in removing ammonia in fish production systems. Most of
these measures are useful only to temporarily control ammonia and nitrite in
small systems. In chemical filtration, water is pumped through a chemical media
of activated carbon, zeolite, or other substances. These chemicals have microscopic
pores that trap ammonia ions and remove them from the water. The familiar
activated charcoal filter, popular in aquaria, can be incorporated as an auxiliary
filter to support biofiltration in fish production systems, but this form of filtration
requires periodic replacement with large quantities of relatively costly activated
charcoal. Zeolite filters are frequently used to remove NH4 (and indirectly NH3)
at an estimated rate of 1 mg NH4 per 1gm of zeolite. The use of zeolite requires
regular and constant pumping of water through the filter and regular replacement
of large quantities of expensive zeolite. Zeolite can be recharged with a salt
solution (10%) and reused, but salt water disposal then becomes an environmental
problem, particularly in inland waters.

A sump (clarifier tank) is used to prevent the excessive accumulation of fish
excretory products and waste feed. Waste products increase the biological oxygen
demand (BOD), decrease the dissolved oxygen content, lower the carrying capacity
(density of fish) that can be reared, and may result in off-flavor in fish products.
Accumulation and decomposition of waste material results in the production of
toxic compounds such as ammonia (NH4, NH3, NO2) and hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) that can be hazardous to fish health. The clarifier tank is designed as a
settling basin (large volume tank with a slow flow rate to increase sedimentation).
Its purpose is to concentrate and remove suspended solids (fish feces, uneaten
feed particles) before they clog the biofilter or consume valuable oxygen supplies.
The clarifier should be a separate tank, isolated from the fish tank and the
biofilter, so that it can be cleaned periodically (daily) as needed. To increase the
efficiency of the clarifier, various filters (plastic filters, sand filters, metal screens)
can be inserted into the sump tank.The sump tank should have a v-shaped bottom
to concentrate waste particles and facilitate cleaning.

Oxygen Management
Successful fish production depends on good oxygen management. The addition
of oxygen in a pure form or as atmospheric air (aeration) is essential to:
44 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

(1) The survival (respiration) of fish held in high densities,

(2) The survival of aerobic, nitrifying bacteria on the biofilter and,
(3) For the decomposition (oxidation) of organic waste products.
Supplying sufficient oxygen to sustain healthy fish and bacterial populations
and to meet the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) for fish waste and
unconsumed food is critical. Maintain oxygen levels, near saturation or even at
slightly super-saturation at all times. Low oxygen levels will reduce growth, feed
conversion rates, and overall fish production. The amount of oxygen needed in
RAS depends on a number of factors. Oxygen demand is directly correlated with
the density of fish in the tanks, feeding rates, water temperatures, flow rates, and
nitrification. It is also a function of physical conditions such as water temperature
and water volumes. Increasing dissolved oxygen concentrations through oxygen
injection, aeration, and increasing water flow rates (turnover times) are ways to
increase the density (carrying capacity) of fish that can be held in tanks of fixed
size. Atmospheric oxygen can be added to the tanks by surface agitation with
aerators or by large blowers. Surface aerators may not be cost effective or
efficient in evenly distributing oxygen throughout large commercial-scale systems.
Blowers can be effectively used to supply oxygen and also to mechanically rotate

Pure Oxygen
Pure oxygen injection systems are increasingly being used in aquaculture. They
are particularly useful in maintaining oxygen-saturated conditions in recirculating
systems with high densities of fish. Pure oxygen can be delivered and stored in
a tank as liquid oxygen or it can be produced on-site by a oxygen generator.
Bottled oxygen gas also is sometimes kept as an emergency backup system for
RAS, but this alternative usually is too expensive and bulky to be practical. Liquid
oxygen technology is relatively simple, efficient, and cost-effective; especially if
purchased in bulk quantities and if the site is located near a reliable supplier. A
liquid oxygen system consists of a storage tank for the liquid gas, vaporizers to
turn liquid oxygen to gas, and supply lines to the fish tanks. It conveniently
requires no external power supply and is therefore free of power failures and the
consequent fish kills. Most growers rent or purchase a liquid oxygen storage tank
of a size sufficient to provide two to four week supply of oxygen. The size of
the tank corresponds with the fish production capacity of the system.
Aquaculture: Types 45

Oxygen Diffusion
Effective diffusion of pure oxygen gas into a liquid (water) can best be
accomplished using a U-tube oxygenation, counter-current flow injectors, or micro-
bubble devices (tubes or fine wetstones). The purpose is to dissolve much of the
oxygen injected so that it is available to the fish, rather than wasted by bubbling
out of solution to the atmosphere.

Ozone Sterilization
Ozone (O3) is a naturally occurring gas (upper atmosphere) that consists of three
atoms of oxygen. It is a powerful oxidizing agent that can be used to break down
compounds. Ozone must be used with caution since it is directly toxic to aquatic
life and may form harmful biproducts (hypochlorite, hypobromite). Careful redox
potential measurements and special injection equipment apparatus are needed to
determine and control ozone applications.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Control and Removal

In addition to toxic ammonia, carbon dioxide tends to concentrate in intensive fish
production systems. As carbon dioxide increases, the pH of the water decreases,
and fish respiration is affected. Carbon dioxide levels should be maintained at
levels less than 20 mg/l for good fish growth. Some carbon dioxide is beneficial
since it reduces pH and mitigates ammonia toxicity. Carbon dioxide removal can
be accomplished with any device (RBC, packed column) that increases air-water
contact.CO2 is usually removed through some form of gas exchange process
either by exposing the water to air in a “waterfall” type of environment, or mixing
air into the water to remove excess CO2.

Disinfection of culture water

Installation of suitable UV sterilizers or ozonisers in the water flow would remove
unwanted bacteria, algae and pathogens. The capacity and the flow rate of the
UV sterilizer/ ozoniser should be calculated based the on quantity of water to be
treated and effectiveness of treatment.
46 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fig.12: Temperature control unit in RAS Fig.13: Drum filter in RAS

Fig.14: Sprinkler device for aeration Fig.15: The RAS shed

Fig. 16: Fishes in a RAS

Fig. 17: Schematic view of closed recirculating aquaculture system (After Yoshino. H, D.E. Gruenberg, I. Watanabe, K. Miyajima,
O. Satoh and K. Nashimoto. Changes in Water Quality and Performance of a Closed Recirculating Aquaculture System.
Aquaculture: Types 47
48 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach


Prof.Chandra Sekhar Chakraborty, the then Vice-Chancellor of West Bengal,
University of Animal and Fisheries Sciences (WBUAFS) while delivering his
address to a group of farmers engaged in agro-fisheries activities on the possibilities
of agriculture developments vis-à-vis the growing requirement and demand of
food stuff, expressed the idea of integrating the farming systems, can only
save the poverty at least in a country like India, and”Integration of fish
farming is no exception.” Integrated Farming System is a resource management
strategy to achieve economic and sustained agricultural production to meet diverse
requirements of farm household while preserving the resource base and maintaining
high environmental quality. This farming system seems to answer the problems
of increasing food production, increasing net farm income, improving nutritional
status, promoting natural resource management, sustainable use of land, water
and biota.
The concept of an all-round development of agriculture, animal husbandry,
fisheries and other sideline occupations are economically and environmentally
sound, the motivation for integration would appear to be the national policy of
diversification of production.
Under the gradual shrinking of land holding, it is necessary to integrate land
based enterprises like fishery, poultry, duckery, apiary, field and horticultural crops
etc. within the bio-physical and socio-economic environment of the farmers to
make farming more profitable and dependable (Rana, 2015).Integrated farming
involving aquaculture defined broadly is the concurrent or sequential linkage
between two or more activities, of which at least one is aquaculture. These
may occur directly on-site or indirectly through off-site needs and opportunities,
or both. Benefits of integration are synergistic rather than additive; and the fish
and livestock components may benefit to varying degrees. The term “waste” has
not been omitted because of common usage but philosophically and practically it
is better to consider wastes as “resources out of place” (Little and Edwards,
2003).Farming is a stochastic dynamic, biological and open system with human
and social involvement. It specifically refers to crop combination or enterprise-
mix in which the products and/or the by-products of one enterprise serve as the
input for the production of other enterprise (Bhuyan, 2014).

A. Basic Principles
Integrated fish farming is based on the concept that ‘there is no waste’, and
waste is only a misplaced resource which can become a valuable material for
Aquaculture: Types 49

another product (Vincki, 1977). In integrated farming, the basic principles involve
the utilization of the synergetic effects of inter-related farm activities and the
conservation, including the full utilization of farm wastes.
Integrated fish farming is a system of producing fish in combination with
other agricultural and livestock farming operations centered on the fish pond. The
farming sub-systems e.g. fish, crop and livestock are linked to each other in such
a way that the by products/and wastes from one sub-system become the valuable
inputs to another sub-system and thus ensures total utilization of land and water
resources of the farm resulting in maximum and diversified farm output with
minimum financial and labour costs (FAO: Corporate Document Repository).The
integration of aquaculture with livestock or crop farming provides quality
protein food, resource utilization, recycling of farm waste, employment
generation and economic development. Integrated fish farming is well developed
culture practice in China followed by Hungary, Germany and Malaysia. Our
country, India--the country is organic-based and derives inputs from agriculture
and animal husbandry. The integrated fish farming is accepted as a sustainable
form of aquaculture. For integration we can use recycled effluents from agro­
based industries as well as food processing plants at minimum financial and labor
costs. Integrated aquaculture is the concurrent or sequential linkage between two
or more farm activities, of which at least one is aquaculture.
Integrated Farming System is a resource management strategy to achieve
economic and sustained agricultural production to meet diverse requirements of
farm household while preserving the resource base and maintaining high
environmental quality. This farming system seems to answer the problems of
increasing food production, increasing net farm income, improving nutritional
status, promoting natural resource management, sustainable use of land, water
and biota.
● Integrated fish farming offers tremendous potential for food security and
poverty alleviation in urban and periurban areas.
● It is an efficient way of using the same land resource to produce carbohydrate
as well as animal protein and important micronutrients concurrently or serially.
● Optimization of available natural resources use.
● Diversification of income generating activities.
● Improvement of soil fertility.
● Improved pest control with less use of chemicals (pesticides, fertilizers).
● Aquatic Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use could be enhanced.
50 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

● Efficient waste utilisation from different culture practice for fish production.
● It reduces the additional cost for supplementary feeding as well as fertilisation.
● It is an artificial balanced ecosystem where there is no waste.
● It provides more employment avenues.
● It reduces the input and increases output and economic efficiency.
● The integrated fish farming provides fish along with meat (chicken, duck,
beef, pork etc.), milk, vegetables, fruits, eggs, grains, fodder, mushroom etc.
● This practice has potential to increase the production and socio-economic
status of weaker section of our society.

Table. 2: Types of integrated fish farming

a) Fish cum Agriculture system b) Fish cum Animal system

Fish cum paddy culture Fish cum Dairy
Fish cum water chest nut Fish cum Pig farming
Fish cum papaya Fish cum rabbit farming
Fish cum mulberry Fish cum poultry
Fish cum mushroom Fish cum duck farming

B. Paddy-cum-Fish culture
Production of fish in paddy fields is almost as primitive as the practice of paddy
culture itself. Paddy farming with fish culture is a type of dual-culture farming
system in which paddy is the sole enterprise and fishes are taken to initiate
additional for extra income.
Paddy-cum-fish culture is practiced in many rice-growing belts of the world
mainly in the South Eastern Asian region. Rearing of fish along with paddy is a
classic traditional farming practice adopted in India. It has largely been practiced
in a primitive way in the coastal areas of the country.As a socio-economic
activity, fisheries ranks second in the world to agriculture sector. India is an agro­
based country more so both rice and fish are considered as the staple and most
preferred food items and Fishery has been playing a significant and dynamic role
in terms of nutrition, employment, foreign exchange earnings, and more importantly
socio-economic stability in the rural areas.However, during the beginning of ‘green
revolution’ at least in India paddy-cum-fish culture practices declined drastically
as rice production intensified and chemical insecticides were heavily applied.
From the late 70’s on, however, less toxic chemicals, better varieties of paddy,
and the increase in availability of fish seed as aquaculture developed, all led to
Aquaculture: Types 51

renewed interest in fish production from rice fields. Though the paddy-cum-fish
culture a large number of small rural producers are benefitting from aquaculture
in their rice fields. The fish produced are either fingerlings for ongrowing in other
aquaculture systems or table fish for domestic market and house hold consumtion
(Williams, 1997).It has been reported that rice fish culture led to financial returns
that were 41% higher than rice alone. Part of the increase was due to increasing
rice yields as a result of the apparent mutualism of rice-fish production, i.e.,
adding fish to rice fields tends to increase, or at least not decrease, rice yields.India
enjoys about 4% of world’s freshwater resources ranking it among the top ten
water rich countries.It is very rich in natural water resources in the form of
rivers, reservoirs, ditches, lakes, ponds & tanks, flood plains and large areas of
rice fields etc. and in monsoon it receives every year, precipitation in the form
of rain and snowfall which provide over 4000 cu km of freshwater to India, of
which 2047 cu km return to oceans or is precipitated.The paddy (rice)-fish
farming culture (Fig.18) involves the simultaneous production of rice and fish
within irrigated rice fields to obtain an added profit multiplier in terms of value
and production. In paddy cum fish culture, initially strong attention is given on
technically feasible paddy cum fish pond bed preparation, ecologically sustainable
stocking of different species of fish along with cultivars of selected paddy variety,
addition of inputs like feed, mineral and organic fertilizers and ancillary post
stocking managements is undertaken. Fish harvesting is done after paddy is
reaped from the agrarian wetland. As the water level increases with the onset
of monsoon during June-July, the farmers release advanced fingerlings at a
modest density of about 500-1000/ha.

Fig.18: Integration of fish with paddy

Fish stay in the paddy field up to December and start migrating to the actual
fish pond as the water level goes down in the paddy field (Fig.18). Paddy is
harvested during November-December followed by harvest of fish in January-
February. Farmers use organic and inorganic fertilizers during paddy field
preparation. Application of lime, to keep the alkaline state of soil and water.
52 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fig. 19: Releasing of fish seeds in paddy cum fish culture farm

The principal objective of sustainable paddy-cum fish

i. To assess the relative profitability of using paddy-cum-fish culture compare
to monoculture of paddy crops.
ii. To determine the effects of the paddy-cum-fish culture in changing yields,
total costs, fish consumption and labour employment as compared to the
iii. To identify the major problems in conducting integrated paddy-fish farming
iv. To determine the effect of different fish combinations on fish yield in Paddy­
cum-Fish culture system, with a view to recommending the outcome to
prospective rice/fish farmers.

Fig. 20: Culture of paddy and fish together

Aquaculture: Types 53

Benefits of Integrated paddy cum fish culture system

1. Improves the soil fertility & soil health.
2. Increasing economic yield per unit area.
3. Reduction in production costs.
4. Decreases farm input requirements.
5. Multiple income sources.
6. Family income support.
7. Efficient utilization of family labour.
8. Reduction in animal feeding requirements.
9. Minimize the use of chemical fertilizers.
10. Provides balanced nutritious food for the farmers.
11. Solves the energy problems with biogas.
12. Avoids degradation of forests.
13. Enhance employment generation.
14. Pollution free environment.
15. Recycling of resources.
16. Improves the status & livelihood of the farmer.

Practices / or technology engaged in paddy cum fish farming

Site selection
The site selection for rice cum fish farming is low lying area where water flows
easily and available at any time in needs.
Soil quality
The soil of the paddy field should be fertile, rich in organic manure and has high
water holding capacity. Usually medium textured soils like silty clay or silty clay
loam are most suitable for paddy cum fish farming/ or shrimp culture.
Bund preparation
The plots selected for paddy cum fish culture are normally prepared in the month
of February by raising their embankment all along the plots. The paddy fields are
suitable for fish culture at the areas because of strong bund, which prevent
leakage of water to retain water upto desired depth and also guarded the escape
of cultivated fingerlings/ or fishes during the floods. The dykes should be built
strong enough to make up the height due to geographical and topographic location
of the field. The bamboo screen mating should be done at the base of the bund
area for its support.
54 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Field leveling
After the completion of bund construction the base of paddy fields are leveled
with the help of spade and local made wooden plates. Manual weeding is done
during the month of February followed by construction of irrigated channel for
easy passage, storage and draining of water. There are 2-3 channels constructed
at the middle of paddy field for water management. The channel divides the
paddy field perpendicular and horizontally bisect at a point. It is important to note
that almost all paddy field have one or two inlets and more outlets. The former
serve as entry of water required for the field and the later as outlets, one which
remains at the bottom side of the dykes is meant for draining out the water for
harvesting paddy crops and fishes. The remaining outlet constructed at the middle
height of the dykes is meant for maintaining desirable water depth. Once the
dressing work is over, the paddy field is ready for transplantation of rice seedling
and fish seed stocking. However, the stocking of fish seed is done after 10-15
days of transplantation of rice seedling from its nursery bed.

Pond construction
The paddy plots are renovated suitably for the purpose of paddy cum fish culture.
These may be fresh water or, brackish water. Construction of an earthen dyke
surrounding the paddy plot is essential for retaining water and also for holding the
fish and shrimp during aquaculture. The height of the dyke is required to be
maintained between 50 and 100 cm depending upon the topography of the plot
and tidal amplitude at the site. A perimeter canal is necessary on the inner
periphery of the plot. For a one ha paddy plot, the width and depth of the canal
may be about 2 m and 1 m respectively. The earth removed from excavating the
canal is generally utilized for constructing or strengthening the dyke. In addition
to the perimeter canal, two cross trenches of about 1 m width are also constructed
at both the directions. The bottom of the trenches generally kept above the
perimeter canal so that during the course of desalination, entire water can easily
be removed to the canal. The area covered by the perimeter canal and the
trenches are about 12% of the total land area

Flooding and Weeding of Paddy

After transplantation of paddy seedlings the field area are flooded. Adequate
care is taken to keep the water level at a minimum of 5-7cm to allow proper
filtering therefore, the water level is kept at 30 -50 cm deep, until the rice
matures. The weed control measures was adopted by manual method by uprooting
the weeds on both side of the plots of cultivated rice and generallyit is carried
out twice/ or thrice in a week. Chemical method of weed control is avoided to
ensure proper growth and survivality of fishes stocked.
Aquaculture: Types 55

Fertilization of Rice Fields

The plots utilized for rice-cum-fish culture is mainly based on organic fertilization
with a varieties of animal excreta such as poultry dropping, pig excreta, cow dung
and waste of plants such as rice husks, waste product of local beer and ashes from
household brunt and remains of burnt straws after the harvest is over and compost
fertilizer like decomposed straws, weeds and rice stalks etc. The Fertilization of the
paddy field is mainly practiced and was done with dried cow dung at the rate of 20­
30 kg /100 m2 at least in a fortnight. Broadcasting the fertilizer evenly on the fields
from various points of the dykes is the usual practice.

Stocking of fish seeds

Before releasing of fish seed to paddy field the paddy transplantation from seed
beds to main paddy fields is done in the month of April, and there after paddy
is left for two weeks for strengthening of paddy roots there after the fish seed
@ 2500 nos./ha area is released. The fish rearing period varied from 3-6 months
and the paddy rearing period is 5-7 months.

Stocking of Fish Fingerlings

The fish fingerlings initially having average weights between 50-100g respectively
are stocked @ 500-1000nos. of fish / 100m2 respectively after flooding.

Table 3: The most promising deep water rice varieties chosen for different states.

Sl.No. States in India Varieties

01. Andhra Pradesh PLA-2
02. Assam IB-1, IB-2 , AR-1, 353-146
03. Punjab BR-14, Jisurya
04. Kerala AR61-25B, PTB-16
05. Tamil Nadu TNR-1, TNR
06. Uttar Pradesh Jalamagan
07. West Bengal Jaladhi-1, Jaladhi-2, IET4786 popularly known as Gitanjali,
Marisal, IET20235 popularly knownas Sujala, IET17713
popularly known as Rajdeep, IET19886 popularly known as
Kanak, Swarnali, Amala, IET23403 popularly known as Gosaba
5, WGL 20471, Swarna sub1, Swatabdi, Ajit, Neeraja(IET-11865),
Pankaj, Biraj(CNM-539), Suresh (CNM-540), Sabita(IET-8970),
IET-10222(Panidhan), Rajshree(TCA-80-4)(IET-7970),
Sudha(TCA-72)(IET-8977) Ratnagiri-2, Saraswathi (IET-11271),
Bhagirathi (IET-11272), Mahananda (IET - 11910), Barsha.
08. Manipur Thoddabi
56 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Water Quality Monitoring

Essential water quality parameters such as temperature, transparency of water,
pH of water, dissolved oxygen, conductivity etc. are usually determined using
standard methods. Plankton population densities in water are also determined in
accordance with the standard methods.

Feeding of stocked fingerlings

Feeding of the stocked fish in the paddies starts immediately after stocking at
pre-determined feeding spots. The fish were fed once in a day. The desired
composition and quantity of the feed ingredients are given to the fingerlings at
proper scheduled period. The feed is given @ 3% of the total fish stocked, in the
system everyday preferably during morning hours.

Table 4: The ingredients and their percentage in fish feed during Paddy cum fish culture.

Ingredients generally used as fish feed (%)

De-oiled rice bran (DORB) 60%
Mustered Oiled Cake (MOC) 29%
Ground nut oiled cake(GNOC) 10%
Common salt 0.5%
Vitamin and mineral mixture 0.5%

Growth Rate
Monitoring of growth rate of fish in the pond is generally carried out randomly
netting the fish using a hand net. The timely weight and the measurements were
taken and the fish returned to the trenches. Feeding rates were adjusted
accordingly. Feed was used to attract the fish before each sub-sampling. The
mean growth rates (MGR) are also calculated for each fish species.

Gears use for harvesting fishes is simple bamboo made basket called cane/
bamboo. The fishes remain under culture conditions for the period of 3-4 months
in rice field, and a production of ± 500 Kgs/ha are achieved.
Methodology used for harvesting: The water is drained through outlet pipe,
and thus allowing fishes and water accumulated in mid channel of paddy field,
Aquaculture: Types 57

thereby the fishes are caught by hand picking, kept in large plastic bucket in live
condition. After completion of fish harvesting the paddy harvesting is followed.
Normally paddy harvesting is made last part of September and October. The
paddy production range from 3500-4500 Kgs/ha from the same plot of land.

Advantages and disadvantages of fish culture in paddy fields

The socio-economic importance of fish culture in rice fields evidently indicates
that the deficit of animal protein in densely populated rice growing areas. In these
areas usually all the available field space is used for rice leaving little space for
cattle, sheep and poultry, which do not produce enough meat (Schuster, 1955).
Thus fish grown in the paddy fields will be ideal use of land and would also be
an easy source of cheap and fresh animal proteins. Thus fish culture can greatly
contribute to the socio-economic welfare of rural populations of especially
developing countries. An added advantage also is that unlike sea fish or other
animal proteins, the fish from the local paddy fields would cause no transport
problem and would be most fresh and healthy.
The production of a fish crop between the rice crops gives the farmer an off­
season occupation (Hora and Pillay, 1962).Hickling (1962) points out that this
“increases the income without increasing expenses”. Apart from the additional
income available from paddy-cum-fish culture, the combined culture leads to a
reduction in labour in weeding and an increase in the yield of paddy by 5 to 15%.
Schuster et al (1955) reported an increase of 6.2% in rice production in Indonesia,
10% in Malaysia, 10 – 15% in China and in Zimbabwe 6%. Using an improved
strain (CR 1108), Sinha Babu et al. (1983) observed that rice growth with Indian
carps in paddy-cum-fish culture trials showed an increase of 3.8 – 6.2%. The
increase in paddy production is ascribed to various factors, namely:
1. Increase in organic fertilization by fish excreta and remains of artificial feed.
2. Better tilling of the rice seedlings due to the activity of the fish.
3. Reduction in the number of harmful insects, such as paddy stem borers,
whose larvae are eaten by fish.
4. Reduction in rat population due to increase in the water level.
5. Increased mineralization of the organic matter and increased aeration of the
soil resulting from the puddling of mud by benthic feeders.
58 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

6. Control of algae and weeds (by phytophagous fish) which compete with rice
for light and nutrients.

Coche (1967) lists the following disadvantages in fish culture in paddy fields.
1. A greater supply of irrigation water and a greater water depth required for
fish culture. Especially in view of the shortage of water due to increased
anthropogenic demands might cause serious difficulty in future.
2. Extra investment and labour involved in raising and strengthening fields bunds.
3. The need for rice variety tolerant to deep water and to low temperature.
4. Fish may damage the young seedlings by uprooting them (carps) or eating
them (Tilapia sp.).
5. Certain parts of the field are lost for fish culture by the construction of
trenches and refuges for fish.
6. Additional costs are involved in fertilizing and feeding the fish.
7. In certain types of soil continuous inundation may not be possible.

General considerations
The greatest difficulty in paddy-cum-fish culture may be attributed to the
indiscriminate use of herbicides and pesticides in growing paddy seedlings - most
of these are harmful to fish. Judicious application of these, to an extent some
reduction in damage is possible, but most insecticides even in the lightest dose
may kill the fishes. The organochlorines are in this way more harmful than
organophosphorus insecticides. For example, among several insecticides viz. the
organochlorine, ‘Endosulfan’ kills carp and T. mossambica 100 – 1000 times faster
than the organophosphorus (Kutty et al, 1977). Albeit many insecticides are easily
bio-degradable and their toxicity is reduced greatly within a few days’ time.
Hence choosing some less harmful and quickly bio-degradable biocides is necessary
to protect both the paddy and the fish.
Perhaps one may control the time of application i.e. by applying the biocides
soon after transplantation before the fish are introduced, by then the potency of
the biocides would have become least. But in spite of such an approach the
possibility of accumulation of pesticides which may not kill, cannot be ruled out.
As discussed earlier it appears the whole ecosystem of each crop, is upset
drastically by the use of chemicals and biocides - the whole biological complex
is changed. And several pests have developed immunity to various chemicals
Aquaculture: Types 59

applied to control them. Thus the ultimate cannot be an increase of chemical

applications to protect the crop, but to evolve more harmonious methods in line
with sound biological principles. This has already been proved in some cases in
crop protection, by use of biological control methods. Let us hope that such
methods, which are within the reach of man, will be evolved so that fish and
paddy can be grown together in the vast expanse of water which is available on
the global surface as paddy fields.
The paddy -cum-fish culture is an innovative farming system in which, rice
is the main enterprise and raising of fish as integration is taken as additional
means to secure extra income. Paddy-cum- fish culture reduces poverty of the
farmers and also improves the yield, create employment opportunity, and increase
nutrient intake which brings food security for them. Other classic examples of
composite fish culture along with vegetable crops, (Fig. 21& 21a).

Fig. 21&21a: Pumpkin- Fish integration & Fish-cum-other vegetable farming

C. Integrated fish-cum-cattle farming

Fish-cum-Dairy Farming is considered as an excellent enterprise where the organic
wastes are utilized in a perfect way. Use of cow/buffalo manure in fish farming
is a commonly prevailing practice. On an average, one cow/buffalo excretes
12000 kg of dung and 8000 liter urine per year. The cattle feces and urine are
beneficial to the filter-feeding and omnivorous fishes. On an average, 3-4 cows/
buffaloes can provide sufficient manure to fertilize one hectare pond. In this
system, farmer gets milk, fish and calf as well, which increases revenue and
reduces input costs. The system gives a more profit per year from one hectare
land (Fig. 22).
Cow requires 7-8MT of grass/yr and Grass carp utilizes leftover grasses.
Fish also utilizes fine feed wasted by cattle in the form of dung/slurry 20-30MT
of dung/slurry which is recycled in 1ha water area to produce over 4.0MT of fish
60 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

without feed or and fertilizer application. The system gives a net profit of Rs.1,
14, 000/- per year from 1ha land. Besides, cow-dung gas plant at the farm site
(Fig. 23) gives electricity at the fish farm reducing fuel cost.
Fish farming by using cattle manure has long been practiced in our country.
This promotes the fish-cum-cattle integration and is a common model of integration.
Cattle farming can save more fertilizers, cut down fish feeds and increase the
income from milk. The fish farmer not only benefitted financially butalso can
supply fish, milk and beef to the market.

Fig. 22: A unique example of cattle-cum-fish farming at Gajdharpur, Tarakpur Mouza,

P.S. Baharampur, West Bengal.

Fig. 23: Cow dung gas plant at the integrated fish farm.
Aquaculture: Types 61

Pond management practices

These practices are similar to poultry or pig or duck integration with fish. Cow
dung is used as manure for fish rearing. About 5, 000 -10, 000 Kg/ha can be
applied in fish pond in installments. After cleaning cow sheds, the waste water
with cow dung, urine and unused feed, can be drained to the pond. The cow dung
promotes the growth of plankton, which is used as food for fish.

Cattle husbandry practices

The cow sheds can be constructed on the embankments of the fish farm or near
the fish farm. The floor of the cow shed preferably made with bricks, sand and
cement. The outlet of the shed is connected to the pond so that the wastes can
be drained into the pond. Cultivable varieties of cows are black and white (milk)
and Shorthorn beef, Simmental (milk and beef), Hereford (beef), Charolai (beef),
Jersey (milk and beef) and Qincuan draft (beef).

Necessity and feasibility

1. Cows can provide cow dung, which is used as manure in fish ponds. The left
over dung can be used for earthworm culture.
2. Cow manure is nutritionally rich. It is experimentally seen that if 0.024 kg of
fresh cow manure is applied per cu.m of the water body, the inorganic N and
P are congenial for plankton multiplication.
3. The average amount of phytoplankton in a manured pond can reach 19.15
mg/lit and the zooplankton amounts to 5.61 mg/lit. Such is an indication of the
eutrophic condition of a pond.

D. Integrated Fish cum Pig Farming

1. The fish utilize the food spilled by pigs and their excreta which is very rich
in nutrients and acts as a substitute for pond fertilizer more so enhances the
natural feed e.g., the plankton. Hence, the cost of fish production is greatly
2. No additional land is required for piggery operations, since the pig house may
easily be constructed at the fish farm itself.
3. Cattle fodder required for pigs and grass may easily be grown on the pond
4. Pond provides water for washing the pig - sties and pigs.
62 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

5. It results in high production of animal protein per unit area.

6. It ensures high profit through less investment.
7. The pond muck which gets accumulated at the pond bottom due to constant
application of pig dung can be used as fertilizer for growing vegetables and
other crops and cattle fodder.

Stocking of Fish
● The stocking rates vary from 8, 000 – 8, 500 fingerlings / ha and a species
ratio of 40 % surface feeders, 20 % of column feeders, 30 % bottom feeders
and 10-20 % weedy feeders are preferred for high fish yields.
● Mixed culture of only Indian major carps can be taken up with a species ratio
of 40 % surface, 30 % column and 30 % bottom feeders.
● In the northern and north - western states of India, the ponds should be
stocked in the month of March and harvested in the month of October –
November. Due to severe winter the growth of fishes get affected.
● In the south, coastal and north - eastern states of India, where the winter
season is mild, the ponds should be stocked in June - September months and
harvested after rearing the fish for 12 months.

Use of Pig Waste as Manure

● Pig-sty washings including pig dung, urine and spilled feed are channeled into
the pond.
● Pig dung is applied to the pond every morning. Each pig voids between 500­
600 Kg dung / year, which is equivalent to 250-300 Kg / pig / 6 months.
● The excreta voided by 30 – 40 pigs are adequate to fertilize one hectare
● When the first lot of pigs is disposed off after 6 months, the quantity of
excreta going to the pond decreases. This does not affect the fish growth as
the organic load in the pond is sufficient to tide over for next 2 months when
new piglets grow to give more excreta.
● If the pig dung is not sufficient, pig dung can be collected from other sources
and applied to the pond. Pig dung consists 69 - 71 % moisture, 1.3 - 2 %
nitrogen and 0.36 - 0.39 phosphours.
● The quality and quantity of excreta depends upon the feed provided and the
age of the pigs.
● The application of pig dung is minimized or deferred on the days when algal
blooms appear.
Aquaculture: Types 63

Pig- Husbandry Practices

The factors like breed, strain, and management influence the growth of pigs.
a. Construction of Pig House
● Pig houses with adequate accommodation and all the requirements are essential
for the rearing of pigs.
● The pigs are raised under two systems the Open Air and Indoor Systems. A
combination of the two is followed in fish cum pig farming system.
● A single row of pig pens facing the pond is constructed on the pond
● An enclosed run is attached to the pen towards the pond so that the pigs get
enough air, sunlight, exercise and dunging space.
● The feeding and drinking troughs are also built to keep the pens dry and
● The gates are provided to the open run only. The floor of the run is cemented
and connected via the drainage canal to the pond.
● A shutter is provided in the drainage canal to stop the flow of wastes to the
pond. The drainage canal is provided with a diversion channel to a pit, where,
the wastes are stored when the pond is filled with algal bloom.
● The stored wastes are applied according to necessity. The height of the pig
house should not exceed 1.5 m.
● The floor of the house must be cemented.
● The pig house can be constructed with locally available materials. It is
advisable to provide 1 - 1.5 m2 space for each pig.

Fig. 24: Pig-cum-fish culture

64 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

b. Selection of Pigs
● Four types of pigs are available in our country - wild pigs, domesticated pigs
or indigenous pigs, exotic pigs and upgraded stock of exotic pigs.
● The Indian varieties are small sized with a slow growth rate and produce
small litters. Its meat is of inferior quality.
● Two exotic upgraded stock of pigs such as large - White Yorkshire, Middle
- White Yorkshire, Berkshire, Hampshire and Hand Race are most suitable
for raising with fish culture. These are well known for their quick growth and
prolific breeding.
● They attain slaughter maturity size of 60 - 70 Kg within six months. They
give 6 - 12 piglets in every year.
● The age at first maturity ranges from 6 - 8 months. Thus, two crops of exotic
and upgraded pigs of six months each are raised along with one crop of fish
which are cultured for one year.
● 30 - 40 pigs are raised per hectare of water area. About two months old
weaned piglets are brought to the pig-sties and fattened for 6 months and
when they attain slaughter maturity are harvested.

c. Feeding
● The dietary requirements are similar to those of the ruminants.
● The pigs are not allowed to go out of the pig house where they are fed on
balanced pig mash of 1.4 Kg / pig / day.
● Grasses and green cattle fodder are also provided as food to pigs.
● To minimize food spoilage and to facilitate proper feeding without scrambling
and fighting, it is better to provide feeding troughs. Similar separate troughs
are also provided for drinking water.
● The composition of pig mash is a mixture of 30 Kg rice bran, 15 Kg polished
rice, 27 Kg wheat bran, 10 Kg broken rice, 10 Kg groundnut cake, 4 Kg fish
meal, 3 Kg mineral mixture and 1 Kg common salt.
● To reduce quantity of ration and also to reduce the cost, spoiled vegetables,
especially the rotten potatoes can be mixed with pig mash and fed to pigs
after boiling.
● The pigs are hardy animals. They may suffer from diseases like swine fever,
swine plague, swine pox and also infected with round worms, tapeworms,
liver flukes, etc.
Aquaculture: Types 65

● Pig - sties should be washed daily and all the excreta drained and offal into
the pond. The pigs are also washed.
● Disinfectants must be used every week while washing the pig - sites. Piglets
and pigs should be vaccinated.

d. Harvesting of fish:
● Fish attain marketable size within a few months due to the availability of
natural food in this integrated pond.
● According to the demand of fish in the local market, partial harvesting is
● After the partial harvest, same numbers of fingerlings are introduced into the
pond. Final harvesting is done after 12 months of rearing.
● Fish yield ranging from 6, 000-7, 000 Kg / ha / yr is obtained.
● The pigs are sold out after rearing for six months when they attain slaughter
maturity and get 4, 200 – 4, 500 Kg pig meat.
e . Fish-cum-Duck culture system
Integrated fish-cum-duck farming system is though a common practice in China,
but in India, West Bengal, Assam, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Bihar in
particular, such culture system is gradually developing.Ducks use both land and
water as their habitat, the integration with the fish is mainly attributed to mutual
benefits of a biological relationship. It is not only useful for fattening the ducks
but also beneficial to fish farming by providing more organic manures to fish. It
is apparent that fish cum duck integration could result in a good economic
efficiency of fish farms (Fig. 25 and 26).
Benefits of fish cum duck farming
1. For an efficient utilization of pond surface waters, raising ducks is an excellent
2. Fish ponds provide an excellent environment to ducks which prevent them
from infection of parasites.
3. Ducks feed on aquatic predators and help the fingerlings to grow. A fish pond
being semi-closed biological system with aquatic animals and plants provide
disease free environment for ducks.
4. Ducks consume juvenile frogs, tadpoles, dragon fly making safe environment
to fish.
5. Duck raising in fish ponds reduces the demand for protein to 2 – 3 % in duck
66 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

6. Duck droppings go directly into water providing essential nutrients to increase

the biomass of natural food organisms i.e. plankton.
7. The daily waste of duck feed (about 20 - 30 gm/duck) serves as fish feed
in ponds or as manure, resulting in higher fish yield.
8. Manuring is conducted by ducks and homogeneously distributed without any
heaping of duck droppings.
9. By virtue of the digging action of ducks in search of benthos, the nutritional
elements of soil get diffused in water and promote plankton production.
10. Ducks serve as bio aerators as they swim, play and chase in the pond. This
disturbance to the surface of the pond facilitates aeration in pond water.
11. The feed efficiency and body weight of ducks increase and the spilt feeds
could be utilized by fish.
12. Survival of ducks raised in fish ponds increases by 3.5 % due to the clean
environment of fish ponds.
13. Duck droppings and the left over feed of each duck can increase the output
of fish to 37.5 Kg/ha.
14. Ducks keep aquatic plants in check.
15. No additional land is required for duckery activities.
16. It results in high production of fish, duck eggs and duck meat in unit time and
water area.
17. It ensures high profit through less investment.

Stocking Density of fish

● The pond is stocked after the pond water gets properly detoxified.
● The stocking rates vary from 6000 fingerlings/ha and a species ratio of 40
% surface feeders, 20 % of column feeders, 30 % bottom feeders and 10­
20 % weedy feeders are preferred for high fish yields or, as per the market
demands of the Indian Major and Minor carps.
● Mixed culture of only Indian major carps can be taken up with a species ratio
of 40 % surface, 30 % column and 30 % bottom feeders or as per the
market demand.
● In the northern and north - western states of India, the ponds should be
stocked in the month of March and harvested in the month of October ­
November, due to severe winter, which affect the growth of fishes.
Aquaculture: Types 67

● In the south, coastal and north - eastern states of India, where the winter
season is mild, the ponds should be stocked in June - September months and
harvested after rearing the fish for 12 months.

Fig. 25 and 26: Duck-cum-Fish culture

Use of duck dropping as manure

● The ducks are given a free range over the pond surface from 9a.m to 5 p.m,
when they distribute their droppings in the whole pond, automatically manuring
the pond.
● The droppings voided at night are collected from the duck house and applied
to the pond every morning.
● Each duck voids between 125 - 150 gm of dropping per day.
● The stocking density of 200-300 ducks/ha gives 10, 000 - 15, 000 kg of
droppings and is recycled in one hectare ponds every year.
● The droppings contain 81% moisture, 0.91% nitrogen and 0.38% phosphorus
on dry matter basis.
Duck husbandry practices
The following three types of farming practice are adopted.
1. Raising large group of ducks in open water
● This is the grazing type of duck raising.
● The average number of a group of ducks in the grazing method is about
1000 ducks.
● The ducks are allowed to graze in large bodies of water like lakes and
reservoirs during the day time, but are kept in pens at night.
● This method is advantageous in large water bodies for promoting fish
68 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

2. Raising ducks in centralized enclosures near the fish pond

● A centralized duck shed is constructed in the vicinity of fish ponds with
a cemented area of dry and wet runs out side.
● The average stocking density of duck is about 4 - 6 ducks/sq.m. area.
● The dry and wet runs are cleaned once a day. After cleaning the duck
shed, the waste water is allowed to enter in to the pond.
3. Raising ducks in fish pond
● This is the common method of practice.
● The embankments of the ponds are partly fenced with net to form a wet
● The fenced net is installed 40-50 cm above and below the water surface,
so as to enable the fish to enter into the wet run while ducks cannot
escape under the net.
4. Selection of ducks and stocking
● The kind of duck to be raised must be chosen with care since all the
domesticated races are not productive.
● The important breeds of Indian ducks are Sylhet Mete and Nageswari.
● The improved breed, Indian runner, being hardy has been found to be
most suitable for this purpose, although they are not as good layers as
exotic Khaki Campbell.
● The number of ducks required for proper manuring of one hectare fish
pond is also a matter of consideration.
● It has been found that 200 – 300 ducks are sufficient to produce manure
adequate enough to fertilize a hectare of water area under fish culture.
● 2 - 4 months old ducklings are kept on the pond after providing them
necessary prophylactic medicines as a safeguard against epidemics.
5. Feeding
● Ducks in the open water are able to find natural food from the pond but
that is not sufficient for their proper growth.
● A mixture of any standard balanced poultry feed and rice bran in the
ratio of 1:2 by weight can be fed to the ducks as supplementary feed at
the rate of 100 gm/ bird/day.
● The feed is given twice in a day, first in the morning and second in the
Aquaculture: Types 69

● The feed is given either on the pond embankment or in the duck house
and the spilled feed is then drained into the pond.
● Water must be provided in the containers deep enough for the ducks to
submerge their bills, along with feed.
● The ducks are not able to eat without water. Ducks are quite susceptible
to aflatoxin contamination; therefore, moulded feeds kept for a long time
should be avoided.
● The ground nut oil cake and maize are more susceptible to Aspergilus
flavus which causes aflatoxin contamination and may be eliminated from
the feed.
6. Egg laying
● The ducks start laying the eggs after attaining the age of 24 weeks and
continue to lay eggs for two years.
● The ducks lay eggs only at night. It is always better to keep some straw
or hay in the corners of the duck house for egg laying.
● The eggs are collected every morning after the ducks are let out of the
duck house.
7. Health care
● Ducks are subjected to relatively few diseases when compared to poultry.
● The local variety of ducks is more resistant to diseases than other varieties.
● Proper sanitation and health care are as important for ducks as for
● The transmissible diseases of ducks are duck virus, hepatitis, duck cholera,
keel disease, etc.
● Ducks should be vaccinated for diseases like duck plague. Sick birds can
be isolated by listening to the sounds of the birds and by observing any
reduction in the daily feed consumption, watery discharges from the eyes
and nostrils, sneezing and coughing.
● The sick birds should be immediately isolated, not allowed to go to the
pond and treated with medicines.
8. Harvesting
● Keeping in view the demand of the fish in the local market, partial
harvesting of the table size fish is done.
● After harvesting partially, the pond should be restocked with the same
species and the same number of fingerlings.
70 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

● Final harvesting is done after 12 months of rearing.

● Fish yield ranging from 3500 - 4000 Kg/ha/yr and 2000 - 3000 Kg/ha/yr
are generally obtained with 6 - species and 3 - species stocking
● The eggs are collected every morning. After two years, ducks can be
sold out for flesh in the market. About 18, 000 - 18, 500 eggs and 500
- 600 Kg duck meat are obtained.

F. Integrated Fish-cum-Goat culture

Commercial goat farming in India is becoming very popular day by day. As goat
farming is a proven highly profitable business idea so, the popularity of this business
is increasing rapidly in India. It is also one of the finest and established livestock
management departments in the country (Fig.27 and 27a).Huge market demand
and proper spread ensures fast profitability and sustainability of this business for
long term. Goat is considered as poor man’s cow and a goat’s excreta is considered
as a very good organic fertilizer.

Fig. 27 and 27a: Goats at the pond site

The goat excreta contains organic carbon-60%, N-2.7%, P-1.78%, K-2.88%

and its urine is also equally rich in both N & P. 50-60 goats are essential to
fertilize 1 ha pond. The goats should be provided with dry, safe, comfortable
house protected from excessive heat The goat breeds are Jamanapari, Beetal,
Barbari for milk and Bengal, Sirihi, Deccani are used for meat purpose. Goats
are selective feeders and consume Berseem, Napier grass, Cowpea Soybean,
Mulberry etc., This integration can provide 3500-4000 kg fish/ha/year without
supplementary feeding and fertilizers.
Aquaculture: Types 71

G. Integration of fish and poultry (Chickens)

Fish culture practice followed in integration of poultry-cum-fish farming is the
“Composite fish culture system” which perhaps attracted maximum attention to
the fish farmers at least in India. Integration of poultry and fish farming together
needs more than one species of fish in the same pond.Integration of chicken with
fish farming might be an economically viable and productive system for both rural
farmers and commercial entrepreneurs.
Supplemental feed and fertilizers – the high cost inputs in fish farming are
not needed in such systems and the cost of inputs is therefore reduced. Poultry
manure is a complete fertilizer, with the characteristics of both organic as well
as inorganic fertilizers.

Considerations for selection of fish species

● The selected species should be compatible with each other
● The species and their combination ratio should be adjusted according to the
amount of feed stuff and manure that are expected to be made available by
the other sub-system.
● As far as possible the species should fast growing.
● Selected fish should be hardy and resistant to common diseases and parasites.
● The species should be able to tolerate low oxygen levels and high organic
content in the water.

Stocking density of fishes

Stock 600-1000 fingerlings of Indian carps, Catla (Catla catla), Rohu (Labeo
rohita), Mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala) and Chinese carps, Silver carp
(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Species stocking rate could be 40 percent
surface feeders (catla and silver carp), 20 percent rohu, 30 percent bottom
feeders (mrigal and common carp) and 10 percent grass carp.

Pond preparation for stocking of fish

Side slope should be 1.5:1. Embankment should be 1ft more than the high flood
level of the selected site. In case of clayey soil, pond dyke’s external side should
be 1:1.5 & internal side slope should be 1:2. Construction of inlet and outlet
should be done, fencing is also required. Fill the pond with fresh water to a depth
of 2-2.5m.
72 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Depending upon the soil and water pH, requirement of quicklime in kg/ha
(mentioned in water and soil chemistry of water and soil in fish ponds chapter).
(1/3rd of the required liming material is applied initially to the pond and rest
amount is divided into 11 installments and applied monthly).

Done after 7-10 days of liming. Fertilizers used are both organic and inorganic.Cow
dung @ 5300-5500 kg/ha/year is applied as organic fertilizer.
Inorganic fertilizers used @Urea @ 100-110 kg/ha/year, Single super phosphate
@ 22-26 kg/ha/year, Murate of potash @ 95-100 kg/ha/year are applied after 7
days of application of organic fertilizer.
1/3rd of the required amount is applied initially and rest amount is divided equally
in 11 installments and applied monthly i.e. same as liming materials.

Indian major carps (IMC) and exotic Carps (Grass carp) attain 1 kg weight in
7-8 months.Harvesting may be done by removing only the table size fish or the
complete stock.

Poultry husbandry practice

Deep litter system: In the deep litter system the poultry houses are constructed
on the pond embankment or any convenient places adjacent to the fish farm. In
this system the floor of the pen is covered with 10- 15 cm thick easily available
dry organic matter like- dry leaves of tree, chopped straw, hay, saw dust, lime,
etc. The dropping of the birds which fall gradually combined with the materials
used and bacterial action started. When the depth of litter becomes less, more
organic matter is added to maintain the sufficient depth of litter. The litter is
regularly stirred and after 2 months it becomes dip litter and in about 10-12
months it becomes fully built up litter. If the litter turns damp, application of lime
may be made to make it dry. Height of the house from floor to roof should be
3.6m and height of the walls should be 2.72m.
For 1 ha pond i.e. 7000-8000 fishes, 500-600 birds are required. In 1 year,
25-30 birds can produce 1 ton deep litter. Daily 50 kg / ha water spread area
poultry dung is applied to fish pond. Space required for 1 bird is 0.3 to 0.4 m2.
Aquaculture: Types 73

So, one (1) house can accommodate 250 birds. For 1 ha pond, two (2) poultry
houses with housing capacity of 250 birds may be prepared.
Selection of poultry birds: In the integration of fish and poultry farming
both egg type and meat type birds are farmed. In the cage and dip litter system
both egg type and meat type are grown. But in storied house (changhar) egg type
birds are farmed. In the dip litter and cage system any of the high yield (egg and
meat) variety of poultry birds like- Rhode island, Leg horn, etc. are suitable, but
in storied house Kisten golden breed is only preferred.
Housing of birds: Just one month prior to stocking of fish pond with fish
seed after vaccination against viral diseases and after providing all prophylactic
measures about 8 week aged poultry birds are brought to the house for farming.
Before introduction of birds into the house, the house and the utensils to be used
in the poultry raising practice should be disinfected with disinfectant like- potash.
When the poultry birds becomes 18 months aged then their egg laying capacity
will be reduced and the old stock should to be sale out and a new stock should
be introduced to the house after cleaning the house with disinfectant.
Feeding of birds: Under litter system the poultry birds are fed according
to their age. The normal feeding practices are followed.
1. Starter mash– 40- 45 gm/ day in 3- 4 times a day up to the age of 8 week
of birds.
2. Grower mash– 50- 70 gm/ day in 5- 6 times a day from 8- 18 weeks age
of birds.
3. Layers mash– 80- 120 gm/ day in 3- 4 times a day from 18 weeks age of
Along with feed there should be sufficient supply of drinking water to the
farmed poultry birds is required. For dust bath of birds an earthen pot of about
2 feet diameter filled with clean and dry earth are placed in the house. Roosting
starts from 8 weeks age of the chicken and so perches are provided in the pen
for roosting of birds at the rate of 8 inch/ perch/ bird.
Egg laying management: After the birds are 22 weeks of age, egg nests
are kept in the house. Every 5-6 birds require 1 nest.
Production: In this poultry-cum- fish farming from a hectare of water
spread area of the pond, 3500- 4000 kg fish, 650 kg chicken meat and 120000
nos. of chicken eggs can be produced per year.
Problems encountered in Poultry-Fish integrated farming: RCC work,
work shop, repair and spare parts, cost of construction materials, like- brick,
rubble, steel, cement, etc. need to be surveyed. The major item of construction
74 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

expenses goes for earth moving and RCC work. Earth moving can be done either
manually or mechanically depending on the cost of labour.

Marketing facilities
The farmed product can be sold either to internal market or to export market.
In both cases the taste of consumer and the provision for supplying the product
to the consumer should be observed.

Growth of unwanted aquatic weed in the pond

Unwanted aquatic weeds are needed to be removed from fish pond as it reduces
the pond productivity. These unwanted aquatic weeds could be removed- manually,
mechanically, chemically and biologically. If possible manual removal method is
better. Grass carp, java puti, tilapia, etc. are good biological agent in removing
aquatic weed from fish pond. Chemicals such as 2-4 D, 4 D Ester, Simazine.
Paraquat, Urea etc. can also be used.

Weed fishes, insects, unwanted organisms etc. in the pond

These need to be removed. Removal can be done by repeated netting or by using
chemicals. Soap-oil emulsion (soap: oil = 1:3) over the pond water surface is
most commonly used technique to kill the insects in fishponds. Mohua oil cake@
200- 250 ppm or tea seed cake@ 750 –975 Kg/ha give encouraging result in
controlling weed fishes of a pond and it also helps in reducing the quantity of
organic fertilizer required by 50%. Commercially available bleaching powder@
97- 113 Kg/ha can also be used as fish toxicant.

Algal bloom
Sometime a thick layer of algal bloom of brown or green colour is seen over the
water surface of pond. This can be removed from fish pond by using a piece of
split bamboo followed by liming based on water PH as mentioned earlier. Chemicals
like, copper sulphate @ 0.1- 0.5 mg/lit.of water or Diuron@ 0.3- 0.5 mg/lit.of
water also helps in controlling this bloom.

Partial replenishment of water

Since total dewatering is not possible, so depending on the feasibility some
percentage of pond water may be pump out and the same is refilled with new
Aquaculture: Types 75

water. But the water depth should be restricted to 2- 2.5 m for good production
of fish.

Ammonia in pond water

Ammonia occurs in pond water in 2 forms i.e. ionized and unionized. Unionized
ammonia is toxic to fish. Ammonium (NH4) is lethal to fishes only at a level
above 16 ppm while ammonia (NH3) is lethal at a level above 0.02 ppm. If the
unionized ammonia concentration is increased then the fish may die. Water
temperature, pH, concentration of phytoplankton in the pond is important and
renovated measures have to be taken immediately.

Phytoplankton bloom
The sudden increase of population of certain planktonic algal group as thick mass
in water is called phytoplankton bloom. This may be identified by the deep
green or blue green or reddish green colour of the pond water. During the
day time phytoplankton produces excess oxygen and during night and cloudy days
they absorb dissolved oxygen from water for their self-respiration resulting dissolved
oxygen depletion and fish mortality. The death and decay of algae also cause
dissolved oxygen depletion. The reason for this algal bloom in pond water is the
presence of excess nutrients in water. Therefore, if this problem encountered in
the fish culture pond then supply of poultry manure to the pond should immediately
be cut off and the remedial measures should be taken as mentioned in the case
of algal bloom cited in the renovation measures of a pond in case the same
cannot be dried.

Changes in water temperature

It leads to loss of appetite of cultured fish. Fish may exhibit poor growth and they
become susceptible to diseases. If the water temperature changes to a markable
level then supplying feed and fertilizer to the pond should immediately be stopped.
Replenishment of water from a nearby source, harvesting the table size fish, etc.
are some of the corrective measures to be taken for it.

Apart from the above cited water quality parameters the other water quality
parameters to be noted are- total alkalinity, turbidity, micronutrients, chemical
pollutants, insecticide, organic matter, presence of aquatic vegetation, etc. are to
be checked regularly for good production from a fish pond.
76 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fish health management: Cultured fish should be checked regularly for

their health. If any deviation in their normal behaviour is seen then they should
be treated with the advice of an expert.

Health management in poultry

Poultry birds suffer from viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal and nutritional diseases.
Keeping the poultry house clean and dry, vaccinating the farmed stock of the
poultry birds against all the viral diseases can help in maintaining a healthy stock
of chicken. Before bringing the poultry birds into the house, the house and the
utensils to be used in the farming practices should be disinfected. The farm
chicken should be fed with balanced feed. The poultry birds should be dewormed
at least once in a month. The veterinary expert should be consulted for any type
of poultry disease and accordingly steps may be taken.

Fig. 28: Poultry-cum-fish integration

Advantages of poultry –cum- fish farming

1. Procurement of fish, poultry meat as well as chicken eggs from same farming
2. Water from fish pond can be used for poultry husbandry practice.
3. The transportation cost of the manure is not involved
4. The nutritive value of applied fresh manure is much higher than dry and
mixed with bedding materials e.g. saw dust or rice husk.
5. Some parts of the manure is consumed directly by the fish.
6. No supplementary feed is needed for the fish.
Aquaculture: Types 77

7. No extra space is required for chicken farming. Chicken sheds can be

constructed over the pond water or on the dyke.
8. More production of animal protein will be ensured from the same area of
9. The overall farm production and income will increase.

In integrated fish-layer farming systems, direct deposit of fresh chicken

manure to fish ponds can produce enough natural fish feed organisms, thus
maximizing profit and reduces production and feed cost. Higher production of
animal protein can be achieved from the same area of minimum land with this
system. Poultry manure is a complete fertilizer. The most valuable poultry
production systems for fish production are those systems which produce nutrient-
rich and collectable waste. Layers produce more calcium and phosphorus-rich
excreta than broilers. The direct use of egg laying where the birds are of
constant weight and produce fairly constant levels of waste, are easier to manage
than broilers in which waste availability is cyclical.

Benefits of fish cum chicken integration

Following are some of the additional advantages when fish culture is integrated
with raising of chicken on/or near the pond dykes:
* The direct discharge of fresh chicken manure to the fish ponds produces
enough natural fish feed organisms without the use of any additional
manure/fertilizer.The transportation cost of the manure is not involved.
● The nutritive value of applied fresh manure is much higher than dry and
mixed with bedding materials e.g. saw dust or rice husk.
● Some parts of the manure is consumed directly by the fish.
● No supplementary feed is needed for the fish.
● No extra space is required for chicken farming. Chicken sheds can be
constructed over the pond water or on the dyke.
● More production of animal protein will be ensured from the same area of
minimum land.
● The overall farm production and income will increase.
● Nutrient contents (%) of various live stock fecal matters generally used
during integrated fish farming systems.
78 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

H. Integrated Fish–cum-Rabbit farming

Rabbit meat is preferred by most of the health conscious consumers owing to its
low fat in comparison to other meats. The important meat breeds are Soviet
Chinchilla, Grey Giant, and White Giant etc. Rabbits are reared in cage, hutch
and floor system (floor should be cemented). Rabbit excreta contain organic
carbon-50%, N-2%, P-1.33%, and K-1.2%. Its excreta are high in nitrogen
content and low in moisture, thus quality manure for sustained plankton production.
It is estimated that excreta from 300 rabbits would be enough for 1 ha pond

Miscellaneous Advantages
As far as fish production is concerned, the integrated farming serves the multiple
purpose of providing cheap feedstuffs and organic manure for the fish ponds,
thereby reducing the cost and need for providing compounded fish feeds and
chemical fertilizers. By reducing the cost of fertilizers and feedstuffs the overall
cost of fish production is reduced and profits increased. It is evident that the
profit from fish culture is often increased 30-40 percent as a result of integration.
The overall income is increased by adding pig and/or poultry raising, grain and
vegetable farming, etc., which supplement the income from fish farming.
By producing grain, vegetables, fish and livestock products, the community
becomes self-sufficient in regard to food and this contributes to a high degree of
self-reliance. The silt from the ponds which is used to fertilize crops increases
the yield of crops at a lower cost and the need to buy chemical fertilizer is greatly
reduced. It is estimated that about one third of all the fertilizer required for
farming in the country comes from fish ponds.
Estimated nutrient content (%) of excreta of various animals considered for
integrateted fishculture systems:
Table 5: Nutritional status of livestock fecal matters.

