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2013 100
2014 109

‘The Distant Past

The Distant Past
2015 138
The Common Era
2016 150

‘The 1940s, 50s, and 60s

2017 78
1940s-1960s 38
2018 187

‘The 1970s, 80s, and 90s 44

1970s-1980s 46
1990s 52
‘The 2020s 206
2018-2023 208
After the Blip 232
‘The 2000s and 2010s
2000s 2024 244

2025 294
2012 92

‘The MCU Timeline 328

Index 340
Acknowledgments 344

And each of these movies and shows is created to share those connections with you,
making the whole bigger and grander and more dimensional. Every detail—every
story beat, every piece of armor, every location—has been thought about and built
Itis mind-boggling to think that the cinematic universe we've built at Marvel Studios by our filmmakers and the Marvel Studios team, who live in these stories sometimes
justifies an entire timeline book, but after 30 films, eight series, four phases, and an for years. The result, we hope, is an immersive world that fans can return to time and
Infinity Saga, it felt ike the right time to attempt a project lke this. More importantly, to visit with characters they know and love, experience stories that are both
it is something our fans have been asking us for! This book is not just anin-Universe exciting and moving, and explore places that are fantastical yet familiar.
chronological order of events; this book exemplifies the thought and care that all of
us here at Marvel Studios and the storytellers we work with—directors, writers, As the team was pulling this book together, we went through multiple scenarios on
actors—have put into imagining the Marvel Cinematic Universe as it exists today. how to present this timeline in the best possible way. We quickly realized that the
real authority on these matters is the Time Variance Authority or TVA, which we
When we were working on /ron Man, we didn’t have a map built out that stretched introduced in Loki. As the guardians of the Sacred Timeline, they would be the ones
all the way to the far reaches of the Multiverse. We wanted to tell a great story who would notice when things don't quite line up. And like the real universe, the
about one character, hoping that if it worked, we might just be able to do a few more, Marvel Cinematic Universe can also be a little messy in parts. Fortunately, we have
and ifall the stars cosmically aligned, we could assemble the Avengers in a movie. Miss Minutes who will pop up throughout the book whenever we have one of those
That was the bet we were making when Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury appeared in Multiversal glitches, and to provide more context.
the post credit scene on Iron Man. He could have easily been speaking directly to us,
when he said, “Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't On the Multiverse note, we recognize that there are stories—movies and series—that
know it yet.” Universes have a way of growing, are canonical to Marvel but were created by different storytellers during different
periods of Marvel's history. The timeline presented in this book is specific to the
Like Marvel's comic books, the MCU is a creation of collaboration, home to hundreds MCU's Sacred Timeline through Phase 4. But, as we move forward and dive deeper
of artists and storytellers. Like all of us, our onscreen heroes are all deeply human. into the Multiverse Saga, you never know when timelines may just crash or converge
They doubt, they grieve, they fight, and then they pick themselves back up, they (hint, hint / spoiler alert).
forge new bonds, they celebrate. They have people they care about, and families we
have watched them build, whether it’s a wise-cracking raccoon and walking tree, or The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to grow—it's growing as | write this
the sibling you're constantly at odds with, or the guy you keep lappingat the Lincoln for now this is the history of the MCU unraveled from end to end. tis a story | have
Memorial. Across multiple movies and shows, we watch these characters come been lucky to be a part of for over 20 years. And | am thankful for all of you reading
together to create something greater than the sum of their parts. this who are on this journey with us!

Kevin Feige
Producer and President, Marvel Studios
Hey Yall! 'm Miss Minutes, and welcome to the guidebook
on the beings and events that make up the universe known,
as 616, also known as the Sacred Timeline. Here at the Time
Variance Authority, our job is to keep tabs and protect the
countless timelines that weave together our Multiverse. Some of these have
‘small differences, like altered lunar cycles or events happeningat slightly
different times, or big ones—like everybody being made out of paint! Now,
616 may bejust one thread in this vast Multiverse, but trust me, it's a wild one!

To help navigate key events along the way, when possible, we've marked
them by seasonsin Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. Why there, y'all might ask? ap HOW TOUSETHISBOOK
Because that's where the Avengers are, silly! As we make our way down the . This bok grants you ace ein the world Feel freeto ski
Sacred Timeline, you'll even see some folks from this reality hoppin’ over
to other timelines for a visit. For a long time, someof those crossovers were i be ue
allowed, and we didn't interfere.

But every now and again somethin’ does go wrong, and in the old days
would step in to prune the branch, restoring it to the proper flow of time. We
don't do that anymore! We wanna be honest here, so now and then I'll pop in
to point out temporal disruptions in the timelines! Ooo, doggy! Just remember,
this isn't everything that happensin 616, much less the Multiverse—we're
always trackin’ this vast, evolving story. Given the fluidity of time and space,
and the infinite expansion of the Multiverse—and our paperwork—we're always
playing catch-up, so we appreciate y’all's patience and understanding! Maybe
welll get to the rest of it someday. Until then, sit back and enjoy!
Vast leaps are needed to traverse the period of time from The Big Bang
to what's known on Earth as the 20th century. Vaulting forward through
the chronology is part of that journey, but a degree of informed
guesswork about certain events from long ago is also necessary, since
the further away these incidents are, the harder it is to see them clearly.
What follows is an estimation—a mix of science, history, politics, and
legend. A chronicle of powerful beings in the universe can never be
especially well documented, given how often true power is shielded by
secrecy. God-like beings also tend not to explain or make records of their
actions for the purpose of mortal understanding. Still, moments of
cosmic significance rarely go unnoticed, and even the most ancient and
arcane tales have been passed down from one generation to the next,
if only in whispers.
The closer one draws to the contemporary era, the more certain we
are about when the timeline’s major turning points occurred, where they
happened, and who participated in them. In the beginning, the Celestials
are a dominant sentient force, creating suns that bring light to worlds,
which the gods then battleto rule. Over time, mortals, particularly
human beings, will explore ways to harness new powers and abilities
of their own, seizing control of their own fates.

The DistantPas

‘The Distant Past | Earth, Midgard, Terra

The 7 n
a significant numberof ut
eckin the endless void of space
desi array, wil be

fharsh and barren, but oceans form over the eons. an
‘oxygen-rich atmosphere envelops the globe. and a vibrant array of
Earthas the womb for anew Celestial known as Tiamut, whose
Past ‘seed is implanted justas inteligent fe onthe planet begins to

13.8 billion years ago, a universe is born. n solar system, sending shockwaves throughou
Bursts of light and energy send matter ‘cosmas
and even, in some cases, the Multiverse
bolting away at unfathomable speeds.
Galaxies sprawl, stars ignite, and clouds of
debris coalesce into planets as billions of
years elapse. Gradually, life evolves, and
accompanying life is death. The struggle to
survive will be defined by an innate sense The Distant Past | Arishem
of morality that many sentient beings Dawn of the Universe | Ego Takes Shape
possess—to protect themselves, but also nfrom the cores of planets, Some evolve to create more of his kind. On selected
others. From life, heroes will rise. This seeminglyby happenstance, ke the Celestial known a Ego. At first of sentient bein
yearning to do right goes by many names: just a spark of consciousness alone in dee ace, Ego manipulates amass tive lfeforce radiates the
decency, honor, duty, love. All will become phy
crucial forces that guide the destiny of this brainske receptacle, then assembles an enti milions of years hate from the centerof
around that While other Celest con them. B
new plane of existence. Ego prefersto mimic more hun that brighten lush plan winere other species of ntoligent life
tures found on distant worlds le of creation and destruction begin,

7S Se ee eee
Dawn of the Universe | The Six Infinity Stones The Distant Past | The Rise of Asgard
The Big Bang creates six objects of indescribable lke beings fom the mystical kingdom of A
establish an empire out ofthe Ni of Yeast. devising
Inthe distant future, a being kno nas the Collector a meansof traveling between them using a spectrum of energy
way:"Before creation itself, there were six singular 1. Then the universe they cal the Bifrost. Earthis situated atthe center of the tre-ihe
Jed into existence, and the remnan systems were forge Yegerasi, earningthe name Midgard from the Asgardians as
into concentrated ingots—Infnty Stones.Th tones can only be ey venture between the higher and lower realms. But th
brandished by beings of extraordinary strength ‘only wayto travel across Yggdra. Every 5000
years the NineRe
cough time that allow passage from one realm to the
next-an event known asthe Convergence

‘The Distant Past | The Tree ofthe World

YYegcrasilsthe name given to an immense cosmic collection
‘of nie worlds. It wll become home to gods, mortals, giants,
Dawn of the Universe | The Handiwork of Celestials Dwarves, and other p erful and unique beings. Beforeit
‘Among the entitieswho shape th furnace of beginto shine, theowing
off the light and
most powerful forms of fe to eve 5 These
g0¢-ke beings pre-date the birth of the cosmo 1s well as the Infinity ightiess place is home to shadow-dwellersknown as "Dark
nes, and use their ability to manipulate mat er ai Elves” These ancient beings are decimated by the em rge
flight, and afterward only survive on The Dark World
The Distant Pat

‘The Distant Past | The Deviant Error

Since estas are traditionally nurtured on
tive ifeforce of sentient beings,
vast numbers of ings ar
essary lote every new planetary ‘The Distant Past | The Vibranium Meteorite
incubation Arishem and te other existing Millionsof years ago an asteroid made of vibranium, one of
Celestial pt o boost the volume of the rarest and most versatile metals in the universe, strikes
inteligent life on these worldsby creating the planet Earth, embedding tselfin the continent of Africa
ferocious Deviants to cul wild predators The energy absorbing propertiesof vibraniom make the
3 otherwise keep such populations impact less destructive than ordinary meteorite strikes
At some
in check The Deviants are given the capacity point, vxanivm also makes its way int the Atlantic
plant life that grows around the vibranium gradually absorbs
Deviants themselves tuen against the very the element into its genetic structure. These enriched parts
es the Celestia hope to propagate ‘ofthe world await the day humans i ys of utlzing
Afiis required. vibraniums extraordinary potential

The Distant Past | Carving Mount Wundagore

Dark magical forces emerge on Earth such asthe demon ‘The Distant Past | Ego Sows His Seeds
CChthon, who carves his collection of forbidden incantations ‘ter spending milions upon millions
inside a temple but atop remote Mount Wundagore.Itis known as Ego decides to find some company, The flesh and bone
constructed as a throne for the prophesied “Scarlet Witch vessels he creates fr himselfin the formsof various mortal Beings,
travel the galaxy. search of connection, Underwhelmed by what he
toher will-or destroy itentiely finds, Ego undertakes “the Expansion” “Over thousands of years |
implanted thousands of extensions of myself on thousandsof worlds
day explain. “I need to fulfil if 'sone true purpose-to grow
and spread, ering ll that exists until everythings. me

‘The Distant Past | The Eternal Remedy

The Celetials use the World Forge to devise even more sophisticated
protectors known as Eternals to hunt the Deviants and defend sentientfe 5000 BCE | The Eternals Arrive
con planets where new Celestils are embed Unlike the Deviants, the A amof freshly mind-wiped Eternals is dispatchedto
Eternals are notintended to evolve, but the emotional inteligencethat makes Earth to protect humans from attacks b Deviants
them formidable defenders also makes them sympathetic tothe populations and provide guidance that might fur er boost the
they guard. When the time comes fora new Celestial tobe born, some sation, The Eternals are prohibited from
Eternals may beh sified by the destruction ofthe planetand the innocent interfering in humanity's wars and catastrophes,
people who inhabit counter this, Arishem takesthe precautionof however since such crises often lead to life-giving
repeatedly erasing their memories. forward leaps in technology.
2988 8CE | Dark Elves Revolt
The Convergence ofthe Nine Realms inspiresa revolution led by
Malekth ofthe Dark Elves, Having secured the Reality Stone inthe form
‘of the vaporous Aether, Malkith seeks to uset to return Yegdrasl (and
beyond) toa state of eternal darkness. The Asgardian king Bor lead
armies in an attack against them, snatching away the Rether and hiding
‘The Distant Past | The Founding it before anbe used to reshape realty. An enraged Malekth sends his
of Wakanda warships ful of faithful fighters ishinginto the Asgardian army in a
Five human tribes living around the selfish at empt to escape. He and his lieutenants go int hibernation,
vibranium impact site in Afica join waiting another chance to strike when the worlds align again
the nation of Wakanda
The countrys foun 1 and frst ued
by the warrior shaman Bashengaa
3s Bast, directing him toa
luminous, purple flower known as the
Heart-Shaped Herb, This plant has The Distant Past | The Mystic Arts
absorbed the prope is of vibranion The ancient people of Ea begin to dabble in magic and
and after consuming i Bashenea mysticism. Agamotto becomes one
erives increased agility strength, and esearch and perfect these abilties, sharing his knowledge with
acumen that enableshim tolead and ‘others by founding the Masters ofthe Mystic Arts. This sect,
protect Wakanda as the regal Black establishes three sanctums at locations of extraordinary power
Panther Only one tribe, the Jabar around the globe, designed to stand as watchtowers against
resists his rule, choosingindependen supernatural threats, Agamotto late comes into pos
from the king by isolating themselves the Time Stone and creates an amulet that allows its use
in the country's mountain range. manipula the fabricof time

The Distant Past | Withdrawal from ‘The Distant Past| A Panoply of Gods
the World Deities ofall kinds o
‘Wakandals people devise astonishing new uses presences felt on Earth, astonishing human
{for te vbranium beneath theirhomeland, which beings who concact elaborate mythologies
‘quickly vaults them decades and soon centuries) to explain what they've witnessed, Some
ahead ofthe rest of the developed word {04s prefer to remain alo f from the mortal
cognizing thatthe rare metal makes t The rling Egyptian deities eventually bani
susceptibieto at ack, colonization, and the lunar god Khonshufor meddling in human
exploitation, Wakanda’s rulers affairs and nearly exposing the gods to the
ge hiding the wonders they disc world at large. Asgardian interaction with the
‘masking their country as a hu ble agrarian society. Nordic regions inspires local mythology, wile
By closingoff from the hostile world, much lke t he ‘other gos ke Zeus and his pantheon become
people of Talokan wil ater the citizens of Wakanda the fou tation of Greek myth and faith
focus their inno ancement inward
Ditant Past

‘The Distant Past | The Hammer With Two Meanings ‘The Distant Past | The Darkhold ©
The mystica hammer knownas Molnitis created by the giant Dwarf
575 BCE | Expectations for Humanity
The destructive spels of Mount Wundagor The innovator Phastos considers introducing the steam
backer erate a forge around the dying star Nidavelic are transcribed ito the Darkhold so-called engine tothe Mesopotamian, but is felow Eternals veto
(Odin seesit alternately as “a weapon to destroy-or asa too! to build ‘book of the damned” known to corrode the the dea, nssting humans arent ready for uch technology
Itsan object he wil pas to his children, fist hs ferocious daughte souls of thosewho partake ofits knowledge. Pushing too hard might backlve so an exasperated Phastos
Hela, who uses it to conquer, then to his son, Thor who willbe instead introduces them to he simple plow. Only thei leader,
toprovehis worthiness to wieldit ‘jak. is aware thatthe Eternals true purpose is to nourish the
Celestial growing within the world's core—and that their work
will someday lea tothe planet's destruction. Basedon what
she has sen, Ajak asks Arishem to consider whether humans
‘may be worthy of being spared, but he dismissesher concern

‘The Distant Past | Creation of the Dark Gate

‘The Dweller in Darknes , a huge b Hf on the
spiritsof living things. rampages through Ta Loa dimension adjacent
to€arth Itleads an army of smaller Soul Eaters as they consume
anyone in their path, Analiance of human wartiorsjoins forces with
the noble dragon they call The Great Protector to battle the
‘monsters, imprisoning the creatures insidea mountain behind
barter of dragonscales. A vilage is bul for descendants ofthat
Fight to continue standing watch over the Dark Gate, protecting
Earth and other from the evil restrained within,


The Distant Past | Inspiration and Attachment
The workof the Eternals leads toa sein several advanced
societies around Earth. Theirherism becomes enmeshed with
the mythology of these cultures, with theEternals sometimes
indstingishable rom gods The storyteller of the group, Spite
provides inspiration othe mortalsby making up tales of ars
fying too close tothe sun or eteling the attlesof
Gigamesh. The Etemaslso develop richer bonds with ach
cating hee other as 1 centuries pass, witharis and Seri falingin love,
and Druig drawing closer with Makkar

‘TheDistant Pst | Ocin's Conquest (=)

(Odin claims the throne of Asgard from his father Bor, with '575BCE | The Battle for Babylon
ambitions to moce tightly rule over the Nine Realms of he Eternals defeat a horde of Deviants outside the walls
Yagdrast He has a daughter, Hela, to whom he gives ‘of Babylon, which at this points the largest city on Earth.
the mighty hammer Mjolic She wie the weapon as Mesopotamia has been the Eterals'base of operations fr
commander ofthe legions of Asgard. Together wey lead thousands of years, and theirDomo starship is embedded
violent takeover of the interconnect world, using inthe ground beneath Babylon legendary hanging
the enslaved labor of the defeated to construct Asgard’ ‘gardens. This part ofthe worl, later known as the Middle
yal palace East isthe birthplace of many advancements necessary for
the unfettered growth ofthe human population
575 BCE | Babylon 2024 | Deteating the

50008CE | Dawnof
Civteation 2024 | nthe Jungle 2024 | The Uni-Mind

400 | Sersand

The Distant Past |

Creation of the Etorals
2024 | Fallen Colstial

1521] Tenochtitian

The Avengers might hold the title of the Earth’s
Mightiest Heroes, but the Eternals have been living poesia 20241 camden
among humanity for thousands of years, quietly
protecting Earth. Created by the Celestials, an
ancient and powerful alien race, the Eternals possess.
awide variety of superhuman abilities, including
incredible strength, speed, regenerative abilities,
flight, and near-immortality. The Eternals—Ajak,
Ikaris, Phastos, Druig, Kingo, Makkari, Sprite, Sersi,
Thena, and Gilgamesh—are ordered to protect humans
from creatures known as Deviants. However, the
Celestials’ true reason for sending them to Earth is far
more sinister than the Eternals could have imagined.
The Distant Pas

Common ‘The Common Era | The Ancient One
origin is lostto time, but the begin

Era 0 become the longest serving Sorcerer

Supreme ofthe Mastersof the Mystic Arts. More
ignificants the fact thatthe so-called "Ancient One”
The age that will become known as the
Common Era on Earth continues to be birth extending he lifespan by practic ng forbidden
shaped by powerful beings from other ituals that draw Dark Dimension,
worlds. It starts approximately 2,000 years She believes her long! Earth ustifiesan
unnatural existence, but iay ofher actions
before the widespread emergence of will one day anger students who crave such longevity
superhumans on the planet, and the for them
Eternals, the Asgardians, and artifacts of
extraordinary power from far-off realms
frequently alter the course of human events. 400 CE | The Marriage of Sersi and Ikaris
In deep space, other worlds face similar centuries of romance, the Eternals Sersi and lars decide to ple
upheaval, and shockwaves from strife in
those distant places gradually make their ent of India,
they ful
way to Earth over the course of centuries. they picked up from humans~the ceremony of marriage. While the Eternals
ve had a profound influence on the Earth
humanity hasaff
years but eve
push aris and Sersiap

‘The CommonEra | The Destruction of the Valkyrie ‘The Common Era | The Dark Ages
Hela breaks fee. The Valkyrie, considered Asgard mains mur,
greatest wario ary rulers andkr
imprisonment, where she wil remain locked rently with
aw y until Odins death, Only one Valkyrie remains after
the battle, and she spends the coming centuries in
eimposed exile grapplingwith guiltover having ‘objects aboard ther Domo starship,
she includes Excalibur, the weapon
was saidto have
mantic feelings for the
Eternal swordstress Thena

‘The Common Eral Hela's Imprisonment

an ‘establishing Asgaré's domi nee, Odin ions himself
power-hungry daughter, Hela. She turnsag
usted by what she sees as her father's weaknes. Her
bloodthirstiness earns her the title “Goddess of Death” and
he attempts to seize the throne through a palace massacre
Since she derives he power from Asgarditsel her father
banishes her toa remote, desolate realm, striking her nam
1nd image from the kingdoms art and history.
The Distant Pat ‘The Distant Pact

‘The Common Era | Wenwu Uses The Ten Rings legend retold for thousands of yeas, an
‘ordinary man named Wenwu discovers ten
indestructible rings that imbue him with endless
life and god-ke strength Some lings claim the
rings were found ina mysterious crater, while other
versions say he raided them froma tom®.Allthat's
Certain is he uses the fighting ablity they grant him
to eek power He assembles an army that stretches
Around te globe, topples kingdoms, and changes
history He names his army after the weapons at
brought im his power—The Ten Rings

965 CE | Battle in Tonsberg

When the Frost Giants of Jotunheim
attack Earth, the Asgardians arrive as
efenders, engagingina pivotal battle
in this Viking settlement in Scandinavia.
King Laufey ofthe Frost Giants attacks
with a weapon known as the Casket
cof Ancient Winters, which as the
Potential to create anewice age on
planet. Aided by the Eternal warior
Gilgamesh, the Asgardian army repels.
the Frost Giants

‘The CommonEra | Tesseract Hidden on Earth

©. 965 CE | Loki [Atanundetermined time, and for unknown reasons, the Tesseract
‘The armies of Asgard pursue ‘The Common Era | Heirs to Asgard ‘cube that contains the Space Stone is hidden inside a meckeval church
the Fost Giants back to (Odin an Friga raise Lok’ alongside thelr own son, Thor, in Tonsberg. Norway the location of one of Odin's proudest battles
Jotunheim, where Laufeyis without revealing Lois true origin, and the brothers ‘against King Lauey ofthe Frost Giants. Once the most cherished
subdued and the Casket of establish a close but contentious relationship, With Thor ‘objectin Odin’ vault, the Tesseract ed into a hidden drawer
Ancient Winters captured. the favored "fstborn” Lok countersby developing inside a wooden carving that depicts Yggdrasias the Tree ofthe
(Odin also takes Laufey's trickster tendencies. Frigga teaches Loki the power of World” It goes unseen for centuries, A counterfeit Tesseracts added
abandoned child, Lok, home magic and ison, buthe u these newfound abilties to tothe nearby sarcophagus to confuse any would-be thieves.
toAsgardto raiseas his own torment Thor, once turing Thor into arog, and another
00, hoping this wil somehow time transforming himsefnto a snake to surprise (and
establish abond between the stab) his ulible brother Odin tres to teach his boys the
two realmsin the future. wisdom of avoiding war and promoting peace and
tranquility, but Thor is drawn to raw displaysof power,
such as those ofthe showoating Eternal Kingo,

16.1000 CE | Galactic War Erupts

Farutinthe cosmos, tensions between the Kre and the Nova
Empire lead to open fighting that becomes a sprawling
‘multplanetary war that drags on fora thousand years. It rages
cover many lifetimes, and nits final stages the flict wil be
exploited by a Kree extremist known as Ronan, who willatempt
touse the Power Stone to end the warin the Kree's favor after
the Kree and Nova have already signed a peace treaty
1521 | Eradication ofthe Deviants
The Eternal sly what they believe tobe the last reining Deviants,
remain, embedded in iceinarctic regions. The
aoparetendof the Dearson Earth occurs ring the lof Tenochttian,
the heartof the Aztec Empire toimading conquistadors from Europe.
Prohibited trominertrng to stop the genocide, the Eels question he
purpose. “The weaponshave become too deadly Dug tel Prato.
Maybe twas such good idea helping them advance" Thera beginsto
suffer from Mah Wy’. mental disorder born from the many times her
‘memory of previous doomed worlds has been erased. With their mission
seemingly accomplished, Alakfresthe
existence, standing watch in casethe Deviants return.
1693.CE | The Witch Trial Massacre
coven of wi Puitan settlement
‘of Salem, Massachuset ainst one of
their own. Agatha Harknessis accused by her
‘own mother of betraying them by stealing
knowledge and practicing “the darkest” mage
imaginable Harkness ac mits to ial but when
they tr to execute herby channeling beams of
energy ito her body, she merely absorbs the
blasts, siphoning away h user lifeforces
unt only desiccated corpses remain Agatha
eseapes. ving for many centuries but forever
in search of more power to consume

‘The Common Era | An Uprising From the Sea

By moving their civilization below the waves, the peopleof Talokan escape ‘The Common Era | Revolution, War,
the diseases and brutality ofthe European explorers who ravage the and Conquest
‘orignal homeland. Kulkulkan returns to the surface after his mother's The close ofthe second millennium is marked
death to honor her wishesto be buried where she was raised, but hes by the ise of democracies on Earth and the
cisgusted to see the enslavement oftheir people by the invaders. The beginning ofa global movementfor peace and
equality—butthe path ahead is fraught. Global
‘ands derided by a Spanish priest who call him EIN sin Amor"—the wars await, and many cultures and countries
‘child without love” From that day on, Kulkulkan embraces the nom de wil be caughtin the crossfire. The Eastern
guerre “Namor” asa warningtos enemies. European nation of Sokoviais a prime example
As the special agent Mava Hillwll one day
explain:"Sokovia's hada rough history. ts
nowhere special bt t's on the way to
everywhere 5 jal” Even those who endeavor
ficts cannot avoid

1571CE | Vibranium in the Water

On the other sie ofthe globe from Wakanda, an undersea deposit: vibranium
changes the destiny ofa different society. The Talokan tribe from the Yucatan
Peninsula discovers they can breathe underwater after consuming an aquatic plant
that absorbed the metals essence: ut thei lungs lose t ability to function in
the open air The child ofa pregnant woman who imbibed the plant i born with
wings on his ankles, 3 ability to surviv oth above and below the water's surface,
and slowed aging. His people name him Kulkulkan (Feathered Serpeant God) and
‘make him ther leader for generations to come.
THE 1940s, 50s, anpD 6Os

kT |
The 20th century is marked by impressive strides forward for human
beings, who empower themselves through new understandings of
physics, chemistry, engineering—and sometimes magic. Inhabitants of
Earth become powerful during this time, although not yet on the galactic
scale. Their abilitiestend to be tethered to their home planet, and their
knowledge is honed by conflict with each other (as the Celestials often
predict about sentient life). Some seek to protect themselves, while
others wish to dominate. These two opposing forces are responsible
for most of the change that takes place during this era.
Destiny does not always bow to the physically powerful. Steve Rogers,
once deemed too sickly to serve in his country’s army, will be one of
the first members of humankind to be genetically enhanced in the
modern era, but his greatest strengths originate within him: willpower
and integrity. Those lead him to make history with the extraordinary
physical powers he is granted by science.
Humankind will also find strength by banding together in groups
dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of the universe. Some, like
S.H.LE.LD,, will be conceived with altruistic intent, while others,
such as Hydra, will be fueled by greed, selfishness, and distrust.
Cosmic intervention was believed to have been minimal during this
period, but that begins to change as human technology grants mortals
the potential to reach beyond their own world
In the first half of the 20th century, humanity's
advancements in research, industry, and technology
increase the presence of beings with remarkable
abilities. Science can suddenly generate powers that
were previously the domain of the mystical or
cosmic. These strengths lead to arise in heroes who
use them to protect the vulnerable or threatened,
but instances of altruism are too often matched by 1942 | The Bangle Uncovered
others who harness such might for the sake of In British-occupied Inia, xls from
control, domination, and subjugation. The century to the Noor Dimension known asthe
come will be a time of both innovation and danger.

19208 | The Start ofthe Line the barter backto their
Two boys grow up in the same neighborhood in Brooklyn. Before they can use it British
te older and strongerof scatter the group. With the bangle inher
the two friends Steve Ri ther died in The pos es ion, Clandestine leader Ai
Great War while his motherwas pregnant. is small fal and takes shelter with a rose farmer named
beset by health problems. H ut strength from is Hasan, The two fallinove, get marie,
chosen “big brother” Over the ‘ome, the low and have a daughter named Sana. Now
loyalty. and friendship will repeatedly
save them in timesof peril They will a save the world once a

June 14, 1943 | | Can Do This All Day

inthe early 20th century
the Eternal Steve Rogers attempts to enlist
in the US. Army,
ater the apparent eradication ofthe young mans recruitment card 4, meaning “unfitfo
viants,had become enchantedby military service” A dispiritedRogers objec
ematic arts By the 1990s, the doctor insist, “Tm saving your life” Lat
3, hes saved froma back al ey fstfight by Bucky
wing rvalon the far side who's shipping overseas with 7th Infantry
wood Regiment the nextday. He urges his ol fre
lourihes.Kingostepsintothe spotlight ve up and dedicatehis ef orts stateside. Don't
1 Bolywoodstarand invents a win the war untill gt there Steve tells i
tional acting dynastyto disguise the
age Atthis point
ting himself a Ra Ki Deva

As total war rag

of Hydra, the Nazis’ deep-science division Schmidt becomes know
the Re ul after being nightmarshly disfiguredwhi
on hime with an incomplete Super Soldier Serum In March 1942,he

igh tech arsenal being devised by Dr. Amin

1940s,505 and 60s 1940s, 505 and 60s


June 1943 | Agent Carter
June 14, 1943 | Future Shock During training forthe Strategie Scientitic
While Steve and Bucky enjoy anight onthe Reserve's Super Soldier Program at Camp
town at the World Exposition of Tomorrow, Lehigh, Steve Rogers meets British agent
Howard Stark shows off his prototype fora Peggy Carter, whois supervising recruits
flying car, which he predicts willbe all the ‘on behalf of the programs director, Col. Philips
ragein afew yeas. Stark has become world ‘She witnesses Rogers respect, ingenuity. and
famous asa plot, engineer, profiter and bravery, particularly when he throws himself
heartthrob, but his Stark Gravitic Reversion ‘on what he believes isalive grenade to
Technology makes the candy-apple Cadilac protect his fellow recruits—a test from
hover only for a moment before crashing to Philips that Steve passes. She feelsakinship
the stage.“ di say ‘afew years didn't1?” with him, since she also had to fight harder
he quips than everyone else to prove her worth

June 14, 1943 | The Doctor's Orders June 22, 1943 | The Procedure
Abraham Erskine overhears Steve arguing with Bucky Steve Rogers undergoes he super sole
that despiteis ailments, he has no right to sacrifice less transformation Dutng the experiment. reine
‘than the countless soldiers lying down their lives ishiled bya Hydra agent who hasinitrated the
fighting the Nazis. Impressedby Steve's resolve Erskine laboratory. The sient’ death tales the secrets
its him to participatein his upcoming Super Solder ofthe serum vith i, meanithnat gor now)
Program forthe American government, aimed at creating, no sper solder army willbe crested despite the
anarmy of unbeatable fighters. "There are already so succst ofthe test Rogers pursues Erkinds
asea foo with is teal enha body,
stulanntg ontrough ash window ndncsedlang
‘many bigmen fight 72 this war” Erskine says, explaining
heis looking for qualities of strength beyond the physical
Asn Seow poo de Po ino cart she becomes accustom thie new
abies Athough tev captures edthe assassin
Maybe what we need now is the lite guy
the agent tata cyeanside plbeforehe canbe
cueatoned. The next days newapapers boast
about the Nazing mystery man
1940s,505 and 60s 1940s, 505 and 60s


November 3, 1943 | The Star-Spangled Man eo

To Steve's disappointment, the US. goverment uses him Mid-19408 | Bucky Barnes Vanishes
a morale-boosting propaganda tol rather than a fighter. Throughout theres ofthe wat Captain Ameria
In Novemberof 1943, the so-called “Captain America’ repeatedly confrontsthe Red Shs forces,
Performs in aly with a USO tour mils from the battlefront. demolishing their facie and beating back their
After entertainingand asing funds forthe war effort for solders often wth Bucty this side Duringa raid ona March 1945 | A Long Goodbye
several months, hes only now getting close tothe fighting Hydra train to capture Dr Zola, Bucky thrown int the Before Rogers vanishes. he exchanges a racio message
After one of his performances, he learns that a large group fathondes oy void fountain caryon aed pred with Pegay Carter vowing to meet her again so she
of American solders has been captured by Hydra near tile. A mourning Rogers vows nevertorestuni he can teach him how to dance. Someday, he might
Azzano, They're from the 107th Bucky is one of them. stops the Red Stl and al of yas forces fulfil that promise

November 3-10, 1943 | One-Man Army ‘August 1945 | An Eternal, Grieving

‘Agent Carter and Howard Stark fly Rogersinto The Eternal Phasts weep inthe aftermath
enemy territory, defying the wishes of Col. Philips of the fret atomic bomb dropped on human
Captain America has fiery encounter with the Ree beings. For eons his ingenuity has helped
‘Skull ashe infiltrates the prison camp and iberates people develop new technology and tive.
Bucky and his fellow soldiers~someof whom wil Now, standingin the ruins of Hiroshima, he
become part of Caps elite Howling Commandos. is overwhelmed with sadness atthe path
‘The Red Skul lees the battle, and Rogers returns humanity has taken,
tothe US. camp leading a column of rescued men
just as Col Philips is drafting report labeling him
missingin ation” From here on, Captain America
willbe a warrior, performer. -
March 1945 | The Valkyrie Showdown
Just before the war ends in Europe, Captain America
has his final confrontation with the Red Skull aboard
Hydra ying wing known as the Valkyrie, whichis
loaded with Tesseract-powered energy detonators
designed to devastate America’s homefront. The Red
‘Skull vanishes na column of energy after seizing hold
‘ofthe cube during the battle, and Captain America
steers the baly damaged ship into the polarice cap
to;preventts bombs from harminginnocentcviians.
‘This time hes throwing himself on areal grenade.
‘Through his sacrifice, milions are saved.
2018 | Meeting UItron

Steve Rogers is just a kid from Brooklyn who
becomes the “star-spangled man with a plan,”
and decades later, leader of the Avengers.
All he ever wanted to do was fight bullies. By
volunteering to take the Super Soldier Serum,
Steve becomes Captain America, a symbol for 2014 | A Returning
the United States military in World War Il. He
proves himselfto be a hero countless times, on
more than one occasion selflessly volunteering
to sacrifice himself to save others. He always
does the right thing, no matter how hard it may
be or ifit causes disagreements, and though loyal
to his friends, he never hesitates to call them out
if they do something wrong. He is a born leader,
and guides the Avengers until he passes the mantle.
1940s, 505 and 60s 1940s, 505 and 60s

The post-World War Il erais shaped by a
newfound wariness about power falling into
‘the wrong hands. Peggy Carter will devote
herselfto creating anew organization to
combat such threats, while remnants of
Hydra will masquerade to continue their
nefarious activities. Sometimes, even those
committed to safety and security will find 1946 | SH.LELD. Promotion
themselves veering into morally ‘Agent Carter is recruited by Col. Chester Philips
indefensible territory. and Howar Stark to join them in Washington, DC.
to become the founding director of anew security
agency known as the Strategic Homeland
Intervent Enforcement, and Logistics Division
1945-46 | Search and Recovery ‘Stark als Agent Fiynn to present the offer
Howard Stark continues his work withthe US, government, personally. “Let her know you are honored to ing
‘maintaining a strong tie with the principal consumer of his defense her the news” Stark says. Thou
‘manufacturing business. He personaly scans the ast known Flynn even offers to help her gather her belon
coordinates of Captain America, but does not find the lost super Allshe takes from her deska ssnapshot ofag
soir. However he does pinpoint the energy signature of the scrawny, pce-supe solStdeve Rogers. “Thank
Tesseract, recoveringit from the deep to be studied by anew you, Agent Flynn” she tllshim. e“Burt as has always
governmental organization heishelping to create Honard Sarin wa been the case, I don't require your help

1946 | Starting Over 1946 | The Zodiac Mission Late 1940s | The Zola Mole
The world rebuilds ina: ne of brief and relative peace. Age ‘Agent Flynn and “the boys" ofthe SSR office Or Arti Zola remains in Alied captivity
Carter continues her work withthe Strategie Scientitic after-hours dink, leaving
Reserve, now as acodebreaker and data analyst its New York reports. call comes th feadly eUS. government
office under the supervision of Agent Flynn, who is dismissive chemical weapon the office has been tracking, Unable to harness the expertise of former enemies
of her ambition to resume dutiesas afield operative. After she contact the team, Carter decides to venture tothe rather than have them face consequences
heee months of office busywork, he tells er, "Relax appointed location alone, subduing several welh armed for their rimes. Zolais incorporated into
The wars over Well handle the rough tuff. 3 and securing the va of rogue material. Ite triumph SHIELD's research and development
Carter, but Flynn regardsit as an embarrassmentto team, but his allegiance has never truly
be bested by “Captain America’s old flame waverecthe begins rebuilding Hydra from
within, a parasitic terror group operating
inside the global security operation
1940s, 50s and 60s

1951 | A fight in Goyang

ydra unieashes the Winter Soldier during the Korean colic.
Bradley is sent to hunt down tis mysteriousfoe, and the two
him, never came back” Bradley would recall decades late “So
Late 1940s | A Mind of Winter the military dropped me behind the line to go dealwith
‘Among the jects Hydra undertakes sa shadow him. Itook half that metal amin that fightin Goyang” Both
assassin program that util zes the body. if not the mind, of one ya penitent Bucky Barnes
ents: Bucky Barnes. After his plu willbe among the few who remembers Bradleys service.
in, Barnes' severely damaged body was re
rebuilding of Barnes body, replacing his
amputated left arm with a mechanical limb, Hydra uses
cryogenic storageto ke thismind-contolled Winter Soldier
con ce until his deadly services are required Late 1940s/Early 1950s | A Shameful
The US. governm
‘Soldier Program, again hoping to create an army
‘of unstoppable warriors. Unlike the late Dr.
Exskine's WWil experiment, which had the fll
awareness of volunteer Steve Roger, this
project is undertaken with deceitand disregard
for human fe. Unable to precisely replicate the
original se ‘multiple variations are create
‘searchers and secretly forced upon a groupof
‘African-American soldiers against theie wil or
Only one ah Bradley, transforms
successfullyand with stability Many other test.
subjects suffer unspeakable pain and ongoing
volatile effects fr the

Early 1950s | The Expendable Men
Despite the instability of the surviving
an-American super soldier, th military
ntinues sending them on covert missions
ughout the Korean War Several are
ces, and Bradley
learns that senior oficial
7) bom the POW camp and kil
1947 | Walkway of Stars tocoverup evidence Super Sold
Durthie npartgition of indi Prog ram, "Those were my men, my brothers—
of Pakistainn the summer of 1947, the not evidence” a still outraged Bradley would
Clandestine Najma finally tracks Aisha years later. The super soldier stages a
mnather family home Jnwilingto ue mission, not unlike the one Steve
fo Najma, Aisha and Rogers undertookin 19 3, butisimprisoned
Hasan rush tothe train statioton escape forhis actions instead of being honored
from both Najma andthe tension and
Najma catches Aisha atthe train station
abs her As she is dying Aisha
‘onnects with the bangle, which fal off
1nd summons her great-granddaughter
Kamala Khan to the past. Kamalas
grandmother Sana, has gotten ost from
n the crowds, and Kamala finds
her using her own powers to show Sana
how to get back to her father
1940s,505 and 60s 1940s, 505 and 60s


November 3, 1943 | The Star-Spangled Man eo

To Steve's disappointment, the US. goverment uses him Mid-19408 | Bucky Barnes Vanishes
a morale-boosting propaganda tol rather than a fighter. Throughout theres ofthe wat Captain Ameria
In Novemberof 1943, the so-called “Captain America’ repeatedly confrontsthe Red Shs forces,
Performs in aly with a USO tour mils from the battlefront. demolishing their facie and beating back their
After entertainingand asing funds forthe war effort for solders often wth Bucty this side Duringa raid ona March 1945 | A Long Goodbye
several months, hes only now getting close tothe fighting Hydra train to capture Dr Zola, Bucky thrown int the Before Rogers vanishes. he exchanges a racio message
After one of his performances, he learns that a large group fathondes oy void fountain caryon aed pred with Pegay Carter vowing to meet her again so she
of American solders has been captured by Hydra near tile. A mourning Rogers vows nevertorestuni he can teach him how to dance. Someday, he might
Azzano, They're from the 107th Bucky is one of them. stops the Red Stl and al of yas forces fulfil that promise

November 3-10, 1943 | One-Man Army ‘August 1945 | An Eternal, Grieving

‘Agent Carter and Howard Stark fly Rogersinto The Eternal Phasts weep inthe aftermath
enemy territory, defying the wishes of Col. Philips of the fret atomic bomb dropped on human
Captain America has fiery encounter with the Ree beings. For eons his ingenuity has helped
‘Skull ashe infiltrates the prison camp and iberates people develop new technology and tive.
Bucky and his fellow soldiers~someof whom wil Now, standingin the ruins of Hiroshima, he
become part of Caps elite Howling Commandos. is overwhelmed with sadness atthe path
‘The Red Skul lees the battle, and Rogers returns humanity has taken,
tothe US. camp leading a column of rescued men
just as Col Philips is drafting report labeling him
missingin ation” From here on, Captain America
willbe a warrior, performer. -
March 1945 | The Valkyrie Showdown
Just before the war ends in Europe, Captain America
has his final confrontation with the Red Skull aboard
Hydra ying wing known as the Valkyrie, whichis
loaded with Tesseract-powered energy detonators
designed to devastate America’s homefront. The Red
‘Skull vanishes na column of energy after seizing hold
‘ofthe cube during the battle, and Captain America
steers the baly damaged ship into the polarice cap
to;preventts bombs from harminginnocentcviians.
‘This time hes throwing himself on areal grenade.
‘Through his sacrifice, milions are saved.
ntury will see the birth of several individuals who will go on
ange the universe in astonishing ways, but at this pointin history
travel beyond Terra (also known as Midgard)is relatively rare.
Amilitary test pilot named Carol Danvers will be among the first to
journey to other worlds after accidentally absorbing the powers of the

fightingfor basic survival while his surprising potential remains hidden,

even from himself.
Tony Stark,a genius and exceptional inventor, will come of age and
use his considerable resources and innate brilliance to build ever more
advanced technology, helping to craft the world of tomr w.
Global events still tend to be shaped by formidable groups like
the U.S. government's S.H.I.E.L.D., the Soviet Union’s Red Room,
and the parasitic remnants of Hydra. Soon, however, individuals with
extraordinary abilities will begin tipping the balance
of that power.
80s, and 90s 1970s, 805 and 908

fa ce
1980s s —————
He uses the design to create a mode ofthe Expo’ fairgrounds
‘anda fimstrip recorded fr his then 3-year-old son, he hints
atthe hidden meaning “Thiss the key tothe future,” he says
“Hey man, make love, not war!" The 1970s ‘One day youl igure this out. And when you do, you wll
ange the world
are a freewheeling time on Earth-616. The
Cold Waris at its peak, but—for now—threats
of global annihilation from beyond areata
minimum. It’s a time of experimentation and
innovation in which the world—for better
or worse—lets its guard down.

1970 | Bustling Camp Lehigh

The New Jersey military base where Steve Rogers once received ba
training before undergoing “Project Rebirth to become Captain America, 1972 | The Not-Quite Death of Arnim Zola
isence again on the vanguard of glo security imovation. SHIELD. ‘After ving for decades under the protection ofthe US.
Director Peggy Carter focuses onthe field work of Boundary-pushing ‘government. rnim Zoe's himan body receives at
operatives: HowardStark turns up frequently while preparing forthe birth clagnosis, but the Hydra scientist is once again spared final
of hisfirst child A young scentist named Dr. Hank Pym experiments with judgment. Before dying Zola's sciousness is transferred
particles that can manipulate size and density and the Tesseract stored ‘onto 200,000 feetof databanks, preserving his bran
here for study and safekeeping EvenAmim Zola, the captured Hydra form of artificial intligence. Not only does he continue
researcher, now works freely at the bas ter is. providing SH.LE.LD. with insight, but he continues
by the US. government due tos value technologies developer Few r ‘overseeing hs hidden effort to revive Hydraby identifying
know he's actually rebuilding the tendrils of Hydrafromwithin SHIELD. _tecmatovtfom ne mece agents who might be sympath

November 24, 1971 | Loki's Dare Mid-1970s | The Ageless Star

Loki the God of Mischief, undertakes a dare on ‘Aman named Kaan atl becomes the asistant
Earth aftr losing abet to his brother Thor. Inthe andiflong sidekckto the Eternal knowns
suse of DB. Cooper he hijacks a Boeing 727 Kingo. Ther relationship begins when Patel
midi byclaiming to have a bomb. After notices thatthe Bolywood actor never ages.
securing $200,000 ransom, he parachutes away ‘After becoming a movie star during the silent era
during the escape fight, evading authorities but Kingo stays inthe limelight by rebranding himself
losing most ofthe money when Heimaal sends every generations the new descendant nan
the Bifrost to return him to Asgard. The unso acting dynasty. Patel believes he knows the
Iijacking and the bizarre disappearance of the ruth Kingo isa vampire! After nfronting the
perpetrator creates an enduring mystery forthe ‘actor in the 1970s, Patel learns about the Eternals
humans of Midgar. land goes onto be Kingos trusted confidant
through the time ofthe Emergence.
1970s,808,and90s 208.a

1985-1986 | Trevor Siattery’s Almost Breakthrough

Long before Trevor Siattery gains infamy for impersonating,
‘the Mandarin” he hasafleetng moment of actual fame
[ACold War crime series cast Slattery asa Russian cop with
anger problems, rampaging trough Los Angeles on a quest
for revenge. His sidekickis hard-drinking monkey. Stil the
network ejects the pilot eps le and the series never a
Taking the jb in Hollywood costs Slattery more than t gives
him, especially since he is absent for his beloved mother's
death backin England

Mid-to-Late 1970s | Heroes in the Making

Two hildren demonstrate extraordinary sls that
will make them historic inthe years to come. Tony
Stark constructs a circuit board at age 4, anda VB
Early 1980s | Isaiah Bradley's Overdue Freedom
by encouragement, Carl ‘After pending decades wrongfully imprisoned, Isaiah
Danvers dodges obstacles, She enters her te
years at full peed, riding go-carts, racing bikes, he was shameful proof of the United States Super
Soldier Program, estedon without their consent. A
1d by discouragement, crashes or los sympathetic nursehelps Bradley fae his own death and
Ne her ones yet Iron Man or Captain Marvel, but equity escapes, ving ofthe grid in Baltimoreto avoid
aren their way attention that might tui to prison.

1980 | Ego Expands to Earth 1987 | Lostin the Quantum Realm
ter thousands of years of planting the seedsof Hank Pymis shrinking particles make him an
his universal Expansion, the Celestial known as Ego invaluable asseast atop. et US. spy and
sendsis avatar to Earth (pecially, Missour) ur—work he requ ty performs alongside
1 fal s in love withthe human Meredith Quil his wife, Janet Van Dyne. She goes subaton
She gives birth toa son, Peter, and raises him ‘order to disarm a Soviet missile hurtling toward
‘mostlyas. single mother. Ego finds himself the United States ut once the miniaturization
inextricably drawn back to Meredith, but he begins shes unable to haltor reverseit
implants a tumor in her head that wil eventually ‘becoming lost somewhere in a dimension known
kilher—a murderous impulse derived froma wish asthe "Quantum Realm” She leaves behind a
toavoid entanglements that might distract from young daughter, Hope, who never gives up the
search for her missing mother
1970s,808,and90s 1970s 80s, and 90

Late 1980s | Mar-Vell in Hiding

Atthe height ofthe Kree-Skrull wa, Kree sce
Mar-Vell becomes a smed of the way her own people have
subjugated the Skrulls. She helps a group of Skul refuge
escatope Earth, where they live in Mar-Vel's orbiting
laboratory while Mar-Vel takes onthe entity of human
scientist Wendy Lawson. She joins the US. governments
Proje 1 Pegasus” to access the Tesseract using to
develop alight-speed engine that she hopes can help
the Skul s inda new home, safe from the Kree

1988 | Meredith Quil's Goodbye ‘1989 | The Resignation of Hank Pym

Meredith Qullsuccumbs to the bain tumor that was intentionally Hank Pym storms into one ofthe conference rooms
inflictedon her by the Celestial Ego. Before dying, she gves her son of the unfinished Tiskelion building in Washington
mixtapes of her favorite music. Theyare among the few mementos after discovering that SHLELD. has en trying to
he takes with him when he is abductes by Ravagers, who were sent secretly replicate his particles, which w uld prevent
by Ego because he needs a powerful descendant who sha him from supervising their use, ins in protest
Celestial abltes to help activate his Expansion. Gul-stricken te Peggy Carter and Howard Stark, and
Ravager chief Yondu Udonta doesn't complete the delivery, nose of SHIELD Headof Defense Mitchell Carson
choosinginstead to keep the human boy as one of their roaming for saying Pym id have protected his lost wife
as intensely as he does his research


Late 1980s | Dangerous Science

Scientists Ehas Star, Hank Pym, and Bill Foster work tog 1989 | Vers Joins Starforce
SHIELD. conducting 0 expo ‘Carol Danvers is gone—even to herself. Her memories remain,
enlargement process as par of Project Gol th, rowingtoa record of 21 but they've een detached from her consciousness and buried
feet high. A clash between Starr and Pym leadsto Star's ouster and the beneath the curentsof Space Stone energy now circulating
esperate scientist continues independent experiments at alab in through her body. The amnesiac pote nursed back to health
Argentina. Starr and his wife will die in an explosion of quantum energy, con the Kree word of ala by Yor-Rogs,
which also disrupts their dauehter Ava's mole Jae stabiity, allowing ert Starfo under the name Vers (the last remaining eters on her
pass through slid objects, Only Foster offers the childcare and suppor gd dog tags). Unaware thatthe Kreearethe aggressors
vais or recruited by SHLLELD. to useher ables for high-level the conflict, she joinsYon ‘Roggand Starfrce in batting
espionage under the codename “Ghost ‘Skrulls that Mar-Vel gave her Iie to protect.

1989 | Carol Danvers Takes Flight

{ir Force test plot Carol Danvers (Cali: Avenger i selected for fist
flight ofthe Asis—a jet that utilizes scientist Wendy Lawson's (Mar-Vells)
new Tesseract-powered engine. Yon-Rogg ofthe Kree’sStarforce shoots
down the renegade inventor's experime craft mid-ight. After crash
landing. Danvers destroys the engine's core to preventthe attacker from
seitingit, but her body absorbs a lun of energy from the explosion that
‘empowers her with superhuman abilities: jond any yet recorded. Yon-Rogg
kills Lawson/Mar-Vel then takes the wounded human pilot with him for study
1970s,808,and90s 1970s.805.and 908

The 1990s are claimed by some to be
“the end of history,” as America’s foes reson ey
are vanquished, the Cold War ends, and
democracy triumphs around the globe.
In fact, the decade marks the beginning of
anew history, onein which Earth is but a
small part of a far larger universe, and subject
to powerful new forces. A series of events
and tragedies that occurin the final years
before the new millennium will have massive
repercussions decades into the future.

1992 | Tony Stark Takes Over

° Despite graduating Summa Cum Laude from MIT atage V7
December 16, 1991 | The Stark Murders “Tony Starkhas been adrift fr years, and his ifestyle and
Just before Christmas, Howard and Mara Stark re assassinated by the partying was a source of constant frietion between him and
Winter Soldier (ther deaths are daguied as car acident). The Winter isparents While visting their homefor the holidays, sina
Solder also acquires fv samples of Super Solder Serum from the vehicle. conversation with them before thei deaths was atense
Hydra ses the packets to create more unstoppable assassins who, ike the argument—a souce of regret fo the young man ashemissed
Winter Soldier himself are kept cryogenic storage when not on assignment. hislast chance to share his true feelings. Obadiah Stane, is
Decades from now aftr the collapse ofthe parasite Hydra operation that fathe'slongtime business associate, becomesinterim CEO of
‘ew within SHLLELD, the labin Siberia where these super solders are stored Starkindusries immediately after ther deaths, but Tory decides
wil be abandoned and largely forgotten But dealy potential ves on within {oral y and assume controofhisinhertance within few months

Early 1990s | Missing Carol Danvers 1992 | The Tragedy of Nobu

On Earth, Carol Danversis presumed dead ‘T.Chaka confronts Nuobu in Oakland,
ater the Asis crash although no remainsare California, after learning is brother helped
found among the ruins ofthe prototype. She Ulysses Klaue stage a deadly heist to steala
smourned by friend and fellow test pilot {quarter ton of vibranium from Wakanda. The
Maria Rambeau and her young daughter ‘aicalized Nobu says he only wished to
"Monica, the two people Danvers considers supply vibranium weapons to oppressed
her true family. Above the skies ‘people around the globe to overthrow those
where the trio used to stargaze, the Skrull who exploit them, but TChaka insists he return
refugees remain trapped aboard Mar-Vells home to answer forhis "crimes" After realizing
laboratory, orbiting the planet and awaiting bis trusted friend James is actuallythe
rescue as years go by. ‘Wakandan spy Zur, Nobu draws his gun
intending to kill himand isinstead Kile by his
‘own brother. The king departs, leaving behind
Nobu son Erik, who growsup to continue
bis father's mission—and becomes one of
‘Wakanda's fiercest adversaries.
19705,808,nd90s 1970s, 805 and 908


‘Summer 1995 | inexplicable Dreams ‘Summer 1995 | The Torfa Ambush

‘Sixyears ater her disappearance, Air Force plat Carol Danvers ives Vers and her Starforce squad are dispatched tothe
‘and fights under the name Vers onthe Kree Empire word of Hala, border planet Torf, but their mission to rescue a Kree
Early 1995 | The Kree-Skrull Conflict ‘Shes now an elite agent withthe Kree’sStarforce division overseen spy goes sideways, Versis captured by Skrull general
The Kree authorities claim the Skrulls have attacked by her commander Yon-Rogg, She doesnot remember her past Talos, who forcibly reads her memories, seeking
the Kree homeworld of Hala. The truth about the <dentity, or that Yon-Rogais responsible fo the incident that caused information about Mar-Vel's research into lght-speed
incident may be more complicated than the way the her memory loss, but sheis haunted by chaotic dreams of Mar-Vell engines, That eads them to Planet C-53 (aka. Earth),
Kree's Supreme ntaligence has positioneditto the the renegade Kree scientist he assassinated, Vershas nodea who where Vers escapes their ship, plummeting through the
people ofits Empire ‘this mystery woman is, or how they were once connected. atmosphere and crash-landing in video store.

@ ‘Summer 1995 | Suspect Dressed For

‘Summer 1995 | The Family That Wasn't Laser Tag
Ina smal townin Oto, young Natasha Romanoff ives with SHIELD. agents Nick Fury and Phil Coulson
her adopted iter Yelena, cared fr by Russian super skier arrive to question Vers, who alerts them to the
‘Nee (aka the Rel Guardian) and Re Room researcher shape-shifting alien menace threatening thei
Mina. During ther three-year mission posing a fai planet. They are unfamiliar with the Skrulls and
‘Nese hasinfitrated SHIELD 'sNorth institute, One dy. dubious about the csi, but the photon blasts
he steals mind-contro data from whats actually patof emanating from her fists do encourage them
Hycals Winter Soldier program, which the Red Room pans tolisten ther
ia a on atsase. Once tha daa beac
the family fees the United States and returns to Rusia, wth
both daughters” tragically forced int the Widow assassin
traning progam themealves
2011| Detrosted Hero

= 2012 The Avengers

Fury activates the Avengesintiaive when
eklsteal the Tessorac nthe first
‘tla team Captain Amara, Black
Walking a line between light and dark, Nick Widow Tht the Hak ron Ma, and
ayioye defeat Loh an the Chitaurin
Fury is a complex man, even to those who the Battle of New York The ativalates
know him well. As director of S.H.LE.LD. ‘btFurystears
aothe about
ao exraterestria teats
he Avengers ative 2014 | Faked Demise
Fury creates the Avengers Initiative, a
program bringing togethera groupof
individuals with unique skillsets to defend
Earth from global threats. Fu
Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain Am:
Hawkeye, Thor, and the Hulk who prevent
analien invasion led by Thor's brother 2015 | Pep Tak
Fury moet the Avenger at Clit
When Fury discovers Hydra has infiltrated Barton’ famouse to get them
SH.LELD, he makes the difficult decision back on rackafter hey ose 3
dismantle the organization. be to Utron andthe Maximott
twin Fry then joins the
2018 | Dust to Dust ‘Avengesin the batt in Sokova,
“arvingina requisitioned
Hela transporting cians
twsafety and sending War ye
Mactnetojonin theft

Inthe space ofa week the
forthe Arengers rs.

