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2, JUNE 2023


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[email protected], [email protected]
Marikina Catholic School, 2San Mateo National High School
MAT Students at Marikina Polytechnic College, Philippines



This study tries to evaluate the Chatbot as a non-print material to enhance the teaching instruction in
electromagnetism in grade 10 students and to respond to the difficulties experienced by teachers and
students in teaching electromagnetism. This study was done with selected students of San Mateo National
High School involving 20 students who are currently studying Science 10. A survey was also conducted
by the researchers to identify the possible competency and topics that became the focus of this research.
This research used the ADDIE model in developing and utilizing the Chatbot as the non-print instructional
material for the enhancement of teaching instruction in electromagnetism in Science 10. The researchers
focused on the five (5) stages of the ADDIE model which includes analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation. In conclusion, this research provides a reference that by utilizing chatbots
as non-print instructional material, an educator will engage the online learner nurture a successful learning
community, make proper use of social media platforms, and alleviate the frustration and fear that goes
along with learning electromagnetism. As a result of the evaluation, a chatbot is easy to use, more on
online learners can learn faster using a chatbot and can learn things while using Facebook and Messenger.

Keywords: Chatbot, technology-based, non-print material, ADDIE model, Constructivism, Online Learning,

INTRODUCTION as integrating online formative assessment, and

online platforms for motivation and discussion,
The needs of the students when it comes to some educators are still in doubt and feel anxious
the learning process are expanding as technology when asked to deliver online teaching modality.
progresses. Technology takes a great place in the One advantage brought about by the pandemic
process of learning for students. Technology and was opening the door for online education
digital literacy are vital skills that 21st-century platforms to be appreciated and maximize their
students should possess. Teachers should find usage.
more ways to teach lessons to students that are The educational system of the Philippines
way more accessible with the help of technology. is facing huge challenges. It was restructured
Online education has quickly become because of the implementation of the senior high
widespread and accepted as another instruction school here in the Philippines. The 2018 National
platform among educational institutions worldwide. Achievement Test (NAT) result shows that the
Although seasoned teachers embrace some Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of Science ranked
teaching strategies through online education such last among the subject areas included in the NAT.
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
AÑANO, J., DELA VEGA, C.D.T., Utilization of Chatbot as Non- Print Materials for the Enhancement of Teaching
Instruction in Electromagnetism in Grade 10, pp. 20 - 28
In the 2018 result, Science and Mathematics producing outcomes based on the input.
recorded the lowest mean which indicates that the Chatbot is also defined as a virtual assistant, where
students performed way below the acceptable it is intended to understand the users and their
level of MPS among all subjects (DepEd-Cagayan needs using methods of artificial intelligence. It is
Valley, 2019). also stated that Chatbots are currently used as
The Philippines and other rich countries virtual agents to enhance the teaching-learning
have the same school attendance level. Yet, the processes and different activities.
Philippine educational system continues to
struggle to build high-quality outcomes as THE ADDIE MODEL
discussed in the study of Paqueo and Orbeta
(2022). Based on the performance of our students This research incorporates the ADDIE
as reflected on the results of the Program for model. According to Samsudin et al. (2021), the
International Student Assessment (PISA), our ADDIE model is one of the most adapted and most
students at the international level obtained lower flexible models for instructing students using
than the minimum level of proficiency in reading, technology because it is a more systematic and
science, and mathematics, which was also more appropriate model to be used.
confirmed in 2019 by the Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study or also known as
TIMSS. One of the recommendations in their study
is to make good use of technology to produce a
more learner-centered education as well as the
improve the quality of education in the Philippines.
Textbooks are artifacts. They are part of
worldwide education and many stakeholders have
the chance to proofread and correct the book
content before releasing and distributing it to
different schools. In most classrooms, they
are the physical tools most intimately connected to Figure 1: ADDIE Model
teaching and learning. Most students rely on
textbooks whenever they are confused about the
topic being discussed by the teachers or when they The ADDIE model, is described by Molenda