Sl.nos. Source Organic content Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash Protein

01. Cattle 30 0.7 0.3 0.65 4.38
02. Pig 30 1.0 0.75 0.85 6.25
03. Poultry 50 1.6 1.26 0.90 10.0
04. Goat 60 2.7 1.78 2.68 17.31
05. Rabbit 50 2.0 1.33 1.20 12.50
Aquaculture: Types 79


A. What is Composite Fish Culture?
In order to obtain high production per hectare of water body, fast growing
compatible species of fish of different feeding habits are stocked together in the
same pond so that all its ecological niches are occupied by fishes. This system
of pond management is called mixed fish farming or composite fish culture.
The name is synonymous with Polyculture.
Absolute utilization of the pond’s productivity for obtaining high production
per hectare of water body is achieved through intensive culture of fast growing
compatible species of fish of different feeding habits are stocked together in the
same pond, so that, all its ecological niches are occupied by fishes and full
utilization of the pond nutrients/resources is achieved. When compatible fishes of
different feeding habits are stocked together, they secure for themselves in the
most efficient manner, all life requisites available in the pond for fish production
without harming each other. This technique of fish culture is called Composite
fish culture or Polyculture or Mixed farming. The main objective of this Composite
fish culture is to select and grow compatible fish species of different feeding
habits, in order to exploit all types of food available in different region of the pond
for maximizing fish production.

B. Why Composite Fish Culture?

A single species of carp culture in a pond is known as mono-culture and
previously this mono-culture was the normal practice in many of the countries.
Hence there was a small production of 300-600 kg of fishes per hectare of water
in a pond. Subsequently there is a great change in the process of carp culture.
Instead of single species, more than one species of major carps have been
selected for rearing and culture in the same pond. They are living in the different
water levels as well as they have different feeding habits. This process of rearing
of fishes is known as composite fish culture. Recently three exotic carps such
as silver carp, grass carp and common carp along with the three Indian major
carps are selected for composite carp culture in the Asian countries. Thus the
composite fish culture or composite mixed culture of six species is now introduced
in the same pond. They are to be reared scientifically so that there will be very
good production of fishes. To achieve this, appropriate amount of supplementary
food as well as manure are to be supplied timely.
80 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

C.Indigenous and Exotic Carps for Composite Fish Culture

Fish husbandry with its great potential gained importance in recent years as a source
of protein for the under nourished and expanding human population.The Indian
Major Carps Catla catla (Catla), Labeo rohita (Rohu) and cirrihinus mrigala
(Mrigal) are the most important food fishes in the sub-continent (Bhowmik, 1990).
The economically important as well as cultivable herbivorous scaly fishes
(having scales on body but not on head) without any teeth which are bony with
air bladder as well as under the order cypriniformes are known as carps. Carps
are of two types, such as indigenous and exotic carps.

Indigenous carps
Carps that are normally available in the inland waters of the Indian region are
known as indigenous fish. Indigenous carps are of two kinds, such as major and
minor carps. The carps that are big-sized cultivable fishes with rapid growth and
high demand in the market are known as major carps. The carps that are
comparatively small-sized with slow growth are known as minor carps, such as
Bata (Labeo bata), Punti (Barbus ticto) etc.

Exotic carps
Carps which have been imported from other countries and acclimatized to native
place climate are known as exotic fish. The examples are: Silver carp
(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and
Cyprinus carp (Cyprinus carpio).

D. Advantages of composite fish culture

Selected species of indigenous and exotic carps are all compatible; they have
different feeding habits and habitats in the same pond; so they are not competitors
to each other for food and space. The foods of the different layers in pond-water
are fully utilized by the carps in the composite fish culture or mixed culture.
Induced breeding can also be done in the exotic carps and they are fast growing
and the total production of fishes is very high and cost of production is less; this
is also a profitable one.

E. Fish species involved in composite fish culture

Depending on the compatibility and type of feeding habits of the fishes, the
following types of fishes of Indian as well as Exotic varieties have been identified
Aquaculture: Types 81

and recommended for culture in the composite fish culture technology (Six species
culture) (Fig.29):

Table 6: Feeding habit /feeding zone of Indian Major and Exotic Carps. Type of fish Feed types Food niche

Indian Major Carps
01. Catla catla Zooplankton Surface feeder
02. Labeo rohita Omnivorous Column feeder
03. Cirrhinus mrigala Detritivorous Bottom feeder
Exotic carps
04. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Phytoplankton Surface feeder
05. Ctenopharyngodon idella Herbivorous Surface, column and
marginal area
06. Cyprinus carpio Detritus/Omnivorous Bottom feeder

Polyculture of fish is the latest and improved technology of fish farming.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of intensive polyculture of fish
which are described below:
● Maximum fish production is possible in intensive polyculture.
● More profit from fish farming is possible.
● Creates many employment opportunities.
● Intensive polyculture of fish is fully controlled by the farmer.
● More fish can be cultivated and produced from short place.

● Intensive polyculture of fish is very expensive and risky.
● In this system the probability of occurring diseases is most.
● This farming system gets obstructed due to lack of better facilitated artificial
● It is not possible to make the fish big sized in this system.
● Intensive polyculture needs highly experienced employees.
82 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach


Fish have been a key source of food for humans (Ayoola, 2010) and fish protein
occupies an important position in human nutrition (Nargis, 2006). A portion of 150
g of fish can provide about 50-60% of an adult’s daily protein requirement (FAO,
2014). Fish are also a good source of all the essential amino acids, fatty acids,
vitamins and minerals and the consumption of fish and fish products helps in
preventing cardiovascular and other diseases (Cahu et al., 2004). Flesh texture,
protein and fat composition are usually the main factors that determine consumer
acceptance (Pal and Ghosh, 2013).
Human populations include fish as a main part of their daily diet, a fact that
has become more relevant in developing countries, whose dietary pattern reveals
a large dependency on staple foods, and fish is the main source, accounting in
2010, about 19.6% of animal protein consumption (FAO, 2015).
Vila Nova, (2005) pointed out that fish is of high nutritionalvalue due to
its high protein content, excellent quality of lipids (Omega-3 and 6 series) and low
levels of total fat, saturated fats and cholesterol. It also incorporates high levels
of polyunsaturated fatty acids, important for the promotion and maintenance of
health and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and magnesium
(Ismail et al., 2004, Porto et al., 2016).
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the fish provides the
healthiest animal protein and the Indians (According to the latest data, Indians on
an average consume just 269 grams of fish per month in rural areas while in
urban areas it’s 238 gram (Approx.6.1kg/year). Noticeably, just about 282 of
1000 households in rural areas consume fish, while the number is 209 households
for urban areas. This apparently indicates a vast majority of the Indians prefer
consuming vegetarian dishes).The fish consumption again is far below the
recommended minimum consumption of fish, which is 12 kg inhabitant / year or
approximately 250 g of fish per week. Admittedly, the fish stands out for having
in its composition high quality protein, retinol, vitamin D and E, iodine and selenium.
Evidence increasingly associates their consumption to greater brain development
and learning in children, also improving eye health, and protection against
cardiovascular disease and some cancers. The fats and fatty acids of fish are
highly beneficial and difficult to obtain from other food sources (FAO, 2013).
In this context a proper understanding about the biochemical constituents of
fish has become a primary requirement for the nutritionists and dieticians. Fish
and fishery products are used in animal feeds. In this case also, proper data on
Aquaculture: Types 83

Catla-the Catla catla

Silver carp-the Hypophthalmichthys molitrix

Rohu-the Labeo rohita

Grass carp-the Ctenopharyngodon idella

Mrigal-the Cirrhinus mrigala

Common carp-the Cyprinus carpio

Fig. 29: The most common fishes involved in composite fish culture in India
84 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

the biochemical composition is essential for formulating such products. Another

vital area where accurate information on biochemical composition is a must is
processing and preservation of fish and fishery products. Fish is an easily perishable
commodity and deterioration in quality is due to the changes taking place to the
various constituents like proteins, lipids etc.
Information on the biochemical constituents will help a processing technologist
to define the optimum processing and storage conditions, so that the quality is
preserved to the maximum extent.


Fish is the third largest commodity consumed globally after rice and vegetables
(Hels et al., 2002). Fish provides protein and other essential nutrients for the
maintenance of a healthy body (Andrew 2001). Proper knowledge on the
biochemical composition of fish finds application in several areas. Today there is
an ever-increasing awareness about healthy food and fish is finding more
acceptances because of its special nutritional qualities. In general, fish is considered
to be an excellent source of protein and minerals.
The four major constituents in the edible portion of fish are water, protein,
lipid (fat or oil) and ash (minerals). The analysis of these four basic constituents
of fish muscle is often referred to as ‘proximate analyses. Even though data on
proximate composition are critical, reliable data on proximate composition of most
of the species of fish are difficult to obtain. But this is not the only or basic
reason for the absence of accurate and reliable data on biochemical composition
of fish. The contents of protein, lipids and total ash were similar in all the major
carp irrespective of weight groups. Calcium content was higher in Rohu and
Mrigal in all the weight groups. Sodium, potassium and iron contents were more
in >2000 gm group of Rohu when compared to others. The Zn content of Rohu
of 51-500 g group was higher vis-à-vis other groups. Mrigal of size groups 1­
50 g and >2000 g contained the highest content of vitamin A. The vitamin D level
was higher in 1-50 g of Rohu and 51-2000 g groups of Mrigal Paul et al., (2016).
Fishes are a very heterogeneous and highly specialized group evolved
through biochemical adaptation and evolution, consisting approximately of
24, 000 species, showing extreme variations in size, shape, appearance etc.
The habitat and food intake of these species are equally diverse. Some
species are exclusively marine while some are confined to freshwater habitats.
Some survive in marine as well as freshwater environments (Wide salinity
Aquaculture: Types 85

Table 7: Some freshwater edible fishes of Eastern and North-East India.

Sl.nos. Local names Scientific names

01. Kalbasu/kalbaus Labeo calbasu (Hamilton)
02. Mahasol/Mahseer Tor putitora (Hamilton)
03. Bata Labeo bata (Hamilton)
04. Mourala, Mola, Moya Amblypharyngodon mola (Hamilton)
05. Sarpunti Puntius sarana (Hamilton)
06. Chela punti Puntius chola (Hamilton)
07. Vanti punti Puntius stigma (Cuv. & val.)
08. Moina punti Puntius conchonius (Hamilton)
09. Tit punti Puntius ticto (Hamilton)
10. Punti Puntius phutunio (Hamilton)
11. Jat punti Puntius sophore (Hamilton)
12. Khudi punti Puntius gelius (Hamilton)
13. Gili punti Puntius terio (Hamilton)
14. Kharsa/ Angrot Labeo angra (Hamilton)
15. Bhangon bata Labeo boga (Hamilton)
16. Kurchi Labeo gonius (Hamilton)
17. Raikhore Cirrihinus reba (Hamilton)
18. Kursa, Kurusia Labeo dero (Hamilton)
19. Beitka, Langu Labeo pangusia (Hamilton)
20. Kalobata Crossocheilus latius (Hamilton)
21. Boroli Barilius barila (Hamilton)
22. Folui Notopterus notopterus (Pallas)
23. Chital Notoptetus chitala (Hamilton)
24. Bhetki Lates calcarifer (Bloch)
25. Sal Channa marulius (Hamilton)
26. Shole Channa striatus (Bloch)
27. Lyata Channa punctatus (Bloch)
28. Chang Channa orientalis (Bloch)
29. Magur Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus)
30. Singhi Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch)
31. Koi Anabas testudineus (Bloch)
32. Boal Wallogo attu (Bloch & Sneider)
33. Bele Apocryptes bato (Hamilton)

[Table Contd.
86 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Contd. Table]

Sl.nos. Local names Scientific names

34. Chuno Trichogaster chuna (Hamilton)
35. Pabda Ompok pabo(Hamilton)
36. Pangas (Basa) Pangassius pangassius (Hamilton)
37. Tilapia Oriochromis mossambica (Linnaeus)
O.nilotica (Peters)
38. Stripped Tyangra Mystus vittatus (Bloch)
39. Pacu Piaractus brachypomus (Cuvier)
40. Pengba Osteobrama belangeri (Valenciennes)
(Delicacy of Manipur)

tolerant species). Some marine species migrate to fresh water for spawning
whereas many freshwater species enter the sea for spawning (Anadromous
and catadromous fish). These widely different environmental conditions of
temperature, salinity, pressure, availability of food etc. have profound
influence on the biochemical composition.
There may be group-specific or even species-specific differences in the
biochemical composition. Even within a species, variations occur for individual
fish or lots of fish taken at different times or under different conditions. Another
type of variation in proximate composition occurs between different parts of the
same fish. There is generally an increase in the oil content of the muscle from
the tail portion towards the head. Similarly the light and red muscle will vary in
the biochemical composition. It is against this background that we have to view
the data on the biochemical composition of fish. Data available in literature for
proximate composition of individual species will only indicate the range or average
and these are not usually taken as absolute values. (Courtesy: Vikaspedia).
The percentage composition of the four major constituents of fish viz. water,
protein, lipid and ash (minerals) is referred to as proximate composition (it may
be noted that the term does not indicate any degree of inaccuracy in the analysis).
These four components account for about 96-98% of total tissue constituents in
most cases. The range of values for these constituents in the edible portion of
common fish species from Indian waters are given below (Table 10):
Carbohydrates, vitamins, nucleotides, other non-protein nitrogenous compounds
etc. are also present in small quantities. Though quantitatively minor components,
play vital roles in maintaining the system and thus are essential for growth and
development of the organisms.
Table 8: Proximate composition of fish tissue of some Indian Fresh water fishes. Species Moisture% Fat% Protein% Ash% Calcium Phosphorus Iron

mg/100m mg/100gm mg/100gm
1. Mrigal 75.0 0.8 19.5 1.5 350 280 109
2. Hilsa 53.7 19.4 21.8 2.2 180 280 213
3. Singhi 68.0 0.6 22.8 1.7 670 650 226
4 Bele 79.7 0.6 14.5 2.3 370 330 104
5 Lata 74.0 0.6 19.4 2.6 610 530 130
6 Koi 70.0 8.8 14.8 2.0 410 390 135
7 Folui 73.0 1.0 19.8 2.5 590 450 169
8 Rohu 76.7 1.4 16.6 0.9 680 150 85
9 Catla 73.7 2.4 19.5 1.5 510 210 76
10 Boal 73.0 2.7 15.4 1.3 160 490 62
11 Kalbasu 81.0 1.0 14.7 1.3 320 380 83
12 Bhetki 82.0 1.1 13.7 1.2 530 400 102
13 Magur 78.5 1.0 15.0 1.3 210 290 74
14 Punti 70.2 9.5 16.5 1.53 220 120 0.54

Aquaculture: Types 87
15 Pangas 72.3 10.8 14.2 0.96 180 130 0.52
16 Bata 79.0 2.48 14.3 2.0 790 200 1.09
17 Chital 75.0 2.32 18.6 1.01 180 250 2.98
18 Mahseer 70.3 2.26 25.2 1.20 130 280 3.83
19 Tilapia* 75.3 5.7 20.3 2.3 47.3 276.5 0.2
20 Chela 77.5 4.3 14.6 2.1 590 340 1.96

Source: Wealth of India. Vol-10, 1962.*Tilapia—Jour. Nat. Sci. Sri Lanka, 1996, 24(1):21-26.
Table 9: Comparative analysis of micro-nutrient contents of small Indigenous with cultured fish species (modified afterDey, et al., 2017 and

88 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Thilstead et al., 1997).

Local name Scientific name Vit-A Calcium Iron Fat Zinc

P g/100gm)
(P (mg/100gm) (mg/100gm) (gm/100gm) (mg/100gm)
Mourala A.mola 1960±214 1071±41 7±4 4.4
Dhela O.cotiocotio 937 1260
Darkina E.dancricus 1457
Chanda Chanda sp. 341 1162
Punti Puntius sp. 37±16 1059±161 7.1
Kachki Corica soborna 93±8
Mrigal C.mrigala <30 <10 2.5 2.9 2.5
Ilish T.ilisha 69 126 3
Silver carp H.molitrix <30 268 4.4 2.7 4.4
Rohu L.rohita <30 36
Tilapia T.nilotica <30 5.0
Aquaculture: Types 89

Fish have been a key source of food for humans (Ayoola, 2010) and fish
protein occupies an important position in human nutrition (Nargis, 2006). A portion
of 150 g of fish can provide about 50-60% of an adult’s daily protein requirement
(FAO, 2014). Fish are also a good source of all the essential amino acids, fatty
acids, vitamins and minerals and the consumption of fish and fish products helps
in preventing cardiovascular and other diseases (Cahu et al., 2004). Flesh texture,
protein and fat composition are usually the main factors that determine consumer
acceptance (Pal and Ghosh, 2013). Pal, et al., (2016) while working on the
proximate analyses of Indian Major Carps, emphasized the importance of different
minerals present in fish flesh (Table 10).

Table 10: Range of some important constituents in fish flesh.

Water 65-90%
Protein 10-22%
Fat 1-20%
Minerals 0.5-5%

*In most of the cases the range is found from 20-40mg/100gm.

** In most of the cases the approx. values are found to be 0.04mg/100gm.Ref: FAO Corporate
document repository. Title: The composition of fish flesh.

The significance of various vitamins present in fish flesh (Vit. A, D, K, E and

C) have been emphasized by various workers around the world (Liu, 2003 Ozyurt
et al., 2009, Hewson, 2011, Halver, 2002).

Table 11: Mineral composition in fish flesh. Minerals present Approx. Value, mg/100gm Range mg/100gm

01. Sodium 72.0 10-134

02. Potassium 278.0 19-502
03. Calcium* 79.0 19-881
04. Magnesium 38.0 4.5-452
05. Phosphorus 190.0 68-550
06. Sulfur 191.0 130-257
07. Iron 1.55 1.0-5.6
08. Silicon 4.00 ———————­
09. Manganese** 0.82 0.0003-25.2

[Table Contd.
90 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Contd. Table] Minerals present Approx. Value, mg/100gm Range mg/100gm

10. Zinc 0.96 0.23-2.1

11. Copper 0.20 0.001-3.7
12. Arsenic 0.37 0.24-0.6
13. Iodine 0.15 0.001-2.73

*In most of the cases the range is found from 20-40mg/100gm.

** In most of the cases the approx. values are found to be 0.04mg/100gm.Ref: FAO Corporate
document repository. Title: The composition of fish flesh.


Vitamins are a heterogeneous group of organic compounds essential for the
growth and maintenance of animal life. Approximately 15 vitamins have been
isolated from biological materials; their essentiality depending on the animal species,
the growth rate of the animal, feed composition, and the bacterial synthesizing
capacity of the gastro-intestinal tract of the animal. In general, all animals display
distinct morphological and physiological deficiency signs when individual vitamins
are absent from the diet.
Vitamins may be classified into two broad groups; depending on their solubility;
the water-soluble vitamins and the fat-soluble vitamins.Fish have specific
requirements for quantitative and qualitative proteins, amino acids, fatty acids,
vitamins and minerals, which are derived from their diet. Several chemical
compounds, characterizing the quality of food, are also known to influence the
survival and development of fish larvae.
Towers (2014) while emphasizing on the good nutrition in aquaculture systems
is essential to economical production of healthy and high quality products postulated
that Vitamins are essential nutrients found in foods. They perform specific and
vital functions in a variety of body systems and these are crucial for maintaining
optimal health. The majority of vitamins are not synthesized by the fish body or
at a rate sufficient to meet the aquatic animal’s needs.
Vitamins are distinct from the major food nutrients (proteins, lipids, and
carbohydrates) in that they are not chemically related to one another. They are
present in very small quantities within animal and plant food stuffs.They are
required by the fish body in trace amounts.
Aquaculture: Types 91

Table12: Water and Fat soluble vitamins essential for growth of fishes.

Sl.Nos. Water-soluble vitamins Fat-soluble vitamins

01. Thiamine (vitamin B1) Retinol (vitamin A)
02. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)
03. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Tocopherol (vitamin E)
04. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) Phylloquinone (vitamin K)
05. Biotin (vitamin BH)
06. Folic acid (Synthetic form of B9)
07. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)
08. Inositol (vitamin B8)
09. Choline
10. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
11. Nicotinic acid (niacin) ) (vitamin B3)

In general, all fish display distinct morphological and physiological deficiency

signs when individual vitamins are absent from the diet. The two different types
of vitamins are evident, and these are: (i) Fat-soluble vitamins and (ii) Water-
soluble vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins
Dissolve in fat before they are absorbed in the blood stream to carry out their
functions. Excesses of these vitamins are stored in the liver, and are not needed
every day in the diet. The fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract in the presence of fat and can be stored within the fat
reserves of the body when ever dietary intake exceeds metabolic demands.In
this category following vitamins are grouped: Vitamin A1 (Retinol, retinal, retinoic
acid), Vitamin A2 (Dehydroretinol), Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol), Vitamin D3
(Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (Tocopherol, tocotrienols), Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone),
Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone), Vitamin K (Menadione)

Water-soluble vitamins
Dissolve in water and are not stored by the body. Since they are eliminated in
urine and require a continuous daily supply in fish/shrimp diet. Water-soluble
vitamins are easily destroyed or washed out during food storage or preparation.
92 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Body stores being rapidly depleted in the absence of regular dietary water-
soluble vitamin sources.In this category following vitamins are grouped: Thiamin
(Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Niacin (Vitamin B3) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxol,
pyridoxal, pyridoxamine), Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) Biotin (Vitamin H, vitamin
B8), and Folic acid Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin), Choline (Gossypine), Vitamin C
(Ascorbic acid).

Benefits of Multivitamins
● Aids normal bone, tooth and exoskeleton development
● Maintains the health of the skin and membranes
● Helps in energy metabolism and tissue formation
● Enhances calcium and phosphorus absorption and utilization
● Promotes immune stimulation
● Decreases the diseases incidence
● Acts as antioxidant
● Acts like ‘Cement’ for connective tissues
● Helps for wound healing
● Makes iron absorption
● Benefits for healthy eye & vision
● Involve in a large number of biological processes
● Creates collagen in the body
● Makes the skin, joints, exoskeleton and bones strong
● Regulates moult phase in shrimps

Biological Functions of Water Soluble Vitamins

Thiamine (B1): aids growth, digestion, fertility, nervous system, carbohydrate
metabolism and oxidation of glucose
Riboflavin (B2): vision, enzyme functioning, energy metabolism, respiration of
poorly vascularised tissues, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Pyroxidine (B6): enzyme secretion, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
Pantothenic Acid (B5): adrenal functioning, cholersterol production, normal
physiology and metabolism,
Aquaculture: Types 93

Nicotinic Acid (niacin, B3): lipid, protein and amino acid metabolism
Biotin (H): enzyme secretion, purine and lipid synthesis, oxidation of lipids and
Folic Acid (B9): blood cell formation, blood glucose regulation and various
Cyanocobalamin (B12): enzyme systems, cholesterol metabolism
Inositol: cell membrane permeability, structural component of skeletal, heart and
brain tissue, growth of liver and bone marrow cells, liver lipid (cholesterol) transport,
synthesis of RNA.
Choline: better growth and FCR, maintenance of cell structure and the transmission
of nerve impulses, transport of lipid within the body.

Biological Functions of Fat-Soluble vitamins

Retinol (Vitamin A)
Highest biological activites, normal vision, form a visual pigments, maintenance
of the mucous secreting epithelial tissues of the reproductive tract, skin, bone and
gastro-intestinal tract, protecting mucous membranes and developing bone tissue,
epithelial cell metabolism, release of proteolytic enzymes from lysosomes.

Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D)
Calcium and phosphorus metabolism, growth of bone tissue, synthesis of the
calcium binding protein, the conversion of organic phosphorus to inorganic
phosphorus in bone, maintenance of blood calcium level, and the deposition and
oxidation of citrate in bone.
Tocopherol: act as lipid-soluble extracellular and intracellular antioxidants, protect
the highly unsaturated fatty acids, important role in cellular respiration, biosynthesis
of DNA and coenzyme Q.

Phylloquinone (Vitamin K)
Maintenance of normal blood coagulation, electron transport and oxidative
phosphorylation in micro-organisms.
94 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Vitamin C
Vitamin C probably is the most important because it is a powerful antioxidant and
immune modulator for fishes/ shrimps. The fish and shrimp body needs vitamin
C (ascorbic acid or ascorbate) to remain in proper health condition.
● Vitamin C makes various benefits to the fish/ shrimp body by holding cells
together through collagen synthesis. Collagen is a connective tissue that holds
muscles, bones, and other tissues together. Collagen is also needed for the
healing of wounds.
● Vitamin C also requires in wound healing, bone and tooth formation,
strengthening blood vessel walls, improving immune system function, increasing
absorption and utilization of iron, and acting as an antioxidant.
● Vitamin C works with vitamin E as an antioxidant and plays a crucial role
in neutralizing free radicals throughout the body.
● Vitamin C reduces the effects of toxic chemicals in water and prevent
negative effects of water temperature fluctuations.
● Vitamin C increases intestinal absorption of iron from plant-based foods.
● Vitamin C enhances in immune response.
● Vitamin C helps synthesize carnitine, adrenaline, epinephrine, the
neurotransmitter serotonin, the thyroid hormone thyroxine, bile acids, and
steroid hormones.
● Vitamin C regulates the moult phase and helps in quick formation of
exoskeleton in shrimps.

Major Functions of Vitamin C

Water temperature
Vitamin C diets helps to fishes during low temperature period for enhancing
digestion efficiency and there after promote growth rate.
The ascorbic acid concentrations in tissues in fish change during stressful periods.
Vitamin C prevents from various stress such as: environmental stress, handling
stress, pathogenic stress, transportation stress, osmotic stress etc, of fishes and
Aquaculture: Types 95

Toxic Gasses Eliminator

The ascorbic acid helps to eliminate the adverse effect of ammonia on growth
of fishes and reduces the toxic effect of nitrite levels in intensive aquaculture
Wound healing
Vitamin C makes collagen formation in body and helps in quick for optimal
wound repair in fishes and shrimps.
Vitamin C helps in reproductive systems of fishes, prawns and shrimps such as
growth of healthy brooders, proper egg and sperm formation, optimum fecundity,
improve hatchability, healthy larval and fry conditions etc.
Larval Nutrition
Diet with vitamin C acts fast development of embryo /larvae and early fry stages
with reduction of mortality in early stages of fishes /shrimps.
Vitamin C is at the top of the list among natural immune boosters for fish /shrimp
body. Vitamin C has the immune-stimulating properties and compensates the
immune-depression. It offers protection to fish / shrimp immune system by
encouraging the activity of immune system cells including neutrophils and
phagocytes. The collagen prevents various diseases caused by bacteria and
viruses. Mucus helps in preventing microorganisms from entering to the body
through the skin, gills and gastrointestinal mucosa. Vitamin C prevents bacteria
from adhering to epithelial cells. High concentration of vitamin C in white blood
cells enables the immune system to function properly by providing protection
against oxidative damage from free radicals generated during their action against
bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.
Free radicals, such as super oxide, hydroxyl ions and nitric oxide all contain an
unpaired electron. These radicals can have a negative effect on cells causing
oxidative damage that leads to cell death. Antioxidants, such as vitamin E &
Vitamin C, prevent cell damage by binding to the free radical and neutralizing its
unpaired electron. Ascorbic acid is well known for its antioxidant activities.
Ascorbate acts as a reducing agent to reverse oxidation in aqueous solution.
96 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Energy can be defined as the capacity of work or ability to perform any work.
Every organism requires energy for:
(i) Mechanical work (Muscle activity for movement),
(ii) Chemical work (The chemical processes which takes place in the body),
(iii) Electrical work (For nerve activity),
(iv) Osmotic work (For maintaining the body fluids in equilibrium with each other
and with the medium, whether fresh, brackish or marine where the fishes
(v) Free energy which is left available for biological activity and growth after the
energy requirements for maintaining body temperature (not necessary for
fish since, fishes are poikilotherms) is satisfied.
(vi) The excess energy is dissipated as heat (New, 1987).
Fish, prawn and shrimps require food to supply the energy that they need for
movement and all the other activities in which they engage, and the ‘building
blocks’ for growth. In this way they do not differ from any other farm animals
even the human beings.The metabolic rates of the fishes however, largely depends
on the surrounding water temperature and the optimum temperature on which
they can survive, eat and grow best.Thus, in areas where there is wide range of
water temperature seasonally, the fish will consume much more food in the
summer than in winter (New, 1987).

Proteins and amino acids

Proteins are one of the large complex organic compounds that usually perform
an essential role in the structure and functioning of every living organisms.Proteins
are composed of several amino acids, considered as the building blocks of proteins.
Out of the twenty three (23) of them which could have been isolated from
natural proteins only ten (10) are considered indispensable for fish. The amino
acid composition of proteins from different sources varies widely. Some proteins
have none of certain amino acids.Where as some can be synthesized by animals
and those cannot be synthesized are referred to as “Essential Amino Acids” or
EAA’s. For fishes and some crustaceans the EAA’s are the following: Arginine,
histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan
and valine.
Aquaculture: Types 97

Carbohydrate: Carbohydrates are the most abundant and relatively least

expensive source of energy which are in use in aquaculture activities. This include
starches, sugars, cellulose and gums containing only the elements like carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen. Successful fish feeds contain a certain amount of carbohydrates about
20-30%. Besides providing energy, they have the physical function of texturizing the
manufactured feed as a binder in the formulation of pellets.

Freshness Grading System of Fish

Freshness of the fishes mostly depends when carbohydrate, protein, vitamin
contents of fish flesh are in order which may be judged by following the freshness
grading system (Table-13).


A pond can be divided into three distinct zones, according to the depth of the
pond. i) Upper surface zone ii) Middle column zone and, iii) Bottom zone.In order
to achieve productivity of the pond and depending upon the feeding habit of the
fish, selection of species combination is a must. In case of mono-species culture,
only one zone is being utilized or exploited while, the other zones remain unutilized.
Therefore, the entire ecological area is not utilized, resulting in poor production.
For example: if only catla is cultured in a pond, only the surface zone will be
utilized and the other zones remain unexploited. If all the ecological niches of the
pond are exploited, greater production is possible. In mixed culture the fish
usually stocked are a mixture of plankton feeders and macrophyte (aquatic
weed) feeders. The nutrients added to the water are taken up by both phytoplankton
and the macrophytic water weeds, but as with land plants, they may not grow
at the same pace, so that one group may use up most of the nutrients leaving
little for the other. In ponds we try to maintain a balance by using both the
phytoplankton to feeders and the water-weed eaters. If we use only fish that eat
waterweeds, these may be heavily grazed and the nutrients released may then
be taken up by the phytoplankton, which becomes denser and denser, shading out
the submerged water-weeds and preventing them from growing again. If we only
use the plankton feeders, the phytoplankton may become so heavily grazed, that
the ungrazed submerged water-weeds grow very fast and use up all the nutrients.
The plankton feeders will then starve. Sometimes not all the phytoplankton is
grazed and we then have zooplankton developing (minute crustacea, rotifers,
etc.). These also can be grazed down. We try therefore to achieve a balance
where both phytoplankton and aquatic-weeds can grow, and to have different
species of fish grazing down both.
Table13: Freshness grading system of fishes.

98 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Grade Highly acceptable Acceptable Fairly acceptable Not acceptable
Skin Bright, shining, Waxy, slight loss of Dull Dull, gritty and
iridescent or opalescent bloom shrinkage
Outer slime Transparent or water Milky Yellowish grey, some Yellow-brown, heavy
white clotting clotted and thick
Eyes Convex, black pupil, Plane, slightly opaque Slightly concave, grey Completely sunken,
translucent cornea pupil, slightly opalescent pupil, opaque cornea grey pupil, opaque
cornea. discolored cornea
Gills Bright red, mucus Pink, mucus slightly Grey, mucus opaque Brown, mucus
translucent opaque and thick yellowish grey and
Peritoneum Glossy, brilliant difficult Slightly dull, difficult to Gritty, fairly easy to tear Gritty, easily torn from
to tear from flesh tear from flesh from flesh flesh
Smell Fresh, strong weedy Slightly weedy, no odour, Definitely musty mousy Acetic, fruity amines
odour trace of musty mousy etc etc, bready and malty sulphide faecal
Vent Closed Closed in many cases Open in most cases Open and gut content
Aquaculture: Types 99


Aquatic weed plants are defined as a plant in an aquatic system (ponds, lakes,
reservoirs, rivers and seas) that is not valued where it is growing and is usually
of vigorous growth.Holm et al., (1977) listed just ten aquatic weeds, including the
three most notorious weeds viz.Eichhornia cressipes (water hyacinth), Pistia
stratious (water lettuce) and Salvinia auriculata later identified as S. molesta
(water fern, giant salvinia or kariba weed).Interestingly enough, In almost half a
century since this book was published, the number of world’s worst aquatic
weeds has grown to about more than couple of dozens(Charudattan,
2001).Collectively, these weeds cause serious problems in nearly all countries,
affecting nearly all uses of water bodies such as for aquaculture, commercial and
subsistence fishing , drinking and household consumption, hydropower generation,
irrigation, transport, navigation and recreation.The more invasive species among
these weeds affect biodiversity in replacing native flora and fauna, often causing
irreversible changes to habitat.Loss of aesthetic value of waterfront communities
due to weed growth is also a serious concern.Dead biomass from large weed
infestations increases the rates of sedimentation and eutrophication and reduces
water depth. Excessive algal blooms can also render the water not only undrinkable
but also impart an unpleasant odor to fish, deplete oxygen levels and cause fish
kills (Pieterse, 1990).

Removal of Aquatic Weeds from Fish Rearing Ponds

Aquatic weeds share some common characteristics that contribute to their success
as weeds such as their prolific growth rates, high seed output, multiple mode of
propagation including clonal and sexual prpagules(by vegetative fragments, tubers,
turions and rhizomes), and high vegetative and physiological plasticity that imparts
intense competitiveness and environmental fitness(Langeland, 1996). These qualities
contribute to the difficulty and complexity of aquatic weed management.Aquatic
weeds are unwanted and undesirable vegetation that reproduce and grow in water.
If left unchecked may choke the water body posing a serious menace to pisciculture.
● They provide breeding grounds and harbor predatory insects.
● Provide shelter to predatory and weed fishes and mollusks.
● They restrict free movement of fry.
● They cause obstruction during netting.
● Limit living space for fish.
● Limit plankton production.
● Reduce sunlight penetration and nutrients.
● Upsets the equilibrium of physico-chemical properties of water.
100 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

● Cause imbalance in dissolved oxygen budget.

● Promote accumulation of deposits leading to siltation.
● Reduce water movement, thereby limits oxygen circulation in water.
● Some weeds release toxic gases that cause fish death and add foul smell to
● Classification of Weeds
1. Floating weeds: Eichornia, Pistia, Azolla, Lemna minor or major,
etc.(Fig.30b) cause problems by partially or completely blanketing large
and small aquatic bodies, interfering with the normal use of the water.
They increase water loss through the dual actions of evaporation and
transpiration.They also impart differential effects on submerged plants by
promoting plant species that are tolerant of shades and changes in water
chemistry, especially pH and Dissolved Oxygen might have detrimental
effect on more sensitive species (Janes et al., 1996).
2. Marginal weeds: Colecasia, Typha, Cyperus, Marsilia, etc. Marginal
or the shoreline weeds especially the cattails, grasses which are rooted
emergent plants are common in lakes, canals and rivers.In the tropical
countries where seasonal drought and the incidence of highly turbid waters
generally are the rule, floating and rooted emergent plants like Typha spp.
(the cuttails) and grasses are important weeds in irrigation and drainage
canals. These perennial shallow water plants can grow in large clonal masses
and obstruct the flow of water (Da Silva et al., 2000).
3. Emergent weeds: Nymphae, Myriophyllum, Nelumbo, etc.
4. Submerged weeds:Hydrilla, Valisnaria, Chara, Ceratophyllum,
etc.Submerged aquatic macrophytes are particularly difficult and costly
to manage more so pose serious problems for pond/lake management.The
submerged aquatic weeds are typically influenced by the turbidity, age,
sediment composition, bottom topography, water transparency and the
nutrient concentrations of the water body(Clayton, 2000).

Fig. 30a: Floating euglenoids (Euglena viridis) Dinoflagellates

Aquaculture: Types 101

5. Algal weeds: Spirogyra, Microcystis, Oscillatoria, Dinoflagellates,

etc.Very often a brick red scum appears on the surface of pond water
during day time and gradually disappears as the sun sets. These are
microscopic euglenoids (Fig.30a) having a distinct vertical migrations.

Removal of aquatic weeds

Manual removal, mechanical control by various types of mechanical harvesters;
physical control by the use of shading devices such as dyes and shade films,
burning and water level fluctuations , chemical control by using herbicides and
biological control are the principal methods of weed control used.All these weeds
have to be eradicated using one or more of the following methods:
1. Manual method: Manual removal of weeds involves physical removal of
the weeds by hand. This may be practical provided the pond is small and
labour is cheap.
2. Mechanical method: Some machines or implements are used for removing
aquatic weeds. This method is normally applicable for larger water bodies.
It is capital intensive and beyond the means of average fish farmer.In general,
mechanical control methods are extremely inefficient, often requiring repeated
cuttings to tackle weed populations that quickly rebound (Lindsay and Hirt,
1999).Plants fragmented by mechanical harvesting can regrow from the
fragments, promote weed reestablishment and worsen the weed
problem(Sidorkewici et al., 2000).
In smaller ponds raking is another way, not only to remove the weeds but
also helps in nutrient recycling which helps the stocked fishes immensely.
3. Chemical method
● Weeds are eradicated using chemicals.
● Different weedicide are used for removal of different weeds present in
aquaculture pond.

Fig. 30b: The common aquatic weeds (Water hyacinth, Pistia, Salvinia).
Table 14: Common indigenous weeds and the weedicides for their control.

102 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Sl.NO Type of weeds Herbicide Dosage Method of application
1 Water hyacinth 2, 4-D 8 - 10 kg/ha Foliar spraying
2 Ipomoea spp. 2, 4-D 2 - 4 kg/ha Foliar spraying
3 Sedges and rushes 2, 4-D 5 -10 kg/ha Foliar spraying/ root zone treatment
4 Lotuses and lilies 2, 4-D 5 - 10 kg/ha Root zone treatment
5 Ottelia, Vallisneria 2, 4-D 10 -20 kg/ha Root zone treatment
6 Aquatic grasses(in young stages) Dalaphon 5-10 kg/ha Foliar spraying
7 Aquatic grasses Paraquat 2 kg/ha Foliar spraying
8 Aquatic grasses Diuron 4 kg/ha Root zone treatment
9 Microcystis, other planktonic and Diuron 0.1-0.3 ppm Root zone treatment. Dispersal in
filamentous algae water column
10 All submerged weeds Ammonia 10-15 ppm Root zone treatment. dispersal in water
11 Pistia Ammonia 1% aqueous solution Foliar spraying
with 0.25% wetting agent
12 Pistia Paraquat 0.2 kg/ha Foliar spraying
13 Salvinia Ammonia 2% aqueous solution Foliar spraying
with 0.25% wetting agent
14 Salvinia Paraquat 0.4 kg/ha Foliar spraying
Aquaculture: Types 103

● Dinoflagellate (algal weeds) especially the Euglena viridis scum may be

eradicated by applying lime@ 30-40kgs /acre.
4. Biological method.
*The method is more advantageous since the undesirable weeds are converted
into fish flesh.
● It is cheap as no labour is involved and most suitable from the social and
environmental point of view.
● The method employs certain organisms which feed on the weeds.
● The grass carp which can eat up much more aquatic vegetation is itself
an excellent example of biological weed control.
● The common carp helps in uprooting of certain plants.
*Tawes, Puntius gonionotus is also a good feeder of aquatic weeds.The
Yamuna turtle consumes water hyacinth in the ponds.

13. Eradication of Weed and Predatory Fishes from

Rearing Ponds
● Fishes which predate the spawn, fry and fingerling of cultured fishes.
● They get into cultured ponds through water or seeds.
● They breed easily in confined water little earlier than carps and therefore
their size will be bigger than the size of the carps.
● They compete for food, space and DO and result in poor growth of
● Their complete eradication using physical methods is difficult.
● They have the habit of burrowing in the mud bottom.
● Use of pesticides is inevitable.

Table 15: Common weed eating fish and the weeds of their preference.

Fishes Names Feed upon

Grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella Submerged weeds e.g: Hydrilla, Najas,
Ceratophyllum, Potamogeton, Ottelia and
duck weeds
Common carp Cyprinus carpio Tender shoots
Gaurami Osphronemus goramy Tender shoots of submerged weeds and
filamentous algae
Pearl spot Etroplus suratensis Filamentous algae
Silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Algal bloom
104 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

● Common predatory fishes are: Channa spp., Clarias batrachas,

Heteropneustes fossilis, Pangsius sp., Mystus sp. Ompok spp., Wallago
attu and Glossogobius giuris etc.

Weed Fishes
i. These are uneconomical, small sized, naturally occurring or introduced
accidentally in ponds along with other fish seeds.
ii. They competes for food, space and dissolved oxygen.
iii. They have high fecundity and breed well before major carps breed.
iv. Many of them breed throughout the year.
v. Therefore, fish seeds from wild contain seeds of weed fishes.

Common weed fishes are: Puntius sp., Oxygaster sp., Ambassis sp.,
Amblypharyngodon mola. Colisa sp., Rasbora sp., Aplocheilus sp., Laubuca
sp., Esomus danricus, etc.
Removal of predatory and weed fishes:
1. Repeated netting:
A. Repeated netting is suitable for only those ponds having no other fishes
except carps.
B. It is not possible to catch predatory and weed fishes simply by netting.
C. Remaining fishes will breed and have sizable population in the pond.
2. Dewatering the pond is the best method:
● Dewater the pond, catch all the fish and allow the pond bottom to dry
till the bottom soil cracks.
● Summer is the best time for this.
● Poisoning the pond (in case where dewatering and drying is not possible).


Fish poison/toxicants is also known as piscicides or ichthyotoxins.A multiple of
plant species are known to possess chemicals that are toxic to fish.Application
of synthetic pesticides is one of the methods used to control of fish population
but due to their long-term persistence, slow degradability in the water, toxicity to
other aquatic organisms and accumulation in fish body tissues, synthetic piscicides
adversely affect the aquatic environment. Piscicides of plant origin are safe for
Aquaculture: Types 105

users and also do not adversely affect the environment.A number of compounds
(saponins, tannins, alkaloids, alkyl phenols, di and tri-terpenoids etc.) present in
several plants belonging to different families with piscicidal activities (family
Euphorbiaceae), are used to control fish (Vimal and Das, 2015).Fish farmers
should use piscicides of botanical origin that are not hazardous to the environment
and have shorter residual affects rather that chemical pesticides that prove to be
very dangerous to the environment and to humans. The latex of many plants have
the potential to be used as piscicide which can be an alternative to harmful
chemical piscicides that are widely used today to eradicate fishes in the ponds
(Neuwinger, 2004).
Fish toxicants can be grouped into (a) Plant derivatives, (b) Chlorinated
hydrocarbons and (c) Organophosphates. Chlorinated hydrocarbons are the most
toxic and stable compounds, not metabolised and remain stored in fish tissues.
Although organophosphates are less toxic but adversely affect other aquatic
biota. These are relatively less persistent in water and rarely stored in fish body.
Prior to use of fish toxicants, certain criteria should be followed.
(1) It should be effective at minimum dosage
(2) It should be less costly
(3) The fish killed by the toxicant should be suitable for consumption
(4) The toxicity should remain only for short duration
(5) The toxicity should be non-cumulative
(6) The toxicants should be easily available.
Since the use of chlorinated hydrocarbons and organophosphates is not normally
recommended in fish culture ponds, use of plant derivative piscicides is encouraged.
Commonly used piscicides are:
a. Mahua oil cake
● It is the most commonly used fish toxicant in our country.
● It contains about 4 -6% saponin.
● It kills fish at 200-250 ppm in 6-10 hours.
● Fishes killed by this are fit for consumption.
● The toxicity lasts for 15 -20 days in water
● Mahua cake subsequently becomes the manure for the pond.
● Applied at the rate of 2000 -2500 kg/ha at one metre average depth.
● Powdered cake soaked in water and broadcast over water surface.
106 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

● After its application, the pond is netted repeatedly to enable uniform

mixing and also to take out dead fishes.
b. Tea seed cake
● Crushed and powdered tea seeds are effective for the control of the
unwanted fishes in the fish ponds.
● Kills fish @ 75 -100 ppm
● Applied @ 750 to1000 kg/ha for every one metre average depth.
● Toxicity lasts for 10 -12 days.
● Ultimately the cake acts as fertilizer in the pond.
● The treated fishes are suitable for human consumption.
c. Ammonia
* Anhydrous ammonia is quite costly
*Kills fish @ 20-25 ppm
*Ammonia gas comes in cylinders.
● For application, the cylinder is held in position at the bottom of the pond
and moved from one side to the other releasing the gas in a controlled
way so that there is neither excessive cooling nor gas loss during the
absorption by the bottom soil.
● Sufficient protection should be provided to persons who apply the gas.
d. Bleaching powder
● Bleaching powder or calcium hypochlorite is an effective fish toxicant.
● It is used in eradicating the unwanted fishes from the-fish pond.
● It is easily available and less costly.
● Kills fish @ 25-30 ppm within 3 - 4 hours
● Dead fish start floating to the surface of the water.
● Applied @ 350 kg/ha, commercial bleaching powder (30% chlorine).
● Combination of urea @ 100 kg/ha + 175 kg/ha of bleaching powder can
also be used.
● The toxicity lasts for about 7-8 days in the pond.
● The additional advantage of bleaching powder is its disinfecting and
oxidizing effect on the decomposing matter at the bottom of the pond.
Aquaculture: Types 107

Table 16: Recommended doses of fish poisons.

Poison Dose (kg/ha/m)

Bleaching powder 350 – 500
Mohua oil cake 2500
Anhydrous ammonia 20 – 30
Powdered seed of Croton tiglium 30 – 50
Root powder of Milletiapachycarpa 40 – 50
Seed powder of Milletia piecidia 40 – 50
Seed powder of Barringtonia acutangula 150
Seed meal of tamarind (Tamarindusindica) 1750 – 2000
Tea seed cake (Camellia sinensis) 750

The respective doses of the plant seeds pest powder are to be mixed thoroughly in a bucketful of
water and splash over the entire pond surface.
108 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 11


12 13

14 15

Fig. 31: Some piscivorous and weed fishes of fresh water ponds. (1. Channa striata (Shole)
2. Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia) 3. Anabas testudineus (Koi) 4. Channa striata (Shole)
5. Channa marulius(Shal) 6. Channa punctatus (Lata) 7. Wallago attu (Boal) 8. Notopterus
chitala (Chital) 9. Colisa fasciata (Kholse) 10. Amblypharyngodon mola (Mourala)
11. Puntius ticto (Punti) 12. Lates calcarifer (Bhetki) 13. Gudusia chapra 14. Amphipnous
cuchia (Kuche) 15. Mastacembelus sp.)
110 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

The living organisms and their non-living environment are inseparably connected
and they constantly interact with each other. It is therefore, obvious that the
entire dynamics as well as homeostasis of an ecosystem are largely regulated by
the interplay of various physical and chemical parameters. Physico-chemical
parameters of water viz. temperature, transparency, pH, alkalinity, dissolved gasses,
available forms of bioactive nutrients etc. not only influence the occurrence and
abundance of aquatic biota but also govern the productivity which form the
cornerstone of community metabolism.
Soil is an integral and vital part of environment and may be defined as
secrete bodies produced by interactions of climate, vegetation and surficial geologic
materials on the earth surface. The bottom soil is the substratum on which water
column stands. Obviously therefore, it plays a very significant role in influencing
the productivity of ponds. In any type of aquacultural enterprise the farmer
should have a basic idea of his pond soil. The knowledge of chemical characteristics
and the nutritional status of pond soil (pH, available phosphorus, nitrogen, organic
carbon and organic matter etc.) is a pre-requisite. Productivity of a pond is
largely depended on the chemical properties of soil. In general the slothful nature
of sandy-loam soil permits aeration and helps increasing the productivity of
microbes. Presence of organic matter and their nutrients leech easily in the sandy
soil. Mineralization process in presence of sunlight and congenial temperature
generally do occur at the soil-water interphase. Such course of activities essentially
makes available different types of minerals (both micro- and macro) in water.
This process gets hampered when the quality of soil deteriorates and the overall
pond productivity is badly affected.
An ideal pond bottom soil is that in which mineralization of organic matter
is rapid and essential nutrients are released slowly in order to maintain an optimum
trophic status.


Soil composition and quality are extremely important factors in pond aquaculture.
Soil is usually the main source of dyke building materials, and soil quality determines
the productivity of a pond to a large extent. A pond soil, having the ability to
absorb and release nutrients and as rightly been described by Hickling (1971) as
the chemical laboratory of the pond that influence the natural productivity,
water quality and, hence survival of fish and growth.
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 111

Macan et al., (1942) classified pond bottom into three main types:
i) Inorganic bottom of gravel, sand or clay which are poor in nutrients, but can
be improved by the application of manure or sewage/sludges;
ii) Peaty bottom formed by the accumulation of undecomposed vegetable debris
which can be corrected by using heavy doses of lime to bring about
decomposition and;
iii) Mud bottom which are the most productive one.
In order to utilize and maintain its productivity, biogeochemical cycles have
to be set in involving replenishment of nutrients continuously consumed by aquatic
life. The fertility of soil refers to its nutrient releasing properties since sediment
is always a great source of minerals. As an absorber of toxic gases and as a
filter of waste waters, soil is also important for hygiene with regard to waste
water recycling.
Each and every soil type has its own history, all the conditions involved in its
formation and development must be taken into account when studying a soil.
Unfortunately, little is known about the direct or indirect relationship of soil with
fish production (Jhingran, 2000).Hickling (1971) is of the opinion that soil is
obviously the chemical laboratory where nutrients for aquatic inhabitants are
produced by chemical process from the raw materials consisting of organic
matter and mineral constituents of clay. Soil characteristics are related to
biogeochemical processes including trophic status. An understanding of the
chemistry of soil is of paramount importance in relation to fisheries (Banerjea,
It is needless to mention, sewage discharge into the water bodies carries a
lot of organic and inorganic ingredients which will bring both qualitative and
quantitative changes in the system. It is therefore, the study of important chemical
parameters like pH, organic carbon, available nitrogen and phosphorus are of
immense importance as the water quality parameters are dependant to a great
extent on the quality of pond basin soil.
Banerjea (1967) from the study of large number of fish pond soil under
different agro climatic conditions inferred that pond productivity depends on soil
qualities such as its reaction status of available nutrients and OC. He also
classified ponds into low, medium and high productive on the basis of nutrient
status as given in the table below:
112 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Table 17: Nutrient status of the pond soil.

Status Av. N mg/100 gm Av. P2O5 mg/100gm OC%

Low < 25 <3 <0.5
Medium 20 - 25 3-6 0.5-1.5
High 750 76 >1.5

Boyd et al., 2002 studied organic matters and dynamics of soil organic
matters and nutrients. He pointed out that pond soil containing more than 15 %
organic carbon (OC) will be considered as organic soils. Organic soils again are
divided into three different groups in connection with organic content, as low (25­
25% OC) medium (26-40% OC) and high more than 40%. Pond sediments
usually contain 0.5 to 5% OC and the optimum concentration is considered to be
1-3%. Thus the following categories have been suggested by Boyd, 2002
for OC in pond sediment which are constructed on mineral soil as low < 1% OC,
medium 1-3% OC and high more than 3% OC. Banerjee, 2009, pointed out
critical concentration of soil nutrients are: Av.N, 200 mg kg-1, Av.P, 13mg kg-1
and K 80 mg kg-1.
In any type of aqua cultural enterprise the farmer should have a basic idea
of his pond soil. The knowledge of chemical characteristics and the nutritional
status of pond soil (pH, available phosphorus, nitrogen, organic carbon and organic
matter etc.) is a pre-requisite. Productivity of a pond is largely depended on the
chemical properties of soil. In general the slothful nature of sandy-loam soil
permits aeration and helps increasing the productivity of microbes. Presence
oforganic matter and their nutrients leech easily in the sandy soil. Mineralization
process in presence of sunlight and congenial temperature generally do occur in
the soil-water interphase. Such course of activities essentially makes available
different types of minerals (both micro- and macro) in water. This process gets
hampered when the quality of soil deteriorates and the overall pond productivity
is badly affected.
In acid-sulfate soils (Fig. 33) it is necessary to apply sufficient amount of
agricultural lime (powdered calcium carbonate, CaCO3) @ 90-100 kg/acre area
which is the most common neutralizing material in such case. There are problems
if even there is black soil (Fig. 33a). Black soil have low fertility and are poor
in organic matter, nitrogen, available phosphorous and zinc. Cracking when dry
and swelling when wet makes them difficult to manage, unless they are cultivated
at appropriate soil moisture levels. This makes black soil difficult to manage
hence should have to be carefully removed from the pond bottom. It is considered
that the range of soil pH from 7.5 to 8.5 is perfect for aqua farming. Aquatic
inhabitants (phyto- and zooplankton, fishes etc.) as a whole, are severely affected
if the soil pH is acidic. Besides, soil pH makes phosphorus availability but pH
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 113

more than 9.0 also restricts purveying phosphorus availability. For a meaningful
aquaculture enterprise, available phosphorus in soil must be within 10 to 15mg/
100gmof soil. In addition to this, the available nitrogen in soil should be between
8 to 10mg/100 gm of soil (Table-18a). The organic matter present in soil which
helps in keeping the pond soil alive, effective and increase the water retention
capacity. The excessive presence of organic substances in soil may bring down
the pH of water and destroy the aquatic environment and may increase the
autochthonous turbidity. The range of Organic Carbon (OC) should be between
1.5 to 2.5% and Organic Matter (OM) between 2.5 to 4.3% to enhance fertility
and productivity of a pond. Generally it is believed that the available nitrogen in
pond soil plays a pivotal role in productivity of pond water.
The carbon-nitrogen ratio (C: N) is also a decisive factor in fish production
(Table-18b).This ratio is also playing a crucial role in the availability of various
nutrients in water. In soil, not only the organic carbon but also the ratio of carbon
and nitrogen (C: N), the decomposition of organic matter (OM) largely depends
and the various bacteria have been found to play a crucial role in the process
Table-18(a): Conditions of pond soil.

Pond Soil Available Nitrogen Productive nature

(mg/100gm) of pond
Newly excavated soil 10.00 Non-productive
Old pond 50-75 Productive
General unproductive soil 25-40 Unproductive

Table-18(b): C: N ratio of soil vis-à-vis productivity of pond.

Carbon-Nitrogen ratio of soil Productivity of pond

<10 Unproductive
10-15 Productive
>20 Unproductive

Table-18(c): Ideal range of chemical features of soil.

Chemical characteristics Ideal range

pH of soil 6.5-7.5
Organic Carbon 1.5-2.5%
Organic matter 2.5-4.3
Available Nitrogen 59-75mg/100gm
Available Phosphorus 6-12mg/100gm
114 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Primarily to understand the nature of the soil it is necessary to take out

handful of the soil from the pond bottom and by the help of fingers, make it a
ball and throw it upward. If the ball split and breakdown, it is to be understood
that the soil is not ideal for aquaculture purpose. In such circumstances, to make
it fit for aquaculture use, both time and money is a mere wastage.Water quality
management has been considered as one of the most important aspects of pond
aquaculture for many years, but less attention has been given to the management
of pond bottom soil quality. There is increasing evidence that the condition of
pond bottoms and the exchange of substances between soil and water strongly
influence water quality (Boyd, 1995). It is needless to mention in this context that
“soil beneath the pond water is the chemical laboratory of every pond”. Hence,
today more attention is being devoted to the study of pond soils.


A. Preparation of soil
It is always advisable to excavate the soil at least once in two to three years of
a perennial fish Pond (Fig. 32) either manually or by mechanically (Fig: 34, 34a
and 35). The earth may well be utilized to renovate and streamlining the bunds
around (Fig: 36& 36a). Due to anaerobic condition, presence of sulfur turns the
sediment corrosive, otherwise called acid-sulfate soil or black soil (Fig. 33 and
33a) which is not desirable for an aquaculture pond.

Table 19: Ranges of bottom soil properties on Fish Production.