2008 | Meeting ron Man

Frys brought backwhen the

1995 | Threats from Above Avengers are sucessulin reversing
SHIELD agant Nick Fry iscspatchedto the Snap. He attends Try Stark's 2024 | Far from Earth
investigate a mysterouswoman who hes funeral wherebe remainsin the
‘avandia an Avie store. The background butisbriiy reunited
‘woman former A Force plo Carol Darves, with Captain Marve
‘now patof the ete Kre Starforce, who has
‘returned to Earth ahead of what appears 0
‘bea Strlinasion As Davers and Fury find
themehesin the midet war between the
‘Skruls andre, Fury comestoreaize that
Helainepiedsnot prepared to face such heats.
to creat the Avengers native
1970s,805.and 908

Summer 1995 | The Project Pegasus Papers

[ANASA/US. KirForee archive shows Project Pegasus was
cvereenby Dr Wendy Lawson, who was using the energy of
the Tesseractto powera ight peed engine Versreconzes
tras the woman from her dreams and discover that
Leon's papers are ful Krveghyphe She sla leara that
Lawson idin the 1989 crash of an experimental Aisjet
and Vers finds photo of hersfn the documents a the
test plot. along wth recordsof witness Maria Rambeau

‘Summer 1995 | Memories of Another Life

[At the Rambeau homein Louisiana, Vers reunites with her
former fellow pilot Maria and her daughter Monica, who reveal
Summer 1995 | Danger from on High her former life as Carl Darwers. The “Vers of her Starforce
Fury reazes Vers was teling the truth when one ofthe shape-shitng identity came from a fragment of her old dog tags. Some of her
Sirus wile mimicking Coulson. For sixyears, Fury has been trying memories rush back After the crash, she gtd her blue Kree
to determine where future enemies might emerge. “Inver occuedto blood from lifesaving transfusion provided by Yor-Rogg,
te they woud becoming fom above: he tale Vers Sh and Fury agree Danvers’ body had become a vessel forthe energy of Dr
tojpinforces to investi the mysterious" Pegasus programing Lawson's experimental engine when it exploded, imbuingher
fragments of her memorieshat her Srulnterogation unlocked er wc iether patn i with cosmic powers limited only by her ability to control them, Finan

S yi ee
Summer 1995 | Yor-Roge's Betrayal
With er memories restored Daves reaizesthat Yon Rous
actualy murdered Mar-Vel and pared her owe ony
because he and the Kree Supreme Itligence wanted o
control the cosmic energy that now courses through er body
Itis revealed the Kree Empire has actually ben the aggressor
inthe confict against the Skrulls

‘Summer 1995 | The Truth

Talos and his Skrulls arrive and reveal that despite their
‘earlier menacing behavior they are not actually hostile
“They ae refuges, tying to track down information about
‘long-lost al. Lawson was creating the light-speed tech
‘Summer 1995 | Taking Flight ‘as away tohelp the Skrulls find anew planet, estore ther
Fury's SHLELD. supervisor Agent Keller is being simmed Civilization, and defy the brutal subjugation ofthe Kee.
by Skrull general Talos, who pursues Furyand Vers through Lawson, whose real identity was the Kree scientist Mar-Vel
joie segeumler aad the Project Pegasus facility. The two escapehim ina felt she had to make amends afte spending he life on the
tSHIELD ated prototype for anew government aishipthe Quadiet ‘shameful side ofthe confit. Now Vers feels the same. or rf bat he eno
19705,808,nd90s 1970s.805.and 908

‘Summer 1995 | A Life Spared, a Promise Made
‘battered and vastly outmatched Yon-Rogais
turned to Hala witha message forthe Supreme
Inteligence to stand down.“ coming to endit
the war, the ies al oft” Captain Marvel tls him,

Sy, \

‘Summer 1995 | Mar-Vell’s Hidden Lab
Danvers, Fury, and Rambeau forge a tenuous
allance with Talos. They use the Quadjet to
help himlocate Lawson's laboratory, which is
ty n orbitust outside
Earth’ atmosphere. Here, they find the
Summer 1995 | Captain Marvel Rises Tesseract, the power source of her engine ‘Summer 1995 | Elsewhere
Nolonge Ver bt sao erething much more Also hidden aboard the spac Captain Marvel bids farewell to Maria and her daughter
than the plot he once was, Cro Dawes -% stations the long:lst family of Talos, along “Monica then leaves with the Skrullrefugeesin search
takes ona new heroic role Yours Monica with other Skrull survivors who had been ‘of anew place tocall home. Young Monica watches her
Rambeauhelpsher emake he ven sanctuary by Ma-Vel and who were 2, much ike Carol Danvers once looked tothe stars
lors of biue red, and evens left stranded after she was kiled hersel longing to be brave, adventurous, and heroic

5 | The Accuser Flees

Yon-Rog ’s team track Danvers and her ales to
the lab, where they captureher and link her mind
tothe Kee Supreme Inteligence. This backfires
bacly as Capt
‘only been inhibiting her true abilities. She breaks
free ofthe Supreme Inteligence, destroyingthe
inhibitor chip thatthe Kree placed inher neck, and
activates her fll powers. She easily wipes out the
force team as Fury, Rameau, andthe Skrulls
escape backto Earth with the Tesseract As Yoo Rog
pursues them tothe sur 1 Kree commander
ccuser arrives above Earth wth plans
toeradicate the Stul"infestation” Danvers, now
supercharged with cosmic enery, shreds Ronan’
fle t and sends him rete 1 Ronan vows one
day to claim her ashis own new weapon ‘Summer 1995 | “Mother.
Or Lawson's t,Gooseinrealtya
temperamental alien creature known
asa Flerken—had swallowedthe
Tesseractto safely transportit back
to.arth Aboard the Quaciet, Nick
ary loses an eye when he gets too
friendly withthe creature
1995 | Skrulls and Kree
50008CE | Eternals The Strand the Kree have been
The aval ofthe Eternals marks engxgedin acento confit.
‘The Kee al fom the planet Hal, nd
arehumar-ike in appearance (hough
Descefulnrasionhastwo Semehave bse shin) Mitarsticty
bjectives—to protect the word 965 | Frost Giants ature, they are aso one the most
from the Devants anato nurture ‘The Frost Giant of Jotun technolopealy advanced racesin the
humanty encouragigensizaton
>P ‘he weapon owns the Casket {hey have ong sought to conquer the
to grow Unbeknown im A:
fife feeds the rowing Te Eel ist hana develpment ting the with
of cient Winters
a newice age. They a8are
besten backbyOd andthe
shape-shiting Skul. The war between
the mid 05 butts events concealed
Celestia within the plnet'score tei at ows ary vt orm miso Asgard from the public ‘rr obit and head tart tobate he lore met Yo Roe

Thabatein Geerih
se tak
‘The habs ofthe reaim of Asgard
2018 | Dark Eves arelong-lved and mighty warrior,
‘The Dak Eves are anancient species, ‘epardedas gods by ancert humans.
pre-ersten tothe craton of the uniwerse 2012 | chitaur ‘gud ssohome tothe Boe,
Hating from The Dark Word when the ‘The Chitaur are cybereticaly enhanced beings bge made of mensional eneray
Ne Realms cameinto beng, te Dark who operate under ative mndinteligenceand that connects to eight other realms
Eves plotted to revert the unere tots Under Thana control When Loki plans to steal Incuting Mega (Eart) The
former sate of primordial darkness. To that [egarcians ure the Bro tin ode to
‘Malthe loader ofthe Dark Eves, withthe Chau to us as hs personal army ‘vaeland mantan peace amongst the io ! ees MDT
{nd the use ofa scepter which contains he [Nine Realms butts azo vsedto
* .
Fenty Stone. Hi forces nade London
during the Convergenceofthe Nine Reais,
Mind Stora The Ost ivasion ste et
tune modern hurars recap the tveat
subjectThora Eath where es
to an assasnationatempt Late mr ea nan hr
ata sounaty beaten posed exraterestal foes. bys beter Lok Selle act ena tomer andenstea tani Mon

2018 | Thanos
‘Aer abrtal showdown with
2023 | Past Thanos
EARTH procuring the Space Stone Hein
es the a of hi pom to summon
the roe and send Brace Banner
When James "Rhodey” Rhodes and
‘Neb tie travel to Morag in 2014,
they intercept Peter
Qui Star-Lord
to arth to warn them of Thanos Uniortunatly Nebu's presence alerts
NVASIONS impending aval Thanos patches
Iie -Chren to New Yor to
tain the Tne Stone then follows
ers elt who kidnaps her and brings
her backto 2014 Thanos The past Nebula
tees the Quant Tunnel to traneport
witha ulscale invasion of Wakanda ‘hom om atingthe Te ‘ths hanes nahi amy 2023 sparking
Earth has been no stranger to alien invasions, Inpurait of he Mind Stone {fal showdown against theAvengers
having been visited by beings from other worlds
since time immemorial. Nick Fury is first made
aware of extraterrestrial beings in 1995, when.
he encounters Carol Danvers and helps her to
prevent a Kree assault led by Yon-Rogg. In
2012, Thanos dispatches Loki and the Chitauri
to invade Earth but they are stopped by the
‘Avengers, Thanos attempts two more Earth
invasions—in 2018, when he acquires all of the
Infinity Stones and wipes out half the universe
through the Snap, and again when a Thanos
from 2014 time travels through the Quantum
Realm to 2023 to battle the Avengers and claim
the Infinity Stones.
Late 1990s | Gamora Speaks Her Mind
‘Summer 1995 | Some Assembly Required deep space, Thanos has forged a plan to
ptain Marvel inspires him to universe throu control. He
begin assembling team thers callit genocide. One ofhis earliest atrocities wa
might serve as Earth’ prot against the Zehobere people. Thanoslft that world
devastated, and claimed one courageous young g
‘Gamora. as his adopted daughter. Later, that gir begins
t0,voice complaints to her father about both his plans
;ebelion, and aharbinger of her Future opposition

December31, 1999 | Happy New Year

careless Tony Stark travels to Bern Switzerland for a New
Summer 1995 | The Cosmic Pager Year's Eve party, Therehe meets gen botanist Maya
Captain Marvel leaves Nick Fury with Hansen, creator ofthe Extremis virus that speeds bodily repair
leher esponsibiities now lie andDr. Ho Vinsen, a scientist he wil encounter again one da
farbeyond Earth, she tells him to calli ther while imprisoned inside an Afghan cave, Rese her Aldkich
Kilian, whois ving with disabilities, requests funding from
century will pass before he encountersthreat ominou ‘Stark for his thnk tan, but hs hope turns to scorn when Stark
casually stands him up fora meeting,

1996 | The Lost (and Found) Spring 1999 | The Fracturing of Marc Spector
Village of Ta Lo 1996 | The Lost Brother Mare Spector, now 12, remains traumatizedby the accidental
Mare Spector, age9, and le brother Randal three years earlierHis
The Ten Rings, searches for Randallare both obs
the mythical vilage of Ta Lo and finally the action adventure film Tomb Buste mentally, and Marc's psyche eventually dissociatesin order
to cope. He imagines acifferent identity for himself using
then befriends one ofits protectors, Li 1s to explore, and one area that ha the name ofthe Tomb B ter characterDr Steven Gra
fritivo fl a love and ard favorite of both the boys. Marc's personality continues to
fenShang-Chi and ‘obsession. While playing in absorb torment, shield the Steven alter, who growsup
day. a ash flood traps the boys and only blissfully unaware and somewhat naive. The two ates wl
he elders of TaLotoreject Marc escapes Randalls drowning shatters share one!
the family and Mare bec

War agin1999 | No Laughing Matter
rips thoughth
family holes up in their apartment, seeking relief
the unrest by bingeing old American sitcoms, A missile strikes the
ai peaibenclay ‘Wanda and Pietro. The twins remain trappedthe rubble while
am...” These two short words come to have profound meaning in the
first two decades of Earth's 21st century. From Tony Stark's public
declaration of “| am Iron Man” to a distant, tree-like alien's unifying
transition from “I am Groot” to “We are Groot,” these words often
precede revelations of a new and powerful force in the universe: identity.
Mortal beings are no longer constrainedby capabilities that come to
them naturally. They are free now to become whatever they can create,
often giving themselves colorful new names in the process. Through
innovation, resilience, and fearlessness, they begin to tap powers that
once seemed unthinkable or belonged exclusively to god-like beings. For
me, like Bruce Banner, this empowerment will come at a severe cost
and lack of control, but for others it is a chance to defend not only
themselves but those they love. The truly courageous will even prot
those they have never met.
Earth becomes a frequent battleground during this time. The emerging
generation of Super Heroes will be matched by equally powerful beings
driven by a desire to rule and dominate. Among the most formidable is
the Titan known as Thanos, who will seek the Infinity Stones so that he
can break the universe in half. The wishes of others will have no meaning
to him as he operates by a single guiding principle: “I am... inevitabl
The 2000s
It's a new millennium, a time of reflection and starting
over. Unfortunately, mistakes of the past still hold sway
despite the rollover of years. Pressure continues to build
to find a way to reliably strengthen ordinary humans into
super soldiers, while reluctant assassins are motivated
by revenge or redemption. This new age begins with
efforts to fix persistent old problems that often only
create new ones.

20005 | Caught ina Web of Spies
@o@ SHIELD. sends agent Cnt Barton to
Mid-20008 | The Creation ofthe Hulk Budapest to targetNatasha Romanoff,
Gen, Thaddeus Ross react es the US. Super Solder Program. Two of the a Black Widow agent of General
tists he bringsin at an early phase are his daughter Betty Ros and er Dreykov and a product of his Re Room
of eliminating
esistance, Banner heedlessly volunteers as Romanoff,
tating gamma burst that transforms him into her instead Presented withthe
a rampaging giant with impervious green skin during times of severedist opportunityto redeem he pat
Fleeing the abafter injuring General Rss and Betty, he remains a fugitive from Natasha’ final step inher defectionto
the govern five years, trying his best ppress them re SHIELD ieth
forever threatening to erupt within him. er boss,General Dreykov,

ee ~

2007 | A Mother's Sacrifice 2000s | Back Widow's Budapest Operation
Wenwu removes his powerful rings and stores Natasha Romanoff andher recruiter SHIELD. agent
Clint Barton, rig General Dreykov's office with explosives.
Gang seeks retribution for Wenw's past actions In With no other options to confirm her target, Natasha
hisabsence, theyat and kh fe Liasher reykow's young daugh Antonia at
youngchitre hang-Chi and Xialing fle the home. ich hr fathers presen The targete
enw brutally retalates against m ofthe iron bombing seems t inate General Dreykov, but
Gang. and recruits his son to take up martial arts Natasha believes she has also killed Antoniaading
training to become an assassin for The Ten Ring more “ed” to her own moral ledger After imploding a
One day, hang-Chi wil bese five y building and shooting it outwith Hungarian
gang member responsible for his mother's death Special Forces, Natasha and Clint spend 10 days in
but the revengewi hiding befor pe Budapest
from his father
Until now, beings who possess extraordinary
powers have tended to remain hidden, subtly
shaping world events from the background and
at times saving a population that has no idea
they exist. Captain America was an exception,
inspiring hope and admiration before his
disappearance generations ago. Now anew
generation of hero is emerging. Tony Starkis the
first to surprise the world when he steps forth to
declare “Iam Iron Man.” His candid admission
opens the possibility for other heroes to follow
and exist out in the open.
Spring 2008 | The Mark | ron Man Suit
Stark and Dr Ho Vinsen hastily fish the armor and
d Star’ body.’ too clunky fo
Early 2008 | Near-Death Experience him to see clearly, so he has memorizedthe number of
Tony Stark's motorcadeis hit by an ambush during a visit to Afghanistan
to demonstrate his company’snew Jericho carpet bombing mis le, He panicked members of The Ten Rings descend on them
suffer debilitating heart injury when he ishit by shrapnel from enemy Stark’s“Iron Man’ suit blasts through doorwaysand
ord 1d with his own logo: Stark Industries. Starks taken sends them scattering. Vinsenis
ve by the tero group known as The Ten Rings, and hisifeis saved by freight and uses his fina
anather imprisoned scientist named Dr. Ho Vinsen, whom hehad treated change his ways once he escapes. “Don't wasteit."he
ismissively several years before. Si saya."Dont wa your ite beome non aston Man sesh fiat stop

Early 2008 | Change of Heart Spring 2008 | New and Improved

Dr Ho Vinsen attaches a crude ‘After his three-month imprisonment
electromagnet to Starks chest to draw Tony Stark returns to the United State
the metal fragments he could not different man. Weapons
‘extract away from any vita organs, He manufacturing has made him
nany such injuries from Lnfathomably rich, butinternally he
‘Stark industries weapons in his war-torn fels bankrupt Stark calls a press
‘lags of Gubsira Vrwarfsinncmation conferen announce that Stark
res Stark. The Ten Rings have given Industresis withdrawing from the arms
rim weapon materialsand ordered him eating business. "leame to realize that!
to re-ereatea Jericho mis ile, but Stark
intead constructs an Arc Reactor for hings that blow up" Stark says.
ng those caught off guardis
powering his factory He and Ho Yinsen ‘Obadiah Stane, his longtime family
{get to work bulding something bigger— friend and chief operating oie

and hopefuly break them free ofthis

Spring 2008 | Honing the Iron Man
With help from his assistant JARVIS, ony
Stark begins refining his Iron Ma
personal suit of armor he ean use to help
save people need The Are Reactor nis chest
instil necessary to prot this heart but he has
already provenit can also power an advanced
near-indestructible suit. Nowit's justa matter of,
pushing that to the limit with the most precise
engineering pos ible. It'salong process of ‘Spring 2008 |“! am iron Man”
and erro with some bruises to both his body and Inthe aftermath of Stane’s rampage,
ego, along the way. But s00n, the design not only Tony Stark must answer tot public
SHIELD provides him witha cover
me for the damage,
‘Spring 2008 | Obadiah Stane's Plot a a malfunctioning prototype
youd killed him when you were supposed to, you'd stil battling his bodyguard ina suit of
have aface” Thats how Obadiah Stane greets the badly armor, but Stark chooses to open up
burned Raza, commander of this division of The en Rings, before the cameras and microphones.
after is most {tle with ron Man. Notonly has The truthis.. 1am kon Man” he
‘Stane been trafficking weapon: legally to the terror group, cares Later, hes visitedby
but he orchestrated the mercenaries kidnapping of Stark to SHIELD's director, Nick Fury, who
‘only obstace to his otrlof Stark wants to recruthim fora new initiative
ustries. The Ten Rings have since a ssembled the Mr Stark, you've become part of
remnantsof Stark's Mark armor, and Stane acquires them ury says. "You just
to begin reverse engineering his own iron Man suit don't know it

Spring 2008 | Battle in Gulmira

Tony Stark sees a troubling news report out of
GGulmira Vinsen's home vilage, where local warlord
have been conseriptinginnacent people as soir:
homes. They've somehow acquired Stark Industries
seespons to dortnate the region. He decide ie
time to put his Marl armor tothe test and engages @
ina supersonic ight tothe far-off region. On ‘Spring 2008 | Fall oftheron Monger
there, he quickly iberatesa group of refugees with Backin California, Pepper Potts—Tony Starks most
the tacticalelimination ofthe marauding soldier, trusted asociateuncovers Stare legal weapons
and i suit even survivesadiect it from atank trafficking ‘exposing
his betrayal. But his
(the tank does notfare as wel). The mysterious engi ers have worked quichly. A rough recreation
hero ron Man becomes an international sensation. ‘ofthe Iron Man suit has already been crafted, and
‘Stane incapacitats Stark to steal the compact
‘Arc Reactor from his chest necessary to power it
CCinging to life, Stark replaces it with an older mode
thenfes off to confont Stane, wha e finds at acking
Pepper. Stane "Iron Monger” suit m
power of Stark’, butt has the old bugs freezes
‘as Stark leads the fight into the upper atmosphere
‘and Stane plummets to Earth, but this nt enough
to stop him. Stark orders Pepperto overload the
‘Stark factory's gia Reactor and Stane
2008 | Becoming ron Man 2010 | ANew Ally 2012 | Forming the Team 2013-2015 | Looming Anxiety
“Trappedina cave witha guntohisheadanda bo of serapsin ‘Though Toy projectsinvi a ests threat s Tonys the frst Super Hero toler about the Inthe year following the Gate of New York. the peychologcl
hss hands. Tony Stark discovers he hero within Being captured around the globe, two ses plague hintatheilt
US. y Avenger Itative Ready wth his Mark Varma he termath taka lon Toy Bese by nightmares he
by The Tenandthe
Rings damage
causes Tony ndusties
torefieton fits
his rowan rtarywanttoappropratande use hs technology and ina the mason tolocate the stolen Tesseract ‘renetiealy workson theron Legion. maksuit ing of armora for
esye Stark onthe playboy
wor hie AreReactoris iow plsoning him. He works with jumps
{nd thenstop Lot The gathering of heroes tests very posse treat can imagine Tonys pal worsens when
Herealaes he canoe is resources todo betta The ministre Nick Fury to adress both problems andbecomes a ‘Starks apacty to play wo with others, but eises hes faced with “the Mandari™an enemy created byhisown
‘rc Reactor and powered armorhe bud gve hi anew heat consultant or SHIELD. tothe oceasion and together the Avengers save Earth past . Eventually rigal Fonthat Legions
, the serties replacedinto by
and purpose from the Citar invasion. "raw arrogance
one anarmy of armored are deployed
bate alongsid the Avengers.

2016 | Being a Mentor 2016 | Friends toEnemies 2015 | Creating Artificial Life
od ‘After ringing Spider Man it Gui ves inthe cena of Tony ‘Tony remain plagued by fearsof
& te Avengers battle st Lepr rind tom the bepaning a he ‘estraterestalthveatsHe ong
s Hal srport. Tony takes an active {enureas kon Manand when he {or Joba peace aa thinks. in
= interestin the younghero fe and sees the Avengers becoming as ‘typed Tony Starkashion that
becomeshis mentor Tony'stoueh angerour a Stark naustnes head ruc have the means
‘exterior doesnthide that he cae ‘weaponsconce were hetakes2 {ensure that by ratingthe
bout Peter He guides the teen a Stand His support ofthe Sokovia tific ntetigence Utron.
Peterfights the vilsinous ture Accords causes dramatic spit ‘The plan backfires when Utzon
andeventualy offers hm apace fiom Steve Rogers and the collapse attempts to destroy the wos
with the Avengersan offer that ofthe Avengers ‘and uid amore peaceful one
Peterdecines inits place

Tony Stark’s heroic path hinges on two pivotal

nents: being kidnapped by The Ten Rings and
witnessing the Chitauri come through Loki’s
portal to invade Earth. The first incident opens
and leads him to build his first suit of armor and
embark on a mission to make the world a better ‘2018 | Fighting Thanos
nti Thanos. the Avengers have defeated every
2023] Ultimate Sacrifice
Inthe aftermath ofthe Snap, Tony ties
place. The latter dramatically broadens Tony's ‘enemy they have encountered Tony has no reaton tostart afresh, setting own wth Pepper
horizons with potential enemies and haunts his tobel ve they can't stop this new foe Using the Potts and aising ther daughter Morgan
}oughts for yearsto come, making him by turns ‘ried and ue combination of his determination Hein eusestogtinvlveinthe
briiance an technology Fon Man makes every “Tine Hest. watingto protect his family 20 | Tony's
ared and resolved. As Iron Man, Tony Stark sHfort to stop Thanos. defeating hay Ebony Maw romfurther ordeals bute can put aside “Tony Stark leaves behindy s profound egacy that spans the worl. One ofthe pele most
inspace and then confronting Thanos mse on ‘the possiblity of sucess. Inthe fina affe the losscti Tony's
ed rota Pater Parka Tony Deevedin Petr and designated
fights for humanity above all else. ‘Tian The fare to prevent the Snap andthe conf with Thanos, Tony sacices him the recipi of ent
EDIT. which ges the ten contol over Stark Industries took,
‘esuinglons of hi ends buses Tonys very cre mse to ave the universe Pete strug toe upto Tony's reputtion bt does the best he canto honer his mentoe
Spring 2008 | Vanko's Rage
archer who was deported bs to Russiain
Living in the public eye means heroes
sometimes face scrutiny for their actions.
mthe Moscow apartment he shares with his son, Tony Stark’s Iron Man identity leads the USS.
Ivan, "That shouldbeyou, his father says. Anton dies in obscurity, government to question whether he—or any
leaving piles of old schematics. His son vanwas aso once ‘one individual—can be trusted with such
promising physicist. butis now adrift and impoverished after power. Others with enhanced abilities,
ending15 yearsin a Siberian prison fr seling Soviet plutonium to
‘Anto death, n's
the embittered ian begins bul like Bruce Banner, will strain to control their
his father « Reactor prototype, drivenby hatred ofthe Starks. powers, while Thor, the God of Thunder, is
exiled to Earth to prove himself worthy.
Alllearn they are now answerable to those
they seek to protect.

Spring 2010 | Bruce Banner in Hiding @

2008-2010 | Engineering Revenge Ithas been 158 days since Bruce a ‘Spring 2010 | Privatizin World Peace g
Ivan Vanko puts together the raw material, and data During those five months,he has lve Atan Armed Services Committee hearin Senator Stern pres 1 Tony Stark to turn over
necessaryto compete his father’s Are Reactor designs. Whileth working at akdowrs hs ron Man armor to the US government. “You can forgetit” Stark says “lam ron Mar
results are not as refined as Tony Stark’, they're brutally ef ective inthe machines, He practices meditationto remain calm, and communicates he suit and are one” The hearingputs him in conflict with a longtime rival, military
By focusing the repulsor beams through ionized plasm channe! anonymously with a biologist known as "Mr Blu” to brain contractor Justin Hammer, who testif es that hostile countries are racing to develop similar
he weaponizes the tech into a pair of laceratingwhips. Once the Ceres for his unique cisorder Banner accidentaly contaminates abotte of tech. Meanwhile, Lt. Col James Rhodesproposes trying to recruit Stark himself into the
research and design is compete, Vanko devises a plan to use his tod ting his finger at work, and the resulting gamma radiation Defense Department Starks dismissive ofthe idea. "Im your new nuclear deterrent.
deadly weapon against Stark sickness ina consumer leads the US. government tohis hing. ‘Stark tll th iy prvatize id peace:

tas ae ee
June 2009 | The Extremis Deaths
[Aldrich Kilian and Maya Hansen make a breakthrough Spring 2010 | Pepper Potts Promoted
in their Extremis research using the technology th JARVIS informs Tony Stark that using the ron Man suit apily
ivates bioelectrical potential inthe body to heal erates hs palladium poisoning.His blood toxicity reaches 24
wounded solders, including the regrowth of lst limbs just before Pepper Potts urgeshim to keep his focuson Stark
But Extremis remains extremely volatile, and the Phase Indust ad, Starkhas be n consumed by his expo, his work
trials cause some of their subjects to spontaneously as|ron Man, and his private illness.He suprises Potts by stepping
mnbustin violent, fiery detonations.T. backasCE appointingher to run the cor ation He tells her
adly side +, Kilian willater devi he has been considering a successor for some
false narrative to daguise the exp its you. he says. “i's alwaysbeen you
the Mandarin" personaas cover

Spring 2010 | Stark’s Big Show

‘After around two years as ron Man, Tony Stark flies onstag
inaugurate the year-long Stark Expo. Adoring fans cheer for
ing up but Stark prefers to highlight his peace
ras the Super Hero, The Expo beng hed forthe frst time sine
1974, willing researchers and innovators together from around ti
world B oples with the side eff the Arc
heart from shrapnel. Its also slowly poisoning
him with pal adium,
2000s and 2010

Spring 2010 | Black 1, Undercover Spring 2010 | Stark outof Controt
After being wounded byt Winter Soldier With is palaium concentration at 89%, Tony Stark
in Odessa, Ukraine, in. 2009, while on amission celeb what might sistas bir Jay by geting dr
tocxtrat a high-value nucea and chaotic at his Malu estate, shooting bottles and fut
"Natasha Romanoff is dispatched by SHIELD. cutof the a with hisreulsor bast whe guest cheer him
toan undercover assignment: cn Fearing for everyone's safety. Lt. Col James Rhodes puts
Tony Stark under he guise of administrative ante Mark on Man armor and forces his ol fend to
nt "Natale Rushman shutit down” Their fight wrecks the mansion-anda
<lisgusted Rhodes leaves the premises with the armor

Spring 2010 | Hammer Hires Vanko

demrtanten ‘Spring 2010 | Blonsky Targets Banner The jaled ian Vanko declares victory over Tony Stark
General Thaddeus Ross pus together an internationalaid to capture Bruce Banner, despite fang to kl him."iyou can make God bleed,
ted by the British Royal Marines commando Emi Blonsky "Your targets a fugitive from then people wil cease to beievein him’ he els the
the US. government who stole miltary secrets” Ross says leaving out some important self-appointed hero. The exstence of non-Stark Are
Te mission goes sideways w tered Banner Hulks out. Tranquiizer darts tech alarms the US. government, butit only intrigues
oun from his impervious green skin, he smashes through wal, and hur frkift Justin Hammer, who fakes Vanko's death and recruits
like it was a softball” a stunned Blonsky reports ba 3k. The raging Hulk escapes, nd him to improve the subpar brand of armored suits
wen Banner wakes up, heis more than 4,000 miles away in Guatemala Hammer hopes to sl tothe Pentagon.

May 5, 2010 | The Grand Prix Assault Spring 2010 | Thor's Canceled Coronation
wi o d tonicitynow at 53%, Tony Far off inthe cosmic kingdom of Asgard. Thor
Starks ving lke there's no tomorrow. He ripe ia meticalharener Mito arcr of
<ecides to get behind the whee! of his own cheersin the throne room o his father Odin
Formula Tearin the Monaco Grand Prix, but Boastfl and proud. the God of Th nderis et to
isattacked during the race by van Vanko, be crowned as cic new king But Frost Giants
wielding his twin Arc-powered whips that from Jotunteiey od dark realm that has ong
slice the speeding vehiclesin half Happy been hostie to Agar infitrate Odin treasure
Hogan (Stark’s bodyguar and Pepper Potts ‘room seeking their society long-lost weapon,
hurry the suitease-szed portable ron Man the Casket of Ancient Winters. They are killed by
“Mark Vsut to Stark, buthe continues tobe the Destroyer automaton during the rad, but the
fered by Vanko. Finally, Stark subdues nonetheless interrupts and postpones
Vanko by ripping away the Russian's Thor's ceremony.
homemade power source

Spring 2010 | The War Machine

Rhodes es his new armor to Edwards Ait Force Base where the
itary begins to workon Star's tech Justin Ham
help weaponize the suit augmenting witha devastating new array
repower. The Pentagon doest't hat Hammer has also
‘connected the War Machine armor to his own network, which will
allow Vanko to hackn and control at will while also puppeteering
Spring 2010 | Thor's Banishment Spring 2010 | Howard's Hidden Message
Osinis outraged by Thor's actions. "You area vain, greedy, Wie looking through od documents lating this father and
ervel boy he declares. Thor shouts back “And you are an old the elder Vano, Stark finda fm el from Howard in which he
man anda fool" Odin issues an edi ¢ Thor is not only speaks directlytohis son lamenting about bengiited by the
unworthy oft throne, but unworthy of hishammer as well technology of my time he discovers that asa model
He strips Thorof his powers and banishes him tothe realm Created forthe 1974 Stark Expo i actualy ahd n ciagramof a
of Midgard (a.ka. Earth). After Thoris beamed away, Odin
inse bes Molniewit ew commana! "Whosoever hol Stark retrofits his Malibu estate with a sprawing prismatic
thishammer.i he be worthy, shall possess the powerof accelerator balancing one part fit with a work-in-progress
Thor" Odin then casts away the hammer, wel of Captain Ams ica’ shield from Howards
td, it successfully generates the safe new element
that can replace the core thats poisoninghim,

©ee ‘Spring 2010 | The Fall of Vanko
Spring 2010 |Full Circle Happy Hogan and asha Romanoff npt to stop
hung over Tony Stark meets Nick Fury ata Los Vanko at Hammer's offices, but the Russian researcher
Angeles-area donut shop, whece he earns that his ew fying armor outfited with
ative assistant. N powerful new versions of his electrified whips. Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff, an agent of SHLLE\D. nicknamed reboo Rhodes suit allowing hi take contol again,
Black Widow. "You'e... fires” he says. They provide and iron Man and War Machine join foes to bring
Stark with lithium dioxide which temporarily relieves Vankos drones, When Vanko entangle the pairin his
his palladium poisoning. Buthe stil needs to devise a whips they defeat him by ricocheting their epulsor blasts
news less toxic power source fhe hopesto stay ave against each other,creatinga shockwave. A wounded
and continue his works ron Man, Vanko dies when he sel-destructs his suit

Spring 2010 | Jane Foster's Discovery Spring 2010 | Stark and Potts Fall Hard
Thor lands on Earthin the desert outside Puente Antiguo, New Mexico, Stark saves Pepper Petts from the
here astrophyiit Dr Jane Foster her mentor Erk Sev and before they self-destruct. Potts remains frustrated by
intern Darcy Lewis are studying unusual arorasin the skies overhead. Starks antics, but gratefulfor and Stark
They accidentally strike Thor wth ther van then Lewis uses her taser kiss, acknowledging forthe fist time that they have deeper
toincapacitate the semingly disoriented man. Later when they see ther, Overtime, the relationship only
his shove inimagery ofthe aurora, they realize he truly might be grows, Hammeris arrested for his various imes involving
the otherworldly being he claims. Vanko, while Senator Sterns required to bestow medals
‘on Stark and Rhodes for averting the tragedy caused by
the politician's previously favored weapons contractor

Spring 2010 | The Expo Catastrophe
os ‘istin Hammer prepares a presentation
of his new
‘Spring 2010 | An l-Planned Counterattack Cones at the Stark Expo, wth James Rhodes’ War
Goaded by his brother Lok, Thor defies his father's wishes and Machine armor atthe center, Although Hanmer
leads Lady Sif and the Warriors Three—Fandkal, Hogun, and
Volstagg-on an attack against Jtunheim. Heimdal the Work in tandem, the armors are hacked and
all-secing guardian ofthe Bifost gateway between t e Nine ‘overtaken by an Vankofrom afar A recovered and
Realms. allows them to pass, hopingto understand how the Stark arives to
Frost Giants entered Asgard without him knc
Asgarcan fighters end up provoking anew war with Frost
Giant ruler Laufey before being rescued bya aged Odin with no control this time

2O1O o)
Spring 2010 | Lok’ Power Play
Loki as deliberately
created discord ina bid to claim Asgard throne
First, he allowed the Frost Giants into Odi’ treasure room to deal ‘Spring 2010 | Emil Blonsky—Super Soldier
Thor's coronation, then he encouragedged Thor to attack ‘ Jotunheim fr
revenge—creatingththan i Betaee father General Ross briefs Emil shy on the experiment that transformed
‘gone, Lok confronts his father about his ndtrufeoriginbor:
, and Woes
Odin bieconfesses
basther Banner revealing that twas part ofa revitalized effort from World War
to create enhanced human wariors. The notion inti Jes Blonsky “Ima
that Loki was an abandoned Frost Giant baby he once took the hope fighter” he says." could take what know now and puttin the body !
‘that raising him would bring unity tothe two warring civilizations. Lok had ten years ago, that would be someone | wouldn't want to fight” Ross
rage causes the weakening Odin to collapse andie then enters the coma ike informs him" could probably ic arrange something like that" With a witin *
(Ocineleep clearing the way fr the God of Mischief to seize Asgard “
subject, Ross takes some ofthe experimental Super Soldier Serum his
‘team was developing and has it injected int the body of the Royal Marne.

‘Spring 2010 | 17 Days Without incident

Bruce Banner sneaks bi across the border into the United States s0 he
can return to Culver Unversity in Virginia, where he and fellow scientist
etty Ros first did the research that inacvertenty transformed him into
the Hulk. The datahas been purged from the computer system, but the
next day he crosses paths withhis x grind, Ross herself Bruce les,
but Betty follows him, resurrecting long-bured feelings in both of them,
‘She urges him to turn himselfinto her or but Banner refuses saying
the general wants to dissect him to setter understand and harness the
Hulk He wants to make ita weapon Banner says, at of int Weer which arses i vt Gt form

ter sO it EOD ty fn, 2 Amati Sh

OS et A gigs wy is

i) ®
Spring 2010 | Lok's Lies Spring 2010 | Just a Man
Lok travels to Earth to vist despondentThor who remains in SHEL. On arth, the Destroyer iterates the forces of
custody ater his fae effortto retake Mol Loki deceives his brother SHLELD, then beginsto wipe out the town of Puente
into belevin ie fathers dead—and Thor to blame. “Your banishment Antigo in relentess pursuit of Thor The Warriors
the ew war, it was too much for him to bear” Loki explains. vee and Lady Sif try to stop, but are defeated by
Then Loki travelto Jotunheim to strike a dea wil return the Casket the automatonsheat beam, Thor helps evacuate local
cof Ancient Winters if Laufey wil assassinate his lumbering father. Laufey citizens, but utimately faces down his attacker. “These
accepts, bt when the deed s about to be committed, Loki betrays him, people ae innocent. Taking their ves will gain you
idanenasiiond kiling the Frost Giant kingjust ashe is poise to slay Odin. To the people ching” Thor says. "So take mine, And end ths
Fao sancwathovr of Asgard, the trickster has transformed himself intoa savior. The furnace within the Destroyer emits a blast that
leaves the mortal Thor gravely wounded,
‘Spring 2010 | The Discarded Hammer
irr land not ar from where Thortuched dow and curious ‘Spring 2010 | The Destroyer Arrives
local gather tocrink ber and pull onthe mmovable object with Lady Sifand the Warriors Three come to Eart
their trucks unt SHIELD arvesto secure the area. Agent Phi Thor t at Loki has taken over the kingdom. Thor is shocked
Coulson ane Cine Barton Hawkeye) are among the operativesent tolearn his brother ied, and that his father sii Loki
towatch over the strange tam asi erenyeignatures re shia uses the Casket of Ancient Winters to freeze Heimdall
Thor inftrates the SH.LE LD. perimeter to reclaim his weapon, and seize contro ofthe Bifrost, dispatchingthe Destroyer
but finds he cannot lift the hammer. He remains unworthy. to Earth toelminate his brother and all his ales.
Asgard, one of the Nine Realms, is the home of Thor and
Loki. Ruled by Odin, before the event known as Ragnarok
the gleaming kingdom stands as a beacon of peace. As
Odin tells Thor, Asgard is its people. This proves true as
the Asgardians show resilience again and again. It doesn’t
matter that Hela's short-lived reign leads to the destruction
of their home, or that Thanos attacks their escape vessel,
or that they must then endure the Blip—despite these
tragic setbacks, the Asgardians persist. They adapt and
rebuild, taking up residence on the coast of Norway with.
their new kingdom, smaller but not any less mighty.

2010 | Separation
2000s nd 2010 2000s nd 20108

Spring 2010 | Destroying the Bifrost
‘TosaveJotunheim, Thor uses Motto pulverizethe bridge
that channelsthe energy of Asgard into the Bifrost.But the
bridges his only pathway back to Eat and Jane Foster
if you destroy the bridge youlnever seeher agin” Loki
31 hi, but Thor continues shattering it until they both
axe aling into the void of space Osin awakens inte to
_125p his sons, but Loki lets go, plunging into a collapsing
fied of energy asit fades away

Spring 2010 | Worthy Spring 2010 | Recovery and Rendezvous
Thor sacrifice activates the spell Odin placed on Mj ‘Awear Bruce Baner and Betty Ross yw in
Through hum selesenes,andbravery, Thor has again the wldemess ofthe Great Smoky Mountain,
become worthy, Mjoifesomits resting pace and lands than find amotl before journeying to New York
in Thor's hand energizing and healing him, Thor uses Mjonir City to meetMe Bue and bring him te data from
tocchamela whitind over he town, drawing the Destroyer ther arr esearch, Harel name is x Samal
into the vortex. Battering away the Destroyers blasts, he forces tens and he hopes to concoct an antidote tat
the hammer into the facial vents ofthe machine unlit energy wild Banner ofthe Hulk SHIELD personnel
backs up. The Destroyer ultimately destroysitslf Before who are seaming internet raf for keywords
returning to Asgard to confront Loki, Thor makes a pledge intercept te ema lowing General Ross to
te Jane Foster.“ give you my word. wil return for you! track them othe meet-up.
-OO ms©

Spring 2010 | The University Clash Spring 2010 | The Hulk Suppressed
Bruce Banneris cornered by soldersat Cuver University after General Ross ‘When Bruce Banner and Betty Ros fnally
becomes aware ofthe fugitives etun Ashe transforms machine gunfire meet Sternsin New York, Baers
icachetsoff him. and he hurls Humvees and ps out engines on the university dfsturbed to discover the blood sample
rounds Betty Ross stands before pat of the convoy beggingher father to
stop the attack Emi Blonsky. newly energized with his super soir injections thousandsof tines Stars hopes touse
dashes onto the campus-turned:-battlfeld-and his ones are shattered when this gamma-infused DNA to develop cures
Hulk kicks him against tree After causing their crash of helicopter gunship for diseases but Baneris troubled After
hil shielding Betty from ts cannon fe, Hulk cates Betty away and escapes. studying the data they sent, Stems crests
dialysis treatment for Banner butts unclear
{the Huh ben erased completely orist
blunted inthis one instance. Baner nds
himself unable to tranform when aUS.
mia sniper ith witha tranguizer
8 shorty after the procedie, taking him and Bursysconiton
Spring 2010 | Lok's Desperation Betty into custody. doen tadrsom = @
Heda breaks free from hisicy imprisonment and opens the Spring 2010 | Birth ofa Monster
Bifrost s0 the Warriors Three, Lady if,and Thor ean returnto [Athough doctors describe the bones in Blonshy/s body as “crushed grave after the
Asgard. Ina thoughtless act of destruction, Loki reorientsthe Culver University battle, he makes a rapid recovery thanks tothe super oli treatment
Bifrost to channel lits energy at Jotunheim. which will build General Ross gave him. Craving even more power, Blonsky orders Dr Sterns toinfuse him
initensity untlit destroys that entice world Loki says he is with Banner's DNA. The doctor balks, warning of terrible side effects.“The mixture could
doing it“to prove to father | ama loyal son. When he awakens, be abomination, says Sterns, who complies withthe order. His fears are realized
|wlbetrueeit the throne” fight with Thor Loki appears ‘when Blonsky undergoes a metamorphosis into a spiky gargantuan who runs amokinthe
tohang from the edgeof the bridge, but i's a mirage. He lab, towingthe scientist against his blood samples, Someof Banner's cloned blood
clones himself many times over, laughingat Thor's torment drip into the cut on Sterns’ head, causing the doctors skull to enlarge.
2011 | General Ross’ Heart Attack
Gen, Thaddeus Ross suffers a severe heart
attack during golf outing After 13 hour
surgery heawakens from the tripe bypass
feeling anew sense of “perspective” His long
military career may be at an end, but Ross wil
Continue to playa major role inthe halls of
power, eventually servingasUS. Secretaryof
‘State. Inthatol, Ross wil doggedly apply his
@@ belie individuals with enhanced powers
‘Spring 2010 | The Harlem Braw! are moreof ask than a ard
Bruce Banner and Bett Rossare being flown
away ina military helicopter with General

become the Hulk. nly after striking the ee

round does the big, ges ‘Summer 2010 | The Consultant
two goliaths rampage through the streets, ‘General Ross imprisons Blonsky, but the World Security
with Hulk ripping a police cruiser in halfand him tobe released, asking Nick Fury to reruit the monstrous being
beating Abomination withthe pieces. When into the Avengers Initiative-they want Bruce Banner alone tobe
their fight causes the heicopt capegoated for the destruction in Harlem, Unable to directly refuse TaAteen
General Ross and Betty to crash Hulk claps a the order, Fury and SHLLE.D. agents Jasper Sitwell and Phil Coulson
shockwavethat extinguishes the flames. Huk devise an indirect solution. They se he newlyminted SHIELD
beats the Abomination nearly to death, consultant” Tony Stark to make the ask of Ross—hoping Stark wil
sparinghislife only when Bety cries out for iritate him so much that the general wil refuse to release Blonsky
him to stop. Hukoars atthe sky and kicks ‘Stark fifills their hopes beginning the me ng. teling Ross he
the defeated Blonsky atthe feetof a melt of stale beer and defeat" The co jersation devolves until
shamefaced General Ross Ross tries to have Stark thrown out of the bar Request denied,

Summer 2010 | Hulk in Hiding 2011 | Captain America Recovered

Aer the mincident, the Hulk Neatly seven decades aterit disappeareddu
teste United States, and Banner id War the wreckage of Hycrals Valkyries
ives for atime nthe Bea Co la n the Arctic Steve Rogers
Valley of British Columbia before miraculously alive, preserved in stasis by the cold
tually ending up haf a world away andhis super sok snhancement. He is brought
inna. Betty Ross returnstoher life to New York and gradually revived, with SHED.
atthe Univesity, with only one photo tng a hospital room that replicates the
‘of Bruce to remember this tims 18405 to tryand soften the blow Rogers
spent together immediately detects the rusethe baseball game
being broadeast “ve” on the radio was on
attended in 1941, He breaks lo se and finds himself
in present-day Times Square thinking only of the
ifetime that has passed, and the unfuliled promise
he made to return to Peggy Carter."Ihad a date
Rogers els Nick Fury
Spring 2010 | Thor at a Distance
Atleast temporary, the doorway between the Nie Realmsis closed after
Bifrost. Thor mourns for is other, despite Lok
betrayal. and tells his mothe rigaa tha he yearns to reunite wth ane Foste
Meanwhile, he and his father make amends. “You be: Odin says
have much to learn Thor replies. Thor vis Heim, the now-gateless
gateke per who can still tum his gaze
to far-of words. Thor asks ifhe can
2 Foster, and Heimdall confirms he can:"She searches foryo
2024-2025 | Helping She-Hulk
Mid-2000s | Birth of the Hulk

To be the Hulk is to embrace change. The mild

mannered Bruce Banner has gone on a journeyof °
self-loathing, transformation, and acceptance
since his body first absorbed high amounts of
gamma radiation, giving him the ability (or
curse) to transform into the Hulk. Over the
years Bruce uses his exceptional scientific 2010 | Facing Abomination
knowledge to bring the Hulk’s brute
strength together with his intelligence and
patience, ultimately reconciling the best
aspects of both his personalities to live a
shared existence. By accepting the giant
green side of himself, Bruce finds the inner
peace that eluded him for so long.

2018-2023 |The Blip

2012 | Becomingan Avenger

2018 | Stage Fright?

2015 | Hulk Unleashed
| On Sakaar

90 / i y ES)
Power attracts power. The beings with eee
enhanced abilities who now populate the ‘Spring 2012 | Black Widow Finds the Hulk
world are naturally drawn to each other, Romanofispuled off a deep-cover missionin Russian
and sometimes are pushed together by ‘orderto help SHIELD. recover th e Tesseract and rescue Clint
outside entities like S.H.LE.L.D. As 7. Her ist task recruiting Bru Banner, whos
lp them understand the cube—ar
destructive forces unify from afar, so too What Loki mightbe planning with it. SHILELD. has tracked
must the defenders of Earth. The ensuing Banner's movements with neral Ross, oping to use
battles shake the world, opening humanity's the scientist (or the Hulk) n any global crisis that arise. Romanoff
eyes toa universe far larger than they once approaches Banner in Inca, where he is serving people asa
thought possible. doctor a he reluctantlyagrees to help sin it’s hisintellet
they need, not the press.

® me OOOO
2010-2012 | Lok's Revenge Spring 2012 | Lok's Stuttgart Spectacle
To tabiae the Tesseract and reopen the porta Lok needs
wed 3 ofthe rarest minerals on Earth Hawteyeids storage facity
ontainingit, but ne ds the retinal scan ofa particular
the Titan to invade and conquer Earth. All Thanos for Lokito access, Loki tracks the unlucky researcher toa black-tie evnti
hookit up to suitable power source on Earth. Meanwhile, due toh ‘Stuttgart, Germany, where he us nfl
experience with Thor Dr Erik Selvighas been recruited by Nick Fury to from the man ward
join Project Pegasus, SHLELD'sattempt to st y the Teseract. Fury ‘over panicked onlookers, commanding them to kne l Wh
re that Sehig’s mind hasbeen init ki tellshim the attempts to obliteratea single old man who 2s, Captain
idbea. and ron Man intervene tob the trickster godinto submission

a ll

Spring 2012 | Opening a Gateway Spring 2012 | Hero Complex

Nick Fury is summoned to Project Pegasu Steve Rogers struggles to finda place and purpose in thisne
the Tesseract’ energy starts spiking. Before they fen his history with the Tesseract, Nick Fury asks him tojoin anew
‘ean evacuate the faclty, the Tesseract triggers and squadhe's assembling to recover the cube, Aboard the SH
‘opens a portal, through which Loki appears. Upon Helicarrier, Rogers meets Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner
Lok’ arcival he immediatelysteals the cube omething
uses the scepter to fully possess the mi both ‘common within the
Dr SeWvig and SHLLELO. agentCint Bart 0. Lokis ‘deemed tobe a poor fit forthe program, also asked to help,
‘ved portale tes an energy vortex that No ones certain these individuals can unite asa function ingteam,
buildsin tensity until it comp trays the
Joint Dark Energy Mission fait.
Spring 2012 | Thor Returns
to Earth
While a captive Lokiis being transported in the Quinjet. a
lightning storm starts aroundthe aircraftand Thor arrives to
forcibly apprehend his troublesome brother. On the ground,
lieved to find Lok alive and angry that he has
returned to his destructive tendencies. ron Man and Cap,
gardians in the mide oftheir Family feud, which
Stark erisively refers to as “Shakespeare in the park," and Thor

shockwave that shatters a clearing inthe forest. Thor agrees

tolet them keep Loki unt the Tes ract canbe reclaimed.
The God of Thunder has now jinedthe Avenger
‘Spring 2012 | Selvig Opens a Bigger Gateway
The stil: mesme i Selvig continues his work activating
the Tesseract to bring the Chitaurl invasion to Earth Inneedof
‘a massive power source, he attaches his device tothe topof
Stark Tower heart of New York City, drawingon its newly
installed e ergy rk finds Lok in his penthouse
60e0o brimmwiith hubris." What have Ito fear?" Loki says Stark
Spring 2012 | Regrouping tellshim about ntheg Avengers“That's what we call ourselves.
Lots detainedonthe SHLELD. Earths mightiest heroes typeof thing” Loki huris him from the
Helicarier ina chamber designed for skyscraper and JARVIS deploys te self-assembling ron Man
the Hulk, Tony Stark strikesupa quick Mark Vil armor that at aches to Stark ust before he hits the
friendship with Bruce Banner "ma huge ‘round, The Battle of New York begins
fanof the way youlose control and turn into
an enormous green rage-moneter” Stark
says Rogers and Stark chafe instantly,
however ("Thats the guy my dad never
£7" Starkeracks) Banner and
Stark are skepti calLD's motives,
of SH.LE
buts re Rogers true believer until
they learn that SHLELD. intendto suse
the Tesseract to devise new and deadly
weaponry. reverse engineering Hyda’s
tech from WWIL The weapons program
that or brought to New Mexico’ 2010,
The only one happy about the way the team
isgoingis Agent Pil Coulson—who also
hopes to get his vintage Captain America
cards autographed.

Spring 2012 | The Death of Pil Coulson Spring 2012 | Devastation from Above
Lok escapes rom his holding chamber when CChitauri warriors race through the portal
tis minions board the Helicarer Natashi above Manhattan's skyine. They rampage
Romanoff ba 8 the mind-controlled Clint ‘throughthe corridors of buldings as Chtaurt
Barton hopingto snap her od rend ou of is Leviathans swim through the sky. dropping
spel and Agent Coulson confronts Loki with more alien fighters tothe ground, As the
one of SH LLD’s prototype weapons. Loki devastation grows, the Avengers gather
cistractshim with anillsion and spears him back-to-back to hold off the invasion.
‘through the chest with his scepter. "You're Meanwhile, the World Security Counc
ing to lose” dying Coulson says. "t's in panies, ordering nuclear strike on New
your nature. You lack conviction” After Loki York to cls
escape, Nick Fury uses Coulson’ death (and cotherworla aught before it spreads.
the hero trading cards he doctored with
S@0808 blood)to inspite that sense of conviction in hi
‘Spring 2012 | Loki Sows Discord perpetually clashing A
Foner aropie Lol, dasornghe lowed ine be
mistrust growingbetween ther. The si: mesmerized Hawkeye fies,
Up to the Helicartier aboard a stolen Quinjet and blows up on
engines, crippling the massive aircraft. The Hulk erupts from within
Banner, causing evengreater internal damage as Captain America and
Tony Stark try to stabilize the damaged turbine. Hulkleaps from the
Heliarrerto attack jet, and plummets to the ground.
Spring 2012 | Item 47
Desperate fr cash. ard-uck couple Benny
Pol ack and Clare Weiss hack into a Chitaur
weapon left behind during the invasion and use
@e itto go on cross-country bank robbing spree
Spring 2012 | The Victims ‘This attracts the attention of SH.LEL.D. Agent
Despite being outnumbered, the Avengers successful sav Sitwel who is assigned retiew
ties ives. nly 74 ivan casualties and “neutralize” the outlaws, After detaining
‘of hundreds of thou ind at risk. O them, he reveals that there were 47 piecesof
alien tech recovered by the government, bt
he will always ke p he safe. Soon after, erek di allof the rest fell dormant: He chooses to bring
when the Chitaurl invaders ip through er building Through the the would-be Bonnie and Clyde into SHIELD.
taping hole in ther apartment, tle Kate sees Hawkeye fighting
valiantly against the attackers: He becomes her new personal ero,

Spring 2012 | A Scavenger Rebuked

Spring 2012 | The Nuclear Strike ‘Spring 2012 | Thanos Changes Course Back in New York, the salvage contractor Adrian Tomes lec
nuclear missile aimed at closing the portal The Thanos minion known asthe Othe e wreckageand rub le from the
en though Captain America delivers news of Lok's failure. Not only was CChitaur invasion, He is abruptly forced aside by Ann Ma
but the Tesseract and Hoag thedirector ofthe new US. Department of Damage
trip” Allthe SHEL D. studies that determined Tony Starkw Control Toomes decides to legally keep some ofthe scrap,
be a team player are proven wrong ashe guides the Stones from the Titan's gras he has collected, harvesting the alien tech and devising new
the portal and hursit at the Chitaur mothership, weaponsfor sale. Once alegiimate businessman, Toomes
creating a deep-space detonation that els remainder of the Other says. “They are unruly, becomes embittered With a wife and daughterto suppor.
ry, An incapacitated Stark tumbles backward t nd therefore cannot be ruled. To challenge he feels hehas no choice but to bend the law, eventually
becomingan arms dealer forthe criminal underworld.

@8'6o manta
Spring 2012 | Loki Pulverized 2012 | Consequences of Power
One of Haw yes arows destro Lokisysown chariot Lokiis sentenced to spend the remainder of his long life in
sending him crashing backintoStark Tower where the Hulk As .'s dungeonforbs various crimes and nspivacesHe
ounces."lam god, you dl eeature Es 1 rom execution ony by the ercession of his mothe
"And wil not be bullied by" His words are cut short Frigga, buthe re nan defiant “Do you not truly fel the
wen Hulk grabs im by the ankles and slams him back and savityof your inasks, “Whe er you go, theres
forth against the ground repeatedly Loki survives, but can war ruin and death’ Lokipoints out that he snot so diferent
‘make only a mewing sound asthe Hulk looms ove him, from all who wield great strength "I went to Midgard to rule
grumbling “Puny ‘Although the portal remains open, the people of Earthas.a benevolentgod he tells his father
the leader ofthe invasion has been sidelines “Justke you

Spring 2012 | The Avengers Vindicated
shaken from his near-death encounter He covers up with hs sig
wisecracks, encouraging the team to gather at a nearby sh
restaurant after taking Lok int ustody. ntheaftermath ofthe attack, the
‘ene i given back to Thor fr safekeeping on Asg
to that realm forimprisonment. Bruce B anner and Stark continue thei
int Barton, Steve Rogers, and Natasha Romanoff
continue their work with SHLLE.. Fury’ plan to unite them was row
wis, andhe ejects the World Security Councils concerns about the
‘Avengers, and about the return of Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard,
Reinforcements Arrive
Opening the Portal

The pivotal event that brings the Avengers Teer enter bcos
together for the first time devastates New York Super Here, Whenron ancraig
Chturlrit arrow stope
explodinghe harhome
City and leaves lingering marks on all those ai ieaKs talon coat omen
involved in the battle. It also marks the dawn of a ocrdterandwater
new era for humanity, who are now aware that nen Satyr fuer isamong the tine
they are not alone in the universe. Empowered by ‘ofthe Citar reercmpepomreny
Eel donaralt Amoment
of tragedy bacomes
Thanos and believing Earth deserves anew ruler,
Loki attacks the city using Chitauri warriors from Becomingthe Avengers
Thanos’ army. While he seemingly plans the attack
carefully, he does not anticipate that the Avengers
will stand united, despite his attempts to divide
them. The talented individuals selected by
SH.LE.LD. Director Nick Fury in hopes that they
would one day defend the Earth from an alien
threat, prove themselves up to the task.