don’t understand the discussion at all. Textbooks (2003) as “a colloquial term used to describe a
are designed to translate the curriculum provided systematic approach to instructional development,
by higher education to be used both by the virtually synonymous with instructional systems
teachers and students. Each textbook has a development”. This model is composed of
precise mediating role that varies according to the systematic phases that can be used for both
specific nations, educational systems, schools, traditional and online methods of teaching. These
and classrooms. (Peacock and Cleghorn, 2004) five phases involved, analysis, design,
Orbeta and Paqueo (2022) suggested that development, implementation, and evaluation that
technology can also be utilized to allow access to provide an ideal framework to execute instructional
more diverse content than the traditional and design approach for online learning modalities.
existing resources that are available in schools.
Utilization of technology in delivering instructions OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
can promote more learner-centered learning where
students have the opportunity to control their This study aims to 1) Identify the possible
learning. competency and topics that need focus; 2) Find
Agarwal’s study (2022) identified that a alternative ways and convenient platforms in
chatbox is a kind of software application that is teaching the learners; 3) Evaluate chatbot as a
suitable for recognizing patterns from input and non-print material to enhance teaching instruction
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
AÑANO, J., DELA VEGA, C.D.T., Utilization of Chatbot as Non- Print Materials for the Enhancement of Teaching
Instruction in Electromagnetism in Grade 10, pp. 20 - 28
in Grade 10 electromagnetism; 4) Engage the ● Analyze the least mastered topic in
online learner nurture a successful learning electromagnetism 10
community, use social media platforms properly, The researchers asked the students about the
and alleviate the frustration and fear that goes topics they encountered that were difficult to
along with learning electromagnetism. understand, as well as the teachers about the
topics and learning objectives they were not able
METHODOLOGY to meet. The answers are gathered from the
participants through a Google form survey, and
The researchers used the ADDIE model in curriculum guide where the most essential learning
the development of non-print instructional material competencies are indicated and the least mastered
that is utilized in teaching electromagnetism in topics.
Science 10. The researchers believe that the The K-12 basic competencies and standards
ADDIE model would help the teachers in improving provide the researchers with a basic idea for
their teaching methods which will also help them planning the next step and providing an initial
achieve learning goals as they use the Chatbot as analysis of the topic content.
non-print instructional material for the
enhancement of teaching instruction of RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
electromagnetism in Science 10. This instructional
model would also help the students to acquire the 1. Learners Analysis
knowledge and competencies needed. The ADDIE
model is frequently used by developers of training The Chatbot design should focus on the
and designers of instructional materials which learner’s needs and preferences when it comes to
represents a versatile and progressive guideline learning. The instructional material design should
for developing an effective instructional tool also determine ways in which online learners are
(Culatta, 2018). similar and different from traditional learners which
also leads to a better understanding of the learners'
Analysis needs in the topic Olgren (1998). This will be
further discussed in the evaluation part.
In the ADDIE model, the beginning step in
developing instructional material is analysis. The The researchers identified the problem and
analysis stage includes the process of identifying the topics that should be discussed in the
the things that should be learned, problems, and developed instructional material using the following
possible solutions (McGriff, 2000). The analysis responses from the participants:
phase is one of the most important phases in the
ADDIE model that is often mislooked. Like any “Applications of the electromagnetic spectrum and
other research, the excitement and eagerness to how electromagnetic induction occurs/works
finish the result put the relevance and quality of the (electricity and magnetism)” - Participant A
findings at risk (Shelton & Saltsman, 2008). In this
“About Electromagnetic Radiation with their purpose
case, the researchers tried to achieve the basic
and uses.” - Participant B
step of analysis by identifying the least mastered
competencies of the students in electromagnetism “Just the electromagnetic spectrum” - Participant C
which could be the possible topic content to be
included in the chatbot. “My biggest area of confusion with the
In the context of design, the process of electromagnetic spectrum is how it is used. I
analysis that needs to be done involves the occasionally have trouble figuring out which
following aspects: electromagnetic spectrum is being used with things I
● Analyze the least mastered competencies encounter daily.” - Participant D
that align with the DepEd content standard