Variables Range Fish production

pH <5.5 Low
5.5-6.5 Average
6.5-7.5 Optimum
7.5-8.5 Average
Available Phosphorus <3ppm Low
3-6ppm Average
>6ppm Optimum
Organic Nitrogen <25ppm Low
25-50ppm Average
>75ppm Optimum
Organic Carbon <0.5% Low
0.5-1.5% Average
1.5-2.5% Optimum
>2.5% Declining
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 115

Fig. 32: A perennial fresh water carp culture pond

Fig. 33: Acid sulfate Soil indicating Fig. 33a: Thick layers of black soil
anaerobic condition

Acidic bottom soil is a common problem in pond aquaculture, and fish farmers
often as remedial measures apply agricultural limestone to such ponds. Aquaculture
ponds are usually limed after draining for harvest and before refilling for the next
crop (Fig.34a). However, sportfish ponds are usually not drained for liming, and
agricultural limestone is spread over the water surface from a boat (Boyd, 1982;
Boyd & Tucker, 1998).
The objective of liming is to neutralize acidity in the upper layer of bottom
soil and to increase concentrations of total alkalinity and total hardness in the
water (Thomaston & Zeller, 1961). Several studies have shown positive responses
in phytoplankton productivity and fish production following liming of acidic ponds,
and methods for determining the lime requirements of bottom soils have been
developed (Boyd, 1995).
Nevertheless, liming often is applied to ponds indiscriminately, with no concern
for bottom soil pH or total alkalinity and total hardness concentrations. It is
doubtful that liming has a large influence where soil pH is above 7 or total
alkalinity is above 50 mg L-1 (Boyd, 1995). Aquaculture ponds are ordinarily
drained for harvest, bottoms are allowed to dry, and liming materials are applied.
Lime is frequently blended with the bottom soil by tilling.
116 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Figs.34 and 34a: Pond excavation in progress and after excavation

Fig. 35: Mechanized (Foklar) excavation of pond soil

Fig. 36&36a: Stream lined base & the bund

B. Water quality
Water quality is the totality of physical, biological and chemical parameters that
affect the growth and welfare of cultured organisms. The success of a commercial
aquaculture enterprise depends on providing the optimum environment for rapid
growth at the minimum cost of resources and capital. Water quality affects the
general condition of cultured organism as it determines the health and growth
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 117

conditions of cultured organism. Quality of water is, therefore, an essential factor

to be considered when planning for high aquaculture production (Mallya, 2007).
Although the environment of aquaculture, fish in particular, is a complex
system, consisting of several water quality variables, only few of them play
decisive role. The critical parameters are temperature, suspended solids and
concentrations of dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrite, carbon dioxide and alkalinity.
However, dissolved oxygen is the most important and critical parameter, requiring
continuous monitoring in aquaculture production systems. This is due to fact that
fish aerobic metabolism requires dissolved oxygen (Timmons et al., 2001).
The living organisms and their non-living environment are inseparably connected
and they constantly interact with each other. It is therefore obvious that the entire
dynamics as well as homeostasis of an ecosystem are largely regulated by the
interplay of various physical and chemical parameters. Physico-chemical
parameters of water viz. temperature, transparency, pH, alkalinity, dissolved gasses,
available forms of bioactive nutrients etc. not only influence the occurrence and
abundance of aquatic biota but also govern the productivity which form the
cornerstone of community metabolism.
Solar radiation, the arrival of which on the earth’s surface marks the beginning
of photosynthetic process, is the fundamental driving force behind the entire
ecosystem dynamics because, it is the basic source of energy for all trophic
levels. Detailed study of radiation incident upon water surface and its subsequent
reflection by the attenuation in water was made by Anderson (1952). Water
absorbs solar radiation very rapidly and as much as 53% of the radiation passing
through the water is absorbed in the first meter in the water column including
almost all the infra red energy (Krebs, 1985). The radiation transforms into heat
and undergoes extinction. About 50% of the remaining light is attenuated with
each additional meter depth (Reid and Wood, 1976).
Temperature variability is extremely important ecologically. Temperature in
an aquatic ecosystem mainly (>75%) emanates from the absorbed radiation.
Earlier, temperature was branded as a master limiting factor (Krebs, 1985) because
it not only exerts powerful effect in the metabolism, reproduction and life cycles
of organisms but is also a major determinant of the variability of several other
important physico-chemical variables viz. salinity, turbidity, concentration of
dissolved gases etc. Temperature also brings about thermal stratification of lakes
but in ponds, such stratification cannot occur because of low depth.
Secchi disc transparency is essentially a function of the reflection of light in
the water column. It is therefore, influenced by the absorption characteristics,
118 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

both of water and of its dissolved and particulate matter. Transparency of water
mainly depends on two factors:
i) Autochthonous production of plankton, and
ii) Allochthonous input.
Both theoretical analyses as well as a large number of empirical observations
have shown that the reduction in light transmission in relation to Secchi disc
transparency is associated to a greater extent with increased scattering by
particulate suspensoids. Reduction in transparency vis-à-vis increase in turbidity
in water, caused by clay and silt particles, is often important as a limiting factor.
However, if turbidity is the result of living organisms, measurement of transparency
becomes an index of productivity (Odum, 1971).
The pH of natural waters is governed to a large extent by the interaction of
H+ ions arising from the dissociation of carbonic acid (H2CO3), and OH- ions
produced during the hydrolysis of bicarbonates. The value of pH provides an
index of the general chemical environmental condition of any aquatic ecosystem,
viz. the concentration of H+ions, amount of available gases, alkalinity, nutrients,
dissolved salts, trace elements (Goldman and Horne, 1983). Although pH of
natural waters ranges between < 2 to 12 (Wetzel, 1983), in most unpolluted water
bodies, it is from 6 to 9 (Hutchinson, 1957). Santra and Deb (1996) while
studying the pH of sewage fed aqua system in Kolkata, revealed that pH varied
from 7.2 to 9.5.
Oxygen is the most fundamental chemical parameter of aquatic ecosystems
and its measurement can help in feeling the pulse of the aquatic environment.
DO is obviously essential to the metabolism of all aerobic aquatic organisms.
Hence, the solubility and especially the dynamics of oxygen distribution in aquatic
ecosystems are basic to the understanding of the distribution, behaviour and
growth of aquatic organisms. The balance of DO content of water is determined
by the interaction of a number of factors like, the amount of oxygen being
dissolved, the activity of producers, hydromechanical distribution of oxygen,
respiratory activity of the biota and the rate of decomposition of organic matter.
The chemical characterization of sewages used for fish culture showed a distinct
gradient, with a progressive rise in DO values (5.6-12.4mgl-1) (Jana, 1998).
Free carbon-dioxide in water like oxygen, may be present in water in highly
variable amounts but is difficult to make general statements about its role as a
limiting factor for algae (Krebs, 1985). However, very high CO2 concentration
may be definitely limiting to animals because it is associated with low oxygen
concentrations (Odum, 1971). The chief sources of CO2 in water are respiration
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 119

of biota, diffusion from atmosphere, microbial decomposition, soil and seepage

from underground sources. Solubility of CO2 in water is about 200 times greater
than that of oxygen at same temperature and pressure (Wetzel, 1983). In water
CO2 may remain in any one or more of the three states:
i) A free state (dissolved CO2),
ii) Half bound state (HCO3-) and,
iii) Bound or fixed state (CO3=).
Autotrophs utilize both dissolved CO2 and HCO3- for photosynthesis. CO2
dissolves in water at about the same concentrations as in atmosphere. Dissolved
CO2 hydrates by a slow reaction to yield carbonic acid which, being a weak acid,
dissociates into H+ and HCO3- ions. At high pH, HCO3- ions further dissociates
to H+ and CO3= ions. Therefore, the concentration of reactions is as follows:

CO2 (air) CO2 (dissolved) + H2O

YZZ (Dissolved CO2 predominates at pH 5 and below)
(HCO3- predominates between 7 and 9)
YZZ H+ + CO3=
(CO3= is prevalent above pH 9.5).

Thus, the above reactions establish a CO2- HCO3- - CO3= buffering system
which prevents the pH from fluctuating widely and thus creates a relatively
stable condition for the sustenance of aquatic life.
Alkalinity of water refers to the quantity and kinds of compounds present,
which collectively shift the pH to the alkaline side. The property of alkalinity is
mainly imparted by the presence of bicarbonates, carbonates and hydroxides. A
mixture of bicarbonate and carbonate alkalinity is generally encountered in waters
having a pH range of 8.2 to 10.5. Bicarbonates are sharply reduced at higher pH
values while pH less than 8.2 but above 4.5 practically no carbonate is present
(Jhingran, 1983).
PO4-P is the least abundant but the most common limiting factor of biological
productivity (Wetzel, 1983). Phosphorus occurs in a number of inorganic and
organic compounds in both particulate and dissolved forms (Strickland and Parsons,
1968). The most significant form of inorganic phosphorus is orthophosphate (PO4=)
which is assimilated rapidly by the biota in aquatic ecosystems (Hutchinson,
1957). A massive biological uptake of phosphorus also occurs during the growth
120 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

of plankton and an increase in the amount of phosphorus leads to an increment

of lake productivity. A principal source of autochthonous input of phosphorus is
the result of death and decay of planktonic, benthic and nektonic organisms and
this form a part of the phosphorus cycle. Exchange of phosphorus between
sediments and the overlying water is also a major component of the phosphorus
cycle in natural waters.
Nitrogen occurs in fresh waters in various forms viz. molecular nitrogen, a
large number of organic compounds from amino acids, amines to proteins and
humic compounds, dissolved ammonia (NH4+), Nitrites (NO2-) and nitrates (NO3-
). Generally, concentration of nitrogen in unpolluted fresh waters ranges from
undetectable levels to 19 mgl-1 but it is highly variable seasonally and spatially.
The sources of nitrogen for aquatic flora are NO3-N and NH4-N and their
utilization depends on their relative concentrations (Wetzel, 1983). Bacterial
denitrification of NO3-N removes nitrogen from the system in molecular N2 form
and it forms a major component of the nitrogen cycle. Nitrification and
denitrification can occur simultaneously. Sedimentation of inorganic and organic
nitrogen containing compounds to the soil also renders a large portion of nitrogen
unavailable for biotic utilization.
SiO4 is usually moderately abundant in fresh waters and it is relatively
nonreactive. It is a major constituent of the frustule of diatoms and cysts of
chrysomonadales (Yellow-brown algae). Both these groups of organism, the former
in particular, remove large amounts of SiO4 from their environment. Therefore,
availability of SiO4 can have a strong influence on the overall pattern of algal
succession and productivity in aquatic ecosystem (Wetzel, 1983). Solubility of
SiO4 in fresh water is largely modified by the surface adsorption of silicic acid
and formation of SiO4 complexes (Ohle, 1964). Variations in silica content in
eutrophic water bodies during summer and winter stratification and also at different
depths have been discussed by Conway et al., (1977). An inverse relationship
between the concentration of silica and production of diatoms has been reported
by Hutchinson (1957) and Kilham (1971).
The colloidal fraction of measured DOM is probably small in most water
bodies. In fish ponds, organic matter is present as living plankton, suspended
particles of decaying organic matter (detritus) and DOM. The organic matter
present in natural waters is organic phosphorus, organic nitrogen, carbohydrate,
vitamin etc. The organic matter in a water body may be either allochthonous or
autochthonous in origin and may be in either dissolved or suspended states. The
presence of organisms ensures a more or less continual addition of organic
materials to the water body, some of which immediately or later go into solution.
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 121

Thus, all waters have certain content of DOM. Cole (1983) is of opinion that
DOM in an ecosystem comes from four sources:
i) Allochthonous input,
ii) Death and decay of aquatic organism,
iii) Excreted metabolites and / or photosynthates of phytoplankton,
iv) Littoral vegetation and excreted metabolites of fauna.
Since carbohydrates contribute predominantly to the major bulk of the total
DOM, carbon appears to be of paramount importance as a limiting nutrient
(King, 1970).
The BOD or biochemical oxygen demand (also known as biological oxygen
demand) is an indication of the amount of biodegradable organic materials present
in water. BOD is an essentially bacterial reaction by which organic matter
present in any effluent are broken down to simpler substances and in that process
oxygen is used up. For industrial effluents (which contain only chemical reducing
agents that take up oxygen very rapidly by purely chemical action) and sterile
effluents viz. phenols, wood pulp, saw dust etc. (which are very poor bacterial
foods and are decomposed very slowly), measurement of BOD gives less
satisfactory results. However, for sewage and other effluents containing pesticides,
oxidisable organic matters, sugars, milk wastes, etc. BOD test is very useful and
it yields highly satisfactory results (Hynes, 1960). Sewage is well inoculated with
bacteria and is adequately supplied with wide range of compounds, so it is broken
down easily. It has been found that, of all the various kinds of effluents wool
scouring, pharmaceutical products, paper pulping, smokeless fuel carbonization
and tanning industry effluents have extremely high BOD values.
Jana (1998) is of the opinion that a considerable reduction on BOD loads of
sewage is a pre-requisite before its transfer to aquaculture facilities. Generally,
the BOD load of raw domestic sewage ranges between 120 and 400mgl-1 and
primary treatment by sedimentation is likely to reduce it by 33%. In oxidation
ponds, most of the anaerobic bacteria and pathogenic forms are likely to be
reduced considerably. Jana (1998) also opined that primarily treated sewage
contains less organic loads than untreated sewage, but more nutrients than
secondary and tertiary effluents. Because of the presence of certain obnoxious
gases like un-ionized ammonia, CO2 and H2S in the treated effluents remain
anaerobic and are not suitable for direct use. As a result, dilution with fresh
water (1:1-1: 4) or proper loading of sewage provides congenial environment and
aerobic conditions for fish culture. A significant contribution to the basic
understanding on BOD is available from the works of Schreiber and Neumaier
(1987). BOD test is however, purely arbitrary and takes no difference between
122 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

the effluents of different kinds. Also it does not directly indicate the amount of
other non-organic pollutants. Despite these short comings the BOD test, originally
devised by Sir Edward Frankland at the beginning of the nineteenth century, is
undoubtedly the most important contribution so far made to the study of water

C. Physico-chemical and Biological characteristics of

pond water
Fishes are aquatic, exactly for the reason, whenever the word “aquaculture”
being the question, the very first point will arise to that of the water and its
quality. Depending on the quality, fish growth, production potential depends. In
general, the water quality depends on the soil quality, source, geographical situation
and natural surroundings.

1. Source of Water
Source of water is essentially important, if a pond is considered to be only a rain
fed and if the pond is sandy in nature, there is every possibility of the same to
be a temporary one. Quality of pond water seems to be a better one and
productive, if the same is situated beside a canal with running water and by
excavating a small drain or by passing the pond water may show a better
productivity. The fish farms which are situated near a town or city, and the waste
water when passes through a drain are pumped in also exhibit much better
production. Since, the domestic waste water are enriched with essential nutrients.
But a fish pond/farm situated near agriculture land may not be always suitable
for farming since agricultural runoff might contain insecticides/pesticides.
Aquafarming is not at all suitable for higher alkaline or acidic waters since the
production of natural food for fishes is at a question.

2. Depth of Water
Depth of water plays an important role in fish culture /pond farming. In general
both ponds having a stock of Indian and exotic carps should have a depth of 6
– 7 feet since the sunlight can reach upto that depth in fresh water. It is an
absolute truth that so long the sunrays can penetrate in water is a photic zone
and both phyto and zooplankton develops rapidly in this zone. The depth beyond
this specified zone is aphotic zone and comparatively less productive.
In the following table (Table -20), the desired area and depth is given which
shows better result:
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 123

Table 20: Types, area and depth of ponds.

Type of Ponds Area Depth Remarks

Nursery < 33 decimal 2- 4 ft 1 Bigha = 33 decimal
Rearing 1 Bigha -4 Bighas 3 – 5 ft —————
Stocking Pond >4 Bighas 5 – 8 ft Av depth – 6 feet

3. Pond water temperature

Water temperature is the single most important factor affecting the welfare of
fish. Fishes are cold-blooded organisms or poikilotherms and assume approximately
the same temperature as their surroundings. The temperature of the water affects
the activity, behavior, feeding, growth, and reproduction of all fishes.
They don’t regulate their body temperature, thus have variable metabolic
rates dependent on the temperature of their body at the time. Basal metabolic
rate (BMR) in mammals is the rate of oxygen consumption at a resting state.
The concept of BMR is not appropriate for fish because the metabolic rate in
a resting fish will vary depending on the ambient temperature. Standard Metabolic
Rate (SMR) is the metabolic benchmark in fish. It is the metabolic rate of a
resting fish at a specified temperature in the middle of its normal range. Therefore
a trout’s SMR15 would be the resting metabolic rate of a trout at 15oC. There
is natural law called Q10 = 2: chemical reactions tend to double with every 10o C
increase in temperature of the reactants. In poikilotherms, this is translated into
biochemical events and in turn into metabolism. The metabolic rates of fish
roughly double with every 10o C increase in temperature, except at the extreme
ends of their temperature tolerance.
(a) Higher temperatures bring down the solubility of dissolved oxygen and thus
decrease the availability of this essential gas.
(b) Elevated temperatures increase the metabolism, respiration and oxygen demand
of fish and other aquatic life, approximately doubling the respiration for a 10°
C. rise in temperature. Hence the demand for oxygen is increased under
conditions where oxygen supply is lowered.
(c) The solubility of many toxic substances is increased as well as intensified as
the temperature rises.
(d) Higher temperatures militate against desirable fish life by favoring the growth
of sewage fungus and the purifications of sludge deposit, and
124 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

(e) Even with adequate dissolved oxygen, there is a maximum temperature that
each species of fish or other organism can tolerate. Higher temperatures
accelerates rate of death. The maximum temperatures that adult fish can
tolerate vary with the species of fish, prior acclimatization, oxygen availability
and the synergistic effects of other pollutants. Fish are generally categorized
into warm water, cool water, and cold water species based on optimal growth
temperatures (Table 21).

Table 21. General temperature ranges for coldwater, cool water and warm water species.

12.7-18.30C 18.3-23.9oC 23.9-32.20C

Cold water Cool water Warm water

Water temperature principally depends on climate, light and depth of the

pond. Temperature has a direct impact on the organisms inhabit in soil and water
as well as the growth of the fishes. The metabolic activity of the fishes greatly
influenced by the surrounding water temperature. In general, appreciable growth
of fishes is observed within 25-320 C of water temperatures.
Ideally, species selection of fish farms should be based in part on the
temperature of the water supply. Because any attempt to match a fish with less
than their ideal temperatures will involve energy expenditures for heating or
cooling. This added expense will subsequently increase production costs, so fish
farms from different areas usually select different species of fish for the reason
of temperature.

4. Transparency of water
Transparency of water or, conversely turbidity of water plays an important role
in ponds and tanks. Turbidity of water is the resultant of higher growth of
autochthonous planktonic production and surface run off from the catchment
area i.e., allochthonous source. Due to turbid nature of natural waters, temperature
also shows higher trend so also there is a reduction of penetration of sunlight.
As a result photosynthetic activities of phytoplankton are greatly affected followed
by the decrease of dissolved oxygen content of water.
Transparency of water plays an important role on the natural growth of
fishes; Turbidity of pond water depends mainly on:
i) Autochthonus matter: Excessive growth of both phyto and Zooplankton.
ii) Allocthonus matter: Washing from the catchment area. The ponds where
allochthonus turbidity is high, penetration of sunlight get obstructed affecting
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 125

photosynthetic processes followed by depletion of dissolved oxygen. Besides

smaller dust particles, after being thickened with planktonic biomass deposits
on the gills of fish affecting normal respiration processes or even destroying
the gill cells.
Transparency of water may be measured by a simple device called “Secchi
Disc” (Fig. 37). It is a simple round shaped metallic plate having an attachment
of a measured scale at the centre. If the disc is visible beyond 30-40cm, the
water is moderately transparent, and if the visibility remains within 30-40cm, the
pond water is suitable for aquaculture. It is presumed that much transparent
waters do not harbor sufficient quantity of phytoplankton in water. Since planktonic
communities as a whole constitute the natural food for the fishes it is necessary
to take care of this parameter. Generally, 30-45cm.of transparency is permissible
in ponds and tanks.

Fig. 37: Measurment of transparency of water of a pond by Secchi disc

Calculation of transparency of water

T1 + T2
Pond transparency (T) =

Where, T1 = Point of visibility of the disc, and

T2 = Point of nonvisibility of the disc.
Much transparent pond water determines the absence of less plankton in
water. Increased transparency of pond water evidently needs application of the
organic manure @ 150 Kgs/Acre. Such application will boost up the natural food
of fishes the planktonic communities. Excessive planktonic growth also has negative
impact on fishes. In such circumstances it is necessary to apply Zeolite powder
@15Kgs/ acre manure of the pond water having a depth of 4 – 5 ft. This will
help the water lighter and congenial for pisciculture.
126 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

5. Suspended matters
Presence of debris, individual wastes, and domestic sewage sometimes may not
be congenial for fish and fisheries. Ponds having an inlet connection from a
waste fed canal should have to be drained in a separate sedimentation tank for
settling the suspended matter for about 24 -48 hours the supernatant water is to
be drained in culture ponds. The acceptability of suspended matter is < 300 Gms.

6. pH of pond water
The term “pH” is a mathematical transformation of the hydrogen ion (H+)
concentration; it conveniently expresses the acidity or basicity of water. The
lower case letter “p” refers to “power” or exponent, and pH is defined as the
negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. Each change of one pH
unit represents a ten-fold change in hydrogen ion concentration. The pH scale is
usually represented as ranging from 0 to 14, but pH can extend beyond those
values. At 25°C, pH 7.0 describes the neutral point of water at which the
concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions (OH-) are equal (each at 10-7
moles/L). Conditions become more acidic as pH decreases and more basic as pH
increases (Tucker and D’Abramo, 2008).The objective of liming of pond water
is to neutralize acidity in the upper layer of bottom soil and to increase
concentrations of total alkalinity and total hardness of the water (Thomaston &
Zeller, 1961). Several studies have shown positive responses in phytoplankton
productivity and fish production following liming of acidic ponds, and methods for
determining the lime requirements of bottom soils have been developed (Boyd,
1995). Nevertheless, liming often is applied to ponds indiscriminately, with no
concern for bottom soil pH or total alkalinity and total hardness concentrations.
It is doubtful that liming has a large influence where soil pH is above 7 or total
alkalinity is above 50 mg L-1 (Boyd, 1995).An optimal pH range is between 6.5
and 9 however this will alter slightly depending on the culture species. Aquaculture
ponds are ordinarily drained for harvest, bottoms are allowed to dry, and liming
materials are applied. Lime is frequently blended with the bottom soil by tilling. The
pH is the measure of the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration in soil or water. The
pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 with a pH of 7 being neutral. A pH below 7 is
acidic and a pH of above 7 is basic. An optimal pH range is between 6.5 and
9 however, this will alter slightly depending on the culture species (Fig. 37).
pH will vary depending on a number of factors. Firstly pH levels of the pond
water will change depending on the aquatic life within the pond. Carbon dioxide
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 127

produced by aquatic organisms when they respire has an acidic reaction in the
water. The pH in ponds will rise during the day as phytoplankton and other
aquatic plants remove CO2 from the water during photosynthesis. The pH
decreases at night because of respiration and production of CO2 by all organisms.
The fluctuation of pH levels will depend on algae levels within the pond.
Sub-optimal pH has a number of adverse effects on culture animals. It can
cause stress, increase susceptibility to disease, low production levels and poor
growth. Signs of sub-optimal pH include increase mucus on the gill surfaces of
fish, damage to the eye lens, abnormal swimming behaviour, fin fray, poor
phytoplankton and zooplankton growth and can even cause death. In the case of
freshwater crayfish low pH levels will cause the shell to become soft. This is due
to the shell of the cray fish being composed of calcium carbonate which reacts
with acid. Sub-optimal pH levels are usually caused by acidic water and soils,
poorly buffered water (will be discussed further on) and increased CO2 production.
Treatment methods will depend on whether there is a high pH problem or a low
pH problem. To treat a pond with low pH, a pond can be limed with agricultural
limestone or fertilized to promote plant growth. To decrease a high pH, the pond
can be flushed with fresh water, feeding rates can be reduced to decrease
nutrient input into the pond, gypsum (CaSO4) can be added to increase the
calcium concentration, or alum (AlSO4) can be added in extreme cases.

Fig. 38 &38a: Determination of pH by digital HANNA make pen.

128 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Requirement of lime in aquaculture ponds

Liming is the first step in fertilization owing to the fact that it supplies calcium,
one of the essential nutrients. The major functions of lime are the following:
(1) It corrects the acidity of soils and water.
(2) Speeds up the decomposition of organic matter, releasing carbon-di-oxide
from bottom sediments.
(3) It raises the bicarbonate content and lack of CO2 does not become a limiting
(4) It counter acts the poisonous effects of excess magnesium, potassium and
sodium ions and fixes inorganic acid like sulphuric acid.
(5) Keep the fishes, disease free to some extent.
If the soil of the stocking pond is found to be acidic, it has to be treated with
quick lime to bring the soil pH to alkaline condition, which is ideal for fish
production. Lime is applied when all the water is drained out and the bottom is
well dried, exposed to sun for about 15 days.
During this period, the lime will help to kill all the pathogenic bacteria present
in soil which may affect adversely on the fishes stocked in pond after filling the
water. The doses of quick lime depend on the pH of the pond soil as given below.
The quicklime is either sprinkled or spread on the pond water in the form of a
paste or to act as an antiseptic and also to neutralize the toxic effect of old
organic deposits at the bottom. It also stabilizes the pH of water at a slightly
alkaline level, which enhances the growth of phytoplankton and fish, apart from
increasing the calcium content of water. Further, it increases not only the
bicarbonate content of the pond but also counteracts poisonous effects of ions
like magnesium and sodium.

Table 22: Types of liming materials. Types of lime Chemical formulae

01. Lime stone CaCO3
02. Quick Lime CaO
03. Slaked Lime Ca(OH)2
04. Gypsum CaSO4, 2H2O
05. Dolomite CaMg(CO3)

From the useful effects of liming given above, it is concluded that liming is
an essential and successful tool for pond manuring. A pond containing lime is
likely to be more fertile than the one without it (Fig. 41 and 42). The dose of lime
depending on the characteristics of water is given below (Table-23 and 24):
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 129

Table 23: The doses of lime.

pH Nature of soil Quantity of Quicklime Quantity of quicklime

(kg/acre) (kg/Ha)
4.5-5.0 Strong acidity 668 2, 000
5.0-6.5 Medium acidity 334 1, 000
6.5-7.5 Neutral 167 500
7.5-8.5 Medium alkalinity 68 200
8.5-9.5 Strong alkalinity No application No application

Table 24: The doses of lime depending on acidic water (pH < 7.0).*

pH Kg/acre/month Kg/ha/month
4.0-4.5 1500 4500
4.5-5.0 1135 3400
5.0-5.5 818 2450
5.5-6.0 485 1450
6.0-6.5 318 950

*The quantity may however, be increased by 50%, if the bottom is clayey and reduced by 50% for
a sandy bottom):

Fig. 39: Liming pond bottom Fig. 40: Liming over pond surface

Figs. 41 and 42: The ideal colours of pond water

130 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Calcium is the major ingredient in any liming materials. The effectiveness of

different liming materials also differs significantly. The effectiveness of quicklime
is double than that of lime stone (Table 23). During the pond preparation period,
when the water is dried, quick lime or slaked lime is much more effective and
safe (Figs: 39&40).
If the soil pH is below 7.0 limestone or dolomite are much more effective
but when higher and turbid, use of gypsum is recommended.
It is always advised to determine water and soil pH before application of
lime. At present digital pH pen is available at a cheaper rate in the market (Fig­
38 and 38a).

7. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in pond water

Oxygen is the most fundamental chemical parameter of aquatic ecosystems and
its measurement can help in feeling the pulse of the aquatic environment. DO is
obviously essential to the metabolism of all aerobic aquatic organisms. Hence, the
solubility and especially the dynamics of oxygen distribution in aquatic ecosystems
are basic to the understanding of the distribution, behaviour and growth of aquatic
organisms. The balance of DO content of water is determined by the interaction
of a number of factors like, the amount of oxygen being dissolved, the activity
of producers, hydro mechanical distribution of oxygen, respiratory activity of the
biota and the rate of decomposition of organic matter.

CO 2  2H 2 O 
green plants
o (CH 2O)  O2  H 2 O

The net process of photosynthesis (Eq. 1) is often described simply as the

fixation of CO2 (or HCOH3 in water; Eq. 2) catalyzed by several enzymes,
including Rubisco*, driven by light and resulting in production of organic matter,
O2 and OH–:
CO2+H2O o CH2O+O2 ... (1)
HCO3H+H2O o CH2O+O2+OHH ... (2)

Rubisco*=Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, commonly known by the

abbreviations RuBisC, RuBPCase, or RuBPco, is an enzyme involved in the first major
step of carbon fixation, a process by which atmospheric carbon dioxide is converted by
plants and other photosynthetic organisms to energy-rich molecules such as glucose. In
chemical terms, it catalyzes the carboxylation of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate (also known
as RuBP). It is probably the most abundant enzyme on Earth.
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 131

Sources of dissolved oxygen in pond water:

In general there are two major sources of oxygen in pond water. (i) Surface air
mixing and (ii) Photosynthesis of algae.
Dissolved oxygen concentrations in pond water vary throughout the day.
Dissolved oxygen in the water is obtained through diffusion from air into water,
mechanical aeration by wind or aeration systems, and via photosynthesis by
aquatic plants. Plants utilize carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to form simple
sugars and oxygen – a process known as photosynthesis. Oxygen is also lost
from the system via respiration where oxygen is consumed by aquatic organisms
(both plants and animals), and by decaying organic matter on the pond floor. It
may be inferred in this context that the photosynthesis is light dependent but
respiration is a continuous process. Declining oxygen levels can be caused by a
number of factors. This includes large blooms of phytoplankton and zooplankton,
high stocking rates, excessive turbidity that will limit the amount of photosynthesis
occurring and high water temperatures. Levels of dissolved oxygen will also
decrease after a series of warm, cloudy, windless days.
In general, the oxygen produced during the day hours, being consumed by
respiration throughout 24-hours by all the living organisms present in the aqua
In most of the aquaculture ponds, the supplementation of oxygen (Figs. 43a
& b and 44a & b), at least where the intensification of composite culture is in
practice, diffusion from the atmosphere and production from underwater
photosynthesis exceeds the amount used in oxygen-consuming processes, and
fish seldom have problems (surfacing of fish: Fig. 45) obtaining enough oxygen
to meet normal metabolic demands. In aquaculture ponds, however, the biomass
of plants, animals and microbes is much greater than in natural waters hence,
oxygen is sometimes consumed faster than it is replenished. Depending on how
low the dissolved oxygen concentration is and how long it remains low, fish may
consume less feed, having slower growth followed by less efficient feed conversion,
resulting more susceptibility to infectious diseases. As a result of which the fishes
suffocate and die. In such a situation the intelligent aqua farmers in general, used
to install aeration devices (Figs. 43a & b and 44a & b).
By the process of diffusion oxygen moves into or goes out of water. The rate
of diffusion (as per Fick’s Law of diffusion) depends on the difference in oxygen
partial pressures between the water and gas phases- the greater the difference,
the greater the driving force moving oxygen from one phase to the other. The
132 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

maximum rate of oxygen transfer into water occurs when the dissolved oxygen
concentration in water is 0 mg/L, the point at which the maximum difference in
oxygen partial pressures between water and air occurs (Tucker, 2006).As dissolved
oxygen concentrations increase from 0 mg/L, the oxygen partial pressure
difference between air and water steadily decreases up to the point where the
dissolved oxygen concentration equals the saturation concentration. At that point,
there is no difference in oxygen partial pressure between water and air (super
saturation of oxygen).Because there is no driving force compelling oxygen molecules
to leave or enter water, no oxygen can be added to water no matter how much
effort is made to increase turbulence or air water border area. When the dissolved
oxygen concentration is greater than the saturation concentration (the water is
supersaturated with oxygen), the oxygen partial pressure in water is greater than
in air and, oxygen moves out from water to air. In other words, aeration causes
the dissolved oxygen concentration to decrease. This process is called degassing.

When and how much to aerate the pond water

The need to aerate the pond varies seasonally because water temperature affects
the rates of respiration and photosynthesis. Problems with low dissolved oxygen
concentrations are rare when water temperature is consistently below 150 C.
Problems are common when water temperature is above 270 C. Low dissolved
oxygen concentration usually occur at night during the summer. Aeration continues
until past dawn when measurements of dissolved oxygen indicate that phytoplankton
photosynthesis is producing oxygen. Usually next day early morning when the
sun starts rising.
When dissolved oxygen concentrations are low, fish congregate in that area
and remain there until oxygen conditions improve throughout the pond. The
practice of aerating only a portion of the pond and only when concentrations fall
to critically low levels has the disadvantage of routinely exposing fish to suboptimal
concentrations of dissolved oxygen. Despite this drawback this is the most common
aeration practice in commercial fish ponds and is the only practice that has
proved to be economically rational. Maintaining dissolved oxygen concentration
above a critical threshold throughout the pond has not been shown to be
economically justifiable using currently available aeration technology (Tucker,
2006). Putting all the aerators in one end of the pond also reduces the cost of
the electrical supply and makes routine maintenance easier (Fig.44a and b).
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 133

Fig. 43a

Fig. 43b

Fig. 44a

Fig. 44b
Fig. 43a and b: Aeration of pond water through pumps.
Fig. 44a and b: Multi-wheel and four wheel aerator for oxygenation in ponds.
134 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fig. 45: Surfacing of fishes due to severe depletion of dissolved oxygen in water.

8. Ammonia
Ammonia is toxic to fish if allowed to accumulate in aquaculture production
systems. When ammonia accumulates to toxic levels, fish cannot extract energy
from feed efficiently. If the ammonia concentration gets high enough, the fish will
become lethargic and eventually fall into a coma and die. Even in properly
managed fish ponds, ammonia may accumulate to sub lethal concentrations
resulting reduced growth, poor feed conversion, and reduced disease resistance—
even might at lower than lethal concentrations (Hargreaves and Tucker, 2004).
Ammonia in ponds is produced from the decomposition of organic wastes
resulting in the breakdown of decaying organic matter such as algae, plants,
animals and uneaten food. Ammonia is also produced by fish and crayfish as an
excretory product.
Ammonia is present in two forms in water: as a gas NH3 or as the ammonium
ion (NH4+). Ammonia is toxic to culture animals in the gaseous form and can
cause gill irritation and respiratory problems.
Ammonia levels will depend on the temperature of the pond’s water and its
pH. For example at a higher temperature and pH, a greater number of ammonium
ions are converted into ammonia gas thus causes an increase in toxic ammonia
levels within the freshwater pond.
If high levels of ammonia is present within the pond’s water, a number of
measures can be taken. These include:
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 135

● Reduce or stop feeding,

● Flush the pond with fresh water,
● Reduce the stocking density,
● Aerate the pond,
● In emergencies – reduce the pH level.
Ammonia is the major waste product in the elimination of excess amino acids
from the breakdown of proteins in fish feed (Durborow et al., 1997). When fish
is fed with high protein diet, they utilise the amino acids from protein digestion
and excess amino acids are converted to ammonia which is excreted through the
gills and in the faeces. The amount of ammonia excreted by fish varies with the
amount of feed that is put into the pond or the species of fish being cultured and
it increases with feeding rates (Durborow et al., 1997, Sishula et al., 2011).
Ammonia is acutely toxic to fish and can cause loss of equilibrium; increased
breathing, cardiac output, and oxygen uptake, and in extreme cases; convulsions,
coma and death. Fish exposed to low levels of ammonia, overtime, are more
susceptible to bacterial infections and will not tolerate routine handling (Svobodova
et al., 1993).
The first signs of ammonia toxicity include slight restlessness, increased
respiration and the fish congregating close to the water surface. Affected fish lie
on their side and spasmodically open their mouths and gill opercula wide, followed
by a short period of apparent recovery. The fish return to normal swimming and
appear slightly restless. The skin of ammonia poisoned fish is light in colour, and
covered with a thick or excessive layer of mucus. Even at very low concentrations,
ammonia still produces many effects in fish including; bacterial infections, reduction
in egg hatching success, reduction in growth rate and morphological development,
and pathological changes in the tissue of the gills, liver and kidney (Svobodova
et al., 1993).

Effects of pH and temperature on ammonia toxicity

Ammonia in water is either unionized ammonia (NH3) or the ammonium ion
(NH4+). The techniques used to measure ammonia provide a value that is the
sum of both the forms. In the present communication the value as indicated is
“total ammonia” or simply “ammonia.” pH of pond water directly affects both
unionized and the ammonium ion. Un-ionized ammonia is the toxic form and
predominates when pH is high. Ammonium ion is relatively nontoxic and
predominates when pH is low. In general, less than 10% of ammonia in pond
water remains in the toxic form when pH is less than 8.0. However, this proportion
136 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

increases dramatically as water pH increases. In general, the water pH increase

with the increase of photosynthesis and reduction of pH is associated with
respiration of the aquatic biota.Therefore, the toxic form of ammonia predominates
during the late afternoon and early evening and ammonium predominates from
earlier than sunrise through early morning. The equilibrium between NH3 and
NH4+ is also affected by temperature. At any given pH, more toxic ammonia is
present in warmer water than in cooler water.

Ammonia sources
Fish excretion is principally accounted for the source of ammonia in fish ponds.
The rate at which fish excrete ammonia is directly related to the feeding rate and
the protein level in feed. As dietary protein is broken down in the body, some of
the nitrogen is used to form protein (including muscle), some is used for energy,
and some is excreted through the gills as ammonia. Thus, protein in feed is the
ultimate source of most ammonia in ponds, where fish are fed.
Another main source of ammonia in fish ponds is diffusion from the sediment.
Large quantities of organic matter are produced by algae or added to ponds as
feed. Fecal solids excreted by fish and dead algae settle to the pond bottom,
where they decompose. The decomposition of this organic matter produces
ammonia, which diffuses from the sediment into the water column (Hargreaves
and Tucker, 2004).

When is ammonia most likely to be a problem?

Ponds with high and dense algal blooms dominated by one or two species suddenly
dies often called as ‘algal crash’ may lead to higher ammonia concentration
because algal uptake is eliminated. Rapid decomposition of dead algae also
reduces the dissolved oxygen concentration and pH and increases ammonia and
carbon dioxide concentrations. After the crash of an algal bloom, ammonia
concentration can increase to 6 to 8 mg/L and the pH can decline to 7.8 to 8.0.

Occasionally during the late afternoons in late summer or

early fall
In the late summer or early fall, ammonia concentration begins to increase but
daily changes in pH remain large. In these situations, fish may be exposed to
ammonia concentrations that exceed the acute criterion for a few hours each
day. If late afternoon pH is about 9.0, the acute criterion is about 1.5 to 2.0 mg/
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 137

L total ammonia-nitrogen. Total ammoniacal-nitrogen concentrations during summer

are typically less than 0.5 mg/L, so fish are unlikely to be stressed if the late
afternoon pH is less than 9.0(Hargreaves and Tucker, 2004).

Ammonia Management
Even though practical ammonia management actions may be limited in a large
pond aquaculture setting there may be some ways to reduce ammonia levels but
others may exacerbate the situation - no method is a complete long-term solution
in and of itself.

Reduce feeding rate

Since excess feed and fish excretion are the main culprits of ammonia build up
it seems reasonable to feed only what the fish need. This is not a short term fix
but better managed over time to help keep ammonia levels reasonable.

Increase aeration
Aeration can be ineffective at reducing overall pond ammonia concentrations due
to the relatively small area of the pond being aerated. However, it does increase
DO levels causing fish to be less stressed. Avoid vigorous aeration to prevent
stirring bottom sediment which can actually increase ammonia concentrations.

Using lime agents such as hydrated lime or quick lime could actually make a
potentially bad situation much worse by causing an abrupt and large increase in
pH. Increasing pH will shift ammonia toward the form that is toxic to fish. In
addition, the calcium in lime can react with soluble phosphorus, removing it from
water and making it unavailable to algae.

Fertilize with phosphorus

Under normal pond conditions, algal blooms are very dense and the rate of algae
growth is limited by the availability of light, not nutrients such as phosphorus or
nitrogen. Adding phosphorus does little to reduce ammonia concentrations because
algae are already growing as fast as possible under the natural conditions in the
138 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Adding bacterial amendments

Common aquatic bacteria are an essential part of the constant cycling of ammonia
in pond ecosystems. Typical pond management creates very favorable conditions
for bacterial growth. This growth and activity is limited more by the availability
of oxygen and by temperature than by the number of bacterial cells. In most
amendments, abundant bacteria are responsible for the decomposition of organic
matter. Therefore, if bacterial amendments accelerate the decomposition of organic
matter, the opposite deleterious effect could occur and ammonia levels could
actually increase.

9. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

Fresh water fish pond should be free from H2S because even at concentration
of 0.01 ppm fish lose their equilibrium. Frequent exchange and increase of pH
through liming can reduce its toxicity.

10. BOD, COD and DOM in aquaculture ponds

The productivity of freshwater community that determines the fish growth is
regulated by the dynamics of its physico-chemical and biotic environment (Wetzel,
1983). For successful fish production from a water body, it is important to study
the physico-chemical factors, which influence the biological productivity of the
same. The property of water regulate the fish food organism and other bio­
community in an aquatic ecosystem and thereby helps in the process of fish
productivity, because the biological productivity of any water body is mostly
influenced by the quality of water column of aquaculture system. The pollution
caused on the other hand is also an important criterion for successful fish
production. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
and Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) are used to know the pollution status of
an aquaculture system (Deka, 2015).
BOD is the measurement of total dissolved oxygen consumed by
microorganisms for biodegradation of organic matter such as food particles or
sewage etc. The excess entry of cattle and domestic sewage from the non-point
sources and similarly increase in phosphate in the village ponds may be attributed
to high organic load in these ponds thus causing higher level of BOD (Bhatnagar
and Devi, 2013).
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 139

Desirable limits of BOD

According to Clerk (1986) the BOD range of 2- 4 mg L-1 does not show pollution
while levels beyond 5 mg L-1 are indicative of serious pollution. However,
Bhatnagar et al., (2004) opined that the BOD level between 3.0-6.0 mgL-1 is
optimum for normal activities of fishes; 6.0-12.0 mgL-1 is sub lethal to fishes and
>12.0 gmL-1 can usually cause fish kill due to suffocation. Santhosh and Singh
(2007) recommended optimum BOD level in aquaculture ponds should be less
than 10 mg L-1 but the water with BOD less than 10-15 mg L-1 can be considered
for fish culture. Bhatnagar and Singh (2010) suggested the BOD <1.6mg L-1
level is suitable for pond fish culture and according to Ekubo and Abowei (2011)
aquatic system with BOD levels between 1.0 and 2.0 mg L-1 considered clean;
3.0 mg L-1 fairly clean; 5.0 mg L-1 doubtful and 10.0mg L-1definitely bad and

1. Liming at higher doses, suspending use of fertilizers, removal of non-
biodegradable / floating organic matter from the pond surface, aeration,
screening or skimming to reduce BOD level.
2. Before stocking, pondwater may be allowed to stabilize for few days (5-15
3. Add safe quantities of manure accordingly local conditions of pond in terms
of differences in type of manure, water temperature and normal dissolved

Chemical Oxygen Demand

COD represents to the oxygen requirements to oxidize all of the organic matter
in a water sample to CO2 and water. COD is highly correlated with chlorophyll
‘a’ concentration of phytoplankton. Since plankton is the major causative factor
for changes in COD and plankton density. Boyd (1982) also showed that the
hourly rate O2 consumption in ponds is closely correlated with turbidity or Secchi
disc visibility.

Dissolved Organic Matter

Accumulation of organic matter in pond soils during the grow-out cycle causes
severe oxygen depletion at the sediment-water interface. A small amount of
140 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

organic matter in pond soils is beneficial. However, too much organic matter in
pond soils can be detrimental because microbial decomposition can lead to the
development of anaerobic conditions at the sediment-water interface, under which
organic compounds are often decomposed to reduce substances such as NO2,
H2S, NH3, and CH4, which are toxic to fish at relatively low concentrations
(Boyd and Bowman, 1997). It is of primary importance to prevent such situations
in fish ponds. Two methods commonly practiced by fish farmers are: 1) polyculture
with detritivorous fish and 2) pond drying between cycles of production.
Detritivores consume organic matter, but also disturb bottom sediment while
feeding, which may increase turbidity and reduce water quality (Pillay, 1992).
The drying process enhances oxidation of organic material as well as nutrient
regeneration in pond soils, and also allows photo-oxidation and microbial
decomposition of organic matter (Fast, 1986).
The colloidal fraction of measured DOM is probably small in most water
bodies. In fish ponds, organic matter is present as living plankton, suspended
particles of decaying organic matter (detritus) and DOM. The organic matter
present in natural waters is organic phosphorus, organic nitrogen, carbohydrate,
vitamin etc. The organic matter in a water body may be either allochthonous or
autochthonous in origin and may be in either dissolved or suspended states. The
presence of organisms ensures a more or less continual addition of organic
materials to the water body, some of which immediately or later go into solution.
Thus, all waters have certain content of DOM. Cole (1983) is of opinion that
DOM in an ecosystem comes from four sources:
i) Allochthonous input,
ii) Death and decay of aquatic organism,
iii) Excreted metabolites and / or photosynthates of phytoplankton,
iv) Littoral vegetation and excreted metabolites of fauna.
Since carbohydrates contribute predominantly to the major bulk of the total
DOM, carbon appears to be of paramount importance as a limiting nutrient.

11. Specific Conductivity of pond water

Conductivity is an index of the total ionic content of water and therefore, indicates
freshness of the water (Ogbeibu and Victor, 1995). Conductivity can be used as
indicator of primary production (chemical richness) and thus fish production.
Conductivity of water depends on its ionic concentration (Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3- ,
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 141

CO3-, NO3- and PO4-), temperature and on the variations of dissolved solids.
Distilled water has a conductivity of about 1 P mhos/cm and natural waters have
conductivity of 20-1500 P mhos/cm (Abowei, 2010). Conductivity of freshwater
varies between 50 - 1500 hs/cm (Boyd, 1979), but in some polluted waters it may
reach 10, 000 hs/cm and seawater has conductivity around 35, 000 hs/cm and
above (Bhatnagar and Devi, 2013).

Desirable limits
As fish differ in their ability to maintain osmotic pressure therefore, the optimum
conductivity for fish production differs from one species to another. Sikoki and
Veen (2004) described a conductivity range of 3.8 -10 hs/cm as extremely poor
in chemicals. Stone and Thomforde (2004) recommended the desirable range
100-2, 000 mSiemens/cm and acceptable range 30-5, 000 mSiemens/cm for pond
fish culture.

Specific Conductivity of pond water

Conductivity is an index of the total ionic content of water and therefore, indicates
freshness of the water (Ogbeibu and Victor, 1995). Conductivity can be used as
indicator of primary production (chemical richness) and thus fish production.
Conductivity of water depends on its ionic concentration (Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3-
, CO3-, NO3- and PO4-), temperature and on variations of dissolved solids.
Distilled water has a conductivity of about 1 P mhos/cm and natural waters have
conductivity of 20-1500 P mhos/cm (Abowei, 2010). Conductivity of freshwater
varies between 50 - 1500 hs/cm (Boyd, 1979), but in some polluted waters it may
reach 10, 000 hs/cm and seawater has conductivity around 35, 000 hs/cm and
above (Bhatnagar and Devi, 2013).

12. Primary productivity of pond water

The basis of all biosphere function is primary productivity which evidently means
the formation of organic matter by photosynthetic plants incorporating solar energy.
More explicitly this is referred to in the test of plant physiology as phtosynthesis
or the conversion of carbon dioxide, water and the kinetic energy or sunlight into
oxygen and sugars which is obviously an energy binding reduction process.
The autotrophic component of any ecosystem, functionally known as the
producers, forms the first and fundamental step of a food chain. Its importance
142 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

on terrestrial ecosystem is well known since the produce of primary productivity

is being largely used as the basic food of man and fodder for the primary
consumers. Virtually, the entire biotic world depends on primary production directly
or indirectly. Of course, the primary production of aquatic ecosystem is no less
important although the produce is not widely used presently as basic food by
man. The future potentialities of aquatic production are not bleak, if not promising.
Idyll (1978), in his book entitled, ‘Sea against hunger’ explored the possibilities
of utilizing aquatic produce as food for man. Again it may be emphasized that the
aquatic primary productivity is the keystone of aquaculture.
The rate of energy transformation from solar radiations to chemical energy
of producers by chlorophyll bearing organisms gives a dependable parameter for
assessing the productivity of aquatic ecosystems. The process of photosynthetic
oxygenation is represented by the basic equation:
6CO2 + 6H2O + 709 cal solar energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2
From the above equation it is evident that the energy required to liberate 1
mg of oxygen through algal photosynthesis is approximately 3.6 calories and
hence the amount of oxygen produced during photosynthesis gives a measure of
solar energy trapped during photosynthesis.
One of the aspects of ecosystem dynamics that has gained considerable
importance in modern ecological research is the primary productivity. Primary
productivity of an ecological system, community or any part there of is defined
as the rate at which the radiant energy is stored by photosynthetic and
chemosynthetic activity of producer organism (chiefly green plants) in the form
of organic substance which can be used as food materials (Odum, 1971). Primary
productivity thus denotes the rate of primary production, i.e., primary production
per unit of time and area. Primary production which refers to the quantity of new
organic matter produced by photosynthesis (or its energy equivalent fixed by the
autotrophs), is the initial process in the ecosystem functioning. It is the main
spring of life and cornerstone of community metabolism in any ecosystem.
Photosynthetic production of carbon in the inland aquatic ecosystems occurs
in various plant communities such as phytoplankton, periphytic algae, benthic
algae and macrophytes. Production by the phytoplankton, the prime synthesist, is
the most important phenomenon and this reflects the nature and degree of
productivity in aquatic ecosystems. This has received much attention in limnological
studies during the first few decades and it has been measured by several workers
in various aquatic ecosystems of the world. The historical survey of primary
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 143

productivity research was traced by Leith (1975) and according to him there are
at least three major periods in the history of primary productivity study. These
(1) Before Liebig
(2) From Liebig to International Biological Programme (IBP)
(3) IBP to consequence.

Primary productivity in an aquatic ecosystem depends on a number of physico­

chemical, biological, climatological and geographical factors. In an extensive study
programme of productivity under the auspices of IBP (summarized by Brylinsky,
1980) almost all possible climatological, geographical, physico-chemical and
biological variables were taken into consideration. All these variables were classified
under three major groups:
(1) Driving variables which include those factors having an effect on a system
but which are not in turn affected by the system. Examples include incident
radiation, precipitation, wind and nutrient input from the drainage area.
(2) Site parameters (or site constants) which include those variables which are
specific for a particular site, i.e., they do not vary within a particular site.
Their magnitude however, may vary from site to site. Examples include
latitude and longitude, altitude, morphometic characteristics of the water body,
viz. mean depth, surface area, volume etc.
(3) The site variables are those which we wish to make predictions about.
Theoretically their variations are the result of the interactions between driving
variables and site constants. Examples of this kind include all the chemical
and biological variables and physical variables such as water temperature,
Secchi disc transparency, duration of summer stratification etc.
The subject of under water attenuation of light has been thoroughly studied by
a number of authors and the effects of all possible interfering elements have been
examined (Roberts and Zohary, 1992; Mukhopadhyay et al., 1997). Vallentyne (1965)
reported that in terms of the visible radiation incident upon the earth surface an
overall efficiency of the net primary productivity are approximately 0.4% for land,
0.2% for the ocean and 0.2-0.3% for the earth as a whole. In some cases, all the
energy available for heterotrophs in the aquatic system does not come through the
fixation by autotrophs but a large amount of energy also comes from allochthonous
sources (Gaedke et al., 2002, Silva, 2007 and Nath, 2010).
Table 25: Basic guideline of various parameters for aquaculture practice for the fish farmers in obtaining high fish yield in low input

144 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

following water, soil and plankton quality maintenance of their ponds. (Bhatnagar and Devi, 2013. and Banerjea, S.M.1967.) Parameters Desirable limits Remedial measures

01. Water
temperature(0C) i) 30-35 is tolerable to fish. 1. By water exchange, planting shady trees or making artificial
ii) 28-32 good for tropical major carps. shades during summer’s thermal stratification can be
iii) <10for cold water species. prevented. 2. Mechanical aeration can prevent formation of ice
iv) 25-30 ideal for shrimps, build-up in large areas of the pond
v) < 20 sub lethal for growth and
survival for fishes and > 35 lethal to
maximum number of fish species.
02. Transparency (cm) 30 and 40 cm Addition of more water or lime (CaO, alum Al2 (SO4)314H2O @ 20 mg/l
and gypsum on the entire pond water @ 200 Kg/ 1000m3 of pond increase
03. Water color Pale color, light greenish or greenish Application of organic and inorganic fertilizers in clear water
waters suitable for fish culture. ponds may increase productivity.
04. Dissolved >5ppm is essential to support good (i) Avoid over application of fertilizers and organic manure to manage
oxygen (mg/l) fish production DO level (ii) Physical control aquatic plants and also management of
phytoplankton biomass (iii) Recycling of water and use of aerators.
(iv) Artificially or manually beating of water. (v) Avoid over stocking of
fishes. (vi) Introduction of the hot water gradually with pipes to reduce if
DO level is high.
05. Biochemical 2 to 4 mg/l but 3.0-6.0 mg/l is 1. Add lime suspending use of fertilizers, and removal of nonbiodegradable
oxygen demand optimum for normal activities / floating organic matter from the pond surface, aeration, screening or
(BOD) of fishes; skimming to reduce BOD level.
2. Before stocking, pond water may be allowed to stabilize for few days
(5-15 days). 3. Add safe quantities of manure accordingly local conditions
of pond in terms of differences in type of manure, water temperature and
normal dissolved oxygen.

[Table Contd.
Contd. Table] Parameters Desirable limits Remedial measures

06. Carbon-dioxide Ideal level of CO2 in fishponds is 1. Proper aeration can “blow” off the excess gas 2. Check organic load
(CO2) less than 10 mg/l. and reduce the same by adding more water (no fish) and add Muriatic acid
(swimming pool acid) to adjust the pH to about 5 or if possible remove
the matter by repeated nettings. 3. Use of lime (CaCO3) or sodium
bicarbonate (NaHCO3) (iv) Application of potassium permanganate at
the rate 250 g for 0.1 hectare.
07. pH 7.5 to 8.5 is ideal 1. Add gypsum (CaSO4) or organic matter (cowdung, poultry
droppings etc.) and initial pre-treatment or curing of a new concrete
pond to reduce pH levels. 2. Use of quicklime (CaO) to rectify low pH
of aquatic body.
08. Alkalinity 50-150 mg /l 1. Fertilize the ponds to check nutrient status of pond water

Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 145

2. Alkalinity can be increased by calcium carbonate, concrete blocks,
oyster shells, limestone, or even egg shells depending upon soil pH and
buffering capacity.
09. Hardness 30-180 mg/l 1. Add quicklime/alum/both and add zeolite to reduce hardness.
2. During heavy rainfall avoid the runoff water to bring lot of silt into
the fish pond.
10. Calcium Free calcium in culture waters is Calcium is generally present in soil as carbonate and most
25 to 100 mg L-1 (63 to 250 mg/l important environmental, divalent salt in fish culture water. Fish
CaCO3 hardness). can absorb calcium either from the water or from food.
11. Conductivity Varies between 50 to 1500 hs/cm in Conductivity is an index of the total ionic content of water and
fresh waters. Desirable range indicator of primary production (chemical richness) and thus
100-2,000 mSiemens/cm and fish production
acceptable range 30-5,000 m
Siemens/cm for pond fish culture.

[Table Contd.
Contd. Table]

146 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach Parameters Desirable limits Remedial measures .
12. Salinity Desirable range0- 2 ppt for carps, 1. Salinity is increased or diluted by replenishment of water.
10-28ppt for shrimps and brackish 2. Aeration is essential to equalise the water salinity all over the
water species. water column.
13. Chloride Chloride (in the form of salt) is Control harmful bacteria and is useful to fish in maintaining
required at a minimum concentration their osmotic balance.
of 60 mg /l and a ratio of chloride to
nitrite of 10:1 reduces nitrite poisoning
of fish.
14. Ammonia (NH3) Between 0.6 and 2.0 mg/l for pond fish, 1. Increase pond aeration. 2. Addition of liming agents such as
0.01-0.5 ppm is desirable for shrimp; hydrated lime or quick lime decreases ammonia and this
>0.4 ppm is lethal to many fishes & technique is effective only in ponds with low alkalinity.
prawn species. 3. Regular water exchange.
15. Nitrite-N (NO2 -N) Nitrite is an intermediate product of the 1. Reduction of stocking densities, Improvement of feeding,
aerobic nitrification bacterial process, biological filtration and general husbandry procedures,
produced by the autotrophic Increase aeration to maximum, Stop feeding. 2. Addition of
Nitrosomonas bacteria combining small amounts of certain chloride salts, regular water change
oxygen and ammonia. It oxidizes out. 3. Use of biofertilizers to accelerate nitrification.
haemoglobin to methemoglobin in the
blood, turning the blood and gills brown
and hindering respiration also damage
for nervous system, liver, spleen and
kidneys of the fish. Desirable range
0-1 mg/l. It should not exceed 0.2 mg/l
in freshwater and 0.125 mg/l in

[Table Contd.
Contd. Table] Parameters Desirable limits Remedial measures

16. Nitrate-N(NO3-N) Favourable range of 0.1 to 4.0 mgl in Dilution by water change.
fish culture water, It is harmless and
17. Phosphate- SoilPO4-P:<3: Productive, 3-6 is Use inorganic fertilizers to increase phosphorus level
Phosphorus (PO4-P) average production and >6 is (N: P=15:30)
in surface water unproductive. According to some
mainly present as school of thought 0.05-0.07ppm is
bound to living or optimum and productive, 1.0ppmis
dead particulate good for plankton and shrimp
matter and in the soil production.
is found as insoluble
Ca3(P04)2 and

Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 147

phosphates on
colloids .
18. Primary This is the rate at which photosynthesis takes 1. Productivity can be improved by use of organic/
productivity place in per unit of time. 1.60-9.14 mgC/l/d inorganic fertilizers in ponds.
(GPP)-as optimum status and 20.3 mgC/l/d 2. In case of plankton bloom / swarm; feed/manure
(GPP)-as poor productivity of a pond culture. application can be suspended for some time.
According to some school of thought ideal value
of primary productivity is 1000-2500 mgC/
M3/d (=1.0-2.0 mgC/ L/ d). If the productivity
value is less than 0.5mg /m3 (<1.5mg'Ch-a'/m3)
it is considered as oligotrophic. 1-5gm/m3
(1.5-10mg ' ch-a'/m3) it is mesotrophic,
5-10gm/m3 (10-25mg'ch-a'/ m3) it is eutrophic
and >10 gm/m3 (>25mg'ch-a'/m3) as highly
eutrophic i.e., polluted one.
Table 26: At a glance: The optimum ranges of various water quality parameters.