‘ANuclear Ejection
Calling the Shots
2000s and2010 2000s and 20108

The past intrudes on the present. Old wars, 08
old enemies, and old grudges resurface to Fall2013 |The Death
of Figs
confront the powerful. From Asgard as
well as Earth, unsettled conflicts and levels. Thisinadvertenty
long-remembered slights re-emerge to
create new crises. puts upa formidable defense, buts seized by Kurse and murdered
wen she refuses to turn over Foster Thor arves just as Maleith
escapes. Allof Asgard mourns the fallen queen, includingthe
imprisoned son whose thoughtless act contributed to her death

Fall2013 | Peace for the Nine Realms Fall 2013 | Treatment on Asgard
Ate the dest jon ofthe frost, Asgard waslargely off from the hor trave to Earth when Heim tells him he has
rest ofthe Nine Realms of Vegas leadingto outbreaks of anarchy tof Jane Foster The God of Thunder finds her
"Now thatthe connection has been restored, peace must beas wel bursting with energy from the Aether and transports
Thor joins Lay Sif and the Warriors Three in leading the forces
of Asgarc her to Asgard the hope of saving her ie. A
against the warlords and marauders, The conflict culminatesin final she remains conscious, her prognosisisite: Unies the
battle on Vana that ends the uprisings just a the 5000-year ‘ether i removed, it wil kill her—anditie violently
Convergence ofthe Nine Realms is about to begin. Tracers
hy Koen ni: lt onrsmshn bin ont Mi defending its from al

———— a
Se a eee era
Fall 2013 | Jane Foster Infected Fall 2013 | Malekith’s Return
The gravitational anomalies that precede the The Aether awakens Malkith and hs Dark Elves
Convergence begin toappear on Earth. Dr Jane from the milenna of hibernation. The coming
Foster and her res arch assistant Darey Lewis Convergence presents another chance to
discover a London warehouse fl of invisible restore darkness tothe realms of Yegerasi,
als and areas of "lightness" that alow 0 Malekith devises anew plan. He dispatches
shipping containers and cement his loyal servant Agri to be arrested by the
be easly fted and stacked lke blocks Fosters ‘Asgardian forces. Once inside thet dungeon,
<rawn into one wormhole that deposits her atthe Algrim activates one of the Dark Elves’ Kurse
obelisk where Odin father Bor, concealedthe ‘Stones, which causes him to metamorphose
Aether—the Realty tone, whic the Dark Elves ito an unstoppable behemoth. While the
once hamessed as weapon The Aether escapes reborn Kurse frees prisoners to ransack the
by seepinginto Foster's body, but kingdom from within, Malekths reaper ke
ower causes havoc within her mortal form. starships converge in sneak overhead
2008 | Becoming ron Man 2010 | ANew Ally 2012 | Forming the Team 2013-2015 | Looming Anxiety
“Trappedina cave witha guntohisheadanda bo of serapsin ‘Though Toy projectsinvi a ests threat s Tonys the frst Super Hero toler about the Inthe year following the Gate of New York. the peychologcl
hss hands. Tony Stark discovers he hero within Being captured around the globe, two ses plague hintatheilt
US. y Avenger Itative Ready wth his Mark Varma he termath taka lon Toy Bese by nightmares he
by The Tenandthe
Rings damage
causes Tony ndusties
torefieton fits
his rowan rtarywanttoappropratande use hs technology and ina the mason tolocate the stolen Tesseract ‘renetiealy workson theron Legion. maksuit ing of armora for
esye Stark onthe playboy
wor hie AreReactoris iow plsoning him. He works with jumps
{nd thenstop Lot The gathering of heroes tests very posse treat can imagine Tonys pal worsens when
Herealaes he canoe is resources todo betta The ministre Nick Fury to adress both problems andbecomes a ‘Starks apacty to play wo with others, but eises hes faced with “the Mandari™an enemy created byhisown
‘rc Reactor and powered armorhe bud gve hi anew heat consultant or SHIELD. tothe oceasion and together the Avengers save Earth past . Eventually rigal Fonthat Legions
, the serties replacedinto by
and purpose from the Citar invasion. "raw arrogance
one anarmy of armored are deployed
bate alongsid the Avengers.

2016 | Being a Mentor 2016 | Friends toEnemies 2015 | Creating Artificial Life
od ‘After ringing Spider Man it Gui ves inthe cena of Tony ‘Tony remain plagued by fearsof
& te Avengers battle st Lepr rind tom the bepaning a he ‘estraterestalthveatsHe ong
s Hal srport. Tony takes an active {enureas kon Manand when he {or Joba peace aa thinks. in
= interestin the younghero fe and sees the Avengers becoming as ‘typed Tony Starkashion that
becomeshis mentor Tony'stoueh angerour a Stark naustnes head ruc have the means
‘exterior doesnthide that he cae ‘weaponsconce were hetakes2 {ensure that by ratingthe
bout Peter He guides the teen a Stand His support ofthe Sokovia tific ntetigence Utron.
Peterfights the vilsinous ture Accords causes dramatic spit ‘The plan backfires when Utzon
andeventualy offers hm apace fiom Steve Rogers and the collapse attempts to destroy the wos
with the Avengersan offer that ofthe Avengers ‘and uid amore peaceful one
Peterdecines inits place

Tony Stark’s heroic path hinges on two pivotal

nents: being kidnapped by The Ten Rings and
witnessing the Chitauri come through Loki’s
portal to invade Earth. The first incident opens
and leads him to build his first suit of armor and
embark on a mission to make the world a better ‘2018 | Fighting Thanos
nti Thanos. the Avengers have defeated every
2023] Ultimate Sacrifice
Inthe aftermath ofthe Snap, Tony ties
place. The latter dramatically broadens Tony's ‘enemy they have encountered Tony has no reaton tostart afresh, setting own wth Pepper
horizons with potential enemies and haunts his tobel ve they can't stop this new foe Using the Potts and aising ther daughter Morgan
}oughts for yearsto come, making him by turns ‘ried and ue combination of his determination Hein eusestogtinvlveinthe
briiance an technology Fon Man makes every “Tine Hest. watingto protect his family 20 | Tony's
ared and resolved. As Iron Man, Tony Stark sHfort to stop Thanos. defeating hay Ebony Maw romfurther ordeals bute can put aside “Tony Stark leaves behindy s profound egacy that spans the worl. One ofthe pele most
inspace and then confronting Thanos mse on ‘the possiblity of sucess. Inthe fina affe the losscti Tony's
ed rota Pater Parka Tony Deevedin Petr and designated
fights for humanity above all else. ‘Tian The fare to prevent the Snap andthe conf with Thanos, Tony sacices him the recipi of ent
EDIT. which ges the ten contol over Stark Industries took,
‘esuinglons of hi ends buses Tonys very cre mse to ave the universe Pete strug toe upto Tony's reputtion bt does the best he canto honer his mentoe
2010 | Arivalon Earth
Asgard arupts Thor's plans for
‘he universe Headetrongand
suck tempered, Thr chooses 2015-2017| The Legend of Thor and Jane
decisive retribution ne fata law, 2013 | Rejecting Ruling Foratine, hor and Jane Fosterhaveahappy
‘esulingin banishmentto Earth, The Avengers and Jane Foster connect Thor relationship, andi the aftermath of apartealy
to arth while is fama andhistory hin Joyfulcostime party, Thr fatty ake Monto 2018-2028 | A Third Chance
lane Foster
by andregaine to Asgard Thor ties tokeepafootinesch sway protect her Though Thor ad ane fly
‘Thor leasAisehumility
powers. breakup in 207 yar later the hammer wil Uke many Avengers, git burdens Thor
his hammer ances ‘Stopping Malek ivasonof the Nine ep ts promise
Reams. A changed mar, he chooses Earth turmoil Thor sinks nto a deep depression
butralies to stop Thanos once and for
‘The Distant Past | Destined to Rule

2025 | Endings and
ust hes ater He never questioned Beginnings
thathe woud folow inhi father’
footsteps, which meanthe wa confer trappie with hi ace
pernaps every ah te
A 2018 | Grieving Lok! defends New hagas
inet Gor the God

helpstop Lore planned Saying goodbyeto Loki breaks Butcher alongside
imeasion Noone snows hie Thor heart. After brush with ayia Jane
brother and his any rcs death vengeance sive the Foster's Moin
better than Thor Feeling 2017 | The Fal ot Asgard od of Thunder toforge a empowered Mighty Thor
responsible for Loki turing 2015 | Power of Creation Losinghis father discovering the vweaponto replace Mj With Herinaly say goodbye
his attentonto Earth, Thor “Thor respects humans and les ‘eetnceofahelibent seer. osng ‘Stormbcesker he unleashes his
stands with the Avengersin among her, but the God of Thunder Mine being forced toight Huon fury gaint Thanos army inthe 2023-2025 | Renewed Purpose departsthe mortal realm,
the Bate of New Yor, ‘oes not appreciate when they Sakaathen watching Asgard fait ‘Tor leaves New Asparéand spends buttings new hope with
‘meddle wth aben eehnogy they Isalottor Thorto process. Ragnarok, years soursearhingin the cosmos, Gon’ young dug
ont understand He scolds Tony thelong prophesied destructionof longsie the Guardians ofthe whom be adopts
‘Starkor creating tron wheter Ishome makes Thor question Calan He devotes himselfto
sighs iheningo help make Vision whether eis worthy of Asgard DolingBotnns mind an boy
Brothers and Asgardian princes, Thor and Loki
‘grow up together with their parents, Odin and
Frigga. While Thor pursues honor and glory for
Asgard, Loki favors mis and magic. They are
as likely to support one another as they are to
tear each other down, but when a moment truly
matters, the brothers often find a way to unite 2012 | Claiming Midgard
especially over matters involving the protection Lokibaevedhieol tbe the rightful
‘ingot Asgard Fresh rom bang
of their home, Asgard. Even with their extreme defeated by Thor Loki channeled his
anger into a pact wth Thanos. fhe [END OF TIME| TVA
differences, neither Thor or Lo could accomplish arthave Asgard he wilmake Discoveries
their goals and growth without each a Midgard bende nee 2018 | Shape-sitter When TVA captivity, Lok!
reviews his ownpastand
Supreme future, making the God of
termes festere within Loki
‘Asgard after the Batti of, Thanks tothe TVAand his
‘The Distant Past In Thor's Shadow the Dark EW inves Asgard, £2018 | Defiant End
Lots actions nadvertenty Wiesnerfor false tery ane ter before nthe Cadel at
tucker, Lol ues to gain the upper hand the Endof Time Loi faces
alongside Tho He grew up envious that, Though crushed by gut, nen fting Thanos aboard the Statesman.
Thor would be king one Sy and os he clevate iscraftness to He shows ir hear by savingThor for witnesses the Mutveree
cveything pose to impress is father, row highs withiayersof harmand risking himself to stop te Titan 3
‘move that costs Loli site Heremains
replacingOdn as ler ‘ota unt the end.

2010 | Frost Giant Lineage

[supreme holeof grudges Loki 2012 BRANCH | ANew (Old) Loki
2017 | Survival Instincts The variant Lol
of 2012 doesnt know anything of his
leads tothe discovery of hahertage future sowhen the Time Heist gives him the chance
Ever the caramate fore he befriend the planet's
season ofthe Frost lat Laue It ‘er, the Grandmaster He contentto stay onthe
‘makes him queston everything tnd by the Time Variance Authrty who then pane the
(eat reluctanceand after mile betrayal he
‘trone. he abandons haga eps Thor gh Hela onAcpara a return tame sefiah, power-hungry Lak
2000s and 20108

December 22, 2013 | The Chinese Theatre Explosion
Alerch Kilian, stil harboring a grudge over Stark's dismissal of him 13 years
ago. tres unsu essfully to convince Pepper Potts to align Stark Industri
With his Extremis project. A suspicious Happy Hogan follows Kllans
right-hand man, Savin, tot ese Theatre in Hollywood. Tere, Savin
‘me ts withone oftheailing Extremistest subjects, who loses control of
the fiery substance within him and detonates. Among the injuredis Hogan,
Who fal s into coma, unable to share what he wit essed, but before he
acl forS rc he points atthe dead test subject's
chared dog tags

oe December 23, 2013 | Home Invasion

‘Winter 2013 | The Mandarin Steps Forth During Maya Hansen's it to Stark’s home, hi opters sentby Kilian
rted St 1’ Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait launch a missile strike ont state, sending the cffside structure
kil the 5 1 and children of military personnel out on maneuvers. twas tumbling ace. Pepper Potts and Hanen escape, but St
an accident, caused by the volatilityof another of Aldrich Kilians Extrem test iscaughtin the eub and kr within his Mark XLI suit
subjects, but to hide his project from scrutiny, he has a fictitious terrorist disappearing below the waves. JARVIS takes rol ofthe armor and
persona~the Mandarin~claim ereit for wattack Actor Trevor Slattery, plied available flight plan, which sends the unconscious
with deugs and luxuri plays the ole wth oblivious dedication. The world comes Stark hurting across the coun to Rose Hl Tennessee. nis absence
ar the ominous and mysterious figure and the US. government respo news reports speculate that Stark was killed inthe attack and that th
rebrandingLt. Co. a Rhodes asthe Iron Pat Mandarin was sponsible

December 23-24, 2013 | The Mechanic
death experience during the Bat le of New York With is Mark XL suit imaged
Tony Starkhas spent the past year obsessively bu cof power, Stark take eter in the garage of
Iron Man armors. Hei cutently on Mark XLiI~a new suit that can ly to him
froma great distane e, assembling around his body one egment at atime who shows him the site ofthe previous year's
been 50 wa sd-or 0 personally vulnerable bombing Stark notes that six people died
including the solgier suspected of settingoff
the explosion, but the blast imprinted only ive
shadowson the wall. He reasons the bomber's
‘own body must have been the source of the
explosion, and receivesa file from the late
© soldiers mother that confirms his suspicion.
December23, 2013 | Stark's Dare Italso connects the incident to Killan’s
Infuratedby the bombing that nearykle his friend, Stark Extremis program, Leaving his suit with
publicly taunts the Mandarin to.come after him. JARVIS Harley to recharge, Stark buldsacollectionof
helps Stark uncover a 3000-degreehe signature froma ‘makeshift weapons to confront the Mandarin
ed suicide bombing in Rose Hill Tennessee, a year in Flr a, wherehe has pinpo ar
ago that predates the Mandarin's emerge ce. Stilt terrorst's most recent broadcast
matchesthe intense temperature ofthe Chinese Theatre
atta ‘Stark programs his Mark XLI armor to ly him to the
location andi preparingforthe trip when avisitor arrives:
Maya Hansen, ONA coder overseein
for Kilian's Advanced Idea Mechanics think tank. She
intends to inform Starkand Pepper Potts that her boss,
Aidcch Kilian, may be working with the Mandarin
2000s and 20108

December 24, 2013 | Iron Patriot Compromised

Now working under his more patrotie-sounding ttle
of ron Patriot, Lt. Col. James Rhodes is ambushed by
Kilian agents who leaked false Mandar
to the government order to seize Rhodey’s
armor Klan uses his own Extremisheat-generating
abilitiesto force Rhodes from the suit, allowing Savin
touseit for a mission to capture President Elis. The
President had placed aban on “immoral biotech
researc ike Extrem and Vice President Rodriguez,
whose disabled young daughter could benefit from

December 24-25, 2013 | A Sky Full of Iron Men

arkand James Rh track Kilian to a shi
e both beng detained. As the rubble of Star’s Malibu
estates cleared, he act ates the “House Party protocol” summoning dozens
‘of ron Man suits fom his now-exposed basement. The Ion Legion help
defeat Kilians forces and rescue the President, but Potsi faved lost when
she fallsinto the fiery runs. The Extremis inher syste
she overpowers Kilian, saving Stark by takin of his ron Man gauntlets
‘onto her own arm and annihilating the renegade researcher. re san ron Man gu toast bic Kaan

Y .

December 24, 2013 | Curtain Calls
In Florida, Tony Stark discovers that the
Mandarinis not terrorist mastermind
stall but merely the befuddled actor
evor Slattery Killans involvement (On Earth, the limits of long-standing
becomes clear nen Stark is captured, institutions like S.H.LE.L.D. are exposed, and
and Maya Hansen reveals she has been what lies beneath is both disturbing and
trying to manipulate Stark Industries challenging. Offin deep space, a disparate
into supporting their research. She
helped take Pepper Potts hostage to group of outcasts find each other, forming
force Stark’s cooperation, but sheis analliance that seems absurd—but also
‘overcome with egret when she learns absurdly effective at guarding the galaxy.
that Kan noted Pot with Extrem

@ Early 2014 | Disarming Decisions

24, 2013 | Air Force One Assault ‘Stark successfully researches a way to purge Extremis
from Pepper
(ne and tatesintern Patt amor Savin bord i Force Potts bd. then ture that ngayon sown persitnt malady.
PresidentEis hostage by lacing
hi inthe Hefnalyerat the sbvaprlinis eat. making the Arc eactr
suitand sending remotely backto Kian Starecapes nhs chest unnecessary. Having ead destroyed his cotectonof
from ian’ custody by emote Summoning his Mark armors be now eet fre decouple meal rm ron Mani
XL armor from Rose Hil frees the imprisoned possible. Rem -ontrol made an Iron Legion of sentinels possible,
7 Rhodes. Controin notely, Stark kills Savin and he wil be exploring whether artificial inteligence might bea
{and rescues 13 people who fal from the damaged plane better—and les personally harrowing way of potectingthe world
Once Tony Stark completes his first suit of Iron Man
armor in an Afghan cave, he becomes obsessed. Tony is
not someone who settles—he tinkers, always looking for
opportunities for improvements and iterating upon
his first design over and over. In total, he designs and
constructs at least eighty-five suits of Iron Man armor
in his life. Over the years, Tony adjusts the suits to
accommodate new technology and face new adversaries
He finesses every component, from the Arc Reactor to
deployment methods, and remote-control functions to
nanotech. A drive to protect those he cares about and the
Earth fuels him to pursue the perfect Iron Man armor.
2000s and 20108

Spring 2014 | Fury’s Suspicion

[Nick Fury actualy shares Captain America’s concems about
Early 2014 | Wenwu vs. Trevor Slattery Project Insight which is whhe secretly hired Batroc to hijack
The Ten Rings leader Wenwu sendsan operative disguised asa turin Star giving Black Widow coverto find out exactly
documentary immaker to interview Trevor Slattery in Seagate what program SHIELD. wasloadingintoits eeting
penitentiary At fist, Wenn intends to punish the actor who satelites, When he discovers hi locked outof the file she
isracefully impersonated him as "the Mandarin” abductinghim collected, a suspicious Fury ap resis longtime friend and
from prison in order to execute him. But jst before the sentence ‘member ofthe World Security Council Secretary Alexander
iscaried out Slattery breaks into a Shakespeare performance Pierce, and asks him to postpone the launch ofthe new
that Wenwu so enjoys. he decides to keep Slat ery as akind Helicarters Pierce agreesto let Fury investigate
cof courtjester rather than kim, butte, with potentially fatal conse ences to come

© O@
‘Spring 2014 | “On Your Left” ‘Spring 2014 | Need-to-Know Basis
Steve Rogers, now working as one of SH.LELD's top agents,
friends fellow soldier Sam uring the Ler
jogging around the reflecting poo! atthe Lincoln Memorial. After ‘Star hostage crisis. Fury revealsthat the ship was launching
a satelite as
repeatedly lapping Wilson, who is impress by the super soldier's partofa top-secret program known as Project Insight” He shows Rogers a
stamina, they bond over shared combat experience—and difficulty ‘massive hangar bult beneath the Potomac River where tree next generation
returning to civilian life, Wilson, who once flew a prototype EXO-7 ‘SHIELD Hetcariers willbe launched. using the satelite to identify terrorists
Falconwing pack with the S8th Pararescue Unitin the Air Force ciminals, and other assorted menaces from afar “We're going to neutralize
now works fr the Department of Veter ans Affairs. Soon hell alotof threats before they even happen Fury explains But Rogers is
become an invaluable ally cisturbed “thought the punishment usually came after

Spring 2014 | The Carter Legacy

Steve Rogers as reunited with his ong ost lve Peggy
Carter Shes now bedridden and grap
issues, so althoug we recognizes andremembershin
from the past, she repeatedly loses track of the present
He confides inher that hei no longer surethat following
the orders of SHLLELD. is the same as doing what's ight.
Neither of them is aware that Peggy's niece, Sharon
Carter who has alsojoined SHIELD, i rently serving
undercover as Rogers neighbor keeping trackof his
activitiesfor Nick Fury

2014 | The Ten Rings’ Lost Son

Werwv has bigger problems elsewh balleader’s oe
14-year-old son, Shang-Chi, successfully undertakeshis ‘Spring 2014 | The Lemurian Star Incident
firsttargeted kiting on behalfof his father, slaying the last Steve Rogers Natasha Romanoff and SHIELO’selte STRIKE am led by agent Brock
Iron Gang leader responsible for his mother's murder But
ne boy ashamed and disgusted. He refuses
Rumiow conduct mis ion to rescue hostages aboard satelite launch hip that hasbeen
hijacked inthe Indian Ocean. Among the hostage Agent Jasper Sitwel whose high rank
torretuen to The Ten Rings and sets up a Within SHEL D. makes his presence on the ship un al The mercenary Georges Batroc
‘San Francisco, where he bef nds casemate Katy Chen has demandedthe steep ransomof $15 billn, Captain America subdues him and his
and attempts to lve as an ordinary America soldiersof fortune, bt Batroc es from
Nick Fury: toretrieve the ata that SHIELD.
was. to:end into orbit
2000s and 20108

POS ee
Spring 2014 | Captain America Breaks Protocol
‘Afters meeting wth Pierce, Captain Americas
surrounded inside ashen elevator by SHLLELD. agent
Brock Rumiow, his STRIKE. team, and others who ty
and al spectaclary-to capture him Rogers goes onthe
‘un with Natasha Romanoff who shares Fury’ concerns
about SHIELD. andis als reluctant to follow orders
without question Although they cat access the targeting
file from the Lemurian Star, they are abe to uncovera
s20-tag indicating where that fe was created. Thisleads
them toa familiar locationin Wheaton, New Jersey.

Spring 2014 | The Winter Soldier Strikes Spring 2014 | The Hydra Parasite
Aer ise ing with Perce, NickFucy is attacked by undercover Hydra agents and When hes not manipula 1 the World Security Council Alexander Pierce
the notorious Winter Soldier who overturns his SUV with an explosion and moves meets with less savory figures, One such face-to-mask encounters with the
into assassinate the SHLLE LD. director Fury escapes his wrecked vehicle, Winter Soldier himself to personally assign him to take o Captain America
and takes shelter in Steve Rogers’ apartment, revealing his bei that SHIELD, and Black \dow aftr their meddling led to the destruction of Zola. Pierce
has been promised. He gives Rogers the flash dive withthe inaccessible ‘was among those inthe US. government corrupted by the resurgent Hydra,
Lemurian Star files on it, bute shot through the window by the Wint Soldier and while the Winter Soldier operates against his own will Perce fully aware
The gunfire draws the attention of Roger ighbor, Sharon Carter, who reveals ‘of his ations, When hishousekeeper, Renata, acidentally sees him withthe
she was sent by Fury to monitor him. Together they hury Fury to the hospital assassin, Pierce murders her in cold blood. Hes prepared to take far more lves
but during emergency surgery he appearsto succumi to his wounds than that to achievehis gol of authoritarian global order.

‘Spring 2014 | Alexander Pierce's Explanation Spring 2014 | Falcon Recruited
‘ter Fury demise, Steve Rogers meets with Secretary Pierce Innes allies, Steve Rogers and
and earns tha Georges Batroc has been taken into custody and Natasha Roma turn to Sam Wilson,
is current beinginterogated Perce helping sc reone of the EXO-7
payments to Batroc for he Lemurian Star hijackingwere race wing suits soe can joi their mission to
back to Nick Fury himselt Although Fury was trying to gain further expose and stop Project Insight. The trio
understanding of Project Insight Perce says some believe Fury capture Agent Jasper Sitwell who reveals
was tying 10 steal and sel classified inteligence. Rogers refuses that Zola’ algorithm wil use data mining
tobeleve this. Never one to "just follow orders” Captain America 0 identify not just criminals and
Lndertakes his owa investigation terrorist, but countless others who have
the potential to disruptor resist Hydra,
‘Yur bank records, medical histories,
voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your
damn SAT scores. Zola’ algorithm
evaluates people's past to predict their
Spring 2014 | The Immortal Arnim Zola future” Sitwell reveals. “Then elsight
Rogers and Romanoff pinpoint the origin ofthe targeting file to Camp Lehigh Helicarrersseratch people of thelist—a
the now-aban 1ed former SHIELD. headquarters where Captain America fev millon at atime
fist trained during World War. Ina subterranean computer lab, they discover
Aan artificial intelligence program built from the consciousness of Rogers!
long-ago nemesis Arnim Zola ARhough Zota died, his ming lives oni this
program, and he confesses that over the remainder of hs life he helped
rebuild Hydra from within SH.LE.LD. Thelocked Project Insight files an
algorithm he devised to identify targets Zola en reveals he has been
stalin them, a a missile launched by SHLLELD, demolishes the building.
2000s and 2010 2000s and 2010

©80@ 6e
‘Spring 2014 | Nick Fury Lives Spring 2014 | The Twin Test Subjects
Marail lps Ropers Romanof and Wilson escape SHLEL. ‘Wanda and Petro Maximott who Became adzazed
and brings ther toa bunker where hey cover Wek Fury faked aftera Stark Industries bomb blew apart theihome
hia deat wg Tectia crgonceGewloped by rice and led their parents in the 1990s, volunteer
Banner to slow heart rate to anear stop Hil and Fury devise a themeelves for Baron truckers secret Hycra
plan to infitrate the Project Insight Helicarrers and replace their experiments. These involve being exposed to Lok’
targeting chips, while simultaneously exposing SHLE LD's secret, scepter and the Mind Stone that powers i. Wanda's
Hydra network tothe world they fil Alexander Perce will use ‘exposure amplifies her yet-to-be-revealed Chaos Magic
Zolas predictive algorithm to kil nearly20 milion people. abilities, wile Pietro gains the ablity of hyper-speed,
‘Wanda also encounters a hauntingand prophetic vision
‘of The Scarlet Witch tha she will one day become.

‘Spring 2014 | The Face of Bucky Barnes
The Winter Solder attacks—ripping Agent Sitwell out oOo
through acar window and throwing him into oncoming Spring 2014 | ANew insight
traffic. Inthe ensuing fight with Steve Rogers, Natasha The Winter Soldier confront Steve Rogers aboard the final
Romanoff, and Sam Wilson the legendary assassin er gravely wounding him wit gunfire, but flingto stop
loses his mask and Captain America recognizesthe him. When Rogers refuses to fight back agaist his Od friend, it
face of his childhood friend Bucky Barnes."Who the awakens remnants ofthe old Bucky Barnes that survived Hydra’
hells Bucky?" the killer says when Rogers cals to him brainwashing As the ship crashes ito the Tiskelion, the Winter
The fight againsthe eborn Hydra movement ‘Soldier saves Captain America’ s than ling hi,
ife rather
becomes personal as Rogers realizes his bes friend is ‘dragging him from the waters ofthe Potomac and leaving him —
among those who have been forcibly corupted by it and his shield-onsafly the shore

©8000 ‘Spring 2014 | Hydra Cleanup

Spring 2014 | The Fallof SHLELD. ‘Aswellas the millions of deaths that are averted
Aasthe Hlicariersof Project Insight rie over Washington,DC when the Project insight Helcarirs crash to the
Captain Amerie and Falcon y from sito shi, replacing their ‘round, the leakingof SHIELD’ files allows
targeting chipwith anew directv: tum their areenal of cannons Counties covert Hydra loyalists to be exposed and
against each othec Natasha Romanoff hacks into the ogaiztons arrested, including Sen Stern, who had previously
database, ranafringits classed documents onine vo the pubic used his poston to undermine Tony Stark Some
can seeits widespread corruption Alexander Pierce shot by Nick Hydra agents escape justice, among them Brock
Fury Pierce's words—"HalHydra'—are spoken asthe colapae Rumlow, who goes underground asthe mercenary
of Projet insight teal reduces SHIELD torubble around Crossbones after being scarred inthe battle
| The Stark Assassination
5 19405-19508 | Creation ofthe ‘Soper Soler Serum rom Howard Stark The
4° 4} wanter Soldier Winter Soir tracks down Stark and hi
Aer the wart Amin Zola and other
yaa elenit reste their own Super both stealing the serum and
creat ve more Winter Solder
1940s |The Rise of Hydra
Hydra theNaa reg dep scencedvi
vith Catan Ameren bu was eaptured 1970s | SH.LELD. InfiltrationWor
ceaby the US. gover
inthe lat 1040 apart of Operation Papel, 2015
| Warin Sokovia
‘Winter Soir, oneof Hye most SHIELD Hespendsyearscorupting SIELO.
created by Abraham Erie, y bleingan vance

and Peto, The Avengers

1980s | Pym Particles 2018 |The Vellowjacket Suit
Miche Carson SHLELO's
‘he rogue AL. Utron

gay Carter fous they were

Two sides of the same coin, Hydra and S.H.LE.LD.

have a complicated and entangled history. Hydra,
a powerful and secretive terrorist organization,
rises to power during World War Il, bent on world
domination. S.H.LE.L.D. is created by the US.
government to counter threats to Earth and 2011 | Finding Captain America 2014 |The Fallof SHLELD,
maintain national and global security. As a result
of Operation Paperclip, S.H.LE.L.. recruits a former
Hydra scientist, which allows Hydra to infiltrate the
peacekeeping organization. They orchestrate
countless global crises and assassinations, including
that of S.H.LE.L.D. co-founder Howard Stark
However, Hydra’s operations take a massive hit after
SHLELD. Director Nick Fury realizes his organization 2018 |Back n Action
is compromised and has to be shut down.

19406 | Proto- SHIELD,

2010] Inthe Desert

2012 | The Avengers

>t >t >t > > > > > >t >t > >t >t >t >t >t >t >t >t >
>t > >t >t >t > bt >t >t 2b >t >t >t >t 2b ot >t >t) KINO
As the United States capital, it’s no surprise Washington, D.C
hosts numerous important moments connected to the Avengers.
The US. government and military is often affiliated with the
actions of super powered humans, sometimes supporting
them and sometimes trying to exert control over their powers
or associated technology for political gain. Government
organizations such as S.H.LE.L.D. and SW.ORD. answerto
US. intelligence agencies, meaning Congress committees
have input on strategies and funding. These factors make
Washington, D.C. a hub of power that can make or break
the Avengers’ efforts to help Earth
1989 | Resignation

2016 | sightseeing
£2010 | ron Man Tech lone. There hei cot

2024 | Exhibit fora Legacy

“Steve With Aleander Pere alte meres to Sam Wison by

2014 | Hydra Rises Again

2014 | Project insight

‘Summer 2014 | Xandar Street Fight
the Orb from Quil while
ton Xandar Me le. acifferent
ature named Rocket and the
1. After knock-down,
atthe Kyl y populated
their families to Ronan and

Spring 2014 | Unintended Consequences

Some branches of Hora continue undetered
SHIELD. continues its experiments despite the ‘Summer 2014 | ..Who?
ofthe broader organization, Other Peter Quil betrays the clan of Ravage b oraised

but heis outmanewvered

by Quil
maintain a physical for ‘orhelp,she tums to tity asthe su
her father's old

Spring 2014 | Missing Persons Case

Steve Rogers and @ Wit mn Wa
a daughter killed during |
terror.He is prevented from doing
lps him begin the painful
ramming no longer help fering on
‘other worlds as Thanos once did hers. ul

‘Summer 2014 | Ronan’s Power

ut in deep space, the Kre -Nova co
endsina peace treaty after mi
2000s and 2010 2000s and 2010

©80@ 6e
‘Spring 2014 | Nick Fury Lives Spring 2014 | The Twin Test Subjects
Marail lps Ropers Romanof and Wilson escape SHLEL. ‘Wanda and Petro Maximott who Became adzazed
and brings ther toa bunker where hey cover Wek Fury faked aftera Stark Industries bomb blew apart theihome
hia deat wg Tectia crgonceGewloped by rice and led their parents in the 1990s, volunteer
Banner to slow heart rate to anear stop Hil and Fury devise a themeelves for Baron truckers secret Hycra
plan to infitrate the Project Insight Helicarrers and replace their experiments. These involve being exposed to Lok’
targeting chips, while simultaneously exposing SHLE LD's secret, scepter and the Mind Stone that powers i. Wanda's
Hydra network tothe world they fil Alexander Perce will use ‘exposure amplifies her yet-to-be-revealed Chaos Magic
Zolas predictive algorithm to kil nearly20 milion people. abilities, wile Pietro gains the ablity of hyper-speed,
‘Wanda also encounters a hauntingand prophetic vision
‘of The Scarlet Witch tha she will one day become.

‘Spring 2014 | The Face of Bucky Barnes
The Winter Solder attacks—ripping Agent Sitwell out oOo
through acar window and throwing him into oncoming Spring 2014 | ANew insight
traffic. Inthe ensuing fight with Steve Rogers, Natasha The Winter Soldier confront Steve Rogers aboard the final
Romanoff, and Sam Wilson the legendary assassin er gravely wounding him wit gunfire, but flingto stop
loses his mask and Captain America recognizesthe him. When Rogers refuses to fight back agaist his Od friend, it
face of his childhood friend Bucky Barnes."Who the awakens remnants ofthe old Bucky Barnes that survived Hydra’
hells Bucky?" the killer says when Rogers cals to him brainwashing As the ship crashes ito the Tiskelion, the Winter
The fight againsthe eborn Hydra movement ‘Soldier saves Captain America’ s than ling hi,
ife rather
becomes personal as Rogers realizes his bes friend is ‘dragging him from the waters ofthe Potomac and leaving him —
among those who have been forcibly corupted by it and his shield-onsafly the shore

©8000 ‘Spring 2014 | Hydra Cleanup

Spring 2014 | The Fallof SHLELD. ‘Aswellas the millions of deaths that are averted
Aasthe Hlicariersof Project Insight rie over Washington,DC when the Project insight Helcarirs crash to the
Captain Amerie and Falcon y from sito shi, replacing their ‘round, the leakingof SHIELD’ files allows
targeting chipwith anew directv: tum their areenal of cannons Counties covert Hydra loyalists to be exposed and
against each othec Natasha Romanoff hacks into the ogaiztons arrested, including Sen Stern, who had previously
database, ranafringits classed documents onine vo the pubic used his poston to undermine Tony Stark Some
can seeits widespread corruption Alexander Pierce shot by Nick Hydra agents escape justice, among them Brock
Fury Pierce's words—"HalHydra'—are spoken asthe colapae Rumlow, who goes underground asthe mercenary
of Projet insight teal reduces SHIELD torubble around Crossbones after being scarred inthe battle
2000s nd 20108 2000s nd 20108


‘Summer 2014 | Siege of Xandar
The Guardians of the Galaxy sucessfully oe
unit the Ravagers and the Nova Corpsin Summer 2014 | Holding Together
an elaborate assauit on Ronan’ battleship, Before the Power Stone can annihilate Qui the
the Dark Aster, as it approaches Xandar Guardians unite to sare its energy. "Takemy
But they are still outmatched. Ronan hand, Pete wee the lst word of is ying
embeds the Power Stone in his Universal mmtherin 1988. Gillan away fomher then
Weapon and uses it to eradicate the but ths memory surges through his mind ashis
Nova Corps, which had formed a {ends chanel he Power Stone into beam
blockade barier around his ship, that vaporizes Ronan na purple haze

‘Summer 2014 | Dumbstruck ‘Summer 2014 | Baby Steps

Ronan also survives the crash, but before he can use the “The sapling version of Groot grows ever bigger,
Power Stone to unleash his rage on Xandar, Quill distracts tended by attentive robots. However after a crack
him by using hs own secret weapon he challenges Ronan develops in his pot, the robots replace him with
toadance-off Quilldoesthe wave, shuffle kick anda ‘galactic bonsai tree, Overcome with jealousy,
rudimentary Running Man while Drax sneaks up on Ronan Groot battles hisnew foe, tearing off one of its
with Rocket's Hadron Enforcer The missile shatters the branches before finally breaking free of his pot
Universal Weapon as Quill grasps the fang Power Stone and using hs legs forthe first time

® sn
‘Summer 2014 | Groot’s Sacrifice ‘Summer 2014 | Xandar Aftermath
‘The Guardians find themselves united by a newfound sense of ‘The Ravagers take their reward (a decoy Ort), while the real Power Stone sleft with
purpose, and a shared desireto cause chaos in the name of good ‘the Nova Corps for protection, Rocket salvages a twig from Groot’ remains and
Drax ils Korth in single combat, and the team knocks out the rurtures itna pot of sol Baby Groot 0n sprouts and makes his first movements,
control center ofthe Dark Aster, bringing it plummeting to the yTating to the restorative powerof the Awesome Mix Vol 2. As the Guardians leave
sr0und. Groot uses his body to growa protective cocoon of vines, andar together after being cleared of their crimes, a despondent Collector sits amidst
around his friends. He skied asthe ship coldes withthe his shattered museum, comforted by the Soviet space dog Cosmo and having cocktails rosacea
‘round, but the other Guardians survive thanks to his selfless act. Peter un Roanthe Acie eich with Howard the Duck, whois celebrating being released from his display case. ‘cheese pute i
128 129
‘The Blockade Yondu Down, Dance ort ‘Taking
the Stone
‘Sway by Star-Lods promise hat they wi ‘The Guaeans jin the Ravagerand sneak Nowa Prnesnstretsthe Nova Corps to interlock ‘ter Yond shot own Sakaran solders “The Guardiansand Ronan emerge fem the, ravand Rocket rete Haron Enorce atthe
rea te Orb n exchange for thea Yond undermesth the Dark Aster Rocket andthe thei ships and form blockadeto stop Ronan’ surround this erathea si they blows wreckage Before Ronan can destroy Kanda with ‘tummonad Ronan The bist estoythe Uren
lease Ravager mercenaries a ther M-Sips Ravagerkraglnuze her shipstospcticaly ship rom nding The Strats nk around te ‘they have a easy win Yond however, at hs ‘the Power Stone mountain Uwe Weapon ergon sid stn the Power Stone hi the
int bate The Ravager ast Ronan sho wth large the ener vessels engines esp thipand rma Gyeamic energy bare around the ssrou Athi white thearow eit al of Peter begins to sngand challengesthe wal tic Star-Lordgrabs with bare hand.
‘ener proving cover forthe MShipstattack reaches the surface and Ronan touches the Power ‘vessel temporarily halting its descent. ‘the soksersand oneof thei shis. ‘dance off The sucess Gtracion confuses
‘Stone tothe round, Xandar wil be devaeatd, Ronan ong enough forthe Guardians ottack


Xandar Besieged Darkness Descends Enter the Protectin ‘Take my Hand

"Nebula ware Ronan ta the Ravager forces Having deeded to beve Star LordsNova wanna
Corps the City
‘wan the sos impact
We Are Groot
on the surface inne ‘The Power Stone ener ing Peter
hes towards Yanda, Corpaman Deyo the Nova Under the shard the walerdlaunehes Nis eet No rine Grete Nova Copenh inmotion mative they de-bomb te hos (Groot protects hsfiends He grows branches surrounding the group iting Black and purple
‘Core shares intl about the impending stack ‘of Slaaranmercearesin defenge whe the Strblasteshiosthelpo the Ravagers counter ‘noth ty hopi ng the Nova Core.
to erat from his body to cover the Guardians ina flames In asurprisng ply of wus. Gamera
‘th Nowa Prime The intel comes rome DorcAstercomtnues ta descons. Rocket #99 Ronaneteet Therenforeements trie Rocket ses the ad and orders the Ravagerto protectwe cocoon even though Rocket peas {ales Petershand andthe ener hares
waned emia Star-Lor and the Nowa Carbs ‘astsafole inthe mghty vessels eter and shoot the ships down belce they hit the round with en not to sciie mete Teseringthe Power Stones elects
must dec hey bless {he other Guacans fyinide and board

XANDAR ‘Nebua intercepts
‘Gamora Versus Nebula
the Guardians aboard the Dark
‘The Dark AstorFalls Guardi of theans
rasa Peters Rocket takes Drax and
‘A thousand years of war doesn't simply Aster Though Drax shoots er witha bis strong, bridge and cle with Ronan, which stops the 'andtogether thay make wieldinghe stone
‘nought wip er out she napaher rote verlor trembling Dra, bt tigger extastrophe bearable With the group ahi ack Peter
fade from memory when a peace treaty body back ita place andatacs Gamera with
ner electroshock tons. Eveny matched, they
‘Gamage sors the ship Exponon rock the Dark
‘ater cranes tothe surface
Unleashesthe Power Stone on Ronan ac
itbastshim apart
is signed. For Ronan the Accuser, peace taht wie thebate ageson
isn’t an acceptable outcome of the
Kree-Nova conflict. Nothing less than the
destruction of the Nova Empire will satisfy
the warlord and avenge his slain ancestors.
Toexact his ultimate revenge, Ronan
negotiates a deal with Thanosto retrieve
‘the Orb in exchange for Thanos destroying
the capital of the Nova Empire, Xandar.
But when Ronan discovers the Orb
concealsan Infinity Stone, he betrays Nebula Escapes: False Daven
The Now blockade fails s Ronan lasts with Gamera rejoins Sta-Lord Orax and Groot a they ‘The Guna sve Xana asf conceal he
Thanos and launches an assault on Xandar the Power Stone. Gamora nearly knocks Nebuia {ace Ronanon the Dark Aste bridge Sta Lord Power Stone jst before Yondu demands as
himself. A desperate defense is mounted, as off he sp, but reaches out asking Nebula to elp ‘reste Hadron Enforar-a powerful weapon payment As Peter gives the Ravager ae, rae
Eomors Rocket ove the lst! Groot For hie
the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. ‘ust lars Ronan stilstands unaffected Seles acuons te crminalrecordsare wiped

2O1O o)
Spring 2010 | Lok’ Power Play
Loki as deliberately
created discord ina bid to claim Asgard throne
First, he allowed the Frost Giants into Odi’ treasure room to deal ‘Spring 2010 | Emil Blonsky—Super Soldier
Thor's coronation, then he encouragedged Thor to attack ‘ Jotunheim fr
revenge—creatingththan i Betaee father General Ross briefs Emil shy on the experiment that transformed
‘gone, Lok confronts his father about his ndtrufeoriginbor:
, and Woes
Odin bieconfesses
basther Banner revealing that twas part ofa revitalized effort from World War
to create enhanced human wariors. The notion inti Jes Blonsky “Ima
that Loki was an abandoned Frost Giant baby he once took the hope fighter” he says." could take what know now and puttin the body !
‘that raising him would bring unity tothe two warring civilizations. Lok had ten years ago, that would be someone | wouldn't want to fight” Ross
rage causes the weakening Odin to collapse andie then enters the coma ike informs him" could probably ic arrange something like that" With a witin *
(Ocineleep clearing the way fr the God of Mischief to seize Asgard “
subject, Ross takes some ofthe experimental Super Soldier Serum his
‘team was developing and has it injected int the body of the Royal Marne.

‘Spring 2010 | 17 Days Without incident

Bruce Banner sneaks bi across the border into the United States s0 he
can return to Culver Unversity in Virginia, where he and fellow scientist
etty Ros first did the research that inacvertenty transformed him into
the Hulk. The datahas been purged from the computer system, but the
next day he crosses paths withhis x grind, Ross herself Bruce les,
but Betty follows him, resurrecting long-bured feelings in both of them,
‘She urges him to turn himselfinto her or but Banner refuses saying
the general wants to dissect him to setter understand and harness the
Hulk He wants to make ita weapon Banner says, at of int Weer which arses i vt Gt form

ter sO it EOD ty fn, 2 Amati Sh

OS et A gigs wy is

i) ®
Spring 2010 | Lok's Lies Spring 2010 | Just a Man
Lok travels to Earth to vist despondentThor who remains in SHEL. On arth, the Destroyer iterates the forces of
custody ater his fae effortto retake Mol Loki deceives his brother SHLELD, then beginsto wipe out the town of Puente
into belevin ie fathers dead—and Thor to blame. “Your banishment Antigo in relentess pursuit of Thor The Warriors
the ew war, it was too much for him to bear” Loki explains. vee and Lady Sif try to stop, but are defeated by
Then Loki travelto Jotunheim to strike a dea wil return the Casket the automatonsheat beam, Thor helps evacuate local
cof Ancient Winters if Laufey wil assassinate his lumbering father. Laufey citizens, but utimately faces down his attacker. “These
accepts, bt when the deed s about to be committed, Loki betrays him, people ae innocent. Taking their ves will gain you
idanenasiiond kiling the Frost Giant kingjust ashe is poise to slay Odin. To the people ching” Thor says. "So take mine, And end ths
Fao sancwathovr of Asgard, the trickster has transformed himself intoa savior. The furnace within the Destroyer emits a blast that
leaves the mortal Thor gravely wounded,
‘Spring 2010 | The Discarded Hammer
irr land not ar from where Thortuched dow and curious ‘Spring 2010 | The Destroyer Arrives
local gather tocrink ber and pull onthe mmovable object with Lady Sifand the Warriors Three come to Eart
their trucks unt SHIELD arvesto secure the area. Agent Phi Thor t at Loki has taken over the kingdom. Thor is shocked
Coulson ane Cine Barton Hawkeye) are among the operativesent tolearn his brother ied, and that his father sii Loki
towatch over the strange tam asi erenyeignatures re shia uses the Casket of Ancient Winters to freeze Heimdall
Thor inftrates the SH.LE LD. perimeter to reclaim his weapon, and seize contro ofthe Bifrost, dispatchingthe Destroyer
but finds he cannot lift the hammer. He remains unworthy. to Earth toelminate his brother and all his ales.
2000s nd 2010

4 @
Fall2014 | Ego Blow
Joined by Mantis the reunited Guardians launch an
tack to end Egos galcti conquest Rocket makes
bomb using the stolen Anulaxba eres, which Groot

Fall 2014 | Sibling Rivalry plans (0 to speak) at Eg's center As theatacking
On Ego's world, Nebula at spt toll Gamera, finally Sovereign sips ae wiped out by the other Guardians, =

ending their ifelong conflict. instead they both become ui uses is Celestial ables to bate his fathers av tar Manas pty uti E =
stranded deep beneath the surface ofthe planet, and Fialy the bomb explodes, reducing Ego to nothingness aS
bond againas sisters who were unfairly pitted against
each other na forgotten caver, they find the skeletal
remains of Eg’ other “children” Ther confrontation


with Thanos wll come another day, but now they have

stop a diferent kind of horrible father

Fall 2014 | Malignant

Ego tres to quash hi ois eninandal
impute by expaning that he too once felt
love holdinghim back inthat case
Peter's ‘other, Meredith, who made Ego fee
like endinghis Expansion plans Instead he
tended her It broke my heart to put that
tumor inher head” This revelation snaps Fall 2014 | Eve of Adam
ull out of his trance-he draws his The embittered leader of the Sovereign, High Priestess
blaster and shoots apart Ego’ human body, Ayesha, creates a genetically engineered warrior whom
‘moments beforehis friends crash-land she clls"Adam” planning to one day punish the
contthe planet. Guardians of the Galaxy for Insolence

Fall 2014 | Father of Lies Fall 2014 | Heart of the Matter Fall 2014 | Yondu’s Redemption
go explains to Quil that Qullis the only one of his As the Guardians rescue Qull and tak of CClutchinghis ascending arrow, Yond helps a
countless children who actully shares the Celstial Yondu reveals that he kept Star-Lord around drained Quill escape the cataclysm. However,
genes. which Ego needs to power the Expansion asa Ravager and never deliveredhim to Ego Yondu only has one portable force-field uit,
his parasitic takeover of thousands of other worlds because he learned that Ego was destroying Usingit to protect Quillas they reach the deadly
go uses his Colestial powers to enchantQuill and the other chien Yond had harvested void of space. Asis lat act, Yond Udonta
inviteshim to join him and rue the galaxy, But Quill for him, Quill tls them that they must sacrificeshis own life to save the man he treated
begins to fight through the enchantment ashe venture deep into the center of Egoto op ikea delinquent, but secretly loved as a son. yur dy
considers what this would do to his rends..and him, or l the planets thatthe Celestial has
Gamora. And the rest of lifeashe knowsit. implanted with his spores are in danger of
being overtaken, including Earth Meanwhile,
a leet of Sovereign drones arrives above
the planet, stil seeking revenge for the Fall 2014 | Groot’s Family Portrait
Guardians theft. root's adventures continue. He is worshiped as a food-providing
0d by tiny alien creatures when he drops aleaf on their
civilization, confron a liquid monster that copieshi
‘every move, and grows luxurious foliage after a mud bath. The
recent famiy-themed conflicts that have embroiled the Guardians
ofthe: axy also make tod ler Groot appreciative ofthe ragtag,
70up of space misfits he considers his own relations. He decides
‘family portraits in order, and assembles mate jal for his colage
from one of Peter Gulls old comic books, a chunkof Rockets tal
Drax’ pink soap, and green glitter froma detonated microchip.
The effort bows ahole in thir ship, enforcing theidea that
amily elationshipscan sometimes be chaotic.
2014 | Colecting Bounty

bula grow uP
Adopted by Thanos, Gamoraly anpitds Nethem against
as sisters. Thanos constant ng rivalry and
‘each other, fostering a litwo felo
ss be tw ee n the . Th ey both become gota | Battie on the Dark Arter 2014 | Sisters at War
bi tt er ne in g for the ir father.
fierce and cr ue l as sa ss in s wo rk -
br ea ks fre e fr om Th an os ’ grip first, and
‘Gamora Th ey pursue
Nebu la fo ll ow s in her fo ot st ep s.
their own paths away from they irto fatthe Guardians A
eventually, both find theiroicewas for the good of
of the Galaxy, making ch p, and reconciling, 2014 | Knowhere Showdown
others as part of the grou
2018 | Thanos’ Sacrifice

2018 | Nebula Fights

2018 | ProtechertiSisngter

2018 | Gamoras Capture

2024 Past Meets


2024] Together Again

2015 oe
‘Spring 2015 | The Avengers’ Sokovia incursion ‘Spring 2015 | A Suit of Armor Around the World
‘AvengersTower in New York, Tony Stark and Bruce
Super Heroes have rescued the world from and unite fora full-scale atta that resembles the fring of neurons. They
repeated threats in recent years, but the Captain A rica, Mulk, Black Iron Man, and theorize that this could be the key toa project Starkhas
sudden collapse of S.H.LE.L.D. and the Hawkeye, accompaniedby robots of Stark's ron Lego ‘codenamed "Ultron” which would merge his Iron Legion
revelation of its hidden corruption has also easily defeat Hydrats tanks, nfantry, and fortification,
shaken the public’s confidence in those who he battle takes aturn when the Maximoff twins are
wield the greatest power. Could those who unleashed, Moving faster than the eye can see Petro the Avengers from their overwhelming responsibilities
snatches Hawkeye'sarows out of midair causing the What ifyou were sipping margaritas ona sun-drenched
vow to protect the world also inadvertently beach turning brown instead of green?” Stark tells Ban er.
cause catastrophic harm? Even the heroes
themselves begin to question their roles,
and whether they can be fully trusted with
the strengths and abilities they control.
In the age of Super Heroes, this is a most
uncertain hour. Spring 2015 | Ultron Awakens
During te party, Stark's assistant JARVIS successfully interfaces
with the power in Lok scepter, leading toa sparkof electric if

nearby Iron Legion.Alegionnaire robot, badly scarredby acid dur

the Sokovia mission lurches into the afterpart that
Uttron has assessedthe Avengers themselves—and humanityin
general-to be Earthspreeminent dangers. One legionnaie ties
th Lok scepter, but the hers are destroyed. Utron is not
ited toa phys and his cr
into the ork,

Spring 2015 | Triggering Stark's Nightmare Spring 2015 | Recovery and “Revels”
While Strucker quickly surrenders to Captain Americ me eerDr. Helen Cho helpsto
rom his ron Man armor to explore the laboratories ofthe Hydra lac int Barton’s bat le wounds, noting
becomes overwhelmed by an ominous vision of his Fellow Avengers’ death
Regeneration Cradle back n Seoul could
invaders entering a portal over Earth's estore himin minutes, Meanwhile, the latest
here. Stark retrieves the scepter and Wanda and Pietro withdrav, defeat of Hydra oration in
she has nourished a fea that will nly grow and consume him. Stark thouse. “Victory should cor
jes!” Thor declares. Later that
‘one but Thor can lifthis hammer?The God
(of Thunderis amused!
to pry Mjolnirfromits But
id Steve Rogers budge it slightly?
2000s nd 2010

2015 | ATime to Build Spring 2015 | Hawkeye's Hideway
Uttrons consciousness return to Strucker’s abandoned The Avengers regroupat location so secret not even SHLLELLD. knew
roboticslab in Sokovia. where he begins assembling itexsted—Ciint Barton's family farm. Ther y meet his pr sant wife
‘more powerful physical forms that venture out tol Laura, and his two children all of them kept hidden to pr
Strucker while hei in custody, and raid weapons vvengeance-seeking enemies Itisa place of calmto form a new plan fo
‘manufacturers and engineering facilities around the Containing the rapialy evolving Ultron menace, but long-simmering
word, Atthe church in the centerof cisagreements between Tony Stark and: eve Rogers also surface.
Uttron's atest prime avatar makes contact wit Nick Fury, one ofthe few who knew of the farm's existence, joins them
Maximoff twins and enlists them to his cause ‘and gives the team a much-needed morale boost.

6e ‘Spring 2015 | A Race Through Seoul

Spring 2015 | The Vibranium Merchant Uttronis force to halt his uplink when C
Utton andthe Maximo twins meet with the criminal ams America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye trac
dleaer Uys Klaue on his ship off the African coast. They are Dr. Cho's fact. As the eneration Cradle contain
seeking the cyinders of wbranium Kise once stole from the Uttron’s new forms evacuated by truck through the
Kingdom of Wakanda, intendingto se ito create indestructible city, the everything inthe power to stop it
‘ew forms fr Utzon ionsof doar are loaded to Klaus They are only successful when Wanda and Pietro
accounts as payment, but when the enary notes that Ultron Maximoffjointhe fight, this time on side ofthe
shares some personaly traits with his creator, Tony Stark, ‘Avengers. When the cradles secured aboard the
Uttron indulges a moment rage and severs Klaue's arm ‘heaton onl farm Quinet, Hawkeye flies it New York for analysis.

eC ”
Spring 2015 | Avengers Tension Spring 2015 | Hulk vs. Hulkbuster Spring 2015 | The Cradle of Life
Backat the Avengers Tower, Tony Starks The Avengers rack Ultron to Klaue’s Uttron andthe Masimoffs escape with Kiave's vibranium cache and
felow heres are incensed by his creation ship, but they are mesmerizedand take aportionoft to Dr Helen Cha clinic in Seoul With Lokis
buthe remains adamant that they needa confoundedby Wanda Maximott who pte. they compel her to use her Regeneration Cradle to weave
larger protective force to save Earthrom conjuresunnerving illusions while her the powerful metal into an organic form, creating synthezoid body
galactic threats “We can bust arms dealers brother dashes vo for Utronto possess. "The most versatile substance onthe plane.
allday but that up ther.? That's the launching snes and they usedit to make a Frisbee” Utron scoffs He then embeds
endgame: Starkinsiss influences the mind of Bruce Banner, the ‘the Mind Stone from the scepter inthe new beng’ forehead. As
Hulk emer and ges
rampages viciously Uttron gradually uploads his consciousness into the body, Wanda
ough the it of Johannesburg Tony Maximoff realizes she can now read his thoughts. She appalled to
ark summons his Hukbuster armor discover Utron’s plan to annihilate humanity and she and Pietro
‘and Veronica system from his Stare immediately turn against him.
Insti satelite, and finaly subdues
the disoriented Hulk-but not before
widespread dest on and injuries are
inflicted. When Banner retums to normal
he is horrified by what he has done
2000s and 2010 2000s nd 20108

e606 e@
Spring 2015 | Ultron’s Extinction Pan Spring 2015 | Sokovia Vaporized
Utron has used the remainderof Klas varia to ‘With most of Sokova citizens safe, Thor and Iron Man destroy
construct an engine beneath Sokovis capital wich wl ‘the engine's core before itcan smash into the ground, reducing the
force the metropolis tose ito the atmosphere. Whenit city to rubble and greatly lowering the damage ast fall to Earth
fas back it wil become an extncton-level meter tat ‘Sokoviaisin uns, but the planet is saved. The consequences ofthis
willleanse the earth “When the dust setts” Utron destruction willbe seen not asa victory, but asa needless calamity
dere, "the only thing Ivingin hi word wl be metal ‘that could have been avoided if Tony Stark and the Avengershad
Asthe ground fractures and ies ito the sy, the Avengers been more thoughtful. cliligent. and careful. In the aftermath, many
and the Maino twins race to evacuate as many people around the world wil support tighter re trietions on individuals
as posse while destroying trons battalion of seties who possess such extraordinary powers.