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

AÑANO, J., DELA VEGA, C.D.T., Utilization of Chatbot as Non- Print Materials for the Enhancement of Teaching
Instruction in Electromagnetism in Grade 10, pp. 20 - 28
“Lack of the foundation of concepts about conductors design a teaching plan that is based on the
and magnets. Application of motors and generators learning needs of the students. All information from
only” -Participant E the analysis stage is translated into an instructional
design. According to Vulpen (2022), key points of
“Electromagnetic Induction, magnetic field flux, and the design phase are creating and mapping an
intensity” - Participant F outline of learning intervention and evaluation
methods to be used as well as the alignment of
“Various concepts such as electric current, electric learning goals.
fields, magnetic fields.” - Participant G
In this phase, it is necessary to create
“Not enough tools to show the different concepts
careful planning of the design framework and start
under it. Also, it is hard to let the students imagine
developing the instructional material. This means
how electromagnetic induction works.” - Participant
that it is important to have all and accurate
guidelines for the creation of instructional material
as defined in the analysis phase (Drljača,
“Lack of tools and equipment to be used for,2017). The teachers must also think of an
laboratory in teaching electromagnetism” -
appropriate and effective teaching approach to
Participant I
ensure students learning. In this research, the
The researchers focused on researchers used a constructivist approach to
electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic teaching where teachers help the students in
spectrum in the developed instructional material. creating knowledge through their own experiences
and prior ideas.
2. Analysis of the Application to Utilize
The design phase includes additional
In choosing the Chatbot application to detailed planning of the following:
utilize, the researchers considered the following ● Educational learning objectives that are in
aspects: line with the learning competency and
● Is the Chatbot application easy to manage standard set by the DepEd;
and navigate? ● Educational content (lessons or topics to be
● Is the Chatbot application accessible to all included);
types of gadgets, whether laptop, PC, or ● Activities and Assessment;
mobile device only? ● Use of online technologies for knowledge
● Does the Chatbot application require large presentation;
data usage? Some common tasks and questions related
● Does the Chatbot application cater the to this stage are:
students with low economic status? ● the type of media used (links, videos,
animations, and simulators)
The researchers should seek answers to ● the level and types of activities generated
the questions mentioned above to provide a proper by the study (interactive and engaging,
perspective in providing instructional materials to groupings or individual output)
be utilized. ● precise skills and knowledge developed
(mental and cognitive skills)
Design ● complete function features of each site and
The second phase of the ADDIE model is
the design, which includes planning strategies, Development
teaching approaches, and outlines of learning
goals that are identified during the analysis phase. The development phase incorporates both
In the design phase, teachers should be able to the analysis phase and the design phase and
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
AÑANO, J., DELA VEGA, C.D.T., Utilization of Chatbot as Non- Print Materials for the Enhancement of Teaching
Instruction in Electromagnetism in Grade 10, pp. 20 - 28
focuses on the details of generating the automated flow of conversation is aligned with
instructional material that includes all the the analysis and design phases
necessary tools and media to be used. In this
phase, the preparation of the lesson to be Implementation
discussed, experiments and activities are included
as well as the instructional methods (Zulkifli et al., In the implementation phase, the outputs of
2018). development are applied in the learning process to
Development is a rewarding stage, in this determine the quality of learning that covers the
phase, we can see if the results are observable and effectiveness, attractiveness, and efficiency of the
concrete. This includes the review of the learning instructional material. Implementation took place in
objectives, content development, content Science 10 to get input from the students.
chunking, the creation of content of the lesson, the The researchers first presented the
development of learning objects, assessment of Chatbot content to the professor and a group of MA
the students, and other essential resources students who are currently enrolled in
(Shelton and Saltsman, 2011). While developing Electromagnetism and Optics and Acoustics
the instructional materials it is very important to subjects. During the presentation of the Chatbot
make sure that the learners achieve the target instructional material content, some questions
learning goals of the content. The development arose:
phase is getting everything and putting the plan
into action thus, it also includes the creation and “How are you going to give an assessment to the
measurement of learning outcomes. students? How will you be able to collect their
answers?” - Professor A“Sir, the chatbot platform we
used can collect word activities, and you can also add
drive links where the students can directly submit
their activities, we just don’t include it yet.” -
Researcher B

Figure 2. Automated Chat Flow using

In line with this, the researchers created a

Facebook page named Fun Ways to Learn EM and
used to create the automated
conversational flow of the Chatbot in the
Figure 3. Chatbot Messenger Interface
messenger. The automated flow of conversation
on the Chatbot includes how the students will Questions raised were properly addressed
choose a topic, how they are given lectures and during that time. In addition, the completed and
activities, and how they are assessed similar to a published Chatbot is utilized and maximized both by
natural discussion. The development of the teachers and students.

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

AÑANO, J., DELA VEGA, C.D.T., Utilization of Chatbot as Non- Print Materials for the Enhancement of Teaching
Instruction in Electromagnetism in Grade 10, pp. 20 - 28
After presenting the Chatbot to the a hard time coping with the traditional way of
professor and MA students, the Chatbot is then discussion in the classroom. It will also serve as an
presented to the selected grade 10 students of San intervention activity for the non-performer student
Mateo National High School who have difficulties in school, and an enrichment activity for those
understanding the lessons on the electromagnetic advanced students.
spectrum and electromagnetic induction. The
messenger link of the chatbot was given to the
students which directed them to the messenger Evaluation
Chatbot interface of the Facebook page created by
researchers. The final stage of utilizing non-print material
During the implementation, students is evaluation and assessment. Evaluation is a time
submitted their answers in the activities and for reflecting and achieving the desired outcome of
experiments integrated into the automated the instructional materials (Schwartz, F., & White,
conversational flow to the Google Drive link K., 2000). At this stage, the teacher assesses each
indicated in the automated response of the student’s performance, including the topic that was
Chatbot. The answers of the students are collected understood and the topic that requires more
in Google Drive and teachers were able to check improvement.
and write comments on the answers of the The summative evaluation was done to
students. determine students' learning outcomes and the
quality of learning extensively (Ayre and Scally,
2014). This research applies formative
assessment in terms of activities as well as, follow-
up questions included in the automated
conversational flow of the chatbot in the
messenger to assess if the students understood
the lesson or if they still needed more examples
and explanations.
Researchers provide the students with a
Google form for the evaluation of the Chatbot as
Non-Print Material, its best features, and the
student's suggestion for the improvement of the
Chatbot. The researchers followed the framework
in accomplishing the objective of the study by
adapting the ADDIE model; it includes, an analysis
phase, design phase, developmental phase,
implementation phase, and lastly, evaluation
The result of the student's evaluation, the
best features of the chatbot are the following:
● easy to use, more on online learning,
● can learn faster using a chatbot,
● can learn things while using Facebook
Figure 4. Sample of Answers of the Students on the Activities and and Messenger.
Experiments Included in the Chatbot
● the way it is programmed to automatically
communicate with the user,
The teacher will give the chatbot link to the ● can pick a certain topic, accessible to
students of Grade 10 during their asynchronous everyone, is free to use, and cost of the
time to assist and help the learners who are having internet.