148 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Sl.Nos. Parameter Acceptable range Desirable range Stress
01. Temperature (0C) 15-35 20-30 <12 >35
02. Transparency(Cm) ————­ 30-80 <12 > 80
03. Water colour Pale to light green Light green to light brown Clear water, Dark green &Brown
04. Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) 3-5 5 5- 8
05. BOD (mg/l ) 3-6 1-2 >10
06. CO2 (mg/l) 0-10 <5, 5.8 >12
07. pH 7.0-9.0 7.5-8.5 <7.0 >9.0
08. Alkalinity (mg/l) 50-200 25-100 >20 <300
09. Hardness (mg/l) >20 75-150 >20 <300
10. Calcium (mg/l) 4-160 25-100 >10 <250
11. Ammonia (mg/l) 0-0.05 0-0.025 >0.03
12. Nitrite (mg/l) 0.02-2.0 <0.02 >0.2
13. Nitrate (mg/l) 0-100 0.1-4.5 >5 <0.01
14. Primary productivity(mgC/l/d) 1-15 1.6-9.14 <1.6 >20.3
15. Phosphorus (mg/l) 0.03-2.0 0.01-3 >3
16. H2S(mg/l) 0-0.02 0.002 Any detectable level
17. Plankton (No./l) 2000-6000 3000-4500 <3000 >7000
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 149


a. Plankton
Plankton is a general term for the “floaters”, the small or microscopic organisms
in a body of water that drift with the movement of water. This includes zooplankton
(animal origin), phytoplankton (plankton that is capable of photosynthesis or of
plant origin), and bacterioplankton (bacteria). Plankton is an important food source
for fish and other larger organisms.

Plankton Size Groups

Although most people think of plankton as microscopic animals, there are larger
plankton. With their limited swimming capability, jellyfish are often referred to as
the largest type of plankton. In addition to being categorized by life stages,
plankton can be categorized into different groups based on size.
These groups include:
● Femtoplankton - Organisms under 0.2 micrometers in size, e.g., viruses
● Picoplankton - Organisms 0.2 micrometer to 2 micrometers, e.g., bacteria
● Nanoplankton - Organisms 2-20 micrometers, e.g. phytoplankton and small
● Microplankton - Organisms 20-200 micrometers, e.g., phytoplankton and small
● Mesoplankton - Organisms 200 micrometers to 2 centimeters, e.g.,
phytoplankton and zooplankton such as copepods. At this size, the plankton
are visible to the naked eye.
● Macroplankton - Organisms 2 centimeters to 20 centimeters, e.g., like
ctenophores, salps, and amphipods.
● Megaplankton - Organisms over 20 centimeters, like jellyfish, ctenophores,
and amphipods.
The categories for the smallest plankton sizes were needed more recently
than some others. It wasn’t until the late 1970’s those scientists had the equipment
available to help them see the great number of planktonic bacteria and viruses
in the ocean.
Development of phytoplankton (algae) is a common phenomenon in any
natural water systems (Primary producers). Depending on the presence or absence
of the phytoplankton the fish farmers usually can determine the extent of
productivity potential of the pond waters.
150 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Table. 27: Composition of phytoplanktonic associations.

01. Blue-green algae Myxophyceae or Cyanophyta

02. Green algae Chlorophyceae
03. Yellow-green algae Xanthophyceae
04. Golden-brown algae Chrysophyceae
05. Diatoms Bacillariophyceae
06. Cryptomonads Cryptomonadinae
07. Dinoflagellates Dinophyceae
08. Euglenoids Euglenophyceae
09. Brown algae Pheophyceae
10. Red algae Rhodophyceae

b. Phytoplankton
Blue-green algae or, Myxophyceae or Cyanophyceae
These occur in unicellular, filamentous, and colonial forms, and most are enclosed
in mucilaginous sheaths either individually or in colonies. A majority of the planktonic
blue-greens consists of members of the coccoid family Chroococcaceae (e.g.,
Anacystis = Microcystis, Gomphosphaeri= Coelosphaerium, and Coccochloris)
and filamentous families belonging to Oscillatoriaceae, Nostocaceae , and
Rivulariaceae (e.g., Oscillatoria, Lyngbya, Aphanizomenon, Anabaena).
Blue-green algae, also known as Cyanobacteria, are a group of photosynthetic
bacteria that many people refer to as “pond scum.” Blue-green algae are most
often blue-green in color, but can also be blue, green, reddish-purple, or brown.
Blue-green algae generally grow in ponds, and slow-moving streams when the
water is warm and enriched with nutrients like phosphorus or nitrogen.When a
blue-green algae bloom dies off, the blue-green algae cells sink and are broken
down by microbes. This breakdown process requires oxygen and can create an
increase in biological oxygen demand resulting in decrease in oxygen concentration
in the water, and this can adversely affect fish and other aquatic life, and can
even result in fish kills.
Blue-green algal toxins are naturally produced chemical compounds that
sometimes are produced inside the cells of certain species of blue-green algae.
These chemicals are not produced all of the time and there is no easy way to
tell when blue-green algae are producing them and when they are not. When the
cells are broken, the toxins may be released. Sometimes this occurs when the
cells die off naturally and they break open as they sink and decay in a pond. Cells
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 151

may also be broken when the water is treated with chemicals meant to kill algae,
and when cells are swallowed and mixed with digestive acids in the stomachs of
Many different species of blue-green algae occur in waters, but the most
commonly detected include Anabaena sp., Aphanizomenon sp., Microcystis sp.,
and Planktothrix sp. It is not always the same species that blooms in a given
waterbody, and the dominant species present can change over the course of the
season.This group of algae is harmful to shrimp. Some of the algae cause scum
on the water surface, like Microcytis sp., it makes shrimp smell fishy and foul;
discharges gel through cell membrane, and cause blockage in shrimp’s gills.

Green algae or, Chlorophyceae

These are an extremely large and morphologically diverse group of algae that is
almost totally freshwater in distribution. A majority of the planktonic green algae
belong to the orders Volvocales (e.g., Chlamydomonas, Sphaerocystis, Eudorina,
and Volvox) and Chlorococcales (e.g., Scenedesmus, Ankistrodesmus,
Selenastrum, and Pediastrum). Many members are flagellated (2 or 4, rarely
more) at least in the gamete stages; in the desmids (Conjugales or
Desmidiales).There are more than 4, 000 species of green algae. Green algae
may be found in marine or freshwater habitats, and some even thrive in moist
The most important algal species are Chlorella, which are used as nutrient
source in aquaculture production worldwide. Chlorella belongs to the green algae
group and is being granted GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status.
Chlorella minutissima is a unicellular microalga without flagella recognized
as an oil-rich green alga that exhibits many attractive features, such as easy
cultivation, fast growth, and high levels of amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty
acids (PUFA’s). These attractive characteristics make Chlorella minutissima as
a potential microalga in pharmaceuticals and health foods .Falaise et al. (2016)
have reviewed that Chlorella are versatile as they play important roles as
antimicrobial agent’s like anti-bacterial, antifungal and antiviral activities against
related diseases in aquaculture. For this end the “green water” technique is a
useful tool against bacterial disease in aquaculture.
Antibacterial compounds from microalgae can be lipids or fatty acids. An
anti-marine bacterial activity was demonstrated in vitro with the polyunsaturated
fatty acid (PUFA) such as the PU free FA in P. tricornutum, identified as
eicosapentaenoic acid.
152 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

PUFAs, such as Arachidonic Acid (AA) (20:4 omega-6), eicosapentaenoic

acid (EPA) (20:5 omega-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (22:6 omega-3)
are essential for the growth and survival of fish larvae. In fact, fish larvae have
a very limit ability to synthesize PUFAs, which must be derived from zooplankton
such as rotifers that consume algae. In rotifer production, microalgae could
increase the DHA and EPA contents of the rotifers even with a short-term
enrichment period. However, to observe more positive effects on growth and
survival of fish larvae using rotifers with short term enrichment in microalgae,
microalgae need also to be added as “green water”.
This group contains no toxicity, usually has small size and doesn’t make
shrimp smell and this types of algae in the water can greatly affect color and
turbidity of aquaculture water.

Yellow-green algae or Xanthophyceae

These are unicellular, colonial, or filamentous algae that are characterized by
conspicuous amounts of carotenoids in comparison to chlorophylls. Nearly all of
the motile cells possess two flagella. A majority of them are associated with
substrata, and many are epiphytic on larger aquatic plants. A few members are
planktonic and include common genera such as Chlorobotrys, Gloeobotrys,
and Gloeochloris.

Golden-brown algae or Chrysophyceae

These have a dominance of carotene and specific xanthophyll carotenoids, in
addition to chlorophyll. Most of them are unicellular, a few are colonial; they are
rarely filamentous. A number of them from important components of the
phytoplankton. The unicellular species with a single flagellum (e.g., Chromulina,
Chrysococcus, and Mallomonas) are usually very small algal constituents of
the nannoplankton. Larger colonial forms such as Synura, Chrysosphaerella,
Uroglena and particularly Dinobryonare widely distributed. Certain species
of Dinobryon and Uroglena develop in lakes of very low phosphorus
concentrations, while other species of Dinobryon and Synura have high phosphorus

Diatoms or Bacillariophyceae
They are a most important group of phytoplankton even though most species are
sessile and associated with littoral substrata. Both unicellular and colonial forms
are common.The group is commonly divided into the centric diatoms (Centrales),
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 153

which have radial symmetry, and the pennate diatoms (Pennales) which exhibit
essentially bilateral symmetry.The four major groups of pennate diatoms are
differentiated on the basis of cell thickenings and dilations:
a. the Araphidineae (e.g., Asterionella, Diatoma, Fragilaria, Synedra) possess
a pseudoraphe (i.e., a depression in the axial areas of the cell wall).
b. the Raphidioidineae (e.g., Actinella, Eunotia) in which a rudimentary raphe
(i.e., a slit traversing all or part of the cell wall) occurs at the cell ends.
c. Monoraphidineae (e.g., Achnanthes [10 Pm], Cocconeis [10 Pm]) which
have a raphe on one valve and pseudoraphe on the other, and
d. The Biraphidineae (e.g., Amphora, Cymbella, Gomphonema, Navicula,
Nitzschia, Pinnularai, Surirella) in which the raphe occurs on both valves.
Diatoms are a major group of algae, specifically microalgae, found in the oceans,
waterways and soils. Living diatoms number in the trillions: they generate about
20 percent of the oxygen produced on the planet each year; take in over 6.7
billion metric tons of silicon each year from the waters in which they live; and
contribute nearly half of the organic material found in the oceans. The shells
of dead diatoms can reach as much as a half mile deep on the ocean floor.
Movement in diatoms primarily occurs passively as a result of both water
currents and wind-induced water turbulance however, male gametes of centric
diatoms have flagella, permitting active movement for seeking female gametes.
Similarly to plants, diatoms convert light energy to chemical energy by
photosynthesis, although this shared autotrophy evolved independently in both
lineages. Unusually for autotrophic organisms, diatoms possess a urea cycle, a
feature that they share with animals, although this cycle is used to different
metabolic ends in diatoms.
Aquaculture ponds with significant levels of diatoms are desirable for shrimp
production because of the diatoms’ high nutritional value, particularly for younger
Silicon is second only to oxygen in abundance in the earth’s crust. Much sand
consists of silica (silicon dioxide or SiO2), and clay minerals are hydrous aluminum
silicates. Natural waters contain silicon because of the dissolution of silicate
minerals with which they come in contact. For example, silicon dioxide reacts in
water to form silicic acid, a weak acid that is largely unionized within the pH
range of most natural waters. When calcium silicate reacts with carbon dioxide
in water, the resulting dissolved substances are calcium ions, bicarbonate ions
(alkalinity) and silicic acid.
154 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Silicon concentrations in natural waters typically are reported in terms of

SiO2 and usually range from 5 to 25 mg/L in freshwater bodies. The global
average for silica in river water is 13.1 mg/L. Normal seawater contains 6.4 mg/
L silica. A silica concentration can be converted to silicon concentration by
multiplying by the factor 0.467, the proportion of silicon in SiO2.
Plants take up silicic acid from water. Silicon in higher plants is incorporated
into cell walls, making stems and leaves more rigid and strong. Among the
phytoplankton, diatoms have a particular need for silicon, because their frustules
– the hard but porous cell walls – are composed almost entirely of silica. Depending
upon the species, plants contain from less than 0.1% to as much as 10.0% silicon
on a dry-weight basis. Diatoms contain the greatest amount of silicon.
The ratio of carbon: nitrogen: silicon: phosphorus in diatom cells averages
106:15:16:1. Thus, diatoms require about the same amounts of nitrogen and
silicon for growth. There is evidence that nitrogen: silicon ratios above 3:1 lessen
the growth rate of diatoms.
Diatoms have very short life cycles in the ponds; algae crashes and low-
oxygen are major threats and brown gill problem. They are responsible for
changing water colour.

Cryptomonads or Cryptomonadinae
Most of these algae are naked, unicellular, and motile. This class is very small
and most of the planktonic members belong to the Cryptomonadineae (e.g.,
Cryptomonas, Rhodomonas, and Chroomonas). Dense populations of these algae
often develop during cold periods of the year under relatively low light conditions.

They are unicellular flagellated algae, many of which are motile. A few species
of the order Gymnodiniales (e.g., Gymnodinium) are naked or without a cell wall;
but most develop a conspicuous cell wall, the Peridiniales (e.g., Ceratium,
Glenodinium, Peridinium). Although many of this group may change in size and
pattern seasonally, only a few undergo seasonal polymorphism or cyclomorphosis
e.g. dinoflagellate ceratium. Presumably, these changes are of adaptive significance
in that they reduce the rate of sinking out of the photic zone.
The dinoflagellates (Greek GLQR9 dinos “whirling” and Latin flagellum “whip,
scourge”) are a large group of flagellate eukaryotes that constitute the phylum
Dinoflagellata. Most are marine plankton, but they also are common in freshwater
habitats. Their populations are distributed depending on sea surface temperature,
salinity, or depth. Many dinoflagellates are known to be photosynthetic, but a
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 155

large fraction of these are in fact mixotrophic, combining photosynthesis with

ingestion of prey (phagotrophy). In terms of number of species, dinoflagellates
are one of the largest groups of marine eukaryotes, although this group is
substantially smaller than diatoms. About 1,555 species of free-living marine
dinoflagellates are currently described. Another estimate suggests about 2, 000
living species, of which more than 1, 700 are marine (free-living, as well as
benthic) and about 220 are from fresh water.The latest estimates suggest a total
of 2, 294 living dinoflagellate species, which includes marine, freshwater, and
parasitic dinoflagellates.
A bloom of certain dinoflagellates can result in a visible coloration of the
water colloquially known as red tide, which can cause shellfish poisoning if
humans eat contaminated shellfish. Some dinoflagellates also exhibit
bioluminescence—primarily emitting blue-green light.
Unfortunately, a small number of species also produce potent neurotoxins
that can be transferred through the food web where they affect and even kill the
higher forms of life such as zooplankton, shellfish, fish, birds, marine mammals.
Some species, such as the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense produce
potent toxins, which are liberated when the algae are eaten and many types of
algae in this group conveying toxins that can make fishes and shrimp die.

Euglenoids or Euglenophyceae
Few species are truly planktonic. Almost all are unicellular, lack a distinct cell
wall, and possess one, two, or three flagella. Their development in the
phytoplankton occurs most often in seasons, strata, or lake/pond systems in
which concentrations of ammonia and especially dissolved organic matter are
high. However, these algae are found most often in shallow water rich in organic
matter such as farm ponds.

Brown algae or Phaeophyta

They are mostly filamentous or thalloid, and are almost exclusively marine. The
genera that are found in fresh water are attached to substrata, such as rocks.
No species is planktonic.

Red algae or Rhodophyta

None is planktonic and sparsely represented in fresh water. The thalloid or
filamentous species (e.g., Batrachospermum) are nearly all restricted to fast-
flowing streams of well-oxygenated, cool waters.
156 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Table 28: Characteristics of common major algal associations of the phytoplankton in

relation to increasing pond water fertility (Wetzel, 1983).

General lake Water Dominant Other commonly

trophy characteristics algae occurring algae
Oligotrophic Slightly acidic Desmids Staurodesmus, Sphaerocystis,
Staurastrum Gloeocystis,
Rhizosolenia, Tabellaria
Oligotrophic Neutral to slightly Diatoms, especially Some Asterionella spp.,
alkaline; nutrient- Cyclotella and some Melosira spp.,
poor lakes Tabellaria Dinobryon
Oligotrophic Neutral to slightly Dinoflagellates, Small chrysophytes,
alkaline; generally especially some cryptophytes, and
nutrient poor. Peridinium and diatoms
Eutrophic Usually alkaline; Diatoms much of year, Many other algae,
nutrient enriched; especially Asterionella especially greens and
common in warmer spp., Fragilaria blue-greens during
periods of crotonensis, Synedra, warmer periods of year;
temperate lakes or Stephanodiscus, and desmids if dissolved
perennially in Melosira granulate. organic matter is fairly
enriched tropical Blue-green algae, high.Other blue-green
ponds and lakes. especially algae; euglenophytes if
Anacystis (= Microcystis), organically enriched or
Aphanizomenon, polluted.

Phytoplankton, better known as algae, is the basis of all biosphere function

as a primary producer passes the stored energy to its next trophic level i.e the
primary consumers (Zooplankton), thus forming a food chain in a water body.
However, excessive growth of this phytoplankton in a waterbody (Bloom) some
times becomes a nuisance. These nasty, smelly filamentous mats on the surface
of the water can lead to fishing frustration and reduced aesthetics, and can
negatively impact recreational activities like swimming and boating. Nuisance
phytoplankton can also be suspended in the water column, often called unicellular
blooms. These blooms typically occur later in the season, reducing the water
clarity and often giving the water a “pea soup” green appearance. They are
usually associated with cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and can negatively impact
water clarity and water chemistry. Cyanobacteria can also be toxic and cause
serious health problems not only to the stocked fishes in the water body but also
to the other animals those are used to drink, bath or otherwise make use of it
and so also the humans (Fig. 46).
Fig. 46: Bloom of phytoplankton in natural waters
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 157
158 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

c. Zooplankton
Fresh water zooplankton is extremely diverse, and includes representatives
suspended in water with limited powers of locomotion. Like phytoplankton, they
are usually denser than water, and constantly sink by gravity to lower depths.
The distinction between suspended zooplankton having limited powers of
locomotion, and animals capable of swimming independently of turbulence-the
latter referred to as nekton- is often diffuse. Freshwater zooplankton is dominated
by four major groups of animals: protozoa, rotifers, and two subclasses of the
crustacea, the cladocerans and copepods. The planktonic protozoa have limited
locomotion, but the rotifers, cladoceran and copepod microcrustaceans, and certain
immature insect larvae often move extensively in quiescent water. Many pelagial
protozoa (5-300 Pm) are meroplanktonic, in that only a portion, usually in the
summer, of their life cycle is planktonic. These forms spend the rest of their life
cycle in the sediments, often encysted throughout the winter period. Many
protozoans feed on bacteria-sized particles (most cells <2Pm), and thereby utilize
a size class of bacteria and detritus generally not utilized by large zooplankton.
Although most rotifers (150Pm-1mm) are sessile and are associated with the
littoral zone, some are completely planktonic; these species can form major
components of the zooplankton. Most rotifers are nonpredatory, and omnivorously
feed on bacteria, small algae, and detrital particulate organic matter. Most food
particles eaten are small (<12Pm in diameter). Most cladoceran zooplankton are
small (0.2 to 3.0 mm) and have a distinct head; the body is covered by a bivalve
carapace. Locomotion is accomplished mainly by means of the large second
antennae. Planktonic copepods (2-4 mm) consist of two major groups, the calanoids
and the cyclopoids. These two groups are separated on the basis of body structure,
length of antennae, and legs.

Types of Zooplankton
Zooplankton may be classified according to their size or by the length of time
they are planktonic (largely immobile). Some terms that are used to refer to
plankton include:
● Microplankton: organisms that are 2-20 Pm in size — this includes some
copepods and other zooplankton.
● Mesoplankton: organisms that are 200 Pm-2 mm in size, which includes
larval crustaceans.
● Macroplankton: organisms 2-20 mm in size, which includes euphasiids (e.g.,
krill) - an important food source for many organisms, including baleen whales.
● Micronekton: organisms 20-200 mm in size. Examples include some
euphasiids and cephalopods.
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 159

● Megaloplankton: planktonic organisms greater than 200 mm in size, which

includes jellyfish and salps.
● Holoplankton: organisms that are planktonic throughout their entire live,
such as copepods.
● Meroplankton: organisms that have a planktonic stage, but grow out of it
at some point, like fish and crustaceans.

Zooplankton and the Food Web

Zooplankton are basically the second step of the aquatic food web. The food
web starts with the phytoplankton, which are primary producers. They
convert inorganic substances (e.g., energy from the sun, nutrients such as nitrate
and phosphate) into organic substances. The phytoplankton, in turn, is eaten by
zooplankton, which are eaten by smaller fish and even gigantic whales present
in marine waters.

Composition of zooplanktonic associations

Fresh water Zooplankton is an important component in aquatic ecosystems, whose
main function is to act as primary and secondary links in the food chain. Primarily
the physical and chemical environment shapes their community structure. However,
these communities are also influenced by biological interactions, predation and
their specific competition for food resources (Nevas et al., 2003). The zooplankton
community composition and structure is affected by eutrophication, these
communities can also be used as the indicator of changing trophic status of an
aquatic ecosystem. Zooplankton has long been used as indictors of the
eutrophication (Weber Mona et al., 2005).
The fresh water zooplankton can broadly be devided intofour major groups:

Rotifers also called as rotatoria or wheel animalcules are a group of small,
usually microscopic, pseudocoelomate animals which have been variously regarded
as a separate phylum.The species of rotifers are very common in summer and
monsoon.The importat species are: Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus
angularis, Brachionus caudatus, Kertella tropica, Kertella cochlearis, Kertella
Spp., Filina Spp., Filina longiseta, Rotaria, Monostyla bulla, Trichocerca
160 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Cladocerans popularly called as “water flea” prefer to live in deep water and
constitute a major item of food for fish. Thus they hold key position in food chain
and energy transformation (Uttangi, 2001).Alona rectangula, Chydorus
reticulata, Daphina carinata, Daphnia magna, Moina Spp., Bosminopsis

Fresh water copepods constitute one of the major zooplankton communities
occurring in all types of water bodies and ranging from free living to parasitic
forms. They serve as food to several fishes and play a major role in ecological
pyramids. Water temperature and availability of food organisms affect the
copepoda population. Naupli, Cyclops viridis, Paracyclops Spp., Mesocyclops
Spp., Diaptomus Spp.

Ostracodes are small crustaceans having the bivalve carapace enclosing the
laterally compressed body. The freshwater ostracodes occur in lakes, tanks,
swamps, streams, and even polluted waters. The higher population of ostracodes
during monsoon may be due to the abundance of fine detritus to which omnivorous
organisms switch over form their natural benthic habitat and bacteria, mould and
algae as food (Allen, 1955). Cypris, Metacypris, Cyprinotus, Stenocypris etc.
are the common examples.

Zooplankton of various types

Benthic zone: The benthic zone is the ecological region at the lowest level of
a body of water such as ponds, lake, rivers and seas etc. including the sediment
surface and some sub-surface layers. Organisms living in this zone are
called benthos, e.g., the benthic invertebrate community, including crustaceans ,
annelids, mollusks etc. The organisms generally live in close relationship with the
substrate bottom and many are permanently attached to the bottom. The superficial
layer of the soil lining of a given body of water, the benthic boundary layer, is an
integral part of the benthic zone, as it greatly influences the biological activity that
takes place there.
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 161

Some abundant species of rotifera

Fig. 47: Top row : (Brachionus rubens, B. forficula, B. diversicornis, B. caudatus, B.

calyciflorus and B. angularis Second row: Filinia opoliensis, F. terminalis, F.
longiseta, Asplanchna brightwelli and Epiphanes sp. Third row:Polyarthra
multiappendiculata, K. tropica, Hexarthra mira , Lecane sp and Testudinella patina.

Benthic fauna: Benthos is the organisms that live in the benthic zone,
constitute an integral part of an aquatic ecosystem and are different from those
in the water column. Many have adapted to live on the substrate (bottom). In
their habitats they can be considered as dominant creatures. Many organisms
adapted to deep-water pressure cannot survive in the upper parts of the water
column. The pressure difference can be very significant.
Benthic macro fauna are those organisms that live on or inside the bottom
deposits of a water body. Large benthic animals, those readily visible through
naked eye are collectively referred to as macrozoobenthos or macro-invertebrates.
They are important and integral component of all aquatic ecosystems. These
organisms also play a vital role in the circulation and recirculation of nutrients in
aquatic environments. They constitute the linkage between the unavailable nutrients
162 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Some abundant species of Copepoda

Fig. 48: Top row:Mesocyclops leuckarti (female), M. leuckarti (male) and Cyclops sp. Second
row: Mesocyclops hyalinus , Ectocyclops sp. andNauplius larva.

in detritus and useful protein materials in fish (Covich et al., 1999). Most benthic
organisms feed on debris that settle on the bottom of the water and in turn serve
as food for a wide range of fishes (Chakma et al., 2015)
Because light can penetrate only upto 2meters in fresh water and does not
penetrate very deep, the energy source for the benthic ecosystem is often constitute
of organic matters from higher up in the water column that drifts down to the
depths. This dead and decaying matter sustains the benthic food chain; most
organisms in the benthic zone are scavengers or detritivores. Some micro­
organisms use chemosynthesis to produce biomass.
Soil and Water Quality for Aquaculture 163

Some species of cladocera and ostracoda.

Fig. 49: Top row: Moina flagellata, M.brachiata and M.micrura, Middle row: Daphnia
magna, D.dubia and D.lumholtzi, third row: Juvenile cladocera, Ceriodaphnia
regaudii and Cyprinotus sp.
164 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Benthic organisms can be divided into two categories based on where they
make their home: floor or an inch or two into the floor. Those living on the
surface of the bottom floor are known as epifauna. Those who live burrowed into
the mud floor are known as infauna.A number of soil constituents such as colloidal
clay, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium etc.and also trace elements
get distributed in different proportions at various parts of fish ponds which ultimately
determines the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the water of
fish pond (Banerjee and Lal, 1990).
Micro-organisms play an important role in determining the physico-chemical
properties of soil beneath the water.Soil microbes are highly sensitive to the soil
reaction. Soil pH at and around neutral is favourable for healthy growth of soil
micro organisms and microbial activity. Atmosphere is a rich source of nitrogen
(>79%) but can not be utilized by terrestrial crops, until and unless it is somhow
trapped by the microbial activity in the soil.Several forms of microorganisms are
present in soil and are of great importance as they help in the decomposition of
organic wastes and release of nutrients. Nitrogen cycle is the best example for
bacterial activity in the soil (Banerjee and Lal, 1990).
166 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Understanding the fact of saturations in the fresh water Indian major carp farming,
it is now become imperative to diversify from Indian Major Carp culture to
various other major and minor species of importance in fresh water culture since
these have high nutrient value in terms of protein, micronutrients, vitamins and
minerals. The fishes like:
i) Pangassius hypopthalmus the Pangus, ii) Chanos chanos, the milk fish,
iii) Clarius batrachus, the Magur, iv) Heterpneustes fossilis the Singhi, v) Puntius
sarana, the Olive barb, the Sar Punti, vi) Oreochromis niloticus, the nile tilapia
monosex culture, vii) Climbing perch (Anabas testudineus), the Koi (Vietnam strain),
viii) Notopterus notopterus, the Bronz Feather Back (Folui), ix) Amblypharyngodon
mola, the Mourala x) Mystus vittatus xi) Nandus nandus the Gangetic leaffish.
Among these fishes N .notopterus, A.mola, M. vittatus and N. nandus may well
be cultured with Indian Major Carps in fresh water ponds and last but not the least,
xii) the culture possibilities of Pacu – the Piaractus brachypomus, xiii) the fresh
water giant prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergiiand xiv) the slim bellied cyprinus
carpio haematopterus and last but not the least xv) the delicacy of Loktak lake of
Manipur – the Pengba, Osteobrama belangeri. The culture possibilities of these
fishes are given here for the interest of farmers.
Apropos the need of diversification of Indian Major Carp farming, it may be
mentioned here that an enormous possibility do exist in the farming of exotic Amur-
China type of wild carp, Cyprinus carpio haematopterus. There is an increasing
trend of interest among some sector of farmers who are able to procure seed of
this particular species unlike the traditional common carp Cyprinus carpio. The
speciality of this species is that it is a slim bellied one, unlike traditional common
carp Cyprinus carpio as well as, has a very fast growth rate. An attempt has also
been made to discuss the breeding biology, food and feeding and growth performance
of this species since this has been newly introduced in India.


India, one of the 17 global mega biodiversity hotspots, is inhabitant to 2246 fin
fish species out of which 838 are from fresh water (Mohanta et al., 2008).
Among them, total 450 fish species could be categorized as small indigenous
freshwater fish species (SIFFs) out of 765 native freshwater species, and 239 of
them are from West Bengal. In West Bengal the total production of inland fish
was 15.30 lakh ton and marine fish was 2 lakh metric ton (Dey, et al., 2017).
Small indigenous freshwater fish species (SIFFS) are defined as fishes which
grow to the size of 25-30 cm in mature or adult stage of their life cycle. They
inhabit in rivers and tributaries, foodplains, ponds and tanks, lakes, beels, streams,
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 167

lowland areas, wetlands and paddy fields. Although rural population depend highly
on indigenous species of fish for nutrition in many parts of India, very little
attention has been paid on their role in aquaculture enhancement, nutrition,
processing, biology, captive breeding, livelihood security and conservation needs.
Consequently, many small indigenous fishes have become threatened and
endangered due to pollution, over exploitation coupled with habitat destruction,
water abstraction, siltation, channel fragmentation, diseases and introduction of
exotic varieties. In order to achieve sustainable utilization, appropriate planning
for conservation and management strategies are of utmost importance. This
article addresses the untapped potential of the small indigenous fishes of India
and challenging issues for sustaining biodiversity, management, aquaculture, nutrition
and livelihood security and highlights the future priorities.
A large diversity of small indigenous fish species are found in freshwater
systems in Indian sub-continent. These small indigenous freshwater fish species
(SIFFS) form a major component of food consumed by families, especially those
living closer to freshwater resources. Among traditional communities indigenous
knowledge about the health benefits of such species exists, for example, mola
(Amblypharyngodon mola), commonly found in eastern and northeast India, is
often included in the diet of pregnant and lactating mothers, for their nutritive

i) Culture possibilities of Pangasianodon hypopthalmus

Culture possibilities of Pangasianodon hypopthalmus as a candidate species in
fresh water ponds
Pangasianodon hypopthalmus, earlier popularly known as Pangassius sutchi
(Fig.50&51) is a silver stripped catfish, and is basically a riverine species
with migratory habits. Pangasius emerged as a major culture species in the
1990. It is cultured due to its good market demand, faster growth; few countries
dominate the culture production, and have attained most important freshwater
fish within aquaculture sector.It grows to 1kg in four months and a minimum
harvest of 12, 000kg/ha/year is achievable from culture ponds.In India, farming
of this fish has increased since 2004 due to the commercial importance and there
is a growing interest among fish farming community in both Krishna and Godavari
districts of Andhra Pradesh to take up its culture in a large extent, thus paving
way for demand for its seed. About 300-400 million seeds of P. hypopthalmus
is produced every year in West Bengal. This fish exhibits remarkable growth rate
even in semi-clean grow-out ponds. It has been observed that there is a shift of
culture practice from major carps to Pangas catfish in considerable areas of the
country especially in the southern states of India.The production of the fish is
reported to be 7 metric tonnes/hectare/year to 20 metric tones/hectare/year and
168 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

the average production are found to be higher than IMC production in some of
the areas. Pangassius is an air-breathing fish that can tolerate low Dissolved
Oxygen (DO) content in the water and can be cultured in ponds, concrete tanks,
fish cages or pens.

Fig. 50: The fry stage of P. hypopthalmus

Fig. 51: Adult P. hypophthalmus

The systematic position and other necessary details of the species is given
here under.
Phylum- Chordatata.
Class- Actinopterygii [which is a characteristic feature of all Ray-finned fishes]
Order- Siluriformes [this is a characteristic feature of all catfishes]
Family- Pangassidae [this character goes to all shark cat fishes]
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 169

Genus- Pangassius.
Species- Pangassius.
Binomial name: Pangassius pangassius (Hamilton, 1822).

The body is elongated and laterally compressed.The upper surface of the head
remains unpolished and the snout obtusely rounded.The upper jaw is lower than
the lower jaw and the gape of the mouth is moderate.Two pairs of barbells are
present. The dorsal spine is serrated anteteriorly. The pectoral spine is
comparatively strong than dorsal spine and serrated internally. Caudal fin is
deeply forked. The lateral line is complete.
The colour on the abdominal side of the fish is silvery, side of the head
contains golden tinge while the above portion of the lateral line is whitish grey
and on the flanks it is silvery purple. The back porion of the fish is however, dark
or yellosish green.

The fish is found to inhabit both in fresh and brackish waters. Some of the
common habitats are big rivers, flood plains, estuaries and canals etc. Usually
inhibits at the lower portion of the large rivers and estuaries.

Some features of pond management

The cherry plum fruit of chebulic myrobalan Terminalia chebula (Haritaki)
extract is used in P.Hypopthalmus ponds. It destroys the dense mass of green
algae in fish ponds and also reduces the turbidity of ponds caused due to mud
particles of allochthonus origin. On application of chebulic myrobalan, mud particles
coagulate and settle down at the bottom of pond.When required, it is applied
@50-60kg/Acre area. A mixure of soap-oil emulsion (preferably Life Buoy and
Mustered oil) is used in the nursery ponds. Besides the killing of aquatic insects,
since the mustered oil has fat content, this also boosts up zooplankton population
in the ponds. Soap is first boiled over the furnace, there after oil is added. A
mixture of 15kg soap and 45kg of oil is applied in every acre of pond area
preferably 48-hours prior to release of spawn (P.hypopthalmus). The depth of
the nursery ponds should be ± one meter.
After 2-3 crops, the nursery ponds should be sun dried and 75-100 kg/acre
of Mahua Oil Cake (MOC) should have to be broadcasted on the top soil. On
170 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

the same day water soaked MOC (preferably 24 hours before) has also to be
sprayed over the top soil. Next day morning liming@ 50-60kg/acre area has to
be made and kept as such for a day, while in the evening water is allowed to
fill the pond area.Utmost care is to be taken while allowing water from outside
reservoir/ponds. The inlet pipe is to be opened in a hapa made up of fine meshed
bolting cloth in order to trap larger zooplankton viz. Cyclops sp, Diaptomus sp.
etc. inside the hapa (Fig.52). This larger copepod zooplankton has a tendency to
predate the fish spawn stocked in the nursery ponds. As many as twenty lakhs
spawn of P. hypopthalmus may be stocked in a nursery pond covering an area
of 1.0 acre meter size.

Fig. 52: Ideal technique of water filling in the nursery pond.

Food and feeding habit

This fish is not only carnivorous in nature but also voracious feeder. It also feeds
on decaying animal and vegetative matters. When found in rivers, it shows
predatory on snails and other molluscan populations.
Diseases and remedial measures (Table 29): Large-scale disease outbreaks
and mortality of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus seldom occur. The following
diseases, however, have been encountered.
Parasite infections including Ichthyophthirius and Trichodina can occur at
the fingerling stage and are usually treated with 15-20 ppt of formalin for 30
minutes with aeration before water exchange.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 171

Table 29: Diseases and remedial measures of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus.

Disease Agent Type Syndrome Measures

Bacillary Edwardsiella Bacterium Haemorrhages on Antibacterial and
Necrosis of ictaluri eyes and fin bases; antifungal agents
Pangasius white spots in the @300gms/acre
(BNP) kidney, spleen and area(6ft.depth)
liver; some cellular
Motile Aeromonas spp. Bacterium Haemorrhages on Improve water
Aeromonad (mainly eyes, body and fins; quality and
Septicaemia A. hydrophila, bloody peritoneum, nutrition; Iodin
(MAS) A. sobria and leading to swollen 20%@300ml/
A. caviae) belly. acre

ii) Culture possibilities of Chanos chanos

Culture possibilities of Chanos chanos, the milk fish as a candidate species in
fresh water ponds.
The euryhaline nature of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) attracted attention
of the fresh water aquaculture professionals both from Chennai and West Bengal.
The fish however, is also widely cultured in brackish water ponds largely in South
East Asian countries.

Fig. 53: The milk fish (Chanos chanos)

Milkfish (Chanos chanos) is euryhaline in nature and can tolerate the salinity
of water ranging from 0 to 80 ppt. The larvae are to be slowly acclimatized from
brackish water to fresh waters where the salinity is 0.0 ppt. After acclimatization
the fry can well be reared in fresh waters.
172 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

The systematic position of the fish

Class- Actinopterygii.
Order- Gonorynchiformes.
Family- Channidae.
Genus- Chanos
Binomial name: Chanos chanos (Forskal, 1775)
The milkfish can grow to 1.80 m (5 ft 11 in), but are most often no more than
1 m (39 in) in length. They can reach a weight of about 14.0 kg and an age of
15 years. They have an elongated and almost compressed body, with a generally
symmetrical and streamlined appearance, one dorsal fin, falcate pectoral fins and
a sizable forked caudal fin. Mouth is small and toothless. Body color is olive
green, with silvery flanks and dark bordered fins. They have 13-17 dorsal soft
rays, 8-10 anal soft rays and 31 caudal fin rays.

Food and feeding habit

Milk fish in its natural habitat, apparently feeds on planktonic microorganisms and
is most frequently designated as microphagus carnivore. Milkfish has fine, almost
membranous gill rakers that suggest filter feeding habit of the fish. It also has
a specialized epi branchial organ above and behind the gills that may help to
concentrate microplankton. Milkfish aquaculture sounds well in the ponds where
predominantly of unicellular algae, diatoms, and other organisms associated with
the algal community and locally known as lablab, and have fibrous filamentous
green algae. To obtain better lablab in the milkfish ponds the farmers are
advised to apply 6kg/acre/meter Multi-micronutrient mineral fertilizer and humic
acid together @5kg/acre/meter each which greatly helps formation of the lablab
in the cultured ponds. Since much work related to culture of Milk fish in fresh
water ponds has yet to be done, occurrence of disease outbreak during culture
have not been noticed till now. However, interested farmers are advised to
(CIBA) at Chennai (HQ) or Kakdwip Regional Centre, Dist-24-Parganas(S),
West Bengal, where the rearing technology of this species in fresh waters have
been developed successfully.
Since the species has newly been introduced in fresh waters from marine
sectors, detail information on the biology, diseases etc. needs further investigations.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 173

iii) Culture possibilities of Clarias batrachus

Indian Sub-continent is endowed with vast numbers of villages where there are
significant numbers of derelict water bodies. Air breathing fishes especially Magur
(Clarias batrachus) and Singhi (Heteropneustes fossilis) deserve special mention
due to their easy digestibility and protein and iron content (Tab-8). The other air
breathing fishes are murrels of various species. The specialty of these fishes,
they remain alive even when are out of water for a couple of hours. This is
possible, due to the presence of accessory respiratory organs.

Fig. 54: Clarias batrachus (Magur)

Systematic Position:
Class- Actinopterygii.
Order- Siluriformes.
Family- Clariidae.
Genus- Clarias.
Species- Batrachus.
Binomial name: Clarius batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Clarias batrachus is a black, slippery fish with mustache to aid it in swimming.
The availability of wild-caught magur seed is insufficient to meet demand due to
a combination of over-exploitation, aquatic pollution, spread of disease, uncontrolled
introduction of exotic fishes and habitat modification (Mahapatra B.K
2004:Conservation of the Asiatic catfish, Clarias batrachus through artificial
propagation and larval rearing technique in India . Sustainable Aquaculture Vol.
IX No. 4: Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758).
174 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Catfish are usually found in marshes, rice fields, swamps, streams, rivers, lakes
irrigation canals, or in any body or fresh water. Size of the ponds depends. The
minimum size is 50 square meter (sq. m) and should be located in low and flat
areas. Land where pesticides have been regularly used should be avoided. A
shady area where the fish will have shade when the sun is intense and lumut or
moss will grow easily. The area should also have a good supply of water either
from wells, spring or run-off ponds.
Characteristics of air breathing fishes
1) The hardy nature and tolerance to adverse environmental conditions particularly
low oxygen level.
2) Intensive culture with high production rate.

Behaviour and Compatibility

C. batrachus is highly predatory and will eat any fish it can fit into its large
mouth. It can be kept with other similarly-sized, robust species, such as large
Stocking rate
Catfish farming requires extremely heavy stocking (75 to 100 fingerlings per
square meter).During a study conducted in Maharashtra on the stocking density
of Clarius batrachus, it is evident that stocking @200 individual causes
nomortality. However, the extremely heavy stocking method to the tune of 300­
400 individual/sq. meters produces mortality and minimal production of fish per
unit area. Catfish farming produces 2 crops a year at an average rearing period
of 5 to 6 months.
It is advisable to stock the seeds of magur in the late afternoon or early
morning when the climate remains cool. The stocking rate depends on size of fish
and depth of water (Table 30).
Table 30: Stocking of C.batrachus depending on size and depth of water.

Size of fish 3-4cm 5-6cm 7-10cm

Number of fish 60pcs/kg 50pcs/kg 30pcs/kg
Stock/sq.metre 80-100 60-80 40-60

Different Culture types

1) Monoculture, 2) Culture with other fishes, 3) Culture in cages, 4) Culture in
cement tanks, and 5) Culture in paddy fields.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 175

Fig. 55: High density stocking of C. batrachus

In monoculture, the pond size should be less than a hectare, preferably an

acre in size having one meter depth of water. After eradication of all unwanted
fishes by Mahua Oil Cake (MOC) (Required quantity of MOC is about 1000 kg/
Acre / meter). By observing the pH of water application of lime @ 120 to150
kg/Acre/ meter to be made to make the pond water alkaline. Fingerlings of air
breathing fishes especially Magur or Singhi preferably (60 – 100 nos /per Kg) to
be taken in a hundi. Raw formalin @ 0.5 ml/litre to be added to the water of the
container (Hundi) as disinfectant. After 15 – 20 minutes of emersion in formalin
water of the fishes, they may be released in the pond water. In monoculture, the
pond size should be less than a hectare, preferably an acre in size having one
meter depth of water.
Stocking density of the fishes in monoculture may be 15, 000 to 22, 000 /
Acre/meter. From the next day supplementary formulated feed (30% Protein: 5
%Fat) pelletized sinking feed @ 5 – 7 % of the total body weight may be given
to the stocked fishes (Table-31). The total quantity of feed should be divided into
two parts. The first part (30% of the total) should have to be broadcasted during
the morning hours and the rest 70% in the evening. This is because the air
breathing fishes especially both the magur and singhi are nocturnal feeders.The
protein percentage of the feed should be minimum 30%. Almost all the air
breathing fishes prefer animal Protein. The fishes grow well and faster with such
feed. The following table depicts the percentage of feed to be given in monoculture.
176 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Table 31: Quantity of feed per 100 kgs of fish in Monoculture.

Weight of fish (gms) Kg/day

<25 8-10
<50 7-8
<100 5-7
<200 3-4
200 and above 2-3

Problems in rearing air breathing fishes and their remedial measures:

(1) Water temperature: During summer months when water water temperature
is high and to avoid evaporation infestation of duck weeds or water hyacinth
is encouraged. It is always advisable to maintain the depth of water maximum
to the tune of 1.2 meters.
(2) Autochthonous matters may decrease the overall transparency of water. In
such case water exchange or pumping water from other source is advocated.
(3) The pH of water should remain within 8.0.
(4) In case of higher algal growth stop supplementary feeding.
The fishes are omnivorous in nature and eat almost anything which is offered.
A varied mixture of dried pellets, meaty frozen foods and vegetable matter is
recommended. Adult specimens do not need to be fed every day. Take care
when feeding, as this is one fish that just doesn’t know when to stop eating. Adult
magur are carnivorous so their feed should contain higher amount of animal
protein. These can be from ground fresh trash fish, worms, insects, slaughter
house buy-products, and chicken entrails, and dried or fresh water shrimp, fish
and by-products of canning factories.Table-32 indicates the food source at the
different life stages of magur. The remaining 10 % may be composed of boiled
broken rice mixed with vegetables or rice bran. To augment food supply, install
strong light over pond. Feed the catfish twice a day. To avoid waste, give the
feeds slowly, by handful, until the fish stop eating. Daily feed ration is 6-7 per
cent of the fish stock’s body weight. Never over feed since the excess would
only pollute the water causing death or stunted growth.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 177

Sexual Dimorphism
In the wild form, male fish show spotting in the dorsal fin. This distinction cannot
be made for the aquarium varieties but sexing can be determined by examining
the genital papillae of the fish. This is elongate and pointed in the male, and
shorter and blunted in the female. Female fish are also much more rounded in
the belly than males (Fig. 56a&b).

Table 32: Food preferences and natural food source of Clarias batrachus.

Food Source Life Stage

Benthic algae Adult/Fry/Larval
Chironomid larvae Adult/Broodstock/Fry/Larval
Detritus Adult/Fry/Larval
Dragonfly nymphs Adult/Broodstock/Fry/Larval
Finfish Adult/Broodstock
Insect eggs and pupae Adult/Broodstock/Fry/Larval
Molluscs Adult/Broodstock
Ostracods Adult/Broodstock/Fry/Larval
Other zoobenthos Adult/Broodstock/Fry/Larval
Weeds Adult/Fry/Larval
Worms Adult/Broodstock

Spawning season
Between May and October. In natural condition, the female makes a small round
hollow nest with grassy bottom abouy 30cm deep in shallow waters. The eggs
are deposited in the nest and attached to the roots of aquatic vegetation in the
nest. The males take charge of these eggs until they are hatched out within
twenty (20) hours at temperature between the ranges of 25-300C. Female
weighing300-800gms can produce between 5000-10, 000 eggs.

Mating and spawning

Female catfish ready to spawn or to produce offspring when it build its nest of
debris or roots of aquatic plants like water hyacinths or filamentous algae. It
spawns in shallow water, 30 cm to 60 cm deep. Male and female catfish starts
courting by chasing each other, darting sideways, pressing their abdominal regions
together. This constantly movement is repeated several times until the females
releases the eggs and male milt or sperms is simultaneously ejaculated. Fertilization
takes place at 270 to 30oC water temperature. The number of eggs laid, range
178 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

from a few hundred to several thousands. Never scrimp on feeds especially

during this period, remember that catfish are cannibalistic and quarrelsome. If the
parent fish are very hungry, they may gobble up the young as quickly as any
other food that comes their way.
One drawback that discourages people from catfish farming is non-availability
of fingerlings. The following process will assure you a continuous supply of
The two methods effecting spawning is by hormone injection. Both methods
use the most gravid or pregnant females and healthy mature males, each weighing
at least 200 grams (g).
The body of the pregnant is distended prominently, the genital part pinkies,
and the blood vessels on its belly prominent. Breeders should be conditioned first
in the concrete or semi-concrete tanks/vats 2 to 5 months before they are
injected with hormone.
The natural method entails injecting hormones (Gonadotropin or Synahorin
@200-250IU and 50IU) to gravid females and males respectively through their
bases located on the posterior side of the pelvic fin. Wrap fish in a small net so
they will not struggle during injection. After injection, put the male and female
together in an oxygenated tank. The stripping method requires several male
catfish milters to be killed. Use forceps to remove their testes which are pinkish
yellow and soak in Ringer’s solution. Extract sperm by macerating the testes in
the distilled water. Use sperm to fertilize breeder’s eggs. Inject hormone (mentioned
earlier) into the gravid breeder’s body. Inject at the side of the fish’s body, a little
above lateral line, with following dosage:
Gonadotropin = 750 to 1, 500 IU; Synahorin = 1, 000 to 1, 500 IU. After 12
hours, squeeze the breeder’s abdomen to force the eggs out. A 250-gram breeder
produces 8, 000 to 15, 000 eggs. Mix eggs with sperm and stir for a minute.

Technology of induced breeding with special reference to

Magur (Clarias batrachus).
The major constraint for wide spread culture of this species is attributed to the
non-availability of seed both from hatcheries and natural resources due to depletion
of natural stocks. Several attempts have been made in past to breed magur under
captivity through induced breeding method. Synthetic hormones viz .Ovaprim,
Ovatide, Pond Pro etc. were tried and found to be effective. However, differences
of opinion do exist and information’s are also available that fish pituitary extract
as inducing agent gives better result.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 179

The latency period of 16-18 hours after the injection of the inducing hormonal
agent (dose: 1-2 ml/kg body weight in case of female and 0.5-1.0 ml/kg body
weight of male) found to be suitable for the ovulation of magur.

Table 33: The range of the abiotic factors of water suitable for ovulation of C.batrachus.

Sl.nos. Water quality Range

01. Water temperature 28+/-20C
02. pH 6.9-7.6
03. Total Alkalinity 128-136mg/liter
O4. Dissolved oxygen 6.8-7.4mg/liter

It is obligatory to select the mature males and female brooders of magur

(Clarias batrachus) at least 2-3 months before the induced spawning operations.
It is also a pre-requisite to segregate the males and females and rear them in
separate enclosures or ponds. To be a good brooder they must be a year old
weighing about 150gms in weight. The sex can be distinguished by the shape of
the genital papilla where the males have pointed reddish papilla while the females
have an oval reddish shape with bulging abdomen and soft to touch (Fig. 56 a-
c). In general the female brooders weighing between 120-148gms weight are
selected for induced breeding. The cloacal opening is reddish and prominent
(Courtesy: Prof. S.K. Das of Assam Agricultural University College of Fisheries,
Raha, Nagaon, Assam, India.). The sperm from the males are generally collected
by stripping method (Fig. 56c).

Selection of spawners of Clarias batrachus and artificial

Artificial insemination: Ovulation generally takes place about ten (10) hours of
second injection. The milt from the males is made to drip on the eggs pouring the
water through the fine meshed cloth. The eggs and sperms are to be mixed and
stirred gently with a feather. Next to that a little clean water is added and gently
mixed the same again. After a couple of minutes, light flow of water is added
two to three times to clean the fertilized eggs. The fertilized eggs are then
transferred to the hatching hapa (Figs. 57. a-e).Most of the fertilized eggs hatch
out within 24-30 hours.
180 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

(a) (b)

Fig. 56 :(a) Well matured magur, (b) Mature male and female magur (c) Stripping method

Nursing of the early fry of Magur

It takes about two days to absorb the yolk when the larvae are transferred from
hapa to nursery ponds. Immediately after absorbing the yolk, the magur fry
changes the feeding behavior and up to 21 days they prefer to consume the
zooplankton, especially daphnids. By this time they attain length when
they are distributed to other growers. A suitable feed is the basic requirement at
this time although majority of them prefer to consume planktonic fauna in the
early stages but nutritionally balanced formulated feed in bulk quantities at the
later stage of their life is a pre-requisite. Generally, Magur (Clarius batrachus)
inhabit at the soil-water interface of the pond and grow well where the aquatic
weeds predominate. Logically, like all other aquatic vertebrates like fishes the
magur fish are also prone to various diseases. And these are: Parasitic, Bacterial,
and Fungal diseases of different types. Depending on the severity, these are
categorized under three categories.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 181

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figs. 57: (a) Healthy fish eggs (b) Mixing of eggs & sperm (c) Production of hatchling
(d) Early fry (e) Advanced fry.
Table34: Diseases and remedial measures of Clarias batrachus.

182 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

VARIUS DISEASES OF MAGUR (Clarius batrachus)

Sl.nos Type ofdisease Caused by Symptoms Treatment

01. Parasitic Trichodina and Mass mortality of fry Water and soil probiotic.
(monogenians) Trichodinella
02. Digenians Dactylogyrus Ill growth Iodin 20%@300ml/acre.
03. Myxosporida. Myxosoma/Myxobolus Ill growth Iodin 20%@300ml/acre
04. Bacterial Aeromonas hydrophila, Ill growth followed by Antibacterial antifungal
Septicaemia. Pseudomonas fluorescens, mortality products@300gm/acre each
Edwardsiella tarda.
05. Bacterial Ulcerative Number of different Traumatic damage. Antibacerial and antifungal
Disease. aetiologies. The lesions are deep agents@300gm/acre
(Category A.) dermal ulcers with each.Apply 750gms of
severe bacterial
necrosis of skin and
06. Viral diseases Not reported.
07. Fungal infections Saprolegnia sp. Antifungal agent@300mg/acre
08. Nutritional i) Fatty Liver Syndrome i) Crack head Multivitamin@ 250300gms/
Diseases ii) Vitamin C Deficiency ii) Failure of fibrous 100kg of feed
Syndrome wound healing.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 183

Fig. 58

(iv) Culture possibilities of Singhi Heteropneustes fossilis

(Bloch, 1794) (Fig. 58)
Systematic position:
Class- Actinoptrygii.
Order- Siluriformes.
Family- Heteropneustidae.
Genus- Heteropneustes.
Species- Fossilis
Binomial name: Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1794).
Hereropneustes fossilis, commonly known as “Singhi” (Fig.58), comes under
the category of air-breathing fishes and contribute significant role in aquaculture.
They differ from other teleosts by possessing a tubular accessory respiratory
organ run backwards on either side of the vertebral colmn, almost upto caudal
peduncle from gill chamber through the myotome muscles in the back, for direct
aerial respiration by periodically gulping air at the air-water interface and may
survive for about 16hours when out of water.. The air-breathing fish can therefore,
may well be cultured in waters having low or deficient in dissolved oxygen
content such as swamps, wetlands, oxidation ponds and sometimes in muddy
rivers. The fish is epibenthic and also compatible with the carps in mixed culture.

The body is elongated and compressed. The head is depressed and covered with
osseous plate at the top and the sides of the head. Four pairs of barbels in which
the the maxillary pairs extended to end of the pectorals or to the commencement
to anal and the mandibular pairs extended upto the base of pelvis but the nasal
184 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

pair is comparatively shorter than the mandibular pairs. The presence of air sac
or the accessory respiratory organs which extends backward from the gill chamber
on either side of the vertebral column.The caudal is rounded.The body colour is
reddish brown or purplish brown but during mature conditions it appears to be
black in colour.
It may be mentioned here that Heteropneustes fossilisis protein enriched
fish species. Each 100 gm of fish contains 23.0 gm of protein, the fat is
comparatively low (0.6gm) while the Calcium content is about 670 mg and the
Phosphorus content is 650 mg and the water content is about 79.3%.
These fishes breed in confined waters during monsoon months. Spawning
has been observed in swampy patches falling within the flood prone regions of
rivers. It is capable of breeding in ponds, derelict water-bodies and ditches when
sufficient rainwater accumulates. Sexual maturity is attained when both male and
female are one year old and are about 5.5 cm and 12 cm in length, respectively.
Induced spawning is successful using homoplastic pituitary glands. Fertilized eggs
are adhesive, demersal and spherical in form. The fish, which attains a length of
30 cm, is in great demand because of its medicinal value. Fishermen generally
stock singhi in ponds during the rainy season. The fish is much dreaded because
of its aggressive behavior and can inflict painful wounds with its potentially
dangerous pectoral spines (Nayak et al., 2000).The fish is omnivorous in feeding
habit and also have a distinct sexual dimorphism like Clarias batrachus. The
female H. fossilis has well-rounded abdomen filled with matured ova. The males,
on the other hand, look lean. In a mature female, the genital papilla, refrains in
the form of a raised prominent structure, looking round and blunt with a slit-like
opening in the middle while in males. it remains in the form of a pointed
structure.Fecundity varies from fish to fish depending upon size and growth.
Generally, one gram of ovary contains 1500 - 2000 eggs. H. fossilis can be
successfully induced to breed under controlled conditions through administration
of hormones or inducing agents.

Dry stripping method and nursing of larvae

Very often it is observed that the females of H.fossilis refuse to release the eggs
due to the plugging of genital pore.During such condition fresh water taken from
a tubewell is boiled. The fishes are kept in mild hot water for a period of 20­
30 minutes facilitating the loosening of plugged point. As much as 75% impregnated
ovum will come out are kept in clean dry rectangular enamel trays which happens
to look like semolina pudding or concentrated sweet porridge.Brood fishes are
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 185

ready to be stripped on 4th. Hour of 2nd.injection to females.Pair of testes from

male fish is dissected out and homogenized or squeezed with the help of cotton
cloth using 2% normal saline solution (NSS). This milt is further diluted with with
1 part water added to every 2parts of NSS-associated milt; it is spread over the
stripped eggs. Sperm and eggs are mixed well with afeather for 3-4 minutes,
fertilized eggs are washed with fresh water, which are greenish-blue/greenish­
brown in colour and demersal in nature.Those are incubated in individual mini
rectangular trays of dimension 25cmx20cmx5cm.
Hardness of water plays an important part in the process. Hardness ranging
from 250-400 ppm.favors the incubation of H. fossilis, whereas in case of
Clarias batrachus the ideal range is 90-110 ppm.
As observed, after an incubation period of 9.5-10 hours at 29-300C water
temperature, H.fossilis larvae begins to hatch out and on 3rdday they attain 7­
8 mm. At this stage these are stocked in a rectangular concrete chamber (3mx1.8m
with water depth 30cm). About 30, 000 nos larvae are obtained from every four
females. Early fry/advanced larvae are stocked @45, 000-60, 000 nos/chamber.
In each chamber, four bubble diffuser-type oxygenation machines (aerators)are
introduced.Growing larvae are fed two times a day, it comprise mixture of 2-3
boiled chicken eggs and 100gm of Amul milk powder mixed with 3 liter water
in each such chamber. In summer (April-June) during day hours 30-40 gm
glucose powder is mixed in 2 liters of water which is allowed to sprinkle over
water on each chamber. In addition to this, oxygen powder/tablets are applied as
per the recommendation of the aquaculture consultant which helps increasing
dissolved oxygen content in the chamber water. H.fossilis larvae attain 15-18mm
on 6th day of stocking, and are harvested from the chambers and stocked in pre-
prepared productive nursery ponds@2, 00, 000/1335m3. After three weeks these
attain 3.8-4.8 mm in length when they are either sold out or transferred in rearing
Utmost care has to be taken during larval development. The advanced fry
stocking density may be raised to the tune of 3000 to 5000 fry/m2. Stocking of
ponds may be done 1 - 2 lakhs per ha ensuring prophylactic treatments at the
time of stocking. They should be fed 3 - 4 times per day with artificial feed and
unconsumed food to be removed immediately. It is important to check the health
of fry and fingerlings every week and diseased fry/fingerlings should be segregated,
treated and kept separately preventing further spread of disease. The fingerlings
may be harvested after about 2 months of stocking (Nayak et al., 2000).
186 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

v) Culture possibilities of Puntius sarana

The olive barb P.sarana is a (Fig. 59 and 60) high priced but critically endangered
species which is mainly attributed to overfishing, destruction of natural spawning
grounds etc.