‘Spring 2015 | Birth of the Vision
Teny Starkand Bruce Banner decide to upload JARVIS nto
the synthezoid body asa controling consciousness. This Spring 2015 | ANew Line-Up
further fractures the Avengers allance with Steve Rogers The Hulkignores Natasha's pleas to return tothe
ining its wrong to continue te experiment xpecialy ‘Avengers and leaves Earth nthe Quinjet. Thor also
after theta Utron program backed so hori ventures int the galaxy, seekingthe Infinity Stones that
Thor uses Mito cast bolt olightingat the cade ow seem to pose sucha threat. A chastened Stark steps
superchargingitata crcl moment fish the process back from Iron Man while Captain America and Back
Abeingemerges Its not Utron itis not JARVE. Risa Widow bring together a new team of Avenger, including
vision of somethingnew-and that term becomesthe name Vision, Wanda Maximotf, James “Rhodey" Rhodes! War
by which es known: Vision Machine, and Sam Witson' Falcon,

@0 oo eo
Spring 2015 | Death Toll Spring 2015 | Uitron’s Last Words
Nick Fur and Maria ll plot a former Vision who had merged with Utzon ear inthe battle to block is
SHIELD Helcariitothesrapace beside abit to upload and escape tracks down the ast emainng sentry
the oy to rescue as many ctzen of Sokovia where Utron'sconsceusness resides Utrons resigned tots defeat,
2 possible. The death ols reduced from but assures Vision that humanity slo doomed. Yes" Vision
poterily thousands to ony 17 chan. sees “Buta thngis' beautiflbecauseiasts" Utron cls im
‘Among those wio dis the family of Sokowan ‘unbearably aie” Vision replies. "Wel wasborn yesterday
paraitary leader Helmt Zero who vows before eraciatng Utron witha beam om the Mind Stone.
revenge onthe “beroeshe Dames forthe
tragedy. and American ctzen Chak Spencer,
whose mather wil later confront Tony Stark
‘over his death. Pietro Maximo is also
killed-shot by Ultron while using his
superspeed to save Hawkeye and an innocent
child from the deadly fusitade His sister
‘Wanda senses hise and her surgeof erie! 2015-2016 | Vision and Wanda
‘Spring 2015 | A Worthy Ally sends out waves of mystical energy that wipe Forallhis great powers, Vision remains wistful to learn more
‘The Avengers question whether this powerful new beingison ‘ut all the surrounding Utronsentres. about feelings and emotions that defy easy explanation, At the new
their side. “Lam on the side of life. UItron isnt: He willendit al ‘Avengers Compound in upstate New York he and Wanda Maximo
Vision says, urging them to act quickly to eradicate every forge an intense friendship, drawn together by thee shared feeling
physical form Utron has bul, and erase every trace of him ‘of being outsiders. They experience happy times, a Vision comes.
lurking online, The Avengers remain fearful of trusting to share her enthusiasm for retro sitcoms, as well as sadness, when
something that UItron had a hand in making “There may be no ‘Wanda struggles with heartbreak over the death of her brother
way to make you rust me, but we need to go” Vision says iting ve never experienced loss because Ive never hada loved one to
Molto hand it to Thor—thereby proving hisintegity lose." Visiontels her. But what is gre nt love persevering?”
SOKOVIA £2025 | Honoring the Past

Sokovia is a war-torn country in Europe, whose people

live at the mercy of those who do not have their best:
interests at heart. Hydra operatives run a secret base that
experiments on Sokovians, preying upon their desire to
help their country. Later, Ultron targets Sokovia's capital
city to begin his mission of “world peace”; he plots to use
a doomsday device on the city that will kill billions around
the world. The ensuing battle ravages the country, and the
incident leads to the creation of the Sokovia Accords,
intended to regulate those with enhanced powers.
Hawkeye and Wanda 2016
| Sokovian Revenge

1990s | History of War

2015 | Hydra Defeated

The City Rises ‘The Death of Pietro 2016 | Control and Power
20008 and2010

‘Summer 2015 | Flushed Away

Frustratedby his inability to shrink living subject
th his knockoff Pym Particles, Darren Cross
begins tolash out. He confronts an executive who
aised alarm about the Yelowjacket suit fling into
dangerous hands, When the executive remains
‘unconvinced, Cross “miniaturiaes"him—reducing

‘Summer 2015 || Fought the Law

Scott Lang is eleased from San Quentin prison
after his three year sentence for stealing and
redistributing milions of dollars that were
improperly taken by VistaCorp from its customers.
He reunites with his former celimate Luis. ‘Summer 2015 | Breaking and Entering.
not 0-hardened criminal who has beenja for Desperate fr child support afte losing hisjob, Scot Lang agrees to Luis’
stealing smoothie machines. Luishas heard tell heist. But Luis’ mark turns out tobe Hank Pym, and insidehis safe there
about a millionaire mark witha vulnerable safe and {sno fortune—just what Lang assumes san old motorcyclesuit” It's
hopes Lang wiljoin him nthe heist Langjust actually the Ant-Man suit the doctor once used to shrink himself for
wants to stay onthe right sie ofthe law, make US.-sanetioned special missionsin the Soviet Union in the 0s. Pym
peace with his ex, Maggie, and be a good father is montoring the heist on miniature bug-mounted cameras I was all
tohis young daughter, Cassi ome aruse to test Langs skis


‘Summer 2015 | 20% Over Asking Price @
Mitchell Carson, the former Head of Defense at Summer 2015 | Let's Get Smal
‘SHLLELD, is enthusiastic about Yellowjackets Lang tries onthe Ant-Man suit and has a near-death experi ce escaping
mercenary applications, and makes an offer fr the from abathtubthat has suddenly become as vas as the Grand Canyon,
technology on behalf of Hydra. Dr. ym andhis Ate fling theough cracks, 12:down insects that tower over him, and
estranged daughter Hope chair of even getting sucked into the whirlwind ofa vacuum cleaner, Lang decides
determined to stop the plan. they can't do officially, toretur the suit, buts arrested inthe process. Pym visitshim inal and
theyre wiling toasty itby nefarious means. reveals his poy, then breaks Scot out,’ obvious Scot will need more
training ihe is going to help Pym steal the Yellowjacket suit from under
Cross watch and erase the data behind the new shrinking tec.

Summer 2015 | A Tall Tale

Dr Hank Pym siewite to Pym Technologies forthe fist time
since he was voted out as CEO. Mis former protégé, Darren
Cross announces they are cose to developinga formula
will mimi the shrinking properties of Pym Particles, whi
1 has withheld from the company since he was ousted,
Cross intends to combine the new tech with his Yel
combat suit, which wil reatean army of miniature wariors
conducting surveillance, sabotage, and even assassinations
and 2010 2000s nd 20108

Summer 2015 | Love Tap

Hank Pym losing his daughter Hope Van Dyne the way
he lost her mother Janet when she went subatomic in 1087
while disarming a rogue Soviet missile. While he won't consent
to Hope wearing the Ant-Man suit, he does askher to help
train Lang "When youre small, your enery’s compressed,
You have the force of a200-pound man behind fist
V00th of an inch wide” she explains, "Youre ikea bullet
Punch too hard you kil someone, Too soft andit's love
tap Meanwhile, Cros finally works out the bugs in his own
Pym Particle formula. Time running outfhe isto be stopped

‘Summer 2015 | Toot! Toot!

Thebattl between Cross and Lang spills over to Lang's
‘Summer 2015 | Danger Looms Large atop atoy ti in in Cassie's bedroom, Lang finally defeats
Dr Pym tl Lang to be careful with the Ant-Man suit's (Cross by ignoringDr. Pym’ warning and usin
/egulator, explaining that it malfunctions “you would enter a to go subatomic, bypassing the Vellowjacket suit’ titanium
where all concepts of time and space become relevant shell and sabotagingit from within. Darren Cross and
a you shrink forall terity. Everything that you know and love, his suit collapse in on themselves, vanishing to parts
gone forever” An even large treat is Darren Cross hime unknown. But then Scott keeps ongoing sinking further
When Lang infiltrates Pym Technologies, Cross puts on th ‘and further nto the Quantum Realm. Scott modifieshis
Yeliowjacket suit himself to ba tiny thet for possession regulator to escape, but before doing so he unknowingly
STC ofthe new shrinking parti encounters Janet Van Dyne,


Summer 2015 | The Wasp Factory
After Scot Lang succesfully emerges
from the sureal Quantum Real, Dr Pym
Ponders whether it might ossibleto
find and rescue his longo wife Janet
Hope's father presentsher with the
prototype Wasp suit he was working on
when her mother vanished. “Maybe i's
timewe finshed it?" he suggests

‘Summer 2015 | Falcon vs. Insect

One of Lang's first test-runs sto infiltrateone of Howard
Starks old stor ge facilites to steal a signal decoy that will aid
inthe raid on Pym Technologie. Tat location turns out to be
the new Avengers Compound. Sam Wilson det
trip and does battle wth the microscopic trespasser. “Iwas
hoping could grab apiece of technology for afew days Lang.
explains. “I need it to save the world, You know how that
Faced with this new and unexpected challenger, Falcon cant
prevent Lang from escapingwit
2016 ©Duringarel ies
speech at MIT, Tony Stark shows off the Binaily
‘The world turns against its heroes. The Augment 4 Retro-Framing program devised by his
‘employee Quentin Beck It transforms a neural memory
emergence of beings with incredible powers into.a-D hologram and Stark uses torevisitth
has been followed by a rise in global threats and mother alive, caling "BARF
that make ordinary people question "S611 milion therapeutic experiment” After the
whether their supposed protectors might oneMiriama state department
actually be endangering them. In this hostile ‘employee who saysher son died in Sokov
environment, fissures in alliances soon going to avenge my son Stark. Hes dead. And I blame
form and friends become enemies. you” The encounter leaves ron Man sticker

Early 2016 | Forbidden Rituals

Apower ele erupts among the Masters ofthe
Arts as Kaecilus turns against the
He and his Zealots violently attack the Kamara Spring 2016 | For and Against :
compound, stealing The Book of agliostro from the ‘Stark sides with the accord do Natasha Romanoft,
Ancient One's private library forthe purposes of mes “Rhodey” Rhodes, and Vision. fanda Maximott
ins unsure, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson are opposed
power ofthe Dark Dimension and summon ts god-ike to the restrictions. The Avengers have always had divisions
ruler Dormammuto Earth, tates frien knowledge but this theea 1 to pry them ever further apart

canna Nati > io eeeeEeE st str _

— PO ee ES Ci Hg OF
Spring 2016 | The Lagos Tragedy Spring 2016 | The Death of
Captain America, Faleon, Wanda Maximoff, and Agent Carter
Black jow ae tracking BrockR Peay Carter dies peacefuln her
sleep. Steve Rogers is one of her
attempts to steal abio-we pallbearers atthe funeralin London, and
for infectious Diseases in 805, Nigeria, but
aptured ater afro 1s battle He taunts
Captain Americ aing th the W te
by reveal ‘emotional eulogy about her Aunt Peggy.
Soldier sometimes s ed fla! sof his form ‘She said comp
self while in Hydra tivity. "Be chy remembered ‘But where you cant dont-even if
you." he says. "He got al weepy about it, unt everyones tel ing you that some
put his brain back na blender virongis something ight” The words
weigh heavily on Rogers, who decides he
her powers to throw the bast away from Captain resi t the Sokovia Accords and
Americabutit insteadrps through a nearby folow bis own jagment about how hi
February 2, 2016 | Doctor Strange’s building. kiling innocent civilians. ‘Spring 2016 | The Sokovia Accords should
be used.
Devastating Crash he in ocent deathsin Lagos inflame a world that's st
While ving at night toa Neurological Society dnne ng fom the destruction of Sokova Althoughthe
‘ew patients while speedingin his sportscar around nas shifted aguna them. Thaddeus Ros, now the US.
treacherous curves. A momento distaction sends Secretaryof State vis the Avengers to urge themto
tim hurting over aiff ina crash that shal a treaty signed by 117 countries that bans
hands making himincapabl ofthe delicate surgical Js from continuing to operate
work that made him famous. The psychological scars so poten independent, and instead mandates that their actions
3 that os un even deeper than his physical wounds. i : be and liected only by the United Nato pea sna i
Spring 2016 | A King Falls
Eleven Wakandans wer those killed in Lagos,
most vociferous
tag that nvibraniam from
by Ulton in the machin that
byhis son,
selfsolation ane

©G6@e ©@680
‘Spring 2016 | The Bucharest Pursuit String 2016 [Deepening Divine
armes' apartment. A
h Captain America c Winter Soi 15 wel as Stove Rogers, Sam
inthe mide. The mys ius figure ofthe Wilson, and T‘Chala are brought tothe Joint
Black rism Taskforce Headquarters in Berlin. The
ona rooftop before with Steve Rog
tunnelfull of speeding tr sed you, Cap he says. “So far nothing's
that can'tbe undone i you sign

agents. “Congratulations, Cap” Rt

says."Youtea criminal

Spring 2016 | Public Enemy

Security f shows a man matching the description AsacaptiveB
he notorious Winter Solder planted the bom a psychiatrist
TChalla swe vengeance on Bucky Barnes while Steve about the s
Rogers and Sam Wilson receive atip from Shi bombing, the manhunt~ll oft
3 suspect's whereabouts. They journey orchestrated just so that
him ist, oping to bring him in sain acc Bucky? Meat ile, down in the
omething strange occurs
Steve, but doesnt fully remember seemingly u ‘onnected words, whichtr
ain, however he dd violent response in Barnes, 2
tin Vienna don do that anymore Winter Soldier pr cols embedded within
his mind, The
SSokovian death squad commander named

his considerable ruthles talents—to punishing

the Avengers.
Spring 2016 | Baron Zemo’s Vengeance
‘ter extracting information about the Spring 2016 | Going Rogue
ter Soldier fom Barnes, Zemo Tony Stark sn the only one lining up supporters.
op sparring
Joint Terrorism Taskforce Headquarters. partner Ant-Man and seekshis assistance, while
Battles ensue with Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Hawkeye steps out of retirement to help free
Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, and T'Challa Wanda Maximoff from the Av
Rogers finally stops his ol frien from where shes being gently watched over by Vision
escapingby causing his helicopter te Vision and Wanda have developed strong
then les witht unconscious attraction to each other partlythrough theie
rather than see him retuned to custody mutual connection to the Mind Stone that
M returning everyday ‘enhanced thee powers. But they are on opposite
Henow remembers Steve's mother’s name sides of the Sokovia Accords, Wanda escapes the
Sarah-andthat Steve was once atte guy ‘Avengers Compoundby subduing Vision with her
wi used to wear newspapers in his shoes to magic, and she and Hawkeye hurry to Euro
make himsef look tale stand with Cap and Falcon

Spring 2016 | The Others Spring 2016 | Weird How You Run
Everything Hyera putinsde mes til there” Bucky Barnes into People at the Airport
laments. While he ha 88 returning to his true self he {At the Leipzig-Halle airport, Cap and
Falcon attempt to board a chopper to
Rogers and Sam Wilson that Zemo took follow Zeme's tral to Siberia. But before
answer questions about Hydra's Siberian they can take off, ron Man and his ales
wot wherehe was once kept in storage. “He wantedto know exactly show up—demanding! Barnesbe
Barnes ause mot the only Winter Sod turned over to them. A knock-down,
drag-out battle occurs between the hero
factions with Captain America, Fal
Wanda Maximoff Ant-Man, Hawkey
the Winter Soldier on onesie, and ron
"Man, War Machine, Vision, Spider-Man
‘Black Widow, and Black Panther on the
‘other. While both sides pul ther punches,
hod islet paralyzed after anecrant
Spring 2016 | Enter Spider-Man blast rom Vision,
With Captain America now a fugitive, Tony Stark
ecides to shore up supportfor hisside ofthe
dispute. A certain New York streetfghting hero has
come to th e's attention, and St fe decides t
visithim. Peter Parker is starstruckby the billonaire
philanthropist and agrees to hel ip any way he can
Stark offers him fundingfor new gadgets, anda
sleek new costume to replace his shabby sweats.
‘The powefe Heart Shapes Herb ited agaist the powe of

AIRPORT Wana pt no punches ingot on Man out e bate

Battles Joined
[Ant Man intervenes knocking Sider Man aide and returning Cap hile then
Close and Personal
Slack Panther and Bucky faceoff and Bucky wes to convince TChallahe wasnt
responsible forthe exposion tat ile King TChakain Vienna. Unconvinced.
‘the two teams spit Tony goesafter Wanda and Hawkeye atthe aper parting ‘Black Panther asks Bucy why he went onthe unifhe was innocent. The two
‘Ahouse divided cannot stand. Its the beginning deck Spider-Man swings over othe termina to intercept Buy and Falcon, Cap continu to fait Black Panther kicks Bucky ani aboutfuse hi waniom ‘sen though hey aon oppo sides he bate, Wands an Viser'sfelngsor
‘wade lows wth War Machin an lack Panther whe Ant Man tackles Back {taws toattack, when Wanda intervenes using her powers to vow Black acheter ey teppei
of the end for Earth's mightiest heroes, after a \Wedow Stark ries treason wth Wanda ling her he kept her under guard at Panther away rom Bucky. War Machine Falls
tragic accident during a mission in Lagos causes the Avengers Compound for her own protection Clint shootsan aff at Try ‘As Wanda helps Cap and Bucky make to the Quine, War Machine uses his
‘world leaders to draft the Sokovia Accords. The ‘hich appears to mi Duin fact ares a acetraction for Wand tou he serie cannon on he knocking her down. Back Widow changes ses, and
fovars toronto the paring eck nto of Tym takes dwn Black Panthe aowing Cap and Buckto boar the areraft. As
accords are intended to rein in the Avengers— temoranlyimmobized. they take of theVisionatterushes over t o Wanda a i d and they both apologa or
‘whom some view as a team of vigilantes that ther partin War Machine and Ion Man purse the uit. ith

Faleon ria behind them War Machine asks Visionto able Falcons
operate free from government oversight, and ‘rusters, and Vion shoots beam but Falcon dodges it and the beam Mit
with no respect for international borders. Tony ‘Wir Machine instead dsabling his suit War Machine crashesto Earth and
suffers ifchangng injuries Though Cap and Bucky escape the other
Stark, guilt-ridden by the deaths of civilians in trembers of ther team are cature.
‘Sokovia, agrees they need to be held in check,
‘while Steve Rogers believes the team should
‘operate independently from governments that Sper Man's technology andagityrematche
Captain America sere
could become corrupt. When Steve goes rogue,
Spidey atr on
Spie e nesinhe
Man wnngue
Tony tracks him down to persuade him to Inabrief andhinCapte bate, Spider-Man and Cap pase for breath Captriesto sear te hesre
turn himself in. ‘planto Peter Parker tat the stuaion more complicate
ledto believe but Spider Manis unconvinced, andtres
thane hasbeen
Cap with his webbing
‘That barely dodges an exploding fl tek [Athough Spider Man seems to haveth eg, Caps trength and waning pay
‘ashe uae Peter'sown we ins tout him trough te a then finaly
erMa down Falcon, and webs him and Buckytthe floor buts then im under an ai bridge "You've got heart kd Cap tls the young hero. taps
‘thrown though windownby Falcons drone, Redwing lack Panther and Wat
Machin continue the atta on Captai
ck n Ameria but alto subdue hen.
[Ant Man thenjoine inthe fight and hands Capsamiiaturele ruck tl
Cap totrow it at one of his Pym Particle css. Ant Man thyo iskinto
the ws
the airand Cap tothews truckasinetruted caus the vehicl
in return to
e to g
‘ts ormal size Asitexplodesina huge freballon impact amortiied Ant Man
‘h he thought twas a water tuck,

pepe Sete
Ceplco vpn surprise as his is abbey Stas new ay Falcon realizes thei team wil need distraction
inorder for Cap and Buckyto makeitto the
‘No Turning Back ‘uinet. Ant-Man jump.onWar Machine's
‘Steve absembls his team of elowatcord renegades (Wanda Maximott Hawteye back and with press of a button, becomes
land Falcon plus Bucky Bares and new aly Ant Mar) tthe arport. They plano ‘atic Machine,he ana
Man, uptoWar bring
ron team
{ke aheicopter and then ace down Helmut emo whom Steve now knows at ‘Stasteamassenbie on the arort et ine Spider-Mandown, Spder-Man comes
been orchestrating events As Cap males sway tothe scr hel itrcepted ‘with heideatowraplegs
Star’steam Tony ake Steve totum himselfnt the athortesand
‘by Tonyup Barns, who babeved to have mordeved King Chaka of Wakanda at
Battle Lines
Having bry gained the upper hand, Captain Ameria Ant Man Hawkeye together with is weobingLang's an
{he ining ofthe accords Stove etusen arguing hat Bucky innocent and at ‘Wanda Bucky ad Falcon spin toward the Quint. but are intercepted by when Langioses ha balane,
‘the aller silat ge Impatient. Tory ves a sigraland reveals Spider Man, Vision He aks Capttink ofthe grster good andta siren msl, whe ron Man and War Machine
who ses his webbing to snatch Steve's shield Stoves team now have anew tron Man ans eam regroup. ace with he poss of batting and knock onthe ead
objetve-get tothe Quint that Stark’ crew arrivedin anduse ito escape _Botentiay injuring)
the comrades, Falcon asks Cap what they shoul do and makinghia
{Cap responds "Weight Cap andhisteam charge tomard Tony andi team,
they bate ter way toeseape
2000s nd2010 2000s nd 20108

Spring 2016 | Imprisoned Heroes

Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximo Cnt Barton, and Scott
Lang-allof Captain Ameria’ backers~are captured and
sent tothe Raft, underwater prison designe to hold
beings with enhanced powers Meanwhile, the authorities ind
the body ofthe real psychiatrist that HelmutZemo murdered
andimpersonated-slong wth the facil prosthetics and wig
Zemo used to disguise himself x Barnes wile plating the
bomb that kiledT'Chaka and otherstthe UN. ron Man
folows Caps tral to Siberia~andisfollowedin
turn by
J Panther piloting a Wakandan stealth jt

Spring 2016 | Friends No More
©e0 [brawl erupts between Cap, Bucky, and ron Man. Bucky tries torip out
Spring 2016 | The 1991 Murders ‘Stark'sAr Reactor, which emits a beam that melts away Bucky's robotic
‘tentative trace between Steve Rogers, Bucky Bares and Tony ‘arm, ron Manis disgusted that Cap knew aboutthe murder of his parents
‘Starks shaterd when Zemo plays securitycamera footage of and said nothing. "He was my friend,” Cap tries to explain "So was "Iron
Howard and Maria Stark's death, whic clearly shows the Winter Man shoots back After a bruising battle, Captain America dives his shield
Soldier kiling them and taking the Super Soldier Serum Howard intothe Are Reactor in ron Manis chest, cendering his armor inert. As Cap
was transporting “Do you even remem them?" a shaken Stark ‘and Bucky escape, the i shield remains behind, "You dont deserve
asks. "Iremember allo them” Bucy an ers mournfully 7 Tony Stark cries out. “My father made that shield

Spring 2016 | Revenge Served Cold Spring-Summer 2016 | Black Widow's

In Siberia, Cap and discover that Zemo was Retreat
not seeking this facilty to acquire his own super Natasha Romanoff becomes a fugitive after
older. Instead, he came to destroy them. Zemo hing sides to temporary paralyze
srief over the destruction of Sokovia has made him ck anther and alow Cap and Bucky to
despise enhanced human beings. The true purpose escape She evades Secretary Ross andhis
the bombing and the framing of Bucky was to turn arresting agents and
the Avengers against each other. Iknew I couldn kil safe house in Norway
them he says "More powerful men than mehave
tried. Butif could get them to kill each othe
‘After losing everything he wanted the Avengers
to destroy themselves Spring 2016 | Mercy at Last
Outside the Sberian fact Black Panther finds Zemo
itenng toa voice let hi wie, which all
nehas lft ofher Zemo apologizesfr casing Chats
death and watsfor Chala to take hs life in ten
"Vengeance has sumed you" TChalla sas. am done ‘Spring-Summer 2016 | Yelena’s Awakening
letting neue me. Justice wll come soon enough” He Red Room agent Yelena hunts down and fatally wounds
then prevents Zemo from shooting himself—saving the life an operativewho defected from their organization.
‘of the man who callously ok his father's. “The living are Before dying, the young woman unleashesa cloud of
not done with you yet T Calla says. Stove Rogers and crimson gas that frees Yelena fron
Bucky Barnes are offered sanctuary in Wakanda, where control that General Deykov uses to manipulate his
jtechnicians, including T‘Chal's brillant sister Shur, teamof kilers, Now overcome with regret. Yelena seizes
begin a deprogramming course they hope wil erase the the remainingval of antidote and goesinto hiding
ast of Bucky's Hydra imprint. unsure fshe has anyone left to trust.
2000s and 2010 2000s nd 20108

‘Spring-Summer 2016 | Deadly Delivery Spring-Summe r .. Dreykov?

2016 | Wait Spring-Summer 2016 | Family Reunion
Natasha's supplier, Riek Mason, stocks Black Widow is stunned to learn Dreykov is stil alive Natasha and Yelena make a pact to track
her trailer with essential items~and even ‘She stil haunted by her Budapest operation with ‘down the Red Room and end Dreykov's eign
delivers some mail and persona items that Hawkeye, in which she detonated a bom® in Dreykov's ofteror fo fever Todo that, they must
were lft behind in her Budapest safe house fice, believing she had also kiled his young daughter, reconnect withthe only two leads they
One large packages from her esr eed ‘The loss ofan innocentwas already devastating to her, have-their former “parents” Alexi the Red
‘sister Yelena but the notion that it was for nothings too muchto Guardian super solder, and Melina, the Rea
‘bear."No one is even looking fr him thanks to you, Room scientist whose research led tothe
Yelena says, making all hurt even worse ‘mind:-control processin the fist place.
Their entire fake family ope on in Ohio
was aimed at securing classified mind-control
technology. The "daughters" now vow to set,
‘these wrongs right.
Spring-Summer 2016 |The Taskmaster
Wie vin into town, Black Widow's cari struck by
vehicle driven by a masked warrior who studies and
replicates al of her combat techniques. Ths mysterious
individual has a chance to kil her, but instead focuses on
retrieving the unopened p 2 from Yelena. The
assailant hurls Natasha ino a churning river, then finds
Yelena’ box empty, Natasha had quickly removed the
conte the vals of synthetic gas that seve
Room's psychological contro.

Spring-Summer 2016 | Sisters Again Spring-Summer 2016 | Prison Break

‘After uring te Taskmaster attack, Natasha Romanoff seoks The Red Guardian islocked away ata
cuter sister Yelena ina Budapest sfehouse. First they fit tmaximum-securityguaginthe frozen
eachother then they ight for theives against a squad of Red wastesof Rusia-Aleeclams he
Room operatives sent to track down the mind-contrl antidote as icacerated for annoying Deyo.
Yelena acquired. “t'sa synthetic gs, the counteragant to Natasha and Yelena ahecoper to
chemical sbjvgation” Yelna explains “The gsimmunzesthe the prison and stage a daring rescue of
brains neropathways from external manipulation” General theirblowhard father figure, aiifting im
Dreykov knows thatthe doesn rate this subetance tofreedom as gunfire explodes and an
could costhimall ofthe uniling assassin he puppetwers avalanche from nearby mountains
swallows the entire facility ina shroud
offreezing death. “This would be a coo!
way to die Yelena says. But they make
2012 | Mind Control 2024
| Kate Bishop
roma SHIELD.
-_— i se own and duco
Hwy andi vrntsKateahopwhocandoles
Inabattle against Natasha Bahop
‘An expert marksman, Clint Barton is one of Haveeyeis nocd unconscious,
leoneingLokts holdover, a = Investigation, find out Kate's mother, Eleanor ion
SH.LE.L.D’s most valuable agents. His accuracy Shee tants whe J = res o es
and near-perfect eyesight earn him the code then they inade New York — Gas death batele abe to conince of te tt
name “Hawkeye.” Fate intervenes when Hawkeye
is sent to assassinate Natasha Romanoff, a 2018 tangata
deadly KGB operative. In an act of mercy, penaberaraoninerieeren || : 2016 [Bresidng the Law |
Hawkeye decides against killing her and aids in fan ich woo npn a Rae eecrt aa -
her defection to SH.LE.LD. Clint3 and Natasha'sé flatter: ondsts ata)
at tae
voniprecoecnp Ree | yes tiger ae te Storia car
tects Wns esinatosbonghad Barton
atm ore
relationship evolves from that of teammates toa comncudyyieccon/topeecu
eat (ll ; Compound ke o Tony Star’sbli tit she shouldbe
deep and abiding friendship. During the Chitauri injred whenbea shot bya Hydra cannon Ae Prato mpeciralperpete aaa a
invasion of New York City, Clint and Natasha rae een sane see Se Sere tum or ashowdown th Fon Mars pou at
become founding members of the Avengers. be taba eke arecen ce armen tae!

# 2000s| Budapest 2010| Thor

When SHIELD. tracks down Nick Fury patches Hawkeye to New 2018-2025 | Fight othe Finish
GB agent Natasha Romanof | | Mexico to sist Agent Coutson who has % Haneeyegoes rogue when is wife and chen
aa Blick Widow, Hawheye anallenartiact inthe desert.The ce Aeappearin the Snap Overwhelmed with Bet,

General reyow. ‘ing ening Clint devas

2010 | “Natal
95 | Young Natasha Now ana 2015 | Natasha
and Bruce
thmother a anna. 20008| Budapest | Ns

2014 | Uncovering Hydra

2018 | Facing Thanos

From childhood, Natasha Romanoff s trained in the art of
combat and espionage, becoming the Black Widow, one of
the deadliest assassins in the world. It isn't until she meets son ene el reste
Clint Barton, who sees the good in her, that Natasha starts Natasa ‘ sBiciye
to see the good in herself. After defecting, Natasha joins phe pir
‘SH.LE.LD. and partners with Clinton countless missions.
Natasha finds a higher calling through her friendship with = active Natasha
Clint and her found family, the Avengers. Her bravery and “
love for others cause her to make the ultimate sacrifice.
2000s and 2010 2000s nd 20108

Spring-Summer 2016 | Caste inthe Air

Aboard te Red Roon'shoverngbase, the ful sale of Dreytov's
operation becomes clear He ha remained out of sight by
floating high above the word, controling an evergowingarmy
of stolen young women who are trained tobe thal weapons of
war but have no contro over how tei lthl lls are deployed
Drop anil thar oma ing tablet “One comenand
and olan stock markets crumble. One command anda quarter
ofthe planet wl starve. My Widowscan tart and end wars.
They can make and break kings"he explains He intends to asert
domination ovr te word “utng he ony rata yrce that
the word has too much oF
ad >

‘Spring-Summer 2016 | “You Weren't Abandoned” ‘Spring-Summer 2016 | Bringing Down the Red Room
Natasha, elena and Alex pilot their damaged chopper toward Melina de roys an engine that sends the Red Room's hoverbase
Saint Petersburg falling ust short They locate the fourth member into‘ controlled crash, then escapes with Alexei, Yelena and
of their conscripted family, Melina, ving on a farm where she now Natasha free a group of Widow trainees by exposing them to the
tests her remote mind control esearchon livestock. While being ‘mind-contro antidote, and a panicked Dreykov attempts to flee
pressed on the whereabouts ofthe Red Room, Melina reveals that with his loyalist soldiers Yelena finally kills himby lunging her
"Natasha was not given tothe Black Wid 5 program—she was staffinto the turbineof his jt, consuming Dreykovin fireball,
taken. "Your mother never stopped looking fr you. She was like Natasha leaps to her rescue witha parachute, batting
youin that way. She was relentless” Melina says: Dreykov Taskmaster as they plummet. All three survive their descent
ultimately killed the woman to stop her. Drops RedRoom thelow mow as the ruins ofthe Red Room liter the landscape

NN he ten cms
~~ Soe aa gr Ce a al ——

Spring-Summer 2016 | My Antonia. Spring-Summer 2016 | Taskmaster

Natasa finaly comesface to face with Stands Down
the tyrant she thought she assassinated Cn the ground, Natasha exposes Antonia tothe
long ao. Deyo ahs off her efforts to antidote and apologizes forthe pain se cased
kilhim noting that she has oy made him exresing dep sorrow tat se sufeedso
strongerYou gave me my greatest rch for her father’s wrongs. The fear and
weaponhe sys binging fortis angerin Antonis eyestumstorebi when she
Taskmaster operative As the assaants asain whioper aha pe
ras comes of Natasha realest
Antonia, Dreykovs daughter whois
hrs scarred from the bomb
Natasha detonated years before Dreylov
implanted eyerntic mater inher neck
toteep hari wich akermedhar
‘Spring-Summ2016 er | Double Cross intoa perfect mimic “She fights jst ke
Melina is overcome by remorse, Not only did her mind control
work to Yelena becomingone ofthe Red Rom's chemically
al ot youriends Deyo sys
subjugated agents, but she sees what that work has done to
harm countless other innocent girs. Sadly she has already
alerted Dreykov to Natasha and Yelena's plans. As operatives
<escend on the farm to capture them, Melina devises a
‘makeshift plan with Natasha to break free after they are all taken
to the Red Room and liberate the young women who are stil
being trained there. Red Guarcian attempts to put up aight,
butis subdued with a bouquet of tranquilizers tothe chest
2000s nd2010 2000s nd 20108

Spring 2016 | Imprisoned Heroes

Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximo Cnt Barton, and Scott
Lang-allof Captain Ameria’ backers~are captured and
sent tothe Raft, underwater prison designe to hold
beings with enhanced powers Meanwhile, the authorities ind
the body ofthe real psychiatrist that HelmutZemo murdered
andimpersonated-slong wth the facil prosthetics and wig
Zemo used to disguise himself x Barnes wile plating the
bomb that kiledT'Chaka and otherstthe UN. ron Man
folows Caps tral to Siberia~andisfollowedin
turn by
J Panther piloting a Wakandan stealth jt

Spring 2016 | Friends No More
©e0 [brawl erupts between Cap, Bucky, and ron Man. Bucky tries torip out
Spring 2016 | The 1991 Murders ‘Stark'sAr Reactor, which emits a beam that melts away Bucky's robotic
‘tentative trace between Steve Rogers, Bucky Bares and Tony ‘arm, ron Manis disgusted that Cap knew aboutthe murder of his parents
‘Starks shaterd when Zemo plays securitycamera footage of and said nothing. "He was my friend,” Cap tries to explain "So was "Iron
Howard and Maria Stark's death, whic clearly shows the Winter Man shoots back After a bruising battle, Captain America dives his shield
Soldier kiling them and taking the Super Soldier Serum Howard intothe Are Reactor in ron Manis chest, cendering his armor inert. As Cap
was transporting “Do you even remem them?" a shaken Stark ‘and Bucky escape, the i shield remains behind, "You dont deserve
asks. "Iremember allo them” Bucy an ers mournfully 7 Tony Stark cries out. “My father made that shield

Spring 2016 | Revenge Served Cold Spring-Summer 2016 | Black Widow's

In Siberia, Cap and discover that Zemo was Retreat
not seeking this facilty to acquire his own super Natasha Romanoff becomes a fugitive after
older. Instead, he came to destroy them. Zemo hing sides to temporary paralyze
srief over the destruction of Sokovia has made him ck anther and alow Cap and Bucky to
despise enhanced human beings. The true purpose escape She evades Secretary Ross andhis
the bombing and the framing of Bucky was to turn arresting agents and
the Avengers against each other. Iknew I couldn kil safe house in Norway
them he says "More powerful men than mehave
tried. Butif could get them to kill each othe
‘After losing everything he wanted the Avengers
to destroy themselves Spring 2016 | Mercy at Last
Outside the Sberian fact Black Panther finds Zemo
itenng toa voice let hi wie, which all
nehas lft ofher Zemo apologizesfr casing Chats
death and watsfor Chala to take hs life in ten
"Vengeance has sumed you" TChalla sas. am done ‘Spring-Summer 2016 | Yelena’s Awakening
letting neue me. Justice wll come soon enough” He Red Room agent Yelena hunts down and fatally wounds
then prevents Zemo from shooting himself—saving the life an operativewho defected from their organization.
‘of the man who callously ok his father's. “The living are Before dying, the young woman unleashesa cloud of
not done with you yet T Calla says. Stove Rogers and crimson gas that frees Yelena fron
Bucky Barnes are offered sanctuary in Wakanda, where control that General Deykov uses to manipulate his
jtechnicians, including T‘Chal's brillant sister Shur, teamof kilers, Now overcome with regret. Yelena seizes
begin a deprogramming course they hope wil erase the the remainingval of antidote and goesinto hiding
ast of Bucky's Hydra imprint. unsure fshe has anyone left to trust.
2012 | Mind Control 2024
| Kate Bishop
roma SHIELD.
-_— i se own and duco
Hwy andi vrntsKateahopwhocandoles
Inabattle against Natasha Bahop
‘An expert marksman, Clint Barton is one of Haveeyeis nocd unconscious,
leoneingLokts holdover, a = Investigation, find out Kate's mother, Eleanor ion
SH.LE.L.D’s most valuable agents. His accuracy Shee tants whe J = res o es
and near-perfect eyesight earn him the code then they inade New York — Gas death batele abe to conince of te tt
name “Hawkeye.” Fate intervenes when Hawkeye
is sent to assassinate Natasha Romanoff, a 2018 tangata
deadly KGB operative. In an act of mercy, penaberaraoninerieeren || : 2016 [Bresidng the Law |
Hawkeye decides against killing her and aids in fan ich woo npn a Rae eecrt aa -
her defection to SH.LE.LD. Clint3 and Natasha'sé flatter: ondsts ata)
at tae
voniprecoecnp Ree | yes tiger ae te Storia car
tects Wns esinatosbonghad Barton
atm ore
relationship evolves from that of teammates toa comncudyyieccon/topeecu
eat (ll ; Compound ke o Tony Star’sbli tit she shouldbe
deep and abiding friendship. During the Chitauri injred whenbea shot bya Hydra cannon Ae Prato mpeciralperpete aaa a
invasion of New York City, Clint and Natasha rae een sane see Se Sere tum or ashowdown th Fon Mars pou at
become founding members of the Avengers. be taba eke arecen ce armen tae!

# 2000s| Budapest 2010| Thor

When SHIELD. tracks down Nick Fury patches Hawkeye to New 2018-2025 | Fight othe Finish
GB agent Natasha Romanof | | Mexico to sist Agent Coutson who has % Haneeyegoes rogue when is wife and chen
aa Blick Widow, Hawheye anallenartiact inthe desert.The ce Aeappearin the Snap Overwhelmed with Bet,

General reyow. ‘ing ening Clint devas

2010 | “Natal
95 | Young Natasha Now ana 2015 | Natasha
and Bruce
thmother a anna. 20008| Budapest | Ns

2014 | Uncovering Hydra

2018 | Facing Thanos

From childhood, Natasha Romanoff s trained in the art of
combat and espionage, becoming the Black Widow, one of
the deadliest assassins in the world. It isn't until she meets son ene el reste
Clint Barton, who sees the good in her, that Natasha starts Natasa ‘ sBiciye
to see the good in herself. After defecting, Natasha joins phe pir
‘SH.LE.LD. and partners with Clinton countless missions.
Natasha finds a higher calling through her friendship with = active Natasha
Clint and her found family, the Avengers. Her bravery and “
love for others cause her to make the ultimate sacrifice.
2016 | Deathin Vienna

2016 | Onthe Run

2025 ANoble End 2018-2023

| Queen Ramonda

Few have given so much for their country as Wakanda’s
Royal Family. A former Black Panther, King T’Chaka 2016 | Desperate Battle
ruled Wakanda for decades, maintaining the country’s
ist policy and making tough decisions, including 2018 | Expert Aid
killing his younger brother Nobu while defending another. 2024 | T'Chala’s End
However, when Wakandan vibranium is used by the
villainous Ultron to craft a doomsday weapon, it causes
T’Chaka to question his country’s stance, and he starts
forging greater connections with the rest of the world.
‘As both Black Panther and Wakandan monarch, T’Chaka is
succeeded by his son T’Challa, a charismatic leader, adept 2023 | Back toLife
military strategist, and powerful Super Hero. T’Challa is
supported by his sister Princess Shuri, a technological
and scientific genius with a capacity to find innovative
solutions to crises. Wise and unwavering, their mother
Queen Ramondais a skilled political tactician and fierce.
defender of her people. In spite of the many tragedies this
family faces, its members remain completely dedicated
to serving and protecting their people.
Fall2016 | Scavengers Exposed
Peter Parker's bestfriend, Ned Leeds discovers his high
als actualy the famous websinger. They hatch a
scheme for Peter toarive in costume as Spid
Fall 2016 | Poor Peter Parker their friend Lia's house party to help boost
Spider-Man is languishing. Months after being summoned by Tony Stark to standing, While Peter prepares for hs entrance that right
Fight alongside him in enforcement of the Sokovia Accords, Peter Parker he spots Jackson Brice, aka. Shocker, demonstrating a
struggles with the ordinarinessof high school fe back home in Queens. His blaster erafted froma rectsimed sub-Uitron arm. He's also
secret Super Hero identity earned him somefleting YouTube fame, but now peddling black hole grenades. antigravity climbers. and
he feels like a good Samaritan in afa cy costume. He thwarts a bicycle thet CChitauri guns. Th yer Aaron Davis, gets away when
and is rewarded with a churro for helping lost old woman find her way but ‘Spider-Man interrupts the deal, but Brice summonshis
his crimefightng skils need work boss, Arian Toomes, to help dal with Spider-Man,

‘Summer 2016 | Wakanda Opens to the World Fall 2016 | A Literal “Firing”
Killmonger’s methodsmay have been extreme, but his Tomes furious a Brice for
notion that Ws a should do mor tohelpstrugging 1ecklesly exposing their operation.
people the world conti -to resonate within T(Cha When Be
Inthe months that fl the new king begins plans fora
Wakandan International Outreach Center in the bulging Tomes seizesa fl from the
where NJobu lived and raise his son. Ata United Nations
‘meeting in Vienna, TChalla formally announces Wakanda’s .educes the “Shocker” toaheap of
plans to share its knowledge and resour with the word ‘ash. Toomes winces:“ thought this
stunning those who had! fea of ts advancements was the ant-gravity gun

i eee

Fall 2016 [The “Avengers” ATM Debacle

(One night during his usual neighbor 1204 patrol, Spider-Man discov
ctual heist n progress! He descends on a quarte of thugs diaguised in
Thor ron Man, Hulk, an aptain America masks who are using
surprisingly advanced tech to perpetrate a smash-and-rab on some:
machines. After thrashing the would-be robbers, one of thei
triggers, slicing through Mr. Delma’s bodega a
ddespondent, having caused more problems th

‘Summer 2016 | Civil War Aftermath

Backin the states, James Rhodes begins to recover Fall 2016 | The Vulture Swoops in
from his paralysis, taking his first steps again thanks When Tomes attacks in his armored exo-suit, Spidey realizes
tomechanical Stark braces. Despite hisinjuries W's no coincidence th at so many hoodiums are being armed with
Rhodey tells Tony Stark that he still believes signing hybrid weaponry. Anetwork of highly skiled and deeply
the accords was the right thing to do. Tony then amoral arms traffickers have been salvaging materials from
receives a letter and burner phone—an of various Super Hero
Steve Rogers to stand together f the word ever the fying assailant overpowers Spi -Man and drops him into
reeds them—and a call from Secretary Ross warning ‘awatery abyss, Peters only saved by the atival of an ron Man
that the Raft drone that has been tracking him
Fall 2016 | Meet the Parents,

Fall 2016 | Washington Monument Rescue

Trouble folows Pete

mis it enticely, Meanwhile

clash with Shocker isu
amages the W: chance
lentsinan increasingly shaky fares in i
the four zat the danceand
inthe very peak ofthe obelisk 1g buthishomemade
lendsbutonly barely rid his old Spey sweatsuit. Pet r Pare ina pu “re tng tot

werto the new

ate New

Fall 2016 | The Informant

about the hybrid arms
because he's worried about the
putting on the ste
2000s and 20108

Fall 2016 | Stark’s Proposal

‘Tony Stark reconciles with Peter Parker atthe new Avenger
Compound and apologizes—sort of or taking back the high-tech suit
he once gave him. “Actually it turns uetvlove vat
‘moment that you needed” Stark say. He offersto into
Spider-Man to a group of reporters as the latest member of the
‘Avengers, but Parker turns him down, sayinghe prefers to stayin
school and remain a fiend, neighborhood Spider-Man” Stark
accepts his decision and instead uses the press evnt to resolve
other long unfinished business: asking PepperPotts tomarry him.

Fall2016 | The Miracle Workers
Inthe city of Kathmandu, a Master of
the Mystic Arts named Kal Mordo
show mercy to Stephen Strange and
ivites him to meet withthe Ancient
(One at Kamar Stange s dlriasve
tien she saya hernathod of haalg
Fall 2016 | Heartbreak High Par mninvolved “reorienting the
After the arrest of Adrian Toomes, his daughterLiz leaves schoo!
and moves with her mother to Oregon to avoid the spectacleof no such thing as prt” Strange
his tril “Bye, Peter. Whatevers going on with you. Ihope you insiats “We are made of matter and
figure it out” she say, still unaware that Parker is Spider-Man, nothing more, Momentary specks
For reasons known only to himself her father has chos onto keep within an inlifferent universe” The
the ‘even from other prisoners. Meanwhi Mis Ane nt One resp nds by touching his
appointed the new captainof their Academic Decathlon, Sheis chest, momentary knocking his sul
intrigued by Peter Parke, but also finds him somewhat susp outof his body

Fall 2016 | The Desperation of Doctor Strange Fall 2016 | The Astral Plane
‘After seven surgeries, Dr. StephenStrange till struggles to “Open your eye the Ancient One says,
estore his wounded hands, His bitterness isolates him from placing her thumb o trange’s forehead
friends and colleagues including former love Dr Christine She opel him though tunnels of color
Palmer who tres to convincehim thereare ot things
besides returningto his career that can fulfil im. “Like material universes all there is Whats real?
what"he snaps. He learns about the inexplicable ‘What mysteries ie beyond the reach of your
recovy ofa man named Jonathan Pangborn, who was senses?” she asks. “This universeis one ofan
paralyzed ater beeaking his back but has healed completely. infin pumber. Worlds withoutend” After
Pangborn directs Strange to Nepal, anda place called making her point and returning Stange to
Kamar-Taj where he says miracles can be found the temporal world, the Ancient One casts
him out, bt Morda persuades her to train
him, arguing they need strong ales to face
ascii and is rebeling Zealots
2017 ‘)
2017 | AFinal Lesson
Doe range rushes the Ancient One to
Magic rises to stand alongside the the energyofthe Dark Dimension cannot restore her In their
powers of science and the cosmos. Such
supernatural abilities have always existed,
but typically remained hidden from view. masters the power of humilityand fice. “Arrogance and fear
As Dr. Stephen Strange studies the Mystic lesson ofall” she says. I'snot about you
Arts as a means of healing his hands, he
helps introduce a new, magical aspect to,
the pantheon of heroes who have publicly
stepped forth to protect Earth.

Fall 2016-2017 | into the Unknown

anges obsessive personality serves him wellas stu 2017 | Mortal Wounds
the Mystic rts. He works dligentl to un ders history turing his escape. Stra
traditions, and practices. He Wong. and cy room of his old hospital pleaing withDr
immerses himsefin the ancient texts available to him (although perform emrgency surgery to save| slife, As she works,his
curious about those that are ofits t of one of Kaecilus followers. The tw
the Ancient One's the most recent ofthe in the Astral Plane, a
Supceme, andhaslved hundreds of years. Three Sanctums around x Pale finaly supercharges Strange's body with d
the world~in New York London and Hong Kong~form ab padéles, allowinghim to grasp the spirit of his attacker and channel
ural threats to Earth that energy throughhim frying his enemy/s spiritual and physical forms,

2017 | Sanctum Under Siege 2017 | Backward and Forward

Kaeclus and his Zealots begin preparing a path for Dormammu by destroyingthe The Hong ng Sanctum falls. Before Doctor Strange and
San Doctor Strange helps defend the one in New "Mordo even ar ive tougha portal, Kaecius and his Zealot
York, and during the battle a relic known asthe Cloak of Levitation bonds itselfto have already succeeded. The streets ae in ruins, countless
him. Strange fends off the insurgent sorcerers and estrains Kaeclus, who reveals
wy he 1tOne He
power oftheDark Dirwnsion bo gvahersalfirvortality vide drei such or Strangeop
privilege s t e ers.Time's what enslaves us. Times an insult” Kaecius says. Time Stone within rewind the fight
propelled backward. Entropy reverses. Buildings
rise from the rubble, and stolen lives are reclaimed

2017 | Forbidden Practices

As his skilsimprove, Strange fx tying 2017 | The Ancient One Falls
cipher what was on the pages thatKaecilus stole. Strange uses ‘Arecovering Doctor Strange confronts the Ancient One about Kaecis
the Eyeof Agamatto (a glowing en relic containing the Time Stone) accusation “You feed off Dormammu. know how you ddit. ve seen the
pace-time restoring the missing pages fromThe Book of Caglistro Strange say. Mordo refuse
He discovers the pages contain a ital for summoning Dorman, to believe, but the Ancient One Joes not denyit. When the Zea
er ofthe Dark Dimens Wong and Mordo lunges them into the MicorDin
ranches in time, dimensional the skyscrapers of New Yorka an endlessly spiraling kaleidoscope.
openings, spatial paradoxes, and time loops. “Do you want get During the fight, Kaecilius spears the Ancies
wer and over forever?”Mordo asks se pack to reality, where her body crashes
2017 | Time to Die Fall 2017 | The Boasts of Surtur
Doctor Strange vaults into the Dark Dime or the remaining infinity Stones
stand before the glowing violet eyes of Docmammy Thor ends up imprisoned by the fre demonSu
nityis amused, “You've com Asgard. An end-time prop
Your words now my. wh this?” aconfuse Surtur will destroy the ki
Dormammusay. “ilusion?"Doctor Strange informs Frame, whichis isunited with the
hime "No, this is rea” An annoyed Dormammu impale 1on's horned erown.“T 7 Ithoughtit wasabi
the insolent sorcerer Mion to knock it from Surtur

AS e2017
SS mm | Time to Die
its into the Dark Dimen
ares, The mysti
‘What is happening?” Dormammu says, and Doctor Strange explain Fall 2017 | Odin’s Goodbye
§ that he has used the Eye of Agamotto tocreate atime only ‘My sons. ve been waiting for you. Your mother, she
he can end. An enraged Dormammu kills him. Then kils| calls me. Do you heart?" Odin says. He warns the

keep her away any longer Thor and Loki haw

oddess of Death
pains. "He my firstborn. Your
them of her uncont
dis now my world Dorm Urges his sonsto uniteto st
tha column of energy that ve indblown tend
‘Asgard and protector

Fall 2017 | Loki's Ruse

a returning to Asgardwith Surtur' kul, Th
other Lok in disguise, notinghis recent beh
watching sel-congratult 1 banishing the
until the Dark Dimension ng Heimdal Lok admitsto
9” Strange prom
begun maintaining watchist of beings fr
brothers locate Odin onan of in Nowa
to his final moments of life.

2017 | The Loop Breaks
rang ent he let. For him, an
stretch of time has passed. For everyone ele, it has been ont
'As Dormammu betrays his adherents, Kaeclus and the Zealots ascend
o the Dark Dimension. Ther phy
thing you ever wanted, Strange says. Kaeclus desired
now he hast, but it willbe less torment. Mordo
an unforgivable shortcut. "Yes, we di it—by but Hela fol ows th
natural lai he say.“ wil followtis path
2010 | Companion fora King
2023] Sharing the

2018 | An Old Friend

2015 | Party Tack

2012 | Return to Earth 2012-2017 | Power of Love | The Mighty Thor


The powerful hammer Mjolnir is as much a

companion and protector as itis a weapon.
Forged by Dwarves in the heart of a dying star
in Nidavellir at the behest of Odin, the legendary
hammer carries a long legacy. Odin’s daughter,
Hela, once used Mjolnir for conquest, whereas
Thor wields Mjolnir for good as an Avenger.
The hammer judges those who try to liftit,
only grantingthe power of Thor to those
few that it deems worthy.
Fall2017 | Escape From Sakaar
Thor persuades Hulk to revert back to Br 1e Banner forthe frst
time in two years by showing him arecor
(dinjt of Natasha Roman pleading with him to come home.
Thor also convinces Serap per 142to return to Asgard by
‘explainingthat Hela, who long ago exterminatedher fellow
Valkyrie fighters, is now backon the throne. “ifm going to de,
itmay as wellbe driving my sword through the heart ofthat,
murderous hag” the reborn Valkyrie says. While the trio flee
through one of Sakaa’s largest porta s, Korgand Mick tage a
laiator uprising agains the ndimaste
Fall 2017 | Hele’s Reign help get ing toast
Two ofthe Warriors Three—Volstage Thor fora hefty reward. Tis time, the God of Thunder
and Fandrat ry to stop Hela when she his other's treachery, which teaches Lok lesson (for once).
arrives in Asgard, but both perish
beneathher blades. Skurge.a foolhardy
warrior who helped maintain the
Fall2017 | The Champion
Inthe gladiator pen, Thor betiends
a Kronan rock wartior
look ikea smart boy with good survival Korg. and Mieka bug-tke alien riding na mecharical
instints” she says, naming him her royal ‘exoskeleton. Thor braces himself to face the Grandmasters
executioner Hela easily wipes out the smpion, but when he sees the combatant
entire Asgardian military, including ‘emerge inthe arena, he recognizes im as the long-lost
Hogun, the lat of the Warriors Three Hulk “Yes” Thor shouts jubilant.“ We know each athe
and takes the throne He's a friend from work!” But something has changed.

Fall 2017 | The Grandmaster and the Valkyrie

‘Thor plummets onto ajunkyard planet known as Sak
a dumping ground surrou by cosmic
nded gatewy
he Grandmaster
Adisaffected scavenger known as Serapper 142, who ages
ag wasthe last of Ocin's Valkyrie warrior, places an
inhibitor chip in Thor's neck and collects him as a potential
‘new combatanti the Grandmaster
competition As the Grandmaster liste with amusement,
Thor explains that heis the God of Thunder—buthe
strug les to genera power. "Wow, didnt hear any
any te
thunder” the Grandmaster say. “But out of your fingers, ©e8
was that, ke, sparkles?” Thor spots Loki he erowdbut Fall 2017 | Brother vs. Sister

Fall 2017 | “No Banner. Only Hulk.”

Everybody thought you we fea, So much has happened since |
st saw you. Thor says, but the green brute who pulver him has and she slashes him across the
ro concern fr hs fellow Avenger: Thor tries Natasha Romanoff’ “the God of Thunder's eye, No
ing real ow” soothing technique, but Hulk gra
‘arm and smashes him back and frth. Lok, who has been hiding 0
the courtof the Grandmaster, cries out “Yes! That's how it feta
/emembering his own clabbering at Hulk’s hands during the Battle stormon Hela, while Valkyrie and Hulk ight the
‘of New York. Thor overpo Hulk wers
by finally summoninga lightning undead Asgardian war iors she resurrected as her
strike. His God of Thunder powers begin to manifest themselves, but soldiers A powered:-up Thor then joins them, blasting
the Grandmaster activates the intibitorin Thor's neck, ending the fight through Hela’ entire army.
ed The grand scheme of Thanos, decades in
Fall2017 | Deus Ex Machina the making, comes to a head as the Titan
Hela once rrs Thor, but hope ison finally seizes the opportunity to take personal
Korg, Mick and a penitent Loi ive at Asgard withthe possession of the Infinity Stones. As he
esman, vbich is ferrying Sakaaran
refugees and has plenty of room forthe fleeing Asgardan prepares to erase half the universe, adiscovery
But Hela cannot be stopped, Even Skurge tums against her, made by Scott Lang about the Quantum
Bvinghis0 hold back her forces while the civilians Realm will also prove to be a critical turn
board the ark in a cascade of interlocked events.