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

AÑANO, J., DELA VEGA, C.D.T., Utilization of Chatbot as Non- Print Materials for the Enhancement of Teaching
Instruction in Electromagnetism in Grade 10, pp. 20 - 28
by the DepEd; the design and development
phase creates the possible instructional materials
to utilize; the implementation of instructional
materials engage the students to have equal
learning even in online modality; and lastly, the
evaluation provides a venue for effectivity
assessment and suggestions. By utilizing chatbots
as non-print instructional material, an educator will
engage the online learner to establish a successful
learning environment, make proper use of social
media platforms, and eradicate the frustration and
fear that goes along with learning


Figure 5. Responses of the Students This research aims to provide effective

learning using non-print instructional materials.
However, the research itself has its limitations in
covering all the topics from the curriculum guide
provided by the Deped since the researchers
chose the topic through a survey conducted on the
chosen students of Grade 10 in SMNHS.
In addition, this research provides
qualitative information that can be used by other
researchers as future references for their study.
The researchers might also use different platforms
exploring more technology-based materials that
Figure 5. Responses of the Students
are more effective and easier to use for the
learning and teaching process which leads to the
development of both students and teachers.
From the result of the student’s evaluation After presenting the research to the
and suggestions about the best features and students and panelists, the following
downgrade side of the chatbot, the researchers will recommendations were suggested;
use that to improve and enhance the features and 1. Add some more examples on a certain
functions of the chatbot to serve its purpose as topic.
another source of learning platforms. 2. Provide an image or video regarding the
activity that must be done.
CONCLUSION 3. Use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to
Make Chatbots Seem Friendlier.
Educators who are comfortable with 4. Add assessment activity with time limits like
traditional methods of teaching, struggle to engage Google Forms and online and game-based
students over the internet. In the 21st generation of quizzes websites which provide activity
students that we have, teaching in online platforms with a time limit.
requires additional techniques for success. The 5. Have a better analysis of the analysis
ADDIE instructional model provides a venue for stage of the research.
developing and utilizing an online platform of 6. Includes a progress tracker to know the
education. It analyzes the learning goals and progression of the students in terms of their
standard that the students need to attain and sets activity output.
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
AÑANO, J., DELA VEGA, C.D.T., Utilization of Chatbot as Non- Print Materials for the Enhancement of Teaching
Instruction in Electromagnetism in Grade 10, pp. 20 - 28
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P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

AÑANO, J., DELA VEGA, C.D.T., Utilization of Chatbot as Non- Print Materials for the Enhancement of Teaching
Instruction in Electromagnetism in Grade 10, pp. 20 - 28
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Jona Añano, LPT is currently a

High School science teacher and
Science Laboratory Custodian at
Marikina Catholic School, a former
Grade School Science teacher and
Eureka Moderator, graduated from
Marikina Polytechnic College with a
bachelor of Technical Teacher Education major in
Physics and is also currently taking a masters at
Marikina Polytechnic College.

Coreen Denielle T. Dela Vega,

LPT is a science public teacher at
San Mateo National High School,
a former junior high school and
senior high school science
teacher at St. Matthew College,
graduated with a course of
Bachelor of Technical Teacher
Education major in Physics, and is also currently
taking masters at Marikina Polytechnic College.


Copyright of this article is retained by the

author/s, with first publication rights granted to
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
International License (

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

AÑANO, J., DELA VEGA, C.D.T., Utilization of Chatbot as Non- Print Materials for the Enhancement of Teaching
Instruction in Electromagnetism in Grade 10, pp. 20 - 28

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