Fig. 59: Brooders of Puntius sarana

Fig. 60: Fingerling of Puntius sarana

Systematic position:
Phylum- Chordata.
Class- Actinopterygii.
Order- Cypriniformes.
Superfamily- Cyprinoides.
Family- Cyprinidae.
Sub family- Barbinae.
Genus- Puntius.
Species- Sarana
Binomial name: Puntius sarana (Hamilton, 1822).
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 187

This barb is very widely distributed all over India in rivers and tanks. It
attains a length of 31 cm. It breeds during monsoon in running waters amongst
submerged boulders and vegetation. Spawning occurs in two stages once between
May to Mid-September but prominent in June and the second spawning time in
the months of August and September.

The body of this minor carp is elongated and laterally compressed with a small
head.The head is 4-4.7 times shorter than the standard length of the body. The
mouth and eyes are moderate. There exist two pairs of barbells: the maxillary
and the rostral. The maxillary barbells are longer than the rostrals.The scales are
medium and the lateral line is complete.
The body colour is olive on the back and flanks silvery with golden reflections.
Barbels are reddish –brown. Fins are dusky brown to orange. A dull blotch
appears to be on the lateral line before the caudal base.

Feeding habit
It normally forms groups of four or five to several dozen. The species is omnivorous
and feeds on aquatic insects, fish, algae and small prawns. Food of P. sarana is
27% algae, 45% higher plants, 20% protozoan, 8% mud and sand. The food
groups Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Cyanophyceae were recorded highly
dominant in the gut content of all the size groups of fish by both average indexes
of fullness and average points per fish.
Among the phytoplankton groups Chlorophyceae was the most dominant
food group (22.39%). Next to the Bacillariophyceae (21.85%), Cyanophyceae
(19.28%), Euglenophyceae (16.17%), Rotifera (10.03%), Crustacea (9.38%)
occupied the successive position. These findings indicate that the phytoplankton
is the most important food item of fish.

Economic importance
Flesh of olive barb contains 17.5% crude protein, 2% fat and 74% water. The
digestibility and biological value of flesh of this species is very high. Though it
is with inter-muscular bones yet it is highly esteemed as food both in eastern and
north eastern part of India including Bangladesh. It can grow up to 400-500 gm
in a year and fetches around Rs. 100-150 per kg. This species can also be used
as an ornamental species due to its attractive silver-coloured body and hardy
nature. This species is considered as the “biological control” in aquacultural
practices, since it can be used for eradication of aquatic weeds (Lemna species)
from the water bodies like ponds and tanks.
188 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Cultural importance
The olive barb, P.sarana that attain 100-200 gm. is comparatively smaller species
when compared to Indian Major Carps. Due to high consumer preference, makes
the species a suitable candidate for diversifying the carp culture and also for short-
term culture in seasonal water bodies. Even the species were available in plenty in
the natural waters in entire South East Asian countries but the poor seed survival
and over-exploitation over the years have reduced its natural population to the
extent of placing it under vulnerable group. Since the species possesses culture
potential, its introduction into the carp polyculture system would not only help in
diversification of culture practices, but also can serve for its conservation. Study
reveals the compatibility of this species is high with other major carps and the
production to the tune of 4200—4819 kg ha–1 from polyculture using olive barb at
30—35% of the stocked density of 9980 fingerling ha– 1 with four other major

Breeding behavior
P. sarana is a prolific breeder and breeds during monsoon in running waters
amongst submerged boulders and vegetation. Spawning of this barb occurs in two
stages, once between May to Mid-September but prominent in June and the
second spawning time in the months of August and September.

It has been reported that the average fecundity of P. saranais 3, 20, 438 Nos.
/Kg body weight. As the eggs of P. sarana are adhesive in nature, massive
aeration is needed in the hatching unit followed by suitable egg collectors.

Estimation of spawning fecundity and fertilization rate

The spawning of fish has to be confirmed the next day by examining the eggs
and after spawning, the spent brooders were removed from tank.
Then the spawning fecundity and fertilization rate are estimated using random
sampling method. The attached with eggs if any, are randomly collected from
different places from the hatching tank after 8 hours of spawning. The fertilized
and unfertilized eggs from the samples are counted separately. The spawning
fecundity and percentage of fertilization are estimated by using the following
The spawning fecundity and percentage of fertilization may be
estimatedbyusing the following formulae:
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 189

No.of eggs per gm

Fecundity = u100
Wt. of fish in gm
(Note: Fecundity per Kg. body weight.)
Number of fertilized eggs
Fertilization rate (%) = Total no of eggs in sample u100

Inducing agent and calculation spawning fecundity and %

of fertilization
Pituitary gland extract, Ovaprim, Ovatide or Spawn pro etc. any of these four
may act suitably as inducing agents.It is revealed that ‘Ovatide’ at 0.3 ml/240g
female and 0.02 ml/180g maleis sufficient for induced spawning in P.sarana. As
far as pituitary extract is concerned, a single dose of 5-8 mg pituitary gland/kg
body weight is recommended for the female, while a single dose of 4.0 mg
pituitary gland/kg body weight was recommended for the male.

Harvesting of spawn
In general, the yolk sac starts absorbing after 60 to 65 hours of hatching. After
the absorption of yolk, the spawn are harvested and randomly counted from
different locations of the pond. However, continuous aeration in the pond is
suggested for the uniform distribution of spawn. The quantity of spawn is calculated
by using the following formula:
No. of spawn harvested = No. of spawn per litre X volume of water in spawning
Hatching rate is calculated after harvesting of spawn on third day after
hatching. The hatching rate is calculated by using the following formulae.
Total no of eggs in sample
No. of spawn hatching percentage = u100
No. of fertilized eggs

Preparation of egg custard

To feed the collected spawn it is necessary to feed them egg custard where
chicken eggs being the major component. To prepare the same, the ingredients
are mixed thoroughly in blender and cooked in a boiling water bath for about 15
to 20 minutes to make it semi-solid form.
190 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

The egg custard may be stored in a refrigerator until further use. The protein
content of the egg custard is found to be 45.2%. The egg custard is passed
through 0.2 to 1.0 mm size sieves to feed various larval stages.

Brood stock development

During maturation it is observed that males are smaller in size than females.
Male and female brooders are identified by following morphological indicators.
The females, with slightly smaller and brighter pectoral fins, bulging abdomen and
discharge ova on applying slight pressure on abdomen where as males, with
slightly larger and dull color pectoral fins, linear body and oozing milt on applying
slight pressure on abdomen.

Rearing of spawn
The yolk sac after absorption, fry are harvested and stocked in ponds for further
rearing. The fry are grown to 12 to 15 mm in 18days.

Fig. 61: Hypophysation technique of P. sarana

Fig. 62: Spawn of P. sarana

Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 191

The reproductive cycle of P. sarana is found to follow the normal pattern,

timing of growth phase and maturation stage of germ cells in both male and
female and is comparable to that of the other medium carps as indicated earlier.
P. sarana is a hardy fish and in general diseases are not encountered very often,
thus can successfully be introduced in carp polyculture system to increase the
fish production.

vi) Culture possibilities of Oreochromis niloticus

Tilapia is a symbol of rebirth in Egyptian art and in a country like India , tilapia the
Oreochromis niloticus in particular, is said to be the “fish of the future”
because once introduced need not to recruit again and again, since these are
prolific breeders and get matured within 3-6 months automatically in tropical
shallow water ponds and lakes. Since Male tilapia grows approximately twice as
fast as female’s, sex reversal has now become a common practice to the
commercial fish farmers.Tilapia has become the third most important fish in
aquaculture after carps, at least in India and because of their high protein content,
large size, rapid growth (6 to7months to grow to harvest size) and palatability,
have become the focus of major aquaculture efforts.
Filter-feeding tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Fig. 63) isrightly designated as
a core white fish, “every-mans fish”, “the aquatic chicken” and “not unlike the
culinary versatility of chicken” and is able to convert plant proteins, diatoms,
algae, heterotrophic plankton (biofloc), bacteria, zooplankton and low trophic level
organisms into a valuable, succulent and mild tasting fish being enjoyed universally.
Indeed, it has been argued that tilapia are perhaps the only truly herbivorous
fishes since they possess not only a highly efficient digestive system (RLG=3.5
times the length of the fish) but also a highly specialized one, capable of producing
pH values < 1 facilitating the digestion of highly refractory plant carbohydrate
compounds perfectly commented by Ramon Kourie, Chief Technical Officer,
Sust. Aqua Fish Farms (Pvt.) Ltd. At present the expected growth of 2.6 percent
in 2018 with average production of 6.5 million metric tonnes (MMT).
Most of the global production of tilapia is produced in freshwater pond
systems and consumed in producing countries contributing to food security in the
developing world where the sector is concentrated. China is the leading producer
country followed by Egypt and Indonesia. Production estimates in 2017 have
been pegged at 1.7 MMT for China, almost 900, 000 metric tonnes (MT) for
Egypt and 800, 000 MT for Indonesia.
Tilapia is the most widely cultivated of all species with more than 120 countries
reporting some commercial activity.
192 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

In addition, tilapia are cultivated in the highest number of production

environments from rice paddies and simple fertilized earth ponds to cages
in lakes, aquaponics systems, biofloc technology (BFT) tanks and
Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS) and are considered easy to
Systematic position:
Phylum- Chordata.
Class- Actinopterygii.
Order- Cichliformes.
Family- Cichlidae.
Genus- Oreochromis.
Species- Niloticus
Binomial name: Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758).

Biological features
Body compressed; caudal peduncle depth equal to length. Scales cycloid. A
knob-like protuberance absent on dorsal surface of snout. Upper jaw length
showing no sexual dimorphism. First gill arch with 27 to 33 gill rakers. Lateral
line interrupted. Spinous and soft ray parts of dorsal fin continuous. Dorsal fin
with 16 - 17 spines and 11 to 15 soft rays. Anal fin with 3 spines and 10-11 rays.
Caudal fin truncated. Colour in spawning season, pectoral, dorsal and caudal fins
becoming reddish; caudal fin with numerous black bars.
Nile tilapia is a tropical species that prefers to live in shallow pond water.
All tilapia species are nest builders (Fig. 63a); fertilized eggs are guarded in the
nest by a brood parent. These are are mouth brooders; eggs are fertilized in the
nest but the parents immediately pick up the eggs in their mouths (Fig. 63b) and
hold them through incubation (Fig. 63c) for several days even after hatching (Fig.
63d). Only females are mouth brooders.
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture (RGCA), the R&D arm of Marine
Products Export Development Authority, has established a facility in Vijayawada
to produce mono-sex tilapia in two strains. This project involves the establishment
of a satellite nucleus for the GIFT strain of tilapia in India, the design and conduct
of a genetic improvement program for this strain, the development of dissemination
strategies, and the enhancement of local capacity in the areas of selective breeding
and genetics. The development and dissemination of a high yielding tilapia strain
possessing desirable production characteristics is expected to bring about notable
economic benefits for the country.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 193

Fig. 63: Oreochromis niloticus

Fig. 63a: The male tilapia digs nest at Fig. 63b. Eggs within the mouth.
the pond bottom.

Fig. 63c: Incubation of tilapia eggs. Fig. 63d.Yolk laden early fry. (Clockwise)

The Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT), a faster-growing strain of

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is suitable for both small-scale and commercial
aquaculture. Nile tilapia was selected due to its popularity in aquaculture, short
generation time of approximately 6 months, and naturally hardy and high tolerance
to variable water quality, good disease resistance, and ability to adapt many
different farming systems.
194 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Sex Reversal of Tilapia: 17 D-Methyltestosterone (MT) Dose Rate.

Early sexual maturity in tilapia culture is a well-recognized problem. There
are a number of ways to control reproduction in mixed sex population. One of
these is the culture of all-male tilapia. Sex reversal by oral administration of feed
incorporated with 17D -methyl testosterone (MT) is probably the most effective
and practical method for the production of all male tilapia. This is the most
common method of sex reversal.
Sex reversal of newly hatched tilapia generally is accomplished via oral
administration of 17 D –methyl testosterone (MT), which has been incorporated
into a starter fish feed @ 5-6 mg/kg feed. Although the use of the 5-6 mg MT/
kg feed dose consistently yields populations comprised of less than 5% females
(i.e.> 95% males). Other investigators have reported sex reversal of tilapia at
dose rates less than 5-6 mg/kg feed; however, results from some of these studies
are inconsistent, and it is difficult to separate treatment environment effects.
Thus, it is necessary to identify the optimal dose of MT for consistent, successful
sex reversal in a variety of treatment environments.
Although a variety of hormones have been used for sex reversal, 17D ­
methyl testosterone is the most commonly used androgen. Dose rate and treatment
durations vary depending on the environment and the experience of the producer.
Tilapia fry <14 mm should be treated for at least 14 day before reaching 18 mm,
if growth is slower the duration of treatment should be extended until all fish
reach this size or a total treatment period of 28 days are exceeded. A dose rate
of 30-60 mg of Methyl testosterone/kg of diet fed at an initial rate of 20%body
weight/day should result in successful treatment. The efficacy of treatment should
be based on gonadal development.
Food and feeding habit: Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus is one of the
most known members of the tropical and subtropical freshwater fishes. It is
recommended by the FAO as a culture fish species because of its importance
in aquaculture and its capability in contributing to the increased production of
animal protein in the world. Therefore, it is now globally distributed and has
become very popular through the advances in the cultivation techniques. Juvenile
and adult Nile tilapias are reported to filter phytoplankton hence indicate the
herbivorous behavior. Since Nile tilapia use algal protein raising tilapia for food
at lower trophic level can be a cost-efficient culture method.
Table 35: Diseases and control measures of Oreochromis niloticus

Disease Agent Type Syndrome Measures

Aeromonas Aeromonas Bacteria Loss of equilibrium; lethargic swimming; KMnO4 @ 400 gms/acre/
septicaemia hydrophila gasping at surface; haemorrhaged or meter + antibacterial agent
inflamed fins & skin; bulging eyes; opaque in feed at 50 mg/kg. Repeat
corneas; swollen abdomen containing cloudy the same after 5-7 days.
or bloody fluid; chronic with low daily mortality
Vibriosis Vibrio sp. Bacteria Same as aeromonas infection. Same as before. It is advisable to use
Soil and water probiotic @1 litre and
600gms. respectively /acre meter.

Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 195

Columnaris Flavobacterium Bacteria Frayed fins &/or irregular whitish to grey KMnO4 @400gms/acre/meter+
disease sp. patches on skin &/or fins; pale, necrotic lesions antifungal agent @300gms/
on gills acre/meter.
Edwardsiellosis Edwardsiella sp. Bacteria Few external symptoms; bloody fluid in body Antibacterial agent@300gms/
cavity; pale, mottled liver; swollen, dark red acre/metre.
spleen; swollen, soft kidney
Streptococcosis Streptococcus Bacteria Lethargic, erratic swimming; dark skin & red Antibacterial and antifungal
& Enterococcus eyes; and operculum, around mouth, anus & agents@300gms/acre/metre.
sp. base of fins enlarged, nearly black spleen; Water and soil
high mortality. probiotics@600gms and 1litre
Saprolegniosis Saprolegnia Fungus Lethargic swimming; white, grey or brown Antifungal agent@300gms/
parasitica colonies that resemble tufts of cotton; open acre/metre.
lesions in muscle
Ciliates Ichthyophthirius Protozoan Occurs on gills or skin KMnO4 @400 gms/acre/metre +
multifiliis; Trichodina parasite antifungal agents@300gms/
& others acre/metre.
Monogenetic Dactylogyrus spp. Protozoan Occurs on body surface, fins or gills Same as for ciliates
trematodes Gyrodactylus sp. parasite
196 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

vii) Culture possibilities of Anabas testudineus

Culture possibilities of Climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) as a candidate
species in fresh water ponds.
Systematic position:
Phylum- Chordata.
Class- Osteichthyes.
Order- Perciformes.
Family- Anabantidae.
Genus- Anabas.
Species- Testudineus.
Binomial name: Anabas testudineus (Blotch, 1792).

The body is laterally compressed. The mouth is anterior and the lower jaw is
slightly longer.
Villiform teeth present on the jaw. Long dorsal and anal fin is found. The
body colour is dark to pale greenish, fading to pale yellow on belly where as
dorsal and caudal fin is dark grey, anal and pectoral fins are pale yellow, pelvic
fin pale orange colour.Pectoral and caudal fin is rounded.Dorsal, pelvic and anal
fin rays are modified to spine. Scales are cycloid, lateral line is interrupted.

Habits and habitat

The fishes are found both in fresh and brackish waters, mostly in canals, lakes
ponds, ditches, floodplains, haors and baors.These are principally bottom dwelling
fishes and are insectivorous in nature.
Climbing perch (Anabas testudineus; Fig.64) is a very important indigenous
fish and are locally named as Koi. This kind of fish is famous due to its high
nutrition value as well as for great taste and flavor. The demand of this species
is very high because it is generally marketed as alive. It is highly esteemed for
it’s highly nourishing quality and prolonged freshness out of water because of the
presence of accessory respiratory organ in its body and is a valuable diet for the
sick persons.
However, abundance of this native species is declining drastically due to the
ecological degradation, indiscriminate fishing, use of pesticides and fertilizers,
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 197

destruction of habitats, obstruction to breeding migration and problems in

management. Considering the importance of native Koi, the breeding technology
of this species has successfully been developed. However, its slow growth and
small size do not favour sustainable production per unit area in a culture system.
To solve this problem, another fast growing climbing perch known as Vietnamese
Koi (A. testudineus) has been introduced in 2010 whose growth rate is 60%
higher than the native Koi. It can be cultivable in pond and consume artificial
supplementary feed.

Fig. 64: The climbing perch Anabas testudineus.

The investigation on breeding biology of Vietnamese strain of climbing perch,

Anabas testudineus (Bloch) is also successful in commercial hatcheries. Farmers
can have high financial return in low investment because of its high production.
But the major constraint in the culture of this species in a large scale is the non-
availability of quality seeds from the hatchery. To utilize and manage this species
wisely in culture system, understanding of breeding biology is very essential.
Studies on the breeding biology of any fish is essential for evaluating the commercial
potentialities of its stock, life history, cultural practice and actual management of
small indigenous fishes.
Maximum standard length: Generally attain 150 – 200 mm, but it appears that
some forms may be fully-grown at 100 – 120 mm.
Habitat: Inhabits in the majority of drainage systems across its native range and
has been recorded in many different habitat-types including swamps, marshes,
lakes, canals, pools, small pits, rice paddies, puddles, oxbows, tributaries and
main river channels. Though primarily a lowland, freshwater species it also occurs
in brackish coastal environments in some areas.
198 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Water quality requirements:

Temperature: 15 – 30 °C, pH: 5.5 – 8.0, Hardness: 36 – 447 mg/L.
Food and feeding habit: Chiefly predatory though wild fish apparently feed on
some vegetative matter including algae and rice grains as well as smaller fishes,
invertebrates and mollusks. However, the Koi under monoculture can well be
cultured and may be fed on the floating feed of different size ranges.
Sexual dimorphism: Sexually active females are slightly larger and noticeably
thicker-bodied than males, while males are darker in coloration and apparently
develop tubercles on the pectoral fins during breeding. These observations relate
to specimens from West Bengal (Fig.65a).
Predation effects: The effects of the climbing perch on native fish and other
fauna can be devastating. Climbing perch are expected to out-compete native
freshwater and estuarine species. In addition, the fish has sharp dorsal and
opercular spines which are extended when the fish is ingested by predatory
species of any types e.g. any other carnivorous fish, snakes or fish eating birds.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 65: (a) Brooder (b) Hypophysation process (c) Spawn and (d) early fry of Anabas sp.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 199

viii) Culture possibilities of Notopterus notopterus

Culture possibilities of Notopterus notopterus, the Bronz Feather Back (Folui)
in fresh water ponds. (Fig. 66).
Systematic position:
Class- Actinopterygii.
Order- Osteoglossiformes.
Family- Notopteridae.
Genus- Notopterus.
Species- Notopterus.
Binomial name: Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769)

Habitat and Ecology

The species inhabits fresh and brackish waters, and appears to thrive well in
lentic waters.
Owing to its carnivorous nature, this fish can only be cultivated in wild
waters or in fattening ponds in which large fish are present. It breeds both in
stagnant and running water in the rainy season. A ripe female bears relatively
fewer eggs; they are laid in small clumps on submerged vegetation. Fingerlings
are available in upper reaches of Cauvery in July-August. This fish is relished
both in fresh and dried state.
Present Status: IUCN listed the species as vulnerable.
Breeding / Reproduction: The fish spawn in the night, dropping eggs to the
bottom and on rocks. They were guarded by the male who fanned fresh water over
the eggs with his pectoral fins, chasing off all other fishes. The eggs required two
weeks to develop and the newly hatched young were sensitive to handling.
Feather fin, Knife fish are mass-produced fish in commercial fish farms.
They are commercially spawned and the eggs are normally laid on the substrate
or decor and guarded by the male till they hatch, which is usually 2 weeks. Once
free swimming these fry will feed on brine shrimp nauplii and micro worms.
These fish are intolerant of their own kind, so a huge tank would be need and
a large influx of cold water added to the tank to trigger spawning.
200 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fig. 66: Folui (Notopterus notopterus)

The Bronze Feather back does not have scales which make it more prone to
disease. Knife fish are normally the first fish in a pond/tank to show signs of ick
and will go into spasm and rub around the tank. They respond well to most
medication and normally heal quickly. Overall these fish are hardy and disease
is not usually a problem in a well maintained tank. That being said there is no
guarantee that you won’t have to deal with health problems or disease.
Breeding: Preferably in rainy season.

ix) Culture possibilities of Amblypharyngodon mola

Systematic position:
Phylum- Chordata.
Class- Actinopterygii.
Order- Cypriniformes.
Family- Cyprinidae.
Genus- Amblypharygodon.
Species-Mola.(Hamilton, 1822).
Binomial name: Amblypharygodon mola (Hamilton, 1822).

Body of this species is laterally compressed and the dorsal profile is more convex
than that of the ventral.Barbels absent. Caudal fin is deeply forked and the lobes
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 201

are pointed. Dark margins present in dorsal and anal fins. Body colour light
greenish on the back and silvery at the sides and beneath.
Amblypharyngodon mola, commonly known as Morala or Mola Carplet or
Pale Carplet and is a popular food fish mainly in Indian sub-continent due to its
high nutritional value with high protein, vitamin and mineral content and also rich
in Fe, Zn and Calcium. Amblypharyngodon mola (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) is
a freshwater fish species (Fig.67); a natural inhabitant of ponds, canals, beels,
slow moving streams, ditches, baors, reservoirs and inundated fields.

Feeding biology
Phytoplankton as the basic food and Chlorophyceae as the mostly preferred food
class for this fish species. Chlorophyceae followed by Myxophyceae,
Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae and Euglenophyceae are dominant in the guts
of this fish.The farmers are suggested to apply multi micronutrient mineral mixtures
@ 6kg/acre/meter at least once in a couple of months in order to maintain a
steady abundance of phytoplankton in the ponds.

Reproductive Biology of Mourala (Amblypharyngodon mola)

Males and females are different in color; males are comparatively brighter than
females. The color of females is light and they are large in size. In case of
mature female, the abdomen is soft and swollen, pelvic fins are smooth and
caudal fin is deeply forked. During the spawning season mature females are with
distended abdomen by which they can be easily recognized. It is reported that
there do exist a significant female dominance over male in A. mola (1:1.67).
Experimental works on the breeding biology of A. mola conducted by the
scientists of CIFE, Kolkata and Comprehensive Area Development Centre of
Tamluk Centre suggests that the species can well be reared, propagated both
naturally and through hypophysation technique (Fig. 67) along with Indian Major
Carps in a pond. For hypophysation technique, the interested farmers may contact
Officer-in-Charge Comprehensive Area Development Corporation(CADC),
Tamluk, East Midnapur. The stocking density of A.mola should be 2/m2 along
with the carps. Since the fish generally prefers phytoplankton as its natural feed
stuff which is readily available, hence separate and special attention is not needed
(Dr. B.K.Mahapatra, CIFE, and personal communication). The fishes start maturity
at the length of 5, 6, 7 and 8 cm. However, it has been noticed that the fish
202 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

gained first maturation within 4 to 5 months although all of them may not breed.
Male attained maturity earlier than female. During this stage it is preferred to
keep a provision of keeping some floating weeds at the corner of the ponds
which provide the shelter to the fertilized eggs as well as the early fry of the


Fig. 67: The matured male and female and hypophysation of Amblypharyngodon mola.

Higher percentage of gravid females are found during the month from April
to October and fecundity values suggests that the reproductive cycle of A. Mola
is from April to October with two peaks, one in May and other in September i.e.,
it breeds twice in a year in both ponds (closed) and beels (open) water
Major threats of A. mola: Over fishing of this species is the major threat

x) Culture possibilities of Mystus vittatus

Mystus vittatus (Bloch, 1794), an indigenous small fish of Bangladesh, belongs
to the family Bagridae, widely distributed in Asian countries including Bangladesh,
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Myanmar. However, natural populations
are seriously declining due to high fishing pressure, loss of habitats, aquatic
pollution, natural disasters; reclamation of wetlands and excessive floodplain siltation
and it is designated as vulnerable species by IUCN.
Systematic position:
Phylum- Chordata.Class- Actinopterygii.
Order- Siluriformes.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 203

Superfamily- Bagridea.
Family- Bagridae.
Genus- Mystus.
Species- Vittatus
Binomial name: Mystus vittatus (Blotch, 1794).


Fig. 68: A mature Mystus vittatus

Body elongated and slightly compressed.Presence of four pairs of barbels. The

maxillary barbells are extending beyond the pelvic fins, often to the end of the
anal fin. Dorsal spine is weak and finally serrated on its inner edge. The adipose
fin is small, inserted much behind rayed dorsal fin but anterior to the anal fin. The
lateral line is present which is straight.
The colour of the fish varies with age, generally delicate grey silvery to
shining golden, with about five pale blue or dark brown to deep black longitudinal
on side. A narrow dusky spot often present on the shoulder. The fins are with
dark tips. The head portion is about 23.3% of the standard length and about
18.2% of the total length. The maximum length is found to be 10.2cm.
Habitat: Generally found in fresh water bodies, in flooded canals, beels,
paddy and jute fields as well as streams, haors, oxbow lakes and rivers in rainy
Mystus vittatus(Fig.68) is an omnivorous fish and they prefer both phyto­
and zooplankton along with worms, insects and plant material. It is revealed that
the fish is a bottom feeder and the food matter includes algae (18%), higher
plants (27%), protozoa (13%), crustacean (24%) and insects (11%).Breeding
season is generally during summer and monsoon.
204 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Diseases and control measures: Mystus vittatus were more affected

showing red spots, deep dermal ulcer in the months of December and January.
Marked necrosis, pyknosis, haemorrhage and fungal granuloma were observed in
skin and muscle.

Fig. 69a: Mature ( ) and ( ) Fig. 69b. Male genital Fig. 69c. Female genital
M. vittatus. papilla papilla.

Fig. 70a: Ovary of M. vittatus. Fig. 70b: Testis of M. vittatus. Fig. 70c: Injecting male
M. vittatus

Fig. 70d: Fertilized Fig. 70e: Fertilized and Fig. 70f: Early fry
eggs unfertilized eggs

Fig. 70g: M. vittatus Fig. 70h: Adult M. vittatus

Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 205

Gills of the fishes were found to contain monogenetic trematode, hypertrophy,

clubbing and pyknosis in December and January. Fish kidney and liver displayed
fungal granuloma, necrosis, haemorrhage and vacuoles. To overcome these
diseases it is advisable to apply mycin group of antibiotics @300gms/acre/meter.
This application should have to be repeated once in two months.Vankara and
Vijayalaksmi (2009) during a survey in River Godavari found that Mystus vittatus
(Bloch) of family Bagridae serves as an excellent host for a variety of metazoan
parasites. These fishes, locally known as ‘jella’ are highly relished in southern
India due to their rich protein content and delicacy.They have described a total
of nine parasitic species from four parasitic groups from M. vittatus, of which
a new species of acanthocephalan, Raosentis godavarensis sp. nov.

xi) Culture possibilities of Nandus nandus

It inhabits fresh waters. Found in rivers and in agricultural lands. It is commonly
collected in the summer months when it is collected from dried-up beds of tanks,
beels, bheries, etc. The species changes colour to camouflage against its
Systematic position:
Phylum- Chordata.
Class- Acinopterygii.
Order- Perciformes.
Family- Perciformes.
Gednus- Nandus.
Species- Nandus (Hamilton, 1822)
Binomila name: Nandus nandus (Hamilton, 1822).
Nandus nandus, is commonly known as Gangetic leaf fish. These are
common in slow-moving or stagnant bodies of water, including ponds, lakes,
ditches, and flooded fields but have been treated as a threatened one. Attains a
length maximum of 20 cm and is very popular in West Bengal, particularly when
freshly caught. It is a high-prized fish in spite of its spinous fins and ugly black
bands and blotches all over the body. The species changes colour to camouflage
against its environment (Fig. 71a&b).The fish matures by the middle of March
and its breeding season extends from late March to the middle of July. The males
are comparatively smaller than the females (Fig. 72). The sexes can be
distinguished externally during the breeding season, by the difference in the
206 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

general coloration. The mature ovarian eggs measure 0·595 to 0·663 mm in

diameter. The fecundity of the fish (length range: 75 to 138 mm) ranged from 1,
573 to 23, 546.


Figs. 71a and 71b: The young and adult Nandus nandus.

Fig.72: Sexual dimorphism of N. nandus

Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 207

Mature fishes may be induced to breed (Fig. 73) by the administration of

carp pituitary hormones successfully. The fertilized, swollen eggs are adhesive in
nature and yellowish in colour with a central, spherical oil globule. The newly
hatched larva measuring 2·07 mm in length has three characteristic vertical
bands and pigmented eyes.

Fig.73: Artificial insemination of N. nandus

The fish feed on plankton at their post-larval stage. It is predominantly

insectivorous and piscivorous in dietary habits in the juvenile and adult stages
respectively. The predatory habit of the fish warrants its eradication from nursery
ponds. Since the species is highly planktivorus sufficient phyto- and zooplankton
production in the pond must be there in order to provide balanced nutrition. The
information related to diseases are not seriously been documented yet except
some helminth infections in the intestines of females of this species predominantly
in summer months.

xii) Culture possibilities of Piaractus brachypomus

Culture possibilities of Piaractus brachypomus, the Pacuas a candidate species
along with Indian Major Carp in fresh
water ponds.
Common name for this species
vary by region, in Brazil the fish is
known as Pirapatinga, USA as
Cachama, UK as freshwater
pompano and in India especially in
Tripura, Assam and West Bengal the
fish is locally known as Rupchanda
or Pacu (Fig. 74.) Fig. 74. Piaractus brachypomus
208 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Systematic position:
Class- Actinopterygii.
Order- Characiformes.
Family- Serrasalmidae.
Genus- Piaractus
Species- Brachypomus
Binomial name: Piaractus brachypomus (G.Cuvier, 1818).
Pacu (Piaractus sp.) (Fig. 74) is a freshwater fish of the order Cypriniformes,
suborder Characoidei, and family Serrasalmidae. Pacu is a herbivorous fish,
which preferentially feeds on leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds of superior
plants.Introductions of alien fish species are an important part of human activities
concerning aquatic ecosystems. In India, over 300 exotic fish species including
291 ornamental species, 31 aquaculture species and 3 larvicidal fishes are recorded.
These introductions are human mediated, which may be intentional or
unintentional.Pacu the Piaractus brachypomus habe been recently included in
aquaculture activities in India. It is now understood that over 0.1 million tonnes
of pacu are produced in the country.
It has small scales and weighs between 3 and 7 Kg at normal growth. Water
temperature is the single most important factor, other than food, affecting fish
growth. In most warm water fishes, feeding activity starts when the temperature
reaches 17 - 18o C and attains its maximum rate at 28 - 30o C. The water
temperature ranging from 23-280C, the pH ranging between7.5-8.5 are found to
be ideal. Pacu is an obligate gill breather which can survive low oxygen
concentrations of less than 0.5 mg l - 1.Stomach analyses of wild specimens
show it to be primarily a herbivorous species, feeding on fruits, nuts and seeds.
It is an opportunist, feeder and also takes insects, zooplankton and small fish.
Behavior and Compatibility: Small fish will likely be eaten but in general it’s
quite peaceful with bigger species. It’s a shoaling species when juvenile, becoming
more solitary as it matures.
Reproduction: A single 5 Kg female pacu can produce between 0.5 - 1 million
larvae under natural conditions. The reason is that the ripening of the gonads
requires a synergistic stimulus of several environmental factors, such as
conductivity, water level and rainfall. Pacu spawn usually during the months of
November - March when the water temperatures are 26oC.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 209

Sexual Dimorphism: Mature females are a little rounder-bellied than males.

The fish are often induced to spawn via the use of hormones.
Aquaculture: Pacu have been traditionally grown in earthen ponds however,
they are now extensively cultured in floating cages. Pacu fed under extensive
systems in earthen ponds, can take up to two years to attain 1.2 Kg. Cultured
pacu fed formulated diets reach 1.2 - 1.5 Kg in 12 months. Market size is at least
a kilo and farm - gate prices now command Rs.150.00 per kg depending on size
and weight. Pacu was introduced in India as an alien species during 2004 from
Piaractus brachypomus showed higher growth with application of
supplementary feed in the culture tanks. The enhanced production in tanks treated
with fertilization only can be justified by the fact that the fertilizer contributed to
the fertility of the pond. In ponds where the Pacu seeds are stocked, the farmers
are advised to apply 6kg/acre/meter multimicronutrient mineral fertilizer and humic
acid together @ 5liter /acre/ meter each which will greatly help to generate
enormous planktonic communities, of course after a couple of days water probiotic
application in the pond will help. Since substantial work on Pacu in fresh water
pond culture is yet to be done, occurrence of disease outbreak during culture
have not been noticed till now.The overall best growth performance of P.
brachypomus was in polyculture with Indian major carps, with feeding especially
adopting Substrate Based Aquaculture (SBA) system. It is concluded that pacu
is a promising candidate species in freshwater aquaculture. Monoculture with
feeding is a feasible approach, although Polyculture in fertilized systems is equally
productive. Pacu is a compatible species for culturing along with Indian major
carps.Growth of pacu is higher in fertilized systems with added substrates.
Diseases encountered: Both external and internal parasites are common
in Pacu. The gills are very often infected with Dadaytrema oxycephala, while
Spectatus spectatus occurred in the intestine and abdominal cavity, the highest
intensity was however, found in the intestine. Ivermectin based products sounds
well to get rid of these external parasites.Ivermectin 1.2% administration (in feed
treatment) should be done following the advice of aquaculture technicians.
210 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

xiii) Culture possibilities of Ompok bimaculatus

Systematic position:
Phylum- Chordata.
Class- Actinopterygii.
Order- Siluriformes
Family- Siluridae.
Genus- Ompok.
Spcies-.Bimaculatus (Bloch, 1794)
Binomial name: Ompok bimaculatus (Blotch, 1794).
Ompok bimaculatus (Fig.75) is a catfish belongs to the family Siluridae, a
freshwater fish used to occur naturally in streams, lakes, ponds, canals and
inundated fields. This fish is commonly known as Indian butter cat fish .It is a
highly priced and popular food fish due to its good taste and nutritional value with
good amount of protein, lipid and mineral content in its flesh. At present in nature
this fish species is facing high risk of extinction as over the last 10 years its wild
population has undergone a steady decline (>50%)due to over exploitation mainly
due to indiscriminate fishing during the breeding season, disease, pollution, siltation,
poisoning, loss of habitat etc. It has been listed among the 97 endangered fish
species of India and is under near threatened category as per IUCN Red list.

Fig.75: Adult male and female of Ompok bimaculatus

Physical Characteristics
Pabda fishes are small sized freshwater fish species. The physical characteristics
of the Pabda fishes are described below:
● The body of Pabda fishes is flat in both sides.
● The caudal side is narrower than head side.
● Pabda has similarity in look with Boal fish (Wallago attu) when young.
● There are no scales in their body.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 211

● Their chest is silver colored.

● There is a pair of mustache in their mouth.
● Has two pairs of fins.
● Pelvic fin lengths from belly to tail.
● Anal fin is divided into two parts.
● There is a fishbone in the pectoral fin of pabda fish.
● Pabda fish lengths between12 to 30 cm.

Body elongated and strongly compressed.Head depressed and the snout is
rounded.The mouth is superior. The lower jaw is longer than the upper. Two pairs
of barbels are present. The maxillary barbels extends posterior to anal fin
base.Nostrils are widely separated with each other. Teeth are found on the jaws
and on the vomer.The caudal fin is deeply forked and its upper lobe is long.
Dorsal side of the body is grey, a traverse blackish spot is present behind the
operculum and on the lateral line. Caudal stripped with black spots.There are
purple and yellowish spots throughout the body. The anal fin is with 57 or 58
This fish is of great demand with a high market price because of its good
taste, flavor and invigorating effects.

Food and Feeding Habit

Ompok bimaculatus prefer to feed on insects of various categories hence
insectivorous, but also used to feed on crustaceans, fish and molluscs.
Pabda fish usually live in the upper level of water. They are omnivorous.
They generally eat protozoa, aquatic insects, crustacea, moss etc. But they also
like to eat cake and fishmeal as a supplementary feed. Feeding with supplementary
feed containing 40% rice bran, 30% mastered cake and 30% fishmeal before
their breeding period attain sexual maturity very quickly.

Sexual Dimorphism
In male pectoral fin is with a strong internally serrated spine while in female it
is feebly serrated. In male, pectoral fin is strong and hard, laterally flattened,
212 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

broad and somewhat thick along the entire length, abruptly tapering into blunt
spine, inner edge of the spine with strong and prominent serration; in female,
pectoral fin is weak and flexible, thin and narrow along the entire length, gradually
tapering into sharp spine, inner edge of the spine feebly serrated or nearly
smooth. They also have reported that in male, genital papilla is a small outgrowth
but in female, it is some what fleshy and comparatively larger in size and almost
double in size that of the male. In male, it is visible only during the breeding
Even after its high demand as a food fish and tolerant nature; Ompok
bimaculatus has not received that much attention in aquaculture due to
unavailability gravid brood stock for experimentation, lack of information on its
feeding and breeding biology, larval rearing and culture technology. High mortality
rate during the period of larval rearing is the most serious problem as has been
reported for commercial production of this catfish species. Success achieved so
far in its induced breeding experiments can be considered as a line but further
study is needed to get success in larval rearing. Further investigations of this
delicious species on its suitability for commercial culture are immediately needed
because of its fine adaptation to confinement and good tolerance to captive

xiv) Culture possibilities of Mystus cavasius

Mystus cavasius (Fig.76) is native of Bangladesh, India and Nepal, this species
inhabits a wide variety of fresh water habitats especially in rivers primarily with
sandy or muddy substrate.

Fig. 76: Male and Female of Mystus cavassius

Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 213

Systematic position:
Phylum- Chordata.
Order- Siluriformes.
Binomial name: Mystus cavasius (Hamilton, 1822).

Major threats: Although there is a marked decline in the population in

southern West Bengal due to overfishing, the threats to this species in other areas
of its distribution are unknown. Since sufficient information on the biology is not
available, current threats to aquatic biodiversity in all of its known distribution
have also not been adequately identified.
Although IUCN has identified habitat loss as a major threat to this species,
but this has not been verified by empirical evidence.

Food and feeding habit

It is omnivorous and predatory fish with wide range of food preference. Presence
of insect larvae & nymph, insects, molluscs, fish larvae, fish & fish scales,
chironomid larvae, algae, higher aquatic plants etc. are documented in the gut
content of Mystus cavasius. High feeding activity has been documented during
monsoon, post-monsoon and winter months while poor feeding activity has been
reported during summer months.

Reproductive biology
Sexual dimorphism has been documented and the sexes of Mystus cavasius can
be identified externally by the presence of genital papilla; which is present only
in males. The papilla becomes very prominent during the breeding season.

Sex ratio
It is reported that females dominate over male in Mystus cavasius population.
214 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fecundity and the gonadal maturity

The fecundity of Mystus cavasius to be ranged from 4, 026-25, 960 and there
are five stages of gonadal maturity namely immature, maturing, mature, ripe and
spent. August-September as a period of intense breeding for Mystus cavasius.

Scope of culture
Except few scattered works, not much information is available on the scope of
culture of Mystus cavasius, and it is documented that a stocking density of 2,
00, 000 fry/ha is the best one to get highest growth, production and net benefits.
The experiments on the culture of Mystus cavasius with Indian Major Carps and
Ompok pabda have concluded that it can be cultured effectively in low input
carp polyculture management while in monoculture management practice, the
production to the tune of 1, 370 to 1, 535 kg/ha in six months of culture of Mystus
cavasius (Fig.76) has been obtained.

Diseases and remedial measures of Mystus cavasius

A variety of diseases have been found in M. cavasius which include EUS and
diseases caused due to protozoa and worms etc. Qualitative maintenance of
water is the principal key to abate diseases. Application of Zeolite powder of
repute@15kg/Acre/meter at least once in a month coupled with Water and Soil
probiotic at their respective doses should have to be applied to get rid of such

xv) Culture possibilities of Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Culture possibilities of Scampi, the Macrobrachium rosenbergii as a candidate
species along with two major carps in fresh water ponds.
Systematic position:
Phylum- Arthopoda.
Subphylum- Crustacea.
Order- Decapoda.
Infra order-Caridea.
Family- Palaemonidae.
Genus- Macrobrachium.
Species- Rosenbergii.
Binomial name: Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879).
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 215

The genus Macrobrachium Bate, 1868 is represented in India by about 40

species. Commonly they are referred to as fresh water prawns, eventhough
majority of them migrate down to estuaries for breeding except Macrobrachium
choprai (Tiwari, 1949) which is reported to complete their life cycle in freshwater
itself. Out of 40 species recorded so far in India, about 15 are important from
aquaculture point of view. They are either medium sized prawns, abundant in
natural water bodies and supporting a fishery or big sized ones with culture
potentials, might be available in lesser numbers (Jaychandran and Joseph, 1992).
In India, aquaculture experiments are concentrated principaqlly on
Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Fig.77)-the giant fresh water prawn,
Macrobrachium malcolmsoni –the river fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium
birmanicum and Macrobrachium choprai. In addition to the above mentioned
species, M. dayanum has also been rendered to as a notable crustacean
withstanding good economic potential.

Fig. 77: Scampi (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)

Prawn, Shrimp and Lobster

The term ‘prawn’ is used for freshwater species, which are comparatively
larger than shrimps (can grow up to 150gms.max.) on the other hand,
shrimps are smaller in size (can grow up to 35-50gms.max) belong to either
fresh, brackish or marine waters while the Lobsters are much bigger in size,
the cephalic region is laterally compressed and belong to deep sea organisms.
1. Prawns are in general fresh water inhabitants but shrimps live both in fresh
and salt waters while lobsters are absolutely marine in habitat.
2. Prawns and shrimps swim while lobsters crawl.
3. Shrimps are generally smaller than both prawns and lobsters.
216 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

4. Female lobsters carry their eggs with them while shrimps disperse their eggs
to the sea.
5. Lobster types include clawed lobsters, spiny lobsters, and slipper lobsters.
6. Lobsters have 10 legs or five pairs, and the first pair has claws. Lobsters can
be as long as 50 centimeters while prawns can be maximum up to 33
centimeters long.
7. Lobsters mostly live in muddy, rocky, or sandy bottoms. Their carapace is
harder than the exoskeleton of prawns.
8. Each segment in the body of the prawn overlaps the one after it. That is, the
first segment overlaps the second and the second segment overlaps the third.
9. In shrimps, the second segment overlaps the first and the third segment. Also,
the legs of prawns are longer than those of shrimp. The front pincers of
shrimp are the largest, while the second pincers are larger than those in
Macrobrachium rosenbergii is an economically important cultured freshwater
prawn throughout the world. It is the most favoured species for farming and
farmed on a large scale in many countries including India. Considering its high
export potential, the giant freshwater prawn enjoys immense potential for culture
in India. About 4 million hectares of impounded freshwater bodies in India offer
great potential for freshwater prawn culture.
Due to certain constraints such as shortage of quality seeds and differential
growth rates, freshwater prawn farming in the country has not spread to the
extent it deserves. The virtual collapse of shrimp farming due to viral disease out
breaks, the ban imposed by the Supreme Court for shrimp culture in the Costal
Regulation Zone (CRZ) and the persistent decline in profitability of carp culture
in recent years has forced the aquaculture entrepreneurs to look for an equally
remunerative alternative species. The giant freshwater prawn is a profitable and
viable alternative species. In India too, it has gained importance as an aquacultural
crop. But, problem of differential growth which is also known as heterogenous
individual growth (HIG) is still continued to be a major problem in scampi culture.
Males of M. rosenbergii grow faster and reach higher weights at harvest than
females. Hence, culture of all-male population is desirable since sexual dimorphic
growth patterns are common among decapod crustaceans. To overcome this
problem, many techniques like monosex culture, size grading, production of
neomales and different management techniques were adopted in freshwater
prawn farming.It has been noticed that the prawns and shrimps show some
specialized regional characteristics. Both males and females grow with molting
processes. This molting takes place in every three to eight weeks.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 217

Culture techniques
(A) Extensive Technique: Extensive culture means rearing in ponds with a
production target of less than 500 kg/ha/yr. Stocking density of PL’s or
juveniles @ 1-4/m2. There is no control of water quality; the growth or
mortality of the prawns is not normally monitored.
(B) Semi-intensive Technique: Semi-intensive systems involve stocking PL or
juveniles @ 4-20/m2 in ponds, with a production target of more than 500 kg/
ha/yr. Fertilization of ponds and a balanced feed ration is mandatory.
Surveillance on predators and competitors are minimized, controlled and the
water quality, prawn health and growth rate are monitored. This form of
culture is the most common in India, West Bengal in particular.
(C) Intensive culture Technique: Intensive culture refers to small earthen or
concrete ponds (up to 0.2 ha) provided with high water exchange and continuous
aeration, stocking density @ 20/m2 and above with a production target of
more than 5 000 kg/ha/yr. Construction and maintenance costs are high and
a high degree of management is required, which includes the use of a
nutritionally balanced complete feed, the elimination of predators and
competitors, and strict control over all aspects of water quality. This technique
however, is not popular in India.
Release of Scampi seeds in ponds: It is always necessary to acclimatize
the post larval stages of prawn brought from outside. Sudden changes in
temperature and pH can cause mortalities when PL’s are stocked. Before their
release, the bags containing the postlarvae should be floated in the ponds to bring
the temperature within them gradually to that of the pond. Any adjustments to the
pH of the transport water should have been made in the hatchery, before transport
(Fig. 78a, b).

In general, fresh water prawns molt at regular interval to grow.Hard external
shell of prawns is incapable of expanding, so to grow, prawns must periodically
shed their entire shell.
The shell is composed mainly of protein, calcium carbonate and a stiffening
agent, called chitin. Prior to shedding its shell, the prawn re-absorbs most of the
protein and chitin from the old shell as the new one forms underneath, and
increases its water intake to create a space between the body and the new shell.
At molting, the soft shelled prawn emerges from the old shell via a split between
the carapace and tail. During this process the entire shell including the part
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 218

covering the long feelers or antennae, eyes, legs, gut and associated structures
is renewed. After molting the new shell hardens and the prawn grows into the
space between the body and the shell. The frequency of molting is dependent
upon many factors including size, gender and species of prawn and water
temperature. The process is controlled by hormones which are released by
glands located in the eyestalks. Small prawns grow more rapidly and hence need
to molt more frequently than larger ones and these growth rates are usually
highest during the warm, summer months. Numbers of soft shelled individuals of
some species peak around the time of the full moon. Molting may be inhibited
by low water temperatures, whilst higher temperatures may stimulate its onset.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 78: (a) Acclimatization of PL’s, (b)Slow release of PL’s and (c) Surface based Culture
sheets for PL’s and (d) Vertical placing of substrates.

During pre -molt stage, the prawns search for places to hide themselves to avoid
attacks from other prawns that are not on molting phase since prawns are in
general, cannibalistic in nature. To provide shelter, broken pipes, unused tiers
etc. are unevenly distributed throughout the pond bottom so that during molting
when the prawns become weak should not be a victim of cannibalism. Prawns
are cannibalistic and display aggressive and territorial behaviour especially when
stocking densities are high, such as in nursery systems and food is insufficient.
Cannibalistic behaviour causes stress and mortality especially on moulting individuals
which are vulnerable to these attacks.

Substrate Based Farming (SBF) of Scampi

Albeit the SBF of Scampi is not yet developed in India, but encouraging results in
freshwater prawn culture have been reported from other countries where artificial
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 219

substrates are placed in the ponds (Fig.78c and d), which makes it feasible to
increase stocking rates above the level recommended earlier for ponds without
substrates. PVC fencing forms an ideal substrate (Fig.78 c, d and Fig.79).

The advantage of SBF of Scampi

i) Increased production target, ii) Stocking rate of PL’s may also be increased
to the tune of 6.5/m2 from initial 4/m2. iii) No extra labour cost is involved. iv)
The PVC substrates may be used for several cycles of culture.
This new technology is still being developed but it clear that the use of
substrates can markedly increase the productivity of freshwater prawn farming.

Fig. 79: Rearing pond with horizontal substrates

Food and feeding habit of Scampi

The natural food preference of prawns depends on their age. Larvae are, feeding
primarily on zooplankton (especially small crustaceans), while the post larvae and
adults are omnivorous, feeding on algae, aquatic plants, mollusks, aquatic insects,
worms, and other crustaceans. During the larval stages, prawns seize food by
their thoracic appendages and since at this stage they are non-active hunters,
they seize food items as they encounter them, thus the importance of live prey
that remains suspended in the water. Moreover, the size of the food is also
important, such that the brine shrimp Artemia nauplii have been found to be more
suitable than Cladocerans, Moina at the early prawn larval stages.

Environmental factors affecting feeding

There are many factors that relate to the growth and feeding activity of prawns.
Ideal ranges for water quality variables of Macrobrachium rosenbergii:
220 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Table 36: Ideal ranges of physico-chemical parameters suitable for rearing M. rosenbergii

Parameters Ideal range

Temperature 25-32°C
Transparency 25-40 cm
Alkalinity 20-60 mg/L
Hardness 30-150 mg/L
Un-ionized ammonia 0.1-0.3 mg/L
Dissolved Oxygen 3-7 mg/L
pH 7.5-8.5

Prawns become stressed at dissolved oxygen levels below 2 ppm. pH should

not be more than 9.5. However, the most critical parameter is temperature which
means that in conducting tests with freshwater prawns, temperature has to be
within the acceptable ranges.
Water stable pellets with moderate nutritive value are the preferred food of
Macrobrachium rosenbergii. However, it is necessary to maintain an adequate
phytoplankton density, to provide cover and control the growth of weeds in
freshwater prawn ponds. This is done by encouraging the growth of phytoplankton.
Benthic fauna are very important features in the ecosystem of freshwater
prawn ponds, forming part of the food chain for prawns. Fertilization to
encourage the development of benthic fauna is therefore necessary. Organic
manures have been used for this purpose (e.g. 1000-3000 kg/ha).
Freshwater prawns are omnivores and, their nutritional requirements are not
very demanding. Some farmers utilize commercial feeds designed for marine
shrimp in freshwater prawn nurseries or during the first few weeks of the grow-
out phase when prawns are stocked as PL. Marine shrimp feeds have a much
higher protein content than is needed for freshwater prawns, so cheaper
commercial feeds that have either been specifically designed for freshwater
prawns or for a species of fish (e.g. catfish) must be used in grow-out ponds
stocked with nursery-reared juveniles, or substituted as soon as possible in those
stocked with PL. The prawns are fed daily with formulated pellet diet (2-3 mm
size) @ 10% of the biomass initially and then reduced to 3% of the biomass
towards the end of the culture period.

Feed management
There can be no exact general recommendation for daily feeding rates, because
these depend on the size and number of prawns (and, in a polyculture system,
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 221

fish) in the pond, the water quality, and the nature of the feed. The feed should
be broadcasted in the pond as mentioned above. Spread the feed around the
periphery of the pond in the shallows, which are good feeding zones. Check trays
3-4 nos. may be kept in different corners of the pond to check the consumption
of food in the gut of the prawn.

Fig. 80.a and b: Check tray and its lifting. (It is always necessary using Check tray for
periodical evaluation of consumption of feed and health monitoring).

(a) (b)

Fig. 81a and b: Young and adult maturing and matured fresh water prawn Macrobrachium

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 82a, b, c and d: Gravid (maturing) and matured Fresh water prawn M.rosenbergii.
(Clock wise).
222 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Considerations for fresh water prawn hatchery

The larval stages of freshwater prawns require brackish water for growth and
survival the reason, the hatcheries do not have to be located on coastal sites.
Prawn hatcheries can be sited on inland sites. The necessary brackish water can
be obtained by mixing locally available freshwater with seawater or brine (and
sometimes artificial seawater) which may be transported to the site. Inland
hatcheries have the advantage that they can be sited wherever suitable freshwater
is available and their market (namely outdoor nurseries and grow-out facilities)
is close by. Where to site a hatchery is therefore, not only a technical but also
an economic consideration.This involves balancing the costs of transporting
seawater and brine, or using recirculation, against the advantages of an inland
site. Prawn hatcheries, regardless of type, require an abundant source of freshwater
as well as seawater or brine.
The quality of intake water, whether it is saline or fresh, is of paramount
importance for efficient hatchery operation. Water quality is thus a critical factor
in site selection. Hatchery sites should preferably be far away from cities, harbors
and industrial centers, or other activities which may pollute the water supply.The
brackish water derived from the mixture of seawater, brine or artificial sea salts
with freshwater for use in M. rosenbergii hatcheries should be 12-16 ppt, have
a pH of 7.0 to 8.5, and contain a minimum dissolved oxygen level of 5 ppm. Both
freshwater and seawater must be free from heavy metals (from industrial sources),
marine pollution, and herbicide and insecticide residues (from agricultural sources),
as well as biological contamination (e.g. as indicated by the presence of faecal
coliforms, which can be common in residential and agricultural areas). The analyses
of water found suitable for use in freshwater prawn hatcheries are given in
Table: 37.

Other requirements for hatchery sites

In addition to having sufficient supplies of good quality water, a good hatchery
site should also:
● Have a secure power supply which is not subject to lengthy power failures.
An on-site emergency generator is essential for any hatchery - this should
be sized in a manner, so that it has the output necessary to ensure that the
most critical components of the hatchery (e.g. aeration, water flow), can
continue to function; ensure that the most critical components of the hatchery
(e.g. aeration, water flow), can continue to function;
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 223

● Have good all-weather road access for incoming materials and outgoing PL;
● Be on a plot of land with an area appropriate to the scale of the hatchery
that has access to the quantity of seawater and freshwater supplies required
without excessive pumping. The cost of pumping water to a site elevated
high above sea level, for example, may be an important factor in the economics
of the project;
● Not be close to cities, harbors, mines and industrial centers, or to other
activities that may pollute the water supply;
● Be situated in a climate which will maintain water in the optimum range of
28-31°C, without costly environmental manipulation;
● Have access to food supplies for larvae;
● Employ a high level of technical and managerial skills;
● Have access to professional biological assistance from government or other
● Have its own indoor/outdoor nursery facilities, or be close to other nursery
facilities; and
● Be as close as possible to the market for its PL. In the extreme case, it
should not more than 16 hours total transport time from the furthest farm it
will be supplying.

Outdoor nurseries and grow-out facilities

The success of any nursery facility or grow-out farm depends on its access to
good markets for its output. Its products may be sold to other farms (in the case
of nurseries), directly to the public, to local markets and catering facilities, or to
processors or exporters. The needs and potential of each type of market need
to be considered. For example, more income may result if you can sell your
market-sized prawns alive. The scale, nature and locality of the market is the
first topic that you should consider and the results of your evaluation will determine
whether the site is satisfactory and, if so, the way in which the farm should be
designed and operated.
Despite the obvious importance of the market, it is surprising how often that
this topic is the last criterion to be investigated.
224 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig.83 (a-f): Fresh water prawn hatchery and their developmental stages. [Early spawn (3­
days, 7-days, 10-days, 15-days and 50-days old Fresh water prawn Macrobrachium
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 225

Table 37: Characteristics of water suitable for freshwater prawn hatcheries.