Fall 2017 | Sakaaran Shakeout

The Grandmaster is surroundedby an army ‘Spring 2018 | Scott Lang's Smaller Problems
of revolutionaries, The cheerful despot decides Scot Lang has been cooped up under estever since
to followthe old maxim:if you can't beat them, taking Captain Americas side against the enforcement of th
join them. "Ive just gottasay Im proud of you al Sokovia Accords. Just days away from freedom, he experie
evolutionhas beena huge success. Yay u vision that emanates from Janet Van Dyne, who vanished when she
Jaces,"You can'thave a revolution without went subatomic decades ago, Langcall H ankPym and Hop
ty to overthrow, so. . youre welcome Dyne to share what hap ed, and they decide to break him out
n..itsatie three days early~sensing this a their chance tores

Gelli ee CO-2
Oe ee ee
Fall2017 | Ragnarok Fulfilled ‘Spring 2018 | Working out the Bugs
tunately, the Quantum Tunnel re
‘om Asgard itself, Thor realizes he can
ave his people by sacrificing their Sonny Burch can provide
homeland, He sends Lokit the treasure
1 prophetic objects—the
urtur and the Eternal Flame
You want Asgard” Thor tells Hela. “It's
yours” The fre demon, now the size ofa
‘mountain burst from the royal palace
nd ays the real Valy
fulfils her dream rving her sword into
Hela before their escape, but the Goddess
of Deaths ony fully defeated when
nebulaof gavel But as Odintold Tho
‘Asgard not a place. Never was. Asgard ‘Spring 2018 | The Quantum Tunnel
is where our people stand: he long-ago implanted message from Janet was triggered
when Pym and his daught er a c t
safe gateway to and from the microcosmic
dimension known a the Qu
passed through therin his early adventures as Ant-Man, Janet
taggedhim with an antennato communicate with usb
«the tunnel working again Jane
2018 | Quantum Tip
2018 | Saving Janet

1987 | Losing The Wasp

2016 | impressing Captain America 2023] Anidea

Decades ago, Hank Pym developed a formula

1989 | Resignation with a unique group of subatomic particles that
can affect the density and size of living beings
and objects. They become known as Pym
Particles. By incorporating the particles into a
2015 | Ant-Man Returns specially designed suit and changing the distance
2015 | Deal with Hydra between atoms, Hank realizes they can shrink a
human down to the size of an ant while increasing
their density and strength. He uses the Pym
Particles as the S.H.LE.L.D. agent Ant-Man, usually
in service to the U.S. government. Many people
over the years try to steal or replicate the Pym
Particles technology, often for nefarious purposes,
and they later become the crucial element to
defeating Thanos and saving the universe.
2000s and 20108

Spring 2018 | Sweet Freedom

Scott Lang hurries home replacing the gant ant who
has been wearinghis ankle transmitter just asthe FL
@°o arrives. Agent Jimmy Woo expects to find L e
2018 | Here. and Gone violating hishouse acest, but insteadhe is iat
tomake Lang's release ofic be seeing you
aanvysterious, masked figure they cll Ghost, who can again” Woo says." Where?" Langasks. A bewildered
phase sift through cifferet states of matterto become Woo replies"Lik. in general. The next ime you do
solid or ephemeral at wil. This being also wants access to something bad” Lang sayshe thought Woo wanted
their Quantum Tunnel and Van Dyne must repeatedly fend hang out. Stranger things have happened,
off the entity in her Wasp suit. When Pym shrinks his
entire lab building downto the size of cary-on luggage.
the tech becomes especially prone to theft, and Ghost
promptly stealsit

Spring 2018 | Antagonized eo ~
Ava phase siting is side fe en
parents. The Ghost suit temporarily regulatesher matter density, but ‘Spring 2018 | San Francisco Chase
she wll soon fade away to nothing” without healing particles from the Scott Lang enlarges himself and races after Burch usinga
‘Quantum Realm She plans to steal Janet's quantum energyto flatbed truck as a scooter Burch boards a whale-watching
her phasing-even fit kis Janet nthe process. Hank, Hope, and S cruise in Fisherman's Whar, and Lang makes himeelf gigantic
are tied up, but manage to escape ater Foster unwittingly releases to pursue him through the bay~even bigger thanhe grew
Hank’ trained ants. They take the Ib with them and sett up again in ‘uring the clash over the Sokovia Accords. He pinches the lab
the woods, and Janet Van Dyne broadcasts through Scott Lang to help between his fingers and priest from Burehs grasp, but Lang's
them fine-tune the ap ar tus. Scott shes home
fora checkin with ‘enormous body drain his energy and he sinks below the
— the FB but Hope and Hank ae tracked tothe lai location and waves, Hope Van Dyne fies down in her Wasp suit to return
arrested Inth nfsion the abi stolen ance again by Ghost. him to normal size and bring im back othe surface

aN Boe. all. ts, sera aha, Oo~na— os ‘

i aa a
Spring 2018 | The Ghost Revealed Spring 2018 | Mother and Child Reunion
The group sek eprom Bl Foster ascents who worked alongside With hela restored tots ginal proportions,
Pymover te decades ago when both were partof SHIELD. The Hark Pye ergsfom the beter eraon
‘women tl bear grudges against eachother from the wrkon Projet with Janet. whois supercharged wit energy that
Golath but Fote isthern that pecan locate the missing ab by can temporaiy stable va Stare Then Janet
toying regatr onthe Ant Man suit to detectitserisions embraces Hope, who was ony a child the last
Although Pymand the others find hel they also discover F time they sa leach other “Tm here now she tells
harboring Ghost. Her names Ava Start and she's the daughterof her daughter “We have time” Fora longtime
another SHIELD. researcher who died conducting rogue inpabitant of the Quantum Realm, the significance
experiments, after a feud with Pym forced him out ofthe agency of time looms large

Spring 2018 | Pym Gets Small
‘Scott manages ta break Hope and Han but the
is ticking the coordinates Janet provided. They
track the lab down and Fosteris subduedby Pym ants
hile Scott clistracts Ghost. Pym vows to help Star,
before venturing int the subatomic realm to rendezvous
‘ith his long lost wife. During his journey the lab builing
is again shrunkfr easy transportation Unfortunately,
Sonny Burch seizes this opportunityto stealit
2000s nd 20108 2000s nd 20108

Spring 2018 | Hulk’s Warning
2018 | The White Wolf Banner crashes through the roof of the
After undergoingintensive deprogramming in Wakanda, New York Sanctum, where Masters ofthe
Bucky Barnesis final y berated fom the mind control Mystic Arts, Doctor Strange and Wong.
protocols that transformed him into the Winter Sole maintain their watch over the Eye of
Dora Mie rity chief Aye, who has been helping him ‘Agamotto and the me Stone within
through the process, tests the success by reciting the ten Thanosis coming.” Banner gasps.
code words that once weaponizedhin en the tearful But Strange can only ask" Who?
‘man's consciousness remains unaltered, she whispers:
"You ate fre ” Barnes continues his re very in Wakanda,
where he is known under the nickname “White Wott

Spring 2018 | Heimdalland Loki's End
‘Spring 2018 | Chasing the Time Stone Thanos spear H Jal through the chest fr asting away the Hulk, and
While tracking the Tesseract, Thanos’ battleship Sanctuaryi the all-secing gateheoper's watch is ended, Thor insists the Tesseract was
the Asgardian refugee vess el Someof
the Statesman. destroyed back on Aagard, but Lok reveals he hasbeen hiingt since ther
the Asgardian passengers escape, Valkyrie among them, She leads departure. "You really are the worst, brother” Thor says. These wile his
the survivors to safety while Thor, Heimdall, Bruce Banner, and Loki ast word toLoki After Thanos shatters the Tesseract and places the
remain to fight. til reling from the destrucoftion Asgard, they are Space Stone itohis gauntlet, Loki strikes ais tvoat—but the bluestone
000 lid to wast by Thanoseand his forces." know what t's ike halts his blade inches away. Thanos snaps rick ‘sneck, and leaves
to lose,” Thanos talls them. “To feel so desperately that youre his body beside Thor as he departs, ncinerating the Statesman in his wake
Fight. Yet to fll nonetheless No resurrections this time Thanos says.

Spring 2018 | The Hulk Subdued

Bruce Banner attacks Thanos, but even the Hulk
isnomatch forthe Titan wielding the Power S
Awounde foindal summons the Bifrost to send
the Hulk spiraling through space toward Earth

‘Spring 2018 | The Q-Ship Attack
Thanos sends Ebony Maw and Cll Obsidian, two tenants from
his conscripted "Chikrenof Thanos to New Yorkto acquire the
Spring 2018 | The Power Stone Seized Time Stone Doctor Stange, Wong. and Bruce Baner alert Tony
andar fall, a Thanos and his force werpower the Stark theloming danger just as the massiveQ-Ship appears
efenses ofthe Nova Empire's capital world. Their ‘over Greenwich Vilage. tra destructive tre t bate, Obsidian
targets the Power Stone, which the Guardians ofthe is mystical banished toa polar landscape and loses his ft hand
Galaxy had entrusted to Nova Prime and the ete asthe poral closes Maw cannot break the protective spllaround
Nova Corps. is proxy Ronan was defeated here, the Eye of Agamotta, oe Kdnaps Strange in his entirety and les
but Thanos departs Xandar with the purple stone, backto an to rendezvous with Thanos. The starship has two
leaving the world decimated stowawaye—tronMan and Spide-Man-who hasty

Spring 2018 | We Don't Have a Hulk Spring 2018 | An Axt o Grind
After lving as the Hulk fortwo years, Bruc Banner ‘Thor persuades Rocket and Groot to accompany
discovers his angry alter-ego now refuses to\emerge even on star forge
of Ndavelr to
reme danger. The two sides of his per sonality a Thanos-kiling” weapon, This wast birthplace
are increasingly estranged, and Banner feels more disoriented ‘of Mon ands famous forts powerful creations
sind powertens than ever after turning of feud that But the tri find ito be a wasteland after Thanos
fractured the Avengers. his absence. With Tony forced the giant Dwarves thereto create his gauntiet,
Stark gone into deep space, Banner cal s the flip phone then slaughtered them. The lone survivor, Eitri crafts
number that was Stark's emergency line to St gers, Bifrost-summoning batle ax Stormbreaker after
bringing Captain Americanto the fight against Thanos Thor eignites the forge and Groot donates one of his
‘own limbs forthe hi

‘Spring 2018 | The Mind Stone Ambush
Wanda Maximof sli iding after runing
afoul ofthe Sokovia Accord ying low with
Vision in Scotland when a second Q-Ship,
one carrying Thanos’ agents Proxima Midnight
and Corvus Give, descends on Edinburgh
As they sock to rip 1 Mind Stone from Vision,
Steve Rogers, Sam ison, and Natasha
Romanoff join ight, successfully divin
way the Children of Thanos, who vow that
they will turn,

\ as Sy
Spring 2018 | The Guardians Salvage Thor Spring 2018 | The Reality Stone Hoax
The Guardians ofthe Galaxy respond tothe Statesman’ distress call bt ter Qui, Mantis, Drax, and Gamora ven ureto Knowhere, where the Realty
debris. The only survivor is Thor, whom Drax describes Stone has be n safeguardedfor years with the Collector They find Thano:
with wonder.“Its ike apirate hada baby with an angel” Thor vakens brutalizing the charismatic curator and Gamora stabs Thanos with the
and tells them what Thanos has done, but Gan ie well aware of his ‘perfectly balanced” twin-bladed knife he gave her as a.cild “Why.
plans to erase half of alliving things. "I he gets al six Infinity Stone the dying Titan says. Gamora weeps, proving she stil cares her adoptive
with a snap of his fingers she explains father Butit’s a cruel trick Thanos has a dy acquired t Realty Stone
and usedit to createthis luson, to test Gamora He takes her hostage before
fleving through a Space Stone portal

‘Spring 2018 | Ebony Maw, Silenced

Aboard the Q-Ship, Ebony Maw uses his telekinetic powers
to torture Doctor Strange int relinquishing the Time Stone. Tony
Stark and Peter Parker secretly devise a pa of at ack basedon
somethingthe teenager once sawn ascii flm. "Your powers are
nsequential comparedto mine, Maw scoffs when they
font him, “Yeah, bu c's seen more movies” Stark replies
before blasting a hoein the hull ofthe starship. The vacuum pulls
“Maw into the void of space where he freezes to death instantly
The ship remains on auto-pilot, destined for Titan
20008an 2000s nd 20108

Late Spring 2018 | Sanctuary in Wakanda
King Chala welcomesthe Avengers tohis homeland while
his sister Shut the nation's lead researcher gets busy
separating Visions synapses from the Mind Stone. fitcan be e
safely destroyed, Thanos willbe unable to completehis Spring 2018 | The Oddsof Strange
senocidal plan, but the suger is meticulous and precariousis While awaiting Thanos ava Doctor Stange
requiring alot oftime and care. Meanie, Steve Rogers mediates and uses te Eye of Agamoto to peer
euited with the newydeprogrammed Bucky Barnes, now forward in time 14000606 aerate
sportinga Wakandan-made vbranium arm. How’ve you cutcome ofthe bate" How many did we wi?
been, Buck?" Rogers say, embracinghisold fiend “Not Tony Starkaske Strange esti witha
bad! Barnes replies "For the end of world sorrowful lokandanswers“One

Spring 2018 | The Ruins of Titan
Springte 2018
| Bygones
being fugitives, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff,
ron Man, Doctor Strange and Spder- Man rah-and
‘Sam Wilson and Wanda Maximoffretu to mthe United States ‘Overpopultion and overconsumption led to its downfall
tomake amends with od alesto help keep Vision—and the inspiring Thanos destructive, misguided quest. Althat stands
stone—safe from Thanos."The worlds on fire, and you think there now is the lifeless, decaying husk great
al's forgiven?” Secretaryof State Thaddeus Ross says, ashe civilization Hiding there are Drax, Star-Lord, and Mantis, who
demands wave them arrested. But James “Rhodey” Rhodes attack the Earthlings after mistaking them for more of Thanos!
welcomes theirretur on behalfof the Avengers. Earths minions. After brie and confusing ight, they realize they
mightiest heroes are working together again, areallon the same side

Spring 2018 | Protecting Vision Spring 2018 |The Soul Stone Sacrifice
To prevent Thanos from acquiring the Mind Stone, Thanos frees Gamora torre the location
Vision offers to sacrifice himself Since Wanda of the Sou Stone natby hurting but by
“Maximoff derived her powers in part from the Mind torturing her sister Nebula, Unable to bear
Stone, he suggests her energy could createa ter suffering any oer, Gamoa tes
feedback oop that destroys the gems molecular orm” On that desolate wor
integrity. But it would also endhislife."That’s to approach the mountaintop wherethe
high a price” Maximoffinsists."We dont trade Stonekeeper the man once known a Johann
lives, Vision” Steve Rogers tel s him. Cap proposes Schmit was transported decades ago by
they egroup inthe most heavily fortified and the Tesseract. "In order to take the stone you
technologically advanced place on Earth rms oe that which you lve” Schmit
explain.“ ou fora oul Gamora igh
‘etl, believing Thanos rly cares for
nothing and noone. Then the ian takes her
anand, despite he resistance casts her @@@
verte edge Spring 2018 | Wakanda Under Siege
Dropships carrying Thanos ferocious ary of
utders pln into Earth's atmosphere over the
‘Atcan nation. An energy shield over the capital ity
protects most of the population, as wellas Vision and
the Mind Stone, but the bases quickly undermined,
Black Panther and Captain Amercalead the Avengers
and the vast forces of Wakanda in formidable
defense, but they are outnumbered—and the surgery
‘on Vision is nowhere near plete
2000s nd 20108

Spring 2018 | Thunder and Lightning
Channeling the Bost with St rmbreaker, Thor, Groot
and Rock appearin Walanda. The God of Thunder isa
one-man caval, ringing critcal help tothe forces standing
against the Outriders, Corvus Glave, Proxima Midight, and
Cl Obsidian are each overpowered and destroyed asthe
balance of power tips against the forces of Thanos New and
cid ales it alongside eachother, sometimes leading to
awkward encounters (euch as Rocket trying to bargain for
Bucky Bares cybernetic arm) Thor and Steve Rogers
briefly compliment each ether’ changing look but such
rmaments of easual confidence soon disipate
Q Spring 2018 |The Death of Vision
Wanda Maxime knows she must use her
‘Spring 2018 | Surrendering the Time Stone powers to destroy the Mind Stone. Vision
‘After using the gauntlet to hurl pieces of Titan's moon hie els er this bu their love foreach
atthe heroes, Thanos gravely wounds and incapacitates ater makes the decision athe more
Iron Man.“You have my respect, Stark” hesays."When tnbearable Se aiates her energy into the
[im done, half of humanity wl stil eave. hope they stone while Steve Rogers holds apart the
rememberyou. Doctor Strange offers to voluntarily fingers of Thanos gauntlet but s0nCapis
five up the Time Stone in exchange fr Stark's fea castasid. Maximof blasts one hand at
‘deal Thanos is pleased to accept. “One to go” Thanos Thanos and the other t Vision's forehead
_sys adding the green gem tos gauntlet and departing ‘The Mind Stone finaly explodes. ling her
through a Space Stone portal. Strange assures a love, but saving the universe from Thanoe
bewildered Stark"We're in the endgame now’ merciless lan

‘Spring 2018 | A Last Chance

‘Spring 2018 | Thanos’ Homecoming With each ofthe six stones now in place, the
The Titan returns tohs bith planet with a sense of sorrow. “It was beautiful" he Infinity Gauntlet uly powered. Time, Space,
says, using the Realty Stone to recreates lost glory. The new alliance of heroes Power Soul Mind, and Reality have been
attacks, with kon Man and Spider Man pling at Thanos arms, Draxslasinghis weaponized to the Titans wil. Thanosis oly
legs and Mantis perching on his shoulders using her empathic powersto dul is seconds away from enacting hishortife plan,
mind. Even Nebula escapes captivity and crash-ands on Titan tin the fight
They have nearly emoved the gauntlet when Peter Quillabrupty realizes that
Thanos kiled Gamora white acquiring the Sou Stone He ashes out atthe Titan,
breaking Mantis’ concentration, an allowing Thans oregain control

Spring 2018 | The Final Stone Stone andi sana

‘Thanos arrives in Wakanda. He is ‘Spring 2018 | The Second Death of Vision 7 "
unstoppable. Bruce Banner lunges at him in ‘Thanos breathes heavily, and even offers comfort tothe grieving
the Hulkbuster armor, ut Thanos uses his ‘Wanda Maximoft understand, my child, Better than anyone. Today!
Infinity Stones to fuse his metal suit into a lost more than you could know. But now is no time to mourn” he says.
nearby cliffside, then dives Captain America, "Now ino time at al ” He uses the Time Stone to reversethe as few
Black Panther, and Falcon tothe ground, ‘roments Vision and the Infinity Stone are both restored, but the
The Titan is a one-man army now, marching Titan instantly rips the Mind Stone from his kl killing him again,
relentlessly toward his prize Vision's sacrifice and Maximof's suffering were both for nothing
Crash-Landing ng
the Barrier
AppWakand Proxima Midnight
The Avengersand the Wakandans ‘The the When the Avengers make iecearthey
are dcustesi atlng srteny Avenge make theirsway to ‘won't Js surrender Prouma Midnight
the energy barrier oface the her army andthe sopahps
‘detect enemy signatures inthe hy, Chiofen Thanos Chali, he Outideswho
‘Asthe enemy dopshislaoutsi de Cao, and Black Widow walkover ines charge atthe energy
the it's enery bare Visionnd toneqotate the terme abate Barrer Afew ake through and
vane hi eamtat es they are with rosa Mngt and Cul Bruce observes that they
runi ng to destroy the
out ote (brian Proxima proclaims ‘ard the entire perime the
Mind Stone Stove tls Wanda that ter defian ce s
i pontles ‘Outri have themder
surround ed
‘est oyonce Shurhas
the stone
‘exafomct n andit
Visioed Chata Mind Stone: T'Chala tes her Tenalacomesup with heidea
‘ordersthe Royal Guard to evacuate they arin Wakanda now and topartaly open the energy
they enga al geetenses anda that Thanos wilhave noting barter the the Outriders
‘BveCaptan America ashe

sea eerne
faba ‘The Threshers
With Mors arrival. thetideof
‘Thor's Arival
‘The Avengersandthe
secon ene battle seems to turni favorof
the Avengers andthe Wakandan
ae engagedin an
bate aint he
foseerpio . forces Wanda observing rom
Shurslab when se notices the
Outriders when
beamof the Brot appensin
the Baht
meting an eo huge laded war machines
known Thresher ei
‘the midst ofthe batlefils.
Stormbreaker Thorsnewly
eployed rom the Outre forged ax cuts swath trough
ed eat ; ‘ropships Falcon and War the enemy as Thor Rocket. and
De a
Macietytshontdowntbe fo ‘Groot join the ight. Thor
summon amessive lighting
Cr eet tone aval and they churn charge. decimatingthe
‘Outriders and demands that
Soedanee? ‘towards
the defenders. ” >

Sticky End Banner and Obsidian Unstoppable Force

‘Wanda masing her way back ‘Aweakened Vion beingattacked Backon Thanos home planetof
to Vision when Proxima Corus Glave Tita, the Guardansofthe
Might knack her down, nen Bruce Bannerand jump into save
‘byCullObsisian Gala, ron Man, Spider-Man,
Gloatingshe tes Wands she Nebula and Doctor Strange
and Vision wilde alone, but at ‘nen Obsidian grabs himand they
[HE BATTLE that moment Blick Widow and
‘Otayeappeac The aen ware
hot he own aga oth,
then gts the upper hand She
{ropinto awaterall Obsidian rips
of heloarm of Bruce's Hubuster
Stand Brace attempt totarstom
Into the Hulk butt no aval Using
down Thanos but they
aren match against he
right of he ntity
et. Doctor Strange
IN WAKANDA ‘eabout tol Natazha when
Wanda uses her powerto
throw Proxima Midnight into
‘the path of nearby Thresher
‘is wits, Broce traps Oeil’arm
‘Sending Obsidian fynginto the
‘offersthe Tine Stone to
and Thanos goes tou
portalto Wasanda to
sch sleesherto pieces, ‘nergy barrier wherehe explodes retiove the Mind Stone
‘The Avengers face their darkest hour as they fight
against their most powerful foe, Thanos. The
Titan has been on a quest to acquire the six

Infinity Stones—Time, Space, Reality, Mind, ‘TheFinal Stone Vision
Power, and Soul—in orderto complete the Infinity
and wipe out half
of all living things in
‘with alte stones acquie Thanos
is aboto uacttivate the gauntlet
“The Avengers
‘she destroy
take on Thanos,
toby Wanda some Ue whe
the Mind Stone,
Upon Thanos areal the
Avengers tightinvainta keen
the Titan fom getting the Ming By:
the universe. The Avengers travel to Wakanda to bt Thanos ate them ase Stone Knowing tat they are no
Imatehfor Thanos, Vision begs

protect the Mind Stone, which is embedded in the Than chest Thor beeveshi's shattered the Mind Stone, he ‘Wandato estoy the Mind
‘pttenhisdeatvengea aganst Thanos
Vision's forehead. As Shuri desperately triesto for the h oisnce bother and ‘Simpy uss the Time Stoneto
revere tine, undoing Visions
‘Stone and whense refuses,
teleher that destroyingthe
slauof the Asgariana when
remove it so that it can be safely destroyed, Black “Thanos tesghimhtmocekinrg "You ‘then tears the Mind Stone out
stone in ow the ont way they
canwinthe war Wanda relies
should hve gone for thehes Thor
Panther, the army of Wakanda, and the Avengers ‘watches inhororas Thanos snad” ps ‘of Vision'sheadand paces Visionsrightand pours aller
‘nergy ito the Ming Stone
join forces to hold off the Children of Thanos and hinges anned n s olapse
their vast army of Outriders. int dost aroundim. estoyingboth Vision andthe
200 201
2000s nd20108 2000s nd 20108

‘Spring 2018 | Vision of Gamora

2018 In his mome of triumph, the Soul Stone forces Thanos
to confront his greatest loss. Gamora appearsto him, not
asthe defiant warrior who tried to stop him, butas the
2018 | The Snap
young chi he remembers taking from her home planet
And raising as his own. "Did youdo it?” she asks. When he @o
Spring 2018 | Emergency Call
Before Thanos can at, hei struck byblast of ghtningas tellsher he did, she asks another question “What did it Nick Fury and Maria il notice te chaos unfoting ona busy ety
Thor and his “Thanos ling” ax descend from the heavens. cost?” His answer: "Everything street as cvilans colapse into windblown dust. eaving survivors
Stormbceakersblade sinks into Thanos chest, but the Titan inastateof panic and confusion AsHil disintegrates, Fury reaches
isonly wounded, not defeated, “You should have gone forthe for an emergency pager given to himlong ago by Captain Marvel
head he grows. Thanosraises his hand—and snaps. Fury himself disappears as thecal for help is tranemited

Spring 2018 | On Titan

Mantis vanishes. Then Drax Star-Lord are reduced to
reothingren."There wasn other way: Doctor Sarge
insist before csntegatng Pete Parker stumbles into
Tony Stark’ arms pleading or ep. “Mr Stark, doe
s0 good he sobs. “Idonit want to go.” Butheleaeshis
mentor holding noting but ashes. "He didi Nebula mares
says She and Stark are the last ones there farses

Spring 2018 |The First Moments Spring 2018 | Fade Out
The guntletis scorched and melted fom the bis of Farand wide hal of al ifs quiet extn ished, Yelena vanishes
powerit emitted. Thanos escapes throuph a Space Stone wile trying to deprogram a fellow Red Room asassn, Maria
portal leaving behind an erie calm. Bucky Bares cals Rambeav, now the head of SWORD. is hospitalized witha rave
tutto SteveRogee-then shocking fades aayina ines when her daughter Monica, isappears from er bedside
plume ofash. Ships plummet from the ky with their pts While Thanos had long conceived fhe plans as “random
tore Rocha watches Groot evapora and Wanda “dispassionate” and “fan some ae hit arder than others Most of
dissolves beside Vision's body. Sam Wikondxappears Peter Parle'clasmatesare taken, and Clint Barton's the ony
2 James Rhodes walks nearby locking obi 'Challa survivor from i entre fay
reaches frafalen Okoye, tang he This no place
tod.” But then the Black Panthers gone.

Spring 2018 | Ant-Man Marooned

Hark Pym Janet Van Dye. and thr daughter Hope ae
‘experimenting with anew portable Quantum Tunnel ulti the
back of Luis van Scott Lang ventures into that subatomic realm
seeking healing particles that couldbe usedto help thir former foe
Ghost. "Dont get sucked into a time vortex” Janet warns. We won't
be able to save you” The microcosmic Lang completes the mission
‘but becomes trapped in the Quantum Realm when they cease
‘responding to his messages. Al three of them are taken by the Snap.
Late Spring
2018 | "Gone, Reduced
The Tt

Spang S018 | To ie Garden

@©ee@ @0@
Spring 2018 | The Counterstrike

nd ofthat thing” The intended

The final defeat of Thanos—and the realization of how close half the
universe has come to permanent annihilation—creates a newfound
appreciation and respectfor life. That makes the irreversible loss of it
all the more painful, as in the case of T’Challa, Wakanda’s great king and
protector, the Black Panther, who helps save the world only to have
his own existence cut agonizingly short by disease
The Avengers’ successful efforts to reverse the Snap perpetrated by
Thanos hint at the existence
of the Multiverse, when their Time Heist
causes a branching timeline of 2012 and a variant of Loki is swept up by
the Time Variance Authority. If the Avengers revealed the existence of
that door, Loki's chaotic actions with the TVA throw that door wide
open. The array of universes that make up the Multiverse once seemed
impermeable, but now powerful beings such as Wanda Maximoff, Loki,
Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man have found ways to puncture holes that
threaten to unravel... everything.
While their intentions may start out as honorable, even those who are
pure of heart can find themselves corrupted by the desire to rewrite
reality. Villainous figures will also beginto exploit these loopholes
for selfish goals. The infinite possibilities of the Multiverse become
anew battleground,
20208 20208

2018- ©
2022 | The Moon Knight
‘After Marc Spectr’ fugue states from is alters cause him to be

clshonorablyaicharged from the Marines, he takes work with is former
) ‘commander, Bushman stagn nd onan Egyptian tomb. When Bushman
Late 2019 | A Mina Hulk eliminate the witneses, including the famed archaeologist
D.Bruce Banner tumshis esearch toward fusing the two conflicting sideso is [Abdalla E-Faouly, Spector intervenes ands gravely wounded, While the
Five years pass. Some begin to heal, but for personality. After 1 months of experimentation ina gamma ab in Mexico he ‘mercenary ies dyingat the foot ofa statue dedicated to Khonshu, the
others the losses only deepen. Cities seem sucessful melds the brawn ofthe bggreen gu wth the brain of thepuny ‘moon god offers him resurrection in exchange for serving as his avatar,
hollow, abandoned ships drift aimlessly human” He cllsthe erudite goliath tha results “the best of both worlds: a vigilante who wil "protect the travelers ofthe night” Spector agrees,
around harbors, unused cars rust in parking ‘committing himself to life of vengeance. He ater marries E-Faouly’s
daughter Layla, but cannot share the truth about her father's kiling
lots. Those who were not reduced to ash
struggle to reconnect with other survivors.
But for some, Thanos’ conquest bears
rewards: the environment on Earth
becomes cleaner, and nature rebounds.
‘There is enough food and work for all the ©o
people who remain, and housing and other 2020 | The Death of Maria Rambeau
resources become plentiful
Maria"Photor”Rambeau's cancer goe int
emission allowing he to continue her work
as the director ofthe Sentient Weapon
‘Observation & Response Division She never
stops believing that her daughter, Monica, will
be returned, along with ll the others taken by
“Thanos, and she devises protocolsfr that
‘eventuality. Her cancer retuens two years after
the Snap, more aggressive than before, and
thistime she does not survive

Spring 2018-Fall 2023 | The Stark Family ‘Spring 2018-Fall 2023 | The Power Broker ‘Spring 2018-Fall 2023 | Ronin’s Vengeance ‘Spring 2018-Fall 2023 | All They Can Do.
‘After Tony Stark recovers from near death in deep space, he and ‘Sharon Carter allows the governments ofthe world tobelieve she rie ps apart Clint Barton What emerges rom within the vigiant Ronin. The remaining heroes each cope i different way ove Rogers
Pepper Potts step away from public life to live more quietly sisappeared in the Snap, having remained afuttive since helping How coud he lose his wf, is ons and his daughter while criminals ang kilers leads support ups for everyday survivors. Thor numbs his egret
together Pepper becomes pregnant with a daughter, and the ‘Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson recover their wexpons during the lve on~in some ways operating with more impunity than before? Barton with beer, vi ames, and binge-watching cable TV, ceding the
rival of anew life afterso many others were destroyed brings ‘Avengers’ clash over the Sokovia Accords. Operating as stolenart abandonsthe mati of Hawkeye and travels the word executing wrongdoershe work ofunsing New Asgard to others. Natasha Romanoff and
both parents joy and renewed purpose. t doesnt balance the <ealer from the lawles island of Macripoor, she engages in even more feels don't deserve olive. While he feelshis cause i righteous his violent methods James"Rhodey” Rhodes maintain scattershot Avengers mission
scale, but Morgan H. Stark reminds them to vale the good nefarious activites. She sets up a new identity as the Power Broke, corrode his sir. Among those he kl is gangster Wiliam Lopez, an act witnessed con Earth, while Captain Marvel is to aid the many other struggling
fortune they have received, determined to exert control over a word that turned its back on her. by Wiliams daughter, Maya, who begins a quest for revenge against Ronin. words in galaxy. Everyone fels adrift and uncertain


ton Mars gern bonita wot coning tm

20208 208

Fall 2023 | Ant-Man Unleashed

Five year after the Snap, the van containing Hank Pym
and Janet Van Dyne's portable Quantum Tunnel sits
gathering ust ina U-Store locker Arodent sniffing
around the dashboard inadvertenty activatesthe device,
ejecting Scott Lang from the Quantum Realn and spitting
him out the back doors, He has no idea what happened,
and for him only afew hours have passed since he went
That curiousrat, one ofthe lowliest forms of lfeon Earth,
‘may have ust helped save haf the universe
ae a

Fall 2023 | Stark Says No, Hulk Says Yes

@® Tony Stark wants to stay fit, H's risked his fe too many
Fall2023 | The Liliputian at the Gates times andis esistant when Romanoff, Rogers and Lang askif the
While Steve Rogers meets with Romanoff at the (Quantum Realm ud be an avenue toward undoing the Snap.
‘Avengers Compound, security cameras pick upon a ‘Although hehas customized anew blue-and-siver armor for
frantic man with a bat ered| own van outside the front Pepper Potts as an anniversary present, he wants their world:
‘gates. They have Scott Langon theirs of the saving daysto cover Plus, he fears losing 1 good things that
sisappeared, so his retuen baffes them. He turns out to have happened inthe past ve years, ke his daughter Morgan
have the key to changing everything For the fis time, Bruce Banner, however happy to put his expertise 0 work
there is hope of undoing Thanos’ blight ont fon the Avengers’ plan

Fall 2023 | A“Quantum” Leap Fall 2023 | Iron Man's Reluctance

Scott Lang does his best to explain howhe became Memoriesof Peter Parkers cisappea
trapped inthe Quantum Realm and how the rules Tony. Despite turning away the Avengers he continues
of time and spacein that mi torumins e ontheridea and gradually figures outa way
differ from the realitythe Avengers know. "Whatif they could use the Quantum Realm to access different
there was a way we could enter the Quantum entry points in the timeline and then safely return to
Realm acertain pointin time and exit the the present. He tells Pepper Pottshe has considered
‘Quantum Realm at another point in time—thke keeping the idea to himself and simply going bac
before Thanos?” he asks. The notion seems far bed. She asks:"But would you be able to rest?”
fetched, but as Romanoff points out." get emails
froma raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy anymore

Fall 2023 | The Desultory Avengers
Natasha Rom anoff hosts a glum check-in with he
ote ales. Okoye reports on an earthquake
off the
coast of Africa, while Rocket and Nebula express
frustration about a raid a galactic warship that
turned out to bea garbage scow. Captain Marvelis
overwhelmed by her duties further afield, and James
Rhodes privately informs Romanoff that a cartel
mas acre in Mexico i likly the work of Clint Barton,
She doesnt want to belve that, but there's only 50 tes maertan hove
‘much denial she can sustain these days, int Stones
20208 20208

Fail 2023 | It Works

[test of Stark's Time-Space GPS on Clint Bartonis
successful. propelling him b is family farm, where his
wife and children are alive and wel His few seconds
Fall 2023 | Time Twist make him more determined! he Avengers!
The Hulk’ tests donot go wel,and they're burning up precious Pym idea through Keepinghis own daughterin mi 14, Tony Stark
Particles every time they try Scot Langi the ist guinea pig who insists they must only bring back what was lost without
emerges from the Quantum Tunnel nat ina citferes era but first as undoing what has transpired in years since. “And maybe
young boy, then ane rly man, and again as.a baby before finaly not die trying would be nice ark adds
being restored to his present state. “Somebody peed my pants" the
dazed traveler reports “But| don't know iit was baby me or old me.
Or just me me” Hulk tries to keep everyone's spirits up by dectarng it
kindof success: "Time travel” But noone is convinced.

Fall 2023 | A “Global Positioning System” for Time

Tony Stark arrives at the Avengers Compound bearing gifts. One
is Captain America’s shield, which years ago he tld Steve Rogers
he no longer deserved ir post-accords brawl left ron Man
battered and defeated. Now he wants toletthe past be the past.
He also shares his new innovation:a functioning Time-Space GPS
that wil help them navigate the Quantum Realm safely and access
earlier pointsin time and space. while also solving the main hiceup
in Hult’ tests. “Insteadof pushing Lang through time’ he says,
"You might ve wound up pushing time through Lang:

Fall2025 | Recruiting Lost Ales
AsStarkand Hukconstructanew and more eborate Quantum
Tunnel Hukand Rocka travel toNew Asgard torentThr to
inte mission. Thy are shocked at his daheveled state Hulk
rind Thor that the God of Thunder once saved him froma
tough spot onthe battleworld of Sakar Now Hulk wants to
ceturnthe favor n Toyo, Natasha Romanoff track down Rin
ithe midst of his takedown of Japanese rimlord She tes
Cin Barton that they have found somethingthat there might
bea chance to set things right. “Dont giveme hope he tlhe
sorry coud veto you so ner she says

Fall2023 | The Time Heist
For such complicated journey. i's arelatively simple pla Break
ro the patty mornartsin the Avenger tory retire the
Infrity Stones before Thanos des, and etun with them to the
present. Once al six ae unitedin anew guint, the stone canbe
all thelving things that were destroyedin the Snap.
The main drawbacks there are only enough Pym Particles to alow
each traveler to shrink nt 4e Quantum Realm for one nd-tip.
‘No mistakes, no doovers" Steve Rogers says
2000s nd20108 2000s nd 20108

‘Spring 2018 | Vision of Gamora

2018 In his mome of triumph, the Soul Stone forces Thanos
to confront his greatest loss. Gamora appearsto him, not
asthe defiant warrior who tried to stop him, butas the
2018 | The Snap
young chi he remembers taking from her home planet
And raising as his own. "Did youdo it?” she asks. When he @o
Spring 2018 | Emergency Call
Before Thanos can at, hei struck byblast of ghtningas tellsher he did, she asks another question “What did it Nick Fury and Maria il notice te chaos unfoting ona busy ety
Thor and his “Thanos ling” ax descend from the heavens. cost?” His answer: "Everything street as cvilans colapse into windblown dust. eaving survivors
Stormbceakersblade sinks into Thanos chest, but the Titan inastateof panic and confusion AsHil disintegrates, Fury reaches
isonly wounded, not defeated, “You should have gone forthe for an emergency pager given to himlong ago by Captain Marvel
head he grows. Thanosraises his hand—and snaps. Fury himself disappears as thecal for help is tranemited

Spring 2018 | On Titan

Mantis vanishes. Then Drax Star-Lord are reduced to
reothingren."There wasn other way: Doctor Sarge
insist before csntegatng Pete Parker stumbles into
Tony Stark’ arms pleading or ep. “Mr Stark, doe
s0 good he sobs. “Idonit want to go.” Butheleaeshis
mentor holding noting but ashes. "He didi Nebula mares
says She and Stark are the last ones there farses

Spring 2018 |The First Moments Spring 2018 | Fade Out
The guntletis scorched and melted fom the bis of Farand wide hal of al ifs quiet extn ished, Yelena vanishes
powerit emitted. Thanos escapes throuph a Space Stone wile trying to deprogram a fellow Red Room asassn, Maria
portal leaving behind an erie calm. Bucky Bares cals Rambeav, now the head of SWORD. is hospitalized witha rave
tutto SteveRogee-then shocking fades aayina ines when her daughter Monica, isappears from er bedside
plume ofash. Ships plummet from the ky with their pts While Thanos had long conceived fhe plans as “random
tore Rocha watches Groot evapora and Wanda “dispassionate” and “fan some ae hit arder than others Most of
dissolves beside Vision's body. Sam Wikondxappears Peter Parle'clasmatesare taken, and Clint Barton's the ony
2 James Rhodes walks nearby locking obi 'Challa survivor from i entre fay
reaches frafalen Okoye, tang he This no place
tod.” But then the Black Panthers gone.

Spring 2018 | Ant-Man Marooned

Hark Pym Janet Van Dye. and thr daughter Hope ae
‘experimenting with anew portable Quantum Tunnel ulti the
back of Luis van Scott Lang ventures into that subatomic realm
seeking healing particles that couldbe usedto help thir former foe
Ghost. "Dont get sucked into a time vortex” Janet warns. We won't
be able to save you” The microcosmic Lang completes the mission
‘but becomes trapped in the Quantum Realm when they cease
‘responding to his messages. Al three of them are taken by the Snap.
20208 20208

ws @o

Lok’s Getaway
‘The plan goes awry when an enraged Hulk an)
emerges from the stairs and smashes 2023
‘Stark side. With the Tesseract landingat
his feet, Loki simply reaches down and
picksit up. In an instant, he vanishes using Rocket gets the Stone
itto go somewhere, anywhere, before really Dr Jane Foster awakens in ber quarters
forming any plan whatsoever Itall happens ‘on Asgard unaware that a smal furry
sofas that no one guarding him even assailants staking her with an extractor
rotices at fist that he has disappeared ‘that will remove the Realty Stone's cloud
into. glowing blue cloud. ‘of Aether from her body. Rock's quick
work seems ike an attempted assault by
‘one of the kingdoms more scurlous
creatures so Asgardian sold ivechase, Rocke

Stark Stunned Loki Captured Agai Seizing Power

Inthe lobby of Stark Tower, 2012 Tony Stark argues ‘Ahole opens inthe sky over the Gobi Desertin Star-Lord finaly arrives on Morag, frolicking around
with SHLLELD. chief Alexander Pierce over who ‘Mongolia and Loki and the Tesseract tumbleout the rine while singing along tothe super-sounds
has jurisdiction over the Tesseractand whether the Hehas afew moments to unshackl himself and ofthe 70s. Quills easly subdued upon reaching
captured Lok shouldbe returned to Odin in Asgard sna at some confused locals) before a group of bis destination, and Nebula burns away partof
cor remain in human custodyon Earth At future strangely armored security personnel appear her arm while reaching into the protective barrier
Starks urging, Ant-Man shorts out the Ar Reactor throughan iridescent rectangular portal Hunter around the Power Stone, Their mission
embedded in 2012 Iron Man's chest, causing him to B15 introduces herself as an officer ofthe Time accomplished, Rhodes vaults back to the present
drop the case containingthe cube. Ant-Man kcksit Variance Authority, and Lok fleeting freedom ‘but something within Nebula shot circuits. She is
acr088 the polished floor forthe disguised future comes to an end as eis taken into custody for stranded.2014 Thanos has blocked her return
Stark to casually pick up. ‘crimes against the Sacred Timeline” The TVA then He captures her and sends his own Nebula back
place reset charges and prune the branched timeline tothe Avengers asa saboteur
Bad News. Thor's Farewell Soul Stone's Price
‘Tony Stark and Scott Lang rendeavous with Steve Thor tries to warn Frigga about her impending To secure the Soul Stone on Vormir, Clin Barton
Rogers and tll him about losing the Tesseract. death, but she doesn't want to know. "Youre here and Natasha Romanoff fight each other forthe
With only one dose of Pym Particles left foreach ‘tw repair your future, not mine” she says. A privilege of sacrifice, The two ol friends braw!
‘of them, they have limited options. An impromptu breathless Rocket scampers up, pursued by Using every sklset they possess to prevent the
fixis quickly pu together: Lang wil return tothe ‘Asgardian security and tell Thor's time to go. ‘othe from diving ofthe cliffof Vormic Barton
present-day with the staff, while Cap and ron The God of Thunder says goodbyeto his mother, finally leaps over the edge, buts snagged by
Man will use ther remaining trp to leapfrog to ‘and although he cant save her, her guidance has Romanoff'sgrappling line. He grabs her wrist as
yet another moment in ime. The Time Hest ‘saved him. Theres one important souvenir he can she falls past him, but she pleads with him: "Let me
ould still workf they choose a spotin the retrieve on this trp. Thor reaches out hishand and ‘g0" She pushes free of his rp, andall he can dois
Continuum that has the Space Stone in proximity summons Miolnig which has nat yet been watch as she falls fall. fall. Barton then
twadeitional Pym Particles. Stark thinks he knows destroyed by Hola He's relieved tofind he is awakens in a poo! of water withthe Soul Stone
just the place. still worthy inhis hand. Alone
20208 20208

New Jersey, 1970


Particle Man
Ini ab flloinseet research and a high-tech
helmet with bug-tke features, Dr Hank Pym
gets call rom Steve Rogers, pretending to
have a volatile package for him inthe camps
shipping center Pym races off othe loading
dock na panic, and Captain America slipsin to
steal four vials of Pym Particles, enough for
thei return trp

Time Management ALastHope Back in the Game “Howard Potts” Makes Conversation
The 2012 Lokifinds himself trapped within the Tony Starkand Steve Rogersst their Time-Space Disguised as a researcher, Stark racks the energy Havingintroduced himself with an awkward fake
bureaucratic conveyor belt ofthe Time Variance GPS devices for Api, 1970, and ative at Camp signature ofthe Space Stone to an underground ‘name, Tony Stark accompanies his father outside
Authority-a vast, secret enforcement agency that Lehighin New Jersey, where Captain America once ‘bunker and uses a beam from hislron Man gauntlet the SH.LELO. bunker, trying to remain calm amid
exists outside the bounds of space-time. He stands underwent basic traning before becoming a super to.ut through its vault. Just as he's securing the the casual smaltak na roundabout way, Tony ties
trial before Judge Ravonna Renslaye for fracturing, soldier Decades later it's where Dr Arrim Zola has Tesseract ina briefcase, he hears. familiar voice— to.comfort his father about the son he's about to
the natural continuum of his timeline. Ever moce legitimized himself asa SHLLELD. researcher while bis father, Howard Stark. carrying lowers for his have. "I thought my dad was tough on me. But
shocking than his punishment—deathby “pruning secretly leading an underground Hydra movement. pregnant wife and a can of sauerkraut for hee looking back, lonly emember the good stu
Lokiis flabbergasted to learn hes just one “variant It’s also where Howard Stark stored the recovered cravings. She's close to giving birth-to Tony Stark be els him. When Howard asks for an example,
cof countless other Loksin the Multiverse. Tesseract for further study. and where a young, bimsel Tony is so discombobulated that he Tony shares one of hs father’s favorite sayings:
scientist named Dr: Henry Pymis working with almost leaves the briefcase, and Howard has 'Noamount of money ever bought a second of time”
‘the subatomic particles he erated, Retrieving ‘to remind him to take it Howard considers this. "Smart guy” he says."He did
both itemsis the only hope for successfully bis best” Tony asureshim, before hurrying off to
completing the Time Heist. join Cap and return to the present.
Faraway, So Close...
‘The Minutemen Ambushes Tocevade security, Steve Rogers sips through an
‘Agent Mobius of the TVA, an easygoing investigator ‘open door, unaware that he has entered the office
‘of Nexus Events, visits a branching timeline in of SHIELD. Director Peggy Carter his long-lost
‘Aic-En-Provence, France from the year 1549, where love. On her desk he finds a framed photo of his
three Minutemen and one Hunter have been killed pre-super soldier sel, then hears her voice from an
by anotoriously deadly Loki variant. The only cue is adjacent room, being briefed ona mission. She does
‘apack of Kablooie bubble gum, an item from the not se him through the window tothe darkened
future, given by the asailant toa young French boy office, and he does not approachher Stil the
in exchange for his silence. The TVA prune the ‘moment will help ignite a yearning to finally fulfil
branching timeline his vow to return to her
20208 20208

‘Asgard, 2013 @@®

Fall 2023 | It’s Quietat
Stee ee
aS plies cooling spray to burn. Scott Lang
Avenger compound
Deep Space, 2014 are flo more bids than val Than int
©e@se@ Batons el phone beginsto buzz Is his wife
eee Laura “Gays Lang say" thinkit worked!
Fall 2023 | The Nano Gauntlet
‘Amechanical glove forged from similar
nanotech materialsto Tony Stark's
connect the infinity Stones. Hukinsists he
should wieldit, ue to the grievous damage
doneto Thanos when he activated the power
ofthe stones. The raaton’s most
Ws ike was made fortis” he says

Mobius Offers a Deal @@® Fall 2023 | Nebula Opens a Door

Mobius seeks to recruitthe captive Lok asa profiler Fall 2023 | Home Again With all the focus on activating the Infinity Stones,
for the TVA to help ensnare the other Lokivarant The Avenger ret 0 the present, No matter how none at the Avengers Compound notices 2014
wie has be n terrorizing the organization Mobius long ther time-hopping missions took to complete Nebula sneaking away to hijack thef lity’s Quantum
assures him thatthe Time Keepers ae not the whether they veered off course on detours, they Tunnel. She uses the device to open a portal a
enemy, having helped prevent a Muttversl V allreturn simul sly just minutes after seemingly ‘Thanos from 2014 steers his ship throught. The
and untold timeline transgressions over the eons leaving. The Time Heist wasa success the Infinity Sanctuary I warshiprps theo
But Loki scoffsatthe offer to assist. Mobius then Stones have been collected~but the celebration is headauarters as it expands fromits passa trough
shows Loki clips of hs life, both past and future, shortlivedas they learn that Natasha Romanoff lost, the Quantum Realm.Itimmediately begins bombarding
includingthe death ofhis mother Frigg which herlfe."We have to make it worth it” Hulk insists. the compound with missiles,
Loki wil inadvertently cause, None of them are aware thatthe Nebulain their
midst an infitrator from 2014 whois silo
to Thanos.

Fall 2023 | The Comeback
Loki Changes Heart Thinking of is daughter Morgan Toy St resets some
Loki briefly escapes Mobius’ custody but curiosity 3 Hulk puts on the gauntlet. “Everyone
leads him back to the TVA‘ recording of his natural Thanos snapped aay five years ago youre jut bringing
fespan Watching, he wi esses the passing of them sy Don' change anything rom
his fatherOdin, and a renewed aliance with brothe he ast ve ears he says “Everybody
to transpire Ital ends in Lokis
‘murder at he handsof Thanos, his former ally his right arm, The other Avengers bra themselvesby
kis shaken, but opens up emotionally and agree activating their armors as Hulk strains to bring his thumb
tohelp Mobius. and finger together Final y-a snap!

Fall 2023 | Rapid Onslaught

The Avngor hare tine to celbr before the engare
Compound and surrounding rounds are reduced to char
rubble in an instant. Bene ital Hlkifts chunks ofthe ony ven a
\ders while wate floods int the basement.
James Rhodes crawls from his damaged War Machine armor
and uses a metal bar to pry Rocket out from under the debris,

Fall2023 | The Fight Begins
“Thos, Iron Man, and Captain America
attack Thanos, Thor's Stormbreaker ax
oe wt and Molnichammer supercharge Fon
Maris blasts with lightning, but Thanos
Fall 2023 | From the Dust, Returned cngeieyen defi the hits with is double
Al across the universe, the lost are restored. In many places, bladed sword. Tony Starkand Steve
the pandemonium mirrors when the disintegrations frst Rogers get hnocked aside, as Thor
happened. Monica Rambeau finds herself sitting inthe loses contro of his weapons. Thanos
hospital room where her motherwas being treated for cance feof Stormbreaker into
Inthe frenzy ofthe hallway, a doctor revea Maria did not ce the God of Thunder's chest armor, the
back then, but passed away in the years afterward Elsewhere, Titan is struck rom behind by
Yelena exemplifies the confusionof the resurrected She Miolnir—now being held by Captain
stands inthe home ofa Red Room assassin she had been ‘America. "knew it” Thor says, recaling
tryingto deprogram ive years ago, asking for the one person — the time Rogers budged it during
wi always brought her stability “Ineed to find Natasha. party game in Stark's penthouse.

Fall 2023 | The Gratitude of Thanos Fall 2023 | Thanos Overpowers

‘As Captain America, Thor, and ron Man approach, Captain America pummelsthe Titan with the hammer
Thanos reveals he has a1new outiook." thought by and shield, but Thanos is undaunted. He knocks away
eliminating hal of fe, the other hal would thrive Mol and beutaly chops away chunks of Caps shel,
But you've shown me that’s impossible” he says. battering him tothe ground. He summons Ebony Mav,
They will resist” But hes not angry them."Tm Cull Obsidian, Proxima Midnight, and Corvus Gave
thankful because now | know what I must othe leading an army of Chitaur warriors, hordes of
Titan says.I will shred this universe down tots last Outriders, anda sky fullof hovering Levathans and
‘atom, and then withthe stones you've collected for <ropshis carrying reinforcements
‘me, create anew one, teeming with life that knows
not whatit has lost but only what has been given.
grateful universe Than Nebula ore
br father he as the poet

Fall2023 | Nebula's Rise, Nebula’ Fall
Within the colapsed headquarters, Hawkeye recovers
tne Nano Gauntlet. After evading group of Outriders,
hehands over the love to 2014 Nebula stilunaware she
brought Thanos to this time and place She i stopped by
2014 Gamora whohasforgedanaliance with the reformed
Nebula ofthe present. “Youcan change" ood Nebula says,
buther other self whispers:"He won't let me" Inthe
standoff, good Nebula shoots her through her mechanized
chest, She dis with tears fling from her eyes.

Fall 2023 | An Army of Heroes
Aporta pens and Black Panther, Okoye, and Shr
step trough followed by alee of Royal Talon
Fighters and ana rom thethet bes of Wakanda
including MBaku and his separatist mourtain ibe
the Jaber Groot andthe Winter Solder march
amongst them, Dozens of other gatemay appear
powered-by the Masters ofthe Mystic rts, each
doorway rngng retired eros fom tought
the gly into the rematch against Thanos

Fall 2023 | "On Your Left..”

Captain America rises to face the
of Thanos alone. Then he Fall2023 | Cap's Command
ceivs a transmission froma Captain America standsat the frontine
returned Sam Wilson. pais toraly them: “Avengers-assemble!

e068 @
Fall 2023 | Allies from Far and Wide Fall 2023 | Into Battle
Doctor Strange opens.a porta from the ruined Pepper Potts enters the battle, wearing her anniversary
worldof Titan, and Drax, Mantis, Star-Lord, and present, the bive armor presented to herbyher husband
Spider-Man emerge from Thanos’ distant planet First she ies alongside Rhodey and Rocket. then she goes
to face down the galactic death-dealer. Valkyrie, back to back with Tony, swingin a 360 degree fight against
Mik, Korg and the army of New Asgard march the minions of Thanos Peter Gulls saved by the 2014
forth, joined by Wanda Maximoff, while the ‘Gamora.“I thought Ilost you he says, nt realizing she is
Ravagers ative from deep space and the from the past-and has had no idea who Sta-Lordis unt
sorcerer warirs of Kamara) form ranks. now. "This the one? Seriously?” she asks Nebula
Alrush onto the battefied to balance the The choices were him ora tree” Nebula replies.
fight against the army of Thanos

Fall 2023 | A New Plan

‘Ahasty plan forms: keep the Infin y Stones away
from Thanos. Cap orders Hawkeye to get the stones
‘asfar from the battle as possible, b
‘reminds them thatthe stones mustbe returned to
the past. The Quantum Tunnelin the Avengers
‘Compound has been destroyed..But Scott Lang
tur to poral inn bo ay, That wasetouronly
time machine." The “La Cucaracha’ horn sounds as
saa Nae he rigge rskey fob. He 1nd Wasply ffto
his van's
‘yet activate the vehicle's Quantum Tunnel
20208 20208

Fall2023 | Chasing the Gauntlet @
Anepic gameof keep-away ensues as Hawkeye, Black Fall2023 | “I..Am|ron Man”
Tey Stark wasnt
Panther and Spider Man pass the gauntet between each trying the gauntet
other Meanwhile. Wanda faces Thanos, seeking revenge for He was pickpocketing the Infinity Stones. Asa
Vision. Immobiize by he powers, the Tian ordeshis ship bewildered Thanos looks onthe glowing ingots
torain fie from above. Butt en something enters Earths array across Star's ron Man gauntlet. “And
upper atmosphere. Thanos ship concentratesitsfreonthe fi ‘Stark tells him. “Am. . ron Man” ron Man snapshis
clouds, butt’ toolateA streak of energy cuts through fingers reducing the vast army of Thanos to ash
heart ofthe Sanctuary I, blowing out its engines ina molten ‘The Titan watches helplessly as his minions
plume. I's Captain Marvel ripping theough the heart of the disintegrate unt finally hes alone. He sits.
warship ikea living lst. He sighs He drifts away to nothingness,


Fall 2023 | “I Am inevitable” Fall2023 | Iron Man Falls
Thanos recovers the gauntlet, and isi over his hand, feelin Tony Starkcolapees, bleeding and badly
the intense power raciate up his arm. Buthe cant snap. burned His ol fend James Rhodes
Captain Marve! pres his fingers apa cing him to rip off attends thi, as des Peter Parker. They
the Power Stone into his other fist to knock her away. AS allclar away as Pepper Potts approaches,
Thanos restores the Power Stone t the gauntlet. Iron Man and the artificial intligence program
launches a solo attack, grasping momentarily at the glove FRIDAY telisher hs life functions are
before being swatted away. Believing he now has the power to critical, "Tony, look at me"his wife says,
‘erase this worl and replaceit with another Thanos declares assuring him that she an their daughter
am inevitable” But his snap does nathng It'sjust aclang. “Morgan wll be okay "You can rest now’
Inthe runs of victory, Tony Stark des.

moan Maa he unt 00e@0e

Fall 2023 | “Don't Worry, She's Got Help”
Captain Marveljoins the race to keep away the Nano
Gaunt, streaking with it toward the van's Quantum
Tunnel. Okoye, Pepper Potts, Wanda Masimoft,
Valkyrie, and Mantis align to run interference against
those trying to stop the eau 1's progress joined
by Shur, The Wasp, Gamora, and Nebula. But Thanos
hrs his sword aheadof Danvers and destroys the
machine, trappingthe stones nthe present
The Infinity Stones are six powerful
elemental crystals, forged in the Big Bang,
that each control an essential aspect of
existence. They are the Mind Stone, Reality
‘Stone, Power Stone, Space Stone, Time
Stone, and Soul Stone. The stones can only
be wielded by beings of immense power,
and together can be used to reshape
rence. To use the power of the Infinity
‘Stones, Thanos orders Eitri of Nidavellir
to construct the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos
goes on to collectall the Infinity Stones,
which enables him to wipe out half of all
life in the universe. The Avengers later
construct a Quantum Tunnel, which allows
them to collect the stones from the past
and return those who were lost.
The Blip The Kablooie Clue
Lok and Mobius lean thatthe futuristic candy leftby
It's atime of relief and rebuilding—but there 49 France was only sold in
is also confusion as the world grapples with from the years 2047 to 2051
the sudden return of half the population that with an apocalyptic d
‘Those who gave everything to defeat Hills, Alabama on March
2050, asa hurricane bears down on a Rox
Thanos are mourned, but the victory itself
has come with a disconcerting toll. The casualties, they find the Loki vaiant~a female version
post-Blip era is marked by instability. For
many, deeply held beliefs are challenged, years on the run from the TVA. ving “in the
thousand worlds
and identities (and existence itself) are
called into question.
Fall2023 | “I Love
held for Tory Starkat the lake house he
Morgan. A hologram he recorded before embarking
Time Heist allows Tony to provide his own
ending wth an expressionof lve forthe
sively by fellow heroes who
fought alongside him in recent years.

Apocalyptic Sanctuaries
Loki makes a breakthrough about why the location of Fall 2023 | God of Thunder Rolls on
the deadly variant the TVA\s chasing so difficultto aride withthe Guardians of the Galaxy
for the creation of branch nelines, 0 aninterloper asking Valkyrieto take onthe title of king ofA
wouldbe free to hide in times and places of imminent offer she acepts, withthe promise that she willmake a
estruction without causing a nexus ev nt alert To test lot of changes to New Asgard. Thor is determined to find
Mobiusto Pompei aly, in 79.CE anew path fr mse following advice gleaned from
ed oftheface ofthe planet” bya his mother during the Time Heist “Everyone failsat who
‘eruption. None of is apes or capering causes they'r supposed tobe, Thor Frigg told him. “The
branching timeline, proving his thesis correc atbeing who they are” Meanuhil, Star-Lord goes in
search ofthe 2014 Gamora, who remain inthe present

Timeline Blitz
enchantedHunter C-20to learn more
but she also discovers through her mem
the woman was once a normal pesor
whose mind has been wiped to place her i
‘ofthe TVA. After Sylvie use stolen rese
red Timeline
who control the organization. When Ra
Rensiayer finds them, Loki opens up a Time Door
with Syvie'sTemPad and they fal through.
2017 | Time to Die Fall 2017 | The Boasts of Surtur
Doctor Strange vaults into the Dark Dime or the remaining infinity Stones
stand before the glowing violet eyes of Docmammy Thor ends up imprisoned by the fre demonSu
nityis amused, “You've com Asgard. An end-time prop
Your words now my. wh this?” aconfuse Surtur will destroy the ki
Dormammusay. “ilusion?"Doctor Strange informs Frame, whichis isunited with the
hime "No, this is rea” An annoyed Dormammu impale 1on's horned erown.“T 7 Ithoughtit wasabi
the insolent sorcerer Mion to knock it from Surtur

AS e2017
SS mm | Time to Die
its into the Dark Dimen
ares, The mysti
‘What is happening?” Dormammu says, and Doctor Strange explain Fall 2017 | Odin’s Goodbye
§ that he has used the Eye of Agamotto tocreate atime only ‘My sons. ve been waiting for you. Your mother, she
he can end. An enraged Dormammu kills him. Then kils| calls me. Do you heart?" Odin says. He warns the

keep her away any longer Thor and Loki haw

oddess of Death
pains. "He my firstborn. Your
them of her uncont
dis now my world Dorm Urges his sonsto uniteto st
tha column of energy that ve indblown tend
‘Asgard and protector

Fall 2017 | Loki's Ruse

a returning to Asgardwith Surtur' kul, Th
other Lok in disguise, notinghis recent beh
watching sel-congratult 1 banishing the
until the Dark Dimension ng Heimdal Lok admitsto
9” Strange prom
begun maintaining watchist of beings fr
brothers locate Odin onan of in Nowa
to his final moments of life.