Parameters Fresh water Sea water Brackish water

(ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Total hardness (as CaCO3) <120 - 2 325-2 715
Calcium (Ca) 12-24 390-450 175-195
Sodium (Na) 28-100 5 950-10 500 3 500-4 000
Potassium (K) 2-42 400-525 175-220
Magnesium (Mg) 10-27 1 250-1 345 460-540
Silicon (SiO2) 41-53 3-14 5-30
Iron (Fe) <0.02 0.05-0.15 <0.03
Copper (Cu) <0.02 <0.03 <0.06
Manganese (Mn) <0.02 <0.4 <0.03
Zinc (Zn) 0.2-4.0 0.03-4.6 <3
Chromium (Cr) <0.01 <0.005 <0.01
Lead (Pb) <0.02 <0.03 <0.03
Chloride (Cl) 40-225 19 000-19 600 6 600-7 900
Chlorine (Cl2) nil - nil
Sulphate (SO4) 3-8 - -
Phosphate (PO4) <0.2 - -
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) nil nil nil
Total dissolved solids (TDS) 217 - -
Turbidity (JTU) nil nil nil
Dissolved oxygen (DO2) >4 >5 >5
Free carbon dioxide (CO2) nil - nil
Ammonia (NH3-N) - - <0.1
Nitrite (NO2-N) - - <0.1
Nitrate (NO3-N) - - <20
pH 6.5-8.5 units 7.0-8.5 units 7.0-8.5 units
Temperature - - 28-31(ºC)

It is also important to consider other factors to ensure success, including the:

● Suitability of the climatic conditions;
● Suitability of the topography;
● Availability of adequate supplies of good quality water;
● Availability of suitable soil for pond construction;
● Maximum protection from agricultural and industrial pollution;
226 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

● Availability of adequate physical access to the site for the provision of supplies
and the movement of harvested animals;
● Availability of supplies of other necessary inputs, including post larval and/or
juvenile prawns, equipment, aqua feeds or feed ingredients, and power supplies;
● Availability of good skilled (managerial) and unskilled labor;
● Presence of favorable legislation; and
● Availability of adequate investment.
M. rosenbergii is a freshwater prawn, but since its larvae require
brackishwater for survival, hatchery operations are usually conducted using 12
parts per thousand (12 ppt) salinity. This species regulates its hemolymph osmolarity
to be equivalent to that of brackishwater (12 ppt or 450 mOsm). In both freshwater
and brackishwater, M. rosenbergii is able to maintain hemolymph osmolarity
(based on ionic and free amino acid concentrations on the hemolymph), but at
higher salinities, the prawn loses this ability (Huong et al., 2001).

Table 38: Water quality requirements for freshwater prawn nursery and grow-out facilities.

Parameters Recommended Levels known to

(ideal)range for fresh be lethal (L)
water prawn or stress ful(s) to
juvenile prawns
Temperature(0C) 29-31 <12(L)
pH(units) 7.0-8.5 >9.5 (S)
Dissolved Oxygen(ppm) 3-7 2 (S)
1 (L)
Salinity(ppt) <10 -
Transparency (cm) 25-40 -
Total hardness (ppm CaCO3) 30-150 -
Alkalinity (ppm CaCO3) 20-60 -
Non-ionized ammonia(ppm NH3-N) <0.3 >0.5 at pH 9.5 (S)
>1.0 at pH 9.0 (S)
>2.0 at pH 8.5 (S)
Nitrite nitrogen (ppm NO2-N) <2.0 -
Nitrate nitrogen (ppm NO3-N) <10 -
Hydrogen sulphide (ppm H2S) nil -
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 227

Among various environmental parameters, salinity plays a vital role for hatching
and survival of hatchlings in Macrobrachium rosenbergii. The brooders of
Macrobrachium sp. which are usually from freshwater in habitat they show
higher rate of hatching in 0 ppt. The brooders acclimatized in freshwater did not
show any stress during hatching (Jayalakshmy and Natarajan, 1996).The water
quality parameters for brooder prawns and larval rearing are depicted in the
Tables-38 and 39.
Larvae hatched very well from M. rosenbergii brooders kept in slightly
brackish (0.5 ppt) rather than brooders kept in 2-10 ppt. brackish water (Rao,
1986 and John Samuel et al., 1997). Whereas hatching took two to four batches
from the brooders kept in 10, 15 and 20 ppt salinities.
Hatching rhythm: Complete hatching of eggs in a single batch was noted
from the brooders kept in 0 ppt and 5 ppt.
Hatching rate: The hatching rate was significantly higher in the brooders
kept in 0 ppt (98.66 %) and 5 ppt (97.33 %), than that of 10 ppt (95.00 %), 15
ppt (93.66 %) and 20 ppt (91.00 %).

Table 39: Water quality parameters for the brooders (Saundarapandian et al., 2009).

Sl.nos. Water quality parameters Optimum range

01. Temperature 29 to 31º C
02. Dissolved oxygen 5.0 to 6.0 ml/L
03. pH 7.0-8.5
04. Photo period 12/12hL/D
05. Nitrate-nitrogen <20ppm.
06. Nitrite-nitrogen <0.1ppm.
07. Ammonia <0.1ppm.

Post-larval appearance: Post larvae become visible from the brooders kept
in different salinities (Soundarapandian et al., 2009) appeared significantly in
shorter period where brooders, maintained in 0 ppt (22.66 days) and 5 ppt (24.66
days) than brooders kept in other salinities viz., 10 ppt (27.33 days), 15 ppt (29.66
days) and 20 ppt (31.33 days). However, the brooders kept in 0 ppt (22.66 days)
and 5 ppt (24.66 days) and also in 15 ppt (29.66 days) and 20 ppt (31.33 days)
salinities did not show any significant difference between their first post larval
228 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Table 40: Water quality parameters of the larval rearing (Saundarapandian et al., 2009).

Sl.nos. Water quality parameters Optimum range

01. Temperature 28±20C
02. Salinity 12±1 ppt.
02. Dissolved oxygen 5.0 to 6.0 ml/L
03. pH 7.0-8.5
04. Photo period 12/12hL/D
05. Nitrate-nitrogen <20ppm.
06. Nitrite-nitrogen <0.1ppm.
07. Ammonia <0.1 ppm.
08. Hardness 100 ppm.

Rearing periods
The larval cycle was completed significantly quicker in brooders kept in 0 ppt
salinity (35.33 days) rather than the brooders kept in other salinities viz., 5 ppt
(37.66 days), 10 ppt (41.33days), 15 ppt (44.66 days) and 20 ppt (47.66 days).
The brooders kept in 20 ppt salinity took 47.66 days to complete their larval

Survival rate
The survival rate of hatchlings was significantly higher from the brooders placed
in 0 ppt (82.66 %). It shows significant discrepancy with other brooders kept in
different salinities viz., 5 ppt (79.33 %), 10 ppt (70.66 %), 15 ppt (68.33 %) and
20 ppt (59.66 %). The lowest survival rate of hatchlings was seen in the brooders
kept in 20 ppt (59.66 %).

Brackish water preparation and treatment:

Filtered seawater and freshwater were mixed to prepare 12 ppt salinity water.
Sodium hypochloride solution was added to the prepared 12 ppt water, which was
then aerated for 24 h. Excess chlorine was removed by treating the water with
sodium thiosulphate (Soundarapandian et al., 1997).

Water exchange
On every morning, left over feed, detritus and dead larvae were removed by
turning off the aeration and siphoning the settled particles from the tank bottoms.
Fifty percent of the water was exchanged each day.
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 229

Both live Artemia nauplii and formulated feed (Table 41) may be fed to the
larvae. The ingredients were dried and powdered separately. The pellets were
prepared by mixing together; the required quantities of the finely powered materials
and the mixture were kneaded or moulded well by adding minimum quantity of
water to form dough. The dough was cooked in a pressure cooker for 30 minutes
and the cooked material was extruded through a hand pelletizer with required
perforation in the form of noodles (Fig. 94) on a filter paper and oven dried at
60 ºC. The dried pellets were broken into pieces of required length and stored
in polythene bags for future use (John Samuel et al., 1997).

Table 41: Composition and nutritive value of the formulated feed. (Saundarapandian et
al., 2009).

Sl.Nos. Ingredients Quality Nutrient content Percentage

01. Hen’s egg 4.0% Protein 29.0%
02. Oyster meat 15.0% Carbohydrate 17.0%
03. Shrimp meal 10.0% Fat 8.1%
04. Water 50.0% Moisture 11.9%
05. Beef meat 15% Ash 6.2%
06. Milk powder 3% - ­
07. Amino acid & Vitamin 1% - ­
08. Minerals 1.5% - ­
09. Antibiotic powder 0.5% - ­

Diseases encountered in Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Disease has been considered as one of the important constraints to limit the
production of freshwater prawn world wide. Generally, M. rosenbergii is
considered to be moderately disease-resistant in comparison to penaeid shrimps.
The major disease problems affecting Macrobrachium rosenbergii generally occur
because of poor water quality, poor husbandry, overcrowding, poor sanitation, and
non-existent or inadequate quarantine procedures.
Table 42: Diseases encountered and their possible remedial measures of M.rosenbergii.

230 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Sl.nos Diseases Agent Type Syndrome Rectification
01. Macrobrachium Parvo-like virus Virus Opaqueness of infected Application of 115 kg/acre zeolite/
Muscle Virus(MMV) tissue, with progressive week+Water and soil probiotics as
necrosis; affects per specified dose /fortnight is a
juveniles. must.
02. White spot Baculovirus Virus White spots; affects Same as above.
Syndrome Baculo juveniles
Virus (WSSV)
03. White tail Virus Nodavirus Virus Whitish tail; affects Same as above.
04. Black spot; Vibrio; Bacteria Melanised lesions; Same as above +100 gms.of
brown spot; Pseudomonas; affects all life stages, antibiotic and antifungal powder
shell disease Aeromonas but more frequently each in the morning hours only.
observed in juveniles
& adults.
05. Bacterial necrosis Pseudomonas; Bacteria Like Black spot but Same as above.
Leucothrix affects larval stages
06. Luminescent larval Vibrio harveyi Bacteria Moribund & dead larvae Same as above.
syndrome luminescent
07. White post larval Rickettsia Bacteria Larvae become whitish Same as above+ heavy liming
08. Protozoan Zoothamnium, Protozoans External parasites that Liming+ soil and water probiotic
infestations Epistylis, Vorticela inhibit swimming, application, if necessary bath in
etc. feeding and moulting; formalin
affect all life stages
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 231

xvi) Culture possibilities of Cyprinus carpio haematopterusas

The Amur Carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus)
The original Common carp was native to the inland delta of the river Danube
down to the Black sea. Since then it has been introduced on purpose for food
and sport or by accident to every continent except Antarctica and near every
countries in the world. The Romans bought Cyprinus carpio to Western Europe
as a food fish and later spread all the way across Europe to Britain by monks
(Balon, 1995). Cross breeding has produced variants of the species with
domesticated sub-species such as the Koi carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus
Fig. 84), Mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) or Leather carp.

Fig. 84: Slim bellied Cyprinus carpio haematopterus (New strain).

Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the highly domesticated and

extensively cultured aquaculture fish species in India especially in southern and
north eastern parts of the country, contributing significantly to enhance inland fish
production in the world. Common carp belongs to Cyprinidae, the largest family
among freshwater teleosts.
Carps have become the main stay of aquaculture in Asia and contribute
significantly to inland aquaculture. Aquaculture in India is essentially a polyculture
system with Indian major carps and exotics forming major components. The
flattened bellied common carp (Cyprinus carpio, Fig.85), an introduced species
is an important and contribute significantly to increase overall production. It is
preferred to grow along with grass carp and silver carp. The common carp
presently grown in India originated from two introductions, in 1939 (German
strain) and 1957 (Bangkok strain).
232 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Cyprinus carpio (German strain): These have become mixed over many
generations to give the current stock. This stock of common carp is characterized
by early sexual maturation (at an age of approximately six months and sometimes
at a weight below 100 g) and slow growth rate. Further the damaging nature of
the dykes is also a serious problem of stocking this species (Mandal, 2017). The
morphological appearance as well as the taste of the fish flesh of this flattened
bellied Cyprinus carpio (Fig.85), usually refuge to accept in their food dish by
majority of the fish lovers if other carps are available in the market. This is
considered as the serious problem in the culture of this species (Mahanta et al.,
(2010).For faster growth and successful aquaculture of this species, it is imperative
to replace the stock with improved strain e.g., Amur-China type of wild carp,
Cyprinus carpio haematopterus (Fig. 84).

Fig. 85: Fat bellied Cyprinus carpio (Old German strain)

Systematic position of Cyprinus carpio haematopterus

Phylum- Chordata.
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
Genus: Cyprinus
Species: Carpio (Linnaeus, 1758).
Subspecies: Haematopterus.
Name: Cyprinus carpio haematopterus
The Amur wild carp is an ancient form that originated from the Asian carp
centre (Amur-China type of wild carp, Cyprinius carpio haematopterus) and
spread to the water bodies of Asia. During the centuries, after settling in the river
Amur, this carp adapted to the local environmental conditions. It was brought into
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 233

the gene bank of Fisheries College and Research Institute (FCRI), Thoothukudi,
Tamil Nadu in 1982 from the Russian National Fisheries Research Institute. It
has no breeding history as it is an ancient wild fish. Carp is native to areas from
the Black Sea to Manchuria in China, but has been spread by humans to many
parts of the world (Pethon, 1994). It was introduced to Europe by the Romans.
The common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) is an introduced fish
species in India and today has a scattered distribution throughout the country.
The species is well being adopted in Indian waters and encouraged in the polyculture
especially in composite fish culture, so as to utilize the food as produced in all
the entire ecological niche of the ecosystem.
Food and feeding habit of this species differs with the situations of pond
water and pond bottom sediment qualities. The ponds after due fertilization usually
prefer artificial feed over benthic macro invertebrates, followed by zooplankton.
The species prefer to graze individually and never graze on phytoplankton. They
are mainly benthic in habitat; feed on available macro invertebrates in the system.
In the absence of benthic macro invertebrates, their feeding niche shifted from
near the bottom of the tanks to the water column and fed principally on zooplankton.
The species readily switched to artificial feed when available, which led to better
growth.However, the principal disadvantage of culture Cyprinus in an earthen
pond is that they use to dig the bottom soil especially the lower portion of the
dykes resulting serious damage to the entire pond. The pond become useless for
pisciculture until and unless it is repaired (Mandal, 2017).Almost everywhere else
the common carp is considered invasive and destructive of both native fish (also
other wildlife effected by the links in the entire ecosystem) and native habitats
with its tendency to stir up sediments, eat, destroy and uproot vegetation thereby
severely disrupt the natural balances of water nutrition which in turn creates
algae covered water sucking out oxygen, killing fish and water plants and having
a knock on effect to ducks and water fowl and their predators. The constant
grubbing around of the carp schools churning up the sediment can lead to
permanent turbidity in waters that otherwise would be clear. This turbidity of the
water and eventual blocking of light leads to dead vegetation and loss of habitat
then in-turn loss of native fauna.
The Amur strain (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) showed about 40%
faster growth over earlier local strain in mono and polyculture systems, respectively.
There was no significant difference in the survival rate of Amur and existing
strain under monoculture (74.47 and 70.85%) and polyculture systems (74.16 and
75.30%). Although, the production performance varied with type of water body,
Amur strain consistently showed its superiority over existing strain in all the trials.
It may be inferred that Amur strain of common carp (Cyprinus carpio
haematopterus) has greater potential in low-input aquaculture systems due to its
better growth than the existing strain.
234 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

xvii) Culture possibilities of Osteobrama belangeri – Pengba

Culture possibilities of Osteobrama belangeri – Pengba the famous state fish
of Manipur state, North-eastern India as a candidate species along with Indian
Major Carp in fresh water ponds.
Osteobrama belangeri (Pengba Fig. 86a and b) is one of the most important
minor carp fish emerging as potential candidate species for diversification of
freshwater aquaculture in India, and have high market demand in Manipur and
other North East states (Fig. 86a and b). Osteobrama belangeri (Val.) locally
known as Pengba in Manipur and ‘Nga-hpeh-oung’and ‘Nga-net-hua’in Myanmar
is a medium carp (Family-Cyprinidae) endemic to the eastern part of Manipur
(India), Myanmar and Yunan province of China.
It has slow growth (38.0 cm standard length), and due to its delicious flavor
(very much to those of Tenuolosa ilisha-the Hilsa fish of Bengal) it fetches very
good market price in North-East India. Moreover, the fish has almost vanished
from the Loktak Lake (A Ramsar site) and other water bodies of the Manipur.
Furthermore, this fish species is categorized as threatened by the IUCN and it
faces a high risk of extinction, which raises the issue of sustainable exploitation of
this biological resource. Pollution, habitat loss, over-exploitation besides species
invasion are major threats in Manipur. Though, no species was categorised as globally
extinct or extinct in wild especially in the Eastern Himalaya assessment region,
Manipur state fish Pengba (Osteobrama belangeri) was reported to the regionally
endangered in wild as the root of this Myanmar origin minor carp has been disturbed
with the construction of Thai barrage across Manipur river for the operation of
Loktak hydro electricity project about 30 years ago. Therefore, induced breeding
and larval rearing should be considered as a high priority for culture intensification,
diversification, conservation and restocking aspect (Kumar, 2017).
Systematic position of Osteobrama balengeri
Phylum- Chordata.
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae
Genus: Osteobrama
Species: Belangeri
Binomial name: Osteobrama belangeri (Valenciennes, 1844).
Diversification and Alternatives of Carp Culture 235

It is one of the most important food fishes and has a ready demand not only
in Manipur but also in the entire NE region of India. However, the fish has almost
disappeared from the Loktak Lake (the species is reported to have represented
up to 40% of the total fishery of Loktak Lake) and other water bodies of the
central plain of the state. Hence intensification of the induced breeding and
attempt to culture this particular fish species has been given high priority (Basudha
and Viswanath, 1993).The species is originally a riverine in habitat, naturally
breed and spawn in the running waters and is very difficult to bred in captivity
without using synthetic hormone (Devi et al., 2009).
Very recently, Central Institute of Fresh Water Aquaculture (CIFA),
Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar after a couple of years of study could have
successfully bred the species in captivity and started distributing the spawns and
fry/fingerlings of the species to the interested farmers to introduce the same as
a candidate species and also a suitable alternative of Indian Major Carps.

Fig. 86a: The solitary photo of Pengba

Fig. 86b: Osteobrama belangeri -the Pengba

Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 237

Aquaculture also known as aqua farming, which evidently means “the farming of
fish, and brackish water populations under controlled conditions”. India is blessed
with large number of rivers, lakes and many natural water resources. Along with
good pond environment to the fish starting from spawn, fry to fingerling and
advanced fingerlings to adult form, fishes do need good quality of nutritionally
balanced quality feed and a bit of care and management. The test of pH level
(7.5 to 8.5), adequate dissolved oxygen as well as minimal ammonia content in
water and soil beneath the water column is necessary for suitable fish farming.
The prevention of entrance of various types of predators are necessary, so as the
steps to be taken against various types of fish diseases. It is said that preventing
diseases is better than curing it. Various management practices involved in nursery,
rearing and stocking ponds have been described in the following paragraphs.


The principal purpose of all fish farmers is the rearing of fish spawn to a
marketable size to the earliest possible time, wherein some inputs of technology
is of utmost importance. Spawn rearing in nursery ponds is one of the most
significant aspects where the aim of each farmer is to raise maximum number
of fish fry in minimum water areas. It is no exaggeration that quite a good
number of fishermen are involved in rearing fish spawns to a marketable fry and
fingerling stages in nursery ponds. This necessitates enlightening them the proper
technology of the nursery pond management practices. The tender spawn start
external feeding after 3-days of hatching and therefore, they need congenial
environment with enough natural food from their environment for faster growth
and survival.

Selection of nursery ponds

These are usually small, ranging from 200 to 500 sq. meters in area with water
depth of about 0.8-1.2 meter. These ponds may be seasonal or perennial in
nature. However, seasonal ponds are quite preferable and favorable too. The
reason, because soil strata of the pond bed get exposed to direct sunlight to a
measurable time which helps improvement of the pond water when filled.
Generally, nursery ponds are prepared in late spring or summer (February-March).
In case of perennial water bodies, where water remains throughout the year,
adequate attention has to be given for weed clearance, improvement of soil and
water qualities and productivity so also the eradication of weed fishes, mollusks,
amphibians, reptiles etc., if any. The ideal nursery ponds are shown in Fig.87.
238 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fig. 87: Batteries of nursery ponds.

Weed clearance
Weed plants and grasses not only absorb nutrients from the soil but also provide
shelter to the predatory insects and serve as their breeding ground and impose
difficulty in fry harvesting.
Therefore, they should be eradicated carefully. Since nurseries are small and
shallow, the clearance of the same may be done by employing manual labour
preferably during late spring or early summer when there is no water or at
minimum water level. Marginal grasses also give a low survival rate of spawn.

Eradication of predatory and trash fishes

In perennial nursery ponds, predatory and weed fishes will take a direct toll to
the tender spawn while trash and weed fishes would also compete the natural
food along with supplemental feed besides space and oxygen. Therefore, total
eradication of these unwanted fishes is very much essential. Now-a-days, the
tendency of maximum number of fishermen to use different types of insecticides
to eradicate weed fishes, which is of course not ethical and the farmers not to
go for such type of activities, since we never know the long term effect of
residual effects of such insecticides/pesticides in water or soil. The information
on the pathway of transformations, bio magnifications of such insecticides and
pesticides are still lacking.
It is always advisable to use piscicides of plant origin e.g., Mahua oil cake
(MOC), Tea Seed Cake (TSC), Rotenone Powder (RP), Croton etc.
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 239

The modus operandi of Mahua oilcake (MOC) is dual i.e.

1) Immediately after application of MOC @2000-2500kg /ha/metre mortality of
unhauled fishes of importance including undesirable weed fishes starts. If
fresh material (MOC) is available, less than 2000kg/ha/m may be enough.
2) After 3-weeks (21days) the toxicity of saponin (the plant poison present in
MOC) get reduced and the nutrients present therein (the NPK) are released
which in turn helps generating the desired natural food items e.g., phyto- and
zooplankton which make the water colour green. However, an in situ test
should be performed to make sure about the survival of the spawn before
their release.
The availability of Tea Seed Cake (TSC) and Rotenone Powder (RP) are still
a matter of great concern, hence the subject is not considered here.

Chemical method of eradication of predatory, trash fishes

and other aquatic animals
Alternatively, the farmer may use bleaching powder@350kg/ha/meter or
combination of bleaching powder and urea @175kg and 100kg/ha/meter
respectively for complete eradication of all unwanted fish. The toxicity lasts for
7-8 days in the pond. It also possesses disinfecting effect besides oxidizing the
decomposing matter on the pond bottom. In view of limited supply of Mahua Oil
Cake (MOC), bleaching powder is an effective substitute with easy availability
and lower cost. Dissolve required quantity of bleaching powder with Urea in
water, the slurry thus produced is to be sprayed on the water surface (
Dr. Utpal Bhoumik, ex-officio of CIFRI, Barrackpore).The fishes will face
discomfort and start surfacing followed by gradual mortality. These fishes are to
be removed immediately by repeated netting and are also found to be fit for
human consumption. Instead of 3 weeks as in the case of MOC, only after 7­
10 days the in situ test for examining the survival of fish spawn may be performed.
However, the pathway of activity of bleaching powder and urea is still to be
Immediately after eradication of all the weed and unwanted fishes from the
nursery pond it is necessary to apply Zeolite powder @ 30-35kg/ha /meter
respectively to keep the pond water free from any obnoxious gases due to
decomposition and to maintain alkaline state of water.
240 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Application of lime in nursery ponds

Liming is the first step in fertilization owing to the fact that it supplies calcium,
one of the essential macro nutrients. The major functions of lime are the following:
* It corrects the acidity of soils and water.* Speeds up the decomposition
of organic matter, releasing carbon-di-oxide from bottom sediments.* It
raises the bicarbonate content and lack of CO2 does not become a limiting
factor.* It counteracts the poisonous effects of excess magnesium, potassium
and sodium ions and fixes inorganic acid like sulphuric acids.* Keep the
fishes, disease free at least to some extent.
If the soil of the pond is found to be acidic, it has to be treated with quick
lime to bring the soil pH to alkaline condition, which is ideal for fish production.
Lime is applied when all the water is drained out and the bottom is well dried,
exposed to the hot sun for about 15 days.
During this period, the lime will help to kill all the pathogenic bacteria present
in soil which may affect adversely on the fishes stocked in pond after filling the
water. The doses of quick lime depend on the pH of the pond soil as given in
The quicklime is either sprinkled or spread on the pond water in the form of
a paste or to act as an antiseptic and also to neutralize the toxic effect of old
organic deposits at the bottom. It also stabilizes the pH of water at a slightly
alkaline level, which enhances the growth of phytoplankton and fish, apart from
increasing the calcium content of water. Further, it increases not only the
bicarbonate content of the pond but also counteracts poisonous effects of ions
like magnesium and sodium.
From the useful effects of liming as given above, it is concluded that liming
is essential preliminary to successful pond manuring. A pond containing lime is
likely to be more fertile than the one without it. The doses of lime depend upon
the characteristic of water.In the lateritic zones (semi-arid zones in particular)
however, where both the water and soil beneath it, is found to be acidic in nature.
In those cases, the amount of lime should be applied as depicted in Table-24.In
nursery ponds following fertilization, an increase in planktonic population are also
accompanied by an increase of the aquatic insect population. Some of them are
of course, very carnivorous and predatory viz. backswimmers, water bugs, water
scorpion, dragon fly nymph etc. A nursery pond, even with a little marginal
vegetation, provides support to the insects for multiplication. Even there should
not be any vegetation in the pond, these insects being able to fly, would come
from the surroundings and inhabit the pond. Complete eradication of these insects
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 241

as well as frogs, tadpoles and snakes if any, is however, impossible. An earlier

recommendation in such case, as it is learnt from the literature is to spray
vegetable oil and soap emulsion@ 56:18 kg ratio/hectare/meter is now become
obsolete due to high price of oil. Even though in the rural and urban areas where
the fish hatcheries do exist they sometime prefer this only to avoid pesticides.
The soap-oil emulsion: It is necessary to check whether the nursery pond has
already been infested by backswimmers, water bugs, water scorpion, dragon fly nymph
etc. If so, following is the procedure of preparing the emulsion (Table-43).
A day earlier from the date of purchase of spawn, following the above
mentioned process, the emulsion is prepared and subsequently beating up in froth
vigorously and the same is slowly released in the nursery pond in favour of wind
direction. Gradually the emulsion will spread over the pond water as a layer of
film. Care must be taken that it should not be a rainy day since rain drops may
damage the film cover.

Table 43: Preparation technique of soap-oil emulsion.

Sl.No Ingredients Quantity/33Deci. Quantity/1acre

01. Vegetable oil 7400 gm. 22kg200gm.
02. Low cost bath soap 2400gm. 7kg200gm.

The film will create an obstacle in the respiratory processes to the back
swimmers, water bugs; water scorpion, dragon fly nymph etc. and majority of
them will die. Some of them will try to jump to the pond dyke, hence it is
necessary to spray the emulsion also at the water and dyke surface.To overcome
this dilemma, Phenitrathion 50EC (Sumithion) @300ml per acre may be sprayed
over the pond surface at least 48 hours before stocking of spawn.
Pond fertilization: Manuring is done with a view to increase the plankton
volumes particularly the zooplankton (rotifers and crustaceans) which form the
natural food of the spawn. For this purpose, seasonal nurseries are manured with
only dried cow dung as organic manure @ 10, 000kg/ha about 15 days before
the anticipated stocking date. In the perennial ponds where MOC has been used
earlier do not require cow dung as manure instead, good quality organic manure@
150kg/Acre should be applied. At these stage i.e., before stocking of spawn
sometimes both in soil and water there is a probability of generating some
undesirable pathogenic bacteria and fungi which may cause loss of appetite
followed by mortality as well. It may be mentioned in this context that during this
period application of Humic grannules@ 4kg/Acre of pond water or soil area
followed by Water probiotics @600gms.not only turn the pond water congenial
242 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

for raising fish spawn stage to fry and fingerling stage but also help to increase
the survival rate considerably augmenting appetite and growth of spawn.
Stocking of Spawn: Stocking of spawn should always be done in the early
morning or late evening when the water temperature remains low (preferably
below 280C). It is always advisable to acclimatize the spawn in the poly bag with
the pond water temperature. Stocking of spawn may vary pond to pond. But in
general the moderate stocking densities ranges from 3-5 million/ha/meter for
carps and 6-9 million /ha/meter for cat fishes.
Natural and Supplementary feeding to spawn and fry stages: Spawn
starts external feeding from the 3rd day. Even after proper manuring of the pond,
sometime it is difficult to maintain the usual development of natural food items
(Plankton) for growing the fishs pawn/fry. Hence it is absolutely essential to
provide extra feed. A mixture of finely powdered ground nut or mustered oil cake
and rice bran or rice polish in equal proportion by weight is to be supplied to the
fish spawn fry.

Table 44: Stocking density of spawn in nursery ponds.

Type of spawn Density/33decimal Density/100decimal Density/Ha

Indian and Exotic major 2.5lakhs 7-8 lakhs 3-5 million
Cat fishes of diff. types 2.5-4lakhs 8-12lakhs 6-9million
(fam. Clariidae,
Heteropneustidae &
Serrasalmidae: the

Fig. 88: Plankton of various categories

Table 45: Natural food preferences of IMC and Exotic carps at different stages of their life cycle.Species

Stages of life cycle

Larvae Fry Fingerlings Adult
Catla (Catla catla) Protozoans, rotifers Protozoans, rotifers Crustaceans, algae, Crustaceans, algae,
unicellular algae, etc. and crustaceans. rotifers and some rotifers, plant matters, etc.
vegetable debris
Rohu - do ­ Protozoans, rotifers, Vegetable debris, Vegetable debris,

Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 243

(Labeo rohita) crustaceans, unicellular phytoplankton crustaceans, microscopic plants,
algae. detritus, etc. detritus and mud.
(Cirrhinus mrigala) - do ­ Crustaceans, rotifers, Vegetable debris, unicellular Blue-green and
planktonic algae. algae detritus and mud. filamentous algae,
diatoms, pieces of
macrophytes, decayed
vegetable matters, mud &
Grass carp Protozoans, rotifers, Protozoans, rotifers, Detritus and aquatic plants. Aquatic plants such as
(Ctenopharyngodon copepod nauplii. crustaceans, wolffia, lemna, spirodela,
idella) microzoobenthos, detritus, hydrilla, najas,
microalgae, plant ceratophyllum, chara, etc.
Silver carp Unicellular planktonic Copepods, cladocerans Falagellata, dinoflagellata, Mainly phytoplankton.
(Hypophthalmichthys organisms, nauplii and phytoplankton. myxophyceae,
molitrix) and rotifers. bacillariophyceae etc.
Common carp Protozoans, rotifers, Rotifers, cyclops, Diaptomus, cyclops, moina, Decayed vegetable matter,
(Cyprinus carpio) cereodaphnia, moina, cereodaphnia, moina, cereodaphnia, ostracods, worms, molluscs,
Var. Communis nauplii, etc. nauplii, euglena, insects including chironomids, ephemerids
oscillatoria, etc. chironomid larvae. and trichopterans.
244 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Magnesium sulfate and yeast together

@ 0.5mg/liter water area boost up plankton
of various categories (Fig. 88) after
broadcasting over the pond surface once in
a week during morning hours from the day
of stocking. In general, mixture of mustered
oil cake or groundnut oil cake and wheat
bran or rice polish @ 1:1 is used as
supplementary feed which gives fair result.
To obtain appreciably good results with
negligible spawn mortality, the farmers are
recommended to use finely meshed crumble
of nutritionally balanced formulated (Fig.89)
This feed should be broad casted over the
pond surface twice daily in the morning and
evening (half of the total quantity at a given Fig. 89: Crumble feed
time) in the dry powder form.

Harvesting and transportation

The fry is reared to about two weeks which generally grow between 20-25mm
sizes. Feed is provided up to 12th day of stocking and stopped on the 13th day.
Harvesting is done on the 14th day by fine meshed cotton fry net. Fry however,
should not be harvested on a bright sunny or cloudy days as higher air and water
temperature or dissolved oxygen depletion may cause heavy mortality.
The fry should be kept in hapa for some time prior to transport where they
will release faecal matters, emptying the stomach. Without conditioning, if fry are
transported, faecal matters which are released due to decomposition of the same
in the container may cause mortality. The fry are transported by traditional
methods of hundies or by plastic bags filled with oxygen. The following table
provides information about the number of seed to be packed in plastic bag under
oxygen pressure (Table 48 and Fig. 90):

Table 46: Nutritionally balanced nursery fish feed. Fish Feed Size Protein Fat

01. Nursery Mash Feed 0-mm 36% 6%
02. Nursery Mash Feed 1-mm 34% 6%
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 245

Table. 47: The generally recommended feeding schedule is as follows.

Period Rate of Feeding /Day Qty/1lakh Spawn/Day

1stto 5th
day after 4 times the initial body weight of spawn 0.56kg
stocking stocked (single spawn weighs 0.0014gms)
6th to 12th day after 8 times the initial body weight of 1.2kg
stocking spawn stocked
13th day No feeding —————————
14th day Harvesting —————————

Fig. 90: Oxygen packing of fish spawns in plastic bag.

Table 48: Number of seed to be packed in plastic bag.

Size of seed No. of seed per bag in 6 liters of water

(mm) Indian major carp Silver carp Grass carp Common carp
20 2, 200 300-500 400-600 750-1000
30 600 200-300 300-400 500-750
40 330 160-200 200-300 300-500
50 225 100-150 150-200 200-300
60 80 ———— ————­ —————
70 70 ———— ————­ —————
80 40 ———— ————— —————
246 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach


Characteristic of pond soil and water: The characteristics of soil beneath the
water in rearing ponds play an important role for success of aqua farming. The
nature of pond soil, its water holding capacity, its acidity & alkalinity and other
physico-chemical properties play a great role.
Nature of pond soil: For successful aquaculture enterprise silty loam, sandy
loam and alluvial soil is ideal. Generally such type of soil, decomposition of
organic matter does not generate undesirable gases like ammonia and others. Soil
with reddish gravels found generally in arid and semi-arid zones, acid-sulfate soils
and sandy soils, aquaculture seems to be meaningless. Sandy soil does not have
water retention capacity while the water turns turbid easily in gluey mud soil.
Generally, the productivity of pond water is largely dependent on the quality &
characteristics of pond soil and thus very often it is rightly said that, the soil
beneath the water is the chemical laboratory of a pond.

Technological guideline for composite fish farming

In general, the composite fish culture is preferred in perennial ponds. Of course,
in India there still do remain a lot of areas where temporary ponds do exist. Most
of the months in a year ponds remain dry. In such impoundments the technology
of fish culture is also different.

Nutritional status of pond soil

The rearing ponds are comparatively bigger in size than those of nursery ponds
and should be rectangular in shape. The ideal size of a rearing pond may be less
than an acre (100 decimal) with a water depth of 1.0-1.5 meter. The fry stage
(20-25 mm) of fishes are generally transferred from nursery pond and allowed
to grow in the rearing ponds. Similar to those of nurseries the rearing ponds are
also treated in a manner so that there should not be any predators and competitors.
The fish fry in rearing ponds also need an environment which is free from the
predator fishes e.g. Sal, Sol, Boal, Chital, Lata, Chang, Koi, Magur, singhi
etc. On the other hand, the small trash and weed fishes like, Punti, Chanda,
Mourala, Kholse and Tilapia etc. have also found to play foul role in pond.
Mostly they are prolific breeders and produce lot of offspring’s causing problems
as well as competitions for both food and space with the desirable quality fish.
Therefore, it is necessary to eradicate these fishes from the rearing ponds before
the fry is stocked (Fig.31).
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 247

Sometime it is observed that farmers use Aluminum Phosphide tablets which

are a pesticide of chemical origin, generally stored by the FCI warehouses for
eradicating various pests therein, but it is not desirable to use in aquaculture
ponds. In our country however, Rotenone powder is not available which is a
piscicide of plant origin although are in use throughout the world at least in
aquaculture arena. Mahua Oil Cake or bleaching powder at the dose already
mentioned in earlier (page-239) chapter also seems to hold good for rearing pond
management. Ponds will be ready for stocking the fry stages after 3-weeks of
Mahua Oil Cake application. However, while in the latter case (Bleaching
powder), the ponds can be stocked within a period of 7-10 days of application
of the same. Albeit few plants viz. Croton, Bisloti, Hijol (which are naturally
grown in India, but the availability has become a question right now due to large
scale deforestation) etc. are also equally effective like previous ones to kill
predatory and weed and trash fishes.
The principal aim of rearing pond management is to raise maximum number
of fingerlings (100-150mm) in minimum area in a period of 3months or so. In
order to fully utilize the natural food resources of a rearing pond it is always
advisable to stock the same with fry of different species.

Pond fertilization
The ponds already treated with Mahua Oil Cake (MOC) need no further
fertilization since the same acts as organic manure after detoxification of the
saponin (the toxicant) present in it. However, the following fertilization module is
framed before stocking of fry in rearing ponds. In case of seasonal perennial
ponds fertilization of water and pond bed, may be done by superior quality
organic manure@ 500kg/Acre, dried cow dung@200kg./Acre may be applied in
4 equal installments fortified with 75kg of Mustered Oil Cake, 30kg of ground nut
oilcake and 10kg of Humic granules in the rearing pond before stocking fry/
fingerlings. This mixture is to be done at the pond site in a rectangular cemented
tank measuring about 10’x6’x3’ (Fig. 91). Where provision of cement tank is not
available by simple excavation of soil up to desired depth, a HDPE sheet has to
be laid on the soil on which the entire mixture is dumped to avoid seepage in the
soil (Fig. 91a).These ingredients together, should be mixed thoroughly and kept
under bright sunlight for a period of 7-8 days. It is necessary to agitate this
mixture at least once or twice a day manually. This compost together with
organic manure will enhance the abundance of quantity of plankton, the natural
food for fish fry and fingerlings. It is necessary to apply zeolite powder at this
stage @15kg/acre since sometimes some undesirable gases like ammonia, sulfur­
248 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

di-oxide, hydrogen sulphide may be produced due to decomposition of organic

debris present on the pond soil surface. To adsorb these gases zeolite powder at
appropriate dose (30-35kg/Ha) keep the soil surface free from all these obnoxious
gases and helps in the mineralization process at the soil-water interface.
It is sometime also necessary that if the water color of the pond become dark
bluish green due to presence of blue-green algae and to avoid this situation
before stocking the fry of fishes apply copper oxy- chloride 50%@750gms/Acre/
meter. This will make the water lighter. If it is found that planktonic organisms
(Phyto-and Zooplankton) are less than what it should be, immediately apply
multimicronutrient mineral fertilizer@ 6Kg/ Acre/meter. This will help accelerating
both phyto- and zooplankton within 2-3days (Fig.88).

Fig. 91 and 91a: Processing of organic manure at the pond site

Fry Stocking
After complete detoxification and fertilization, the rearing ponds are stocked with
15-day old fry (20-25mm) at a density of 2, 00, 000-3, 00, 000/ha. (Table-49).
Table 49: Stocking density of fry in rearing ponds.

Indian and Exotic Major carps 2-3 lakhs/hectare 80,000-1,20,000/Acre

Catfishes (Pangas, Pabda, 1-1.5 lakhs/hectare 40,000-60,000/Acre
Tangra, Magur, Koi etc.)
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 249

If the provision of additional oxygen may be supplied in the rearing ponds the
stocking of fry might be increased to the tune of the following (Table 50):

Table 50. Additional oxygen and fry stocking.

Indian and Exotic Major carps 5-6 lakhs/hectare 2 lakhs/Acre

Catfishes like Pangas, Pabda, 2-3 lakhs/hectare 80,000-1,20,000/Acre
Tangra, Magur, Koi etc.)

The rearing ponds whose depth of water is about a meter only, it is advisable
not to stock exotic carps instead, stock only Indian Major Carps. After stocking
of fry and fingerlings in the rearing pond it is strictly advised that, to the stocked
fishes the farmer should not apply any external food immediately (i.e.,
supplementary feed) in order to allow them to acclimatize with the new
environment for a couple of days.

Table 51: Stocking may be done at any of the following ratios.

Species Ratio
1. Catla+Rohu+Mrigal 2:4:4
2. Silver Carp+Grass Carp 1:1
3. Silver carp+GrassCarp+Common Carp 4:3:3 or 5:1.25:3.75
4. Catla+Rohu+Mrigal+Common Carp 3:4:1:2
5. Catla+Rohu+Mrigal+Grass Carp 3:3:3:1
6. SilverC+GrassC+CommonC+Rohu 4:2:2:2 or 3:1.5:2.5:3

Similar to those of the Nursery pond management, in the management practices

of rearing ponds also proper liming followed by the application of zeolite powder
powder at the specified quantity should be broadcasted in pond water. It is
noticed that during acclimatization of fry/fingerlings, bacterial infections followed
by the secondary attack of fungus causes some diseases like tail rot, fin rot, red
scars on the operculum etc. In order to overcome this problem, the farmers are
advised to use antibacterial and antifungal agents as per reccomendations of the
aquaculture consultants as preventive dose. Further, after releasing the fishes the
farmers should use water and soil probiotics for healthy growth. The use of the
probiotics will alleviate the pathogenic microbes of water and soil and improve
the productivity status of the pond significantly.
250 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

The technique of using the probiotics

Take desirable quantities of probiotics (i.e., 600gms. of water and 1 liter of Soil
probiotic/acre/meter of depth) in a container and mix with pond water. Mix these
two in approximately 25liters of water and with it add molasses (Gur) about 2kg,
shake the solution well by a wooden rod thoroughly and allow to mature the same
for a period of 4-5 hours under shade (not under bright sunlight). The bacterial
spores will automatically bloom in the mixture. The process may be done at night
and preferably during early morning next day, broadcast the same mixture over
the pond surface continuously by further mixing with pond water. This application
of probiotics not only keeps the pond water clean and free from pathogenic
bacteria but also the pond muck will be healthy enough for better mineralization
at the soil-water interface. These probiotics should have to be applied at least
twice in three months.These probiotics will correct the water and soil conditions
and improve the productivity of the pond. There is another way of increase
planktonic development in the pond: Take 30 kg. rice bran or DOB, 9-10 kg
mustered oil cake, 600gm.of yeast and 9-10 kg of molasses (Gur). This mixture
is then thoroughly blended with water and kept in shadow and kept for 72 hours.
Then the mixture is to be further mix with sufficient water for applying in one
(1) acre pond. The pond will be full of plankton within a couple of days. In every
2-3 months repeat the same process.
In general, the length of the released fry in the rearing pond is about an inch
or bit less and is stocked at a higher density. The reason, there is a chance of
decreasing the values of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the pond. For the instant
supply of oxygen provision of a pump or an aerator at the pond site (Fig. 43 and
44a & b) is kept. However, recently to increase dissolved oxygen content in pond
waters both oxygen releasing powder and in tablet forms are available. This
oxygen releasing products whether in powder form or in tablets, these are to be
mixed with sufficient dry sand which are being broad casted over the pond
surface to combat this situation. At this stage nutritional support to the fingerlings
is a pre requisite and continued to be applying at a regular basis@ 7-8% twice
a day (Table 52).

Table 52: Fry/fingerling feed for rearing ponds. Type of fish feed Size Proein% Fat%

01. floating type 1.2mm. 36.0 6.0
02. floating type 1.2mm. 32.0 6.0
03. floating type 2.0mm. 30.0 5.0
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 251

The rate of application of crumble 7-8% i.e., per day requirement is 7-8kg
for 100kg of the stock. It is always better if the farmer use multivitamin powder
(Vitamin mixture) with it.The purpose of stocking higher quantity of fry in the
rearing pond is to keep them with restricted growth. The fishes are not allowed
to grow beyond 100-150 gms of weight. The water is kept lighter by the application
of Zeolite with sufficient oxygen and nutritional support. The growth of fishes will
remain stunted even after 7-8 months.


Judicious and proper utilization of various food organisms grown naturally in
different niches of a pond and transformation of the same in animal protein is the
basics of composite fish culture. The purpose of composite fish culture in a pond
(otherwise referred to as mixed fish farming or polyculture) at least in India, is
to culture both Indian and exotic carps together along with smaller quantity of
minor carps e.g., Labeo bata etc., so as to the proper utilization of autochthonous
plankton and benthic production in the pond. The species of different types of
fishes to be stocked in the stocking pond is segregated on the basis of the
i) Market demand,
ii) The types of the niches the fish generally inhabit,
iii) The preference of natural feed, and
iv) Maintainance of the usual growth rate without any competition among the
fishes stocked.
Table 53: Selection of advanced fingerlings to be stocked in the stocking ponds (Percentage

Types of fishes to be Rohu Catla Mrigal Cyprinus Silver Grass

stocked carp carp
Three species culture 30 40 30 — — —
Four species culture 30-35 30-40 15-20 10-20 — —
Six species culture 20-30 10-15 15-20 15-20 20-30 5
Local farmers of
Dt.Hoogly/Howrah/Midnapur 80 10 7 2 — 1
(E) and Burdwan

Market survey on the demand of cultured fish in West Bengal reveals that
the demand of Rohu (Labeo rohita) is maximum followed by Catla (Catla
252 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

catla). It is estimated that if the culture practice is maintained following the

above recommendations as made supported by the judicious management practice
of both water and soil quality and application of nutritionally balanced
supplementary feed, it is easy to produce 2, 400-3, 000 kg or bit more of fish/
acre/2meter depth pond.

Fig. 92: Technique of releasing advanced fingerlings in stocking pond.

In general the stocking ponds are comparatively bigger (Fig. 32) where the
technique of releasing advanced fingerlings are also different as depicted in the
figure (Fig. 92).The stocking density is also strictly maintained at a lower level
to avoid inter and intra specific competition for both food and space. Fishes
ranged from 6-8 inches are generally released from the rearing ponds where they
were kept yearlong under stress and naturally the growth remains stunted.
Depending on the fertility status and the depth, the release of fish fingerlings
maximum to the tune of 3000 pieces/acre/6ft depth of water should be stocked
in the stocking ponds. Before releasing, a pinch of KMnO4 is desirable to be
added in the container (hundi) so as to avoid pathogenic infections, if any. It will
be advantageous to keep a time gap in releasing the catla and silver carp, since
both the species inhabit at the same ecological niche and prefer similar type of
feed. This time gap will help to reduce the interspecific competition for food.
Generally, after release of Catla there should be a minimum 40-50 days’ time gap
for silver carp dispense in the pond.
The ponds where fresh water giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is
cultured along with carps, under no circumstances Mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala) and
common carp (Cyprinus carpio) should be released since all these three species
are the inhabitants of the bottom of the pond. The reason, if stocked together there
will be every possibility of competition for both food and space resulting extensive
decline in the production of the giant prawn. It is advisable that before release of
the PL’s of prawn in the pond multimicronutrient mineral fertilizer @6kg/acre/meter
and Humic grannules @ 6kg / acre/ meter together should have to be broadcasted
after thorough mixing over the pond water. The chemical constituents which are
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 253

present in these two items will boost up comprehensive development of both

planktonic and benthic populations. Whatsoever, supplementary feed may be applied
to the fishes and prawns, without the planktonic and benthic natural food items
neither the colour nor the desired weight will be achieved (Fig.93 and 93a). It is
observed that if the stocking density is high or due to higher rate of the decomposition
of muck, the fishes and prawns come up to the surface water engulfing air during
late night and early morning. It is due to the shortage of dissolved oxygen in water
and soon after the sunrise, the fishes and prawns gradually come down to their
respective ecological niche. The fishes and prawns will suffer from the loss of
appetite and starts exhibiting various types of diseases. In such situation the farmer
must take an immediate action and should use oxygen releasing powder or tablets
(750-900gms/acre/meter depth) with about 5kg dry sand to the entire pond, of course,
without premixing the same in water. This will help the cultured fishes to go down
due to the instant supply of oxygen.

Figs. 93 and 93a: Full grown Catla and Rohu

However, if it is found that the surfacing of fishes has become a recurring

problem and there is no other way than to replace the existing stock to some
other ponds at least in part. The reason behind the surfacing of fishes is the
depletion of dissolved oxygen in water. Oxygen in water is primarily a by-product
of “Photosynthesis” generally performed by the phytoplankton in the pond and in
presence of sunlight they produce their own food. All the living organisms of the
pond including phytoplankton during respiration consume this oxygen dissolved in
water. Respiration is a continuous process but photosynthesis is light
dependent. In absence of sunlight there is no photosynthesis. During day time
in presence of sunlight what so ever oxygen is produced, when gets exhausted
there is a massive respiratory trouble to the animals especially the stocked fishes.
They come up to the surface waters (Fig. 45) and starts engulfing air in late night
and early morning, so long the sun is not visible on the sky. Hence there are two
possible ways to solve this problem:
254 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

1) Either supplementary support by aerators or pumps,

2) To reduce the stocking density of the fishes.


In general fishes thrive on the natural food organisms i.e. planktonic, benthic
organisms those develop in the aquasystem itself.The classes of food substances
represented include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, lipids and vitamins. They are of
animal, vegetable and mineral origin (Lagler, 1956).Primary feeding of most
fishes in nature consists of bacteria, diatoms, desmids, unicellular protozoans,
rotifers, microcrustaceans and microscopic plankters. Periphyton and associated
tiny animalcules, forming more or less a slimy coating on bottom materials, on
debries, and on plant stem leaves are also browsed upon.
Schaperclaus (1933) classified the natural food items under three groups:
(a) ‘Main food’, or the natural food which the fish prefers under favourable
conditions and on which it thrives best: Certain microscopic planktonic
crustacean groups and rolifers form the ‘main food’ of spawn and fry (15 to
20mm size range) of the Indian major carps and majority of other culturable
(b) ‘Occasional food’ or the natural food that is well liked and consumed as and
when available, and
(c) ‘Emergency food’ which is ingested when the preferred food items are not
available and on which the fish is just able to survive: Phytoplankton forming
the ‘emergency food’ (Alikunhi, 1952). Spawn and fry with a small and short
straight intestine appear to digest rotifers and cladocerans fairly rapidly and
thrive well on zooplankton. Phytoplanktonic algae are not so easily digested
and, at least, some algal genera (Euglena, Phacus, Eudorina, Oscillatoria,
Microcystis, some filamentous green algae, etc.) remain undigested, and
ejected intact along with faecal matter.
Nikolskii (1963) further divided food of fishes into four categories acording
to the relationship between the fishes and their food. These categories are:
a) ‘Basic food’ which the fish usually consumes, comprising the main part of the
gut contents,
b) ‘Secondary food’ which is frequently found in the guts of fishes, but in small
c) ‘Incidental food’ which only rarely enters the gut unintentionally and
d) ‘Obligatory food’ which the fish consumes in the absence of basic food.
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 255

Adult fishes, according to the character of diet they thrive on, have been
classified into herbivores if they feed on vegetable matter, carnivores, if their
food comprises animal matters and omnivores, if’ they subsist on a mixed diet
composed of both vegetable and animal matter. Hora and Pillay (1962) put
plankton and detritus feeding fish into a separate group, including therein fishes
like Catla catla, Hypopthalonichthys molirrix, Labeo fimbriatus, Cirrhinus
mrigala, C. reba etc., which consume phyto - and zooplankton, decayed
microvegetation and detritus. Nikolskii (1963) grouped fishes into:
1. Herbivores and detrito-phagic, including in the group, species which feed on
vegetable matter and detritus,
2. Carnivores, which feed on invertebrates, and
3. Predators which prey on fish.
Most of the culturable fishes are omnivorous in their feeding habit. Carnivorous
species often behave as predators and vice-versa. Nikolskii (1963) categorised
fishes according to the extent of variation in the types of food consumed by them,
such as:
1. Euryphagic, feeding on a variety of foods;
2. Stenophagic, feeding on a few selected types of food, and
3. Monophagic, feeding on a single type of food.
The feeding behaviour is species - characteristic. Cultured fishes are often
classified according to thc trophic niche they occupy in a water body. Following
this system, fishes have been grouped into:
1. Plankton eating surface feeders, such as Catla catla and Hypopthalmichthys
2. Column or mid-feeders, such as Labeo rohita and
3. Bottom feeders, such as Cirrhinus mrigala, C, reba, Labeo calbasu and
In the bottom feeder category, sand and mud are very common in the guts
along with the detritus. Fishes belonging to surface, column and bottom feeding
categories have been sub-grouped according to character of food they consume
into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores (Das and Moitra, 1955). Feeding habits
of adult fishes vary according to the amount and type of food present in a
particular environment. Food spectrum of fish varies in different seasons, depending
on maturity stages and ‘the quantum of food supply. Herbivores and carnivores
are recorded to show always definite peak periods in feeding, while omnivores
show little variation throughout the year (Das and Moitra, 1956). For any species,
256 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

food habits may change seasonally with the type of food available and vary with
life history stages. Most fishes are omnivorous even in early life, ingesting and
digesting both plant and animal tissues. As fish grow towards adult hood however,
specific adaptations develop and the diet varieties become slightly or highly
restricted. Many fishes remain largely omnivorous throughout life (bluegill sunfishes
and others). A few become plankton feeders at an early stage and remain so
throughout their life, (carps, gizzard shad and paddle fish). Pangasius pangasius
is an omnivore, feeding on a variety of food such as insects, molluscs, crustaceans,
offal etc. (David, 1963) but according to Ramakrishnaiah (1986) the fish showed
a preference to molluscs when they are available. Some become highly herbivorous
(grass carp, ), others carnivorous (Perches, Bhekti etc.are Piscivorous while the
trouts are insectivorous).Cannibalistic (Murrels, Pike, Large mouth bass) fishes
are also common.
In addition to the natural food items what ever is available in the culture
ponds only a small fragment of the farmers use supplementary feed for the

Throughout India, at present there is a tremendous incitement for aquaculture. It
is evident from a survey that about 80% of the fish farmers in our country are
not aware of water and soil quality management so also the feeding management.
It is no denying that who rear cattle in his house do not hesitate twice to serve
food to them, so also in case of poultry and ducks but miraculously enough
majority of fish farmers in our country remain reluctant to feed the fish in his
pond. Nevertheless, to produce quality fish at least in commercial segment,
supplementary feed for the fishes is inevitable.It is needless to mention, up to the
stage of fingerlings state, application of sinking feed does not hold good and to
avoid the wastage, it is recommended to broadcast only mash type of feed with
comparatively higher protein, fat content and at least 3000 kcal energy can
support good growth. It has been estimated that the state West Bengal has more
than 2.80 lakhs ha of fresh water ponds and tanks. Out of these, not even 70%
is utilized for commercial pisciculture. Majority of the fish farmers even now, are
reluctant to understand the necessity of using feed for the farmed animals, since
the fishes are aquatic and do not shout for the food, even they are hungry. Facts
remain; no one will deny that cost of feed in the working capital cost in any
farming operation is about 60% of the total culture cost. Even today, fish farmers
who are not using the processed food due to higher cost and only with the locally
available feed ingredients they prepared the feed what so ever the quantity they
require. This effort even remains to be better and they are also achieving much
more production than those who do not. Earlier, the practice of broadcasting the
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 257

feed ingredients over the ponds, which again very often deteriorate the environment
resulting additional operation cost for rectification of water and soil quality, is also
a question to point out.
The farmers who prefer to feed the fishes with the farm made food, generally
use pelletizer (Fig. 94). Before pelletizing a thorough grinding and pulverizing of
the food ingredients in a fine manner is to be made (Pulverizing), then after
pelletizing, instead of broad casting, use of duly perforated polythene bags which
is otherwise named as feed bags (Fig. 95) are to be hanged at a definite distance
(preferably 6-7meters). To restore the quality of soil and the environment as a
whole, the technique of feeding fishes in bags is scientific since this does not
damage the pond system. The technique of feeding the fishes in feed bags does
not damage the environment at least the soil frequently. In prawns and shrimp
culture however, the importance of supplementary feed has opened a new
dimension in feed quality improvement and marketing.

Fig. 94: Domestic type of pelletizer.

Fig. 95: Feed bags hanging at a definite distance

258 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Ingredients used in formulated aqua feed

Rice bran, Maize Powder, Soya bean, Ground nut oil cake, Flour, Chick-Pea, Fish
Meal and oil, essential vitamins and minerals etc. are the principal components
of the supplemental feed.
To obtain significant growth, irrespective of types (Sinking or floating)
application of formulated feed to be made @ 3-4% from April to September i.e.,
summer to post monsoon months. However, there are many farmers who cannot
afford to buy floating type of feed due to higher cost. The following are the
proximate composition of the ingredints recommended to prepare the feed at the
farm site is given hereunder (Table 54).
Table 54: Carp Feed formulation with locally available ingredients (Quantity for 1MTfeed): Ingredients Kg Protein% Fat% Fibre% EnergyKcal

01 De Oiled Rice Bran 700 14.00 5.4 20.00 2415
02 Ground Nut 100 40.1 12.2 14.0 3018
03 Soyabean Powder 70 44.0 1.5 6.5 3060
04 Maize Powder 75 5.1 8.7 3.9 3326
05 Wheat flour 50 13.9 8.3 13.1 2995
06 Vitamin premix 02
07 Common Salt 03
Total 1000 23.42 7.22 11.5 2962.8

*Proximate values given may vary from place to place.

Fig. 96: Pelletized sinking and globular floating feed for the fishes
Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 259

It has been observed that the food conversion ratio (FCR) of this farm made
fish is good enough and economically feasible. FCR evidently means, the extent
and amount of feed convert into fish flesh. It is experimentally proved in many
parts of the state. The FCR of the feed prepared following above, ranged from
1:1.5 to 1:2.This indicates to produce 1kg of fish the total feed requirement is only
one and half kilogram to two kilogram. This result obviously depends on the
management of the water and soil quality and the good farm management practices.

The importance of binding material of ingredients in

pelletizing fish and prawn feeds
Aquaculture diets can either be pelleted or extruded and these should have
particles of high durability to withstand handling, transportation and be of good
water stability to minimize disintegration and loss of nutrients upon exposure to
water. Farm made fish feed requires good quality binding agents that would go
a long way in stabilizing feed in water and furthermore enhance prolonged feed
floatation time when the floater is trapped or coated within the nutrients. When
a water stable pellet is achieved, there will be almost wholesome delivery and
utilization by the fish. Also, there will be minimum wastage which is of immense
benefit to aquaculture operations in terms of nutrient utilization as compared with
broadcast method. Water stability of feeds can be improved through the use of
binders. Binders are very important since they have a strong effect on the
physical integrity of pelleted feed and the biological availability of nutrients, as it
is evident from ARCL’S AQUA STRONG BOND.

Amount of feed to be given and their application pattern

Aquaculture feed, irrespective of their quality and quantity must have to be given
to the fishes/prawns, not to the water. For this reason, to maintain the congenial
quality of soil beneath the water and the water itself it is imperative to apply feed
in the bag, or to the HDPE plastic sheet measurably lower to the water surface
level.However, it is equally true that hatchlings of fishes and prawns do not
require external feed. After exhausting the yolk food from the fourth day they
start external food, preferably small phyto- and zooplankton. From the early fish
fry and in case of fresh water giant prawn, PL-5 stage they start feeding on the
external food. At this stage broadcasting of Nursery Grade Fish Feed, preferably
the 0-mm and 1.0 mm feed to be broadcasted over the water surface.
260 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fig. 97: Floating feed application within enclosure

Formulation of feed
Easy availability, low cost, high digestibility and high nutrient contents are the
major considerations in selecting the fish feed ingredients for feed formulation
(Table 54). Feed constitute the major, about 60% of the operating cost in un
drainable ponds fish culture and therefore, the objective is to supply essential
nutrients at the minimum possible cost. Formulated feeds may be either a complete
feed with optimum level of all the essential nutrients and energy to provide
complete nutrition or a supplementary feed - a diet basically to supplement
energy and a portion of protein and other essential nutrients. In undrainable pond
culture systems where natural feed are made available by pond fertilization, feed
is required only to supplement the natural feed. The initial step involves surveying
market prices of the locally available feed ingredients (Table-55).
Table 55: A directive of on farm feed preparation technology with locally available
ingredients (Kg/MT of feed) in poly culture. Ingredients** Quantity(Kg) Protein% Fat% Fibre% Energy Kcal

01. De-oiled rice bran 390.00 15.0 1.0 14.4 2174
02. Oiled rice bran 100.00 13.7 5.4 20.0 2146
03. G.N. Cake 150.00 40.1 12.2 14.0 3018
04. Soya powder 100.00 44.0 1.5 6.5 3060
05. Dry fish powder 100.00 44.1 11.0 ———­ 2754
06. Wheat Flour 100.00 13.9 8.3 13.1 2995
07. Maize powder 50.00 5.1 8.7 3.9 3326
08. Vitamin premix 03.00 ———­ ———­ ———­ ————­
09. Aqua Strong Bond* 03.00 ———— ———­ ———— —————
10. Common salt 04.00 ———— ———— ————­ —————
11. TOTAL 1000Kg 31.16 7.68 13.4 2849

* Aqua Strong Bond: it is a certified feed binder from the house of ARCL, Kolkata. **Proximate
values given may vary from place to place and the product quality.
Table 56: Locally available ingredients from plant and animal origin

SL No Ingredients from Plant origin CP CL CF Ash Ca P DL- L- Digestable

Methionin Lysin Energy
K Cal/Kg
1 Musur Dahl 20.2 1.9 6.2 4 ….. …… 0.54 1.4 2273
2 Mung Dahl 26.8 0.9 5.3 5.6 0.22 0.39 0.45 2 2318
3 Rice bran 13.7 5.4 20 18.1 …….. …….. 0.52 0.6 2416
4 De-oiled Rice bran(DORB) 15 1 14.4 18.8 0.64 1.69 0.57 0.6 2174

Management of Nursery, Rearing and Stocking Ponds 261

5 Rice Polish 12.4 17 12 14.1 …….. …….. 0.73 0.8 3154
6 Wheat 13.9 8.3 13.1 4.6 …….. ……… 0.42 0.5 2995
7 Maize Powder 5.1 8.7 3.9 1.1 ……. …….. 0.1 0.1 3326
8 Maize Grain 10.9 5 2.9 3.4 0.02 0.26 0.22 0.3 3118
9 Ground Nut Oil Cake 40.1 12 14 7.8 ……. …….. 0.52 1.4 3018
10 Coconut Oil Cake 18.1 8.9 16.4 4.6 0.21 0.58 0.34 0.5 2960
11 Soybean Oil Cake 47.5 6.4 5.1 6.4 0.13 0.69 1.42 2.9 3009
12 Cotton Seed Oil Cake 47.7 5.4 12.5 6.6 0.22 1.34 1.33 2 3078
13 Sunflower Oil Cake 34.1 14 13.2 6.6 0.3 1.3 1.36 1.2 3394
14 Lin Seed Oil Cake 30.5 6.6 9.5 10.2 0.37 0.96 1.34 1.1 2983
15 Sesame Oil Cake 32.3 14 20.3 11.1 …… …… 1.64 0.9 3055
Ingredients of Animal Origin
1 Bone Meal 36 4 3 49 22 10 0.25 1.7 2000
2 Fish Meal 55.6 12 2.9 21.3 …… …… ……… …….. 3569
3 Fish Waste 44.1 11 ……. 44.9 …… …… ……… ……… 2754
4 Silk worm pupae 77.6 1 4.3 7.3 0.1 1.5 2.95 7.8 3672
(Solvent Extract)
5 Yeast 49.9 1.3 1.5 8.5 0.12 0.51 0.52 0.9 3215

Usually the crude protein level of the supplementary feed is fixed at about at about 5-10% below the dietary protein requirement of the fish to be fed. Vitamin,
minerals and trace elements are added as and when it is required. (CP=Crude protein; CL=Crude lipid; CF=Crude fibre).
262 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Food conversion raio of supplementary feed: The ingredients used to

prepare the supplementary feed can easily be enumerated by the feed conversion
ratio (FCR) of the given feed during culture period. Without any fertilization and
application of supplementary feed the production of a fish pond may achieved
maximum upto 200 – 400kg/ha/year while judicious management of water and
soil quality vis-à-vis application of good quality supplementary feed the production
may boost upto7, 000-11, 000 (or bit more) kg/ha/year.In this circumstances
however, the higher unit productivity though possible but the total cost e.g. aeration
in the cultured pond, cost of the advanced fingerlings, fertlization as and when
required, periodical netting expenses and prophylactics in addition to feed cost
also increases thus increasing productivity of the fishes which have a positive
effect on increased income of the farmer.
The efficiency of a feed is normally measured by the amount necessary to
produce a unit weight of fish. This is referred to as Feed Conversion Ratio
(FCR).The feed conversion ratio is the unit weight of the feed given, divided by
the live weight (or the wet weight) of the fish produced.

Weight of the food given to fishes

FCR = Weight of live (or, wet fish) produced.

For example, to produce, 5, 000(5 mHWULFWonnes) of fishes in a pond where

total amount of supplementary feed as given 7, 000 kg during the entire culture
period, the FCR will be:

It is a convention that the FCR is written as 1.4 which means that 1.4 units
of feed has been utilized by 5000 metric tonnes of fish together. The higher the
value of the FCR, the less efficient the feed is. To explain this, suppose the feed
which has aFCR of 2.5:1 is considered as less efficient than which shows 1.4.

Nalban-the sewage fed pond of East Kolkata Wetland

264 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

It was Lord Bentinck in the year 1830, who first visualized the need of reclamation
of urban development. Disposal of wastes from a city like Kolkata, was a
chronic problem since its establishment.Initially sewage from Kolkata metropolis
was used to be drained into the river Hoogly but subsequently found to be
defective both from the civilian’s general health and the river Hoogly as well. It
was felt necessary to construct a system where from sewage as produced in
Kolkata area should have been carried through a disposal drain since there do
exist much naturally slope towards the east. But the idea did not come to fruition
because of the calculated cost involved in the process. Finally in 1857, the
drainage committee considered Mr. William Clarke’s recommendations for
conveying the city sewage to the eastern part of the city with some modifications
in the levels and escalating the number of pumping stations. In 1891, the Kolkata
Municipal Corporation compelled to extend the drainage system to the far suburbs
to alleviate the sewage and rain water disposal due to high boom of population
vis-à-vis increasing rate of the water supply so as the wastes.
Vegetable production continues in the East Kolkata Wetland area and is
centred in and around Dhapa, with an estimated 320 ha under horticulture producing
370mt ha-1 yr-1 in intensively cropped plots (Bunting et al., 2002). Further
downstream, enhanced productivity of 18, 260 ha of integrated brackish water
rice, fish and shrimp farming over 50 km from the city in the Kulti-Minakhan
areas of the Sundarbans Delta was attributed to irrigation with untreated wastewater
discharged to the Kulti estuary otherwise named as Kulti gong (Naskar 1985;
Bunting et al., 2010).
During 1860’s, sewage fed fish farming was tried to be introduced but the
attempt was not successful in the area.However, it was Mr.Bidhu Bhusan Sarkar
who was very serious and undertook the first formal effort of sewage-fed aqua
farming in 1918.
Later after a century of years in 1945 since 1857 of recommendations of
Mr.Clarke, a decision was taken by the then Government of West Bengal in 1953
to reclaim a part of the northern salt lakes for urban expansion (Bunting et al.,
2010) to support the development of agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture in
the other parts (Ghosh and Sen, 1987).That was probably the first to begin with
the organized farming of fishes in sewage-fed ponds although reports are available
on unorganized approach and fragmentary basis of fish farming in sewage fed
ponds which began since 1930 (Nandeesha, 2002).
This particular system used to carry the city sewage to the south east into
river Bidyadhari, from there into river Matla and finally to Bay of Bengal.Over
the time, within about twenty years or so River Bidyadhari started silting because
of the establishment of the lockgate at Dhapa area which was constructed
Sewage-fed Freshwater Aquaculture 265

principally for the release the city sewage at low tide. Finally the river was
declared as dead.
East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW) is a unique example of innovative recource
reuse system through productive activities.According to Kundu et al., (2008), the
area is stretching over two districts 24-Parganas South and North covering 12,
500 hectares of area and includes around 254 sewage-fed fisheries, agriculture
land, garbage farming fields and some built up area. The resource recovery
system, developed by the local people through ages using waste water from the
city, is the largest in the world and unique of its type. Long back the area was
used as a buffer zone, later the urban waste, both solid garbage and sewage
started to be dumped here. Consequently the sewage fed pisciculture and
agriculture made this area a natural waste recycling region.The waste water
flows through the fish ponds covering about 4000 hactares and the ponds facilitate
a wide range of physical, chemical and biological processes which help improve
the quality of the water and congenial for the fishes to thrive in. Consequently
the wetland system is named as the “Kidney of the City of Joy—the Kolkata”
and has been described as “one of the rare examples of environmental
protection and development management where a complex ecological process
which has been adopted by the local farmers for mastering the resource
recovery activities” by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.In august 2002, the
East KolkataWetlands area has been included in the ‘list’ maintained under the
Ramsar Bureau established under the article 8 of the Ramsar convention that has
given this wetland the recognition of a “Wetland of International
Importance”Kundu et al., (op.cit).

Wetlands are defined as “areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water whether natural
or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh,
brackish or salt including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tides
does not exceed six metres” (This definition is included in the text of Ramsar
Convention, Article 1.1).


Kolkata is persistent by a unique and friendly water regime. To its west flows
the river Hooghly, along the embankment of which the city has grown. About 40
km eastward, there flows the river Kulti-Bidyadhari that carries the drainage to
the Bay of Bengal (Fig.98, 102, 103 and 106). Underneath the city their lies an
abundant reserve of groundwater. Finally, the central to this regime is the vast
wetland area beyond the eastern edge of the city that has been transformed to
use city’s wastewater in fisheries, vegetables and paddy fields. The river side on
west of the Kolkata is still the highest part of the city, sloping gradually away
266 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

from the river towards the east, the original and natural backyard of the city. The
entire drainage and sewage networks of whole Kolkata depends heavily on those
natural networks of low lying waterlogged areas, ponds, bheries, ditches, nullahs
and tidal creeks connecting with estuarine networks of Hoogly Mathla estuarine
complex of Mangrove Ecosystems i.e. the Sunderbans . The uniqueness of East
Kolkata - Wetland networks are used for its water recycling system and in the
development of sewage fed fisheries on 2500 ha of low lying land supplying 20
tones of fishes daily and employing about thousand of peoples. It’s resource
recovery system, developed by local peoples through cooperative societies, provided
employment for a large number of people by way of producing a significant
amount of edible biological components as valuable resources for human
consumption in the form of fishes of various kinds (Sanyal et al., 2015).

Fig. 98: The lockgate of river Kulti.

The East Calcutta Wetlands, also known as the East Kolkata

Wetlands geographically situated at 880 0’E-88035’E and 88025’N and 20035’N,
are a complex of natural and human-made wetlands lying east of the city
of Calcutta (Kolkata) of West Bengal , India. The wetlands cover 125 square
kilometers, and include salt marshes and salt meadows, as well as sewage farms
and settling ponds. The wetlands are used to treat Kolkata’s sewage, and the
nutrients contained in the waste water sustaining fish farms and agriculture.
The name East Calcutta Wetlands was coined by Dr. Dhrubajyoti Ghosh,
Special Advisor (Agricultural Ecosystems), Commission on Ecosystem
Management, IUCN.The East Calcutta Wetlands(EKW) were designated a
“wetland of international importance” under the Ramsar Convention on
August 19, 2002.

The initiation of aquaculture in the past and the present

Around a century ago, a cultivator named Bidu Bhusan Sarkar accidentally
allowed untreated wastewater from Kolkata’s sewage pipes into his fish pond.
Sewage-fed Freshwater Aquaculture 267

Realising what had happened, Mr. Sarkar expected disaster. Instead of killing his
fish however, the water doubled his yields. When fishermen from the surrounding
area came to find out more, they discovered that the combination of sewage in
the water and sunshine broke down the effluent and allowed plankton, which fish
feed on, to grow exponentially. Soon thousands of fish farmers had set up bheris,
or fishponds, across 12, 500 hectares on the eastern fringes of the city.
The wetlands to the east of Kolkata comprises of many water bodies from
north and south 24 Parganas. The hydrological setup of these wetlands is completely
different from any other wetlands in India. There is no catchment for these water
bodies and suspended or balanced aquifer is found to occur below these water
bodies at depth greater than 400 feet. These wetlands are well known over the
world for their multiple uses. The wetlands are manmade and the system of
wastewater treatment is the largest in the world. It has saved the city from
constructing and maintaining a wastewater treatment plant. The wetland comprises
of intertidal marshes including salt marshes, salt meadows with significant waste
water treatment areas like sewage farms, settling ponds and oxidation basins. In
these wetlands a wise use of ecosystem is done whereby 250 million gallons of
sewage of the city and after due treatments via sewage pumping station flows to
these water bodies and is used for traditional fishing and agriculture (Figs.99&99a).

Fig. 99 &99a: Sewage pumping station transferring Kolkata city sewage.

268 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

It is one of the largest multipart of sewage fed fish ponds in the world.
Currently there are about 300 large fish farms and ponds covering a total area
of 3, 500 ha. There do exist some very large ponds with an area of as much as
70 ha and about 13, 000 tonnes of fish and 150 tonnes of vegetables per hectare
per year are produced in these wetlands.
The total area of the East Kolkata Wetlands is 12, 500 ha of which
approximately 45.93 % is the water body and 38.92 % is the agricultural land.
The remaining portion is occupied by urban and rural settlements and sites for
garbage disposal (Kundu et al., 2008).


Fig. 100: Components of sewage.

Fig. 101 &101a: The sewage induced ponds after the treatments of sewage water.
Sewage-fed Freshwater Aquaculture 269

Sewage-fed aquaculture was first initiated in Germany and naturally but

independantly in Kolkta in late 1930’s.Later on, following the model of east
Kolkata Wetlands the use of sewage for pisciculture has also been started in the
states like Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra as well as in the countries
like Poland, Hungary, Israel, Indonesia and Peru.


Currently wastewater with an average daily flow of 1100 MLD (1.1 million m3)
from the inner city of Kolkata, inhabited by approximately 4.5 million people, is
not treated by a conventional sewage treatment plant (STP). An estimated 30–
50% of the sewage from central Kolkata is treated and reused by the fishponds
of the East Kolkata Wetlands (Edwards 2008a).

The two most important threats in these wetlands are that of encroachment due
to urban development and siltation. The constant change of land use pattern has
affected the ecology of these wetlands. Many large pisciculture ponds have been

Fig. 102: Waste water channel in between two grow out ponds.

Fig. 103: Waste water channel.

270 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

converted to paddy fields. The industries in the adjacent areas have made
unauthorized connection to the sewers to empty their untreated wastewater. The
sewers on the other hand empty the water into the channels that later on join the
wetlands. This is causing a deposition of the heavy metals in the canals and
ultimately the quality of fish and vegetables produced in the wetlands is far below
the edible standard.

Fig. 104: Sewage entry point.

Sewage is defined as a cloudy fluid arising out of domestic, municipal and
industrial waste, containing mineral and organic matter in solution or having
particles of solid matter floating, in suspension, or in colloidal and pseudo-colloidal
form in a dispersed state. Sludge differs from sewage in that it is the solid portion
of waste and does not include fecal matter and urine.
The organic and inorganic constituents of sewage waters also contain various
living matters including a variety of bacteria and protozoans.

What does Sewage mean?

● Sewage is waste material that is carried through a sewer from a residence
or an industrial workplace to be dumped or converted to a non-toxic
form. Sewage is more than 99% water, but the remaining material
contains solid material, ions and harmful bacteria. This matter must be
extracted from the water with a filtration process before the sewage can
be released back into a natural water source.
Sewage-fed Freshwater Aquaculture 271

Sewage and waste water

Wastes have been rightly referred to as resources out of place (Jana, 1998).
Domestic households, industrial and agricultural practices produce waste water
that can cause pollution of many lakes and rivers.
● Sewage is the term used for waste water that often contains fecal matters,
urine and laundry waste.
● There are billions of people on Earth, so treating sewage is a big priority.
● Sewage disposal is a major problem in developing countries as many people
in these areas don’t have access to sanitary conditions and clean water.
● Untreated sewage water in such areas can contaminate the environment and
cause diseases such as diarrhea.
● Sewage in developed countries is carried away from the home quickly and
hygienically through sewage pipes.
● Sewage is treated in water treatment plants and the waste is often disposed
into the sea.
● Sewage is mainly biodegradable and most of it is broken down in the
● In developed countries, sewage often causes problems when people flush
chemical and pharmaceutical substances down the toilet. When people are ill,
sewage often carries harmful viruses and bacteria into the environment
causing health problems.

Sewage and its characteristics

The term sewage is used loosely to include the combined liquid waste discharges
of domestic and Industrial sources within a given area. It is a cloudy liquid having
minerals and organic matter in solution, colloidal form and solids floating as
suspension.It contains about 90-99% water. It also contains bacteria and protozoa.
It is rich in phosphorus (1-14 mg/l) and nitrogen (18-120%). It contains traces
of heavy metals such as zinc, copper, chromium, Manganese, nickel and lead.
The BOD and COD of the sewage are very high. The direct use of raw sewage
is detrimental to fish because of its high BOD, low DO, High CO2, high levels
of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and bacterial and organic load.

Composition of sewage
Sewage may vary considerably in composition and strength from place to place
owing to marked differences in the dietary habit of the people, composition of
trade waste and water consumption. The strength of sewage is determined by
272 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

the amount of O2 required to oxidize completely the organic matter and ammonia
present in it.
There is also a variation in composition between between domestic and
industrial sewage (Fig.100), the later containing more pollutants in terms of heavy
metals and bacterial load and other toxic ingredients.While the sewage is very
rich in anaerobes when it is raw but gradually transforms to an enriched freshwater
when undergoes treatment.Sewage contains living matter especially bacteria and
protozoa.The water content of sewage may be 99% the rest being the solid
matters.The C:N ratio of domestic sewage is around 3:1, while the industrial
sewage may contain more organic carbon and hence may have a higher C:N
ratio. Nitrogen in sewage is present partly as organically bound element and
partly as ammoniacal nitrogen. Following are the common characteristics of
Kolkata City sewage:

Table 57: Common characteristic features of Kolkata sewage waters.

Parameters Values or Range

pH 6.8-7.8
Carbon-di-Oxide(C02) 10-140ppm
Dissolved O2 Almost zero
Toltal Alkalinity 170-490ppm
Nitrate-Nitrogen(NO3-N) 0.1-0.6ppm
Nitrite- Nitrogen (NO2-N) 0 - 0.08 ppm
Free Ammoniacal-Nitrogen(NH4-N) 12-63.6ppm
Albuminoid ammonium- Nitrogen 1.1-16ppm
Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD) 100-500ppm
Phosphate-phosphorus(asP205) 0.12-14.5ppm
Suspended Solids(SS) 160-420ppm
Settleable solids 1.6 - 2.8 ppm,
Organic Carbon 24-88.8ppm

Gases like CO2, H2S, and NH3 etc. are in dissolved state. The raw sewage
is detrimental to fish and to make it suitable for aquaculture or for usual
disposal to the river, treatment is necessary.
Problems related to sewage fed culture system
● Accumulation of silt and high organic matter at the pond bottom.
● Incidence of parasites and fish diseases.
● Possibilities of pathogens being transferred to humans.
● Accumulation of heavy metals in the system.
Sewage-fed Freshwater Aquaculture 273


The raw sewage needs to be treated before using in fish ponds.
Mechanical, chemical and biological treatments are the three steps involved
in treatment of raw sewage.

Mechanical Treatment
This step is required to remove suspended and floating solids from the raw
sewage. The solids are removed first by using screens and then by skimming.
Finally they are removed by sedimentation. The mechanical treatment is comprised
(a) The screening of sewage water and use of filtration devices
(b) Skimming of floating matters which is lighter than sewage water, and
(c) Sedimentation of suspended solids which are heavier than the sewage water.

Fig. 105: Sedimentation pond

Chemical treatment: Chemical treatment of raw sewage involves steps

such as coagulation/chemical precipitation, deodorization, disinfection and
Biological treatment: The process of biological treatment of sewage is still
not understood very clearly but it is a simple bacterial decomposition process
which includes natural bacterial activity for the oxidation of organic matter. The
treated sewage can then be used for fish culture after suitable dilution with
freshwater. Bacteria may be aerobic, anaerobic or facultative. Aerobic bacteria
require oxygen for life support where as anaerobes can sustain life without
oxygen. Facultative bacteria have the capability of living either in the presence
or in the absence of oxygen. In the typical sewage treatment plant, oxygen is
274 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

added to improve the functioning of aerobic bacteria and to assist them in

maintaining superiority over the an anaerobes. Agitation, settling, pH and other
controllable are carefully considered as a means of maximizing the potential of
bacterial reduction of organic in the wastewater.

1. Primary management: This is mostly the physical removal of solids by
mechanical means. The solid material is removed by screening (for larger
coarse particles), skimming (for floating solids) and sedimentation (for
suspended particles whose density is greater than that of liquid) techniques.
2. Secondary management: Soluble organic and inorganic matter, namely the
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, hydrocarbons and other nitrogenous materials
which are degraded mostly biologically, using microorganisms into the smaller
constituents i.e. CO2, H2O, NO3, NO2, SO4, PO4 etc.which can be easily
disposed. Sometime chemical and physical removal of substances is combined
with this to increase the effectiveness. There are three basic methods for
secondary treatments: activated sludge (flocculation), biological filtration and
waste stabilization (in oxidation ponds). In the activated sludge or flocculation
process, the sewage is aerated by diffused air or by mechanical means. The
activated sludge (or biological floc) contains the microorganisms that remove
the soluble and insoluble organic matter in the sewage by a combination of
adsorption and oxidation or assimilation. Aeration supplies the sludge
microorganisms with oxygen and keeps the floc in suspension. After a suitable
contact time (1-20hrs) the sludge is separated from the sewage effluent in
a settling tank. Some of the settled sludge is returned for aeration along with
new sewage but most of it is treated separately in a sludge treatment plant.

The function of sedimentation is to remove suspended solids from sewage to the
maximum possible extent. It is done by letting sewage into a pond/tank at a high
velocity of flow (Fig. 99 and 99b). Sedimentation results due to sudden drop in
velocity when sewage enters a large pond from sewage channel (DWF, Fig.102)
Sedimentation is best carried out by in two successive stages i.e. primary and
secondary.The primary stage is intended to settle down most of the heavier solids
while the secondary stages serves two purposes: (a). Provision of additional
period to help to mix and homogenize variations in the flow, and (b). Promotion
of natural purification process.
Sewage-fed Freshwater Aquaculture 275

It has been estimated that about 33% BOD is got rid of by sedimentation
process, which may affect with 90% settlement of suspendedsolids and about
25% reduction in albuminoid ammonia.

Fig. 106: The Dry Weather Flow canal.


Before introduction of sewage into any fishery its dilution by freshwater should
be so effected that a positive dissolved oxygen balance (1:1 or 1:2) is maintained
and the concentration of unwholesome or objectionable ingredients such as CO2,
H2S, NH3 etc. kept below lethal limit. The oxygen required for biochemical
reaction is obtained from fresh water used for dilution and through green algae,
and other vegetation in the water body. Sewage is stored here for few days.
During storage, the biological processes carried out by microorganisms present
in the raw sewage oxidize it.
Use of oxidation ponds (waste stabilization ponds) for sewage-fed fish culture
has been suggested by several workers. The term waste stabilization ponds is
applied to a body of water artificial or natural employed with the intention of
retaining sewage or organic waters until wastes are rendered inoffensive for
discharge into receiving waters or on land through physical, chemical and biological
process (self-purification). This pond is suitable in India because of plentiful of
sunshine.These are also cheap to construct and easy to operate. Organic matter
contained in the waste is stabilized and converted in the pond into more stable
matter in the form of algal cell, which find their way into the effluent. These
ponds are of three types:
i) Anaerobic ponds: It is pretreatment digester and requires no dissolved
oxygen. These are designed to take on higher organic loading so that anaerobic
276 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

condition prevailed throughout the pond. Such ponds are 2.5 – 3.7 m deep.
End products are CH4, H2S, and NH3.
ii) Aerobic ponds: These are shallow, having a depth of 0.3m or less, so
designed that growth of algae through photosynthetic action is maximized.
Waste material is stabilized through microorganisms only and aerobic condition
is always maintained. End products are CO2, H2O, NO3, SO4, PO4 etc.
iii) Facultative ponds: These are 0.9 – 1.5 m deep and are aerobic during day
hours as well as for some hours at night. Only for few remaining hours of
night, bottom layer become anaerobic. Aerobic, anaerobic and facultative
may all be found in a facultative pond. In India, most of the waste stabilization
ponds are of facultative type. The village ponds and natural depressions in
rural areas are example of waste stabilization ponds.
A conventional oxidation pond retains the settled sewage at a depth of 1 to
2 m (facultative ponds) for a period of 25 to 30 days. This pond contains the
algal-bacterial cultures, which oxidizes the organic matter into CO2, H2O, H2S,
NH3 and other decomposition products that are used asnutrients (e.g. NO3, SO4,
PO4). If this type of ponds are designed well and operated effectively, well over
90% of the BOD is removed and the micro flora is much reduced.

Conventional methods of fish culture

The fish farmers of Kolkata operating sewage-fed fisheries however, generally
use raw sewage, relying on intuition and experience for regulating its application.
This practice is not only unhygienic but also harmful since the sedimented organic
matter besides raising the bed level of pond being highly oxidisable in character
may undergo decomposition and cause negative oxygen balance causes mortality.
But sewage partly or fully decomposed contains a high percentage of nitrogen,
phosphorus, Ca, K etc. These nutrients together with adequate alkalinity contribute
largely to high productivity in sewage water and for this reason fertilization of
fish pond is sometimes carried out with raw sewage. Sewage fed ponds are used
for raising seeds of Carps and Tilapia and also culturing them to table size. For
raising carp seed, ponds are dewatered completely during summer to remove all
the carnivorous and weed fishes. When complete dewatering is not possible
treatment with mohua oil cake or other similar fish toxicants is used. Initial
fertilization of pond is done with the introduction of fresh sewage effluent, which
is taken into the pond up to 90 cm. Following this, the ponds show extreme
diurnal fluctuation of dissolved oxygen ranging from super saturation stage at day
time to serious depletion in night. However, due to dilution and natural putrefaction
process, the wide fluctuation of dissolved oxygen is minimized within a month and
Sewage-fed Freshwater Aquaculture 277

the pond rendered suitable for stocking and rearing fish seed. The stocking
density in such pond varies from 70.000 to 1,50,000 perha. The density is depended
mostly on the size of the spawn or fry. An experimental pond of 0.11 ha at
Khardah, West Bengal, having a density of 60, 000 fry/ha with the ratio of the
Table 58: The size of the fishes after 25days of stocking.

Types Stock% Initial length Initial wt. Final length Final wt.
Catla 40% 72 mm 6gm 133mm 30gm
Rohu 6% 72 mm 5gm 147mm 37gm
Mrigal 45% 74 mm 4gm 126mm 24gm
Common Carp 9% 54 mm 3gm 135mm 50gm

After 25 days when they attained the above-mentioned sizes, were transferred
to a bigger stocking pond @ 10000/ha. This pond needed the additional fertilization,
which was carried out every month with sewage effluent in small doses. For
raising the juveniles, stocking pond was fertilized with raw sewage @ 45, 00,
000 lit/ha. Production in stocking pond was recorded 2500 kg to 3000 kg/ha. It
was reported that at a stocking density of 50000 fingerlings/ha at ratio of Rohu,
Catla, Mrigal =1:2:1 gave a production of 7076 Kg/ha in 7 months.
For raising Tilapia seed more or less the same techniques as that of carp
seed are adopted. However, instead of Tilapia spawn/fry, adult Tilapia of both
sexes is stocked together in the ratio of 6 males: 4 females at about 20, 000/ha.
They bred profusely in the pond. The harvesting of fingerlings is initiated two
months after stocking of adults and is continued periodically either fortnightly or
monthly depending on the density of harvestable size tilapia. Normally 30 – 40
gms tilapia are harvested. Under this system of culture a production as high as
8 – 10 tons/ha/year were obtained by CICFRI.


The sewage fed ponds are locally known as bheries. These are the ponds of
different sizes, which can be as big as 40 ha. The ponds are shallow with a depth
ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 m. Generally the culture practice includes five phases:
1. Pond preparation.
2. Primary fertilization.
3. Fish stocking.
4. Secondary fertilization (Periodic)
5. Harvesting of fish.
278 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Pond Preparation
Pond preparation is undertaken generally in winter (Nov – Feb) when the fish
growth is reported slowest. Ponds are drained, desilted, tilled and dried in sun.
The pond dikes are consolidated. Silt traps (perimeter canal along the dikes) 2­
3 meter wide and 30-40 cm. deep are dug, as they get filled during regular
harvesting of fishes. Aquatic weeds as water hyacinth (Eichhornia) is grown
along the pond dikes, which save the dikes from wave, and give shelter to fishes
against high temperature and poaching and above all it extracts heavy metals
from the sewage, supplies oxygen by photosynthetic activity. The bamboo sluice
gate is repaired which helps to prevent the entry of unwanted fishes and escape
of cultured fishes.

Primary fertilization
After pond preparation, sewage is passed in to the pond from the feeder canal
through bamboo sluice. It is left to stabilize for 15 – 20 days. The self-purification
of sewage takes place inpresence of atmospheric oxygen and sunlight. When the
water turns green due to photosynthetic activity, the pond is considered ready for

Species cultured
Although both Indian and exotic carps are grown, farmers have specific preference
for the Indian carps, namely catla (Catla catla), rohu (Labeo rohita), mrigal
(Cirrhinus mrigala) and bata (Labeo bata) with bulk of the stocking consisting
of mrigal. Exotic fish like silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), grass
carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are
stocked as a small percentage. However, the popularity of tilapias (Oreochromis
niloticus and O. mossambicus) is increasing and they constitute 5-30% of the
species stocked in different farms. There is also a tendency for some farmers
to stock Pangasius hypophthalmus to control molluscan populations and some
are attempting to culture high value species like giant freshwater prawn,
Macrobrachium rosenbergii.
The following Table 59 depicts the abundance of fishes generally found in the
East Kolkata Wetland areas (Partly modified from Kundu et al., 2008).

Rotational cropping system

Farmers have evolved culture systems that are responsive to market demand.
Fish are stocked and harvested throughout the culture period leading to periodical
Sewage-fed Freshwater Aquaculture 279

Table 59: The abundance of fishes in East Kolkata Wetlands. Scientific name of the fish Local name of the fish Abundance
01. Catla catla Katla Common
02. Labeo rohita Rui Common
03. Cirrihinus mrigala Mrigel Common
04. Labeo bata Bata Common
05. Labeo calbasu Kalbaus Rare
06. Hypopthalmichthys molitrix Silver carp Sporadic
07. Ctenopharyngodon idella Grass carp Rare
08. Aristichthys nobilis Bighead carp Common
09. Oreochromis mossambica Tilapia Common
10. Oreochromis niloticus Nilotica Common
11. Cyprinus carpio Cyprinus Common
12. Lates calcarifer Bhetki Rare
13. Liza parsia Parshey Rare
14. Puntius ticto Punti Rare
15. Puntius javonicus Japani punti Rare
17. Amblypharyngodon mola Mourala Rare
18. Glossogobius guiris Beley Sporadic
19. Apocheilus panchax Techokha Common
20. Mystus vittatus Tyangra Rare
21. M.gulio Nona tyangra Sporadic
22. Channa striatus Shole Rare
23. C. gachua Chang Rare
24. Clarias batrachus Desi Magur Rare
25. C.garipinus African magur Rare
26. Heteropneustes fossilis Singhi Rare
27. Anguiliformis sp. Pankal Sporadic
28. M.armatus Baan Sporadic
29. Pisodonophis cancrivorus Kucho Rare
30. Chanda nama Chanda Rare
31. Chanda ranga Ranga chanda Rare
32. Notopterus notopterus Folui Rare
33. Anabas testudineus Koi Sporadic
34. Badis badis Banda Rare
280 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

stocking and regular harvest. In larger ponds, harvesting takes place continuously
for almost fifteen days in a month. After completion of one cycle of harvest in
a large pond, fishes are restocked at the rate of one kg of fingerlings for every
five kg of fish harvested. After restocking, fishes are left undisturbed for the
subsequent fortnight and harvesting will start again after that period. Drag nets
are commonly used for harvesting fishes through an encircling technique. However,
for the bottom burrowing and difficult to catch species like common carp and
tilapia, encircling with the net and hand picking are adopted as common techniques.
There are specialized people to harvest fishes using these strategies.

Fig. 107: Harvesting of fishes. Fig. 108: Segregation of harvestedfishes.

Fig. 109: Transport of fishes from the Fig. 110: Eichhornia cressipes lined to
bheri to the market. protect the dyke from erosion.


Aquatic weeds like water hyacinth are grown along pond dikes of larger ponds
to break waves and prevent damage to dykes (Fig.110). In addition, these weeded
areas, provide shelter to fish when the temperature rises, prevent poaching of
fishes to some degree and most importantly serve as filters to extract nutrients
and metals from the system. When these weeds grow in excess, they are
periodically harvested and decomposed in the pond to enhance fertility of water.
Surrounding these large ponds, silt traps 2-3 m wide and 30-40 cm deep are dug.
These get filled with regular harvesting of fishes. Farmers restrict themselves to
Sewage-fed Freshwater Aquaculture 281

cleaning of these silt traps instead of digging the entire pond. Silt rich in nutrients
is used for various purposes, including strengthening of dykes.
The uniqueness that the East Kolkata Wetlands deserves proper conservation
and management measures including the following:
1. Proper management of the wetlands complying the Ramsar Convention
2. Conservation of biodiversity and,
3. Improvement of livelihood of local people

A successful aquaculture depends on the quality of soil, water, seed, feed and a
skillful Fish health (disease) management practice.The term fish health management
eventually means the technique of preventing fish disease.It is no exaggeration
that once fish get unwell it is very difficult to recover them.

What is a disease any way?

A disease is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or
function, that affects part or all of an organism.
Aquaculture and fisheries is beset with disease problems resulting from its
intensification and commercialization. Fish diseases have been classified according
to their cause and general aspects of their etiology, epizootology (the character,
ecology, and causes of outbreaks of animal diseases)and epidemiology
(analysis of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions
in a defined population).The physiological conditions of fish and their entire
environment play an important role is connected with the course of diseases. Fish
diseases are broadly classified into pathogenic and nonpathogenic diseases.
Pathogenic diseases are virus, bacteria, fungi, protozoans, parasitic, crustaceans,
helminthes and other parasites, Non-pathogenic diseases are hereditary, ecological,
tumors, environmental and vitamin disturbances. The highest importance is given
to fish diseases which are highly contagious (Pathogenic). The host pathogen
relationship generally undergoes several stages of development. The incubation
period is when the pathogen multiplies, but the host does not yet show any signs
Fish Health Management 283

of diseases. The incubation period may range from a day or two for virulent
pathogens, to prolonged periods of several months.
Aquaculture has a long history, originating at least in the year 475 B.C. in China,
but became important in the late nineteen-forties, since the methods of aquaculture
could be used to restock the waters as a complement to natural spawning.
Nowadays, aquaculture is a lucrative industry. However, the intensification of
aquaculture practices requires cultivation at high densities, which has caused
significant damage to the environment due to discharges of concentrated organic
wastes, that deplete dissolved oxygen in ponds, giving rise to toxic metabolites
(such as hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia, and nitrites), that often are
responsible for mortality. Additionally, aquaculture has appropriated of water
bodies used for recreational purpose, and sometimes makes water’s waste because
this natural resource is not reused in extensive aquaculture systems. Moreover,
under these conditions of intensive production, aquatic species are subjected to
high-stress conditions, increasing the incidence of diseases and causing a decrease
in productivity.
Outbreaks of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections have caused devastating
economic losses worldwide, that is, China reported disease-associated losses
of $750 million in 1993, while India reported $210 million losses from 1995
to 1996.
Added to this, significant stock mortality has been reported due to poor
environmental conditions on farms, unbalanced nutrition, generation of toxins, and
genetic factors. In recent decades, prevention and control of animal diseases has
focused on the use of chemical additives and veterinary medicines, especially
antibiotics, which generate significant risks to public health by promoting the
selection, propagation, and persistence of bacterial-resistant strains.
Most of the diseases encountered in fishes and prawns are principally due
to the quality deterioration (pollution) of water and soil as well as faulty (unscientific)
farm management practices. Besides, subject to the fluctuation of air and water
temperature there is a marked variation of depth of water in the ponds and tanks.
The significant increase in the pathogenic organisms due to the decomposition of
organic matters in the perennial ponds especially where the drying of pond water
is not possible at least once in a couple of years. As a result fishes do suffer due
to some of the infectious diseases. The epidemics sometime incur severe financial
loss to the farmers. It is also true in case of Faulty Management Practices
284 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Regular monitoring of fish/prawn health is an effective way to identify causes

of disease and appropriate treatments. One major cause of serious fish/prawn
mortalities is overlooking the contagiousness of fìsh diseases and thus delaying
treatment. As such, adequate care and treatment should be given to infected fish
It is no denying that successful fish health management starts with the
prevention of disease rather than to treat it.Prevention of fish disease is
accomplished through good management practice of better water and soil qualities,
fish nutrition management and sanitation. These are the foundation related to
successful aquaculture without which it is absolutely impossible to prevent various
diseases.The fish is constantly merged to its surrounding water and are exposed
to various types of potential pathogens which includes bacteria, fungi and variety
of parasites.Even use of various sterilization technologies viz. ultraviolet sterilizers,
ozonation etc.can not eliminate all potential pathogens from the environment
(Francis-Floyd, 2005).Suboptimal water quality, poor nutrition, or immune system
suppression generally associated with stressful conditions allow these potential
pathogens to cause disease.
Visit to the culture systems (ponds, tanks, large water bodies etc.) at least
once a day and subsequent observations on the fish behavior, feeding activity
etc.allows early detection of problems when they do occur so that a diagnosis
can be made before the majority of the population becomes sick. If treatment is
indicated, it will be most successful when implemented early in the course of
disease at the same time as the fish are still in a good shape.
The poikilothermic nature of the fishes allow them to adjust with the diurnal
changes of the environment continually and acclimate themselves with the changing
environment. When these changes go beyond toleration fishes suffer from general
adative syndrome (GAS) (Pal and Ghosh, 1990).The general adaptive syndrome
has three phases:
1) An alarm reaction,
2) A stage of resistance (when the fish tries hard to adapt itself with the
changed situation), and
3) Finally a stage of exhaustion (ultimately leading to the death) if it is not
recovered from the long lasting stressful environment (Pal and Ghosh, 1990).
It will be wise to discuss and define stress of fishes:
Fish Health Management 285

Brett (1958) while defining the stress of fish pointed out that “Stress is a
state produced by environmental or other factors which extends the adaptive
responses of an animal beyond the normal range or which disturns the
normal functioning to such an extent that, in either case, the chances of
survival are significantly reduced”.Management practices directed at limiting
stress are likely to be most effective in preventing disease outbreak.

286 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

The disease is a simple association between a pathogen and a host fish.

Fig. 111: Host-Pathogen-Environment relation for the outbreak of disease.

Three factors must be considered in any fish disease investigation. These are
the susceptible host, the virulent pathogen, and the environment in which they
encounter one another. Even though all three may be present, a host and pathogen
may interact without resultant disease. However, if a disturbance in any of the
three factors disrupts the relationship, disease can appear and spread.
Both fish and its pathogen maintain equilibrium during their existence in a
common environment.But sudden a minute change in the environment can break
this condition when either fish or pathogen gets an upperhand. If the environment
is more congenial for fish then it grows better; when the reverse is true then the
pathogen causes harm to fish making it ill.This may be either in subclinical or in
clinical level. Most of chronic cases remain in subclinical stages for a considerable
period where as the acute cases are easy to detect by clinical signs (Pal and
Ghosh, 1990).

a. The consequence of fish disease to aquaculture: The occurrence of
disease in the fishes very often incurr substantial financial loss to the
aquaculture farmers. This includes the loss in the dead fish, cost of treatment
and decreased growth during convalescence.Disease is infrequently a straight
forward relationship between a pathogen and a host fish (Fig.111).
b. Classification of diseases of fishes
Fish disease can be grouped into five different categories:
1. Diseases of fish and the environmental stress
Fish Health Management 287

2. Diseases of fish caused by varios pathogen

3. Nutritional problems also are responsible for various fish diseases
4. Faulty managerial Practices may cause various fish diseases and,
5. Congenital fish diseases.


The most noticeable indication of sickness is the presence of dead or dying of
the fishes in water.However, the careful observer can usually tell that fish are
sick before they start dying because sick fish often stop feeding and may appear
lethargic.Healthy fish should eat aggressively if fed regularly at scheduled times.
Pond fish should not be visible except at feeding time.Fish those are hanging
lethargically in shallow water, gasping at the surface, or rubbing any hard objects,
splasing water whirling on the water surface, loss of apetite(avoid feed), vertical
hanging etc. indicate some thing has gone wrong. These behavioral abnormalities
indicate that the fish are not feeling well or that something is irritating them. The
above mentioned symptoms or abnormal behaviours are the fore-runners of any
disease outbreak (Pal and Ghose, 1990).
Essentially the stress compels the fish to maintain its homeostasis as defined
by Claud Bernard (1813-1878) as maintenance of physiologiocal condition within
narrow limits of an organism. The maintenance of homeostasis under stressful
condition can be well recognized by two adaptive reactions:
I. Reactions during primary stress: Fishes suffering from primary stress
exhibit increasing plasma and increased level of corticosteroids in blood
II. Reactions during secondary stress: During secondary stress fishes exhibit
the following physiological changes:
a. Increased blood pressure and heart beat rate which may be ascertained
by the increased movement of the operculum.
b. Increased level of blood sugar and lactate.
c. Increased number of thrombocytes in the blood.
d. Increased level of liver glycogen in liver.
e. Decreased number of white blood corpuscles.
f. Decreased level of serum protein and blood chloride.
g. Decreased inflammatory response.
288 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

h. Immuno-suppression and changes in mucus productionwhic is reflected

by almost loosing defence mechanism.

What is mass mortality of fish?

An event where large numbers of fish die, indicating a problem in the body of
water. Fish kills can be caused by a variety of factors including dissolved oxygen
depletion, extreme water temperatures, fish diseases or introduction of pollutants.
Most fish kills are natural events.

What to do if mass mortality of fish is observed

Once dying fish are observed it is usually too late to stop a fish kill. The
concerned farmers may observe abnormally high fish mortalities after excessive
atmospheric and water temperature followed by sudden fall might be due to high
undesirable gas which has accumulated under water column, force the fishes
surfacing and gulping air. During summer (2-3 months, April, May and June),
which is prevalent in Indian condition the farmer should apply Allumino-silicate
powder (Zeolite) at least once in every fortnight @15-20kg/acre which will help
adsorbing the gases like ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and sulfer di oxide etc.
which accumulate at the soil-water inreface.
During winter months various pathogens viz. bacteria and fungi etc. become
very active and starts proliferating over the fish causing infections ensuing diseases
like gill rot, fin rot, tail rot, eye diseases, epizootic ulcerative disease syndrome
etc. and the resultant is heavy mortality of fishes. Judicious stocking management
of the fishes, application of sterilized feed followed by quality anti antimicrobials
like Gentamycin based medicines coupled with antifungal agents like chelated
forms of copper atleast once in a month (as per the suggestions of aquaculture
technicians) must be made to avoid mass scale mortality.
Immediately after monsoon there remains every possibility of increasing the
population of exoparasites in aquatic systems atleast where there are organic
enrichments. The parasites possess a definite position in animal kingdom, due to
their adaptation and damaging activities. The normal growth is affected by parasite
that lives on the fish if highly infested. Ectoparasites not only harm the fish
directly but also render the fish for grown, reduce host population and induce
mortalities (Piasecki et al., 2004).
High stocking density demands higher nutritional supply in the form of
supplementary feed either pelleted sinking or floating types. The emergence of
Fish Health Management 289

crustacean exoparasites viz. Argulus, Ergasilus and Lernea are very common in
tropical water bodies.


The environmental factors play a crucial role in disrupting the balance between
the host and the pathogen (Pillay, 1990).Following are the environmental variables
which sometimes incur serious stress among the fishes, and these are as indicated
by Pal and Ghosh (1990):

Table 57: Environmental stress and symptoms of fishes.

Environmental Stress Symptoms

1. Raising or drop of water temperature. 1. Indian Major Carps can acclimatize themselves
between 10 and 400C. But when it cross the
limit the fishes suffer from general Gas
Adaptive Syndrome (GAS).
2. Super saturation of oxygen in water. 2. Accumulation of gas bubbles within the
Phytoplankton bloom may cause super body cavity of fish spawn. Smaller fishes
saturation of oxygen (Gas Bubble mainly fry stage die during mid-day or
Disease, GBD), generally in the nursery late afternoon.
ponds. GBD are noticed under the skin,
in the fins, tail and mouth and inturn
gas embolism in the circulatory syste
3. Depletion of oxygen in pond waters due 3. Surfacing and gasping air on the water
to raising of temperature. surface are the symptoms of depletion of
oxygen. During this phase the dead fish’s
showshows their mouth wideopen and
the gills look pale.
4. Excess carbon-di-oxide followed by 4. Fishes secrete more mucous from their
raising of pH of water. gills and body surface when both
carbon-di-oxide and pH is high in pond
5. Raising of nitrogenous wastes and 5. Gills look dark red due to formation of
ammonia in aquatic environs. methaloglobin.
6. Excessive generation of Hydrogen 6. Rotten egg smell from the pond muck.
sulphide. The fishes generally found in the
benthic region shows early death.
7. Eutrophication due to organic 7. Instead of light green colour of the pond
enrichment. water when the same turns pea soup
green or, excessive green due to the
development of blue-green algae.

[Table Contd.
290 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Contd. Table]

Environmental Stress Symptoms

8. Organochlorine or organophoshate 8. Blood vascular system of fish generally
pesticide contamination in pond waters. rupture. Oozing out of blood from eyes
and or other outlets. Dropping of scales,
pectoral fins followed by erratic
movement though very sluggishly.

Pillay (1993) pointed out that the minimum water quality standards necessary
to maintain congenial fish health are:
Table 58: Minimum water quality standars for maintaining good fish health.

Parameters Values / range / tolerance level(ppm) except pH

Dissolved oxygen 5.0
pH range 6.7-8.6 (extremes6.0-9.0)
Free total CO2 3.0(or less)
Ammonia 0.02 (or less)
Alkalinity At least 20.0 (as CaCO3)
Chlorine 0.003
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) 0.001
Nitrite(NO2) 100ppb (in soft water), 200ppb (in hard water)
TSS(Total suspended solid) 80.0 (or less)

Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and also there are many botanicals exert
profound adverse effect even mortality of fishes.The maximum permissible limits
of tolerance has been worked out by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency,
USA and is depicted in Table-59:
Geosmin produced by actinomycetes and a number of blue-green algae
belonging to various species of the genus Oscillatoria very often generate off
flavor in fishes and the water body as well. All these organism grow on the soil-
water interface, decompose, causing reduction of the mud. This off flavor
phenomenon may seriously affect the economics of culture.
Another source of off-flavour in fish is industrial wastes. The odour and taste
of these wastes are usually concentrated in the fat deposits of the fish’s body.
The most important chemicals that impart off-flavour are phenols, tars and mineral
oils. Chlorinated phenols, such as o-chlorophenol and p-chlorophenol, impart a
distinct flavor to carp even in low concentrations of 0.015 and 0.06 mg/l. respectively
(Pillay, 1993).
Fish Health Management 291

Table 59: Maximum permissible pesticides concentrations which may be tolerated by fish

Pesticide Concentration
Organochlorine Pesticides:
Aldrin 0.01
DDT 0.003
Dieldrin 0.005
Chlordane 0.004
Endrin 0.003
Lindane 0.02
Tozaphene 0.01
Organophosphate insecticides
Diszinon 0.002
Dursban 0.001
Malathion 0.008
Parathion 0.001
TEPP 0.3
Carbamate insecticides
Caebary 0.02
Zectran 0.1
Herbicides, fungicides and defoliants
Aminotriazole 300.0
Diquat 0.5
Diuron 1.5
2.4-D 4.0
Silvex 2.0
Simazine 10.0
Pyrethrum 0.01
Rotenone 10.0


Biological agents are probably the most common cause of disease initiation and
are the primary focus of attention in infectious diseases. Potential pathogens
coexist in the same environment which includes bacteria, fungus, viruses,
protozoans and parasites in the same environment and so also the worms.. In
fact, the combination of one or more of these pathogens is the most common
292 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

cause of disease outbreak and can increase disease dispersion among fresh
water prawn, shrimp and fish.Fresh water prawns and fish become ill and die
from diseases when they are exposed to pathogens in an aggressive way, in
which their natural defenses, potentially already weakened by intensive rearing
conditions and/or abrupt changes in environmental factors, are not able to cope
with the aggressiveness of this exposure.
Penetration into the host is the first step for a microbial agent to multiply and
invade the vital organs of the host fish. This normally happens through the
ingestion by rupturing the skin, gill lamellae and play a decisive role on the
virulence of the microbe. The skin when infected invites fungus as secondary
invadors and may become numerous enough to weaken the fish (Pillay, 1993).
However, it is needless to say like all other animals, the fishes too, shows a
distinct defensive mechanism against its pathogens. Firstly, the body of a fish is
covered with the scales and the skin secrets a lot of mucous to drive away the
pathgens surrounding it and even when the immune system may, including the
phage cells can also acts against them.Secondly, the anterior part of the alimentary
canal is acidic in nature while the rest is alkaline and in this course the pathogen
has to thrive against these two type of environment, and it is very uncertain
whether they can thrive.

a. Bacterial diseases
There are several bacterial diseases of cultured fin fishes and sometimes they
appear in association with fungal diseases, as secondary infections. Bacterial
diseases have worldwide distribution and occur in both tropical and temperate
conditions (Pillay, 1990).
Myxobacters cause tail and fin rot disease. Aeromonas spp.and Pseudomonas
spp. very often cause the following diseases:
i) Cataract in both the eyes, in any kind of fish,
ii) Staphyllococcus causes blindness especially in the snake head fishes,
iii) Putrification and loss of barbels together with tail rot and ulcers, especially
in the catfishes,
iv) Accumulation of water in the body cavity or scale pockets, otherwise named
as Dropsy in fishes, this may happen in variety of fishes,
v) Tumors have been identified in Anabas testudineus caused by Clostridium
Fish Health Management 293

vi) Epizootic ulcerative disease syndrome was a major issue even a few years
back caused by Micrococcus sp (EUDS).

b. Viral diseases
Fresh water fishes and prawns are seldom being affected by viral infections
albeit trouts, salmon and eels are found to be infested with pancreatic necrosis
(Infectious pancreatic necrosis, IPN) especially in fry and fingerlings. When the
mortality rate is high the infectected individuals swim in a rotating manner and
the death occurs within an hour or two. There is no proven effective treatment
when the fishes suffer from IPN.
Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) is another viral disease encounterd
in the fries of trout and salmon manifested by the occurrence of dark colouration
followed by weakness, abdominal swelling and pale gills. A thereapeutic treatment
of this disease is not known so far.
Again Viral Haemorrgic Septicaemia (VHS) is an acute and chronic viral
disease of the salmonids under culture. It is reported that the stress during
transportation or mishandling may be one of the major issue for outburstanding
the disease followed by high rate of mortality.

c. Protozoan disease
Trichodinosis cause by the ciliateprotozoa is one of the parasitic diseases
encountered among the fin fishes. This is represented by the family Trichodinidae
in which the most common of 6 genera is Trichodina sp. This protozoon is
probably the most frequently encountered external obligate parasite in cultured
fresh water fish’s world wide. Some species in this family also parasitize fish and
when abundant, irritate the skin and gill surfaces causing hyperplasia of the
epithelium. Fish parasitized by Trichodina often have a white patches and/or
moulting of the skin and fins. Excessive mucus is produced causing a white to
bluish shed of the skin. Fins are generally frayed and the infected fish exhibit
flashing behavoiur of water and scrapping their bodies against the hard surfaces.
If the gills are heavily infested the opercular movement becomes rapid.
Myxobolus bengalensis frequently cause gill spot disease with noticeable
white spot on gills. Pale gills followed by excessive secretion of mucus are the
other symptoms. Scale spot disease is generally caused by Myxobolus shericum
and Myxobolus rohitae causing reformations on the scale which is followed by
the excessive secretion of mucus by the epidermal cells. The resultant is loosening
of the scales and drop off from the body.
294 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

d. Ichthyopthriasis disease (ICH)

Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is an ectoparasite of freshwater fish which causes a
disease commonly known as white spot disease, or Ich. Ich is one of the most
common and persistent diseases in fish. It appears on the body, fins and gills of
fish as white nodules of up to 1 mm, that look like white grains of salt. Each
white spot is an encysted parasite.
The protozoa damage the gills and skin as it enters the tissues, leading to
ulceration and loss of skin. Severe infections rapidly lead to loss of condition and
death. Damage to the gills reduces the respiratory efficiency of the fish, reducing
its oxygen intake from the water. This causes the fish to become less tolerant
to low oxygen concentrations in the water.

e. Whirling disease
Whirling disease caused by the protozoan Myxosoma cerebralis. A common
sign of the disease is rapid, tail chasing behaviour when the fish are frightened
or trying to feed.This caused by the parasite feeding on the cartilage of young
host fish. In advanced stages of the disease, skeletal deformation, including
deforme heads, jaws, operculum as well as spinal curvature, can be observed.
Infected fish contaminate water and mud associated with the fish are known to
be the reservoirs of infection.

f. Helminth disease
Monogenetic and Digenetic trematodes are common parasites in fishes. Among
the Monogenetic trematodes Dactylogyrus spp. and Gyrodactylus elegans
indicus are very frequent resulting fading of colours, dropping of scales and
excessive secretion of mucus from the epidermal cells.
Among the Digeneans, Diplostomum, Neodiplostomum, Clinostum etc. are
very common. Eye disease is very frequent upon infestation of digenian
Cestode tapeworms as for example, Ligula intestinalis when infected result
bulging abdomen and in exreme conditions, burrow through stomach into body
cavity causing death.

g. Copepod infections
Copepod parasites of the family Argulidae, Ergasilidae and Larnaedae very often
infect several species of cultured fishes especially both Indian major, minor and
Fish Health Management 295

the Chinese carps. Argulosis caused by the species of Argulus (Popularly known
as fish lice) are represented by A. foliaceous, A.japonicus, A.bengalensis etc.
is a branchiuran parasite may easily be recognized by the naked eye. These are
transparent but have two dark spots at the anterior end, round shaped and an
attaching organ.
Lernaeosis, another anchor worm disease in fresh water ponds with high
organic load. The parasite is not found in brackish waters since they can not
tolerate even minute concentration of salt in the medium.These are easily
recognized by their thin thread like small structures and the females generally
carries two small egg sacs.
Ergasilosis caused by the parasite Ergasilus and are found in both fresh and
brackish waters. The parasite is found mainly attaching at the gills of the host.
When the host is severely infected, symptom of erratic movement and sluggishness
is a common phenomenon followed by death.
At the beginning, a symbolic question was asked regarding whether or not
the presence of “the characteristic microbe of a disease might be a symptom
instead of the cause.” In many situations, cultured fish live healthy, normal lives
in the continuous presence of pathogens. However, when environmental stresses
occur and the balance tips in favor of disease, the characteristic microbes flourish.
If the fish cannot adequately adjust or, if fish cultural corrections are not made,
disease may occur. If losses increase in typical patterns, the fish culturist must
act. By resolving environmental problems and applying effective therapeutants, a
balance between the host and the pathogen can be restored. The question still
remains; was the disease caused by the microbe or were the microbes and the
fish merely players in a larger environmental scenario? A microbial infection can
often be the symptom of environmental failure and an urgent signal that conditions
must be changed. Successful fish culture often hinges on whether correction of
adverse environmental conditions can be achieved in time to prevent losses
(Snieszko, 1973; Snieszko and Bullock 1975). The skills related to fish culture
which are required to maintain the balance between the host and the pathogen
in the face of changing environmental conditions indicate that there is still a great
deal of “art” in the “science” of fish culture (Warren, 1983).