2017 | The Loop Breaks
rang ent he let. For him, an
stretch of time has passed. For everyone ele, it has been ont
'As Dormammu betrays his adherents, Kaeclus and the Zealots ascend
o the Dark Dimension. Ther phy
thing you ever wanted, Strange says. Kaeclus desired
now he hast, but it willbe less torment. Mordo
an unforgivable shortcut. "Yes, we di it—by but Hela fol ows th
natural lai he say.“ wil followtis path
20208 20208

The Eater of Realities ‘The Unraveling
Also roaming the Void, and consuming al ofthe matter dropped ‘No more ies” He Who Remainstels them. "You kill me and
there. is Aloth~a colossal plume of dark energy that stands as the ‘the Sacred Timelines completely exposed. Muttversal W
watchdog a he end of ime. Boastful Loki de ‘Oryou takeover and return tothe TVA sits benevolent
at consumes matterand energy” E nbe ‘ulers. Tell the workforce who they are, why they do whatthey
swallowed whole, which means the as. ted kis might also do. It’s not personal. ctical” But its personal to Syve,
become Ath’ lunch if they aren rfl." We're ina shark wo runs him through with her bladeforthe many inno
tank” Classic Loki explains people and timelines he erased, He Who Remains dies with
‘an ominous promise: “i see you soon.” The timeline swing
around the Citadel immediately begins to fay

Glorious Purpose! Fall2023 | Wanda Maximoff Confronts SWORD.
Loki and Syviedecide to bait Alioth while the As the wold celebrates the returnof those lst during the Bip,
close enough tojoin powers and enchant it. lassie
Loki helps provide the distraction, summoning an r nosis unchanged, he conf ing ciector Tyler Hayward
itusion ofthe Asgard he remem atte Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Divi
That faraway home and hs family may be gone, but ceealsto her that Vision's remains are being diss
thebi tersweet memory is temptingly delicious to studied. He refusesto surrender the remains, citing the $3 bil ion
Alioth, who eagerly pounces on the mirage. Classic value ofthe vibranium alone. "He isnt yours” Hayward says, Wanda
Loki loses hs life, but Syvi and eLok’ successfully caresses Visions face and channels her power into the vod let by
use the decoy to sip past Alioth to the Mind St you" she whispers.

Mobius and Sylvie in the Void 6o@

‘cornered SyWvie decides to selF-prune to escape the TVA, and Fall2023 | The Homemaker
arives inthe Voi, w she encounters Mobius. They jonth Wanda Maximoff
various Loki in plotting a way to dissipate Alioth, Syve believ iapidates town of Westview, New
‘Alioth is akind of guard dog. blocking the path toa point atthe Jersey, where she visits a pot of land
end of time from whichthe VA is being manipulated with a deed addressed to herby Vision
She and Vision could it hom
here together fot for his tragic de ath
Ina moment of overpowering grief she
releases a bust of Chaos Magic that
engulfs the community, constructing a
two-story home and recreating her lost
Jove Vision She renders his wold in
black and white and adds a laugh track,
‘The Citadel atthe End of Time unconsciously transforming her reality
Sylvie and Loki confront the giddy, somewhs into the retro American sitcomsher
erangedHe ho Remains aman who explains ‘own family used to wateh in Sokovia
thathe isa variant ofa researcher from the 3st Wanda." Vision says as he returns
century who discovered the doorways to the tolife."Welcome
"Multiverse. He has many variants himself, some of
wihom made the same discovery and leaprogged
various timelines, sparkinga Multiversal War
He Who Remainscreated the TVA toreinin
these other versions of himself. to prevent such
devastating crossovers. “Withoutme without the
TVA. everything burns” he explains
20208 208

Fall2023 | Long-Lost Brother

Pietro Maximoff arrives at Wands
doorstep. Apart from the silvery hai
at e sequence and ability move at super-speed,
he looks nothing ike her late twin. “She
recast Pietro?” a shocked Darcy L
says while watchingthe broadcast
signal Even Wanda seems tobe
perplexed, suggesting this was not her
doing. But she chooses to all witht
inviting “Petr into her home with the
other manifestations of family.

Fall2023 | The Birth of Tommy and Bily
Wanda Maximoft rapidly eye s through sitcom
eras progressing ito the color era witha
970 nspired Brady Bunch e scenario. She also
Fall 2023 | ABewitched Cast fast-forward through a pregnancy producingtwo
Wanda Maximoff populates her twin boy she names Tommy and ily ke the
sitcom world with characters Satan @® father Vision, they are real and tangible ot ilsions
played by act al townsfole Monica Rambeau's "Geraldine" help her deve the
against their will They remain meee Fall 2023 | The New Castmate babies but she fightstrough the spl when
helplessly tapped inside their signer for SWORD. Wanda mentions her own twin brother Petro “He
comic-relef counterparts while ster etuting om the Bip, Monica by Ultron, wasn'the?" "Geraldine" asks
Wanda’ imagination manifests Raden vests the West ‘The question shakes Wanda, who forceful ejects
new identitiesand settings, using Anomaly rasta anes ser "Monica from her home, throughthe town, and out
realty asthe raw materia touching te myateal bare of the Hex

6@ ne
Fall 2023 | The Busybody Fall2028 | Constrcting amily Ties
Only one participant, the nosy neighbor “Agnes.” seems tobe Now inhabiting 1980s sitcom, Wanda Maxims sonsage
ware she s playing apart (and occasionally breaks character to almost instantaneous from babies to toddlers to 10-year-old
askifshe should redo aline), Agnes arrives somewhat at Let just hope this dog aysthe same size” Agnes quips, again
story, pushing her way into Wanda's home and introducing hers nparenty ecogrizng that somethings ais. Vision beginsto
with an enthusiastic declaration of-"Charmedt” catchon, confronting his wife about what hehas sensed. "can't
remember my life before Westview. Idon'tknowwho lam. fm
scared, he says. Wanda uses her magic to suppress his questions
‘and puthis mind at ease

Fall2023 | Vision in the Middle
Fall2023 | Distorted Signals (nHaloween, Wanda dressessa Sokovian fortune teller while Vision
roptysici Dr. Darcy Lewis dubs the phenomenon pts ona lch Bre wractier costume Bj wo ia caph
Hex and isovers the wavle abies ie his mother dresses asa sorcerer i fast-moving Tommy
be picked up by old-fashioned televisions. She and putson an outfit that mimies his uncle's costume, Vision ean no longe
FB. Agent Jimmy Woo see Wanda Maximotf and <eny that Wanda inflicting suffering with her fantasy after discovering
Vision enacting various sit on scenarios and recognize residentson the outskirts of Westview trapped going through repetitive
Rambeau going through the motions asa supporting ‘motions. Heis torn betweenhis love forher and his desire todo righ, but
character named "Geraldine after attempting to leave the Hex he learnshe cannot exist outsideit

Vision is an artificial being, created using a

vibranium synthezoid body and the Mind Stone.
Vision possesses a variety of superhuman
Bis me i
abilities including superhuman strength, the
ability to fly,to manipulate his form, and to phase
through solid objects. With the Mind Stone,
= 12016 | Opposite Sides
Vision can also fire beams of energy. Because Now an offical member ofthe Avenger ison formea
Vision's body was originally created for the villain friendeip with Wands Maximo After Secretary Ross
Ultron, some members of the Avengers are 2 Toy Stark arguing thatthe presence attracts
unsure of his motives, but he quickly proves to ; ?
bea trusted member of the team when he fights
alongside them to defeat Ultron find themselves on ferent siesln the confit.
2015 | Born Yesterday Bat V. 1 2023| sexing Dole
anew body, but Tony Stark
Utzonto atupload
by‘ecides the JARVIS artic
Intetigence instead Whe the Avengers ight 2018 | Vision’ Death
Vision easutes the Avengers that he nota
sxetraced downy the Chie
of Thanos, who atack Vion
to tae the Mind Stone When Vision serou ined
chi ofUtron or JARVIS ut rather something Captain America's Avengers oto Wakandain order for Shr
rampage destoyngthevilain with a blast Thanos panto eliminate a he universe Despite teers
fromthe Mind Stone ‘Thanos rip the stone from Viso'sforehes,llnghim Soneeelu ieee

2015 | Uitron 2018 | Facing Thanos £2024| Faling to Darkness

Exposed tothe Mind Stone

12023 | Wands’ Vision
Wanda's life is marked by tragedy. Asa child, she
loses her parents when a missile hits her family’s
apartment building. She is trapped for days in the 2016
| Picking Sides
wreckage with her twin brother Pietro, staring at
a second bomb labeled “Stark Industries,” until
they are rescued. This traumatic experience
shapes Wanda's hate for Tony Stark and the
Avengers, but she goes from being a powerful
enemy toa valued member of the team.

6@ "Sruttape ster
Fall2023 | Agatha's Defeat
Usinga wtcheraft tick she learned fom Agatha hers
Wanda binds her val wth magical power nat
600 to destroy hr Instead, she confines Agatha ina mental
Fall 2023
| The Fourth Wall pisonas"Aqnes the cal bunybody who wil real
‘Wanda emerges from the Hex to warn the law trapped in Westview even as Wanda ends her overall control
enforcement personne surrounding Westview to ofthe town. “Okeydoke, artic! key" the enchanted Agatha
back She rescues Vision, then expands her spel, dec fares after rec iv ng her sentence
swallowing the nearby SWORD. encampment
and transmogrityingits personne into a traveling
carnival, A conscience-sticken Vision helps Dr
Darcy Lewis break free ofthe nation that she isan
escape artist and the two at empt to talk Wanda
into standing dow

Fall 2023 | Agatha All Along,

anda Maximoff discoversthat he
neighbor "Agnes" is actually
named A ha
Harkness, who was drawn to
Westview by the astounding display
of mystical wer. Agatha has not
‘only been potting to nourish herself o)
with Wandats ers she has been Fall2023| Skrulls in Need
manipulating local resident named Inthe aftermath of the eventsin Westview, Monica Rambeauis
Ralph Bohner int playing the part contacted by a Skrull operative who says she was sent by an old
mingtotheSWOR (of Pietro, whichis why he doesn't {fiend of your mother's He heard you've been grounded. Held like to
mn meet with you” When Rambeau askswh the Skrull points up

a ee OS ee eee
Fall2023 | Monica Rambeau's Transformation
Fall 2023 | Project Cataract
Fall 2023 | Canceling
the Show
Despite being warned that her molecular structure SWORD s effort to rebuild Vision from his remains "Youll set everything 3 Vision tells his wife, “Just not for us” Wan
was already inexorably altered by the Hex, Monica finally successful when some of Wank Maximoft withdraw 1 tide of the Hes, turning the carnival ack nto the SWORD.
Rambeau decides to push through the barrier again, ‘Chaos Magic is used to re him. The pure white ‘outpost and etue entste Then she and
The metamorphosis thistime i more profound, eng is then dispatched to destroy “the Vision return to their home, tuck their sonsinto bed, and tell them how proud
imbuingher with radiant bie true Vision” bute det ful version they are oftheir bravery. Before saying oye, Vision asks Wanda how
energy auras, and body that can tum intangible Createdby Wanda engages his counterpart ina ‘came tbe. “You are the piece ofthe Mind Stone that ive
She interrupts the 2000s-era mockumentary comedy philosophical et akens Vision's remaining "You are my sadness and my hope. But mostlyyou are my love” As the Hex
Nanda has created to warnhe that SWORD Director memories inthis refurbished model. The newcomer closesin ont cic home, Wanda's familys erased, leavingher alone again
Hayward is planning an assault on the town. Dont let his destination unknown,
him make you the vil” Rambeau pleads. "Maybe
alreadyam’ Maximoff answers.

Fall 2023 | Darkhold Corruption

Inaremote cabin, Wanda Masimoff studies the ges ofthe
Darkhold that she took from Agatha Harkness. Is pages contain
forbidden methods of traversing universes, and with He Who
Fall 2023 | Wanda's Destiny Remains now gone, and the TVAno longer maintaining the Sacred
Agatha kidnaps Tommy and Billy to coerce Wanda into Timeline, the doorways are open, Wanda uses the Darkhold
topinpoint alternate realities where her sons Tommy and Bily
figure prophes ed nthe Darkhold, a bidden mystical still exist, Reaching thems stillbeyond her abilities, howeve
xt. This is Chaos Magi, Wanda,” she says. “That
makes you The Scarlet Wit!
Spring 2024 | Trevor Siattery's Encore
Sha hi. Xiang and Katy are imprisoned in a dungeon after
/esiating Wenwu's plant invade Ta Lo by force. Inthe cat
Repercussions from the Blip continue. from prison by The Ten Rings fr impersonating Wen as “the
The return of half the world’s population has led to Mandarin’ caricature. They've kept him alive as akindof jester
resource shortages and displacement for many, The tri also meet a winged furball named Mori, whois
creating new conflicts around the globe. The supernaturalguardian creature from Ta Lo. They allbreak fee,
using Mortis to locate Ta Lo before Wenwas can ative
resurgence of so much sentient life also activates the
Emergence that will summon the Celestial Tiamut
from within the Earth, with potentially fatal
consequences for everyone on the planet. Meanwhile, r
personal tragedy looms as the venerable Black
Panther, T’Challa, faces a grave and cruel illness.

Spring 2024 | Shang-Chi in Hiding

SShang-Chiis living under the name “Shau Spring 2024 | Highrise Battle
Katy Chen, asa parking valtin San Francisco,She has no idea about his he fight spils out onto the skyscraper’ ecafolding
history or abilities,
unt his father, Wenwu, the leader of The Ten Rings, se Katy Chen falls, butis rescued by Xiling. Death Dealer
Razor Fist and other minions to attack Shang-Chi duringa bus ride. They SSang-Chi's harsh former martial arts instructor, now faces
Shang-Chis mother gave him, which she said would lead himin punishing combat. while the attackers take Xiling’s
Jost. While Katysteers the damaged vehicle toa pendant, too, The fight ends whenWenwu stops Shang-Chi
And tells his chi er:“Letsgo home” Surroundedby his
ut toagree m nd MerisinN

ee ee
ET I Oe eT
e. 2024 | Sibling Fight
eSpring 2024 | Aa Lo Welcome
instead of greeting Sang-Ch thopen ams, Xalng ‘Shang-Chi and ang me t ther mother’ sister, Ving
Nan, who reveals that Ta
age for her cheering s.She overpowers hi DDwelerin Darkness, a monstrous entity that feasts on human souls.
showing she has learnedskills on her own that she and ts army of smaller Soul Eaters were defeated with the aid of
vas prevented from practicing with him ward being known as Great Protector and have bee sined
‘Shang-Chi gives Xialing er letter, only to lea millenia behind the gate Jat Wenwe intends to open. Those a
sentit. The Ten Rings, having tracked Shang-Chito his the voices that have been speaking to him-not the spirit of Li The
sister attack the Golden Dag vilagers quickly train Shang-Chiin thelr soul and harmo
fighting style,while Xiang receivesa rope dart made with dragonscale
1 Katy igiven archery lessons.

Spring 2024 | Wong vs. Abomination

Afte The TenrRings ambush, a shaken Shang seeks out hisestranged Spring 2024 | Messages from Beyond
[At The Ten Rings compound, Wenwu explainst
ound fighting ringin Macau call Golden hearing the voiceof his late wife Li speakingto him froma
Dag ers cub. thas attracted an impressive head fight Sorcerer gateway tothe afterifetha’s embedéedin the mounta
Supceme Wong. batting of Emil Blonsky a her home vilage of Ta Lo. “Your mother is waiting for us there
‘Abomination. For Wong it's a chanceto train, "How’s the jaw?" he asks he assures his children, Wenw uses Shang-Ch and Xialing’s
iced” This unauthorized ‘hows the way
to her vilage. The pathis open only once
a year
ase ofthe supevilin wil later cause a legal headache for both of them,
Spring 2024 | The Great Protector Emerges
From the depths ofthe lake, Shang-Chi awakens The
Great P tor anoble, dragon-tkecreature that rises 7
Lp from beneath to help the vilagersf Ta Lo once withthe Deen
in defeat the Soul Eaters. After carrying Shang-Chi
back tos father, The Great Protector seeks out

Spring 2024 | Katy’s Bullseye
The Dwell ness is dangerously
Spring 2024 | Father vs. Son 1 Great Protector
Wenvwu arrives at Ta Lo and faces down hs son in combat,
faling to protectLi, who was murdered when ry training
SShang-Chi was a child. “You stood atthe window and did from the fallen Guang o, Kat yChen fires
nothing” he snarls. “You watchedher die” Shang-Chi insist his <dragonscale arrow through the demonic
fathers the one who betrayed her. “Evenif you could bringhe beings theoat,feeing The Great Pro
back, what makes you thinkshe would want anything todo with ing Shang-Chitofire The Ten Rings
Wenwy knockshis son into the ake beside the vag, into th mouthof the D
sending up giant wavesof water Darkness, destroying it from within,

Spring 2024 | Death of Wenwu Spring 2024 | The Ten Rings Beacon
‘Shang-Chiaces his father ag in in combat, this time using his ‘Sorcerer SupWong rem e Shang-Chi and Katy Chen to Kamara
other's fighting style rather than the one learned from hi a sohecan examine the Ten Rings. Captain Marvel Bruce Banner join the
enchmen Study ja hologram, but no one can identify the Rings origin. Wong says
toned inthe codex ofthe Mystic Arts. Banner
he has done, the Dweller in Darkness breaks free from the fractured Captain
a art {gteand seizes him, consuminghis troubled soul. nhs final moments, they don't match any
‘Wer releases The Ten Rings to his son cr aura and reve s g outa steady signal—bu
are sendin
they al to whom

Spring 2024 | The Breached Gateway

\Wenwu propelshimself to the gate and begin

but ferociousarmy of Soul Eaters, The reste Spring 2024 | After the Battle
Spring 2024 | Faiconvs. Batroc ee
Sam Wison returns to work withthe US. Spring 2024 | War Machine's Advice

red captain, but Batroe him. "Nobody's

manages to escape. leaping from his. Ales are now enmies Alliances
are all
ter just before a missile destroysit torn apart. The world's broken, Everybody/sjust
near the Libyan border. lo king fr somebody to fixit

pe ee an

named Yor Nakajima,

bystander kite years ago bythe
istens to him grieve his son, but cantbear to confess tha
June 1943 | Caps first shields
‘eputationfor defending the tle
‘ay, even when he was the tle guy In ane such bra
b < the Super Soldier Serum, Stev
defended himset with a trash can lid,Soina way,
‘Straight after his transformation in
1943, Ste a Lucky Star Bucky Barnes
epee are

Captain America’s shield has protected him in

battles too numerous to count, butt is far more
than just a piece of metal. Crafted by Howard
Stark using ultra-rare vibranium, and chosen by
Steve Rogers for its unique vibration-absorbing,
qualities, it was emblazoned with the colors,
of America, Virtually indestructible, the shield
became a symbol of hope—first in World War Il,
then over six decades later, in the Battle of New
York. Captain America’s shield represents honor
and doing the right thing no matter the cost,
its presence communicating the promise that
everything will be okay. With all that the shield
symbolizes, it’s a heavy mantle for anyone who
picks it up, most recently Sam Wilson.
Spring 2024 | Wilson and Barnes Join Forces
up the shi leon, who ha
brotherhood hinkit did't bre
reand call him ‘the
47” Wilson eto pair argue on their way to Munich,
where they discupta shipment
of Fag Smasher supplies.

eo rs :
Spring 2024 | Isaiah Bradley, Revisited @o ,
‘Toinestigate how the super soldiers may have Bucky Spring 2024 | Mission to Madripoor
co ion and Barnes to the
na program. Now elderly salah Braeyisstil the SuperSoldier Serum toa figure known asthePo
ferociously strong, which he demonstrates by angrily hurling withSharon Carter, who tels them she has
‘metal caseinto the wal ofthe Baltimor Steve 1 Wilson du
son, Et. The Korean War veteran c is actualy the Power Broke
work they are doing to 8 ley'sblood—but
10 may have been enhancedby it.
Tm Indl. sina atatet.

Spring 2024 | Zomo's Return Spring 2024 | Serum Destroyed—Almost

Bucky Bars tums to an er power player who Joh Walker storms in to arrest Karli Morganthau, and she
1p and betrayed by Sam Wilson's efort at negotit
what tha
the Bip She destroys A Inthe ch of Super i
Wilson's Redwing dron her soli json and Barnes back then
until John scene tolend a hand! Lemar Hoskins analnoed
who calls himself he Flag Smas! 9, Walker and : 7 ho Sup
Hoskins propose work but Wi Barnes don't trus produced and distributed, Zemo is el
to obliga if only to Ful
super soldiers. “Ihave no
ny workunfinished"he says eo

Mama” Donya Madani. a

a mother
figuce and symbol forthe dispa

{decides that reason might work on Morgenthau rather tha

force. He urges her to end the Flag
sam, why are you here instead of stopping the
ny lagree with y
20208 20208

‘Spring 2024 | Conflicted Feelings

‘Sam Wilson continues to tran with the shield, even though he was urge by salah
Bradley torejectit.~They erased me andmy hi ory But they've be n doing that for
500 years. Pledge allegiance to that, my brother” Bradley tollshim. “They will ever lot
a Black man be Captain Ameria, and even if they dd, no self-respecting Blackman
would ever wanna be” Even Barnes admits that he and Rogers didnt understand what
it would mean to hand the shield to Wilson. "lowe you an apology” Barnes says,
Wilson tells him to start making amends to other peole on is ist

Spring 2024 | Zemo Escapes (Again)
Ina confct at Sam and Bucky afehouse,
John Walker orders them to tur over Zemo,
Then the Dora Mie intercede, also wanting ‘Spring 2024 | Discharged... and Recruited
ined to custody, preferably theirs Att clusion ofan investigation into his cond John Walker is
Evenif hei a means to your end.. Time’®up stripped of his Captain America tile and author and given an
Ayo says. During the fight over who will detain ‘other than honorable dischar Onl his previous service to the
him, Zemo escapes through ahidden passage United States spares hima court martial. Unrepentant, he lashes out,
Ayo temporary deactivates and detaches at the Senators who have rebuked hi.“ only ever di whatyou
Barnes vbranium arm, reminding him of e debt asked of me!" he shouts. "You built me" Outside the hearing. Contessa
he owes to Wakanda. Walker ishumilated and Valentina Allegra de Fontaine approaches him. “Look, wouldve kled
initated at being so handily defeated by the Dora the bastard to” she says "You dd the rightthing taking the serum,
Milsje “They werent even super sldirshe says. Ithas made you very very valuable to certain people

Spring 2026 | The Desecrated Shield Spring 2024 | “Your Brother is with the Ancestors”
John Walker. who has secret infused Thepeopl of Wakandaand the word atarge-mourn the passing of King T'Chlla.
Super Solder Serum, racks Karli Morgana tothe Fag The young leader whoheiped open his ocety tothe world, and who always made a
Smashers headqua a the GRC camp. During af and against those to whom ife meant very lite, des from anillness even
his ally Lamar Hoskin grabs Kar just before she can tab the great medical and technological advancements ofhishomeland could not cure
John, but she then punches Hoskins so hard in the chest His sister, Shur, struggles to genetically recreate the now-extinct Heart-Shaped Her,
that the impact hurls him into a concrete pila kiling him hopingitwill heal her brother, but he passes quickly. Mis mot er, Ramonda, assumes
instantly. An enraged Walker chases Nico, one of the other the throne as queen, ruling with strength and confidence despite her grief. Those who
Flag Smashers, nto atown square, wherehe strikes the knew and loved T'Chala along with those who looked to him from afar with pride,
fallen militant merclesly with his shield as vengeance for share a profound and endless sorow.
Hoskins death, bloodying the icone eli

Spring 2024 | Walker Unhinged Spring 2024 | Zemo Returned

‘Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes demand John Walker hand over the [At the memorial for Sokovia, Bucky Barnes catches up with Helmut Zemo. The
shield after the execution of Nico, but a crazed Walker fights viciously, Dora Mise arrive soon aftr a escort Zemo tothe Raft where h n'tso easily
pulverizing Barnes and ripping off Wilson's wings Falcon fires hisjetpack ‘escape. "took the liberty of crossing off my name in your book: Zemo tells Barnes,
topullthe shield from Walkers ri, and they finally subdue him, reclaiming, hold no grudgesfor what you thought you had to do” Ayo is less forgivingfor
the dishonored shield. Sam gives his damaged EXO-7 wings to Joaquin Barnes daliance withthe lee of King T ‘Chaka. “Make yourself scarce in Wakanda
Tocresto keep. In the US. an investigation ofthe incident begins while the for te time boing, White Wolf” she says. Barnes agrees, but asks for “another
{GRC continues hunting Kali Morganthau and the Flag Smashers. favor” a special set of Waka red wings for Samm Witz.
2014 | Taking Fight
Sambetends Steve Rogers
2016 | Team Cap y
Samforaplacetoy low when
he and os nct to ngn the Sokovia
aan ac that egaaes UN |
Jon te ig aginst Hydra,
Captain America ite,
and then vows tel Steve fi Bucky Ima Sve -}
Sort Peet hear
When Art Man bean te Avengers Compound to reteve eset tention
Unterunateiy for Fac Ant Manoes he technology 2024 ANew Captain eve sraquet eng tat the te
detest Som An embarrassedSam hopes th Sam deselong tohim However, Sam bogie to change hind

Steve eg
2015 | Becoming an 7 ° kidnap members of the GRC (¢ ia

Loyal and fearless, Sam Wilson serves as a military

pararescue, equipped with an experimental set of
wings called the EXO-7 Falcon. Sam carries out 2023 | Passing
on the Mantle
many dangerous missions, but leaves the service
after losing a close comrade. When Steve Rogers stations the team faces 2018 | Battin Wakanda Avengers
needs help, Sam doesn't hesitate to join the battle,
becominga close ally and his eventual successor v 89 spel Aes
to the mantle. Sam will always stand up for what is
right, using his wordsas well as his many skills to ae Tres Bei eebbatrent patnepieecny
fight for a better tomorrow. ] eee neeont Repel plete
£2024 | Falcon and Winter Soler
A close childhood friend of Steve Rogers, Bucky
Barnes also enlists in the Army during World Il
‘The two men then take very different paths, with
Steve becominga USS. super soldier and Bucky
brainwashed and turned into a Hydra assassin.
Decades later, the pair are reunited,and their
unshakable bond allows them both to become
better heroes. However, Bucky remains haunted
by the terrible crimes he was forced to commit
while trapped as a weapon of Hydra.
2016 | Team Cap

‘Summer 2024 | Ahh, Venice.

‘After a stres ful 8-hour fight to italy, Peter Parker and his classmates
find the selves threatened by a “water monster” that emerges
from the Venice sand pulverzes buildings and bridges Pete
realizes there eno rest for Super Heroes, and uses his webshootersto
help hold upa collapsing clock tower, while the watery fiend appea
tobe subdvedby strange new hero who swoopsinonacloud of green
smoke and remains masked behind an enigmatic spherical helmet

‘Summer 2024 | E.D.LTH.

Tony Stark eft Peter Parke a pai of lue-tinted
2024 | The Long Con lasses that enable the w 0 access an artificial
‘The Skrulls Talos and Soren fil in for Nick Fury and Maria Hil who are intelligence security protocol that can analyze
busy with events fu ys case, in space. As they investigate surrounding tech and summon a let of weaponized
the town of tenco, Mexico, supposedly destroyed by a cyclone with drones from orbit His hope was that Spider-Man
face, aman named Quentin Beckintrod himselfHe could utilize these tools to help fill the
aninterdimensional warrior trying to save the ‘Stark's own demise. twas a way for him to cov
destructive creatures he cals “Elemental protecting the worl, long after he is gone. (
wind, fie, and water It's a ruse that Talosdo immediately 6 "Even Dead, 'm The Hero")

ay wlld

‘Summer 2024 | Do Not Ghost Nick Fury Summer 2024 | L'Uomo Del Misterio
Initated at being avoided, Fury” infra
Peter Parker el for an impromptu efeated the water Elemental"Luomo del
sit-down with Spider-Man. "So dt finally misterio"—"the man of mystery'—and Quentin
meet you" he says." Beck embraces “Mysterio” as his heroic alter-ego's
butitalidnt seem good time toex ange ick Peter Parker meets
numbers” He wants Parl tohelpd ctanty agrees to help def Elemental
the rsing Elemental threat, ut also has threat, and finds a new men in Beck, who
Unfinished business to esolve with the boy claimshes from Earth-833 and| the followed
onbehalf of Tony S these monsters to Earth-616 fer they
ihe his own planet.

Summer 2024 | Vacation, All He Ever Wanted

7 fst post-Blip school year at Midtown High draws
Jose, Peter Parker prepares for a summertime
31 trip with some of his classmates, where he
hopes to finaly confess his romantic feelings to Mi.
Eager tobe more ofa friendly neighborhood Spider
Mant and lessof a world-saving hero after the death of
nyst $k, Peter ha focused his powers onlca
ting and do-gooding whil lodging celiphor
calls fro Fury" He's looking
from being Spider-Man.
20208 20208

‘Summer 2024 | Overpoweredand Outmatched
Fury” steers the Midtown students to Prague, where Peter Parker
struggles to keep up with Mysterio as they thwart what appears
tobe the voleanic fre Elemental After webbing a strange obj
cut ofthe firestorm (which MJ retrieves) the young hero does his
best na new stealth costume supplied by “Fury” which friend Ned
Leeds dubs the "Night Monkey” Mysterio seems to annihilate the
‘monster but Spider-Man's confidence also takes ait

‘Summer 2024 | “That Wasn't So Hard!”

‘Quentin Beck celebrates receivingthe glasses with
the squad of other cisgrunted Stark Industries @
‘employees who helped him ereate the Mysterio ‘Summer 2024 | The Tower Bridge Battle
persona as a seam. Stark's decision toname Beck's InLondon, the Mysterio team uses the EDITH. glasses to
realistic holograph technology BARF (Binary create theicbiggestiluson yt. Al four Elemental appear to
‘Augmented Retro-Framing) was only the beginning of have joined together a one gigantic re-water-rock and
his cisgust Each Stark employee harbors a gripe. a wind behemoth From a Starke piloted by Happy Hogan,
srievance, or moment of insult. The Mysterio con was Spider-Man divesint the center ofthe storm and webs
devised as way to profit from the superheroic tools together enough éronesto detainee moncter hologram,
they helped devise With EDIT. their hands. it's revealing to the word that it is generated bya cloud of
time to menace the world-and cash in man-made war machines mounted with projectors

Summer 2024 | Surrendering E.D.LTH,

Peter Parker struggles with whether the ml-ilion dolar tactal
defense system Starentrusted to hims actalyin the right hands
Not ony dhe funble with the capabilites of ITH. and calina
potential lethal drone strike on his ovm bus, he was alo reluctant
toleave MJand fight there Elemental Mysterio encourageshim to
returto normal if, and Peter agrees voluntary transferinghe
EDITH. glasses to him. “The word needs the next on Man And
its nt gonna be me Petr sys
‘Summer 2024 | Mysterio Showdown
Spider-Man tracks down and confronts
(erin Back who commana the sory
‘Summer 2024 | MJ Knows the Truth drones to shot a the websinger—but Beck
During late night walkthrough Prague, MJ reveals to neglects to consider thatheis inthe ine of
Peter Parker that she knows heis Spider-Man. Peter fre too. The con artists fatal wounded by
tries to deny it, but she has been watching him, and the blasts. as Peter retake the EDITH
she presents a fragment of adrone that shows the control, When the program asks him he
‘Night Monkey" hero whe helped fight the fire wishes to execute the cancelation protocols
Elemental uses the same webs that Spidey has been Peter shouts: "Dot Execute thal” A
spritzing around New York. She accidentally activates dying Beck records this on bis phone, and as
the device, which projects a hologram ofa giant hislastactuses howe out-f-content words
‘smoky creature, Peter realizes Beckis fraud who to-cover for his Mysterio con and blame al
has been staging fake attacks. the destruction on Spider-Man

‘Summer 2024 | Ahh, Venice.

‘After a stres ful 8-hour fight to italy, Peter Parker and his classmates
find the selves threatened by a “water monster” that emerges
from the Venice sand pulverzes buildings and bridges Pete
realizes there eno rest for Super Heroes, and uses his webshootersto
help hold upa collapsing clock tower, while the watery fiend appea
tobe subdvedby strange new hero who swoopsinonacloud of green
smoke and remains masked behind an enigmatic spherical helmet

‘Summer 2024 | E.D.LTH.

Tony Stark eft Peter Parke a pai of lue-tinted
2024 | The Long Con lasses that enable the w 0 access an artificial
‘The Skrulls Talos and Soren fil in for Nick Fury and Maria Hil who are intelligence security protocol that can analyze
busy with events fu ys case, in space. As they investigate surrounding tech and summon a let of weaponized
the town of tenco, Mexico, supposedly destroyed by a cyclone with drones from orbit His hope was that Spider-Man
face, aman named Quentin Beckintrod himselfHe could utilize these tools to help fill the
aninterdimensional warrior trying to save the ‘Stark's own demise. twas a way for him to cov
destructive creatures he cals “Elemental protecting the worl, long after he is gone. (
wind, fie, and water It's a ruse that Talosdo immediately 6 "Even Dead, 'm The Hero")

ay wlld

‘Summer 2024 | Do Not Ghost Nick Fury Summer 2024 | L'Uomo Del Misterio
Initated at being avoided, Fury” infra
Peter Parker el for an impromptu efeated the water Elemental"Luomo del
sit-down with Spider-Man. "So dt finally misterio"—"the man of mystery'—and Quentin
meet you" he says." Beck embraces “Mysterio” as his heroic alter-ego's
butitalidnt seem good time toex ange ick Peter Parker meets
numbers” He wants Parl tohelpd ctanty agrees to help def Elemental
the rsing Elemental threat, ut also has threat, and finds a new men in Beck, who
Unfinished business to esolve with the boy claimshes from Earth-833 and| the followed
onbehalf of Tony S these monsters to Earth-616 fer they
ihe his own planet.

Summer 2024 | Vacation, All He Ever Wanted

7 fst post-Blip school year at Midtown High draws
Jose, Peter Parker prepares for a summertime
31 trip with some of his classmates, where he
hopes to finaly confess his romantic feelings to Mi.
Eager tobe more ofa friendly neighborhood Spider
Mant and lessof a world-saving hero after the death of
nyst $k, Peter ha focused his powers onlca
ting and do-gooding whil lodging celiphor
calls fro Fury" He's looking
from being Spider-Man.
20008 20208

Summer 2024 | Karli Morganthau's End
With mos ofthe ho saved, and Bucky Barnes and.
ries to talk Morganthau down
Summer 2024 | First Kiss kiling Sharon Carter Karl resists and when they fight Wilson tres
After saving his friends in London, Peter Parker and imself but refuses to hit back Morganthau gains the
his Midtown High classmates return to New York He ‘upper hand and aims a gun at him but Carter shoots her down,
es is other secret to MJ-hislve fr her. wit her final words, Morganthau says, “Tm sory
She feelsittoo, explaining" wasnt just watch
you because | thought you were Spider-Man He
takes her for aceleb atory swing through the
skyscraper canyons of Manhattan (an experience
that she hates and vows never to do again).

‘Summer 2024 | A Cascade of Betrayals

Karli Morganthauis confronted by Sharon
HO) Carter for stealing the Super Solder Serum
Summer 2024 | GRC Attack in New York You wanted to control a word that hurt you.
Batrocis hired by the Flag Smashers to stage an attackon | wanted to change it” Morganthau explains.
Repatriation Councljusta they are about to vote to Without your super soldiers how much
repatriate twenty milion refugees ofthe Bip. Sharon Carter aka. the ‘power does the Power Broker really have?”
Power Broker, arranged the dea, inly to get spy cose to Kar Batroc ambushes Morganthau, and demands
Morganthau t ick any Super Soldier Serum remnants get {quadruple payment from Carter to protect the
revenge for theirlos. As the hostag risis begins, Sam Wilson armors Power Broker's secret. But she is done
himself in his Wakandan-made red, white, and blue wings and takes the bargaining with betrayers. She shoots and kills
Captain America shield into batt Batroc and s wounded herself inthe firefight,

‘Summer 2024 | A New Captain America ‘Summer 2024 | “People Believed in Her.”
‘Sam Wilson infiltrates the GRC building and scattersthe militants and their ‘Sam Wilson caries Karli Morganthau’s body outside
hostages. intercepting fleeing helicopterto rescue one group of them. and fies her down to rescue personnel, butts too
Bucky Barnes and a rogue John Walker join the fight Kar Morganthau tells late. Hes swarmed by journalist, and by the leaders
Waker" aint mean toll your rend. | dont want to hurt people who ‘ofthe GRC, whom he admonishes for caling er a
‘dont matter” This only enrages Walker further. "You dor ink Lamar’ ite terorist.""Your peacekeeping roops carrying
mattered?" he snarls. The two brawl, but Morganthau escapes by forcing weaponsae forcing millions of peopleinto
Waker to help rescue a van full of hostages rather than pursue her settlements around the worl, What do you think
al you?" he says. “People
believed in her cause so much, they helped her defy
the strongest governments in the world" His words
broadcast around the: ial global pressureon
the GRCto re-evaluate its actions.
Summer 2024 | Spider-Man Exposed!
The deceptively edited video that Quentin Beck
recorded and sent ashe was dyingis published o
TheDailyBugle net. It reveals Spider-Man's secret
identityas Peter Parker, framing the Webslinger as not
nly responsibie for Beck's death, but also forthe
series of fake “Elemental” attack that were actualy
deacly drone strikes. TeDallyBugle net's high-strung
host J Jonah Jameson stokes the backlash, declaring
Mysterio a hero and Pet r Parker “public enemy
‘Summer 2024 | Sharon Carter's Pardon
The United St ‘governmentoffers a public apol gy to Sharon Carter Fall
® 2024 | Guiltby Association
nce service."The Carter name Ant‘ Spidey protestors harass Peter, Ml, and Ned as school
has always been synonymous with servi ust” thea resumes :at Midtown High. As timFe passes during~ their senior
late great-aunt, Peggy Carter Carter accepts~and the Power fallout
only worsens. The schoo itself is vided
Broker is back n business. “Start liningupour buyers” she tells an associate whether Spider-Man a hero or vlan. Son adore him: oth
‘Super soldiers might be off the menu, but we'reabout to have full access abhor him—and everyone aligned with him ishunted and
to government secrets, prototype weapons, ou nameit. Should be harassed, Peter, Mi, and Ned's college prospectsare also at
something fo

Summer 2024 | Setting an Example ‘Summer 2024 | Isaiah Bradley's Belated Honors
‘Sam Wilson pushes b when GRC leaders insist he Sam Wilson visits Isaiah Bradley and his grandson El. The
inderstand the difficult choices they are forced to ‘old man admits he saw Wilson's actions and begrudnely
make. Tm Bac praiseshim. “So, a Black Captain Ame a, huh?” he says
Damn right answers. He take the Bradleysto
the Smithsonian, where the Captain America exhibit now
re going to hate me fort. Even here nove fee it.The includes a statue of Isaiah and a tribute tohis heroism
stares. The judgment. And there's thing ‘and ervice—as wel asa public accounting of the wrongs
change that. Yet m sil here. The only power | haveisthat perm ed again in. “Now they ne er for
elieve we can do better We can't demandthat peop! you did for this try” Sam saysas an over
stop up fw font meet them halfvay em him

ct I Tn its. — Pl tn
a ‘Summer 2024 | A Really Good Fall 2024 | The Two Hulks
Heeding Sam Wilson's advice, Bucky Barnes Lawyer Bruce Banne ip with his cousin, a Los Angeles lawyer named
finally confesses to his friend Yori Nakajima om the Department of Jennifer Walters. Banners patiently enduring her theories about Steve Roger
that he ke his son while enthralled to Hyer olarrest Peter, but Hell personal ife when their vehicle i un off the road by a Sakaavan spacecraft that
‘as the Winter Soldier The admission ends Kitchen attorneyMatt Murdock takes has ben tracking him. Banner is wearing an inhibitor that keeps him in human
their friendship, ut provides the old man with lon the case and provides solid defense form, s0 he is badly injured in the crash, When Walters tries to help him, blood
the explanation he wanted about why his son ough legal maneuvering, Plus, from his wounds seeps into a cut on her arm. Due to their similar genetic makeup,
was klled, RJ. truly was aninnocent no real evidence exists to back up he ls merge with the gamma-enhanced blood, causing her strength
bystander kil ed for no other reason than ‘Quentin Becks claim, Formal charges her skin to tur green, and her body torapialy metams hose. Anew Hukis born
witnessing the attac against Peter are dropped, but Murdock
warns that the courtof public opinion
has already conv dim. During his
sit abrickis thrown through May/s
apartment window by a Mysterio
truth Despite being blind, Murdock

Summer 2024 | Zemo's Revenge

Most of the surviving Fag Smashersin
ina car bombingwhile being transported tothe Raft. Zemo
orchestrated their dem
aide-de-camp Oeznik “Loks like our friend Zemo kinda got the last
laugh. Valentina tells John Walker, whom snow recruited and
designated "US Agent"I couldn't have arranged itbetter—or did 1?”
20208 20208

‘Asgard, 2013 @@®

Fall 2023 | It’s Quietat
Stee ee
aS plies cooling spray to burn. Scott Lang
Avenger compound
Deep Space, 2014 are flo more bids than val Than int
©e@se@ Batons el phone beginsto buzz Is his wife
eee Laura “Gays Lang say" thinkit worked!
Fall 2023 | The Nano Gauntlet
‘Amechanical glove forged from similar
nanotech materialsto Tony Stark's
connect the infinity Stones. Hukinsists he
should wieldit, ue to the grievous damage
doneto Thanos when he activated the power
ofthe stones. The raaton’s most
Ws ike was made fortis” he says

Mobius Offers a Deal @@® Fall 2023 | Nebula Opens a Door

Mobius seeks to recruitthe captive Lok asa profiler Fall 2023 | Home Again With all the focus on activating the Infinity Stones,
for the TVA to help ensnare the other Lokivarant The Avenger ret 0 the present, No matter how none at the Avengers Compound notices 2014
wie has be n terrorizing the organization Mobius long ther time-hopping missions took to complete Nebula sneaking away to hijack thef lity’s Quantum
assures him thatthe Time Keepers ae not the whether they veered off course on detours, they Tunnel. She uses the device to open a portal a
enemy, having helped prevent a Muttversl V allreturn simul sly just minutes after seemingly ‘Thanos from 2014 steers his ship throught. The
and untold timeline transgressions over the eons leaving. The Time Heist wasa success the Infinity Sanctuary I warshiprps theo
But Loki scoffsatthe offer to assist. Mobius then Stones have been collected~but the celebration is headauarters as it expands fromits passa trough
shows Loki clips of hs life, both past and future, shortlivedas they learn that Natasha Romanoff lost, the Quantum Realm.Itimmediately begins bombarding
includingthe death ofhis mother Frigg which herlfe."We have to make it worth it” Hulk insists. the compound with missiles,
Loki wil inadvertently cause, None of them are aware thatthe Nebulain their
midst an infitrator from 2014 whois silo
to Thanos.

Fall 2023 | The Comeback
Loki Changes Heart Thinking of is daughter Morgan Toy St resets some
Loki briefly escapes Mobius’ custody but curiosity 3 Hulk puts on the gauntlet. “Everyone
leads him back to the TVA‘ recording of his natural Thanos snapped aay five years ago youre jut bringing
fespan Watching, he wi esses the passing of them sy Don' change anything rom
his fatherOdin, and a renewed aliance with brothe he ast ve ears he says “Everybody
to transpire Ital ends in Lokis
‘murder at he handsof Thanos, his former ally his right arm, The other Avengers bra themselvesby
kis shaken, but opens up emotionally and agree activating their armors as Hulk strains to bring his thumb
tohelp Mobius. and finger together Final y-a snap!

Fall 2024 | Someone to Love Fall 2024 | Sprite Reborn, Ikaris Immolated
The inventor Phastos is found by his fellow Eternals ‘Sersi uses the las flashesof the Eternals inked minds
living a modest suburban ite mortal husband, and powers to transmute Spite into a human being
Ben, and young son, Jack The sorrow he once felt Allowing her to finally age, but atthe cost of becoming
afterhumanity’s cretion of nuclear weapons has mortal. aris is overwhelmed by regret for murdering
been softened and replaced by love fr his Family ‘lak and warring with his fellow Eternals, and retreats
Now he willdo anything to save them, from Earth, fying close and closer to the sun until he
incinerates. Thena, Makkari and Orvig depart Earth
aboard 2e Domo, intending to tell other Eternals
the truth about their existence andthe Celestials

© ©
Fall2024 | The Eternals Divided Fall2024 | Kro Cut Down
tars volnty defies his felow Eternals. Sprit, Thena slays Kro while batting within
whois embittered after existing in child-e form care on anialand adjacent to the
formilenna, aligns with him, eager to put this ife Emergence. ro explains thatthe
behind her Kingo chooses to remain neutral and Deviants and Eternals share history as
sits out the fight That leaves only Phastos, Ser wariors eeatedby higher powers tobe
Thena, Drug and Makkaritolink minds and put expendable. Neither was ever fll free.
Tiamut back to sleep—all while fending of their Now whatever ife Krohadis
m former Fenda cextngushed by Thea’ blades

Fall 2024 | Tiamut Rises

‘The Earth shudders as the head
and fingertips ofits encased
CColestial break out ofits planetary
shellin the Indian Ocean. Kro and
lharis separately atack the
Eternals, severing theirlinks with
‘one another and allowing the
Emergence to continue.
The tandof
Tamu brs tough the Erte.

October 2024 | Trial by Arishem
Caled forthby the Eternals destruction of
Fall 2024 | Stalling the Emergence Fall 2024 | The Petrified Colossus Taamut, Arishem artves at Earth and surnmons
Atan archaeological digin moder athe Eternals Despite his loyalty tothe Celestial, Ikars cannot bring himself SersPhasts, and King inthis clutches. But
eather thin ther buried Domo starship. where tei ‘oll Seri haunted by his enduring love for her Final, he the Celestia regard himself asa and wil
fnal teammate, th uta fat Makar is vating ‘ecogrizes that he caresfor something greater than ther mission conductan assessment. "Youhave chosen to
Phastos devises pan forthe EX nals to lnk minds ‘The Eternals combin cic energiesto empower Sersiand halt sacifieaCelestial for the peopl ofthis
through Digand fuse ther powers o postpone the Tiamuts birth However, it s too late to merely put iamut back planet Arise decares "wil spare them,
Emergence wthoutharminghe Celestial within to sleep. Supercharged by their powers, Sersiuses her matter but your memories wl show they are worthy
instead puting Tiamtintoa prolonged hibernation shifting abity to turn the nascent Celestial into stone. tole. And | wil return for judgment
2000s and 2010 2000s nd 20108

‘Spring-Summer 2016 | Deadly Delivery Spring-Summe r .. Dreykov?

2016 | Wait Spring-Summer 2016 | Family Reunion
Natasha's supplier, Riek Mason, stocks Black Widow is stunned to learn Dreykov is stil alive Natasha and Yelena make a pact to track
her trailer with essential items~and even ‘She stil haunted by her Budapest operation with ‘down the Red Room and end Dreykov's eign
delivers some mail and persona items that Hawkeye, in which she detonated a bom® in Dreykov's ofteror fo fever Todo that, they must
were lft behind in her Budapest safe house fice, believing she had also kiled his young daughter, reconnect withthe only two leads they
One large packages from her esr eed ‘The loss ofan innocentwas already devastating to her, have-their former “parents” Alexi the Red
‘sister Yelena but the notion that it was for nothings too muchto Guardian super solder, and Melina, the Rea
‘bear."No one is even looking fr him thanks to you, Room scientist whose research led tothe
Yelena says, making all hurt even worse ‘mind:-control processin the fist place.
Their entire fake family ope on in Ohio
was aimed at securing classified mind-control
technology. The "daughters" now vow to set,
‘these wrongs right.
Spring-Summer 2016 |The Taskmaster
Wie vin into town, Black Widow's cari struck by
vehicle driven by a masked warrior who studies and
replicates al of her combat techniques. Ths mysterious
individual has a chance to kil her, but instead focuses on
retrieving the unopened p 2 from Yelena. The
assailant hurls Natasha ino a churning river, then finds
Yelena’ box empty, Natasha had quickly removed the
conte the vals of synthetic gas that seve
Room's psychological contro.

Spring-Summer 2016 | Sisters Again Spring-Summer 2016 | Prison Break

‘After uring te Taskmaster attack, Natasha Romanoff seoks The Red Guardian islocked away ata
cuter sister Yelena ina Budapest sfehouse. First they fit tmaximum-securityguaginthe frozen
eachother then they ight for theives against a squad of Red wastesof Rusia-Aleeclams he
Room operatives sent to track down the mind-contrl antidote as icacerated for annoying Deyo.
Yelena acquired. “t'sa synthetic gs, the counteragant to Natasha and Yelena ahecoper to
chemical sbjvgation” Yelna explains “The gsimmunzesthe the prison and stage a daring rescue of
brains neropathways from external manipulation” General theirblowhard father figure, aiifting im
Dreykov knows thatthe doesn rate this subetance tofreedom as gunfire explodes and an
could costhimall ofthe uniling assassin he puppetwers avalanche from nearby mountains
swallows the entire facility ina shroud
offreezing death. “This would be a coo!
way to die Yelena says. But they make
2017 | Time to Die Fall 2017 | The Boasts of Surtur
Doctor Strange vaults into the Dark Dime or the remaining infinity Stones
stand before the glowing violet eyes of Docmammy Thor ends up imprisoned by the fre demonSu
nityis amused, “You've com Asgard. An end-time prop
Your words now my. wh this?” aconfuse Surtur will destroy the ki
Dormammusay. “ilusion?"Doctor Strange informs Frame, whichis isunited with the
hime "No, this is rea” An annoyed Dormammu impale 1on's horned erown.“T 7 Ithoughtit wasabi
the insolent sorcerer Mion to knock it from Surtur

AS e2017
SS mm | Time to Die
its into the Dark Dimen
ares, The mysti
‘What is happening?” Dormammu says, and Doctor Strange explain Fall 2017 | Odin’s Goodbye
§ that he has used the Eye of Agamotto tocreate atime only ‘My sons. ve been waiting for you. Your mother, she
he can end. An enraged Dormammu kills him. Then kils| calls me. Do you heart?" Odin says. He warns the

keep her away any longer Thor and Loki haw

oddess of Death
pains. "He my firstborn. Your
them of her uncont
dis now my world Dorm Urges his sonsto uniteto st
tha column of energy that ve indblown tend
‘Asgard and protector

Fall 2017 | Loki's Ruse

a returning to Asgardwith Surtur' kul, Th
other Lok in disguise, notinghis recent beh
watching sel-congratult 1 banishing the
until the Dark Dimension ng Heimdal Lok admitsto
9” Strange prom
begun maintaining watchist of beings fr
brothers locate Odin onan of in Nowa
to his final moments of life.

2017 | The Loop Breaks
rang ent he let. For him, an
stretch of time has passed. For everyone ele, it has been ont
'As Dormammu betrays his adherents, Kaeclus and the Zealots ascend
o the Dark Dimension. Ther phy
thing you ever wanted, Strange says. Kaeclus desired
now he hast, but it willbe less torment. Mordo
an unforgivable shortcut. "Yes, we di it—by but Hela fol ows th
natural lai he say.“ wil followtis path
20208 20208

@ eo
Fall 2024 | Shared History, Shared Powers Fall2024 | Goblin Spared
Ned and MJ find thee Peter Parker grieving on his favorite Peter #2 stops the Peter Parker ofthis
rooftop and introducehim to the alternate Pet Parkers universe fom king Green Goblin as
They have sight differing abilities, but each has experienced vengeance for May's death When
<evastatngloss. One Peter talks about the murder of his Norman Osborn’ inal restored by
Uncle Ben while the other shares his grief at falling to the serum that Rberates him fom his
protect his love, Gwen Stacy, during fatal all Each also demented alter-ego, he i appalled by his
heard a version of May's "great responsibilty” advicein actions “What hve done -7"he aks
thei own times of confusion and heartache. They decide
to join together—devising ways to save the vilains rather
than destroy them,

Fall 2024 | Peter's Farewells

Fall 2024 | Spider-Team!

The theee Peters unite Avengers-stye (amplifying each other's
rengths while bickering incessantly about who is Peter #1, #2,
‘or #3), They take out the vilains one by one starting wth the
Sandman, who is returned to his original form after beingit with
‘curing device. Doctor Octopus appears atthe fight to ambush
Electro withthe energy dissipator, poweringhim down to
mild-mannered Max Dillon, Lizard bites through the canister her the same
containing his own antidote, restoring him to Dr Curt Connors.

ee ES Se eee
Fall 2024 | The Multiverse
Breaks Forth
Luminous violet cracks appearin the
shy, crowded wit inhabitants of other
universes who know that Peter Parke
ie Spider-Man—including enemies,
Realityi disintegrating and the only
fix forthe out-of-control spellis anew
‘one that will completely erase
knowledge of who Peter Parker is—for
‘everyone, everywhere, Strange warns
that it would make itso Peter Parker
never existed, “Do it" Peter tells him,
ee without hesitation.
Fall2024 | Doctor Strange Returns
Doctor Strangeis furious ater dangingfor (hours
inthe Miror Dimension. He aves onthe scene
toreverse his memory sellin the Macchia di
Fall 2024 | The Battle on Liberty Istand Kadawus sending them aback oth repective
Before swinging into batl, the trio of Peter Parkers use their universes The Green Goblin throwsa pumpkin
shared ingenuity to fnih a seriesof fixes for Green Goblin, bomb tat destroy the box and unleashes the
Electro, Sandman, and The Lizard. This universe's Peter Parker spel before Strange can do socolapsing the
calls into TheDailyBugle:net to get the message out that the scaffolding around the State of Liberty and
villains can find him at the Statue of Liberty"a place that sending the Captain America shied thats been
represents second chances: attached tothe torch thunderingto the shoreline
20208 20208

Fall2024 | More Multiverse Multiplicity
‘America Chavez isos, The tenage gil withthe
power to involuntary open star-shaped tears
between universes hasbeen on the run for year,
hopscotching through more than 70 parallel ealties
ever sinceher mothers wee drawn into a vortexshe
acedentaly created asa young child Now shes being
hunted bya supernatural creature with owing runes on
itsribbor ke ibs. ich apparently seeks to harness
her nique ality fr tse

Fall 2024 | Starting Over CS)
Anew day dawns, onein which noone Fall2024 | Christine Palmer's Wedding
has ever heardof Peter Parker The ttsahard day fr Doctor Strange. Not onl didhe sleep
existence ofthe anonymous masked oor plaguedby visions ofa young woman, ribbon
SuperHero Spider-Man stil widely ‘monster and his own death, but today he attending
knowand J JonahJaeson stil ‘the weddingof Dr Christine Palmer, who moved on
denouncing forthe calamity athe ater their lationship crumbled, k's small comfort that
Statue of Lberty—but people the hernew husband, Chara huge fan of his. Strange
word over have forgotten they ever i happy for the womanhe once loved, but stil wishes
knew his true identity roan etaaiere things had turned out diferent

Fall2024 | The Book of Vishanti Fall2024 | Gargantos Strettight
Chavez makes anally out ofan alternate “The wedding reception isinteruptd by astret
version of Doctor Strange, who s then kiled diatrbance as anunseen presence attack
by Chaver's purser while leading tothe citybus Doctor Strange uses magic to make a
Book of Vshanti.a text that conveys timate many tentacled one-eyed reture~Gargantoe—
power toits user The bookishidden between vial wich lo reeds the gowingrunes on
\wordsina dreamike realm known as the Gap islite, The creatures chasing Armetica hover
Junction. In desperation, Chaver creates a are apparently being controle rom afar He pris
Portal drawing her and the corpse of avartthe busto save the young woman the beast
Defender” Strange into Unverse-616 before is tying to capture and immediately recognizes
the creature can seize them-but aso before America from bis dream, With the help of Sorcerer
Chaves can secur the book. Supreme Wong, Strang ays the crestre by
stabbing ts ye withigh pole
20208 208

Fall 2024 | Wanda's Slip Up
\Wanda Masimoff watches her two sons Bly and Tony play.
‘She bakes for them She tucks them nat night But this happy
fanda Maximo from another univers,
appearing asa dream inside the lonely, rif tractue mind
(ofthe Wanda from this world Doctor Strange comes to this
lost Wandafor assistance, offering to help her rebuild her
reputation after er reality bending breakdown in Westview
He needs her help protecting a young woman whois being
hunted fr her Multiverse-tranecending powers.“Wht i you
brought America here?” Wanda suggests But ..Strangenever
told her the gifs name.

Fall 2024 | Multiversal Mayhem

‘That wasn't dream. It was another universe” America explain
to Wong and Doctor Strange, asking if they've had any experience 268
with the Multiverse. Strange has some familiarity, folowinghis Fall2024 | The Fall of Kamar-Taj
idventures with Spider-Man, but he wants to know about the tor Strange and Wong agree to
reature that was pursuing her in this word. “it’s ikea henchman defend America at Kamar Tj but the
that works fora demon. Ch avez says, believing thie goals to foctieations ofthe Mastrsof the
take her power: What power? Ian travel the Multivers she says Mystic Arts are no match for Wanda
How?"Thatst problem. don'tknowhow. leat contro Masimotf new dark powers. The
Defender Strange was tryingto help her, she says, before turning Scarlet Witch runs roughshod over
con her and trying to extract her abilityto safeguard himself the apprentices and captures Wong dh

Fall 2024 | “Everything Lost Fall2024 | Freefaling Through the
Can Be Mine Again” Multiverse
Doctor Strange tres to reason
with Wanda Doctor Strange and America Chaver escapethe
Maximoft when he reales shes the one trying to rin of Kamara when se instinctively pens
il America Chaver for powers, She cravesthe aMmut versal porta They plummet through a
ability orp through realities so she can find one succession of word, some bent, ome
where her sons ae alive and thriving. but Strange terfying others merely bizare “Those universes
tells her they arent real."You created them using wert tic Were' wep ne of them?”
he says. But she smiles: replies, "That's Strange asi, til haken an tired by the
what every mather does” She issues an ultimatum: vibrant transformation
deliver America Chaves to her by sundown, or ese
ewon't be Wanda wh efor her” she says.
twill be The Scarlet Witch

Fall 2024 | Other Doctor Strange?

‘America Chaver proves Doctor Stranges dream
was actually avision of another reality by
showing him the body of Defender Strange,
which was swept through the vortex into this
universe along with her Doctor Strang
his deceased doppelganger under bricks ona
rooftop, while Wong offers the young woman
sanctuary at Kamara.
20208 20208

Fall2024 | Mount Wundagore
pea and Wong ave at what appenstobest
tomb onthe snowy slated mountain known as
Mount Wundagore. Wong revel
demon, Chthon, ca his malevolent spell int
walls of this place, and the Darkhold was a transer
‘ofthe madness scrawled on the stone. Thereis
also prophetic mural depicting The Scarlet Witch
The monstrosities who guarditkne infeaity when
they recognize Wanda asthe visage from their altar.
isnota tomb’ shesay.“'sa throne” Anditshers

Fall 2024 | From Universe-616 to Unverse-838
America Chaver «Doctor Strange landina seeming
utopia known as Universe-838, whose Doctor Stan eo
heralded asa hero for sacrificing hislifeto defeat Thanos Fall 2024 | The Strange Cover-Up
‘Asa result, Baron Mordo~Strange’sfoe in Universe-GI6—is eal their Doctor ‘Strange didnot actually sacrifice
row the Sorcerer Supreme ofthis world. Mordo warns The himself heroically-he was executed for usingthe Darkholdto
Scarlet Witch could use the Darkhold for Dreamwalking, a traverse the Multiverse in search ofa means of defeating Thanos,
spellhe cals “corrosive to the soul ade cation of realty
itsel™in which users project their spirits across realities ‘other universe is annitilated. One ofthe apparent constants of
to possess the bodies oftheir own alternate versions in various version of Doctor Strange isan arrogance and heediessness
that tends to threaten eality itself

Fall 2024 | A Dark Secret Fall2024 | The illuminati Fall 2024 | The Scarlet Witch vs.
Atthough the sorceress Sara sacrifices her own ‘The protectorsof Universe-B38 are not The Illuminati
life to destroy the Darkhold before The Scarlet the Avengers but The lumina a teamof The tluminati members were certain they could
Witch ean takeit, Wong reveals long-held superhero leaders: Baron Mordo ofthe handle a Dreamwalking Wanda Maximott-but they
secret to prevent a wider massacre "The Mystic Arts; the super soldier Captain Underestimated the pow of The Scarlet Witch
Darkhold was a copy. Legend speaks ofa Carter, Back Bolt, the kingofthe Inhumans, ‘She possesses the body the suburban Wanda
‘mountain with the wretched spells you seck foe The ina whose voice isa weapon; Maria Rambeau from Universe-838, and infitrates The lluminatis
carvednt its walls he says. He knows how the cosmos-protecting Captain Marve: yeadquarters, shredding their Utron:
toreachit, but says no one has survived the thie Professor Charles Xaver and tums Reed Richards into rubberized sp
journey. "Perhaps we willbe the exception, Reed Richards, renowned asthe smartest Captain Carter with her mn shield, crushes Captain
The Scarlet Witch says, ‘man alive. They imprison Universe-616' Marve ha faling statue, and magically seals
Doctor Strange, regarding him asa greater Black Bolt’s mouth, causing his tobackfire and
kth. When Professor x uss telepathy nan attempt
‘Wanda Maximofthe describes. This realty’s to free theinnocent fandainside her mind, The Scarlet
Christine Palmer—one oftheir chief Witeh snaps his neck
researchers—uses the Sands of Nsanti
to sap Strange’ powers and restrain him,

Fall 2024 | incursion Aftermath
Strange and 838-Chvist tumble in
realty ul of gravitational anomalies and shattered
bulging. Its thelfeles ruins ofan incursion, with
‘only one survivor: Sinister Strange, who caused the
‘end ofthis world by using the Darkhold to seek
univers in which he and Christine Palmer lve happily
‘ever after He never found. thied eye openson his
forehead-evidence ofthe corrupting infivence the
Darkhold has had on him, and of the consequences
forhis dark experiments
Fall2024 | Fathin Yourself
‘When The Scarlet Witch gain ‘upper hand,
8600 ‘Wong els Strange to drain America’s power—
Fall 2024 | America Chavez Captured ‘ts the only way" That's what Doctor Stranges
£838. Christine, Doctor Strange, and America Chave always do~they sacrifice others for what they ee
flee tothe Gap Junetionforthe Book of Vishanti. but thinkis best. But this universe's Strange defies Fall2024 | I Love You in Every Universe”
The Scarlet Witeh overtakes them, destroying the tations. Insteadof taking her power he inspires Inthe ned incursion wok ving Doctor Strange says goodbye
book and enchanting America into openinga gateway “America to face her weakness: her lack of confidence, to Cvistine-£38, and to allChistnes everywhere. “love youn
to Wundagore. The Scarlet Witch deposits America He urges her to trust her own abilities, to focus her every universe he ay, and apologies for alaysettng is
therefor the ritual that willallow her tocaim intent, and use her skilsin away that feels ight and ambition and ned for contro push her away."Tjst get scared he
America’s abilities. The frightened 838-Wanda ‘geod, Chavez concentrateslike never before and explain As America Chive ses her newfound strength to pena
retakes control of her body, buts loody and ‘opens. gateway—directl to Bobby and Bil y in thei portal and return them to ther respective universes, Cisne tel
scarred, worried about the boys she left behind iving roomin Universe-838, ti "Face your fears Doctor Strange

Fall 2024 | Strangevs. Stranger Fall2024 | The Shattering Truth
The two Doctor Strangest for control ofthe Darthold Te Scarlet Witchis finaly stopped by what she
inthe muse rom ofa desecrated Sanctum, throwing loves: her hire, who are safe andhappy with
thetilng notes ofa piano through the ark stilettos ther own mother butare terrified ofthis
Sister Strange is ile when hes ured trough a shistr version of ec. would never hurt you
window and impaled on theron fence below. Doctor {would never hurt anyone” The Seavet Witch
Strange cant open a portal dire tty int his own world, sys before ealng thats nolonger tre. As
bute can use the Darkhold to Dreamalkintoit. But the kindy 838-Wanda gathers the boys and
thereis apparently a problem: "Doesn't aversion of you assures the heartbroken Scarlet Witch they wil
need to live in that universe?" 838-Christne asks. be loved, the Wanda Maxinof of Universe-616
surrenders She destroys Wundagore—and
collagen upon hereaending wo gat
threats toll the Mltverse
Fall2024 | “Who Said They Have To Be Living?”
Dead Strange awakensas 616-Strange uses the Darkhold
possess the corpse he buried ona rooftop. The undead
version ofthe sorcerer stiffly opens a portal to Wundagore
butis beset bythe oly souls ofthe damned, who are drawn
to thisunholy being, Dead Strange harnesses them intoa
screaming cloak that he uses to fly tothe Wundagore
temple and do battle against The Scarlet Witch alongside
Sorcerer Supreme Wong, "I don't even want to know.
‘Wong says ashe beholds his decaying frend.
20208 20208

Fall 2024 | Clea Beckons

An ethereal woman clad in violet armor appears behind Stephen
Strange on the street ‘of New York. He does not recognize he,
and does not know why eis summoninghim. “You caused an
ingtofixit” she say, using her blade to
slash open aportal 0 the Dark Dimension, where he last
tured for hs time-lo p battle with Dormammu “Unies
you're afraid" the woman says. Strange unfurs his scarf into
the Cloak of Levitation and follows her through the tear in
realty, opening his third eye

December 2024 | The Stane Tower Prank
‘Also in New York, college student and expert
Fall 2024 | New Tricks archer Kate Bishop engages in alate-right
‘America Chavez is among the new Mystic Arts prank with her fiends trying tong the giant
ti 23 8 Sorce Surpreme' rebuilds bel atop Stane Tower on her cole
the order’ stronghold. Back in Ne York, using only her bow and arrows She inadvertently
Stephen Strange continues to gra with strikes it with such force thatthe bell breaks
the effectsof his dalliance withthe Darkhol. ze rom ts yoke and aisintegrates part
Racked by agonizing pain athied eye~siilar the nearly 300-year-old structure, which was
to the one that appeared on the Sinister Strange fenamedin 2006 in honor of Stark Industries
he once battied-opens on his forehead ‘ecutive Obadiah Stane, prior to his death


December 2024 | Fade Out December 2024 | “I Could Do ThisAll Daaaaaaay!”
Peter Parker has evaporated from the minds Shortly before Christmas, Clint Barton visits New York City with
‘of everyone who once knew him, but he stil his three children and watches a performance of the Broadway
‘emembers them. ust before the holiday show Rogers: hich ets the adventures of
he visits the coffee shop where MJ works, Captain Ame oves the hearing aid
hoping to finally reconnect with her and he now needs after any years of explosive combat, then the
Ned, Ultimately he decides they maybe reminders of Natasha Romanoft lead him to walk out altogether
safer and happier not knowing him a al He telishis daughter it's okay—he knows how tends,
Starting ife over with aclean slate can be an
amazing gt. Sti sweet to have
been erasedso etely p l
December 2024 | Ronin Returns
Kate Bishop attends a holidaygala onthe orders of
her high-society mother Eleanor At the hotel, Bishop
<liscovers an illegal auction inthe basement and
nthe ruins ofthe Avengers Compoundthe Ronin
outfit that Clint Barton wore while slaying wrongdoers
u ng the Blip Sh to fend off an attack by
a g0up of criminals known asthe Tracksuit Mati,
mera rescuing adognamed
Lucky from traffi. Later, she finds an associateof
find the perpetrator
December 2024 | Lost and Found
Barton ventures into the heart of the city to track down his old Renin
icky locates (and rescues) Kate Bishop froma Tracksuit
Mafia attack Hiding out ther apartment, where she is nourishing
u he Dog withsices of old pizza she is ag ;o me t the hero
she watched him valiantly fight the
Chitaur ing the Battleof New Yo ned—that
ne has allowed herself to be seen in theguise of Ronin, who
1nd hunted by the criminal syndicates he decimated

December 2024 | Kingpin’ Indirect Hit

Barton arranges for Lopez to meet him at
Fat Man Auto Repair the siteof her father's
nto fisticus
December 2024 | Business—and Also Personal and when Barton ultimately gains the upper
a Valentina All hand he tries to reason with Loper
a the memorial for her sister Nat
\dowhasbeen working for

Fisk leaked informat

your sisters death’ she says,

Gy ndlid

December 2024 | Echo of the Past December 2024 | Mother Dear
‘Among those most eager for revenge against Ron tracks do
Maya Lopez, a deaf martial artist turned mob enforcer sioned Valentina forher till Barto
whose father was sain years ago during one of the ‘mother, Eleanor
vaglante’s gangland massacres. She and her Tracksuit ‘aligned withKingpin. Eleanor has been eliminating threat
ture Barton, and ven allowed her own fiancé, JackD
when she tries cue him, The pair escape, to take the fall fr the murder of
late learns Maya possesses a: and Kate
er iecagita chee vatch engraved withthe nu Bishop
wu 3 belongs to his wife Laur, and that could put Laura
in serious danger it fal s into the wronghands.

December 2024 | Mac and Cheese Peace Talks
ee Bishops su
December 2024 | Yelena’s Revenge herby offeringer macaroni and
p enters Maya Loper's apartment n search ofthe
ro Natasha Romanoff and saysshe must killBarton
rim responsible forthe death ily as justice for her si ter's death. Bi
Natasha. The two Hawheyes rejoin to fend impas ioned pleaon his behalf insisting that he and Natasha
Yelena and) but the presence of a Widow asta
Barton to reassess the situation. He decides to
snl yourselfwhat kind
of person hired you.” Bishop says,
December 2026 | Kingpin Betrayed

December 2024 | Yelena Stands Down December 25,2024 | Christmas with the Bartons
istmas Day, Clin
£2016 | Neighborhood 2024 | Happy Holidays
Hero (Cle Baton comes tothe
rescue! Kate hop, ater
(Queene vesident Peter Yerkbased surgeon Dr
New York City provesto be a hub for the extraordinary Parker contesting ‘Stephen Stange becomes ‘iglante Ronn Cnt and Kate
events that occur on Earth in the early 21st century. confi themsehesup
hopmghie mentor will make Suange hash nonede of enint he Tactsut Mala
human offi member of the when rather boss Kingpin. whe
It has been the home of heroes like Spider-Man, Doctor hema puto
Sercery eavethethetest
wor rom Seo contendng with ne
Strange, and Tony Stark, and villains like the Vulture, ‘ack Widow oa woh
Ultron, and Kingpin. The city that never sleeps has also theformofthe vilainous Dark Dimension Afterward
arms dealer Arian Toomes ‘Swange becomes master
seen its fair share of epic battles and alien invasions:
the Avengers versus Loki in the Battle of New York, the
attack by the Children of Thanossix years later, and the
appearance of bizarrenew foes from the Multiverse.
Through it all, New York City has shown itselfto
resilient in the face of evil. In the words of Rogers: The 2015 | Uttronand Vision £2017 | Asgardian Visitors 2024| Rogers:
Musical: “The day looks tough, but w York strong: (Uren snarl tierce Thor anc Loki travel fom The Musical Captain
‘ratedby Tory Stark and Asgard to New York Cityin ‘Theexpiotsof
Bruce Banner poesroque tearehof in whos ‘America and the Avengers
andattace the Avenger at suppose na retiement ‘elmmortalzedin the orm
Avengers formerly Star) of aBroadway munca
Tewer After exeaping Utron they can fin their father featuring cate songs
‘Stove Rogers chosa by Thocisdrectedto the New schasthe Battleof New
Or Abcaham Eating tobe ‘orthemedSave the Cy
‘the testsubject
for Project, Strange Strange offers Clin Barton has to walkout
Retth making Steve the toNew York City by the sins tocationn Noraayon rmieprfomance after t
fest eran supe sce the condition tat Lol leave memories
Thelaboratry based Exrthimmedatey, ofanaifRomano
of Tons personal
Booty Hyaaget Heine
Kruger assis Erskine
nce Steves traormaton
‘Steve folowsin hot purst
‘rough the ty streetsand 2012 | Battle of New York 2018 |New Invasion 2024] Tentacled Terror
Two of Thanos cicren, Pursed by The Searet,
De ErkSehig vesthe bony Man and Cul Obsidian, Wit for ber Mtiverse
O's Ther mission ake
transporting analen army of the Te Stone fom Strange Univer 616 New York
(Citar and evathane Cl She targeted by
Captain Ames ron Man, Gauneet ter adestrctve Gargantos ante
Back Widow, Thor the Hu, butte around Washington
and Hawkeye team upto Sauare Park Strange, controled by Wanda. andis
‘ed by Doctor Stange and
‘Weng.wo us ei sorcery
tosdestey Gargatos

2010 | Fun in Flushing 2010 | Harlem Carnage 2026 | Mutiversal

Tony Sark reeoduceshe Dee toa combination ofthe Enemies
‘Stark Expo a showeasof Super Solder Serum and Following he deaths Peterisbroushtin for
technology startedbyhis some of Grice Gamers intenogationonsuspeion
struggesinhis ues While ling Mysterio, bts
hein Fishing Meadows Em Bons vansorms into tescing x hanty event released when attorney
Park The vain an Vario ‘the monstrous Abomintion wt aon May Nk Fury Matt Murdock has the
aes the Expo Byhacting Gnreaity the Srl Taos) cages dropped When a
intalem and Banner tne ‘alitendedto once again
‘trons. eprogamenng ‘ctl Peters identity goes
‘them tol Tory and ‘on The bat between Fepestely dodges hs cal ry New Yor becoresa
tevorecvana Stak ste Onhis return fomatipto Diteground between Super
‘pas on Man res War widespread damage Europe, Peter sssetty Vilas are Sexe Men fom
Machine and ogee hey erate unerses
atl Varto andthe drove
20208 20208

New rules are being written as the world
adjusts to anew era. Jennifer Walters leads
a law firm department aimed at handling,
the legal troubles of Super Heroes
(and sometimes villains). The rules of
engagement are also about to change
between two powerful but reclusive
nations—the Wakandans and the undersea
Talokanil. And new heroes are rising, ‘Spring 2025 | Bionsky’s Parole Setback
building upon and changing the way Just before his parole hearing video footage goes
their idols went about saving the world. Viralof Abomination atthe Golden Daggers cub,
figntingin a cage bat le aguinst Sorcerer Supreme
‘Wong, Despite her clients years of good behavior,
Jennifer Walters expan to Emil Blonsky that this
‘Spring 2025 | She-Hulk vs. Titania brief escape constitutes anew crime that will
InLos Angeles, Deputy District Attorney Jenifer Walters has bottled up surely thwart his chances. She succeeds in
her Hulk impulses. Mostly, While making her final argument ina case getting Wong to appear before the parole board
against powerhouse lawfirm Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg& Hollway. a to explain why he extracted Abomination for his
noted "superpowered iflvencer” named Titania bursts through the wall traning “gave him no choice, butt was
of the courtroom while fleeing traffic court. Walters expands to her Hulk absolutely his choice to return Wong says
form and saves the jury from ahurled desk, then subdues the volatile offered him asylum at Kamara, but he was
social media personality. Unfortunately, the judge in Walters case ‘adamant he retuen to serve out hs sentence and
declares a mistrial, the media dubs her“She-Hulk"and the DAs office repay his debt to society” The parole board is
fresher, fearing her powers willbecome a distraction. persuaded~and Blonsky is et fee

‘Spring 2025 | The Abomination Case Spring 2025 | Wrecker’ Crew

Holden Holiway—the"HinGLK &H-iss0 ‘A group of henchmen attack eniter Waltersin the al ey outside
impressed tat Walters nearly won her case har upartuat. Thy acarryng te erhancadtoolscf nt
agaist them that he aks her toon them. Asgarian construction worker the robbed, but even Wreckers
offering jb leading thee new Superhuman magical crowbar sno match fr She-Hulk Another thug named
Ln Thecatch: He expects her to work Thunderball ries to stab her shoulder witha yringe to extract
in She-Hulk form, Her frst casei the parole her blood but heruitra-toughskin ca'tbe broken As they
hearing of Emil Blonsky-aka. Abomination scramble aay, they not thatthe bos” wl be angry that
Initial, he resists noting that Blonsky is the mission failed
imprisoned because of his lash with her
Bruce Banner. But Banner, now being ferried
off- world, encourages her to represent his old
foe, "Honestly that ight was so many years
ago, ma completely ferent person now:
he says. “Literally

a Ghar
Spring 2025 | Moon Knight Wanes ‘Spring 2025 | The Mountaintop Escape
After years of relic-hunting and fighting wrongdoers who prey on ‘After a sleepless nightin London, Steven Grant start
Layla El-Faouly He realized that his ma Harrow's Ammit cult. He has no ned by
‘moon god khonshu, con turingher int his next the stentorian voice of Khonshu who cals hima
of vengeance. Spector left behind no explanation, and surrender control of his body back to Marc Spector: Whi
for several months he ignores hs repeated efforts to contact pt, Spector folwed Khonshu's guidance and t
him while his tim alter, Steven Grant, takes control ofthe steal the scarab from Harrow. As they escape back to London with the
body Steven and Marc share scarab, panicked Grant and a formidable Spe
control oftheir body as they lee Harow's heavily

Spring 2025 | Harrow’s Followers Spring 2025 | Layla’s Guidance

Serving Kh
Harrow leadsa cult who worship the rival Egyptian god Amit fled his old life and handed more control of his body ti
file while fufling
While Khonshus the moon god, punishes those who harm the
nnocent, Ammit destroys those evn suspected of future
2go, her zealotryed the other Egyptian deities and asks for her help, She finds the scarabamong his
to imprison her in an ushabti figurine, which was hid ngs and explains ther past fe together, hunting
nb of Alexa eda lis lke this arou wile empowered by the
scarab relic that can pointthe way tits location

Spring 2025 | The Many Facesof Spring 2025 | “Forever Unsatisfied”

Steven Grant Arthur Harrow corners St
In Lond, a museum gift-shop worker
s t his
rant restrainhimself Shadow mons im the scarab, but
cevent what he thinks are the reflection of Mare Spector in a bat ror convince
pisodeIn s.
truth, control. 0 nce he does, Moon Knight handily defeats the
he is Mar fered vigilante y, but Grants still baffled 5 wat is hap
when he later discovers Spector's agelocha Da wespors;aied
Gisorder."Stev alter i doeshe ful y understand he is sharing
cenary turned otherworily vigiante. That's when
1nd sorrows. The two are entangled with Khonshu finaly reveals himse-in tetifying fashion
er entity-the Egyptian una a
Konsh, -ommands Spector as his
atar, Mo n Knight, to exact vengeance on
violent criminals. The barriers between
Marc's alters, however, are beginning to

Spring 2025 | Summoningthe Suit

Layla urges Grant to “sum on th

te version of Moon
meek Steven in control. During a rooftop fight with Harrow
forces, he lose the scarab.
Spring 2025 | Expeditionto Egypt
Steven Grant and Layla E-Faouly travel
to Cairo in pursuit
home to Egyptin
a dec
mto Ammit’s ushabt

tor/Grant and
twice inthe chest, leaving them both for dead

Spring 2025 | A Barrage of Memories
The hospital is merely away for Spe
their past ives. They relive the acid
brother the grie-fueled abuseby his mother, and te creation ©
ofthe er a8 coping mechan 20 confront Spring 2025 | Two for One
life as a mercenary goes eteralife in the peaceful Field of Reed:
the Duat. The
life attack

Spring 2025 | Ammit Unleashed

Once the crocodile-like gods fre d from c
cent memore

ancient opponents battle e nother for minance
Spring 2025 | The Scarlet Scarab

Spring 2025 | Harrow’s Fate

6 Arthur Haro
real world unto
ree by Khonshu-or rather, Khonahu's
‘surprised to see the face of Mar
even Grant sta
him from the drive's seat o
getaway car, but Khonshu:
fractured thei mindis. Lockey sal too
gunshot rings out while Kho
ably from the backseat

oe 2025 Jane Foster’ lness

‘Spring 2025 | The Imprisonment of Amit. sell-experimentation eas rE
eanceeand De testing.
and the Scarlet Scarab align with /egretfully reports there has been noi
again bind Ammit-not to an ushabt sta inher Stage 4 cig 5s. Her friendDr
stead tapping her within the body of her most loyal advises her to play“the Space Viking card” but
hh and runs out of options, she feels

and elevate, reforming the hammer

oo ‘Spring 2025 | Queen Ramonda Faces the World

Spring 2025 | Jake Lockey Emerges Membersofthe UnitedNations complain to Queen
Mare Spect Moon
nthe streets of C ut blacks out as Harrow gains the 1 of tf
known as Jake nium under any nces, not because of
Lockey has been lurking within him, occasionally performing ranium, but because ofthe
knonshu’s wil when neither Specto Steven Grant would us potential of yo
ar king, bt donot think for a second that Wakand
her ability to protectour resources
20208 20208

Spring 2025 | Finding (and Losing) Rir Williams
‘Afterconnectng with their CLA. contact Everett K Rossin
Spring 2025 | Undersea Vibranium the United States, Okoye and Shur track the creator ofthe
Deepin the Atlantic, US. intligence researchers use a vibranim detector to MIT, where they ae stunned toleaen
prototype detection device to uncover previously unknown she's usta student. iiams explains t
traces of vibranium on the ocean floor, Son aftr the discovery, invented the machine for hec ms alloy class a disshocked
the pl formis attacked by beings who rise up from beneath the ‘tohear she has caused problems for Wakanda. Wiliamsis
waves, Ther hypnotic chorus causes thos board the vessel to peje ee ert Sigy. who has aso d ised her own ron
jumpto ther deaths. Even those who fee ar Man-style lying armor. ("There'san entire YouTube channel
with improbable strength, who flies through the ar using wings dedicates to sightings of me") When the FB surrounds
attached to his legs, crashes an escaping helicopter During the ther in Wiliams’ garage, the three try to
attack, 30 Navy SEALS and two C1.A operatives are lost. There Harvard Bridge, but Talokail warriors riding the backs of
are no witnesses, and suspicion immediately fal s on Wakanda whales overtake them, capturing! 3th Willams and Shur.

Spring 2025 | The Grieving Period Spring 2025 | Ross Compromised

vee Ramonda and Princess Shuri mark the fst ‘Agent Ross investigatesthe scene of the
anniversary of TChal s's deathwith retreat toa attackon the Boston bridge and dacovers
remote part of Wakanda. Ramonda shows her daughter Shuts Kimoyo Beads, whch he pockets and
theta ton of burning ol funeral garments asa ritual later uses to communicate directly with
for moving on, but Shur refuses to participate. “II sit ‘QueenRamonda. He is unaware that his
and think aboutmy brother too lr won'tbe exw Director Contessa Valentina
these clothes burn. It willbe the world” Shur says. ‘Allegrade Fontainehad already bugged the
Ramonda tries to share a secret about T'Chala, beads before he picked them up, hoping to
somethingshe has kept private for years but they determine whether Rss is betraying the
are interrupted bya hostile intruder. agency, She eavesdrops on his conversations
to.ainher own inte, then later has him
arrested for treason. In Wakanda, a grieving
‘Queen Ramonda strips Okoye of her rank
Spring 2025 | Namor's Threat ‘and Dora Milaje status or losing Shui
being rises from the waterway beside Ramonda and Shuris fi to the Talokanil
draped in vibranium adornments who hovers over them with wings on his legs.
His mame is Kukulkan although he notes:°My enemiescll me Namor” He
isthe leader ofa submerged realm called Talokan which also derives incredible
power from the rare element. "Your son exposes the power of vibranium to the
word he tells Ramonda, "In response, other nations have begun sea hing the
planet frit. His choice has compromised us" Namor demands Wakanda hand
cover the scientist who invented the CA's vibranium detector Itinota request
have more soldiers than this lan has blades of grass” Nam says. “Iwould
hate to.come back under different circumstances
astofthe Yecatanpeninsul
and how a vibranium-infused aquatic plant gave the ‘Spring 2025 | The Drowningof Wakanda
ies ago. Namor First the ise, then they erupt from the surface like geysers as frightened
meeif as an anomaly, having be Wakandan iians run for Namor and his Talokanil fighters quickly
to ly and near-immortaltyHe g Shur
powerd them. The Jats defenders. Namor hovers tothe th
mor floods the oom
Namor sti him
lether give Willams sanctuary He reph grieving Shur:"You wil oin us against the surface word,
o | will wa
choose whether itis an allyor enemy. “Thereisno in between Earth

— NT sag Atey ‘wy

‘Spring 2025 | Nakia Recruited Spring 2025 | The Heart-Shaped Herb, Reborn
esto Halt to ask Nakia, ‘Shur uses threads from the Talokan fi
You have infiltrated many nations befor
ofthe pur
held and rescue her without being se n” the Qi and find
Shri to waiting for her
vison and stages a one man raid that fe Hen
herand Riri Willams it. Namor and the
Talok seeing the nothing ake. "Yet here you
says “Are you going
business-like me?
Spring 2025 | Endings and Beginnings
Backin Wakanda, Riri
he Unit
evi ‘At Wartor Falls, Shur does
y. Instead, MBaku
at th e
ar ives, noting th Black Panther wil not

ch of Wakanda to
erful fying armor. Okoye sir

Spring 2025 | Namor Yields ‘Spring 2025 | T’Challa's Secret

Shut captures Namor in her Royal Talon ‘Shui visits Naka in Haiti where she completes the ritual he
Fighter, which ha mother started, burningher old funeral garments. As she
visited by memories of her brother. His warmth,
nerosity envelop he. They are hers to keep.
ia joins Shur at he =

on of King T'Challa"T
that has long evaded her

amor accepts her terms,

Talokan and Wakanda comes to an abu
Virani Past on Earth
rive y || ss71Htaokan
ier hesteaan ete 1043
Stung The sheaesences 1992
Pree Wiobu'set
Woot Wand
Mette conta
‘ranma Eas )| ee
owt senanmy neaeons taeciansposenion
foam nyTe Devayaieouny
altars ele stings
Inpsce netr sean ron ||Sogttaere
Satnarom pe + <omanyatoundr
Staines Stee toward
Roget ‘ne tored
Vier tng thouaqeartrconl
‘akan own
antes )| ‘tatiana
etiam octane Te hwo andres
Pwr omainanonad als ‘the
Commune amonpresed
ta astet
wnt thisane Oxran Cecio grein
srenberste iy the . 2) | Brass {ontrvtonThe
‘Toprotect resource, the \, Set nde ants
Canta Ameren Sees
hy slvr shielding on Stuer
death King ean
Chaka ofmany
‘Wakandan loa theresives theirskbluebut they ean ‘hei ana Str informs ‘Wika learn fis brothers
fromthe estfthe word The | nolonger survive oo lana Iesmadeo warm. which Involvement and contents him
‘Watandans norationswith a ‘The people head beneath the is igter and stronger than swith theintenton fares,
theelement make them one conan bulngansevanced ‘eel Creating the shed used When cbu tes oil the
ofthe most tecmologaly a nderseasodiety pall the vranium that \Wiakancan spy 2a the ing
Sevaneednations Stark had avaiable end up ling his own brother.

2016 | Vibranium Weapons 2016 | The Black Panther 2015 | AGlobal Threat 2011| Vibranium
‘Theor of Nobu, Ek ‘Strikes Utron, the artifiia Rediscovered
‘limonge pots his ascent Flowing tether TChakas inteligence erated by Tory ‘When Steve Rogers and
toWakandss tone, hoping death, Thal ons i Black Stark seks out vbxanum. hie shel are found buried
to thenarm oppressed people Panthersu ta track down purchasing frm Klave He inthe ecticle, he US.
acrosthe gi with ‘Bucky Barnes who hasbeen then forces Dr Helen Cho to reedscoverstheoly
“oraium weapon fora {rama for the aeazainaton. create anew vbraniam boy. \oraniom the country has
‘worldwide revolution Working ‘Thesutismade auto “The Avengers stop Utron ver adinits posession.
‘with lau, e takes vbranum soit incredibly frominhabiting the body, Nevertheless they stile
‘branium axbeing payed Strongand durable T Chall wwe ater Becomes toretunitto Captain
atthe Museum of Great hasalso been mbved with Inhabited by JARVIS as the Arercs—a bold oie,
‘Brain setting is plansin the powers the Wrariom= ew ner Vision, Urn ter ‘overseen Nik Fury,
infused Heat Shaped Her, thee wraniumtocreate 2 ‘at gves Steve he
powers ofthe Black Panther ‘inch ves him superhuman doomsday deve nels opportunity torjinthe
mse Eikis nary levelsof strength ait. prevented from destroyingthe
succesful butis stopped snaspeed trois but pest ert tothe hefiahtonbistemewhen
Avengers rat assemble
Dbyhiscousin Chala peopl of Sotows. inzow

2018 | Virani
Prosthesis f , © Futana
20231 vieranum Detestes
hy arene
feechonniinew ili, |)Ba k reno
pas cataThnaso ee teeteld
tngWalandsspelen hee,
t | Race
fem Thanos weapon wich
However Chall ———— - compotedofanvnknown
heptg Miao
Tanos amy eae ‘tral
hen SoestStr ater tne
viva eye oon
tetra ithheHanged poner
of the most powerful and indestructible Waorecnatalia, My sexmtat
ite an older Steve greets Sam
elements known to humanity, vibranium is a Wason, ging himthe shia
rare element that has a variety of incredible } aedastinghin'o
applications. Two reclusive societies, the I Se
Wakandans and the Talokanil, have had access to \W os
this incredible resource and have developed ’
vibranium technology in remarkably different
ways. The rest of humanity has remained largely 20251 ANew Source
unaware of this precious element, yet this begins Inthe wake of King Chala est,
‘the Wasandansfind thamseves
to change following King T’Challa’s decision having defend ther borders rom
to bring Wakanda onto the world stage. In its cothermation trying to steal their
‘upp of ioranium Queen Ramona
raw form, vibranium exists as a volatile solid nd Shur are approached by Namox,
‘er ofthe underwater kingdom
appearing as rock laced with a blue glow, but in ofTalotan Namor’s people are also
its processed form it can safely absorb kinetic now tveatenedby the outside
‘word-asituaton they bare on
energy directed att. The element can also fuse chai Flowing disagreements,
with organic life, bestowing incredible abilities. ‘short war break outbetweenthe
{so kgdomsunt Shaan Namoe
20208 20208

‘Summer 2025 | The “Wackadoo Ranch”

That's the term Emil Bonsky's parole officer uses to
describe Sum er Twilight, the property wher
former Abomination now hosts spiritual consultation
andlfe coaching. Jennifer Walters accompanies the
‘officer to the compound when Blonsky’ inhibitor
‘malfunctions and sits in on a support group made up
‘of Man-Buil "Tm a weid lab experiment. Don't ask’)
5 Aguila, a swashbucker fighting matador tendencies
Saracen, who believes himself tobe a vampire, and
‘Spring 2025 | Wong's Cease and Desist Porcupine, who never removes his prickly suit. Wrecker
A filed Mystic Arts pupi named Donny Blaze is also there, and he apologizes for attacking her, vowing
isusing actual sorcery to improve his career as todo better with hisife. They ll advise her to stop
stage magician but he accidentally sends yearning for Josh and delete him from her phone.
hard: partying audience member named
Macisyon King toa ire dimension. Wong hires
Jennifer Waltersto get algal njunetion
against Blaze continuing to use his partial
rnystical teachingsfr entertainment. The
judge rules against an injunction until her final
decisionin afew weeks’ time, but Blaze later
accidentally unleashes a horde of bloodthirsty
goblins during a show. She-Hulk and Wong
help cleanup the mess, and Blaze voluntarily
agrees to stop,

ane en cen A, lt a ee

Summer 2025 |intligencia ‘Summer 2025 | She-Hulk vs. Daredevil

Enemies of She-Hulk gather in ahatefulonine group called Jennifer W ters takes onthe case ofa wealthy
Inteligencia, where they post miogyrisic memes make abusive ‘son who fights crime under the pseudonym Leap-Frog
threats and plot aginst Jenifer Walters Flow attorney His complaint: the Super Hero suit he purchased from
Mallory Book and paralegal Ni Ramos not ice the treats fst. fenowned desi Luke Jacobson was defective. The
and Ramos warn Jefe: She Garioes the trols astrelevart case blows up in their face, somewhat literally since
losers but does realize tha the man she hsjust started her client used the wrong fel in the suit, butit does
dating. Josh Mile secrety working for Hulkkng. one ofthe introduce er to fellow at orney Matt Murdock, who
leaders ofthe group Miler spends the night wth her to extract ‘came in fom his practice in New York's Hels Kitchen
her blood while she sleeps in human form. He then ghosts her, ‘to,epresent Jacobson. She discovers Murdock aso
and her heart breaks over his ack of replies to her messages, has a Super Hero identity~Daredevi~when Leap-Frog
kichaps Jacobson and the two lanyershave tointervene

Summer 2025 | Titania Wages War

Titania makes news again by being cleared of al charges for
her courthouse outburst, but she remains angry at Jenifer
Nalters for embarrassingher The super-powered inluencer
escalates her feud by cretinga line of beauty products under
the name “She-Hulk’—and then sues Waltersfor infringing on
the trademark, Walters defeats her in court, but T
attacks her physical y at a mutual friend's wedding rec ption,
leading to another humiliating defeat and a mouthful of
broken veneers) forthe “inluencer
20208 20208

Spring 2025 | Finding (and Losing) Rir Williams
‘Afterconnectng with their CLA. contact Everett K Rossin
Spring 2025 | Undersea Vibranium the United States, Okoye and Shur track the creator ofthe
Deepin the Atlantic, US. intligence researchers use a vibranim detector to MIT, where they ae stunned toleaen
prototype detection device to uncover previously unknown she's usta student. iiams explains t
traces of vibranium on the ocean floor, Son aftr the discovery, invented the machine for hec ms alloy class a disshocked
the pl formis attacked by beings who rise up from beneath the ‘tohear she has caused problems for Wakanda. Wiliamsis
waves, Ther hypnotic chorus causes thos board the vessel to peje ee ert Sigy. who has aso d ised her own ron
jumpto ther deaths. Even those who fee ar Man-style lying armor. ("There'san entire YouTube channel
with improbable strength, who flies through the ar using wings dedicates to sightings of me") When the FB surrounds
attached to his legs, crashes an escaping helicopter During the ther in Wiliams’ garage, the three try to
attack, 30 Navy SEALS and two C1.A operatives are lost. There Harvard Bridge, but Talokail warriors riding the backs of
are no witnesses, and suspicion immediately fal s on Wakanda whales overtake them, capturing! 3th Willams and Shur.

Spring 2025 | The Grieving Period Spring 2025 | Ross Compromised

vee Ramonda and Princess Shuri mark the fst ‘Agent Ross investigatesthe scene of the
anniversary of TChal s's deathwith retreat toa attackon the Boston bridge and dacovers
remote part of Wakanda. Ramonda shows her daughter Shuts Kimoyo Beads, whch he pockets and
theta ton of burning ol funeral garments asa ritual later uses to communicate directly with
for moving on, but Shur refuses to participate. “II sit ‘QueenRamonda. He is unaware that his
and think aboutmy brother too lr won'tbe exw Director Contessa Valentina
these clothes burn. It willbe the world” Shur says. ‘Allegrade Fontainehad already bugged the
Ramonda tries to share a secret about T'Chala, beads before he picked them up, hoping to
somethingshe has kept private for years but they determine whether Rss is betraying the
are interrupted bya hostile intruder. agency, She eavesdrops on his conversations
to.ainher own inte, then later has him
arrested for treason. In Wakanda, a grieving
‘Queen Ramonda strips Okoye of her rank
Spring 2025 | Namor's Threat ‘and Dora Milaje status or losing Shui
being rises from the waterway beside Ramonda and Shuris fi to the Talokanil
draped in vibranium adornments who hovers over them with wings on his legs.
His mame is Kukulkan although he notes:°My enemiescll me Namor” He
isthe leader ofa submerged realm called Talokan which also derives incredible
power from the rare element. "Your son exposes the power of vibranium to the
word he tells Ramonda, "In response, other nations have begun sea hing the
planet frit. His choice has compromised us" Namor demands Wakanda hand
cover the scientist who invented the CA's vibranium detector Itinota request
have more soldiers than this lan has blades of grass” Nam says. “Iwould
hate to.come back under different circumstances
20208 20208

° Kara Kanlokt ata ring

Fall 2025 | The Clandestines
Kamala Khan is rescued from Damage Controts clu nes bya
getaway car driven by her new classmate, Kaman. His mother,
'Najma, isin the back seat, and she reveals they area group of
exiled transcimensional beings called the Clandestines, who
sensed the power of her bangle. Khan learns her great
grandmother, sha, was one of them, and they need the
bangle to open the doorway back to thet Noor Dimension Q
Kan is eager tohelp~andto learn mare abouther familys Fall 2025 | The Red Daggers
surprising history Najma says the Cia sdestines have existed In Karachi, the power radiating from
foralong time, and are frequently described in fok tales, Kamala Khan's bangle atracts the
attention of Kareem, a warrior froma.
group called the R Daggers, who are
dedicated to protecting their people from
threats of the unseen-in this case that
7) means preventing the Candestnes from
Fall 2025 | Journey to Pakistan ‘opening a portal tothe Noor Dimension.
Kamala Khan's grandmother Sana also witnesses i the Clandestines tear down the vel
and asks the gi to visit her in Pakistan, She reveals that the trainie theyll unleash ther world on ours unt
from an incident during the Briish-mandated partition of Inia inthe theres nothingleft of it explains the
‘summer of 1947 in which Khan's great grandparents, Aisha and Hasan, Red Dagger leader Waleed. “Thats why
were forced to escape tot newly created nation of Pakistan, At the itis important to keep that bangle safe
chaotic and overcrowded train station Aisha disappeared, and her Naja and the Clandestines soon attack
young daughter Sana became lst, only finding her way back ta her the Red Daggers ling Waleed. and
father by following a mysterious leading toa standoff with Kamala Khan,

Fall2025 | The Wedding Debacle Fall 2025 | The Secret Truth of 1947
Kamala had previously learned from When Nama stabs the bangle, it emits a burst of
Bruno Carel biometric scan that ‘energy that transports Kamala Khan back to that
bangle doesnt anther power, itmerely pivotal moment in her family history from 1947 when
uniocked an ability that already existed her grandmother, Sana, and great grandparents were
within her He now warnsthat helping the boarding the train to Pakistan. Khan di rersthat
Clandestines opena portal to the Noor ‘isha did not ust cisappear; she was murdered by
Dimension would require energy levels Najma for refusing to retun the Clandestines to the
commensurate withthe sun, which could Noor Dimension Khan also discovers that she herself
be deadly if not properly controle. created the field of stars that led her grandmother
Khan’ hesitance enrages Najma and the back to her great grandfather.
other Clandestines, who stormher
brother's wedding to force her to help.
During the ight. the bangle generatesan
image of a 1940s train that has profound
significance for Kans family,
20208 20208

Fall 2025 | Kamala Makes a Stand

Upon returning from Pakistan Kamala Khan's
Fall 2025 | The Veil Opens mother presents her with anew outfit a gesture
\When Kamala Khan ceturnsto the present, he ‘of approvalfor her newfound Super Hero
energy that leads to the Noor Dimension. The Clandestine member identity. Khan runs off to help Bruno and
Farina believes she can enter it and return home, but touching the Kaman, whois suffering from the energy
light only cisintegrates her Reaing that Waleed was right and the ‘exploding from within him. Khan and her fiends
tear in gimensionswll only grow outof control and destroy the fortify theichigh schol with nonlethal booby
world, Naima sacrifices her own life to forceits clos traps to frustrate and dist surrounding
transmitting her powers to her son Kaman, whom she had Damage Control agents until Kamran ean reach
abandoned back nthe United States the Red Daggers t help him escape.

Fall2025 | “Light Git” Revesled Fall 2025 | The Light Fantastic

Kamala's mother Munesba finds her shorty after the Dring the standot Kamala Khan
ife evaporates, discovering that her daughters the ses her ight energy toincrease he
hero who has been gettingso much attention back sie, pulverizing Damage Control
Soyo at. Light Git?" she asks. Kamas enery cannon while Karan bts
grandmothers surprised at al."Our familys a Humvee at Agent Deever It ges
magical, Munee, ve told you so many times over the too far and Kran grabs befreit
years The trip abr J brings a sense of new shes crowd of onlookers She
understanding to the three generations of women
ach inher way enhancing the strengths of the ot alowing Kaman to escape trough
the severe M ward, she is
surrounded the very people she
saved who forma han wal
agaist Damage Control and alow
her to getaway on her stepping
stones fight.
Fall 2025 | Kamran on the Run
Backin New Jersey a bewildered Kamran seeks out help from Bruno Car el,
unsure how to deal with the new powers granted by his dying mother. A Damage
Control drone i tracking him, and when Kanvan uses his ight energy to destroy it
the drone fres a missile at. destroys the Circle Q shop where Carrel works, The
two boysescape on the subway, but Kamran's powers spiral out of his control
«damaging the tran. Uimately they take refuge atthe Coles Academic High
they know it willbe empty on a Saturday
Fall 2025 | “Our Own Ms. Marvel.” Fall 2025 | Seria Killer
of the Gods
‘Athome, Kamala Khan's father sit with heron their the Guardians ofthe Galaxy
10 many ves He tells
1er"Kamala’ becaus ‘One SOS ar
butin Urdut would mean “wonder

she does
(even though he doesn't know
who thats)

Date Unverified | A True Believer Scorned

supernatural beings. Gor

‘can be used to slay gods. A dev

Fall 2025 | Genetic Codebreaking Fall 2025 | The Kidnapped Children

Bru malas genetic ‘God Butcher brings
the Necrosword

off There's something different

in your genes.

Fall2025 | Gorr's Wish
Gor kneels before the str-filed sihouete ofthe
being known as Eternity, and Thor pleads with him to
consider whether death and ev
he wants. As Jane Foster returns ther mortal form
{ying beside him, Thor explains "You seek ove” A
stricken Gor realizes he could also make another
\wish-for his daughter's return. As the lite git
returns Fosters form dissipates, sia
cisappear when they pass. Garr asks Thor ta look after
Fall 2025 |The Gates of Eternity his daughter and then succumbs
he universe, Gor th
uses the stolen Stormbreake
‘most fervent wish Thor aries to free the
captured Asgardian children, and empowers
whatever tools or toys they have withthe
strengthof thunder g 1" Whosoever holds Fall 2025 | An Eternal Reward
these weapons and belevesin getting home, Jane Foster may haved
ifthey be true of heats therefore worthy but her spirit enters int the afterife of
Valhalla, where Heimdal greets her atthe
he trified gateway. She gasps, unsure where or when
horde of chil fen charge into batle,hanclily sheis.“Isee youre dead now: imal says.
iterating the shadow monsters while Thor Thank you fr loking aftermyson. You are
fronts Gor. . none ° ‘Gor gts i wish before very welcomehere inthe land ofthe gods

i i ee eee
S 32 YNT Sa San
© Fall 2025 | The Grudge of Zeus
Fall 2025 | The Good Fight Humiliatedby Thor in Omnipotence City
Gort guns the upper hand againstT rieioee Zeus recovers from Thunderbolt
the blade of the Necrosword down intohis che wound, but his pride remains inrins and
Sud ly Mol knocks him aside, and The Mighty slings are sil sore. "used to be
top Valkyries ps that ing a god meant something” he
No.” Thor whispers. Even f they win, he knows laments. Now, people only worship
Jane Foster will not survive this transfor = l ed Super Heroes” He asks his son
Theyjoin forces to puve Gor. and finally Hercules: "When did we become the
succeed in destroyingthe Necrosword, which 2° He orders Hercultoesstrike fear
drain the God Butcher of his power and reduces n by destroying Thor
him toa frail, dying husk Butts too late. The
Gateway to Eternity is open, and Gorris aboutto
be granted his wish,

Fall 2025 | Love Persevering

A statue of Dr. Jane Foster as The Mighty Thorise ted in New Asgard
her sacrifice while savingth iaren
Vallrie heals from her injuries, as dows Korg wh falein ove and tarts
a family with a fellow Kronan rock-being named Dwayne. Thor continue
to travel the galany fighting for those who cant fight for themselves, but
he snot alone. His companion is Gorrs daughter, born with the powers
‘of god, for whom Thor tries to caokan Earth delicacy he calls "pan laps
Thor Together they becomeknown asthe heroic uo "Love and Thunder
20208 20208

Fall 2025 | A Dark Night

Te funeral of famed monster hunter Ulysses
Bloodstone is held at Bloodstone Manor The night wil
witness a grim contest—the invitees, al skiled monster
hunters themselves, willeompete tobecome the new
wielder ofthe Bloodstone, a powerfulrelic and weapon
that bestows lo gevity strength and protection
Ulysses estranged daughter, Esa, also joins the contest
‘much to her stepmothers displeasure, Among the other
hunters isan unassuming man named Jack who December 2025 | Knowhere Special
supposedly has more than 100 kills to hisname. ‘The Guardians take up residence inthe
floating Celestia head of Knowhere,
building tater ing fom the
Collector As the Christmas holiday begine
‘on arth, Mantis and Drax decide to do
something special for Peter Gul, who is in
Fall 2025 | The Hunt Begins the doldrums after losing Gamora. They
The huntersae ed toalabyri thin ia terrifying monster, which has had decide to travel backto his homeworld to
the Bloodstone affixed tits hide. The one toklthe creature and take the bring him one of his favorite Earth heroes
Ke n Bacon. They are aghast to discover that
are also free til eachother inorder to gett. Elsa senses somethingis amiss Baconis merely an actor nota true dancing
with Jack when they encounter each other within te labyrinth and he shows hero. Ba .con, meanwhile, is appalled to have
no sign f ag res ion. Unknown to Elsa, Jacks a monster himsetf (a werewor?, been kidrapped. On the fight backto
who hase ed the contest to sa eis fiend Ted, the b st whois the target Knowhere, Mantis uses her powers to make
‘ofthe hunt. Elsa and Jack form an alan when Jack promis tohelp her get the panicking performer go along with their
the Bloodstone, n return for her aiding his and Tes escape. strange plan

Fall 2025 | Werewolf Unleashed ®

Elsa witnesses Ted brutally il one ofthe other hunters, December 2025 | Mantis Reveals a Secret
butescapes his wrat by revealing tha she knows his Ashappy as Peter Quilis to meet one of favor
name Jack blasts aho meter wall and Ted move star, eis hotfiedthat Draxand Mantis are
escapes, but as Jack goes to pickup the fallen Bloodstone trafficking human being He demands that they
he's thrown back revealing his monst us nature Elsa retumthe actr this home, When ull asks
and Jack are captured and taken back tothe house, where Mantis wy she ftthe need to pet him such an
ey are placed ina cage togetherElsas stepmother elaborate Christina present, she reveals a secret
intendsfor Jack to transform into a werewolf and rip Elsa she haskept hidden since they met ke Qui she
toshreds. Instead after transforming Jack escapes the soa child of Ego, but she was afaidfr him
cage and tears through the guards. Elsa also escapes and tofind ot. Quil embraces her and says that
kil the remaining hunters, Jack then attacksEsa, but discovering sas a sisteris the greatesteft
leaves her unharmed when he appears to remember her she could ve him
Elsast mater returns, ready to shoot Elsa, when Ted
appears and burns the would-be murderer with his touch
Jack flees buts tracked down by Te, who looks aftr him
nti he turns backintoa human, while Elsa takes charge
loodstone Manor.
For The Watcher, time, space, and reality are more than a linear path,
itis. prism of endless possibility. Serving as a guide through these
alternate realities, he has taken an oath to observe, neverto interfere.
But The Watcher breaks his promise when an alternate version of Ultron
finds out about the Multiverse and plots to destroy all realities. The
‘Watcher recruits Multiversal versions of Peggy Carter, Doctor Strange,
T’Challa, Thor, Gamora, and Erik Kill monger to stop Infinity Ultron.

What if. Uttron Won?

What If. Captain Carter Were the Fst Avenger? ‘What ifthe World Lo What if. Zombies?!

What if. Doctor Strange Lost

His Heart
Instead of His Hands?
Whatit..T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?
TON svsece) (_400_) Cs ea Ga a (eRe D) Cas

. 1991
1943 (June 14)


(November 3-10)

Mig-19408 1945 (March)

HE MCU 1945 (March)

It has been said that time is a river into
which we step. It constantly flows around
Us while we live out our brief spans until we
step out of it once more. But does it always
flow in the same direction? Is it always a
single stream, or does it branch into many?
‘And what happens when the flow of time
is disrupted into violent rapids and
whirlpools? Here is a condensed timeline
of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as it
currently exists. You can follow the course
of key events and characters as they
navigate their own paths through the river
of time. As you shall see, the waters can
be very choppy indeed...
Caas5) C98) wisz0008) | 2008)
2008 (Eary) 2010 (Spring)

2014 (Spring)

2010 (Spring)
2013 (Fat)
2014 (Spring)
= 2008 Early)
(December 31) t 2012(Spring)


2010 (Spring) 2014 (Spring)

2012 (Spring)

2014 (Spring)
1995 (Summer)
2010 (Spring) f 2012 (Spr
je ing)

2008 (Spring)

20208 208

Fall 2024 | Wanda's Slip Up
\Wanda Masimoff watches her two sons Bly and Tony play.
‘She bakes for them She tucks them nat night But this happy
fanda Maximo from another univers,
appearing asa dream inside the lonely, rif tractue mind
(ofthe Wanda from this world Doctor Strange comes to this
lost Wandafor assistance, offering to help her rebuild her
reputation after er reality bending breakdown in Westview
He needs her help protecting a young woman whois being
hunted fr her Multiverse-tranecending powers.“Wht i you
brought America here?” Wanda suggests But ..Strangenever
told her the gifs name.

Fall 2024 | Multiversal Mayhem

‘That wasn't dream. It was another universe” America explain
to Wong and Doctor Strange, asking if they've had any experience 268
with the Multiverse. Strange has some familiarity, folowinghis Fall2024 | The Fall of Kamar-Taj
idventures with Spider-Man, but he wants to know about the tor Strange and Wong agree to
reature that was pursuing her in this word. “it’s ikea henchman defend America at Kamar Tj but the
that works fora demon. Ch avez says, believing thie goals to foctieations ofthe Mastrsof the
take her power: What power? Ian travel the Multivers she says Mystic Arts are no match for Wanda
How?"Thatst problem. don'tknowhow. leat contro Masimotf new dark powers. The
Defender Strange was tryingto help her, she says, before turning Scarlet Witch runs roughshod over
con her and trying to extract her abilityto safeguard himself the apprentices and captures Wong dh

Fall 2024 | “Everything Lost Fall2024 | Freefaling Through the
Can Be Mine Again” Multiverse
Doctor Strange tres to reason
with Wanda Doctor Strange and America Chaver escapethe
Maximoft when he reales shes the one trying to rin of Kamara when se instinctively pens
il America Chaver for powers, She cravesthe aMmut versal porta They plummet through a
ability orp through realities so she can find one succession of word, some bent, ome
where her sons ae alive and thriving. but Strange terfying others merely bizare “Those universes
tells her they arent real."You created them using wert tic Were' wep ne of them?”
he says. But she smiles: replies, "That's Strange asi, til haken an tired by the
what every mather does” She issues an ultimatum: vibrant transformation
deliver America Chaves to her by sundown, or ese
ewon't be Wanda wh efor her” she says.
twill be The Scarlet Witch

Fall 2024 | Other Doctor Strange?

‘America Chaver proves Doctor Stranges dream
was actually avision of another reality by
showing him the body of Defender Strange,
which was swept through the vortex into this
universe along with her Doctor Strang
his deceased doppelganger under bricks ona
rooftop, while Wong offers the young woman
sanctuary at Kamara.
Spring 2024 | Wilson and Barnes Join Forces
up the shi leon, who ha
brotherhood hinkit did't bre
reand call him ‘the
47” Wilson eto pair argue on their way to Munich,
where they discupta shipment
of Fag Smasher supplies.

eo rs :
Spring 2024 | Isaiah Bradley, Revisited @o ,
‘Toinestigate how the super soldiers may have Bucky Spring 2024 | Mission to Madripoor
co ion and Barnes to the
na program. Now elderly salah Braeyisstil the SuperSoldier Serum toa figure known asthePo
ferociously strong, which he demonstrates by angrily hurling withSharon Carter, who tels them she has
‘metal caseinto the wal ofthe Baltimor Steve 1 Wilson du
son, Et. The Korean War veteran c is actualy the Power Broke
work they are doing to 8 ley'sblood—but
10 may have been enhancedby it.
Tm Indl. sina atatet.