In culturing fish in captivity, nothing is more important than proper nutrition and
adequate feeding. If there is no utilizable feed intake by the fish, there can be
no growth but results death. Under-nourished or malnourished animals cannot
maintain health and growth, regardless of the quality of the environment.
296 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Nutrient requirements and deficiencies

i. Energy: Energy is not a nutrient. It is rather an end-product of absorbed
macro-organic nutrients when they are oxidized and metabolized. All organic
compounds in fish feed release heat upon combustion, and thus are potential
sources of energy.
ii. Amino acids and Proteins: Dietary proteins are the source of essential
amino acids and provide nitrogen for the synthesis of non-essential amino
acids. Proteins in the body tissues are built using about 23 amino acids. Of
these, 10 are essential amino acids which must be supplied in the fish diet.
Proteins or amino acids are necessary for maintenance, growth, reproduction
and for the replacement of depleted tissues. In addition, certain amino acids
are readily converted to glucose to provide an essential energy source for
some critical body organs and tissues such as brain and red blood cells. Since
carbohydrate is not prevalent in their natural diet, fish are more dependent
upon amino acids as precursors to glucose than most other animals. Therefore,
a portion of the dietary protein is always used as an energy source in fish.
Not all dietary proteins are identical in their nutritional value. To a large
extent, the bio-availability of a protein source is a function of its digestibility
and amino acid makeup. Some protein feedstuffs which contain a high level
of crude protein are low in amino-nitrogen and do not contribute toward the
requirement of amino acids. As a result, such materials may merely increase
ammonia production into the water environment. A deficiency of essential
amino acids may lead to poor utilization of dietary protein, and may result in
growth retardation, poor live weight gain, and low feed efficiency.
Amino acds include Arginine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysin, Cystine
and Methionine, Tyrosine + Phenylalmin, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine.
iii. Fatty acids and lipids: Lipids are a group of fat-soluble compounds occurring
in the tissues of plants and animals and broadly consist of fats, phospholipids;
sphingomyelins, waxes and sterols.Fats are the fatty acid esters of glycerol
and are the principal form of energy storage.The nutritionally active
components of dietary lipids are fatty acids. Fish and mammals appear to be
unable to synthesize fatty acids that are unsaturated in the :-3 or :-6
positions unless a suitable precursor is supplied in the diet. Thus, the lipid
component of the diet must provide an adequate amount of essential fatty
acids for growth as well as for required dietary fuel. In contrast to mammals
which have a major requirement for :-6 fatty acids, many coldwater and
marine fishes require :-3 fatty acids. Therefore, sufficient amounts of essential
fatty acids (:-3 longer chain members of these series) must be included in
Fish Health Management 297

the dietary lipids. One percent linolenic acid (18:3w3) in the diet is required
by rainbow trout to avoid such deficiency signs as loss of pigmentation, fin
erosion, cardiac myopathy, fatty infiltration of the liver, and shock syndrome
(Castel et al., 1972). Salmonids utilize lipids as a major source of energy and
digest complex carbohydrates very poorly. Diets for salmonids therefore,
should contain very high levels of lipids (10-18%) in comparison to diets for
other animals. Because of the high level of use, lipid quality is critical since
marine fish oil is very susceptible to oxidation. In all circumstances, rancid
oil must be avoided in fish feed. Fish suffering from lipoid liver disease have
extreme anemia, a bronzed, rounded heart and a swollen liver with rounded
edges. Histologically, the main feature is the extreme lipoid infiltration of
hepatocytes and associated loss of cytoplasmic staining and distortion of
hepatic muralia (Cowey and Roberts 1978). All salmonids are suceptible to
lipoid degeneration of the liver, but it is a particularly significant problem in
rainbow trout. Slightly affected fish are usually capable of recovery, but if
severe anemia and hepatic ceroidosis have developed, the fish are rarely
capable of recovery to an acceptable feed efficiency (Cowey and Roberts
iv. Vitamins: Vitamins are a chemically diverse group of organic substances
that are required for normal growth, but either not synthesized by organisms
or is synthesized at rates insufficient to meet the organism’s needs. They
constitute a minute part of the diet and also play a catalytic role in their
function. Further more vitamins are more vital for the maintenance of normal
metabolic and physiological functions. Vitamin deficiency in fish which may
cause various diseases and the symptoms there of is given in Table 60.
Vitamins may be classified in two groups, viz:
(a) Water soluble vitamins; principally include eight members of the Vitamin
B-complex, Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Pyridoxine, Pantothenic acid, Niacicin,
Biotin, Folic acid and Vitamin B12. These vitamins take an active
participation in nutritional factors choline, inositol, ascorbic acid and,
(b) Fat soluble vitamins principally include VitaminA, D3, E and K.
In order to avoid the diseases and the concerned symptoms among the fishes
under culture it is imperative to provide them the proper nutritionally balanced
feed at different stages, so that optimum production at minimum cost may be
achieved.Supplementation of Vitamins in the fish diet may be used by
commercially available Vitamin premixes. Algal meal and brewers yeast are
excellent source of vitamins. Table-61 gives a fairly good idea of the vitamin
premixes made specifically for fish feeds (Hastings, 1979). Flavour, colour,
Table 60: Vitamin deficiency symptoms in fish (after Halver, 1979)

298 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Vitamins Disease Symptom
Thiamin Anaemia, Anorexia Corneal opacities, degeneration of nerves, fatty liver, hemorrhage, loss of equllibrium, paralysis
of dorsal and pectoral fins, whirling motion, weakness.
Riboflavin Anorexia Cloudy lens, darkened skin, hemorrhage in eyes, photophobia
Pyridoxine Anorexia Convulsions, rapid jerky breathing, spasms, weight loss, rapid onset of rigor mortis
Folic acid Anaemia, Anorexia Dark colouration, fragility of caudal fin, lethargy, pale gills, reduction in growth.
Pantothenic acid Anorexia Clubbed gills, flared opercula, exudated gills, necrosis of jaw, barbells and fins, poor weight
Inositol Anaemia Bloated stomach, poor growth, lesions in skin.
Biotin Anorexia, Anaemia Muscle atrophy, dark colouration, contracted caudal fins, poor growth,
Choline Anaemia Poor food conversion, poor growth, Hemorrage in kidney and intestine
Nicotinic acid(Niacin) Anaemia, Anorexia Colonic leisions, muscle spasm, lethargy, skin hemorrhage, high mortalty.
Cobalamin(B12) Anorexia Erratic haemoglobin and erythrocyte counts, fragmentation.
Ascorbic Acid Anorexia Impaired wound healing, lordosis, scoliosis
Vitamin A Ascites Hemorrage in kidneys
Vitamin D - Reduced conversion
Vitamin E(Tocopherol) Anaemia Fragile RBC, poor growth , mortality
Vitamin K Anaemia Prolong coagulation time
Fish Health Management 299

odour, texture and water stability are the important characteristics related to
the acceptance and consumption in case of fish diets. It is needless to
mention in this contexct that the basic composition of fish feed, depends on
the levels of crude protein, energy, specific amino acids, minerals and vitamins,
crude fibre and ashes (Pillay, 1993 and Hastings, 1979).

Table 61: Vitamin and mineral premixes for fish diet. (Modified from Hastings, 1979).

Ingredients Vitamin and mineral premix in feed/kg

for pond culture
Thiamin (B1) 2.4gm.
Riboflavin (B2) 1.5gm.
Pantothenic acid (B3) 2.5gm.
Nicotinic acid (B5) 12.0gm.
Piridoxine (B6) 0.5gm.
Cobalamin (B12) 1.0gm.
Choline chloride 50gm.
Folic acid 0.4gm
Biotin 0.06gm.
Ascorbic acid 20.0gm
Vitamin A-acetate 20, 00, 000IU
VitaminD3 1, 00, 000IU
VitaminE 7.0gm.
VitaminK3(Menadion-bisulphate) 2.5gm.
Butyl-hydroxytoluene 5.0gm.
Iron(carbonate) 2.5gm.
Manganese 3.5gm.
Zinc 1.4gm.
Copper sulphate 0.1gm.
Cobalt 0.4gm.
Iodine 0.1gm.

v. Minerals: Minerals are required by all animals either in their elemental form
or incorporated into specific compounds for various biological functions such
as formation of skeletal tissue formation, respiration, digestion, osmoregulation
etc.Of the 26-naturally occurring essential elements which are said to be
important for the animals, only nine have been shown to be required by the
finfish (Pillay, 1993) (Table-62).
300 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

In view of the fact that, water generally in enriched with different types of
minerals, supplementation of diets may not be necessary, except in the case
of those that are required in relatively high concentrations, especially in fresh
water fish.
In fish, minerals perform important roles in osmoregulation, intermediary
metabolism, and in formation of the skeleton and scales (Lall 1981). Mineral
requirements of fish are difficult to study because many minerals are required
in only trace amounts and others are absorbed from water in significant
quantities through the gills as well as from the diet. It is also very difficult
to obtain mineral free feed ingredients for experimental diets. Most practical
diets for salmonids provide the major mineral requirements through fish meal
which is also a major source of protein. However, diets which rely heavily
on plant protein sources must be supplemented with carefully balanced mineral
premixes. The minerals required in finfish diets include calcium, zinc,
manganese, cobalt, selenium, iodone and fluorine. The functions of some of
these have been described in detail (Nutrition Research Council, NRC 1977).
The recommended dietary levels of minerals and related deficiency signs are
shown in Table: 62. The potential for toxicity of minerals must also be
carefully assessed since fish are very sensitive to excess amounts of minerals.

Table 62: Mineral deficiency syndrome in fishes (after Castell et al., 1986)

Mineral Deficiency syndrome

Calcium Poor growth and feed efficiency.
Phosphrus Skeletal abnormalities, poor growth.
Magnesium Loss of apetite, poor growth, high mortality, skeletal abnormalities and
Iron Anaemia.
Copper Poor growth.
Manganese Poor growth, short and compact body, abnormal tail growth.
Iodine Thyroid hyperplasia.
Zinc Cataract, caudal fin and skin erosion and growth depression.
Selenium Muscular dystrophy.

All nutrients required for the well-being and normal growth of the fish must
be supplied in formulated diets as available (digestible) nutrients. Otherwise,
the fish cannot utilize the nutrients present in the feed ingredients. The
formulated diets also must be pelletized and processed in such a manner that
they are durable and water stable.Proper feeding of a quality diet should be
Fish Health Management 301

considered as a high priority in the daily routine on fish culture stations.

Wasted feed depletes oxygen levels, causes gill damage, and supports fungal
and bacterial growth, all of which can lead to disease problems. Because it
is necessary to transfer dietary nutrients into the fish through a water medium,
problems occur which are unknown in terrestrial animal feeding practices.
Recently, in addition to pelletized sinking feed floating feed has been introduced
which helps minimizing wastage. The main factors influencing feed intake of
fish are water temperature, the energy content of the diet, and expected
growth. Therefore, an estimation of feed intake needed must be based on
these fundamental factors. If a group of fish is not feeding actively or
growing as expected, diagnostic work is needed to determine the cause.
Lack of appetite or retarded growth is often early signs of stress and disease
(Cho, 1983).
vi. Prevention is better than cure (Borba, 2018): Fresh water prawn and
fish become ill and die from diseases when they are exposed to pathogens
in an aggressive way, in which their natural defenses, already weakened by
intensive or semi-intesive rearing conditions and/or abrupt changes in
environmental factors, are not able to cope with the aggressiveness of this
The adoption of standards like the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA), Best
Aquaculture Practices (BAP) is the main key to maintain a more balanced
and safe environment for the aquatic animals in productive systems. Even
when they are applied, in some cases their effects are not so efficiently
measured, leading aquaculturists to doubt about their effectiveness.
It’s a known fact, that fish and prawn/shrimp are still cultured in a reactive
way in terms of their immunity and health protection. This means that it is
much more common to see aqua farmers trying to cure diseases after they
have emerged and spread the pathogens into the cultured environment, rather
than adopting some systematic measures aiming at preventing disease
outbreaks. However, prophylactic actions exist to prevent or reduce the risk
and the level of transmission of a disease, protecting the populations from its
occurrence or evolution.
In a coutry like India, most of thew aquaculture specialists, highly recommends
a series of measures to avoid disease’s dissemination. One of them is the
systematic and continuous use of probiotics and paraprobiotics to avoid the
pathogenic interventions, which are:
vii. Probiotics and paraprobiotics: The use of probiotics in Aquaculture at
least in India is a new concept and their use has been significantly growing
302 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

due to the efficiency and proven benefits so far but mainly restricted to
ponds’ bioremediation and water treatment. The common use of these live
bacteria helps to promote a more efficient mineralization of the organic
matter, and thus a better balance of the physico-chemical and hydrobiological
parameters of the water.
Now-a-days, besides their proven benefits for treating pond bottoms and
helping to maintain water quality at acceptable levels, there is a consensus
that probiotics (bacteria and yeast) can also promote the competitive exclusion
of harmful bacteria in animal bodies, especially in the gut. Unfortunately,
probiotic bacteria alone are not always able to prevent (neither treat) disease
outbreaks (Borba, 2018).
Hence, the aquaculture industry has started paraprobiotics utilization. They
are prophylactic effective compounds with accessible and easy to incorporate
in industrial feed, cost-effective, but still incomprehensible is the low adoption
of this technology in India.Such solutions are still in the process of
implementation and dissemination among aquaculture farmers.
Fortunately, there are already successful cases with the use of yeast cell wall
paraprobiotics in highly productive commercial aqua farms. These could serve
as an incentive and reference for many other fish and shrimp producers who
often are not sure about what paraprobiotics are, how they act and how to
use them.
Intestinal bacteria pathogens cause damage to the host by binding and
colonizing the intestinal epithelium and even sometimes crossing the intestinal
barrier and spreading to inner organs and tissues. Paraprobiotics, such as
yeast cell wall, contain complex carbohydrate molecules that interfere directly
with the binding ability of pathogenic bacteria in the gut, thereby reducing the
ability of pathogen bacteria to bind to the intestinal epithelium of the animals.
One of these complex carbohydrates is ‘Mannan Oligosaccharides’, also
known as MOS. MOS are non-digestible carbohydrates that when in transit
into the intestinal lumen, can bind bacteria due to their strong affinity for
lectins (molecules present on the outside of the plasmatic membrane of
Gram-negative bacteria cells). Mannans binding to these compounds (lectins)
lead to the neutralization of the harmful bacteria and with their subsequent
excretion through the feces, thereby decreasing harmful bacteria concentration
in the host’s body.
Another complex carbohydrate found in the yeast cell walls are E-glucans
(1, 3; 1, 6), which present a distinct mode of action generating other benefits.
Once “sensed” by the gastrointestinal tract of the fish or shrimp, they are
identified as a “warning signal”, allowing the activation of macrophages.
Fish Health Management 303

Macrophages are highly specialized cells of the immune system that possess
the ability to ‘eat” microorganisms such as bacteria (phenomena called
phagocytosis). After phagocytosis, the pathogen is trapped within the
macrophage in a structure called phagosome. The phagosome fuses with a
vacuole containing enzymes and peroxides to help digest the pathogen.
In addition to phagocytosis, macrophages are of great importance for
immunomodulation, producing and secreting a large number of molecules
named chemokines that attract other defense cells to specific sites where
inflammatory processes are occurring.
Paraprobiotics therefore, have synergistic effects with probiotics. Probiotic
bacteria and yeast promote beneficial effects on animal’s gut health, competing
with pathogenic bacteria for nutrients and oxygen, for adhesion sites on
intestinal epithelium, and producing antimicrobial substances. On the other
hand, paraprobiotics can be understood as “traps” to capture, inactivate and
eliminate, in an effective way the harmful bacteria in the gut, thus opening
space for a better and more effective colonization of the digestive tract of
fish and shrimp by beneficial microorganisms.
viii.Probiotics-there use in Aquaculture: The term “probiotic” comes from
Greek pro and bios meaning “prolife” and the term probiotics was first used
by Lilly & Stillwell in 1965 and has been defined as the microbiological origin
factor that stimulates the growth of other organisms. In 1989, Roy Fuller
introduced the idea that probiotics generate a beneficial effect to the host (in
this case it is Fish). Probiotics are defined by Food and Agriculture
Organization/World Health Organization as “live microorganisms which when
administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”.
ix. Effects of application of probiotics in aquaculture: Probiotc microorganisms
have an antimicrobial effect through modifying the intestinal microbiota,
secreting antibacterial substances (bacteriocins and organic acids),
competing with pathogens to prevent their adhesion to the intestine, competing
for nutrients necessary for pathogen survival, and producing an antitoxin
effect. Probiotics are also capable of modulating the immune system, regulating
allergic response of the body, and reducing proliferation of cancer in mammals.
Because of this, when provided at certain concentration and viability, probiotics
favorably affect host health. In fact, terms such as “friendly bacteria, ”
“friendly, ” or “healthy” are commonly used to describe probiotics.
x. Mechanism of action of the probiotic bacteria:
1. Probiotic bacteria may competitively exclude the pathogenic bacteria or
produce substances that inhibit the growth of the pathogenic bacteria.
304 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

2. Provide essential nutrients to enhance the nutrition of the cultured animals.

3. Provide digestive enzymes to enhance the digestion of the cultured animals.
4. Probiotic bacteria directly uptake or decompose the organic matter or
toxic material in the water improving the quality of the water.
xi. Probiotic organisms: The requirements that a probiotic organism must
meet are:
i. Resistance to the acid stomach environment, bile and pancreatic enzymes;
ii. Accession to the cells of the intestinal mucosa;
iii. Capacity for colonization;
iv. Staying alive for a long period of time, during the transport, storage, so
that they can colonize the host efficiently;
v. Production of antimicrobial substances against the pathogenic bacteria;
vi. Absence of translocation.
The species normally used as probiotics in animal nutrition are usually non­
pathogenic normal microflora, such as lactic-acid bacteria (Bifidobacterium,
Lactobacillus, Lacto coccus, Streptococcus and Enterococcus) and yeasts as
Saccharomyces spp.
a. Competition for binding sites: Also known as “competitive exclusion”,
where probiotic bacteria bind with the binding sites in the intestinal mucosa,
forming a physical barrier, preventing the connection by pathogenic bacteria;
b. Production of antibacterial substances: Probiotic bacteria synthesize
compounds like hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins, which have antibacterial
action, mainly in relation to pathogenic bacteria. They also produce organic
acids that lower the environment’s pH of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing
the growth of various pathogens and development of certain species of
c. Competition for nutrients: The lack of nutrients available that may be
used by pathogenic bacteria is a limiting factor for their maintenance;
d. Stimulation of immune system: Some probiotic bacteria are directly linked
to the stimulation of the immune response, by increasing the production of
antibodies, activation of macrophages, T-cell proliferation and production.
Fish Health Management 305

Table 63: Microorganisms recognized as safe and used as probiotics.

Sl.nos. Groups Species involved

01. Aspergillus: A. niger, A. orizae
02. Bacillus: B. coagulans, B. lentus, B. licheniformis, B. subtilis
03. Bifidobacterium: B. animalis, B. bifidum, B. longun, B. thermophylum
04. Lactobacillus: L. acidophillus, L. brevis, L. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. cellobiosis,
L. fermentarum, L. curvatus, L. lactis, L. plantarum, L. reuterii,
L. delbruekii,
05. Pediococcus: P. acidilacticii, P. cerevisae, P. pentosaceus, P. damnosus
06. Saccharomyces: S. cerevisiae, S. boulardii
07. Streptococcus: S. cremoris, S. faecium, S. lactis, S. intermedius, S. thermophyllus,
S. diacetylatis

e . Aquaculture probiotics: The relationship of aquatic organisms with the

farming environment is much more complex than the one involving terrestrial
animals.It is a microbial supplement with living microorganism with beneficial
effects to the host, by modifying its microbial community associated with the
host or its farming environment, ensuring better use of artificial food and its
nutritional value by improving the host’s response to diseases and improving
the quality of the farming environment. The microorganisms present in the
aquatic environment are in direct contact with the animals, with the gills and
with the food supplied, having easy access to the digestive tract of the
animal. Among the microorganisms present in the aquatic environment are
potentially pathogenic microorganisms, which are opportunists, i.e., they take
advantage of some animal’s stress situation (high density, poor nutrition) to
cause infections, worsening in zootechnical performance and even death. For
this reason, the use of probiotics for aquatic organisms aims not only the
direct benefit to the animal, but also their effect on the farming environment.
The interaction between the environment and the host in an aquatic environment
is complex. The microorganisms present in the water influence the microbiota
of the host’s intestine and vice versa. Changes in salinity, temperature and
dissolved oxygen variations, change the conditions that are favorable to
different organisms, with consequent changes in dominant species, which
could lead to the loss of effectiveness of the product. Accordingly, the addition
of a given probiotic in the farming water of aquatic organisms must be
constant, because the conditions of environment suffer periodic changes.
Thus, the variety of microorganisms present must therefore be considered in
the choice of probiotic to be used in aquaculture.
306 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Intensive farming systems utilize high stocking densities, among other stressors
(e.g. management), which often end up resulting in poor growth and feed
efficiency rates, besides of weakness in the immune system, making these
animals susceptible to the presence of opportunistic pathogens present in the
environment. In this sense, the effect of probiotics on the immune system has
led to a large number of researches with beneficial results on the health of
aquatic organisms, although it has not yet been clarified how they act. In
addition, probiotics can also be used to promote the growth of aquatic
organisms, whether by direct aid in the absorption of nutrients, or by their
Probiotics which are most used in aquaculture are those belonging to the
genus Bacillus spp. (B. subtilis, B. licheniformis and B. circulans),
Bifidobacterium spp. (B. bifidum, B. lactis, and B. thermophilum), lactic-
acid bacteria (Lactobacillus spp., Carnobacterium spp.) and yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
The benefits observed in the supplementation of probiotics in aquaculture
1. Improvement of the nutritional value of food;
2. Enzymatic contribution to digestion;
3. Inhibition of pathogens;
4. Growth promoting factors;
5. Improvement in immune response; and
6. Farming water quality.
Among the most recent studies that point to the effect of the use of probiotics
for various aquatic organisms stand those for fish, shrimps, mollusks and
f. Results of probiotics in fish farming:
Immune system: Larvae of some fishes feed on the rotifers, enriched with
lactic-acid bacteria increased resistance against infection by Vibrio spp. The
joint administration of Lactobacillus fructivorans and Lactobacillus
plantarum through dry or live feed promoted the colonization of the intestine
resulting decrease in mortality during larviculture in nursery management.
Use of Pseudomonas fluorescens as probiotics decreased the mortality of
juveniles of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus sp.) exposed to Vibrio
anguillarum. Higher survival rate of carp Labeo rohita is witnessed fed
with Bacillus subtilis, during Aeromonas hydrophila infection.
Fish Health Management 307

g. Probiotics and quality of water in aquaculture: Another aspect of the use

of probiotics in aquaculture is the improvement of the quality of the water in
the farming ponds. Increase of organic load, levels of phosphorous and
nitrogen compounds are growing concerns in aquaculture. It is also
been noted, that the beneficial effect of probiotics on organic matter
decomposition and reduction of the levels of phosphate and nitrogen
compounds. Aerobic denitrifying bacteria are considered good candidates
to reduce ammoniacal nitrogen to nitrite to nitrate to free Nitrogen in
aquaculture waters. To this end some bacteria were isolated in shrimp
farming tanks. Acinetobacter, Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Cellulos imicrobium,
Halomonas, Microbacterium, Paracoccus, Pseudomonas, Sphingo­
bacterium and Stenotrophomas are some of the denitrifying bacteria already
identified. Reduction in levels of phosphorous and nitrogen compounds in the
farming water of shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei was also observed when
commercial probiotics were added to the water. Similarly, for the shrimp
Penaeus monodon, an improvement in the quality of farming water was
observed with the addition of Bacillus spp. as probiotic. Gram-positive bacteria
are better converting organic matter into CO2 than gram-negative bacteria.
Thus, during a production cycle, higher levels of these bacteria can reduce
the accumulation of particulate organic carbon. Thus, maintaining higher
levels of these gram -positive bacteria in production pond, farmers can minimize
the buildup of dissolved and particulate organic carbon during the culture
cycle while promoting more stable phytoplankton blooms through the increased
production of CO2.
A major challenge now-a-days, affecting fish and shrimp farmers globally is
the disposal of accumulated organic matter. Improper treatment and disposal
leads to many problems which include:
i) Poor water quality,
ii) High level of stress,
iii) Run away disease problems,
iv) Excessive costs of production affecting profitability, and
v) Regional pollution that is in consistent with sustainable production.
The positive benefits of using the Probiotic strains
i) Cleaner pond bottoms: Shorter time between cycles and less use of
oxidizing agents like lime,
ii) Improved Feed Conversions: Healthier fish wastes less feed and use
feed more efficiently for growth,
308 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

iii) Less water exchange: Less pumping rates and costs and in some instances
completely closed pumps lessening the risk of inducing problems during the
production cycle from the outside.
iv) Eliminating the use of antibiotics: Compete against many types of bacterial
infestations and the farmers stop using antibiotics.
v) Reduction in Vibrio levels: Significant reduction in vibrio levels.
vi) Increased Growth Rate: Healthy fish/shrimps grow better in cleaner ponds
with less organic loads.

The feasibility and future of the application of probiotics

in aquaculture
Based on the previous research results on probiotics it is suggest that the use
of probiotic bacteria in aquaculture has tremendous scope and the study
of the application of probiotics in aquaculture has a glorious future. At
present, the probiotics are widely applied in United States of America, Japan and
European countries, Indonesia, India and Thailand, with commendable results.

Application of Probiotics in Aquaculture

Pathogenic microorganisms causing outbreaks are viruses, bacteria, rickettsia,
mycoplasma, algae, fungi and protozoan parasites. For preventing and controlling
diseases, a host of antibiotics, pesticides and other chemicals are used possibly
creating antibiotic resistant bacteria, persistence of pesticides and other toxic
chemicals in aquatic environment and creating human health hazards. Thus, how
to improve the ecological environment of aquaculture has become the focus of
attention of international aquaculture.

Probiotics as tool of bioremediation

● Cleaner pond bottoms
● Reduction in blue green algae loads (via competition for nutrients-these
products are not algaecides)
● Less water exchange needed (savings in pumping costs)
● Reduction in green vibrio counts (on TCBS, the vibrio associated with AHPNS
produces green colonies)
Fish Health Management 309

● Reduction in overall vibrio loads (the Bacillus compete against the vibrios for
● Reduction in ammonia levels (broken down by the bacteria in our products)
● Reduction in disease outbreaks (a result of a change in the microbial flora)
● Better feed efficiency (a result of a cleaner environment)
● Healthier shrimp and fishes.
● Increased profits
Probiotics are defined as live microbial preparations that when fed to an
animal colonize the animal’s intestinal tract and positively impact the animal’s
health. This term is widely misused in aquaculture and an analysis of the literature
(gray and peer reviewed) suggests that the term may be largely inaccurate.
There are very few accounts of bacterial attachment to the intestinal wall of fish
or shrimp demonstrating the inhibition of pathogenic bacteria.

Besides the aforesaid indications of fishes in fresh water

ponds, there do exist some other problems
1. Due to eutrophication of pond water and the soil beneath it, some time there
is a dense growth of filamentous algae. The fishermen usually designate it
as ‘Hairy algal bloom’ or Chool Sheola. This situation may well be avoided
by application of Chelated copper @300gms and potassium permanganate
(KMnO4) @ 900gm/acre/meter.Both these ingredients after mixing well in a
tub or on the boat may further be diluted again and again and broadcasted
over the pond surface. If it is found that such algal bloom is due to the
decomposition of muck it is advised to apply Zeolite powder@ 10kg/acre/
meter depth.
2. Various molluscan species e.g. aquatic snails of various types and bivalves
etc., (popularly known as geri, googly, shamuk, jhinuk etc.) (Fig.142), generally
inhabit at the peripheral region of organically enriched pond bottom
These creatures create immense problem to the cultivable fishes in fresh
water ponds and tanks. They are the carriers of parasites specially the
trematodes, share both space and the natural food allotted to the fishes, these
are planktivorous in nature. Hence, are not in favour to the aqua farmers.The
massive developments of these creatures are used as a source of low cost
animal protein and supports livelihood of rural fisher women at least in part.
310 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

However, fish farmers at least who are engaged commercial intensive farming
especially Indian major, minor and exotic carps generally do not favour the
presence of these molluscan populations due to the fact that:
i) Excessive presence generally bring down dissolved oxygen content of
the pond water,
ii) Molluscan populations are the principal carrier of different types of
pathogenic trematodes and nematode larvae and so also the leeches.
iii) Continuously feed on various planktonic millieu of the pond and,
iv) Decrease the overall productivity status of the pond.
Based on these four basic points the farmers express unhappiness throughout
the growout phases of carps.
It is now the concern of all aquaculture scientists and technicians to find out
the possible measures of eradication of the molluscan population, even if the
fishes do exist in the ponds. Opportunities in this direction still remain open.
Application of Mahua Oil Cake mixed with Urea or Bleaching powder ofcourse
eradicate the infestation at least in part but complete eradication seems to be
3. Sometimes it is noted that the fishermen refuse to step in to the pond water
due to severe itching on the skin. This itching ultimately results in swellings
on the skin. This is simply a case of ‘allergy’ that develops in the body.
Insuch conditions, it is to be understood that there is a massive development
of raphides in the culture water. To come out with a solution for such
conditions it is advised that 3kg of Bleaching powder and Potassium
permanganate each per acre are to be mixed and broadcasted over the pond
water. Besides, the fishermen are to be provided with an anti-allergic tablet
(viz. Cetzine, Lezynlet, Allegra etc.) before they step in the pond water.
4. Very often it is noticed that in carp culture ponds, massive appearance of fry
stages of Tilapia spp. These weed fishes occupy both food and space
allotted for the carps of economic importance, resulting a drastic decease in
the ultimate production.
To come across this situation it is advisable to use Forate powder, which is
available in granular form in the market. It is advised that Forate granules
@2kg/acre/6ft depth of pond water is to be mixed approximately with 10
liters of water thoroughly. This mixture is then to be filtered through a clean
cloth and the filtered water is collected in a tub or in a boat. The waste
powder which remains undissolved in the cloth is to be collected carefully
and to be merged in a hole sufficiently far away from the pond. The hole to
Fish Health Management 311


(Clockwise) Figs: 112a, b: Tailrot(a, b), Figs. 113: Finrot(a, b), Figs.114: Epizootic Ulcerative
Disease syndrome (a, b, c, d), Figs.115: Dropsy (a, b), Figs.116. Gill rot
(a, b), Figs.117: Saprolegniasis (a , b, c), Figs. 118: White spot on body, Fig.119: White spot
on scales, Fig.120: Costiasis, Fig.121: Septicemic disease, Fig. 122: Edwardsielosis disease.
312 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

(Clockwise) Fig.123: Eye disease, Fig.124a, b: Cotton wool disease in fishes, Fig.125:
Trichodina sp. Fig.126: Trichodineasis, Fig.127a, b: Myxobolus infection in fish gills, Fig.
128: Algal toxicity, Fig. 129a, b: Gas bubble disease in fishes, Fig.130: Brownish spot
disease, Fig.131: Leech infection, Fig.132a, b: Mortality of fishes due to oxygen depletion,
Fig. 133: Ligulosis infection, Fig.134: a, b, c, d: Argulus sp. and its infection.
Fish Health Management 313

(Clockwise) Fig.135, a, b. c, d: Ergasilus sp. and its infections. Figs.136a, b, c, d: Lernaea

sp. and its infections.Fig.137: Trematodes responsible for intestinal infections. Fig. 138:
Dactylogyrus infection, Fig. 139 and 139a: Gyrodactylus sp. and its infection. Figs.140,
140a: Velvet disease, Fig.141: White spot (ICH).

be carefully covered with soil. The filtered water is to besprayed throughout

the pond surface which subsequently kill almost all the fry stages of Tilapia
sp. while the bigger ones will move down to the benthic region to avoid
toxicity. Albeit the procedure of eradication of Tilapia fry however, will not
affect the commercially important other fish stock of importance. It is advisable
to net the pond at least 24 hours after the application of Forate granules to
harvest all the dead Tilapia fry.
Caution to be taken
i) Avoid feeding to the fishes at least 2 days prior to and 3-days after
application of Forate granules.
ii) The waste material to be placed inside the deep hole sufficiently away
from the pond to avoid leaching of the toxicity.
314 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

Fig. 142: Fresh water snails, bivalves belonging to the Phylum-Mollusca

5. During intensive culture of carps, it is sometimes, small transparent anchor

fish (Chanda ranga or Chanda nama) and some protozoan and crustacean
parasites monogenian parasites appear in ponds which adversely affect the
natural growth of carps resulting decreased production (Figs.143 & 143a). To
avoid such infiltration of chanda, crustaceans, protozoan parasites, it is
advocated to use Alkyl phenol ethoxylate (Chloropyrephos 20%) @60-90 ml/
acre/5-6ft depth of water. Such application will remove 90-95% of the
Supplementary feed application must have to be stopped at least for a week
from the day of application. Simple netting is advocated for the eradication
of such infestations however, repeated netting should not be done at any cost.
After application of Chloropyriphos 20% it is recommended to apply
antibacterial and antifungal agents@300 gms/acre/meter.
Fish Health Management 315

Fig.143: Chanda nama

Fig. 143a: Chanda ranga

6. Very often cultured fishes do not accept supplementary feed which poses a
great concern to the farmers. In such situation Ostovet Forte@200ml per
100kg of supplementary feed for a week is advocated. This will increase the
appetite to the stocked fishes.
7. It is sometime observed that the gills of the stocked fishes turn pale instead
of reddish. The major reason attributes to the problems in blood circulation.
In such situation the natural movement of fishes ceases down. To overcome
these situations apply Zinc sulphate 21% @750gms/acre/6feet depth of water
in the pond. It is further advocated that vitamin premix @250gms/100kg of
supplementary feed is to be mixed together at least for a period of 30-45
days for fry and fingerling stages and 20-30 days in case of adult stage of
8. In nursery ponds very often it is noticed that the fry stages of IMC are
sharply cut into two pieces at a large scale and the pieces start floating on
the surface of the pond water. This attributes a massive development of
Dytisid larvae, which have sharp mandibular appendages. By the help of
these mandibles, fry are being cut in two pieces randomly. To overcome this
situation, it is advised to broadcast tobacco dust @ 8-10 kg/acre area of the
nursery ponds in dry condition. The toxic effect of tobacco powder will kill
316 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

the larvae within 2-3 days. After netting out the semi-decomposed larval
remnants thoroughly from the ponds apply Zeolite powder @ 10-15kg/acre/
meter within 48-hours.
9. After excavation of the soil in sewage-fed ponds, a thick mat (Fig.144&144a)
of algal bloomis found, and even the water is also do not favour stocking of
advanced fingerlings for further growing at least for a month. Application of
Gypsum (Calcium sulfate) and Zeolite powder@30kg/acre is advocated and
after 3-4 days Chelated copper and Potassium permanganate@ 500gms each
is to be broadcasted after thorough mixing. The pond water will be lighter
and fit for stocking of fish fingerlings.
10. Very often it is reported that the pond water turned blackish or to that of the
color of snuff. The abundance of both phyto- and zooplankton are in question.
In such situation 16% aqueous solution of humic acid @4-6 liters/acre/meter
and Soil probiotic @ 1 liters/acre/meter together with 600gms of Water
probiotic respectively is to be applied. The blackish snuffy nature of water
color turn light green within a couple of days and even the stocked fishes will
enjoy the turned environment.
11. Sometime in eutrophicated (nutrient enriched) tropical ponds free floating and
filamentous blue green algae which are otherwise designated as Cyanobacteria
pose constant problem. These algal bloom very often compete with fishes
stocked in such ponds for:
i) Dissolved Oxygen
ii) Various nutrients present in soil and water
iii) Dominate over other phytoplankton and compete for available nitrogen
iv) The blue greens can regulate the cell buoyancy in the water column and
gain additional benefit over other organisms for photosynthetic activities.
To control these blue-greens, application of chelated copper in soft water
ponds to prevent copper poisoning in fishes stocked. It is further reported
that the toxicity of chelated copper compound is very less than those of the
equal concentration of copper in Copper sulphate (CuSO4). It is further
emphasized that the species with a high susceptibility to copper are not
harmed in waters of low alkalinity (Boyd, 1979). Application of chelated
copper and Potassium permanganate as oxidizing agent together at the ratio
of (3:1) may reduce filamentous algae to a great extent from the pond.
(Water containing little or no dissolved salts of calcium or magnesium,
especially water which contain less than about 85 parts per million of
calcium carbonate is regarded as ‘Soft Water’. On the contrary, the
Fish Health Management 317

‘hard Waters’ are those that contain mineral salts as calcium

and magnesium ions, that limit the formation of lather with soap).



Fig. 144a and 144b: Thick mat of algal bloom

12. To control filamentous algae from the pond some of the farmers also use
different algaecides of chemical origin@ the quantity specified by the
aquaculture consultants. However, to achieve a good result freshly prepared
solution of copper sulfate (500gm of CuSO4 in one liter of water) @ 300­
400 ml. per 33 decimal of pond water area may be broadcasted.
13. Faulty managerial practice of a fish hatchery also pose serious problem to the
farmers, who are raising fish in ponds and tanks. It is noted sometimes that
318 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

the seed (Fingerlings) procured from the source (Hatchery) are of the same
size and weight ranges (Genetically dwarf). When released, these genetically
stunted fishes do not grow equally with who do not, even after maintaining
the similar environmental conditions, food and feeding etc. Dwarfism, of the
stock creates a severe crisis to the concerned farmer. The actual reason may
be attributed to the “inbreeding of fishes”. It is assumed that F2 and F3
generation from the same parental stock may attaind warfism. The farmers
(the fish growers) should always carefully check the up to date”
ACCRIDITATION CERTIFICATE” issued to the concerned hatchery by
the Department of Fisheries of the state.
14. Fluctuation in weather condition (generally during end of winter and beginning
of spring) coupled with foggy morning hours, sometimes there is a heavy toll
of fish fry and fingerlings including advanced fingerlings, till the weather is
stable. Continuous aeration (Figs. 43 and 44) and bathing of advanced
fingerlings with Potassium permanganate for primary disinfection before
releasing to stocking ponds during this season is advocated.
15. Another problem in the fish ponds where jute retting, is observed. During
retting of Jute, excessive liberation of plant fluid (organic substances) as
secreted undergo oxidation followed by putrification, turn the water color
blackish and it may so happen, the BOD of water increases followed by
massive destruction of planktonic milieu. This natural suffering of fishes is
unavoidable. It is justified to apply Zeolite powder@15-20kg/acre/meter at
least once in a fort night; so long the retting procedures are in vogue.
16. Mass scale mortality of fishes especially who are engaged in semi-intensive
culture of Indian Major and Minor Carps during the onset of monsoon every
year.What happens, during summer months (April to last week of June) there
remains scorching air and water temperature. The rate of feeding
(supplementary feed) is also at a higher rate by the fishes followed by the
concurrent higher decomposition of the organic matters present at the soil-
water interphase. This decomposition stimulates production of ammonia and
other toxic gases which generally tend to remain little above the level of the
substratum. Fact remain, immediately after the first or second day of the fall
after a long cloudy day, these toxic gases starts coming at the upper level
along with the stocked fishes resulting massive suffocation followed by death.It
is evident that the ponds with more than 10 feet depth due to oxygen tension
die and the ponds which are within 6-7 feet depth they are surfaced through
out the day egulfing oxygen from the air. Professional farmer’s starts aeration
Fish Health Management 319

by operating pumps and paddle wheels but a little success is observed. To

avoid such conditions the farmers must take precautions from the summer
months. Application of good quality of zeolite @ 15-20 kgs/acre/meter
depth must have to be applied in the ponds in every month till the monsoon
starts during July.Such practice can only save the existing stock of fishes.

To prevent fish disease what a farmer is to do

During culture operations, all the animals do suffer from variety of problems-
fishes are no exception. In aquaculture- the most causative agent is water-where
the fishes do live. Healthy eco-condition of water can only save the fishes from
various contaminations. The most important disease of fishes is caused by the
infestations of various pathogenic virus, bacteria, fungus and parasites of various
kinds. Environmental degradation or even the nutritional deficiencies also create
enormous problem to the fishes. What so ever the cause of the problems, the
ultimate result thus appears financial loss to the fish farmer. It is always better
to follow the age old verse: ‘prevention is better than cure’.Preventive measures
are always necessary rather than to take curative measures. What a farmer is
to do to prevent fish diseases are described below:
● It is always necessary to examine the pollution status of the pond water and
soil before starting the aquaculture enterprise.
● The pond water should be light enough, devoid of either bloom or swarm of
● The procured fry or fingerlings should be disease free.
● The density of the advanced fingerlings stocked in the stocking pond is to be
kept minimum with appropriate species ratio so as to provide them sufficient
food and space.
● Raking of the bottom mud is compulsory for easy mineralization and the
procedure should be done once in two months.
● The physico-chemical and the biological properties of water and soil are to
be kept always at an ideal range.
● To avoid eutrophication of water, organic matter load at the soil-water interphase
to be monitored at a regular interval.
● Intrusion of allochthonous wastes from the catchment area is to be stopped
during culture period.
320 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

● It may be necessary to change the pond water if found extremely polluted.

● Application of lime@30-40kg/acre area is a must at least once in a month
together with 15-20kg of Zeolite powder.
● Supplementary feed is to be provided everyday as per the appropriate quantity.
However, the same is to be stopped during rainy days or when the weather
is cloudy for consecutively 2-3days.
● The disease infected fishes are naturally in distress and suffer from weakness.
In such situation netting in the ponds is strictly restricted to avoid mass
● Application of good quality zeolite powder, Multimicronutrient mineral fertilizer,
Chelated copper, Iodine 20% and the Soil and Water Probiotics at the prescribed
doses can only prevent the fishes from contaminated diseases.
● Last but not the least, every farmer should visit his farm site at least once
in a day.


This has already been illustrated that the aquaculture is still a maturing science
so also as a business at least in India. Aquaculture development in one area can
change the environment and approaches to its better management. At the present
moment aquaculture promises greater growth and diversification because of the
advancement of new technologies which safe guards the now vulnerable or
critically endangered aquatic species of commercial importance. The uncontrolled
aqua cultural development generally cause serious environmental degradations as
well as have unanticipated economic, social and cultural impacts on surrounding
communities.Lot of evidences are there which indicate poorly planned, and
unmanaged aquaculture initiatives those achieve short- term financial achievements
but are not sustainable for a long period of time. Herein lies the role of the
existing Government agencies or the appropriate authorities to fill in the emerging
gap of the cheapest source of animal protein in the form of fishes of various
kinds, their systems and environments for sustainable production over a long time
to come. The urgency to develop workable, cost-effective, widely applicable to
sustainability at least in Indian sub-continent where a major forthcoming aquaculture
expansion is likely to be expected.
Aquaculture is an activity producing fish or shellfish mainly for human
consumption. It is carried out in ponds, enclosures or in open water bodies and
thus involves continuous interaction with the environment. Aquaculture can be a
sustainable activity, if it is carried out in socially and environmentally responsible
manner, by adopting good aquaculture practices.
Fish Health Management 321

Sustainable aquaculture means an aquaculture production system that

operates in harmony with the environment and living systems, utilizing
renewable resources as far as possible, providing living conditions to the
animals as close to that of their natural habitats as well as in tune with
the human and social environment of the locality.
Sustainability can be achieved by adopting Better Management Practices
(BetMPs). BetMPs involve legal compliance, social responsibility, good site
selection and farm construction, good practices in farm management right from
pond preparations to harvest and post harvest management activities. Adoption
of BetMPs would result in better production, productivity and returns on the one
hand and environmental and social responsibilities on the other.
Crop planning in advance of the cropping season in consultation with all
farmers involves stocking density based on pond carrying capacity, crop insurance
and bank finance and bulk input purchase like good quality seed through contract
hatchery system, lime, seed, feed and other commonly used chemicals for entering
in to marketing contract with processors, setting up of basic water quality
laboratory with easy to test water quality.
a. Crop calendar: Preparation of Crop calendar- two months before stocking
fix dates for pond preparation, biosecurity, water pumping, contract hatchery,
seed stocking and harvest.For analysis of farm inputs like seed, feed and any
common ingredient used during culture.
b. Increase the water holding capacity of the ponds:To reduce disease
risks and to reduce the excessive reliance on water exchange, pond water
holding capacity has to be increased maintaining water depth at minimum
water level of 1.2m and 2.5m at the centre for both prawn, shrimp and fishes
c. Completely drain out the water from the ponds: Complete draining of
water helps in removing the disease carrying fish and crustaceans from
previous crops in the pond. If it is not possible to drain the water follow wet
preparation method.
d. Remove the organic wastes from the pond bottom: Organic matter
releases toxic gases like ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the pond leading
to stress or death of the cultured animals. Organic waste is in the form of
fine thin black layer on the soil found in feeding area, corners, trenches and
in the centre of a pond with aerators and should be checked for the presence
of black layer when it is in wet condition. Make sure that the displaced
organic waste does not enter the pond again through rain water. The black
322 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

soil if can not be removed completely from the pond it should be ploughed
repeatedly during the summer season.
e . Dry and plough the pond bottom: Sun drying kills weed fish/crustacean
and their eggs in the pond soil. Drying helps in oxidizing the organic matter
thus reducing the sludge. The pond should dry under hot sun for 20 to 30
days till the soil cracks. Plough the pond 2 to 3 times with the gap of 2 to
3 days which will help in oxidizing the organic matter and also help in
reducing gastropods. After ploughing compact the pond bottom to reduce the
turbidity and seepage.When the ponds cannot be dried farmers can follow
wet pond preparation as given below:
● Apply mohua oil cake or chlorine at a dose mentioned earlier before, take
out all dead fishes and other animals if any,
● Use the tractor with gauge wheels to plough the pond with 15 to 20 cm
● After the ploughing drain out the water from the pond if possible.
b. Fertilization and liming of the pond bottom:
● This will help in improving mineral content of the pond bottom especially
in ponds with low soil fertility and ponds which are in culture for more
than 10 years.
● Apply dry vermicompost 250-1000kg/ha or compost manure
● Spread the compost manure all along the pond bottom.
● Do not use raw cow dung or broiler poultry manure for fertilizing the
pond bottom.Application of these may turn the pond soil toxic to fishes.

Application of Lime
Use a soil pH meter to test the soil pH. Soil should be wet while using the
equipment. The levels of lime application during pond preparation depend on the
pH of the soil. Spread the lime all along the pond bottom and along the slopes
of the pond bund. A large proportion of the lime needs to be applied along the
feeding areas and on the wet portions of the pond. When applying lime farmers/
workers should wear face mask.
If the soil pH is more than 7, there is no need of Lime application.
Water screening: It is very important in keeping the disease carriers away.
If good water screening is followed, no need for further disinfectants. Use double
layer of fine mesh filter net (60#) at water inlet point. The filter nets to the
Fish Health Management 323

delivery pipe and it should be supported properly. Provide additional two layers
of 80 mesh hapa below the inlet. Pond should be filled with water within 4 days.
Foot valve should be placed in bamboo basket or metal cage and it should be
covered with 20# mesh to prevent large animals getting in to inlet mesh.

Water Fertilization
Phytoplankton abundance is essential to successful culture. It shades the pond
bottom and prevents the growth of benthic algae; provide the darker environment
which the fishes and prawns/shrimps find less stressful. One week after the
water is filled, normally development of phytoplankton starts especially where
manure is applied.
If the color of the pond water is clear i.e the transparency is higher (exceeds
50 cm or higher), chain dragging once a week helps in stabilizing the planktonic
abundance. Add 200kg of Dolomite per ha during sunny period. Apply 2 days
fermented mixture of rice bran, jaggery and quality brewers yeast @ of
25kg+10kg+0.25 kg/ ha in doses for three days during the morning period. Spread
the fermented mixture across the pond using floating device.When the color of
the water is green the pond is ready for stocking. If there are benthic or floating
algae in the pond, remove them manually.
i) Stabilization of the plankton bloom: Do not heavily fertilize the water to
get dark green water. It will reduce the oxygen in water during night time
thus suffocating the cultured animals. It is one of the reasons for lower
survival rate of fish and prawn seeds. During the first month of culture
whenever the water color intensity reduces (Secchi disc reading of more
than 50 cm), add fermented mixture of rice bran, jaggery and yeast @ of
25kg+10kg+0.25 kg/ha. Chain dragging from the very first day of seed stocking
is not recommended. In case of fish nursery ponds when the spawn attains
early fry stage at the end of 7 or 10 days may be harvested for selling to
other fish farmers using dense meshed net with a gentle operation. In case
of shrimps after 45 DOC follow chain dragging of entire pond phased over
3 to 4 days at least once a week. Wherever possible run the aerators two
hours every day at least at late night. Instead of using crumbled, sinking
pelletized feed, preference to be given for the floating feed in case of fish
ii) Biosecurity practices: Biosecurity in fish and shrimp farming involves
stocking disease free seed, pond preparation, and water screening and
prevention of entry of disease carriers, personal hygiene and sanitation. General
324 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

biosecurity precautions that need to be established for each pond to help

disease prevention and disease control are given below:
Physical barriers to prevent crabs, birds and other animals:Ensure all
farmers in the society implement these biosecurity measures while pond
preparation so that it reduces the risk of disease. The objective is to create
a barrier which prevents entry of animals, predators and carriers of disease
creating pathogens.
iii. Farm Sanitation and hygiene:Area surrounding the farm should be kept
clean, should have a toilet in good sanitary condition, located 20 to 30 m
away from farm area must avoid contamination of domestic sewage , avoid
use of animal manure. Each pond should have a separate water sampling
container. Farmers/workers should avoid getting in to ponds unless it is
iv. Seed selection and procurement: Although majority of the farmers are in
belief that the fish seeds procured from the riverine resources are more
susceptible to diseases, attain a good growth and have a high rate of survival
but fact remains due to continuos increment of pollution most of the spawning
grounds are not in vogue. It is therefore, the farmers are to depend on the
fish nurseries. Before fish seed purchase it is mandatory that the farmers
(the fish growers) should always carefully check the up to date
“ACCRIDITATION CERTIFICATE” issued to the concerned hatchery
by the Department of Fisheries of the state in order to avoid the problems
related to growth of fishes during culture operations.
In case of selection and stocking of good quality and appropriate quantity of
fish/frawn seed (PL) in to the pond it is necessary to avoid wild seed and
seed from poorly managed commercial nurseries. All the farmers in the area
should stock the seed at the same time as per the crop calendar (within a
period of one to two weeks) under contract hatchery system. From sources
of selling, certified specific pathogen-free (SPF) stock or disease free seed
from registered hatcheries should be purchased and stocked in the
nurseries.PCR tested healthy seeds and disease free tested brood stock
should be procured from approved hatcheries complying norms. Seeds of the
same batch form a hatchery are to to be packed with enough oxygen for
optimum quantity based on the distance and time required and temperature
v. Seed stocking: Seed should be released in to pond after proper acclimatization
during cool hours of the day, i.e., after 8 PM or before 8 AM. Make sure
the plankton is good and stable (green color water). Avoid stocking if pond
has transparent water or dark green water.
Fish Health Management 325

vi. Feed Management Practices: Feed management is one of the most

important aspects of successful aquaculture as the feed accounts for 50 to
60% of the operating cost. Feed should be fresh and of good quality and not
more than 90 days old form date of manufacture. Ascertain size and quantity
of feed to be applied following the chart of the manufacturer. Reduce feeding
during periods of low DO, plankton crash, rain fall, molting and extremes of
temperature and during disease outbreaks.In case of prawn/shrimp culture,
installation of feed trays after 10 days of stocking and monitor the feeding
from 20 days. Do regular sampling of prawns once a week after 45 days to
determine growth rate and to calculate FCR. Slightly under feeding is better
than over feeding. Never mix any antibiotics with the feed. It is preferable
to switch off the aerators just before feeding until 2 hrs after feeding, based
on stocking density. In case of fish feed, the farmers who prefer to use farm
made feed generally depends on De-oiled rice bran, groundnut oil cake,
Mustered oil cakes, Soya flakes, Maize powder, Wheat flour, Fish oil in
addition to salt, vitamins and minerals.The ingredients generally procured
after their harvesting from field following respective processing. Immediately
these are transported to the fish farm are being stored in a clean, cool and
ventilated area, well protected from sunlight keeping bags stacked neatly on
pallets (no more than 10 bags per stack) 30 cm away from walls to prevent
feed from being in direct contact with damp floor. Care is taken to that of
the store and outside premises and kept clean and use traps to prevent
rodents. Do not keep any fuel or liquid items in the feed store. It is important
to protect feed bags from sunlight and rain, by storing them off the ground
in simple, pond side storage sheds. During the rain proper care should be
taken to prevent feed bags getting moist.The empty feed bags are kept
properly and recycled them by selling to traders.
vi. Water quality management practices: To reduce risk of disease through
contamination with the water from outside the farm, follow the minimal water
exchange system. If water quality and the pond bottom are good, fishes and the
prawns are healthy and growing well there is no need to exchange water. In
case of prawns, frequent exchange or in-take water is not recommended. Starting
third month, if necessary, water exchange can be done but try to minimize as
low as possible. Do not release or in-take more than 10-20 cm (8 to 15%) of
water per day. It is recommended to use water for exchange from a reservoir
wherever possible. If there is no reservoir, take the water only when there is no
disease contamination in water source. Do not exchange water when there is
drainage from nearby disease affected pond. Wait for couple of days. Always
follow good water screening as mentioned earlier. In early stages of culture (4
326 Freshwater Aquaculture: A Functional Approach

to 6 weeks) if the color of the pond water is clear, add fermented mixture of
jaggery, rice bran and yeast @ of 25 kg+10kg+025 kg/ha to get bloom. If the
water color is too dark, do not use any chemicals to kill the algae; instead
change 10cm of top water, if you can during afternoon and intake during the
night preferably at high tide. If you cannot, reduce/stop feeding during this
period. To control water pH within the optimum range of 7.5-8.3, and limit
diurnal pH fluctuation to less than 0.5. If the pH is lower than 7.5 apply shell
lime to increase the pH. High pH results from over liming and excess plankton
bloom. If the pH is higher than 8.3, apply 50 litres of molasses or fermented
juice of rice powder, jaggery and yeast to reduce the pH.
After every water intake / exchange and after rains, use agricultural lime.
Agri lime (100 Kg/Ha) should be mixed with water and applied throughout the
pond. It acts as a buffering agent for water.

Table 64: List of antibiotics permitted and banned for application in aquaculture (Mohanty
et al., 2018).

Permitted antibiotics Banned antibiotics

Streptomycin Chloramphenicol
Florfenicol Nitrofurans including: Furaltadone, Furazolidon, Furylfuramide,
Nifuratel, Nifuroxim, Nifurpraine, Nitrofurazone.
Amoxicillin Neomycin
Enrofloxacin Nalodixic acid
Erythromycin Sulphamethoxazole
Furazolidone Aristolochia spp.and the preparation there of.
Nitrofurantoin Chloroform
Oxolinic acid Chlorpromazine
Sulphadiazine Colchicine
Tetracycline Dapsone
Oxytetracycline(OTC) Dimetridazole
Various other nitromidazoles
Sulfonamide drugs(Except other approved sulfadimethoxine,
Sulfabromomethazine and Sulfaethoxypyridazine)
Fish Health Management 327


A. Area:
● 1 decimal = 435.6 sq.ft = 40.48 sq.meter
● 1 bigha = 0.33acre = 33decimal
● 1 Acre = 100decimal = 0.405 Hectare
● 1 Hectare = 2.47 acre = 10,000 meter
● 1 Hactare meter = 10, 000m3water i.e., 10,000,000 liters.
● 1 kilometer = 0.62 mile
● 1 meter = 3.28 foot = 1.094 gauge
● 1 cubic meter = 1.30 cubic gauge
● 1 cubic foot = 0.028 sq.meter
● 1 sq.meter = 10.764 sq.foot
B . Measurementof mass
● 1 metric tone = 1000 kg
● 1 kg = 2.02 pound
C. Measurement of liquid
● 1 gallon water = 8.36 pound = 4.5 liters = 3800 c.c
● 1 Cubic foot of water = 7.5 gallon = 62.4 pound = 28354.3 gram
D. General measurements
● 1% salt = 10 gm/liter of water
● 1:10, 000 = 1 milli liter/40 liter of water

Unit of measure, Calculations, Basic formula

Area = L x B
Volume = L x B x H
Perimeter = 2 (L x B)

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