Spring 2024 | Zomo's Return Spring 2024 | Serum Destroyed—Almost

Bucky Bars tums to an er power player who Joh Walker storms in to arrest Karli Morganthau, and she
1p and betrayed by Sam Wilson's efort at negotit
what tha
the Bip She destroys A Inthe ch of Super i
Wilson's Redwing dron her soli json and Barnes back then
until John scene tolend a hand! Lemar Hoskins analnoed
who calls himself he Flag Smas! 9, Walker and : 7 ho Sup
Hoskins propose work but Wi Barnes don't trus produced and distributed, Zemo is el
to obliga if only to Ful
super soldiers. “Ihave no
ny workunfinished"he says eo

Mama” Donya Madani. a

a mother
figuce and symbol forthe dispa

{decides that reason might work on Morgenthau rather tha

force. He urges her to end the Flag
sam, why are you here instead of stopping the
ny lagree with y
2023(Fall) 2023 (Fall)
(Avengers in 2012 NYC) (Avenginer2013
s Asgard)
2018 (Spring) 2018 (Spring)
2018 (Spring)
2023 (Fall)
(vengersin 2013

(Avengers in2014 Morag)
2018 (Spring)
2018 (Spring)
2023 (Fall)
(Avengers in 2014 Morag)
(vengers in
2018 Spring)

2023 (Fall)
(Avengers in2014 Morag)

2018 (Spring)
2023 (Fall) 2023 (Fall)
(Avengers in2012 NYC) yerein 2014 Morag)

2023 (Fall)
2018 (Spring) (Avengers in 1970 NJ)
2023 (Fall) 2023 (Fa

2025 (Spring-Fall)
2024 Fall)
2024 Spring)
2023 Fall)

2024 (Summer)

| | 12028 (Spring)
2024 (Summer)

2024 (Fall)
2023 (Fall) a
< 2025 (Fall)

of Time

2024 (Fall) F a

2025 (Winter)
2024 (Winter)
Ego2,15, 48, 50, 132-35, 197,325 Gorr 85,105, 318-23, Kraglin 130, 133,
it 195 Grandmaster of Sakaar91, 184-86 Kree 24,50, 51,54, 59, 60, 63, 120,124,
ElAguila 1 Grant, teven 296-99, 300-301 ‘haris 19-22, 268-71 28
EL-Faouly, Abdallah 209 ‘The Great Protector 18, 147,245,246 The lluminati 282-83 Kro21,268, 270-71
L-Faouly, Lay 296,la
297-98, 300 Green Goblin 273,274-77 Infinity Gauntlet 163,170, 171,193,195, Kruger, Heinz 292, 326
Page numbers in bold refer 210,216,251,256,257 Beck, Quentin 7, 151,258-61,264, 267 CChthon 14,282 Electro 274,275,276 ‘0@ also Osborn, Norman 198-202, 205,228, 229, 203 Kulkulkan see Namor
tomainentres seealso Lang, Scott ‘see also Mysterio Clandestines 31,314-16 Elementals 258-61 Groot 67,25, 128, 129,131, 135,195, Infinity Stones 12,17, 24, 25,30, 7,51, Kurse 101, 102,
‘Arc Reactor 43, 70-74, 76,77, 109-1, Bifrost 13, 46,62, 63,80, 83, 84, 86, Cleary, Agent 313, Elis, President Matthew 108, 109,122 198,200, 202, 224 (62,63, 84, 91,92, 97,98, 100, 102, yin 125,126
1940s 30-41 159, 175,216,275 £88, 100, 181, 182,195, 198, 200 ‘The Collector 12,126, 105,228, Emergence 20,21, 47,268-70 Guardians ofthe Galaxy 105, 125-32, 103, 13,119,121, 126, 128, 130,137,
19508443 ‘Aishem 13, 14,20, 21,268, 269,271 Bishop, Derek 96 325,326 Eroe272 134-37, 192,194, 200, 215, 233, 143,163, 181,187,189, 194, 198-200,
1960s 43
19708 46-48.
‘Asgard 13,18, 22,24, 46, 62, 63,79,80,
Bishop, Eleanor 163, 287,289-90,291
Bishop, Kate 96,98, 163, 287-88,
Common Era22-27
Connors,Or. Curt 273,276
Erskine, Dr Abraham 32,33, 36,41, 120,
300 also individual characters 204,208, 213-18, 220-22, 225, 227,
228-31,235, 309,327
1980s 48-51 82, 84-85, 86, 96,97, 100-104, 181, 290-91,293 Convergence of the Nine Realms 13,7, Eternal Flame 181,186 Guardians ofthe Multiverse 327 s¢e alo individual stones Lang. Cassie 146,149
1990s 52-65, 182, 186,215,229, Black Bolt 282,283 62,84, 100, 101 Eternals 4,15, 1,20-21,22, 26, 62,47, Gulmira 72 Infinity Utron 326, 327 Lang Scott 121, 146-49, 157,158, 163,
20003 66-76 ‘Avengers36,37, 62-64, 75,90, 93, 94, Black Panther 16,152, 195-59, 168-71, Cosme 129 268-72 Iron Gang 68, 4 187-91,203, 210-12, 214,216,221,
2008 70-76 196, 138-45, 148, 151,153, 18, 162, 197,198, 200,202, 207,224, 226, Coulson, Pil 55,58, 82,89, 94,162 Eternity 321-33, Iron Legion 75, 109, 1,138,139 225,230,251
170, 171,183,196, 197,204-205, 207,
211-25, 228, 229, 256,293,309
244, 251,305, 306,308, 326, 327
‘see also Killmonger, rik; Suri
Cross, Darren 121, 146-49, 188,
Crossbones 150
Expansion 48, 134
Extremis76, 106-109
Eye of Agamotto 178-80, 193, 197,214,
H non Man 56,57, 70, 71-73, 74-78,
76-77, 79-81,90, 93, 95,96,98, 99,
00 also Ant-Man
Laufey, King 24,25, 80,82, 104
2013100-109 Battle at Leiptg-Halle Aiport 74, 12, Thala Hala S1,54,55,61,63, 106, 109, 120-22, 188, 143,145, 155, Lawson, Dr: Wendy 50, 51,58, 59-61
2014 109-137 155, 156-87, 163, 189,251,262 Black Widow 56,57, 69,78, 80,98, 99, 327 Hammer, Justin 79, 81 187-59, 172,182, 189, 193,197,198, Leap-Frog3t
Hansen, Maya 65,76,106-108 Leeds, Ned 173, 260,275-76,277,286
2015 138-149
2016 150-17
Battle of New York 57, 75,90, 95-96,
98-99, 104, 106, 11,121, 185,230,
115, 17,121,138, 141,143,144, 150,
155, 160, 162-66, 200, 201,230, 250, D F
Harkness, Agatha “Agnes” 27,238,239,
200,212,216, 221-23, 226,251,263,
292,293,327 Leipzig Halle airport 74, 12,155,
156-57, 163,189, 251,262
2017 178-186 250,288, 292,283 256,257, 288, 290,282, 293,327 Damage Control 313-14, 316, 317, Harrow, Arthur 296-301 ‘Arc Reactor 43, 70-74, 76,77, 109-N, Lewis,Dr Darey 80,100, 238, 239,
2018 187-205 Snap 202-205 ‘see also Romanoff, Natasha Danvers, Carol 44, 48, 51,52, 55,56, Falcon 118,143,148, 150,159, 195-57, Hasan 31,40,.314 189, 175,216,275 242,301
20203206-325 Sokovia Accords 74, 144, 145, 151-52, Blaze, Donny 307 59, 60, 61,62, 120,204 198,200, 248, 254, 256,257 Hawkeye 56,87, 93, 94,96,98, 99,121, armor 70, 72-75, 77,78, 106-108, Li64,68,245
2023210-243 185,156,163, 172,187,189, 19,194, Blip 84, 91,113, 231,241,248, 257, Daredevil311 see also Wilson, arm 138,141,142, 144, 145, 155,156,160, 198, 10-13, 174, 219, 21,227,303 The Lizard 273,275,276
2024 244-293 208,240, 241,253, 257,262 264,287 ark Dimension 23,150, 178-80, 228, Faligar 319 162-63, 209,223, 225.26, 28, 230, 200 also Stark Tony Lockey, Jake 300-301
2025294-325 Washington, 0.C. 122-23 after the Blip 232-37,244 286,293 Farina 316 241,257,288, 291,292 Iron Patriot 106, 108, 122 Loki24, 36, 46, 56,57, 62, 63,74, 80,
see aso individual characters Blonsky, Emil 78, 83, 86-90, 244, 292, Dark Eves 13,1762, 84,100, 101,102, Fisk, Wilson 289, 290, 291 see also Barton, Clint Iron Spider 262,263, '82-84,86, 88, 90-97,99, 101,102,
‘Avengers Initiative 56,57, 74, 89,120, 294, 295, 311,312 182 see also Kingpin Hayward, Tyler 237,242 10,119,121, 124, 739,141, 162,181,
A 121,327 Bloodstone 324 Dark Gate 18 Flag Smashers 248, 252-54, 257,264, He Who Remains 236-37, 242 182, 184-86, 192, 193, 207,214,216,
‘Abomination 56,87,88,90,244,292,
Axl 320
Ayesha 132,135,
‘Ayo 145, 192, 254,255,
Bloodstone, Elsa 324
Bloodstone, Ulysses 324
“The Dark World 62,102
Darkhold 19,243, 282-84, 286
Davis, Aaron 174
Flynn, Agent 38,39
Heart-Shaped Herb 16,168, 169,171,
255,305,308, J 218, 220,228, 229, 232, 234-37, 250,
294-95,311,312 Fontaine, Contessa Valentina Allegra de Heimdall 46, 62,80,83,86, 88,101, Jabari 16,167,168, 224 and Thor 82, 85, 104-108, 250,293
‘Adam 135 Book, Mallory 310, Death Dealer 245 288, 289,303 181,184,185, 192, 193, 323 Jack 324 Lopez, Maya 209, 288-91
‘Aether 17,62, 84,100, 101-103, 182, Bor 17, 18,84 Deever, Agent 313,317 Foster, BilSO, 124,190 Hela 18,22, 84,85, 91,105, 181-86, Jacobsen, Luke 311 Lopez, Wiliam 209
a7 B Bradley, E1267 Destroyer79, 83,86 Foster, Dr. Jane 80, 86, 88, 100-105, 217,229 Jameson, J. Jonah 264,275,278 Luchkow, Georg 162
‘Agamotto 17 Bradley Isaiah 4, 42, 48, 252,255,267 Deviants 14,15, 19-21, 26, 62,268, 183, 215,217,230,301, 320-23 Hercules 323 JARVIS 72,77, 98,106,107, 1, 12, Luis 146,147
Eye of Agamotto V7, 178-180, 193, 197, Baby Groot 129, 133 Brice, Jackson 173, 269,271 see also Mighty Thor Hill Maria 27, $7,118, 42,203,258, 139,142, 228, 240, 292,309
214,327 Babylon 19,20 Burch, Sonny 187, 190-91 Dillon, Max 274,276 FRIDAY 112,227 326 Jotunheim 24, 62, 79, 80, 82,84-86,
[AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics) 108, Banner, Bruce 62, 67,68, 75, 77,78, 82, Bushman 209 Distant Past 10-27 Frigga 24,84,88, 97,101, 104,215,217, Hoag, Ann Marie 97 104
12 86-94, 96,99, 12, 13,118, 139, 40, Dora Milae 145, 166, 169,192,254, 220,233,326 Hogan, Happy 78, 81, 106,261,272,
‘Aisha 31,40, 313-315 142, 144, 162,185, 192-04, 198, 201, 255,303 Frost Giants 24, 25, 62,79, 82, 85,104, 274,327 Makkari23,270-71
‘jak 19-21, 26,268,271
‘Alene 161-66
208, 21,214, 230, 231,267, 267-68,
292, 204,312,327 Cc Dormammu 150, 178-80,286,203
Drax 125,127,128, 131,133,194, 195,
197,198, 203,224,325
Fury, Nick 36, 43,55, 56-87, 58,
Hogun 80,184
Holiway, Holden 294 K Malekith 17, 62, 84, 101-104, 182,228
Man-Bull 311
‘Algrim 101 see also Hulk carina 126 60-62, 64,73, 74,80, 89,90, 92, Hoskins, Lamar 252,254 Kaecilius 150, 177-80 Mandarin 49, 75, 106-108, 114,122
‘Alioth 236 Barnes, James Buchanan “Bucky” 34, Carrell, Bruno 313,314, 316-18 Dreamwalking 282 ‘94, 98, 14-16, 18, 120-23, 141,142, Howard the Duck 129 Kamran 314,316,317 Mantis 135, 195, 197, 198, 203, 224,
‘America, Captain 34-35, 38-37, 38, 35,40, 41, 18-20, 123,145,150, Carson, MitehellS1, 120-22, 146 Dreykov, Antonia69, 164,165 144, 162,203,204, 28, 258, 293, Howling Commandos 34, 250, 256 Kareem 315, 226,325
46,56, 57,70,81,89,93,94,96,99, 153-57, 167,170, 192,198, 202,235, Carter, Captain 282, 283,326,327 Dreykov, General 69,159, 160-65 309,327 Hulk 6, 57,62, 68, 7,78, 82, 85-88, Keener, Harley 107 Mar-Vell 50, 51,52, 55,59, 60,228
‘14-18, 120, 123, 138, 141,143,145, 249, 251-54, 256-87, 264, 266,308, Carter, Peggy 33-39, 46, 51,89, 115, Druig 19,20, 21,26, 269, 270-71 '90-91, 94,96, 99, 105, 112,113,121, Keller, Agent 58 Matko, Flint 274
150, 152-59, 172,182, 183,187,194, 309,327 120, 122,151,219, 235,250, 266,326 Duat 298-99 138, 140,143, 145,172,185, 192-94, han, Kamala 40, 313-18 “Marvel, Captain 57, 61,64, 91,203,
197-200, 214, 218-19, 22-25, 235, ‘and Steve Rogers 30-32, 36,124,152, Carter, Sharon 115, 16,151,152, 208, Duquesne, Jack 289 Khonshu 209, 296-301
241,287, 292, 293, 313,327
John Walker as 123,249,252-55,257,
154, 158-59, 196,256
_see also The Winter Soldier
25), 253,264-66, 327
Casket of Ancient Winters 24, 62,79,
Dwayne 323
‘Dweller Darkness 245,246-47 G 201,208, 212,214,216, 220-22,231,
£235, 267-8, 292,327
see also Banner, Bruce
Kilian, Aldrich 65, 76, 106-109, 11,13,
204,208, 210, 226, 228,247,263,
282, 283,313,326
264-65 Barton, Clint 57,69, 82,92-94, 96,139, 82,83 Gamora65, 124-27, 131,133, 134, Kllmonger, Erik 53, 168, 168-72, 305, Mason, Rick 160
‘Sam Wilson as 251,256, 257, 264, 141,144, 156, 158, 162-63, 203, 209, Celestial10, 12-14,20, 21,134, 268-71 136-37, 194-96, 198, 202,215,223, ‘Hulkbuster 12,13, 40, 198,201 306, 308, 326,327 Masters ofthe Mystic Arts 17,23, 150,
266,267,309 210, 212-13, 215, 217,221,230, ‘Chavez, America 278, 279-82, 284-86, £225,226, 228, 229,233, 325-327 Hulkking 310, 312 King. Madisyon307 177,193, 224, 281,286, 293,327
shield 81,93, 19,123, 153,156,159, 287-91,293, 293 Gargantos 279,293, Hunter 6-15 216,234 Kingo21,24, 30, 47,269,270, 271 Maw, Ebony 74, 193, 195,215,223,
200, 212,250-51, 276,309 see also Hawkeye (Chen, Katy 114, 244-45, 247 Earth 13,18,27 Ghost 50,190,203 Hydra 28, 30, 3, 35-37,39, 40, 41,43, Kingpin 163, 289, 291,292,203, 263,293,
‘see also Rogers, Steve Barton, Laura 141 Children of Thanos 163, 193, 14, 200, Battle of Earth 37,105, 113,170,171, Gilgamesh 20,21,24,269 ‘44,46, 47,52, 54,56, 57,94, 16-19, lave, Uysses 53, 40,142, 166-68, Maximof, Petro $7, 65,19, 121,138,
‘Ammit 296-97, 299,300 Bashenga 16 229,241,263,292 183,251 Glaive, Corvus 171,194, 198,201,223 120-21, 123, 124, 188, 144, 228,230, 140-42, 144, 145, 162,239, 240, 242
‘Ancient One 23,150, 177-79, 214,230, Bast 16 Chitauri 57,62, 74,95-99, 1,121,162, invasions of 62-63 Giobal Repatriation Council (GRC) 264, 240,249,250,252-53, 256,266,326 908,309 126,127, 136, 195,228, 325
Knowhere Maximoff, Tommy and Bily 24,242,
231,235,327 Batroc, Georges 114-16,248, 264,265 174,214, 223,250,288,292 EDILTH, (Even Dead, 'm The Hero) 57, 265 Korath 125,128 243, 280,285
‘Ant-Man 21,147, 148,155,156, 187-90, Battlestar252 ‘Cho, Dr. Helen 139,141,309 75,259, 260-61 ods 17 Korg 185, 186, 224, 19-21, 923 Maximoff, Wanda S7, 65,90, 119,12,
Golden Daggers 244,205, 138, 40-42, 144, 145,150,151,
340 341
18,214 144,240,256 296-97,243 see also Rhodes, James Rhodey”
‘Skaar91 ‘Super Soldier Program 32,33, 41,42, Titania 294,310 Warriors Three 80, 83,86,
‘Skrulls $0, 51, 54,58, 59, 60, 63,243 48, 68, 120,292 Tivan, Taneleer 103, 126 100,184
‘Skurge 184, 186 ‘Super Soldier Serum 30, 33, 36,52, 83, Tensberg 24, 25,30, 62, 85 Washington,D.C. 39,5115, 18,
185-58, 163,194,196, 199-202, 207, 260,264,272, 286, 287,288, 292-93 Project Insight 7, 115-19, 121,122,162, Rogers, Stove 28, 33,34, 36-37, 39, 41, Slattery, Trevor 49,106, 108,114, 245 186, 87,120,121, 158, 250, 252-54, Toomes, Adrian97, 12,123, 173-76, 122-23, 124,174,175,
224, 226,229, 237-43, 240-41, 256, Battle of New York 57, 75,90, 95-96, 256 ‘46, 56,57, 74, 89, 93,94, 96, 114-18, ‘Snap 37,57 62, 74, 85,91, 105,163, 264,265,202 292 ‘The Wasp 188, 190, 191,225,226
257,280-85, 293 98-99, 104, 106, 11,121, 185,230, Project Pegasus 50,58, 92,228 120-23, 139,141,142, 151,153,154, 170,171,189, 201-208, 207,211,213, Surtur 85, 181,186,229 see also Vulture see also Van Dyne, Janet
‘see also The Scarlet Witch 250,288, 292,293 Project Rebirth 36, 46,120,292, 326 186,158, 162, 163,166,172, 189,194, 221,226, 231,257, 263 ‘SWORD. (Sentient Weapon Tomes Liz 175,176 The Watcher 326,327
M’Baku 167,168, 224, 305,306 Nine Realms of Yggdrasil 13,18, 62,63, Pym, Dr Hank 46, 49,50, 51, 120-22, 198-200, 202, 208-14, 216, 218-19, ‘Sokovia 27,37, 57,65, 12,121, 124, ‘Observation and Response Division) Torres, Lt. Joaquin 248, 254 Weiss, Claire97
Melina 162-66 80, 84,88,100, 102,103 146-49, 187,190, 191,203,210, 1222-23, 230, 231,235,248, 249,253, 130-40, 142-43, 14-8, 158,162, 122,203,209, 238, 241,242 Touissant 170 Wen 25, 64, 68, 114,244-45,246
Middle East 19 NJadaka 166,305 218-19, 327 1256, 257,267,292, 309,326 250, 255,309 Sylvie 232, 234, 236-37 Tracksuit Mafia 287-88, 291,293 White Wott 192,255
Midgard 13, 44, 46,63, 80,104 Nobu53, 166, 168,169,170, 172,308 Pym Particles 120, 121,122,146, 147, ‘and Bucky Barnes 30-22, 36, 18, 19, Sokovia Accords 74,144,145, 151-52, Whitman, Dane 21,268,272
‘see also Earth ‘Noor Dimension 314, 315,316,318 188-89, 212,213, 216,219, 231,235 124,152,154, 158-59, 196,256 155,196, 163,172,187 189, 191,194, Wiliams, Riri 771,303, 304, 305,306
Midnight, Proxima 194, 198, 200, 201,
Nova Corps 128-31, 192,228
Nova Empire24, 124
see also America, Captain
Romanoff, Natasha 54, 56, 69, 78, 80,
208, 240, 241,253, 257,262
Soren258 T U Wilson, Sam 114,17, 18, 122-24, 143,
148, 151-54, 158, 163,194,196, 202,
Miek 185,186,224
‘The Mighty Thor 105, 183, 301,319-20,
Nova Prime 130, 192
Q 81,90, 92-94, 96,1 4, 16-18, 12,
123,143, 151,154, 159-61, 162-63,
Soul Eaters 245,246
Soul Stone 137,163,196, 198, 202,217,
Talokan 16,26, 171,303-306
Udonta, Yond 50,127,130, 131,
139-35, 326
208, 224,235, 248-49, 250,251,
252-55, 256-57, 264, 265-66, 267,
323 ‘Quantum Realm 49, 62,149, 163, 164-66, 185, 194, 196,204, 209-12, vibranium 308-309 Uttron 37,57, 75, 104, 12,121,139,
‘see also Foster Jane
Miller, Josh 310 fe) 187-91,203,210, 21,213, 215,221,
218,217,220, 230, 287-90, 293
s0¢ also Black Widow
‘Space Stone 25,30, 51, 62,193, 195,
202, 214,216,219, 228-31
Talos 55, 57-60,
Taserface 133
258, 293 140-45, 162, 170, 228, 239,240, 250,
256,292, 309,326
2¢e also Falcon
Winter Soldier36, 40, 41,43, 52,57,
"78, 16-21, 123, 124, 145, 150, 152-55,
Mind Stone 62,92,98, 19,121,141, ‘Obsidian,Cull 193, 198,200, 201,223, ‘Quantum Tunnel 187,189, 190,203, Ronan the Accuser24, 60,124, 125, Spector, Mare 64,209, 296-301 ‘Taskmaster 160,164, 165 UnisMind 21
143, 145, 155,163,171, 194,196,197, 263,293 127-31, 136, 182,228 ‘Spector, Randall 64 Taweret 298, 300 universe, creation of the 12 188, 162, 167, 170,192,224, 249,251,
199,200, 201,214, 228-31, 237,240, Octavius, Dr Ott0273 Ronin 209, 212,288, 289, 291 ‘Spencer, Charlie 142 ‘T’Chaka 53,152, 166-59, 166, 168-70, US Agent 266 256,257,266, 309
281,243, 257,927 ‘Octopus, Doctor 263, 274-76 Quill Peter 44, 48,50, 63, 125, 127-29, Ross, Betty 68, 82, 86-88 ‘Spider-Man 74, 12,123,154, 155-57, 255,257,309 s0e also Buchanan, James “Bucky”
Mirror Dimension 179,274, 276 Odin 18,22,25,30, 62, 79, 80, 82 131-35, 195, 198, 215,217,225, 325 Ross, Everett K. 167,168, 303,306 172-76, 193, 197,198,200, 207, 224, ‘T’Challa 152,153, 154,157,159, 166-72, Winter Soldier program 54, 154,257,
MJ258, 260, 263, 264, 267,272,273,
Miolnir18,56,79, 80,82, 86,93,102,
84-86, 88,97 102-105, 181,182,185,
186, 216,220, 229, 293, 326
‘see also Star-Lord Ross, Thaddeus 68, 78, 83, 86-90,92,
93,145, 151, 159, 163, 172,196,240,
£226,251, 258-61, 264, 273-74, 277,
suits 174,262-63
196,200-202, 207, 244, 255, 301,
see also Black Panther
Vv 309
W'Kabi 167,169
Wong, Sorcerer Supreme 178, 179, 193,
Oeznik 266 Valkyrie 22, 85,105, 184,185, 186,192,
104,105, 120, 139,142,145, 162,181, ‘Okoye 166,167, 169, 170,201,202, 210, Rumiow, Brock 14, 16,19, 150, 214 Sprite 19-21,268, 269,271 Tea 324 £224, 226, 233, 319,320,321,323 244,267,272, 279-82, 284-85, 286,
182-83, 195,217,223, 235, 240, 250, 224, 226, 303, 305, 306,327 ‘Stacy, Gwen 276 ‘The Ton Rings 25, 31,64, 68, 70,7173, Van Dyne, Hope 49, 148, 187-81,203, 293,295,307
301,320,322 ‘Operation Paperclip39 Raft 158, 172,255,257, 266 ‘Stane, Obadiah$3, 71,73,10,287, 326 74,9110, 114,244-47, 326 27 Woo, Jimmy 191,238
Mobius 218, 220,232,234
Moon Knight 296, 297, 299, 300
Morag 230
(Orb 124-27, 129, 130, 136,215
‘Osborn, Norman 273,274,277
Ragnarok85,105, 181,229
Rambeau, Maria 52,58, 59, 61,203, S Star-Lord 63,125,130, 131, 134, 136,
137,197,203, 217,224,225, 228, 230,
see also Earth
Tesseract25, 30,35,38, 44, 46,50, I,
Van Dyne, Janet 49,148,149, 187-91,
World Forge 14
Other97 209,222,282 Sakaar 105, 184-85,212 see also The Wasp
Mordo, Baron Kar! 282, 177-80
Morgenthau, Karli252-54, 264-65
Outriders 197,198, 200,201,223, 263 Rambeau, Monica 52,59-61, 203, 209,
Sana 31, 40,314,315
Sandman 274, 275,276
see also Quill, Peter
Starforce 51,55, 56,59, 60
Stark, Howard 32, 38,39, 43, 46-48,
57-62, 74, 85,90, 92-98, 103,105,
121,162, 189, 192, 193, 196,214,216,
Vanko, Anton 43, 76
Vanko, Ivan 76,78, 79,81, 1, 162,292 Xx
Mount Bashenga169 Ramonda 168, 171,255,301-304, 307, ‘sara2e2 218,219, 228-29, 231,250, 292, 326 Vers $5, 58,59 Xandar 128, 129, 136,192, 228, 229
Mount Wundagore 14, 19, 282,
284,285 P 309
Ramos, Niki 310
Saracen 31
Savin 106,108
51,52, 76,81, 120-22, 148, 158-59,
218,219,228, 250,292, 309,326
‘Thanos 37, 62,65, 67,74, 84, 85,91,
'92, 97,98, 104, 105, 13,124, 125,130,
vibranium 15,16, 26,53, 140,142,144,
182,166, 167, 169,170,250, 251,
attack on Xandar 130-31
Xavier, Professor Charles 282,283
Multversal War 236, 237 Palmer, Dr. Christine 176, 179, 279, 282, Rapusie ‘Scatlt Scarab 300 ‘Stark, Maria 52, 121, 158-59 134, 136,137, 163,170, 171,183,187, 301-304, 308-309, 226 Xialing 64, 68,244-46,247
Multiverse 13,207,218, 236,273,274, 284,285,327 Ravagers50,125, 27-31, 133, 134,224, ‘The Scarlet Witch 19,241,242, ‘Stark, Morgan H.208, 211,213,221, 189, 192-205, 207,208, 210,213,215, Vision 104, 12,142,144, 145, 151, 155,
281,283,292, 326, 327 Pangborn, Jonathan 176,177 326 280-85,293, 327 227,233 217,220,222-26, 228, 229,231,241, 186, 162,163,171, 183, 194, 196, 197,
Murdock, Matt 267,293, 31, 312
Parker, May 263, 272,274, 275,277,
Razor Fist 244,246
see also Maximott, Wanda
‘Schmidt, Johann 30, 120, 196
‘Stark, Tony 37,44, 48, 53, 56,57, 65,
67,70-81, 89, 93-96, 98, 104,
251,257,263, 272, 282, 283, 309,
199-202, 228, 229,237,239, 240-61,
242, 243, 256,257,292, 327 Y
Mysterio 259, 260-61, 263, 264, Parker, Peter 57, 74,75, 123,154, 157, Reality Stone V7, 18, 62,84, 100, 182, Scrapper 142 184, 185, 106-108, 119,120, 138-43, 145,151, Thena 20, 21,23, 26,269, 270-71 Vormir 217,228,230 Yelena 54, 159-66,203,222, 288-90,
272,293 172-76, 195, 203,211,227, 25, 195,198, 215,217,228-31 Selvig Dr. Erik 80,92, 95, 98, 103,228, 183,154,156, 188, 162, 163, 170, 172, ‘Thor 18,24, 46,6, $7, 63,77, 79, 80, Vulture 74,262, 282 293
258-64, 267, 272-78, 286,292, ‘ether 7,62, 84, 100, 101, 102,103, 292,301 174,176, 89, 193-95, 197,198, 200, '82-86, 88, 91-94, 96, 100-103, 121, Yellowjacket 21, 146-48, 188, 327
293,327 182,217 Sersi19,20-22, 268-72 203,204, 208, 21-14, 216,218,219, 138,139, 142-45, 162, 172,181, Ygedrasl 13,17, 18,25, 101

Nagel, Dr. Wilfred 253

see also Spider-Man
Patel, Karun 47,269
Red Daggers 315,317
Red Guardian 54,161,164
‘Shadow Realm 320, 321
‘Shang-Chi 64, 68,91, 114,244-47
‘She-Hulk 91,267-68, 294-95, 307,
£21,225-31,293, 240, 251,257-59,
262, 263, 268, 292, 293, 309, 326
Iron Man armors HO-A3.
184-86, 192, 194-95, 198, 200-202,
212,215, 217, 222-23, 228-30, 233,
292, 293, 319-23, 326,327
Ww Ying Nan 245
Yinsen, Dr. Ho 65,70, 71,72, 10
Yon-Rogg51 55, $9, 60, 61,62
Phastos 19,20,21,26,35,270,271 Red Room 44, 54, 69,159, 160-66, Wakanda16, 37,53, 62,105, 166-89,
Najma 40,314,315,316 Phelps, Todd 312 203,222 310-12 see aso ron Man and Loki 82, 85, 104-105, 250,293 192, 196-98, 224, 241,251, 25 ,257,
Nakajima, Yor249,266 Philips,Col. Chester 33,4, 39,120 Red Skull 30,34-36, 85,120,228, see also Walters, Jennifer Starr Ava 50,124, 190,191 Mjalni 18, 56, 79, 80, 82, 86,93, 102, 301-306, 326
‘Starr, Eihas 50 104, 105, 120,139, 142,145,162, 181,
Nakia 166-68, 170, 171,304,307
Namor 26,171,302, 304-306,308
Pierce, Alexander 57, 115-18, 121, 123,
Redwing 156, 252
SHLELD. (Strategic Homeland
Intervention, Enforcement, and ‘Stern, Senator 77,119,122
‘Stems, Dr Samuel 87
182-83, 195,217,223, 320,322
‘Battle in Wakanda 200-201, 229
royal family 70-71 Z
Nano Gauntlet 91,213, 221,223, Pip 272 Renslayer, Ravonna 218, 232, 234 Logistics Division) 28, 36,39, 4,47, ‘Threshers 200,201 vibranium 308-309 Zealots 17,178, 179, 80
226-27,231,263, Pollack, Benny 97 Rhodes, James “Rhodey” 63,77, 79,81, 50-52, 54, 69, 74,78, 82, 83,89, 90, ‘Stevens, Erik 166 ‘Thunderbolt 321,323, Waleed 315,316 Zemo, Baron Helmut 142, 145, 153-56,
Nebula 63,124,127, 131-34, 196-37, Porcupine 311 106, 108-10, 122,143, 151,155, 163, 92-94, 114-16, 18, 19, 122,124,138, ‘Stormbreaker 183,195,198, 200-202, Tiamut 13,20,21,244, 268, 270-71, Walker, John 123, 249, 252-55, 257, 158, 159, 252-55,257
196, 198, 200, 203-205, 210,215,217, Potts, Pepper 73,74, 7,78, 106-109, 172,196,202, 209, 215,217, 222,225, 144, 162,188, 228 208, 223,321-22 Time Heist 182,189, 207,216,218, 220, 264-65 Zeus 17,320,323,
220,221, 223,225, 226,230 101,113, 176,204, 208, 211,225-27, 227,229,230,249 Shocker 173 ‘Strange, Or Stephen 150, 176-81, 193, 233 s¢e also US.Agent Zimmer,Zoe 313
Necrosword 318,319,322 233 see also War Machine ‘Shur 159,163, 167-71, 196,200,201, 197,198, 200,203, 207,214,224, Time Keepers 232 Walters, Jennifer 91,267-68, 294-95, Zola, Dr Arnim 30, 35, 39, 40, 46, 47,
New Asgard 85, 91, 105,183,209, 224, Power Broker 208, 253,264,265, 266 Richards, Reed 282, 283 1224, 226, 241,25 , 257,302-307, £228, 241,263, 272-74, 276-86, 292, Time Stone 7, 62,178,179, 193,195, 307, 310-12 ‘116,17, 18,120,218, 256,327
233, 301,319,323 Power Stone 24, 63, 125-31 136,192, Rocket 125, 127-33, 185,182,195, 198, 309 293,326,327 198-201, 214, 228-31,272, 293 80¢ also She-Hulk 2uri53, 168, 309
New York City 139, 141,143,154, 175, 215,217,226, 228-31 200,202, 208,210, 212,215,217, 222, Sif Lady 80,83, 86,100, 319 Strategic Scientific Reserve 38 ‘Time Variance Authority (TVA) 105, War Machine57,79, 81,10, 122,143,
178, 179, 181,185,193, 214,216,257, Project Goliath 50, 190, 225,230 Sitwell Agent Jasper 89,97, 114,117, ‘trucker, Baron 37, 19,124, 138, 40, 207,216,218, 220, 230,232,234, 185-57, 200, 22, 230, 256, 292
The Infinity Stones are six powerful
elemental crystals, forged in the Big Bang,
that each control an essential aspect of
existence. They are the Mind Stone, Reality
‘Stone, Power Stone, Space Stone, Time
Stone, and Soul Stone. The stones can only
be wielded by beings of immense power,
and together can be used to reshape
rence. To use the power of the Infinity
‘Stones, Thanos orders Eitri of Nidavellir
to construct the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos
goes on to collectall the Infinity Stones,
which enables him to wipe out half of all
life in the universe. The Avengers later
construct a Quantum Tunnel, which allows
them to collect the stones from the past
and return those who were lost.
18,214 144,240,256 296-97,243 see also Rhodes, James Rhodey”
‘Skaar91 ‘Super Soldier Program 32,33, 41,42, Titania 294,310 Warriors Three 80, 83,86,
‘Skrulls $0, 51, 54,58, 59, 60, 63,243 48, 68, 120,292 Tivan, Taneleer 103, 126 100,184
‘Skurge 184, 186 ‘Super Soldier Serum 30, 33, 36,52, 83, Tensberg 24, 25,30, 62, 85 Washington,D.C. 39,5115, 18,
185-58, 163,194,196, 199-202, 207, 260,264,272, 286, 287,288, 292-93 Project Insight 7, 115-19, 121,122,162, Rogers, Stove 28, 33,34, 36-37, 39, 41, Slattery, Trevor 49,106, 108,114, 245 186, 87,120,121, 158, 250, 252-54, Toomes, Adrian97, 12,123, 173-76, 122-23, 124,174,175,
224, 226,229, 237-43, 240-41, 256, Battle of New York 57, 75,90, 95-96, 256 ‘46, 56,57, 74, 89, 93,94, 96, 114-18, ‘Snap 37,57 62, 74, 85,91, 105,163, 264,265,202 292 ‘The Wasp 188, 190, 191,225,226
257,280-85, 293 98-99, 104, 106, 11,121, 185,230, Project Pegasus 50,58, 92,228 120-23, 139,141,142, 151,153,154, 170,171,189, 201-208, 207,211,213, Surtur 85, 181,186,229 see also Vulture see also Van Dyne, Janet
‘see also The Scarlet Witch 250,288, 292,293 Project Rebirth 36, 46,120,292, 326 186,158, 162, 163,166,172, 189,194, 221,226, 231,257, 263 ‘SWORD. (Sentient Weapon Tomes Liz 175,176 The Watcher 326,327
M’Baku 167,168, 224, 305,306 Nine Realms of Yggdrasil 13,18, 62,63, Pym, Dr Hank 46, 49,50, 51, 120-22, 198-200, 202, 208-14, 216, 218-19, ‘Sokovia 27,37, 57,65, 12,121, 124, ‘Observation and Response Division) Torres, Lt. Joaquin 248, 254 Weiss, Claire97
Melina 162-66 80, 84,88,100, 102,103 146-49, 187,190, 191,203,210, 1222-23, 230, 231,235,248, 249,253, 130-40, 142-43, 14-8, 158,162, 122,203,209, 238, 241,242 Touissant 170 Wen 25, 64, 68, 114,244-45,246
Middle East 19 NJadaka 166,305 218-19, 327 1256, 257,267,292, 309,326 250, 255,309 Sylvie 232, 234, 236-37 Tracksuit Mafia 287-88, 291,293 White Wott 192,255
Midgard 13, 44, 46,63, 80,104 Nobu53, 166, 168,169,170, 172,308 Pym Particles 120, 121,122,146, 147, ‘and Bucky Barnes 30-22, 36, 18, 19, Sokovia Accords 74,144,145, 151-52, Whitman, Dane 21,268,272
‘see also Earth ‘Noor Dimension 314, 315,316,318 188-89, 212,213, 216,219, 231,235 124,152,154, 158-59, 196,256 155,196, 163,172,187 189, 191,194, Wiliams, Riri 771,303, 304, 305,306
Midnight, Proxima 194, 198, 200, 201,
Nova Corps 128-31, 192,228
Nova Empire24, 124
see also America, Captain
Romanoff, Natasha 54, 56, 69, 78, 80,
208, 240, 241,253, 257,262
Soren258 T U Wilson, Sam 114,17, 18, 122-24, 143,
148, 151-54, 158, 163,194,196, 202,
Miek 185,186,224
‘The Mighty Thor 105, 183, 301,319-20,
Nova Prime 130, 192
Q 81,90, 92-94, 96,1 4, 16-18, 12,
123,143, 151,154, 159-61, 162-63,
Soul Eaters 245,246
Soul Stone 137,163,196, 198, 202,217,
Talokan 16,26, 171,303-306
Udonta, Yond 50,127,130, 131,
139-35, 326
208, 224,235, 248-49, 250,251,
252-55, 256-57, 264, 265-66, 267,
323 ‘Quantum Realm 49, 62,149, 163, 164-66, 185, 194, 196,204, 209-12, vibranium 308-309 Uttron 37,57, 75, 104, 12,121,139,
‘see also Foster Jane
Miller, Josh 310 fe) 187-91,203,210, 21,213, 215,221,
218,217,220, 230, 287-90, 293
s0¢ also Black Widow
‘Space Stone 25,30, 51, 62,193, 195,
202, 214,216,219, 228-31
Talos 55, 57-60,
Taserface 133
258, 293 140-45, 162, 170, 228, 239,240, 250,
256,292, 309,326
2¢e also Falcon
Winter Soldier36, 40, 41,43, 52,57,
"78, 16-21, 123, 124, 145, 150, 152-55,
Mind Stone 62,92,98, 19,121,141, ‘Obsidian,Cull 193, 198,200, 201,223, ‘Quantum Tunnel 187,189, 190,203, Ronan the Accuser24, 60,124, 125, Spector, Mare 64,209, 296-301 ‘Taskmaster 160,164, 165 UnisMind 21
143, 145, 155,163,171, 194,196,197, 263,293 127-31, 136, 182,228 ‘Spector, Randall 64 Taweret 298, 300 universe, creation of the 12 188, 162, 167, 170,192,224, 249,251,
199,200, 201,214, 228-31, 237,240, Octavius, Dr Ott0273 Ronin 209, 212,288, 289, 291 ‘Spencer, Charlie 142 ‘T’Chaka 53,152, 166-59, 166, 168-70, US Agent 266 256,257,266, 309
281,243, 257,927 ‘Octopus, Doctor 263, 274-76 Quill Peter 44, 48,50, 63, 125, 127-29, Ross, Betty 68, 82, 86-88 ‘Spider-Man 74, 12,123,154, 155-57, 255,257,309 s0e also Buchanan, James “Bucky”
Mirror Dimension 179,274, 276 Odin 18,22,25,30, 62, 79, 80, 82 131-35, 195, 198, 215,217,225, 325 Ross, Everett K. 167,168, 303,306 172-76, 193, 197,198,200, 207, 224, ‘T’Challa 152,153, 154,157,159, 166-72, Winter Soldier program 54, 154,257,
MJ258, 260, 263, 264, 267,272,273,
Miolnir18,56,79, 80,82, 86,93,102,
84-86, 88,97 102-105, 181,182,185,
186, 216,220, 229, 293, 326
‘see also Star-Lord Ross, Thaddeus 68, 78, 83, 86-90,92,
93,145, 151, 159, 163, 172,196,240,
£226,251, 258-61, 264, 273-74, 277,
suits 174,262-63
196,200-202, 207, 244, 255, 301,
see also Black Panther
Vv 309
W'Kabi 167,169
Wong, Sorcerer Supreme 178, 179, 193,
Oeznik 266 Valkyrie 22, 85,105, 184,185, 186,192,
104,105, 120, 139,142,145, 162,181, ‘Okoye 166,167, 169, 170,201,202, 210, Rumiow, Brock 14, 16,19, 150, 214 Sprite 19-21,268, 269,271 Tea 324 £224, 226, 233, 319,320,321,323 244,267,272, 279-82, 284-85, 286,
182-83, 195,217,223, 235, 240, 250, 224, 226, 303, 305, 306,327 ‘Stacy, Gwen 276 ‘The Ton Rings 25, 31,64, 68, 70,7173, Van Dyne, Hope 49, 148, 187-81,203, 293,295,307
301,320,322 ‘Operation Paperclip39 Raft 158, 172,255,257, 266 ‘Stane, Obadiah$3, 71,73,10,287, 326 74,9110, 114,244-47, 326 27 Woo, Jimmy 191,238
Mobius 218, 220,232,234
Moon Knight 296, 297, 299, 300
Morag 230
(Orb 124-27, 129, 130, 136,215
‘Osborn, Norman 273,274,277
Ragnarok85,105, 181,229
Rambeau, Maria 52,58, 59, 61,203, S Star-Lord 63,125,130, 131, 134, 136,
137,197,203, 217,224,225, 228, 230,
see also Earth
Tesseract25, 30,35,38, 44, 46,50, I,
Van Dyne, Janet 49,148,149, 187-91,
World Forge 14
Other97 209,222,282 Sakaar 105, 184-85,212 see also The Wasp
Mordo, Baron Kar! 282, 177-80
Morgenthau, Karli252-54, 264-65
Outriders 197,198, 200,201,223, 263 Rambeau, Monica 52,59-61, 203, 209,
Sana 31, 40,314,315
Sandman 274, 275,276
see also Quill, Peter
Starforce 51,55, 56,59, 60
Stark, Howard 32, 38,39, 43, 46-48,
57-62, 74, 85,90, 92-98, 103,105,
121,162, 189, 192, 193, 196,214,216,
Vanko, Anton 43, 76
Vanko, Ivan 76,78, 79,81, 1, 162,292 Xx
Mount Bashenga169 Ramonda 168, 171,255,301-304, 307, ‘sara2e2 218,219, 228-29, 231,250, 292, 326 Vers $5, 58,59 Xandar 128, 129, 136,192, 228, 229
Mount Wundagore 14, 19, 282,
284,285 P 309
Ramos, Niki 310
Saracen 31
Savin 106,108
51,52, 76,81, 120-22, 148, 158-59,
218,219,228, 250,292, 309,326
‘Thanos 37, 62,65, 67,74, 84, 85,91,
'92, 97,98, 104, 105, 13,124, 125,130,
vibranium 15,16, 26,53, 140,142,144,
182,166, 167, 169,170,250, 251,
attack on Xandar 130-31
Xavier, Professor Charles 282,283
Multversal War 236, 237 Palmer, Dr. Christine 176, 179, 279, 282, Rapusie ‘Scatlt Scarab 300 ‘Stark, Maria 52, 121, 158-59 134, 136,137, 163,170, 171,183,187, 301-304, 308-309, 226 Xialing 64, 68,244-46,247
Multiverse 13,207,218, 236,273,274, 284,285,327 Ravagers50,125, 27-31, 133, 134,224, ‘The Scarlet Witch 19,241,242, ‘Stark, Morgan H.208, 211,213,221, 189, 192-205, 207,208, 210,213,215, Vision 104, 12,142,144, 145, 151, 155,
281,283,292, 326, 327 Pangborn, Jonathan 176,177 326 280-85,293, 327 227,233 217,220,222-26, 228, 229,231,241, 186, 162,163,171, 183, 194, 196, 197,
Murdock, Matt 267,293, 31, 312
Parker, May 263, 272,274, 275,277,
Razor Fist 244,246
see also Maximott, Wanda
‘Schmidt, Johann 30, 120, 196
‘Stark, Tony 37,44, 48, 53, 56,57, 65,
67,70-81, 89, 93-96, 98, 104,
251,257,263, 272, 282, 283, 309,
199-202, 228, 229,237,239, 240-61,
242, 243, 256,257,292, 327 Y
Mysterio 259, 260-61, 263, 264, Parker, Peter 57, 74,75, 123,154, 157, Reality Stone V7, 18, 62,84, 100, 182, Scrapper 142 184, 185, 106-108, 119,120, 138-43, 145,151, Thena 20, 21,23, 26,269, 270-71 Vormir 217,228,230 Yelena 54, 159-66,203,222, 288-90,
272,293 172-76, 195, 203,211,227, 25, 195,198, 215,217,228-31 Selvig Dr. Erik 80,92, 95, 98, 103,228, 183,154,156, 188, 162, 163, 170, 172, ‘Thor 18,24, 46,6, $7, 63,77, 79, 80, Vulture 74,262, 282 293
258-64, 267, 272-78, 286,292, ‘ether 7,62, 84, 100, 101, 102,103, 292,301 174,176, 89, 193-95, 197,198, 200, '82-86, 88, 91-94, 96, 100-103, 121, Yellowjacket 21, 146-48, 188, 327
293,327 182,217 Sersi19,20-22, 268-72 203,204, 208, 21-14, 216,218,219, 138,139, 142-45, 162, 172,181, Ygedrasl 13,17, 18,25, 101

Nagel, Dr. Wilfred 253

see also Spider-Man
Patel, Karun 47,269
Red Daggers 315,317
Red Guardian 54,161,164
‘Shadow Realm 320, 321
‘Shang-Chi 64, 68,91, 114,244-47
‘She-Hulk 91,267-68, 294-95, 307,
£21,225-31,293, 240, 251,257-59,
262, 263, 268, 292, 293, 309, 326
Iron Man armors HO-A3.
184-86, 192, 194-95, 198, 200-202,
212,215, 217, 222-23, 228-30, 233,
292, 293, 319-23, 326,327
Ww Ying Nan 245
Yinsen, Dr. Ho 65,70, 71,72, 10
Yon-Rogg51 55, $9, 60, 61,62
Phastos 19,20,21,26,35,270,271 Red Room 44, 54, 69,159, 160-66, Wakanda16, 37,53, 62,105, 166-89,
Najma 40,314,315,316 Phelps, Todd 312 203,222 310-12 see aso ron Man and Loki 82, 85, 104-105, 250,293 192, 196-98, 224, 241,251, 25 ,257,
Nakajima, Yor249,266 Philips,Col. Chester 33,4, 39,120 Red Skull 30,34-36, 85,120,228, see also Walters, Jennifer Starr Ava 50,124, 190,191 Mjalni 18, 56, 79, 80, 82, 86,93, 102, 301-306, 326
‘Starr, Eihas 50 104, 105, 120,139, 142,145,162, 181,
Nakia 166-68, 170, 171,304,307
Namor 26,171,302, 304-306,308
Pierce, Alexander 57, 115-18, 121, 123,
Redwing 156, 252
SHLELD. (Strategic Homeland
Intervention, Enforcement, and ‘Stern, Senator 77,119,122
‘Stems, Dr Samuel 87
182-83, 195,217,223, 320,322
‘Battle in Wakanda 200-201, 229
royal family 70-71 Z
Nano Gauntlet 91,213, 221,223, Pip 272 Renslayer, Ravonna 218, 232, 234 Logistics Division) 28, 36,39, 4,47, ‘Threshers 200,201 vibranium 308-309 Zealots 17,178, 179, 80
226-27,231,263, Pollack, Benny 97 Rhodes, James “Rhodey” 63,77, 79,81, 50-52, 54, 69, 74,78, 82, 83,89, 90, ‘Stevens, Erik 166 ‘Thunderbolt 321,323, Waleed 315,316 Zemo, Baron Helmut 142, 145, 153-56,
Nebula 63,124,127, 131-34, 196-37, Porcupine 311 106, 108-10, 122,143, 151,155, 163, 92-94, 114-16, 18, 19, 122,124,138, ‘Stormbreaker 183,195,198, 200-202, Tiamut 13,20,21,244, 268, 270-71, Walker, John 123, 249, 252-55, 257, 158, 159, 252-55,257
196, 198, 200, 203-205, 210,215,217, Potts, Pepper 73,74, 7,78, 106-109, 172,196,202, 209, 215,217, 222,225, 144, 162,188, 228 208, 223,321-22 Time Heist 182,189, 207,216,218, 220, 264-65 Zeus 17,320,323,
220,221, 223,225, 226,230 101,113, 176,204, 208, 211,225-27, 227,229,230,249 Shocker 173 ‘Strange, Or Stephen 150, 176-81, 193, 233 s¢e also US.Agent Zimmer,Zoe 313
Necrosword 318,319,322 233 see also War Machine ‘Shur 159,163, 167-71, 196,200,201, 197,198, 200,203, 207,214,224, Time Keepers 232 Walters, Jennifer 91,267-68, 294-95, Zola, Dr Arnim 30, 35, 39, 40, 46, 47,
New Asgard 85, 91, 105,183,209, 224, Power Broker 208, 253,264,265, 266 Richards, Reed 282, 283 1224, 226, 241,25 , 257,302-307, £228, 241,263, 272-74, 276-86, 292, Time Stone 7, 62,178,179, 193,195, 307, 310-12 ‘116,17, 18,120,218, 256,327
233, 301,319,323 Power Stone 24, 63, 125-31 136,192, Rocket 125, 127-33, 185,182,195, 198, 309 293,326,327 198-201, 214, 228-31,272, 293 80¢ also She-Hulk 2uri53, 168, 309
New York City 139, 141,143,154, 175, 215,217,226, 228-31 200,202, 208,210, 212,215,217, 222, Sif Lady 80,83, 86,100, 319 Strategic Scientific Reserve 38 ‘Time Variance Authority (TVA) 105, War Machine57,79, 81,10, 122,143,
178, 179, 181,185,193, 214,216,257, Project Goliath 50, 190, 225,230 Sitwell Agent Jasper 89,97, 114,117, ‘trucker, Baron 37, 19,124, 138, 40, 207,216,218, 220, 230,232,234, 185-57, 200, 22, 230, 256, 292
IDK} | Penguin
Senior Editor David Fentiman
Senior Designer Nathan Martin
Senior Production Editor Jennifer Murray
Senior Production Controller Mary Sater
Managing Editor Emma Grange
Managing Art Editor Vicky Short
Publishing Director Mark Searle
Designed for DK by Robert Perry
Aditional spreads designed by Bullpen Productions and Amazing!
‘Timeline art created by Tom Morse
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Earth image on p63:123RFcom: pert
First American Edition, 2023
Published in the United States by DK Publishing
1745 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY T0019
Page design copyright © 2023 Dorling Kindersley Limited
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(©2023 MARVEL
Alrights reserved
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS no par of this publication may be reproduced, stored nor introduced
DK: We would lketo thank Kevin Feige, Louis O'Esposito, Victoria Alonso, into. retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form,or by any means
Brad Winderbaum, Kristy Amornkul, Sara Truly Beers, Michele Blood, Capri Cilla, (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
Eka Denton, Matt Delmanowski, Emily Fong. Jenifer Giandalone, Nigel Goodwin, without te prior written permission of the copyright owner.
Eliot Lehrman Richie Palmer Andrew Reber, Jacqueline Ryan-Rudolph, Alex Schart, Published in Great Britain by Doring Kindersley Limited
Jeff Wits, Jeneifer Wojnar Kevin R. Wright. and Vincent Charles Garcia at Marve Studios
‘Chelsea Alon, Molly Jones, John Morgan, Michael Siglain, and Jenny Moussa Spring ‘catalog record fr this book
at Disney Publishing Worldwide; and Sarah Singer and Jeff Youngquist at Marvel {is availabe from the Library of Congress
Entertainment. SBN 978-0-7440-8167-1
‘Anthony Breznican: Writing can be alonely process, but this book was the DK books ae available at special discounts when purchased
‘opposite. Creating the timeline meant rewatchingal ofthe Marvel Studios ims in bulk for sles promotions, premiums, fund-aising, or educational use
‘and TV shows with my wife.Jil, and our children, Audrey and Prosper. Even though For details, contact: DK Publishing Special Markets,
| was obsessively taking notes and pausing constantly to hunt fr obscure dates 1745 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10019
‘on computer screens and newspapers, it was ajy to venture through this vast [email protected]
universe with them.
Printed and boundin China
‘Amy Ratliff: ike to thank David Fentiman and the whole team at DK Publishing
for an extremely vad reason to revisit MCU films and TV. Thanks to Kevin Feige for
leading this vast universe to my co-authors for being awesome and insightful, and to For the curious
‘Aaron for endless hours of Marvel discussions and debates.
ReBecca Theodore-Vachon: Love and gratitude to my parentswho encouraged
my curiosity and love for reading. Thank you to my siblings. To my best friend and
‘mentor Jery L. Barrow-thank you for taking a chance on me and encouragingmy
Journey a a writer Also thank you to Anthony Breanican for invitingme tobe apart
‘ofthis massive project. And final thanks to Marvel for givingus these unforgettable
characters and stories that teach us to reach higher further aster.
IDK} | Penguin
Senior Editor David Fentiman
Senior Designer Nathan Martin
Senior Production Editor Jennifer Murray
Senior Production Controller Mary Sater
Managing Editor Emma Grange
Managing Art Editor Vicky Short
Publishing Director Mark Searle
Designed for DK by Robert Perry
Aditional spreads designed by Bullpen Productions and Amazing!
‘Timeline art created by Tom Morse
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Earth image on p63:123RFcom: pert
First American Edition, 2023
Published in the United States by DK Publishing
1745 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY T0019
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(©2023 MARVEL
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DK: We would lketo thank Kevin Feige, Louis O'Esposito, Victoria Alonso, into. retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form,or by any means
Brad Winderbaum, Kristy Amornkul, Sara Truly Beers, Michele Blood, Capri Cilla, (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
Eka Denton, Matt Delmanowski, Emily Fong. Jenifer Giandalone, Nigel Goodwin, without te prior written permission of the copyright owner.
Eliot Lehrman Richie Palmer Andrew Reber, Jacqueline Ryan-Rudolph, Alex Schart, Published in Great Britain by Doring Kindersley Limited
Jeff Wits, Jeneifer Wojnar Kevin R. Wright. and Vincent Charles Garcia at Marve Studios
‘Chelsea Alon, Molly Jones, John Morgan, Michael Siglain, and Jenny Moussa Spring ‘catalog record fr this book
at Disney Publishing Worldwide; and Sarah Singer and Jeff Youngquist at Marvel {is availabe from the Library of Congress
Entertainment. SBN 978-0-7440-8167-1
‘Anthony Breznican: Writing can be alonely process, but this book was the DK books ae available at special discounts when purchased
‘opposite. Creating the timeline meant rewatchingal ofthe Marvel Studios ims in bulk for sles promotions, premiums, fund-aising, or educational use
‘and TV shows with my wife.Jil, and our children, Audrey and Prosper. Even though For details, contact: DK Publishing Special Markets,
| was obsessively taking notes and pausing constantly to hunt fr obscure dates 1745 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10019
‘on computer screens and newspapers, it was ajy to venture through this vast [email protected]
universe with them.
Printed and boundin China
‘Amy Ratliff: ike to thank David Fentiman and the whole team at DK Publishing
for an extremely vad reason to revisit MCU films and TV. Thanks to Kevin Feige for
leading this vast universe to my co-authors for being awesome and insightful, and to For the curious
‘Aaron for endless hours of Marvel discussions and debates.
ReBecca Theodore-Vachon: Love and gratitude to my parentswho encouraged
my curiosity and love for reading. Thank you to my siblings. To my best friend and
‘mentor Jery L. Barrow-thank you for taking a chance on me and encouragingmy
Journey a a writer Also thank you to Anthony Breanican for invitingme tobe apart
‘ofthis massive project. And final thanks to Marvel for givingus these unforgettable
characters and stories that teach us to reach higher further aster.
IDK} | Penguin
Senior Editor David Fentiman
Senior Designer Nathan Martin
Senior Production Editor Jennifer Murray
Senior Production Controller Mary Sater
Managing Editor Emma Grange
Managing Art Editor Vicky Short
Publishing Director Mark Searle
Designed for DK by Robert Perry
Aditional spreads designed by Bullpen Productions and Amazing!
‘Timeline art created by Tom Morse
Image Credits:
Earth image on p63:123RFcom: pert
First American Edition, 2023
Published in the United States by DK Publishing
1745 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY T0019
Page design copyright © 2023 Dorling Kindersley Limited
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2324252627 10987654321

(©2023 MARVEL
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS no par of this publication may be reproduced, stored nor introduced
DK: We would lketo thank Kevin Feige, Louis O'Esposito, Victoria Alonso, into. retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form,or by any means
Brad Winderbaum, Kristy Amornkul, Sara Truly Beers, Michele Blood, Capri Cilla, (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
Eka Denton, Matt Delmanowski, Emily Fong. Jenifer Giandalone, Nigel Goodwin, without te prior written permission of the copyright owner.
Eliot Lehrman Richie Palmer Andrew Reber, Jacqueline Ryan-Rudolph, Alex Schart, Published in Great Britain by Doring Kindersley Limited
Jeff Wits, Jeneifer Wojnar Kevin R. Wright. and Vincent Charles Garcia at Marve Studios
‘Chelsea Alon, Molly Jones, John Morgan, Michael Siglain, and Jenny Moussa Spring ‘catalog record fr this book
at Disney Publishing Worldwide; and Sarah Singer and Jeff Youngquist at Marvel {is availabe from the Library of Congress
Entertainment. SBN 978-0-7440-8167-1
‘Anthony Breznican: Writing can be alonely process, but this book was the DK books ae available at special discounts when purchased
‘opposite. Creating the timeline meant rewatchingal ofthe Marvel Studios ims in bulk for sles promotions, premiums, fund-aising, or educational use
‘and TV shows with my wife.Jil, and our children, Audrey and Prosper. Even though For details, contact: DK Publishing Special Markets,
| was obsessively taking notes and pausing constantly to hunt fr obscure dates 1745 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10019
‘on computer screens and newspapers, it was ajy to venture through this vast [email protected]
universe with them.
Printed and boundin China
‘Amy Ratliff: ike to thank David Fentiman and the whole team at DK Publishing
for an extremely vad reason to revisit MCU films and TV. Thanks to Kevin Feige for
leading this vast universe to my co-authors for being awesome and insightful, and to For the curious
‘Aaron for endless hours of Marvel discussions and debates.
ReBecca Theodore-Vachon: Love and gratitude to my parentswho encouraged
my curiosity and love for reading. Thank you to my siblings. To my best friend and
‘mentor Jery L. Barrow-thank you for taking a chance on me and encouragingmy
Journey a a writer Also thank you to Anthony Breanican for invitingme tobe apart
‘ofthis massive project. And final thanks to Marvel for givingus these unforgettable
characters and stories that teach us to reach higher further aster.

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